Joint Health & Safety Committee Members Revised: July, 2014 A worker and management Committee member must be contacted immediately where: • a worker sustains a critical injury * or serious injury** • a worker is involved in a work refusal situation or • a Ministry of Labour inspector visits the work area "CW" designates Certified Worker Representative "CM" designates Certified Management Representative Fire Chief Lee Grant (CM) Co-Chair Dean DeFazio (CW) Co-Chair Deputy Chief George Birtig (CM) John Wong (CM) Graham Koshurba (CW) Chuck Lewis (CW) Roads & Works and Parks & Opens Spaces Mark Covert (M) Co-Chair Wayne Wuilleme Scott Legassie (CW) CUPE 136 Ed Cass (M) Heather Turenne (CM) Darrell MacLean (CM) James Woloszanski (WM) Mike Hession (W) CUPE 136 Rory Doucette (CW) CUPE 136 Co-Chair Stephanie Kerr Transit Will DesRoches (CM) Co-Chair Brian Dickinson (CW) CAW 1256 Howard Baptiste (W) CAW 1256 Kendall Fryer (CW) CAW 1256 Co-Chair Debbie Dalle Vedove(M) Town Hall Vacant (TBD) Tony Cordeiro (CW) CUPE 1329 Co-Chair Marny Sharpen (CW) CUPE 1329 Frank Zabukovec (CM) Co-Chair Recreation & Culture Marg Gibb (CM) Andy Tan (CW) CUPE 136 David Rookyard (CW) CUPE 136 Co-Chair Mike Besic (CM) Sean Lett (CW) CUPE 1329 Guy Holt (CM) Co-Chair Kim McDonald (CW) CUPE 1329 Conrad Jones (CW) CUPE 136 Beth Burrow (CW) CUPE 1329 Bill Nesbitt (CM) Susan Amaral (CM) Work Number 905-338-4402 905-845-7114 905-845-6601 x3672 905-845-6601 x3246 905-845-4431 905-827-7303 Work Number 905-845-6601 ext.4153 905-845-6601 ext.3330 416-816-7458 905-845-6601 ext.3399 905-845-6601 ext.3422 905-845-6601 ext.3425 905-845-6601 ext.3720 MIKE # 0698 905-845-6601 ext. 3475 Work Number 905-338-4167 905-338-4167 905-338-4167 905-338-3510 905-845-6601 ext. 3511 Work Number 905-845-6601 ext.3239 905-845-6601 ext.2902 905-845-6601 ext.3179 Work Number 905-845-6601 ext. 3957 905-845-6601 ext. 4186 905-845-6601 ext. 4191 905-845-6601 ext. 4610 905-845-6601 ext. 4162 905-845-6601 ext. 4406 905-582-3592 905-815-6177 905-845-6601 ext. 4671 905-845-6601 ext. 5016 905-845-6601 ext. 3450 *Critical Injury ** Serious Injury • places life in jeopardy • produces unconsciousness • results in substantial loss of blood • involves the fracture of a leg or arm but not a finger or toe • involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe • consists of burns to a major portion of the body • causes the loss of sight in an eye • any injury resulting in any broken bone or amputation of any body part • any head or eye injury • any injury requiring stitches to close a wound • where a worker is struck (directly) by moving equipment or machinery • a vehicle accident involving a personal injury to a worker • a fall from any elevation exceeding (4) feet • where a worker is transported to hospital by ambulance • where a worker is overcome by vapours or • any incident of fire. Accident Reporting: In the event of fatality or critical injury, the immediate supervisor in charge is responsible for immediately notifying: 1. The appropriate Emergency Service at 911 (Fire, Ambulance, Police), if required; 2. Health, Safety and Wellness Consultant, HR (905 845-6601 Ext. 3246 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.); and, 3. If the accident occurs after hours (4:30 p.m. - 8:30 a.m., weekends, etc.), contact in the following order: a) Health, Safety and Wellness Consultant via Dispatch at (905) 330-8644 (Cell), b) Ministry of Labour – after 4:30 pm 1-800-263-6906 c) Appropriate Joint Health and Safety worker and management representative (refer to above)
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