1.15 - THE ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE - GOVERNANCE FLOW CHART TO BOARDS, PANELS, ETC. BISHOP Supporting Legislation Reporting to Term of Appointment of Board Newcastle School of Theology for Ministry Newcastle School of Theology Ordinance 2009 Synod Term of Synod Schools - Newcastle Anglican Schools Corporation NASC Ordinance 2007 Synod and Diocesan Council 3 year term Lakes Grammar - An Anglican School Lakes Grammar - An Anglican School Ord. 2011 Synod & NASC 3 year term Manning Valley Anglican College Manning Valley Ordinance 2001 Synod & NASC 3 year term Scone Grammar Grammar School Scone Grammar School Ordinance 1993 Synod & NASC 3 year term Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College Ordinance 1998 Synod & NASC 3 year term Property Property Approvals Board Administration of Parishes Ordinance 2010 Diocesan Council and Synod Term of Synod ASDF Board of Management Audit Committee Budget ASDF Ordinance 1979 Diocesan Audit committee Ord 2005 Diocesan Management Ordinance 2003 Synod - Annually & Diocesan Council as required. To Diocesan Council Synod and Diocesan Council Term of Synod 3 year term Not applicable Ministry Ministry Issues Panel Ministry Issue Review Panel Clerical Ministry Ordinance Clerican Ministry ordinance Bishop Christ Church Cathedral Board Christ Church Cathedral Chapter Bishop Nomination Panel Incumbency Appointment Board Panel of Triers Board of Enquiry The Cathedral Ordinance 2012 The Cathedral Ordinance 2012 Clerical Ministry Ord. 2009 (Cl 30) Clerical Ministry Ordinance 2009 Clergy Discipline Ordinance 1966-2001 Clergy Discipline Ordinance 1966-2001 Bishop Bishop Synod Term of Synod for Laity Term of Synod Bishop Bishop As required As required Clergy Emoluments Advisory Board Clergy Emoluments Advisory Board Ord 1979 As required but at least annually Term of Synod Administration Administration of Parishes Ord. 2010 Ethical Social Responsibilities Committee Social Responsibilities Ordinance 1997-2003 Financial T H E S Y N O D Entities DIOCESAN COUNCIL T r u s t e e s Diocesan Handbook 1.15 Diocesan Governance - Version 2 March 2014 On a needs basis Welfare P r o f e s s i o n a l S t a n d a r d s B o a r d Anglican Care Board Samaritans Foundation Board Anglican Care Ordinance 2007 Samaritans Ordinance 1997 Synod - Annually Synod - Annually 3 year rotation Term of Synod Missions Diocesan Missions Committee Missions Committee Management Ord. Synod - Annually Term of Synod Board of CEY Ministries CEY Ministries Ordinance 2011 6 monthly to DC & Annually to Synod Term of Synod Committees/Boards not covered by Ord. Diocesan Liturgical Committee
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