2015 UTP Work Programs (List is not inclusive of all work programs on TACS Table DCSWPGMS, does not include unique work programs that will be initiated by Letting Management) Program Work Programs Category *PIDs 1 1 1 PM, TCD, ALT or Blank ENG SW 2M 2U None None LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL 13V2DT 13V2TM 13V2MP 13V2CN P14 P14B P14BM TMF 1112G TMFDFW TMFB TMFBM RTR121 or RTR 122 RTR161 or RTR 162 CONC14 or CONC15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 None CC 109 None TM MP CN None None None None None None None None None None None CATEGORY 4 - Statewide Connectivity Corridor 1504 4 None CATEGORY 5 - Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement (HOU, D/FW, ELP) CATEGORY 5 - Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement (Statewide) CATEGORY 5 - Congestion Mitigation Pilot Program (Statewide-DAL/HOU) CATEGORY 5 - Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, STP-Flex 1505 thru 2405 1505SW 1505P 1505FX 5 5 5 5 None SW None SW CATEGORY 6 - Bridge Program 1506 thru 2406 6 ON/OFF/RGS CATEGORY 7 - STP-MM/Rehabilitation 1507 thru 2407 7 None CATEGORY 8 - Priority Rural Hwy Program (Not a TRF program) CATEGORY 8 - Systemic Widening (Not a TRF program) CATEGORY 8 - Safety (SFT, HES) CATEGORY 8 - Federal Railway-Highway Crossing Program CATEGORY 8 - Prop 14 Safety Bond 1308R 1508SW thru 2408SW 1508 thru 2408 1508RX thru 2408RX P148SB 8 8 8 8 8 None SW HES FRS SB CATEGORY 9 - Transportation Enhancement (remaining SAFETEA-LU funds) CATEGORY 9 - Safety Rest Area Program (remaining SAFETEA-LU funds) 1509TE, 1609TE 1509RA, 1609RA 9 9 TE BRA CATEGORY 9 - Statewide Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) CATEGORY 9 - TMA Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) CATEGORY 9 - Transportation Alternative Program (TAP), STP-Flex 1509TP thru 2409TP 1509 thru 2409 1509FX 9 9 9 SW TM SW CATEGORY 10 - Demonstration Funds (previously awarded) CATEGORY 10 - Federal Earmarks CATEGORY 10 - Coordinated Border Infrastructure CATEGORY 10 - Texas Parks & Wildlife Roads CATEGORY 10 - Green Ribbon (Statewide) 0510, 1110D (work program follows year of award) 0610HP 0610CB, 1010CB 1510PR thru 2410PR 1510GR thru 2410GR 10 10 10 10 10 DMO HPS CBI TPW GR 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 LIA RGC RSM ADA HC FL FB, PLH, ITS, ER CATEGORY 1 - Preventative Maintenance & Rehab CATEGORY 1 - Statewide Energy Sector CATEGORY 1 - Statewide Rehab/PM 1501 thru 1801 1401E 1501SW thru 1801SW CATEGORY 2M - Metropolitan Corridor CATEGORY 2U - Urban Corridor 1502M thru 2402M 1502U thru 2402U CATEGORY 3 - Local Contribution/Participation CATEGORY 3 - 100% Local CATEGORY 3 - Pass Through Financing CATEGORY 3 - Prop 12 V2 District CATEGORY 3 - Prop 12 V2 TMA CATEGORY 3 - Prop 12 V2 MPO CATEGORY 3 - Prop 12 V2 Connectivity CATEGORY 3 - Prop 14 (project specific) CATEGORY 3 - Prop 14 ($2B Initiative-District) CATEGORY 3 - Prop 14 ($2B Initiative-TMA/MPO) CATEGORY 3 - TMF (project specific) CATEGORY 3 - TMF ($350 Grand Parkway) CATEGORY 3 - TMF ($100M for DAL/FTW) CATEGORY 3 - TMF $2B Initiative-District CATEGORY 3 - TMF $2B Initiative-TMA/MPO CATEGORY 3 - SH 121 Surplus Toll Revenue (DAL & FTW) CATEGORY 3 - SH 161 Surplus Toll Revenue (DAL & FTW) CATEGORY 3 - SH 130 Concession Revenue (AUS & SAT) CATEGORY 10 - Landscape Incentive Awards (GCAA) CATEGORY 10 - State RR Grade Crossing & Replanking CATEGORY 10 - State RR Signal Maintenance CATEGORY 10 - Statewide Curb Ramp Program CATEGORY 10 - Texas Historical Commission Program CATEGORY 10 - Federal Lands Access Program CATEGORY 10 - Misc Transportation Projects (Ferry Boat, Public Lands, ITS, ER) 0710, 0810, 0910, 1010AI, 1110LI, 1210LI, 1310LI, 1410LI (work program follows the year of award) 1510RX thru 2410RX 1510SM thru 2410SM 1510CR thru 2410CR 1510HC thru 2410HC 1510FL thru 1910FL 1510 thru 2410 CATEGORY 11 - District Discretionary 1511 thru 2411 11 None CATEGORY 12 - Strategic Priority CATEGORY 12 - CMAQ Reconciliation CATEGORY 12 - STP-MM Reconciliation CATEGORY 12 - Commission Discretionary ($425) 1512 thru 2412 151205 thru 211205 151207 thru 211207 1112T 12 12 12 12 None CMQ STP None Category RAIL - State Owned Rail Line Projects (funded w/general revenue) Category RAIL - State Owned Rail Line Projects (funded from FRA grant) RAIL FRAG RAIL RAIL RL FRA None Develop Authority 11PA PA Statewide PA SWPA PA None Strategic PA (SPD developed projects) SPDPA PA None Strategic PA (SPD) -- Harbor Bridge (CRP) HBPA PA None Strategic PA (SPD) -- SH 99 Develop Authority (HOU) 99PA PA None Strategic PA (SPD) -- SH 249 Develop Authority (BRY) 249PA PA None Candidate PA (additional authority request approved through TPP) Energy Sector Develop Authority (on approved list only) CANDPA ENGRPA PA PA None None *Please see "Listing of Most Commonly Used Project Identifiers (PID)" for additional acceptable PIDs and definitions 4/1/2014 1 of 3 Listing of Most Commonly Used Project Identifiers (PID) (This is not an all inclusive list of PIDs found on TACS Table DCSPID) Description PID 109 Pass Thru Toll Financing-developer funds during construction and TxDOT utilizes federal funds to reimburse developer based on expenditures 12M Prop 12 funded match 14M Prop 14 funded match 15S Opportunity Projects ABR Automated Budget Request - represents funding that will come from another strategy i.e. Ferry Boat budget ADA AVN American with Disabilities program - includes Curb Ramp Add Alternative Project - represents CSJs that will be awarded if the pre-determined contract budget is not exceed. CSJs not awarded will be removed from contract and ALT PID removed. Construction Projects that let in coordination w/Aviation Division project i.e roadway realignment due to the extension of airstrip BCD Border Corridor Discretionary ALT BD Bridge Discretionary BI Border Inspection Stations BMN Bridge Maintenance and Improvement Program BRA Federal funded Safety Rest Areas BT Border Trade Trans.Projects CBI Coordinated Border Infrastructure CC 100% Locally Funded CMQ CN Prop 12 V2, Connectivity DMO Demonstration Projects DPS Weigh Stations EC ENG Emergency Contract Statewide Energy Sector Projects ER FHWA approved emergency relief funding FB Federal funds for Ferry Boat FL Federal Lands Access Program FRA Identified funds from a grant obligated through Federal Railway Administration, coordinated through Rail Division FRS Railway/Highway Crossing GAS Barnett Shale Special Maintenance GR Green Ribbon HC Texas Historical Commission Program HES 4/1/2014 Identifies funding from the FY 2012-2015 CMAQ Reconcilliation programmed allocated as Category 12 Highway Safety Improvement HP High Priority (TEA-2) HP2 High Priority-Demo Priority 2 HPI High Priority ISTEA HPR High Priority RABA HPS High Prioity - Safetea-Lu HRR High Risk Rural Roads HSR High Speed Rail Projects 2 of 3 Description PID IBR Innovative Bridge Research & Const. IMD Interstate Maint. Disc. ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems LIA Landscape Incentive Awards (Governor's Community Achievement Awards-GCAA) MDC MPO selected Transportation Development Credits MPO NC Prop 12 V2 MPO Allocation Identifies funding that will not charge to a district or MPO on the Category AnalysisApproved, can only be applied by Letting Management OFF Bridges off of the state highway system ON ONT Bridges on the state highway system Transportation Development Credits used in place of match for on-system Category 6 funding (entered by Letting Mangement) PLH Public Lands Highways/Forest Highways PM PMT Preventive Maintenance Transportation Development Credits used in place of match on Preventive Maintenance funding (entered by Letting Management) RGC RR Grade Crossing and Replanking RGS Railroad Grade Separation RL RSM RR Signal Maintenance RTM Rehab of Traffic Management System SB 4/1/2014 Rail funds are from General Revenue Safety Bond funding SBM Prop 14 Safety Bond funded match SDC 100% State Funding as a result of utilizing Transportation Development Credits SIB Loan to district, MPO or entity from the State Intrastructure Bank SRS Safe Routes to School STP Identifies funding from the FY 2012-2015 STP-MM Reconcilliation programmed allocated as Category 12 SW Statewide TCD Traffic Control Devices TCS Transportation, Community & System Preservation Program TDC Transportation Development Credit funded match (entered by Letting Management) TE Transportation Enhancement Project TM MPO managed Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) TMA Prop 12 V2 TMA Allocation TMF TMF funded match TMS Traffic Management (NHS) TPW Texas Parks and Wildlife Projects TSP Tiered Special Project - applied by Letting Management when approved through UTP/FIN V2C Prop 12, V2 Connectivity funded match V2D Prop 12, V2 District funded match V2M Prop 12, V2 TMA/MPO funded match 3 of 3
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