
Sohag University
Faculty of Science
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth
Academic Rank
Graduation year
Graduation Awarding University
M.Sc. Awarding University
Graduation year
Ph.D. Awarding University
Graduation year
Major Specialization
Minor Specialization
Faiza M. Soliman
Assiut Univ.
Cairo Univ.
Ain Shams Univ.
Fish Biology
How to Contact
Work address
Tele. (work)
E- Mail
Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag
University, Egypt.
002-093- 601949 internal (2449)
002-093- 601807
002-093- 601950
Scientific Qualifications
1. Bachelor of Science (Zoology)
2. Master of Science
3. Doctorate of
philosophy of 25/5/1982
Awarding University
Ain shims Univ.
Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ.
Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ.
Academic Appointments
Ass. Lecturer
Ass. Prof.
M. Sc. Thesis Title
Ph.D. Thesis Title
Published and Accepted Papers for Publication
1-Fawzy A.Boraey S. & Faiza M. Soliman. (1985). Bioeconomic studies on some bony fishes
belonging to genus Acanthopagrus of the family sparidae in the red sea. III-studies on the
age and growth of Acanthopagrus bifasciatus forsk. In the red sea. Sohag Pure & Appl. Sci.
Bull. Fac. Sci. Egypt, I:175-194.
2-Fawzy, A. Boraey & Faiza M. Soliman (1985). Astudy on the food and feeding habitate of
Barbus bynni, Forsk. In wadi El-Rayan lake, Al-Fayoum, Egypt. Sohag pure&Appl.Sci.
Bull.Fac.Sci. Egypt, I: 195-206.
3- Fawzy A. Boraey& Faiza M. Soliman. (1985). Growth and feeding habits of Chrysophrys
haffara, Cuv.&Val. In the North western Red sea. Sohag pure& Appl. Sci. Bull. Fac. Sci.
Egypt, I : 207-220.
4-Faiza M. Soliman & Fawzy A. Boraey. ( 1986). Maturity, fecundity and spawning season of
Barbus bynni from wadi El-Rayan Lake, Al-Fayoum. Sohag pure &Appl. Sci. Bull. Fac. Sci.
Egypt, 2: 321-338.
5-Fawzy A. Boraey &Faiza M. Soliman ( 1984). Length-weght relationship, relative condition
and food and feeding habits of the goat fish Upeneus sulphureus Cuv.& Val. In Safaga Bay
of the red sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 26 (1s2): 83-88.
6- Faiza M. Soliman (1989). Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Mulloidichthys
auriflamma (family Mullidae ) from Al-Ghardaqa area of the red sea. Com. Sci. S. Dev. Res.
Vol. 26:21-35.
7- G. A. Hassan, Faiza M. Soliman & Fawza A. Boraey. (1983). Changes in pituitary contents
of prolactin and growth hormone and milk secretion during lactation stages and after
treatment with reserpine and haloperidol in rats. Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. XIX, 2:477-483.
8-Fawzy A. Boraey S Faiza M. Soliman. (1986). Effect of moditen treatment on pituitary
lactogenic hormone and on lactation intensity in stressed rats. Alex. Sci. Exch. Vol. 7, No.
I: 121-131.
9-Fawzy A. Boraey &Faiza M. Soliman.(1988). Biology of Valamugil seheli, Forsk. From
inshore waters of the united Arab Emirates. I-Age and growth. J.Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 30
(182): 164-170
10-Fawzy A. Boraey & Faiza M. Soliman. (1988). On some aspects of the biology of the goatfish Upeneus bensasi, Temnick and schlegel in the Gulf of Suez. J. Fac. Sci. U.A.E. Univ.
Vol. I, no. I: 109-120.
11-Sana, A. Mohamed, Ahmed N. Nasser, A. Y. Nasser, Faiza M. Soliman& Ahmed A. Ali.
(1989). Study of the testis and accessory sex organs in experimental diabetes: II
Histochemical changes. Assiut Med. J. Vol. 13, No. 2, 85-95.
12-Faiza, M. Soliman, (1995). Age and growth of Barbus bynni in the man-made lake Wadi ElRayan Lake, Al-Fayoum. Sohag pure& Appl. Sci Bull. Fac. Sci. Egypt. Vol.11, 87-95.
13- Faiza M. Soliman (1994). Effect of water effluent discharged to the river nilr from the
hydrogenation oil factory at sohag on the cichlid fish Tilapia nilotica:Histopathological and
histochemical study. International conference on future resources in Arab region. 117-128.
4- 14-Faiza M. Soliman. (1994). Studies on some biological aspects of Mormyrus kannume in
the river nile at sohag Governorate.Bull. Fac., Sci., Assiut Univ. 23 (2-E). pp.83-99.
15- Hosny M. Aboul-Dahab& Faiza M. Soliman. (1995). Parental care and sex ratio in
Gambusia affinis collected from the river Nile in Egypt. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. Vol. 16 (B),
vertebrate Anatomy &Embryology, 1-15.
16-Soheir A. Abd El-Rahim, Faiza M. Soliman & E. Abu-Amra. (1994). Induction of
gametogenesis by a fraction of scorpion venom in the gonads of Gambusia affinis. Assiut
Vet. Med. J. Vol. 3. No. 62: 63-73.
17-El-sabry Abu-Amra, Faiza M. Soliman S Soheir A. Abd El-Rahim. (1994). Histochemical
alterations in the liver and intestine of the teleost fish Gambusia affinis induced by extracted
factor separated from scorpion venom.Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. 23 (2-E).pp.67-81.
18-Hamdoon, N. T.; Ibrahim, Th. A.; Seddek, A. Sh. S. Faiza M. Soliman. (1995). Cytological
effects of environmental pollutant on Oreochromis niloticus J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. 55,
No. 1&2: 99-107.
19-Fawzy A. Boraey, Soad Sh. Ali, Faiza M. Soliman, Ahmed N. Nasr & Mohamed A. Adley.
(1989). Studies on the eye of some nile teleosts : Morphometric studies on the retina in
different nile teleostean fishes living in different habitats. Proceedings of third Al-Azhar
international medical conference. 288-299.
20- Soad Sh. Ali, Faiza M. Soliman, Fawzy A. Boraey, Ahmed N. Nasr & Mohamed A. Adley. (
1990). Studies on the eye of some nile teleosts: III-A comparative study on the histology of
the retina of two nile teleostean fishes. Broc. 8th, Ann. Sci., Conf., 11-22. .
21-Esam I. Agamy, Faiza M. Soliman& Fakhr El-Din lashein. ( 1991). Development of the
digestive system of the fresh water teleost, Gambusia affinis. VI- Intestinal caecum. Sci.
J.Fac. Menoufia Univ. Vol. V: 155-174.
22-Sanna A. Mohamed, Soad Sh. Ali, Faiza M. Soliman, Ahmed N. Nasr S Mohamed A. adley.
(1991). The eye of Tilapia nilotica (Bolti fish): morphological and morphometric study. Assiut
Med. J. Vol. 15, no. 6:123-135.
23-Faiza M. Soliman, Essam I. Agamy & fakhr El-Din Lashein. (1992). Developmental of the
digestive system of the fresh teleost, Gambusia affinis: I-Buccal cavity. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc.
Zool. Vol. (B), Vertebrate anatomy & Embryology, 31-45.
24- Esam I. Agamy, Faiza M. Soliman & Fakhr El-Din Lashein. (1992).Developmental of the
digestive system of the fresh water teleost, Gambusia affinis: II-Pharyyngeal region. J.
Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol. (B), vertebrate anatomy& Embryology, 47-63.
25- Faiza M. Soliman, Esam I. Agamy & Fakhr El-Din Lashein ( 1992). Development of the
digestive system of the fresh water teleost, Gambusia affinis: III-Oesophagus. J. Egypt.
Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol. (B), Vetebrate anatomy&Embryology, 65-81.
26-Ahmed N. Nasr, Soad Sh. Ali, Faiza M. Soliman, Fawzy A. Boraey & Mohamed A Adley.
(1992). Studies on the eye of some nile teleosts: I- structural-functional adaptation of the
eye in two nile teleostean fishes living in two different habitats. J.Fac. Sci. U.A.E., Vol. 4,
No. 1:89-100.
27- Esam I. agamy, Faiza M. Soliman& Fakhr El-Din Lashein ( 1992). Developmenta of the
digestive system of the fresh water teleost, Gambusia affinis. IV-Intestine. J. Egypt.
Ger.Soc. Zool., Vol (B), Vetebrate anatomy& Embryology, 523-558.
28-Esam I. Agamy, Faiza M. Soliman S Fakhr El-Din Lashein. ( 1992). Development of the
digestive system of the fresh water teleost, Gambusia affinnis. V-Liver and pancrease. J.
Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol (B), vertebrate anatomy & Embryology, 83-105.
29- Faiza M. Soliman, Ibrahim A. El-Elaimy & Hamdy M Hamada. (1993). The effect of
malathion on the histopathological changes in the liver of Gambusia affinis. Pest control&
Environ. Sci. Vol. V (1): 17-30.
30-Faiza M. Soliman, Ibrahim A. El-Elaimy & Hamdy M Hamada. (1995). Physiological
alterations of the liver function of Gambusia affinis after exposure to the organophosphorus
insecticide, Malathion. Sohag pure& appl. Sci. Bull. Fac. Sci. Egypt. Veil. 11, 73-85.
31-Faiza M. Soliman & Momen El-Damarany (
). The relation between some biological
aspects of some nile fishes and prevalence of helminth infections. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool.
Invertebrate Zoology &parasitology, 254-275.
32- Faiza, M. Soliman, Ibrahim A. El-Elaimy& Hamdy M. Hamada. (1994). The
histopathological effect of malathion on the ovary of Gambusia affinis. J. Fac. Sci. U.A.
Emirates. .
33- El-Banhawy, M. A. Faiza M. Soliman, Soheir A. Abd El-Rahim& Hamada M. Hamada.
(1994). Metabolic changes in the nile Bolti, Oreochromis niloticus exposed to different
concentrations of the herbicide (Goal). Proceedings of the Egyptian Acadmy of Sciences.
34-Faiza M. Soliman, Ibrahim, A. El-Elaimy& hamdy M. Hamada. (
). Malathion toxicity to
Gambusia affinis holbrookii and its effect on brain acetylcholinesterase activity. Bull. Alex. Fac.
35. Ahmed Y. Nassar & Faiza M. Soliman. (1989). In vivo effect of isolated bradykinin
potentiating peptides from Egyptian scorpions and cobra on the level of Ache in some
organs of white rats and CK and ALP in their blood. Assiut Med. J. Vol. 13, No. 2:1-15.
36- Ahmed Y. Nassar & Faiza M. Soliman. (1989). Fractions with bradykinin poteitiating activity
composed of 14-16 amino acid residues were isolated from venoms of Egyptian scorpions
and snakes. J. Vol. 13, No. 2: 39-45.
37- A.A. Abdel Aal, M.K.El-Naffar, Faiza M. Soliman & M. E. Ibrahim (1990). The population
density and seasonal distribution of mosquitoes in sohag Governorate. Bull. Fac. Sci.,
Assiut univ. 19( 2-E): 111-130.
38- M. K. El-Naffar, A.A. Abdel Aal, Faiza M. Soliman & M. E. Ibrahim. (1990). Studies on
filariasis and the role played by mosquitoes in its transmission in sohag Governorate. Bull.
Fac. Sci. assiut Univ. 19 (2-E):131-148.
Scientific Conferences
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