NGOC MAI TRAN, RESEARCH STATEMENT HTTP://MA.UTEXAS.EDU/USERS/NTRAN My research lies at the intersection of stochastic geometry, tropical geometry and discrete optimization. I have written nine papers in total on these topics. In each of the following sections, I will explain some of my main results, provide their contexts, and propose main research directions. 1. Linear programming and tropical geometry Linear programs are optimization problems with linear objective functions and constraints. They are essential to operations research, engineering and convex optimization. Solutions to linear programs are often described solely in terms of algorithms. I focus on discovering more mathematical, structured descriptions of solutions to linear programs. 1.1. Background. In tropical geometry, one does arithmetic over the min-plus or max-plus semiring (R, ⊕, ), where a ⊕ b = max(a, b) (resp. min(a, b)), a b = a + b. Many linear programs only involve the min-plus or max-plus operations. Formulated over the tropical semiring, such programs often turn into a tropical polynomial, allowing elegant mathematical descriptions of the solution set. Left image: the shortest path tree of Seattle area for bicycle travel. The shortest path problem is the staple example of a linear program with an elegant tropical solution. Source: The all-pairs shortest path problem is as follows. Given a cost matrix [cij ] ∈ Rn×n ≥0 with 2 cii = 0, for each pair (i, j) ∈ [n] , find the length of shortest paths from i to j. For a fixed pair (i, j), this is a linear program whose dual is (D) maximize b y subject to yi − yj ≤ cij for decision variable y ∈ Rn , and b ∈ Rn , bk = 0 for k = i, j, bi = −1 and bj = 1. This program admits a dynamic programming solution. In fact, it often features in undergraduate optimization textbooks for this reason. Over the min-plus semiring, the solution has a beautiful description. Lemma. [4, §4] Define c∗ = nk=1 c k . Then c∗ij is the length of shortest paths from i to j. The columns of c∗ are precisely the eigenvectors of c. Furthermore, the tropical eigenspace of c, denoted P ol(c), is precisely the constraint set of the dual program (D). 1 Ngoc Mai Tran A tropical polytope that is also an ordinary polytope is called a polytrope. Amongst other places, they arise as bounded cells in affine Coxeter arrangement, Bruhat-Tit buildings, and as building blocks of tropical polytopes. All polytropes equal to P ol(c), the constraint set of (D), for some cost matrix c [6, 16]. This explains the central role of the shortest path problem to tropical spectral theory. 1.2. Contributions: combinatorial types of polytropes. Over a series of papers [13], [15], [16], I pioneered the investigation on the combinatorial structure of polytropes. In [13], Sturmfels and I considered tropical eigenvectors of generic matrices with non-zero tropical eigenvalue. We defined their combinatorial types, and showed that these are in bijection with connected functions on [n]. I continued this work in [15], where I completely characterized collections of shortest paths trees which can occur together in a tropical eigenspace. I proved that each collection of tree defines a cone, and together they form a fan partition Fn of Rn(n−1) . In [16], I used Gr¨obner bases to enumerate polytropes up to combinatorial equivalence. This is a major advancement in understanding polytropes. Previous purely computational approaches to classifying polytropes such as that in [6] can only produce results up to dimension 4. I showed that combinatorial types of polytropes precisely correspond to the Gr¨obner fan GF n of the linear program (D), which refines the fan Fn . While GF n is rather large, its structure is essentially captured in a much smaller hyperplane arrangement. I gave an explicit description of this arrangement, and thus successfully classified polytropes in dimension 5. I am continuing work on higher dimensions using commutative algebra. Figure 1. Five types of maximal polytropes in projective dimension 3 computed by Joswig and Kutlas using the software polymake. In fact, there are six such types. In [16] I provided a proof using Gr¨obner bases, and enumerate analogous objects in projective dimension 4. Image taken from [6] 1.3. Future work: What class of linear programs can tropical geometry solve? Only a few linear programs have known tropical descriptions. An example is the tropical determinant, which precisely solves the bipartite matching problem. As another example, Backerman [3] most recently showed that a theorem concerning Riemann-Roch theory on tropical curves is equivalent to the strong duality of max-flow and min-cut. Such results hint towards deep connections between linear programs and other areas of tropical geometry. Given a linear program whose description only involves min and plus operations, how to formulate this program as a tropical question? To understand the power of tropical geometry, it is crucial to answer this question. 2 Ngoc Mai Tran 2. Discrete optimization in neural networks Neuroscientists have long viewed the brain as a computation machine, capable of encoding information and decoding under noise. Computation models with neural networks have strong influence and wide applications in machine learning. In many established discrete neural codes such as the Hopfield network, coding is a discrete optimization problem. In this discrete setup, I work to discover how our neurons are connected, and how they collectively code and decode under noise. I am most interested in groups of neuron exhibiting highly symmetric patterns of firing, as demonstrated in my published and on-going work below. 2.1. Contribution: robust sub-exponential storage in binary Hopfield networks. The binary Hopfield network is an auto-associative computational model of neural memory storage and retrieval. This model is able to store collections of randomly generated patterns as robust stable-points of the network dynamics. However, known algorithms have produced networks with linear capacity, and it has been a long standing open problem whether robust exponential storage was possible. With Hillar and Koepsell [5], I considered Hopfield networks which store a large number of symmetric patterns, namely, all cliques of size one √ k in a graph on 2k nodes. By having 2k k 4 neuron for each edge, this creates k ∼ 4 / k linear programs, each has ∼ k variables with ∼ k 2 constraints. a) clique b) hidden clique c) Our Hopfield network in [5] stores cliques as stable-points of the network dynamic, and thus can be used to solve the hidden clique problem. In neuroscience interpretations, the clique is a memory, and the noisified clique could be a sensory input which triggers the memory. clique + noise = one network update I utilized the action of the symmetric group on the neuron labels and successfully reduced 12 1 1 the problem to a linear program in three variables and three constraints. Thus we explicitly 13 0 0 14 constructed simple networks on n neurons with asymptotically optimal tolerance for error, b) 2 3 15 0√ while capable of storing23∼21 n stable-points. This is a vast improvement over linear storage 1 capabilities of previous 24 and an important step towards the exponential storage 1 25networks, 1 34 5 4 conjecture. 35 1 45 1 2.2. Ongoing work: Decoding the grid cell code. Initial models of neural computations produce neural codes which have asymptotically zero information rate. By Shannon’s fundamental theorem, there exist discrete codes that allow asymptotically zero error probability at asymptotically nonzero information rate. Only very recently (2012), two neuroscientists, Sreenivasan and Fiete, proposed the first error-correcting neural code which is ”good” in Shannon’s sense [12]. The discrete version of this model amounts to a Chinese Remainder computation. Most importantly, this model is supported by experimental data. While the Sreenivsan-Fiete encodes a lot of information, how the brain decodes it remains a mystery. With Fiete, we are building a binary Hopfield network decoder using a mixture of machine learning and number theory. 3 Ngoc Mai Tran 2.3. Future work: Learning neural network topology. ‘Mapping the brain’, as we may call it, is a challenging topic with a vibrant research community. Related problems include mapping social networks based on emails, messages or phone calls. For message passing in social networks, one can assume that a compiled email joins an email queue at the server, and then gets processed and delivered. Thus, using queuing theory, one can infer the connections of a given person. Inspired by this observation, I propose to learn neural network topologies using existing neural computation models, such as the Hopfield network. Assuming that a given group of neurons form a Hopfield network, we know the message passing algorithm, and thus can infer the connections of each neuron. I am very interested in testing this approach to real neural data. 3. Stochastic geometry Stochastic geometry is the study of random geometric structures with a spatial configuration. I have two main intertwined research agenda: stochastic tropical geometry, and random partitions with machine learning applications. 3.1. Contribution: size-biased permutation of a finite sequence with i.i.d terms. Particularly interesting families of exchangeable infinite random partitions arise from sizebiased sampling. Here a sequence x = (x1 , x2 , . . .) is sampled proportional to size and without replacement, resulting in a random reordering of terms. Perman, Pitman and Yor (PPY) [8] developed theory for size-biased sampling from ranked jumps of a subordinator. Their work is foundational to combinatorial stochastic processes, Bayesian clustering and topic modeling. With Pitman [9], I considered size-biased permutation of a sequence (X1 , . . . , Xn ) where Xi are i.i.d random variables. We derived exact and asymptotic distribution such size-biased permutations using two separate methods: subordinators and induced order statistics. By going back and forth between these two approaches, we tied up loose threads in the literature, and arrived at more general results with simplified proofs. 3.2. Future work: random partitions in higher dimensions. Combinatorial, generative description of random infinite partitions is an important component to the Pitman-Yor work. Finding random partitions in higher dimensions with this property remains largely open. Recently, Roy and Teh [10] proposed the Mondrian process, an iterative process for generating random planar tessellations with rectangles. Associated with a realization of the Mondrian tessellation is a Mondrian tree, thus a Mondrian process generates random trees. Roy and Teh used this process to define a new, competitive way to generate random forests, with applications to classification in machine learning. (a) A Mondrian tessellation. From [7] (b) A stable iteration tessellation. From [11] 4 Ngoc Mai Tran I noted that the Mondrian tessellation (left) is a special case of the stable iteration tessellation model (right), which attracted much attention in the last 10 years. Together with Roy and Teh, I am working on using stochastic geometric tools to build Mondrian trees for clustering with minimal number of nodes. Such results would answer the fundamental question in machine learning of finding interpretable and powerful classification trees with strong theoretical foundations. 3.3. Contribution and Ongoing work: Stochastic tropical geometry. This field, founded by myself and Francois Baccelli, is the marriage of stochastic geometry and tropical geometry. First-class citizens in stochastic geometry are random geometric objects. Firstclass citizens in tropical geometry are algebraic varieties and polytopes with arithmetic done in the tropical semiring (R, ⊕, ). Stochastic tropical geometry, therefore, is the study of functionals and intersections of random tropical varieties, hypersurfaces and polytopes. Tropical varieties and hypersurfaces are the central objects of study in tropical algebraic geometry. This is a successful young field bridging combinatorics and algebraic geometry, with important connections to mirror symmetry, Berkovich spaces, abstract curves and phylogenetics. Typical varieties, hypersurfaces and polytopes have common properties. By considering these varieties at random, we gain insights into the global structure of tropical varieties as a collection of sets. This is a prime motivation of stochastic tropical geometry. Left image: a random tessellation of the plane by tropical triangles, or in other words, a realization of a stationary tropical hyperplane process in R2 . This process the topic of our investigation in [1]. Bacceli and I initiated this subject in [2], where we considered zeros of random tropical polynomials. We showed that if a tropical polynomial has coefficients independent and identically distributed according to some distribution F , then its number of zeros satisfies a central limit theorem. The scaling is governed by how fast F decays near 0. This can be seen as a local universality result for zeros of random tropical polynomials, analogous to the result of Tao and Vu for classical polynomials [14]. Our proof draws on connections between random partitions, renewal theory and random polytopes. In forthcoming work, we are looking at stationary tropical hyperplane processes, and zeros of systems of tropical polynomials. 5 Ngoc Mai Tran References [1] F. Baccelli and N. M. Tran. Stationary tropcial hyperplane process. preprint, 2014. [2] F. Baccelli and N. M. Tran. Zeros of random tropical polynomials, random polytopes and stick-breaking. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.7829, 2014. [3] S. Backman. Riemann-roch theory for graph orientations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.3309, 2014. [4] P Butkoviˇc. Max-linear Systems: Theory and Algorithms. Springer, 2010. [5] C. Hillar, N. M. Tran, and K. Koepsell. Robust exponential binary pattern storage in hopfield networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.2081, 2012. [6] M. Joswig and K. Kulas. Tropical and ordinary convexity combined. Adv. Geom., 10(2):333–352, 2010. [7] W. Nagel and V. Weiss. Crack stit tessellations: characterization of stationary random tessellations stable with respect to iteration. Advances in applied probability, pages 859–883, 2005. [8] M. Perman, J. Pitman, and M. Yor. Size-biased sampling of poisson point processes and excursions. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 92(1):21–39, 1992. [9] J. Pitman and N. M. Tran. Size-biased permutation of a finite sequence with independent and identically distributed terms. To appear in Bernoulli, 2012. [10] D. M. Roy and Y. W. Teh. The Mondrian process. In NIPS, pages 1377–1384, 2008. [11] T. Schreiber and C. Th¨ ale. Limit theorems for iteration stable tessellations. The Annals of Probability, 41(3B):2261–2278, 2013. [12] S. Sreenivasan and I. Fiete. Grid cells generate an analog error-correcting code for singularly precise neural computation. Nature neuroscience, 14(10):1330–1337, 2011. [13] B. Sturmfels and N. M. Tran. Combinatorial types of tropical eigenvectors. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 54:27–36, 2013. [14] T. Tao and V. Vu. Local universality of zeroes of random polynomials. arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.4357v2, 2013. [15] N. M. Tran. Polytropes and tropical eigenspaces: Cones of linearity. To Appear in Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2012. [16] N. M. Tran. Enumerating polytropes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.2012, 2013. 6
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