CURRICULUM VITAE Name: First names: Date of birth: Telephone and e-mail: Demetrio Muñoz Gielen (PhD) 20 May 1970 00 31641315868, [email protected] Summary After achieving his Master degrees in Spain (social geographer and urban planner) and after a short work experience in Madrid, Demetrio moved to the Netherlands where he was first researcher at the University of Amsterdam and then consultant at DHV-Consultancy. From 2001 till 2004 we was public officer at the Department of Urban Planning of the Municipality of Amsterdam. Since 2002 he is actively involved in the public and academic debates about the current problems in and outside the Netherlands with building stagnation and the financing of public facilities and infrastructure in urban development. He contributes directly to innovative solutions as independent consultant, as public officer, as university lecturer and as scientist. In 2010 Demetrio obtained his PhD degree at the Radboud University of Nijmegen focussing on this topic. He regularly teaches and publishes in both specialized fora and in daily newspapers, within and outside the Netherlands. In addition he organizes seminars, conducts study trips and participates as international expert and key speaker in panel discussions and seminars in and outside Europe. From 2007 onwards Demetrio advises public and private parties about public-private partnerships in urban development, and since 2009 he became also part-time public officer at the Municipality of Purmerend, in the Netherlands, where he improves the financing of public infrastructure and facilities. Demetrio is also university lecturer, first at the Amsterdam School of Real Estate, and since 2010 both at the Radboud University of Nijmegen and at the University of Amsterdam. Professional experience 2009-present 2010-present 2003-present 2005-present 2007-2010 2004-2008 2001-2004 1998-2001 1997 Public officer (senior), Urban Planning Department Municipality of Purmerend, the Netherlands: • Strategy and policy on public-value capturing and public-private relationship; • Negotiations with property developers, contracting; • July 2012-April 2013: advising Municipality of Zaanstad to introduce strategy and policy on public-value capturing; Lecturer at Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University of Nijmegen, and at University of Amsterdam: land policy, urban development, public-private partnerships. Freelance consultant, the Netherlands: - Diverse workshops about public-value capturing; - Public-private partnerships in urban development; - Study visits to Spain of Dutch local politicians and professionals. Participation as expert on cross-country comparative public-value capturing in different international and national debates and panels organized by Lincoln Institute, UNHABITAT, Universidad Autónoma Madrid, Dutch Ministry of Finance, Habiforum, Dutch Property Register. Lecturer at Amsterdam School of Real Estate, University of Amsterdam: Spanish land readjustment, Valencian model of urbanizing agent. Researcher and Ph-D student, public-value capturing in international perspective, OTB Research Institute Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology. Public officer, Planning Department Municipality of Amsterdam: - Project planner in urban development projects; - Researcher on urban public facilities and infrastructure; Consultant, DHV, the Netherlands: - Project planner and project secretary in urban development projects; - Researcher; - Intern account manager DHV the Netherlands-Spain. Researcher comparative planning systems, Spanish Ministry Public Works and Planning. Education 2010 2004-09 1997-98 1995-96 1990-95 1995-96 Ph-D ‘Capturing value increase in urban redevelopment’, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Different courses (with credit) on scientific research and policy making at Nado-Nethur school for social science. Research to public-private partnerships in the Netherlands and two subjects in Social Geography and Planning (with credit), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Master in Planning (with credit), University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. Specialization in land policy and public-private partnerships. Masters Degree in Geography and History (with credit), University of Málaga, Spain. Specialisation in Geography. Different courses (with credit) in Urban Planning, GIS and Environmental Evaluation. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Complutense University of Madrid and Society of Engineers of Málaga, Spain. Publications in English - - - - Urban governance, property rights, land readjustment and public value capturing (2014, first published online in 2012), European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol 21(1) 60–78, peer-reviewed (DOI: 10.1177/0969776412440543) ( Improving public-value capture in urban development (2011), chapter in UN-HABITAT (2011, eds.), Innovative Land and Property Taxation, UNON, Publishing Services Section, Nairobi, p.p. 148-169 ( Capturing value increase in urban redevelopment (2010), Ph-D dissertation, Sidestone Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 478 p.p. ( Flexibility in Planning and the Consequences for Public value Capturing in UK, Spain and the Netherlands (2010, first author), European Planning Studies, 18: 7, 1097-1131, peer-reviewed ( ring_in_UK_Spain_and_the_Netherlands_PUBLISHED_VERSION.pdf). Improving public-value capture in urban development: How to improve the involvement of property developers and landowners in the financing of public infrastructure (2010), paper in Conference Report ‘Financing affordable housing and infrastructure in cities’, UN Habitat GLTN, October 2009, Warsaw, p.p. 40-41 ( Urban Renewal in a Post-crisis Era (November 2009), column in Property EU. Lessons from Valencia: separating infrastructure provision from landownership (2007, first author), Town Planning Review, peer-reviewed. ( land_ownership.pdf) Expanding cities, A grounded conceptual model that allows comparing systems of greenfield land development (2007, second author), Town Planning Review, peer-reviewed. Public-value capturing and the financing of public infrastructure in England, Valencia and the Netherlands (2008), paper AESOP Academic Forum ‘Planning, law and property rights’, Warsaw. Binding land use plans throughout Western Europe (2007), paper AESOP Conference, Napels. The methodological challenges of a case-based research (on urban planning issues) (2007), AESOP Conference, Napels. Plan-led versus development-led planning systems in Europe (2007), AESOP Academic Forum ‘Planning, law and property rights’, Amsterdam. Lessons from Valencia: separating the development right, not the building right, from landownership (2005), Conference Property Rights and Private Initiatives, Radbaud University Nijmegen and Ruimtelijk Planbureau, The Hague. Possibilities to use land use plans in a strategic way (2005), AESOP Conference, Wenen. Publications in Dutch - Conditional rezoning in draft Physical Planning Act (2013), Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht. Comparison of local value capturing policy documents (2013), Grondzaken in de Praktijk. - In England and Valencia it is indeed possible: property developers contribute to public facilities (2010), Vitale Stad. Public bodies are losing their control on urban development (2009), Essay, Financieel Dagblad. Flexibility in planning influences contributions market parties (2009), Rooilijn. Feasible instruments against land speculation (2009), opinion article, Cobouw. Who pays the public infrastructure? (2009), Ruimte, Belgium. Public-value capturing in England, Valencia and The Netherlands (2008), Rooilijn. Spanish comprehensive urban development (2006), Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting. The Valencian model for urban development (2006), Achtergrondinformatie. De Valencian comprehensive urban development (2004, first author), Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting. Valencian recipe against building stagnation (2003), Rooilijn. Shortage in housing market is a structural problem (2002), opinion article, Volkskrant. Red boundaries wrong instrument for compact urban growth (2002), opinion article, Cobouw. Fifth National Planning Report, red boundaries and land policy (2002), opinion article, Cobouw. Vinex and Ensanches (1999), Rooilijn. Publications in Spanish - Consequences of the economic crisis on Dutch Municipalities (2012), CyT, XLIV (171), Madrid. Flexibility in Planning systems and the consequences for the contributions of private parties towards public infrastructure and facilities in UK, Spain and the Netherlands (2011), Ciudad y TerritorioEstudios Territoriales (CyT), Madrid, peer-reviewed. Social housing in the Netherlands (2009), CyT, XLI (161-162), Madrid. Who pays the public goals in the Planning system of England, the Netherlands and the Spanish region of Valencia? (2009), Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno (ACE), Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, peer-reviewed. Public-value capturing systems in England, Valencia and The Netherlands (2009), CyT, Madrid, peerreviewed. Compensation in land expropriation in the Netherlands (2009), ACE, Barcelona. Social housing in The Netherlands (2008, first author), in Moya (ed.), La Vivienda Social en Europa, Alemania, Francia y Países Bajos desde 1945, E.T.S. Arquitectura de Madrid. Several relevant aspects of public-value capturing in the Netherlands (2007, 2nd author), CyT. Labor docente de JGB: el método científico y la ética en el Urbanismo (2007, 2nd author), ACE. Valencian vitamines for Dutch urban development (2006), CyT, Madrid. The Valencian Planning law and the Netherlands (2006), opinion article, Diario Levante. Short history of Urban Development in The Netherlands, parts I and II (2005), CyT. The Planning system in The Netherlands (2005), CyT, peer-reviewed. Practices of GIS in Dutch Local Urban planning (2001), CyT. Lectures - - Diverse lectures in international public value capturing conferences: UN-Habitat and Municipality of Medellín, Colombia, September 2013; Lincoln Institute, Universidad Católica de Chile, Congreso de Chile, Chili, September 2012; Ad Urbem in Lisbon, Portugal, November 2011; UN-HABITAT in Nairobi, Kenya, June 2011. Diverse lectures and papers in international academic conferences: AESOP, International Academic Forum ‘Planning, law and property rights’, conferences since 2005 in Napoli, Vienna, Amsterdam, Warsaw. Diverse lectures to groups of local and provincial Dutch politicians and public officers (2005-2012): Provinces of Zeeland, North- and South-Holland; Municipalities of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Purmerend, Leiden, Zaanstad; Diverse lectures about transformations in Housing and Land Policies (2007): Universitat Politecnica Catalunya; GPS and Complutense University of Madrid, Consejo Juventud de España; The Spanish Inspiration (2003), lecture and debate with Dutch experts and politicians about the Spanish solution for the stagnation in housing building, Amsterdam. - Transformations in Housing and Land Policies in the Netherlands (2003), lecture in Spanish Parliament, Madrid. The Windmills Policy in The Netherlands (March 2002), Seminar in Cádiz, Spain. Others - Referee in different international scientific peer-reviewed reviews: European Planning Studies; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management; Architecture, City and Environment (ACE). - Correspondent for the Netherlands in Spanish reviews: Ciudad y Territorio-Estudios Territoriales, Ministry of Planning; and Architecture, City and Environment (ACE), Centro de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya.
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