www.recyclenow.org SONOMA COUNTY RECYCLING GUIDE What is CRV? Beverage containers labeled CRV (California Redemption Value) can be redeemed at designated centers for 5¢ per container under 24 oz. and 10¢ per container 24 oz. and larger. CRV only—it’s the law State law requires recycling centers to pay California Redemption Value (CRV) refunds for loads that contain ONLY eligible CRV beverage containers. Non-CRV materials must be removed from the load, or at the discretion of the recycling center, the load may be rejected or receive only scrap value. Customers may still request to be paid by count for up to 50 CRV beverage containers of each material type: 50 glass, 50 aluminum, 50 plastic in one day. More information CalRecycle administers the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act. For more information, visit www.calrecycle.ca.gov/ BevContainer or call 800-RECYCLE (732-9253). Plastic Other Plastic containers (CRV) Plastic containers (non-CRV ) & rigid plastics (No Styrofoam) Aseptic packaging (Juice boxes, milk cartons & soy/rice milk containers) Office paper Telephone & paperback books Newspaper Cartonboard Magazines/junk mail Cardboard Aluminum cans (CRV ) Aluminum foil/ formed containers Metal, scrap Aerosol cans Wine bottles $ Buyback, CA Redemption Value (CRV) M Machines available for CRV buyback D Drop-off, free B Buys materials Some restrictions may apply. Bottles & jars (CRV ) 5¢ each under 24 oz. $ Eco-Desk 565-DESK(3375) Paper How to read the chart: Redeem your CRV bottles & cans for 8 Metal Glass Brown paper bags 24 oz. and larger Tin, steel & bimetal cans (CRV ) 10¢ each Annapolis Annapolis Transfer Station (Recycling) W-Sa 8-4 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 33549 Annapolis Rd.................886-5204 Cloverdale Ray’s Food Place RePLANET Staffed: Tu-Sa 10 1139 S. Cloverdale Blvd....877-737-5263 4:30, lunch 1-1:30 Machines: 6-7 $ M $ M D D D $ M $ M $ M $ M Cotati Cotati Veterans Hall 8505 Park Ave..................800-243-0291 24 hrs. D D D D D D D D D D Forestville Speer’s Corner Store RePLANET Staffed: Tu-Sa 10 7891 Mirabel Rd...............877-737-5263 4:30, lunch 1-1:30 Machines: 6-7 $ M $ M Guerneville Guerneville Transfer Station (Recycling) 13450 Pocket Rd./Hwy. 116.....869-3878 M-Tu 8-4, Th-Sa 8-4 Safeway NexCycle Tu-Sa 10-4:30, 16405 River Rd.................800-969-2020 lunch 1-1:30 D D $ D D D $ D D D D D D D D D $ D $ Healdsburg Healdsburg Transfer Station (Recycling & reuse) M-Sa 8-4 Salvation Army Healdsburg Daily 7:30-4 166 Alexander Valley Rd..........433-0321 200 Lytton Springs Rd......415-590-9915 Tip Top Liquors RePLANET Staffed: Tu-Sa 10 90 Dry Creek Rd................877-737-5263 4:30, lunch 1-1:30 D D $ D D D D D D D D D D $ D D D D D D D D D D D D D $ $ Petaluma Central Disposal Site (Recycling & reuse) 500 Mecham Rd.......................795-3660 M-Sa 7-2:30 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Lucky NexCycle Tu-Sa 10-4:30, 939 Lakeville Hwy............800-969-2020 lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ Lucky NexCycle Tu-Sa 10-4:30, 1000 Petaluma Blvd. N.....800-969-2020 lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ Petaluma Recycling Center $ B $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 315 Second St..........................763-4761 M-Sa 8-5 Safeway NexCycle F-Tu 10-4:30, 373 S. McDowell Blvd.......800-969-2020 lunch 1-1:30 D $ D D D D D D D D $ Rohnert Park Safeway NexCycle Tu-Sa 9-3:30, 6340 Commerce Blvd.......800-969-2020 lunch 12-12:30 Hours listed on this page may change without notice. D D © Sonoma County Waste Management Agency DROP-OFF RECYCLING DROP-OFF RECYCLING Metal Paper Plastic $ Other $ $ $ $ G&G Supermarket NexCycle 1211 W. College Ave.........800-969-2020 M-Tu & Th-Sa 10 4:30, lunch 1-1:30 Wine coolers and distilled spirit coolers $ $ $ $ Global Materials Recovery Services 3899 Santa M-Sa 7-5, Su 8-5 Industrial Carting 3911 Santa Rosa Ave...............585-0511 M-F 7-6, Sa 8-6 Redwood Empire Recycling M-Sa 7-5 Safeway RePLANET Aseptic packaging (Juice boxes, milk cartons & soy/rice milk containers) Tu-Sa 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 Plastic bottles (CRV ) Plastic containers (non-CRV) & rigid plastics (No Styrofoam) Food Maxx NexCycle Office paper Telephone & paperback books Beer and malt beverages Newspaper $ Magazines/junk mail $ Cartonboard $ Cardboard $ Brown paper bags M-Sa 9-5, Su 9-3 Aerosol cans 76 Gas Station Brambila Recycling Wine bottles Tin, steel & bimetal cans (CRV) Glass Aluminum cans (CRV ) Aluminum foil/ formed containers Metal, scrap 5-gal. buckets Laundry baskets Plastic crates & toys Play equipment Do not include: Lawn furniture Nursery pots (plastic only) • PVC pipe • Vinyl siding Infant car seats (fabric • Plexiglass covers removed) • Polystyrene • HDPE black irrigation (Styrofoam) pipe (no dirt) Bottles & jars (CRV ) © Sonoma County Waste Management Agency • • • • • • • Santa Rosa 370 Sebastopol Rd...........916-643-5313 2055 Sebastopol Rd.........800-969-2020 $ D D D B D D B B D D D D D B D B D D B D D D B B B D D D D D D B D $ D Tu-Sa 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ Safeway NexCycle F-Tu 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ Safeway NexCycle Tu-Sa 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ $ M $ M $ M $ M $ M $ M $ M $ M 2771 Fourth St.................877-737-5263 1799 Marlow Rd...............800-969-2020 2210 Mendocino Ave........800-969-2020 Safeway RePLANET Staffed: M-Tu & 100 Calistoga Rd...............877-737-5263 F-Su 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 Machines: Daily 8-6 Staffed: Tu-Sa 10 Safeway RePLANET 2785 Yulupa Ave...............877-737-5263 4:30, lunch 1-1:30 Machines: Tu-Sa 9-4:30 Trader Joe’s NexCycle 2100 Santa Rosa Ave........800-969-2020 Tu-F 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 & Sa 9-3:30, lunch 12:30-1 D D Noncarbonated fruit drinks, water or soft drinks D Vegetable juice, 16 oz. or less Sports drinks Not eligible for CRV $ $ $ $ Medical food Sebastopol Infant formula Daily 8-5 Safeway NexCycle Tu-Sa 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ F-Tu 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 M-Sa 7-3 $ $ $ $ D D Tu-Sa 10-4:30, lunch 1-1:30 $ $ $ $ 406 N. Main St..................800-969-2020 D D Wine Spirits Sonoma Safeway NexCycle 477 W. Napa St.................800-969-2020 Sonoma Transfer Station (Recycling & reuse) 4376 Stage Gulch Rd..996-5423 D D D D D D D D D D D D D Windsor Safeway NexCycle 9080 Brooks Rd................800-969-2020 West Coast Metals M-F 7-3:30, 470 Caletti Ave.........................838-9731 Sa 8-3:30 Windsor Materials Recovery 590 Caletti Ave........545-4847/838-2597 M-F 7:30-4:30 100% fruit juice less than 46 oz. Milk City Corporation Yard 714 Johnson St.................800-243-0291 Coffee and tea beverages $ B D B D $ $ 100% fruit juice, 46 oz. or more D D 100% vegetable juice more than 16 oz. Food and other non-beverage containers SONOMA COUNTY RECYCLING GUIDE D $ D D D $ D B D B D $ D Carbonated fruit drinks, water or soft drinks Eco-Desk 565-DESK(3375) B B D D D 3400 Standish Ave....................586-8247 $ D $ D Eligible for CRV www.recyclenow.org Rosa Ave.................586-6666/585-8246 Which beverage containers can you redeem for CRV? DROP-OFF RECYCLING Definition: Rigid plastics What’s accepted: D Hours listed on this page may change without notice. 9
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