2 C - Professor Gabriel Oltean, Ph.D. 1L 1S Objectives Analysis and understanding the operating principles of electronic devices and fundamental electronic circuits Using the electronic devices in different electronic circuits Analysis and (re) design electronic circuits Course – F2F activities High level of involvement of the students Each student may learn (study) in advance the topics of the course Presentations, Questions, Comments, Debate, Problem solving... Dedicated web page www.bel.utcluj.ro/dce/didactic/ec_aai/fec_aai.htm Course Miscellanea presentation Typical problems for exam Laboratory works Theoretical subjects for exam ¾http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/dce/didactic/fec_aai/fec_aai.htm Content ¾ Diodes ¾ Op-amp comparator ¾ Op-amp amplifiers ¾ Others op-amp applications (active rectifier, integrator) ¾ Transistors (MOS and bipolar) ¾ Transistor digital circuits Linear voltage regulators Sinusoidal oscillators Nonsinusoidal signals generators Power amplifier ¾ Oltean, G., Electronic Devices, Editura U.T. Pres, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 973-662-220-7, 2006; 317 pp. Oltean, G., Circuite Electronice, UT Pres, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, ISBN 978-973-662-300-4, 203 pag Student Assessment (formative and summative) ¾ written Exam (E) + Lab (L) + Seminars (S)+ Tests (T) ¾ E: theory 20% + problem solving 80%: ¾ L: full attendance + activity + lab test: ¾ S: full attendance + activity: ¾ T: 3 course tests (average is computed): L ≥5 p 1…10 pts 1…10 pts 1…10 pts 1…10 pts Yes E ≥ 4p Yes 0.6E+0.12L+0.1S+0.1T>4.5 Yes No admission for exam Mark =1… 4 Fail Mark=0.6E+0.2L+0.1S+0.1T+1 Pass 8/6
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