[email protected] 7/18/2014 HiChad, Ijustgotyourm essage.Ihopem y em ailfindsyou w ell. P leaseletm eknow w hatIcandotohelpyou doafairandinform ativepieceforM acom bCounty citizens. Itw ouldbebestifyou coulde-m ailm ethequestionsand I'llrespondrightback.O rperhapsyou cantakesom einfo.out ofm y profilebelow . T hanksandkindregards, --ErinS tahl,M S F S entfrom m y iP hone EDU CAT IO N : FU L L N AM E: ErinAlanaS tahl AGE: 44 O CCU P AT IO N : Self-Employed (Independent Contractor) M U N ICIP AL IT Y O FR ES IDEN CE: City ofS t.ClairS hores FO R HO W L O N G: 15+ years(M acom bCounty for20+ years) IN CU M BEN T ?: N o P O L IT ICAL VIEW S : L ibertarian-R epublican 1) MSU - Bachelors in Entrepreneurship 2) Walsh College - Masters in Finance 3) Former St. Clair Shores (SCS) Gen. Emp. Pension Board Trustee 4) Financial Peace University class leader 5) Certified Trainer – Total Quality Process Management 6) Senior Graduate of www.LandmarkEducation.com P R EVIO U S L Y HEL D EL ECT ED O FFICES : 2007 M ayorP roT em ,S t.ClairS hores 2003-2007 Councilw om an,S t.ClairS hores T O P T HR EET HIN GS YO U W IS H T O AC CO M P L IS H AN D HO W YO U W IL L ACCO M P L IS H T HEM IFEL ECT ED: 1) Creating an atmosphere and policies that RESPECT the rights, dignity, and worth of all people 2) Design Macomb County government into the example for other communities, of how to LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS while strategically dumping our debt 3) DEFEND ourselves FROM ASSAULTS by contractors and special interests trying to make a quick buck. I’ll accomplish this by: 1) Continue standing up for SCS residents and broaden my efforts to all Macomb County communities 2) Use my unique way of analyzing government budgets; getting to the problem's root cause, rather than haphazardly throwing more money at the problems 3) Provide free FOIA information to citizens to hold elected officials and employees accountable. Then use the inquiries to develop statistical reporting systems 4) Give citizens the truth so we can fix problems and have a higher quality of life for Macomb County families. OUR FAMILIES ARE WORTH IT! www.ErinStahl.com 586.774.8181
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