MATC Vision MATC is the premier, comprehensive technical college that provides excellence in education to enrich, empower and transform lives in our community September 19, 2014 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting* of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD, WISCONSIN, will be held in the BOARD ROOM, ROOM M210, of MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 700 WEST STATE STREET, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 beginning at 5:00 P.M. The agenda** for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call B. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes C-1 Regular Board Meeting: August 26, 2014 D. Comments from the Public E. Approval of Consent Agenda Items FPO-2 Bills – August 2014 Bills – By Check Number Bills – By Payee Bills - Checks Exceeding $2,500 Bills - Channels 10/36 FPO-3 Financial Report – August 2014 FPO-4 Human Resources Report FPO-5 Procurement Report I. External Contracts None. II. Procurements Carbon Dioxide and Compress Natural Gas Alarm Environmental Systems Inc. Brookfield, WI $79,817.00 Audio Production Equipment Sweetwater Fort Wayne, IN $214,810.00 Shuttle Van for MATC Employees Badger Truck Service Milwaukee, WI Not to exceed $150,000.00 Parking Structure and Lot Management Services and Capital Equipment Updates (8th and State Street) Interstate Parking Milwaukee, WI Multi‐year contract not to exceed $1,380,000.00 MPTV Direct Marketing Services DMW Worldwide, LLC Chesterbrook, PA Not to exceed $111,000.00 III. Contracts for Services None. IV. Construction Contracts None. V. Lease Agreements None. F. Chairperson’s Report G. President’s Report H. Student Government Report I. Legislative Matters Report J. Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee Report K. Finance, Personnel, and Operations Committee Report 2 Action Items L. M. FPO-6 Resolution (F0003-09-14) Authorizing the Sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015D of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin FPO-7 Resolution (F0004-09-14) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015E of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin FPO-8 Resolution (F0005-09-14) Authorizing the Call And Redemption of $4,700,000.00 Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2008-2009L Build America Bonds FPO-9 Resolution (F0006-09-14) to Revise Fiscal Year 2013–2014 Renovation/Remodeling (Capital) Projects FPO-10 Resolution (F0007-09-14) to Approve Three-Year Facilities Plan Miscellaneous Items 1. Communications and Petitions 2. Information Items Old Business/New Business 1. Future Agenda Items 2. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 5:00 p.m. Board Meeting, Downtown Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210) * This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6610 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting . 3 C-1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN August 26, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in Open Session on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, and called to order by Chairperson Holmes at 5:03 p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A. ROLL CALL Present: Abdulhamid Ali; Lauren Baker; David Dull; Melanie Holmes; Grace Maizonet; José Pérez; Mary Scheibel; Kurt Wachholz and Ann Wilson Excused: None. Mary Scheibel arrived at 5:06 p.m. ITEM B. COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW Discussion Chairperson Holmes indicated that proper notice of the meeting had been given in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES C-1 C-2 C-3 Regular Board Meeting: June 24, 2014 Board Organizational Meeting: July 14, 2014 Board Retreat: August 5, 2014 Motion It was moved by Ms. Wilson seconded by Ms. Baker, to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting: June 24, 2014; the minutes of the Board Organizational Meeting: July 14, 2014 and the minutes of the Board Retreat: August 5, 2014. Action Motion approved. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board August 26, 2014 Page 2 ITEM D. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mike Rosen, president, AFT Local 212, showed video from Convocation Day on James Shea Stear Swinford; Julien Jasper Sr., former MATC Board member, spoke in favor of local funding and local governance of MATC; Tony Baez, president, Council for the Spanish Speaking, spoke against taking local taxation away from MATC and spoke about Centro Hispano’s Anniversary Gala. ITEM E. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FPO-2 FPO-3 FPO-4 FPO-5 FPO-6 FPO-7 FPO-8 FPO-9 Bills – June 2014 Bills – July 2014 Financial Report – June 2014 Financial Report – July 2014 Human Resources Report Procurement Report Annual Affirmative Action Report Quarterly Affirmative Action Report Motion It was moved by Mr. Dull, seconded by Mr. Pérez to approve the Consent Agenda. Action Motion approved. ITEM F. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Discussion Chairperson Holmes: ● Welcomed faculty and staff at the Fall 2014 Convocation Day. ● Invited the Board to participate in the “Golf for Scholarships” fundraising event on September 18. Information Items F-1 F-2 F-3 Board Committee Appointments Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association Representatives 2014-2015 Board Representatives to Associated Groups 2014-2015 Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board August 26, 2014 Page 3 ITEM G. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Discussion Dr. Martin: ● Welcomed back faculty and staff. Thanked everyone for the opportunity to lead this college and to ensure that it remains the premier technical college. ● Welcomed Chairperson Holmes, board members and colleagues to the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year and gave highlights from the summer via slide show. Information Item G-1 President’s Draft Goals Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Ms. Wilson to approve the President’s Draft Goals. Action Motion approved. G-2 President’s Draft Evaluation Instrument Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Mr. Pérez to approve the President’s Draft Evaluation Instrument. Action Motion approved. ITEM H. STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPORT There was no report. ITEM I. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS REPORT Discussion Ms. Baker gave the following highlights: ● Federal Issues: ○ Visit by Senator Ron Johnson. ○ DVA Bill. ○ Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. ● State Issues: ○ Special Committee on the Review of Wisconsin Technical College System Funding and Governance. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board August 26, 2014 Page 4 ITEM J. PUBLIC TELEVISION COMMITTEE REPORT Ms. Holmes gave highlights of the August 19, 2014, Public Television Committee meeting. ITEM K. EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Discussion Ms. Baker gave highlights of the August 19, 2014, Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee meeting. Action Item ESIR-3 Resolution to Approve Concept Review For Program Titled Aesthetician (31-502-X) Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Mr. Pérez to approve Resolution to Approve Concept Review For Program Titled Aesthetician (31-502-X). Action Motion approved. ITEM L. FINANCE, PERSONNEL AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Discussion Mr. Dull gave highlights of the August 14, 2014, Finance, Personnel, and Operations Committee meeting. Action Items FPO-10 Resolution (F0001-08-14) Authorizing the Sale of $19,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015C of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Motion It was moved by Mr. Dull, seconded by Mr. Ali, to approve Resolution (F0001-08-14) Authorizing the Sale of $19,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015C of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Discussion Ms. Tonia Morris, vice president, Robert W. Baird & Co., distributed and reviewed the Final Pricing Summary for the $19,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015C. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board August 26, 2014 Page 5 Ayes: Baker, Dull, Maizonet, Pérez, Scheibel, Wachholz, Wilson, Ali and Holmes – 9 Noes: None. FPO-11 Resolution (F0002-08-14) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015D of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Motion It was moved by Mr. Dull, seconded by Mr. Wachholz, to approve Resolution (F0002-08-14) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-2015D of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: ITEM M. Ayes: Dull, Maizonet, Pérez, Scheibel, Wachholz, Wilson, Ali, Baker and Holmes – 9 Noes: None. Miscellaneous Items 1. Communications and Petitions. 2. Information Items. ITEM N. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS 1. Future Agenda Items – Invite Recruiters to Board Meeting. 2. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 5:00 p.m. Board Meeting, Downtown Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210) ITEM O. Litigation Update *** Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to convene into Closed Session pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(g) of the Wisconsin Statutes to discuss Item O, Litigation Update, to update the board on pending litigation and litigation strategy. The Board may reconvene into Open Session to take action on matters discussed in Closed Session under Item O. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board August 26, 2014 Page 6 Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Ayes: Maizonet, Pérez, Scheibel, Wachholz, Wilson, Ali, Baker, Dull and Holmes – 9 Noes: None. Closed Session The board convened into Closed Session at 6:12 p.m. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, José Pérez Secretary Attachment FPO - 2 BOARD BILLS LIST The following bills are to be presented for approval at the meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, State of Wisconsin, to be held on 9-23-14 Check No. Company For Amount BILLS PAYABLE RECAPITULATION Month of August 2014 Payments for encumbrances and monthly expenditures were made for the following funds: General Fund Special Revenue Fund-Operational Special Revenue Fund-Non Aidable Enterprise Fund Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund Internal Service Fund Public Television Fund 4,254,092.360 90,033.280 72,338.120 2,046,382.560 2,712,392.810 95,504.680 1,985,795.530 1,967,300.010 Total Expenditures 13,223,839.35 Secretary Chair Page 1 BOARD BILLS LIST The following bills are to be presented for approval at the meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, State of Wisconsin, to be held on 09-23-14 Bank Transfer Payments August 2014 Humana Health and Dental Insurance Claims $ - Humana Health and Dental Insurance Premiums $ - UMR Health Insurance Claims $ M & I Investment Management Fees $ Bank Service Charges $ 1,747.52 Merchant Service Credit Card Fees $ 17,157.17 Wisconsin Retirement System $ 780,551.83 OPEB Trust Transfers $ Federal Payroll Tax $ 2,149,817.27 State Payroll Tax $ 196,930.94 State, County, and Stadium Sales Tax $ 10,855.23 849,994.17 - - Debt Service Fund Wire Payments Aug-14 Interest General Obligation Debt Series None Page 2 Principal Attachment FPO - 3 Financials MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2014 AMOUNT BMO HARRIS BANK 736,726 ALLOCATION RATE OF % RETURN 1.08% 0.01% . J P MORGAN CHASE BANK ACCOUNTS 67,318,972 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT WISCONSIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POO 98.89% 0.07% - 0.00% 0.00% 18,881 0.03% 0.09% 68,074,578 0.00% 100% 0.05% BMO INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION: COMMERCIAL PAPER SHORT TERM CORPORATE BONDS GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS FUND USA TREASURY BILLS USA TREASURY NOTES - - CASHFLOW ‐‐ ALL FUNDS Fiscal Year 2015 120.00 100.00 Millions 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 ‐ FY13‐14 ACTUAL FY14‐15 PROJECTED FY14‐15 ACTUAL SHEET-ALL JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY13-14 FY14-15 ACTUAL PROJECTED 70.15 57.00 73.72 67.50 76.78 73.29 52.75 33.39 93.81 108.48 102.34 100.19 99.31 66.45 FY14-15 ACTUAL 58.69 68.07 Page 3 CASHFLOW -- OPERATING FUNDS Fiscal Year 2015 50 45 40 35 Millions 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 FY13-14 ACTUAL FY14-15 PROJECTED FY14-15 ACTUAL SHEET-OP FUNDS JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY13-14 ACTUAL 29.43 31.39 20.98 21.84 9.96 3.93 37.91 43.72 35.84 30.33 28.77 25.41 FY14-15 PROJECTED 16.00 24.50 FY14-15 ACTUAL 16.86 24.80 Page 5 CASHFLOW -- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Fiscal Year 2015 40.00 35.00 30.00 Millions 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 - FY13-14 ACTUAL FY14-15 PROJECTED FY14-15 ACTUAL SHEET-CAP FUNDS JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY13-14 FY14-15 ACTUAL PROJECTED 24.52 27.00 20.99 24.00 33.67 28.53 22.50 21.13 27.44 28.42 29.74 28.94 28.40 26.41 FY14-15 ACTUAL 27.29 24.04 Page 7 CASHFLOW -- DEBT SERVICE FUND Fiscal Year 2015 45.00 40.00 35.00 Axis Title 30.00 25.00 20.00 FY13-14 ACTUAL FY14-15 PROJECTED FY14-15 ACTUAL 15.00 10.00 5.00 - SHEET-DEBT SERV JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY13-14 ACTUAL 16.20 21.34 22.13 22.93 20.28 8.34 28.45 36.34 36.76 40.92 42.14 14.63 FY14-15 PROJECTED 14.00 19.00 FY14-15 ACTUAL 14.54 19.23 Page 9 Attachment FPO - 4 matc HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT September 2014 Eighty-seven transactions are included in the report for September. Appointments Fifty-four appointments occurred during the reporting period, thirty-seven of which are faculty appointments and seventeen of which are staff appointments. Included in the faculty appointments are thirty part-time regular faculty, five full-time regular faculty and two full-time LTE faculty. Included in the staff appointment are two full-time regular staff, eight part-time regular staff, one part-time seasonal staff, two part-time temporary staff and four part-time LTE staff. Twenty-seven females and twenty-seven males comprise the appointments. Represented in that total are six black females, six black males, four Hispanic males, two Hispanic females and one Asian female. Fiscal year-to-date, total appointments are seventy-eight. Included in that total are thirty-five males (44.9%) and forty-three females (55.1%). Minority hires total twentyeight (35.9%), including nineteen black (24.4%). This Month Year-to-date YTD Percent White Male Femal e 17 18 22 27 62.8% 2 or More Races Male 0 0 Female 0 0 0.0% Black Male Female 6 7 6 12 24.4% Hispanic Male Female 4 5 2 2 9.0% Asian Male Female 0 0 1 1 1.3% Native American Male Female 0 1 0 0 1.3% Male 27 35 44.9% Other Male 0 0 Total Female Female 1 1 1.3% Changes in Status The twenty-four changes in status during this reporting period represent three promotions, six extensions of part-time LTE, and fifteen part-time to full-time regular positions. Twenty females and four males comprise the changes in status. Included in that total are one Hispanic female, one Asian female, one black male, six black females and one American/Alaska Native female. 27 43 55.1% Separations The nine separations represent two retirements, four resignations, two terminations, and one death. Three males and six females comprise the separations. Included in that total is one black female. Leave of Absences The one leave of absence represents a medical leave of absence. One black female comprises the leave. TRANSACTION SUMMARY REPORT FOR September 2014 APPOINTMENTS CHANGES IN STATUS SEPARATIONS BUSINESS 7(2) 0 3 HEALTH SCIENCES 9(2) 2(2) 1(1) LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES 13(4) 5(2) 2 20(6) 2 0 0 2 PRE-COLLEGE 4(3) 9(3) 0 13(6) TECHNOLGY & APPLIED 7(3) 1 1 9(3) ACADEMIC SERVICES 0 1 0 1 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0 0 0 0 3(2) 1(1) 0 4(3) 4(2) 0 0 4(2) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0 0 0 0 PUBLIC TELEVISION 0 0 0 0 STUDENT SERVICES 5(1) 5(2) 2 12(3) 0 0 0 0 54(19) 24(10) 9(1) 87(30) DIVISION OR SCHOOL MEDIA & CREATIVE ARTS **AA TOTAL 10(2) 12(5) SCIENCES EMPLOYEE AND LEGAL SERVICES FINANCE WORKFORCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTALS BY CATEGORY TOTAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE MONTH **Affirmative Action totals in parentheses. 87 (30) Non-represented Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2014 Exempt Salary Grade Title Minimum Mid-Point Maximum 917 916 915 914 913 912 911 Vice President Associate Vice President, Dean Associate Dean, Director Assistant Dean, Manager Coordinator Senior Specialist, Supervisor Specialist $ 131,305 $ 91,350 $ 80,921 $ 65,016 $ 57,183 $ 47,237 $ 42,265 $ 169,314 $ 123,534 $ 109,730 $ 88,163 $ 77,539 $ 64,054 $ 57,310 $ 207,323 $ 155,716 $ 138,536 $ 111,309 $ 97,894 $ 80,868 $ 72,354 Non-Exempt Salary Grade Title Minimum Mid-Point Maximum 904 903 902 901 Senior Technician Administrative Specialist Assistant Aide $ 44,909 $ 39,052 $ 33,957 $ 24,591 $ 60,899 $ 52,953 $ 46,046 $ 33,344 $ 76,886 $ 66,852 $ 58,134 $ 42,098 Human Resources Report September 2014 Appointments Division or School Employee Name Employee Status Job Title Type of Transaction Start Date Business Craig Krenek Dean Le Blanc Michael Medcalf Robert Menzl Charles E. Rohrer William Wirth Victor Zarate Full-Time LTE Full-Time Regular Full-Time LTE Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, Accounting Instructor, Supply Chain Management Instructor, Entrepreneurship Instructor, IT Development Instructor, IT Development Instructor, IT Development Instructor, Barber/Cosmetology Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 08/21/14 12/19/14 $69.83/hour 08/21/14 $73,049/annual 08/21/14 12/19/14 $46.79/hour 08/21/14 $37.09/hour 08/21/14 $34.47/hour 08/21/14 $43.26/hour 08/21/14 $31.85/hour B.A. - UWM M.A. - Cardinal Stritch M.A. - UW Whitewater M.A - Northwestern University M.A. - U of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign M.A. - UWM A.A. - MATC Health Sciences Brady J. Berglin Bobbi Carsen Sara Etmans Sara Keen John M. Keniry Kelly J. Klohn Debra A. Landry Carrie A. Lausterer Tiffany J. Peterson Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, Dental Hygiene Instructor, Dental Hygiene Instructor, Medical Assistant Instructor, Nursing Educational Assistant Instructor, Funeral Services Instructor, Clinical Lab Tech Instructor, Nursing Instructor, Clinical Lab Tech Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement New Position Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 10/01/14 08/25/14 08/21/14 08/21/14 09/22/14 08/21/14 08/21/14 09/21/14 10/11/14 $26.61/hour $26.61/hour $52,409/annual $26.61/hour $24.98/hour $67,888/annual $46.26/hour $26.16/hour $26.61/hour B.S. - Marquette University B.A. - Concordia University B.A. - UWM B.A. - UWM B.A. - UW Stevens Point B. A. - UW - La Crosse M.A. - Cardinal Stritch M.S.N. - U of Phoenix B.S. - UW Stout Liberal Arts & Sciences Sandra K. Arntz Alejandra Briones Abdirizak G. Farah Brandon Held Alexandra F. Lerch-Gaggl Jeffery T. Lorino Natalie D. Schmidt Angelee K. Singh Martina A. Stevens Rachel L. Tease Douglas G. Udell Barbara K. Unrath Anna H. Varley Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Instructor, Psychology Instructor, Foreign Language (Spanish) Instructor, Economics Instructor, Sociology Associate Dean, Math/Natural Science/Chemical Technology Instructor, English Instructor, Foreign Language (Spanish) Instructor, English Instructor, Early Childhood Education Instructor, Foreign Language (Spanish) Instructor, Early Childhood Education Instructor, Mathematics Instructor, English New Position New Position New Position New Position Replacement New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position Replacement 09/08/14 09/02/14 09/08/14 09/02/14 10/06/14 09/08/14 09/02/14 09/02/14 09/08/14 09/02/14 09/02/14 08/21/14 10/01/14 $26.61/hour $34.47/hour $26.61/hour $26.61/hour $95,000/annual $26.61/hour $26.61/hour $26.61/hour $34.47/hour $37.09/hour $46.26/hour $46.26/hour $52,409/annual PhD - Northern Illinois University M.A. - Marquette University M.A. - UWM M.S. - UWM PhD - University of Salzburg B.A. -Marquette University M.A. - Marquette University PhD - UWM M.A. - Concordia University M.A. - Marian University M.A. - Erikson Institute M.A. - Alverno College PhD - U of Arizona Media & Creative Arts Jacque J. Sewrey Matt Smith Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, Audio Production Instructor, Audio Production Replacement Replacement 08/21/14 08/21/14 $26.61/hour $26.61/hour A.A. - Full Sail University A.A. - Full Sail University Pre-College Kevin A. Barnes AshLeigh M. Brown Tina Buliox Ebije Godwin Part-Time Regular Part-Time LTE Part-Time LTE Part-Time Regular Coordinator Educational Assistant Educational Assistant Instructor, BS Math Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 08/25/14 $26.99/hour 09/02/14 06/30/15 $24.98/hour 09/02/14 06/30/15 $24.98/hour 08/21/14 $48.88/hour M.A. - Cardinal Stritch University B.A. - UWM M.A. - Mount Mary College B.A. - Langston University Technology & Applied Sciences Dale A. Gilbertson Vincent Lopez Mark Porubsky Gerald B. Lovas Debra L. Smith Steven L. Sylvester Donald T. Wlodarski Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, Welding Instructor, HVAC?R Instructor, Electronics/Communication Technician Instructor, HVAC?R Instructor, Mechanical Design Instructor, Electricity Instructor, Traffic Safety Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 08/21/14 09/08/14 09/08/14 09/08/14 08/21/14 08/21/14 08/21/14 $26.61/hour $26.61/hour $46.26/hour $26.61/hour $78,211/annual $26.61/hour $44.95/hour A.S. - MATC A.A. - MATC B.S. - UW Stout A.A. - MATC PhD - Marquette University A.A. - MATC M.A. - UWM Academic Services None District Administration None Employee & Legal Services Cedric Jackson Mark C. Johnson Daniel R. Stroik Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Public Safety Specialist Public Safety Specialist Public Safety Specialist New Position New Position New Position 08/14/14 08/14/14 08/14/14 $23.25/hour $23.25/hour $23.25/hour B.A. - Marian University High School Diploma High School Diploma Finance Yolanda S. Burns Heidi Gruber Beth A. Stanoch Lanita Tate Seasonal Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Office Associate Child Development Specialist Building Services Associate Building Services Associate Replacement Replacement Replacement New Position 08/06/14 12/29/14 $15.59/hour 08/12/14 $20.09/hour 08/18/14 $15.96/hour 09/02/14 $15.96/hour High School Diploma B.A. - UWM A.A. - MATC Unknown Information Technology None Public Television None Student Services Dana E. Brzezinski Erik S. Hagen Mary M. Keefe Widalys Rivera Cheryl M. Walker Part-Time Temporary Part-Time Temporary Part-Time LTE Full-Time Regular Part-Time LTE Tutor Tutor Disability Specialist Word Processing Technician Disability Specialist Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 08/26/14 $10.00/hour 08/26/14 $8.00/hour 08/20/14 06/30/15 $24.98/hour 09/15/14 $19.78/hour 08/18/14 05/30/15 $24.98/hour B.A. - Bennington College A.A. - MATC M.A. - Keller Graduate School of Management High School Diploma M.A. - UW Osh Kosh Workforce & Economic Development None End Date Salary Education Human Resources Report September 2014 Changes In Status Personnel Action Job Title Type of Transaction Start Date Karyn F. Gilbert Ruthell R. McKinney Part-Time to Full-Time Part-Time to Full-Time Instructor, Nursing Instructor, Nursing Assistant Replacement Replacement 08/21/14 08/21/14 Liberal Arts & Sciences Patricia J. Berg Aubrey Gomez Sadique Isahaku John R. Ish Meredith K. Reeves Part-Time to Full-Time Part-Time to Full-Time Promotion Part-Time to Full-Time Part-Time to Full-Time Instructor, Mathematics Educational Assistant Dean, LAS Instructor, Mathematics Instructor, Reading Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement New Position 08/21/14 08/25/14 08/31/14 08/21/14 09/08/14 Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College Katherine A. Doxtater Joann Estes-Earl Maren Hofmann-Larsen Stephen C. Kis Bara Omari Anna M. Paradowski Judy B. Springer Lesley Steinmetz Liatxias Vang Extension of Part-Time LTE Part-Time to Full-Time Part-Time to Full-Time Part-Time to Full-Time Part-Time to Full-Time Extension of Part-Time LTE Part-Time to Full-Time LTE Extension of Part-Time LTE Extension of Part-Time LTE Educational Assistant Instructor, BS Reading/Communication Instructor, ESL Instructor, ESL Instructor, ESL Educational Assistant Instructor, Physical Education Educational Assistant Educational Assistant Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 09/01/14 08/21/14 08/25/14 08/21/14 08/21/14 09/03/14 08/25/14 09/01/14 09/01/14 06/30/14 $21.59/hour $78,211/annual $73,049/annual $75,628/annual $73,049/annual 06/30/15 $21.59/hour 12/19/14 $72.13/hour 06/30/15 $21.59/hour 06/30/15 $24.98/hour Technology & Applied Sciences Del J. Szewczuga Part-Time to Full-Time Instructor, Emergency Medical Service Replacement 08/29/14 $67,888/annual Part-Time to Full-time Librarian Replacement 08/13/14 $28.85/hour Promotion Coordinator, Employee Relations New Position 09/01/14 $58,000/annual Part-Time to Full-Time Extension of Part-Time LTE Promotion Part-Time to Full-Time Extension of Part-Time LTE Disability Specialist Student Services Specialist Customer Service Representative to Customer Service Representative Float Sign Language Interpreter Accounting Specialist Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 08/18/14 08/21/14 08/31/14 08/18/14 07/31/14 Division or School Employee Name Business None Health Sciences Academic Services Kathleen Blume District Administration None Employee & Legal Services Gloria Klimeck Finance None Information Technology None Public Television None Student Services Ebony Atkinson Roxanne M. Dunkelberger Margaret A. Ehlert Kipi L. Guentner Bonnie R. Ward Workforce & Economic Development None End Date Salary $78,211/annual $78,211/annual $69.83/hour $78,211/annual $24.98/hour $127,000/annual $78,211/annual 09/30/14 05/30/15 09/11/14 $24.98/hour $29.92/hour $27.22/hour $24.98/hour $21.36/hour Human Resources Report September 2014 Separations Effective Date Division or School Employee Name Ending Reason Job Title Business Scott D. Leiser Kathleen Meisinger Maribeth Zielski Termination Resignation Termination Culinary Assistant Instructor, (PT) Baking Culinary Assistant 09/04/14 08/25/14 09/08/14 Health Sciences Cassandra A. Winters Resignation Instructor, (PT) Funeral Services 08/14/14 Liberal Arts & Sciences Filomena A. Lea Terry W. Sexton Death Retirement Instructor, (PT) Communication Skills Instructor, (PT) Communication Skills 07/25/14 Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences Steven L. Sylvester Resignation Instructor, (PT) Electricity 08/28/14 Academic Services None District Administration None Employee & Legal Services None Finance None Information Technology None Public Television None Student Services Mary Ann Vitek Angela L. Olson Retirement Resignation Educational Assistant (PT) Educational Assistant (PT) 05/23/14 09/05/14 Workforce & Economic Development None (also PT Instructor, Business) Human Resources Report September 2014 Change of Absences Division or School Employee Name Business Jennifer L. Massey Health Sciences None Liberal Arts & Sciences None Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences None Academic Services None District Administration None Employee & Legal Services None Finance None Public Television None Student Services None Reason for Leave Medical Job Title Culinary Assistant Effective Start Effective End Date Date 8/15/2014 11/14/2014 Attachment FPO – 5 PROCUREMENT REPORT SEPTEMBER 2014 The Procurement report consists of: Part I External Contracts Part II Procurements Part III Contracts for Services Part IV Construction Contracts Part V Lease Agreements Each month the board approves contracts, procurements and services related to the operation of the College. The current items for board approval are: I. External Contracts None II. Procurements 1. Carbon Dioxide and Compress Natural Gas Alarm Environmental Systems Inc. Brookfield, WI $79,817.00 2. Audio Production Equipment Sweetwater Fort Wayne, IN $214,810.00 3. Shuttle Van for MATC Employees Badger Truck Service Milwaukee, WI Not to exceed $150,000.00 4. Parking Structure and Lot Management Services (8th and State Street) Interstate Parking Milwaukee, WI Not to exceed $1,380,000.00 5. MPTV Direct Marketing Services DMW Worldwide, LLC Chesterbrook, PA Not to exceed $111,000.00 1 III. IV. V. Contracts for Services None Construction Contracts None Lease Agreements None 2 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Carbon Dioxide and Compress Natural Gas Alarm Background Information This is needed to monitor the air quality in the Mequon campus auto repair lab, verifying it is safe for students and staff. Some of the hazardous gasses emitted by vehicles are odorless and can be present in dangerous levels in the labs even when using the exhaust hoses. The alarm would provide an audible warning to students and staff within the lab when those levels posed a risk to their safety, and would automatically open the doors to begin venting the lab. This service would be purchased under the Waukesha County Contract NO 1422 which meets all Wisconsin state bid requirements. Positive action by the MATC Board will result in a purchase from Environmental Systems Inc., Brookfield, WI for the cost of $79,817.00. 3 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Audio Production Equipment Background Information The current audio labs in MATC give students a real world view of what a home studio could resemble but do not prepare the student for the commercial studio experience. A studio is a necessity for any recording program. Students must experience the isolation rooms with sight lines, see and hear the results of proper construction, have hands on control of signal flow, operate a large mixing console, mic instruments in an isolation room etc. The studio control room is integral to capturing sound. The control room is the real world setting that translates to the recording studio environment in major markets both nationally and internationally. The following courses with the Audio Production Associate Degree program would utilize this space; AUDIO‐102, AUDIO‐116, AUDIO‐103, AUDIO‐114, AUDIO‐118, AUDIO‐120, AUDIO‐126, AUDIO‐127 and AUDIO‐128. Audio Production students will record and mix performances by students within the Music Occupations Associate Degree program. As a result, final recitals will be recorded, portfolios will be created and original music compositions will be produced. This bid was sent to three (3) vendors via Bid 15‐04 and was posted online via DemandStar. Two (2) vendors submitted a response: Sweetwater Parson’s Audio Sweetwater was chosen as Parson’s Audio was unable to provide all items requested in the bid (per page 8 of documents twelve items were unavailable). Positive action by the MATC Board will result in a purchase from Sweetwater, Fort Wayne, IN for the cost of $214,809.91 4 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 3: Shuttle Vans ‐ Qty 2 Background Information Milwaukee Area Technical College is requesting funds to replace the current shuttle vans servicing the faculty, students and staff who utilize parking structures and surface lots throughout the downtown area. With the addition of updated safety features, increased handicap accessability, and extended shuttle van hours, the MATC community will be given the peace of mind of added security, as well as ease of use. Security has always been a special concern of the Main campus, and these shuttles will address such issues as inclement weather and those who park blocks away from the campus during evening hours. This item would be purchased under State of Wisconsin Bureau of Procurement (VendorNet) Contract number 15‐07006‐301 which meets all Wisconsin State bid requirements. Positive action by the MATC Board will result in a purchase from Badger Truck Service, Milwaukee, WI not to exceed $150,000 (each van $75,000 or less). 5 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 4: Parking Management for 8th and State Street Structure and Lot Background Information MATC is seeking a parking management firm to operate its structure and adjacent surface parking lot located at 1025 N 8th street. The successful firm will provide management services for the structure and surface lots, which are used for a combination of student parking, employee parking and event parking, which generates revenue during periods of underutilization by MATC students and employees. This bid was sent to five (5) vendors via MATC RFP 14‐15. Four vendors submitted a response. ABM Interstate Parking IMPARK Secure Parking USA Reponses were reviewed based on how well the bidder completely and effectively responded to the RFP, the degree of compliance requested, affordability of the system proposed, and were rated using the following criteria percentages: o 30% ‐‐ Proposer’s Capabilities, as reflected by: Evidence of breadth, depth and relevance of experience in local parking industry (e.g., revenues, facilities and spaces managed) Fiscal stability Independence and objectivity (ability to focus on MATC interests without conflict) Credentials of management team o 30%‐‐ Value/Cost: Revenue Optimization included in cost structure Suitability of proposed operating budget, including staffing costs Reasonableness of overhead costs, management fee and profit structure Creativity and affordability of alternative pricing arrangements o 20% ‐‐ Comprehensiveness, timeliness and reliability of proposed approach for implementing service, understanding of MATC needs and scope of proposed implementation plan o 10%‐ ‐ Project Team Qualifications, including structure and reporting relationships of proposed team, credentials, integrity and compatibility of Site Manager, experience of staff o 5% ‐‐ Innovation, including creativity, understanding of automated revenue control technology and use of remote security technology o 5% ‐‐ MBE/DBE status Positive action by the MATC Board will result in a purchase from Interstate Parking, Milwaukee, WI for a cost not to exceed $ 1,130,00 for management services up to five (5) years and $250,00 for equipment upgrades. Total expenses not to exceed $1,380,000. 6 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 5: MPTV Direct Marketing Services Background Information Sustaining Partner Conversion Program DMW provides direct marketing services designed for public broadcasting stations to invite current donors to convert their method of contribution to monthly/quarterly giving, resulting in higher donor retention, and more consistent and reliable funding for the station. As a designated area of focus for Membership, the Sustaining Partner Program has increased participation by 75% in the last year, due in part to these campaigns with DMW. Revenues from the Sustaining Partner mail invitations (two times per year) generate over $25,000 in gross annualized Sustainer Conversions and/or additional gifts made. Costs are inclusive of public media‐specific campaign creative, printing, mailhouse services and postage. Donor Benefits For 3 years, MPTV supporters have been provided with a donor benefit called “Member Insider”. This quarterly programming newsletter delves deeper into MPTV programming and local station happenings and is sent 6 times per year to all MPTV supporters. In addition to the informational content, the benefit also provides an opportunity for donors to renew their membership, or give an additional gift. Costs are inclusive of public media‐specific campaign creative, printing, mailhouse services and postage. Gross revenues from these efforts are $275,000 each year for MPTV programs and outreach activities in the community. This item would be purchased under RFP 1557‐13, conducted by New Mexico PBS which meets all Wisconsin State bid requirements. Positive action by the MATC Board will result in a purchase from DMW Worldwide LLC, up to $111,000. 7 Attachment FPO - 6 $1,500,000.00 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF $1,500,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2014-15D Resolution F0003-09-14 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as amended (the “Act”), the Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin (the “District”), is authorized to issue notes of the District in the aggregate amount of $1,500,000.00 for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2014-2015 building remodeling and improvement program (the public purpose projects described above are hereafter referred to as the “Public Purposes”); and WHEREAS, on August 26, 2014, the District authorized the issuance of $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D (the “Notes”) for the Public Purposes; and WHEREAS, the District has prepared and distributed a Preliminary Official Statement, dated September 16, 2014 (the “Preliminary Official Statement”), describing the Notes and the security therefor; and WHEREAS, the District has examined proposed documentation for the Notes (collectively, the “Note Documents”), as follows: (a) an Official Notice of Sale issued by the District and a Parity Bid Form (the “Note Purchase Agreement”) to be entered into between the District and the Underwriter, providing for the sale of the Notes; and (b) the Preliminary Official Statement. WHEREAS, it is now expedient and necessary for the District to issue its general obligation promissory notes in the amount of $1,500,000.00 for the Public Purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, the District hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings in this Resolution unless the text expressly or by implication requires otherwise: “Act” shall mean Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes; “Code” shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; “Continuing Disclosure Agreement” shall mean the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, executed and delivered by the Issuer, dated October 15, 2014 (the “Continuing Disclosure Agreement”), delivered by the District for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; “Dated Date” shall mean October 15, 2014; “Debt Service Fund” shall mean the Debt Service Fund of the District, which shall be the “special redemption fund” as such term is defined in the Act; “District” shall mean the Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin; “Fiscal Agent” shall mean the Treasurer of the District; “Governing Body” shall mean the Board of the District, or such other body as may hereafter be the chief legislative body of the District; “Initial Resolution” shall mean the “Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin”, adopted by the Governing Body on August 26, 2014; “Note Registrar” means the Secretary of the District; “Notes” shall mean the $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D, of the District; “Public Purposes” shall mean the public purpose of financing $1,500,000.00 of building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2014-2015 building remodeling and improvement program; “Purchase Price” shall mean $1,543,990.00 ($1,500,000.00 par amount of Notes, plus premium of $49,465.00, less underwriter's discount of $5,475.00); “Record Date” shall mean the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding any principal or interest payment date; “Securities Depository” means The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, or its nominee; and “Underwriter” means Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Section 2. Authorization of the Notes. For the purpose of financing the Public Purposes, there shall be borrowed on the full faith and credit of the District the sum of 2 $1,500,000.00; and fully registered general obligation promissory notes of the District are authorized to be issued in evidence thereof. Section 3. Sale of the Notes. To evidence such indebtedness, (i) the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson and (ii) the Secretary of the District are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make, execute, issue and sell to the Underwriter for, on behalf of and in the name of the District, general obligation promissory notes in the aggregate principal amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) for the Purchase Price, plus accrued interest to the date of delivery. Section 4. Terms of the Notes. The Notes shall be designated “General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D”; shall be dated the Dated Date; shall be numbered one and upward; shall bear interest as shown on the Maturity Schedule below; shall be issued in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof; and shall mature on the dates and in the amounts as set forth below. Interest on the Notes shall accrue from the Interest Accrual Date and shall be payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 of each year, commencing on June 1, 2015. MATURITY SCHEDULE Maturity Date Principal Amount Interest Rate June 1, 2016 June 1, 2017 June 1, 2018 June 1, 2019 $350,000 $500,000 $500,000 $150,000 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% The Notes of this issue shall not be subject to call and payment prior to maturity. Section 5. Form, Execution, Registration and Payment of the Notes. The Notes shall be issued as registered obligations in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. The Notes shall be executed in the name of the District by the manual signatures of (i) the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson and (ii) the Secretary, and may be sealed with its official or corporate seal, if any. The principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes shall be paid by the Fiscal Agent. Both the principal of and interest on the Notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America by the Fiscal Agent. Payment of principal of the final maturity on the Notes will be payable upon presentation and surrender of the Notes to the Fiscal Agent. Payment of principal on the Notes (except the final maturity) and each installment of interest shall be made to the registered owner of each Note who shall appear on the registration books of the District, maintained by the Note Registrar, on the Record Date and shall be paid by check or draft of the Fiscal Agent and mailed to such registered owner at the address appearing on such registration books or at such other address may be furnished in writing to such registered owner to the Note Registrar. Section 6. Note Proceeds. The sale proceeds of the Notes (exclusive of accrued interest, printing distribution and filing fees, and any premium received) shall, forthwith upon receipt, be placed in and kept by the District Treasurer as a separate fund to be known as the Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D, Borrowed Money Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “Borrowed Money Fund”). Moneys in the Borrowed Money Fund shall be used solely for the purposes for which borrowed or for transfer to the Debt Service Fund as provided by law. Section 7. Tax Levy. In order to provide for the collection of a direct annual tax sufficient in amount to pay and for the express purpose of paying the interest on the Notes as it falls due and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity, there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the District, in addition to all other taxes, a nonrepealable, direct, annual tax in an amount sufficient for that purpose. This tax shall be from year to year carried into the tax roll of the District and collected in addition to all other taxes and in the same manner and at the same time. Said tax is to be for the following years and in the following minimum amounts: Year of Levy 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Amount of Tax $33,833.33 $376,500.00 $518,000.00 $508,000.00 $151,500.00 The District shall be and continue without power to repeal such levy or obstruct the collection of said tax until all such payments have been made or provided for. After the issuance of the Notes, said tax shall be carried into the tax rolls of the District and collected as other taxes are collected, provided that the amount of tax carried into said tax rolls with respect to the Notes may be reduced by the amount of any surplus money in the Debt Service Fund created pursuant to Section 8 below. If there shall be insufficient funds from the tax levy to pay the principal of or interest on the Notes when due, the said principal or interest shall be paid from other funds of the District on hand, said amounts to be returned when said taxes have been collected. There be and there hereby is appropriated from taxes levied by the District in anticipation of the issuance of the Notes and other funds of the District on hand a sum sufficient to be deposited in the Debt Service Fund to meet payments with respect to debt service due for the year 2015. Section 8. Debt Service Fund. Within the debt service fund previously established within the treasury of the District, there be and there hereby is established a separate and 4 distinct fund designated as the “Debt Service Fund for $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D, dated October 15, 2014” (the “Debt Service Fund”), and such fund shall be maintained until the indebtedness evidenced by the Notes is fully paid or otherwise extinguished. The District Treasurer shall deposit in such Debt Service Fund (i) all accrued interest received by the District at the time of delivery of and payment for the Notes; (ii) the taxes herein levied for the specific purpose of meeting principal of and interest on the Notes when due; (iii) such other sums as may be necessary at any time to pay principal of and interest on the Notes when due; (iv) any premium which may be received by the District above the par value of the Notes and accrued interest thereon; (v) surplus moneys in the Borrowed Money Fund for the Notes; and (vi) such further deposits as may be required by Section 67.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes. No money shall be withdrawn from the Debt Service Fund and appropriated for any purpose other than the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes until all such principal and interest has been paid in full and canceled; provided (i) the funds to provide for each payment of principal of and interest on the Notes prior to the scheduled receipt of taxes from the next succeeding tax collection may be invested in direct obligations of the United States of America maturing in time to make such payments when they are due or in other investments permitted by law; and (ii) any funds over and above the amount of such principal and interest payments on the Notes may be used to reduce the next succeeding tax levy, or may, at the option of the District, be invested by purchasing the Notes as permitted by and subject to Section 67.11(2)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes in interest-bearing obligations of the United States of America, in other obligations of the District or in other investments permitted by law, which investments shall continue as a part of the Debt Service Fund. When all of the Notes have been paid in full and canceled, and all permitted investments disposed of, any money remaining in the Debt Service Fund shall be deposited in the general fund of the District, unless the District Board directs otherwise. Section 9. Deposits and Investments. The Debt Service Fund shall be kept apart from moneys in the other funds and accounts of the District and the same shall be used for no purpose other than the prompt payment of principal of and interest on the Notes as the same becomes due and payable. All moneys therein shall be deposited in special and segregated accounts in a public depository selected under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and may be temporarily invested until needed in legal investments subject to the provisions of Sections 66.0603(1m) and 67.10(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes. All income derived from such investments shall be regarded as revenues of the District. No such investment shall be in such a manner as would cause the Notes to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code or the Regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue thereunder. The District Treasurer shall, on the basis of the facts, estimates and circumstances in existence on the date of closing, make such certifications as are necessary to permit the conclusion that the Notes are not “arbitrage bonds” under Section 148 of the Code or the Regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue thereunder. 5 Section 10. Sale of Notes. The terms, conditions and provisions of the Notes and the Note Documents are, in all respects, authorized and approved. The form of the Note Purchase Agreement is hereby approved. The Notes shall be sold and delivered in the manner, at the Purchase Price, plus interest accrued from the Interest Accrual Date to the closing date, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement. The preparation of the Preliminary Official Statement and the Final Official Statement dated September 23, 2014, and their use as contemplated in the Note Purchase Agreement, are hereby approved. The Preliminary Official Statement is “deemed final” as of its date, except for omissions or subsequent modifications permitted under Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and Secretary of the District are authorized and directed to do any and all acts necessary to conclude delivery of the Notes to the Underwriter, as soon after adoption of this Resolution as is convenient. Section 11. Book-Entry Only Notes. The Notes shall be transferable as follows: (a) Each maturity of Notes will be issued as a single Note in the name of the Securities Depository, or its nominee, which will act as depository for the Notes. During the term of the Notes, ownership and subsequent transfers of ownership will be reflected by book entry on the records of the Securities Depository and those financial institutions for whom the Securities Depository effects book entry transfers (collectively, the “Participants”). No person for whom a Participant has an interest in Notes (a “Beneficial Owner”) shall receive bond certificates representing their respective interest in the Notes except in the event that the Securities Depository or the District shall determine, at its option, to terminate the book-entry system described in this Section. Payment of principal of, and interest on, the Notes will be made by the Fiscal Agent to the Securities Depository which will in turn remit such payment of principal and interest to its Participants which will in turn remit such principal and interest to the Beneficial Owners of the Notes until and unless the Securities Depository or the District elect to terminate the book entry system, whereupon the District shall deliver bond certificates to the Beneficial Owners of the Notes or their nominees. Note certificates issued under this Section may not be transferred or exchanged except as provided in this Section. (b) Upon the reduction of the principal amount of any maturity of Notes, the Registered Noteowner may make a notation of such redemption on the panel of the Note, stating the amount so redeemed, or may return the Note to the District for exchange for a new Note in a proper principal amount. Such notation, if made by the Noteowner, may be made for reference only, and may not be relied upon by any other person as being in any way determinative of the principal amount of such Note Outstanding, unless the Note Registrar initialed the notation on the panel. (c) Immediately upon delivery of the Notes to the purchasers thereof on the delivery date, such purchasers shall deposit the bond certificates representing all of the 6 Notes with the Securities Depository. The Securities Depository, or its nominee, will be the sole Noteowner of the Notes, and no investor or other party purchasing, selling or otherwise transferring ownership of any Notes will receive, hold or deliver any bond certificates as long as the Securities Depository holds the Notes immobilized from circulation. (d) The Notes may not be transferred or exchanged except: (1) To any successor of the Securities Depository (or its nominee) or any substitute depository (“Substitute Depository”) designated pursuant to (ii) below, provided that any successor of the Securities Depository or any Substitute Depository must be a qualified and registered “clearing agency” as provided in Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; (2) To a Substitute Depository designated by or acceptable to the District upon (a) the determination by the Securities Depository that the Notes shall no longer be eligible for depository services or (b) a determination by the District that the Securities Depository is no longer able to carry out its functions, provided that any such Substitute Depository must be qualified to act as such, as provided in subparagraph (1) above; or (3) To those persons to whom transfer is requested in written transfer instructions in the event that: (i) The Securities Depository shall resign or discontinue its services for the Notes and, only if the District is unable to locate a qualified successor within two months following the resignation or determination of noneligibility, or (ii) Upon a determination by the District that the continuation of the book entry system described herein, which precludes the issuance of certificates to any Noteowner other than the Securities Depository (or its nominee) is no longer in the best interest of the Beneficial Owners of the Notes. (e) The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, is hereby appointed the Securities Depository for the Notes. Section 12. Undertaking to Provide Continuing Disclosure. The (i) Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson and (ii) Secretary of the District are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the District, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement in connection with the Notes for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. 7 Section 13. Compliance with Federal Tax Laws. (a) The District represents and covenants that the project financed by the Notes and their ownership, management and use will not cause the Notes to be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code, and the District shall comply with the provisions of the Code to the extent necessary to maintain the taxexempt status of the interest on the Notes. (b) The District also covenants to use its best efforts to meet the requirements and restrictions of any different or additional federal legislation which may be made applicable to the Notes, provided that in meeting such requirements the District will do so only to the extent consistent with the proceedings authorizing the Notes and the laws of Wisconsin, and to the extent there is a reasonable period of time in which to comply. Section 14. Rebate Fund. If necessary, the District shall establish and maintain, so long as the Notes are outstanding, a separate account to be known as the “Rebate Fund” for the purpose of complying with the rebate requirements of Section 148(f) of the Code. The Rebate Fund is for the sole purpose of paying rebate to the United States of America, if any, on amounts of bond proceeds held by the District. The District hereby covenants and agrees that it shall pay from the Rebate Fund the rebate amounts as determined herein to the United States of America. The District may engage the services of accountants, attorneys, or other consultants necessary to assist it in determining rebate amounts. Amounts held in the Rebate Fund and the investment income therefrom are not pledged as security for the Notes and may only be used to pay amounts to the United States. The District shall maintain or cause to be maintained records of such determinations until six (6) years after payment in full of the Notes and shall make such records available upon reasonable request therefor. Section 15. Defeasance. When all Notes have been discharged, all pledges, covenants and other rights granted to the owners thereof by this Resolution shall cease. The District may discharge all Notes due on any date by irrevocably depositing in escrow with a suitable bank or trust company a sum of cash and/or bonds or securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest of the U.S. Government, or of a commission, board or other instrumentality of the U.S. Government (“Government Obligations”), or of securities wholly and irrevocably secured as to principal and interest by Government Obligations and rated in the highest rating category of a nationally recognized rating service, maturing on the dates and bearing interest at the rates required to provide funds sufficient to pay when due the interest to accrue on each of said Note to its maturity or, at the District's option, if said Note is prepayable to any prior date upon which it may be called for redemption, and to pay and redeem the principal amount of each such Note at maturity, or at the District's option, if said Note is prepayable, at its earliest redemption date, with the premium required for such redemption, if any, provided that notice of the redemption of all prepayable Notes on such date has been duly given or provided for. 8 Section 16. Resolution a Contract. The provisions of this Resolution shall constitute a contract between the District and the owner or owners of the Notes, and after issuance of any of the Notes no change or alteration of any kind in the provisions of this Resolution may be made, except as provided in Section 18, until all of the Notes have been paid in full as to both principal and interest. The owner or owners of any of the Notes shall have the right in addition to all other rights, by mandamus or other suit or action in any court of competent jurisdiction, to enforce such owner's or owners' rights against the District, the Governing Body thereof, and any and all officers and agents thereof including, but without limitation, the right to require the District, its Governing Body and any other authorized body, to fix and collect rates and charges fully adequate to carry out all of the provisions and agreements contained in this Resolution. Section 17. General Authorizations. The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and the Secretary of the District and the appropriate deputies and officials of the District in accordance with their assigned responsibilities are hereby each authorized to execute, deliver, publish, file and record such other documents, instruments, notices and records and to take such other actions as shall be necessary or desirable to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution and to comply with and perform the obligations of the District under the Notes. The execution or written approval of any document by the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson or Secretary of the District herein authorized shall be conclusive evidence of the approval by the District of such document in accordance with the terms hereof. In the event that said officers shall be unable by reason of death, disability, absence or vacancy of office to perform in timely fashion any of the duties specified herein (such as the execution of Notes), such duties shall be performed by the officer or official succeeding to such duties in accordance with law and the rules of the District. Any actions taken by the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and Secretary consistent with this Resolution are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 18. Amendment to Resolution. After the issuance of any of the Notes, no change or alteration of any kind in the provisions of this Resolution may be made until all of the Notes have been paid in full as to both principal and interest, or discharged as herein provided, except: (a) the District may, from to time, amend this Resolution without the consent of any of the owners of the Notes, but only to cure any ambiguity, administrative conflict, formal defect, or omission or procedural inconsistency of this Resolution; and (b) this Resolution may be amended, in any respect, with a written consent of the owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the principal amount of the Notes then outstanding; provided, however, that no amendment shall permit any change in the pledge of tax revenues of the District or the maturity of any Note issued hereunder, or a reduction in the rate of interest on any Note, or in the amount of the principal obligation thereof, or in the amount of the redemption premium payable in the case of redemption thereof, or change the terms upon which the Notes may be redeemed or make any other modification in the terms of the payment of such principal or interest 9 without the written consent of the owner of each such Note to which the change is applicable. Section 19. Illegal or Invalid Provisions. In case any one or more of the provisions of this Resolution or any of the Notes shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this Resolution or of the Notes. Section 20. Conflicting Resolutions. All ordinances, resolutions, or orders, or parts thereof heretofore enacted, adopted or entered, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution, are hereby repealed and this Resolution shall be in effect from and after its passage. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] 10 Adopted: September 23, 2014. Melanie C. Holmes Chairperson of the District Attest: José Pérez Secretary of the District Recorded on September 23, 2014. José Pérez Secretary of the District [Signature Page of Sale Resolution] $1,500,000.00 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D EXHIBIT A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTE, SERIES 2014-15D Number Interest Rate Maturity Date Dated Date Principal Amount R-___ ____% June 1, 20__ _______, 2014 $_____ CUSIP FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin, promises to pay to CEDE & CO., or registered assigns, the principal sum of ___________________ ($_________) on the maturity date specified above, together with interest thereon from October 15, 2014 or the most recent payment date to which interest has been paid, unless the date of registration of this Note is after the 15th day of the calendar month immediately preceding an interest payment date, in which case interest will be paid from such interest payment date, at the rate per annum specified above, such interest being payable on June 1 and December 1 of each year, with the first interest on this issue being payable on ___________. The Notes of this issue shall not be subject to call and payment prior to maturity. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable to the registered owner in lawful money of the United States of America, and for the prompt payment of this Note with interest thereon as aforesaid, and the levying and collection of taxes sufficient for that purpose, the full faith, credit and resources of the District are hereby irrevocably pledged. The principal of this Note shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of this Note to the District Treasurer at the principal office of the District. Interest hereon shall be payable by check or draft dated as of the applicable interest payment date and mailed from the office of the District Treasurer to the person in whose name this Note is registered at the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding each interest payment date. This Note is transferable only upon the books of the District kept for that purpose by the District Secretary at the principal office of the District, by the registered owner in person or his duly authorized attorney, upon surrender of this Note together with a written instrument of transfer (which may be endorsed hereon) satisfactory to the District Secretary duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized attorney. Thereupon a new Note or Notes of the same aggregate principal amount, series and A-1 maturity shall be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor. The District may deem and treat the person in whose name this Note is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of or on account of the principal or interest hereof and for all other purposes. The Notes are issuable solely as negotiable, fully registered Notes without coupons in authorized denominations of $5,000 or any whole multiple thereof. This Note is one of an issue aggregating $1,500,000.00 issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the public purpose of financing $1,500,000.00 building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2014-2015 building remodeling and improvement program (the public purpose projects described above are hereafter referred to as the “Public Purposes”) and is authorized by a resolution of the District Board of the District, duly adopted by said District Board at its meeting duly convened on August 26, 2014, which resolution is recorded in the official book of its minutes for said date. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, things and acts required by law to exist or to be done prior to and in connection with the issuance of this Note have been done, have existed and have been performed in due form and time; that the aggregate indebtedness of the District, including this Note and others authorized simultaneously herewith, does not exceed any limitations imposed by law or the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin; and that the District has levied a direct, annual irrepealable tax sufficient to pay this Note, together with interest thereon when and as payable. No delay or omission on the part of the owner hereof to exercise any right hereunder shall impair such right or be considered as a waiver thereof or as a waiver of or acquiescence in any default hereunder. A-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District Board of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin, has caused this Note to be signed on behalf of said District by its duly qualified and acting Chairperson and Secretary as of the date of original issue specified above. MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN By: Melanie C. Holmes Chairperson of the District Attest: José Pérez Secretary of the District A-3 (Form of Assignment) FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto (Please print or typewrite name and address, including zip code, of Assignee) (Please print or typewrite Social Security or other identifying number of Assignee) the within Note and all rights thereunder, hereby irrevocably constituting and appointing (Please print or type name of Attorney) Attorney to transfer said Note on the books kept for the registration thereof with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: NOTICE: The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Note in every particular without alteration or enlargement or any change whatever. Signature(s) guaranteed by: A-4 Milwaukee Area Technical College District Final Pricing Summary September 23, 2014 John A. Mehan, Managing Director [email protected] 777 East Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202 Phone 414.765.3827 Milwaukee Area Technical College District Results of Competitive Bids $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D Bids Received by 9:30 AM (CT) Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bidder Raymond James & Associates, Inc. UBS Financial Services Inc. Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. BOSC, Inc. City Securities Corp. Bernardi Securities, Inc. True Interest Cost 0.9797% 0.9852% 1.0225% 1.0554% 1.1169% 1.2999% Page 2 Milwaukee Area Technical College District Issue Summary Description: Amount: Dated & Settlement Date: Maturities: First Interest Payment: First Call Date: Moody's Rating: True Interest Cost: Winning Bidder/Purchaser: General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D $1,500,000 October 15, 2014 June 1, 2016 - 2019 June 1, 2015 Noncallable Aa2 0.9797% Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Page 3 Milwaukee Area Technical College District Debt Service Page 4 Milwaukee Area Technical College District 2014-15 Financing Plan -- Calendar Year Basis EQUIPMENT & REMODELING BORROWINGS CALENDAR YEAR NET EXISTING DEBT PAYMENTS incl. 2012 OPEB 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL PRELIMINARY $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15A Dated 7/14/14 $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15B Dated 8/4/14 $19,500,000 SERIES 2014-15C Dated 9/15/14 Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Average: 1.73% Average: 1.65% Average: 1.98% Average: 2.00% Average: 4.00% PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15G Dated 1/15/15 $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15H Dated 2/17/15 $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15I Dated 3/16/15 $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15J Dated 4/15/15 $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15K Dated 5/14/15 $1,500,000 SERIES 2014-15L Dated 6/15/15 Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Noncallable Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 SERIES SERIES SERIES 2014-15D 2014-15E 2014-15F Dated 10/15/14 Dated 11/17/14 Dated 12/15/14 Actual 2014 Levy: $40,004,901 FUTURE DEBT PAYMENTS Proj. 2015 Levy: $42,500,000 NET COMBINED DEBT PAYMENTS (c) (a) TOTAL DEBT MILL RATE (b) $39,131,842 $34,974,494 $26,519,556 $15,436,100 $6,166,994 $653,556 $663,994 $673,981 $683,163 $695,963 $702,313 $712,260 $720,665 $727,453 $737,464 $740,620 $747,005 $756,538 $759,155 $9,799 $25,750 $373,125 $515,500 $506,750 $151,500 $8,125 $25,000 $371,500 $514,250 $506,750 $151,500 $78,570 $3,910,438 $4,026,250 $4,238,450 $4,296,350 $4,019,800 $33,833 $376,500 $518,000 $508,000 $151,500 $62,333 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $57,667 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $52,667 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $47,333 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $42,500 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $37,667 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $32,833 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $27,667 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $206,667 $5,044,067 $14,829,667 $24,341,267 $34,205,067 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,886,467 $39,228,336 $39,536,848 $39,934,998 $40,339,967 $40,454,110 $40,556,923 $40,550,460 $40,560,448 $40,569,629 $40,582,429 $40,588,779 $40,598,727 $40,607,132 $40,613,919 $40,623,930 $40,627,087 $40,633,472 $40,643,004 $40,645,622 $132,203,113 $1,582,424 $1,577,125 $20,569,858 $1,587,833 $1,670,333 $1,665,667 $1,660,667 $1,655,333 $1,650,500 $1,645,667 $1,640,833 $1,635,667 $597,150,800 $767,895,820 $0.59267 $0.62964 $0.59164 $0.59764 $0.59933 $0.60085 $0.60075 $0.60090 $0.60104 $0.60123 $0.60132 $0.60147 $0.60159 $0.60169 $0.60184 $0.60189 $0.60198 $0.60213 $0.60216 #REF! (a) Future borrowing assumptions: Equipment Borrowing of $18,000,000 per year. Remodeling Borrowings of $18,000,000 per year. (b) Mill rate based on 2013 Equalized Valuation (TID OUT) of $67,499,263,273 with no annual growth. (c) Overall debt levy of $43,586,267 includes funds to make capital lease payments and pay administrative costs. Note: This information is provided for information purposes only. It does not recommend any future issuances and is not intended to be, and should not be regarded as, advice. Page 5 New Issue: Moody's assigns Aa2 to Milwaukee Area Technical College District, WI's $1.5M GO Prom. Notes, Ser. 2014-15D; outlook stable Global Credit Research - 15 Sep 2014 District has $148.4 of GOULT debt including current offering MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WI Community College Districts (Tax-backed) WI Moody's Rating ISSUE General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D Sale Amount $1,500,000 Expected Sale Date 09/23/14 Rating Description General Obligation RATING Aa2 Moody's Outlook STA Opinion NEW YORK, September 15, 2014 --Moody's Investors Service has assigned a Aa2 rating to Milwaukee Area Technical College District, WI's $1.5 million General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014-15D. Debt service on the notes is secured by the district's general obligation unlimited tax pledge. Proceeds of the notes will finance building remodeling and improvement projects. Moody's maintains the Aa2 rating on the district outstanding general obligation debt. Post-sale, the district will have $148.4 million of outstanding general obligation debt. The district's outlook is stable. SUMMARY RATINGS RATIONALE The Aa2 rating reflects the district's large and diverse tax base encompassing the greater Milwaukee (GO rated Aa3 stable) region; multi-year tax base declines; operating reserves that have declined in recent years but are expected to remain adequate; a low debt burden and manageable unfunded pension liability; and a sizeable unfunded liability related to the district's other post-employment benefits (OPEB). The stable outlook reflects our expectation that district management will continue to maintain sound financial operations through proactive management of expenditures, which is critical given the district's limited revenue raising flexibility and trend of enrollment declines. The outlook also reflects the district's sizeable and diverse tax base. STRENGTHS - Large and diversifying tax base with favorable location within regional Milwaukee economy - Manageable debt burden and unfunded pension liability CHALLENGES - Multi-year tax base declines - Recent and planned draw downs of General Fund reserves - Limited revenue raising power due to state authority over tuition setting and strict levy limits Page 6 - Declining enrollment, in excess of budgeted levels - Sizeable unfunded OPEB liability DETAILED CREDIT DISCUSSION LARGE AND DIVERSE TAX BASE COVERS METROPOLITAN MILWAUKEE; GREATER THAN BUDGETED ENROLLMENT DECLINES The district's economy is expected to remain relatively stable, despite recent valuation declines, due to the strength of the diverse commercial sectors within the district's boundaries. The district, which is one of the largest in Wisconsin's (Aa2 stable) technical college system, provides vocational education to residents of Milwaukee County (Aa2 stable), the majority of Ozaukee County (Aaa) and small portions of several other surrounding suburban counties. The City of Milwaukee comprises nearly 40% of the district's equalized valuation and 56% of the district's population, and is Wisconsin's largest urban center and economic hub. While the district's very large $70.2 billion tax base experienced solid rates of growth through 2007, it has since declined by an average of 3.2% annually. The regional economy exhibits some manufacturing concentration as the sector represents approximately 15% of area employment, above the 9% national average; however, employment continues to diversify and there is a strong presence in health care, finance, and government. At 7.6% in July 2014, the unemployment rate in Milwaukee County was higher than the state and national rates of 5.8% and 6.5%, respectively, for the same time period. District enrollment grew by 7% in fiscal 2009 and 9% in fiscal 2010, due to increased demand for education during the economic downturn. In fiscal 2011, this trend reversed and enrollment has since declined annually. Declines in fiscals 2011 through 2013 brought enrollment to approximately 13,200 full time equivalent (FTE) students. The declines in fiscals 2012 and 2013 were greater than what management had anticipated. Going forward, management estimates fiscal 2014 enrollment will decline modestly to 13,000 FTEs. For fiscal 2015 the district budgeted for a 350 FTE decline in enrollment to 12,650, inclusive of an expected 300 FTE increase due to the expansion of its health services program. However, fall enrollment figures are currently 9% lower than last year and, should the trend continue through the remainder of the year, enrollment could fall to a lower 12,500. Enrollment is directly linked to multiple major revenue sources of Wisconsin technical colleges and continued declines may pressure the district's finances. GENERAL FUND RESERVES DECLINING BUT EXPECTED TO REMAIN ADEQUATE While draws on reserves in fiscals 2012 and 2013 and an additional sizeable draw projected for fiscal 2014 will narrow the district's reserves, the district's financial profile should remain adequate due to the implementation of sizeable reductions in personnel costs for fiscal 2015 to promote operational balance. Recent draws on reserves have been driven by enrollment declines, state aid cuts and drops in property tax revenues for general operations. Over the last three years, total General Fund revenues have declined by 10.2% while expenditures have declined by just 3.3%. While technical colleges tend to have strong flexibility to adjust instructional costs in light of enrollment declines, notably this district's instructional expenditures have declined just 1.4% over the last three years while enrollment has dropped by 10%. For fiscal 2013, management budgeted for an $11 million use of fund balance, but realized a smaller though still significant $6.0 million draw. This operating deficit brought General Fund balance to $34.4 million, or a still satisfactory 19.7% of revenues. For fiscal 2014, the district budgeted for a $13.8 million draw on fund balance. In March 2014 the district's unionized teachers began to contribute 50% of the total Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) required pension contribution. The district's positive variances-to-budget from this change, plus those from replacement of retirees with more junior staff are estimated to have driven more favorable results. While audited results are not yet available, district management estimates indicate that a more moderate $8.9 million draw on reserves will occur, which would bring fund balance to approximately 14.6% of revenues. While district reserves currently remain adequate, they are narrow relative to state and national peers at comparable rating levels. The district's fiscal 2015 draft budget reflects a modest $370,000 General Fund operating surplus, with surplus operations supported by a reduction in transfers to the district's enterprise funds. The district has four enterprise funds, consisting of the Television Operations, Food Services, Bookstores, and Childcare Funds. Historically, the four enterprise funds collectively have required approximately $2.2 million of annual General Fund support to balance operations; however, in fiscal 2015 management intends to reduce General Fund support to $174,000 and use enterprise reserves and/or transfers among the enterprises to cover any shortfalls. Page 7 Looking forward, management does not anticipate additional draws on General Fund reserves beyond fiscal 2015 and expects to implement expenditure adjustments, namely adjustments to salaries and benefits for new hires, to achieve structural balance. Management notes a commitment to maintaining reserves at a minimum of 10% of revenues, in compliance with the district's official reserve policy. The district's General Fund unrestricted cash was $39.8 million, or an adequate 22.7% of revenues, at the end of fiscal 2013. The General Fund holds cash on behalf of the district's enterprise funds. Net of the $12.8 million due to these funds at the end of fiscal 2013, the district's cash available for general operations was $27.0 million, or a somewhat narrow 15.4% of revenues. The General Fund's three primary revenue sources are property taxes, tuition, and state aid, which comprise approximately 60%, 25%, and 10% of General Fund revenues, respectively. All of these revenue streams are constrained by state statute, with the state dictating tuition rates, aid distributions, and setting levy limits. Starting in fiscal 2015, Wisconsin Act 145 provides property tax relief by shifting a portion of funding for technical college districts from local property taxes to state sources. Specifically, each district will see an approximately 0.9 mill reduction in its operating levy in fiscal 2015 and the state will make each district whole that year. The Act includes a "hold harmless" provision allowing districts to restore levy authority if State funding is not available to make districts whole in subsequent years. Additionally, districts will still be allowed to capture annual revenue growth from net new construction. While we expect the Act to be revenue neutral for Wisconsin technical college districts, state aid related to Act 145 is expected to be received in February, six months earlier than the district would have received the property tax revenues the funds are replacing. The shift from property tax to state aid is expected to eliminate MATC's need to borrow from other funds for cash flow purposes. MODEST DIRECT DEBT AND PENSION BURDENS; LARGE UNFUNDED OPEB LIABILITY The district's future borrowing needs are expected to remain manageable given aggressive principal retirement and the district's sizeable tax base. The district's 5.1% overall debt burden is above average and reflects significant borrowing of overlapping governmental entities, namely the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District (Aa1 stable) and Milwaukee County. The district's direct debt burden is a more modest 0.2% of full value. Principal is amortized at a rapid 95.3% in ten years and the district's future borrowing needs are not expected to increase the debt burden substantially. For the remainder of fiscal 2015, management anticipates issuing an additional $12 million of debt. All of the district's debt is fixed rate and the district is not party to any interest rate swap agreements. The district has a manageable defined-benefit pension burden, based on unfunded liabilities for its share of two cost sharing plans, the Wisconsin Retirement System and the Employees Retirement System. The district's aggregate pension contributions in calendar year 2012 totaled $14.3 million, which represented both the district's and employees' shares of required pension contributions. That figure represents a manageable 6.7% of operating revenues, inclusive of the General Fund and Debt Service Fund. The district has historically made its required contributions to the WRS. The three year average (2010-2012) of Moody's adjusted net pension liability (ANPL) for the district, under our methodology for adjusting reported pension data, was 0.12% of full value and 0.42 times operating revenues, both of which are below average among Moody's rated local governments. Moody's ANPL reflects certain adjustments we make to improve comparability of reported pension liabilities. The adjustments are not intended replace the district's reported contribution information, but to improve comparability with other rated entities. We determined the district's share of liability for WRS in proportion to its share of covered payroll. The district offers a generous OPEB plan to qualifying retirees, including offering health insurance to those who would otherwise qualify for Medicare. As of June 30, 2013, the benefit had a sizeable unfunded actuarially accrued liability (UAAL) of $251.3 million. The district has funded an OPEB Trust since 2008 and it contains $21.1 million to date. Officials note that changes to the OPEB plan are possible in the mid-term. OUTLOOK The stable outlook reflects our expectation that district management will continue to maintain sound financial operations through proactive management of expenditures, which is critical given the district's limited revenue raising flexibility and trend of enrollment declines. The outlook also reflects the district's sizeable and diversifying tax base. WHAT COULD CHANGE THE RATING UP - Significantly improved regional population and employment trends and socioeconomic indicators, such as resident income levels Page 8 - Sustained trend of tax base growth - Audited results showing stabilization of operations WHAT COULD CHANGE THE RATING DOWN - Weakened socioeconomic indicators - Declining enrollment trends that would further limit revenue growth - Deterioration of reserves beyond levels currently contemplated KEY STATISTICS: 2013 full valuation: $70.2 billion 2013 Estimated full value per capita: $66,191 2008-2012 Milwaukee County median family income (as % of US): 85.7% Fiscal 2013 available operating fund balance: 16.1% of revenues Five year change in available operating fund balance: 3.3% of revenues Fiscal 2013 unrestricted operating cash: 18.7% of revenues Five year change in unrestricted operating cash: -5.9% of revenues Institutional framework: Aa Five year operating history: 1.0 times Net direct debt: 0.2% of full value; 0.61 times operating revenues Three year average of Moody's ANPL: 0.12% of full value; 0.42 times operating revenues The principal methodology used in this rating was US Local Government General Obligation Debt published in January 2014. Please see the Credit Policy page on for a copy of this methodology. REGULATORY DISCLOSURES For ratings issued on a program, series or category/class of debt, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to each rating of a subsequently issued bond or note of the same series or category/class of debt or pursuant to a program for which the ratings are derived exclusively from existing ratings in accordance with Moody's rating practices. For ratings issued on a support provider, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to the rating action on the support provider and in relation to each particular rating action for securities that derive their credit ratings from the support provider's credit rating. For provisional ratings, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to the provisional rating assigned, and in relation to a definitive rating that may be assigned subsequent to the final issuance of the debt, in each case where the transaction structure and terms have not changed prior to the assignment of the definitive rating in a manner that would have affected the rating. For further information please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page for the respective issuer on Regulatory disclosures contained in this press release apply to the credit rating and, if applicable, the related rating outlook or rating review. Please see for any updates on changes to the lead rating analyst and to the Moody's legal entity that has issued the rating. Please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on for additional regulatory disclosures for each credit rating. Analysts Kathryn Gregory Page 9 Lead Analyst Public Finance Group Moody's Investors Service Rachel Cortez Additional Contact Public Finance Group Moody's Investors Service Contacts Journalists: (212) 553-0376 Research Clients: (212) 553-1653 Moody's Investors Service, Inc. 250 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10007 USA © 2014 Moody's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE, INC. ("MIS") AND ITS AFFILIATES ARE MOODY'S CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES, AND CREDIT RATINGS AND RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED BY MOODY'S ("MOODY'S PUBLICATION") MAY INCLUDE MOODY'S CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES. 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Page 12 Attachment FPO - 7 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,500,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2014-15E OF MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN Resolution F0004-09-14 WHEREAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College District (the "District") is presently in need of $1,500,000.00 for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2014-2015 building remodeling and improvement program; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the District that the monies needed for such purpose be borrowed through the issuance of general obligation promissory notes pursuant to Section 67.12(12), Wis. Stats.; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the District shall issue general obligation promissory notes in the amount of $1,500,000.00 for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of the projects included in the District's 2014-2015 building remodeling and improvement program; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary shall, within 10 (ten) days hereafter, cause public notice of the adoption of this resolution to be given to the electors of the District by publishing a notice thereof in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a newspaper published and having general circulation in the District, which newspaper is found and determined to be likely to give notice to the electors, such notice to be in substantially the form set forth in Attachment A to this resolution. Adopted: September 23, 2014. Melanie C. Holmes, Chairperson Attest: ________________________________ José Pérez, District Secretary Recorded on September 23, 2014. ________________________________ José Pérez, District Secretary Attachment A NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS OF: Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the District Board of the above-named District, at a meeting duly called and held on September 23, 2014, adopted, pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, a resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,500,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2014-15E, OF MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN," which provides that the sum of $1,500,000.00 be borrowed through the issuance of the District's general obligation promissory notes for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2014-2015 building remodeling and improvement program. A copy of said resolution is on file in the District Office, 700 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is available for public inspection weekdays, except holidays, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The District Board need not submit the resolution authorizing this borrowing to the electors for approval unless within 30 days after the publication of this Notice there is filed with the Secretary of the District Board a petition meeting the standards set forth in Sec. 67.12(12), Wis. Stats., requesting a referendum thereon at a special election. Dated: September 23, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE DISTRICT BOARD: José Pérez, District Secretary Attachment FPO - 8 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2008-2009L RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CALL AND REDEMPTION OF $4,700,000.00 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2008-2009L BUILD AMERICA BONDS Resolution F0005-09-14 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as amended (the “Act”), the Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin (the “District”), issued those certain Taxable General Obligation Promissory Note, Series 2008-2009L Build America Bonds (the “Notes”) of the District in the aggregate principal amount of $16,000,000 on June 30, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Notes, in the aggregate outstanding principal amount of $4,700,000, with maturity dates of December 1, 2015 and December 1, 2016, provide that such Notes may be called for prior redemption at any time on or after December 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, the District desires to use excess funds maintained in the District’s Debt Service Fund (as defined in the resolution authorizing the sale of the Notes) to call and redeem such Notes on or about December 1, 2014; NOW, THEREFORE, the District hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Redemption and Call of Notes. The Vice President of Finance or the Chairperson of the District are hereby authorized to direct Associated Trust Company, National Association, the Fiscal Agent for the Notes, to deliver a call and redemption notice for the Notes so that the Notes will be called and redeemed on December 1, 2014 or on such other date as may be chosen by any such official. Section 2. General Authorizations. The Vice President of Finance or the Chairperson of the District and the appropriate deputies and officials of the District in accordance with their assigned responsibilities are hereby each authorized to execute, deliver, publish, file and record such other documents, instruments, notices and records and to take such other actions as shall be necessary or desirable to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution and to comply with and perform the obligations of the District under the Notes, including the deposit of funds necessary to accomplish the foregoing call and redemption with the Fiscal Agent or other applicable party. The execution or written approval of any document by the Chairperson or Vice President of Finance of the District herein authorized shall be conclusive evidence of the approval by the District of such document in accordance with the terms hereof. In the event that said officers shall be unable by reason of death, disability, absence or vacancy of office to perform in timely fashion any of the duties specified herein (such as the execution of Notes), such duties shall be performed by the officer or official succeeding to such duties in accordance with law and the rules of the District. Any actions taken by the Vice President of Finance or Chairperson consistent with this Resolution are hereby ratified and confirmed. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] 2 Adopted: September 23, 2014. Melanie C. Holmes Chairperson of the District Attest: José Pérez Secretary of the District Recorded on September 23, 2014. José Pérez Secretary of the District [Signature Page of Call and Redemption Resolution] $16,000,000 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2008-2009L Attachment FPO – 9 RESOLUTION TO REVISE FISCAL YEAR 2013–2014 RENOVATION / REMODELING (CAPITAL) PROJECTS Resolution F0006-09-14 BACKGROUND Within the context of the Three-Year Plan, renovation and remodeling projects are identified and implemented on an annual basis in order to properly maintain District facilities and to reflect changing instructional and support service needs. To comply with State regulations governing construction and remodeling, it is necessary for the MATC Board to submit a list of applicable projects to the Wisconsin Technical College System Board for approval. The initial approvals for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (FY 2014) projects were granted by the MATC District Board at the June, 2013 meeting. Continued refinement of the original FY14 project selections indicate that a change to the original project list should be requested at this time. In the previously approved list, Phase 4- #4 had a budget allocation of $575,000, Phase 10- #2 had an allocation of $15,000 and Phase 11- #8 had an allocation $475,000. Advanced planning and administrative dialogue indicates that the amounts can be reduced or reallocated and are now proposed to be distributed to 3 other projects / categories as shown on the attached revised list. Per WTCS regulations, proceeding with Oak Creek Campus Protective Services Storage Facility would limit the College from moving forward with the FY15 Approved Oak Creek Campus Diesel Shop Expansion. Therefore, at this time it has been determined to put the Storage Facility on hold indefinitely and proceed with the Academic related Diesel Lab. The projects with reduced allocation are highlighted in light yellow. The three projects receiving allocations are highlighted in light green. To accomplish all of the above, the list of projects is proposed to be modified as shown on the attached list. Authorization is sought from the MATC Board at this time for the above modifications, as well as to permit the continued development and implementation of the modified projects. Approval is also sought to seek any WTCSB approval necessary for the same modifications. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board revise the list of previously approved FY 2014 projects as shown in the attached lists, which retains a total estimated cost of $18.0 million for the respective budgets, with the understanding that the lists may be modified; and be it; RESOLVED further, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board approve the aforementioned revision and authorize the Administration to continue development and implementation of the listed projects; and be it; RESOLVED further, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board seek any WTCSB Board approval necessary for this action and revised list of projects. Attachment FPO – 10 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THREE-YEAR FACILITIES PLAN Resolution F0007-09-14 BACKGROUND In accordance with Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Administrative Bulletin AB 04-01, the District is required to annually prepare a Three-Year Facilities Plan. The plan serves as a guide for effective renovation, improvement and maintenance programs based upon academic and operating priorities declared by the appropriate sectors of the administration, faculty and staff. It is essentially a forecast document. The document format requires information organized in the following three sections: • Executive Summary • Existing Facilities • Three-Year Project Summary The WTCS Administrative Bulletin requires adoption of the Three-Year Plan by the District Board. Accordingly, adoption of the current document (dated July, 2014) is requested at this time with the understanding that subsequent issues will update and supersede this most current issue. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College Board adopt the current issue of the District Three-Year Facilities Plan (dated July, 2014) in accordance with WTCS directives and AB 04-01; and be it; RESOLVED further, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board direct the administration to officially convey the document to the Wisconsin Technical College System Board for its use and reference in accordance with AB 04-01. Milwaukee Area Technical College CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES Three - Year Plan July, 2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES THREE-YEAR PLAN: 2014 / 2015 TO 2016 / 2017 MATC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution and complies will all requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT 700 West State Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233-1443 Members of the Board Melanie C. Holmes Lauren Baker José Pérez David A. Dull Abdulhamid Ali Graciela Maizonet Mary Scheibel Kurt D. Wachholz Ann Wilson Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Chief Executive Officer Dr. Vicki J. Martin, President Assisted by: Barbara Cannell, Provost Al G. Shoreibah, CPA, MBA - Vice President-Finance Ron Ulvog - Senior Director - District Facilities Jaime D. Vega, Director - Construction Services 2 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES Three - Year Plan July, 2014 Table of Contents PAGE NO. ITEM / SECTION DESCRIPTION 1 Cover 2 Board / Administration Lists 3 Table of Contents 4 Introduction 5 SECTION 1: Executive Summary 6-9 SECTION 2: 3-Year Mapping to 10-year Master Plan 10-11 SECTION 3: Existing Facilities 12-24 SECTION 4: Three-Year Project Summary 3 INTRODUCTION Annually, each Wisconsin Technical College District shall prepare and submit a ThreeYear Facilities Plan to the Wisconsin Technical College System Board (WTCSB). The Plan must be approved by the District Board and submitted to the WTCSB each year. The reporting shall be on a fiscal year basis. Facility development projects that have not been included in a Plan will not be considered for WTCSB review and approval. However, recognizing the need for districts to be responsive, an exception may be granted to this policy provided the subject Technical College can demonstrate extenuating circumstances. The current Milwaukee Area Technical District Plan follows in the three following sections as prescribed by WTCSB Administrative Bulletin AB 04-01. 4 SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As part of the FY 15-17 capital project programs, Milwaukee Area Technical College District anticipates making capital expenditures of $24,040,000 for remodeling of existing buildings and $ 23,180,000 for capital improvements. Distributed within the 3 year budgeting plan is an additional $6,780,000 reservation (about an additional 15% of the combined total of the previous categories) for scope development / cost volatility contingencies, yet-to-be-identified minor projects and developmental studies. This amount (and percentage) is typically reduced and allocated to specific projects on an annual basis as planning proceeds to more refined levels. Of major significance during FY15-17 is the Diesel Lab expansion/addition project at the Oak Creek Campus. This represents MATC’s commitment to business community with respect to this discipline. Also of significance are the continued projects and improvements at the Walker’s Square facility as it is being transformed to a hybrid business incubator / educational center with increased emphasis on educational occupancies. Milwaukee Area Technical College has used a Strategic Planning process to select its projects for many years. That process not only considers immediate concerns, but seeks to address long-range trends, challenges, opportunities and direct alignment with MATC’s 10-Year Facilities Master Plan. Please see pages 6 – 13 for the mapping of this progress. The Sustainability & Facilities Committee (originally named the Sustainability Committee) convened for the first time at the outset of FY 06-07. It absorbed many of the key functions of its predecessor Facilities Planning Committee. The committee, by design, has a diverse membership of both represented and non-represented employees. Their activities and guidance were a major factor in the project selections contained within this document. Facilities planning activities remain a major focus of the new committee long with a comprehensive approach to sustainability issues throughout the district. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SECTION 3 EXISTING FACILITIES Milwaukee Area Technical College properties owned and leased as of June 30, 2014 are summarized in the following tables: Owned Facilities General Campus / District Profile Campus Downtown Milwaukee (Primary Campus Cluster) Milwaukee Education Center @ Walker’s Square Blue Hole Downtown Milwaukee Summary Mequon (fka North) Oak Creek (fka South) West Allis (fka West) TOTALS: Location (Address) 700 W. State Street Site Size (Acres) 9.87 Total Area (Square Feet) 1,854,144 Replacement Value $297,935,904 838 W. National Ave. 1.38 126,932 $13,924,426 4350 N. Humboldt Blvd. (All three sites above; sub-totals to right) 32.80 45.61 25,355 2,006,431 $6,484,007 $318,344,337 5555 W. Highland Rd. Mequon, WI 6665 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 1200 S. 71st Street, West Allis, WI (& MPTV Auction Facility at 12560 W. Townsend St., Brookfield, WI District 172.86 208,890 $40,056,034 104.33 353,503 $67,409,894 8.78 223,815 $34,947,590 375.63 2,792,630 $460,757,855 14 Leased Facilities Location (Address) W. Highland Ave. Tunnel (Between N. 6th & 7th Streets) MPTV Transmitter Facility (Original Sinclair-Owned Building on Blue Hole Site) The Brewery (Interstate Parking) (1213 N. 9th Street) N. Sixth St. Skywalk (Between W. State St. & W. Highland Ave.) W. Highland Ave. Skywalk (Between N. 6th & 7th Streets) Airport Taxiway (422 E. College Ave.) Funeral Services Facilities 1205 S. 70th St., Suites 130 & 160 Health Education Center 1311 N. 6th Street Milwaukee, WI Lease Area Subterranean Space Rights from City Lease Expiration Mandatory Annual Renewal 2,700 Sq. Ft. 2028 500 Parking Spaces February 2015 with 1-year renewal options possible Air Rights from City Mandatory Annual Renewal Air Rights from City Mandatory Annual Renewal 79,500 July, 2018 plus 5-year renewal option 6,929 September, 2018 plus (2) 5-year renewal options 45,000 July 31, 2022 plus 5-year renewal option Space Inventory Summary of Owned Facilities Campus Downtown Milwaukee Mequon (fka North) Oak Creek (fka South) West Allis (fka West) TOTALS Type of Space (Owned); SF by Type General / NonInstruction Office Support Assignable (100 & 200 (300 (400-700 (WWW, XXX Series) Series) Series) & YYY) Totals 452,909 247,950 282,189 1,023,383 2,006,431 96,731 11,082 40,873 60,204 208,890 179,484 23,542 46,042 104,435 353,503 83,347 812,471 13,628 296,202 53,011 422,115 73,829 1,261,851 223,815 2,792,639 15 SECTION 4 THREE-YEAR PROJECT SUMMARY 16 A. FY14 - FY15 1. A. Acquisition / Building Construction Projects: $2,300,000 OCC Diesel Shop Expansion: $1,500,000 This project proposes a new addition to the Oak Creek Campus, approximate floor area involved is 6,000 GSF. The expansion of the diesel shop is needed due to the addition of the commercial truck driving classes and the expanding diesel technician program. This addition would include an additional 2 drive through stalls similar to the two existing stalls designed for Compressed Natural Gas engines and trucks. This new addition would also provide the required height to allow full tractor trailers to safely pass through and allow for the use of portable lifts and enough area to safely work on these trucks as well. The project would likely be implemented during the summer and fall of B. MQC Horticulture Greenhouse Improvements: $800,000 This project is to replace the 1976 greenhouses to make it modern, energy efficient, ADA compliant and in line with green-industry technology. The new greenhouse will reduce energy costs and carbon emissions in addition to being better equipped to adequately teach greenhouse management. Along with the greenhouse will be infrastructure updates to the mechanical systems, new coolers for plants, interior painting, lighting and improvement for the head house lab. The project will be implemented during the summer / fall 2015. 2015. 2. A. Remodeling Projects: $ 5,600,000 DMC Graphic Design Lab Improvements, M560 & M574: $200,000 This project remodels the spaces from the early 1960’s from manual graphics to computerized instruction. All new drywall finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network, lighting and infrastructure for the divisions AV systems. Abatement is required for the flooring including the old wood flooring / sleepers and provision of lightweight concrete leveling slab. This brings the space to the college’s current standard finish. The project will be implemented during the summer / fall of 2015. B. Walker’s Square Faculty Resource Room: $50,000 This project will provide the electrical, equipment and furniture for a standard Faculty Work Area to prepare classroom materials. This will be an important resource for the center. It will service the faculty coming from all campuses to teach in the related areas for the programs at Walker’s Square. The project will be implemented during the spring / summer of 2015. C. Walker’s Square – Employee Lounge: $20,000 This project proposes to renovate a space to create an employee lounge in the new training facility at Walker’s Square. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm de17 vices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. D. Walker’s Square – Office Allocation & Improvements: $200,000 This project proposes to extensively renovate and update new and existing offices for incoming personnel to support the growing academic and training at this location. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. E. Walker’s Square – OWED Training Room – FY15: $150,000 This project will supply equipment, electrical, HVAC and furniture to rehab the area and meet construction codes. This room will be used for OWED academic contract classes and other training activities for the community to help meet the workforce and economic development demands. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. F. DMC Music Room Renovation (Relocation from M406 to M501): $300,000 M501 requires extensive demolition of the old Art Metals Lab. The project relocates the current Music Room and creates a second classroom in M501 to fulfill the enrollment needs for Music related classes. The project will provide new walls for two separate rooms. New finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. G. DMC Cisco Lab Renovation (Relocation from M312 to M406): $75,000 This project will relocate a demountable partition in this suite of three computer areas that support Cisco Training and related programs in the Business Division. The new Cisco space will have extensive infrastructure provided for the classes. New furniture and layout will be developed to update the new lab. The adjacent space is an open work area that will be downsized and redeveloped with furniture in the smaller space. The project will provide new carpet, updated ceiling system, rebalanced HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, additional power, hew data network and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. H. DMC M213 Conference Room Renovation: $25,000 This area hasn’t updated since 1950’s and is used as a conference room for the LAS Division Offices across the corridor and shared by the MATC Board during their monthly meetings. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. 18 I. DMC T405 Classroom Renovation: $100,000 This area is original from the buildings’ construction in 1953. The project will provide new wall finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The level of finish will match new facilities across corridor in the Technical Building. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. J. OCC EVOC Track Lighting: $600,000 This project involves the installation of new, energy-efficient lights at the outdoor driving track so that night classes can be held there for both Fire Science and Truck Driver classes. During development of the project a special use permit will be required to light this outdoor classroom beyond the local ordinances for roads and parking as there is not an ordinance for outdoor classrooms. We will investigate a sustainable approach to powering the lighting system that can double as an academic learning experience and an energy saver. This project will be implemented during the spring / summer of 2015. K. OCC Aviation / AVITECH Classroom Improvements: $50,000 This project proposes to swap two classrooms at the Aviation Center because newly acquired equipment and the amount of existing equipment for avionics training will no longer fit in the existing room/lab. The contents of classroom 215 will be switched with those in lab room 201. A new ceiling, lighting, power and data will be provided in room 201. This project will be done during the winter break 2014 / 2015 to accommodate the additional equipment. L. WAC Room 319A Faculty Offices: $10,000 The project will provide new furniture, finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. M. Walker’s Square Pathways to Construction – 1st Floor: $600,000 This project commands space for the Pathways to Construction program which addresses the impending shortage of construction workers and increases the number of minorities entering the industry through training. The first floor of Walker’s Square would be renovated to include a lab space for trade classes that will have ample space for a flexible layout. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. 19 N. MQC Esthetician Lab Improvements – A205, A209 & A233: $700,000 The project will renovate an old home Economic Lab and Classroom into a full service Estheticians Lab Complex with semi-private rooms to perform the curriculum developed for the program. We will provide this new program with finishes, floors, ceiling system, plumbing, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting to simulate the business activities of these services. The project will be implemented during the summer / fall of 2015. O. DMC H116, H126 & H200 Carpet Replacement: $20,000 The project will move out these areas with some temporary quarters to be determined. The project will provide new carpet squares, painting, ceiling tile replacement, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, and new data for the offices and computer lab network. The project will be implemented during the summer of 2015. P. DMC M334 Improvements: $40,000 This is a computer lab update. The project will provide a new floor, painting, ceiling system update, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. Q. DMC M589 Improvements: $10,000 This is a general classroom / computer lab update. The project will provide a new floor, ceiling system update, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. R. Walker’s Square Cyber Café and Community Room: $350,000 This project proposes to create a café and two classroom / community rooms for the new academic training center at Walker’s Square. This would enable a space where students can gather for lunch and also have classrooms / community rooms where the people can meet to discuss issues pertaining to education, workforce activities and the local community. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. S. FY15 District Academic Related Improvements (TBD): $700,000 This funding will be used for proposed new projects with immediate need and scope development for the other projects proposed for this fiscal years’ work. T. DMC – MCA Student Gallery: $600,000 This project proposes to create a modest gallery for student exhibits and related activities. The approximate area will be approximately 2,500 GSF. The gallery will be adjacent to several new culinary arts facilities and can 20 support events held in those facilities as well. The project would likely be implemented during the spring / summer 2015. U. DMC T407 Faculty Offices: $40,000 We will update this area with new faculty office furniture to our current standard. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. V. DMC M312, M314 & M316 Marketing Lab Improvements: $760,000 The program has developed an example of the flexible classroom / lab design that has become prevalent across educational spectrum. We will showcase this development with borrowed lites to the corridor to show this open environment that goes with the program curriculum. The project renovates the south end of the 3 rd floor of the Main Building space to MATC standards and technology. The exterior envelope is in original condition from when the building unit was built in 1927. Abatement will require removing the old wood floors & sleepers and providing concrete leveling slabs. This extensive renovation will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data networks and lighting. The project will be implemented during the spring /summer of 2015. 3. Capital Improvement Projects: $7,840,000 A total of $7,840,000 has been proposed as budget for fiscal year (FY14-15) and includes: DMC Hazardous Waste Storage Facility Main Building Façade Improvements - FY15 Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY15 (Part A) DMC Electrical Closet Improvements (Primarily Main Bldg.) FY15 Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY15 (Part B) Sustainability Projects FY15 (Part A) MQC Paving Improvements – Entry Stage 2 & West Lot Annex Sustainability Projects FY15 (Part B) OCC Aviation IDF Expansion Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY15 (Part C) District Wide Safety Eyewash Station & Showers FY15 DMC C-Building HVAC Improvements FY15 DMC T-Building Restroom Improvements FY15 Life & Safety Issues (TBD) DMC Electrical Switchgear Improvements WAC Fire Alarm Audio Evacuation Improvements DMC 8th & State Parking Structure Emergency Generator Sustainability Projects FY15 (Part C) DMC C-Building MDF / Main Server HVAC Improvements DMC 6th Floor Chemistry Lab HVAC Improvements DMC C-Buidling Music Department Abatement 21 4. Rentals: $0 No specific new rentals are anticipated for FY14-15 at this time. However, various spaces may be considered where displacement or relocation of existing facilities becomes desirable or otherwise required. 22 B. FY15 - FY16 1. Acquisition / Building Construction Projects: $0 No acquisition / building construction projects are anticipated for FY15-16 at this time. 2. A. Remodeling Projects: $7,910,000 OCC Install Auto Body Safety Shower and Drain Renovation: $40,000 This project proposes to modify drainage to accommodate a paint separator and adjust the site drain for the previously installed safety shower to be used per OSHA standards. B. OCC Cabinet / Millwork Lab Upgrade: $300,000 The project will provide a general update for the lab with replacement of outdated equipment and mechanical systems. The project will provide new finishes, floors, ceiling system, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. C. DMC Garde-Manger Cake Decorating Lab; DMC M692: $900,000 This project proposes to renovate the existing Apprentice Lab M692 (1,000 square feet) to create a Garde/Manager facility focused on cake decorating. Generally a Garde-Manager facility refers to a cool, wellventilated area where cold dishes are prepared and other foods are stored under refrigeration. As such other foods or skills requiring these conditions may be taught in this facility. D. DMC A-Building Recording Studio Renovation: $1,200,000 This project will renovate the current IT Division Offices into a stand-alone Recording Studio Lab for the Music programs. The main floor of the building will be gutted and rebuilt into a professional studio environment and make the building accessible. E. WAC Welding Lab: $1,500,000 This project proposes to renovate the former Funeral Services / ESL Lab space in the A Building at the West Allis Campus to creates general Welding Lab. This is the last of three welding projects proposed for the West Allis A Building that will transform the entire A Building into a major community welding training center. The approximate floor area involved is 6,000 gsf. The project will provide new finishes, refinish concrete floors, HVAC, sustainable exhaust systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, substantial power, and lighting. F. OCC B163 / B165 Conversion: $300,000 These classrooms will accommodate the Associate Degree Auto Mechanic program that is non-manufacturer based and manufacturer based lecture style areas. This will free space in the actual lab areas to accommodate non-manufacturer based hands-on training. The project will provide new technology infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, and lighting. 23 G. DMC Food Science Manufacturing Cell: $1,300,000 This project proposes to renovate an open space at the Walker’s Square Center into the new Food Science program. This is a combination of science and food manufacturing facility. The project will provide new NSF finishes, floors, ceiling system, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting. H. DMC T335 / T337 Robotics Lab Remodel: $750,000 This project proposes to renovate the old Appliance Servicing Lab space in the Technical Building into the new Robotics Lab. The project will provide a new environment for robotics training and simulation. The provision of infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling system, exhaust systems, HVAC, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting is included in the project. I. DMC Design / Engineering T309-T313 Unification: $900,000 This project renovates three large drafting labs into a complex of classrooms, lab spaces and open study collaborative spaces for the Design / Engineering programs. The old rooms will be gutted and the space reconfigured with borrowed lites to the corridor and flexible furnishings that are indicative of the new style of learning environments that improve retention and simulate the work environments encountered in the real world of today. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. J. OCC Horticulture Lighting Upgrade: $200,000 This project plans to upgrade and provide new exterior lighting to improve the image of the campus. K. MEC at Walker’s Square Level 1 Remodel for Electric Program: $400,000 This project renovates a large open space for the Electrical Trade Training program. The space will have a classroom area, open lab mock up area for hands on instruction and storage areas. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. L. MQC Relocation of Writing Lab to A290 / ITV Lab to A277: $60,000 The project will exchange these spaces and upgrade the rooms to MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC rebalancing, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. M. MQC Relocation of ITV Room B215 to A279 / A279 move to B215: $60,000 The project will exchange these spaces and upgrade the rooms to MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC rebalanc24 ing, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. 3. Capital Improvement Projects: $7,830,000 A total of $ 7,830,000 has been proposed as budget for fiscal year (FY15-16) and includes: Main Building Façade Improvements - FY16 Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY16 (Part A) DMC Electrical Closet Improvements (Primarily Main Bldg.) FY16 Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY16 (Part B) Sustainability Projects FY16 (Part A) Sustainability Projects FY16 (Part B) Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY16 (Part C) District Wide Safety Eyewash Station & Showers FY16 DMC C-Building HVAC Improvements FY16 Life & Safety Issues (TBD) Sustainability Projects FY16 (Part C) Walkers Square Freight Elevator conversion to ADA Passenger Walkers Square Pierce Street Parking Lot MQC Façade Improvements – FY16 MQC Forced Main Lateral – Sewer Improvements C-Building Window Replacement and Façade Restoration (Entrances 1-5) 4. Rentals No specific new rentals are anticipated for FY15-16 at this time. However, various spaces may be considered where displacement or relocation of existing facilities becomes desirable or otherwise required. 25 C. FY16 - FY17 1. A. Acquisition / Building Construction Projects : $1,500,000 MQC Auto Lab Expansion: $1,500,000 This is an addition to the Mequon Campus to meet the need of the Associate Degree Auto Mechanic program that is manufacturer based at the Mequon Campus that currently shares lab space. It will also provide the ability to accommodate non-manufacturer based hands-on training. 2. A. Remodeling Projects: $6,730,000 Remodeling of T305 / T307 CAD Labs: $600,000 This project will redevelop CAD Lab spaces from the 1980’s into an up-todate learning environment with formal and flexible spaces for CADD instruction. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. B. Remodeling T202; Interior Design Dept.: $600,000 With the relocation of the Electrical program to the Walker’s Square Center this space will be converted for the Interior Design program. The project will provide a flexible design concept for the spaces that make up the program. Classroom / CADD spaces, materials develop area, lighting demonstration area, open collaborative space and storage. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. C. OCC Burn Building Fire Tower Improvements: $1,500,000 The current facility was built in the 90’s and certain areas are reaching the end of its useful life. This project would address those inadequacies as well as provide classroom, a tower and related infrastructure (IE: Restrooms/power). This facility is approximately ½ mile from the Oak Creek Campus which has created a challenge due to the separation of the practical lab use and classroom studies. D. OCC Auto Collision Lab Upgrade / Add Aluminum Technology, B169: $1,000,000 The project will provide new technology infrastructure for the addition of Aluminum Technology. The project will provide updated finishes, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors and power. F. DMC Classroom Remodel, T302-T306; $500,000 This will update the current classrooms and faculty office that was originally built in 1953. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. 26 G. DMC Science and Chemistry Lab Renovations: $730,000 This project reorganizes lab spaces to provide better & safer lab environments for Microbiology programs. The need for proper Prep and Autoclave spaces is substantial. These rooms have some newer equipment and casework that can be reused and augmented but, they have not been renovated to current MATC standards. The infrastructure upgrades are to include finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC branch systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. H. STEM/Student Project Lab Remodel, T340: $300,000 The project will gut the entire space and provide a new environment the new program. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, complete new HVAC system, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. I. HEC Building Simulation Lab: $500,000 This project will renovate space in the Health Education Center for a Nursing Simulator Lab Complex. Body Simulators have become the state of training for Nursing and CNA programs. Approximately 2000 SF is required. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. J. S-Building Registration Office Remodel S115: $1,000,000 This area is known as the Welcome Center for registration of new and existing students. This project will update the entire space of 6775 SF. Some existing furnishings will be reused and the remaining space will be redeveloped to meet the needs of our customers. Better flow for peak times is needed and more space for self-serve functions. MATC standard infrastructure, finishes, floors, ceiling systems, HVAC systems, digital controls, fire alarm devices, smoke detectors, occupancy sensors, power, data network and lighting will be provided. 27 3. Capital Improvement Projects: $7,510,000 A total of $7,510,000 has been proposed as budget for fiscal year (FY1617) and includes: Main Building Façade Improvements - FY17 Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY17 (Part A) DMC Electrical Closet Improvements (Primarily Main Bldg.) FY17 Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY17 (Part B) Sustainability Projects FY17 (Part A) Sustainability Projects FY17 (Part B) Accessibility & Accommodation Improvements FY17 (Part C) District Wide Safety Eyewash Station & Showers FY17 DMC C-Building HVAC Improvements FY17 Life & Safety Issues (TBD) Sustainability Projects FY17 (Part C) Other Admin. Div. Projects TBD (Finance, Legal, etc.) MQC Hydronic Heating Boiler System Replacement (Sustainability) Modify Stair Treads & Rehab Stair Towers- Main & C-Building-FY17 4. Rentals No specific new rentals are anticipated for FY16-17 at this time. However, various spaces may be considered where displacement or relocation of existing facilities becomes desirable or otherwise required. 28
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