Screening Serbia EU Sugar market measures Arable Crops Unit (AGRI-C4) European Commission – Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development Brussels, 19 March 2014 CONTENT EU market Instruments 1. Private storage Aid 2. Sugar Withdrawal 3. EU price reporting 4. EU production estimates 5. EU trade monitoring system 6. Import and export licences 7. Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) 8. Import duties 9. Temporary market mechanism 10.Export refunds (not active) March 2014 Council R 1308/2013 Marketing year from 1 October until 31 September Written agreements between beet producers and sugar undertakings Industrial sugar Carry-forward of surplus sugar Full-time refiners Import protection Import and export licences Disturbance clause Commission Regulations on Sugar – (EC) 951/2006 on trade with third countries (horizontal) – (EC) 952/2006 on production quota system – (EC) 967/2006 on production in excess of the quota – (EC) 1667/2006 on Glucose and lactose – (EC) 828/2009 on ACP/LDC imports – (EC) 891/2009 on CXL TRQ Import and export licences • • • • A legal requirement Needed to monitor import/export flows Delivered by Member State authorities Communicated weekly/monthly to the Commission • Cannot be refused • Securities (lost in case of non-use of the licences requested) Import duties sugar • Consolidated in our WTO schedule • Within tariff-rate quota (TRQ), 98 EUR per tonne • Balkans sugar, India, ACP/LDC Zero duty • MFN imports: – raw sugar: – white sugar: 339 EUR per tonne 419 EUR per tonne Import licences • Validity period and security – Import licences : current month + 3 months, security 20 EUR per tonne Tariff Rate Quotas • A tariff rate quota is a limited quantity of sugar which, during a particular period, may be imported at less than the MFN custom duty, from a specified origin or not (erga omnes quota) Tariff rate quota management • Licence based • FCFS : First come come first served, managed by Taxud Sugar Trade agreements • EBA (LDC): imports full liberalisation as of 1 October 2009 • Balkans – Moldava • CXL Quotas : Brazil, Cuba, Australia, (erga omnes) • Central America, Colombia and Peru Principal TRQs N° Règlement Pays d'origine 828/2009 ACP/LDC 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 891/2009 396/2010 55/2008 CXL - Australia CXL - Brazil CXL - Cuba CXL - erga omnes CXL - India BALKAN - Albania BALKAN - Bosnia & Herzegovina BALKAN - Serbia BALKAN - FYROM "INDUSTRIAL SUGAR" MOLDOVA (by civil year) PEROU COLOMBIE Central America Croatia 405/2013 741/2013 924/2013 170/2013 VOLUME DU CONTINGENT TAUX DU CONTINGENT En tonnes Taux fixe 3 500 000 (3) 0 €/t 9.925 334.054 68.969 253.977 10.000 1.000 12.000 180.000 7.000 400.000 34.000 98 98 98 98 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 €/ €/ €/ €/ €/ €/t €/t €/t €/t €/t €/t t t t t t 22.000 62.000 162.000 40.000 0 0 0 98 €/t €/t €/t €/t Sugar Export refunds • No refunds have been granted since 2008 Thank you for your attention
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