EBSD 2014 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME MONDAY 31 MARCH 2014 08.45-09.15 Registration Session One Session Chair: Ben Britton 09.15-09.30 Welcome and Introduction Ben Britton 09.30-10.00 Invited Talk: EBSD Analysis to Understand Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) in Titanium Philip Prangnell 10.00-10.20 A novel approach for site-specific atom probe specimen preparation by focused ion beam and transmission electron backscatter diffraction Katharina Babinsky 10.20-10.25 AZtec EBSD Large Area Mapping Jenny Goulden, Oxford Instruments 10.25-10.45 In-situ EBSD Phase Transformation and Recrystallisation Ali Gholinia 10.45-11.05 In-Situ EBSD Observation of α-у Transformation of Martensite Steel Seiichi Suzuki 11.05-11.35 Tea/Coffee and Exhibition Session Two Session Chair: David Mainprice 11.35-11.55 Study of stress-induced martensitic transformation in a cold worked Ti-Mo alloy through HREBSD Jon Alkorta 11.55-12.15 Slip Band - Grain Boundaries Interactions in CP-Ti: Effect of Grain Orientations and Grain Boundary Misorientations on Local Stresses Yi Guo 12.15-12.20 Standalone software tool for dynamic theory based pattern simulation Daniel Goran, Bruker 12.20-12.40 Evolution of geometrically necessary dislocation density in low cycle fatigued polycrystal copper Jun Jiang 12.40-13.00 Automated EBSD-SEM data artefact correction for Broad Ion Beam large volume serial sectioning tomography Bart Winiarski 13.00-14.00 Lunch and Exhibition Lunch has been kindly sponsored by NanoMEGAS and Thermo Scientific MONDAY 31 MARCH 2014 Session Three Session Chair: Claire Maurice 14.00-14.30 Invited Talk: Application of MTEX the free open source MATLAB toolbox to analysing EBSD measurements of geological specimens David Mainprice 14.30-14.50 Characterization of Polysynthetic Twins in Natural Baddeleyite by EBSD Michael Lee 14.50-14.55 EBSD Post Processing Rene de Kloe, EDAX, (Ametek) 14.55-15.15 The microtexture of zirconium oxide films studied by t-EBSD and TEM Al Garner 15.15-15.35 Symmetry and Euler angles Gert Nolze 15.35-16.05 Tea/Coffee and Exhibition Session Four Session Chair: Carol Trager-Cowan 16.05-16.25 Strain measurements in CuInSe2 absorber layers of thin-film solar cells by X-ray and electron diffraction techniques Norbert Schäfer 16.25-16.45 Mapping of the strain and distribution of dislocations in InAlN based HEMTs using electron backscatter diffraction Arantxa Vilalta-Clemente 16.45-16.50 Advances in HR EBSD using CrossCourt 4 Damian Dingley, BLG Vanatage 16.50-17.10 The microstructure and geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density evolution of high temperature deformed and annealed polycrystalline silicon by high resolution EBSD Min Wu 17.10-17.30 A band refinement method for improved accuracy of fast, automated EBSD Angus Bewick 17.30-19.30 Poster Session with Prizes and Drinks Reception 19.30 Conference Dinner at a local restaurant Drinks reception has been kindly sponsored by Acutance, BLG Vanatage, EDAX (Ametek), FEI, Oxford Instruments Conference Dinner has been kindly sponsored by Bruker TUESDAY 1 APRIL 2014 Session Five Session Chair: Stefan Zaefferer 09.00-09.30 Invited Talk: Improved analysis of EBSD patterns Aimo Winkelmann 09.30-09.50 Energy filtered EBSD using a CMOS hybrid pixel detector Stefano Vespucci 09.50-10.10 Merging Monte Carlo and Dynamical EBSD Simulations Patrick Callahan 10.10-10.30 SACP Collection on the GEMINI type electron column for Accurate Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging Haithem Mansour 10.30-10.50 Microstructural imaging using an Electron Backscatter Diffraction Detector Rene De Kloe 10.50-11.20 Tea/Coffee Session Six Session Chair: Angus Wilkinson 11.20-11.40 GND Analysis of a Copper Micro Cantilever Beam Peter Konijnenberg 11.40-12.00 Dynamic bending experiments on freestanding Cu micron lines observed by in situ EBSD Alexander Wimmer 12.00-12.20 Comparison between Laue microdiffraction and high angular resolution EBSD measurements of elastic strain Emeric Plancher 12.20-12.40 Study of heterogeneity of plastic deformation using electron back scatter diffraction and synchrotron micro-diffraction Nilesh Guaro 12.40-13.40 Lunch Session Seven Session Chair: Nathalie Gey 13.40-14.10 Invited Talk: Exploring the solidification of intermetallics with EBSD Chris Gourlay 14.10-14.30 A Novel Microtexture Assessment Methodology for Dwell Sensitive Titanium Alloys Matthew Thomas 14.30-14.50 Effect of grain boundary character and network of special boundaries on the thermal stability of electrodeposited nickel layers Hossein Alimadadi 14.50-15.10 Correlative Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy with EBSD of Cold rolled Duplex Stainless Steels Cem Örnek TUESDAY 1 APRIL 2014 15.10-15.40 Tea/Coffee Session Eight Session Chair: Jun Jiang 15.40-16.00 The use of EBSD to quantify strain hardening from shot peening Geoff West 16.00-16.20 EBSD Characterisation of Deformations in Steel Christopher Stephens 16.20-16.40 New insights into ferrite in dual phase steels by the usage of EBSD Lars Schemmann 16.40 Meeting Close
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