Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered service Source Nanson W. Senior Goods Guard Barrow LMS 29/11/1924 Made presentation to W Titterington LMS Mag 1/1925 Naylor G.R. Lancaster LNW 00/00/1916 Retired LCR/LNW minutes Naylor W. Lancaster LCR 01/05/1857 Salary £63 pa Naylor William Inspector Secretary/Cashier's office Secretary's Clerk Lancaster LCR 00/00/1854 0 L&C minute LCR/LNW minutes Naylor William Secretary's Clerk Lancaster LCR Naylor Naylor Neal William William E.R. Secretary's Clerk ?? Detective Inspector Lancaster ?? Barrow ? LCR LCR FUR Neal E.R. Detective Inspector Barrow ? FUR Neal T. Carriage Cleaner Carlisle MCR Salary £60 pa, to be increased by £10 03/03/1854 pa 00/00/1856 25/04/1856 Salary increase £60 to £63 pa 22/03/1920 Entered service. Dob 2/1/1882 Wage 100/- pw + 15/- allowance + 4/01/01/1923 clothing 28/06/1909 Locomotive Dept. £1-0-7 pw Neale T. Nightman Carlisle MCR 01/07/1915 Allocated Signal Hand Lamp No.196 Neaves S.G. Sergeant Joint Line JTL Neaves S.G. ?? ?? JTL Neaves S.G. Sergeant Joint Line JTL Neaves S.G., Sergeant ?? ?? JTL Neele Neil Neil G.P. A. Charles Supt. of Line Loco, C&W Dept Platelayer London FR Moor Row LNW FUR JTL Served in Army (unit not idendified) and wounded Served as Sergeant in Colours 1914-18 wounded 1914-18 Wounded serving in Army in WW1 Served in Colours (Army) and 1914-18 wounded 00/00/1895 Retired 1914-18 WW1 service, no service details 00/03/1920 Neil Hugh Porter Lake Side FUR 14/06/1886 Transferred from Barrow on 13/- pw 1884 FR Staff Register Neil Neil Neil Neil Neil Neill Hugh J. J.R. John T. C. Porter Engine Cleaner Fireman Fireman Coal Filler Fogman Barrow Central Carlisle Sandscale Millom Maryport Moor Row No.1 SB FUR MCR FUR FUR MCR JTL 02/10/1886 28/06/1909 14/07/1913 29/03/1915 07/09/1891 00/00/1916 1884 FR Staff Register Rail 472/50 Accident report Accident report Rail 472/50 WDSO Kerr PR3/139 Neill William Passenger/Goods Clerk Cockermouth CWR Neine Edward Porter Whitehaven Preston St WFJ 00/02/1854 des. Age 23. Moved to Bransty Nelson ?? Guard ?? FUR 00/00/1860 Nelson Nelson B. B. Porter Porter Ulverston Goods Ulverston Goods FUR FUR 1914-18 Transferred from Lake Side Locomotive Dept. £1-0-0 pw Gave evidence on accident at Age 27. Injured by water crane Loco. Dept. £2-0-0 per fortnight Home: 34 Church St. Moor Row Appointed. £60 first yr, £70 second. Fr 29/03/1847 Birmingham Guard on train when son Died in collision at Ffd 00/03/1903 Entered service. Dob 18/07/1872 17/06/1914 Resigned 0 L&C minute 0 1920 LCR/LNW minutes L&C minute FR Goods Staff Book p.200 1920 FR Goods Staff Book p.200 Rail 472/50 WTT Appendix 1915 0 Jt Line War Memorial Roll of Honour WDSO Kerr PR3/106 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem 0 LCR/LNW minutes FR Roll of Honour AMB RAIL122/1 RAIL744/9 FR Magazine No.3 1903 1903 FR Goods Staff Book p.177 FR Goods Staff Book p.177 Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names Nelson David Nelson David Nelson Nelson David David Nelson N surnames Employment Clerk, General Manager's Dept. Clerk, General Manager's Dept. Clerk, Inspector's Clerk, Inspector's Location Company Date Notes Year entered service Source Workington Central CWJ 21/05/1906 Entered service. b.13/5/91 1906 CWJ Staff Workington Central CWJ 21/01/1907 Transferred to Inspectors' Office 1906 CWJ Staff Workington Central Workington Central CWJ CWJ 03/01/1914 Left Company's service 00/08/1915 Died in action in France 1906 1906 CWJ Staff CWJ Staff David, L/Corporal Inspector's Clerk Workington CWJ 26/05/1915 Died serving in London Regt., aged 23 Nelson Dorothy Audit Clerk Workington Central CWJ Nelson E. P Way Inspector Barrow ? FUR Nelson Edward P Way Inspector Barrow FUR Nelson Edward P Way Inspector Barrow FUR Nelson Edward Railway Labourer Staveley LNW Nelson G Pointsman Barrow Goods FUR Nelson G. Pointsman Barrow Goods FUR Nelson G. Pointsman Barrow Goods FUR Nelson G.M. Accountant's Clerk Keswick CKP Nelson G.N. Carlisle LMS Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson George George Mossop George Mossop Henry Hugh Hugh Isaac Isaac District Loco Superintendent. Guard/Conductor Goods Clerk Junior Audit Clerk Platelayer Shunter Shunter Platelayer Signalman Glasgow/London Keswick Keswick Oxenholme Barrow Goods Barrow Goods Oxenholme Oxenholme WCJ CKP CKP LNW FUR FUR LNW LNW Nelson J. Fireman ?? FUR Nelson J. Goods Guard Guards FUR Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson J. J. J. J. J. J. Goods Guard Goods Guard Carter Carter Carter Shunter Guards Guards Whitehaven Goods Whitehaven Goods Whitehaven Goods Moor Row FUR FUR FUR FUR FUR JTL 00/00/1918 During period 1916-22 Called to Lindal when No.115 fell in 22/09/1892 hole Entered service. b.8.6.24. £200pa @ 21/06/1873 1/96 01/04/1896 Retired. Pension £40 pa Age 28. m. b:Hugill, Westm. h:Rawes 00/04/1881 Mill 5 Entered service on 20/- Resigned 29/07/1864 13/07/1867 Age 40, pay 20/- pw, entered service 00/00/1867 29/7/1864 13/07/1867 Resigned Appointed. Was Booking Clerk, 25/08/1870 Keswick Presentation on removal to Bletchley 19/05/1929 after 7 yrs 00/00/1879 Appointed 00/12/1871 Appointed. Was jnr Audit Clerk 07/12/1871 Transferred to Goods Clerk 03/04/1881 Age 56, lived at Oxenholme 03/06/1872 Entered service on 22/06/07/1872 Resigned 03/04/1881 Age 24, lived at Oxenholme 31/09/1921 Retired after 50 years services, pic Died on FR loco Bo.12 @ collision at 00/00/1860 Foxfield Fined 2/6 for taking train from Piel 25/11/1867 without Pilot or orders 17/10/1868 Fined 1/- for carelessness 20/07/1868 Fined 2/6 for neglected duty 02/09/1912 Entered service. Dob 2/8/1885 13/04/1914 From Porter, wage 23/- pw 14/04/1914 Dismissed, addicted to drink 27/03/1922 Takes part in coupling competition 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem Haywood notes CR Vol.5 p.101 1873 FR Staff 1873 FR Staff Census 1864 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1864 RAIL410/495 1864 RAIL410/495 Board minute LMS Mag. 7/1928 1872 1872 LCR/LNW minutes Board minute Board minute Census FR Staff Index 1845-1873 FR Staff Register Census LNWR Gazette 12/1921 FR Magazine No.3 1865 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1865 1865 1912 1912 1912 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 FR Goods Staff Book p 157 FR Goods Staff Book p 157 FR Goods Staff Book p 157 WDSO Kerr PR1/031-7 Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Employment Location Company Date Notes Entered service on 30/- Died 02/07/1868 Entered service on 22/- Resigned Nov 1873 Entered service on 22/- Resigned Sept 1873 Entered service on 24/-pw On 30/- pw Entered service on 21/- pw Entered service. Dob 26/8/1885 To Carter Lived 1 Railway Cottages Age 65. Wage 12/- pw. Date entered service Weekly pay 21/14/6 per week Lived 9 Jackson Terrace, Warton, head, age 31 Treasurer L/c & Carnforth Br, LMS Temperance Union Ambulance Class Award, Labels Age 20, pay 15/- pw, entered service 6/1/1862 Entered service on 15/- 20/-Oct 1867 Resigned Nov 1869 Entered service. Dob 14/09/1879 Resigned Entered service on 22/- 24/-Dec 1867 25/-Oct 1871 27/-Mar 1872 Resigned Apl 1872 WW1 service, Royal Flying Corps, Sec. A.M. WW1 service, R.D.C. Private Entered service on 20/Discharged Nelson James Conductor Guards FUR 12/02/1848 Nelson James Shunter Lindal Ore Dept FUR 17/09/1873 Nelson James Shunter Barrow Goods FUR 19/08/1873 Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson James James John John John John Mount Shunter Shunter Signalman Porter Porter Signalman Barrow Goods Barrow Goods Grange Whitehaven Goods Whitehaven Goods Ulverston FUR FUR FUR FUR FUR FUR 14/09/1874 00/02/1880 19/11/1883 02/09/1912 13/04/1914 00/00/1911 Nelson Nelson Gateman St Bees WFJ 00/11/1852 Nelson Nelson S. S. Signalman Porter Bassenthwaite Lake Bassenthwaite Lake CKP CKP 22/06/1913 ?? Nelson Samuel Engine Driver Carnforth ?? 03/04/1881 Nelson T. ?? ?? LMS 00/11/1927 Nelson Thomas ?? Oxenholme Centre LMS 00/01/1924 Nelson William Clerk Barrow Goods FUR 00/00/1867 Nelson William Clerk Barrow Goods FUR 06/01/1872 Nelson Nelson William William Sheetman Sheetman Barrow Goods Barrow Goods FUR FUR 21/10/1907 09/04/1910 Nelson J Goods Guard Guards FUR 20/02/1865 Nenwton W. Loco, C&W Dept FR FUR 1914-18 Neville Nevin Nevin Nevin J. James James Jonathan Engineer's Dept Porter Porter Foreman Platelayer FR Barrow Goods Barrow Goods Blackbank Crossing FUR FUR FUR NBR 1914-18 22/04/1873 00/03/1874 00/00/1884 Nevinson E. Engineer's Dept FR FUR 1914-18 Nevinson Edward, Private Labourer Ulverston FUR 25/09/1915 Died serving in Loyal North Lancs Regt Newall J.E. ?? ?? MCR 13/10/1922 WW1 service, 4th Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt., Private. Died Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ Maryport Year entered service Source 1848 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1873 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1873 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1874 1874 1883 1912 1912 FR Staff Register FR Staff Register FR Staff Register FR Goods Staff Book p 164 FR Goods Staff Book p 164 Bulmer Furness 1852 Rail 744/9 WDSO Kerr PR5/076 WDSO Kerr PR5/076 Census LMS Mag. 1/1928 LMS Mag 3/1924 1862 RAIL410/495 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1907 1907 FR Goods Staff Book p.54 FR Goods Staff Book p.54 1865 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 0 0 1873 1873 0 FR Roll of Honour FR Roll of Honour FR Staff Index 1845-1873 FR Staff Register Bulmer E Cumb 1884 FR Roll of Honour Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem St.John's Amb Reg. Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered service Source Newall Joseph Porter Lindal FUR 11/06/1873 Entered service Newbold Newbold Newbound Newby Newby Arthur John T. David F. Capstanman Engine Driver Booking Clerk Dock Labourer Clerk Heysham Harbour Carlisle Preston Silloth Docks Dalton LMS MID NUR NBR FUR 21/08/1924 03/04/1881 00/00/1859 03/04/1881 19/01/1905 Newby F. Clerk Barrow Goods FUR Newby Newby F. F. Clerk Clerk Barrow Goods Barrow Goods FUR FUR Newby F. Clerk Barrow Goods FUR Newby Newby Frank G. Clerk Platelayer Dalton Park South FUR FUR Newby J.T. Apprentice Fitter/turner Barrow LMS Newby Joseph Crane Driver Barrow LMS Newby R.E. Loco, C&W Dept FR FUR 1914-18 Newby Newby Newby Newell Newman Newman Newman Newman William William William E.G. F. J. J. S. Carter Carter Dock Labourer Signalman Porter Clerk Clerk Porter Barrow Goods Barrow Goods Silloth Docks Crooklands Maryport Carnforth Carnforth Maryport FUR FUR NBR FUR MCR FUR FUR MCR 03/10/1910 01/10/1915 03/04/1881 23/04/1880 28/06/1909 16/09/1875 26/05/1877 28/06/1909 Newman Thomas Shunter Barrow Goods FUR Newman William Guard Carnforth Newsham Newsham Newsham Newsham Herbert Joseph Robert Thomas Shunter Collector Traffic Dept. Harbour Dept. Barrow Yard Ulverston Barrow Barrow FUR FUR FUR FUR Entered service. Dob 23/10/1882 Transferred to Traffic Dept. Age 65, lived at Raglans Court Entered service on 212/-pw Goods Dept. 9/- pw Entered service on 6/6pw. Resigned Joint Passr Sta. 8/3 pw Entered service on 21/- Resigned 29/05/1872 Aug 1872 Lived Main Street, Warton, head, age 03/04/1881 41 00/02/1923 20/05/1874 Entered service on 20/- pw 08/09/1923 Presentation of Ambulance Award 00/03/1909 Newtin R. Porter Park FUR 09/05/1872 Entered service on 19/- 20/-Aug 1872 21/- Feb 1873 Became signalman 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Newtin R. Signalman Park FUR 00/00/1873 Became signalman 1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 ?? 1873 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1905 Accident Report Census LCR/LNW minutes Census FR Goods Staff Book p.4 12/08/1911 Left service. Re-entered 22/07/1912 1905 FR Goods Staff Book p.4 14/04/1913 Wage £21/- pw 01/08/1919 Salary £190 pa Salary £200 pa DoB 12/12/1888 DES 01/08/1919 22/07/1912 00/03/1908 00/00/1893 Crossing Gate Keeper Awarded LMS Scholarshipp to study at 02/10/1926 Liverpool University 02/10/1926 Father of JTNewby 1905 1905 FR Goods Staff Book p.4 FR Goods Staff Book p.4 1912 FR Goods Staff Book p.7 Resigned Jul 1873 Injured in shunting accident. Age 33 Age 30, lived at 7 Harraby Terrace Age 65, lived at Raglans Court Entered service DoB 12/12/1888 WW1 service, 4th Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt,., Private. Sick Discharged Sept AMB RAIL214/75 LMS Mag 11/1926 LMS Mag 11/1926 0 1910 1910 1880 1875 1875 1872 FR Roll of Honour FR Goods Staff Book p.30 FR Goods Staff Book p.30 Census FR Staff Register Rail 472/50 FR Staff Register FR Staff Register Rail 472/50 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Census 1874 AMB FR Staff Register WDSO Kerr PR1/031-12 AMB Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Newton ?? Porter Ulverston FUR Newton A. Supt of Line's office Barrow FUR Newton Alison? Clerk, Supt's Dpt Barrow FUR Newton D. Signalman Class 5 Seascale FUR Newton Newton Newton David David David Traffic Dept. Porter Porter Seascale Seascale Barrow FUR FUR LMS Newton David Porter Millom WFJ Newton F.P. Signalman Dalton LMS Newton Newton Newton Fred P. Fred P. Fred R. Train Recorder Traffic Dept. Traffic Dept. Barrow Central Seascale Barrow FUR FUR FUR Newton J. Clerk (Asst Invoice) Barrow Goods FUR Newton J. Clerk Barrow Goods FUR 09/09/1912 Transferred from Purser, Lady Evelyn Newton J. Clerk (Asst Invoice) Barrow Goods FUR 00/05/1912 Newton Newton J. James Clerk Porter Barrow Goods Roose FUR FUR Returned to Lady Evelyn DoB 04/02/1881 DES 30/06/1905 25/02/1913 Resigned, going to Canada 00/03/1908 Newton Jimmy Engineman Workington Dock Shed FUR 00/00/1919 Mentioned in article Newton John Wagon Greaser Barrow Goods FUR 00/00/1859 Newton John Wagon Greaser Barrow Goods FUR Newton John Wagon Greaser Barrow Goods FUR Newton Newton John John Platelayer Signalman Egremont Barrow Goods JTL FUR Newton Robert Porter Kirkby-in-Furness FUR Newton Newton Robert W. ?? Signalman ?? Cleator Moor Goods LPJ JTL Newton W. Engine Driver Workington ? LNW Year entered service 05/03/1903 Involved with Leven Viaduct accident WW1 service, 12th Royal Fusiliers, Private. Wounded Entered service. b.31/10/1885. Earlier 01/06/1900 @ F.Abbey Entered group. On register here in 05/03/1917 1928 26/07/1922 Presentation of Ambulance Award 00/03/1922 00/03/1924 Entered service on 18/- Left service 01/02/1865 28/04/1867 Passed signalling examination with 00/07/1928 honours 00/03/1920 26/07/1922 Presentation of Ambulance Award 08/09/1923 Presentation of Ambulance Award Transferred from Supt's Dept-Purser 02/10/1911 on Lady Evelyn. Wage25/1914-18 Entered service on 20/- 21/-Mar 1872 Discharged Nov 1873 Age 31, pay 20/- pw, entered service 00/00/1867 1859, discharged 11/73 Fined 2/- for absenting himself without 23/11/1868 leave 00/03/1910 00/01/1875 Entered service on 21/-pw Entered service on 20/-. Discharged 17/08/1875 Sept 1875 00/00/1840 00/00/1892 Wage 21/- to 22/- pw. Bruised while attending to engine at 10/07/1875 Workington Source CP 0 1900 FR Roll of Honour FR Staff NUR reg. Bowtell col WDSO Kerr PR1/031-8 AMB AMB 1865 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 LMS Mag. 10/1928 AMB WDSO Kerr PR1/031-8 WDSO Kerr PR1/031-12 1905 FR Goods Staff Book p.3 1908 FR Goods Staff Book p.3 1905 FR Goods Staff Book p.3 1908 FR Goods Staff Book p.3 AMB CR Vol.2 p.12/10 1859 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1869 RAIL410/495 1859 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1875 AMB FR Staff Register 1875 FR Staff Register LCR/LNW minutes JtL minute Nov 92 RAIL 1053/64 Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Employment Location Company Date Nichol J. Porter Signalman Yeathouse LMS 27/04/1925 Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol John John John John John John John Goods Agent Station Master Sub-Inspector Station Master Goods Agent Goods Agent Goods Agent Oatlands Cleator Moor Harrington Junction Workington Central Workington Goods Workington Goods Workington Goods CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ 26/12/1880 00/06/1889 26/04/1897 06/08/1900 04/11/1901 00/07/1916 18/06/1919 Nichol John Goods Agent Workington Goods CWJ 30/06/1922 Nichol Nichol John R. Goods Agent Joiner ?? Keswick CWJ CKP 28/02/1923 00/01/1913 Nichol Robert Motive Power Dept Maryport LMS 03/11/1927 Nichol Nichol T. W. Stoker Signal Dept. Maryport Moor Row MCR JTL 28/06/1909 30/12/1907 Nichol W. Signalman Moor Row Traffic JTL 30/12/1907 Nichol W. Signalman Moor Row Traffic JTL 30/12/1907 Nichol W. Clerk, Traffic Clerk Lancaster LNW 00/00/1918 Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol W. W. W.A. W.J. W.J. Coal Shipper Porter Porter Guard Guard Maryport Maryport Maryport Maryport Maryport MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR 07/09/1891 01/07/1915 01/10/1915 28/06/1909 01/07/1915 Nichol Wilfred Anthony ?? ?? MCR 22/10/1913 Nichol Nichol Nichol Nichol Wilfred Anthony William William William ?? Porter - Signalman Porter - Signalman Signal Dept. ?? Cleator Moor Cleator Moor Rowrah MCR CWJ CWJ JTL 00/12/1915 22/01/1912 29/03/1913 00/03/1906 Nichol William Porter Maryport MCR 03/04/1881 Nichol William J. Goods Guard Maryport LMS 00/03/1924 Nichol William J. Goods Guard Maryport LMS Nichol William J. Traffic Dept. Maryport LMS Nichol William J. Guard Maryport LMS Notes Entered group. Still on register here in 1928 Entered service. Born 17/11/1864 Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Ill. Duties taken up by JJ Lunson Died Widow lived at Guard Street, Workington Dead. Served for 40 years Wage 24/- to 25/- pw Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ Maryport Locomotive Dept. £1-6-0 pw Wage 22/- pw Transferred fr Signal Dept. Wage 22/pw From Signal Dept. vice Shimmin. Wage 22/- pw Serving in Machine Gun Corps. Wounded £2-12-0 per fortnight Allocated Signal Hand Lamp No.25 Serving as Private, RND 27/- pw Allocated Signal Hand Lamp No.39 Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ Maryport Joined Royal Marines Entered service. Born 1879 Dismissed Age 35, lived at 4C Court, Eaglesfield Street Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ 03/11/1927 Maryport Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ 03/11/1927 Maryport Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ 31/10/1929 Maryport Year entered service Source NUR reg. Bowtell col 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 CWJ Staff CWJ Staff CWJ Staff CWJ Staff CWJ Staff CWJ Staff CWJ Staff 1880 CWJ Staff Haywood notes Board minute St.John's Amb Reg. Rail 472/50 Jt Staff Jt minute Nov 1908 Jt Line Minutes LNWR Gazette 6/1918 Rail 472/50 WTT Appendix 1915 WDSO Kerr PR3/ Rail 472/50 WTT Appendix 1915 St.John's Amb Reg. 1912 1912 St.John's Amb Reg. CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records AMB Census AMB St.John's Amb Reg. St.John's Amb Reg. St.John's Amb Reg. Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname Nicholas N surnames First names Harold Leslie Employment Clerk Location Foxfield Notes Year entered service Company Date Source FUR 00/03/1909 1879 FR Staff 1879 FR Staff AMB Nicholas James H. Engineer's Chief Clerk Barrow FUR Entered service. b.1/6/63. £110ps @ 23/10/1879 1/96 Nicholas James H. Engineer's Chief Clerk Barrow FUR 00/03/1918 Salary £360 pa Nicholls ?? Wagon Foreman Moor Row FUR Nicholls Clifford S. ?? Oxenholme Centre LMS Nicholls S. Porter, Grade 2 Workington Bridge LNW Nicholls S. Relief Porter Workington Main LNW Nichols Nichols Nichols Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson J. William D. William D. A. A. A. Goods Agent Loco Department Coppersmith Porter Porter Porter Preston Barrow Barrow ? Frizington Frizington Frizington LNW FUR FUR JTL JTL JTL 00/06/1884 Died passing between wagons Ambulance Class Award, 1st 00/01/1924 Certificate Entered service. On NUR register 13/08/1917 here in 1928 Entered group. Still on register here in 13/08/1917 1928 00/00/1862 26/07/1922 Presentation of Ambulance Award 00/02/1922 Loco Dept. 09/03/1903 New. Wage 7/6 pw 30/11/1903 Wages 7/6 to 10/- pw 14/05/1904 Wage 10/- pw. Resigned Nicholson A. ? Engineer's Dept FR FUR 1914-18 WW1 service, 5th Border Regt, Private Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson C. C.W. C.W. C.W. C.W. Fireman Goods Guard Goods Guard Shunter Under-Shunter Maryport Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle MCR ?? ?? ?? ?? 01/10/1915 14/10/1912 16/01/1914 07/01/1915 15/05/1916 Nicholson C.W. Goods Guard Carlisle ?? 17/09/1917 Nicholson Nicholson Charles Charles Driver Driver Workington Central Workington Central CWJ CWJ 01/08/1882 10/01/1890 Nicholson Charles Driver Workington Central CWJ 00/00/1918 Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Charles Charles Charles Charles Driver Engineman Engine Driver Driver Workington Central Workington Central Workington Central Workington Central CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ 30/06/1922 00/00/1922 01/01/1923 28/02/1923 Nicholson Charles ?? ?? MCR 22/10/1913 Nicholson Charles Fireman Maryport MCR 00/00/1920 Nicholson Charles Fireman ?? MCR 21/02/1922 Nicholson Charles Fireman Brayton MCR 21/02/1922 Nicholson E. Porter Drigg FUR 00/08/1874 Serving as Corporal, ELRFA Appointed Entered group Appointed Appointed Appointed. On NUR register here in 1928 Driver Wages 5/10 to 6/3 pd During period 1916-22 B'hm Hill, later Sk Ldge Wage £4-10-0 pw Mentioned in article. Over 35 yrs service Served more than 35 years Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ Maryport Lived Catherine St/Crosby St Hit head on loading guage at Brayton.Age 30 Injured on loco No.4 by hitting gauge at Wages 21/- JtL minute 592 LMS Mag 3/1924 1917 NUR reg, Bowtell col NUR reg. Bowtell col LCR/LNW minutes WDSO Kerr PR1/031-8 AMB Jt Staff Jt Staff Jt Staff 0 FR Roll of Honour WDSO Kerr PR3/ NUR reg, Bowtell col NUR reg, Bowtell col NUR reg, Bowtell col NUR reg, Bowtell col NUR reg, Bowtell col CWJ Staff CWJ Staff Haywood notes CWJ Staff CR Vol.2 p.11/7 Track of Ironmasters Haywood notes St.John's Amb Reg. Jackson Accident Report Accident report 1872 FR Staff Register Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered service 1872 Source Nicholson E. Porter Drigg FUR 05/08/1872 Entered service on 19/- 20/-Feb 1873 Nicholson E. Clerk Carlisle MCR Nicholson E.K. Wagon Clerk Workington FUR Nicholson Nicholson E.K. F. Wagon Clerk Apprentice Fitter Workington Maryport FUR MCR Nicholson Fred Apprentice Fitter Maryport MCR Nicholson Fred, Corporal Apprentice Fitter Maryport MCR Nicholson G. Signalman Keswick B CKP 01/10/1915 Serving as Private, RAMC Entered service, wage 6/6 pw. Dob 28/10/1918 5/3/1904 26/02/1921 Dispensed with, staff reduction 01/10/1915 Serving as Corporal, RE Died serving as Corporal in Royal 00/00/1916 Engrs WW1 Died serving in 153rd Co., Royal 15/04/1918 Engineers, aged 22 22/06/1913 Weekly pay 23/- Nicholson G. Leading Porter ?? CKP 13/01/1923 Age 56. 42 yrs service. 49/6 per week WDSO Kerr PR5/076 Nicholson G. Leading Porter Keswick CKP 06/03/1923 42 yrs service WDSO Kerr PR5/076 Nicholson G. Leading Porter Keswick CKP 00/02/1923 Age 56, 42 yrs service. Wage 49/6 pw Kerr PR5/076 File 13 Nicholson G., Corporal Labourer Penrith LNW 03/09/1915 Died serving in 7th Border Regiment Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson George George George H. Henry Henry Shap Summit Flimby Flimby ?? ?? ?? LNW LNW LNW LMS CWJ CWJ 00/00/1862 00/00/1882 00/00/1883 15/09/1930 02/12/1914 30/06/1922 Nicholson J. Pointsman Station Master Station Master Sub-Ganger P Way Dept? Sub-Ganger Foreman, Labourer's Gang Keswick CKP 30/08/1913 1/- extra whan i/c timber loading Board minute Nicholson J. Ganger ?? CKP 13/01/1923 Age 69. 41 yrs service. 53/6 per week WDSO Kerr PR5/076 Nicholson J. Ganger (Extra) ?? CKP 00/02/1923 Age 69, 41 yrs service. Wage 53/6 pw Kerr PR5/076 File 13 Nicholson J. Signalman Class 5 Buckhill CWJ 14/11/1901 Nicholson J. Shunter Barrow Goods FUR 05/12/1871 Nicholson J. Fogman Kirkby-in-Furness FUR 31/12/1891 Nicholson J. Platelayer Haverigg FUR 00/00/1893 Nicholson J. Ganger Millom FUR 01/09/1902 Nicholson J. Signalman Winder JTL 14/01/1901 WDSO Kerr PR3/ 1918 FR Goods Staff Book p.197 1918 FR Goods Staff Book p.197 WDSO Kerr PR3/ WDSO Kerr PR3/ 0 Appointed to grade. On register here in 1928 Entered service on 20/- Resigned Dec 1871 Supplied with overcoat to wear when working as fogman Crossing Gate Keeper Age 36. Entered service 3/1886. 25/pw Moved to Yeathouse. Wages 22/- to 25/- pw Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem WDSO Kerr PR5/076 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem LCR/LNW minutes Porters 1882 Postal Directory Bulmer W Cumberland From Milnthorpe Lived 1 Victoria Terrace, Netherton Wage £2--15-6 pw Entered service Wage £2-6-0 bonus 11/6 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1914 1914 CWJ Staff CWJ Staff NUR Reg, Bowtell Col 1871 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 RAIL214/75 RAIL214/75 1886 RAIL214/77 Jt Staff Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Moved from Winder. Wages 22/- to 25/pw New. Wage 12/6 pw Wages 12/6 to 15/- pw Involved in accident Wage 15/-. Dismissed for inattention to duty Wage 25/- to 27/- pw Wage 24/- to 25/- pw New. Wage 7/6 pw New, vice Garnett. Wage 7/6 pw New. Wage 7/6 pw. Vice Garnett Nicholson J. Signalman Yeathouse JTL 14/01/1901 Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson J. J. J. Porter Porter Porter Egremont Egremont Egremont JTL JTL JTL 20/04/1901 22/07/1901 22/09/1901 Nicholson J. Porter Egremont JTL 15/11/1901 Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. Yeathouse Moor Row Moor Row Moor Row Traffic Moor Row Traffic Yeathouse Staveley Kendal JTL JTL JTL JTL JTL JTL LNW LNW Nicholson J.W. Carlisle CSC Nicholson James Agent Signalman ?? Number Taker Porter Agent Station Master Station Master Station Foreman, Class 1 Engine Fitter 01/01/1907 01/11/1907 03/02/1908 03/02/1908 03/02/1908 00/00/1923 00/00/1886 Appointed 00/00/1891 Appointed, from Milnthorpe Entered group. On register here in 01/05/1919 1928 03/04/1881 Lived 2 Bank Terrace, son, age 65 Nicholson James Shunter Barrow Goods FUR 17/08/1872 Nicholson James Shunter Barrow Goods FUR Nicholson James Shunter Barrow Goods FUR Nicholson James Shunter Lindal Ore Dept FUR Nicholson James Shunter Lindal Ore Dept FUR Nicholson Nicholson James James Shunter Station Master Lindal Ore Dept Yeathouse FUR JTL Nicholson John Labourer Keswick CKP Nicholson Nicholson John John Porter Signalman Kendal Cumwhinton LNW MID Nicholson John Thomas, Corporal Boiler Washer Penrith LNW Nicholson John, Private Platelayer St Bees FUR Nicholson Jonathan Porter Egremont JTL Nicholson Nicholson Joseph Joseph Signalman Signalman Buckhill Buckhill CWJ CWJ Nicholson Joseph Porter Ravenglass FUR 14/04/1873 Fined 1/- for not obeying orders Fined 2/6 for absenting himself without 06/08/1873 leave 6&7 Aug 00/10/1873 Moved from Barrow Fined 1/- for reporting himself sick 20/12/1873 when not 00/01/1874 Resigned 00/00/1910 Elected to Sectional Conciliation Board 08/10/1908 B 00/00/1905 Lived 41 Ann Street 00/00/1901 Lived Wetheral Pasture Died serving in 7th Border Regiment, 19/07/1918 aged 31 Died serving in 4th South Lancashire 05/08/1918 Regiment, aged 19 Sprain from uncoupling wagons. Off 2 28/09/1901 wks 14/11/1901 Entered service. b.20/9/61 30/06/1922 Wage £2-10-0 bonus 6/6 Entered service on 20/-pw. Resigned 26/06/1876 July 1876 Carnforth ?? Year entered service Entered service on 22/- 24/- Jan 1873 26/-Apl 1873 Removed to Ore Dept Source Jt Staff Jt Staff Jt Staff Jt Staff Jt Staff Jt minute Dec 1907 Jt minute Dec 1907 Jt Staff Jt minute Nov 1908 Jt Line Minutes LCR/LNW minutes LCR/LNW minutes NUR reg, Bowtell col Census 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1873 FR Staff Register Kelly's 1910 Directory Board minute Bulmer Westmorland Bulmer 1901 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem Jt minute Nov 02 1901 1901 CWJ Staff CWJ Staff 1876 FR Staff Register Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered Source service 1876 FR Staff Register 1876 FR Staff Register RAIL 472/50 Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Joseph Joseph Joseph Porter Porter Station duties Ulverston Ulverston Papcastle FUR FUR MCR 03/07/1876 Entered service on 20/- pw. 10/01/1880 Discharged through drinking habit 07/09/1891 3/2 per fortnight Nicholson N. Carriage Cleaner Carlisle MCR 01/10/1915 Serving as Private, Northumb. Fusiliers WDSO Kerr PR3/ Nicholson Neil Carriage Cleaner Carlisle MCR 01/07/1915 Allocated Signal Hand Lamp No.231 WTT Appendix 1915 Nicholson R. Loco, C&W Dept FR FUR Nicholson R.L. Supt of Line's Dept FR FUR Nicholson Robert ?? ?? LCR Nicholson S. Emrgncy S'man/Porter Bassenthwaite Lake CKP Nicholson T. Signalman Winder JTL Nicholson T. Engine Cleaner Carlisle Kingmoor LMS Nicholson Nicholson Thomas W. Engine Fitter Signalman Kirkby Stephen Highgate NER CKP Nicholson W. P Way Dept. Furness Abbey FUR Nicholson W. Pointsman Moor Row JTL Nicholson W. Signalman Moor Row JTL Nicholson W. Signalman Woodlands Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson W. W. W. W. W.L. Relief Signalman ?? ?? Porter ?? Nicholson W.L. Nicholson WW1 service, South Lancashire Regt., Private WW1 service, Kings Liverpool Regt., 1914-18 Private 00/00/1846 Lost limb 1914-18 ?? 0 FR Roll of Honour 0 FR Roll of Honour LCR/LNW minutes WDSO Kerr PR5/076 19/- per week 00/00/1892 New. Wage 21/- pw Appointed secretary of G&SWR 00/09/1926 branch of LMS Temperance Union 00/00/1905 Lived Park Terrace 22/06/1913 Weekly pay 21/Member of Ulverston team in 16/07/1920 Ambulance competition 00/00/1892 Wages 19/- to 20/- pw Moved from Woodlands. Wage 22/- to 24/03/1902 24/- pw JtL minute Nov 92 JTL 24/03/1902 Moved to Moor Row. Wage 22/- to 24/- Jt Staff Moor Row Frizington Frizington Traffic Frizington Traffic ?? JTL JTL JTL JTL CKP 01/04/1905 06/07/1908 06/07/1908 06/07/1908 18/12/1898 Jt Staff Jt Staff Jt minute Nov 1908 Jt minute Nov 1908 NUR Reg, Bowtell Col Signalman Class 6 Troutbeck, Highgate CKP 04/04/1913 W.L. Signalman Highgate LMS 00/00/1928 Nicholson W.P. Station Master Barrow LMS 00/07/1928 Nicholson William Platelayer Troutbeck CKP 08/10/1908 Nicholson Nicholson William William Night watchman Guard Barrow Passenger Bigrigg FUR FUR 01/02/1875 00/03/1906 Nicholson William P Way Labourer Oak Lea/Goldmire FUR 06/08/1914 Nicholson William Platelayer Furness Abbey FUR 00/04/1915 Transferred to FR. Wage 24/- pw New. Wage 15/- pw New, vice Wilson New, vice Wilson. Wage 15/- pw Entered group Appointed to grade. On register here in 1928 On NUR roll Passed station masters exam with distinction Elected to Sectional Conciliation Board B Entered service Listed as available mobilisation for entrenchmen works LMS Mag 10/1926 Bulmer Westmorland WDSO Kerr PR5/076 FR Magazine No.1 JtL minute Nov 92 Jt Staff NUR Reg, Bowtell Col Bowtell notes LMS Mag. 10/1928 Board minute 1875 FR Staff Register AMB RAIL 214/81 AMB Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson William William William William Permanent Way Traffic Dept. Porter Station Master Furness Abbey Coniston Coniston Yeathouse FUR FUR FUR JTL Nicholson William Driver Carlisle MID Nicholson Nicholson William P. William P. Traffic Dept. Porter Guard Barrow Barrow Central Nickal J.W. Chargeman Painter Workington Nickson W.T., Sapper Labourer, Way & Works Heysham MID Nicolson Nicolson Nightingale Nimmie G G Mr T. Signalman Signalman Signalman ?? Moresby Parks Moresby Parks ?? ?? CWJ CWJ LPJ ?? Nimmie T. Signalman Class 4 Calthwaite LNW Nixon Daniel Clerk Maryport MCR Nixon G. Loco, C&W Dept FR FUR Nixon George Retired ?? CWJ 28/02/1923 Age 73. Had 34 years service when left Nixon Humphrey Platelayer Maryport MCR 03/04/1881 Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon J. J. J. J. J. J. J.G. J.L. Station Master Station Master Porter Passenger Guard Joiner Platelayer Station Master ?? Scorton Burton & Holme Dearham Maryport Maryport Aspatria Clifton & Lowther ?? LNW LNW MCR MCR MCR MCR LNW ?? Nixon J.L. Signalman Class 3 Siddick Junction LMS Nixon J.S. Loco, C&W Dept FR FUR Nixon J.S., Private Fireman Whitehaven FUR Nixon J.W. Station Master Scanton LMS Nixon James Correspondence Clerk Whitehaven Goods FUR Year entered service Source WDSO Kerr PR1/031-8 WDSO Kerr PR1/031-12 AMB Bulmers 1901 FUR LMS 26/07/1922 Presentation of Ambulance Award 08/09/1923 Presentation of Ambulance Award 00/02/1923 00/00/1901 Witness to Ais Gill Accident inquiry. 26 02/09/1913 yrs service 08/09/1923 Presentation of Ambulance Award 00/02/1923 LNW 00/00/1918 Serving in Manchester Regt. Wounded LNWR Gazette 6/1918 1914-18 Died serving in Royal Engineers 29/01/1912 Entered service. Born 19/06/1854 00/00/1913 Died some time after March 1913 00/00/1841 09/06/1903 Entered group Appointed to grade. On register here in 03/02/1919 1928 11/06/1866 Wages 10/- to 13/- fr 4/1 WW1 service, 5th Border Regt., 1914-18 Private. Wounded Age 55, lived at 1A Court, Eaglesfield Street 00/00/1888 Appointed 00/00/1894 03/04/1881 07/09/1891 £3-0-0 per fortnight 28/06/1909 Locomotive Dept. £1-3-8 pw 01/07/1915 Allocated Signal Hand Lamp No.96 00/00/1891 Appointed 26/12/1901 Entered group Appointed to grade. On register here in 13/06/1924 1928 WW1 service, Argyll & Sutherland 1914-18 Highlanders, Private Died serving Argyll & Sutherland 08/11/1917 Highlanders Retired. Joined @ Penrith in 1887. 31/10/1923 Note 12/10/1896 Entered service. Dob 24/8/1881 Accident Report WDSO Kerr PR1/031-12 AMB 0 1912 1913 Midland Ry Roll of Honour CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records LCR/LNW minutes NUR Reg, Bowtell Col NUR Reg, Bowtell Col RAIL 472/8 0 FR Roll of Honour Haywood notes Census LCR/LNW minutes Kelly 1894 Census Rail 472/50 Rail 472/50 WTT Appendix 1915 LCR/LNW minutes NUR Reg, Bowtell Col NUR Reg, Bowtell Col 0 FR Roll of Honour Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem LMS Mag 12/1923 1896 FR Goods Staff Book p 145 Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered service Source Nixon James Correspondence Clerk Whitehaven Goods FUR 03/12/1900 Wage 17/- pw 1896 FR Goods Staff Book p 145 Nixon James Correspondence Clerk Whitehaven Goods FUR 01/02/1902 Transferred to Traffic Dept. 1896 FR Goods Staff Book p 145 Nixon James W. Porter Burton & Holme LNW 00/04/1881 Age 17 s. b.Scotland Census 1881 Nixon John Fireman Carnforth 03/04/1881 Lived 9 Bank Terrace, head, age 31 Census Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon John John John John John John John John Platelayer Station Master Station Master Station Master Station Master Station Master Station Master Station Master Maryport Whitehaven Corkickle Whitehaven Corkickle Whitehaven Corkickle Whitehaven Corkickle Whitehaven Corkickle Whitehaven Corkickle Whitehaven Corkickle ?? FUR FUR FUR FUR FUR FUR FUR 00/00/1882 00/00/1872 05/02/1872 00/05/1875 00/00/1883 00/00/1901 14/08/1906 00/00/1906 Porters 1882 Postal Directory WDSO Kerr PR1/037 WDSO Kerr PR1/037 FR Staff Register Bulmer W Cumberland Bulmers 1901 Board minute 1198 Jt minute Aug 1906 Nixon John Railway Labourer Maryport MCR 03/04/1881 Age 53, lived at 5 Low Church Street Nixon John ?? Maryport MCR 02/11/1915 Nixon John Policeman Whitehaven Preston St WFJ 00/06/1855 des. Age 38. Wage 16/- pw ?? living at 5 Lower Church St Reward of 10s for honesty 10 shilling reward for honesty 35/-pw less 2/6 for house&coal Pension £32 pa Retired. Pension £32 pa Census St.Johns Amb.Class. h.17 Ewanrigg Brow Nixon John Station Master Whitehaven Corkickle WFJ Entered service on 22/- 24/-Apl 1867 25/-Jun 1870 27/6 May 1871 30/-May 00/04/1859 1873 32/6 Jun 1873 House and coal 2/6 per week Nov 1873 Assured for £50 Nixon John Fireman ?? FUR 04/06/1875 Hurt foot during coupling at Park Jct. Nixon John, Sapper Carlisle MID 26/08/1915 Died serving in Royal Engineers Nixon Nixon Jonathan Joseph Passed Cleaner, Loco Dept. Joiner Foreman Smith Maryport Maryport MCR MCR Nixon Joseph Passenger Guard ?? MCR Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon M. M. Mr P. Sub-Ganger Sub-Ganger Station Master Loco Department Hellifield Hellifield Staveley Oxenholme LMS LMS LNW LNW Nixon Robert Assistant Number taker Whitehaven Corkickle FUR Nixon Robert Clerk FUR 07/09/1891 Loco. Dept. £2-3-4 per fortnight 07/09/1891 Loco. Dept. £3-12-0 per fortnight Notice of retirement. 40 yrs service. 18/06/1906 Gratuity £30 12/03/1928 Involved in accident at Hellifield 12/03/1929 Injured in accident with crane 00/00/1873 To be removed to another station 00/00/1918 Awarded MM Entered service on 5/- Removed to 02/09/1868 Piel Jul 1869 Moved from Corkickle on 7/6 10/-Aug 00/07/1869 1870 12/6 Jul 1871 Removed to Whitehaven 1872 Piel 1859 St.John's Amb Reg. RAIL744/9 1859 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 RAIL 1053/64 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem Rail 472/50 Rail 472/50 RAIL 472/11 Accident Report Accident Report LCR/LNW minutes LNWR Gazette 9/1918 1868 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1868 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Employment Location Company Date Notes Moved from Piel 15/-Aug 1872 17/6 Dec 1872 Resigned (no date) Year entered service Source Nixon Robert Clerk Whitehaven FUR 00/08/1872 1868 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Nixon Robert Porter Roose FUR Nixon Robert Porter Grange FUR Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Robert Robert Robert S. S. T. Station Master Porter Porter Coal Filler Fitter Clerk Sellafield Whitehaven Goods Whitehaven Goods Carlisle Maryport Carlisle FUR FUR FUR MCR MCR MCR Nixon Thomas Porter Millom FUR Nixon Nixon Thomas Thomas Station Master Porter Burton & Holme Maryport LNW MCR Nixon Thomas H. Driver Carlisle Kingmoor ? LMS Nixon Thomas J. Station Master Burton & Holme LNW Nixon W. Porter Moor Row JTL Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon W. W. W. William Porter Blacksmith Apprentice Fitter Station Master Cleator Moor Goods Maryport Maryport Whitehaven Corkickle JTL MCR MCR FUR Nixon William ?? ?? MCR Noble Henry Extra Timber Loader Barrow Goods FUR Noble J. Fogman Barrow Pier FUR Noble Noble J. J. Driver Driver Barrow Carnforth FUR FUR Noble J.W. Signalman Class 4 Plumpton LNW Noble James Steam Yachts Lake Side FUR 09/03/1878 Entered service on 20/- pw Moved from Roose. Transferred away 24/06/1878 25/06/1883 00/00/1894 03/09/1894 Entered service. Dob 30/09/1860 11/05/1901 Resigned 28/06/1909 Locomotive Dept. £1-0-0 pw 28/06/1909 Locomotive Dept. 4/2 pw 07/09/1891 £1-5-0 per fortnight Entered service on 20/-pw. Resigned 26/01/1874 April 1874 00/04/1891 Age 47m. b.Carlisle 03/04/1881 Age 50, lived at 38 Grasslot Age 60. Injured in collision in Kingmoor 21/03/1930 Yard 00/04/1881 Age 37 m. b.Carlisle Off work 1 month after unloading 22/08/1899 accident 23/12/1899 Left. Wages 22/- pw 28/06/1909 Locomotive Dept. £1-5-8 pw 00/00/1910 Photo and note. h.Wood St 00/00/1882 Started St.John's Ambulance Class @ 28/10/1920 Maryport Entered service on 20/- pw. 30/12/1879 Discharged Feb 1880 Supplied with overcoat to wear when 31/12/1891 working as fogman 21/08/1921 Retirement after 47 yrs. ?? Photo to go with previous notes Appointed to grade. On register here in 03/08/1919 1928 00/12/1904 1877 FR Staff Register 1877 FR Staff Register Noble John Porter Park FUR 00/09/1871 Moved from Whitehaven 19/-Mar1872 20/-Jun 1872 22/-Jan 1873 1871 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Noble John Porter Whitehaven FUR 31/01/1871 Entered service on 18/- Transferred to Park Sept 1871 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Noble John Checker Ulverston FUR 30/09/1872 Entered service on 23/- 25/- Mar 1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1894 1894 1874 Kelly 1894 FR Goods Staff Book p 162 FR Goods Staff Book p 162 Rail 472/50 Rail 472/50 RAIL 472/50 FR Staff Register Census 1891 Census Accident Report Census 1881 Jt minute Nov 02 Jt Staff Rail 472/50 Jackson Porters 1882 Postal Directory St.John's Amb Reg. 1879 FR Staff Register RAIL214/75 FR Magazine No.4 WDSO Kerr PR1/031-9 NUR Reg, Bowtell Col AMB Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Entered service on 20/- Discharged Oct 1872 On 27/- pw Resigned Lived Helm Cottages Entered service. Dob 30/1/1884 Left railway service to join police Resigned Suspended for collision with G&SW loco at Currock on 14th Entered service on 20/- pw Resigned Entered service on 19/-pw. Discharged. Not required Listed as available mobilisation for entrenchmen works Passed station masters examination with distinctio Entered service on 19/- 20/-Mar 1873 21/-May 1873 Became jobbing guard on 22/Moved from Whitehaven on 24/- pw . Discharged August 1874 Year entered service Source Noble John Porter Barrow Goods FUR 30/09/1872 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble John John John Robert Robert T. Checker Checker Platelayer Porter Porter Relief Signalman Ulverston Ulverston Ormside Whitehaven Goods Whitehaven Goods Carnforth FUR FUR MID FUR FUR LNW 00/11/1877 17/07/1880 00/00/1905 10/05/1909 08/01/1910 00/00/1873 1872 1872 FR Staff Register FR Staff Register Bulmer Westmorland FR Goods Staff Book p 163 FR Goods Staff Book p 163 LCR/LNW minutes Noble T.K. Fireman Carlisle/Maryport MCR 19/02/1906 Noble Noble Noble Noble Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Porter Porter Porter Porter Ulverston Ulverston Carnforth Carnforth FUR FUR FUR FUR 28/08/1876 31/03/1877 28/06/1877 13/09/1879 Noble Thomas P Way Labourer Millom FUR 06/08/1914 Noble W.F. Station Master Ulverston LMS 00/07/1928 Noble William Porter Whitehaven FUR 18/11/1872 Noble William Jobbing Guard Guards FUR 00/12/1873 Noble William Shunter Barrow Goods FUR 00/05/1874 Noble William Jobbing Guard Guards FUR 16/02/1874 Fined 1/- for refusing to obey orders Noble Noddle William G.W. Station Master ?? Culgaith Shap area ? MID LNW Bulmers 1901 NUR reg. Bowtell col Noddle G.W. Signalman Class 5 Thrimby Grange LNW Noisworthy John D.S. Machinist Barrow FUR 00/00/1901 19/07/1912 Entered group Appointed to grade. On NUR register 26/09/1914 here in 1928 00/06/1917 Noon J.F. Traffic Dept. Clerk Keswick CKP 29/09/1913 Signing memorial to Board re salaries WDSO Kerr PR5/076 Noon J.F. Traffic Dept. Keswick CKP Norden John Platelayer Staveley KWR Norman A. Checker Barrow Goods FUR Norman A. Porter Barrow Goods FUR Norman A. Porter Barrow Goods FUR Norman A. Passenger Guard ?? FUR Norman A. Passenger Guard Barrow Central FUR 00/09/1913 Salaried Age 37 unm. b:Houghton, Lancs. 00/00/1851 h:Newgate Cott No.2 Became checker on 22/- 24/-Feb 00/05/1872 1873 Entered service on 20/- Became 04/05/1872 checker 00/02/1874 Wages 25/Guard No.10 (no. on collar) Later No. 00/00/1900 9,7,6,5 00/09/1916 1909 1909 RAIL 472/51 1876 1876 1877 1877 FR Staff Register FR Staff Register FR Staff Register FR Staff Register RAIL 214/81 LMS Mag. 10/1928 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Register 1872 FR Staff Register NUR reg. Bowtell col AMB Census 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1872 FR Staff Register Asst Sec's notebook CRA Kerr PR2/79 Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered service Source Norman Norman Norman Norman Norman Norman Norman A. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. A.B. Passenger Guard Gateman Gateman Gateman Gateman Gateman Gateman Barrow Central Egremont Egremont Egremont Traffic Egremont Traffic Egremont Egremont Traffic FUR JTL JTL JTL JTL JTL JTL 00/09/1917 01/02/1908 02/03/1908 02/03/1908 02/03/1908 01/09/1908 01/09/1908 CRA Kerr PR2/80 Jt Line Minutes Jt Staff Jt minute Nov 1908 Jt Line Minutes Jt minute Nov 1908 Jt minute Nov 1908 Norman A.B. Gateman Gillfoot JTL 01/09/1908 Moved to Egremont. Wages 7/6 pw Jt Staff Norman A.B. Gateman Gillfoot JTL Jt Line Minutes Norman A.C. Passenger Guard Whitehaven LNW Norman Norman Norman Norman Amos Bessie Bessie Fletcher Guard Goods Clerk Clerk Railway Servant Whitehaven Corkickle Workington Goods Workington Central Bridgefoot FUR CWJ CWJ JTL Norman George Foreman Carnforth FUR Norman George Yard Foreman Carnforth FUR Norman J. Signalman Egremont JTL 01/09/1908 Transferred from Egremont Entered group. Still on register here in 13/10/1890 1928 00/03/1908 00/00/1918 Female. During period 1916-22 00/00/1919 Female 00/00/1871 Age 31, born Seaton Witness to accident to Driver 22/01/1922 Richardson 22/01/1922 Gave evidence on accident at Moved from Marron Jct. Wages 24/06/10/1902 pw Norman J. Signalman Marron Junction JTL 06/10/1902 Moved to Egremont. Wages 24/- pw Norman J. Signalman Ullcoats Jct. JTL 06/12/1902 Norman J. Signalman Marron Jct. No.3 LNW 01/04/1900 Wage 7/- to 7/6 pw. Vice Glasson Wages 7/6 pw New, vice James. Wage 7/- pw New. Wage 7/- pw. Vice James Wage 7/- to 7/6 pw vice Glasson Transferred to Gillfoot NUR reg. Bowtell col 0 AMB Haywood notes CR Vol.2 p.11/7 1871 Census Accident Report Accident report Jt Staff Jt Staff Moved to new SB from Egremont. Wage 24/- pw Jt Staff Kerr PR7/003 p.374 Entered group. Still on register here in 1928 During period 1916-22 Over 35 yrs service Served more than 35 years Norman J.W. Porter Signalman Parton LMS 25/07/1927 Norman Norman Norman Norman John John John Joseph Workington Central Workington Central Workington Central Clifton Moor CWJ CWJ CWJ NER 00/00/1918 01/01/1923 28/02/1923 00/00/1905 Norman Joshua Ulverston FUR 16/01/1872 Norman Roland P Way Inspector P Way Inspector P Way Inspector Station Master Signalman at Plumpton Cutting Station Master Workington Central CWJ ?? Entered service on 20/- Resigned Nov 1872 Transferred to Traffic & Rates Dept Norman Roland Traffic Superintendent Workington Central CWJ ?? Dates unknown Norman Norman Norman Norman Roland Roland Roland Roland Porter Clerk Station Master Clerk Cleator Moor Workington Goods Workington Central Workington Central CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ 16/04/1906 16/03/1908 10/06/1913 01/10/1914 Norman Roland Chief Rates Clerk Workington Central CWJ 31/12/1923 Later moved to Rates Office at Barrow Entered service. Born 22/07/1885 Transferred on 23/6 pw Transferred Transferred to GMO on £5 pw NUR reg. Bowtell col Haywood notes Track of Ironmasters Haywood notes Bulmer Westmorland 1872 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 Haywood notes Haywood notes 1906 1906 1906 1906 CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records Haywood notes Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname N surnames First names Norman Norman Rowland Thomas Norman Employment Location Company Date Notes Year entered service Moor Row ?? JTL CWJ Thomas Penrice Assistant shunter Harrington Junction CWJ Norman Thomas, Private Goods Porter Carlisle LNW 01/07/1916 Died serving in 11th Border Regiment Norman W. Clerk Whitehaven Goods FUR Norman W. Number Taker Workington FUR Norman W. Clerk Whitehaven Goods FUR Norman Norman W. W. Number Taker Clerk Workington Whitehaven Goods FUR FUR Norman W. Clerk Carlisle MCR Norman W. ?? Carlisle MCR Norman W. Clerk Carlisle MCR Norman W. Parcels Clerk Carlisle MCR Norman Norman Norman Norman William William William William Number Taker Clerk Clerk Clerk Workington Dock Harrington Station Workington Central Workington Central CWJ CWJ CWJ CWJ 01/01/1913 Entered service. Dob 18/3/1891 Entered FR service from C&WJR, age 01/01/1913 21, wage 25/- pw Transferred from Wagon Clerk, 22/09/1913 Workington (C&WJ) 22/09/1913 Transferred fo Clerk, Whitehaven 01/08/1921 Salary £220 pa Age 16. 1 yrs service. Wages 6/- to 8/6 01/01/1875 pw Age 17. 2 yrs service. Wages 8/6 to 11/01/01/1876 pw Age 18. 3 yrs service. Wages 11/- to 01/01/1877 13/6 pw Age 19, 4 yrs service. Wages 13/- to 01/01/1878 16/6 pw 05/08/1905 Entered service. Born 18/3/1892 21/01/1907 Transferred 00/08/1907 Transferred to Audit Office 00/01/1913 Transferred to Furness Railway Norsworthy J.D. Loco Department Barrow FUR 08/09/1923 Member of Millom Ambulance Team WDSO Kerr PR1/031-12 Norsworthy John D.S. Loco Department Barrow FUR 08/09/1923 Presentation of Ambulance Award WDSO Kerr PR1/031-12 North Tom Wagon Examiner Carnforth ?? 03/04/1881 Lived 3 Old Coach Road, head, age 28 Census Notman Notman I.J. Sgt.W. Porter Yardman Troutbeck Threlkeld CKP CKP Board minute Board minute Notman W. Yardman Threlkeld CKP Notman William ?? ?? CKP Notman William, L/Sergeant Porter Embleton CKP Nowlan Nugent P. Michael Weigh Clerk Station Agent Euxton Gretna NUR NBR 07/06/1913 Wage 17/6 to 19/- pw 04/11/1916 Reported Died on military service Later served as Sergeant. Died 1916. 00/00/1913 p.73 Served as Sergeant in Border Regt. 1914-18 Died. Died serving in King's Liverpool Regt., 08/06/1918 aged 19 00/00/1859 00/00/1884 Nugent William, Private Fire Dropper Carlisle LNW 11/11/1916 Died serving in 4th Border Regiment Clerk, C&W Dept. Yard Inspector ? 00/03/1908 00/00/1918 During period 1916-22 Age 18. Scalded by steam from 07/06/1914 shunting loco at Source AMB Haywood notes Accident report 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem 1913 FR Goods Staff Book p 146 1913 FR Goods Staff Book p.197 1913 FR Goods Staff Book p 146 1913 1913 FR Goods Staff Book p.197 FR Goods Staff Book p 146 RAIL 472/9 RAIL 472/9 RAIL 472/9 RAIL 472/9 1905 1905 1905 1905 CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records CWJ Staff records Rails thru Lakeland War Memorial 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem LCR/LNW minutes Bulmer E Cumb 1884 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem Cumbrian Railway Ancestors Surname First names N surnames Employment Location Company Date Notes Involved in train breakway incident at Annan Female. Appointed. Biographical note & photos Locomotive Dept. 8/4 pw Photo and note. h.Senhouse St Serving in Machine Gun Corps, Wounded Died serving in Machine Gun Corps, aged 29 Entered service on 20/- 22/-Mar 1867 Resigned Sept 1869 Age 37, pay 20/- pw, entered service 18/7/1865 Resigned Entered service on 20/- pw. Resigned June 1874 Lived @ station Nugent Willie Fireman Carlisle Kingmoor LMS 21/04/1927 Nutsford Annie Traffic Clerk Maryport MCR 00/00/1915 Nutsford Nutsford J. J.P. Fitter Apprentice Fitter Maryport Maryport MCR MCR 28/06/1909 00/00/1910 Nuttall J.A. Lampman, Traffic Dept. Carnforth LNW 00/00/1918 Nuttall Lampman/Point John Alfred, Corporal Cleaner Carnforth LNW 31/10/1919 Nuttall Robert Lodge Gatekeeper Barrow Goods FUR 18/07/1865 Nuttall Robert Lodge Gatekeeper Barrow Goods FUR 00/00/1867 Nuttall Robert Lodge Gatekeeper Barrow Goods FUR 00/09/1869 Nuttall William Porter Ulverston FUR 02/06/1874 Nuttall Nuttall Nutter Nutter William George William George A. John Station Master Station Master Mineral Guard Pointsman Appleby Appleby Maryport Preston MID MID MCR LNW Nutter Thomas Porter Maryport MCR 00/00/1905 00/00/1910 07/09/1891 £2-10-0 per fortnight 00/00/1872 Died from alcohol abuse Age 19, lived at 1C Count, Kirkby 03/04/1881 Street Year entered service Source Legends of G&SW Jackson Rail 472/50 Jackson LNWR Gazette 11/1918 0 Railwaymen of Cumbria Rem 1865 FR Staff Index 1845-1873 1865 RAIL410/495 1865 RAIL410/495 1874 FR Staff Register Bulmer Westmorland Kelly's 1910 Directory Rail 472/50 LCR/LNW minutes Census
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