BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA PACKET July 14, 2014 The mission of Palomar Health is to heal, comfort and promote health in the communities we serve. BOARD OF DIRECTORS T.E. Kleiter, Chairman Stephen P. Yerxa, Vice Chairman Linda C. Greer, RN, Secretary Jerry Kaufman, PTMA, Treasurer Bruce G. Krider, MA Jeffrey D. Griffith, EMT-P Aeron D. Wickes, MD Michael H. Covert, FACHE, President and CEO Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m., unless indicated otherwise. For an agenda, locations or further information call (760) 740-6375, or visit our website at MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of Palomar Health is to: Heal, Comfort, Promote Health in the Communities we Serve VISION STATEMENT Palomar Health will be the health system of choice for patients, physicians and employees, recognized nationally for the highest quality of clinical care and access to comprehensive services CORE VALUES Patient’s Well-Being We passionately give and support heartfelt care that encourages patient comfort and safety Professionalism Each of us takes pride in teamwork, self-discipline, our skills and trustworthiness Highest Quality We are each accountable for providing the safest, most effective and innovative care Affiliated Entities *Palomar Medical Center * Palomar Health Downtown Campus* Arch Health Partners* *Palomar Health Foundation * Palomar Home Care * Pomerado Hospital* *Palomar Health Development, Inc.* North San Diego County Health Facilities Financing Authority* *San Marcos Ambulatory Care Center * Villa Pomerado * Palomar Health Concern * Palomar Health Source* P Po osstteed d T Tu daayy ueessd JJu ullyy 88,, 22001144 PALOMAR HEALTH BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA Monday, July 14, 2014 6:30 p.m. Pomerado Hospital Meeting Room E 15615 Pomerado Road Poway, CA 92064 Mission and Vision “The mission of Palomar Health is to heal, comfort and promote health in the communities we serve.” “The vision of Palomar Health is to be the health system of choice for patients, physicians and employees, recognized nationally for the highest quality of clinical care and access to comprehensive services.” Time I. II. CALL TO ORDER 2 OPENING CEREMONY 5 Form A Page A. Pledge of Allegiance III. 15 PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 mins. allowed per speaker with cumulative total of 15 mins. per group - for further details and policy see Request for Public Comment notices available in meeting room.) IV. * MINUTES April 14, 2014 (ADD A) 5 A. Regular Board Meeting - June 9, 2014 (Pp13-17) B. Closed Session Board Meeting - Performance Evaluation and Contract Review: Chief Executive Officer - June 9, 2014 (Pp18-19) C. Closed Session Board Meeting: Appointment of Public Employee - June 23, 2014 (Pp20-21) D. Closed Session Board Meeting: Appointment of Public Employee - June 25, 2014 (Pp22-23) E. Closed Session Board Meeting: Arch Health Partners - June 25, 2014 (Pp24-25) F. Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board – October 7, 2013 (Pp26-29) V. * APPROVAL OF AGENDA to accept the Consent Items as listed 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 A. Approval of Revolving, Patient Refund & Payroll Fund Disbursements – May 2014 (P30) 1. Accounts Payable Invoices $38,284,096.00 2. Net Payroll $13,131,409.00 Total $51,415,506.00 B. Ratification of Paid Bills C. May 2014 and YTD FY2014 Financial Report - Finance Committee (ADD B- Pp32-68 ) D. Summary of Executed Budgeted Routine Physician Agreements - Finance Committee (ADD C- Pp70-87 ) "In accordance with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) please notify us at 760-740-6375 48 hours prior to the meeting so we may provide reasonable accommodations" Asterisks indicate anticipated action. Action is not limited to designated items. 7 VI. PRESENTATIONS 15 There are no presentations this month VII. REPORTS A. 15 Medical Staffs *1. Palomar Medical Center - Richard C. Engel, M.D. (ADD D) A. Credentialing and Reappointments (Pp89-101 ) B. Modification to the PMC/POM Core Privilege Checklist for Emergency Medicine Specific to Maintenance of Ultrasound Privileges (Pp102-106) 9 10 *2. Pomerado Hospital - Paul Neustein, M.D. A. Credentialing and Reappointments (ADD E- P108 ) VIII. 11 Administrative 1. Chair of the Palomar Health Foundation - John Forst 5 2. Chair of the Board - Ted Kleiter 5 3. President and CEO - Michael Covert, FACHE 5 INFORMATION ITEMS 2 A. ACHD Update Report for June 2014 IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10 A. Governance / Audit and Compliance Committee (P109) B. Human Resources Committee (Pp110-111) C. Community Relations Committee (P112) D. Strategic & Facilities Planning Committee (P113) E. Quality Review Committee (P114) F. Finance Committee (P115) G. Other Committee Chair Comments on Committee Highlights X. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS/AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MONTH XI. ADJOURNMENT 5 Minutes Board of Directors Monday, June 9, 2014 TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Debbie Hollick, Board Assistant Background: The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on Monday, June 9, 2014 are respectfully submitted for approval Budget Impact: N/A Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Monday, June 9, 2014 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 1 Minutes Board Closed Session Performance Evaluation and Contract Review: Chief Executive Officer Monday, June 9, 2014 TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Debbie Hollick, Board Assistant Background: The minutes of the Board Closed Session Performance Evaluation and Contract Review: Chief Executive Officer meeting held on Monday, June 9, 2014 are respectfully submitted for approval. Budget Impact: N/A Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Monday, June 9, 2014 Board Closed Session Performance Evaluation and Contract Review: Chief Executive Officer meeting minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 2 Minutes Board Closed Session Appointment of Public Employee Monday, June 23, 2014 TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Debbie Hollick, Board Assistant Background: The minutes of the Board Closed Session - Appointment of Public Employee held on Monday, June 23, 2014 are respectfully submitted for approval. Budget Impact: N/A Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Monday, June 23, 2014 Board Closed Session - Appointment of Public Employee minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 3 Minutes Board Closed Session Appointment of Public Employee Wednesday, June 25, 2014 TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Debbie Hollick, Board Assistant Background: The minutes of the Board Closed Session - Appointment of Public Employee held on Monday, June 25, 2014 are respectfully submitted for approval. Budget Impact: N/A Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Monday, June 25, 2014 Board Closed Session - Appointment of Public Employee minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 4 Minutes Board Closed Session - Arch Health Partners Wednesday, June 25, 2014 TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Debbie Hollick, Board Assistant Background: The minutes of the Board Closed Session – Arch Health Partners held on Monday, June 25, 2014 are respectfully submitted for approval. Budget Impact: N/A Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Monday, June 25, 2014 Board Closed Session – Arch Health Partners minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 5 Minutes Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board Monday, October 7, 2013 TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Debbie Hollick, Board Assistant Background: The minutes of the Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board held on Monday, October 7, 2013 are respectfully submitted for approval. Budget Impact: N/A Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Monday, October 7, 2013 Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 6 May 2014 & YTD FY2014 Financial Report TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Bob Hemker, CFO BY: Board Finance Committee Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Background: The Board Financial Reports (unaudited) for May 2014 and YTD FY2014 are submitted for the Board’s approval. N/A Budget Impact: Staff Recommendation: Approval Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Board Finance Committee recommends approval of the Board Financial Reports (unaudited) for May 2014 and YTD FY2014. Motion: X Individual Action: Information: Required Time: Form A - Financial Report.doc 7 Budgeted Routine Physician Agreements Board Summary Report TO: Board of Directors MEETING DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 FROM: Bob Hemker, CFO BY: Board Finance Committee Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Background: The following Budgeted Routine Physician Agreements became effective during the months of April & May 2014. The standard Form A and Abstract Table for each signed Agreement are included in Addendum C. PHYSICIAN AND/OR GROUP TYPE OF AGREEMENT APRIL 2014 Engel, Richard, MD & Richard C. Engel, MD, Inc. Amendment #1 – Chief of Staff Agreement – PMC Galen Inpatient Physicians, Inc. Amendment #2 – Hospital Medicine Services Agreement Malek, Mikhail, MD Amendment #1 – Medical Director Agreement – Cardiology – PMC Rosenburg, Jeffrey, MD & Jeffrey Rosenburg, MD, Inc. Amendment #1 – Chief of Staff Elect Agreement – PMC MAY 2014 Ghosh, Kris, MD Amendment #1 – Medical Director Agreement – Robotic Surgery Program Macleay, Lachlan, MD Department Chair Agreement – Pathology – POM North County Emergency Medical Associates, Inc. Amendment #2 – OB Consultative Services Agreement – PHDC North County Neurology Medical Group Practice Recruitment Agreement – Neurology Medical Director Agreement – Villa POM Thaper, Mohinderpal, MD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Board Finance Committee recommends approval of the Budgeted Routine Physician Agreements that became effective during the months of April & May 2014, as listed above. Motion: X Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 8 9 10 11 ADDENDUM A 12 D AFFTT DR RA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Monday, June 9, 2014 Agenda Item I. Conclusion/Action Discussion FollowUp/Responsible Party CALL TO ORDER – ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting – held in the Graybill Auditorium at Palomar Health Downtown Campus, 555 E. Valley Parkways, Escondido, CA 92025 92025 - was called to order at 6:29 p.m. by Chair Ted Kleiter Quorum comprised of Directors Kleiter, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa, Griffith Excused Absences: Director Krider II. OPENING CEREMONY The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS The Palomar Health mission and vision statements are as follows: The mission of Palomar Health is to heal, comfort and promote health in the communities we serve The vision of Palomar Health is to be the health system of choice for patients, physicians and employees, recognized nationally for the highest quality of clinical care and access to comprehensive services NOTICE OF MEETING The Notice of Meeting was published consistent with legal requirements III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Erik Olson-Fernandez spoke about hospital access Esther Glina Montagner spoke about art displays in the hospital 060914 BD Meeting Minutes.doc 13 1 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Monday, June 9, 2014 Agenda Item Conclusion/Action Discussion FollowUp/Responsible Party IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Board Meeting – May 12, 2014 Closed Session Board Meeting – May 12, 2014 No discussion nd MOTION: by Director Yerxa, 2 by Director Kaufman and carried to approve the May 12, 2014 Regular and Closed Session Board meeting minutes as submitted. All in favor. None opposed V. * APPROVAL OF AGENDA to accept the Consent Items as listed including – A. Approval of Revolving, Patient Refund & Payroll Fund Disbursements – April 2014 1. Accounts Payable Invoices $36,987,220.00 2. Net Payroll $13,110,263.00 Total $50,097,483.00 B. Ratification of Paid Bills C. April 2014 and YTD FY2014 Financial Report - Finance Committee E. Motion to Approve the Following: (ADD C) 1. Board Responsibilities Policy - Lucidoc #26952 2. Expense Reimbursement and Advances Policy - Lucidoc #21806 3. Credit Card Policy - Lucidoc #21807 4. Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Bylaws Director Kaufman pulled Consent Agenda item E.2. “Expense Reimbursement and Advances Policy - Lucidoc #21806” for review, citing the lack of precise verbiage re: documentation of expenses nd Motion: by Director Griffith, 2 by Director Kaufman and carried to approve Consent Agenda items E.1. E.3. and E.4. as presented. All in favor. None opposed Consent Agenda item E.2. to be returned to Governance / Audit & Compliance committee for review VI. PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations VII. * REPORTS A. Medical Staffs nd 1. Palomar Medical Center a. Credentialing Recommendations MOTION: by Director Griffith, 2 by Director Kaufman and carried to approve the PMC Medical Staff Credentialing Recommendations as presented. All in favor. None opposed Palomar Medical Center Chief of Staff Dr. Richard Engel presented the PMC Medical Staff Executive Committee reports referenced above for review and approval DRAFT 060914 BD Meeting Minutes 14 2 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Monday, June 9, 2014 Agenda Item Conclusion/Action Discussion MOTION: by Director Kaufman, 2 by Director Wickes and carried to approve the POM Medical Staff Executive Committee Credentialing Recommendations as presented. All in favor. None opposed 2. Pomerado Hospital a. Credentialing Recommendations FollowUp/Responsible Party nd Pomerado Hospital Chief of Staff Dr. Paul Neustein presented the POM Medical Staff Executive Committee reports referenced above for review and approval B. Administrative nd 1. Palomar Health Foundation Palomar Health Foundation Board Chair John Forst presented the May 2014 Palomar Health Foundation Board report; electronic copies were distributed to the board Mr. Forst reported that the Foundation Board approved a motion to create a Palomar Health Employee Emergency Disaster Fund, and is bringing it to the full board for their review and approval o MOTION: by Director Yerxa, 2 by Director Griffith and carried to approve creation of the Palomar Health Employee Emergency Disaster Fund as noted by Mr. Forst in his report. All in favor. None opposed President and CEO Michael Covert noted that this would be a separate and discreet fund from the 2007 Emergency Disaster Fund in that it will support funding that could be used in to support people in various disasters Mr. Forst reported that the Foundation CEO selection process is underway, with interviews ongoing; progress updates to be provided at future board meetings 2. Chair of the Board Chair Kleiter reported that he and Director Kaufman attended the ACHD Annual meeting ACHD Governing Board handbooks were distributed to all board members Chair Kleiter noted that today’s celebrations for the new chapel, Medical Education Resource Center and lobby grand piano at Palomar Medical Center remind us that these are very exciting times for the organization 3. President and CEO Palomar Health President and CEO Michael Covert reminded the board members to forward him any best practices, board activities or education that could be shared with VHA Mr. Covert reported on the upcoming Academy of Applied Physician Leadership Year One Celebration Gala, stating that it will be an opportunity for the medical directors and nurse leaders to share presentations with the board on the progress made this year. He noted that their work has been very impressive, and is already impacting the organization in meaningful ways The June Board Strategic & Facilities Planning Committee meeting agenda will include a year-end review of the FY14 Strategic & Operational initiatives and updates from IT and Facilities. The July meeting will focus on what will get stripped off next year for the FY15 initiatives, as well as an update on the Rehab hospital. Both will be full-board meetings Mr. Covert requested that Chief Administrative Officer Pomerado Dr. David Tam provide the board with a report on the Integra Center, an organization that works with the San Diego Balboa Wounded Warrior Detachment to provide rehabilitation services to wounded veterans. Dr. Tam shared that the military is looking to move this program offsite to a civilian partner who would be capable of providing a high level of rehabilitation services. Since Palomar Health has one of the top-rated programs in the country, Balboa has approached us with this partnership. The organization is currently performing due diligence on this exciting opportunity, and will provide the board with ongoing updates We are continuing with recruiting activities for the Arch Health Partners CEO position – more to follow DRAFT 060914 BD Meeting Minutes Information only Information only 15 3 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Monday, June 9, 2014 Agenda Item Discussion Recruitment activities are also ongoing for the Foundation CEO position As a Mayo Clinic Care Network Member, Palomar Medical Center is proud to host the Mayo Clinic Mobile Exhibit. The exhibit will be on campus Tuesday, th June 10 , and will provide an impressive interactive, historical timeline of Mayo and the impact they have on our community. That evening, leaders from both organizations will come together to share conversation around physician culture and future state. Last month Mr. Covert and Palomar Health leaders met Conclusion/Action FollowUp/Responsible Party with Mayo at their Rochester, New York location to continue furthering the relationship between the two organizations Mr. Covert addressed Mr. Olson-Fernandez’ public comments, noting that the administration is listening and will respond in a fair and reasonable way Re: the art installation discussed by community member Montagner, Mr. Covert allowed that there is opportunity to make a joint effort in this regard that would work well for all involved. He requested that the issue be followed up on via the appropriate Board committee; Director Kaufman stated that he will bring it to the Board Community Relations Committee VIII. INFORMATION ITEMS A. The February 2014 ACHD Update Report was forwarded electronically to the board members prior to the meeting IX. * COMMITTEE REPORTS nd MOTION: by Director Kaufman, 2 by Director Griffith and carried to approve the Board Resolution Authorizing Signature Authority for A. Governance / Audit and Compliance Committee Michael H. Covert to Finalize the Sale of 1817 Avenida Del Diablo, Escondido, CA to Torrey Pines Development Group, LLC . Roll-call voting was utilized. In favor: Directors Kleiter, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa, Griffith. Opposed: none. Absent: Director Krider Committee Chair Linda Greer noted that the meeting summary was included in the board meeting packet The Board Resolution Authorizing Signature Authority for Michael H. Covert to Finalize the Sale of 1817 Avenida Del Diablo, Escondido, CA to Torrey Pines Development Group, LLC was brought for board approval B. Human Resources Committee Information only Committee Chair Kleiter noted that the meeting summary was included in the board meeting packet C. Community Relations Committee – no meeting in May Information only th Committee Chair Kaufman provided highlights from the June 4 meeting o Government Relations Manager Elly Garner presented an update on State Legislative Bills that potentially will affect Palomar Health in 2014, and discussed the bills that are of high interest to Palomar Health o Service Excellence Manager Tina Pope provided a detailed report on the Patient and Family Advisor Council. She also shared videos from two Patient Voice meetings o Janet Klitzner, Director of Marketing and The HealthSource informed the committee that the HealthSource magazine is now available in electronic format. The new format provides realistic page flipping and fast content delivery. Readers can also subscribe to receive future issues electronically DRAFT 060914 BD Meeting Minutes 16 4 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Monday, June 9, 2014 Agenda Item Conclusion/Action Discussion FollowUp/Responsible Party D. Strategic & Facilities Planning Committee - no meeting in May E. Quality Review Committee Information only Committee Chair Linda Greer noted that the meeting summary was included in the board meeting packet Chief Nurse Executive Lorie Shoemaker gave an update to the Committee on the status of the Patient Flow project. The outcomes of Phase 1 as well as the recommendations for the projects in Phase 2 were discussed. The Committee was pleased with the progress that has been made to date F. Finance Committee – no meeting in May G. Other Committee Chair Comments on Committee Highlights There were no comments X. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS / AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MONTH There were no comments or agenda items for next month XI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Board Secretary LINDA C. GREER, R.N. Board Assistant DEBBIE HOLLICK Signatures: DRAFT 060914 BD Meeting Minutes 17 5 D AFFTT RA DR BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION CEO EVALUATION – MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014 AGENDA ITEM I. CONCLUSION/ACTION DISCUSSION FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY CALL TO ORDER - ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting, held at the Palomar Health Downtown Campus, Graybill Auditorium, 555 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido, CA 92025, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Board Chair, Ted Kleiter. Quorum comprised of Directors Kleiter, Kaufman, Yerxa, Greer, Griffith, Wickes Excused Absences: Director Krider was excused from the meeting. NOTICE OF MEETING Notice of Meeting was mailed consistent with legal requirements. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation and Contract Review: Chief Executive Officer II. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments Closed Session - June 9, 2014 18 1 III. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION Chair Kleiter adjourned the meeting to closed session. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation and Contract Review: Chief Executive Officer IV. RE-ADJOURNMENT TO OPEN SESSION Chair Kleiter resumed open session. V. ACTION RESULTING FROM CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSION, IF ANY VI. FINAL ADJOURNMENT MOTION: No actionable items to report. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. by Chair Kleiter BOARD SECRETARY LINDA C. GREER, R.N. SIGNATURES: BOARD ASSISTANT 19 2 D AFFTT DR RA BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION – MEETING MINUTES – Monday, June 23, 2014 AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION I. CALL TO ORDER - ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting – held in the 1 Floor Conference Room of the Palomar Health Administrative Office located at 456 E. Grand Ave Escondido, CA 92025 – was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Kleiter CONCLUSION/ACTION FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINAL? st Quorum comprised of Directors Kleiter, Krider, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa, and Griffith – who attended remotely NOTICE OF MEETING The Notice of Meeting was mailed consistent with legal requirements Pursuant to California Government Code § 54957(b) Personnel Exception - Appointment of Public Employee II. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments III. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION Chair Kleiter adjourned the meeting to closed session APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Pursuant to California Government Code § 54957(b) Personnel Exception - Appointment of Public Employee IV. RE-ADJOURNMENT TO OPEN SESSION Chair Kleiter re-adjourned the meeting to open session V. ACTION RESULTING FROM CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSION, IF ANY MOTION: by Director Krider, 2nd by Director Greer to unanimously appoint Robert A Hemker as the permanent President and CEO of Palomar Health 20 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION – MEETING MINUTES – Monday, June 23, 2014 AGENDA ITEM CONCLUSION/ACTION DISCUSSION FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINAL? effective August 15. Contract terms to be determined at a later date. Roll-call voting was utilized. In favor: Directors Kleiter, Krider, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa and Griffith. Opposed: None. Motion passed unanimously. VI. FINAL ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Kleiter BOARD SECRETARY LINDA C. GREER, R.N. BOARD ASSISTANT DEBBIE HOLLICK SIGNATURES: 21 2 D AFFTT DR RA BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION – MEETING MINUTES – Monday, June 25, 2014 AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION I. CALL TO ORDER - ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting – held in the 1 Floor Conference Room of the Palomar Health Administrative Office located at 456 E. Grand Ave Escondido, CA 92025 – was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Kleiter CONCLUSION/ACTION FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINAL? st Quorum comprised of Directors Kleiter, Krider, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa, and Griffith – who attended remotely NOTICE OF MEETING The Notice of Meeting was mailed consistent with legal requirements Pursuant to California Government Code § 54957(b) Personnel Exception - Appointment of Public Employee II. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments III. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION Chair Kleiter adjourned the meeting to closed session APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Pursuant to California Government Code § 54957(b) Personnel Exception - Appointment of Public Employee IV. RE-ADJOURNMENT TO OPEN SESSION Chair Kleiter re-adjourned the meeting to open session V. ACTION RESULTING FROM CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSION, IF ANY There was no action resulting from closed session 22 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION – MEETING MINUTES – Monday, June 25, 2014 AGENDA ITEM CONCLUSION/ACTION DISCUSSION VI. FINAL ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Kleiter BOARD SECRETARY LINDA C. GREER, R.N. BOARD ASSISTANT DEBBIE HOLLICK SIGNATURES: 23 2 FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINAL? D AFFTT DR RA BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION – MEETING MINUTES – Monday, June 25, 2014 AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION I. CALL TO ORDER - ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting – held in the 1 Floor Conference Room of the Palomar Health Administrative Office located at 456 E. Grand Ave Escondido, CA 92025 – was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chair Kleiter CONCLUSION/ACTION FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINAL? st Quorum comprised of Directors Kleiter, Krider, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa, and Griffith – who attended remotely NOTICE OF MEETING The Notice of Meeting was mailed consistent with legal requirements Pursuant to California Civ. Code Section 3426.1(d) REPORT INVOLVING TRADE SECRET Discussion will concern Arch Health Partners II. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments III. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION Chair Kleiter adjourned the meeting to closed session APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Pursuant to California Civ. Code Section 3426.1(d) REPORT INVOLVING TRADE SECRET Discussion will concern Arch Health Partners IV. RE-ADJOURNMENT TO OPEN SESSION Chair Kleiter re-adjourned the meeting to open session V. ACTION RESULTING FROM CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSION, IF ANY 24 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION – MEETING MINUTES – Monday, June 25, 2014 AGENDA ITEM CONCLUSION/ACTION DISCUSSION FOLLOW UP RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINAL? MOTION: by Director Greer, 2nd by Director Krider to approve Arch Health Partners request for $3.5 million for budgeted capital expenditures through June 30, 2015, and a $16.4 million increase to the Line of Credit effective July 1, 2014, for budgeted operating expenses through June 30, 2015 for a total Line of Credit of $49.9 million. Roll-call voting was utilized. In favor: Directors Kleiter, Krider, Kaufman, Greer, Wickes, Yerxa and Griffith. Opposed: None. Motion passed unanimously. VI. FINAL ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. by Chair Kleiter BOARD SECRETARY LINDA C. GREER, R.N. BOARD ASSISTANT DEBBIE HOLLICK SIGNATURES: 25 2 D DR RA AFFTT Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board – Monday, October 7, 2013 – Open Session NOTICE OF MEETING Notice of meeting was mailed consistent with legal requirements. CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m. Chair Ted Kleiter, called to order the open session. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Quorum comprised of Director Bruce Krider, Director Aeron Wickes, Director Linda Greer, Chair Ted Kleiter, Director Steve Yerxa, Director Jeff Griffith, and Director Jerry Kaufman. AGENDA ITEM/ PRESENTER DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS/ACTION PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 2013 Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board – October 7, 2013 Chair Ted Kleiter turned the agenda over to Linda Greer, Chair of the Board Quality Review Committee who introduced Opal Reinbold, Chief Quality Officer. Opal Reinbold, MBA, Chief Quality Officer, presented the 2013 Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board Binder. Opal highlighted the following: Key Accomplishments 2012 – 2013: Patient Safety Physician Engagement Quality Improvement Clinical Resource Management Regulatory Challenges 2012 – 2013: Patient Satisfaction Reducing Harm to Patients Maximizing Decision Support Tools Patient Throughput Physician Engagement Involving Patients and Families in All We Do Key Focus Areas 2013 – 2014: Full Implementation of the VHA/IHI Patient Satisfaction Best Practices Continued Improvement of the Culture of Safety 26 FOLLOW-UP/ RESPONSIBLE PARTY/FINALIZED Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board – Monday, October 7, 2013 – Open Session Reduce Falls with injuries to zero Truven Decision Support Data Tool Kit implementation Continued Success and Support of the Nurse/Physician Dyads Full Implementation of the Patient Flow Best Practices Utilize the Joint Commission preparation Process to Enhance Patient Safety and Quality Maximize the Use of All Resources (Please refer to tabs 1- 4 in the binder.) A brief discussion ensued supporting the zero falls with injury goal. Jerry Kolins, MD, Chief Medical Quality Officer, introduced the Medical Director/Nurse Manager Dyad (see tab 5, page 1). Rae Anne Watson, RN, Sunny Bhalla, MD, George Moore, MD (Kaiser), and Diana Agnello, RN presented 8E & 8W Medical, Oncology, Palliative Care (see tab 5, page 4). Keyvan Esmaeili, MD and Virginia Barragan presented Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit (see tab 5, page 13). Jaime Rivas, MD and Joanne Barnett, RN presented Emergency Department Leadership Dyad (see tab 5, page 18). Meghan Jaremczuk, RN presented 4E and 4NW Surgical Acute Care, Surgical Progressive (see tab 5, page 22). Dr. Kolins presented a video featuring himself, Jay Grove, MD and Meghan Jaremczuk discussing the challenges and solutions to those challenges on the surgical units. Roger Acheatel, MD and Mel Russell, RN presented the 5E Cardiovascular Progressive Care (see tab 5, page 31). The Board and guests gave a round of applause to the panel for their presentation. Open Discussion: Michael Covert, CEO commented that he would like for the physician/nurse dyads to continue to meet as a group and 27 Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board – Monday, October 7, 2013 – Open Session reinforce each other’s dyads. He would like for these ideas to be shared across the system so it becomes more hardwired for these well-established dyads and nurtures the newer dyads and helps them to grow. Dr. Kolins commented that during his rounds he has observed different styles in different locations being used to achieve excellence, so the key to the successfulness of the dyads may be in the freedom to use creativity and real time quick problem solving. Opal Reinbold, CQO announced that the filming of the panel’s presentation is being done to make a composite video that can be taken “on the road” as a training tool for best practices and lessons learned to all of the dyads. Chair Ted Kleiter communicated that he was very impressed with this presentation and asked for comments from the Board. Bruce Krider stated that this presentation went above and beyond his expectations. Dr. Wickes stated that it was a great presentation. Linda Greer commented that she has seen the progress of quality through the years and she is thrilled and proud of everyone. She stated that the binder is very fulfilling and well organized. She is excited about the hourly rounding for nursing and rounding with the MDs and feels it will make a difference in becoming a partner with the physician. Steve Yerxa stated that this is his third year hearing this report and every year it gets exponentially better. It was an excellent report from everyone. Patient care and safety is what it is about, and it is rewarding to see such progress being made. Jeff Griffith stated that the crew mentality leads to problem solving which benefits patients and employees. He feels very positive and excited about what is happening. Jerry Kaufman stated that the collaboration and communication with physicians and nurses is really impressive. It is amazing to him how fast we have moved forward. It is a great example of what we can do when we communicate. He congratulated everyone for having done an outstanding job. 28 Quality/Patient Safety Annual Report to the Board – Monday, October 7, 2013 – Open Session Chair Ted Kleiter stated that the next challenge is to involve patients and families in reviewing our quality. Opal Reinbold, CQO presented the ISBARR video. MEETNG ADJOURNMENT 7:50 p.m. Chair Ted Kleiter, adjourned meeting. SIGNATURES Board Chair ____________________________________________ Ted Kleiter Secretary to Committee ____________________________________________ Lissa Melan 29 30 ADDENDUM B 31 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR MAY 2014 FISCAL YEAR 2014 32 FYTD14 MAY - TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE YEAR-TO-DATE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD ....................................................................................................................................... 3 BALANCE SHEET EXCLUDES G.O. BONDS........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 INCOME STATEMENTS MONTH-TO-DATE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 YEAR-TO-DATE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 CURRENT VS. PRIOR YEAR-TO-DATE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 FISCAL YEAR PROJECTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 MONTHLY TREND................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 CASH FLOW STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 BUDGET COMPARISON STATISTICAL INDICATORS STATISTICAL INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 PAYOR MIX......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION BALANCE SHEET INCLUDES GO BONDS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 YEAR-TO-DATE SUPPLIES EXPENSE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 33 FYTD14 MAY - EXECUTIVE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD Year-to-Date Month-to-Date Indicator Actual 3,978 5,927 10,191 329 592 1.49 Adjusted Discharges Case Mix Adjusted Discharges Acute Patient Days Average Daily Census Observation Discharges Case Mix Index Operating Income Net Income Operating Expenses (w/o Depr. ) / Adj. Dschg $ (872,556) $ $ (2,124,486) $ $ 12,228 $ Adjusted Discharges Case Mix Adjusted Discharges Acute Patient Days Average Daily Census Observation Discharges Case Mix Index 42,623 64,787 107,132 320 6,492 1.52 3 Budget 4,029 5,923 10,682 345 695 1.47 (355,504) $ (1,779,902) $ 11,925 43,843 66,641 115,473 345 6,601 1.52 Change (1.3%) 0.1% (4.6%) (4.6%) (14.82%) 1.36% (517,052) (344,584) (2.5%) (2.78%) (2.78%) (7.22%) (7.20%) (1.65%) 0.00% Operating Income Net Income Operating Expenses (w/o Depr. ) / Adj. Dschg $ (6,047,200) $ (7,073,952) $ $ (21,404,394) $ (22,749,667) $ $ 11,970 $ 11,969 1,026,752 1,345,273 (0.01%) EBIDA Margin % EBIDA $ (Earnings before Dept. & Int. Exp.) 11.12% 10.75% $ 61,871,678 $ 61,396,566 $ 0.37% 475,112 34 4 FYTD14 MAY - EXECUTIVE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD EBIDA GROWTH EXPENSES TRAILING YTD Dec-13 PAYOR MIX PATIENT DAYS 47 9 56 1,038 457 44 1,011 77 24 937 439 985 7 6 469 969 1,048 REHAB-ACUTE MHU 26% 10,559 Mar-14 25% 11% 10% 10% 6% 26% 9,770 Feb-14 25% 11% 11% 10% 6% 24% 13% 9% 24% 10,987 Jan-14 9,315 Dec-13 27% 9,372 Nov-13 26% 14% 10% 12% 24% 13% Oct-13 9,016 Sep-13 25% 9,068 Aug-13 25% 9,174 Jul-13 26% 11% 10% 9,226 PY AVG 26% 12% 8% 0% 10% 11% MEDICARE NICU 400 PMC O/P 600 PMC I/P 800 POM O/P 1,000 POM I/P 30% 3% 10% 9% 8% 8% 1% 3% 4% 3% 4% 30% 10% 5% 32% 9% 5% 32% 10% 5% 4% 31% 9% 4% 5% 31% 9% 3% 50% MEDI-CAL MCAL MGD 60% 70% SELF PAY 80% MGD CARE CAP 90% 100% OTHER 1,447 1,600 1,800 35 PY AVG - PMC O/P 4,000 PMC I/P POM O/P 66 86 90 89 57 96 9,770 49 95 10,019 57 101 10,331 16 10,261 31 112 22 1,694 PHDC I/P 12,125 21 48 119 289 1,802 1,379 14 15 1,708 8,000 PHDC O/P 61 85 386 336 POM I/P 52 69 299 325 305 2,230 6,000 69 84 308 2,252 0 2,000 10,060 2,257 10,099 18 10,229 17 77 Jul-13 10,922 25 1,595 23 9,587 34 79 1,613 1,651 320 Aug-13 10,618 24 21 281 1,548 11,225 34 1,956 1,624 260 Sep-13 1,900 304 Oct-13 1,504 2,023 1,845 296 1,640 986 1,516 Nov-13 1,025 922 Dec-13 2,254 1,524 1,876 Jan-14 955 1,583 937 Feb-14 926 Mar-14 1,434 894 1,503 865 Apr-14 876 1,499 839 111 97 106 May-14 885 92 101 119 120 128 1,400 PHDC I/P 1,590 - 4,734 5,254 5,111 5,078 5,139 4,860 4,703 5,840 4,888 5,252 5,219 5,469 100 97 151 126 125 1,200 PHDC O/P 108 143 158 166 156 179 167 164 161 77 125 85 129 114 198 118 147 169 295 286 280 276 499 471 243 491 452 200 174 236 436 PY AVG 343 248 291 270 551 409 Jul-13 - 203 475 525 464 460 385 359 Aug-13 264 385 385 387 385 Oct-13 Sep-13 133 Nov-13 135 Dec-13 126 499 Jan-14 147 515 368 Feb-14 247 369 Mar-14 569 0 329 Apr-14 6% 3% 6% 40% 32% 4% 11% 26% 5% 3% 5% 10% TOTAL ER VISITS Jun-14 May-14 6% 10% 24% 3% 6% 9% 30% MCAR MGD 6% 9% 11% 20% 6% 8% 11% 27% 2% 6% 6% 8% TOTAL SURGERIES Jun-14 9% 9,948 12,000 3% 10% 7% 12% 27% 8% 14% 2,133 LAB/DEL/REC 10,000 Apr-14 2,187 PROGRESSIVE/MED-SURG 8,000 9,732 2,140 2,002 2,120 1,997 ICU/CCU 6,000 May-14 1,219 1,900 4,000 10,191 2,160 2,000 42 970 991 894 404 434 491 451 859 414 727 836 - 876 5,830 816 906 5,825 880 5,745 980 PY AVG 51 945 486 521 1,076 473 849 884 749 7,260 6,206 6,171 937 Jul-13 1,120 6,410 1,162 859 Aug-13 5,842 Oct-13 Sep-13 37 966 Nov-13 1,091 6,428 1,282 Dec-13 40 7,012 1,124 Jan-14 1,084 6,216 1,119 Feb-14 606 6,531 995 Mar-14 940 976 Apr-14 916 Jun-14 Jun-14 May-14 20 10,000 TRAUMA O/P 12,000 TRAUMA I/P 14,000 5 FYTD14 MAY - EXECUTIVE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD Statistical Indicators Actual Adjusted Discharges Average Daily Census Acute Patient Days Acute Average Length of Stay Total Surgeries Births ER to Admit Rate SNF Patient Days Total ER Visits & Admits OP Registrations Budget Variance Ratios & Indicators Var % 42,623 320 43,843 345 (1,220) (25) (2.8%) (7.2%) 107,132 4.02 16,954 4,163 13.4% 115,473 4.11 16,724 4,774 12.6% (8,341) (0.09) 230 (611) 0.8% (7.2%) (2.2%) 1.4% (12.8%) 6.3% 42,261 115,659 62,498 47,943 116,072 58,962 (5,682) (413) 3,536 (11.9%) (.4%) 6.0% Actual EBIDA w/Prop Tax OEBIDA w/Prop Tax EBIDA Margin w/Prop Tax OEBIDA Margin w/Prop Tax Expenses/Adj. Discharges SWB/Adj. Discharges Supplies/Adj. Discharges Productivity % Productive FTEs Paid FTEs Days Cash-on-Hand Balance Sheet Current Month Budget 61,871,678 61,396,566 58,291,881 58,438,247 11.12% 10.75% 10.48% 10.23% 13,194 13,185 7,474 7,340 1,831 1,769 98.2% 100.0% 3,087.1 3,031.8 3,443.3 3,346.8 77 80 Income Statement Prior Month Actual Budget Variance Var % Gross Revenue Net Patient Revenue Total Revenue 2,466,394,726 537,616,729 556,313,221 2,506,037,239 560,169,381 570,998,697 (39,642,513) (22,552,652) (14,685,476) (1.6%) (4.0%) (2.6%) SWB Supplies Depreciation Total Expenses 318,555,817 78,061,018 52,147,414 562,360,421 321,820,100 77,562,796 53,320,532 578,072,649 3,264,283 (498,222) 1,173,118 15,712,228 1.0% (.6%) 2.2% 2.7% (6,047,200) 12,191,667 31,128,658 1,521,524 (21,404,394) (7,073,952) 12,191,667 30,825,701 1,465,775 (22,749,667) 1,026,752 0 (302,957) 55,749 1,345,273 14.5% 0.0% (1.0%) 3.8% 5.9% Assets: Total Cash 98,784,218 Net A/R 114,729,069 Current Assets 241,704,594 Net PPE 1,209,831,727 Total Assets 1,605,712,826 85,998,362 115,098,545 232,146,406 1,213,325,483 1,618,545,229 Liabilities: Current Liabilities 97,109,349 L-T Liabilities 1,155,952,652 Fund Balance 352,650,825 107,848,757 1,154,348,895 356,347,577 Operating Income Property Tax Interest Expense Interest Income Net Income 36 Variance 475,112 (146,366) 0.37% 0.25% (9) (134) (62) (1.6%) (48.3) (90.9) (3) 6 FYTD14 MAY - BALANCE SHEET CONSOLIDATED (EXCLUDES G.O. BONDS) Current Month Prior Month Prior Fiscal Year End Current Month Assets Current Assets Cash on Hand Cash Marketable Securities Total Cash & Equivalents $35,339,617 63,444,601 98,784,218 $23,410,985 62,587,377 85,998,362 $19,031,791 99,631,070 118,662,861 Patient Accounts Receivable Allowance on Accounts Net Accounts Receivable 331,547,200 (216,818,131) 114,729,069 365,218,918 (250,120,373) 115,098,545 311,476,029 (193,391,186) 118,084,843 Inventories Prepaid Expenses Est Third Party Settlements Other Total Current Assets 10,123,632 7,221,950 8,614,217 4,624,896 244,097,982 10,131,755 7,140,001 8,614,217 6,494,378 233,477,258 9,775,241 3,129,770 10,412,883 7,532,655 267,598,253 55,894,850 341,201 20,495,968 76,732,019 77,981,205 331,811 21,164,598 99,477,614 67,969,815 329,089 0 68,298,904 Property Plant & Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Construction in Process Net Property Plant & Equipment 1,546,182,686 (369,677,813) 33,326,854 1,209,831,727 1,546,481,986 (365,205,484) 32,048,981 1,213,325,483 1,546,149,850 (318,680,264) 33,110,920 1,260,580,506 Investment in Related Companies Deferred Financing Costs Other Non-Current Assets Total Non-Current Assets 2,132,218 11,786,002 35,533,849 1,336,015,815 2,159,251 11,869,283 33,845,540 1,360,677,171 3,159,356 12,552,853 15,825,246 1,360,416,865 $1,580,113,797 $1,594,154,429 $1,628,015,118 Non-Current Assets Restricted Assets Restricted by Donor Board Designated Total Restricted Assets Total Assets Prior Fiscal Year End Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Accrued PTO Accrued Interest Payable Current Portion of Bonds Est Third Party Settlements Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities $14,885,856 16,014,419 19,870,985 2,086,583 0 10,743,459 25,691,410 89,292,712 $11,037,354 13,146,852 19,716,776 12,715,877 7,855,000 9,472,422 27,122,351 101,066,632 $26,246,477 17,257,634 19,922,142 4,305,410 7,455,000 8,693,463 23,348,093 107,228,219 Long Term Liabilities Other LT Liabilities Bonds & Contracts Payable Total Long Term Liabilities 763,322 586,649,174 587,412,496 793,513 586,583,178 587,376,691 1,014,105 593,961,506 594,975,611 General Fund Balance Unrestricted Restricted for Other Purpose Board Designated Total Fund Balance 882,571,420 341,201 20,495,968 903,408,589 884,214,697 331,811 21,164,598 905,711,106 925,482,199 329,089 0 925,811,288 $1,580,113,797 $1,594,154,429 $1,628,015,118 Total Liabilities / Fund Balance 37 Prior Month FYTD14 MAY- INCOME STATEMENT: MONTH-TO-DATE CONSOLIDATED – ADJUSTED DISCHARGES Actual Statistics: Admissions - Acute Admissions - SNF Patient Days - Acute Patient Days - SNF ALOS - Acute ALOS - SNF Adjusted Discharges Revenue: Gross Revenue Deductions from Rev Net Patient Revenue Other Oper Revenue Total Net Revenue 2,473 44 10,191 3,577 4.13 67.49 3,978 $ Expenses: Salaries, Wages & Contr Labor Benefits Supplies Prof Fees & Purch Svc Depreciation Other Total Expenses Property Tax Revenue 1 Non-Operating Income 12 EBIDA Margin OEBIDA Margin w/o Prop Tax OEBIDA Margin with Prop Tax $ 2,597 51 10,682 3,713 4.11 72.80 4,029 233,618,360 $ 231,072,712 $ (182,036,723) (179,518,702) 51,581,637 51,554,010 984,999 994,882 52,566,636 52,548,892 23,613,014 6,404,580 7,311,587 8,227,355 4,797,381 3,085,275 53,439,192 Net Inc Before Non-Oper Income Net Income (Loss) Budget 23,703,201 5,696,170 7,132,906 8,388,580 4,857,608 3,125,931 52,904,396 7 Variance Volume Rate/Eff Variance Actual $/Adjusted Discharges Budget Variance (124) (7) (491) (136) 0.02 (5.31) (51) 2,545,648 (2,518,021) 27,627 (9,883) 17,744 90,187 (708,410) (178,681) 161,225 60,227 40,656 (534,796) F $ U F U F (2,924,971) $ 2,272,389 (652,582) (12,593) (665,176) 5,470,619 $ 58,727.59 $ 57,352.37 $ (4,790,410) (45,760.87) (44,556.64) 680,209 12,966.73 12,795.73 2,710 247.61 246.93 682,920 13,214.34 13,042.66 F U U F F F U 300,041 72,103 90,290 106,185 61,489 39,569 669,676 (209,854) (780,513) (268,971) 55,040 (1,262) 1,087 (1,204,472) 5,935.90 1,610.00 1,838.01 2,068.21 1,205.98 775.58 13,433.68 5,883.15 1,413.79 1,770.39 2,082.05 1,205.66 775.86 13,130.90 1,375.22 (1,204.23) 170.99 0.68 171.67 (52.75) (196.21) (67.61) 13.84 (0.32) 0.27 (302.78) (872,556) (355,504) (517,052) U 4,500 (521,552) (219.35) (88.24) (131.11) 1,108,333 (2,360,263) 1,108,333 (2,532,731) 172,468 F (14,030) 32,060 14,030 140,408 278.62 (593.33) 275.09 (628.63) 3.53 35.30 (2,124,486) $ (1,779,902) $ (534.06) $ (441.77) $ 10.38% 7.47% 9.57% 11.19% 8.57% 10.68% (344,584) U $ (0.81%) (1.10%) (1.11%) F= Favorable variance U= Unfavorable variance 1= Property Tax Revenue does not include G.O. Bonds Levy 2= Interest Expense does not include G.O. Bonds Interest 38 22,530 $ (367,114) $ (92.29) FYTD14 MAY - INCOME STATEMENT: YEAR-TO-DATE CONSOLIDATED – ADJUSTED DISCHARGES Actual Statistics: Admissions - Acute Admissions - SNF Patient Days - Acute Patient Days - SNF ALOS - Acute ALOS - SNF Adjusted Discharges Revenue: Gross Revenue Deductions from Rev Net Patient Revenue Other Oper Revenue Total Net Revenue 26,603 538 107,132 42,261 4.02 65.83 42,623 252,132,045 66,423,772 78,061,018 84,725,003 52,147,414 28,871,169 562,360,421 Net Inc Before Non-Oper Income Property Tax Revenue 1 Non-Operating Income 2 EBIDA Margin OEBIDA Margin w/o Prop Tax OEBIDA Margin with Prop Tax 28,097 725 115,473 47,943 4.11 53.33 43,843 $ 2,466,394,726 $ 2,506,037,239 $ (1,928,777,997) (1,945,867,858) 537,616,729 560,169,381 18,696,492 10,829,316 556,313,221 570,998,697 Expenses: Salaries, Wages & Contr Labor Benefits Supplies Prof Fees & Purch Svc Depreciation Other Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Budget $ 259,240,626 62,579,474 77,562,796 91,199,878 53,320,532 34,169,343 578,072,649 8 Variance Volume Rate/Eff Variance $/Adjusted Discharges Budget Variance (1,494) (187) (8,341) (5,682) (0.09) 12.50 (1,220) (39,642,513) 17,089,861 (22,552,652) 7,867,176 (14,685,476) 7,108,581 (3,844,298) (498,222) 6,474,875 1,173,118 5,298,174 15,712,228 U $ F U F U (69,734,403) $ 30,091,890 $ 57,865.35 $ 54,146,814 (37,056,953) (45,252.05) (15,587,589) (6,965,063) 12,613.30 (301,343) 8,168,519 438.65 (15,888,931) 1,203,455 13,051.95 196,844 829,908 (141.88) (161.35) 19.47 (339,252) 775,453 339,252 (456,932) 286.03 (646.34) 278.08 (635.62) 7.96 (10.72) (502.18) $ (518.89) $ 1,026,752 F 12,191,667 (27,548,861) 12,191,667 (27,867,382) 318,521 F (21,404,394) $ (22,749,667) $ 11.12% 8.29% 10.48% 10.75% 8.10% 10.23% 1,345,273 F $ 0.37% 0.19% 0.25% F= Favorable variance U= Unfavorable variance 39 633,045 $ 712,228 $ 5,915.40 1,558.40 1,831.43 1,987.78 1,223.46 677.36 13,193.83 5,912.93 1,427.35 1,769.10 2,080.15 1,216.17 779.36 13,185.06 706.00 (869.41) (163.41) 191.65 28.23 7,213,776 1,741,372 2,158,306 2,537,779 1,483,727 950,815 16,085,775 (7,073,952) (105,195) (5,585,670) (2,656,528) 3,937,096 (310,609) 4,347,359 (373,547) 57,159.35 $ (44,382.63) 12,776.71 247.00 13,023.71 F U U F F F F (6,047,200) 1= Property Tax Revenue does not include G.O. Bonds Levy 2= Interest Expense does not include G.O. Bonds Interest Actual (2.47) (131.05) (62.33) 92.37 (7.29) 102.00 (8.76) 16.71 FYTD14 MAY - INCOME STATEMENT: CURRENT VS. PRIOR YEAR-TO-DATE CONSOLIDATED – ADJUSTED DISCHARGES Variance May 14 YTD Statistics: Admissions - Acute Admissions - SNF Patient Days - Acute Patient Days - SNF ALOS - Acute ALOS - SNF Adjusted Discharges Revenue: Gross Revenue Deductions from Rev Net Patient Revenue Other Oper Revenue Total Net Revenue 26,603 538 107,132 42,261 4.02 65.83 42,623 252,132,045 66,423,772 78,061,018 84,725,003 52,147,414 28,871,169 562,360,421 Net Inc Before Non-Oper Income Property Tax Revenue 1 Non-Operating Income 2 EBIDA Margin OEBIDA Margin w/o Prop Tax OEBIDA Margin with Prop Tax 24,679 1,114 101,330 66,921 4.11 60.56 39,648 $ 2,466,394,726 $ 2,184,660,964 $ (1,928,777,997) (1,662,608,048) 537,616,729 522,052,916 18,696,492 10,797,561 556,313,221 532,850,477 Expenses: Salaries, Wages & Contr Labor Benefits Supplies Prof Fees & Purch Svc Depreciation Other Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) May 13 YTD $ Variance Volume 9 $/Adjusted Discharges Rate/Eff Actual FY14 Actual FY13 Variance 1,924 (576) 5,802 (24,660) (0.09) 5.27 2,975 281,733,762 (266,169,949) 15,563,813 7,898,931 23,462,744 F $ 163,926,714 $ U (124,754,312) F 39,172,403 F 810,198 F 39,982,601 117,807,048 $ 57,865.35 $ 55,101.42 $ (141,415,637) (45,252.05) (41,934.22) (23,608,590) 12,613.30 13,167.19 7,088,733 438.65 272.34 (16,519,857) 13,051.95 13,439.53 264,172,366 67,278,083 75,121,120 75,555,495 52,042,466 28,547,793 562,717,323 12,040,321 854,311 (2,939,898) (9,169,508) (104,948) (323,376) 356,902 F F U U U U F (19,822,256) (5,048,232) (5,636,737) (5,669,330) (3,905,023) (2,142,093) (42,223,669) 31,862,577 5,902,543 2,696,839 (3,500,178) 3,800,075 1,818,717 42,580,571 (6,047,200) (29,866,846) 23,819,646 F (2,241,068) 26,060,714 (141.88) (753.30) 611.42 12,191,667 (27,548,861) 12,191,667 (23,155,977) (4,392,884) U 914,806 (1,737,516) (914,806) (2,655,368) 286.03 (646.34) 307.50 (584.04) (21.46) (62.30) (21,404,394) $ (40,831,156) $ 19,426,762 F $ (3,063,778) $ 22,490,540 $ (502.18) $ (1,029.84) $ 11.12% 8.29% 10.48% 7.14% 4.16% 6.45% 3.98% 4.13% 4.03% F= Favorable variance U= Unfavorable variance 1= Property Tax Revenue does not include G.O. Bonds Levy 2= Interest Expense does not include G.O. Bonds Interest 40 5,915.40 1,558.40 1,831.43 1,987.78 1,223.46 677.36 13,193.83 6,662.94 1,696.88 1,894.70 1,905.66 1,312.61 720.03 14,192.83 2,763.93 (3,317.82) (553.89) 166.31 (387.58) 747.54 138.48 63.27 (82.12) 89.16 42.67 999.00 527.66 FYTD14 MAY - INCOME STATEMENT: FISCAL YEAR PROJECTION CONSOLIDATED – ADJUSTED DISCHARGES 11 Act + 1 Bud Statistics: Admissions - Acute Admissions - SNF Patient Days - Acute Patient Days - SNF Adjusted Discharges Revenue: Gross Revenue Deductions from Rev Net Patient Revenue Other Oper Revenue Total Net Revenue 29,127 588 117,483 45,855 46,540 $ Expenses: Salaries, Wages & Contr Labor Benefits Supplies Prof Fees & Purch Svc Depreciation Other Total Expenses Property Tax Revenue 1 Non-Operating Income 2 $ 30,621 775 125,824 51,537 47,760 2,690,240,168 $ 2,729,882,681 $ (2,102,747,247) (2,119,837,108) 587,492,921 610,045,573 19,672,336 11,805,160 607,165,257 621,850,733 275,119,922 72,037,811 84,983,158 92,874,848 57,005,022 31,940,603 613,961,364 Net Inc Before Non-Oper Income Net Income (Loss) FY 14 Budget 282,228,503 68,193,514 84,484,936 99,349,723 58,178,140 37,238,777 629,673,593 Variance Volume Variance Rate/Eff $/Adjusted Discharges Actual Budget Variance (1,494) (187) (8,341) (5,682) (1,220) (39,642,513) 17,089,861 (22,552,652) 7,867,176 (14,685,476) 7,108,581 (3,844,298) (498,222) 6,474,875 1,173,118 5,298,174 15,712,228 U $ F U F U 826,923 (146.03) (163.80) 17.77 (339,740) 776,598 339,740 (458,077) 285.78 (646.40) 278.48 (636.56) 7.30 (9.84) (506.65) $ (521.87) $ 15.23 13,300,000 (30,083,363) 13,300,000 (30,401,884) 318,521 F (23,579,470) $ (24,924,744) $ 1,345,273 F $ 636,687 $ (100,774) (5,586,259) (2,656,338) 3,937,047 (313,007) 4,346,932 (372,398) 708,587 $ 5,911.47 1,547.87 1,826.02 1,995.59 1,224.86 686.30 13,192.12 5,909.31 1,427.84 1,768.95 2,080.19 1,218.14 779.71 13,184.12 646.56 (796.31) (149.75) 175.52 25.77 199,830 1,026,752 F 41 30,090,671 $ 57,804.90 $ 57,158.35 $ (37,060,082) (45,181.51) (44,385.20) (6,969,411) 12,623.40 12,773.15 8,168,732 422.70 247.18 1,199,321 13,046.09 13,020.33 7,209,355 1,741,962 2,158,116 2,537,828 1,486,125 951,242 16,084,627 (7,822,860) F= Favorable variance U= Unfavorable variance (69,733,184) $ 54,149,943 (15,583,241) (301,556) (15,884,797) F U U F F F F (6,796,107) 1= Property Tax Revenue does not include G.O. Bonds Levy 2= Interest Expense does not include G.O. Bonds Interest 10 (2.17) (120.03) (57.08) 84.59 (6.73) 93.40 (8.00) FYTD14 MAY - INCOME STATEMENT: CURRENT YEAR TREND CONSOLIDATED Jul Statistics: Admissions - Acute Admissions - SNF Patient Days - Acute Patient Days - SNF ALOS - Acute ALOS - SNF Adjusted Discharges Revenue: Gross Revenue Deductions from Rev Net Patient Revenue Other Oper Revenue Total Net Revenue 2,311 43 9,124 5,466 3.97 51.57 3,867 $ Expenses: Salaries, Wages & Contr Labor Benefits Supplies Prof Fees & Purch Svc Depreciation Other Total Expenses Net Inc Before Non-Oper Income Property Tax Revenue 1 Non-Operating Income12 Net Income (Loss) EBIDA Margin OEBIDA Margin w/o Prop Tax OEBIDA Margin with Prop Tax Aug $ 220,887,303 $ (167,967,281) 52,920,022 964,356 53,884,378 Sep 2,323 52 9,044 3,897 3.91 46.95 3,873 217,226,828 $ (166,640,306) 50,586,522 1,036,527 51,623,049 23,530,644 6,673,813 7,389,287 8,352,115 4,956,574 2,977,765 53,880,198 22,136,700 6,233,749 7,181,924 8,261,013 4,947,529 2,804,863 51,565,778 4,180 57,271 Oct 2,317 52 8,986 3,829 3.85 81.47 3,759 210,963,387 $ (164,825,934) 46,137,453 3,711,135 49,848,588 22,629,978 6,198,245 6,510,236 7,879,093 4,448,348 2,675,652 50,341,552 (492,964) Nov 2,494 54 9,906 3,826 4.04 64.85 3,876 234,825,988 $ (185,082,521) 49,743,467 1,015,155 50,758,622 22,972,363 5,904,093 7,296,628 7,577,415 4,759,922 2,103,813 50,614,234 144,388 Dec 2,334 47 9,336 3,559 3.95 77.37 3,752 215,056,684 $ (167,514,812) 47,541,872 980,941 48,522,813 22,834,299 5,822,820 6,475,443 7,478,322 4,759,059 1,955,553 49,325,496 Jan 2,443 41 9,497 3,453 3.80 80.30 3,893 219,997,081 $ (173,889,450) 46,107,631 1,006,335 47,113,966 22,344,212 5,582,819 7,338,190 6,513,013 4,760,543 1,975,724 48,514,501 (802,683) (1,400,535) 1,108,333 (2,576,791) 1,108,333 (2,768,091) 1,108,333 (2,372,889) 1,108,333 (2,584,851) 1,108,333 (2,521,652) 1,108,333 (2,388,401) (1,464,278) $ (1,602,487) $ (1,757,520) $ (1,332,130) $ (2,216,002) $ (2,680,603) $ 11.78% 9.21% 11.26% 11.95% 9.69% 11.84% 11.09% 7.93% 10.16% 12.48% 9.66% 11.85% 10.88% 8.15% 10.44% 10.39% 7.13% 9.48% 1= Property Tax Revenue does not include G.O. Bonds Levy 2= Interest Expense does not include G.O. Bonds Interest 42 11 2,723 57 10,987 3,773 4.10 73.98 4,150 244,390,833 $ (194,511,620) 49,879,213 1,013,796 50,893,009 23,444,663 6,014,601 7,154,371 7,652,254 4,690,328 1,887,854 50,844,071 48,938 1,108,333 (2,141,842) (984,571) $ 12.98% 9.31% 11.49% Feb Mar 2,306 52 9,770 3,401 4.23 60.73 3,622 216,335,653 $ (170,699,970) 45,635,683 998,303 46,633,986 21,950,209 5,173,976 6,812,762 6,887,454 4,687,010 2,538,319 48,049,730 2,490 51 10,559 3,772 4.12 78.58 4,000 232,172,711 $ (184,632,883) 47,539,828 5,763,592 53,303,420 23,536,139 6,171,470 7,564,764 7,879,958 4,698,667 3,703,734 53,554,732 Apr May 2,389 45 9,732 3,708 4.08 74.16 3,853 220,919,898 $ (170,976,492) 49,943,406 1,221,354 51,164,760 23,139,764 6,243,664 7,025,825 8,017,009 4,642,053 3,162,615 52,230,930 2,473 44 10,191 3,577 4.13 67.49 3,978 YTD 26,603 538 107,132 42,261 4.02 65.83 42,623 233,618,360 $ 2,466,394,726 (182,036,723) (1,928,777,997) 51,581,637 537,616,729 984,999 18,696,492 52,566,636 556,313,221 23,613,014 6,404,580 7,311,587 8,227,355 4,797,381 3,085,275 53,439,192 252,132,045 66,423,772 78,061,018 84,725,003 52,147,414 28,871,169 562,360,421 (1,415,744) (251,312) (1,066,170) (872,556) (6,047,200) 1,108,333 (2,575,556) 1,108,333 (2,575,239) 1,108,333 (2,683,288) 1,108,333 (2,360,263) 12,191,667 (27,548,861) (2,882,967) $ (1,718,218) $ (2,641,125) $ (2,124,486) $ (21,404,394) 9.89% 7.01% 9.39% 10.79% 8.34% 10.42% 9.55% 6.99% 9.16% 10.38% 7.47% 9.57% 11.12% 8.29% 10.48% 12 FYTD14 MAY - CASH FLOW STATEMENT May CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Income (Loss) from operations Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation Expense Provision for bad debts Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Patient accounts receivable Property Tax and other receivables Inventories Prepaid expenses and other current assets Accounts payable Accrued compensation Estimated settlement amounts due third-party payors Other current liabilities Net cash provided by operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Net (purchases) sales of investments Income (Loss) on investments Investment in affiliates Net cash used in investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Receipt of G.O. Bond Taxes Receipt of District Taxes Net cash used in non-capital financing activities CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Acquisition of property plant and equipment Deferred Financing Costs G.O. Bond Interest paid Revenue Bond Interest paid Payments of Long Term Debt Net cash used in activities $ (872,556) YTD $ 4,797,381 6,257,018 (6,047,200) 52,147,414 103,244,305 (5,887,542) (20,035) 8,123 (54,916) 3,848,502 3,021,776 1,271,037 (313,757) 12,055,031 (99,888,526) (14,752,342) (348,391) (8,787,194) (9,929,101) (1,294,372) 3,848,662 23,267,477 41,460,732 19,575,669 288,439 (1,685,643) 18,178,465 24,416,895 1,528,893 (18,285,473) 7,660,315 2,312,537 1,723,000 4,035,537 16,222,344 14,120,717 30,343,061 (1,290,353) 125,218 0 (13,290,075) (7,885,191) (22,340,401) (2,328,493) 1,228,390 (12,220,223) (31,574,833) (18,261,124) (63,156,282) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 11,928,632 16,307,826 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - Beginning of period 23,410,985 19,031,791 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - End of period 43 $ 35,339,617 $ 35,339,617 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS ADJUSTED DISCHARGES - CONSOLIDATED 13 4,500 50,000 45,000 4,000 40,000 3,500 35,000 3,000 30,000 2,500 25,000 2,000 20,000 1,500 15,000 1,000 10,000 500 5,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 2,989 859 3,867 2,994 858 3,873 2,866 876 3,759 2,965 894 3,876 2,854 878 3,752 2,984 886 3,893 3,141 987 4,148 44 2,747 854 3,622 3,025 954 4,000 2,949 884 3,853 3,015 949 3,978 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 32,529 9,879 42,623 34,148 9,695 43,843 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS PATIENT DAYS – ACUTE 14 12,000 140,000 120,000 10,000 100,000 8,000 80,000 6,000 60,000 4,000 40,000 2,000 20,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 7,066 2,108 9,174 7,173 1,895 9,068 7,139 1,877 9,016 7,816 2,132 9,948 7,377 1,995 9,372 7,277 2,038 9,315 8,611 2,376 45 10,987 7,669 2,101 9,770 8,389 2,170 10,559 7,729 2,003 9,732 8,032 2,159 10,191 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 84,278 22,854 107,132 93,680 21,793 115,473 - MEDICARE 17 4915 35- 14 15 19 6 30 14 6- 602 30 636 KAISER MEDI-CAL SELF PAY CMS 8 - 26 19 1- 33 11 17 500 600 OTHER 606 700 COVERED CA 689 668 17 5- 14 400 46 36 9 215 221 162 MANAGED CARE 300 584 3- 9 216 192 200 13 4- 13 4- 554 5 209 6 35 17 12- 9 44- 2 532 175 488 182 187 218 100 581 5 7 185 19 213 174 201 185 165 240 PY AVG 592 566 39 254 190 Jul-13 221 Aug-13 182 146 Sep-13 206 151 Oct-13 237 142 130 147 132 Nov-13 133 Dec-13 153 Jan-14 140 Feb-14 149 Mar-14 19 22 133 Apr-14 15 161 - May-14 - Jun-14 136 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS OBSERVATION DISCHARGES 800 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY – ACUTE 16 4.25 4.65 4.15 4.45 4.05 3.95 4.25 3.85 4.05 3.75 3.85 3.65 3.55 3.65 3.45 3.45 3.35 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 3.92 4.27 3.99 3.87 4.11 3.92 3.88 3.81 3.86 4.03 4.16 4.06 3.98 3.88 3.96 3.74 3.99 3.81 4.12 4.02 47 4.10 4.24 4.17 4.23 4.18 3.90 4.12 4.11 3.97 4.08 4.13 4.11 4.13 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 3.25 North 3.25 FY2014 Budget 4.02 4.03 4.02 4.13 4.02 4.11 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS – ACUTE 17 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 228 68 296 231 61 293 238 63 301 252 69 321 246 67 312 235 66 300 Jan-14 278 77 48 354 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 274 75 349 271 70 341 258 67 324 259 70 329 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons 0 South 0 North 50 Cons 50 South 100 North 100 Cons 150 South 150 North 200 Cons 200 South 250 North 250 Cons 300 South 300 North 350 Cons 350 South 400 North 400 FY2014 Budget 252 68 320 280 65 345 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS SURGERIES – INPATIENT ONLY 18 900 9,000 800 8,000 700 7,000 600 6,000 500 5,000 400 4,000 300 3,000 200 2,000 100 1,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 598 158 756 562 166 728 605 156 761 654 179 833 553 167 720 545 164 709 Jan-14 607 161 49 768 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 545 169 714 576 174 750 621 147 768 660 147 807 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 6,526 1,788 8,314 6,103 1,922 8,025 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS SURGERIES – OUTPATIENT ONLY 19 900 10,000 9,000 800 8,000 700 7,000 600 6,000 500 5,000 400 4,000 300 3,000 200 2,000 100 1,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 564 286 850 534 280 814 494 243 737 504 295 799 518 270 788 513 291 804 Jan-14 536 264 50 800 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 510 203 713 497 248 745 487 236 723 527 247 774 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 5,684 2,863 8,547 5,174 3,449 8,623 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS SURGERIES - CVS 20 16 100 90 14 80 12 70 10 60 8 50 40 6 30 4 20 2 10 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 7 0 7 6 0 6 6 0 6 8 0 8 8 0 8 11 0 11 Jan-14 15 0 51 15 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 7 0 7 8 0 8 8 0 8 9 0 9 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 93 0 93 76 0 76 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS TOTAL SURGERIES 21 1,800 18,000 1,600 16,000 1,400 14,000 1,200 12,000 1,000 10,000 800 8,000 600 6,000 400 4,000 200 2,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 1,169 444 1,613 1,102 446 1,548 1,105 399 1,504 1,166 474 1,640 1,079 437 1,516 1,069 455 1,524 1,158 425 52 1,583 1,062 372 1,434 1,081 422 1,503 1,116 383 1,499 1,196 394 1,590 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 12,303 4,651 16,954 11,353 5,371 16,724 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS OUTPATIENT REGISTRATIONS (EXCLUDES LAB) 22 8,000 70,000 7,000 60,000 6,000 50,000 5,000 40,000 4,000 30,000 3,000 20,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 3,384 1,958 5,342 3,302 1,904 5,206 3,030 1,792 4,822 3,726 2,118 5,844 3,087 1,720 4,807 3,545 2,042 5,587 4,156 2,286 53 6,442 3,507 2,015 5,522 4,025 2,287 6,312 4,182 2,308 6,490 3,998 2,126 6,124 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 39,942 22,556 62,498 33,033 25,929 58,962 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS ER VISITS (INCLUDES TRAUMA) – OUTPATIENT ONLY 23 12,000 120,000 10,000 100,000 8,000 80,000 6,000 60,000 4,000 40,000 2,000 20,000 North South Cons C/Day Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 6,872 2,120 8,992 290 6,823 1,997 8,820 285 6,808 2,140 8,948 298 6,957 2,002 8,959 289 6,526 1,876 8,402 280 6,348 2,254 8,602 277 8,111 2,230 54 10,341 334 6,754 1,900 8,654 309 7,233 2,187 9,420 304 7,143 2,133 9,276 309 7,526 2,252 9,778 315 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 77,101 23,091 100,192 299 77,187 24,262 101,449 303 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS ER ADMISSIONS (INCLUDES TRAUMA) – INPATIENT ONLY 24 1,800 18,000 1,600 16,000 1,400 14,000 1,200 12,000 1,000 10,000 800 8,000 600 6,000 400 4,000 200 2,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 933 304 1,237 1,019 260 1,279 1,032 281 1,313 1,052 320 1,372 1,079 289 1,368 1,081 336 1,417 1,398 386 55 1,784 1,101 305 1,406 1,177 325 1,502 1,043 299 1,342 1,139 308 1,447 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 12,054 3,413 15,467 11,434 3,189 14,623 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS TOTAL ER VISITS (INCLUDES TRAUMA & ADMISSIONS) 25 14,000 140,000 12,000 120,000 10,000 100,000 8,000 80,000 6,000 60,000 4,000 40,000 2,000 20,000 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 7,805 2,424 10,229 7,842 2,257 10,099 7,840 2,421 10,261 8,009 2,322 10,331 7,605 2,165 9,770 7,429 2,590 10,019 9,509 2,616 56 12,125 7,855 2,205 10,060 8,410 2,512 10,922 8,186 2,432 10,618 8,665 2,560 11,225 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 89,155 26,504 115,659 88,621 27,451 116,072 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS ER CONVERSION (ER ADMISSIONS AS %-AGE OF ER VISITS) 26 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 12.0% 12.5% 12.1% 13.0% 11.5% 12.7% 13.2% 11.6% 12.8% 13.1% 13.8% 13.3% 14.2% 13.3% 14.0% 14.6% 13.0% 14.1% 14.7% 14.8% 14.7% 57 14.0% 13.8% 14.0% 14.0% 12.9% 13.8% 12.7% 12.3% 12.6% 13.1% 12.0% 12.9% Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North 8.5% Cons 8.5% South 9.5% North 9.5% Cons 10.5% South 10.5% North 11.5% Cons 11.5% South 12.5% North 12.5% Cons 13.5% South 13.5% North 14.5% Cons 14.5% South 15.5% North 15.5% FY2014 Budget 13.5% 12.9% 13.4% 12.9% 11.6% 12.6% FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS TRAUMA CASES 27 160 1,400 140 1,200 120 1,000 100 800 80 600 60 400 40 200 20 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 100 0 100 130 0 130 141 0 141 117 0 117 111 0 111 116 0 116 Jan-14 103 0 58 103 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 106 0 106 111 0 111 93 0 93 118 0 118 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 1,246 0 1,246 1,180 0 1,180 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS TRAUMA ADMISSIONS 28 140 1,200 120 1,000 100 800 80 600 60 400 40 200 20 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 77 0 77 112 0 112 119 0 119 101 0 101 96 0 96 95 0 95 Jan-14 89 0 89 59 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 85 0 85 86 0 86 69 0 69 84 0 84 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 1,013 0 1,013 1,003 0 1,003 FYTD14 MAY - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS DELIVERIES 29 500 6,000 450 5,000 400 350 4,000 300 250 3,000 200 2,000 150 100 1,000 50 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 277 91 368 282 116 398 288 124 412 292 105 397 253 121 374 233 98 331 237 142 379 234 113 347 252 122 374 272 115 387 266 130 396 60 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 0 North 0 FY2014 Budget 2,886 1,277 4,163 3,663 1,111 4,774 FYTD14 APRIL - BUDGET COMPARISON: STATISTICAL INDICATORS KAISER AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 30 100.00 100.00 90.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 Jul-13 North South Cons 68.20 Aug-13 64.10 Sep-13 67.40 Oct-13 62.70 Nov-13 66.80 Dec-13 66.90 Jan-14 69.90 61 Feb-14 64.00 Mar-14 56.30 Apr-14 65.80 May-14 77.00 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South - North - FY2014 65.80 Budget 87.40 FYTD14 MAY - PAYOR MIX 31 PAYOR MIX Jun-14 May-14 24% 14% 10% 8% 3% 27% 10% Apr-14 26% Mar-14 25% 11% 10% 10% 6% 26% Feb-14 25% 11% 11% 10% 6% 24% Jan-14 24% 13% 9% Dec-13 27% Nov-13 26% Oct-13 27% Sep-13 25% Aug-13 25% 12% 14% 13% 6% 6% 30% 8% 6% 9% 9% PY AVG 26% 12% 8% MEDICARE 30% MCAR MGD 6% 6% 10% 40% MEDI-CAL 3% 3% 3% 5% 6% 50% 62MGD MCAL 10% 3% 11% 10% 26% 8% 11% 20% 6% 32% 26% 10% 24% 5% Jul-13 0% 2% 6% 11% 11% 9% 7% 12% 11% 10% 4% 9% 8% 8% 1% 3% 4% 3% 4% 30% 10% 5% 32% 9% 5% 32% 10% 5% 4% 31% 9% 4% 5% 31% 9% 3% 60% SELF PAY 70% MGD CARE 80% CAP OTHER 90% 100% FYTD14 MAY - CASE MIX INDEX 32 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 1.39 1.40 1.39 1.40 1.30 1.38 1.40 1.30 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.39 1.34 1.36 1.34 1.41 1.37 1.40 1.38 1.34 1.37 1.45 1.37 1.43 1.45 1.30 1.42 1.46 1.27 1.42 1.38 1.30 1.37 63 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons 1.25 South 1.25 North 1.30 Cons 1.30 South 1.35 North 1.35 Cons 1.40 South 1.40 North 1.45 Cons 1.45 South 1.50 North 1.50 FY2014 Budget 1.40 1.34 1.39 1.38 1.40 1.38 FYTD14 MAY - CASE MIX INDEX (EXCLUDES DELIVERIES) 33 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 1.51 1.55 1.52 1.51 1.50 1.51 1.36 1.60 1.40 1.51 1.60 1.53 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.50 1.53 1.51 1.46 1.55 1.48 64 1.56 1.55 1.56 1.56 1.48 1.55 1.58 1.45 1.55 1.49 1.51 1.49 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North 1.25 Cons 1.25 South 1.30 North 1.30 Cons 1.35 South 1.35 North 1.40 Cons 1.40 South 1.45 North 1.45 Cons 1.50 South 1.50 North 1.55 Cons 1.55 South 1.60 North 1.60 Cons 1.65 South 1.65 North 1.70 Cons 1.70 South 1.75 North 1.75 FY2014 Budget 1.51 1.54 1.52 1.50 1.56 1.52 FYTD14 MAY - CASE MIX INDEX MEDICARE 34 1.80 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.55 1.60 1.50 1.55 1.45 1.50 1.40 1.45 1.35 North South Cons Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 1.71 1.51 1.65 1.60 1.57 1.59 1.63 1.57 1.61 1.74 1.70 1.73 1.76 1.63 1.72 1.64 1.58 1.63 1.59 1.61 65 1.60 1.66 1.61 1.64 1.62 1.50 1.58 1.69 1.40 1.61 1.55 1.72 1.60 Jun-14 Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South North Cons South 1.40 North 1.30 FY2014 Budget 1.65 1.58 1.63 1.64 1.58 1.62 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 66 35 FYTD14 MAY - BALANCE SHEET CONSOLIDATED (INCLUDES G.O. BONDS) Current Month Prior Month 36 Prior Fiscal Year End Current Month Assets Current Assets Cash on Hand Cash Marketable Securities Total Cash & Cash Equivalents $35,339,617 63,444,601 98,784,218 $23,410,985 62,587,377 85,998,362 $19,031,791 99,631,070 118,662,861 Patient Accounts Receivable Allowance on Accounts Net Accounts Receivable 331,547,200 (216,818,131) 114,729,069 365,218,918 (250,120,373) 115,098,545 311,476,029 (193,391,186) 118,084,843 Inventories Prepaid Expenses Est Third Party Settlements Other Total Current Assets 10,123,632 7,221,950 8,614,217 2,231,508 241,704,594 10,131,755 7,140,001 8,614,217 5,163,526 232,146,406 9,775,241 3,129,770 10,412,883 7,611,610 267,677,208 75,194,979 341,201 20,495,968 96,032,148 94,968,632 331,811 21,164,598 116,465,041 86,074,690 329,089 0 86,403,779 Property Plant & Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Construction in Process Net Property Plant & Equipment 1,546,182,686 (369,677,813) 33,326,854 1,209,831,727 1,546,481,986 (365,205,484) 32,048,981 1,213,325,483 1,546,149,850 (318,680,264) 33,110,920 1,260,580,506 Investment in Related Companies Deferred Financing Costs Other Non-Current Assets Total Non-Current Assets 2,132,218 20,478,290 35,533,849 1,364,008,232 2,159,251 20,603,508 33,845,540 1,386,398,823 3,159,356 21,706,680 15,825,246 1,387,675,567 $1,605,712,826 $1,618,545,229 $1,655,352,775 Non-Current Assets Restricted Assets Restricted by Donor Board Designated Total Restricted Assets Total Assets Prior Fiscal Year End Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Accrued PTO Accrued Interest Payable Current Portion of Bonds Est Third Party Settlements Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities $14,885,856 16,014,419 19,870,985 6,521,048 3,382,172 10,743,459 25,691,410 97,109,349 $11,037,354 13,146,852 19,716,776 16,115,830 11,237,172 9,472,422 27,122,351 107,848,757 $26,246,477 17,257,634 19,922,142 9,593,962 10,262,977 8,693,463 23,348,093 115,324,748 Long Term Liabilities Other LT Liabilities Bonds & Contracts Payable Total Long Term Liabilities 763,322 1,155,189,330 1,155,952,652 793,513 1,153,555,382 1,154,348,895 1,014,105 1,148,726,979 1,149,741,084 331,813,656 341,201 20,495,968 352,650,825 334,851,168 331,811 21,164,598 356,347,577 389,957,854 329,089 0 390,286,943 $1,605,712,826 $1,618,545,229 $1,655,352,775 Bonds & Contracts Payable Unrestricted Restricted for Other Purpose Board Designated Total Fund Balance Total Liabilities / Fund Balance 67 Prior Month FYTD14 MAY - SUPPLIES EXPENSE: YEAR-TO-DATE Account 631000 642000 634000 633000 639000 632000 636000 635000 640000 644000 646100 645000 637000 647000 641000 648000 646000 649000 638000 643000 650000 Description Prosthesis Supplies Food/Meat Supplies Surgery General Supplies Surgical Pack Supplies Radioactive Sutures/Surgical Needles Supplies Oxygen/Gas Supplies Anesthesia Material Supplies X-ray Material Supplies Linen Supplies Forms Supplies Cleaning Supplies IV Solutions Supplies Employee Apparel Supplies Other Medical Instruments/Minor Equipment Supplies Office/Administration Other Minor Equipment Supplies Pharmaceutical Supplies Food Other Other Non Medical TOTAL Supplies 37 Actual 20,211,855 3,162,410 9,308,861 2,702,472 682,549 2,415,857 148,196 46,578 14,468 19,944 326,464 545,690 674,868 186,586 13,633,592 630,591 590,166 1,252,527 11,821,179 893,076 8,793,089 68 78,061,018 Budget 15,896,438 662,358 7,863,903 2,340,261 498,749 2,233,687 114,548 37,700 24,459 37,854 351,646 583,291 785,225 325,449 13,952,980 1,027,122 1,199,741 1,972,111 13,365,503 3,040,476 11,249,295 77,562,796 Variance (4,315,417) (2,500,052) (1,444,958) (362,211) (183,800) (182,170) (33,648) (8,878) 9,991 17,910 25,182 37,601 110,357 138,863 319,388 396,531 609,575 719,584 1,544,324 2,147,400 2,456,206 (498,222) ADDENDUM C 69 Palomar Medical Center Administrative Services Agreement Medical Staff – Chief of Staff TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 FROM: Gerald E. Bracht, Chief Administrative Officer Background: Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff Elect are provided a stipend for services performed as required by the Medical Staff Bylaws. These agreements serve to document the relationship of the Medical Staff Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff Elect to Palomar Health, and the duties to be performed as consideration for the stipend to assure compliance with Federal regulations. Presented is the Contract for the following: Chief of Staff – Richard C. Engel, M.D. Budget Impact: $2500 for current FY14. Budgeted item FY 15. Staff Recommendation: Approval Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: Form A - Engel 04-22-14.doc 70 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Term/Condition Criteria Chief of Staff Agreement – Amendment AGREEMENT DATE Original: January 1, 2012 Amendment: April 22, 2014 Chief of Staff – Richard C. Engel, M.D., Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff and Palomar Health PARTIES PURPOSE To provide administrative services on behalf of Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws, Plans and policies SCOPE OF SERVICES As per duties defined in Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Bylaws and policies. PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM Request For Proposal RENEWAL None TERMINATION As described under §5 COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY BUDGETED Monthly. EXCLUSIVITY NO JUSTIFICATION This position is elected by the Medical Staff in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws. POSITION POSTED YES NO Methodology & Response: Elected by the Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Discretionary January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2014 □ YES NO – IMPACT: Additional amount per month to be paid by Palomar Health for May and June. To be included in budget effective July, 2014. YES – EXPLAIN: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT N/A DUTIES Defined in the Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Bylaws COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee FINANCE BOD 71 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 BY: Gerald Bracht, Chief Administrative Officer, PMC BACKGROUND: Galen Inpatient Physicians has been contracted to provide hospitalist services on a 24/7 basis to Palomar Health effective 4-1-13. The physicians providing coverage under the agreement are well respected by both the medical and hospital staff. Additionally these physicians serve on multiple hospital committees in support of initiatives to improve patient safety and care and overall operational efficiency. This second amendment reflects a revision to Exhibit “C” Performance Goals Opportunity for Additional Compensation. BUDGET IMPACT: Budgeted STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 72 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Preamble AGREEMENT DATE Preamble Term/Condition Criteria Hospital Medicine Services Agreement Original: April 1, 2013 Amendment 2: April 28, 2014 1) Palomar Health 2) Galen Inpatient Physicians, Inc. To provide adult medicine hospitalist services. Medicine on-call and rounding professional services for unassigned patients at PH hospitals. Preamble PARTIES Recitals D Section 1 PURPOSE SCOPE OF SERVICES Request For Proposal 8.1 PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM 8.1 RENEWAL 8.2, 8.3 8.4 TERMINATION 5.2 COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY BUDGETED Automatic renewal for additional 1 year terms unless otherwise terminated. - Either party may terminate with 180 days written notice. - Either party may terminate immediately for cause as defined in the agreement. Monthly based on Fair Market Value X Discretionary April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015 YES NO - IMPACT: Yes EXCLUSIVITY NO JUSTIFICATION Required adult medicine on-call coverage for the emergency room for unassigned patients at PH hospitals. YES NO – METHODOLOGY & RESPONSE: AGREEMENT NOTICED YES – EXPLAIN: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT Contract with National Hospitalists provider. Exhibit B DUTIES COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED Provision for Staff Education Provision for Medical Staff Education Provision for participation in Quality Improvement Provision for participation in budget process development This second amendment will replace Exhibit “C”. VP CFO CEO BOD Committee BOD 73 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: :HGQHVGD\-XQH, 2014 FROM: Gerald Bracht, Chief Administrative Officer BACKGROUND: Palomar Medical Center is required to identify an active Medical Director to provide oversight for the Diagnostic Cardiology Services program, according to the State of California Code of Regulations, Title 22, and by the TJC, Hospital Bylaws, and Medical Staff Bylaws or by the Medical Staff Executive Committee. The position requires a physician member of the active medical staff who has special interest and specific knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease and/or problems. The Medical Director shall be qualified as a board-certified cardiologist by the American Board of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases and be in good standing with that organization. Dr. Malek has served as Medical Director and this amendment will reflect an increase in hourly compensation in order to fall within fair market value. BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: COMMITTEE QUESTIONS: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 74 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition AGREEMENT DATE Term/Condition Criteria Medical Directorship Agreement – Cardiology Mikhail Malek M.D., First Amendment April 1, 2014 PARTIES Palomar Health & Mikhail Malek, M.D. PURPOSE Medical Directorship Agreement – Cardiology Services SCOPE OF SERVICES Perform Medical Director services and functions as required by State, by The Joint Commission, Hospital Bylaws and Medical Staff Executive Committee. PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM Request For Proposal RENEWAL Roll-over for additional year. TERMINATION Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause, expense or penalty, effective Ninety (90) days after written notice of termination is given to the other Party. COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY BUDGETED Compensation increase to fall within fair market value. EXCLUSIVITY JUSTIFICATION NO X YES – EXPLAIN: Medical Director is singular position for the service line Regulatory required for Cardiology services. AGREEMENT NOTICED YES TITLE X Discretionary One year with automatic roll-over X YES NO – IMPACT: NO Methodology & Response: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT NA Duties x Provision for Staff Education x Provision for Medical Staff Education x Provision for participation in Quality Improvement x Provision for participation in budget process development COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee ____________ BOD 75 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 2, 2014 FROM: Gerald E. Bracht, Chief Administrative Officer Background: Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff Elect are provided a stipend for services performed as required by the Medical Staff Bylaws. These agreements serve to document the relationship of the Medical Staff Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff Elect to Palomar Health, and the duties to be performed as consideration for the stipend to assure compliance with Federal regulations. Presented is the Contract for the following: Chief of Staff Elect – Jeffrey Rosenburg, M.D. Budget Impact: $1250 for current FY14. Budgeted item FY 15. Staff Recommendation: Approval Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 76 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Term/Condition Criteria Chief of Staff Elect Agreement – Amendment AGREEMENT DATE Original: January 1, 2012 Amendment: April 22, 2014 Chief of Staff Elect – Jeffrey Rosenburg, M.D., Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff and Palomar Health PARTIES PURPOSE To provide administrative services on behalf of Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws, Plans and policies SCOPE OF SERVICES As per duties defined in Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Bylaws and policies. PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM Request For Proposal RENEWAL None TERMINATION As described under §5 COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY BUDGETED Monthly. EXCLUSIVITY NO JUSTIFICATION This position is elected by the Medical Staff in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws. POSITION POSTED YES NO Methodology & Response: Elected by the Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Discretionary January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2014 □ YES NO – IMPACT: Additional amount per month to be paid by Palomar Health for May and June. To be included in budget effective July, 2014. YES – EXPLAIN: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT N/A DUTIES Defined in the Palomar Medical Center Medical Staff Bylaws COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee FINANCE BOD 77 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 FROM: Gerald Bracht, Chief Administrative Officer Palomar Medical Center Background: The Robotics Program at PH has seen significant growth over the past several years. As the program continues to grow it is important that PH have strong physician leadership and involvement to improve the program for our patients and the community. With the healthcare reimbursement changes, the robotics team needs strong physician leadership to assist in developing efficiency strategies that will improve resource utilization over the next year. This Amendment will increase hourly compensation to fall within fair market value. Budget Impact: Budgeted. Staff Recommendation: Approval Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 78 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Term/Condition Criteria Medical Directorship Agreement – Robotic Surgery AGREEMENT DATE Original: November 1, 2011 Amendment: May 1, 2014 PARTIES Kris Ghosh, M.D., and Palomar Health PURPOSE As PH continues to grow the Robotics program, the organization needs active medical staff leadership to manage education, development and infrastructure development for the program to ensure effective growth over the next year. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services includes education, program development (cost savings, process improvement, etc), marketing and community education. PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM RENEWAL Request For Proposal TERMINATION 30-day termination COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY Hourly compensation increased to fall within fair market value effective 5-1-14. BUDGETED x YES NO – IMPACT: EXCLUSIVITY NO YES – EXPLAIN: N/A JUSTIFICATION Budgeted for FY14 AGREEMENT NOTICED YES x Discretionary 1 year Automatically renewed for 1 year terms x NO Methodology & Response: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT Duties x Provision for Staff Education x Provision for Medical Staff Education x Provision for participation in Quality Improvement x Provision for participation in budget process development COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee ____________ BOD 79 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 FROM: Gerald Bracht, Chief Administrative Officer Palomar Medical Center BACKGROUND: NCEMA has provided emergency and trauma on-call coverage services for Palomar Health for a number of years. With the opening of the new PMC, the Physicians Advisory Council for the Downtown Campus identified the need for certain specialties to provide on-call coverage for the obstetrical program located there. NCEMA has agreed to provide on-call OB Consultative Services for the specialties of General Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Urology in order to provide and coordinate continuous high quality and efficient patient care at the Palomar Health Downtown Campus. The scope of services in the original OB Consultative Services agreement has been correct to read “OBGYN” instead of the original “OB”. BUDGET IMPACT: Budgeted STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 80 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition Term/Condition Criteria TITLE Preamble OB Consultative Services Agreement AGREEMENT DATE Preamble Original: August 19, 2012 Amendment #1: February 18, 2014 Amendment #2: May 9, 2014 PARTIES Recital 1) Palomar Health 2) North County Emergency Medical Associates Inc. (NCEMA) PURPOSE Recital 1) With the opening of the new PMC, the Physicians Advisory Council for the Downtown Campus identified the need for certain specialties to provide on-call coverage for the obstetrical program located there. NCEMA will provide OB Consultative Services for the specialties of General Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Urology in order to provide and coordinate continuous high quality and efficient patient care at PHDC. 2) Amendment #2 added Gynecological Services to the Scope of Services SCOPE OF SERVICES Section 1 1) General Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Urology specialty consultations 2) Unassigned inpatients requiring specialty consultations PROCUREMENT Request For Proposal Discretionary METHOD TERM Section 6 1) Effective August 19, 2012 thru February 28, 2014 2) Amendment #1 extended the expiration date to July 8, 2014 RENEWAL Section 5 None, parties agree to meet no later than (5) five months prior to expiration of this agreement to review utilization and discuss dissolution or continuation of this on-call coverage. Section 7 TERMINATION 1) Either party may terminate without cause at any time (1) one year after the effective date of this agreement by written notice. 2) Either party may terminate immediately for cause as defined in the agreement. COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY BUDGETED EXCLUSIVITY JUSTIFICATION Fair market value analysis AGREEMENT NOTICED YES NO – IMPACT: NO YES – EXPLAIN: Specialty Physician PH has established specialty physician on-call panels in order to assure the availability of adequate physician coverage for OB patients at PHDC. YES NO Methodology & Response: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT Duties Provision for Staff Education - NA Provision for Medical Staff Education - NA Provision for participation in Quality Improvement - NA Provision for participation in budget process development - NA COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee ____________ BOD 81 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 FROM: David A. Tam, M.D., Chief Administrative Officer Background: Pomerado Hospital Department Chairs are provided a stipend for services performed as required by the Medical Staff Bylaws. The agreements serve to document the relationship of the Department Chairs to Palomar Health, and the duties to be performed as consideration for the stipend to assure compliance with federal regulations. Presented is the Administrative Services Contract Agreement for the following Department Chair: Chair, Pathology Department – Lachlan Macleay, Jr., M.D. The attached Agreement Abstract is for 20 months ending on December 31, 2016. Budget Impact: None. Staff Recommendation: Approval. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 82 PALOMAR HEALTH – AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Term/Condition Criteria Medical Staff Department Chair Agreement Amendments AGREEMENT DATE May 1, 2014 PARTIES PURPOSE Chair, Pathology Department – Lachlan Macleay, Jr., M.D. To provide administrative services on behalf of Pomerado Hospital Medical Staff in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws, plans, and policies. SCOPE OF SERVICES As per duties defined in the Pomerado Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws and policies. PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM Request For Proposal RENEWAL As described in Section 4 of the Agreement. TERMINATION As described in Section 5 of the Agreement. COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY Monthly. BUDGETED YES NO – IMPACT: EXCLUSIVITY NO JUSTIFICATION These positions are elected or appointed by the Medical Staff in accordance with Medical Staff Bylaws. AGREEMENT NOTICED YES NO Methodology & Response: Elected/Appointed by the Pomerado Hospital Medical Staff Discretionary May 1, 2014-December 31, 2015 YES – EXPLAIN: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT N/A Duties Defined in the Pomerado Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws. COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee Finance BOD 83 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 FROM: Robert Trifunovic, MD MBA Physician Integration and Recruitment Officer Background: The Palomar Health (PH) community lacks an adequate number of Neurologists as verified by Medical Development Specialists (MDS), a national consulting firm that specializes in physician manpower studies. PH has an established physician recruitment program and has allocated resources to attract additional Neurologists to relocate to Inland North San Diego County. North County Neurology Associates Medical Group has signed the Palomar Health Physician Recruitment Agreement in order for Dr C. Tracy Wang to join the group and establish a practice in Escondido and Poway. She intends to begin practicing in August, 2014. Budget Impact: Budgeted Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Physician Recruitment Agreement with The North County Neurology Associates Medical Group and Palomar Health for the recruitment and relocation of Dr C. Tracy Wang. Approval is recommended by the full Board of Directors. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 84 PALOMAR HEALTH - AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Term/Condition Criteria Physician Recruitment Agreement - Neurology AGREEMENT DATE Original Agreement: April 9, 2014 PARTIES 1) Palomar Health 2) North County Neurology Associates Medical Group Recitals PURPOSE Provide recruitment/relocation assistance to the group above to enable the joining of C. Tracy Wang, MD to their practice after the determination of community need. Article 4 SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1; 2.2; 6.2; 6.4; 6.5 Recruitment procedure D.2 Article 8; 9.17 Article 2 TERM RENEWAL Dr C. Tracy Wang will establish a full-time Neurology Practice in the Escondido and Poway area, and will participate in government-funded programs. There will be a one year (1) assistance period followed by a two year (2) forgiveness period. None available TERMINATION Contract stipulates conditions for termination COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY For monthly income guarantee group will submit monthly report of expenses and collections. For relocation and start-up cost assistance group will submit receipts. BUDGETED X YES EXCLUSIVITY X NO YES – EXPLAIN: Government prohibits hospitals from requiring physician to exclusively have privileges or make referrals only to their hospital. The contract does include a noncompete clause. Medical Development Specialists, a national consulting firm who performed our Physician Manpower Study, completed an analysis which confirmed there is a justifiable community need for this recruitment 5.1; 9.19 PHYSICIAN MANPOWER STUDY NO – IMPACT: None EXTERNAL FINANCIAL VERIFICATION X YES NO Methodology: MGMA was used to develop a pro forma for the practice to establish the contract value to cover income guarantee and cash flow needs. MGMA also was used for the market comparison to establish an appropriate income guarantee. LEGAL COUNSEL REVIEW X Yes NO Exceptions to the standard agreement are noted in redlined agreement. Legal Counsel has approved this contract. APPROVALS REQUIRED X Director, Physician & Business Development X General Counsel X CFO X CEO X BOD Finance Committee X BOD 85 TO: Board Finance Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 FROM: Sheila Brown, Chief Administrative Officer, PHDC and Villa Pomerado Background: The California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 72305, requires a Medical Director for Villa Pomerado Skilled Nursing Facility. Following Dr. Teja Singh’s resignation as of March 20, 2014, Dr. Mohinderpal Thaper accepted the position of Medical Director starting May 7, 2014 through May 7, 2016. Budget Impact: Budgeted Staff Recommendation: Approval Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 86 PALOMAR HEALTH – AGREEMENT ABSTRACT Section Reference Term/Condition TITLE Term/Condition Criteria Medical Director Agreement AGREEMENT DATE May 7, 2014 PARTIES Dr. Mohinderpal Thaper PURPOSE Define the Villa Pomerado Medical Director Role SCOPE OF SERVICES Provide medical oversight to the Villa Pomerado patient population. In order to meet the requirements as outlined in Title 22 Section 72305 Physician Services-Medical Director. Request For Proposal Discretionary PROCUREMENT METHOD TERM 2 years: May 7, 2014 – May 7, 2016 RENEWAL TERMINATION COMPENSATION METHODOLOGY Monthly stipend for 29 hours BUDGETED YES NO – IMPACT: EXCLUSIVITY NO JUSTIFICATION AGREEMENT NOTICED Requirement of Licensing Title 22 YES NO Methodology & Response: YES – EXPLAIN: ALTERNATIVES/IMPACT Duties Provision for Staff Education Provision for Medical Staff Education Provision for participation in Quality Improvement Provision for participation in budget process development COMMENTS APPROVALS REQUIRED VP CFO CEO BOD Committee ____________ BOD 87 ADDENDUM D 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 ADDENDUM E 107 108 MEM OR AND UM Debbie Hollick, Executive Assistant to the Board TO: FROM: Nicolette Borseth, Assistant to the Board Governance Audit & Compliance Committee DATE: Thursday June 5, 2014 RE: Governance Audit & Compliance – Meeting Summary INFORMATION ITEMS: Internal Audit Activities o Drew Sutter and Hiral Shah from Deloitte & Touche, LLP presented the Palomar Health Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit of the 2014 Financial Statements. Deloitte presented and defined the scope of their audit. The audit will review the financial statements of Palomar Health District for the year ending June 30, 2014. Deloitte will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement caused by error of fraud. Michael Covert explained that the Information Technology Department was outsourced to Cerner last year and would like Deloitte to analyze whether Cerner has completed obligations under the agreement. o District Audit Officer Tom Boyle discussed Audit activities including on-going audit projects for 2014 and on-going analytic tests that are performed monthly. Compliance and Ethics Summary o Corporate Compliance Officer Mark Neu discussed the Compliance and Ethics Committee items for June 2014. ACTION ITEMS: No action items. 109 MEMORANDUM TO: Debbie Hollick, Executive Assistant to the Board FROM: Denise Baker, Executive Assistant to the Chief Human Resources Officer DATE: June 19, 2014 RE: Board Human Resources Committee – June 18, 2014 Meeting Summary INFORMATION ITEMS: N/A INTERNAL COMMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY Nina Kim, Manager of Internal Communications and Leslie Solomon, Director of Organizational Development presented the FY14-17 Internal Communications Strategic Plan. Their vision is that “Palomar Health’s Internal Communications will connect staff to its mission and business direction and build two way communication with leadership.” In order to achieve this vision, the following three imperatives have been targeted: Imperative One: Strategy and Business Direction Internal Communications will help build a personal connection for every employee to the organization’s mission so that every employee knows why their work is important and how it connects to outcomes; Imperative Two: Trust in Leadership Internal communications will build trust between leaders and their staff by driving two-way communication and providing tools that ensure accurate and reliable information sharing; and Imperative Three: Building Engagement Internal communications will build momentum and engagement for excellence in quality, safety and compassionate service. Feedback provided on employee engagement surveys will be the main metric used to track the success of these imperatives. AAPL UPDATE: The Academy of Applied Physician Leadership recently celebrated its one year milestone. Leslie Solomon explained the 5 modules that led to the culmination of 19 group presentations at the First Annual AAPL Gala held June 11th. The modules, which included engagement, change and culture, emotional intelligence, dyad partnership and building teams, gave physicians the tools they needed to successfully create, plan and present their project. The camaraderie and respect demonstrated by the physicians at the gala was inspiring and culturally, a huge step in the right direction for the organization. Board member Steve Yerxa commented that “the level of participation by everyone involved is the biggest deal that’s happened at Palomar in a while. It is remarkable.” 110 Board HR Committee Summary June 18, 2014 Meeting Leslie also shared plans for FY15 AAPL Cohort and a sneak peek at FY16 Cohort #2. They are looking to incorporate mentoring into the next modules. Joe Molinoski, Facilitator, shared that “apple slices,” helpful pieces of information such as agenda templates, will be readily available to assist in furthering skills. ACTION ITEMS None 111 MEM OR AND UM Debbie Hollick, Executive Assistant to the Board TO: FROM: Tammy Chung, Assistant to the Board Community Relations Committee DATE: June 6, 2014 RE: Board Community Relations Committee – June 4, 2014 Meeting Summary INFORMATION ITEMS: Elly Garner, Government Relations Manager, presented an update on State Legislative Bills that potentially will affect Palomar Health in 2014 and discussed the bills that are of high interest to Palomar Health. State Legislative Bill -- AB 1805 (Skinner) This bill reverses the 10% Medi-Cal reimbursement cuts authorized by AB 97 (2011); eliminating retroactive payments cuts (“clawback”) for Medi-Cal reimbursements between July 2011-Sept. 2013. This bill prevents the state from withholding $4 million from PH for the distinct-part skilled nursing facility “overpayments.” SEIU-UHW Initiative Concepts Hospitals Pricing Initiative. o Would limit private hospitals’ charges (excluding children’s hospitals) to individual patents to 25% above actual cost. Hospital Executive Compensation. o Would cap not-for-profit hospital and health systems executives’ total compensation at the President’s salary ($450,000). Negotiations • SEIU filed initiatives in November 2013 • Negotiations between CHA and SEIU began in early 2014 • On May 5, CHA and SEIU signed a final agreement • Initiative signatures were not filed with the State AG CHA/SEIU Agreement • Some California Hospitals signed an MOU or Code of Conduct with SEIU to improve relations • Created a $100M joint advocacy committee • Contingent access for SEIU to hospital employees in 2017 Remaining November Healthcare Initiatives • Medi-Cal Funding & Accountability Act of 2014. o Earlier this week, the Attorney General's office announced that the Medi-Cal Hospital Fee Ballot Initiative's signatures revealed duplication meaning the initiative will not qualify for the November 2014 ballot. Because of the duplication, all signatures must be verified to qualify and the state has 30 days to verify those signatures. The 30- day period will extend beyond the deadline to qualify for the November 2014 ballot will mean the initiative will be pushed to the November 2016 ballot. • Only two of the five potential initiatives (mentioned at the April meeting) will be on this fall's ballot - the insurance rate regulation and MICRA initiatives. Tina Pope, Manager, Service Excellence provided a detailed report on the Patient and Family Advisor Council. She also shared videos from two Patient Voice Meetings, one lending itself to a learning/improvement opportunity for Palomar Health and the other extremely complimentary. Janet Klitzner, Director of Marketing and The HealthSource informed the Committee that the HealthSource magazine is now available in digital format. Visit, choose a publication and select “View Digital Magazine.” We currently have 10 issues loaded. The new format provides realistic page flipping and fast content delivery. You can share, create bookmarks, view thumbnails, zoom in and download the magazine from a desktop computer or mobile device. Readers can also subscribe to receive future issues electronically as well as USPS or both. Our goal is to have all issues available on line. ACTION ITEMS: Minutes – Wednesday, April 2, 2014: Approved 112 MEM OR AND UM FROM: Debbie Hollick, Assistant to the Board Strategic & Facilities Planning Committee DATE: 6/22/14 RE: 6/17/14 Board Strategic & Facilities Planning Meeting Summary INFORMATION ITEMS: The June 17, 2014 Board Strategic & Facilities Planning meeting was called as a full board meeting to review the FY2014 Year-end Strategic & Operational Initiatives updates. Chief Medical Informatics Officer Ben Kanter and Director Information Technology Prudence August presented the Information Technology review, sharing the many accomplishments that have been achieved this year such as the ITWorks transition to Cerner, completion of Phase 1 for the Enterprise Data Warehouse and the integration of Sotera Vital Sign with the electronic medical record. Chief Administrative Officer POM David Tam and Director Facilities Operations POM Dan Farrow provided and update on the Innovation move. Chief Administrative Officer POM David Tam and guests from the Integra Center and San Diego Balboa Wounded Warrior Detachment discussed a possible partnership program with Palomar Health that would enable wounded veterans to receive rehabilitation services in a civilian setting. ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items 113 MEMORANDUM TO: Debbie Hollick, Executive Assistant to the Board FROM: Christine Breese, Assistant to the Board Quality Committee DATE: June 30, 2014 RE: Board Quality Review Committee – June 16, 2014 Meeting Summary INFORMATION ITEMS: Dan Farrow, Director of Facilities Operations gave a presentation to the Committee on the 2013 accomplishments for Emergency Management and Environment of Care. Several projects that were of focus during 2013 as well as the goals for 2014 were also reviewed. Lisha Wiese, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator updated the Committee on the recent fires that occurred in the Escondido area. Based on the formal Disaster Review that was completed by leaders in the health system, there were several positive observations noted as well as opportunities for improvement which the organization will be working to improve. Palomar Health did an outstanding job responding to the region-wide event. Valerie Martinez, Director of Quality, Patient Safety and Infection Control provided an update on Infection Control measures and outcomes for 2013. Palomar Health is below benchmark on most measures and has maintained zero infections in several areas. Barbara Buesch, Stroke Program Coordinator presented the key activities and outcomes for the Stroke program during 2013. Procedures for processing patients that have a stroke while in one of the hospitals was also reviewed as well as success and failure rates with administering t-PA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator). Elissa Hamilton, Director of Home Health Services provided an update on the Performance Improvement activities for Home Health during 2013 and as well as the key areas of focus for the next reporting period in 2014. Opal Reinbold, Chief Quality Officer informed the Committee that due to the fires in May, the Patient Safety Conference has been rescheduled to July 1st. ACTION ITEMS: None 114 MEM OR AND UM Debbie Hollick, Executive Assistant to the Board TO: FROM: Tanya Howell, Assistant to the Board Finance Committee DATE: Monday, July 14, 2014 RE: Board Finance Committee – June 25, 2014, Meeting Summary INFORMATION ITEMS: Increase in Births at POM: In response to a request at the last meeting, the Committee was apprised of the drivers for the increase in births at Pomerado Hospital. Real Estate Update: The Committee was given a status update on the three District properties that are currently either for sale or in escrow. ACTION ITEMS: Summary of Executed Budgeted Routine Physician Agreements: Reviewed and recommended approval of the Executed Budgeted Routine Physician Agreements that had been administratively approved, signed and became effective in the months of April & May (background materials may be reviewed elsewhere in the agenda packet). May 2014 and YTD FY2014 Financial Report: Utilizing the standard Financial Reporting Packet, reviewed and recommended approval of the May 2014 and YTD FY2014 financial performance, which reflected a YTD EBIDA of $61.9M compared to a budget of $61.4M. YTD operating income was $1.0M better than budget, and YTD net income was $1.35M better than budget. 115
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