CONTENTS ( p p " j - ;.: ;.: v i j I NTRDDtJ4::::1- I CJN 1. Salvation, or the search for 1.1 Indii:tn ff1i.)l1t:\<,·,-\:er·i.E:5: 1 .. 2 ThE~ <:~CE· pl of inner freedom s-,pac.t:.~s t.hP. mone:\ i fr·ee:~dom for· £?<::. in thE· conte;ct. of the l<al i Yuga ::. Emergence of Brahmanical monasteries i.hf: Up ani ?ad i c pE:·r· i od -1: t:~ thE' t- i ~-0.' o·f U·,s;· Buddh i ~-·t. c\Od thP J .~'l.i fi<:t lftOVE!nJE•nt <;:; 2. 2 The (3uvt.;;,s. Hnd t}-·,1.': Br·.:,d·;rr,,::,ni cal r·E·n,,<i ~;s;.o·,r,cs-: 2.::~. f:·,sc:Pt.icic.;,m <£1r·,c1 j.t':::> nev~ pr·.:,ct..i.·\:icnE·r·::;: the ·rc::nt:r·ic:•:: ., ' Sakt.::t:\::.,. Yogi~'-~ :=:;v2'.mi:,: c·•.ncJ t.hE.": ecsoter-ic schDol~;. 2. 4l E 1y :1Jf2 d i. E:;, v '"' l Br· .::d·i llli:':fi i. c: .':d. m eo r·,;;, os t. ;,:. ~r· i e =; a=; c E·rl'i: n::-~:, o ·t S Ct C: i Et 1 -0! C t i \; i -'c :i t~· !:~~ 2. 1 From "''r. NOTES c::HAPTER RENUNCIATORY VALUES, ASCETICISM AND MONASTIC \pp. 1--6U> ORDERS: THE EARLY BACKGROUND I 1.1 Asceticism and non-attachment 1.2 Asceticism in the context of Brahmanical tradition L~~; Institutionalization of ascetic life: the BLtddhist and Jaina experience CHAPTER II. 1 The Gupta Brahmanis1n I I THE IDEOLOGICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND-I, EARLY PHASE OF THE EVOLUTION OF BRAHI'lANICAL MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS (pp.61-152> period, general features and the development of 11. l. 1 Pr·c;~--E>upl;;, II. 1..:::: ·rh,~-; l·I.l,~.) The !3L.tpt,:{ i::iniJS· and sacr-r,,d I I. l. Th!:-! lj. Dupta ·timE'~'-: c::mpit··e::~ thE· i"i -=~1 i r-.ter·r·eqnurn new times. <::!nd ne~\l E;t:yler.;; ic'<clrrri. n.i. ~st.I"<Yt.:.i VE- l.n:·q:lnning r8l~gious of ~;yst.em kin,Jship of descentr-.;,}i:'~ecl Guptt=t!<'> s-;L-.-,It(~': the thP <·:<nd r·r:.:i.r:~ the cd· institutions in such distribution of power II.~;: The historical transformation: The post-Gupta period 11.3 C~tegories of grants to Br~hma~as II.4 The institution of the Matha: A brief sketch of linguistic and organizational evolution NOTES APPENDIX-A t::::!--tAPI-E.=:::f~-- I I THE IDEOLOGICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND-II: KINGSHIP AND RELIGION IN EARLY MEDIEVAL NORTH INDIA (pp. 16•)-·:;•;;;1)) I 111.1 Some major early medieval dynasties of north India, n?.l i gi ou!;; affi 1 i ati on and patronage their 111.1..1 H.,r-;.;;i:1 Ill . .1..2 Tht~ Pr-eti:.ihi'tl'·o;,::;; I J I • 1 • ~:, T lle F' ~d <.H:: II I. 1. ~:; The C£,1ndr <'-'~~-' I I I . L b T! ./ E·~ G ·"' f) cj d !_;; IlL L 7 T i l ~;· c a D c.i l 1 t:i ~=f'. <.3 1 <':1 c: Ll. r· i t;:; II1 . 1."'F; ·r I ) F e C)y·· ~:.;.,"<!r· .::i·/upa 1r a 11 I. 1. 9 TtH? F'.;:,r··,C~mar·a::. I J :r • 1 • l i) r h '-'~ C 2. h ,;, man<:\ s or C i~ u h i:l n s J ! l. 1.• 1 :l fhe Gt.thi le.~;. of 1''18~'-''-"". <:-Jnd Dhc:od I I 1. l. 1::?. ~JthE":r· F(uy;d f<'Mr:i J. it:~s of thc\t. timE' ) Maitrakas of Valabhi i L) :i i :. ) .i /) '/) l ··.1i: v l< ~-~ k ,:;·1 i r· i''IS of Sulkis of \.in a. ,,,kE! Bas.t ;:ir· K6d~l6ka BrH:\Liin.?.k<:-.r·"-i"-~ vii.) Bha~ja~ of Khi~Jali 1 ;: ) Bh.s\rd 0:·1s t:.lf R::t1.1dh •• 1 Bh<:1i\j<'1<::;, lc1tt:.·l'·~ of ~<h.i.J':)J, ;.; : Bhai'\j .::;.s c,f 1'1<-iyCwbh.::-mj ;-: .i . ;. [i;;,hgd<o-:, o+ l<.::t} i r'·,cJC:I >: :i. i : ) G.~r~; q c.t ~s c)~f f:~vt~t a)·: a >'.i·1) ~< .. , .' b<:,ngz~.::;, :l.;:;,tt::·r-·~ c1+ l<.;~lir·,gi::l Ceil.! l. u k y c! ;:; of r'\,'-i 1:. t <Oifficl yCtr· 2"1 <.in d >! ·v:. ) S C:t i n d h .::t··./ <::1 ~=~ rJt- J ~~t ;./ ;:, rJ r· r.:t t i::~t ::~ >: v J. : } 'y' a :1 a v ·""" s:. >: vi i :. ) ~:;I 1 <-:< h ~ r ;;, <:-~ CJ f r.:: 6 h k <~ 1:1 AI:) o':\h :i 1 -':iP~t f.4.k <:i ~ 111.:2 Ear-ly medieval kingship and Brahmanical asceticism 1J.J .:?.1 P:n;..:·.iE·nt kinc,.JEh·ip/e·.:,w1v medit:;·..,.·al kinQship, thE~ evolu-· t i rJr, <:1.n d tiH-:· in ·f .1. ur::·n c ~.: f r· DlT: t hf:: es;ot.£H. i c. t. hc1.H;J ht III.:-:.2 T!d? mo;·,,]iC pcn"lt=~r·s:. ,·~nd thE p:;~r·fect kinqc!clff! III.2.::. Cnlt. C:E'r·dJ·p<.;;h·:x:i.~d. cul-l: cs·rd:r·f.:~~;': F'uri~ .:~ cla,.;,s;..i.c~d Ci1:::.e C)f hc·li!::.i.~ic:i..'ll kings:.hip NOTES CHAF"TER- IV: 1 \)• • •l Vai,Qavism, the in Vai¥-ryavism DOCTRINES, SECTS AND J-10NASTIC ORGANIZATION Devi cult and some monastic manifestations 1'..).1.1 \.-1 .:~:i~.;r;,avi~'-'·rfl~ IV.1.2 <::bout thE.> 'h.u snc:tvi:t c:ul t. Vai¥Qavisrrs and the cult of Jagann~tha-Puru~cttama ir1 epi g1··.:1phi r.:al 01'· i a evl. doctr·inBl ~-:·.Dme and ClLttline denr.:t~t-=. S!:;a IV.2 Saivism and his contributions to Brahrnanical monasticism IV.2.1 Frcm the orioins cf ~aivism to §a~kara IV.2.2 The LiAgam s;mbolism, ~aiva-tirthas and ~aiva-mathas IV.2.2.1 Rajasthan IV.2.2.2 Eastern Rajasthan and west Madhyade~e I '.J .. 2 . . :2. :::; Tl1E· c:.1.l d k i r) 9 d orn . c)·f ''·12t 1 <::l \..' i.i IV.2.2.4 The GaAga-Yamuna basin 1'._!.2.2.5 E<:~~-=.tE·~-n Indi.~: : B~:mgal, { i"-1~11 \1-Jt:,) Ckissa i r1 r,1ctl..i h ~-/c·r -- i:OH)cl E:<~~ter·n r1adh·..,, 6l r:l t:.?:f .:.1 I\1 .. 2.2.6 The Region of 1"1e:tdhy~~dE!S'C:t, Bi..=tcjhel-· khe:"tnd, Bt..mdE-1 khetrH.i .:.=tnd Upper· Nar·m.:,:,c!a be:ts;.i. n !l,). 2. :-2. 7 l3uj <.~r .. .:.1 t. Co,!t 5'.'t <:i 1 c\r· E·;~ s;. .:~nd the [iu 1 f of f<J-, .;;·•. m··· bhi:~t. NOTES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B: Schematic presentation in chronological ordet·· of Sai·vite religious institutions mentioned in epigraphy ( pp. 389 ..··39:::.) CHAPTER V: -' THE PASUPATAS AND THE MATTAMAYURAS V.l The P~'upatas ~.> .. 1. l ThE' Pa~.upatas c:of we~.;tt:;?rn 1ndi .:01 i:W:d tht?. centr·~; at ~.;om;;,- n~,tha V.1.2 The Pi~upatas in Madhyade&~ V.1.3 P~~upata activjtie$ in Rajasthan V.l,L1 F'.~~~~upat.r::~·-p1~has in centn:ll Indi<:1 .;.:;r;d thE' tr·<OlVE·l~; o+ Tr i pu y· ant i:tk .~1 V ? The Mattama)Gras V.2.1 The M~lava and Kadav~h~ branches V. 2. 2 1'1i..=tt. t a m<:t ylir- iii s .i. n M.:ilh ar· ;ash t r- <'t <-.:•.n d the-:~ rH..)I~ t hc~n·r ar· ~:~<:.1 !:> e:f Deccan: the antecedent of the K~l~mukha movement V. 2. ::; Som~:.; add i t). c.m .:::11 i..i oc: t I'" i n <::1 f E.'.' co\·(: ur· E'!:• o-f t h&::• 1·1.::; '\:. t t:ttnt:\yLW ;~ s NOTES I CHAPTER / V I : TANTRISM AND SAl<TISM, KAPALII<AS AND KALAI'lUI<HA~ AND THEIR ROLE IN THE EARLY MEDIEVAL BRAHMAN I CAL i"lONAST I CI SM ( pp. 1i-:56··-:.:: l-~~ > / VI. 1 Tantrism and Saktism -_;I • 2 Kapal i kas VI.3 Kal~mukhas Cor Karukas, or Karunikas) CHAPT'ER V I I : MONASTERIES OF EARLY MEDIEVAL NORTHERN INDIA ( pp. 514--~:.79) VII.l Brahmanical monasteries in Himacaladesa and Viharadesa '.JJ I .1.1. 'hhar·.:1deS:c:\ Ol'" Upper Uttara India: Kashmir, Bihar· VI I. 1. 2 Hi m.:.u: .:d EtdE·s.'.~ or Hi mac:h.:::l Fr_.<:ldesh \i I I • 1 • ::. t< <:.'< s-rr.T r· c.ot·· ~< < i r-- VIJ.2 Brahmanical monasteries in Madhyade'a and their inter--relation with neighbouring regions 'JII.::::. Brahmanical monasteries in western India VII.3.1 Rajasthan VI I . 3. 2 Guj i:H' i::Yt -Mah<:tr· c:tsh'll'· a VII.4 Brahmanical monasteries in near eastern India, Bangladesa, Odra and K5sala and their relation with western and southern India '.Jl I. 4. 1 Clr-i r".\;:.a '.1 I I. 4.:::.1 E:;:~r:>ter·n l'1<:1dhyBt F'l''i::1desh CI-IAPTER VI I I MATHAS: THEIR STRUCTURES AND INTERNAL ORGANIZATION (pp.~j80-6:sm VI I J • l V1II.2 Bengal A monastic complex in eastern Madhya Pradesh and continuity of its tradition in coastal Andhra : the G61dkiMatha and the Vi~v~'vara-Gb!akl-Matha. V1II.2.1 The controversy on the £tbout ':.he Gf5l <-:tk1-matha V! I I. 2. 2 The.• new Gol' ak:i ·-matha: Thr~· \li s'£v<.u-a-G61. <.d=:'l--matha . . VIIJ.2.3 The institution of the Sr5 Vi{v§~vara-G6~ak~-matha / The:~ inter· nal ol'· g a:·1 i z at. :i. Dn of th ~2· rH01'\i Vi !SVE·sv cw·,:;, Gc51 e:1ki -matha VII1.2.5 The spirit~al lir1eage of the old G5~aki-matha ')Jli.2.6 The Gol.:~k1·-·matha <::tnd th~! Br·cthlniM1.ic:.:.:d ;:md rr:oneJstic.:d. \,JI I I . ~2. 4 instit~tions ~f easter--n Madhyade6a VII1.3 Central Madhyade,a: the monastical complex at Chandrehe VI I I. L"f Rajasthan: the Tripuru~a complex VIII.4.1 The d~vadiTs1 problem VI1I.4.2 Other staff VIII.5 The int?rnal organizations of elements VIII.5.1 The head of the matha the Mathas: the common VIII.5.2 The educational role of the matha mathas: common '/( 1 I. ::.L :::. Ths· pCli orgc-:mi z.ett.i on and e>:ter·nal nt~_; in li nk.;!ge~;; thei. r· j. nt.r.~(·n.::d NOTES B I BL I DGFtAPHV 1. PRIMARY SOURCES A. TEXTS : INDIAN A.l Vedic texts A.2 Buddhist and Jaina texts A.2.1. Buddhist A.3 A.4 A.5 A.b A.7 A . . 2 ,. 2 '"1 i:t i r-. ,;t Artha,~stra and Dharma~Astras texts Tantric texts Philosophical texts Literary texts Pura~ic A. 7. 1 F'oetr·y A.7.2 Historical A.7.3 Dr.:~ma literary texts A.7.4 Prose and Narrative B. TEXTS: NON-INDIAN B. 1 Arabic (travellers and geographer-s) B.2 Chinese traveller~s records B.~:; Greek and other west.ern sources 6~.'i8 C. TEXTS: PUBLISHED IN SERIES 66t) D. CATALOGUES OF MANUSCRIPTS 660 E. ARCHA~LOGICAL REPORTS AND OTHER TYPES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL l>61 F. EPIGRAPHY G. NUMISMATICS 2. SECOND~RY PUBLICATIONS 3. REFERENCE COLLECTIONS 6bf:;) , 6 b' 0 ..... ,... / Lf l
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