GRAND PRIX COMBINED GAME SHOOTING CZECH REPUBLIC STRELNICE PROVAZCE SHOOTING RANGE PISEK PISEK, CZECH REPUBLIC 30 h – 31st 30th 31 A August 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION Clay Target Shooters Association of the Czech Republic and LESY MĚSTA PÍSKU cordially invite you at FITASC Grand Prix of Combine Game Shooting which will be held from 30th to 31st August 2014 at Shooting range STRELNICE PROVAZCE GPS 49°19'9.116"N, GPS: 49°19'9 116"N 14°11'52 14°11'52.614"E 614"E Location: 5 km from the town of Pisek NEAREST AIPORTS: Prague 120 km, Brno 210 km, Vienna 250km, München 280 km, Linz 160 km HOW TO GET THERE – CZECH REPUBLIC HOW TO GET THERE - PÍSEK HOW TO GET THERE – SHOOTING RANGE PÍSEK SHOOTING RANGE PROVAZCE SHOOTING RANGE PROVAZCE Hunting H ti g and d sportt shooting h ti g range g designed d ig d for f hunting h ti g decathlon Built in 1984 Shooting Complex 5 km from city center 10ha fenced area Separate shotgun and rifle shooting ranges Shotgun shooting range based on Olympic parametres FITASC Sporting, Sporting Compak Sporting 2 ranges for skeet shooting equipped with Nasta and Mattarelli technology 2 ranges for Olympic Trap (Universal trap) equipped with Promatic and FAB technology – with Elfipa fonopull system High tower shooting range Running rabbit shooting range SHOOTING RANGE PROVAZCE Rifle shooting ranges 100 m range with static targets 75 m running target range 50 m range with static target 50 m running wild boar range 35m running fox range National Championships (Hunting Skeet, Universal Trap, FITASC Sporting Comapk Sporting) Number of District Championships (under Czech Hunting Association) hunting round, St. Hubert cup hunting, rifle triathlon, hunting pentathlon, Western shooting and others Maintenance and refreshments facilities, facilities parking COMPETITION PROGRAMME OFFICIAL COMPETITION 30 to 31 August 2014 (2 days) St t 9AM Start: PRACTISE 28 and d 29 A August 2014 9AM to 6PM SHOOTING RANGE PROVAZCE „BÍLY DŮM“ COMPLEX PISEK OPENING CEREMONY 29 August 2014 at 6PM Location: „Bílý dům“ complex, Na Křižatkách 1785, Provazce CLOSING CEREMONY 31 August 2014, approx. 30min after the end of competition Location: „Bílý dům“ complex, Na Křižatkách 1785, Provazce ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Ing. Václav Zámečník: Executive Director, LESY MĚSTA PÍSEK [email protected] Milan Bláha: Technical director, Shooting range Provazce [email protected] Petr Zvolánek: Technical director, Shooting range Provazce p.zvolanek, +420 603 898 097 Karel Pučálka: President, ASAT [email protected], +420 606 614 689 Antonín Čech: Member of Technical Comittee, FITASC [email protected] Karolína Bočková , Destination Management Office Písek Local support and services: +420 602 958 067 FITASC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PALINKAS Jean Francois France/President DA CUNHA MOTA Pedro Portugal/General Secretar y McFARLANE Raymond Australia/Vice President for Oceania CANTEY Joe USA/Vice President for America HALKIAS Costa South Africa/ Vice President for Africa JULIEN Denis France/ Vice President for Europe DE MESA RUIZ Rodrigo Spain/ Board Members KOKIN Alexander /Russia KUUSMIK Hannes / Estonia MESFIOUI Abdelaziz / Morocco OLSEN Marcos Jose / Brazil RAKUSA Igor / Slovenia AMATO Paulo / Italy SZEBÉNYI Laszlo / Hungary COMBINE GAME SHOOTING COMISSION FIOCCHI Constantino Italy/President ANASTASIOU Ioannis Greece/Member KRÜGER Torsten Germany/Member ROZSAS Gyorgy Hungary/Member KERSNIK Mitja Slovenia/Member MOLNAR Anton Slovak Republic/Member CECH Antonin Czech Republic/Member PLAZA CHOZAS Domingo Spain/Member JONSSON Svante Sweden/Member KARHUNEN Pekka Finland/Member ROSSKOPF Helmut Austria/Memeber REGISTRATION AND ENTRY FEES REGISTRATION On-line On line via www fitasc com For Czech shooters and others registration also available via [email protected] GE Money bank, account: IBAN 5306 0000 0000 5003 206584 SWIFT AGBACZPP ENTRY FEES Veteran, Ladies,Men Junior 150 Euro 95 Euro IMPORT OF WEAPONS FOR EU AND NON EU CITIZENS For travelling to the territor y of the European Union with a gun and ammunition, the relevant document needed is the European Firearms Pass. The person having the European Firearms Pass does not need to applyy for anyy other special permit in order to travel to the Czech Republic. However, an invitation letter is required to indicate that such person is going to participate in a shooting competition in the Czech republic. Based on above mentioned, you just have to print out the invitation letter from the competitions website and present it together with the European Firearms Pass to the customs checking you. Attention non-EU members: ZPL formular for shooters of non-EU member countries is neessaryy and available here ACCOMODATION Hotel U Kapličky *** Budějovická 2440 397 01 Písek Phone: +420 382 216 269 Mobile phone: +420 775 289 531 Fax.: +420 382 215 300 E-mail: [email protected] GPS: 49°18'12.118"N, 14°9'31.186"E Single room: 1 200,- (aprox. 44 EUR) Double room: 1 650,- (aprox. 61 EUR) Hotel Biograf **** Gregorova 124 397 01 Písek Phone: +420 380 425 510 Mobile phone: +420 737 268 970 Fax: +420 380 425 513 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] GPS: 49°18´20.253“ N, 14°8´57.287“E Single room: standard 1 450,- (aprox. 54 EUR) extra 1 550,- (aprox. 57 EUR) Double room: standard 1 900,- (apox. 70 EUR) extra 2 200,- (aprox. 81 EUR) ACCOMODATION Hotel u Zlatého býka *** Kocínova 135, 39701 Písek Phone: +420 732 753 970, E-mail: [email protected] GPS: 49° 18' 21.308 N ; 14° 8' 47.899 E Single room: 1.300,- (aprox. 48 EUR) Double room: 1.750,- (aprox. 64 EUR) Interhotel America **** R. Weinera 2375 397 01 Písek Phone: +420 723 799 895 Fax: +420 382 212 361 E-mail: [email protected] GPS: N49°18'43.259'', E14°9'59.806'' Single room: 1 180,- (aprox. 44 EUR) Double room: 1 850,- (aprox. 69 EUR) City Hotel Písek Alšovo náměstí 35/1, 397 01, Písek Phone: +420 389 771 744,5 Fax: +420 380 428 709 Mobile phone: +420 773 936 438 Email: [email protected] GPS: 49°18'25.409"N, 14°8'53.991"E Single room: 1 190,- (aprox. 44 EUR) Double room: 1 490,- (aprox. 55 EUR) ACCOMODATION Ar A t H Hotel t l thotelpisek .cz Fráni Šrámka 158, 397 01 , Písek Phone: +420 776 277 394 Mobile phone: +420 737 945 498 Email: [email protected] Single room: 1 150,- (aprox. 43 EUR) Double room: 1 450,- (aprox. 54 EUR) Domov mládeže a školní jídelna Budějovická 1664 397 01 Písek Phone: 382 214 983, 382 214 984 E-mail: [email protected] j y y DINING Re R s t a u r a c e U Re R inerů w w w. u r e i n e r u . c z H ey d u kova 3 97 01 P í s e k P h o n e : + 4 2 0 3 8 2 21 3 4 8 4 E - m a i l : u r e i n e r u @ vo l ny. c z Re s t a u r a c e M A L K U S w w w. h o te l b i o g r a f . c o m / r e s t a u r a c e G r e g o r ova 1 24 3 97 01 P í s e k P h o n e : + 4 2 0 3 8 0 4 2 5 51 0 E - m a i l : r e c e p c e @ h o te l b i o g r a f . c o m Pizzeria San Marco w w w. p i z z a s a n m a r c o . c z Ve l k é n á m ě s t í 1 1 8 3 97 01 P í s e k P h o n e : + 4 2 0 3 8 2 2 24 3 8 9 E - m a i l : p i z z s m i l e @ i n te r f r e e . i t DINING Řecká restaurace Poseidon w w w. r e c k a - r e s t a u r a c e . c z Ve l k é n á m ě s t í 1 0 4 / 6 3 97 01 P í s e k M o b i l e p h o n e : + 4 2 0 77 3 6 8 5 57 5 E - m a i l : r e c ka r e s t a u r a c e . p o s e i d o n @ s e z n a m . c z I n d i c k á r e s t a u r a c e Ta n d o o r w w w. i n d i c k a . c z H ey d u kova 17 2 3 97 01 P í s e k P h o n e : + 4 2 0 3 8 2 2 24 6 97 E - m a i l : i n f o @ i n d i c ka r e s t a u r a c e . c z Café restaurant U Kamenného mostu w w w. c a f e r e s t a u r a n t . w e b n o d e . c z Ka r l ova 1 1 0 3 97 01 P í s e k P h o n e : + 4 2 0 3 8 2 21 2 5 3 4 M o b i l e p h o n e : + 4 2 0 6 0 3 9 24 7 2 8 E - m a i l : p o k to m i @ s e z n a m . c z SPONSORS AND DONORS ENJOY YOUR TIME IN PISEK GRAND PRIX IS HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PISEK ONDREJ VESELY
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