7b4J'a,.' f "f." ?'t/7 t Z i I coditc. t lc*6i1.3 tfr ,t.apd.'fisgs'?Et r R'dold &bfrty 8sr{ hr6 rrlr.d thi colsw codrltdt!:l of ttcsld c.u|tt to/t *?tt06'00 tor ' ltblry brdldlBf. $! htY! bG dcd !o nta r ttrtsat rrsrtri.nC l&t lib rfti hosr:n3 !&r &d 4frla rry tbi lrqlrrt LB fq $?tr000.()o. ! 't!t rd,6t ot !6rt rrtd 1c blrtd e tro rp'stf,ls rttfuetcrl L f gEgg altttill. - ilor tsEh 0.s. t€! I. hrra (I) to &n|r iht p!€PL ol &dtu@ rrll uorrru gtet' rr r E{G\stty lllt'rtT, eld (2} t€ boE ! ib r'gtqd' Xtbrw odllr, ihc tatd i6n t }1eb to eryr? fc'l:\d !b' lttd lt'o8!'a ot l1bt.|rrt !.td€. l8 tb! iel3. Ee![tl!! tSrl !.t F ttr rng{..F ftulr trslh lL.r oht'.( l,,1brut seaqllalt d i,lc Slrtl D.peiast sf &tsrf,ld *titd idth rl| o!1 tlto lnut ot rglot fa n-4. X qtota flq br t*tc af tssrlr E1 lg5?r r..... y€n rll:t ..... !..d ! bulllulf tntb s rrt r cf, ?rOOo to l0rdo rqror &d ol fl6or t9*.. y6s td1l acrd t'o Frltrt& !G r r.ad*g toe f@ rdslttr toag padPl, lnd €ldldr{st tn11 rholrfug atld ttacl tg 9ormo boo'ltt a t !{tro6[ tditr rq6llg r.rtaa!'t th.lrlng 8d al(Fl8r rprsr rr rqill lr datkr taa at{ud ltdf ru#Gtt r!€t*81 tPrEa fitF t'bc rprar tor .lOrOoO r tiptnia book$rblX.a qelttoil*. lbc. try .lto br s lirrd fw rn rsfi*Iy:oc ta r.h[6L U dtror86 !u hold t!!'ttagl, Y1t5 lllHlr tta.t 2. A qogf .tiirt . - Itr i&tr llcdi.tt :t thl! tLnc, tltri It th. sdt at eEttttetl$lt oar8ty t€brql rrsadn!fiftft ta ou rtgls r*! c6eult6d r}od sra!*at{qt ssrtt. tlar,r fipcttt[st tll rcarni bd.ldttld lEeglld lrt tha rosh-bottol cst It f?.oo pr tqE€ to!t. l .britd .ltlni. fu F .0o pr t{ur. toot. lrergr cort lt 1bt!| t:'?.50 P.r fquEl tao!. tbt !.tert af, th. liltary Brsd la Gaatmiltat ulrqoo lqlrt tEt r t1g'0-I!g-rqEglgg! : *?5dg:9g b€oklobtLrr md FFbrps u It rrlql dlrlrslt t6 f,a$,.rn ilr relq fo ib. 6. dt' €d&h bous it. 1. 2. s.f th lldand frbfff b$trrt*r I! orf rldcB tha btrdaEstlrt llbrut lt WG Lt hel8r ! ri.t. OtbG ltbrctr-|8 tht r.*16 $. att ! ?O to 2t boF! r !.rk' fbr kr&qrnr* llbflr? ft t}lr b.d! rt'.rfd* o.ltlr & tb t{t'er Sol6lndr ot btotfl of Stdr tlrl ltb;8t arnr o*ly m arpy aa hoar{ r?.1}&L 6 *i tha nleitrd llbflty. Ii {t t'rs t}8t tbl'! boob ulihtdqltt.[t of tb th bEt r.rldGit la t.3lon| no rsyor rn!.d rrldhbfllt' ca oo;ralttr krr thr dlullt rdvut*er ot lralrt gr.ltry hrLhrd ?trosrGrrt rtrl i' ! bo*r llr ri b e tha tbl"tl rf i,b. ?c[ltty ltbrct. la r*frd fire$al ta [f,! !tr tbr b.liK{drtdt llbll,f ,t ilr. lnol.lrbtL ogIlaation. $s!0 lffi til.:lrtt sd !.!i. *!r!. ?S lold !.estdlnE , fdg$ba'dlh Drl0,trcter rnd ngcd plEtft, tn! hoosaal ln th brgq*t[t $bF?r itrfocc sd ot'hF gdF(nt oln 1! tlt llStn st trl$i .do'Yllll' {h cltltml Ulrrr? tr !34 thdr ddr frso r Urt, lld t&G FtL q lrsob lttlcts, *fi.l' ibr frb{3r *e iod dtL br tb r.ql*!t! grf&bst b.t t'b. q,pctdtt-to l. Ubrlrt t&t b.r{qurt{Ea ir sr tbo ltligrr lnildl.n$r nrtr tb bdf et I t dud llbrelaa t! d..t{!gr lr{ t b ti. rirrtr&-d* *r o iocrvc-ffi-Ic Er da inry td'Ll br mdad. dln q*rlaE *ds& U!t! '11 llbruy ,.t ttd.' lYrifJeh {hrowbod t. tlr tbr gt€. ta bulld 4 tli ftsdstrltsr &brq. h. rb eorrdmd rtrft fu b.rd .r itll hl dcuctct t'rbr*y. lt llltt E i.'*r of thtr rtlrt tt s l$a J{,b d!6d} t7ry h.!i lrhrt !!t t'llf.X ltbsH9 l' {rpc, rtd lr :vdt&ib f,8 !!f,.rs. r*'ttr 1, frtr. aa.d&!8 ti.larry itdr:t. gra&nial l'ta f;.. b.:'p dr 5. 6. trs*rlg uil l'trBtbltrg Tb t,l! rt &rfalde $divtgl tt tb. St b lrprrkat €'f 8&fl etrrl ft.t.r fd th!t! rho ti. tnU*fr io rrrg*c ,s tlt tlgtd' b llFb o.f ardlo'tll8l Sart*rt tru tl! tltt tsa tt farh€rr,.trtt llblirt. th"qg ru.th !.' llcn 16 t1ls. ola prbsti Lri. brt no* l.crtt tb6 t'h. rt$dFo{li cf 6et-fsa t{brrp * bcll rt . ht r t l'!+rant. ll ihlstan ltbruy 8t'li ttr fi ur6! of tbr tfbmry no h lbla i€ {.!$h&a tqqltnt t* mml al bo!*r, JaF aaflor t'e ltfrfG€ q*]ilg r sd t{* slctid tfi*{.rll to b. !Ilfia{. 'Il tlbtal 1! r lc?let dttsd'cLt'{*, r }dt 8.gfcd tb Lrp'c'-lbsrs-tutnrr of, tJr. .&rilctrl plg3lrNt rf t'h. gt.t! sf o|or8tr. t! !t iba caac tdth clt rdtoe:r, tb 9&l1{ flbrut r.L* Ec rftuq't to Jlttlry 1tl .dttr$. 'n t&t btlli ot .toerclrl Talttfit!. F{rlf6, tb tl|. af elr ltgtcu1 Xtbrst budSlt I.' tsh I';li tt wttr i,bt lntdrrit of b!.h.lr &r4ldl tq lha €elltlxtr lt t}€ ad of tbt hti tt$jl tna. . Jsc 3Or 1996 - or' "@orb te ilr. St tc li'|rlscnt et EArGlLte! rLor'd r lqt 1brdgrt et l33rt9o.3a. Abort mt-totlrtb oi glttt $ nt tnr ory toek bqd€Pttr . erldlt r&dDrt drleh L cdrt! baqb 5d ochat 11b.3? rrtelr]'! sd' rlld tll' b''}lt ta tbr ststa ,*reGi qt Eds@*toa. fu rb6oh budgltr !6la cqcr &lr ar ttgls ar srth xtry. tt& t}l r'rreldla tb!..'lolrtlE 9f tbr .bovt astrei rl! q6ai ee|l !ard"!d by +ir tttltl!* ot tho l!!r!fy bou{" lt! bi*iac hd3!56 f,or ttl6 t da le doaa ln tr'llc b.rdcuFtor 8q!adv' th. beolsobtlG 1r s!trvio.d tn t&c h.dqu.!tc! ,iTjN4'jf)-L )^,,-* fb tbea !.d&rr of, t5t ,tr|Ef.ttlcerl" ttdt^nors:l' l''vl i! thi nfidquatlra aollBitt tha lnlurt ef rr1ltrLt lor ihit. folr prs9ta 5ld tb ibri! l]lbltrlartr lrrvol r..ttorus€r iot L aElsrily lt6rlb0.ao Fr t*8r l!. S.erd ndto!, h'rtdlal oi tb I'&tl frttsll,l F.tt* ol I'lrdlra'a, try! ibrt, reosdln! te sr rsdroE{3 fcmb} i'[r lor, ol lX5rmo.Oo tn .d!rta! ra![d m to th. csqttr e l€orcqd'e lort ol t6or0o.oo. ?bi bd*r! 6t t&t tlbtry rlXl b, rotth to tlir @aralttr {n {n y..r th oort ot tn. Ulq,rlt bdldLry. f! ftqFslttal ao&slc @rttr ti|o hl! brc c6lultad, rlrElr E ih't lkgl|l Cllaly 6lrr rrtllg bot,b r h6!d.la1 ed r 11bn!?. It k Jrrli r qE dle ot p$Uc tq'pad. tha fou.aE tla Slotrrtte 1t trk !t tqs cansltr lt lt P&Uc lllarrt.i nogiF BrDl&l tfi. mot rdq&L lllft Uontloollo, Aprll 9, &e JaspBr-trlorgan-Putnau Reglgnal ltadt8oq/ Aplll I, 1957 ln llb!'a!y Gcolgla, 1957 Boat al mot ott Tuosd.ay Bho lootlng tas 6a11€d te oralor by tbo Chat!!ra!, alal lofreshontg rera selved by th€ hostssgos. Th6 follorlng n€nbela wet'e ploE€nt l l&s. Glao€ ?honpsoa }Fs. J. o. Ear!18 Urs. furne! 8611 trlr,s. R. D. U^rgatr I4n. A. C. DldkoF trs. Alan !{alshaLL I0.. D. D. Y-9&1 lfts. C. W. i& rn€ I&e. l. T. cal.L&{r!r Idrs. Arcb Flt upetflok Itr18s ttra:ry Daroo !&e. Dgvtat Ellls Fs. Aet6 Dickoy !s s. xbrry Eunt !&e. Alr,ce 'lfellaoo lfins. J. B. Prltebott Ulss luelLLr Ulx-Ohlcf l.lbrery Consultant of tbo e.orgla statg Dopartmelt of Ealuoat 10n MlartoE of, tbc lest Eoetlag rarg lead by tho Sooletaly aaal approv6al is :ro&iL s roport tas approvoal as rsad. fhe llbralian-Dlfegto! lead be! !€9ort thlcb. tas approved. a6 !oad.. The Cbal!:![e! releoeeal tho tco !6!r boatd n€@bors, !&s. Davlil X1Lis of ilontt oello, ead Urs. R. D. Mo!8an of, Xad.lEon. itrlss Nl* oolrmondoal tbo quartorly roportg alal nade eolsqont 8 o! e b,o{r6 s1t6 1rl uaillsoa rbLob ray ba e posslblLa{hr locatlo! f,or a Eho Tr€esurorl llblaly. Ssyola,l n@bors of, tho Boald statod that lt ta8 tb€1! porsola1 fo€llng that th€ buytlg antl r@ode1ta6 of an olal boulo and 10! roulil be l!'oro exp€nslvo than congtruotlon al a nat Llblaly butldtng. hs. Dlokey geyo to Boalal m€@bels sevoral eopl€E of s ctatElont rlltten for pras€ntatlon to XBrgan Cou.aty clvlc g.roqpa aEal loadera. the stateeeBt prosontsil the naoals of a ber llbrary bulldlng anal a sl@a]3y of tho valuea of tha .leglonal llbraly hoadquartor,B to tho L oo@unlttr {hlob. heuses Lb. Jl ) ,, :-: ,,-', -t <",r1',i & uotiott vas tlail€ to eonsuLt soEo bullallng asthorltlr rho f,lll glve tho Boaral a c@paretlv€ estlqate of ooEt and p1an8 for rehone slts 4€ntloned aboTe andl for bu11dt!g Eodellng tho old o The motlon rac callrl.ed. Tb,e ebaLnna! dho;tad e Dor libraryFul1atlDg. [Fs. J. D. gehrls, Jr. to ]€gln planE f,o! celfyfurg out tbls utblon Tho te6dr.ata1y. th6 eh.elrrnen statod th.at ne{ llbrsly board of,flc€rs roulal be €lectaat et tho !6xt me€tlag. tb.o neet lng raE edjournoil by the cbatr:aa!. Re6pectf,u1ly cublttad. S€crotary r/,,.c/4/tv/ rlii ,t,, t ,, t 1/ 7/r' / r' )'t't ,o , {>' /'/4 . M'u r I i. {7 /rc/ .tr 7rr/i t .L /"[ tr/too I tn 7,/e /r4u, ,,, fl r, /trc// ,/c7fucr, i'//r,, 4/rea, /t"t/ t' /,' 7/t,1 rt[7 t/a|ir/ y]aru 4s /// ? n ilt' nt' f /tttr -i/ lr,u/,, /i tl . .,. ,/ ,l 7 "t/t'/r ///rt /'rtrr(/, i' /'t it u7 /Jrri tt I ;'/ t/ //t, i f4rr,,,t i{t, t l /.'/y::l//n//, lf ,,i,r rl hlut , {y't /14 r r/,' t r ,1, -i,,rt, )t!i '4 ',' i( nn /' ,, /il ,Jr t ,," -r4'( fu rr 1"7/ 1r;6i/r,,1. ,t''n,rt'f lraDrr' fr '/, f/L /)r,,/'r, ttt lgt/ 7t/t.r/ //tnV ,fu ,il t,r, H( ft /('/L *iri)tt I ilk l)tfrlt, t .fr- ,!1tt,'ty,t 6 ,,i^lr tt dtt //,,, , r7 ,, /(4 rI trr,,,/ ,l// t . {o/ J /f Zlt /,,/.rr,, y / , ),i -.2fff tt l n& tfli )1/tr ,r i I MA{:iAZINE & R[ST ROOM ALD I O-1T STTAL ADUl"T CI{ILDRI]]I REA'ING REI,NTTG i00M R00r,[ CATAI.O G] lIG S & PROCISS]Tts STORAG! 4 t n {'n-/tr", /<"*''*.?T,fr"' /.f. -'' tqt 27' ,fr,"""^7r,7r4*o 6? ) ,zi 0/ /".<
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