DNB Markets SME Conference 2014 Oslo, 8 April 2014 John Binde, CEO AGENDA: NRS in brief Current status Outlook Markets and opportunities 2 Business areas: SALMON FARMING EXPORT / TRADING CHAIN MANAGEMENT 4 companies Finnmark, Troms, Hordaland, Rogaland Salmon fresh & frozen 81 licenses Sales 2013: 67.000 tons 96 % export 50 countries Revenue: 2 600 MNOK Procurement Quality Assurance Food Safety Bench Marking Public Relations 26 licenses Volume 2013: 30.000 tons 3 From salmon trader to integrated salmon farmer Private placement II NOK 100m NRS founded as a salmon trader 1992 NRS acquired 90.1% of Reinhartsen Seafood 1996 Private placement I NOK 50m 2006 NRS acquired 100% of Feøy Fiskeoppdrett/ Åmøy Fiskeoppdrett & 82.5% of Nor Seafood 2007 # of majority owned licenses NRS acquired 100% of Altafjord Laks & 76.24% of AS Tri/ Salmo Arctica 2008 NRS acquired100% of Brilliant Fiskeoppdrett 2009 16 0 22 Nord Senja Laks AS established, NRS owns 66.7% Acquisition of 100% of AS Tri, merged with Altafjord Laks AS 2010 IPO 1Q 2011 2011 25 6 NRS has historically been based on a membership model – – – NRS handles procurement of feed, food safety, HSEQ and other common functions for small independent salmon farmers Salmon farmers sell their harvested volumes through NRS Currently 26 members holding 78 sea water licenses and 8 fresh water licenses In 2006 NRS made a strategic decision to vertically integrate into salmon farming – – – – A target was set to do an initial public offering within 3-5 years Philosophy to invest in clusters of 3-10 licenses, whilst retaining local commitment and leadership NOK 150m raised through two private placements to finance acquisitions (2006 & 2008) Acquired salmon farmers with long historic track-record 4 Open shareholder structure Focusing on creating shareholder value Ownership struture as pr April 1st 2014 Shareholder GÅSØ NÆRINGSUTVIKLING AS GLASTAD INVEST AS EGIL KRISTOFFERSEN OG SØNNER AS HAVBRUKSINVEST AS DNB NOR MARKETS SPAREBANK 1 MARKETS MÅSØVAL EIENDOM AS NYHAMN AS HELLESUND FISKEOPPDRETT AS VERDIPAPIRFONDET DNB LOVUNDLAKS AS WILSGÅRD FISKEOPPDRETT AS MP PENSJON PK MERTOUN CAPITAL AS HENDEN FISKEINDUSTRI AS BARBINVEST AS MÅSØVAL FISHFARM AS STATE STREET BANK AN STATE STREET BANK AN FREWI AS Total 20 largest shareholders Total other shareholders Total no of shares No of shares 6 309 752 5 487 861 4 451 450 3 526 312 3 339 164 3 116 860 2 967 707 2 133 371 1 541 450 1 180 000 1 000 000 468 689 450 700 340 000 339 502 252 850 240 219 231 475 217 163 203 433 Share 14,48 % 12,59 % 10,22 % 8,09 % 7,66 % 7,15 % 6,81 % 4,90 % 3,54 % 2,71 % 2,30 % 1,08 % 1,03 % 0,78 % 0,78 % 0,58 % 0,55 % 0,53 % 0,50 % 0,47 % 37 797 958 86,75 % 5 774 233 13,25 % 43 572 191 100,00 % F-430 T-302 N ord- Senja (3 ) T-359 T-302 N or Seafood (2 ) T-359 Wils gård FO (3 ) T-359 F-430 N RS Finnmark (1 4) Kris toffersen (6 ) N-234 Sjurelv (2 ) Kleiva (4 ) Sørollnesfisk (3 ) L ovundlaks (4 ) N-1041 N-1041 E mils en Fisk (6 ) NT-167 NT-167 Refs nes L aks (4 ) ST-106 ST-106 ST-106 M ås øval FF (2 ) ST-106 M ås øval FO (7 ) N RS-Group (2 5 ) O wned and c ontrolled by N RS A s sociated c ompanies (9 ) N RS owners hip < 5 0 % H-109 L ingalaks (7 ) H-220 Fylkesnes (3 ) H-220 N RS- Feøy (6 ) H-220 E idesvik (3 ) H-220 Kors havn (1 ) M embers (4 9) P artnering c ontracts H-109 T O TAL N RS: 8 3 licenses H-220 H ellesund (2 ) H-220 T-470 T-436 Region North – NRS Finnmark Finnmark is an area nominated by the authorities for growth following new license awards and increase of MAB. 14 licenses owned 100 % through NRS Finnmark AS Attractively located sites, history of good profitability Good biological conditions – – Low biological risk No algae in the area resulting in lower maintenance costs of nets Long term harvesting agreement with major industry player – Close to and approved for the Russian market. Smolt production through Ranfjorden Fiskeprodukter – – – NRS own 37.75 % of the company Capacity of 5.5 million smolt Long term agreement with other smolt suppliers 8 Region North – Senja cluster TROMSØ Troms is an area nominated by the authorities for growth following new license awards and increase of MAB. At least 10 new licenses will be awarded in 2014. 5 licenses majority owned in the Senja cluster – – – – NRS owns 82.5% of Nor Seafood AS (2 licenses) NRS owns 66.7% of Nord Senja Laks AS (3 licenses) Operated in co-operation with Wilsgård Fiskeoppdrett in a 9 licenses cluster NRS owns 37.5% of Wilsgård Attractive area with a history of good profitability Good conditions for salmon farming in the area – – Low biological risk Optimal sea temperatures during the summer Harvesting at Wilsgård and Nord Senja Smolt production through Skardalen Settefisk – – Kåfjord based smolt producer with capacity of 2.5 million smolt Owned together with associated company Wilsgård Fiskeoppdrett (70%, NRS subsidiaries 30%) 9 Region South – NRS Feøy Operates in the Haugesund area, both in Rogaland and Hordaland counties HAUGESUND Region South holds a total of 6 licenses – Owned 100% through NRS Feøy AS STAVANGER One single MAB Zone from 2013 – Enables smoother and better utilization of MAB Harvesting at Espevær Laks – Approved for the Russian market 10 Development of volumes from NRS 80 000 80 000 External Volumes NRS-Farming 70 000 68 000 70 000 62 200 57 500 60 000 50 000 40 000 45 500 47 200 49 500 60 000 50 500 39 000 50 000 37 000 39 500 40 000 36 500 35 500 32 000 30 000 39 500 20 000 30 000 39 000 40 700 29 000 25 200 35 100 32 300 18 500 10 000 0 20 000 21 000 10 000 10 500 3 200 4 400 2006 2007 6 000 6 500 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 11 12 Status as per Q4-2013 13 Highlights in Q4 2013: The best quarterly and yearly result in NRS’ history – MNOK 91 in Q4-13 and MNOK 256 for the year Continued strong salmon market driven by increased demand and low supply growth – – Historically high salmon prices throughout the quarter Promising outlook with historically high forward prices Reduced harvesting volume – – Planned harvesting in December was reduced due to unforeseen events in Region North and low growth in Region South Estimated harvesting volume for 2014 is reduced to 29 000 tonnes due to low growth in Region South, and premature harvesting in Troms due to sea lice Favourable refinancing with increased flexibility Dividend proposal of NOK 2.20 per share – 41 % of earnings per share 14 Highlights in Q4 2013 KEY FIGURES (NOK '000) Q4 2013 Q4 2012 Operating revenues Operational EBITDA 851 450 100 323 543 003 2 603 712 1 744 266 16 568 289 729 50 866 1) 91 366 8 484 256 002 20 416 95 594 13 566 120 783 6 774 2 973 -1 945 350 727 28 834 396 292 69 845 10 464 40 749 2,43 -0,30 5,43 -0,12 ROACE 3) 25,3 % 2,1 % 25,3 % 2,1 % Op. cash flow Capital expenditure 38 037 18 421 -6 558 8 295 211 835 65 399 -2 828 34 747 453 883 42,4 % 566 075 36,2 % 453 883 42,4 % 566 075 36,2 % 8 383 12,02 -0,08 11,94 19 858 7 337 1,45 0,35 1,80 18 115 25 191 11,71 -0,59 11,12 62 141 21 162 1,25 1,00 2,25 57 673 Operational EBIT EBIT Income from associates EBT EPS (NOK) 2) Net interest-bearing debt Equity ratio Volume harvested (HOG) Operational EBIT per kg Farming Op. EBIT per kg Sales inc. contracts Total operational EBIT per kg Volume sold FY 2013 FY 2012 Average salmon price (NASDAQ) up 52 % from Q4 last year with significant positive impact on profits Harvested volume up by 14 % and sold volume up by 10 % from Q4 last year Operational EBIT MNOK 91.4 in Q4 13 – – – Cost of escaped fish by MNOK 2.2 Loss on fixed price contracts of MNOK 5.8 Increased provision for doubtful receivables with MNOK 5.8 Positive cash flow from operations with MNOK 38.7 Equity ratio increased in Q4 13 to 42.4 % from 39.5 % due a strong total result 1) EBIT pre fair value adjustments and non-recurring items 2) Earnings per share pre fair value adjustments 3) ROACE: Return on average capital employed based on 4-quarters rolling operational EBIT / average (NIBD + Equity - Financial assets) 15 Region North KEY FIGURES (NOK '000) Q4 2013 Q4 2012 Operating revenues 626 738 325 354 Operational EBIT pr kg farming 13,65 Operational EBIT * 78 796 9 039 Volume harvested (tonnes) 6 204 4 397 Operational EBIT per kg Farming Op. EBIT per kg Sales inc. contracts Total operational EBIT per kg 12,78 -0,08 12,70 1,70 0,35 2,06 * EBIT pre fair value adjustments and non-recurring items incl. allocated margin from sales 12,31 12,78 Q3 13 Q4 13 10,09 1,71 Q4 12 Q1 13 Q2 13 Operational EBIT per kg farming NOK 12.78 – Margin from Sales down by NOK 0.43 per kg compared with Q4 12 due to loss on contracts by NOK 0.69 per kg – Sales price FCA packing station up by NOK 12.86 per kg from Q4 12 – Planned harvest in December was reduced due to unforeseen events, such as storms and a diesel leak at harvesting plant. As prices were at the highest in December, this reduced average price achieved in the quarter. 16 Farming – Region North Production Cost - NORTH 26,00 25,35 24,83 24,00 23,37 Harvested Volume - NORTH 25,16 6 204 5 560 6 000 23,33 4 397 4 473 Q4-12 Q1-13 4 254 4 000 22,00 2 000 20,00 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Production cost of NOK 25.16 per kg Volume increase of 41 % compared to Q4 12 Operation – Good growth in Q4 despite low sea temperatures – Higher than normal costs as a result of extended sea lice treatments, especially in Troms – The harvesting in Troms of the 2012 generation has been accelerated, due to sea lice challenges – This years smolt release has better growth and lower mortality than normal Temperatures Region North 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 Jan Mar May Spread 09-12 Jul Sep Average 09-12 Nov 2013 17 Region South KEY FIGURES (NOK '000) Q4 2013 Operating revenues 219 928 217 455 Operational EBIT * Q4 2012 21 316 4 184 Volume harvested (tonnes) 2 179 2 940 Operational EBIT per kg Farming Op. EBIT per kg Sales inc. contracts Total operational EBIT per kg* 9,86 -0,08 9,78 1,07 0,35 1,42 * EBIT pre fair value adjustments and non-recurring items incl. allocated margin from sales Operational EBIT pr kg farming 10,03 6,59 9,86 6,60 1,07 Q4 12 Q1 13 Q2 13 Q3 13 Q4 13 Operational EBIT per kg farming NOK 9.86 – Margin from Sales down by NOK 0.43 per kg compared with Q4 12 due to loss on contracts by NOK 0.69 per kg – Sales price FCA packing station up by NOK 13.06 per kg from Q4 12. 18 Farming – Region South 30,00 Production Cost - SOUTH 29,90 28,00 30,02 3 000 27,34 Harvested Volume - SOUTH 4 000 2 940 2 179 26,00 25,75 2 000 26,70 1 269 24,00 932 1 000 320 22,00 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q4-12 Q1-13 Production cost of NOK 30.02 per kg – Weak performance – Changed production regime implemented to reduce biological risks Volume down by 26 % compared to Q4 12 10,0 – Growth being significantly lower and mortality higher than expected due to challenges with AGD and sea lice – Escape of fish from one of the sites after a storm Q3-13 Q4-13 Temperatures Region North 18,0 Operation Q2-13 16,0 14,0 12,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 Jan Mar May Spread 09-12 Jul Sep Average 09-12 Nov 2013 19 Associated companies KEY FIGURES (NOK '000) Operating revenues Q4 2013 Other Farming associated companies companies 138 784 38 542 Operational EBIT * 48 762 1 180 EBIT 49 650 1 180 Result after tax 37 921 628 Volume harvested (tonnes) 3 302 Operational EBIT per kg * 14,77 *EBIT pre fair value adjustments NRS' share of result after tax 13 457 109 3 fish-farming companies with 9 licenses 2 harvesting companies and 2 hatchery with a yearly capacity of total 8 million smolt Q4 13 EBIT per kg of NOK 14.77 for associated farming companies NRS share of result after tax of MNOK 13.6 in Q4 13 20 Y/Y growth past 12 quarters OSE-listed companies Volumes Region NORTH Growth Y/Y: 17% 40 000 35 000 37 787 31 035 29 728 30 000 25 000 16 637 16 859 Q2-11 Q3-11 25 930 24 505 23 564 23 642 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 22 093 20 000 37 139 27 870 15 000 10 000 5 000 Q1-11 Q4-11 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 73 578 75 650 Q3-13 Q4-13 Volumes Region CENTRAL Growth Y/Y: 7% 90 000 82 397 80 000 76 275 72 423 65 504 70 000 60 000 50 697 77 036 65 339 54 667 58 699 60 789 Q1-13 Q2-13 50 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 Q1-11 Q2-11 Q3-11 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Volumes Region SOUTH Growth Y/Y: 8% 70 000 64 000 61 961 57 538 60 000 56 699 56 627 52 513 50 000 48 220 48 255 Q2-11 Q3-11 51 758 48 017 44 673 40 994 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 Q1-11 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 21 Regional Performance in Norway - 2013 Regional performance - EBIT/kg OSE-listed Companies 16,00 14,00 13,0 12,00 12,1 10,6 9,9 9,7 10,00 8,00 13,5 10,8 8,7 8,5 10,7 7,9 7,0 6,00 4,00 2,00 - Q1-13 Q2-13 SOUTH Q3-13 CENTRAL Q4-13 NORTH 22 OUTLOOK 23 Harvesting estimates 2014 (tonnes HOG) 32,0 SOUTH 27,0 25,2 22,0 4,7 NORTH 29,0 6,2 17,0 12,0 9,7 20,5 7,0 5,4 0,4 2,0 -3,0 FY-13 11,1 1,2 22,8 3,1 2,8 5,0 1,5 1,3 Q1-14 Q2-14 6,6 Q3-14 9,9 Q4-14 FY-14 2013: 25 200 tonnes (+ 19 % yr/yr) 1 800 tonnes lower than estimated in Q3 report – – Planned harvest in December was prevented by unforeseen events in Region North, such as storms and diesel leak at harvesting plant Low growth in Region South due to biological challenges 2014: 29 000 tonnes (+ 15 % yr/yr) 1 000 tonnes lower than estimated in Q3 report – – Low growth and escape of fish in Region South Premature harvesting in Troms due to challenges with sea lice Outlook - Farming Recently approved 2 new sites in a new area in Western Finnmark (Hasvik) with total MAB of 7 200 tonnes - Improved opportunities for separation of generations and further growth Overall MAB for all sites in Finnmark is approx. 37 000 tonnes Total MAB for licenses in Finnmark is 13 230 tonnes Investing in new technologies to prevent challenges with sea lice - Both biologically and economically sustainable and the concept will be a part of our future green production system Fixed price contracts 2 000 1 800 1 600 1 400 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 - Volume hedged 2014 (tonnes) 1 781 1 698 1 508 1 222 Q1-14 Q2-14 Q3-14 Q4-14 25 General Market Outlook Record high export value of salmon from Norway. The growth in export value of more than BNOK 10 in one year is also the highest we have seen in this industry. Export value of Atlantic Salmon from Norway 45,0 39,9 40,0 35,0 31,3 BNOK 30,0 29,6 23,7 25,0 20,0 17,1 17,4 17,9 13,7 15,0 10,0 29,2 9,9 11,3 5,0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 26 General Market Outlook The growth in export values is mainly driven by fresh sales, both whole and fillets. Frozen whole, frozen fillets, smoked, marinated etc has seen a decline in the share of total exports from Norway. Volume distribution 2003 (rwe) Other Frozen 1 % whole 11 % Frozen fillet 8% Volume distribution 2013 (rwe) Frozen whole 4% Fresh fillet 7% Other 0% Fresh fillet 10 % Frozen fillet 5% Fresh whole 73 % Fresh whole 81 % 27 General Market Outlook Export growth last 4 quarters from Norway Strong demand for Atlantic salmon in Q4 as prices were significantly above last year’s level, while Norwegian supply increased 2% and global supply 4%. EU growth in line with Norwegian supply growth, due to strong demand from Poland, Germany and the UK. Russia affected by the high salmon prices. Improving demand from Asia in Q4. Japan improved on fresh fillets, while Greater China experienced 14% import growth from Norway. 28% 14% 6% 1% -8% EU-27 2% 0% France -11% Russia Q1/2013 Poland Q2/2013 Japan Q3/2013 Greater China Others In total Q4/2013 28 Supply growth and effect on spot price Spot price for 2013 was NOK 39.50 YTD price is 31% above last year 2013 2012 45 new «Green» Licenses Category A: 10 licenses in Finnmark (5 small) 10 licenses in Troms (5 small) 10 MNOK ea. 10 MNOK ea. Category B: 15 licenses, prequalified, Auction 55 – 66 MNOK ea. (Salmar: 8, Cermaq: 5, NRS: 1, Bjørøya: 1) Category C: 10 licenses, “high tech” 10 MNOK ea. Total of 1 200 MNOK of which 720 MNOK to the State, and 480 MNOK to hosting communities. Estimated total national yearly supply growth is + 5 % Thank you for your attention Norway Royal Salmon ASA TRONDHEIM: Olav Trygvasons gt. 40 Pb. 2608 Sentrum 7414 Trondheim NO 864 234 232 Tel: Fax: +47 7392 4300 +47 7392 4301 KRISTIANSAND: Gravane 8 Pb. 110 4662 Kristiansand Tel: Fax: +47 3812 2666 +47 3812 2679 31
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