Flying K Ranch Breeding Quality Red Angus Since 1972 April 9, 2014 - at the Ranch 80 Yearling Red Angus Bulls FKR 10A 21st Annual Bull Sale - 2 PM CST Welcome to Flying K Ranch We appreciate your interest in our cattle in the past, present, & future. Thanks to all our buyers and bidders last year, we cannot do what we do without you! The sale is going to be held at the Ranch again this year with a video sale the same as the last 2 years & hopefully a little less wind!!! We feed our bulls at home using a total mixed ration using as much of our own feed as possible. The bulls are being fed the non-roll oats again this year and we think they are doing quite well on them. In fact we believe this is one of the strongest sets of bulls we have ever raised. There are lots of heifer type bulls on offer as well as some performance type bulls. We offer a full service package on your new bull. Bulls can remain at the ranch for no extra charge and delivered or picked up at a later date. We encourage insurance on the bulls left at the ranch. Spare bulls are specifically kept in case you have a bull wreck to keep you going through the breeding season. We would encourage you to stop buy any time before the sale to view the bulls. Sometimes it is hard to sort through a big pen of bulls, but we are here to help narrow things down. Give us a call with your specifications & we will make you a list of several bulls that would meet your needs. SIGHT UNSEEN PURCHASES ARE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, NO EXCEPTIONS! Updated information (scrortal measurements, carcass data) and the videos of the bulls will be posted to our website as they become available. Because this is a video sale we encourage you to come early to vew the bulls sale day. They will be penned just outside the building & will not be entering the sale ring. We hope to see you sale day, even if you don’t need a bull this year . . . come for a coffee, dinner, a visit with neighbors, and fellow cattle people. Brian, Christine, Dylan, & Shane (306)773-6313 Donna e-mail: [email protected] View Bull Videos online at Flying K Ranch - Sale Info April 9, 2014 - 2 pm - at the Ranch Offering 80 Yearling Red Angus Bulls 2 Black Angus Bulls Sales Rep Mervin Finell 306-625-7277 Ringman Dan Sewall 403-363-0632 Sales Rep Jack Fenwick 306-672-8130 Bull Insurance will be available sale day through Mike Vallee of Western Financial Group Gull Lake, SK 306-672-3522 Sale Day Phone Office: 306-741-5247 Brian Cell: 306-741-1582 Christine Cell: 306-741-6315 Stop by anytime prior to the sale to view the bulls or their dams. Sale Day 11:30 a.m. Complimentary lunch After Sale - Hospitality & Steaks Directions to the Ranch 1 mile W of Swift Current on Hwy#1 10 miles South of the railroad tracks on Lac Pelletier trail 4 miles West on Wyatt Road into the Ranch OR 10 miles South of the railroad tracks on Hwy#4 8 miles West on Wyatt Road into the Ranch GPS: N50.07.55.2 / W107.55.38.4 Swift Current Hwy #1 (West) Hwy #4 (South) 10 miles South Ringman Wyatt Burnett 306-750-7822 Ringman Nathan Marin 306-869-7130 Lac Pelletier Trail 10 miles South Auctioneer Bruce Switzer 306-773-4200 Flying K Ranch 4 miles West 4 miles West Wyatt Road to Cadillac 1 Flying K Ranch - Sale Info Bull Discount Take $100 off the purchase price of the bull if you pick him up from the sale. Calving Ease 1 star ( ) means a bull is recommended to be used on cows 2 stars ( ) means the bull should be used on cows or larger type heifers 3 stars ( ) means there should be few problems when using these bulls on first calf heifers. Remember to take into account your own cow herd genetics, enviornment, feeding conditions, etc. They will have a BIG influence on your birth weights. We hope this helps you out! ROP Information BW: Actual Weight at birth (within 24 hours) AOD: Age of Dam Adj WW: Weaning weight adjusted to 205 days S.C.: Scrotal Circumference (on Reference Sires) yr=measured as yearling; m=measured as mature bull EPD Information BW: Birth Weight EPD - is expressed in pounds and is the best overall prediction of a bull’s contribution to the birth weight of his calves. It is the most useful tool available in determining the calving ease status of a particular bull. Negative values = lighter birth weights, positive values = heavier than average birth weights. WW: Weaning Weight EPD - Predicts the ability of a sire`s calves to grow from birth to weaning, expressed in pounds. YW: Yearling Weight EPD - Predicts the ability of a sire`s calves to grow from birth to yearling, expressed in pounds. MILK: Milk EPD- is an indicator of milking ability in daughters. If represents the differences in weaning weights of calves due to the amount of milk produced by their mothers. TM: Total Maternal EPD - It is calculated by adding 1/2 of WW EPD and the Milk EPD. It measures the difference in weaning weight of the bull`s daughters’ calves. CE: Calving Ease EPD - refers to the calf’s ability to grow in utero and be born unassisted. A higher score = greater “calving ease” EPDs are a measure of the Expected Progeny Difference between a sire`s progeny compared to average performance of all the sires evaluated. It is expressed in pounds and is based on the progeny`s performance, performance of the bull & his relatives. At a yearling age these bulls have no progeny therefore their EPD accuracy is very limited. We include EPDs to help as a selection tool, but each producer should use his own selection criteria based on what is the best for their own herd and the direction they wish to go. Swift Current Accommodations Home Inn & Suites: 306-778-7788 Super 8: 306-778-6088 Holiday Inn Express: 306-773-8411 2 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Reference Sires Red Flying K Nebula 179X Mar. 3, 2010 FKR 179X Red Beckton Neptune R2 Red Beckton Nebula M045 Red Beckton Belga K285 JL Sire: Red Beckton Nebula U865 Red Beckton Lancer T5 Red Beckton Lana P520 LN Red Beckton Lana L827 WR Red Mlk Crk Cub 722 Red Flying K Cub 65R Red Flying K Ms Chief 29F Dam: Red Flying K Ariel 723T Red YY Squire 334N Red Flying K Goldie 223R Red Flying K Peggy 184N BW 85 BW -3.2 AOD 3 WW +44 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - yr 733 1233 38 cm YW Milk TM CE +76 +20 +42 +6.0 High selling bull in our 2011 Sale to Rodgers Red Angus. His sons carry on his profile: thick, deep, and lots of capacity. A very even sire group. His dam is pictured on Page 11. Red Carmichael Chief 55X May 6, 2010 MRJ 55X Red Flying K Chief 7U Red Flying K Chief 64H Red Flying K Ms Heavenly 23E Lynne Girardin M.Sc. Ruminant Nutritionist and Sales Consultant Sire: Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Red Deer Range Jack 210D Red ADK 28H Red Bone Creek Molly 508D Red Crescent Crk FR Chief 75L Red Soo FR Chief 3049 Red LPC Floress Julia 44K Email: [email protected] 1514 Fletcher Road l Saskatoon, SK S7M 5M1 Tel: 1-306-955-4665 l Mobile: 1-306-715-8566 Fax: 1-306-384-9944 l Toll Free: 1-800-667-4665 Dam: Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red Six Mile Fire Chief 389J Red RSL Bridget 378N Red Handford Bridget 14B BW 92 BW -0.6 AOD 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - m 5 45 cm WW YW Milk TM CE +38 +53 +12 +30 +4.0 Thanks to Lynne for formulating & balancing our rations. We purchased 55X in the 2012 Carmichael Red Angus 2 yr old Bull Sale. At the time he had no EPDs, but we knew we had to buy him on his phenotype, structural correctness, & his pedigree. We were suprised his numbers are as good as they are to start with. We know his numbers will sky-rocket as his sons are a very even, powerful group of cow bulls. His sons are all called “Cowboy Logic”as we know you will appreciate them for what they are! view bull videos at 3 Flying K Ranch - Bulls Red Flying K Julian 72Y Feb. 28, 2011 FKR 72Y Red Beckton Julian GG B571 Red TR Julian LT142 Red TR Lana G760 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red Beckton Julius M213 Red TR Dyna ST669 Red TRDyna LT111 Red LJC Mission Statement P27 Red Flying K Mission 71T Red Flying K Ms Chief 4J Dam: Red Flying K Tammy 15W Red Flying K Dynamo 67K Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 106R Red Flying K Ms Logan 46G BW 77 BW -4.7 AOD 2 WW +48 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - yr 739 38 cm YW Milk TM CE +74 +18 +43 +11.0 High selling bull in our 2012 Sale to Ter Ron Farms. A moderate-framed, deep-bodied, high capacity bull with a moderate birth weight. His calves have his dimension, body capacity, & do-ability. Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Feb. 18, 2009 IMP 981W Red Beckton Julian 7526G Red Beckton Julian GG B571 Red Beckton Marta 9A13 JL Sire: Red TR Julian LT142 Red Beckton Cody V E023 Red TR Lana G760 Red Beckton Lana E828 SC Red Beckton Julian 7526G Red Beckton Julius M213 Red Beckton Lana H128 HR Dam: Red TR Dyna ST669 Red Beckton Julian GG B571 Red TR Dyna LT111 Red BSF Dyna JT976 BW 75 BW -7.7 AOD 3 WW +51 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - m 626 1173 40 cm YW Milk TM CE +73 +17 +43 +14.0 Purchased from Tongue River Red Angus in 2010. A calving ease specialist, his calves are born small, but they exhibit much more growth & thickness than a lot of past heifer bulls. Most of his calves are very dark red. He is in the top percentile for low birth weight & calving ease, but he is still at or above breed average for growth. 4 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls Red Flying K Max 153Y March 16, 2011 FKR 153Y Crowfoot Max 1743L Red Crowfoot 6253S Crowfoot Pied Piper 3859N Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Beckton Clipper D225 JM Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Bar-X Miss Linett 284D Red YY Red Knight 640F Red SVR Ambush 59P Red South View Jinny 26C Dam: Red Flying K Lassie 37S Red Flying K Dynamo 67K Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 83P Red Deer Range Cristy 378L BW 97 BW -2.6 AOD 5 WW +44 Red Flying K Max 159Y 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. -2 yr 655 37 cm YW Milk TM CE +63 +16 +39 +5.0 March 18, 2011 FKR 159Y Crowfoot Max 1743L Red Crowfoot 6253S Crowfoot Pied Piper 3859N Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Beckton Clipper D225 JM Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Bar-X Miss Linett 284D Red Flying K Patrick 29N Red Flying K Ace 9R Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 91H Dam: Red Flying K Anita 764T Red U-2 Wanted 917J Red Flying K Anexa 4M Red Flying K Ms 7C B.J. 27F BW 94 BW -1.7 AOD 4 WW +29 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - m 687 38 cm YW Milk TM CE +44 +22 +37 +3.0 We paired these two bulls as a choice lot in our 2012 sale. SSS Red Angus purchased this lot and they selected FKR 159Y, so we kept FKR 153Y. We drew semen on FKR 159Y before he left so we are using both of these brothers. Both bulls are structurally correct & sound. Look for their daughters to be herd builders. Our 153Y bull calves are low to mid 80s at best, birth weight isn’t always the best indicator of calving ease. Red ML Max 862U April 6, 2008 VENO 862U Basin Max 104J Crowfoot Max 1743L Gladwell Lovemere Pet 8132 Sire: Red Crowfoot 6253S Red Revere 0807 Crowfoot Pied Piper 3859N Crowfoot Forks 625K Beckton Clipper JM A124 Red Beckton Clipper D225 JM BKT Pinemarie 9295 JL Dam: Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Brylor Youngblood 22Y Red Bar-X Miss Linett 284D Red SSS Miss Linett 284W BW 79 BW -4.9 AOD 4 WW +37 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - m 668 1185 48 cm YW Milk TM CE +57 +22 +41 +7.0 Max was the high seller at the Cattleman’s Connection Sale in 2009. He sires low birth weight, but calves have lots of growth potential. Very smooth bull with a small head which adds to his calving ease. He is a proven producer of superior females. A bull with depth & capacity (he can hardly fit through most chutes). He actually was put on “weight watchers” this winter. Easy fleshing - a nice problem. view bull videos at 5 Flying K Ranch - Bulls Red Beckton Nebula W312 Mar. 20, 2009 IMP 312W Red Beckton Neptune R2 K065 Red Beckton Nebula M045 Red Beckton Belga K285 JL Sire: Red Beckton Nebula H R233 Red Beckton Hadrian F C486 Red Beckton Coca H132 HD Red Beckton Coca CB74 JV Red Beckton Lancer TZ D525 Red Beckton Latigo G714 Red Beckton Marta Z381 CL Dam: Red Beckton Lakme J460 LT Red Beckton Hadrian FC E166 Red Beckton Lakme G128 HD Red Beckton Lakme E373 CL BW 68 BW -5.9 AOD 10 WW +51 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - m 566 1125 43 cm YW Milk TM CE +89 +14 +40 +18.0 Purchased from Beckton Stock Farm in 2010. Very easy calving bull. Calves are longer bodied, which we feel contributes to his calving ease. Out of a 10 year old cow Beckton regards highly. His calves exhibit a lot of growth potential & he was the sire of our 2013 High Selling Bull to Mar Mac Farms. His birth & growth numbers continue to widen. Red ML Storm 238T Mar. 4, 2007 MBML 238T Red YY Storm 901J Red SSS Storm 87M Red SSS Lyda 381J Sire: Red Shoderee Storm 137R Red Lacy MC Blaze 23J Red Shoderee Lady 156M Red Shoderee Leading Lady 80H Sodak Pioneer 5303 Red Sodak Pioneer J9517 Red Sodak 3061 Dam: Red Bar-X Dana-B 238P Red Beckton Clipper D225 JM Red Bar-X Dana-B 131J Red Bar-X Larkaba 66D BW 76 BW -0.3 AOD 3 WW +48 205 Adj. 365Adj. S.C. - m 659 44 cm YW Milk TM CE +76 +22 +46 +2.0 Last set of sons to sell from Storm as he injured himself last year. His calves have well above average ribeye with good performance & large testicles. His daughters udders’ are as nice as any bull we have ever used. 6 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 3A Red Flying K Outlander 3A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 159Y Red Flying K Anita 764T Red Flying K Rambo 8P Dam: Red Flying K Shiela 157S Red Flying K Dyna 75L BW 70 BW - FKR 10A AOD 7 WW + Feb.9, 2013 TWIN 205 Adj Oct. 9 Mar. 8 702 1190 YW Milk TM CE + + + + We will be pairing 2 bulls in the sale as a choice lot with the buyer choosing one bull and we keep the other for our own use. Red Flying K Outlander 10A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 159Y Red Flying K Anita 764T Red Flying K Dynamo 130R Dam: Red Flying K Dynasty 194W Red Flying K Pride 20R Feb.10, 2013 BW 98 BW - AOD 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 4 798 1215 WW YW Milk TM CE + + + + + 10A Powerful, eye-catching cow bull out of a fault-free type dam. view bull videos at 7 Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 14A Red Flying Outlander 14A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 159Y Red Flying K Anita 764T Red Flying K Dynamo 67K Dam: Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 189S Red Roberts Prime Lass 5134E BW 81 BW -2.2 AOD 7 WW +32 Feb.12, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 548 626 1030 YW Milk TM CE +48 +17 +32 +5.0 Swollen front foot treated before weaning, probably affected his weaning weigh somewhat. FKR 18A If you are unable to make it to the sale, we would be happy to assist you with your purchase . . . Satisfaction Guaranteed or you don’t own the bull! Call Brian (306)773-6313 for more information Red Flying K Sultan 18A Red BXB Daytripper 273P Sire: Red Wildman Solstice 805U Red Towaw Chieftess 12F Red Shoderee Patriot 5T Dam: Red Flying K Ms Intuition 16W Red Flying K Ariel 701T BW 69 BW -1.5 Sight Unseen Purchase Plan AOD 4 WW +40 Feb.14, 2013 TWIN 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 587 652 1100 YW Milk TM CE +61 +15 +35 +5.0 18A FKR 21A Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 21A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red Lines Chisolm 36P Dam: Red Flying K Roxie 197S Red Flying K Ms Robo 80K BW 92 BW +0.3 AOD 7 WW +40 Feb.14, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 628 712 1190 YW Milk TM CE +62 +13 +33 +3.0 First of many powerful “Cowboy Logic” sons. 8 FKR 22A Red Flying K Julian 22A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Flying K Wizard 7W Dam: Red Flying K Hillary 51Y Red Flying K Goldie 201R BW 59 BW -7.5 AOD 2 WW +40 Feb.14, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 625 628 982 YW Milk TM CE +58 +16 +36 +14.0 Elite Calving Ease Bull. Maternal brother was 56 lbs this year. view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 23A Red Flying K Julian 23A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 67Y Red Flying K Anita 777T BW 66 BW -4.8 AOD 2 WW +51 Feb.14, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 692 704 1110 YW Milk TM CE +75 +19 +45 +11.0 FKR 28A Flying K Impact 28A Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Sire: Red Flying K Julian 72Y Red Flying K Tammy 15W Red Double C Whippet 399W Dam: Flying K Carla 117Y Flying K Enchantress 93U BW 80 BW -2.6 AOD 2 WW +51 Elite Calving Ease Bull. Moderate frame with excellent thickness. FKR 29A Feb.15, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 670 674 1005 YW Milk TM CE +78 +16 +42 +7.0 Black bull. Red Flying K Impact 29A Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Sire: Red Flying K Julian 72Y Red Flying K Tammy 15W Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 39S Red Flying K Beauty 39P Feb.16, 2013 BW 80 BW -2.2 AOD 7 WW +45 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 637 718 1100 YW Milk TM CE +68 +18 +40 +7.0 Only 80 lbs off a big framed cow that has some growth potential, so only a 2 star rating to err on the side of caution. 29A FKR 31A Red Flying K Neptune 31A Red Beckton Nebula H R233 Sire: Red Beckton Nebula W312 Red Beckton Lakme J460 LT Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 142Y Red Flying K Michele 10S 31A BW 86 BW -2.9 AOD 2 WW +50 Feb.17, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 729 736 1195 YW Milk TM CE +84 +19 +44 +10.0 Tremendous length, out of a model Max 2 yr old heifer. view bull videos at 9 Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 35A Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 35A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red Flying K Mission 71T Dam: Red Flying K Tammy 103X Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 185S BW 84 BW +0.9 AOD 3 WW +45 Feb.18, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 622 652 1170 YW Milk TM CE +71 +15 +37 +1.0 Moderate, powerful, soggy cow bull with a moderate birth weight. 35A FKR 37A Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 37A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red LJC Mission Statement P27 Dam: Red Flying K Hannah 64U Red Flying K Roxie 145S BW 89 BW --0.2 AOD 5 WW +48 Feb.18, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 635 710 1025 YW Milk TM CE +76 +14 +38 +2.0 37A FKR 41A Red Flying K Neptune 41A Red Beckton Nebula H R233 Sire: Red Beckton Nebula W312 Red Beckton Lakme J460 LT Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 47Y Red Flying K Dynasty 22U BW 58 BW -6.9 AOD 2 WW +35 Feb.19, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 623 614 978 YW Milk TM CE +59 +19 +36 +17.0 FKR 44A Red Flying K Outlander 44A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 159Y Red Flying K Anita 764T Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 131X Red Flying K Roxie 25S BW 76 BW -1.9 AOD 3 WW +36 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 606 630 1070 YW Milk TM CE +56 +19 +37 +5.0 Elite Calving Ease Bull. 10 Feb.20, 2013 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 46A Red Flying K Galaxy 46A Red Beckton nebula U865 Sire: Red Flying K Nebula 179X Red Flying K Ariel 723T Red Flying K Patrick 9N Dam: Red Flying K Olivia 12U Red Flying K Michele 31S BW 104 BW +0.8 AOD 5 WW +46 Feb.20, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 661 732 1165 YW Milk TM CE +72 +18 +37 +5.0 Should calve cows very easily, no big genetics in his background. 46A FKR 52A Red Flying K Outlander 52A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 159Y Red Flying K Anita 764T Red YY Squire 334N ET Dam: Red Flying K Goldie 223R Red Flying K Peggy 184N BW 80 BW -3.8 723T is a maternal sister to 52A FKR 53A Red Flying K Sultan 53A Red BXB Daytripper 273P Sire: Red Wildman Solstice 805U Red Towaw Chieftess 12F Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 167U Red Flying K Pride 205R BW 93 BW -0.2 AOD 5 WW +36 Feb.21 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 570 628 1070 YW Milk TM CE +53 +17 +35 +3.0 AOD 8 WW +25 FKR 56A 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 576 636 1070 YW Milk TM CE +37 +19 +31 +7.0 Red Flying K Julian 56A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Beckton Nebula U865 Dam: Red Flying K Lana 166Y Red Flying K Shiela 52S BW 66 BW -6.4 Feb.21, 2013 AOD 2 WW +50 Feb.22, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 679 668 1065 YW Milk TM CE +74 +18 +43 +14.0 Elite Calving Ease Bull, exhibiting tremendous thickness. view bull videos at 11 Flying K Ranch - Bulls Feb.22, 2013 FKR 58A Red Flying K Julian 58A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Flying K Dynamo 130R Dam: Red Flying K Dynasty 21Y Red Flying K Michele 31S BW 96 BW -1.9 AOD 2 WW +57 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 789 788 1245 YW Milk TM CE +83 +17 +45 +6.0 Tremendous performance calf off a 2 yr old dam that calved unassisted. 58A FKR 60A Red Flying K Impact 60A Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Sire: Red Flying K Julian 72Y Red Flying K Tammy 15W Red LJC Mission Statement P27 Dam: Red Flying K Hannah 101U Red Flying K Olivia 70S BW 85 BW -3.9 AOD 5 WW +40 Feb.23, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 579 634 1125 YW Milk TM CE +68 +21 +41 +7.0 Very moderate framed, maybe as deep as you can make them FKR 61A Red Flying K Julian 61A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Ml Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 92Y Red Flying K Olivia 255S BW 74 BW -4.7 AOD 2 WW +49 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 684 670 1035 YW Milk TM CE +71 +19 +44 +10.0 Elite Calving Ease Bull, stil achieving near breed avg for growth. $100 Discount/Bull If you take your bull home from the sale 12 Feb.23, 2013 view bull videos at Thank- you . . . to Cattle Care Vet for purchasing my steer at Frontier Days 2013 - Dylan Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 70A Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 70A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red OHRR Dakota Copper 29K Dam: Red Flying K Mary 45W Red Flying K Michele 10S BW 93 BW +0.4 AOD 4 WW +45 Feb.24, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 679 724 1155 YW Milk TM CE +67 +18 +41 0.0 70A FKR 71A Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 71A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 162S Red Flying K Miss Pat 85P BW 92 BW +0.1 71A AOD 7 WW +35 Feb.24, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 609 665 1195 YW Milk TM CE +47 +14 +31 +3.0 With his sire having no EPD history, it would be interesting to know what his actual #s are . . . time will tell. Thank- you . . . to SW Animal Health Centre for purchasing my steer at Frontier Days 2013 - Shane FKR 75A Red Flying K Total 75A Red SVR No Equal 34R Sire: Red SVR No Equal 224U Red SVR Jinny 31J Red Flying K Dynamo 130R Dam: Red Flying K Dynasty 144U Red Flying K Goldie 206R BW 77 BW -2.1 AOD 5 WW +46 TWIN Feb.24, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 600 656 1005 YW Milk TM CE +58 +13 +35 +6.0 view bull videos at 13 Flying K Ranch - 2013 Sale Highlights Thank-you to everyone who purchased Flying K “genetics” throughout 2013 . . . A & L Cattle Co. Ross & Cammie Anderson Battle Creek Consulting Ltd. Birch Hills Colony Bos Ranch Bounty B Ranch Ltd. Breault Ranching Ltd. Ernie Camphaug Cactus Ridge Red Angus Carmichael Red Angus Emil Chomistek Bob & Mary Corcoran Coyote Valley Farms Brad Dickie GDJ Beaubien Farm Keystone Farms Jack Fenwick Scott Fraser Garden Plane Farming Gibson Flat Farm Ltd. Darwin Gork Hecker Farms JLA Farms Ltd. Laforge Farms Wendy & Kevin Langer Vern & Bonnie Mackow MarMac Farms Martens Ranch Ltd. Ross & Roy Martin Ryan McGregor MTDR Farming Co. Ltd. Wade & Lori Newton Raymond Pare Patzer Ranch PFRA Travis & Tara Portz Red Rock Red Angus Arnold Rempel Josh Rempel Kelly Ringrose Sawtell Farms Ltd. Vern Seibel Sewall Ranching Shamrock Livestock Simmie Colony DML Smith Ranch Stuart & Doug Smith Trails North Ranch Clem Therrien Valiant Farm Dennis & Kay Viken Veno Ranch R & A Williamson Farms Willow Springs Stock Farm Volume Bull Buyer 2013 Three Generation 4-H Family Awards at Frontier Days 2013 Hanel Family Finell Family PFRA 14 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - 2013 Sale Highlights High Selling Bull 2013 MarMac Farms view bull videos at 15 Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 77A Red Flying K Typhoon 77A Feb.24, 2013 Red Double C Whippet 399W Sire: Red Flying K Bear 45Y Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 185S Red Beckton Nebula U865 Dam: Red Flying K Lana 174Y Red Flying K Goldie 147R BW 78 BW - AOD 2 WW + 205 Adj. YW + Oct. 9 Mar. 8 738 1175 Milk TM CE + + + 77A FKR 78A Red Flying K Max 78A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 169U Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 140R BW 84 BW -2.0 AOD 5 WW +32 Feb.24, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 575 628 1075 YW Milk TM CE +46 +19 +35 +5.0 FKR 79A Red Flying K Storm 79A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Flying K Barney 69K Dam: Red Flying K Berry 9X Red Flying K Melody 138U BW 90 BW -0.7 AOD 3 WW +39 Feb.25, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 627 640 1100 YW Milk TM CE +55 +21 +40 +4.0 Dam produced 2013 High Selling Bull to MarMac Farms! FKR 80A Red Flying K Galaxy 80A Red Beckton nebula U865 Sire: Red Flying K Nebula 179X Red Flying K Ariel 723T Red Flying K Mission 71T Dam: Red Flying K Tammy 4X Red Flying K Polly 6R BW 98 BW +1.4 AOD 3 WW +56 Feb.25 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 735 758 1160 YW Milk TM CE +90 +22 +42 +5.0 Moderate framed performance calf. 16 FKR 86A Red Flying K Julian 86A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 175Y Red Flying K 158S BW 65 BW -5.8 AOD 2 WW +47 Feb.26, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 668 646 1040 YW Milk TM CE +69 +19 +42 +12.0 Elite Calving Ease Bull. view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 90A Feb.27, 2013 Red Flying K Outlander 90A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 159Y Red Flying K Anita 764T Red That’ll Do Diadem 7D Dam: Red Flying K Ms Diadem 100X Red McRae’s Keri 9J BW 87 BW -1.4 AOD 2 WW +33 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 638 648 1065 YW Milk TM CE +48 +20 +36 +3.0 90A FKR 92A Red Flying K Max 92A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 132U Red Flying K Ms Lakota 19R BW 86 BW -3.0 92A FKR 93A 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 633 684 1140 YW Milk TM CE +64 +17 +37 +7.0 Red Flying K Max 93A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red LJC Mission Statement P27 Dam: Red Flying K Hannah 18U Red Flying K Pepper 3S BW 79 BW -4.0 AOD 5 WW +39 Feb.27, 2013 AOD 5 WW +39 Feb.27, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 569 614 992 YW Milk TM CE +64 +17 +37 +7.0 The web-site will be updated with scrotal measurements, carcass data, & bull videos as we get them. view bull videos at 17 Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 97A Feb.28, 2013 Red Flying K Storm 97A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Aspen Eclipse 27P Dam: Red Flying K Melody 160W Red Flying K Ms Lakota 59R BW 103 BW +2.0 AOD 4 WW +29 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 653 684 1090 YW Milk TM CE +42 +19 +33 +5.0 97A FKR 98A Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 98A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red Aspen Eclipse 27P Dam: Red Flying K Melody 724T Red Flying K Pride 205R BW 89 BW -1.2 AOD 6 WW +34 FKR 100A 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 619 665 1115 YW Milk TM CE +45 +13 +30 +5.0 Red Flying K Storm 101A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 149X Red Flying K Esther 13U BW 89 BW -0.7 AOD 3 WW +47 Feb. 28, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 635 642 1090 YW Milk TM CE +72 +20 +44 +3.0 Red Flying K Boss 100A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 153Y Red Flying K Lassie 37S Red Shoderee Data 55T Dam: Red Flying K Kelly 84X Red Flying K Ms Aussie 75S BW 83 BW -1.0 Feb. 28, 2013 FKR 101A AOD 3 WW +49 Feb. 28, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 694 706 1215 YW Milk TM CE +71 +16 +40 +4.0 100A 18 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 102A Red Flying K Max 102A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Flying K Dynamo 130R Dam: Red Flying K Dynasty 98X Red Flying K Jinny 173S BW 70 BW -5.0 AOD 3 WW +34 Feb. 28, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 632 640 1015 YW Milk TM CE +50 +22 +39 +10.0 FKR Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 112A 112A BW 76 BW -2.2 AOD 4 WW +34 FKR 117A Mar.1, 2013 BW 93 BW +1.1 AOD 3 WW +45 Mar. 1, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 695 704 1175 YW Milk TM CE +65 +15 +37 +1.0 FKR Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 114A 114A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red YY Squire 334N ET Dam: Red Flying K Goldie 141R Red Flying K Anexa 71N BW 85 BW -1.2 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 613 640 1065 YW Milk TM CE +46 +11 +28 +7.0 AOD 8 WW +36 Mar.1, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 577 618 1015 YW Milk TM CE +49 +13 +32 +4.0 Red Flying K Boss 117A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 153Y Red Flying K Lassie 37S Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 185X Red Flying K Olivia 196S BW 83 BW -1.9 Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red Shoderee Data 55T Dam: Red Flying K Kelly 38X Red Flying K Lassie 114S Awesome cow bull, really matches up in type with 35A. Elite Calving Ease Bull. Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 142W Red Flying K Shiela 73S FKR Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 108A 108A AOD 3 WW +48 Mar.2, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 703 710 1150 YW Milk TM CE +72 +19 +43 +3.0 The 153Y calves have lots of middle & do-ability built in. 117A view bull videos at 19 Flying K Ranch - Bulls Mar.2, 2013 FKR Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 118A 118A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 42X Red Flying K Jinny 32U BW 78 BW -2.5 AOD 3 WW +35 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 606 606 1105 YW Milk TM CE +49 +16 +33 +6.0 118A FKR 119A Red Flying K Julian 119A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Double C Whippet 399W Dam: Red Flying K Carla 104Y Red Flying K Ariel 72U BW 82 BW -2.8 AOD 2 WW +60 FKR 121A 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 711 680 944 YW Milk TM CE +86 +13 +43 +4.0 Red Flying K Max 121A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Milk Creek Cub 722 Dam: Red Flying K Ms Lakota 55R Red Flying K Patricia 102M BW 77 BW -3.7 Mar.2, 2013 AOD 8 WW +37 Mar.2, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 575 614 1005 YW Milk TM CE +54 +19 +38 +2.0 If your watching this bull on video he has no hair because he was pushed through the wires into the opposing bull pen . . . . . . it will grow back! 20 FKR 120A Red Flying K Max 120A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Flying K Barney 69K Dam: Red Flying K Felicia 57R Red Flying K Poppy 63J BW 76 BW -2.9 FKR 124A AOD 8 WW +37 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 601 642 1060 YW Milk TM CE +54 +19 +38 +2.0 Red Flying K Bloomer 124A Red Leachman No Equal 1174D Sire: Red South Border No Equal 18Y Red South Border Bonny 913 Red Flying K Rambo 8P Dam: Red Flying K Shiela 160S Red Flying K Cherry 32N BW 89 BW -1.7 Mar.2, 2013 AOD 7 WW +35 Mar.2, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 591 630 1095 YW Milk TM CE +52 +14 +32 +5.0 160S clicks with any bull you breed her to. view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 126A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 119Y Red Flying K Dynasty 187U BW 77 BW -4.4 FKR 129A AOD 2 WW +48 Mar.2, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 683 650 1045 YW Milk TM CE +71 +18 +42 +10.0 AOD 7 WW +47 Red Flying K Storm 127A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Beckton Nebula U865 Dam: Red Flying K Lana 159X Red Flying K Ariel 72U BW 70 BW -2.6 AOD 3 WW +53 Mar.2, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 679 686 1115 YW Milk TM CE +81 +19 +45 +7.0 Mar.3, 2013 Red Flying K Storm 129A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Flying K Prince 310P Dam: Red Flying K Michele 11S Red Flying K Polly 58K BW 98 BW +0.7 FKR 127A Red Flying K Julian 126A 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 732 778 1260 YW Milk TM CE +73 +22 +45 -1.0 129A FKR 130A Red Flying K Julian 130A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 49Y Red Flying K Shiela 152S 130A BW 77 BW -5.1 AOD 2 WW +53 Mar.3, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 750 720 1125 YW Milk TM CE +77 +18 +44 +11.0 view bull videos at 21 Flying K Ranch - Bulls All bulls have tested negative for being persistent infectors (PI) for BVD. If you have any other health related requirements, please let us know. FKR 135A Red Flying K Julian 132A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Beckton Nebula U865 Dam: Red Flying K Lana 132Y Red Flying K Ms Lakota 37R BW 85 BW -3.2 AOD 2 WW +58 Mar.3, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 732 700 1125 YW Milk TM CE +88 +20 +48 +4.0 Red Flying K Max 135A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Flying K Prince 310P Dam: Red Flying K Michele 10S Red Flying K Polly 58K BW 82 BW -2.7 FKR 132A AOD 7 WW +37 Mar.4, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 662 702 1125 YW Milk TM CE +59 +24 +42 +5.0 135A’s full sister is the dam to the 31A bull. Female - maker baked in the cake. 135A FKR 136A Red Flying K Julian 136A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Flying K Mission 71T Dam: Red Flying K Tammy 100Y Red Flying K Beauty 8R 136A 22 BW 97 BW --1.1 AOD 2 WW +66 Mar.4, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 752 718 1175 YW Milk TM CE +102 +17 +50 0.0 A Powerful Jubilation son. view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 140A Red Flying K Sultan 140A Red BXB Daytripper 273P Sire: Red Wildman Solstice 805U Red Towaw Chieftess 12F Red Flying K Patrick 9N Dam: Red Flying K Olivia 9U Red Flying K Sarah 136S BW 86 BW -1.7 AOD 5 WW +39 Mar.4, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 595 630 1130 YW Milk TM CE +62 +19 +38 +4.0 140A FKR 141A Red Flying K Storm 141A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Flying K Cub 65R Dam: Red Flying K Ariel 701T Red Flying K Goldie 206R BW 72 BW -2.6 AOD 6 WW +39 Mar.5, 2013 TWIN 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 655 692 1075 YW Milk TM CE +57 +17 +37 +5.0 FKR 146A Red Flying K Max 146A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Flying K Rambo 8P Dam: Red Flying K Shiela 52S Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 72P BW 80 BW -4.9 AOD 7 WW +34 Mar.5, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 582 614 984 YW Milk TM CE +49 +16 +33 +9.0 His dam has a Storm son working at Thistle Ridge. Calve your heifers, keep the daughters. FKR 149A Red Flying K Max 149A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red OHRR Dakota Copper 29K Dam: Red Flying K Ruby 75U Red Flying K Jinny 149S BW 75 BW -3.4 AOD 5 WW +45 Mar.5 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 630 665 1130 YW Milk TM CE +66 +17 +40 +5.0 FKR 150A Red Flying K Storm 150A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Flying K Dynamo 67K Dam: Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 106R Red Flying K Ms Logan 46G BW 67 BW -2.9 AOD 8 WW +32 Mar.5, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 551 582 974 YW Milk TM CE +50 +20 +36 +6.0 view bull videos at 23 Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 151A Red Flying K Julian 151A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 69Y Red Flying K Melody 724T BW 70 BW -5.1 AOD 2 WW +42 Mar.5, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 603 558 960 YW Milk TM CE +60 +18 +39 +10.0 FKR 157A Red Beckton Nebula H R233 Sire: Red Beckton Nebula W312 Red Beckton Lakme J460 LT Red Beckton Nebula U865 Dam: Red Flying K Lana 177Y Red Flying K Roxie 25S BW 72 BW -4.7 Red Flying K Boss 159A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 153Y Red Flying K Lassie 37S Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 150X Red Flying K Sarah 136S BW 65 BW -3.8 AOD 3 WW +43 AOD 2 WW +52 Mar.7, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 670 624 1015 YW Milk TM CE +87 +49 +42 +14.0 A top calving ease prospect. Elite Calving Ease Bull. FKR 159A Red Flying K Neptune 157A Mar.8, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 613 600 936 YW Milk TM CE +64 +18 +39 +8.0 FKR 162A Red Flying K Sultan 162A Red BXB Daytripper 273P Sire: Red Wildman Solstice 805U Red Towaw Chieftess 12F Red Howe Mr. Mat DDH 19F Dam: Red Flying K Ms Crest 10R Red flying K Ms Dynamo 76J BW 85 BW -1.0 AOD 8 WW +44 Mar.9, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 651 676 1065 YW Milk TM CE +70 +15 +37 +7.0 Elite Calving Ease Bull. FKR 168A Red Flying K Boss 168A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 153Y Red Flying K Lassie 37S Red Flying K Dynamo 130R Dam: Red Flying K Dynasty 136X Red Flying K Melody 788T BW 75 BW -2.6 AOD 3 WW +40 Mar.10, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 672 656 1005 YW Milk TM CE +58 +21 +41 +7.0 FKR 169A Flying K Alliance 169A Bad Lands Alliance 14W Sire: Bad Lands Alliance 66Y Bad Lands Lady 311N Mytty In Focus Dam: South Border Eula 6Y Crescent Creek Eula 94N BW 84 BW +2.6 AOD 2 WW +49 Mar.10, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 705 652 1160 YW Milk TM CE +81 +21 +46 +4.0 Straight black pedigree. Dam purchased at South Border Angus Dispersal as a heifer calf. 24 view bull videos at Flying K Ranch - Bulls Windbreak Panels & Free-standing Corral Panels Made by: Darby Zacharias (306)774-4730 FKR 173A Red Flying K Storm 171A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Flying K Dynamo 130R Dam: Red Flying K Dana 202X Red Flying K 158S BW 84 BW -1.2 AOD 3 WW +43 Mar.10, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 647 630 1015 YW Milk TM CE +67 +20 +41 +5.0 Red Flying K Storm 173A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red Flying K Ace 9R Dam: Red Flying K Anita 777T Red Flying K Peggy 152N BW 93 BW +0.7 FKR 171A AOD 6 WW +49 Mar.10, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 675 698 1150 YW Milk TM CE +76 +20 +44 +3.0 173A He has 2 full sisters working in our herd. One of which is the dam of 23A. FKR 177A Red Flying K Bloomer 177A Red Leachman No Equal 1174D Sire: Red South Border No Equal 18Y Red South Border Bonny 913 Red SVR Ambush 59P Dam: Red Flying K Jinny 71S Red Flying K Peggy 150P 169A BW 89 BW -1.7 AOD 7 WW +24 Mar.11, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 579 596 1065 YW Milk TM CE +31 +17 +29 +5.0 view bull videos at 25 Flying K Ranch - Bulls FKR 180A Red Flying K Max 180A Red Crowfoot 6253S Sire: Red ML Max 862U Red Bar-X Miss Linett 151K Red Aspen Eclipse 27P Dam: Red Flying K Melody 199X Red Flying K Felicia 57R BW 84 BW -2.4 AOD 3 WW +39 Mar.11, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 683 664 1080 YW Milk TM CE +53 +21 +40 +5.0 FKR 182A Red Flying K Julian 182A Red TR Julian LT142 Sire: Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Red TY Dyna ST669 Red Beckton Nebula U865 Dam: Red Flying K Lana 131Y Red Flying K Ms Lakota 70R BW 73 BW -5.0 AOD 2 WW +49 Mar.11, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 709 654 1075 YW Milk TM CE +75 +21 +45 +9.0 Calving ease bull that’s easy to spot. FKR 189A Red Flying K Neptune 189A Red Beckton Nebula H R233 Sire: Red Beckton Nebula W312 Red Beckton Lakme J460 LT Red Tongue River Jubilation 981W Dam: Red Flying K Sue 4Y Red Flying K Dana 40W BW 53 BW -7.7 AOD 2 WW +39 Mar.13, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 578 524 870 YW Milk TM CE +64 +19 +38 +19.0 FKR Red Flying K Cowboy Logic 191A 191A Red Bone Creek Chief 84T Sire: Red Carmichael Chief 55X Red RSL Bridgette 509R Red Flying K Dynamo 67K Dam: Red Flying K Ms Dynamo 185S Red Flying K Lakota 67N BW 91 BW +0.9 Elite Calving Ease Bull and then some! FKR 193A BW 84 BW -1.5 26 AOD 3 WW +49 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 681 692 1080 YW Milk TM CE +70 +13 +36 0.0 His dam is a “Front Pasture” type cow. Red Flying K Storm 193A Red Shoderee Storm 137R Sire: Red ML Storm 238T Red Bar-X-Dana-B 238P Red ML Max 862U Dam: Red Flying K Linett 13X Red Flying K Dynasty 11U AOD 7 WW +46 Mar.14, 2013 Mar.14, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 673 646 1060 YW Milk TM CE +71 +22 +44 +4.0 FKR 195A Red Flying K Boss 195A Red ML Max 862U Sire: Red Flying K Max 153Y Red Flying K Lassie 37S Red ML Storm 238T Dam: Red Flying K Dana 148X Red Flying K Ms Lakota 55R BW 74 BW -2.9 AOD 3 WW +43 Mar.15, 2013 205 Adj. Oct. 9 Mar. 8 632 602 984 YW Milk TM CE +62 +18 +39 +4.0 view bull videos at
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