South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 CORN INSECT CONTROL Francis P. F. Reay-Jones, Extension Entomologist Grain yield reductions and losses in grain quality due to insect pests are a constant problem in the Southeast. Control options include cultural practices to prevent or avoid injury, transgenic Bt corn, at-planting insecticides (including seed treatments), and foliar insecticides. Insect pressure varies greatly from field to field. Decisions concerning pest management options should therefore be made in careful consideration of the history of insect problems in each field where corn is to be planted. Major insect pests of corn in South Carolina. Insect Description of feeding habit Methods of control Wireworms Feed on planted kernels resulting in poor germination and stunted seedlings Insecticide, tillage, control of winter weeds Cutworms Girdling of stalk at soil surface Avoid planting corn on sod or weedy land, selected Bt hybrids, insecticides Sugarcane beetles Burrow into stalk above base of roots Plant early and do not plant corn after sod Billbugs Chew into stalk and cause bud leaves to wilt and die Crop rotation, weed removal in and around corn field, insecticides Corn earworms Feed on leaves in whorl and on ear tissue near ear tip Insecticides, selected Bt hybrids, plant early Fall armyworms May feed on all above ground parts of corn plant Bt hybrid, insecticides, plant and harvest early, control grassy weeds Lesser cornstalk borers Tunnel into corn seedling Crop rotation and early planting, selected Bt hybrids, insecticides Several types of Bt corn are available, each characterized by an ‘event’ (i.e. a successful insertion of the genetic package into a plant) and cry proteins. In a nutshell, there are Bt traits for above-ground pests, Bt traits for rootworms and stacked Bt traits for both above-ground pests and rootworms. Please refer to table below for efficacy of available products. Bt traits for above-ground pests. - Herculex I (event TC1507, cry protein Cry1F). Optimum Intrasect (events TC1507 and MON810, cry proteins Cry1F and Cry1Ab). YieldGard CB (event MON810, cry protein Cry1Ab). Genuity VT Double Pro (event MON89034, cry proteins Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2). Agrisure CB/LL (event Bt11, cry protein Cry1Ab). Agrisure Viptera 3110 (events MIR162 and Bt11, vip protein Vip3A and cry protein Cry1Ab). 43 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 All products provide excellent control of stalk borers (European corn borer, southern cornstalk borer). The activity in seedling and whorl stage is greater in Herculex I, which provides good early season control of cutworms, lesser corn stalk borer, and fall armyworm. YieldGard CB and Agrisure CB/LL have fair activity for corn earworm infestations in corn ears, whereas control with Herculex I is poor. A more recent Bt corn product is Genuity VT Double Pro. This is the first Bt corn to have two genes expressing Bt toxins to control above ground Lepidopteran pests. The major advantage relative to the previously mentioned products is that it provides very good control of both corn earworm and fall armyworm. The new Viptera trait will also provide excellent control of corn earworm and fall armyworm, and good control of cutworms. These hybrids may be particularly useful in late planted and no-till corn. Bt traits for rootworms. - Herculex RW (event DAS59122-7, cry protein Cry34/35Ab1). YieldGard Rootworm (event MON863, cry protein Cry3Bb). YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2 (event MON88017, cry protein Cry3Bb). Agrisure RW (event MIR604, cry protein mCry3A). All products provide control of western corn rootworms (but no control of grubs and wireworm). Western corn rootworms are not currently widespread pests in South Carolina, and these products should generally not be needed. Stacked Bt traits for above-ground pests and rootworms. - Herculex XTRA (events TC1507 and DAS59122-7, cry proteins Cry1F and Cry34/35Ab1). YieldGard Plus (events MON810 and MON863, cry proteins Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb). YieldGard VT Triple (events MON810 and MON88017, cry proteins Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1). Agrisure CB/LL/RW (events Bt11 and MIR604, cry proteins Cry1Ab and mCry3A). Agrisure GT 3000 (events Bt11, and MIR604, cry proteins Cry1Ab and mCry3A). Agrisure Viptera 3111 (events MIR162, Bt11 and MIR604, vip protein Vip3A and cry proteins Cry1Ab and mCry3A). Genuity VT Triple Pro (events MON89034 and MON88017, cry proteins Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2 and Cry3Bb1). Genuity SmartStax (events MON89034, MON88017, TC1507 and DAS59122, cry proteins Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb, cry1F, and Cry34/35Ab1). These products combine the cry proteins (and efficacy) of the above-ground pest and rootworm Bt corn traits. Refuge requirements for Bt corn for above-ground pests in Cotton Belt (see dealers for complete refuge requirements) - For YieldGard Corn Borer, and Agrisure CB/LL, Herculex I: 50% of corn on a farm can be planted as Bt corn. Genuity VT Double Pro, Agrisure Viptera 3110, and Optimum Intrasect: 20% of corn on a farm can be planted as Bt corn. Blocks can be internal (within Bt field) or external (in separate field within ½ mile of Bt field to maximize random mating; ¼ mile is however preferred. In field strips: at least 4 rows wide to reduce effect of larval movement (6 rows preferred) Refuge can be sprayed with any insecticide except Bt products 44 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 Refuge requirements for Bt corn for rootworms in Cotton Belt (see dealers for complete refuge requirements) Bt corn for rootworm has specific regulations that differ from stalk borer Bt corn (see for EPA requirements). The major difference for rootworm Bt corn is that refuges must be either adjacent to or within the Bt field, rather than within ¼ mile of the Bt field for stalk borer Bt corn. This is due to the poor flight ability of corn rootworm adults. Refuge requirements for stacked Bt corn for above-ground pests and rootworms in Cotton Belt (see dealers for complete refuge requirements) - - For YieldGard Plus, YieldGard VT Triple, Agrisure CB/LL/RW, Agrisure GT 3000, and Herculex Xtra: 50% of corn on a farm can be planted as Bt corn. Genuity VT Triple PRO, Genuity SmartStax, Agrisure Viptera 3111: 20% of corn on a farm can be planted as Bt corn. 2 options for the refuge: o Common rootworm/corn borer refuge o Discrete rootworm and corn borer refuges For common refuge and discrete rootworm refuge: use adjacent field, block perimeter, or in-field strip. For discrete corn borer refuge: separate fields can be used in addition to other refuge options. For shared refuge and discrete rootworm refuge: refuges must be adjacent to or within field. For discrete corn borer refuge: separate refuges must be within 1/2 mile (but 1/4 mile preferred). At least 4 rows (for discrete corn borer refuges, at least 6 rows are recommended). Refuge can be sprayed with any insecticide except Bt products. 45 Relative Efficacy of Various Bt Corn Products1. Western Product Trade Lesser Refuge corn Fall ArmyName CornrequireCorn Earworm worm Corn borers2 rootworm3 Cutworm (stalk) (roots) (Abbreviation) (seedling)4 stalk Borer5 ment* (ear) Original Target Pests (Bt Protein) (whorl) Event(s) Bt Corn for Controlling Above-Ground Caterpillars (Lepidoptera) and Below-Ground Rootworms (Coleoptera) Agrisure Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good Good 20% Corn earworm, western bean MIR162, Bt11, Viptera 3111 cutworm, black cutworm, and fall GA21, MIR604 armyworm control (Vip3A), corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance glyphosate herbicide tolerance and corn rootworm protection (modified Cry3A) South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 Fair-good Good Excellent Good Poor Good 50% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), Corn rootworm protection (modified Cry 3A), glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance Agrisure CB/LL/RW Fair-good Good Excellent Good Poor Good 50% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), Corn Bt11, rootworm protection (modified Cry3a), MIR604 Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance Genuity Very Good SmartStax (GENSS) or DowAgroSciences SmartStax (SSX) Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Very Good 20% Corn borer, fall armyworm, corn earworm, western bean cutworm, black cutworm protection (Cry1A.105, Cry2Ab, Cry1F). Corn rootworm protection (Cry3Bb, Cry34/35Ab1) Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide tolerance Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance MON89034, MON88017, TC1507, DAS 591227 Genuity VT Triple PRO (GENVT3P) Very Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Very Good 20% Corn borer, fall armyworm, corn earworm protection (Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab), Corn rootworm protection (Cry3Bb), Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide tolerance MON89034, MON88017 Herculex XTRA Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Very 50% Corn borer, western bean cutworm, TC 1507, Bt11, MIR604, GA21 46 Agrisure 3000GT South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 Product Trade Name (Abbreviation) (HXX) Fall ArmyCorn Earworm worm (ear) (whorl) Western corn Corn borers2 rootworm3 (stalk) (roots) YieldGard Plus (YGPL) Fair Good Excellent Good Poor Good 50% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), Corn rootworm protection (Cry3Bb) MON810, MON863 YieldGard VT Triple Fair (VT3) Good Excellent Excellent Poor Good 50% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), Corn RW protection (Cry3Bb), Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide tolerance MON810, MON88017 Original Target Pests (Bt Protein) black cutworm and fall armyworm resistance (Cry1F), Corn rootworm resistance (Cry34/35Ab1), Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance Event(s) DAS 591227 Bt Corn for Controlling Above-Ground Caterpillars (Moths, Lepidoptera) Optimum Intrasect Fair Excellent Excellent None Good Very Good 20% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), western bean cutworm, black cutworm and fall armyworm resistance (Cry1F) Liberty (glufosinate) tolerance MON810 TC 1507 Agrisure CB/LL Fair Good Excellent None Poor Good 50% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab) Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance Bt11 Agrisure Viptera 3110 Excellent Excellent Excellent None Good Very good 20% Corn earworm, western bean cutworm, black cutworm, and fall armyworm control (Vip3A), corn borer protection (Cry1Ab), Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance, glyphosate herbicide tolerance MIR162, Bt11, GA21 Genuity VT Double Very Good Pro (GENVT2P) Excellent Excellent None Poor Very Good 20% Corn borer, fall armyworm, corn earworm protection (Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab), Roundup (glyphosate herbicide tolerance MON89034, NK603 Herculex I Excellent Excellent None Good Very Good 50% Corn borer, western bean cutworm, black cutworm and fall armyworm resistance (Cry1F) Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide tolerance TC 1507 Poor 47 Lesser Refuge requireCornCutworm (seedling)4 stalk Borer5 ment* Good Fall ArmyCorn Earworm worm (ear) (whorl) Western corn Corn borers2 rootworm3 (stalk) (roots) Lesser Refuge requireCornCutworm (seedling)4 stalk Borer5 ment* Original Target Pests (Bt Protein) Event(s) YieldGard Corn Borer (YGCB) Fair Excellent Poor Good 50% Corn borer protection (Cry1Ab) MON810 Bt Corn for Controlling Below-Ground Rootworms (Beetles, Coleoptera) Agrisure RW None None None Good None None 20% Corn rootworm protection (modified Cry3A) MIR604 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 Herculex RW (HXRW) Good None None None None Excellent None None 20% Corn rootworm resistance (Cry34/35Ab1) Liberty (glufosinate herbicide tolerance) DAS-591227 YieldGard None Rootworm (YGRW) None None Good None None 20% Corn rootworm protection (Cry 3Bb) MON863 YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2 (VTRR2) None None GoodExcellent None None 20% Corn rootworm protection (Cry3Bb) Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide tolerance MON 88017 None 1 Most of these insect resistant products are marketed as stacks with herbicide resistant products. 2 Southwestern corn borer, European corn borer, and sugarcane borer. 3 There are several species of corn rootworm in the Southeast. Southern corn rootworm is the most prevalent species. These “rootworm” products are not effective against southern corn rootworm. They are effective against western corn rootworm larvae, which occur in areas such as north Alabama and north Georgia 4 Based on limited data 5 Lepidopteran Bt traits do not specifically list lesser cornstalk borer as a target pest 6 See product Insect Resistance Management (IRM) documentation from the seed companies for more details. 7 The meaning of these terms is somewhat arbitrary. Excellent usually means better than 95 percent control. Poor means about 30% control. Rankings are meant to be relative. Originally published in Alabama Cooperative Extension System Corn IPM Guide, a chapter of the Alabama Pesticide Handbook ( Based on input from the Southern Corn Insect Working Group who meet at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Branch, Entomological Society of America. 48 Product Trade Name (Abbreviation) South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECTICIDES AT PLANTING INSECT Armyworm (fall armyworm) Billbugs (seed treatment) Billbugs (at planting insecticide) Chinch bug (seed treatment) PESTICIDE REI PHI Insecticide in plant - - - 1.25 mg (ai)/seed - - - 1.25 mg (ai)/seed 12 - - Terbufos COUNTER 15G R 6 to 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 60 30 Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row 0 - - Apply as band or T-band. 0.25 mg (ai)/seed - - - - - - 12 - - 12 - - AND FORMULATION Bt-resistant corn AGRISURE CB AGRISURE GT 3000 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3111 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3110 HERCULEX I HERCULEX XTRA YIELDGARD CORN BORER YIELDGARD PLUS YIELDGARD VT TRIPLE GENUITY VT DOUBLE PRO GENUITY VT TRIPLE PRO GENUITY SMARTSTAX Clothianidin PONCHO 1250 or ACCELERON Thiomethoxam CRUISER 5FS 1250 Clothianidin PONCHO 250 or ACCELERON PONCHO 1250 or ACCELERON Thiomethoxam CRUISER 5FS 250 CRUISER 5FS 1250 RATE PGI COMMENTS See dealers for refuge requirements for Bt corn. Seed treatment Seed treatment Seed treatment 1.25 mg (ai)/seed Seed treatment 0.25 mg (ai)/seed 1.25 mg (ai)/seed R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 49 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT PESTICIDE RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS 6 to 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 60 30 Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow 1-2 pts/acre 24 35 14 CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R 1-2 pts/acre 24 35 14 LORSBAN 15G 8 oz/1000 ft of row. 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row Insecticide in plant 24 35 14 0 - - Apply as band or T-band. - - - See dealers for refuge requirements for Bt corn. Insecticide in plant - - - See dealers for refuge requirements for Bt corn. 0.15-0.30 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 30 6.4-8 oz/ 1000 ft 12 30 30 AND FORMULATION Chinch bug (at planting insecticide) Terbufos COUNTER 15G R Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R Corn earworm Cutworm Cutworm (at planting insecticide) Bt-resistant corn AGRISURE CB AGRISURE GT 3000 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3111 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3110 HERCULEX I HERCULEX XTRA YIELDGARD CORN BORER YIELDGARD PLUS YIELDGARD VT TRIPLE GENUITY VT DOUBLE PRO GENUITY VT TRIPLE PRO GENUITY SMARTSTAX Bt-resistant corn AGRISURE VIPTERA 3111 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3110 HERCULEX I HERCULEX XTRA GENUITY SMARTSTAX Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R CAPTURE 1.15G R Apply as preplant broadcast granules or a preplant broadcast spray in 20 gal spray/ac or more. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 50 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Cutworm (at planting insecticide) (cont.) PESTICIDE RATE REI PHI PGI 1-2 pts/acre 24 35 14 CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R 1-2 pts/acre 24 35 14 LORSBAN 15G 24 35 14 Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 8 oz/1000 ft of row 0.45 oz/ 1000 ft of row 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 21 - 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 4-8 oz/ac or 0.3-0.6 oz/ 1000 ft of row. 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 12 30 48 60 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 30 12 30 60 - - - AND FORMULATION Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R POUNCE 25 WP R Permethrin POUNCE 1.5G R European corn borer Terbufos COUNTER 15G R Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Bt-resistant corn AGRISURE CB AGRISURE GT 3000 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3111 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3110 HERCULEX I HERCULEX XTRA YIELDGARD CORN BORER YIELDGARD PLUS YIELDGARD VT TRIPLE GENUITY VT DOUBLE PRO GENUITY VT TRIPLE PRO GENUITY SMARTSTAX 6.4-9.6 oz/ac or 0.5-0.75 oz/1000 ft of row 8 oz/1000 ft of row 6 to 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 0.16 oz /1000 ft of row Insecticide in plant COMMENTS Apply as preplant broadcast granules or a preplant broadcast spray in 20 gal spray/ac or more. Apply in band, T-band, or in furrow. Apply in band, T-band, or in furrow. Apply in band, T-band, or in furrow Apply in band, T-band, or in furrow Apply in band, T-band, or in furrow Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow. Suppression only. See dealers for refuge requirements for Bt corn. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 51 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT PESTICIDE RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS Insecticide in plant - - - See dealers for refuge requirements for Bt corn. Herculex I, Herculex Xtra, and Genuity Smartstax provide good-excellent control; other Bt products will provide poor-good control. 2 pts/acre 24 35 14 CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R 2 pts/acre 24 35 14 LORSBAN 15G 8 oz/1000 ft of row 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 35 14 24 21 Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Apply as band or T-band. AND FORMULATION Lesser corn stalk borer Bt-resistant corn AGRISURE CB AGRISURE GT 3000 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3111 AGRISURE VIPTERA 3110 HERCULEX I HERCULEX XTRA YIELDGARD CORN BORER YIELDGARD PLUS YIELDGARD VT TRIPLE GENUITY VT DOUBLE PRO GENUITY VT TRIPLE PRO GENUITY SMARTSTAX Lesser corn stalk borer (at planting insecticide) Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 21 Terbufos COUNTER 15G R 6 to 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 60 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 30 0 - - - - - - - - Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R Wireworm (seed treatment) Apply as preplant broadcast granules or a preplant broadcast spray in 20 gal spray/ac or more. Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow. Supression only. Seed treatment Clothianidin PONCHO 250 or ACCELERON 0.25 mg (ai)/seed PONCHO 1250 or ACCELERON 1.25 mg (ai)/seed R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 52 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 PESTICIDE INSECT Wireworm (seed treatment) (cont.) Wireworm (at planting insecticide) AND FORMULATION Thiomethoxam CRUISER 5FS 250 CRUISER 5FS 1250 Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R Bifenthrin CAPTURE 1.15G R CAPTURE 1.15G R Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 15G RATE REI PHI 0.25 mg (ai)/seed 12 - - 1.25 mg (ai)/seed 12 - - 0.15-0.30 oz/ 1000 ft of row 6.4-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 30 Apply in 5-7 inch T-band. Or in furrow. 12 30 30 Apply in 5-7 inch T-band. 3.2-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row PGI COMMENTS Seed treatment. Apply in furrow. 24 35 14 Apply in T-band or in furrow. 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Suppression only. Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 21 R 0.3 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 Permethrin POUNCE 1.5G R 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 Phorate THIMET 20G 4.5-6 oz/ 1000 ft of row 6 to 8 oz/1000 ft of row 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 30 48 60 30 Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow 0 - - Apply as band or T-band. Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC Terbufos COUNTER 15G R Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R Apply in furrow, band or T-band using at least a 4 inch band. Apply either in 7 inch band. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 53 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 PESTICIDE INSECT Seed corn maggot (seed treatment) AND FORMULATION Clothianidin PONCHO 250 or ACCELERON PONCHO 1250 or ACCELERON Thiomethoxam CRUISER 5FS 250 Seed corn maggot (at planting insecticide) CRUISER 5FS 1250 Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R R CAPTURE 1.15G RATE REI PHI - - - - - - 0.25 mg (ai)/seed 12 - - 1.25 mg (ai)/seed 12 - - 0.15-0.30 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 30 6.4-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 30 0.25 mg (ai)/seed 1.25 mg (ai)/seed PGI COMMENTS Seed treatment Seed treatment. Apply in 5-7 inch T-band. Or in furrow. Apply in 5-7 inch T-band. Apply in furrow. 3.2-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 15G Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 35 14 24 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 0 (green) 30 (fodder) Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 21 Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R 0.3 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 12 30 0.3 oz/ 1000 ft of row POUNCE 3.2EC R Permethrin POUNCE 1.5G R 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 Phorate THIMET 20G 4.5-6 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 30 Apply in T-band or in furrow. Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Apply in furrow, band or Tband using at least a 4 inch band. Apply either in 7 inch band. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 54 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Seed corn maggot (at planting insecticide) (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Terbufos COUNTER 15G R Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R Southern corn rootworm larvae (seed treatment) Southern corn rootworm larvae (at planting insecticide) Clothianidin PONCHO 250 or ACCELERON RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS 6 to 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 60 30 Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow 0 - - Apply as band or T-band. 0 - - Apply as band or T-band. - - - - - - Seed treatment 0.25 mg (ai)/seed PONCHO 1250 or ACCELERON Thiomethoxam CRUISER 5FS 250 1.25 mg (ai)/seed 0.25 mg (ai)/seed 12 - - CRUISER 5FS 1250 Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R 1.25 mg (ai)/seed 0.30 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 - - 12 30 30 Apply in 5-7 inch T-band. Or in furrow. Bifenthrin CAPTURE 1.15G 6.4-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 12 30 30 Apply in 5-7 inch T-band. R Seed treatment. Apply in furrow. 3.2-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 15G 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 35 14 Apply in T-band or in furrow. 24 21 Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 0.66 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 21 Phorate THIMET 20G 4.5-6 oz/ 1000 ft of row 4.5-6 oz/ 1000 ft of row 6 to 8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 48 30 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 30 48 30 30 Apply either in 7 inch band. 48 60 30 Apply either in 7 inch band or in furrow Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R Phorate THIMET 20G Terbufos COUNTER 15G R Apply in 5-7 inch T-band, or in furrow. Use a minimum of 3 gal/ac. Apply either in 7 inch band. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 55 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Southern corn rootworm larvae (at planting insecticide) (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Telfluthrin FORCE 3G R RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS 4 to 5 oz/ 1000 ft of row 0 - - Apply as band or T-band. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 56 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 POST EMERGENCE INSECTICIDES INSECT Armyworms PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R CAPTURE 1.15G R RATE REI PHI PGI 1.6-2.8 oz /ac 12 21 0 (green) 21 (fodder) 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 12 30 30 3.5-8.7 oz /ac 12 30 30 COMMENTS Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground. Apply broadcast when insects first appear. Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 1.25-2.5 lb/ ac 12 1-2 qts/ac 1-2 pts /acre 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 24 35 14 13-26 oz/ ac 24 24 35 21 14 14 14-20 oz /ac 4 14 - 6-9 oz /ac 24 21 1.5-1.9 oz /ac 12 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 12 (green) 21 (fodder) Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R Flubendiamide BELT 5.8-9.6 oz/ ac 2-3 oz/ ac 12 21 - 12 28 - Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 2.56-3.84 oz /ac 24 21 4F, XLR Plus Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R 1-2 pts /acre CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R Chloroantraniliprole PREVATHON Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 1 (green) 21 (fodder) R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 57 Use at least 20-40 GPA at 40 PSI For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. For ground application, use at least 10 gal/ac of water. For control of 1st and 2nd instars only. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Armyworms (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R RATE REI PHI PGI 2.56-3.84 oz /ac 24 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 0.75-1.5 pts/ac 48 21 (ears) 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 0.25-0.5 lbs/ac 48 4-16 oz/ac 4 21 4-6 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 6.4-9.6 oz/ac 12 30 Permethrin POUNCE 1.5G R 6.7-13.3 oz /ac 12 30 Spinosad TRACER 2-3 oz/ac 4 28 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 1 (grain) 3 (fodder) BLACKHAWK Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R 1.1-3.3 3.2-4.0 oz /ac 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 4 12 28 30 60 12 30 30 Bifenthrin/ Zetacypermethrin HERO EW 4.5-11.2 oz/ ac 12 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) Methomyl LANNATE LV R COMMENTS Use higher rates for large larvae. 21 (ears) LANNATE SP R Methoxyfenozide INTREPID 2F Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 21 Use only for true armyworm. Apply at first sign of egg hatch. Apply at first sign of egg hatch. POUNCE 25 WG R Chinch bug 30 (green) 4.0-10.3 30 60 oz/ac (forage) R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval HERO INSECTICIDE 58 Apply at first sign of egg hatch. Apply at peak egg hatch of each generation. Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Chinch bug (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 4F, XLR Plus Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R RATE REI PHI PGI 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1.25-2.5 lb /ac 12 1-2 qts/ac 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1-2 pts /acre 24 35 14 24 24 35 21 14 14 COMMENTS Use ground equipment to apply at least 20 gal/ac of water and direct spray towards stalk 1-2 pts /acre CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 1.6-2.8 oz /ac 12 21 0 (green) 21 (fodder) Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 1.5-1.9 oz /ac 12 21 0 (green) 12 (fodder) Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R 12 21 - 5.8-9.6 oz /ac 3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 9 oz /ac 24 21 3.2-4.0 oz /ac 1.6-2.8 oz/ac 12 30 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 60 12 21 Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 12 30 Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R Corn earworm 38-42 oz/ ac 0 (green) 21 (fodder) 30 R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 59 Use at least 20-40 GPA at 40 PSI For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. Spray needs to be directed towards base of plant. Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Corn earworm (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Bifenthrin/ Zetacypermethrin HERO EW HERO INSECTICIDE Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 4F, XLR Plus Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R Chloroantraniliprole PREVATHON Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R Flubendiamide BELT Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R RATE 4.5-11.2 oz/ ac REI 12 4.0-10.3 oz/ac PHI 30 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 1-2 qts/ac 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1.5-2 pts /acre 24 35 14 1.5-2 pts /acre 38-42 oz/ ac 24 35 14 24 21 14 14-20 oz /ac 4 14 5-9 oz /ac 24 21 1.5-1.9 oz/ac 12 21 12 21 - 12 28 - 24 21 5.8-9.6 oz /ac 2-3 oz/ac 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 12 (green) 21 (fodder) For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. Spray needs to be directed towards base of plant. For ground application, use at least 10 gal/ac of water. Use before larvae enter stalk or ear. 1 (green) 21 (fodder) Lambda-cyhalothrin 1.92-3.2 oz 24 21 1 (green) Use before larvae WARRIOR R /ac 21 enter stalk or ear. (fodder) R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 1.92-3.2 oz /ac COMMENTS 30 (green) 60 (forage) 30 (green) 60 (forage) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 30 1.25-2.5 lb /ac PGI 60 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Corn earworm (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION Methomyl LANNATE LV R RATE REI PHI 0.75-1.5 pts /ac 48 21 (ears) 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 0.25-0.5 lbs /ac 48 21 (ears) 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 4-6 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 6.4-9.6 oz/ac 12 30 Spinosad TRACER 2-3 oz/ac 4 28 BLACKHAWK Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 2.2-3.3 1.76-4.0 oz /ac 0.8-1.6 oz /ac 4 12 28 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 1 (grain) 3 (fodder) 12 21 Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 12 30 Bifenthrin/ Zetacypermethrin HERO EW 2.8-6.7 oz/ ac 12 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) LANNATE SP R Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R POUNCE 25 WG R Cutworm PGI HERO INSECTICIDE Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 4F, XLR Plus 2.6-6.1 oz/ac Apply just before silking. Apply at peak egg hatch of each generation. 60 0 (green) 21 (fodder) 30 2.5 lb/ac 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 2 qts/ac 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 61 COMMENTS Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground. Apply in 12-inch band over the row using sufficient volume of water to obtain thorough coverage. For broadcast, use at least 20 gal/ac of water by ground South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Cutworm (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION RATE REI PHI PGI Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R 5-9 oz /ac 24 21 13-26 oz/ ac 24 21 Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 1-1.5 oz/ac 12 21 12 (green) 21 (fodder) Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R 5.8-9.6 oz /ac 12 21 - Flubendiamide BELT 2-3 oz/ac 12 28 - Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 1.92-3.20 oz/ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 1.92-3.20 oz/ac 24 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) Methomyl LANNATE LV R 1.5 pts/ac 48 21 (ears) LANNATE SP R 0.5 lbs/ac 48 4-6 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 6.4-9.6 oz/ac 12 30 Permethrin POUNCE 1.5G R 6.7-13.3 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 0 (green) 30 (fodder) Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R 1.28-2.8 oz /ac 12 30 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 14 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 21 (ears) Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R 3 (green) 21 (fodder) POUNCE 25 WG R 60 R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 62 COMMENTS For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. For ground application, use at least 10 gal/ac of water. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 PESTICIDE INSECT AND RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS FORMULATION European corn borer Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R CAPTURE 1.15G R Bifenthrin/ Zetacypermethrin HERO EW HERO INSECTICIDE Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 4F, XLR Plus Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 12 30 30 3.5-8.7 oz /ac 12 30 30 4.5-11.2 oz/ ac 12 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) 4.0-10.3 oz/ac 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1.875-2.5 lb/ac 12 1.5-2 qts /ac 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1-2 pts/ac 24 35 14 1-2 pts/ac 24 35 14 3.5-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 24 35 14 6-8 oz/ 1000 ft of row 19-38 oz/ ac 24 35 14 24 21 14 14-20 oz /ac 4 14 6-9 oz /ac 24 21 Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground. Apply broadcast at or just before egg hatch. Use ground equipment to apply at least 15 gal/acre of water and direct spray towards stalk. LORSBAN 15G 1st generation 2nd generation Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R Chloroantraniliprole PREVATHON Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1.6-2.8 oz 12 21 0 (green) Application must /ac 21 be made before (fodder) larvae enter plant. R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 63 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT European corn borer (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. Spray when eggs are in blackhead stage or before larvae enter whorl. For ground application, use at least 10 gal/ac of water. Use before larvae enter stalk or ear. Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 1.5-1.9 oz /ac 12 21 12 (green) 21 (fodder) Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R 7.8-9.6 oz /ac 12 21 - Flubendiamide BELT 2-3 oz/ac 12 28 - Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 2.56-3.84 oz /ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 2.56-3.84 oz /ac 24 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 0.75-1.5 pts/ac 48 21 (ears) 0.25-0.5 lbs/ac 48 4-16 oz/ac 4 Methomyl LANNATE LV R Use before larvae enter stalk or ear. 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 21 (ears) LANNATE SP R Methoxyfenozide INTREPID 2F 21 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 21 R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 64 Apply at first sign of egg hatch. Direct application at whorl for early season (1st generation). Apply as broadcast over row mid and late season. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 PESTICIDE INSECT AND RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS FORMULATION European corn borer (cont.) Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R 4-6 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 6.4-9.6 oz/ac 12 30 Permethrin POUNCE 1.5G R 6.7-13.3 oz /ac 12 30 Spinosad TRACER 1-3 oz/ac 4 28 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 7 BLACKHAWK Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R 1.1-3.3 2.72-4.0 oz /ac 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 4 12 28 30 60 12 30 30 Bifenthrin/ Zetacypermethrin HERO EW 2.8-6.7 oz/ ac 12 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) POUNCE 25 WG R Flea beetle 2.6-6.1 oz/ac HERO INSECTICIDE Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 4F, XLR Plus Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1.25-2.5 lb /ac 12 1-2 qts/ac 12 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1-2 pts /acre 24 35 14 24 35 14 24 35 14 1-2 pts /acre CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R 1-2 pts /acre 1-2 pts /acre CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R 24 35 14 R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 65 Apply at peak egg hatch of each generation. Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Flea beetle (cont.) PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION RATE REI PHI PGI Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 6-9 oz /ac 24 21 0.8-1.6 oz /ac 12 21 Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 1.0-1.5 oz/ac 12 21 Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 5.8-9.6 oz /ac 12 21 - 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 2.56-3.84 oz\/ac 24 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R 4-6 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 6.4-9.6 oz/ac 12 30 2.72-4.0 oz /ac 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 60 12 30 30 0.5-1 pts /acre 24 35 14 0.5-1 pts /acre 7-13 oz/ ac 24 35 14 24 21 14 6-9 oz /ac 24 21 2.1-2.8 oz /ac 12 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 0 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 0 (green) 21 (fodder) 12 (green) 21 (fodder) COMMENTS For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. POUNCE 25 WG R Grasshoppers Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 66 Apply broadcast in at least 10 gal/ac of water by ground. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 PESTICIDE INSECT AND RATE REI PHI PGI COMMENTS For ground application, use at least 5 gal/ac of water. For 1st and 2nd instar nymph, use 3.9-5.8 oz/ac. Timing and good coverage is critical. Beyond 2nd instar, use 5.8-9.6 oz/ac FORMULATION Grasshoppers (cont.) Lesser cornstalk borer Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 1.0-1.5 oz /ac 12 21 12 (green) 21 (fodder) Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R 5.8-9.6 oz /ac 12 21 - Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R Chlorpyrifos LORSBAN 4E R 2.72-4.0 oz /ac 12 30 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 60 2 pts /acre 24 35 14 38-42 oz/ ac 24 24 35 21 14 14 Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 6-9 oz /ac 24 21 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 1.6-2.8 oz /ac 12 21 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 0 (green) 21 (fodder) 30 2 pts /acre CHLORPYRIFOS 4E AG R Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R Southern corn rootworm beetles Apply as broadcast spray in at least 15 gal/ac for ground equipment. Bifenthrin 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 12 30 Apply broadcast. CAPTURE 2EC R R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 67 South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 PESTICIDE INSECT AND RATE REI PHI PGI 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 14 (green) 48 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 12 (green) 21 (fodder) - COMMENTS FORMULATION Southern corn rootworm beetles (cont.) Carbaryl SEVIN 80S, 80WSP 1.25-2.5 lb /ac 12 1-2 qts/ac 12 6-9 oz /ac 24 14 (silage) 48 (ears) 21 1.5-1.9 oz /ac 12 21 Esfenvalerate ASANA XL R Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 5.8-9.6 oz /ac 12 21 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 0.75-1.5 pts/ac 48 21 (ears) 0.25-0.5 lbs/ac 48 4-6 oz/ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 6.4-9.6 oz/ac 12 30 3.2-4.0 oz /ac 12 30 0 (green) 30 (fodder) 60 4F, XLR Plus Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R Methomyl LANNATE LV R Use at least 5 gal/ac for ground application. Apply at first sign of silk feeding. 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 3 (green) 21 (fodder) 21 (ears) LANNATE SP R Permethrin PERMETHRIN 3.2EC R 3 (green) 21 (fodder) POUNCE 25 WG R Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 68 Use at least 10 gal/ac for ground application. South Carolina Pest Management Handbook for Field Crops - 2014 INSECT Stink bugs PESTICIDE AND FORMULATION RATE REI PHI PGI Beta-cyfluthrin BAYTHROID XL R 1.6-2.8 oz /ac 12 21 0 (green) 21 (fodder) Bifenthrin CAPTURE 2EC R Bifenthrin/ Zetacypermethrin HERO EW 2.1-6.4 oz /ac 4.5-11.2 oz/ ac 12 30 30 12 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) 30 30 (green) 60 (forage) 14 HERO INSECTICIDE 4.0-10.3 oz/ac Chlorpyrifos/ gammacyhalothrin COBALT R 19-38 oz/ ac 24 21 Chloroantraniliprole/ lambda-cyhalothrin VOLIAM XPRESS R Deltamethrin DELTA GOLD 1.5EC R 6-9 oz /ac 24 21 1.5-1.9 oz /ac 12 21 Gamma-cyhalothrin PROAXIS R 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Lambda-cyhalothrin WARRIOR R 2.56-3.84 oz/ac 24 21 Zeta-cypermethrin MUSTANG MAX R 2.72-4.0 oz /ac 12 30 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 12 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 1 (green) 21 (fodder) 60 R = Restricted use pesticide; REI = re-entry interval; PHI = pre-harvest interval; PGI = pre-grazing interval 69 COMMENTS Apply broadcast. Use at least 5 gal/ac for ground application. Use at least 10 gal/ac for ground application.
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