FAST recipients - Association of Surgical Technologists

The Fellow of the Association of Surgical Technologists (FAST) designation recognizes
those individuals who have upheld the highest standards and traditions of the surgical
technology profession, and whose professional activities have been devoted to the
advancement of the profession toward improving the quality of surgical patient care. A
candidate designated as a Fellow is recognized as one whose dedication to professional
excellence has furthered the practice of surgical technology.
AST Fellows are surgical technologists and surgical assistants….
• Whose professional activities have been devoted to the practice of surgical technology and
• Who abide by the AST Code of Ethics and the AST Recommended Standards of Practice
Candidates chosen as a Fellow will commit and adhere to these ethics and standards of
practice when declaring the Oath of an AST Fellow.
The following practitioners are current Fellows:
Sherri Alexander, CST, FAST
Ron Alston, CST, FAST
Mark Astle, CST, CSFA, FAST
Dana Bancer, CST, FAST
Ann Belk, CST, FAST
Audrey Bender, CST, FAST
Connie Bell, CST, FAST
Jeff Bidwell, CST, CSFA, FAST
Liz Boatwright, CST, FAST (Emeritus)
Don Braziel, CST, FAST
Bill Bresnihan, CST, CSFA, FAST
Amy Broussard, CST, CSFA, FAST
Pamela Buff, CST, FAST
Larry Burke, CST, FAST
Angie Burton, CST, FAST
Lorrie Campbell, CST, FAST
Georgia Carter, CST, CSFA, LPN, FAST
Jean Carty-Turner, CST, CSFA, FAST
Bob Caruthers, CST, FAST (Emeritus)
Nicole Claussen, CST, FAST
Ruth Collis, CST, FAST
Carol Conover, CST, CSFA, FAST
Dorothy Corrigan, CST, FAST
Kevin Craycraft, CST, FAST
Michael DeLano, CST, CSFA, FAST
Kathleen Demitras, CST-CVS, FAST
Sandy Edwards, CST, FAST
Jessica Elliott, CST, FAST
Holly Falcon, CST, FAST
Crit Fisher, CST, FAST
Susie Fisher, CST, CSFA, FAST
Gemma Fournier, CST, FAST
Cynthia Fuentes, CST, CSFA, FAST
Elizabeth Gaulin, CST, FAST
Casey Glassburner, CST, FAST
Dana Grafft, CST, FAST
Rebecca Hall, CST, FAST
William Hammer, CST, FAST
Carolyn Harper, CST, FAST
Linda Harrison, CST, FAST
Donna Henderson, CST, CSFA, FAST
Julia Jackson, CST, FAST
Susan Jeffery, CST, CSFA, FAST
Teri Junge, CST, CSFA, FAST
Chris Keegan, CST, FAST
Barbara Krukemeier, CST, FAST
Ann Lauret, CST, FAST
Lori Lavergne, CST, FAST
Neva Lawson, CST, FAST
Kathy Lee, CST, FAST
William (Christopher) Lee, CST, FAST
Joe Long, CST, FAST
Sandra Luthie, CST, FAST
Alice Madden, CST, FAST
Tony Makin, CST, FAST
Tammy Mangold, CST, CSFA, FAST
Cindy Mask, CST, FAST
Margrethe May, CST, FAST
Jocelyn Maxwell, CST, FAST
Ann Marie McGuiness, CST, FAST
Mary (Libby) McNaron, CST, CSFA, FAST, RN, CNOR
Lorie Millin, CST, CSFA, FAST
Kimberly J. Miller, CST, FAST
J. Glen Mullins, CST, FAST
Charles Nehring, CST, CSFA, RSA, FAST
Jackie Neighbors, CST, CSFA, FAST
Renee Nemitz, CST, RN, FAST
Keith Orloff, CST, FAST
Beverly Oster, CST, CSFA, FAST
John Ratliff, CST, FAST
Rachel Ray, CST, FAST
Lisa Reed, CST, RN, FAST
Margaret Rodriguez, CST, CSFA, FAST
Emily Rogers, CST, FAST
Richard Schule, CST, FAST
Cheryl Shank, CST, CSFA, FAST
Karen Sherback, CST, FAST
Dorothy Smith, CST, FAST
Minnie Smith-Buckingham, CST, CSFA, FAST
Kathy Snyder, CST, FAST
Karyn Songer, CST, FAST
Patricia Sooter, CST, FAST
Dorothy Starks, CST, FAST
Jo Ann Steffes, CST, CSFA, FAST
Dennis Stover, CST, CSA, FAST
Mary Kennedy Sutton, CST, CSFA, FAST
Shane Sykes, CST, FAST
Don Traverse, CST, FAST
Stella Trimble, CST, FAST (Emeritus)
Wendy Watson, CST, CSFA, FAST
Edward Watts, JR., CST, CSFA, FAST
Troy Wilson, CST, FAST
Arlene Wright, CST, FAST
Roy Zacharias, CST, FAST