Ontario Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Operationalservices Operational Services Bancroll Aroa Offico PO Box 300, 50 Monck Strool Bancrofl, ON KOL 1C0 Tel: {613} 332-3220 Fax: (613) 332-3751 Toll Free: 1 (800) 554-0487 Porl Hope Area Oflice f 38 Hope Strset Norlh Port Hope. ON LlA2Pl Tel; (905) 885-6381 Fax: (905) 885-9273 Toll Froo: 1 (8661224-0622 March 2014 Attentlon: Candidate of Upcoming Munlclpal Election Rel Placement of Election Signa AdJacent to a Provlnclal Hlghway System These documents are for information purposes due to the upcoming Municipal Election on October 27,2014 providing guidelines on eleclion sign placement. The Ministry does allow the placing of election signs adjacent to provincial highways; however, sign placement is subject to the attached Election Sign Policy. To avoid confusion on the part of candidates and volunteers/workers, I would ask that you please provide appropriate staff with this information. Signs placed in contravention of Ministry policy will be removed. lf further clarification is required, please feel free to contact the appropriate Corridor Management Officer in your area, as outlined in the attached Areas of Responsibility. Thank you for your co-operation. Yours truly, Jri /-t/L/.-:. , (,/f,LrlÕ I" lr / '' /lorÈrl p. eng. Head, Corridor Management Ëastern Region cc Brenda Johnston, Corridor Management Officer Don Lawrence, Corridor Management Officer Barry Yandt, Corridor Management Officer Lori Yaraskovitch, Corridor Management Officer Ðave Harris, Maintenance Superintendent John Potts, Maintenance Superintendent Lloyd George, Superintendent of Construction & Operations, Carillion Canada lVayne Hasler, Operations Manager, Ottawa, High Road Maintenance Election Sign Policy Underthe authority of the Public Transportation and Hiqhway lmorovement Act the Ministry through the issuance of a permit controls all visible signing upon or within 400 metres of the provincial highway right-of-way. Election signs placed by, or on behalf of, a candidate or a political party and signs designed to encourâge citizens to vote must follow these restrictions governing election signs that are visible from a provincial highway system. 1. An election sign must not be placed upon or adjacent to the right-of-way of a Class 1 Freeway or a Class 2 - Staged Freeway (i.e. Hwy 401,115, etc). See attached typical diagram for freeway/staged freeway interchange election sign placement. 2. Election signs may be erected on the right-of-way or adjacent to a Special Controlled Access, Major or Minor Highway (i.e, Hwy 7, Hwy 35) after an official electlon has been lssued or for municipal elections in accordance with any By-Law outlining a time frame for the placement of municipal election campaign signs. 3. Signs up to 0.7 m'(8 sq. ft.) in size must be placed at least 4 m (12 ft.) from edge of pavement. Signs over 0.7 m2 18 sq. ft.) and up to 3.7 m2 140 sq. ft.) must be placed at the buter limit of the right-of-way (i.e. fence line). Election signs must not exceed 3J mz (40 sq. fr.). 4. An 'election sign" must not be affixed to a permanent or an official sign or to guide rail or other highway structure or facility and must not be placed where it may interfere with visibility, an official sign, traffic signal, or other safety device. 5. Portable read-ograph sign trailers must not be placed upon ã provincial highway right-ofway. Portable read-o-graph sign trailers may be utilized providing they are erected on private property that is zoned commercial and meets all the requirements of the ministry for portable read-ograph signing. 6. A Sign Permit or a Letter of Approval for any signs erected under these instructions is not required. 7. Election signs must be removed from the Ministry righþof-way and adjacent properties within three (3) working days after Election Day. 8. Signs not retrieved by this time will be picked up by the Ministry patrolforces and stored in a safe place (patrol yard, etc.,) for a period of two weeks. After this time they will be disposed of. Please contact a Coridor Management Officer in your eree, with the telephone numbers provided below, to obtain additional information. Thank you for your co-operation. lllinlstry of Transportatlon Operatlonal Services Bancroft Area Offlce 50 Mond( Str€et Bancrofr.ON KOLrCO Tel. No.: (613) 332-3220 TollFrec t€t¡+59¡4q87 FerNo.: (613)332-3751 lllinistry of Transportation Operationa! ServÍces Port Hope Area Offlce 138 Hopo Street Norlh Port l'lop6 ON LiA zPi Tel No.: (905) 88$6381 Toll Free: 1.866-224-0622 Fax No.: (905) 88$9273 AIIY I SIGIIS HUST NOT BE PI¡CED Itr TI{E SIGTCH OII HATCHED AREA AS SHOTTil SIGHS TUST NOT BE YISIBI-E TO NOTORIS"ÍS OTI THE THROUGII LâilES O.F THE PROYIIICIåL HIGHTUAY I fr I I SIG]IS TUSTBE TOCATED BETOHD TTIE BEGIIIIIIIIG EIID OF T}IE PAYETENT 3 l EDF ftPS I u¡ u¡ ' FP@otrllETFFtluAY I E IL sf¡trr I f,Pã G + + - I}ITERSECTIl{G <- BOADW.AY .{Þ I Eror t,Pa 5rÆrG f,PEß u¡ J I I I I TIPICåL FUt¡ TOVEHE¡TT TIITERCHAIIGE glrtnFAresGo¡æ¡fi .coûr¡dFA'rþr¡s¡ uAr ErSD -Þ J Ð t I m Head, Corridor Management E Oes '.) LluÉ .{ tl t ii l. _-- "" i ".I, -t- ...{ì Rt;Nl l(l l\ gt tr rrr -¡ .+ I R():\l I\f .tl¡t, RÎttN i,t Sñd¡i F¿,lt l]S.ll: I \¡..ì a {f\*} _$ Proscdl I -s' ,-rt'\ Kmr¡ Fr' EÁS i'¡.iiìRËiJair ¡l "j Llll |l 0¡¡'\\', \ Ftås i \\ \li¡; ¡ ",-,:l ':: f}¡t I ljir I l!, \\.r.\,itîl \ tr¡cG-ùt3. bxt'6 R.rdul Orrcr. t6r3) trtas:¡ SIcï SñË¡rf - Kirr.ldr nrüNd.{ Orç. (5tl)f45¡e65 ciril Tù - É-,îarm Rc¡dtil ci.¡' {61 l) tßsi4 ::l - .( \ frr -iå!¡) l¡0.1ì¿0 Gorridor Management Planners I STERA/ REGION t O¡TFT¡E| :.Ft)l:. r;iì1.\\ ll Gorridor Management Officers I l. Âh,a a. (;ll li v l'.i;i -¡'"*. Fel¡ i ari 15.I¡i:r . C:r¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ r.6 Yi'¡31¡.!È$ lon I ü - h(c¡€ Errrt Y¿:ú - Frl l"l tír.-gl¡l332¡æ0 eontx"rat t!t Þ tOf l aßltrr.acq4AÃ?ñt - Ctf,4 .i rirFt¡ þ¡t colotg ¡'iil\r I )ì\ iJl-g::{ lji^1o1;t!:i Or.a. e¡l !:{ r¡cf Oftd, et 203 Â,û¡ Ofet. ô1. ¿2¡ ftg,t l{ðF Ârr¡ C{Ë Oc3t t¡r. - (gog) SS*al 1(¡ Fr¡a !¡r. - l 369¿¡ C€2? ClLrr¡ Årcr Ctfæ lrl llr. - Sl3) 745.€34 I rr,! Frr{ No-- I 8Et i62 t770 I,r,Þbn n$ó.ál O:..4 fÌ|. lio. -(61!) 5J¡l-222O lo! Ír¡? l¡¡.- I 800 ¿ì6? O2t5 :(¡ Frr! lio-. I lJ {)F' . O- cê, i9i:) - Pod ltufÐ Âß.r 0.r.,.ro1¡(¡ Cfe a, Àrtr Oll4c. (€11)7¡2.5322 Scrdr 'jchs1.¡r -Pcrl Hlt{t.'{hrn Oíü, cl.295 hÌ ¿ ¡:¡le¡!-O:rri e:C 55¿ lcl Ministry of TransPortation Corridor Management Officer - Geographical Areas of Responsibility Provincial Highways Management Don Lawrcnce, Corridor Management Officer, Port Hope Area Office 866-224-0622 Ext 206 Hvnr 7 7A 115 35 28 FROM Durham Region boundary, Regional Rd 2, Manilla, easterly Durham Region boundary, Nesbitt Line, easterly Durham Region boundary, Boundary Road, northerly Durham Region boundary, Boundary Road, northerly Hwy #7, Peterborough, Northerly TO Hwy #62 Madoc Hwy #115 The Parlcway interchange, Peterborough HaliburtonÂ/ictoria County boundary County Road 36 - Burleigh Falls Brenda Johnston, Corridor ManagemEnt Officer, Port Hope Area Office 866-224-0622 Ext.205 33 FROM Hwy #62, Bloomfield, easterly TO Bay Road, Kingston Collins 62 Hwy #a01, Belleville, southerly Hwy #33 Bloomfield 49 Tyendinaga Twp. boundary, southerly Hwy #49, Bay of Quinte Bridge 401 Durham Region / Northumberland County boundary, McGullough / East Town Line Rd. easterlv Lennox Addington Boundary Hf/VY Ministry of Transportation Operational Services BancroftArea Office 50 MonckStr€€t Bancrofi. ON KOL lCO Tel. No.: (613) 332-3220 Tofl Frce: i{0Þ554.0487 Fax No.: (613) 332-3751 - south end Mínistry of Transportation Operational Services Port Hope Area Offlce f38 Hopa Strcel Noilh Pod Hopg ON LiAzPl TelNo.: (9{15) 885€38r Toll F!êe: 1.86È224{¡622 Fax No.: (9f15) 88$9273 illnistry of Transportation Corridór Management Officer - Geographical Areas of Responsibility Prcvlnclal Hlghways Management Barry Yandt, Corridor Management Officer, Port Hope Area Office 866-22¡f-0622 Ext.224 Hwy #62 Madoc TO West limit of the Town of Perth 17 Renfrew, westerly Deux Rivieres 37 Hr¡ny 41 Eganville, northerly Pembroke 62 Hwy #62, Belleville, northerly Bancroft 148 Pembroke Quebec boundary, Des Allumettes Bridge HÌMY 7 FROM #401, northerly Hwy #7 Lori Yaraskavitch, Gorridor Management Officer, Bancroft Area Office 800-554.0487 ExL214 TO 41 FROM County Road 36, Burleigh Falls, northerlv Hwy #7 Kaladar, northerly 60 Eganville, westerly Nipissing Boundary 118 Hwy#28, Paudash 132 Bancrofr Area boundary at Trappers Trail. easterlv Town of Renfrew, west Limit, westerly 127 Hwy #62 Maynooth, northerly South Mackenzie Lake Hwy #60, Hillcrest Ave., north of Wilno, easterlv A point on Hwy #60 for 0.80 km Hl/r/Y 28 7025 h/linistry of Transportation Operational Services Bancroft Area Office 50 Mond(StÎÊst Bancroñ, ON KOL 1C0 Tel. No.: (613) 332.3220 Toll FrêË: 1{0&55+0487 FaxNo.: (613)332-3751 Hwy 1f41, Denbigh Hwy #ô0, Eganville Hwy #41 Ministry of Transportation Operational Services Port Hope Area Office 138 llope Sfìê€t Norlh PottHoFON LlA2Pi Tel No.: (905) 88ffi381 Toll Free: 1{¡dù.22+0e22 Fax No.: (905) 88$9273
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