Simplified CTI requirements

Federal Department of Economic Affairs,
Education and Research EAER
State Secretariat for Education,
Research and Innovation SERI
Research and Innovation Programmes
Important information for the KTI application
KTI (Kommission für Technologie und Innovation) is supporting Swiss projects
for this transnational call of the M-ERA.NET for applied research and innovation
projects in material science and engineering.
In parallel to the application on the European level (with the EU-Partners and
Taiwan) Swiss Partners must submit a R&D-application for the research work to
be performed in Switzerland to the KTI office.
The deadline for the submission
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014.
Below you will find the general national conditions for the preparation of applications to KTI and special national facilitation measures only valid for this MERA.NET call 2014.
National KTI conditions for Swiss participants:
In parallel to the transnational application to the central M-ERA.NET call office
Swiss participants need to provide a national application to the KTI office.
Here the usual KTI funding rules and application forms are applicable
( ). This means:
At least one Swiss company and one Swiss ‘not-for-profit' research institution (like university, Federal Institute of Technology, University of Applied
Sciences, etc.) recognised by KTI should be involved. Projects involving several participants are particularly encouraged. In particular cases, when the
industrial application is not yet obvious, a project (proof of concept) only
with one or more research partner(s) will be financed by the KTI1.
As a general rule, the industry partner takes part self-financed and covers at
least 50% of the project costs furthermore he makes a cash contribution to
its academic partner.
Please check conditions to qualify for funding without industrial partner under Art. 10r of “Forschungs- und Innovationsfördergesetz FIFG (
State Secretariat for Education,
Research and Innovation SERI
Roland Bühler
Effingerstrasse 27, 3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 464 71 41, Fax +41 31 324 96 58
[email protected]
612.142/2013/01277 \ COO.2101.108.5.1585818
Preferably, the partner implementing the project in the market leads the
The focus is on innovation projects which aim for efficient and fast time-tomarket. No funding will be given to projects with marginal improvements of
existing products, nor for projects with purely basic research content.
The criteria for proposal assessment are: degree of innovation with its economic, technical and scientific importance, commercial potential, contribution to sustainable development, clear work program 2 and a transparent
The project must have quantified, measurable goals and a coherent and
structured schedule with verifiable progress milestones3. It must be based on
a thorough appraisal of the current state of the relevant technology and on
an evaluation of the corresponding data base and patent rights.
A contract on intellectual property rights must be signed prior to the start of
the project. A confidentiality clause should be included where necessary.
Facilitation measures apply for the KTI proposal in this
M-ERA.NET Call 2014:
To keep preparation time and effort as efficient as possible, the elaboration of
the KTI proposal during the pre-proposal phase of this M-ERA.NET call 2014 can
be done in a somewhat reduced form: the preparation of the project plan as
well as the work packages don’t need to be presented in a fully detailed manner yet. However all other relevant points in the KTI application form have to be
explained in a sufficient plausible manner to allow the KTI experts to evaluate
the innovation content, the way to the solution to the problem and the implementation of the project results in the market. Of importance will be to show
what will be the added value for Switzerland in the value chain.
In case the evaluation result is generally regarded as positive, the application will
be funded with or in rare cases without further obligations to fulfill. These obligations will be put in place due to missing or not precise information which have
to be handed in later during the subsequent Fullproposal phase of the MERA.NET Call 2014.
, Check “facilitation measures” in this document.
Check “facilitation measures”.
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Contact and Support:
For questions regarding KTI conditions and for preparing the KTI proposal:
Contact person at Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI (KTI)
Alain Dietrich
Tel: +41 31 324 92 87
Email: [email protected]
For questions regarding general M-ERA.NET call 2014 criteria:
Contact person at
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Roland Bühler
Tel: +41 58 464 71 41
Email: [email protected]
612.142/2013/01277 \ COO.2101.108.5.1585818