CALENDAR CURSURI August - Decembrie 2014 Solicitat/ recomandat pentru certificare Durata/ zile Vendor Cod Denumire curs VMware vSphere vSphere : What's New in v5.5 VCP5-DCV 2 VMware vSphere vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage v5.5 PROMO PRICE VCP5-DCV 5 VMware vSphere vSphere: Fast Track v5.5(Combination of vSphere ICM course with advanced tasks and skills for configuring a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure, 10h/day ) - recomandat participantilor cu experienta practica. PROMO PRICE VCP5-DCV 5 VMware vSphere vSphere: Optimize and Scale v5.5 PROMO PRICE VCAP5-DCA or VCP5-DCV 5 VMware vSphere vSphere: Troubleshooting Workshop v5.1 VCP5-DCV 5 VMware vSphere vSphere with Operations Management: Fast Track v5.1(combina cursul vSphere: ICM cu vCenter Operations Manager: Analyze and Predict) VCP5-DCV 5 Vmware vCenter VMware vCenter Orchestrator: Develop Workflows [V5.1] VMware vCloud vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage V5.5 VEEAM VEEAM VEEAM Certified Engineer VMware CertificationVCA Vouchers DT Certification Voucher (EN) 115 VMware CertificationVCAP Vouchers Certification Voucher (EN) 280 VMware CertificationvSphere Vouchers VCP exam voucher (EN) 170 VMware CertificationVCP Vouchers Cloud exam voucher (EN) 170 VMware CertificationVCP Vouchers DT exam voucher (EN) 170 Linux AV124 Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Admin I RHCSA Linux AV134 Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Admin II RHCSA 5 Linux AV314 Linux Troubleshooting, RHEL6 Y 5 ITIL ITIL ITIL V3 FOUNDATION + EXAM Y 3 ITIL ITIL ITIL V3 FOUNDATION + EXAM Y 3 ITIL ITIL ITIL Continual Service Improvement Y 3 ITIL ITIL ITIL Service Design Y 4 ITIL ITIL ITIL Managing Across the Lifecycle Y 5 Microsoft SQBI2012 Business Intelligence Solution with Microsoft SQL Server 2012( combina module din cursurile MS10777- Implementing a Data Warehouse with SQL Server 2012 si MS10778 Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2012) 5 Microsoft MS10775 Administering SQL Server 2012 Databases 5 Microsoft MS10776 Developing SQL Server 2012 Databases 5 Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 5 NEW! Sept Oct Dec 740 15 8 1,650 38 8 1,930 45 29 25 6 1 6 24 6 VCP-Cloud 3 VMCE 3 5 Microsoft MS20331B MS20332A Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 5 Microsoft MS10774 5 Microsoft MS20412D Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services 5 Microsoft MS20411C Administering Windows Server 2012 MS10263A Developing Windows Communication Foundation Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 5 1,750 8 15 3 3 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Nov 38 Microsoft Microsoft Aug Pret EURO fara Plata cu TVA/participant in credite clase publice Vmware 1 3 10 se va programa curand 1,960 39 1,830 38 1,550 32 1,550 32 la cerere 25 1,000 8 3 1,000 17 1,000 6 22 22 1,050 10 699 8 1,050 20 1,200 8 29 1,450 905 13 880 17 880 13 800 17 800 6 860 29 800 8 3 17 800 800 IBM Power Systems -AN15G AIX Power Systems for AIX III: Advanced Administration and Problem Determination Y 5 15 1,990 IBM Power Systems -AN30G AIX Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I: Implementing Virtualization Y 5 29 1,990 IBM Power Systems -AN31G AIX Power Systems for AIX Virtualization II : Advanced PowerVM and Performance Y 4 IBM Power Systems -AN51G AIX Power Systems for AIX IV: Performance Management Y 5 IBM Power Systems -AN66G AIX PowerHA SystemMirror 7: Problem Determination Y 3 13 1,625 17 1,990 3 1,200 IBM Power Systems -AU24G AIX PERL Programming for Open Systems(Acest curs ajuta utilizatorii de sisteme UNIX, LINUX sau WINDOWS sa realizeze aplicatii pentru care facilitatile shell-ului nu sint suficiente. Dupa terminarea acestul curs, participantii vor avea importante cunostinte de programare ce le vor permite sa scrie scripturi PERL pentru procesarea datelor, administrarea sistemului sau alte tipuri de aplicatii. Sunt prezente cateva din cele mai utilizate module PERL si modul de functiunare si extensie al capabilitatilor PERL.) IBM Power Systems -AN10G AIX AIX Basics( Acest curs se adreseaza persoanelor ce doresc sa dobandeasca cunostinte de baza pentru AIX sau un sistem de operare UNIX/LINUX. Initiaza cursantii in tehnici de porgramare shell, prerechizit pentru AL32.) IBM Power Systems -AL32G AIX Korn and Bash Shell Programming (Acest curs are ca scop invatarea tehnicilor de programare in shell pentru sistemele UNIX, facand in principal referire la shell-ul KSH, dar avand referinte si pentru KS93, POSIX shell sau BASH. De asemenea, cursul cuprinde capitole speciale pentru utilitarele AWK si SED, extrem de utile in prelucrarea datelor si raportare. ) IBM Power Systems -AN12G AIX Power Systems for AIX II: AIX Implementation and Administration IBM Storage SN719G IBM Stoarge SSE10G IBM Tivoli Y 4 3 4 6 N 5 20 Y 4 Storage Area Networking Fundamentals PROMO N 4 IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop PROMO N 4 TS613G IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 Implementation and Administration PROMO Y 5 IBM Tivoli TS623G IBM TSM 7.1 Advanced Administration, Tuning, Troubleshooting PROMO Y 5 IBM Tivoli TW261RO IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 5.1 System Administration Y 3 IBM SECURITY TW092G IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Administration & Deployment Y 3 1,000 1,625 1,000 10 1,625 17 1,890 13 1,890 29 1,890 27 1,890 24 1,640 3 1,640 IBM SECURITY BQ101 IBM Security Qradar SIEM 7.2 Foundation NEW! Y 2 6 1,390 IBM SECURITY BQ121 IBM Security QRadar SIEM 7.2 Administration and Configuration NEW! Y 3 8 1,690 IBM Websphere WM206 IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 System Administration (using Linux fro Labs) y 4 IBM Websphere WM211G IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) Y 4 IBM Websphere WM251G IBM WebSphere MQ V7: Designing and Architecting Clustering Solutions N 4 IBM Websphere WM665G IBM Integration Bus V9 Application Development I N 5 IBM Websphere WM644G IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 System Administration N 5 IBM Websphere WM664G IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 Application Development I N 5 29 1,790 27 1,790 24 1,850 6 2,090 17 2,090 8 22 2,090 IBM Websphere WA855G WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Administration Y 5 IBM Websphere WA591G WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Problem Determination N 5 10 2,090 2,090 IBM Websphere WB743G Modeling and Implementing with IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.1 Y 5 10 2,200 IBM Websphere WB745G IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.1 Process Modeling and Administration Y 5 IBM Websphere WB782G IBM WebSphere Business Modeler V7: Process Mapping, Simulation and Analysis N 5 IBM Websphere WB383G Developing Rule Solutions in IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management V8.5 N 5 IBM Websphere WB855G Developing Applications in IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5 -I N 5 IBM Business AnalistB5155G IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.1) PROMO Y 3 IBM Business AnalistB5158G IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (V10.1) PROMO Y 3 IBM Business AnalistB5252G IBM Cognos Framework Manager: Design Metadata Models (v10.2) PROMO Y 5 IBM Business AnalistB2458G IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (V8.4) PROMO Y 3 IBM Business AnalistP6502G IBM Cognos TM1: Design and Develop Models (v9.5) PROMO N 5 IBM Business Analist0A004 Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Mining (V15) Y 2 IBM Business Analist0G503 Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics (v22) Y 2 6 1,350 IBM Business Analist0G512 Introduction to Statistical Analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics v21 Y 2 8 1,350 IBM Business Analist0G522 Data Management and Manipulation with IBM SPSS Statistics v21 Y 2 10 1,350 IBM ECM 2,200 2,090 17 20 2,200 2,200 22 1,400 13 1,400 10 8 1,600 1,400 24 22 1,600 990 IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2 : Implementation and Administration Y 5 3 2,200 IBM Industry Solution9T222G i2 iBase User NEW! N 5 3 2,200 IBM Industry Solution9T221G i2 iBase Designer NEW! N 5 10 2,200 IBM Information Management CL442G IBM DB2 LUW Performance Tuning and Monitoring for Single and Multiple Partition DBs Y 5 IBM Collaboration Solution D8L89G IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Bootcamp PROMO Y 5 22 24 1,550 QQ139G Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody V7.6 for Software Engineers Y 4 29 IBM Rational RD425G An Introduction to Software Architecture NEW! N 1 13 450 IBM Rational RDB07G Software Design and Deployment Architectures Boot Camp NEW! N 4 14 1,390 IBM Rational RS504G Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase for Windows, v7.1 N 2 3 900 IBMRational RS728G Configuring Projects in IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0.4 N 3 5 1,090 IBM Rational RS504G Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase for Windows, v7.1 N 2 17 900 IBM Rational F1150 15 6 27 2,200 1,390 IBM Rational RT273G Test Management with IBM Rational Quality Manager V4.0 N 2 19 900 IBM Rational RT294G Administering IBM Rational Quality Manager V4.0.4 Projects N 1 21 450 IBM Rational RT525G Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.2 N 2 Nota Pretul include instructor autorizat, manuale oficiale, conectarea remote la laboratoare, sala de curs dotata corespunzator, masa de pranz si pauzele de cafea. Pretul se poate modifica fara o notificare prealabila. * Preturile sunt valabile pentru sustinerea cursurilor in Bucuresti. Pentru numar de minim 7 participanti cursurile se pot organiza la Iasi, sediul Quartz Matrix. La cerere putem organiza clase private, la sediul clientului. Inregistrarile se fac la adresa [email protected] sau telefon 0725.117.066 cu cel putin 14 zile inainte de inceperea cursurilor. Clasele private se pot livra in format standard sau personalizat , la sediul Dvs. sau locatia Quartz Matrix. Pretul se transmite la cerere. 24 900
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