SEIU 1021 Schools Industry Summit A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD Saturday, March 8, 2014 Napa Valley College 2277 Napa – Vallejo Highway • Napa, CA 94558 “NO CLASS WITHOUT CLASSIFIED” A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD SUMMIT SCHEDULE Time Workshop Room 8:30 – 9:00 Check-in Cafeteria 900 – 9:30 Welcome Karla Faucett, SEIU Local 1021 Industry Chair Jan Schardt, SEIU Local 1021 Industry Co-Chair Roxanne Sanchez, SEIU Local 1021 President Gary Jimenez, SEIU Local 1021 Regional VP Crawford Johnson, SEIU Local Regional VP Pete Castelli, SEIU Local 1021 Executive Director Cafeteria 9:30 – 9:45 Break 9:45 – 11:45 Building Strength in Your Workplace Presenters: Pete Castelli and John Stead-Mendez This workshop will give members a tool kit to take back to their work sites. Cafeteria 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch Cafeteria 12:15 – 1:15 “Players in Public Education” Presenters: Alysabeth Alexander, SEIU 1021 Vice President of Politics and Meredith Staples, SEIU Local 1021 Researcher Legislation and Trends in Public Education Cafeteria 1:15 – 1:30 Break 1:30 – 2:30 Breakout Session New Member: Who We Are and What We Do Presenter: Nathan Hansford, SEIU Local 1021 Field Representative Do you want to know what this Union is all about? Are Unions still relevant in today’s society? What does it mean to be a Union Member? Why is this so important? You have questions and we have answers. We will spend a full hour discussing about what our Union is, and how it affects your work life and the well-being of your community. Bring your questions and let’s get down to the nitty gritty! -1A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD 838 Time Workshop Room PEPRA (Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act) Presenter: Kerianne Steele, SEIU Legal Counsel 860 The far-reaching Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act took effect on January 1, 2013. This new law radically transforms public employee pensions. PEPRA applies to all state and local public retirement systems, and to their participating employers, including the Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), the State Teacher’s Retirement System (CalSTRs), the Legislator’s Retirement, the Judges Retirement Systems I and II, county and district retirement systems created pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (Act of ’37), independent public retirement systems, and individual retirement plans offered by public employers. The PEPRA presentation will cover these important areas: New members New retirement formulas Defined contribution plans Employer and member contributions Health plan vesting Industrial disability retirement Pensionable compensation Creditable compensation Retroactive benefit enhancement Compensation earnable Forfeiture for felony conviction And more Bargaining 101 875 Presented by Matt Lanza and Ian Arnold, SEIU LOCAL 1021 Field Representatives How to prepare for bargaining, from electing your team to working together, the must-do’s and pitfalls of drafting contract language. Learn how to connect bargaining to the field campaign. How to win at the table with a strong worksite presence. 2:30 – 3:30 Breakout Session Member Engagement: How to Get Involved and Getting Others Involved Presented by Nathan Hansford, SEIU Local 1021 Field Representative Ever wonder how to get people to participate in more than a contract vote that involves money? Need stewards and activists? Join a lively discussion on how to get your chapter moving. We will be sharing our experiences on what is working and what is not, and formulate ideas for future member engagement activities. Unions rely heavily on “the power of numbers.” This discussion will be centered on the realization of having true power in numbers. This hour will be focused on raising participation in all of what your Chapter is doing. -2A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD 838 Time Workshop Room Protecting Your Health Care Benefits Presented by Sally Covington, Community Campaigns for Quality Care 860 Is It Time For the Merit System? Presented by George Cole, Executive Director for the California School Personnel Commissioners Association (CSPCA) 875 For years, we have been on the defensive over rising health costs. Every dollar for benefits is a dollar less for wages or vice versa. Win here, lose there. Rather than fighting over who should pay, we need to start asking, “Why are our health benefit costs so high?” This session will help answer this question and outline new strategies aimed at controlling health costs, not lowering take-home pay. In your district: Are neighbors, friends and families of administrators hired over qualified classified employees seeking promotion? Are your job descriptions out of date? Do reclassification requests get denied due to politics? Are hiring practices changed or ignored so that pre-selected candidates are hired? Are there inconsistencies in the testing and hiring process? Do you feel stuck and unable to advance in your district? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it may be time for the Merit System. Please come to this session to hear more about this system of protection established by the Education Code, for classified employees, and which works in conjunction with your Union. If you are already in a Merit System District, come and ask questions about best practices for Personnel Commissions. 3:30 – 4:00 Closing Announcements Raffle (must be present to win) -3A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD Cafeteria 2014 Schools Industry Council Summit About the 1021 SIC About the Local 1021 Schools Industry Council (SIC) T he Schools Industry Council was formed in 1997 when 10 Locals merged to form SEIU Local 1021. The Schools Industry Council’s purpose is to increase member participation and develop strategies and campaigns to deal with common issues that affect all School workers. The Industry Council is also responsible for monitoring the California State Budget and fighting for funding for education. We continue to work with Schools Industry delegates, members, and SEIU 1021 Staff to develop strategies to fight the attacks on public employee pensions, health care increases, and other benefits. Since the merger, the Schools Industry has focused on ensuring member voices and opinions concerning 1021 policies, and contract campaigns are heard and taken into consideration by the 1021 Executive Board, SEIU State Council and SEIU International. The Schools Industry will focus on implementation of Local Control Funding (LCFF), Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), fight against Privatization/Contracting out and strengthen Legislative Agenda for classified workers and strengthen public education. We must continue our work in earnest if we are to gain the slightest lead over management as they continue to find ways to overwork and underpay our members; all this while we ask more of our members in the form of advocacy at worksites, involvement in committees, communities, projects and supporting local and state ballot measures. We are asking every school chapter to participate in our Schools Industry Council. All members are welcome to attend the meeting. The Schools Industry Delegates are committed to providing you with all the tools necessary to prepare you for tough fights. All SEIU 1021 School members are welcome to join the Schools Industry Council monthly meeting, the second Saturday of every month at the Fairfield Office (2300 Boynton Ave). This meeting is open to all members, please RSVP on the events page of the Local website: Questions: Contact Karla Faucett at [email protected] or Jan Schardt at [email protected] -4A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD 2014 Schools Industry Council Summit SIC Staff A – M Roxanne Sanchez SEIU Local 1021, President [email protected] Pete Castelli Executive Director, Field & Programs [email protected] John Stead – Mendez Deputy Director [email protected] Nely Obligacion Regional Field Director, Schools Industry [email protected] ~~~~ School District Field Rep Email Albany USD Angela Thomas [email protected] Acalanes Union High School District Angela Thomas [email protected] College of Marin Daz Lamparas [email protected] Chabot/Las Positas CCD Kaden Kratzer [email protected] Cotati-Rohnert Park USD Maria Peluso [email protected] Dixon USD Nathan Hansford [email protected] Fremont USD Matt Lanza [email protected] Geyserville USD Maria Peluso [email protected] Hayward USD Kaden Kratzer [email protected] Livermore Valley Joint USD Kaden Kratzer [email protected] Los Rios USD John Shaban [email protected] Mendocino College Maria Peluso [email protected] Napa County Office of Education Nathan Hansford [email protected] -5A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD 2014 Schools Industry Council Summit SIC Staff N – Z ~~~~ School District Field Rep Email Napa Valley CCD Nathan Hansford [email protected] Oakland USD Ronda Goldsby [email protected] Ohlone CCD Matt Lanza [email protected] Peralta CCD Matt Lanza [email protected] Sacramento City USD Elementary John Shaban [email protected] Sacramento City USD Ian Arnold [email protected] San Francisco City College Angela Thomas [email protected] San Francisco USD Daz Lamparas [email protected] San Lorenzo USD Matt Lanza [email protected] San Ramon Valley USD Matt Lanza [email protected] Santa Rosa Junior College District Maria Peluso [email protected] Sebastopol Unified School District Maria Peluso [email protected] Sonoma County Office of Education Maria Peluso [email protected] Vacaville USD Nathan Hansford [email protected] -6A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD 2014 Schools Industry Council Summit Planning Committee The Local 1021 Schools Industry Council thanks the Summit Planning Committee for all of its hard work. A special thank you to Jan Schardt for procuring the Napa Valley College site. We also thank Napa Valley College for the use of their site. Committee Members Karla Faucett Schools Industry Council Chair Jan Schardt Schools Industry Council Co-Chair Doug Marr San Lorenzo Unified School District Budget & Finance Alysabeth Alexander Nathan Hansford SEIU 1021 Field Representative Matt Lanza SEIU 1021 Field Representative SEIU 1021 Vice President of Politics A Special Thanks to Local 1021 Staff & SEIU 1021 Executive Board Members ~~ Schools, Communications, Organizing, Politics and Education & Training -7A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD Daz Lamparas SEIU 1021 Field Representative John Shaban SEIU Local 1021 Field Representative 2014 Schools Industry Council Summit Contact Information Contact Us SEIU Local 1021 Member Resource Center: 1-877-OUR-1021 Event and Contract Information: Facebook: SEIU Local 1021 Offices for Schools Oakland Office 100 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94607 Office: (510) 350-9811 Fax: (510) 451-6928 Toll-free: (877) 510-1021 Sacramento Office 5450 Power Inn Road, Suite F Sacramento, CA 95820 Office: (916) 288-4049 Fax: (916) 288-4088 San Francisco Office 350 Rhode Island, Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94103 Office: (415) 848-3611 Fax: (415) 431-6241 Toll-free: (877) 415-1021 Santa Rosa Office 600 B Street Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Office: (707) 293-2858 Fax: (707) 542-1496 Fremont Office 37138 Niles Blvd. Fremont, CA 94536 (contact Oak St. with any questions) Fairfield Office 2300 Boynton Ave., Suite 200 Fairfield, CA 94533 Office: (707) 422-9464 Fax: (707) 422-5107 -8A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: MOVING FORWARD SEIU 1021 Schools Industry Council The 2014 Summit is dedicated to the memory of Mynette Theard 2010-2013 Industry Chair NO/fsb/crm:opeiu29afl-cio
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