Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Unclassified Manager: Extension: Director(s): FC 1025 (09-20-13) 5/27/14 9.1 M. King 2711 All BOARD AGENDA MEMO SUBJECT: Board Planning Calendar for June - August 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Review the Board Planning Calendar. SUMMARY: This item provides the Board an opportunity to review and discuss its agenda planning and priorities and identify appropriate items for Board Advisory Committee work plans for committee discussion and feedback to the Board. Attachment is the detailed Board Agenda Planning Calendar for the upcoming, next three months. This calendar presents information on the Agenda items that staff is planning to bring before the Board, and will be used to assist in the planning of the Board’s agenda. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with this item. CEQA: The recommended action does not constitute a project under CEQA because it does not have a potential for resulting in direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Three Month Detailed Board Agenda Planning Calendar Page 1 of 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BAO / CHIEF BOARD AGENDA PLANNING CALENDAR INFORMATION June 2014 – 6:00 PM Meetings 06/10/14 Regular Mtg 06/24/14 Regular Mtg Time Certain 1. Public Hearing - San Francisquito Creek Project and Resolution for Proposed Modification to Safe Clean Water Program and Resolution Certifying EIR, and Construction Funding Agreement for Bay to 101 Reach, Project No. 26284002 (Richardson) Consent Calendar 1. Report of Bids Received and Award of Construction Contract for South Campus Generator Replacement Project (Subramanian) *Exception Item 1. Award Environmental Contract – Almaden-Calero Canal Rehabilitation Project (Oven) 2. Amendment to PM Consultant Agreement With Black & Veatch for the Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project, Project No. 91864005, for Design Phase (Oven) 2. 3. Notice of Completion of Contract and Acceptance of Work – Stevens Creek Pipeline Rehabilitation Project – MGE Underground, Inc., Contractor, Contract No. C0586, Project No. 95084001 (Maitski) Moved to 5.13 Approve Amendment to Consultant Agreement; Report of Bids and Award of Construction Contract - IRP2 Water Treatment Plant Operations Buildings Seismic Retrofit - RWTP and Vasona (Oven) *Exception Item 3. Adopt Plans & Specs & Authorize Advertisement for Bids – Sunnyvale East and West Channels Flood Protection Project No. 26074002 (Richardson) Moved to 7/22 Water Utility Watershed s 4. Award Environmental Consultant Contract – Almaden Lake Project (Richardson) 5. Final EIR for the Sunnyvale East and West Channels Flood Protection Project No. 26074002 (Richardson) 4. Accept Revocable Permit from San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) for Lower Berryessa Project. (Richardson) 1. Consultant Service Contract for Groundwater Charge Zone Study (Maher) 1. 2. District’s Capital Improvement Program Mid-Year FY 14 Status Report (Oven/Richardson) Notice of Completion of Contract and Acceptance of Work – Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center, J.R. Filanc, Contractor, Contract No. C0567, Project No. 91184008 (Oven) 3. Construction Update – Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Ctr (Oven) 2. Update of the 2014 Water Supply Outlook and Dought Response (Maher) 1. On Call Electrical and Control System Engineering Services Contract (Maitski) 4. BDCP Interim Funding Agreements (Maher) 5. Notice of Completion of Contract & Acceptance of Work for Pacheco Pumping Plant Adjustable Speed Drive Replacement-KBL Overaa, Contractor, #C0557, Project #91954001 (Oven) 6. Consultant Service Contract for Groundwater Charge Zone Study (Maher) 1. Recommended Positions on State Legislation (Callender) Adopt Plans & Specs & Authorize for Ad of Bids for the Construction of the Guadalupe River Fish Passage Modifications at I-880, Calabazas Crk Storm Drain D/S of Wardell Outfall Replacement, San Tomas Aquino Crk Lk, SC Outfall and Calabazas Crk D/S of Bollinger Rd Outfall Replacement (Richardson) CEO Admin. 3. 1. BODs’ Quarterly Board Expense Report for the Quarter Ending 3/31/14 (Chu) 2. Workforce Development & Succession Plan (Nava) Moved to 7/22 D.Counsel B.O.D. 1. BPC Mid-Year Review, July-December 2014 (King) JUNE PENDING ITEMS 1. Approve Plans and Specs and Authorize Advertisement for Bids, Upper Llagas Ck Project (Lee) Updated: 05/07/14 by L. Moore File Name: W:\COB\CALENDAR - BOARD PLANNING: BPC June-Aug 2014.doc Page 1 of 3 BAO / CHIEF BOARD AGENDA PLANNING CALENDAR INFORMATION July 2014 – 6:00 PM Meetings 07/08/14 Regular Mtg 07/22/14 Regular Mtg 7/28/14 6 PM Special Mtg 7/29/14 6 PM Special Mtg Time Certain Consent Calendar 1. Advertise Construction Documents – So Co Recycled Water Pipeline Project Short-Term Phase 1B (Oven) 2. Approve Construction Management Services Consultant Agreement for Rinconada Water Treatment Plant Reliability Improvement Project No. 93295057 (Oven) Water Utility Watersheds CEO Admin. 1. Notice of Contract Completion and Acceptance of Work-Santa Teresa Incompatible Materials Stage II-Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc., Contract No. C0589, Project No. 93284030 (Oven) 1. Consultant Agmt with Blake Construction for PTWTP Valve Replacement (Fiedler) 2. Adopt Plans & Specs & Authorize Advertisement for Bids – Snell Pipeline Rehabilitation Project. (Maitski) 3. Board Acceptance of Water Protection Project's Construction Work (Oven) 4. Approve Amendment to Agreement With URS Corporation, dba URS Corporation Americas, for Design Consultant Services for the Almaden Dam Improvements Project (Oven) 5. Approve Amendment to Agreement with Carollo Engineers for Design Consultant Services for the Penitencia Delivery Main and Penitencia Force Main Seismic Retrofit Project (Oven) 6. Adopt Plans & Specs & Authorize Advertisement for Bids – Sunnyvale East and West Channels Flood Protection Project No. 26074002 (Richardson) 1. Update of the 2014 Water Supply Outlook and Drought Response (Maher) 2. Dam Safety Evaluation Project Consultant Agreement (Maitski) 1. Award of Contract for Construction of Upper Llagas Ck Project (Lee) *Exception Item 2. Notice of Completion of Contract and Acceptance of Work – Lower Silver Creek Flood Control and Creek Restoration Project, Reaches 4, 5 (Stage 1 Improvements) – R&L Brosamer, Inc., Contractor, Contract No. C0564, Project No. 40264008 (Lee ) (Elias) 1. Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Quarter 3 Performance Report for Water Utility, Watersheds, Administration, and the Office of CEO (Pelham) 2. Recommended Positions on State Legislation (Callender) 1. Update on Diversity and Inclusion Program (Pelham) 2. Workforce Development & Succession Plan (Nava) 1. BPC August - October 2014 (King) D.Counsel B.O.D. 1. Annual Policy Governance W/S Sessions (Pelham) 1. Annual Policy Governance W/S Sessions (Pelham) JULY PENDING ITEMS Updated: 05/07/14 by L. Moore File Name: W:\COB\CALENDAR - BOARD PLANNING: BPC June-Aug 2014.doc Page 2 of 3 BAO / CHIEF BOARD AGENDA PLANNING CALENDAR INFORMATION August 2014 – 6:00 PM Meetings 08/12/14 Regular Mtg 08/26/14 Regular Mtg Time Certain Consent Calendar 1. Set Date and Time for Public Hearing on Engineer’s Report – Pacheco / Santa Clara Conduit right of Way Acquisition (Oven) 1. Award Construction contract - So Co Recycled Water Pipeline Project Short-Term Phase 1B (Oven) *Exception Item 2. Report of Bids Received and Award of Construction Contract - Sunnyvale East and West Channels Flood Protection Project No. 26074002 (Richardson) *Exception Item 2. Semi-Annual Lobbyist Report (King) 3. Salt and Nutrient Management Plans for the Santa Clara and Llagas Subbasins (Maher) 1. Update of the 2014 Water Supply Outlook and Drought Response (Maher) Water Utility 2. So Co Recycled Water Master Plan Cost Sharing Agreement (Maher) 3. Quarterly Update on Three Creeks HCP (Maitski) 4. Valley Habitat Agency Update (Maitski) Watersheds CEO 1. Office of Government Relations Biannual Legislative Outlook (Callender) Admin. 1. Annual Retention Schedule Update (Subramanian) District Counsel B.O.D. 1. BPC September - November 2014 (King) AUGUST PENDING ITEMS Updated: 05/07/14 by L. Moore File Name: W:\COB\CALENDAR - BOARD PLANNING: BPC June-Aug 2014.doc Page 3 of 3
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