&"**'ry - {.r.rtsfu*r#*J {s*p***r Base your answers to questions I and 2 on the information below. Ozone, O:(g), is produced from oxygen, O:(g) by electrical discharge during thunderstonns. The unbalanced equation below represents the reaction that fomrs ozone. . {).,,'' l. l, "ri' .-'{', rt', ', Explain, in terms of electron configuration, rvhy an oxygen molecule is morc stable than an oxygen atom. 2. Identify the type of bonding between the atoms in an oxygeu rnolecule. Base your answers to questions 3 and 4 on the infbrmation below. Physical Properties of CF4 and NH3 at Standard Pressure Melting Point ( t'l Boiling Foint {"c} $olubility in Compound CF. *183.6 -127 8 insoluble NH,: 1'7 _JJ.J soiuble -7 Water at - 20.0'c 3. State evidence that indicates NH: has stronger intennolecular forces than CF+. 4. In tlre space in v-oL!t'ailsv,€t' boolilet, draw a Lewis electron-dot diagram fol CF+. 5. Explain, in terns of electronegativity difference, why the bond in a molecule of HF is more polar than the bond in a molecule of HI. 6. Base your answer to the fbllowing qucstion on the infbrmation below. Carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes, C-12, C-13, and C-14. Diarnond and graphite are familiar forms of solid carbon. Diamond is one of the hardest substances known, while graphite is a very solt substance. Diamoud has a rigid rretwork of bonded atorns. Graphite has atoms bonded in thin layers that are held together by weak forces. Recent experitnents have produced new forms of solid carbon called fullerenes. One fullerene, Ccq is a spherical" cagelike molecule of carbon. State. in terms of the affangement of atoms, the difTerence in hardness between diamond and graphite. Basc your answers to questions 7 and 8 on thc information below. Bond energy is the amount of energy requiled to break a chemical bond. The table below gives fbrrnula and the carbon-nitrogen bond energy fbr selected nitrogen compounds. a $elected Nitrogen Compaunds Cerbon-Nitrogen Sond Energy Compound Formula hydrogen cyanide H_C=N {kJimo{) 890. H*N:C:O 615 rsocyanic acjd i-{ I H-C-N-H meihanamine !t t"{ 293 H 7. Explain, in tetms of charge distribution, why a molecule of hydrogen cyanide is polar'. 8. State the relationship between the number of electrons in a carbon-nitrogen bond and carbon-nitrogen bond energy. 9. Explain, in terms of molecular stmcture or distribution of charge, why a molecule of methane is nonpolar. 10. Drarv a Lewis elcctron-dot diagram for a molecule of phosphonrs trichloride" PClr I 1. Base your answer to the fbllowing question on your knowledge of chemicalbonding and on the l-ewis electron-dot diagrams of HzS, COz, and F: below. H:S: lO::C::Ol :F:F: H Explain, in terms of electronegativity, why a C,O bond in CO: is more polar than the F-F bond in Fz. Base your answers to questions 12 and 13 on the inforrnation below. Each molecule listed below is fbnned by sharing electrons betu'een atoms u4ren the atoms within the molecule are bonded togetlier. Molecule A: Clz Molecule B; CCI+ Molecule C NH: 12. Explain how the bonding in KCI is difl-erent fiom the bonding in molecules A, B, and C. 13. Explain why NH: has stronger intermolecular forces attraction than Cl:. of 14. Draw an electron-dot diagram for each of the following substances: a calcium oxide (an ionic compound) b hydrogen bromide c carbon dioxide 15. Draw the electron-dot (Lewis) structure of calcium chloride. 16. Base your answer to the fbllowing question on Base your answers to the question below on diagram and description below: A crystal of potassium chloride is shown below. The larger dark circles and the smaller open circles represent the ions. c What is the empirical formula of potassium chloride? b Would it be possible for magnesium chloride to have the same exact structure as potassium chloride? Explain. c When dissolved in water, potassium chloride is a good conductor of electricity, while solid potassium chloride is not. Explain. 17. Base your answer to the following question on An unknown solid was tested and showed the properties listed below: Properties high melting point soluble in water conductor of electricity when dissolved in water non-conductor of electricity as a solid hard surface rz State the rype of bonding you would expect of tliis substance. 6 Explain why this substance conducts electricity when dissolved in water. c Explain why it is hard. 18. Base your arlswer to the following question on An unknown solid was tested and showed the properties listed below: Properties low mclting point nearly insoluble in water non-conductor of electricity relatively soft solid a) State the type of bonding you would expect of this substance. b) Explain why this substance is insoluble in water. c) Explain why it is soft. 19. a) Draw the stmctural formula for HzO. b) Is this molecule polar or nonpolar? Explain your answer. 20. When hydrogen bromide, a gas, is dissolved in water, the solution is called hydrobromic acid a Draw the Lewis electron-dot strucrure fbr a molecule of hydrogen bromide, HBr. b Is hydrogen bromide a polar or non-polar molecule? Explain 21. Base your answer to the following question on Nitrogen is a Group l5 element u'hich makes up about 78o/o of thc atmosphere by volume. Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas. It does not bum, does not suppoft combustion. and is only slightly soluble in water. It is relatively inactive chemically. Nitrogen is present in the protoplasm of all living matter; it and its compounds are necessary for the continuation of life. Nitrogen is present in foods and is impoftant in the human diet. cz Draw the Lewis electron-dot structure for a molecule of nitrogen, Nz. b Why can't hurnans get nitrogen for their diets by breathing air? 22. Base your answer to the following question on Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas produced by respiration and combustion of carbon-containing fuels. It is slightly soluable in water. Draw the Lewis electron-dot structure fbr a molecule of carbon dioxide, COz. 23. Base your answer to the fbllowing question on Water is a polar molecule because it is bent and has a definite positive and negative side to it. a Draw the Lewis electron-dot stmcture for a molecule of water, HzO. b Onyourdrawing indicate with a " + " the.positive side andwith a " - " the negative side. c Describe one propefty of water that would chan-{e if the water molecule were a straight molecule and non-polar. 24. Ammonia is an electrolyte because, when dissolved in water, it produces ions by the lbllowing reaction: NHr(aq) + a Draw HzO, NH+*(aq) + OH1aq) the Lewis electron-dot structure for a molecule of ammonia. b Draw the Lewis electron-dot NH:. structure fbr a molecule of ammonium ion, NH.r*.
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