CURRICULUM VITAE Christa Catherine Jones Associate Professor of French ________________________________________________________________________ Department of Languages, Philosophy & Communication Studies 0720 Old Main Hill, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-0720 phone: (435) 797 8708, email: [email protected] PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Utah State University Associate Professor of French since July 2014 Utah State University Assistant Professor of French, tenure-track 2008-2014 University of Nebraska, Kearney Assistant Professor of French & German, tenure-track 2007-2008 Washington University in St. Louis Instructor/Teaching Assistant, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures 1996-1999 Washington University in St. Louis, University College French Instructor 1998 Alliance Française, St. Louis, MO French Instructor 1998 PUBLICATIONS BOOK Jones, Christa. Cave Culture in Maghrebi Literature: Imagining Self and Nation. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012. o Single-author monograph. Published in Francophone Literature Series: “After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France.” Series editor: Dr. Valérie K. Orlando. 1 Monograph discusses key postcolonial Francophone North African texts, addressing folktales, war, Berber traditions, femininity, sexuality, the Algerian War of Independence and the Algerian Civil War. It analyses the literary and cultural evidence testifying to the role of the cave as a locus of worship, transfiguration, dominance, and revelation in the context of colonial and postcolonial power struggles, and its wider significance in the context of nationalism and femininity, sexuality, and postcolonial identity construction. Jones, Christa, and Anissa Talahite-Moodley, eds. Femmes du Maghreb, Special Issue for Dalhousie French Studies. In press. 280 pages. PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS “Using Print, Film and News Media in Teaching Assia Djebar’s Oran langue morte.” Chapter in Approaches to Teaching the Works of Assia Djebar, ed. Anne Donadey, in press. “Cinéma de l’urgence: Revisiting Yamina Chouikh’s Rachida and Djamila Sahraoui’s Barakat!” for Special Issue of Dalhousie French Studies: Femmes du Maghreb 103 (2014), in press. “Au nom de la dignité: L’Émancipation des femmes dans Miel et Cendres de Nadia Farès.” Chapter in Images de la Méditerranée, Association Francophone de Palerme, in press. “Creativity, Mysticism and Dreams in Nabil Ayouch’s Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets,” Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 5.2 (Winter 2013). 80-95. “Raï and Politics Do Not Mix: Musical Resistance during the Algerian Civil War,” French Review 86.3 (February 2013): 474-84. “Daring to love: Nadir Moknèche’s Viva Laldjérie and Laïla Marrakchi’s Marock.” French Review 86.1 (October 2012): 80-91. “La représentation du corps dans le hammam fictionnel maghrébin.” Chapter in Penser le corps au Maghreb. Ed. Monia Lachheb. Paris: Karthala & Tunis: Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, 2012. 123-36. Peer reviewed. “Casanegra: Un film noir fracassant de Nour-Eddine Lakhmari.” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: Sites. 16.1 (2012): 69-77. “La Caverne algérienne chez Yamina Méchakra et Georges Buis : Lieu de résistance, de maternité out de combat.” Nouvelles Etudes Francophones 26.1 (Spring 2011): 135-149. 2 “The Satanic Saint in Maurice Pialat’s Sous le soleil de Satan.” Roman Catholicism in Fantastic Film. Ed. Regina Hansen. Jefferson: McFarland, 2011. 232-243. Invited. “On Performative Encounters: The Portrayal of Literary Souks in North African Francophone Fiction.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 38. 3-4 (Fall/Winter 2010): 185-202. “Growing up in Colonial Algeria: The Case of Assia Djebar.” Chapter in Girlhood: A Global History. Eds. Jennifer Helgren and Colleen A. Vasconcellos. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers UP, 2010. 49-64. “Alger – Paris : L’écriture de la vie face à la mort dans Le premier jour d’éternité et Paris plus loin que la France de Ghania Hammadou.” Francofonia 58 (Spring 2010): 8394. “Rock el’ Casbah ! Identité et espace urbain chez Rachid Taha.” Expressions Maghrébines: Métropoles Maghrébines 8.2 (Winter 2009): 111-29. “The Teacher as Performer and Activist in Assia Djebar’s “La femme en morceaux.” AlRaida, Special Issue: Women, Activism, and the Arts. Eds. Cheryl Toman and Myriam Sfeir. 124 (Winter 2009): 40-47. “Writing Trauma: Assia Djebar’s Le Blanc de l’Algérie and “L’Attentat”.” In online journal Revue Baobab 4 (Spring 2009). “Caught Between two Worlds: Representations of Exile in Malika Mokeddem’s La Transe des Insoumis.” International Journal of the Humanities. 5.12 (June 2008): 18390. “Exploring the Depths of Childhood and Identity: Trauma and Catharsis in Malika Mokeddem’s L’Interdite.” Dalhousie French Studies, Special Issue: Representations of Trauma in French and Francophone Literature. Eds. Nicole Simek and Zahi Zalloua, December 2007. 109-18. “L’Ecriture de l’exil chez Assia Djebar.” Chapter in Problématiques identitaires en ‘Terre d’Accueil’ dans les littératures francophones de l’exil. Ed. Anissa TalahiteMoodley. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, September 2007. 195-214. “Writing Desire and Travestying the Self: A Bakhtinian Reading of Nina Bouraoui’s Garçon manqué and Poupée Bella.” MIFLC Review 13 (October 2006-2007): 25-34. ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE “Assia Djebar,” Africa and the Americas, Transatlantic Relations Series, 3 volumes, eds. Richard M. Juang and Noelle Morrissette. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2008. 221. 3 BOOK REVIEWS Powers, David S. The Development of Islamic Law and Society in the Maghrib. Burlington and Farnham: Ashgate, 2011. Mediaevistik, volume 26, in press. Weber-Fève, Stacey. Re-hybridizing Transnational Domesticity and Femininity: Women Contemporary Filmmaking and Lifewriting in France, Algeria, and Tunisia. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010. Dalhousie French Studies, in press. Redouane, Najib, ed. Vitalité littéraire au Maroc. Paris: Éditions L’Harmattan, 2009. Dalhousie French Studies, in press. McFadden, Cybelle H. & Sandrine F. Teixidor. Francophone Women between Visibility and Invisibility. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. Dalhousie French Studies 91 (2010): 13638. Memmi, Albert. Trans. Robert Bononno. Decolonization and the Decolonized. Studies in Twentieth & Twenty-First Century Literature. 34.1 (Winter 2010): 137-140. “Louise Marlow, ed. Dreaming across Boundaries: The Interpretation of Dreams in Islamic Lands. Boston: Ilex foundation, Washington: Center for Hellenic Studies; Cambridge and London: Harvard UP, 2008. Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature. 64.1 (Spring 2010): 109-11. “Evelyne Accad’s Coquelicot du massacre” and “Poppy from the massacre.” Trans. Cynthia Hahn. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2007. Women in French 16 (2008): 175-76. UNDER REVIEW 1) New Approaches to Teaching Folk and Fairy Tales, eds. Christa C. Jones and Claudia Schwabe, University Press of Colorado. 300 pages. 2) “Revisiting Charles Perrault’s Fairy Tales in a French Literature Classroom,” chapter in New Approaches to Teaching Fairy Tales, edited by Christa Jones and Claudia Schwabe, University Press of Colorado. 3) “Transnational Algerian War Cinema Revisited: Comic Relief in Merzak Allouache’s Bab el-Oued City and Bab el Oued,” for A Companion to the War Film, ed. Douglas Cunningham, John Wiley & Sons. 4) “Humorist, Performance Artist, and Actor: Gad Elmaleh” for Portraits d’artistes, ed. Michaël Abecassis. 4 5) “Leïla Bekhti: Actress, Style Icon and Modern Joan of Arc,” for Portraits d’artistes, ed. Michaël Abecassis. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS “Parlez-vous affaires? Teaching Business French,” workshop co-directed with Dr. Sarah Gordon, BYU 16the CIBER Business Language, Park City, Utah, April 24-26, 2014. “Au nom de la dignité : L’émancipation des femmes dans Miel et Cendres de Nadia Fares,” Association Francophone de Palerme (AFP), Images de la Francophonie, Palermo, Sicily, October 23-24, 2013. “Creativity and Dream Culture in Nabil Ayouch’s Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets,” Session Chair for “Representations of Childhood in Transnational Cinema” panel; conference organized by the Southwest Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association, Albuquerque, February 13-16, 2013. “Comedy and Religious Fundamentalism in Merzak Allouache's Bab el-Oued and Bab elOued City,” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) conference, Seattle University, Washington, October 19-21, 2012. “Music in France: From Classical Music to Chanson, Rap, and Rock.” Special Session Chair at PAMLA conference, Seattle University, Washington, October 19-21, 2012. “Women and War: Yamina Chouikh’s Rachida and Djamila Sahraoui’s Barakat!” Women in French conference (WIF), Arizona State University February 24-25, 2012. “Raï and Politics don’t mix – Musical Resistance during the Algerian Civil War, Invited Talk at Kiger Hour, Timepiece, Utah State University, January 19, 2012. “Revisiting Mothering in Transnational North African Film: Moufida Tlatli’s Les Silences du palais, Yasmina Kassari’s L’enfant endormi, and Mehdi Charef’s Daughter of Keltoum,” RMMLA, Scottsdale, October 6-8, 2011. “The Migrant Body in Yasmine Char’s À deux doigts and La Main de Dieu,” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Vancouver, March 31-April 3, 2011. “Love, Desire and Sexuality in Selected Texts by Tahar Ben Jelloun,” 2010 Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 13-14, 2010. “Écriture guerrière chez Yamina Méchakra et Georges Buis,” 63rd Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 15-17, 2010. 5 “Coming Into Being: Of Cavemen and Cavewomen in North African Folktales,” OneHundredth-Seventh Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, San Francisco State University, November 6-7, 2009. “Tremblement et trauma: Le Jour du séisme de Nina Bouraoui,” Séismes/ Seismic Shifts: 20th and 21st-Century French and Francophone Studies, International Colloquium, Minneapolis, March 26-28, 2009. “Sites of Wonders and Miracles: The Cave in Algerian Fairy Tales,” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Orlando, March 18-22, 2009. “Trans-vestism or -travesty? Identitary images in Nina Bouraoui's Garçon manqué,” Trans-Francophonie: The 58th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, University of North Carolina, October 9-11, 2008. “Fictionalizing Violence: Assia Djebar’s Le Blanc de l’Algérie,” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Long Beach California, April 24-27, 2008. “Le Sang ne sèche pas dans la langue: Assia Djebar’s « L’Attentat » in Oran, Langue Morte,” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Western Washington University, Bellingham, November 3-5, 2007. “Caught Between two Worlds: Representations of Exile in Malika Mokeddem’s La Transe des Insoumis,” The Fifth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Paris, France, July 17-20, 2007. “Representations of Childhood in Gisèle Pineau’s L’Exil selon Julia and Chair Piment,” The Caribbean Unbound III, Franklin College Conference on Caribbean Literature and Culture, Lugano, Switzerland, March 29-31, 2007. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Newly Designed Courses taught at USU 1) On connaît la chanson ! Le Hit-parade de la chanson française du vingtième siècle à nos jours 2) Il était une fois: French and Francophone Fairy Tales in Text and Film 3) Representations of the Algerian Civil War in Film and Literature 4) The Francophone Short Story Courses regularly taught at USU 1) Business French 2) France Today 3) French Culture and Civilization 4) The Francophone Short Story 5) French Conversation August 2008-present 6 6) Advanced French Conversation 7) French and Francophone Fairy Tales 8) Genre Studies in French Literature 9) Topics in French Literature 10) Period Studies 11) Representations of the Algerian Civil War in Film and Literature LIST OF COURSES TAUGHT AT USU 2008-2013 On sabbatical leave 2014/2015 academic year. Fall 2013 FREN 3510 Business French Fall 2013 FREN 3570 France Today Spring 2013 FREN 3060 French Conversation/FREN 4060 Advanced French Conv. Spring 2013 FREN 3880 Individual Readings Spring 2013 FREN 4620 Genre Studies in French Literature Fall 2012 FREN 3550 French Civilization Fall 2012 FREN 3900 Special Topics: Francophone Literature & Culture Spring 2012 FREN 3570 France Today Spring 2012 FREN 3060 French Conversation/FREN 4060 Advanced French Conv. Spring 2012 FREN 3880 Individual Readings Fall 2011 FREN 3510 Business French Fall 2011 FREN 4620 Genre Studies in French Literature Spring 2011 FREN 3060 French Conversation/FREN 4060 Advanced French Conv. Spring 2011 FREN 3570 France Today Summer/Fall 2010 USU 1010 University Connections Fall: 2010 RESEARCH SEMESTER Fall 2010 FREN 3880 Individual Readings Spring 2010 FREN 3060 French Conversation/FREN 4060 Advanced French Conv. Spring 2010 FREN 4620 Genre Studies in French Literature Spring 2010 FREN 4880 Individual Readings Fall 2009 FREN 4920 Tutoring (Supervision of 5 French Tutors) Fall 2009 FREN 3570 France Today Fall 2009 FREN 3510 Business French Fall 2009 FREN 4880 Individual Readings 7 Spring 2009 FREN 3060 French Conversation/FREN 4060 Advanced French Conv. Spring 2009 FREN 4610 Period Studies in French Literature Fall 2008 FREN 3550 French Civilization/Provost’s Teaching Academy Participant (teaching reduction) STUDY ABROAD COURSES in France, summers 2010, 2011, and 2014: FREN 1010 French First Year I FREN 1010 French First Year I FREN 1020 French First Year II FREN 1030 Beginning French for Everyday Communication FREN 1820 Beginning Independent Study: Experiencing Paris FREN 2010 French Second Year I FREN 2020 French Second Year II FREN 2030 Intermediate French for Everyday Communication FREN 2820 Intermediate Independent Study: Experiencing Paris FREN 2880 Individual Readings FREN 3030 Advanced French for Everyday Communication FREN 3070 Advanced French Study Abroad I FREN 3080 Advanced French Study Abroad II FREN 3820 Advanced Independent Study: Experiencing Paris FREN 3880 Individual Readings FREN 4880 Individual Readings Courses taught at the University of Nebraska at Kearney Intermediate French I & II French Culture & Civilization French Culture, Conversation, Composition Intermediate German I & II 2007-2008 Courses taught at Washington University in St. Louis Intermediate French Grammar and Literature Advanced Grammar and Composition Advanced Conversation Preceptorial Twentieth Century French Literature 1996-1999 Courses taught at Washington University, University College Intensive Beginning French I-II 1998 Courses taught at Alliance Française, St. Louis, MO Beginning and Intermediate French 1998 8 PEDAGOGY WORKSHOPS & CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION Provost’s Series on Instructional Excellence – “Teaching through Peer Review: Identifying and Assessing the Evidence,” hosted by Sylvia Read, Director of Graduate Studies: School of Education and Leadership, Utah State University, November 12, 2013 Utah Teaching and Learning Forum: Increasing Student Learning Engagement,” Jeff Bischoff, Pearson Education, South Jordan, October 11, 2013 “Getting the Most from the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction,” Michael Torrens, Director of Analysis, Assessment, and Accreditation (AAA), Utah State University, October 1, 2013 Webinar Heinle Cengage Learning, “Discover and Connect: Input and Media in the Interactive Classroom, February 22, 2013 Webinar: “Leadership Q&A Webinar with Dr. Noelle Cockett,” Utah State University, Provost’s Office, Utah State University, February 21, 2013 “Oral Histories, Film, and the Good War: Teaching and Learning World War II.” Conference Roundtable at the Southwest Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association, February 14, 2013 “Music in France: From Classical Music to Chanson, Rap, and Rock.” Special Session Chair at Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association conference, October 19-21, 2012 Seattle University, Washington Webinar Heinle Cengage Learning, February 22, 2012 “Higher Order Learning in the First-Year French Language Classroom.” Hosted by Nicole Morinon, Senior Acquisitions Editor, World Languages Webinar McGraw-Hill, March 27, 2012 “Deux mondes and Connect French: A First Time 27, IU User’s Perspective” Hosted by Alexa Recio, Digital Learning Specialist Participated in Provost’s Series on Instructional Excellence, Utah State University Spring 2012: 1) “Outcome Based: Philosophy and Best Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence” Presented by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, April 4, 2012 2) “Reification of Five Types of Modeling Pedagogies with Model-Based Inquiry (MBI) Modules for Science Classrooms” Presented by Dr. Todd Campbell, and co-sponsored with the Department of Geology Distinguished Lecture Series, April 9, 2012 9 Utah Dual Immersion Research & Teacher Education Conference, January 27, 2012, University of Utah with the Utah State Office of Education Canvas Workshop, FACT Center, Utah State University, Spring 2012 Blackboard for Connections Workshop, Utah State University, Fall 2010 Teaching Academy, Utah State University, Spring 2009 1) Teaching Portfolio Workshop, Dr. Peter Seldin, May 4 2) Case Studies as Teaching Tools, March 19 3) Small Group Learning, Cooperative Learning Projects, Dr. Steven Camicia, February 19 4) Special Session on Faculty Development, Dr. Ken Bain, February 2 5) Tenure & Promotion; Evaluation of Faculty, January 15 6) Evaluation of Faculty: Documenting Your Teaching Effectiveness, January 15 Teaching Academy, Utah State University, Fall 2008 1) Providing feedback to students, Dr. Mimi Reckers, November 14 2) Orientation for New Utah State Faculty, USU, August 19 3) Research Mentoring Workshop, Utah State University, August 18 Blackboard Workshop, FACT Center, Utah State University, Fall 2008 Total Physical Response Storytelling Workshop for EEL and for Foreign Language Learners, Hosted by Susan Gross, University of Nebraska, August 15-16, 2007 EDUCATION Washington University in St. Louis Ph.D. French Language and Literature 2006 Dissertation: “Le « Moi » multiple ou l’écriture de l’exil chez Assia Djebar, Leïla Sebbar et Malika Mokeddem.”Dissertation applies postcolonial theory to novels by contemporary French Algerian Francophone women writers analyzing the themes of exile, hybridity, identity, and nomadism. Dissertation Director: Dr. Stamos Metzidakis Dissertation Committee: Dr. Pascal Ifri, Dr. Elyane Dezon-Jones, Dr. Seth Graebner, Dr. John Bowen, Dr. Rebecca DeRoo. Washington University in St. Louis M.A. French Language and Literature 1997 10 Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken Zwischenprüfung Romanistik, Lehramt am Gymnasium Zwischenprüfung Anglistik, Lehramt am Gymnasium Equivalent of B.A., double major in English and French Language and Literature. 1994 1994 AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS Nominee, Giraffe Award spring 2014 Travel Grant ($500), Center for Women and Gender Studies, USU fall 2013 Grants to set up new study abroad program summer 2013 Dean’s office, CHaSS ($2500) Office for Global Engagement ($2000) Nominee for Researcher of the Year, LPSC 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009 Researcher of the Year Award, LPSC, USU 2011-2012 Utah State University WGRI travel grant ($500) spring 2011 AAUW Chosen as alternate for summer stipend summer 2011 Advisor of the Year Award, LPSC 2009 Nominee for Humanist of the Year, LPSC 2009 GEM seed grant, USU, $5000 research grant summer 2009 Utah State University WGRI travel grant ($500) fall 2008 Outstanding Professor Award, University of Nebraska spring 2008 Washington University Dissertation Fellowship 2003-2004 Tuition Waiver, Merit Scholarship Grant, Washington University 1996-9 ERASMUS, Université de Nantes 1995 ERASMUS University of Wales College of Cardiff, Wales 1994 CORPORATE WORK EXPERIENCE Correspondent, Thomson Financial – Zurich and Geneva 2004-2007 Real-time financial news reporting for UK newswire service working under severe time pressure and competition; coverage of Swiss Market Index (SMI) companies such as Roche, Novartis, Nestlé, Zurich Financial, Swiss Re, UBS, Credit Suisse. Reporter, Market News Service – Frankfurt/Main 2001-2004 Real-time financial news reporting for US newswire service; coverage of macroeconomic conditions in Germany and euro area economies, Swiss National Bank and European Central Bank monetary policies; coverage of financial, economic summits and press conferences throughout Germany and Switzerland. Senior International Content Manager – Monster - Bad Homburg 2000-2001 Project management; responsible for launch and maintenance of websites, editorial planning of content for websites; contract negotiations, acquisition of new content 11 partners such as Der Spiegel, International Herald Tribune, The Wall Street Journal Europe, Wolters Kluwer Publishing; liaising with Italy, Spain, France and UK bureaus. Translations Editor, Sportal Limited – London 1999-2000 Real-time online publishing of football news features of Sportal’s English language franchise sites of Premier football clubs Bayern Munich and Paris Saint Germain; match reports, analyses; responsible for real-time updating and maintaining Bayern Munich site in the club’s busy centenary year. Translator, East-West Language Services – St. Louis, MO English-German and English-French translations for large corporate clients. 1996-1999 UNDERGRADUATE ADVISING AND MENTORING Alexis Ernst – Internship Coordinator (Tours, France) Christen Allen Honor’s Thesis Committee “Generational Differences between Beur and North African Francophone Literature: The New Stories of Immigrants in France” 2013-2014 spring 2009 DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE USU Study Abroad in France: Paris & Perpignan Program Leader summer 2014 Robins Award, Scholar of the Year, judge spring 2014 CHaSS International Studies Initiative Committee, member fall 2013-present Internship coordinator, YFU France 2013-1014 Set up a new study abroad program to Paris/Perpignan summer 2013 USU Study Abroad in France: Paris & Annecy Program Leader 2010, 2011, 2012 (5-week program in Paris and Annecy, France, several courses for every level of French. Conducted 7 site visits in France in summer 2013 for new program location starting 2014, with a grant from the USU Office of Global Engagement and the Dean’s office). LP&CS Student Research Symposium Committee Member/Moderator 2010-2013 LP&CS Departmental Awards Committee 2013, 2011 LP&CS Scholarships Committees (Inness, Degener, Thain) 2008-2013 Interim French Section Coordinator 2009-2010 MSLT Portfolio Committee Member 2009 Honors Thesis Committee Member 2009 Supervised French Tutors 2009 French Club Faculty Advisor 2009-2010, 2013-present Concurrent Enrollment High School Site Visits/Evaluations 2009-2012 Translation of documents for Haiti earthquake victims, USU Office of International Students and Scholars 2010 12 SEARCH COMMITTEES German Search Committee member, tenure-track German Search Committee member, visiting position Arabic Search Committee member, tenure track German Search Committee member, tenure track 2012 2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Outside evaluator for Mediterranean Studies Journal Textbook reviewer for Interaction Editorial board, International Journal of the Humanities Master’s Thesis Committee for Erin Roark, UNK Foreign Language Day, UNK World Affairs Committee, UNK Editorial board, International Journal of the Humanities UNK foreign films festivals Helped organize festival and presented German and French films Graduate Student Representative – Washington University Research Assistant - Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken French Department, Africa Program 2011 2010 2007-2008 2007-2008 spring 2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 1998-1999 1994-1995 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS & TRAINING Grant Writers’ Seminar & Workshop, Utah State University Project management, Copio & Engler Consulting – Bad Homburg Akademie Berufliche Bildung der Deutschen Zeitungsverlage Reportage und Feature Journalististische Berufsbildung (JBB) – Stuttgart Interviewtechnik 2011 2000 2001 2001 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Modern Language Association (MLA), Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), Women in French (WIF), American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), American Association of Teachers of French (AATF), Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA), Association Francophone de Palerme (AFP) 13 LANGUAGES & OTHER French, German (native) English (near-native) Italian (intermediate) Spanish, Latin (reading comprehension) Arabic (beginning) Training in OPI assessment methods, ACTFL proficiency guidelines. Proficient in use of Blackboard, Canvas, i-clicker and various content management systems. REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Last update: August 2014. 14
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