firetF|q, TqTI- *qr t-* Ft'ilfi Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts €. toz,oirrr:rryq ltg,3rryq ffa, ifrrw - 560007 sEI A./Phone No. No. Payl-ech /291 1 No. 107, Lower Agram Road, Agram Post, Bangalore - 560 007 - 25545 l t .25549716 H-ru a1LrNo:15543:]0 / lT / Corr Dated: f"103/2014 To ALL UNITS UNDER AUDIT JURISDICTION OF PCDA BANGALORE SUB: Book ldentification Number (BlN) for FEBRAURY, ZOI4 In continuation to this Office letter of even no. dated 10.12.2012k, BIN details FEBRAURY-ZQ14 in respect of Income Tax deducted from Defence Civitian emptoyees pertainingT6Erious Units under this Office are as under:- for the month of 1032673 (crvrL|AN) cDA 2013-14 BANGALORE The BIN number mentioned above is common for att Units for which Income Tax is deducted and the same may be quoted in the quarterty TDS/TCS, i.e., 24e, before uptoadingl the same. Additionat detaits [ike amount uptoaded against each DDO, DDO Serial No,, nature of deduction etc., can be obtained from the website of this office i. e., wwv{. '1ll-SR.ACCOUNTS OFFICER (PAY) gOPY TO. The Offic,:r l/C, OA CELL Locat. for information and uptoading in the officiat website 'J| x'- - SR.ACCOUNTS OFFICER (PAY) Ail\ JLNC 1 2 J t 5 6 7 o I 10 11 tz 13 14 15 to 17 18 19 20 a1 22 23 .A 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1 032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 I UJZO/ J IUJZO/J 1032673 1032673 1032673 I UJ.ZO // J 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 1032673 TAN Name TAN BLRCO6['96C CORPS OF MILITARY POLICE RECORDS HQRS. JUNIOR LEADERS WING BLRH02BTOA MILITARY HOSPITAL, BELGAUM BLRM 1O:28,1F BLRC0l 955C BLRQOO'84C BLRR04923C BLRH02866D BLROOO:299F BLRSOOgl 9C BLRDOT604C BLRCO6573A BLRM 1 O 547F BLRS2191OA BLRS23Ol64 BLRQOOl 94F 1032.673 BLRT04(J9OA 1032t673 BLRM1O446C '103i1673 BLRMO9839E I UJZ:O / J BLRPl 1I)51C 37 38 39 40 1032673 BLRC06:]OOA J tJLr{UUOi) r/ ZL) 1032.673 BLRP06341 G UJZ:O / 1032t673 BLRC1O198G 1032673 BLR32381 7D 1032673 103i\673 1 032673 1 032673 1 032673 BLRAO8,148G BLRS21 Z6OE BLRAO71377C BLRCOO365B BLRAOTI]62D )a 1Q3i'.673 BLRP04389A 103i1673 BLRDO4392D I UJzIO i J BLRDO4352F 10312673 BLRR0535OC 44 1032673 BLRP06365C 41 838 NR 1031?.673 BLROOOl 46 103i:673 BLRM 1 03968 10312673 BLRMO96534 103it673 BLRR04964B 103:t673 BLRMOl063G 1032673 BLRNO3489D 103:t673 BLRH02948B 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 103'2673 BLRCO6247D 103:2673 BLRTO4i389G I UJ,aO r/ J BLRCOO563D 103:2673 BLRMl0603D BLRHO3O41 D 050458 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 1 1 050458 1r150458 1r150458 1i150458 CMP CENTRE & SCHOOL. BANGALORE f,R QUALITY ASSURANCE ESTABLISHME MILITARY SCHOOL. BELGAUM CHIEF ENGINEER (AF) MILITARY DENTAL CENTRE STATION WORKSHOP EME SELECTION CENTRE SOUTH \RATHA LIGHT INFANTRY REGIMENTAL C CWE (ARMY) CWE (NAVY) CWE (AF) SOUTH ARACHUTE REGIMENT TRAINING CENTR 56 COY ASC SUP STATION HEALTH ORGANISATION 3 TECHNICAL TRAINING REGIMENT MILITARY SCHOOL 3 MILITARY TRAINING REGIMENT (2 STC PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER ARMY DIGITAL MAPPING CENTRE STATION WORKSHOP EME ASC RECORDS (SOUTH) CQAE(L) 515 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP RECORDS THE PRACHUTE REGIMENT DEFENCE ESTATE OFFICE DIQA RECORDS OFFICE MEG PIONEER CORPS TRAINING CENTRE QAE (WE) HQ MEG AND CENTRE MT COY, BAMBOLIM RECORDS PIONEER CORPS ROLLERATE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE NCC DIRECTORATE HEADQUARTERS CWE AIR FORCE NORTH 6 TECHNICAL TRAINING REGIMENT CQAE(WE) MILITARY FARM HQ KK AND G CIRCLE '1050458 1(150458 I 31 34 35 HQ RECRUITING ZONI STN. HQ CELL BLRS4179,1B STATION HEADQUARTERS BLR52147OB MILITARY HOSPITAL. PANAJ BLRMO9655C BLRS21 728A \LITY ASSURANCE ESTABLISHMENTNEIASC CENTRE AND COLLEGE BLRCOlI}O8C ASST. DEFENCE ESTATES OFFICER BLRAOSl 04F 429 COY ASC(SUP) TYPE A BLRCO6674D 1032:673 BLRC06575C 33 RECORDS MLI 5 TTR (2STC) BLRTO4€i82G BLRCO631 1 E TOLLERATE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE (R 25 26 27 28 29 30 I CANTONMENT EXECUTIVE OFFICER QAE (FP CELL) RECEIPT 11150458 1 150458 1 150458 1 350458 1 1 C50458 C50458 050458 050458 1 050458 1 1 '1050458 1 1 050458 050458 '1050458 050458 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 1 N/DDO /SLN of Transfer' AMOUNT 28t02t2014 9273 56 '186599 28t02t2014 EA 71801 28t0212014 24000 28t0212014 53 33104 28t02t2014 52 55756 28t02t2014 51 41128 28t02t2014 50 28t02t2014 586776 49 lzScJ 28t02t2014 48 73906 28t02t2014 47 4970 28t02t2014 46 21473 28t0212014 45 44 142591 28t02t2014 445465 43 28t0212014 ZJUJO 28t02t2014 1 '156 28t02t2014 1 64725 40 28t02t2014 700097 28102t2014 39 1 '15896 28t02t2014 38 28t02t2014 1 099264 37 18'1 28t02t2014 36 21222 28t02t2014 51 28t02t2014 304785 28t02t2014 3582 33 28t02t2014 204150 32 151014 28t02t2014 31 112312 JU 28t02t2014 22391 29 28t02t2014 94797 28 28t02t2014 12887 28t02t2014 27 26 25 Z+ 23 28102t2014 28t0212014 zz 28t0212014 14 18 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 7 28t0212014 6 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 20 '1050458 5 050458 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 1 050458 I 050458 1 050458 4 1 1 ( 28tQ2t2014 1 28t02t2014 8 86079 41144 8536 3590 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 2 10 9 29847 1 28t0212014 28102t2014 28t0212014 891 01 15213 862980 1495532 71476 1 30797 135132 73077 25079 61644 544285 1 1 9808 20582 172692 34635 35423 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 28t02t2014 271936 2 28t0212014 6841 0 1 28t02t2014 31 7 b 5 A 'Ji:L SFt ACCOUNTS OFFICER(PAY) 120371 1 0991 5 509
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