Integer programming formulations for the elementary shortest path problem Leonardo Taccari Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Italy [email protected] Abstract Given a directed graph G = (V, A) with arbitrary arc costs, the Elementary Shortest Path Problem (ESPP) consists of finding a minimumcost path between two nodes s and t such that each node of G is visited at most once. If the costs induce negative cycles on G, the problem is N P-hard. In this paper, several integer programming formulations for the ESPP are compared. We present analytical results based on a polyhedral study of the formulations, and computational experiments where we compare their linear programming relaxation bounds and their behavior within a branch-and-cut framework. The computational results show that a formulation with dynamically generated cutset inequalities is the most effective. 1 Introduction Given a directed graph G = (V, A) and arc costs cij for each (i, j) ∈ A, the shortest path problem consists of finding a minimum-cost path between two nodes s and t. Often, an implicit assumption is that such path has to be elementary. A path is defined to be elementary if it does not visit any node more than once, i.e., if it does not contain subtours. When the costs cij induce no negative cycles on G, the problem can be solved efficiently via ad-hoc polynomial time algorithms like Bellman-Ford’s or Dijikstra’s (if cij ≥ 0). However, if negative cycles do arise, subtours must be explicitly prevented, leading to the so-called Elementary Shortest Path Problem (ESPP). The ESPP is clearly N P-hard due to a simple reduction from the Hamiltonian path problem. The variant with only negative arc costs has been vastly discussed in the literature (regarded as a maximization problem), and is usually referred to as the Longest Path Problem (LPP). The authors in [BHK03] prove that the LPP is hard to approximate on directed graphs within a n1− for any , unless P = N P. For undirected graphs, approximation algorithms are described in, e.g., [KMR97] and [Gab07]. 1 Related to the ESPP are variants of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), such as the Prize Collecting TSP [Bal89] and the Orienteering Problem [VSO11], that involve determining optimal tours where each node is visited at most once. While an interesting problem in its own right, the ESPP may also arise in the pricing subproblems of branch-and-price algorithms [ACT14]. More often, the pricing phase in Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) involve resource-constrained variants of the elementary shortest path problem (ESPPRC). The problems are usually solved with fast dynamic programming-based labelling algorithms, e.g., see [RS06], [FDGG04] and [BDD06]. It is possible to adapt this kind of approach to the unconstrained ESPP by considering an artificial resource for each node, and imposing that less that one unit of each resource is used, as already proposed in [BC89]. However, this is a very weak constraint, so that the typical approaches for the ESPPRC do not seem to carry over effectively to the ESPP [DI14]. Even when resource constraints are present, labelling algorithms are sometimes not applicable or inefficient, and in those cases branch-and-cut algorithms might be a better choice [JPS08]. In the context of a branch-andprice algorithm, where the ESPP is solved repeatedly in the pricing phase, another desirable feature of an integer programming approach is its flexibility, that allows to easily incorporate branching decisions. These reasons motivate the study of integer programming techniques for the ESPP. In the literature, not much previous work has appeared on integer programming approaches tailored specifically for the ESPP. Ibrahim et al. in [IMM09] provide computational results on the linear programming (LP) bounds of a flow-based extended formulation, but give no details on its behavior in a branchand-bound algorithm. In [HMM13], another extended formulation is proposed. Drexl and Irnich in [DI14] describe a branch-and-cut approach and compare its efficiency with the extended formulation in [IMM09], while in [Dre13] the efficient separation of subtour elimination constraints for the ESPP is discussed. In this article we present a comparison between several formulations for the ESPP, which are described in detail in Section 2. We include integer programming formulations with exponentially many subtour elimination constraints, and mixed-integer programming extended formulations with a polynomial number of variables and constraints. In Section 3 we provide some analytical results, including a proof of equivalence between the polyhedra described by the two strongest formulations. Section 4 reports computational experiments where we compare the LP relaxation bounds and branch-and-cut results. Finally, in Section 5, we report conclusions and discuss further research topics. 2 Integer programming formulations Let us consider a directed graph G = (V, A) with the set of nodes V and the set of arcs A. Let n and m be the cardinality of, respectively, V and A. A path is a sequence of nodes v1 , . . . , vk , and is said to be elementary if no node appears in the path more than once. A cycle or subtour is a path with v1 = vk . With δ + (i) and δ − (i) we denote the set of outgoing and incoming arcs with respect 2 to node i, with δ + (S) and δ − (S) the arcs leaving/entering the set S ⊆ V , and with A(S) the set of arcsPwith both ends in S ⊆ V . Let us also define Vi := V \ {i}, and x(S) := i∈S xi . In all the formulations, it is assumed w.l.o.g. that |δ − (s)| = |δ + (t)| = 0. A standard integer programming formulation to determine the shortest path from node s to node t is the following: X min cij xij (1) (i,j)∈A 1 xij − xji = −1 (i,j)∈δ + (i) (j,i)∈δ − (i) 0 X xij ≤ 1 X if i = s if i = t else X i∈V (2) i∈V (3) (i, j) ∈ A, (4) (i,j)∈δ + (i) xij ∈ {0, 1} where cij ∈ R are the arc costs, and xij are binary arc variables that take value 1 if the arc (i, j) belongs to the optimal path. Constraints (2) are balance equations imposing there is a path connecting s and t, while Constraints (3) ensure that the outgoing degree of each node is at most one. When the costs cij induce negative cycles on G, i.e., there is a subtour such that the total cost of its arcs is negative, this system of inequalities is not sufficient to guarantee the elementarity of the path. Thus, additional constraints (and, possibly, variables) are necessary to prevent subtours ensuring that no node is visited more than once. Notice that the crucial difference with respect to problems where the path has to be Hamiltonian the absence, in the ESPP, of the strict degree constraints: X X xij = xji = 1 i ∈ V. (i,j)∈δ + (i) (j,i)∈δ − (i) We now describe different set of constraints and variables that can be added to the Formulation (1)–(4) so as to obtain a valid integer programming formulation for the ESPP. 2.1 Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson (DFJ) For the TSP, success has been achieved with strong formulations with exponentially many constraints. It is possible to write a formulation for the ESPP based on the classical Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson subtour elimination constraints [DFJ54], adding to the basic formulation (1)–(4) the following inequalities: X xij ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊆ Vst , |S| ≥ 2. (5) (i,j)∈A(S) 3 In each subset S, subtours are prevented ensuring that the number of arcs in S which are selected is smaller than the number of nodes in S. This formulation includes O(m) variables and O(2n ) constraints. Observation For the Asymmetric TSP (ATSP), due to the degree constraints, the DFJ subtour eliminations constraints can be written in the equivalent form: X xij ≥ 1 S ⊂ V, |S| ≥ 2. (6) (i,j)∈δ + (S) For the ESPP, Constraints (6) are valid only for subsets S with s ∈ S and t∈ / S. Moreover, they are not equivalent to (5), and they are not sufficient to prevent subtours. Example 1. Consider the solution reported in Figure 1, assuming it is a complete graph and that only the arcs with xij = 1 are drawn. The solution does not violate any inequality (6) for any set S containing s, since x(δ + (S)) = 1 for any such S, although it contains a (disconnected) subtour. On the other hand, notice that the inequality (6) is not valid, e.g., for the set S 0 , not containing s and containing only nodes that are not part of the s-t path, where x(δ + (S 0 )) = 0. S S0 s t Figure 1: An example where Constraints (6) are not sufficient to prevent subtours. 2.2 Generalized cutset inequalities (GCS) DFJ Constraints (6) can be adapted to the ESPP by replacing the constant right-hand side with a variable expression. This approach was used for a symmetric version of ESPPRC in [JPS08] and applied to the asymmetric ESPP in [DI14]. Similar subtour elimination constraints have also been used in branchand-cut algorithms for the VRP (see e.g. [NR02]). We refer to them as generalized cutset inequalities (GCS): X X xij ≥ xkj k ∈ S ⊆ Vst , |S| ≥ 2. (7) (i,j)∈δ + (S) (k,j)∈δ + (k) Constraints (7) prevent subtours by ensuring that, for each subset S, the number of selected arcs leaving S is greater than the number of selected arcs outgoing 4 from any node in S. In an integer solution, this means that the cut induced by S must containt at least one arc if at least one node in S belongs to the s-t path, while, if S does not contain any node in the s-t path, the constraint is the trivial inequality 0 ≥ 0. The number of variables in the formulation is O(m), while the number of constraints is O(n2n ). Note that Constraints (7) can be shown to be equivalent to a strengthened version of (5). Proposition 2. Constraints (7) are equivalent to: X X xij ≤ (i,j)∈A(S) X xij i∈S\{k} (i,j)∈δ + (i) ∀k ∈ S ⊆ Vst , |S| ≥ 2. (8) Proof. For all k ∈ S, x(δ + (k)) ≤ x(δ + (S)) = x(δ + (S)) + x(A(S)) − x(A(S)) = P + i∈S x(δ (i)) − x(A(S)), where the inequality follows from (7). These inequalities can be interpreted as imposing that the number of selected arcs in a subset S is strictly smaller than the number of nodes in S that belong to the s-t path. 2.3 Sequential formulations (MTZ) To derive an extended formulation à la Miller, Tucker and Zemlin [MTZ60] (hereafter MTZ) it is enough to introduce, for each node, an auxiliary variable that can be viewed as the order in which the node is visited and a constraint for each arc: tj ≥ ti + 1 + (n − 1)(xij − 1) (i, j) ∈ A i 6= s, j 6= t. (9) For the ATSP, this formulation is well-known to give poor linear relaxation bounds. However, it is very compact, as it requires only O(m) additional constraints and O(n) auxiliary variables. 2.4 Reformulation-linearization based (RLT) From the following nonlinear version of the MTZ formulation: tj xij = (ti + 1)xij (i, j) ∈ A (10) + (11) (s, j) ∈ δ (s), tj xsj = xsj 5 the authors in [HMM13] use the Sherali-Adams reformulation-linearization technique to obtain the following stronger formulation for the ESPP: αij = βij + xij X X xsj + αij − βji = 0 − (i,j)∈δ (j) i6=s X αij − (i,j)∈δ − (j) (j,i)∈δ + (j) X βji = 0 (j,i)∈δ + (j) xij ≤ αij αij ≤ (n − 1)xij (i, j) ∈ A (s, j) ∈ δ (s), j 6= t (13) (s, j) ∈ / δ + (s) j 6= s, j 6= t (14) (i, j) ∈ A, i 6= s, j 6= s (15) (i, j) ∈ A, i 6= s (i, j) ∈ A, i 6= s, j 6= s xij ≤ βij βij ≤ (n − 1)xij βij ≤ αij (12) + (16) (17) (i, j) ∈ A : i 6= s (18) (i, j) ∈ A. (19) This extended formulation requires O(m) constraints and O(m) auxiliary variables. 2.5 Single-flow formulation (SF) A formulation which is close in spirit to the single-flow ATSP formulation of [GG78], can be obtained introducing an auxiliary flow q to be delivered to the nodes belonging to the s-t path: qij ≤ (n − 1)xij X X qsj = zk (s,j)∈δ + (s) X (i,k)∈δ − (k) X (i, j) ∈ A (20) (21) k∈V X qik − qkj = zk k ∈ Vs (22) k ∈ Vs (23) (i, j) ∈ A. (24) (k,j)∈δ + (k) xik = zk (i,k)∈δ − (k) qij ≥ 0 Constraints (20) impose that the auxiliary flow is positive only over the arcs where xij = 1. The auxiliary flow leaving from the node s has value equal to the number of nodes that are reached by the s-t path. Constraints (22) ensure that the balance of the auxiliary flow on each node is equivalent to zk , which, according to Constraint (23), is either 1, if node k is in the s-t path, or 0 otherwise. 6 2.6 Multicommodity-flow formulation (MCF) An extension of the single-flow formulation is obtained by disaggregating the auxiliary flow into n − 1 unitary flows. Subtours are prevented by enforcing, in the support graph, one unit of a distinct auxiliary flow from s to each node that belongs to the s-t path. k qij ≤ xij zk k k qij − qji = −zk (i,j)∈δ + (i) (j,i)∈δ − (i) 0 X xik = zk X X if i = s if i = k else k ∈ Vs , (i, j) ∈ A (25) i ∈ V, k ∈ Vs (26) k ∈ Vst (27) k ∈ Vs (28) (i,k)∈δ + (k) X xik = zk (i,k)∈δ − (k) X xsj = 1 (29) xit = 1 (30) (s,j)∈δ + (s) X (i,t)∈δ − (t) (i, j) ∈ A, k ∈ Vs . k qij ≥ 0, zk ∈ {0, 1} (31) The formulation includes O(nm) additional variables and constraints. This extended formulation is introduced, for the ESPP, in [IMM09], and it is very similar to the classic multi-commodity flow formulations for the ATSP proposed by Wong [Won80] and Claus [Cla84]. In Table 1 we summarize the presented formulations. To the best of our knowledge, formulations MTZ and SF have not been previously considered for the ESPP. DFJ GCS MTZ RLT SF MCF vars m m m m m nm cons 2n n2n n m m nm description Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson (5) generalized cutsets (7) Miller-Tucker-Zemlin (9) reformulation-linearization (12)–(19) single-flow (20)-(24) multi-commodity flow (25)-(30) Table 1: A summary of the considered formulations. 3 Polyhedral results Let us describe some analytical results for the considered ESPP formulations. 7 Proposition 3. Formulation MCF is stronger than formulation SF. Proof. Constraints (20)–(22) can be obtained by MCF P simply aggregating Conk straints (25)–(26) over k ∈ Vs , and then substituting k∈Vs qij with qij . The example in Figure 2 shows that the inclusion is strict. Proposition 4. Formulation GCS is stronger than formulation DFJ. Proof. The result follows by considering GCS as stated in (8), whose righthand side is obviously smaller or equal to |S| − 1, right-hand side in (5), and the inclusion is strict by the example in Figure 2. t −20 1 c −10 s b a 1 −10 −10 Figure 2: Example proving strict inclusion for Proposition 3 and 4. With GCS and MCF, the LP optimal solution is the one with xst = 1 and optimal value −20. With SF, the optimal solution has value −26, with xst = xca = 14 , xsa = xcta = 34 and xab = xbc = 1. With DFJ, the solution has value −40, with xst = 1 and a disconnected subtour with xab = xbc = xca = 32 . Showing that formulation MCF is as tight as GCS requires to calculate the projection of the MCF extended formulation into the space of the x variables. We will make use of two strong results presented in [PS91], and follow a similar approach to the equivalence proofs therein. Theorem 5. The projection of the MCF-polytope onto the x-space is equivalent to the GCS-polytope. Proof. Let us rewrite formulation MCF by projecting out the zk variables. Constraints (34) and (35) follow from Constraint (28), while Constraints (27) and (28). Assume again that the graph G does not contain the arcs δ − (s) and δ + (t). 8 The compact formulation reads: k qij ≤ xij X X k qij − k qji =0 (j,i)∈δ − (i) (i,j)∈δ + (i) X X k qsj = (j,k)∈δ − (k) (33) k ∈ Vs (34) xik k ∈ Vs (35) xik k ∈ Vst (36) (i,k)∈δ − (k) X xik = (i,k)∈δ − (k) (i,k)∈δ + (k) X i ∈ Vs , i 6= k, k ∈ Vs xik X k qjk = X (32) (i,k)∈δ − (k) (s,j)∈δ + (s) X k ∈ Vs , (i, j) ∈ A xsj = 1 (37) xit = 1 (38) (s,j)∈δ + (s) X (i,t)∈δ − (t) k qij ≥ 0, xij ≥ 0 (i, j) ∈ A, k ∈ Vs . (39) In order to compare MCF and GCS, we need to project out also the q-variables of the M CF formulation. Let us define the sets: X = {x ∈ Rm | x satisfies (36), (37) and (38)}, PGCS = {x ∈ X | x satisfies (7)}, PM CF = {(x, q) ∈ Rmn | (x, q) satisfies (32)–(39)}, P rojx (PM CF ) = {x ∈ X | ∃ q s.t. (x, q) ∈ PM CF }, where PGCS is the GCS-polytope, PM CF is the MCF -polytope and P rojx (PM CF ) is its projection onto the x-space. It is convenient to rewrite Constraints (32)– (35) in matrix form as follows: Bx + M q = 0 (40) − Dx + Iq ≤ 0 (41) x, q ≥ 0. (42) Equation (40) corresponds to (33)–(35), while (41) corresponds to (32). One can easily notice that, since the n − 1 flows are independent, the system can be decomposed according to the index k. The matrix M is, in fact, block-diagonal, and can be decomposed into n − 1 blocks Mk for all k ∈ Vs . Each block Mk represents the node-arc incidence matrix of the graph G. I is the identity matrix, that can be decomposed into submatrices Ik of dimension m × m. In a similar fashion, we also decompose B and D into submatrices Bk and Dk . The rows and columns of Bk correspond, respectively, to the nodes and arcs of the graph G. 9 A submatrix Bk has zeros everywhere, except for the row corresponding to node s, with entries of value −1 for each arc in δ − (k), and the row corresponding to node k, with +1 entries for each arc in δ − (k). Each row of Dk corresponds to a k variable qij and has zeros everywhere, except for a +1 in the column associated with variable xij . We now make use of Theorem 2 in [PS91], by which the projection onto the x-space of the polytope PM CF defined by (40)–(41) can be obtained as: P rojx (PM CF ) = {x ∈ X | (uB − vD − w)x ≤ 0 ∀(u, v, w) ∈ C}, (43) where C is the cone defined as: C = {(u, v, w) | uM + vI ≥ 0, v ≥ 0, w ≥ 0}. The result allows us to carry out the comparison between PGCS and P rojx (PM CF ) simply by finding a system of generators for the cone C. From the inequalities w ≥ 0 we obtain extreme rays of the form u = 0, v = 0, w = ei , where ei is the i-th standard basis vector of Rm , that yield the nonnegativity constraints xij ≥ 0 ∀ (i, j) ∈ A. (44) This allows us to restrict our following study to the cone C 0 defined as: C 0 = {(u, v) | uM + vI ≥ 0, v ≥ 0}. Exploiting the decomposition of M , we can work on the even smaller cones: Ck = {(uk , v k ) | uk Mk + v k ≥ 0, v k ≥ 0}. (45) Due to (43), once we have the system of generators (uk , v k ) for each cone Ck , the constraints in the x-space are obtained by calculating (uk Bk − v k Dk )x ≤ 0 for each k ∈ Vs . According to Proposition 6 in [PS91], a full system of generators of a cone Ck defined as in (45), where Mk is a node-arc incidence matrix of a digraph, is given by: - a basis of its lineality space, of the form: uk = ±e, v k = 0, where e is the all-ones vector, that in our case translate to the trivial equality 0 = 0, and - the extreme rays, given by all the positive multiples of the vector (uk , v k ) such 10 that: (i) uki k vij = 0 ∀i ∈ V, ( 1 ∀ i ∈ S, (ii) = 0 otherwise ( −1 ∀ i ∈ S, (iii) uki = 0 otherwise uki ( 1 for one (i, j) ∈ A = 0 otherwise ( ¯ j ∈ S, 1 ∀ i ∈ S, k vij = 0 otherwise ( ¯ 1 ∀ i ∈ S, j ∈ S, k vij = 0 otherwise for any S ⊆ V , where S¯ = V \ S. The extreme rays of the form (i) give rise to nonnegativity constraints. From the extreme rays given by (ii) and (iii) we obtain the inequalities: − x(δ − (S)) + uk x(δ − (k)) − us x(δ − (k)) ≤ 0 − + − − x(δ (S)) − uk x(δ (k)) + us x(δ (k)) ≤ 0 (46) (47) where ui = 1 if i ∈ S, and 0 otherwise. For both (46) and (47), we can distinguish four cases depending on whether s and k are in S, thus whether us , uk are 0 or 1. If both s and k are in S, or neither of them is, the inequality is implied by the nonnegativity constraints (44). If only the coefficient with negative sign is nonzero, the corresponding inequality is, again, redundant. Therefore, the only meaningful cases are the following: x(δ − (S)) ≥ x(δ − (k)) + − x(δ (S)) ≥ x(δ (k)) ∀S ⊆ V, s ∈ / S, k ∈ S (48) ∀S ⊆ V, s ∈ S, k ∈ / S. (49) We have established so far that P rojx (PM CF ) is fully described by the nonnegativity constraints and Constraints (48)–(49). This set of inequalities can be shown to be equivalent to: x(δ + (S)) ≥ x(δ + (k)) ∀S ⊆ Vst , k ∈ S. (50) Constraint (48) and (49) are equivalent, due to the fact that x(δ + (S)) = ¯ x(δ (S)). Let us then consider only (48). For k = t, the inequality is trivially satisfied by all x ∈ X, thus redundant. For k 6= t and t ∈ / S, we obtain exactly the inequalities in (50), since by (36)–(38), we have that x(δ − (k)) = x(δ + (k)) and x(δ − (S)) = x(δ + (S)) for any S containing neither s nor t. If k 6= t and t ∈ S, it suffices to observe that, since δ + (t) = 0, the inequality x(δ − (S)) ≥ x(δ − (k)) is implied by x(δ − (S \{t})) ≥ x(δ − (k)), which, again, can be rewritten in the form (50). Hence, the projection of PM CF onto the x-space is given by − P rojx (PM CF ) = {x ∈ X | x satisfies (36)–(38) and (50)}, and it follows that P rojx (PM CF ) = PGCS . From this result and Proposition 4, it also follows that formulation MCF is stronger than formulation DFJ. 11 4 Computational comparison We compare the described formulations with respect to their LP relaxation bounds and their behavior within an exact branch-and-bound framework. Three types of instances are considered for the tests. The first pool consists of instances from the pricing phase of the unsplittable flow problem in [ACT14] on small-sized networks from the SNDlib [OWPT10], namely, the topologies abilene, atlanta, france, geant, germany, nobel-us, polska. The second pool is a set of small to medium-sized random-cost graphs, either sparse (rnd-s) or dense (rnd-d). The graphs for the instances in rnd-s are generated by building a connected component including all the nodes, and then randomly adding arcs until the desired sparsity is reached. The instances in rnd-d are the dense instances in [Dre13], with random arc costs on a complete graph. The third pool (prc) contains the pricing instances in [Dre13]. It consists of small and medium-size pricing problems from a column generation algorithm for the asymmetric m-salesmen TSP at the first (f), penultimate (p) and last (l) pricing iterations. Table 2 summarizes the features of the test instances. abilene polska nobel-us atlanta geant france germany rnd-s rnd-s rnd-d prc-f prc-p prc-l n 12 12 14 15 22 25 50 50/100/200 500/1000 25/50/100 27/52/102 27/52/102 27/52/102 m 30 36 42 44 72 90 176 164/660/2654 16634/66601 600/2450/9900 702/2652/10302 702/2652/10302 702/2652/10302 range [−10000,10000] [−10000,10000] [−10000,10000] [−10000,10000] [−10000,10000] [−10000,10000] [−10000,10000] [−1000,1000] [−1000,1000] [−1000,1000] [−108 ,−9.5 · 107 ] [−4 · 104 , 5.2 · 106 ] [−4 · 104 , 5.2 · 106 ] # 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 90 60 90 90 90 90 Table 2: Description of the instances. 4.1 Linear programming relaxation bounds The LP relaxation bounds are computed constructing the complete model for the extended formulations and for formulation DFJ, since we have not implemented a separation procedure for it. For formulation GCS, we use a Min Cut-based separation procedure (its implementation details are left to the next section). The tests are carried out with IBM Ilog Cplex 12.5 on an Intel Xeon E5645 @2.40GHz. Table 3 reports the average gap of the LP relaxation bounds with respect to LP −Opt| . The results confirm the optimal integer values, computed as 100 |Bound |BoundLP | that the LP bounds of MCF and GCS are equivalent, and show that they are by far the tightest formulations. Remarkably, MCF and GCS close the 12 gap on a good fraction of instances (roughly 50%), while all the remaining formulations have a relaxation with 0 gap only in less than 10% of the considered instances. However, on the largest instances, the LP relaxation of the MCF formulation could not be solved within the time limit of 1200 seconds. Observe the considerable difference between GCS and classic DFJ, while formulations RLT and SF provide similar bounds. For the prc-f instances, all the extended formulations provide good bounds. The reason is that, on the majority of those instances, all the arcs have very similar costs, hence the integrality gap is inherently small for all the formulations. It is worthwile to point out that, even when the bounds are very good, weaker formulations find solutions with many more fractional values. GCS DFJ MTZ RLT SF abilene 10.00 93.37 93.97 92.85 93.23 polska 37.87 67.85 69.57 61.73 63.35 nobel-us 26.48 66.60 71.96 69.07 69.72 atlanta 9.91 35.25 42.80 36.46 37.53 geant 5.52 - 32.02 30.90 31.06 france 4.33 - 64.50 59.88 60.37 germany 2.03 - 31.47 31.29 31.31 rnd-50-s 0.43 - 11.38 10.91 10.94 rnd-100-s 0.22 - 1.57 1.52 1.53 rnd-200-s 0.02 - 0.42 0.42 0.42 rnd-500-s 0.00 - 0.06 0.06 0.06 rnd-25-d 0.19 - 0.56 0.46 0.47 rnd-50-d 0.04 - 0.14 0.12 0.12 rnd-100-d 0.01 - 0.03 0.03 0.03 prc-25-f 0.00 - 0.03 0.02 0.02 prc-50-f 0.00 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 prc-100-f 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 prc-25-p 9.72 - 91.68 87.41 87.65 prc-50-p 7.92 - 80.50 77.40 77.49 prc-100-p 1.96 - 60.70 42.66 42.93 prc-25-l 1.34 - 86.73 81.06 81.39 - 54.75 48.99 49.17 prc-50-l 2.18 prc-100-l 2.44 - 60.87 42.55 42.83 MCF 10.00 37.87 26.48 9.91 5.52 4.33 2.03 0.43 0.22 0.19 0.04 0.00 0.00 9.72 7.92 1.34 2.18 - Table 3: Average LP relaxation gaps (%) w.r.t. the optimal integer solution. Missing values are due to time (MCF ) or memory limits (DFJ ). 4.2 Branch-and-cut Since we aim at integer solutions, we compare the behavior of a state-of-theart MIP solver with the considered formulations. The formulations and the separation procedures were implemented in C++ with IBM Ilog Cplex/Concert 12.5, using default settings for the branch-and-cut. For the polynomial-size extended formulations, the full model is built. Formulation DFJ is not included in these tests. For GCS, we report results obtained with two different separation routines. For GCS-StrongComp, the separation is carried out for fractional and integer solutions, identifying the strongly con13 nected components in the support graph induced by the variables xij . This can be done in a O(n + m) running time with Tarjan’s algorithm. Once a strong component S has been found, it is enough to check if Constraint (7) is violated for any of the nodes in S. This separation procedure is efficient, but not guaranteed to find all the violated inequalities on fractional solutions. Correctness is preserved by the fact that the procedure is exact for integer solutions. For GCS-MinCut, the separation is carried out on fractional solutions by solving a sequence of Min Cut (or Max Flow) problems between each node and t, with an √ overall worst-case complexity of O(n3 n) using the highest-label preflow-push algorithm described, e.g., in [AMO93]. All violated inequalities are identified, although with higher computational cost. On the incumbents, the faster strong components-based procedure is used. For the Min Cut problems and the identification of strongly connected components, we use the efficient implementations in the open-source LEMON Graph Library 1.3 [DJK11]. We refer the interested reader to [Dre13] for additional considerations on the separation of subtour elimination constraints for the ESPP. In Table 4 we summarize the results over the test instances. Column “opt” reports the fraction of instances that are solved to optimality within the time limit of 1200 seconds. Column “time” reports the average computing time. Column “nodes” reports the average number of explored nodes in the branchand-bound tree. Column “cuts” reports the average number of GCS inequalities added by the separation procedures. Both GCS variants solve to optimality all the instances, except the ones in rnd-1000-s, and prove to be by far the best choice for the largest instances. Formulation GCS-MinCut usually explores fewer nodes in the search tree, while the number of cuts is similar. However, with respect to the average computing time, GCS-StrongComp has an advantage over GCS-MinCut, especially on the largest instances, where solving a sequence of Min Cut problems is computationally heavy. GCS-StrongComp is the only formulation able to solve one of the rnd-1000-s instances, with 1000 nodes and 66601 arcs, within the time limit. Compared to the extended formulations, GCS-StrongComp is a clear winner on the rnd and prc instances, where it is often more than one order of magnitude faster. Despite the better linear relaxation bounds, formulation RLT is usually not faster than SF, and explores a larger number of B&B nodes. Formulation SF is able to solve a significantly larger number of the largest-size pricing instances than RLT. Interestingly, while on the prc instances it is rather ineffective, formulation MTZ yields good results on the rnd instances, where it is in most cases more efficient than all the other extended formulations. The number of explored nodes is, nevertheless, larger. The reasons for this behavior might lie in the fact that, on the rnd pool, all the extended formulations have similarily good LP bounds. Such small difference might not be relevant for a modern MIP solver such as Cplex, which is able to generate effective cutting planes, and it probably pays off to have an LP relaxation of small size. Formulation MCF, despite the good LP bounds, appears to be too heavy to 14 be of practical interest. On small-sized instances, very few b&b nodes are necessary thanks to the strength of the relaxation. However, this is not enough to overcome the computational load required by the linear relaxation, as reflected by the results on graphs with 100 or more nodes, where MCF can solve only a small fraction of the instances within the time limit. Figure 3 summarizes the computational experiments. On the y-axis, we report the fraction of all the instances that are solved to optimality within the time on the x-axis. Note that the left part of the x-axis is in linear scale, while the right part is logarithmic. GCS-StrongComp is the topmost curve, solving more than 80% of the instances within 20 seconds, and 90% in 50. GCS-MinCut is not far behind, although it is generally slower. Both solve over 95% of the instances within 1200 seconds. Formulations RLT, SF and MTZ have similar results on the easiest instances, although, overall, SF is able to solve around 85% of the instances within the time limit, while RLT and MTZ solve, respectively, less then 78% and 72% of them. Formulation MCF (bottom curve) is already significantly slower on the easiest instances, and solves the smallest fraction of the instances (around 65%). 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 GCS-SC GCS-MC SF RLT MTZ MCF 50 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 50 40 3 Figure 3: Fraction of instances solved to optimality within a given time. The x-axis is in linear scale before the break (up to 85), logarithmic scale after the break (90 to 1200). 5 Conclusions We have analyzed integer programming formulations for the ESPP, including formulations not yet appeared in the literature. The polyhedral results in Section 3 provide a partial hierarchy among the ESPP formulations, and prove that the strong extended formulation MCF has a projection on the space of the arc variables which is equivalent to the polytope of the GCS formulation, that has exponentially many subtour elimination 15 constraints. It is also important to understand how effective the formulations are from a computational point of view. In this regard, we report a set of extensive computational experiments, suggesting that the extended formulations are inferior for all practical purposes, and the dynamic separation of subtour elimination constraints appears to be the best option when tackling the ESPP as an integer program. The GCS formulation with the strong component-based separation procedure is able to solve small-sized instances in a few seconds and mediumsized instances, with up to 500 nodes, within a few minutes, but it is still not sufficient to solve large-scale problems. When the implementation of a separation procedure is not possible or convenient, formulation SF is probably the best choice. It seems likely that the development of good primal heuristics and strong valid inequalities, possibly extended from of the ATSP (e.g., comb inequalities), might further speed up the computing times and allow the solution of largesized instances. It might also be useful to borrow techniques from the typical approaches used for the ESPPRC, such as a preprocessing phase with the aim of reducing the search space. 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MCF GCS-StrongComp time nodes opt time nodes cuts 0 0 100 0 0.8 16.7 0 0 100 0 3.5 20.7 0.1 0 100 0 2.8 21.8 0.1 0 100 0 1.3 22.3 0.2 0 100 0.1 3.6 45.8 0.4 0 100 0.1 1.7 44.5 8.7 7.9 100 0.9 58.7 379.6 4.7 9 100 0.2 40.2 152.3 886 17.2 100 1.1 67.2 221 1200 0 100 6.6 46.1 351.4 1200 0 100 156.3 79.3 777.7 1200 0 3.3 1192.0 6.4 1417.6 3.4 3 100 0.1 5.1 40.2 479.1 7.7 100 0.4 12.1 85.8 1200 0 100 3.1 26.2 159 6.1 5.1 100 0.1 10 42.8 748.9 13.3 100 0.6 37.5 100.2 1200 0 100 13.7 2061.3 276.7 6 3.6 100 0.2 14 64.5 406.1 3.8 100 1 29.4 128.6 1200 0 100 34.2 2242.9 549.2 6.8 0.4 100 0.3 16.6 77.9 415.7 9.6 100 1.8 85.7 224.4 1200 0 100 38.2 3349.4 508.1
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