Teaching Staff List 2014/15 Surname Forename Title Initials FTE Department Tutor/ Attachment Head Of Faculty/ Line Manager Surname Forename Title Initials FTE Department Tutor/ Attachment Head Of Faculty/ Line Manager Adams Tessa Mrs TAD 1.00 Maths - KS3 Lead 10B Gareth Smith Jones Diane Mrs DJO 0.57 Humanities- History 6TH Form Intervention/Support Tutor Sarah Holt Allen Paul Mr PAL 1.00 Science - KS3 Lead 7B Justin Smith Jones Kathleen Miss KJO 1.00 MFL HOF 8F Aimee Mitchell Alsbury Cicely Ms CAL 1.00 Science/ Social Studies 10F Justin Smith Keegan Peter Mr PKE 1.00 Technology - HOF 6FBK Gareth Smith Bauer Lindsey Miss LBA 0.60 History 10DA Sarah Holt King Gary Mr GKI 1.00 Assistant Principal- Technology Year 9 Line Lead Helen Salmon Bartlett Sally Miss SBA 0.40 MFL 6FDH Kat Jones King Rebecca Mrs RKI 0.50 Technology Y9 Intervention Support Tutor Pete Keegan Benson Sally Miss SBE 0.70 MFL 11TA Kat Jones Lambert Joseph Mr JLA 1.00 Creative Arts- Music 11D Eva Pearson Benzie Dee Mrs DBE 0.60 Maths Y11 Intervention Support Tutor Gareth Snith Lane Elton Mr ELA 0.50 ICT 10T Pete Keegan Berryman Emma Mrs EBE 0.70 Humanities- Business Studies Y10 Intervention Support Tutor Sarah Holt Lovett Peter Mr PLO 1.00 English 9T Mark Roberts Bird Darren Mr DBI 1.00 Media & Media Studies 11TA Mark Roberts Madley Catherine Miss CMA 1.00 Science. 6FGM Justin Smith Blackmore Hazel Mrs HBL 1.00 PE. /HOY 7 Head Year 7 Sally Hubbard McCarthy Odette Mrs OMC 0.46 Science. 6FDT Justin Smith Bower Adrian Mr ABO 0.50 English 6FGD Mark Roberts McKean Colin Mr CMC 1.00 Maths 10BA Gareth Smith Byrne Elaine Miss EBY English 9G Mark Roberts Mifsud Justin Mr JMI 1.00 SENCO Aimee Mitchell Byron Lewis Mr LBY 1.00 Creative Arts- Art 6FFB Eva Pearson Millidge Becky Mrs RMI 0.90 English & Media- English. Maternity 29/12/13 Mark Roberts Callahan Beth Miss BCA 1.00 Maths 10G Gareth Smith Mills Anna Ms AML 1.00 English (HOF) Attached SLT Seconded to Lipson Helen Salmon Chambers Crispin Mr CCH 1.00 MFL 11B Kat Jones Mitchell Aimee Mrs AMI 1.00 Vice Principal Year 8 & 11 Line Lead Helen Salmon Congdon Rachael Ms RCN 1.00 Science 11T Justin Smith Monk Pauline Miss PMO 1.00 Technology . 6FTM Pete Keegan Corkell Ross Mr RCO 1.00 PE 11BA Tristan Forster Moore Robert Mr RMO 1.00 Technology 6FDM Pete Keegan Cornwell Sue Mrs SCO 1.00 Humanities- Business Studies & Geography 7TX Sarah Holt Neill Jo Mrs JNE 1.00 Technology & I.C.T- I.T. 7GX Pete Keegan Crispin Ellie Miss ECR 1.00 Science H5 Justin Smith O'Connell James Mr JOC 1.00 Assistant Principal/ Head of 6th Form/ English & Media Sixth Form Helen Salmon Damarell Danny Mr DDA 1.00 Science 6FGM Justin Smith Ortuno Saez Elisabel Ms EOR 1.00 MFL 6FDH Kat Jones Doyle Rhona Mrs RDO 0.46 PE 7GA Tristan Forster Pearson Eva Mrs EPE 1.00 Creative Arts- Performance Studies (HOF) 8T Sally Hubbard Edgecombe Jamie Mr JED 1.00 English 9BA Mark Roberts Prior Lyn Mrs LPR 0.50 Maths England Laura Miss LEN 1.00 Social Studies-Religious Studies 7BX Julia Tosdevin Read Nick Mr NRE 1.00 Maths 8G Gareth Smith Forster Tristan Mr TFO 1.00 PE - HOF 8BA James O`Connell Reed Andrew Mr ARE 1.00 Science 6FDY Justin Smith Fox Sonia Miss SFO 1.00 English /HOY Y11 Head of Year 11 Aimee Mitchell Roberts Mark Mr MRO 1.00 English- (HOF) E6 Helen Salmon Froud Tori Mrs VFR 0.34 Humanities- Geography 9BA Sarah Holt Ruse Andrea Mrs ARU 1.00 Humanities- History 7T Sarah Holt Galli Thomas Mr TGA 1.00 Creative Arts- Art 6FBG Eva Pearson Ruse Philip Mr PRU 1.00 Humanities- Geography 6FBW Sarah Holt Giles Jessica Miss JGI 1.00 Creative Arts- Performance Studies & Dance. 7DA Eva Pearson Salmon Helen Mrs HAS 1.00 Principal Year 11 Governors Greener Julie Mrs JGR 1.00 Social Studies-Religious Studies/ HOY 10 Head of Year 10 Gareth Smith Sealey Niki Mrs NSE 0.80 Humanities- History 6TH Form Intervention/Support Tutor Sarah Holt Hake Peter Mr PHA 1.00 Science (Biology) / HOY 8 Head of Year 8 Aimee Mitchell Shepherd Susan Mrs SSH 1.00 Social Studies- Psychology 6FFS Julia Tosdevin Harris Jenny Ms JHA 1.00 Technology 8F Pete Keegan Smith Abigail Ms AXS 1.00 English & Media StudiesEnglish (Raising Aspirations & KS4 Lead) 9F Mark Roberts Harris Helen Mrs HHA 0.70 Humanities- History & Law Y7 Intervention Support Tutor. 6th Form Intervention/ Support Tutor Sarah Holt Smith David Mr DSM 1.00 Maths Gareth Smith Harris Michael Mr MHA 1.00 Science - KS4 Lead 6FFH Justin Smith Smith Gareth Mr GSM 1.00 Director of Maths/ Assistant Principal Aimee Mitchell Harry Beckie Miss RHA 1.00 Maths 10D Gareth Smith Smith Justin Mr JSM 1.00 Science - HOF 7F Aimee Mitchell Hillman Mark Mr MHI 1.00 Maths - Operational Head of Maths 11FA Gareth Smith Stephens Wendy Mrs WST 1.00 Technology & I.C.T- D.T./ Health & Social Care 6FFD Pete Keegan Holt Sarah Mrs SHO 1.00 Humanities- Business Studies HOF 8D Gary King Stephenson Hannah Miss HST 1.00 Music 7DX Eva Pearson Holt Michael Mr MHO 1.00 Technology & I.C.T- D.T. 6FTH Pete Keegan Strafford Rhiannon Ms RST 1.00 Social Studies- Religious Studies 7G Julia Tosdevin Hosking Neil Mr NHO 1.00 PE/ Head of Y9 Head of Year 9 Gary King Tosdevin Julia Mrs JTO 1.00 Social Studies- Religious Studies (HOF) 7TA James O'Connell Hubbard Sally Mrs SHU 1.00 Assistant Principal English Helen Salmon Westman Nike Mrs N.W.E . 0.50 MFL 8T Kat Jones Hulbert Shaun Mr SHL 1.00 PE 11DA Tristan Forster Wilson Alex Mr AWI 1.00 Humanities- History 7FA Sarah Holt Jackson Alex Mr AJA 1.00 Science 8B Justin Smith Yeo Caroline Mrs CYE 1.00 Science 6FDY Justin Smith Jacob Daniel Mr DJA 1.00 Currently on role 84 Updated 12/9/14 Teachers Social Studies-Religious Assistant Head of Sixth Studies/Assistant Head of Form Sixth Form James O`Connell Y10 Maths Intervention Gareth Smith Tuor
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