SUNDAY 13/7/14 BABY PUPPY BITCH (STOCK COATS) -MRS R. KNUCKEY Very Promising 1 BRONACRE ULURU MATILDA – (*Ch. Bluemax Salt A Z x *Bronacre Philadelphia Freedom A Z ) 2 BERNLOCH ABRACADABRA – (*Pepe von der Zenteiche IPO1 (Imp. Deu) x Bernloch Quality Street ) 3 BLUEMAX JADEIT – (*Toby von Plassenburg Sch.H2 IPO3 HD/ED (Imp.Gmy) x *Chayessa Gemica A Z) 4 ASTASIA NEENA – (*Zony von Haus Gerstenberg Sch. H111 a ED H-neg (Imp. Gmy) x *Astasia Davina A Z) 5 ASTASIA NICKY– (*Zony von Haus Gerstenberg Sch. H111 a ED H-neg (Imp. Gmy) x *Astasia Davina A Z) 6 KELINPARK GELATO – (*Indio Di Casa Nobili a ED (Imp. Italy) x *Kelinpark Violet Krumble A Z) 7 WINOLA PEACHES – (*Winola Parko A Z x *Winola Éclair A Z) MINOR PUPPY BITCH Very Promising 1 ANDACHT PEPERY – (*Pepe von der Zenteiche IPO1 (Imp. Deu) x Andacht Spanish Eyes) 7 ¾ months Medium strong, feminine, very well pigmented and proportioned bitch of very good type, feminine head and expression, very good masking with medium eye colour, good wither, firm back, croup could be slightly longer and better laid, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, very good fore and underchest development. Stands correct in front. Steps correct going with good firmness of hocks, correct coming but elbows should remain a little firmer. Very good ground covering movement with very good overall firmness of ligamentation. 2 CASTASTAR DELILAH HT – (*Yester Vom Feuermeler HD/ED (Imp. Gmy) x *Ch. Castastar Alexi A Z) 8 ¾ months Standing on the maximum of size, strong and substantial, well proportioned bitch of very good type, strong but still feminine head, very good expression, right ear is tilting in, very good wither, firm back, croup is well laid but could be slightly longer, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, good fore and underchest development. Steps cow hocked going, correct coming however the elbows should be firmer. Very good ground covering movement. PUPPY BITCH Very Promising 1 KANTENNA SO WHAT – (*Ch. Orrinshin Elton John A Z x *Ch. Kantenna Coz Ican A Z ) 9 ½ months Medium strong, very well pigmented, well proportioned bitch of very good type, very good head & expression with good eye colour and praiseworthy masking, good wither, firm back, croup could be slightly longer & better laid, balanced angulations of fore & hindquarter, stands correct in front, pronounced fore & underchest development. Steps correct going, steps a little narrow coming, very good ground covering movement with very good firmness of ligamentation. 2 KANTENNA MISS UNDERSTOOD – (*Ch. Orrinshin Elton John A Z x *Ch. Kantenna Coz Ican A Z) 9 ½ months Medium strong, feminine, very well pigmented, well proportioned bitch of very good type, feminine head & expression where the eye colour should be a little darker and strength of upper and lower jaw should be a little stronger. Good length of neck, very good wither, firm back, croup could be longer and better laid, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front. Very good fore & underchest development. Steps correct going and coming where the elbows should remain a little firmer. Very good ground covering movement. 3 VONEHRLICH LEA – (*Yester vom Feuermelder HD/ED (Imp. Gmy) x *Vonehrlich Sonia A Z) 11 months Double P1 upper left. Medium strong, feminine, well proportioned bitch of very good type, feminine head and expression, upper and lower jaw should be stronger, good length of neck, good wither, firm back, croup well laid but should be slightly longer, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in front with good length of foreleg, good fore and underchest development. Steps correct going and coming with good firmness of elbows. Very good ground covering movement with very good firmness of ligamentation. 4 KUIRAU ELLEGANTE LADY – (*Toby von Plassenburg Sch.H2 IPO3 HD/ED (Imp.Gmy) x *Kuirau Shahera A Z 9 months Medium strong, very well pigmented, well proportioned bitch of very good type, feminine head & expression with medium eye colour, good wither, firm back, croup is well laid but could be slightly longer, good fore, very good hindquarter angulation stands correct in front with good length of fore leg, good fore & underchest development. Steps correct going and coming where the elbows should remain just a little firmer, very good ground covering movement where the drive should be just a little more effective. JUNIOR BITCH Very good 1 BLUEMAX TIGER LILEE – (* Bluemax Tiger Town A Z x Bluemax Shante A Z) 13 months 59.5cm. Large, medium strong, substantial, harmoniously constructed, well proportioned bitch of very good type, very good head & expression with good eye colour, good length of neck, very good wither, firm back, croup could be slightly longer and better laid, very good fore and hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front, good length of foreleg, very good fore and underchest development. Steps slightly loose going, correct coming where the elbows should remain a little firmer, powerful movement with good reach and drive. 2 ALMARJO AFTER SHOCK - (*Zony von Haus Gerstenberg Sch. H111 a ED H-neg (Imp.Gmy) x *Aust Ch Brynwood Barcardi Breezer A Z) 17 ½ months 59.5cm. Large, medium strong, substantial, well proportioned well pigmented, harmoniously constructed bitch of very good type good head and expression with praiseworthy masking, medium eye colour, good length of neck, very good wither, firm back, croup could be slightly longer and better laid, good fore, very good hindquarter angulation, Stands correct in front, good fore and underchest development for her age. Steps slightly cow hocked going, correct coming. Very good ground covering movement with correct sequence of steps. 3 KELINPARK FIDDLESTICKS A Z - (* Kellinpark Travellin Man TD A Z x * Kellinpark Zena A Z) 17 ½ months 62cm. Oversize, medium strong, substantial, harmoniously constructed, well proportioned bitch of very good type, feminine head and expression with good eye colour, very good wither, firm back, croup well laid but should be longer, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front with very good length of foreleg, very good fore and slightly short underchest development. Steps correct going with good firmness of hocks, correct coming with 4 5 good firmness of elbows. Very good ground covering movement with correct sequence of steps and overall very good firmness. ZELLBURG BUFFY – (*Logo vom Radhaus a ED(Imp. Srb) x Zellburg Angel) 17 ½ months Underdeveloped lower P1 left & right. 56.5cm. Just below medium size, medium strong, slightly compact, bitch of very good type, feminine head and expression with medium eye colour, where the underjaw should be slightly stronger, good wither, firm back, croup is well laid but should be slightly longer, good fore and slightly deep hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front, good fore & slightly short underchest development, steps slightly cow hocked going, steps correct coming with good firmness of elbows. Very good ground covering movement with very good sequence of steps. FREUNDHUND UNBELIEVABLE A Z - (DM Clear) - (*Yester vom Feuermelder SchH1 (Imp Deu) x * Durnstein Divine Miss M ET A Z) 17 ¼ months 58cm. Medium size, medium strong, well proportioned sable bitch of very good type, very good head and expression with desired masking and eye colour, good wither, firm back, croup should be slightly longer and better laid, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation. Steps slightly wide going, correct coming with good firmness of elbows. Very good ground covering movement where the head carriage is slightly erect. INTERMEDIATE BITCH Very Good 1 CH. BRONACRE HOKEY POKEY A Z – (*Bluemax Zoomba A Z x *Bronacre Philadelphia A Z) 21 months Very large, medium strong, substantial, very well pigmented, harmoniously constructed bitch of very good type and proportions, very good head and expression with very good eye colour, good length of neck, high wither, firm back, well placed croup, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front where the pasterns could remain a little firmer. Very good fore and underchest development. Steps correct going with short clean hocks, correct coming where the elbows should remain a little firmer. Powerful far reaching movement with correct sequence of steps. 2 VOLSCAIN AKIRA A Z – (*Ch. Scneeberg Fire Storm A Z x * Molle von der Werther Mumle (Imp. Deu) 24 months 3 4 59.5cm. Large, medium strong, substantial, harmoniously constructed bitch of very good proportions and type, very good head and expression, good eye colour, very good wither, firm back, croup is of good lay but should be slightly longer, stands correct in front, good length of foreleg. Steps correct going with good firm hocks, and correct coming. Very good free flowing movement with correct sequence of steps and overall very good firmness of ligamentation. KANTENNA SPIRIT OF TARTAN A Z – (*Sirio vom Rauhtal a ED (Imp. Gmy) x *Sanjesa High Flyer A Z) 21 months Double P1 upper left. 61cm. Very large, medium strong, well proportioned bitch of very good type, very good feminine head & expression with medium eye colour, good wither, firm back, well moulded croup, good fore & very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front with slightly upright pasterns with good fore & underchest development. Steps slightly loose going and slightly wide coming. Very good ground covering movement with very good firmness of ligamentation. LARERANCE DELTA A Z – (*Ch. Schneeberg Ultimateley Kryptic A Z x *Jezlahn Regina A Z) 19 months 60cm. Large, medium strong, well proportioned bitch of very good type, very good head & expression with good eye colour, good wither firm back, croup should be slightly longer and better laid, good fore and very good hindquarter angulations, stands correct in front, pronounced fore and underchest development. Steps slightly loose going, and correct coming. Very good ground covering movement with good firmness over the topline. OPEN BITCH Excellent 1 *ALBATA YOLEE A Z – (*Ch. Kwint vom Juerikstall a ED H-neg (Imp. Ndl) x *Albata Hayley A Z) 5 years 5 ½ months 61cm. Very large, Strong, substantial, harmoniously constructed, very well proportioned bitch of very good German Shepherd Dog type, good head and expression with very good eye colour, where the overall strength of the foreface should be better, very good length of neck high long wither firm back, croup is of good length but should be slightly better angled, very good fore, very good hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in front with good length of foreleg. Very good fore and underchest development, steps correct going, correct 2 3 4 5 coming. Powerful, dynamic, far reaching gait with very good firmness over the topline. *BRONACRE DARK DIAMOND A Z - (* Ch. Orrinshir Elton John A Z H-neg x *Bronacre Imogen A Z) 3 years 6 months 59.5cm. Large, medium strong, very well pigmented, harmoniously constructed bitch of very good German Shepherd Dog type, very good head and expression with desired masking and eye colour, high wither, firm back, croup could be slightly longer and better laid balanced angles of fore and hindquarter, correct fore and underchest development, stands correct in front, steps correct going with good firmness of hocks, powerful dynamic far reaching movement with very good firmness of ligamentation. *CH. KANTENNA COZ I CAN A Z – (*Ch. Kwint vom Juerikstall a Z (Imp. Ndl) x * Wilcol Itz Summertime A Z) 3 years 11 months 58cm. Correct medium size, medium strong, very well pigmented and proportioned bitch of very good type, very good feminine head and expression with correct eye colour and praisworthy masking, very good wither, firm back, good croup. Balanced angulation of fore and hindquarter, stands correct in front, very good fore and underchest development, steps correct going, correct coming but elbows could be a little tighter. Very good free flowing movement with very good firmness of ligamentation. *VLADIMIR FLAUNT IT A Z – (*Cayos von der Noriswand Sch. H1 a Z H-neg (Imp.Gmy) x *Gr. Ch. Vladimir Anarchy A Z) 3 years 8 months 61cm. Very large, medium strong, substantial, well proportioned bitch of very good type, very good feminine head and expression with good eye colour, good length of neck, high wither, firm back, croup is of good lay but could be slightly longer, very good fore angulation, very good hindquarter angulation with very good breadth of thigh, stands correct in front, very good fore and underchest development, steps slightly cow hocked going, correct coming where the elbows should be a little firmer, powerful, free flowing movement with very good firmness of the topline. *BENBEKA LEXIE A Z - (*Lawine Zasko A Z x *Lawine Vanity Fair AZ) 3 years 9 ½ months 61cm. Very large, strong and substantial, well constructed bitch of very good type and proportions, strong but feminine head with very good strength of foreface, good eye colour, very good wither, firm back, croup is of good lay but could be slightly longer, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front, very good fore and underchest development, steps slightly loose going, correct coming but elbows should remain a little firmer, very good ground covering movement where the reach should be a little more effective with good firmness of ligamentation. 6 * CH. CASTASTAR ALEXI ET HT A Z – ( *Zony von Haus Gerstenberg Sch. H111 a ED H-neg (Imp. Gmy) x * Ch. Astasia Cinnamon HIT A Z) 3 years 5 ½ months 60cm. Large, medium strong, substantial, well pigmented, harmoniously constructed bitch of very good type, strong but feminine head with correct eye colour and desired masking, very good wither, firm back, croup could be slightly longer and better laid, very good forequarter angulation, slightly deep hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front, pronounced fore and underchest development. Steps slightly loose going, correct coming where the elbows should remain a little firmer, very good ground covering movement with free forehand reach and powerful drive. Very Good 7 *BRONACRE PHILADELPHIA FREEDOM A Z - (* Ch. Orrinshir Elton John A Z H-neg x *Bronacre Imogen A Z) 3 years 6 months 60cm. Large, medium strong, substantial, well pigmented, slightly compact bitch of very good type, strong but still feminine head with very good eye colour, good wither, firm back, croup is well laid but could be longer, good fore very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front where the pasterns should remain a little firmer, pronounced fore and underchest development. Steps slightly cow hocked going, correct coming where the elbows could remain a little firmer, very good ground covering movement where she should be presented in slightly dryer condition. 8 *CH. ABELARA KIND SPIRITS A Z – (*Pallendon Yorik A Z x Debbar Jubilee Dream A Z) 2 years 6 ½ months 61cm. Very large, medium strong, well proportioned bitch of very good type, very good head and expression with medium eye colour, good wither, firm back, croup could be longer and slightly better laid, good fore, very good hindquarter angulation, stands correct in front, very good fore and underchest development, steps correct going with good firmness of hocks, slightly wide coming where the elbows should remain a little firmer. Very good ground covering movement where the drive should be a little more effective. CHALLENGE BITCH: *ALBATA YOLEE A Z RESERVE CHALLENGE BITCH: *BRONACRE DARK DIAMOND A Z Sunday 13th July 2014 - Mr J. Lijffijt BABY PUPPY DOG Very Promising 1 2 3 4 LEISHJACLYN REIGN DANCER – (*Ustinov Vom Romerland a Z (Imp. Deu) x Leishjaclyn Pow Wow Dancer A Z) BLUEMAX SAY BOMBS AWAY – (Noell vom Suentelstein (Imp. Gmy) x *Bluemax Sofie A Z) BLUEMAX SAY GERONIMO – (Noell vom Suentelstein (Imp. Gmy) x *Bluemax Sofie A Z) WINOLA POISON ARROW – (*Winola Parko A Z x *Winola Éclair A Z) MINOR PUPPY DOG Very promising 1 AMBALA ON FIRE – (*Toby von Plassenburg Sch.H2 IPO3 HD/ED (Imp.Gmy) x Ambala Candy) 7 months Just over medium size, medium strong dog. Harmoniously built dog. Good head. High withers. Firm back. Good lay and length of croup. Very good angulation in the fore and hindquarters. Standing correctly in front. Going slightly narrow in the hocks, coming correct. Sufficient drive and reach. Good gaiting sequence. 2 VLADIMIR INELUCTABLE – (*Toby von Plassenburg Sch.H2 IPO3HD/ED (Imp.Gmy) x *Sup. Ch. Vladimir Anarchy ET A Z) 7 months 65 cm already. Large slightly elongated dog. High withers. Firm back. Croup of normal length, slightly steep. Good angulation in the forequarters. Very good in the rear. Coming and going a bit loose. Good gaiting sequence. Easy trotting. 3 LEISHJACLYN PITZ OF HELL DANCER - (*Fremont Hells Bells A Z x Leishjaclyn NuAge Dancer A Z) 6 ½ months Over medium size, Medium strong dog. High withers. Firm back. Croup should be longer and is quite steep. Good angulation in the forequarters. Very good in the hindquarters. Standing almost correct in front. Going very loose in hocks and a little bit loose in elbows. Normal gaiting sequence. Sufficient drive and reach. Falling slightly on the forehand. JUNIOR DOG Very Good 1 FREUNDHUND UP N RUNNING A Z - (DM Clear) - (*Yester vom Feuermelder SchH1 (Imp Deu) X * Durnstein Divine Miss M ET A Z (DM Clear) 17 ¼ months 65 ½ cm. Large, good pigmented dog. Strong head. Good top and under line. Very good angulation in fore and hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Going correctly, coming a little bit loose in elbow. Good gaiting sequence. Sufficient drive and good reach in front. INTERMEDIATE DOG Very Good 1 ZANDRAC THE HARD WAY A Z - (*Toby von der Plassenburg a ED (Imp. Gmy) x *Grundelhardt Quest For Gold A Z) 18 months 66cm. Left upperside double P1. Large strong, good pigmented dog. Very masculine head. High withers. Firm back. Good lay and length of croup. Nice underline. Very good angulation of fore and hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Coming and going correct. Good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive and far reach. 2 *HEIKO ICE N FIRE A Z - (*Ch. Gerry vom Schacher (Imp. Deu) x Heiko Mags Allover A Z) 21 months 65 ½ cm. Large, medium strong dog. Good head. High withers. Firm back. Good lay and length of croup. Under chest could be a little bit longer. Good angulation of the forequarters. Pastern a little bit steep. Very good angulation in the hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Narrow slightly in the hocks, almost correct in front. Easy trotting, keeping up withers. 3 *ENOSCH DI CASA NOBILI a ED (IMP. ITALY) - (*Enosch von Amasis a ED (Che) x *Raika Terrae Lupiae a ED (Ita) 30 ½ months 65 cm. Large, good pigmented dog. Good head. The eye could be slightly darker. High withers. Firm back. Croup could be a little bit longer and is steep. Good angulation in the forequarters. Very good in the hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Going narrow behind and loose in elbows. Good gaiting sequence. Sufficient drive and sufficient reach. OPEN DOG Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 *CH. USTINOV VOM ROMERLAND a Kkl.1 Sch.H3 (Imp.Gmy) – (*Quantum von Arminus a Kkl.1 Sch.H3 x *Kira von Lacros a ED Kkl.1 Sch.H3) 7 years 10 months 66 cm. Large, strong, massive dog. Nice top and underline. Very good angulation in fore and hind quarters. Good chest development. Very masculine. Coming and going correct. Very good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive from behind. Good ground covering, keeping up topline. *ANDACHT UKNOW IM IT A Z – (*Vegas Von Dongmiran Sch. HI a ED H-neg (Imp. Ndl) x *Andacht I Am Legacy A Z) 3 years 8 ½ months 65 cm. Large, well pigmented dog. Very masculine. Good substance. Nice top and underline. Very good angulation in fore and hindquarters. Standing slightly east west. Coming and going correctly. Very good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive and good reach. *HAYO AUS AGRIGENTO a ED (Normal) Kkl 1(Imp DEU) - (Dux De Intercanina x Gwendy aus Agrigento) 3 years 8 ¼ months 66 cm. Large, good pigmented dog. Eye could be a little darker. High withers. Firm back. Croup could be a little longer and slightly steep. Good angulation in the forequarters. Very good angulation in the hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Going slightly narrow in the hocks and a little loose in the elbows. Good gaiting sequence. Could have more powerful drive and more reach. *INDIO DI CASA NOBILI IPO1 a ED (Imp. Italy) – (*Geck di Casa Nobili Sch.H2 (SWE) x Dolly di Casa Nobili (Italy) 4years 3 weeks 65 cm. Large. Very good pigmented dog. Very masculine head. High withers. Firm back. Croup could be a little longer. Good angulation in forequarters. Very good angulation in the hind quarters. Stands correct in front. Coming and going almost correct. Very good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive and good reach. *CH. BLUEMAX SALT A Z – (*Ch. Jimmy vom Barutherland Sch. H111 a ED H-neg (Imp. Gmy) x *Bluemax Sophie A Z) 3 years 10 months 64 cm. Just over medium size; Medium strong. Balanced dog. Nice topline and nice underline. Very good angulation in fore and hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Going slightly narrow in hocks and coming correctly. Good gaiting sequence, powerful drive, sufficient reach and keeping up topline. Very Good 6 *CH. SAAR PLAYING WITH FIRE CD RN ET A Z – (*Ch. Freemont Tohot Tohandle A Z x *Ch. Saar Calendar Girl CDX ET A Z) 4 ½ years 65 cm. Large, slightly elongated dog. Normal height for withers. Firm back. Good lay and length of croup. Good chest development. Good angulation forequarters. Very good rear angulation. Correct in front. Going slightly narrow in hocks, coming slightly loose in elbows. Good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive and sufficient reach. 7 *CH. ARKON VOM ALTENBERGER LAND Sch.H3 Kkl 1 HD/ED normal (DM clear) (Imp Gmy) - (*Canyon vd Lars-Aue x *Calista v Hamyar ) 3 years 8 ¾ months 67 cm. Large elongated dog. High withers. In stance firm back. Good lay of croup but could be little longer. Upper arm could be more angulation. Good angulation of the hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Coming and going a little bit loose. Normal gaiting sequence. Could have more power and reach and getting a little bit flat during gaiting. Challenge Dog: *CH. USTINOV VOM ROMERLAND a Kkl.1 Sch.H3 (Imp.Gmy) Reserve Dog: *ANDACHT UKNOW IM IT A Z LONG STOCK COATS-MR J. LIJFFIJT BABY PUPPY BITCH Very Promising 4 ZELLBURG INDRA – (*Indio Di Casa Nobili a ED (Imp. Italy) x Zellburg Angel A Z) 5½ months MINOR PUPPY BITCH Very Promising 1 KAYROSSI SPELL BOUND – (*Pepy von der Zenteiche IPO1 (Imp. Deu) x*Kayrossi Ms Demeanour AZ ) 8 months Medium size, Medium strong, substantial bitch. Very nice head. Dark mask. Nice stop and topline and underline. Good chest development. Very angulation in fore and hind. Standing almost correct in front. Going a little bit loose in the hocks. Correct coming. Good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive from behind. Good reach in front. Could hold the withers a little higher. PUPPY BITCH Very Promising 9 JAYKRI PANACHE – 4100233635 – 03/09/2013 – S: (*Kantenna Simbas Pride A Z x *Jaykri Just A Dash A Z) 10 months Large. Slightly elongated bitch. High withers. Firm back. Good length of croup, a little steep. Good angulation in the forequarters. Very good angulation in the hind quarters. Standing narrow and east/west in front. Going slightly narrow in the hocks and a little loose in elbows. Normal gaiting sequence. Sufficient drive from behind. Could have more reach in front and should stretch her body a little during movement. JUNIOR BITCH Very Good 1 LAGO FEDERICA – (*Odin Delle Terre Matildiche a ED Italy) x *Tiffany Di Fossombrone a ED (Italy) 17½ months 62cm. Large. Good pigmentation bitch. Nice dark mask and good dark eye. High withers. Firm back. Croup of sufficient length, slightly steep. Good angulation fore and hindquarters. Standing correctly in front. Going correctly, coming slightly loose in elbows. Good gaiting sequence. Very easy trotting. Could keep up the withers a little more. INTERMEDIATE BITCH Very Good 1 CH. AWESAMSHEP CASSIA A Z – (*Ch. Astasia Eli CD HIT ET A Z x *Awesamshep Anna A Z) 22½ months 61 cm. Large. Slightly elongated bitch. Good top and underline. Very good angulation in fore and hindquarters. Good chest development. Standing correct in front. Going slightly narrow in the hocks and a little loose in elbows. Very good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive from behind. Far reach in front and keeping up the withers. 2 HILLMAGIC BLACK PEPPER – (*Turbo vom Casselswald Sch. H111 a ED (Imp.Gmy) x Hillmagic Nix) 20 months 60 cm. Large. Good pigmentation bitch. Lot of substance. High withers. Firm back. Good lay and length of croup. Very good chest development. Very good angulation in fore and hindquarters. 3 Standing almost correct in front. Going slightly narrow in the hocks and a little loose in elbows. Good gaiting sequence. Powerful drive and good reach. Very good. WINOLA LULU – (*Ch Vladimir Envy This A Z x *Voitlander Palme A Z) 17 months 60 cm. Large sable bitch. High withers. Firm back. Croup of sufficient length, slightly steep. Good chest development. Good angulation in the forequarters. Very good in the hindquarters. Standing correct in front. Going slightly narrow in the hocks, coming almost correct. Good gaiting sequence, good drive, could have more reach. Very good. Challenge Bitch & B.O.B: CH. AWESAMSHEP CASSIA A Z Reserve Bitch & R/U B.O. B: HILLMAGIC BLACK PEPPER B.I.S: *ALBATA YOLEE A Z R/U/ B.I.S: *CH. USTINOV VOM ROMERLAND a Kkl.1 Sch.H3 (Imp.Gmy)
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