TECHNICAL REPORTS TR14010 Analytical of damage due to large mass impact on thin ply composites TR14009 Literature survey of the Iosipescu Shear Test TR14008 Pressning av A-SMC TR14006 Component testing TR14005 Development of manufacturing technologies aimed for Z-Bee series production TR14004 Evaluation of manufacturing technologies aimed for the Z-Bee vehicle TR14003 Selection of 2-3 alternative manufacturing methods for Z-Bees composite body production TR14002 Survey on composite recycling technologies TR14001 Automatic cutting, pick-and-place and pre-stacking of Oxeons TeXtreme fabrics TR13004 Design specification agreement D2.1 TR13003 Characterization of plasma treated PET for load carrying composite capacitors TR13002 A survey on fatigue of composite materials TR12013 Guidelines for structural composites repair of Advanced Electric Vehicles TR12012 Guidelines for modelling crush in composite materials TR12011 Introduction to material response and characterisation methods for fibre reinforced polymers under crash TR12010 COMPOSIMPA: Impact tests TR12009 Characterisation of bending properties of carbon fibre textile reinforcements for high performance composites TR12008 Geopolymer composites - First investigations TR12007 Literature review on geopolymer fibre composites TR12006 Automated cutting of fiber materials for tailored drapeability TR12005 New Tailcast manufacturing process TR12004 COMPOSIMPA: Tests of mechanical properties TR12002 Thermal conductivity of thermosetting composite materials TR12001 In-situ strength of composite plies - theory and experiments TR11011 Initial analysis of simplified tests for initiations of matrix cracking in fibre reinforced pipes TR11010 Characterisation of NCF using the Kawabata Evaluation System TR11009 Utvärdering av smältfogningsmetoder och initiala numeriska beräkningar av krympförband TR11001 Strength of composite laminates after impact: background and recommendations TR10007 Applications for polymer composites in electrical machines TR10006 Description of selected methodology for the analysis of metal to composite joints TR10005 A survey of test methods for multiaxial and out-of-plane strength of composite laminates TR10004 Market Analysis for Advanced Wood-Based Composites TR10003 Measurement techniques for residual stresses in composite materials TR10002 Literature survey of 3D failure criteria TR10001 Structural electrolyte for use in multifunctional energy storage devices TR09011 Simulation of in plane damage growth with Abaqus Explicit TR09010 Plywood och alternativa material TR09009 Application of composites in cars and trucks; review and outlook towards year 2030 TR09008 Lifetime prediction for an insulator flange joint based on accelerated DCB tests of a model joint TR09007 Accelerated DCB tests of a model joint TR09006 Litteraturstudie Utmattning av kärnmaterial i sandwichstrukturer TR09004 Micromechanical vs lamina based failure theories TR09003 Metal onto polymer composite casting Degradation behaviour and mechanical performance TR09002 Variation in shape distortion due to corner thinning thickening of prepreg TR08015 Evaluation of failure criteria and FE-implementation of a modified set of Puck’s criteria TR08014 Galvanic Corrosion of Imide-Based Composites Short Literature Overview TR08005 Investigation of the relaxed shape of partly cured thermoset composite materials TR08004 A simplified method for predictions of shape distortions TR08003 Numerical simulations of metal onto composites casting TR08002 Load carrying composites for electrical energy storage TR08001 Förstudie förnyelsebara material TR07003 Cost Effective Shape Distortion Analysis of Composite Components TR07002 Fiberförstärkta kompositer. Egenskaper, material och tillverkning TECHNICAL NOTES TN13003 Evaluation of CFRP-Hybrix integrated joints TN13002 Utilization of National Instrument equipment for strain and load measurement recording TN12001 Smältfogning av termoplastbaserade kompositer och lättmetall TN10001 Anteckningar från analys av tjockleksvariationer på RTM laminat TN09007 Slutrapport Castcomp TN09006 Summary of workshop in damage of composites; status and future directions TN09005 FE simulations of temperature induced stresses in GAP PP pipes TN09004 Calculated data for thermoset and glass fibre composite material in FACOMP TN09003 Utvärdering av projektledarkurs Tankar och reflektioner ett halvt år senare TN09002 Characterization of Carbon Fiber and Glass Fiber Fabrics by drape fixture TN09001 Analysis of composite materials lay-up and materials TN08012 FE simulations of temperature induced stresses in GAP PP pipes TN08011 Carbon Fibre Material structure and electrical properties TN08010 Manufacturing induced defects TN08007 Implementation and validation of strain invariant failure theory (SIFT) in ANSYS TN08006 On diffusion in heterogeneous materials and diffusion simulations in ANSYS TN08005 Processing trials of PETI 330 within the FOT25 project TN08004 Pull-out tests of Magnesium alloy overcastted composites rods TN08003 Egenskaper hos textila armeringar vid drapering och formning – en översikt TN08002 Stress relaxation in bolted composite joints TN08001 Självuppvärmning på grund av energiförluster under viskoelastiskdeformation under högfrekvensutmattning TN07014 Validering av autokatalytisk härdkinetikmodell implementerad i ANSYS TN07013 Implementation and validation of material degradation in TN07012 Progressive damage and failure models for composite materials in ABAQUS TN07010 Comparison of tensile properties of [0900]s laminate manufactured by RTM and Vacuum Infusion TN07009 Overview of binder systems for aeronautical applications TN07007 Important parameters for shape distortions of a curved c-spar TN07004 Available material data for cure simulations for prepregs TN07003 Shape distortion – Literature overview TN07002 Leverans 1.3-1, Delrapport 1 - Guide för simulering av formförändringar TN07001 Using cohesive interface elements to compare different ply drop-off strategies Lena Nilsson Sida 1 2014-06-26
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