2/19/2014 DCV and Conditioned Energy Recovery ‐Active Fresh Air Control for Passive Living‐ Ben Newell, Alex Long & Ty Newell Build Equinox Newell Instruments, Inc. 1103 N High Cross Rd Urbana, IL 61802 www.buildequinox.com Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) •What is it? •Why do we need it in our homes? •Introduction to residential DCV fresh air conditioning system characteristics 1 2/19/2014 Newell Instruments Two Divisions Automotive Appliances R&D for Industry Solutions for a Healthy, Comfortable, and Sustainable Lifestyle Military Systems Our solar powered laboratory Newell Background ‐Renewable Energy ‐Energy Conservation ‐Energy Efficiency ‐Resource Conservation Grad school 1970’s Univ of Illinois Solar Lab 1980’s 2 2/19/2014 2007 Univ of Illinois Solar Decathlon Team Located at the Chicago Center for Green Technology …now back home and being refurbished Objective Our health, our well‐being and our productivity depend on: ‐Fresh Air ‐Clean Water ‐Nutritious Food ‐Comfort Constraints Fresh air, clean water, nutritious food, and comfort must be obtained by sustainable practices if we want these things for future generations ‐Sustainable resources ‐Sustainable energy ‐Sustainable economics Energy is not the objective 3 2/19/2014 Equinox House Project BuildEquinox.com True “Net Zero” home in Urbana Illinois constructed in 2010 •DCV ventilation system •8kW solar PV system supplies 100% of house energy plus 100% energy for 6000‐8000miles per year for Ford Focus EV FocusOnSolar.com •100% rainwater harvesting system (currently permitted to supply toilet and garden water) for ~40% annual water needs (~10,000 gallons per year) What About Cost? Installed cost for solar energy to power 100% of Equinox House energy requirements = $3 per day (our neighbors average more than twice that with “cheap” utility energy) Extra insulation cost (~ $20k), offset by building smarter: ‐no natural gas supply = $10k savings ‐no air stratification = no ceiling fans = $2k to $5k savings ‐efficient utility runs = $5k savings Imported European Modern kitchen cost much more $$ 4 2/19/2014 12 ASHRAE Articles on Sustainable Residence Design •Wall/roof window design •Energy to build a house •Thermal mass •Lighting & daylighting •Indoor air quality •Rainwater harvesting •Appliances •Comfort •Solar energy BuildEquinox.com 2013‐2014 ASHRAE Presidential theme Shaping the Next “…..a critical shift in thinking from a goal of indoor environments that are acceptable to the occupants to those that are truly healthy and productive…” Bill Bahnfleth 2013‐2014 ASHRAE President February 11, 2014 visit to Equinox House 5 2/19/2014 Current ASHRAE Debate • ASHRAE 62.2 (residence ventilation standards committee) ventilation debate – One group favors higher ventilation as reflected in the current 62.2 – 2013 standards – Another group advocates reduced pollution generation allowing reduction of ventilation needs • With DCV systems, no debates are needed – Ventilate at the level required when required DCV FRESH AIR Conditioning What is DCV? •Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) actively senses and manages carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC) levels •“Smart” algorithms can control: •Heating/cooling/dehumidification •Energy “recovery” •Energy efficient defrosting •“Free” conditioning •Conditioned air (warm air in winter, cool air in summer) can be delivered to rooms in home •DCV fresh air conditioning is an alternative to HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilators) and ERV (Energy or Enthalpy Recovery Ventilators) 6 2/19/2014 History of House Energy 160000 Annual House Energy (kWh) Requirements •Infiltration 30ACH@50Pa •No insulation •Single pane windows 120000 80000 •Infiltration 10ACH@50Pa •3” insulation •Storm windows 40000 People Energy House Energy •2010 “conventional” •Infiltration 6ACH@50Pa •6” insulation •Energy Star windows •Respiratory illnesses double over 20 years •2010 “super” •Infiltration 0.6ACH@50Pa •Fresh Air Ventilation •12” insulation •Energy Star windows •People dominated energy loads 0 1920 1950 2010C 2010S What Do We Want in a House? Comfort Healthy Comfort Sustainable Healthy Comfort Zero Energy Chicken House at our Lab •Building a “zero energy” house is easy •A comfortable indoor environment with healthy, fresh air is more important (and more valuable) than energy 7 2/19/2014 Active Control for Passive Living?? 1935 GE Globe Top Refrigerator: •Manual “on‐off” switch •10 minutes per day checking and switching = 8 workdays per year (~$1600 labor value) •Poor control = poor food quality and poor energy efficiency •Food spoilage, sickness, loss nutritional value •Modern refrigerator uses $30‐40/yr energy for storing $4000‐$8000/yr of food Other Examples: •Manual laundry vs automatic •Manual dishwashing vs automatic •Manual hot water vs automatic hot water •Manual house comfort vs automatic Our goal is to automatically maintain a high quality indoor air environment in an energy efficient manner Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Impairs Cognitive Performance Strongly impairs: Initiative, Information Utilization, Breath of Approach, and Basic Strategy 8 2/19/2014 Value of Fresh Air 25,000 sqft facility with constant ventilation 120 Employees Annual Utility ~ $88,000/yr Annual Payroll ~$6,000,000/yr Constant ventilation air flow •Fresh air control would increase employee productivity by $750,000/year by reducing CO2 •1% drop in productivity ~$60,000 per year •Additional benefit through reduced sick days not included •Annual utility cost ($88,000/yr) is unaffected Humans are more valuable than energy! Active sensing and control of ventilation air flow CO2 and VOC [ppm] Pollutant Variation in Homes is Complex 2500 CO2 Sensor VOC Sensor 2000 1500 1000 500 3/8 12:00 AM 2/26 12:00 AM 2/16 12:00 AM 2/6 12:00 AM 1/27 12:00 AM 1/17 12:00 AM 1/7 12:00 AM 12/28 12:00 AM 0 •Either CO2 or VOCs may dominate a home’s pollutants •Constant ventilation flow = too much or too little air •Even “good” VOCs (chicken soup) should be flushed to avoid odor absorption 9 2/19/2014 CO2 Concentration ‐ Constant Flow Venting <10cfm per person results in all air > 1000ppm CO2 ~20cfm per person average air = 1000ppm CO2 100 Data from actual homes and buildings % Time 80 60 co2<1000 1000<co2<2000 40 co2>2000 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ventilation per person (cfm/person) Indoor Air Quality Poor indoor air quality impacts: •Health •Human Performance But, how do you know if your air stinks? Molds, etc Infiltration Pesticides, dust, pollen CO2 Exfiltration VOC Germs H2O Filtered Ventilation radon 10 2/19/2014 Air Quality % People Dissatisfaction with Odors You can wait until others tell you it stinks…. 45 40 35 30 25 20 High levels of carbon dioxide correlate with • Increased spread of contagious diseases •Drowsiness •Headaches •Inability to concentrate 15 10 5 0 0 1000 2000 Average Carbon Dioxide and VOC (ppm) 3000 Or, You Can Measure and Control It Two Factors Affect Air Quality Pollution generation rates Fresh air flow rate DCV control screen photo from Denver PH FRESH IN STALE Out 11 2/19/2014 Concept and initial results presented at 2008 Passive House Conference (Duluth MN) DCV Development Laboratory and Field Tests 2008 to current Three UL certifications: ‐Energy Recovery ‐Heat Pump ‐Power electronics component UL Certification 2012 DCV Fresh Air Supply/Exhaust Air Preferred Duct Design Exhaust Return from “Wet” Areas (6 inch diameter typical, uninsulated) Fresh Air Supply to Living Areas (6 inch diameter typical, insulated) 12 2/19/2014 Balance Ventilation Fans 2.5 Panasonic FV Fan Series with 100 feet of Duct FV10 Pressure Drop ("H2O) 2 •0.5 Watts per cfm (total fan power) •Balanced ventilation FV20 FV30 1.5 FV40 4" duct 1 5" duct 6" duct 0.5 8" duct 10" duct 0 0 200 400 Air Flow (cfm) 600 •Annual fan energy depends on occupancy •1 person* vent ~ 80kWh/yr •2 persons vent ~ 160kWh/yr •4 persons vent ~ 320kWh/yr * 12 hours/day occupancy per occupant assumed Cooling Ventilation Mode •Cools and dehumidifies when beneficial, exchanging energy between fresh air stream and exhaust air stream •When “fresh air” is nicer than indoor air, maximizes fresh air similar to opening the windows….except it knows to close them when it isn’t so nice •Unlike an open window, the air is filtered as desired 13 2/19/2014 Cooling Recirculation Mode •Additional cooling and dehumidification capacity when desired through recirculation mode….helps maintain uniform air quality and comfort conditions •Can decide whether the DCV provides as much as it can, or whether it operates only at a level of treating the fresh air •Equinox House uses DCV and 1 ton mini‐split combo •Mini‐split AC primarily needed for high occupancy time and exceptionally warm/humid weather Heating Ventilation/Recirculation Modes Similar to cooling: •Heats fresh air when beneficial •Can provide additional heat if desired through recirculation unifying air quality and comfort •Energy recovery from frost (during cold weather, 30% of energy exchange is latent) 14 2/19/2014 DCV Controls Master Controller ‐secure wireless (non‐internet) ‐color touchscreen Remote Vent Switch (battery free) ‐ Optional – kitchen, baths, etc Full Internet control and monitoring How Much Ventilation Is Needed? •Impact of house size? •Negligible •Furnishings? •Important •People? •Extremely important 15 2/19/2014 NI Lab; Urbana IL 3 Employees 4400sqft; 3ACH50 Setpoint = 1100ppm Equinox House; Urbana IL 2 Occupants 2100sqft; 0.6ACH50 Setpoint = 900ppm 16 2/19/2014 Gable House; Champaign IL No Occupants 500sqft; 0.6ACH50 Setpoint = 1100ppm Denver Passive House 2 Occupants 4000sqft; 0.5ACH50 Setpoint = 1050ppm 17 2/19/2014 Vermont Residence 4 Occupants 2000sqft; 1‐2ACH50 Setpoint = 2000ppm MH1 – Vermont Model Home 1000sqft; 1ACH50 Setpoint = 1000ppm 18 2/19/2014 MH2 – Vermont 1 Occupant 1000sqft; 1ACH50 Setpoint = 1000ppm MH4 – Vermont 3 Occupants 1000sqft; 1ACH50 Setpoint = 1000ppm 19 2/19/2014 Energy & Moisture Impacts How does a DCV’s energy characteristics compare to basic HRV and ERV systems? How is house moisture affected? DCV Fresh Air Heating Data Total CERV Power ~200cfm air flow ‐Gross heat = 4.1kW (35.5F to 100.2F) ‐Net heat = 2.1kW (67.2F to 100.2F) Exhaust Air from Inside, 67.2F Room Temperature & Humidity (21C = 70F) Exhaust Air to Outside, 36.7F “Vent Heat” Conditioned Fresh Air to Inside, 100.2F Fresh Air from Outside, 35.5F 20 2/19/2014 Equinox House Monthly Energy (kWh) Jan 2012 – Dec 2012 Equinox 2012 Electrical Energy Usage (kWh) RainPump Dishwasher ClothesDryer HPWH Heat PumpAC 1200 1000 KitchRecept MainLight Fridge EV Cooktop DblOven Sub‐Panel CERV Equinox House 800 600 400 200 FocusOnSolar.com Dec‐12 Nov‐12 Oct‐12 Sep‐12 Aug‐12 Jul‐12 Jun‐12 May‐12 Apr‐12 Mar‐12 Feb‐12 Jan‐12 0 Summer Moisture – Equinox House Condensate Summer 2011 900 CERV Summer 2011 800 HPWH Summer 2011 •800 liters of water removed from house to maintain humidity less than 60‐65%rh •Mini‐split highest capacity •DCV system and heat pump water heater contribute significant amounts Dehum Summer 2011 600 Total Water Summer 2011 500 400 300 200 100 10/24/2011 10/4/2011 9/14/2011 8/25/2011 8/5/2011 7/16/2011 6/26/2011 6/6/2011 5/17/2011 0 4/27/2011 Condensate (liters) 700 21 2/19/2014 Winter Moisture – Equinox House 2011‐12 Winter HPWH Condensate and CERV Defrost 450 HPWH Winter 2011/12 CERV Defrost Winter 2011/12 350 450 liters of DCV condensate ~300kWh of heat input to house 300 250 200 150 100 50 5/21/2012 4/1/2012 2/11/2012 12/23/2011 11/3/2011 0 9/14/2011 Condensate or Defrost (liters) 400 Is the Highest HRV Efficiency Always Best? Example House •4 Occupants •Denver •2000sqft •R48 walls and roof •Heat pump & AC •200W base electric •50W/person electric •Heat Pump Water Heater •200sqft S window •50sqft E & W windows 22 2/19/2014 Annual Electric (kWh) vs HRV Efficiency 12000 ZEROs™ simulation model results 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 HRV Efficiency CERV Opt 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 DCV controls know when it is “nicer” outside than inside and knows when it is more energy efficient to ventilate Optimal HRV Efficiency •Only 3 months (Jan, Feb, Dec) benefit from the highest HRV efficiency •Other months benefit from outdoor air without energy exchange •DCV system knows when it is “nicer” outside than inside 100 Optimal HRV Efficiency 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month (January = 1) 23 2/19/2014 DCV/HRV/ERV 10000 •2000sqft home Urbana 4 People •0.6ACH@50Pa Urbana 2 People •R48 wall/roof •DCV pollution setpoints (CO2 and VOC) = 900ppm •HRV = 90% with 0.7W/cfm; 120cfm 9000 •ERV = 80% heat and 60% moisture with 0.7W/cfm, 120cfm 8000 •NOTE: HRV & ERV results assume someone knows how to properly control ventilation air flow 7000 6000 •No HRV/ERV pre‐heat frost prevention assumed 5000 CERV HRV ERV Annual Energy Trends – DCV/HRV/ERV Each case will vary by house design, occupancy and location 24 2/19/2014 Thank you! DCV fresh air conditioning is an energy efficient means to ensure a healthy indoor environment under the highly varying conditions in a home •Automated monitoring frees occupants from continual adjustment and programming of a home’s ventilation schedule •Active sensing and control of carbon dioxide and VOCs maintains excellent indoor air quality in an energy efficient manner •Conditioned air delivered throughout a home improves overall house comfort 25
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