U ' '''' ' '' ' ' ' .. - ... - .. ..... '' D 7 5 CopyofTransl. si er sts I1 ' offilessenttoNAI t . . . . i- . - - - - .. . . . . - . - - .. l j. jI c ' ' 8 j M inl -stry of States P olltlcalD eptt. . ' j j! ' . j . - 1947-1951 - j, $ - + p j , , R ecd .in M ay 2010 from N A l j 1j , -- j / ! .: l . . x $ . ' ' . , ' . K .. . @ . . ' # y e. .' . . . ' ' . , . z: . .,. w ' ' vw i 4 g . .. . yj ' ' ' *.s. ,., .j y.; .. , , .., . . . . - . #,j. ., ', . F11e stlm1* t , y .r . :.> . . ' , i hl. . . . s l 1* .F' z pz47'.- nestrq aubllat- :' ' '''.' W or aaz sahts zùgal seuart t or expïoyroht 2* & t-%///7'. 1n atl'Mtan Ztate. q j ' .. - . - FJ /1/P/47? Degtz'. or d essrsa iaz fddkn àhmu aM Daya :.54 Jozht ror ' appoino ent tn an IM tan St at*. J , . 3. F.1/2/P/41 * Destr: or Mr. G.K.Chaudhrt - Btate. for empl oyment tn qnd InGtln X A' -4. T .k/z/p/nz--xppoknkv.nk or xrzszezx - . - - - < Reeonstttuti e ht a. as-pyf gënt/fst er ot znuu re , u' 5. F.I/3/P/4# Rqtenjson on ot the Indot: Clksnot. .. or XrMtllhan . Qp*-wn K j . Btate iervteeon tertatu condttlons attonxl,ln lndlan . 2- B -' ?*1/3/P/47 k'qeqtre of Xalor 5.P4Sha>-K'M . v 1 i . * . sé:kror ' lsqyoyxeyts-i-n ygy--i. F.lz4/p/471.'De etr. of r r tmilo#ment't: an z dtan st M .Aeba aax shexngaï fo' n ate. -- - .. . ..a... tt-. .<, - av '' . . -- . %.wwg. -r... . . . . , ?- -- .- ..--- . . -. ,..- .. - ., - , . w $ 8* F.l/4/P/4%. jh qt qo #r ttM on tnt. orta ppointllnlrTKr.K.'.'r1#e41i5:rua1-lav et, Bonepur'wtat* (l.B.à.1un4er thB M/ôt . . 5 alè: e# AdttnieW ae : J' Mnagadh State. ' '. y 2. F.1/5/PV 47 Appoinv *nt of Mr.B*W*shtvegl-arkàr m , s, jo p BlgtoM l Co- 4s:tone , Valkol * th:relf , t * V ' l0. F.1/5/P/47 àppotnV ent of Kr.S.lI@X*h% af Ptl Szhte. ll. :.1/6/PP/47'''àppofnf>ent of Kr.C.8.VeDkAta*h*t me Xtnleter Kotah : ' Regtonal coC*Z*Z*,1*C*Bp. *B Q -lmstonq: ror centtal>In4iè. j 12.F.1/6/P/47' à ppotntlen6tate t'of ClpGtn P.B.8weene â: Ciotom, ûfftcép Alvmnxgar y , . . . l3. F.1/7/P/47l D*stre of Capu tn W. P.Keelan rot Appotntment in : . ' . . . Indtan Btate. 7. t. n ,14. F.1/7/::/47 pAppltcatton rtox Mr . B.K.cuanura, zate Dqw.n pr ges o ys ' . Jj j . :toa.1vy.ndstatecyoup,t6.anappotntmcnt ' ï.zs. r.zza/pq/47 ;zppqtntment or xr . . lsrhnt as seeretarr to t:e Degtonaz cio-lsstonor, nunuzkhx t xd. . 'l6. 1.1/8/P/47 K'Deeire pf Mllot JasvhMt Singh 3hAm1e7al f ' ln an Indian state. or èmploymenl e ' . ' . -ii* F*1/9/::/47 :zppotnt ' coxxysston.r ment oror r xaczt:sa haral sagen::asthgh s:(B tonip'l I 18.:.1/q/p/47s Desiro or sarda: iahadur-Ax .atc hatltegar:Bales. r stngh ror e . an zndtxn sta:.. mployxent tn N119 F 1/lû/PV 4?t61t *L b*F.*1/lc/N 471Dealy. c ryp.a3jj' yz g/ssey/?jgjp--x. ' k r or dalor S.ll.lloree n for :xplo , a. F.l/ll/P/47. De,ire of G lor Matlh yment ïn an i Indian Stàt all I Wlme g f oz ' *mpl ln4tln S> %e n an .o> ênt . J ).Fkl/ll/êv 47tD:stre o't Bea:vs . B.K.% hat and V.B .3% e- gar f or epployxqnt in ln Indtan Btat me. F.l/l:/#q/4719e,tre of Mr.J.J.A>har çob exploywett l <1/12/P/47zDestre of Str Abdul Hnoeed for employment n ap Indthâ Btakeà t , ' . /13/P1 47 .Destrg or Rat snhtb G n an Indian S1 ulab ctmn:ry Jatn rot explpa x t l@ ax ' lnGtan Eu tes. . 15 3& /47 .Destre or xr c . K. vt:aa rao va ** InGtan :Qt*. tn Iac.s.rop o pzom ex> tn :n -'* V lV N 47 êgestre of Mr. H.prasad ror e>ployment in the Chahûell*D' .s . > / . ' ' seczetartat. ' . . ' . $ ' ' . . 1 . > 1 11 , 2 - '- '. - -- - AjA . . . - u . .. -. W ra * . . .... - . . - ..- .--- . . . -. - . - .-.---.-- . . o <a. * --- .' .' ........ -.-- ..... .- -- . ..- . . D.. < ..- .- . -- - 28.F.1/16/:/47 < Deslre of Khan sahadut Saiyid Atn-Vd-diù, CIB,QSB &ate Devan of Datta, C.I.)for employxent in an Indta Slate. 29.F.1/l7/P/4?A Vxtenston of the pertod of emploFmeht My Cuteh State of Captatn Ep ata . :.:.as Port Commts:loner and llarbour ' +' Engtnerr. . . . ' 30.F.l/1B/P/47 f'Destre or MRlor Kanwat Atpltt Stngh,c.l.E.or Zapurê>xla . ror erplorment In an Indian :tRte. # 31.F.1/20/P/47 Dettre or Captatn Saiye; Ilusain, 5.à.L.L.B.ror 32.F.1/21/P/47 Bmploywent or Mr.W.J.Boore a: Engtneer-tn-charge, zatpuy stam- Jktzvya.Cqnstpzctlon Worka. .-. . i j euplorment In an Indlun 8 % te. $bw-.F J QQ??D';>- -vsvtmauA-nalor o.r.ranue Ier empzoyment tn an Indian ött -- - .. w y..: . 634. 1..1/23/:/47 ' . D*stre of Malor D.R.G.GwTnne iones for eMplorMënt in an lndtan Gtnte, ' 35.F.1/24/P/47, Degirm of :a4tain Gurdev itngh for employment fn an Indtan Btate. I36.F.l/25#P/47' ' Degtr: or ;ao Slhadur Kesatà Slng:, Chte' Seeretaryj Xafhar, C.l.ror an appolntment ln Fatlam-Turned dovn. ',37.F.1/26/P/47 Employment of Xr.Blbin Duff a: Prtva% Secretarz t@ Rts Hïghneas the Mahlpao Aaja or 3undt. 38.F.1/27/P/47 - Destre of Xr.S.H.Pad5hRh Tor erployment ln ln Indlan Stat f ' . ; 39.12.:/28/P/47 j E Destre of Hllor B.l1.B1aggan,M.9.B.S.fpr kmploymenk tn an Indiln s tate. 4c.F.1/29/P/47 De:tre ot :r.J.C.Pande ror erployment ln an Indian State. 4l.F.l/3l/P/47 e'Employment of Hhlor PvR.8parks ae a tutor to Mabâtal Kuplt Bhrt Ht-mxtgtnghlt,àhird :on Qf B.n.the daharao / ofCuteb. 42.F.1/30/P/47 $ Withdraval of reBtrtctions tn regard to the employlent sf tn Indtan atates or Earopean srtttsh eubleets. Govt: , N-1/ '' penstoners,Altens,ett.laidin BesoluttonNo.8/2/P/3:. 43.F.1/33/P/47 ' D:slre of Hp.xohhn Lall Chief Counsellers of JamkhAndicta 44.F.1/34/P/47 Destre of hao Shheb V*c*sundatalan for êmploFment ln an , x;.&.. Indian stat*. l.45.F.l/3&/P/47;''Degtre of Mz.Baghunntu Slhni fot employment tn an M.i InGtan Btate. . . ' t6.F.l/36/P/47i ( Li b: thoKur flp plt ant :fo r4txnsl exploy melme n:l nI ianStlrte: ot ope at ns und In a: nde dnd quatterl dnrlnc 4. ! t7.1-.1/37/?/47I Ewplyymenl of EMzopolns tn Tndtln Bl/te..MYeotm @4@ ! ' Qovt s sivertt,ement ror l Proressor or zngltsh. 48.F.1/39/P/47 ' Employment of :rk9.W.'>na*r1 of Untted Stnles nt lmerlel ae ztretar: Engtn.er tn thq 3hQpwl statq. 49.F.1/4Q/P/47: Desire or :11 sahadur Rneh Kant or the Rnfted Provtnees Ptovtnetal ttvil servtee ror eMployment tn an 'ndtan stl#. *:.F.l/42/P/47 ? Employment of Krslzltnor Blizhbeth Phr:lov as a telcher in t:4 Mahkq:ta Gtrls' Bebpol: Eydlrlbtd. v.ï/m /p/4n. nelire or xitln sal-dur xtax Mu- v t xd. rormetw chter ,b . Mtntso r, M letkotla , for exploa lnt tn IM lan Stctes. t2.:.1/46/1v47' Ap ztcatton rrox the > n'ble :zr Mohd à- ur M s- n, u a ludg.ort:eEtghcourtat ahore!lektng rorpe- aslo, > ectqptappotnoenta:cuerJustcorkderabad covt. j ' A.y.1/48/p/4,p'-C elll1X ortlv an 'la DlllR7JIq*-)lln iMrol> *zoa,nttnan z- tan sw te. ,t > .,-i.v slzpzx, A- neath or :.:.:tg> n c- n, > thur pe< n. . ' . ,F.zzsvezi?t.-k:s!!!t#f œ yI. tr.coeh-n,zsqutre, toterpzom ent In V y' * ' . .. ' k - D 3 - .u . > b4 fj ô6.F.l/55/P/47 hv'Destre of R.S.Bak:hi Sita gam f:r emplorment In an Inilan States. 67.F,1/56/P/47 -'àppointment of H1r Ho**4- Husaln of the Kyderlbqd Civil Servlee: as Dcvan and President of the Dang: Pxeeutt Counetl. ve 58.: 1/5 .*1 @ ' . v 7/P/47 > Deâtr* or.Col.R.l.ktlktnson, Q.B.E.for employxent. 594F;1/5q/P/47 àppo&nt ment or Mr. ,Gurdatl Stngh as Revenus Member in Ba ' xjj' vans state. 4 60.F41/59/47-P.-CDedire or Captatn #.P.Naï: P.T.:.for eMploymnnt as a kass : orfteer tn the Xysore Civll serviee. 6z.F.z/6o/pz47 . zp otntment or 1uo Bahhaur surve as Prtye xtrt 62. 1'.1/61/P/47 63.1P.2-P/47 K.zyq/wy 64.F:42/1/P/47 . z/eq/jtq 65.F.2/2/P/47 F2/ar&/'q? 66.K1.2/3/P/47 lhapurtnt:eabsenteorstrThosàsAusttn. steror Proposi d appoint'pnt of Private Secretary to H1s lligbness th e Mahqrala of Eewa. Proposed appotntment or Mr*M.Datta, àudit and Rthancf' Qrrtcek,Khnirput Bta:e in the Chamber of Prtm es seett. 'ransfcr of Hr.V.7.3axi to forelgn serviee in the BalkotState. Loan Qr the satvtces or Xr.ô.Venkctsraman to the Jodbpur GOVt. âppointment of s Hiltv3ry Hedicgl Qffieer for tbe 'w(z/PRIK;a.4z Faridkot State. 67.1:.2/3/P:/47 àisturbantes tn Dulana State4ârfairs ïn tho gulana State 68.F.2/4/PR/47 F zpu/Pqpqq . / 69.FF.2/4/P/47 klb1Y%(qq , 70.F.2/6/PR/47 Merger of Dulana Gtate vith Lpast Punlab. Reportô regarllnc the tonditton or Mino rities tn Bahvvnlpur State- Co-v,nAl dtsturbanees in the Punlab Loan ot the aervïtes of Xr. Ern6t Rosner % n.B.H4the . Xazam': Govt. Complaint agaïnst the Station Master and Sub- lnspector F,2fF/Pk(k-(Pel obf Ballvay Poltce at Parlsal Eatlvay Statton that they are exhorting the Meos tc eontlnue agttatton agâlnst th Paj5fPK/q7p-:szzvarstate. e 71.F.2/6/P/47 72.P.2/7/P/47 âppolnlrent of an lnspector General of Poltee tn Trlvancôr Grant or leave to Capt.F.F.pearson:presldent, Manlpur B tate Darbazl7nder Foretgn Bervicelfor two nonthB in the 7.K.and acttng arrancnents made tn connectï on theyovith. #3 F.2/8/Pl?/4#. Dtsturbanees in Dhurwat Jag&r. lcmntral Indïa). 74.F.2/9/P/47 Deputat op or - Rai Bahadur Ealidas Savhney servlce to thc Govt.of Indta for appolnttenton foreign eie' à as . gricultural Coxmisstoner. 75.P.2/9/P174? a ADlsturbancrœ tn Kaplathala- Roqutsitlonlng of tndtan . rmy Trpops. 7G.F.2/l0/-P/47.Gra t nt or gpectal pay of *. 50/-p.M.to Mr.z.x.Dtvettal ransferred in forelgn sepvter: to the Kolhaput State yfor performln c the addtttonal duties of Seetetary publïe Sepvic. Commfsston , or the State 77. F.2/11/PR/47 D1sturbance: in the PEtiala Stat .ê . 78.r1,.2/11/P/47 ' Dpl/yh;%; 79.:::2/12/P/47 àppointaent or K.3.Banesinhli ln Fozeign Strvlce as Devan, Balasinor State. ' . Extensl on or the pp rlo d of dep ut at ton of Mr swalahuddln, I . ncome-tax Ofrteer, Hemrut .s.x.Maitra Supdt.Kastern States àgency as Finanee Ntnister, T , çatgarh Cztate. -? 8c.? L.zk/ !3 l8 3? /k P/ 1t 4 ! 77 DeputattonofMr bzlts/nhl%l 81.:..2/15/P/47 u yvtththeAappurState. âppotnt ment of Colon6l B.à.Rabmnn and Hr.F.E.k th. F.P. .Ureshï or s.c .as Chartwan and secy commtsstonf Hyderasad. or thë Publle setvlce . 82.F.2/1:/P:/47 öatyagraha by the Mysore So te Con responslblê Dzovt.in Mysore. grets snd grant of - & . 83.F.2/1 6/:/47y Loln of tbe iervices of Mr.M*K.Plr&Xb for apppintment d/e&l F.#r ltr *B Kht%hari: L?YKI Slate. 84.F.2/18/-P/47 Exploylent of l retir.â Buperlntend 6 Ll'1l?%1Aï 85.2/19/P/47 Y V*//#P%/h7 . . roremployment tn i:e Selectton ,Masure hnraau la'under sColleg :,X7eo24 the , Central Govt. r'rllq/:Fttt? 86.F.2/19/P:/47 Distu r:a nte: tn Malerkotal- Requect et-œ from Malerk otl a state ror Mtlttaty help 87.F.2/2c/P/47 Employment of Hr.ï.Q.X&ru a: àetouna . officet d , Setrutartnt f enl of the Central Haauaz ror n.:. orx.the eomptl attoyBof a General Becretnriqt > ytzaa covt Inabtlity of the Mysore Qovt. to ep.are 1he servtce: of or Dr.x.b.g.sastryqprorctsor natzam state. . , * 88.:.2/21/P8/47 ,Dtgturbances in samthar Btate. 89.F.:/21-*/4? Deputatton or S.B.S.Ba1vant Stngh P.F.S.C1ass 1 to , 90 #,â/zê/P:ttq th* Chpmba :tate. . F.2/22/P/47 . Grant of house rent allowanee i to :r.K.:.Bax& whilst on foreïgn nl &e uiee of in free Ne rv thquart*rs 91 F zlzllV%lkc e Ralkot. . ?. 2/23/P/47 . Propo:ed appotntment of Xal or I.E.G.DAVF in Bhopel Stlle 92 ç .II23IPtstq on Fqreign Servtc*. .F.2/24/P/47 Pkoposed emplorment ot Rat Bahadur Bham Btngh>l.p.Bnited q2)2k/pq1hy Pro vzovin n lces eavl.by the Vdatput Statq durtngpost-wuperanml al- ! ' , ' 1 . l l . 93.F.2/24/P:/47 Dtsturbanees in Jaipur State. 94.F.2/25/P:/47,Dtttuzbances tn Gwaltor etc. Reprnsentatton rrom the musltm teaguq. 96.F.2/25/P/47 . Propospe appointment or hn In Suket c come 'ax Qfrteer ID the I . . otat6. . > og' ' ' 96.:.2/27/:q/47 Dtaturbances tn baont stat.. sn utry into tAe rtetug ozf ' zvfvRtky na t ne dp t 4q nt:ot fn7B aontstate.Repor!er'ntstrtetMsgtsttate ut . P. ' . . 97.1.2/28/P:/47'A eprezentatton rromtheHighComm4sstonez toY Plkistan ln Indil regardtn G ondal Btate. l ' g anti-xulltm acttvtttes tn th4 98.F.2/28/P/47 > à&yointment of Mr luqman àhmld or 7.P . 1:ate . Govt.1n Aampur , on Forelgn Bervle. 99. . F.2/29/7/47 eDe pu> t io n pr G l tdull n Kl wn: I.P.of the Pntted Provt nccs % ltaupur. 1* .F.2/29/PV 47 , mtstruY nee; aM Consu tutiorn l reforls tn Btkaner State F,2/3e/?8jz.$j Bttth or a grandson > H.H.the Maharala of 3tkaner. . lnl.F.i/3o4 /47 t'llequest or Bt.l.Y.qrtgsonyG:lllcs ew lll Eydem Y d. ror pe- lsalon % i'etlh v1nue dtnister. he n t l z e te r m or ht 0 eo coo ensati J v s present erploN ent tres &n on . uly,l:47. lœ .F.2/> /P/47 V rant ot louse rent allovanq. tn lt quarters F2j .z > M ii.B .o taw vu 1st on foreto*qsof :rvftee tee tn th: 1/pp 'n/?y -. 'n l Ral er. tn. Bu tl . 103.1.//32/P/47 qTayment of remuneratton to Mr.G.M*$hAh transrerznd on lsef otetgn serviee to the Wadhwan State for performing t:e a4dltional dutte st s of the Deputy upecial Qfrtcer or the .bFungc' 4ê j/ -jn;t.hpoJt.. pygo,jo,.ye 4 104*r@2/33/P:/47Pta zt te ur soi e Fartdkôt State. :4, . .4 . ' , >-A 1:5.F.2/33/P/47 egeputation or Kular sh rf Danqsinhz t ofof the u. employnent as Chter Fzecuttve ofrtcer t:W.llAgeney ror 9.2/aqJPtJ l statesorganNsatton L . X eGularat l06.F.2/34/P/47VYeverston fro: forei gn Berviee or Mr.D.:.Ratna> Q.B .Z j Q % t e y j e j j QCIS 9 4j. or 4 xnte leave Wtheffect: from F;,2/:3/ .Pé'Jhy Al - . I l . 6- . 1.' . *. i-r. . > . m . , ' ' S. . ' . . . .- .... .- - xu .. .-.. . .. ..- - ''e j. 7 j.j. (.;. ' o F& < c8.:.2/36/P/47A'iranurer or eertatn members or thê :srode and vest*tn 107. 1 F.2/35/:q/4: . I I = . r , . , , Indta states âeener Cedre on forei:n setvtce under the P.2J37JPY/q7 B*IX>:Dhkblk. . - ppolnt me on fore iut gntve servte of 9Ao Slhtb '.C*L*Shah' ' l09.F.î/3?/P/47i à aa Deput ynt Chtef Ex*e orfe icer st , Klthfakqr Gnlarak ate: roz stx montu,. $ . * I1Q.P.2/37> :/47-'D1:t* ba= es ln the BRn:vata Btate. lll.F*2/38/P9/47*91:1ut:&neet tn the Llhozq S1G1*. # 112.F.2/39/P9/47 Qnetdent at P4n1 Aatlvlr Stution ih XolkhRlf Di/tt. f' -a/j//PR2t,qtnvolvthg'ripqreStateFore4s, l1a. E P' .2l /n Wz/PR Y4 :7 #Sk:tmz-nt*stnKaupe Btae. ' . 1147 .2/4* V 47Yi:tqkW œ ee in XhAntaAhnm Su te ae lppeu tot F2/lS/PRllq Btltt&rr R'ttet/nee* lls.r.2/47/P'/47ëb1:tu2bance in Vdakpuytb:stern Gtate:) :16.F.2/48/::/47 btgturbsnqes zn Unatpur stat4(Mevax) 117.f F.*2/49/::/47lAïlegqdpoliceatroettie:tnPqnadar:State. 2/M slz t$1)% 4àln$,truh.....tnssaratpurstat.. 119.5/ WïP /)Vi7J; ï,1>>x*stn'qthwtStat*.BequextofFcnaofKulbhr for the grlnt of Htltkarr a:ststance and ror the eupylr ' 118* . VF . . or aqsnmxltt weapon.. 12:.F.3-*/47 WZ Xemotthl from Ialgonda Llgamàonda Plttl in the Mattgr or P.til Watan or gxxbh.lt in the xolhapur 8tlte. 1:1.7.3/2/Pq/47 &M*portal Ttom Prtnel Xusuf Xitma: d:ztùndert of the late Qa ' id nj-oA rqc :u :c dk ted ro.rt:44estoratton-ort:eQl;Ktpgd oxor x 122.1.:/2/P/47' K X/ >ertalto theSeetetazyofStqteforIndt?fromqShanklr rt:hna Patil regardtag Plttl Watan or narv:d in the ' . / , ,sozuxpur ,:.:.. l23.F.3/3/Pq/4?':tl Mexortal frox Aala 3hattabenGra 'arwylnwP/-lndar of nt in t:* Gollpazl Dtgtkiot. Pyqytng-for ht: etat.: to be ratsed to that èr a Aqlt:g Pminre. 124.F.3/3/:/47- Memoylal fpox tKe iq'gtydar of Vkxhx1::dh regardtng Inax yropertsls or 'okur/ Desat: of Rllkqput-Reletted. 126.F.3/4/P/47 , Mepariql :y Jhola Kànubhat Xanlt hnd otu:yg, xllgirasia: of BOta Khtla4ia tn t:e Mopvt 3:1:., regaydtwg t:* - alleged entroachtent on .thetr va:te lxna. 126.F.3/4/PR/47 Memortxli from thl Cuierg ot t:e 'evlsi 8t:'te:(K*t:t a B. tn al xp ur .'av ur :cht mud lflt .n dAa tst gpu rlytAytpst :: 1t lt aùee tl olp b. cox* avh rl *ty ot tn bl Ralptpla ak . Releeted. . 127.F.3/4/:q/472Neonrkal Mr great gtandgon ot the lat. Aala or taalo/e'fo t:e teetorltton or logt tqtrtlortes etem-E'eleeted 128.7.3/6/p/47 - M4morlal 4: the B*:h or Gandqr k . to tN* regardtng :i, elatx Galendragq: F.gtate tn t:e3om:èy Provtncel:elmcted) 129.F.3/6/P/47 t Xqmort ll ftom Anan4rao Blpuvlhtb Ghwrg: - Dasai and B . - ê i I . 1 htrol re atdtng auetion eale of turtaln lhnds or the zuamaarolxanuldlRejlvteu) l3e.F.a/6/P:/47.x emorat lal reg ardkn ai.ortheRulerorKeonlhhr for aqsmr nty over Pgez e hlro. sz-l . 131.F.3/7/P/47 4 Rlcetved mexotiea rrom Mr.à.:.êa g:a4 in zhp matter telatlng to a vase dectded by the àrvïtratiùn goard or the B4-->t gahldur Jlgtt il l:1B- Fel/ete;. A ' I32yF.3/8&v47wp utt ej en ojoxj ejjyr jrrojujyggr yd eu pggrouygt akjp sho eç p, entg of death % tranapormtlon for ltre . . . %. I - J ' m- . - 6. ze -. - R. . L - . . . .- . . . 133.:.3/:/:/47w Memottals rrom the ntamat Bahadur Jeghir Kolhhpqr had yalor M.R.C:avan tn the Matter relatïna to the hettsutp tnnutry on t:e death of Keh.G.M.C:avan. a âatntenanve holder tn the Etmmnt Babadur JaghizeBejrcted. l34.F.3/9/P/47 Memorlal rrom the ntvmnt Bahadnr Jaghlr In the xolhapnr State in the matter rogardin: panagcment of the Ma&n- '+ I . tenanc. rrant in the death ot 1:: logt hold4y Xeh. c #Mocsavan. 136.F.3/9/P2/47 Mc S moritl rrom Xr.H.5.A:thana, Bx-foretl orfteerlKanker bate.lB.ô.Alagainst the orde: vr h&s dNslis:ll 4 136 . . F.3/10/P/47 e,HemorfAls rrom H4h.7.#.Ohorp&de and Xessrs.s.V.sohan& and T.àpprattntdht tn the matter or Iehalkarahlt ' luece:xor. l3?.F.3/1V P/47 kxp Eepresentatton rro? the D.sirendrl, 8tM 8r cf R > ng SV tej request&ng for hIs recognttion a: Siem. ' . l38.F.3/ll/PV 47 K Petltion rrbm the Chlefs of 'M sra Talukalglstrtet ajta, gox by Prestdec y for tïe rese ration or their rlghts efter the laps* ot Pataloune y . 140.F.3/12/PR/47 l il lex rtal fror the hlef or Rangarh ltal Rstat/ ln t:e asark- gh Dlstrtct for the ralslng of ht: atatt!s * . t> t ot an Indlan Prtlk e. i l4i.F.3/12/1747 V x rlal *4 Secretary of State rron Meh. B*G.Ra)e Fhosle . % Sar E anlne ar oràu lkot tn Ve > tter of atuchment of his ap*nlu fatltae % attend t:e Akalkot SV te Dartar . .. i 1 ! l42>F.3/l3/1# 47' k. Pettt1on from Mukhthr 3a> n1 BegaM the W dov of the ,u . 1' N at. yavau oc.youk. l434F.3/lV PV 47,petttion ftom the Begeney 3oard of SA h œ bad regarding lllegal and arbitrau > nagement of Sulo nlbad Destre of Sc tanabad for aceeding R the Domtnation . . ot # '> v 144.F.: Paklsvn:. ** M i Der:ar': z'êpres*nu tton for the keso rati 3/15/:V47RSt adhvane Y lka ;% M BsG tms vhieh attaehed % ton of hg ate under the Lttaehuent scheme . - i 145.F.3/15/P/47 i'Me mori al . the Tilanri tttbe of Khhran St4te agatnst thc rea trfron ent or thc ruler. l46.F.3/l6/PR/47i#et1tion frow syed lsrar 1l1 an employe. of Phkïôtan Govt.complatntng against t:e alleged skezure or ht: belongtngs kr the lodhpur Govt.pollee. 147.F.3/17/Pq/47 kFetltl on fror Mr.%.K.sirdeshRukhyacaln,t the àkalkot D arblt - aee*pted. 148.F.3/17/F/47 pMemor ial frot f.:at4o3nnd Stnd and f.Btton of Xaghliw S tate tn tNe mattet or their dtamtesql ftom Xynlrtshtp :elected. . *5:.7.3/18/?/47 Memotlal to H.Eothe Ceovn Fepresentattve from th* RulBr of thp Kevnlhlr Btate in +he imetern Stltes Agmner. Pray: rQr the regteratlon te h1m or the papamountcy over lhe Pal Lahara State. 16:.F.3/19/P/47 SMexortal from the CNier of Pat4i Stqte in the gastmrn Xathlavar àgency fo' 'etrocesAlon or the lands required for the Kharaghoda lalt'pans. 152.F.3/19/PR/47 Aoprêsentqtton rrom the nephiw or the îala oç Aun4h asking for the 1nerease of allowancestR/leeted) , ' V . l53.P.3/20/PE/47àPetttion f/om Ca>ann Qlhala eonstnble) o' th: Cooch Behqt State aqaknst htc dismtôsal and externment rrom the sttte 154.F.3/20/-P/47 Memortals from the Aala of Sertonkella for (ilresto of lurisdietion ovey the Nakti vlllsge sn4 & emtroeeaion ratton of th* Kolhen Govt.rwstate, < 155.F.3/21/2/47 Txjlàyjqjtljapdo%cjglgtpAsNju: ej sjjjusgaqio t djryà ao lr la@ * ) * 1 *' -' 156.F.3/21/P5/47#' :tttion from S.G.Ra:wEda agalnct the eonfisqatïon by tNe nholpur state of the Cagtr vhtch vas grartfd to hte gtand rather. ' l57.F.à/22/Pq/471S #e ta tt 1e tie oo nmp fl ro :l mnB ln ugla oœ gaa inzo tpt ih um ei cl ol ne tg raê ltf oo rrl fe nltu hr eeKo ha fi2s kaTh , contratt. * 158.F.3/22/P/47 4Petitlon from thc Rhakore or the 'harad Gtate ror terminatton or the arrsngement whereby the Btate 1: unalt the admtnistrattve eontrol of the Baroda State. V 159.F.3/23/P:/47 'emort 'gl from the pre:tdent or the Pethapur Gram Xahal8n *1o #or detaehlnr Pethpvpur Taluka rrom the Faroll Territory ani plaeing tt under the adxintstrqtton or the dintstrx Etatez. 160.P.3/23/P/47 vMe/orlal from MtlGulabgingh Fattesingh,kassawa,Mewlôl C:l*rtatn Qf Chikhlttcangthxll praylng for th* restoration pr h1s lurïsdtcttonal ind pollee povers ,nd Abkart rtghts. 161.F.3/24/P8/47 Mpmprlaf fpom Panpit Shyam Snnder Lal Parek through Pandtt Govind Malavtya ze& rdlnz thq payment of hts pen:ion from the llvar state. . 162.F.3/24/P/47 4Memorial from Srilut Ft.R.Tikendra Dhulls Singh of Hanipur state prayïng ror the reatoratlon or ht, Chtefshlptnelt) 163.P.3/25/P8/47 Petitton frot Messrz. Wali Vohaxmad & Bhnanqddin. #grq1 requestlng for releaie of eertatu persone at 3haiatpur Jai 164.F.3/25/P/47 l'iepresentatlons frop Local bodles assoclRtlons ih the ' Trtpura 3tate protesting against the existtng ldminlztratïve amrangcments in the State. ' 165.F.3/26/PH/47 kipresentatton from the Killadar or Aul in orissa for eonvErtion of hlg estqte lnto a atate. / )L* ' 166.F.3/26/P/474Me morial from H.Heth:Maharal: ofHarur:hanj for the reatorntinn or tnrtain Pfrhs ln singhbhum,gihar to the ' I Hayurbhan: Btate. 167.F.3/27/P:/47 Xemortal rpom the Preeident of the Dharampur Ralra Prala Mandql for Reforms tn tàe DhararPUr 81:te. 168.F.3/27/P/47 vHemorials from the ùhler or Patdlv Aana Bhtee, Mlndvq Stat an4 ::1ah 3ri Rajaram Eala: Gahib ChatrApathy of Canlore. l69.F.3/28/P;/47)#emor1a1 fron th* Rao ot Xarwar. ïn respect of th: rights and status ot e:tRteholders undèr Dewqel6AlvmforlD&rbhpâ. 170.F.3/28/P/47, ,Pqtitton from Deyi Rau àggarvala zeg.the eonvietton ani ' ' , imprlaonnent of r'aarup àggarvala. a Brittsh Indian eubleet or Hlssars Dtstt., tn thé slkktm state. 171.F.3/29/P/47/ Petltion rrOM eertain Ildtan rextdents ln Davascus ror q I l flnancial assistance to rgbulld the stndht Zavîya. l72.F.3/29/P;/47.. , Memortal rrom the Dulet or Ratesh S1 te for tNe rcztaratio: ot hf, Ruling PoverstR*lected). 173.F.3/30/P/47y.Eepresentatlon from Dhmlbalal Vyadhya about hts externment frox Manlpur statelnel:cted). 174.F.3/30/Pq/47 Aequest rrom H.d.Dargan for the reuoval ot h1s ractory fro) ' Eampur Stat to Indtah Bnion and grant or < ltcence and quota for sugar to tun the factory. . l?5.F.3/3lYPq/47èprotectlon :equestqft hePresidentjAhlednagarPostalUnion for to the Indlan Postal stafr tn the Hyderabad sta' X 176. F.3/32/P:/47Yi' mortal from the Rala or Bodokhimedt a Zaxlndat for tho restoration or hï: rullng powers. 1 . 1r .F.4/4/PV 47 e' Dtsrespect alww to o e llational fqag or India by Bn aspur state. x 17:.F'.+ 5/1:1747z$'immosuoot ahovr:> the nattonal i'1a# of Tndta hv Coihinritate. '' > '' * ; î 1 . . - .. . '-' . H -- XKKKF B .. 9- R. 1... è-. .- -- o 13 . . . 179.1.4/6/P:/47 pêîserespectxhovn to the Dational Plag tn Dholpur Sthte.. 180.F.4/9/P:/47dst.rezpect shovn to the Xaktonal Fla: of Indta VF f k j Havalgath eatat. in Jltpur. 181-.r.vezp/47e'aztp.: -i' fqtz' .i.i: ., t''.i/fL-;'ôjt$,t . ..i!'?' ' l& .F.V 1Q/PV 47 #ivrespéct shou to the Nau oM l % ag of Indil th the Indore Eu te. , v # 183.F.4/1R/PR/47)Qu.Bt1on of the dtsplay ot the Indfan 'atfonal Flag ln . t he3tkamly States!0. enepallrandwtthpa' rtteulqrref*renc. to . 184.F.4/13/Ph/47y:11eged dt:rmspec: to the Indfan llattonal loage in the Tqleher statq. . 185.F.4/14/PE/47 iv arespc t shown to Xattonxl Flag tn BanBwara 186.F.4/15/P:/47A isrezpect shovn to the Xational Flag lf Indta in i Caxbay statl. 187.F.4/16/P1î/47 Dtsrespect to t:e National F'ag or Indta in JatsqlMer =;tate hffaira in JatNalxer :tete. 1:8.F.4/18/PR/47'Sandur AllegedSta disreg pect shovn to the Hattonal Flag by te authorttles. [email protected]/PTl49 I Etnndgtlllâgreement v1th Sfkklm State. l9o.F.6*PM/4? e Appolnœ ent ot :r.K.:.3anealn:1I as c.8.D.fot iealing vtth tNe Kàthlavai problems. ' 1/1.F.6/l/PR/47 zDeath ot Bhrlmnnt Rala Saheb of Jamkhandi lnd sqceessïoh . of shrlwant Parashuewmxwp Patwardhan to the Gaddi ot Jamkh*nd: 8tat.. '. J6 192.F.6/3/Pq/47V& kee f* ert ei nf cl eea rr to eror thg eue Qc ov es ts .i oo fnbon m:b ay efl rl eg fao yd ftt nh g.tp hr eei se vn tu teof 'uler of JxmlhAndt eonzequent on th. ab4lttâon Qf the #ozt of Xe*fd*nt at Kolbppur. yz v . .- M ' 193.F.6/5/P:/47 qrgeath of :i: nlghness the savab snhib of Kalezkotll Sueeesmion of Mph*a-m4 Ietlkhnr ;lt Khln t; t** Gadlt 1 o: xazerkotl.. . 194.Y.6/6/P:/47 4Death of th* Rall of Aatgarh and dtétrublnees ln the Stat 195.F.6/?/PA/47 Iou4atton of tssue or suceesston eertlfleates under ' geetton *%% ot Zndtan Sueceestoa 1:t Ay t:e Aegtonal Cqmmigllonetz to Rulezs or Iniian .Btate.. .'.* ' 196.F.7-P/47 4e sitth of a gon to the Xuvral ef Jind. 1:7.F.7.Pq/47 v*Bkxndlng Advilory committe* of Inilhn StaleB. 198.1.7/:/P9/47p Qu*atton of *kpov*ttng t** lffteer-in-ehlrge of h telegtlpà offte. 11 Vyderabad to e*neor Qbleèttonpl telegzno. eonxequent op th* lbplttton of the HFd*ratœd ' z Bestd.ncyp' . 199.F.7/2/P/4;, , 7trth of a :on to th@ Thekor 'aheb pr Wldhewen. 2::.7.7/3/P/47leftro or a :on and hetr-lpparent to his htghnes. the Msharala or Teh- ecazhvll. 2oz.F.,/4/P/47/z'Btrth er a son and Netr-apparmnt to t:e mtnot chler . or Ealupur. 4. 20..F.:/5///47y-xttth of a son to rtka Krtsâaa cuand or rhxneta. 203.F.7/6/P/47l-dK Bi rth ofa :onand hett-apparentlo theRa1F of eontbal Btat.. 2û4.F.#/7/P/4?#Aeiirth of a daughter to the Beie àpparent of Qampup. + #:8.F.8* /47 k.'' Death of o q lzeir hppa'rent of sqortt 5+ t*. k ' - - . .. c . jl * , - 1.- . . ..m . - 9 R. ' . 206.F.8/1/PR/47l'ttouptng or lndten stltes. 207.F.8/1/::/47AGKecexsion or Sirmut state to the Indlln Dominion. 208.F48/i/P4/47eVkqcesston. listotDuler: who haveaecepted the Instrumentof F' z0a.F.cz2/p/471.s ero, ess tao ze rsts he qnd aez ay tht: or eh ne .t ntapparent .theMahardtreet alaorn atl aM.t:e m. 2. to n. Kin: and the tvo prïnteesee . 3. srlngtng to t:e notlc: ot H.:.the unAtù tability er Kessages to the tvo prlreegs,s 21.0.F.8/3/P:/47 èLfst ghovtng the area and populatfon of th: Btates thnt hav. aeeeded to the doxinlon of Tndïa. 2ll.F.q/3/P/47 p#Death of Fr>Fsnst?x àtroldl: an Italtan xilstonezy at Dangalor., Myaore. 2. 'o o:leetion taken to the Home Dept,t.eoxmlxn4cattng dtteet vith the Beitdent. 212*F.8/4/P/47. D*&t9 horSenlorBaniofCochin. f 213.F.8/5/P:/47LM ccesston of Bpgasra. Vadiaq Dedan and Katbi Talv:kws formerly attached to Junlgad, 214.F.8/6/P/47 7.Report or d*ath of the Xavab of Tonk Condolenee messanes sent. 216.F.8/6/Pq/47P ftzst or StRt:s addressed in connection vith the aeceBsion to t:e Domlnlon or India. 216.P.8/7/P4/47é' àecesgion of dysore Btlte to tbe Domtnton of Indtl. 217.F.8/7/P/47 peDeath or H.n.the Maharnla of Jodhpur- '. kuestion or sueetsion to the Jodhpur Gadt. 3.Isaue of ZhArita to E.H. # the maharala or Jodhpur. 218.F.8/8/PR/47 iAqcesslon or Sukgala State to the Domfnlon of India. 2l9.F.8/9/Pq/4?pàeeession or Vagod State to the Domlnion or zngta. 22Q.F.8/9/P/47t. Beport on tho admtnistratlon or the Seratkella State ror the year 1946-47. >w ' / , :*1.F.8/l0/Pq/47/k*ce::1o: of Malerkotla St:te to tbe Domlnïon or Tndla. 22P.F.8/l1/PR/47.Aeeession or Jlnlira and Jarrarabsd states to the lmomlnlon or Indta. 223.F.:/12/P:/47A ecesslon of àundh State to the Domtnion or Indta. 224.F.8/13/P:/47jedceeston of Sandqr Stzte to the Doxinton of lnGiû. 226.F.8/l4/Pq/47/4cc*sston of Mandt State to th* iemïnlon of India. 226.F.8/15/PR/47JKlcession of Savantwadi state to the Domtnton or Indïa. 227.F.8/16/Pq/47)Atcess1on or Jalpur State to t:e Dominlon or Indta. 228.F.8/l7/P3/47IAccessloq of Nllgtni 5tate to the Dorinion of India. 229.F.8/l8/Pq/47/Aecession of cochtn Stqte to the Domïnlon or India. 23o.F.8/l9/PB/47iàeeession or Dholpur state to t:e Dowtnton of India. 231.F.8/20/PR/474Aeee:g1on or Kothapur State to the Dotinion of India i 'Z l/c zzllR altljf#ccesiton '' or'cveaztotstatetotùeDomtntonorlndta. caz. . . 233.F.3/23/PR/47(S1atepent 8howtng the Llmitatlona subleet to vhlch the Rn; Ruler of Baroda vtll aeeed: to the Dominion of Indta Aecescton of Baroda to the Domlnton of Indta. 234.F.8/24/P:/4TtAece:sion ot saont State to the Domtnton of Indtq. 236.F.8/25/PR/47-àeeess1en of Baehln to 'the Domtnion of Indta. 236.F.8/26/PB/47f/:ees:ion of seml-lqrïsdtcttonal States in Punlab States and Punlsb Hill states to the Domtnïon of Indta. 237.F.8/27/P:/47peccession of Wankaner Shqte to th8 Dopinlon of Tndia. - 1;-. -. , .': M . 7;?*wr2' # /2 l*1 e ecmst! zru . t .Xtme- . 238.F.8/29/P:/47 Aieceeaton of Suket State to tbe Dominion or Indtl. * 2:9.1.8/30/P:/47 'àeeessivn of Eaihanput State to the Do=inion of Indla. :4:.1.8/33/::/47 àccession of Dungarpur 8:ate tv the Domtnion or Tndïa. 241.F.8/34/PM/47'àee.ss1on of Fatldkot State to the Doatnion of India and corrnspondence on vnrious pointo. d '1 h 'k f a42.F.8/as/P /47 Aecessson or xandgaon state to the Dortnton or Indte. 242.F.8/36/PR/47 âceession or Xayagarh State to the Demlnlon of lndih. 243.F.8/37/P:/47 Aecession or Palitana State to the nopinyon og znnta . 244.:.8/38/P:/47 àceession cf Jashpqr State to t*e Dowtnfon or Initl. 245.F.8/39/P8/47Usattla States claïm ror the.reeognîtlon of the solidasit t ! ; , and its atcesskon bo thc Doxtnion of Indt y. z 246.F.8/40/PM/47aâçcessjon or Coocb-Behar 3tate to the Dolninton of lndia. 247.F.8/4l/PA/47, zàccesston of Devanllunior) State to the Dominion of Indta. 248.:'.8/42/P:/471&1:p 249.F.$/43/FM/47kAccessipn of DhrangadNra State to the Domfnïon oç Indll. 25o.F.8/44/-P1t/4?4Aceesn1on or Trtpur State to the Dominion of Tndta. 251.F.8/45/P1:47 lccesslon of tathi Stnte in Weatezn Indta to the ! Domtnion or India. 16 #. 2 - 252.F.8/46/P2/47IAcees,1on or tnnnvada State to the Dominion of Indla. 253.F.8/47/P9/4?'Acee:s1oh of Jodhpqr Btate to the Doxinton of Indta. 264.:7.8/48/P8/47 Accêsston of Iniore 3*8te to the Domlnton of India. 255.F.8/49/PR/47'Aeee:::on of Bhppal State to the Doxlnton oç Indta. ' 266. F.8/50/PB/47' VJc!#ssi*n of Kutch Ejate to -thf Dpclnlon or Indlh. 257. - . <4 ? 1?.:/51/P:/47 ieeed sslon of Chamba Stktè bo tù4 Domtnton of India. 268.F.8/52/P;/4?)Supplp of rurther eoptez of Instrument of Aeeession. 259.F.8/63/P9/47.*ecession of :exï-lurtsdletional Dtates in Centrp te the Domtnton oç Indil. i lndia 260.P.8/64/?R/47 Aecesston of Brehhn Btate to the Domtnton of Indla . 261.7.8/55/P8/47 Aecesslon of Pathx Stqte to the Domlnion of Indtl. 262.F.8/56/Pq/47;Aeeession or Bilawar :tate to th* Dominion of India. 263.F.8/57/::/47 tAecesslon or Baudh State to the Domlnion of lndla. 264.F.8/58/P;/47.Access1on of Jatbqghoda state to the Dolinion of India . 265.F.8/59/P8/47 Aetesqton or Kimkhera to the Dominton or India. ' 266.P.8/60/1R/47Accession ot PatiAla Stite to thn Domlnton of Indta . 267.1*.8/61/PR/47 Accessson or Pudukkottai State to th: Dominlon of I 268 ndla. .1 '.8/62/P:/47 Ycce:sson or Savanur itatl to the Dominton of India. . 269.F.8/63/P:/47, '5upp1: of informatlon regardlng States vho bavc to the Domlnlon or lndia. 4,''b. *' acceeded 270.F.8/64/P:/47 Aeeessïon ot Bijana State to th4 Dominion of India. 271.F.8/65/P:/47 Accession of Kalahandl State to the Doxlnton of India. 272.F.8/66/P:/47 àccessivn or Phaltan ötnte to tho Doatnion or Indta. 273.F.8/67/P8/4? âeeesstor ot Rawdurg State to the Dowtnton of InGia. 274.F.8/68/P8/47 Accession of Khairagarh 3tate to the Dominion or Indta. 275.:. F 8/69/P:/47 àceesslon or Korca State to the Domlnlon of India. 276. .8/70/P:/47 àceession or Jath State to the Dominion of India 277.F.8/71/P:/47 Accosslon or Dhûrol St nte to the Dominlon of llf ta . 1 7 + - --. l -. 2 . . e . 1: ww ' 3. . .. . z 278.F.8/72/Pv47zcce#s1on ot lalcher state t. theDoptnfonorIndta. 27:. XF.8z73zpv47# ' ccess1.oa or Keon:har state to the Doxtnton or Indta. 280.F% .J/)o J)1Z a# /I7 >,jcesqtonornnkerstatetotheDomtntonorIndla. f 28I.P.8/76/Pn/47y;$ cess1on of Semi-luriodictional Statec in' Eastern States #' 282.F.8/76/PR/47y#ccess1on ef Semi-carisdlttlonal State: fn Dastern States j l . 283.F.8/77/P:/47:&'ccesston or Sant State to the gopinton of lndta. 284.1.8/78/PR/47kk#qcesslon or Morvt state to the Dominlon of Inlta . : ' 285.F.8/?9/Pq/47::fece4sion of Wadhwan state to the Domlnion or India. ' 286.F.:/80/P:/47kZcceqs1on cf Karalii State to the Domïnfon of India. 287.F.8/8l/PR/47#/ceession of Shahpura State t/ the Domlnion of Ind&d. 288.#F.8/82/P:/47Wtcesston or Mtralésenior) stnte to the Dpmlnlon ût India ,s /&j/t;w t 289.F. 8/ /F 84a /P yKtçesston of Ralptpla stateto theDcu&niouorIndtl. 290.F.8/85/PR/47/lc:lslon of charkharï $tate to the Domlnton of Inita. ,. 291.F.8/86/PR/47*:2c:s::0n of Chotaudepur State to the Dominion of India. i 292.F.8/87/PH/47>âqcession of Sirohi State to the Dominlon of India. 2:3.F.8/88/PR/47.#$ceqsion orZind Stateto theDominionof InGia. . 294.r.8/90/P:/47:#1cessIon of Jaora State to the Dominlon or India. 295.F.8/91/Pq/4T?K1e esBion of llavenngar State to the DoMinion ot lndia. #'t . 296.F.8/92/P9/47k #kccessiono?MiraltluniorlstatetotheDomlntonorIndia. t 297.F.8/93/P9/47 ccession of Harsingarh Statetc.lvlto the Dopinion or Indt! j 898. F.8/94/P;/47y/ece:b ..' 1on of Dharympur State to th: D:mtnton of Indàâ. y.. jr ' ' ' 2S9.F.8/95/Pq/47k#ècession of 8arangarh State ko the Dominion of Iniia. v .F.8/96/PH/47o:6c=ss . ' 3OO. ion or Tehri-Garhwal State to thi 'gominion or'India. . . ! F , e .. aoz-F-azgpzplv4pztcpsston oc lutgarh stnte to the.llomtnton.ùr Ix ta. . . . .'.' .. u/47# ccession of Ratlam . . s. ; 3œ . F.8/98/PM utate R the Doe nton or Tndi 303.1?.8/* /17:. /47 ceession or Dem stsentorlatate to ihe.Domtnton or Irzia. . . 3û4.F.8/1oo/:v 47 eeesston or Baml,a state to the noninton or In4ta. i . 3os.#.E/lol/pvrdlcepstonorUdaipurlaa:putanalst'' ate o theDomtziou . of Indta. I aoeai n.a/loa/pv4vzkcesslonorPalanpr statet:theDo' xtntonorInuta. ? ' j 307.F.8/1Q3/P;/47v=41eesslon of Reva Statg to the Dominton of Indla. ., ' 308.F.8/lQ4/Pq/47y&eces.ston or Kotah State to the Dominion of Indta. 303.F.:/1O5/P2/47y#1cesston of Btkaner state to the Pominton of India. 310.F.8/106/P;/47krJces:1on of Mùdhol Btate to the Dominlon or Ind/e v 311..F.8/1o7/PR/47/iecess1on of Bhor State to the Domlnion of lndGa. 312.F.8/108/Pq/47p/ccesston of Da#palla State to thp DominipG Of Tndla. 3l3.P.8/lœ/PV47X ccessionofSemtcuriedictionalStatee inW.T. @l4.F.8/l10/PV 47> èpltoat1on frot Hathlna Malla Maletrasslas for r 4( 315 -- . KAccesslon to th* Dominlon or Inds.. .-'' F.8/111/P:/47. Questton of gtgntng the Instrâ%ent of lccession by vxulgiraàias ot zunngadh 81,1 etc .. ' o j . j 3l6.F.8/ll2/P 'q#47:#ecegs1on ôf Pathmnl !p the om uyon og yndia. A . I j 3l7.F.8/1:R/Pq/47oA:cess ion of Jobat & Xathiawara and the question or the v I'IRsj O,g fna ty hq erg 1e nr ,t(j rgDJouj yt x og &Al r ta rt eh ri sa yw oa ura tui mngl u . f ls a dh ry sasp uo hu ai rd ot . - 1-= = l:l a- . ' z . . 318.F.:-P/47 v' Sucûesston to the gaii of the 3ant State. 3l9.F.@/3/PV 47ZC1aips of the Baroda Qûvèrnment for tributes from Bhavanager and Balasinot States, vhich were assigned to th6 3rltksh Qovernmentvkueztton dropped in vlmw of the lntegration or the States. ' ' 32o.' F.a/4/Pv * k clalm # the Maharala or Kapumthala pegardtng tNe property left beiktnd ky œ ïtta Deceased. * . 3z1.F.:/5/Pv 47e'successlon to the gadt of the Karaull state. ' . a> .F.l0-P/47 VK Further papers regardlng the loan or servtces of sred I . A b d klilaàauBiliu rp ar earin ot ren td henA tao tl fua nyE. Bo ard'soffjc6e, for aîp i rpo i lntmeyt as H.the Ntzam . ç . . 1 : . erabad z Palace at liw De!hs. l 323.P.lû/l/PM/47+Daily Rqport of Information, voyvzz. l0/1/P;/4?eBecogn1tion under the Irpertal Banltof India A4t,3$ I 324.F. ! Bhopal Govt.Loan 1966-76. i 325.F.10/2/P/47kezoan ot servtees of Dr.B.L.Munlunath of Mrsore under the Councll of 8cienttfi: & Industrial Researeh. ' 326.1.10/3/P/47 @Tepayment of the Loan of 8.@0,00û br the Rampqr Darbar. I 32?.F.1O5 0/PE/47k.FertM ght17 îeports ealleG for fror îegional Commissionel 328.F.lo/14/P3/47a#ubm1:ston of forehlghtly report: on the activlties Qf PRars by th. faisalmez :tate and the property of sendlng toptes of such reports to the Pakistan authorlties. . 6 :29.F.l0/15/PV 47//ort< ghtly Reports of gombay Provlnce. 1 x.e . 330. : ' . 1o /l6/PV 47 W ortX ghtly Heports on the Political qltuation i: 3ast . l o r-,4e. ïA-53 l-l /krpxpunleb ror 1 x:47. .A'41',tz, f' IAIQ . , * t ./cyt vo ax .v s .a. ov ,ekrtz. a t zaz-rzz-pvx,zsm/lpp' a -zk' ih ï=oreyp? ozl. t< tréejt ez p rs me nt cJrtï rtz c,, ers'w thco k . - F./?/'!ee u) n-x.gig: comofsstoner. yz >.' . 332p/.s/ q ul 11z/p3r/P 47ylfrairm relattng to the famlly of l1.H.the Maharalé of . V - aaa àzira:pur. j y--lv v pv xvo rrazrs l.n the nago, state. - 3 3: 11 4.1. -:11l!(P#YC 4r $ j? /rç wtj fz . r t aj.s.' -42t:z eJcatjYazzwvtGshaV' t;-t Q' 1övu . '. wt' t. x. j ' aas.F.l1/l3/PV47#' V fairs lu the Bermtes State. l JQX2. x' ! 336.F.l1/16/P:/47#Affatrz iu âtbaAlltk state. 337.F.l1/l8/P*/47.#astetn States Affalrs and affatr: relating t4 vKastern States. ; 338.1.11/19/P:/47160n1va an4 SarGargarh ArfRirs. , 339.F.ll/21/PR/4%zMuli àffair, - àgitation by the people Bhayat: of Muli State ror responstble Govt. ' 340.F.ll/22/Pq/4TvVithalgadh àrfairs. 34A .F.ll/23/Pq/47:;ffairs tn iayagarh Btate. ' . . 34E.:.11/25/PF/47*:11p3-FJ=7($9-ReC'%-%?5'lI'AN ' 343@Fa11/26/P4/47kFxm 'khandl Affalrs. derger of Jamkhandi Stûte with ' M . Bomsay Prestdencr. 344.F.11/28/:./47kerr>tr, ln coehln. t - npur zrratmsoz.x a4s.F.11/29/:q/47pir . : note op na4hanpqr state br cvzvnosombar. 346. f.12-P:/47 y-Relatlonship betveen.the Doétnton or Paktstan and tt - ï 2 ' jJ . i netghbouring states.Brtjr ror H.E. 347.F.12/1/P:/47 p:-outatton of l1&.E.Na1sh.I.P.on roretgn servic/ with Ythe r.rderabad stése to the 7ntted Provtce. . . , . I . ! . I I I I ù 23 ,% '' . 4 . . . . ''' ' 348.7.12/2/P:/4: J Kn of .*> 1e@ of Mr.lAxîsu b R the Gulakat Sa tè otnt organtgatton. 349.1.1,/3/1V 4 A.putatïon on Forelzn Servïe. lmder Jetpqr Darbar of aar ôtngh Aaol Qfffcattng Ia peetor AEenty Poliee. / 3:Q.F.1P,/V PV 47J epuu u on of Br.?lrmesho r 8arqpxDepqtp Direee ry W .,1#ilw y àudktj B4-Aa % o e ?attals BV t*. '-# . 35l.F.l2/VF/A7& lg1aAffattg. . < 3:2.F.1:/5/Pq/47 'qve:sion ot Mr.M.I.Patœl, Judee small vaqse qourk. Fzhaaada:ad rrom Junlgqdh Govt. 353.F.l2/6/P:/47y#:put*t1on on Foretgn Berrtt: oç Xr.T.X.S@Xa*nn1, Dxlmtner of tocal Pun;s àecounts. gomblr, ror vprktng out the annual rekenue ftgut4s ôè the etttes of Deeean states Bnion. :54.1.12/7/P:/4*4/ec*11 or Mr.à.K.5.Cazij bz the BoMbay Qovt*fron 1he Jun&gad: state. 355.F.12/8/P4/47//:x*tion ef pay of Xr.M.K.partkhxshtre:tedar of V4I. and Gqlamlt Begion vhtle eMployed as,ManagerlBhllna S tate and Vithalgadh Talulq. 36G.F.12/9/Pn/4;uAeplaceD4nt of serviees of ?ro#.K.9.Mqdh*vq or the iMylot. fntvptalty. 357.F.l2/ln/PV 4?W sva4&r v raM rer of Mr.Y.G.Maru on roretgn servlce in Mat state. . 358.F.l2/ll/PR/47ùVran,fer of Mr.Chhotalal X.Modyj B.Apto ioretgn Sorvtcl *tn Hangrol Btate. 369.E.l2/l2/PB/47o#kputat1on or an ofrtcek for orgcnising Btattstieql *Depttoïn th* Patilla Btate. 360.F.12/13/Pq/43:1/an of service: or Mrls.swgulat I.C.s.by liabha atat.. 36l.F.l2/lVPV47@ypofn>entofXrJ.RlBuont,tttt*eKutdh Btat4., a624F.lN l5/PV 47+D potn- ent or Xr.A.F.8ardecat tn Jhnngao . 363.F.l2/l6/PV47#xt n:ton or gerAee: of MiQ:AK*SMIItn the Balhsiner su * te. , 364.F.12/18/PV 47eG *n of V e servtces of Hlln Qover - # 0 8z1Binr;h Edueattolml Ingpeco rq le hïlrpqz aM Mian Jaglit Slnw Suw lngpectùrg Jullfre er Coe plrmtlve Soeietttae,F' ast Pllnxlb. 365.F.12/19/PR/47:,/:qu4st rroa the Chptkhnrt 9ar:lt fnquirtng ahoqt the arrqngem*nt fe2 the Indtan Foreign 8ervtee. # 366.F.12/2i/P;/47n#$pointxent of Mr.A*B.Chett*k1,*, M.9.:.'*C.S.(W.9.) eas Cutef xtnister: rrtpura s' > :.. 367.F.l2/2l/Pq/47kA #pjo& inG tu m: @a nr %' ao tfa: MrC .h St .C. efVJ Ap 1# !t 4t ,:* &gJ ta tn .ha ga nd GhBesstonaJudge * @ . 368.F.12/22/P:/47.J:an::,r of X4.M.X.6af1a an U*D.C.tn the sayoda M',esidency to Fer .ïgn 6ekvtcm 1: * Qreasury offieer q.?z-/2:/V:)7. , 1nDang.. :% 362.F.I2/2é/Pq/47a#ransrer or elsr: '.M.JO.hi. E.kazaru: and peon FDafll to F/rétgn Berviee tn the Jumagadh Btête. 370.F.*2/2W V 47& eoutation of 2a1 3ahadur Pu#h 1a1 àrarvala as Qhtef +'1eeha - ntcal Engtn..r iodhpur Ratlvars-under zoGhpur covt. .-. Y ' ' 37l.F.l2/26/P:/47yJ/elêgat1on of pover, to enabl. Regloxal Cowpïgsfoner al Ra:kot to trnnqrer atarf on for etgn servtte to Indtan Btates. 372.F.l2/27/Pq/47vPeputat1on of Mr.à.<.<aul as Devan of rllavar S.ate. > 373.F.l2/28/PB/47yjn oql tam etjo ta nt. of .service:ofîai:ahtbBa:Vlehozeln * - la .- r4.F.la/. 1/ê#47>WM tttuttonal Refore l. n >eg svte. 37:.F.13/2/1+/47Vp' bpstttutiö> l reform: tn Xarstnghput State LI' d el-ellttng er'dl.sa tuty nees tn colmeqtton therevith. 376.1.1:/4/:q:4v/ #pâlhpurx ,itate iinstitutton zet, 1ù47. 3w.F.la/6/p/4YxunstttuttonalRefolàstntheBilalputBtnte. B' z78aF.lv6X/47.ziwntw1 Ad< o tratton Aeports of R e BW tes tn / 'ûentral I-ta. . ' #l . ! 37p.F.I:// 2/P/473'p nu:lnAd mt nlstàge ratncyt konB eportsskhar oftEe te:tn a7 aster st ates changbh :t8 *t ta el. 38û.1.1:/ ',' 8/P/47 ,àdmtntstratton Report: or the ovallorl 'emphr and ! genares ntatus. r 38z.F.z4/-Fz47 >'./insutan:e se:xslatton tn t:eaatoda atate. a8c.F.lk?1zpq?4 'cce,ston or nulgtraasta, or gabrtavad tn the.nomtnton f ' or Indla. . ' ' . ) 3% . #.l4/2/PV 4?W ran:fer of Talqka: attaehed * zaap su te to o e , 7/r ' PadMint:tratton of the Bkates Depar- ent. 3:4: F.11 2/P/47 Rlng ur8nee teglGlation ân th* MD 0rQ state. k lI ' F . ' v adk-s-lvvpazrz>ea*qres. ' stttonortuqsankhedaMewz7nderth.detaehmont 386.F.1V 5/PV 4?l'A eztion Qf Atbaehing SM8ll 8% tês vith &âgget Centrâl Il ta states. 3B7.F.1VVPV47Zb reeg ra 2* rs dp tn oMe gdn ec ts eeh vm ïe tn hto8 rt rt ae tes r.BpeeialPlttr,Rllot :%.F.1+6/P/47Z >=ancetAgtzlation in the Indoa 8tltek 3s9.F.14/?/P/4;.pfke Pres: (Bpeethl Povets) Qrdtnanceklè47.PAt&l1èl' ' < Leglglatton tn Indlan states. Aypetniment ot a Prd,s Lava :nquttp commtttee. hmpell or the Indtln 8tlte: (Proteetton agatngt Dtshfreettoh) Aet.lgzzj ahd the Inalln state, Protectton 1c::1934. $?# N / 39:.:3.14/8/:/47kdfnsurlnceLegixlation in th* eravaneore 91ate. 39l.'*.lV:/P/47Zto *o>l ' t:e:provtstons Rt1onofleor gt:l atio nlnln tq*4Chitlers. rIVPeffeel the United lêd attons 392.E.l4/l1/P/47> rantIns ofurane* tetlpr*e1. ocKl193 eon eeg f Cttl under ton 1l6 RB th* 8, ts oto tn h, xese nzct Qf 1n4t a,of Mutual IngurlneeCû.L14.#ineotporated tnBharatpurGtatl 3:3.1.14/12/P/47 plr of tsdel 'n:ukanee Act and Sehedule: t/ the Gtateg: covering lll elasses of ïnsurance hlmtneôs: tncludtng notor vehicles in6qrantoé Chapter V1II of ihe Motor Vehieies àe1, eompulsaty th:utante: agalnst thtrd 394.F.14/13/P/47j ,j l 9 r 3 e 9 u l t a e t t a o r n d t o n f g phrtyrlskdtareciprocattng 'nitan Btstes. . Ar a:5.p.1qkln/pz4:opfmmûnaz t'outze tn t:l Mtrlltseniorlstlte. 396.1.15/161P/4?.Dlèturbances in Raxpur.Btate o: acgount of the Rstq!ate jotntng th. Iràten Unton. : '*' 397*7.16-P:/47izpt yp$ointMênts of trad* eo-ml,:f:oneys Nu jrorrtgn &epntirims by Indlan Stitea. 398.F.16/1/P:/4 ' : #exptlon from tneome-tax and'auper tax pn th* lnterests 4 3t9 r. . Mqrutng tn %k* fty*d d*p4gtt aeeoupts or the Btates. yvqrund p: snoooNwtax. fPxoc:dure toY o:taintng exemption terttfiesles or . 'j 3:9.F.16/2/PR/4;J .F, xption froM tncome-tlx on Govt.secukitte:-xadtad F9q vz: Munietpalitr. 4oo.F.lq/ll/p/4?efonltituttonal reform: in the Sarangarh State. ( - . ls - a, ' 1 ,, 4ol.F.l6/14/P/47 * Constitqtton for Travanrores Promulgatfon of copst ttutlon âctpllzz. 7 .. 4:2.1.16/1V P/47Y'l h .opoge Consu tûtio> l & lqO inistrau ve lleforps for the nipur B% te and t:. avesu . on or' appotno ent of a Chiaf Mlzstster l.n ' Qle fu te. ,' 4o3.F.l7-P:/47 rZâetommodation for the Federal çoatt apd tts Grrïees. 494.F.18-P/44 NZ kîteetton by Pandlt Muket B/hlti Lal ghirtpva tn t:e Legj.slattve àsaerbly regar4tne retroelssion of th* z '' Megar-Hervara and Katver-Wetv&:1 to the Vdstpur and the Jodhpur ûevt. 405.F.la-pq/47l/'Dtacqsslons regarding itatmB Departments. 4O6.F.1:/l/PB/47:F' equ4st ot Chamba Btàte ror gran: of loan of h.tvo lReà ky t:e Govk.of InGta. 407.F.18/2/F/47v/ uostion in the C.pwàeaekbly ky HreGu3lDashKukh regarding %he Bepar agreeMNnt of 1936 and the puyment or rup.e: 25 lal ghs to the Ntzah unde: that agteemBnt. 408.F'.l9/f PV 4?.Intell1gence Aeport: on Bulers or Qrtsea and âsîaa Stet*s. 4e:.P.20/l/PR/45dq %e:t1on br ?undtl Mn-ltblhari Zal ôt Bh* vh for %he tmpozïtion Qr tax or 1.1/4/- by the roxllstate for vtstttng ptlvata Tepple at Pount Abu. w 4l0.1%20/2/PP/47k# t uese h to 1u od ntyjon Ps ûno dn itvX ht uk cu hteB ez lt ba Ar tn iv Lt &llB lg he ag kga ro vr sxe rr el ry art dn ie nfuded $n the yrttis: pr:vince or klxer-He/vara were retroceled to the nevar and Marvar Btat:s tn t>e year 1938. *ll.F.20/3/P:/47. &ve*tton by 1.5.111& Ba: *A--2 rezà4dih ' g the Kppotntmeht '''' ' / Xt V . o tR *1l îa one at lvCom-f,stonv:: forvlztoalc*oupsor-àtate: tn In . 412.F.20/4/P:/470Beqolqtion in the Conslttuent à:s:p#lrlhcgtolativelby *-thm Zonfble thq Prtae Blnlettz Pegaed:a: 1he eon:ltthlton of g+Anatngztomzittees fo4 various Mtnlltrtel. 413.:.2:/6/PR/47-: 'ueation In tNe eonstllùent âssemblythegislattvel:y Fai Wah:adur Z@l4 lîal Kanwar rmgAr:inc Meeez4kon pf :ezi- Iurtsdtctlonal :txtes tu .the Dptïnton of Indtl. 414.F.20/6/P:/47 e:tton in the Censtttuent AzseMbly or IndtKlLegielKttfp) Pazdtt L.K.Hàttra regatdshg avcessfon of Junazadh. a ' u 4ls.F.%/7/P N o ût:tïon in th* Consututnt àssO:l7 pf lndialn gle - ;% f YlzM .:he t Mtzra regee inp the Fmstern Bttto s Unïone tsallovod. 4l6.F.20/8#P;/4#o4hegtton ln the eonxlitueàt l:.èmblytt*gi4lattvpl:r -8h't K.8antihna. r:gatitpg legt4latg**,xresponetble Mintyter: ete.in stales. 417.F.20/9/P;/47vjq bw es tt5 to .A. ny $a nn: th lo etCy o* nà :a ty td tt uh en :tKk le qes 4m sb :o ln y 'l x p tf egs ts l& là tl :k fvc)97 4&8.F.2o/lQ/Pq/47e x:b.olut1 à on in tb* Ausax 3esgton of'the Consttbzent gx:xbly 1947 QF Shri t.N.8ah4 eegatdtng xmnlgawatton or eertain partg orxoriya vtth Qrissa. 4'9.''.20/l1/PR/47#jq nd et *a tn to: ntl rt eg es Ar .dtnggrantorhllrelyohslbleGovt.tn / 424.#*9q/l2/PF/47o<Me@tIon Mr 't.cl'ath*kltn t:e çon:tituentrAlgewbly -(Legtslattv4) rlgar4tng fàèing inctdent tn gaoni Gtatedteallowe4. [email protected]/l:/PM/47v#' u:sttOn by skrï iah Bxh.t ragarlin: the po:itton or tN/ 'atlonal Flag tn th/4e #teàes 4A o havo thoft ovn sepqrr' + k - Fzag. 422.F.20/14/P:/47 eatjvn :r Bhrl 6M Narappa în the Con:lltuent Azeeml, ; egakdlng Antidentl or qilhonouting : the India Unfon ' - Z 16 - .y h 423.F.20/14/P:/47.k/ , eBtton &y Shrt Jatslakh Lal Bathl tn the Constltuent u ssembk ltel slattvelRegaM tng the admsntstrntion of the estate: of Chandap and Baltpur tn the Gldhvada lhwnn tn the Sestern lndia and Gultat State: Regton. 424.F.20/16/P:/47##hort npttce quectlon by Shtt Yudhisthtr MtcTa tn thB Aup'mn sesston:lg4?.or the Conatttuent Assembl; (Lv.(t lat velae gar dlnrwene gthee lrl ums twMme :at vN tc hle4 h* Go .g of It ndtl to tnte tn ytl gtri nt el trtss s)t 8 426.F.20/17/P:/47@:y s'ea tlonDp-naar tntheC onvtttu entà ssemblror IndtalLeol latïm 8hrt svsrup seth regardtng Mesteging -t rs + Mtrpur and Kotlt. V6.F.20/lWPV4?#j us e gt ss to yn aNi j. ve) n thP BeO sn gtiy Was en)uk &5 :se cb zlko yj f jj. ID /st g,assgujo thtkd rorm or 'nsttuwenl ot Aeeee4toh. of Indta :27*F*aozlg/pq/x;#tL ueg sts tl oa nttv net ):h ercs on hr sttx tn un ew n. teAssembly shamsh@r Jang qbout the 1n,trument or Aeeesston. 42B.F.2Q/2n/Pq;47 y t@ L .l rt rs el 4aQ tt uv ee suo )4F ni sn hrl ths e. 'à Co .H nx sn td tl to ul enr teà ga zs rd es mn blyth oe te Ix no dd iu as or ugztszrromzn4tatntotNenyleradadstatc- . zdmltted. 429.F.20/21/P:/47*'l otarreG uestion tn the eon:tttuent assembly or Indta t.gtszaltve)bzPandtt C.pathak about the bundelkhand gronptng or states- wtthheld. 430.F.20/22/P3/47#l 8tazred question tn the Constituent àssembly of India teglglaltve) ky Pandit C.pathak aboqt unauthortsed ar= and*awmunitton eaught ln a Car belonglng to the Sqril% state-wkthheld. Y W'<. J 431.P.20/23/PR/47et Jut Motion tn the Constttuent àssembl; of lndia Leglelattve) bz sht: MaBliner to dt:euss the poltey of th4 Qovt of Indta ln regard to state: tn generRl and nyderabad tl parttpular-Hot moved. 432.F.20/24/Pq/47031*rr*d Question tn the eonatituent e:sembly of Indt& vtt*gtslattve) ky Bh'l Damodar 8varup wBeth about the 4*lar in E'd erabad stat.s aee*tston to Indta-vïthheld. 433.F.2:/26/P:/47.#182re: Questton in the eonstttqent âssembly of Indta eltegtglatkve) ky Dr.punlqbrao ShAmvao Deeh-lkh tegardi: :ord@r inetdênts betveen the Hrdarabad State and the Provtneel of gotlayxdadre, lnd 1:e central Provtnee: of Berar. 434.P.20/26/P:/47./11rre4 kueztlon tn the Conztituent àasexblF of lndia <(Z*g1#la1tve)R/ 8hrt Xukut Bihlrl t&l Bkatgavl about the Màllts-e-ltyeha4-ul-Muellmeens eall for the @xpanslon or the avderabad Btate Mtlitary-àdmitted. 435*F.20/27/P:/47.#5,tarred queltion in t:e eonatituent aleqmbly of elnisylteglalattvelkr e4t: Qovlnd Da, a:out the aeeeaztd or hydorabad nnd th4 seeurtty or llfe and property of the malority eommunlty in the Hzdeyabad Btate àdxltted 436.F.20/2q/P0/47- J tarred Questlon in the ConBtïtuent âleembly of Indla Ktteylslative 4y Mr.:.%.8tdhwa, regardfng the alleged :a I n in the H#d*rabad Btate on the hotattng or the ndtsn Flag. / 437.F.2Q/29/PR/47n#**olut1on in t:e eonatttnen: alslxblr of Indta KlLegtglattv*) My +>ik>.la4mArayan %yxs for the repeaz of khe Indian Statellpyoteetton against Disafreetton) àetl1%n1 and the Indtan :tat/xtprok,ctionlActllga4ytthdravn. 438.P.Btarr vY txrred kuestton in tue autumn gesiton 1:47 ot the :.20/30/PR/47 eonstttuent agseubly or Indlaltegtslattvel:y Shrt ill?l!Pu Bo ryslllîoslrlllld tm inlseto hr etpeopzektlle4tn . ( $ %1 ' à. 1* - '. .- .- v . - -. . R *..- - . .. - ..u- t; 17 - ' k ' R. . - -- .- - -.- - , 31 - - - - - 439.F.20/::/P:/47.Fezolutlon in t:e Consttkqent Assembl; of India *ttegtalattve) b7 R.B.Bagbp Ra: Btngh regltdtng the standard form of instrument of àccesslon-xot gatred plhte tn Bwtlot. kY 440.F.20/32/PP/47a9ûesttpn tn thB constttuent lgetmbly of InGta -(Zeglglattve) ky Pandtk Lelhhm! KRnta M*<tra kegarding 1Ne po:ttton of 'ashmtr and Junxgadh. - > . ? ' *41.F.2:/33/P:/47 #tatem4nt plaeed on tbe :*:1. of thê Conltttuent TAs:embly or InGialte:ialattvelrdgarding sta::: vho have stgnqd th* Instruments or Aeee:slon. 442.F.2G/34/P:/47 stton tn tb* Con.tttuent âs:e>b:7 or Tndlh At*gi,la1ïv*) k: ôh'l M@hln Lel Slkgena regazdlng gteemlnt reaehed betveen India and Paklst:n. . 443.7.20/36/PA/47 estlon in th4 Conatttuent à,aembly of Indtllteg) Ehtf 8.Nagappa and Hr.A.xztdhva k*gqtdtng the :o ot 8tate: aveeded to the Unton thqtr reprAsentatlon.tn constttuent Aasexbly or Indll 2x and thett populatton. 444.F.21-P:/471z Celebrattona of Independene/ Day in Indlan Statea. 446.F.22-P/47 ve Settlement of Kksak,, ân the Bhopal 8tat.. 446.F.2l(l)-PR/47.'out impreelton br th* iegional Commïszioner Punlhb P:tates. Metget of Bangrt v11h xtmhehal Pradezh . 447.19.21/2/P1 47xz'our Io ression W the Eegiorml CoM estonez W t:e < Punlab state: at K- rzatn. 44:.F.23* /47 < -'alzage qontrtbuu on ot e oà.TlGotden. Asst4e nt Guoeri : nteM qntlpow z') vhtle on rotetg; servtee * 1: the G. . G.a tl< y*3&m da. 4* .F.24* V47Z qu4stlpn otzonlu tuttng an àivtsor: Co- lttee of y' RG ng a w e: for Blalea Mlntso . 4* .:.25* 1 47P %ltpa Ffcy /sy' Pgtt--k1<:F .q-.$c..S-N tnl. g%t4 V . i - , 'J X 4* *?*25* /47w-e-Ktl&% u tYainlng or the Mtx r 16e rull or Baltat. 4:2.F.26-P/47w- P*tttion ot on* :uy Stng: tn regyeet oç hlleg*d F'ztlpkjb:u-forfeitureofeertainlandstnthe3ikanerBtlte. v.ag/pq u Co> ttlqent**s*xb1T pf tndia. 4* .F.27* V47e Attttqde or Ju> ghdh :14:* o w rd, parucïpaung &n t:e 4%. VF2.7 Ql 8? -V P/ $1 4t 7ke'* :jjjea zt .to xnaou fat ,hy euqm jjw ejsWn og je gz en geCbde,l:D:* +4 4:5.7.3 1' 7 $zzppzxeau on rrou th. a deral court for x qo ytng the toom ren ased w t:e oe ttion or thê ehwolmz of prtnte: f urntte . or the eM x ellt:'a Beett. ' 4*.P.31* V47O seteae llabtlittfjsot *4Cwu .haptesentattv*. 467.F.K -PV 47v/pam ent ot fnter- u o l tribute ly the W o - n stqte F 32/l'l11. 7 O tb* M 'lor StaY . . 4 *.V F' I:VB 1*$4 VN 7l i zédap>tto= R th.Govt.orIndlaAe%,193s. 4D .F.a 4 kvneturn or o e terrto ttes ceded by the sanl t Datw r l e .F > 3rtttshevt. 3>PV47Vp )sn tkon vo gvj*y loz;:Nq jjtx tqocajkta z%o sA ms(jos d. Qotve 4% t.rot tlw QlvaB= corpa and Heudpxoz co nt# tgent . g j 461.1.3+P/47Z'%rtlwnl'eoleento inganghloz-. . ecyp)v V Nyp7 pyj 4;$.e*tp.a-yq.g7gJ-?(45%(-(jf Jtt g sw, -sV' 463.F.3 1PirynpteBentsttonfrom tllesubloctofEalgarhEt&a in . - -#, . ' y l ! raw ur or appotntoent of Mp.stlrandra glngh as the nw f3%lPIh1 *m *. Dw an œ pregident or the coo tl or âx tn&ttratton. F.38-::/47 #vàrfatrz in Qttesa B%ates. ' , 18 - - 5 '; zy 465.F:39-Pq/47ve Suuplz of popiet of 1nstrument of àceecaion and F,3q/?< o!, hJ v stand:ttlliagreement to sll Ptovl.oevt.: qnd Deptt. ,vtgorlnita. 17,1. $.l/FM/ô7> oç tbe:* , 464.F.41-?:/47 u'zxervi:tûg pt Parnmnunley 04:2 'ndian S:Rtes-press kx j F.#0/ .3DjJq:-attté' l, e$F7;t.V.K.Johnontheth.oryotParamountey. tO hee-Z;,pn$ - Tehri Garhval. 467.F.4l-P/47 e lY 468.F.42-P/47MA G/tevlncesof' ,tbe' Dovag/rHaharantorgaroda. k:9.F.43-P/47 ke /roposed Ttstt ot the ;a1a of 'q*undvhd B6ntor %0 1h4 ' yzBntte; xtnzuom; 470.F.44-P/4/' Information asked for by the Cham:ek of Prt%ee: regt p' ) 3 t:e lict or Bulers vho dted àftor th: lant snsstoa 2' / . ot th4 Chamber or Prtnteg. .J ' 471.F.4#-P*/47tzXeport: ef the S/ngal ani the Punlab Boleearr Cnm-na. ' 472. 6F.p4X5/: Pf 4/4 ' 1;t/g*presentatlonfromtheGvaliorGövl.regardtngeeded ,.' t . I z-j()/F'' %. 'jty-y Otritorte:. 4% . F.e -p' F' ?47 < Proposaz ror a lotnt A #tcourt bew een > mpur & nm- rea , . tt l t : 4%j. e, t 4r4. ; Fr. C Vg/l PkRp IVB G,k vu ty otuon je yo gua tjr zvy nce jaor svjaro a)tkA to j, xrg B j.a n1a velu frxyor ,o # ' ' . ' I 1 !- . . ,-zo!posae,:too :elovthec-tseedu to t:e qo. !!pbjît/ rttisu Govt. j Fi. '= -'/vli tlkenaurtcauo.otp,acezreaues.,t: roratgn <,s. . . :.rl/?K)qJ tQqntrtes defeated tn tàe vak. 476.F.51-::/47 N/:: nin: a standEttll AgreemAnt by :ahavslpur :tct. with t:IDomtnion or'ndta. 477.F.82-P:/47>/R BlaeuattnjorHesst:HkneklalAathi andDilsukhrai ' / I ' k i' m->,. , tht exp oyees of Blnstlal Abtrehand Bxnkers an< :tllovners or :tkaaer 6tatê and In4tl. 478:.1.53-, :q/47Nrn gj stloontor theEnq zeut vatyDaarppotnted bar forptn apelg4 r:zrejo ard tqnutre gt:e c sujsa en , , ' ssh)PSrq tntocertatn eharg*: eratn:tRx-xaharaja ,ir cula: singh 479.F.54-P:/47 %e Protest by the Pattala Btate agatnlt the flytng of an - Indtan atr eraft over t:e :tatq terpttopy and lllmg*d - . F.Fs/P/h7 dropptn,ofabomb. . 480.F.:5-Pq/47 y/Coxmuniqatton reeeived from vartous p4ople tn respect : ot attaehxents Behex.. 481.F.562Pq/47keY:que#t nt th* Jaïpur Govt.for supply or eoples ot elttain eorrogpondento in ronn.qtion vtth tho restoratton orkeertntn landa at Allahabad to th:m. *82. VFjlA-P:/47j/Agijatibp tn Klzmut. strxuz Prala Mandal. 483.1.611PD %24' èR zudieia: Exeeuttve&n4êolteexrrsngepenk:proposed g.ovqj' ?sjnf.knthe,lalletkatntawaranacu:aratstqtee. i 4:4.F.6:-P/47 u#Akuestlon ror the :r8nt or ex:mptïon under section ll6 . rvyt/rî/( jy' A os rsu th ta *ne In esc uo ran c/X tt. g38 :t oth eatIn toe nntto na :: ttd. tn îl :e Mlr allj tl ate lneje ct ol d)Hutu . ' j 488.F.z6=2-?p Pqxl /47 UtChag espe Rrct t:e g:g: xa<ssst ont r ro tA udt stan ral8: laai z-k wZP Indta or xens orco eotn tn uae tn In tx .: ror o 1-,*</r -lH / t:e Nattonal GxllerF or Bouth Austrtalla ! ' 486. &1 .4 .6q6IP F/K 4(%ty R evet:tonort:e<&4ïmeashgranttnruvo .urortne . zam xhpn:s natvat. 487.F.6:-Pq/47 p Report regarding sirhïnd Sharif 'in Pattala Stste to be ïz uaagev. / - 488.P.66-P:/47y'Bequest YF the Govt.ef Qrt:sa ror the Central oovt.to <e o*p%t' 1 r -,f7/r -(. f ,: 'i kt nt rre tth a A etar-l tnkî'r -s q . r 4as x 2tp ' aqï> ss& ons u zî z t , s.v , ?s 4 * Y& . l e n . ...- . .. -- -. ... -. - .- J .... - ...- ... - -- .. --. - u 19 - - l 489.1.67-:%/47 vzxemortal rrom H.1I.of Idar ror rever tion t; it pf t*.B < rï ,hts, povets and lurtudtctton on ee rtatn unfts . r-.i'%(PYqh7S*!''VASeR* . 490.F.68-P:/47Lzhequest o. r the Bampur Darba , r for th: further dstwntion a yl/ aqjrFlk . l c tn7.P.orsaulatAlIXhanan<KhadimAltKhhnorRawpur. 491.F.70-P:/47+'%uegtton of Xurundwad lunlor St croup or Detean Bt ate Iotning the Kolhapur &teg. 492.F.71-P9/47:,.Vocatton of feur flate in Sulqn St ç-,y+(g%qu' q orfteersoftheCbqmbsofPrinnes.ng:Patk by th* 493.F.77-P/47 vzzà b&ll f ukther to imend t:B Indtan Cotnag'e àtt41906,as introduncd tn tN F e L:gtslativB àstumbty on the 17th 4b.1947. 494.F.78-PR/47$. àppointmont xavab to n.E.B.theor sta am knïueuf Yar Jung as orriciating zgent 3erar. 49:.F.7l-P/4? V* Bemtttance to Mlcci of fnni: t ' thn :ho oT eharltRble-purpose: YF 11 Stqte Und.sireablity of retnslatin l=7Al Fzi)?( ,-tôutkhy-ullahQx-rassepazcou.zgent. 496.F.72-P:/47t gof Gtyle of addresstn: the iuler ofKhllehipnr as MBi: 497fF.7$ x/FF.lh'lZ1ehn*5:theBe1&OfKhllchipure. 75-P:/47 U àctlvlt&es ot o>e Atdul XariM B : . PoltcerTravantorej a ree&dent ut ahiblf orme Trteht n r I*B.of Travantore opoly) ln 49:. :'.76-P:/47 keBequest of.the Alwat Govtwflr the artegt lnd turtendep - 7 -/:t zyzytjuçty o. foor nebe3 ll at ro kn atnlla:IhnnaPromtnentrtng-leadezofthm 49:.Y.80-Pq/47 bzPayMent of l . ceuMuAAted pension or Hqr Bighnes: goy 'kn v Hihntlnl Bpt.lilabai Bah:b lf De gat #' y< 5;û.: F. 78l 6 . f -;/ l >4e71Ve. , .Qccupattononpayaent ot rent otwa sli.graneh) tlle Movbtar Cottege f 19clfBp3sj wp' a?.E non ta 'b el as mut n: de ,A bes ll od nq gn tt ngtn toMy ts ho ereMyduttng aote8to tq:rtue , l r F 7 q st- er ueason 194: . 8 2 1 ' p : z 4 i $ , b t a p os a l of c a' 1nl. . s huttdtnz tn ealkot. 5:2.F.:2* /4* F llepaymtm t or the Govt , 1 ,, A'? b7 >e Balmvttlpur Govt.o rIndta DuklelValler PkoleeyMEn F-$e/PJ .! . , 503.1P.8:-P/47 ke Suyply R the CM mber ot Prln Ir<ZlfrtN$qq lmder enorit ldmtniâtrationeqs of Ge lict of Stlttes 5* .l'.Bb' -Pc47Z rlrtng or 1I.E.I!.% e lptzam'e F'l.ag on Publl .c bulldtngs tn berur uude: àrtttle 6 or the Bethr agtêoment ot 19a6 . 6o6.;.B3(i)/P/49t,Faz Ltst pf Anle rs k vh 'e om llts Jrxeellency the 7i4etoy#: well Khqritas ghould b: sent :06.1.:4-2/47 e Reqn*st fur a : . Yenayl ubn cz ' t pkt on fp om 1 :t: Ilte e:s > * Mohhrall or s * the J.P.a < M ar:1 Jntqn. *7.J.r! Pv 47 v Mtltu a egeort ror xava: or C% htY T % o Ff!zn Manaa:zknjywtthdrawlorguzplt w e rp tde Awf drOvab . om the xtzam': Ci7b-'!(r> 'fkxjjaPalaceat BvDput. 8 O V X nt! )P% 't'eTunqg!hArratr.s. prrsp ot help rz'om Bhlvvagar .> sV;F.86(nal/ no l .a jy4t j s azuv -' jyjas .ya ! os ovNs yvox ju gj c , . . om , co- !sssoner. 5lQ.F.:5(4)Pv 47> Jupx- dh zfratr:. a preseno tton reeet ved rrom y . j-%633-. '-rpo.u.wee .r ) -lgnrding Jàx- gadhs'aee4ssien % :l1.F.a,(4)/P'#46J eun:guhàçfat ï ra uA xg qkejppoe tjo ,n s' NJUPkeZW ak dsf s .rerardtng g. 512*F.85(7)F:/47,$BecnoMtt Blocka4. again rcstrtctlons on oecupatton gt Jxm xgadb an4 relaxatïon of 5l3.P.85(1l)Pq/47;p6xmunsl Nituatlon in Ra:kot, . Jqngadh . œ ubu e t lkusk to aw . m.Fubltc 514.F.86(14)Pq/47:/j z K gjjpoz rrairs . Correspondsnce f /6//, -f' yf, ; . ete . withH.R.th/Nava:or - 1. 20 - # 2. e . S. -- . 616.:.:G-131:47 v P'opose; m> nge of na> of tbe Ihanadevli Btate * àm.tzxtgar Gtate. ' 516.:.86* /47$,e'-BundijlkhanG Coe perlttve Ga up-oaktaqu 's ltemtershlpa , nelegatfon or powers to th: Restdnnt for C. . F.Yb-/' 4IPf h$k71.%KeKhxt,&hwamsR Jaghlrdarc. V lhdtaR . 617.F.87-P12/47e' ' iiD p'VF os lPublteatsonsoftheSrtushPost . c- $$h'jP%Iv QfrteeAdmtntstrattoùsror tbegydekabttdGovt. 618.1.87--P/4?' t, lihe ltn4s in the Sawantvadl State 519.F.8 t85J'p ' k0k' 4($ jk tp e or addteestngcuer,ysnsjt 'crs .tlndooe'rorrteerz ' !7' r z ' f . 6sy fI c!F'q((j . /n thaKathtaorltetonpeetslon S' JotPolttiealDeptt. .. 4- . 520 t5 ? , ' t z . l g j y q jr a c t t c e s h o l z à . d b . i o no v m d . * /47 er lf teat t onsm te -p engt ons> pupe nM 1 1 . ,.. .. . - . szztF-aa llt?v ssvres.ntattonrro.Mvjà-v-zhakkar,servants or zndta . , çGcl/plqv ? s xoctotr,:.0na tegar:t# rutureornanys. .*' 522.1.90-P:/47 k'copplaint or the 5om:a: Govt.Alleged beqtlng 9: the ' ù %. ' Barodl state PolteB of pscBengers ttsvelling %F :u: tn y ( ' l t / F p Kf b , ' 7 t.ezu.aaw,ntstt. J 823 ! . ' , P.92-P/47 v' itrtke or Gt:te eervanl: in Kolhapur. 524*. P*92-P:/47$@'Ktngfe prorogation sye*th. . ' ' :26.7.92-P/47ï à p vls lke au ts ih ot npotn rth , :rnev sodstetev. methodof:uceessl.on% tLr t:e wï:t ' i i 526.17.93-PV4 7 je't nplvada's offlr to place sll its't*soum tj:at the #n dtspo,al oç the Domtnton :r Indta o. F 'q*IPl3' tov the supply or Lowualla': tequest f@rco: to eope v1th arthe .a gl nt duq ao tâo ,ms na tton tBtn ror gtctr g out e. the . J ,. '. ' I :27.F.94-PR/47 kzvimtt of Eit Ztgbness the Nhharllx of Patkal? to nuyyand 1. ' ,zB F.g4.p/47 K/ Pxyxent on aecount of locll #u.4 eee: ço> thê y . 1946 yat $ Y 4 activttffs of Xuglt. *lewente Kround th@ Stste B:rders ' . . . - 47 ln reapqct of Talukdari Vtlllge: belong to thp Lt/bdi Dapbcr in th ng e àhxedabad Digtto 529.F.96-P/47 bv Vtstt of l=s Rtghnêss tha Nlvab of Palanp p ur to gurope 53c.F.:6-Pq/47 v'Aoq ll uett by Qrtssa Govt. for the wqpplr of àdxînlstratlon oports ot the 8tates of the Fastetn stntes Agenty , r for the last s:x yelrnlincludtng Qriss. stltes). , tzz Slt l 531.F.96-P/47 p. . . s..ausk% ' eGX V , 532.F.:6-P:/47 Lzlllega ton of Jetpur :tate Polttq hn4 Cust , ( qrq$JFth7 vron fully set oo; Qrçtcîale elotltngfroxe vv ta negue ge oq l4or-xena andpetgonal . ' . 533.F.:7-P/47 ke-Pesïgna1 on of Mrs.ttndberK, an Aserttan Ht:siorm ry 534.F.97*P:/47 K.'Hequeat of nadhanpur state fo4 potmle . !U,qz./r:)q) v Xkrittpe culqrat state:-Aejeete<. ston to loin 635.P.:::::/47 kz' A equest rrom Kalat ôtate tor reeognttton of tt. gtatu: as ah t ndependen: soveretgn Gtate . 536.F.1::-P/47 ye=aexoval or restrlettons on the (p, need for sanctton to loo/,zyqyP Il nt ra mx ro wh sn tt atr a. llosnstnvtevorthqtmpendtnglapsaot . . Y 637.F.1Qc-Pq/4? ulnt:pnment of Akblt A1t Khan of Pindaraval- . . <Al :epregentltlon rtom H.K.n.the xixam.Relea,e or'Akbar t Khsn from Pin;arwa1 Jatl. '63a.'. 10l-Pq/47# ;eeovery or expensez or Poltee Pqrty . j ôD9.F.l02-P:/47tzPolice teport y:gardtng po>itbon of Aksent to âmbaltara -' œ' ' fz'/02/psyjyinMlnAvadarstates. r-. 1oh( 'sNJ ,b) ) >, and &rmunltlon ' ' . . i I ' i j . -* t. C1 œ yu -Q.>' .i l &o b>p &// 4 i*qk? , 'pa 3>eo pni z; za o rpecton% t:eedovotdeceasedAlla: l'os-ra/#,7 Dad Khnn or the Patiala swa'be. su .v 1()j:z ps47y Bse of expresston ''covt.or sutch' k ' A' 6 *.f,.4 't o û?z /z ''*7 Q:/ 'tForcedtaaurEnquta coxtttee. s4a.Flzv-/ps Y/oendmenttot:eAaedForcestnsergencyDuttesl&et.lxv. iz ,sy œ rs ts. ipll 544f.i. 4y?vzl t e d r i s t g n a t l . o nortuecrovnanepresenouve'spoltqe ss central neserve Pozte: . - =?6 545.F.110-Pq/47 1 kuentien or dtsconttomtlon or plyment or ïrtbute br F' kojjphyqa 1 a: *na -la o atla toort:. Gwsllor Govt.wh4chvas. C l astg ncd tr oA the Gm ovt. ïndtl. s46.F.Z ll î/ 0z -J/ Ki 47Ylzc emplaintregardïnjnon-parmentorïnterestonMysor/ stqt. Loan necm d t e: at the tehore Tteesury. ' 547.F.112-P/47C idminletrattve arrangments in theDharangadhra Sthte 4urtug q.n's stay tn tue 'ntted Gtugdom. 648,F.112-:./47vzàtyle or address ot Jl.nvl1avab of 3hôpal. 549.3.17 1 3)-8: 9$74 /7pdateevaenatlonorchadhar:Abt lulsattar'amleortldy ' - 6'klù/rq q) Zafrulla Xhan. u ge r htBs- m ro )?4vd4eomtton oei-ysxwaza zayszuads Aso z uu 6so.F.l1s-p o q e an s o sttl s/psjk? : s: to nhjs ta toMuslixbrbtrkh. sn sw lr ttso vs o aaz 5:1.7.116-Pq/47/fequegt or c.s.D Bundel/.hxnd Acnney for perxis:ton to r l4q/Ps/k7 p e:tu se tr av te ea às dma inm ie sm tze ru; ttor on t th. o et nr qi ut lu rn eal lns to hp eb av llt :he gcdch hx tt gkh h-ar: y.1)%/?Ftt!7 handedneas durtng dtstnrbancez in t:e state. - .. s62.F.l13(l)Pq/47yKa:b=fr àrfAïrs- tffer of help from Fartdkot,Alvar *te. Vol.I. # k- 1l%/F/P!f4? 564.F.ll8/2/Pr/47aKashmlr Arrztrs - âppolntment or Eanvar B&p Daleep . k A 553.F.118/l/PR/47K#1shmir Affhirs- Qrfet of help rrox Prtne:: 4tc. <, -Btngh àgcnt to the Govt.or Indta tn Jaxmu 1nd 'ashmtt. 5:6.F.118/3/PR/47z/epr*:entattons *te.reeetv*d from paYlte tn re:pect ot As ss é6 y. :f.1 @l g $o /jp TzE t7pa4K *ztjj 'r u sbiav toa' t , L Wp a ïz k, ' m z r rh re ang1 cR ae : xp nj lv l rk dsm ra dc ntt ermlnatton or Pa lz rw/ amo um nt c; y. a fl!(:Kjqyp's Rn 4a trà ou c* ra sm sg ia o: ns, of thez<mtnïstepedàreasof8*eunderabad r- lzp/P/j 557.f.121-pq/I7$esltp.y-:.,zote.-Kj5( yz/,l$/l/st :58.p F.1 P://4 aur rvujjt' hia -k ec fpD ee !a2z2/-p q7 yAC cop ra ex gh pt or na d/G nee và et en tv ha erc tu ou ptl ko np 4o De tî ty sw ot r the , entral covt. g59.:.124-::/47 Piessagee,' ,pf Congratnlallonâ iyrom Btates. 560.F.125-P:/4'7ACe> zcatton of boundary in hangpur Disty.3engal. o/eh 34:&r': teprellno tion in the xslter Mot ylaeed bœfot. the 3..k:: Boundlry Ci-m4stion. 561.7.126-PR/47z his Xighnes: the Holkar's Mmssage to Bis Malesty, 562.F.126-P/47 p/'ntrodnctton or t:e 3ansvera Constttuttonal Aet,l946 t 56 ê.I2//P5JA7 kF th*Banlvira Govt. 3.F.12:-Pq/474 Aepr/aentatton from thê Zewtndar's Assoetatton ln c.P. Pef2:/P:/ny 88ktng for the conltltutton of & Gondwnn. Dtate. 664.F.131-P:/47 kA:fusal or p*rtission' fot publ:eatton or h&g Thests on &.lz%JM f .7 g th AeCharbero fPrtnees br Dt.Eale:hxltPthsxdahargava, - . s.L.n.pjj .n. 14$laex vatton and presepvatton ir c.z-tatn saa da su t. à6s. %.I z sa oypzP s/ ptetures. K'œ ' 666. sF. .t13232JPP:/47 /qq /convê :lrëùKs âzio lsànEjor lytSe ccnritie MahlralzeI Gnto spectal Fetc!lin themue lm bendra BM h of 'ehrl . 1. . R n t . 567.F.l33-PV47kràntI-Pta1a> M a1 acttvttte: or âdtbs,ei tn Blh çrivsa cnd in t:e neighboqrtu a: and g States. :68.P.132-P/47#/AnnUAI ret #h urns of Politieal refugces and detenqs for e year endtng 31:t Deeemtmr 1946. 569.F.134-P/47 v//àdmlni stratïve Irainlng or id g Hlghnes: the mlnor Maharala or Charkhnri. 57;.F.134-P1/47 #tequest or Bikaner Slate fo2 Yein lane at Vika g a reeonnaïsglnce ner rol.a reeonmnl. 571l. :,!3(,-l' PKltt:atlfkanep-sahavazpurfyontter. ssaneeflight9verthe F.13* P/47+ ' Kashmtk Tpeaty chavls for Nw year 19+ . 572.F.135* V 474,chang. of de:lgnfttlon ot the Chtef Minl +' . . F'lal(9R(k7 : 'e'gewan't4. ster of lNmd % , 673.F.139-P/47N/ Veas' or certafn plots or la F, . nd ln the Byderabad SfAke l37/&Rjqy b ar the2. urDah ShtolCempany.Dnctsion tNattheC.R's ppreval ror aequlsttion or land vy F F,l37J n thellyd.otatemay begiven 1)7 theR ue re peansvtt tnhout the 'PôI 'i7 t rersren stdent - , cc % the PolvDeptt. :74.P.139-P:/47V Congratuâattous to Ris ffighness tNê Hah 6 t:/J79jq7 en theoecasion cfhisSilverJubtlee. aréla ofJatput 575.F.14:-P7/47:/1-mnva::. property of the F y, ala or Chamba Lying in Lahore ï$r/Bj )7 (PakistantDoainton). Fakl/pR/qp guklectsresldlnginel ta NeB3tarte lpak ïstan)keprotectthetr oda statc. 676.1'.142-PR/47V/zeqq4st or tbe Lee B 577.1.142-P/47 ïZ Quostlon of Indlan Statea havln z thd alr own mlnt: and ' F, Iû3/ 'PRthA >CVPDQLCZ On ZDP I8PSO Of Par&*Om nt0F. 578,F.143-P/47vr AmendmentG to sectton 60(;) of the Govt . seeurittes M:naal ippertRlning to the isautng of speetal note: for Indlan Bt pkoMissqry oç p ates qonsequent on the retrertion @ aramountey. ldin(s of the Chanba ötltes gncurities knd flxed y' s7:.F.144-P:/47l'tdlo epogl 1% the Lahore baranch of the Imperial 3a ' - t- > . Indta. nk ot 884.F.145-PR/47 kf* s size or Sardat ï.:.panlkar to see H.11.J8m lahi: ot avanacar in Delhi in appreclatjon of the latter's radlo Dpecth. :81.:.146-2R/47VRequest of Baroda Btate fo due f r the rceovery ot the amount rop Dedatan an4 Dhtmpur on aeeount of at Jaaabandte rears ot ' 582.F.146-P/47 M'Conctttuttonal ehanges resqlti î' aramountcy- nc from tho lapg: of F'ti@(MRlttl trtbnteanrith Fu cta un mn ena ol fp Ba ey nm Kz enet so Br ta'tevithrecpectof C entrresy alûMt ovrzip t.asursurplusrevenueofuo thn eero lu ap khsi br yca tr hs e (Benn P$l&2-)p/qc gGhagtpur av1 Jaunpup). R*q.F.148-Pq/47lzsc tocat i on or heaG quartors of thp Deputr îegfonal fommlton 584 , et at Paroda.Bsrod/ Govt. ': protest Rgcl.nst 1t. F.149-P:/47 YQffer of mtlitamy aid by :1s Ill . Alvar tn connectl.on wlt: the eo=gbpei s ditturbeneor the Maharala or tnal , . Delhi. n . 585.74149-P/47 b/ Questi on of removsl of r6ctziettons on the ruler of Ga ngpur state. 636. pF.1::-à4:/47Vzàrk'anr, rents for the pxerèise or residuAry lurtcdictlon r 4 ssj/j'y/jj ys by tmtc hs èw oh oï vc th .oh fqv Ie nds ii agnmd inrtw espn cto fal luem i-tnstruw lurtsdictional the 2n4 rorm of .lF6/é'bJk'j aecesston. ontor 58 .F.150-P/47 7e Banganap Petitlon rrou Zyed lfussatn, dlleharged Chtef Poltee Orrieer h1 alll stW wtc agatnst th6 alleged unlust orders of V .. g dlumlcEal.tofusal to grant an inter#itw to h1G legal represeno tlvpx . ' x J< % - . g . '' 588.:.1:2-:q/47/ïrax reror Mazva nhtz corps to states an4 rtnanetal ad:u,tments eonneeted tuerevtth. 589.1.1:3-:/47 wzlotnt Judtetal âeheme ror ::: stmza xtlz Btateg. . 59o.F.1sa-Pq/4vex ezeased uestb;aktst cooca:nBperg eharonne covlt.or rorthe esecooc erthtoBehar accomst paate my rorco: te # rorces tetarntn: te paktstant. [email protected]:4-P/47 hz aeeyuttment of valuchts 4F t:e Juna:adh covt. s9z.y.lss-Pq/47/lv nur- tortaz destgnatton an, tttlm or t:e Jagtrdar or urvat. /2.'2-. F'g tg.(,,ss . -., G- ..S 593*17*1.57* /47b*- . u ' -J -v- ' N .. 594.F.157-Pq/47Wàhnual Adàrnîitfiljgn Repor or Tehrt Garhvll State for # -.. . . . t:e zear 1944-45. :95.F.158-:q/47A uestlon ot d&reet eorrespondenee between shopll and the ' F netghboartng Ptovtnces and states.Dtetasatons :eteeen th/ ôecy.Hintstry or Btates A H.x.the llavab lf Bhopal. d k ' i . :::.F.::7-P/4? (,,Release or Aanput state from mtnortty admtnïxtrhtton. $ 59*.1.158-P/47Z Grant or permlsaton to the Aala otàthrazh to return to F.fsrpqjqp Als state and rexovaz or zestrlctlons on b:s povers. 6g:f.' F.t: l* Pgqfxv-ïqûepresentattons by t:eMuslfo.orKutulana regatdtng r-n Kl-F:/:7-lhetr roropertr lert tn Jpnngadh state. lJ.-o*rbytvnezsasecrethziatznstmwtzons. - .F.zI6 12-p-z4i'k'el?uzc6a ro 600./., p Je te ,t. 1:n v,r;z qg ) i , q 4 : ' é j j k o e ' s t + 1 t h e 1 1 : a j a , : o , s r s o l M c u a r j e f s , o r v a t g h a e a F,1*q/Ps/qv j7 lae êp :a rb* ad t*)e eu i ou , . 601 F.164-P8/47lzDtrect negettatlon :etween Cooeh-Behhr ,tate and nasN seu1 . y : . , - - gz/yzr /Pçjk; B vls nla tlte ueeoth fe orjs pet Mert rtto nglrc mo ed -op Pjk la tc tt eon efbA elv tl hen 't: oe ' Triputa stetePozieeandP tl1polieeofzast encal Govt. 6::.F.166-Pq/47k'Paymint or p4ngton te Bnbe4ar Sundet 8tngh Penstoner or - 4> r !87/?Jp. 7 JtndBtateatpte:entemployedtnFederatedMaly ,aBlates. F.l:%(py;; ji tja te ra *nje qr elo 'n romzbRa lputhon naz egshavantgf tontothe Wf.land .&Gu lae* rat dteatt of nhl sue g:lon 603.F.167-Pq/471 'ransfer of Stqtec of ôfrohi Palanpur. 9ante.Tdar & . V' d06o/p WlPpJhp r Pr hvi lstBox: nghlt t:e ce. gadt or ga ntor a.T heova mence rger K 1 u. o Dant att v11 :ra the ayto Provtn ptxatt on all , ot to y '/' ntM/ th* exzxRhatala or Danta. ' 6ô4. 'F1. 611/0pP -Jp/7 47#vt--uttent ry&y g.q.thessvabor3hopalvhetherKhntrpur:tute rtbuto to t:e proposed organl:at:on tov Mullda f F,17e/ Pjkn atat4s. . - 6:5.:.1:1-:q/47p ?z'' roeedur. tov lr:ttratton tlg.dtsput.s lrtskng bltwqen t: r.(7#/p/tbî p arovtnct tate:an dthecentrazGovt.endt::centrazc0v:.&a4 al covts. V pondenee tezs @lG 7lPP 1)k7kd e eaeo er 606*. 'o h. an tn tA e,so j tjn .gtomergerorvatrakxanta xsus pvovsn . 6:7@F*173-:/47tz/ayxent for thexavab of:hopqlds ait trav:l rrom Del:&' ' . ' p,/y#/q/jy toshopll*ndback toDelhkonMàteh2441944. 608.F.174-Pq/47lelnelqsBion of 5:1v11*: Thhna Mndez Reglonll Comxlss:onet e Aa:kot': admintstration. 609.F:175-P/4?Z 'axatlon by t:e Fyeneh Govt.propergy otBaroda State tn 4 F'17é/PqJh7 B2&D*** ' ' 61:.F.176-P/471/ guestton or depostl èr xoney tn a &.P.Eseage acainst M @Y.Marulaltddtsh &nG otherl tn Hysote :tate. 6ll.F.lT7-Pq/47#' 'X*agures fo= eheektng foteltle eonvet:tons to . j ChrlstianitF tn th4 Basta: and othet GtateB tn i:e - -J F,jy7/PJ; ,a lt sq tb/ rn s t j k s cz j jj njj oj n rjs jjtjjjjsyjjr .jje: !,œs4vé te p ol z t l c a z ! e y y y ,c k s eturne ' tngdom stgh coam xs .. , d - j - r 1- .-- 24 < . ) -. - 612.F.l78-P;/47edupplF of ropies of Qrder: proMqlgated 9y thB ral under the Indtan Indepenlenee Aet covemnor-cenè 1947 to Indtan 8tate:. 613.F.179-P:/47e' foeatlon of Sead Quarter: of BahtkAntha Regïon ûnder Veskern Indla and Gularat :tate: Begton. 614.F.179-P/47 W gye-eleetion to the Coxmtttee of the Chhmber of Prtncec 615.F.18:-P)/47eâdminictrattve arrangoments for the < M Chhota Udupur State :.Jl9/P2qp darin: 1he mtority or Zhe Prtnee. 616.F.180-P/47 . Aeqqcct of the sqzsingazh Dar:ar foT refnnd vlth traspective effect of the :xelse tri:qte patd to Holkar Darbar ls a resûlt or the ncv ezren#ougly rê eonverzlon ratl. 617.F.181-PE/47vxerg*r ùr $a& with 9:x:8y Prestdency. 618.F'.182-P/47v#;4 *ova ottr e:son ttic tio nrg on tN efashpu rqling over g ofEb th e gulêz elof he atl ok iri al rp and Bllsa ol atateg and eonltnuahce of sa*e in respvct of th: nuler of the DhqnkAnal 8tate, In the Baétern Stltes igency. 619.F.182-P:/47 ranarer of Gtras Records from the attaehtng Cntts to the Degtonal Commtssïonet'e Qrfice. tbe Coxmittee ot Htntetere tn 1946 and 62Q.F*l8> P/47A B/e-elett1On >:p%'fp417s1tç f 1.947. . 6z1.F.183-PV47. ''&l' lp.$'/0:j 3.oi'aepresent.,uves for Stttes tn Rilputanx 622.F.184-PM/47k/àpp@tn%>ent Tndta on o e Indtan Peoples Famlne Tyust. expendtture of th: :f/FP/47 Rftl vPK& n;C 'nal tral 623.F F*1 186r Ftna nel 81*-- 17 of th* tneoxe and é ,Islj?Nlty ïhatrpur State for theyear 1946-47* # 624.1.187-P/47t,.kn/stion or retroceeelon ot the *alvan Bakbour and of %h* .overetgntz over the streteh ot territory adlotnlng :t1 to the 'olhlpur Dlt:ae. 625.F.187-P:/47vR as of property ot Navhtzada Xhut:hid 1l1 Kbwn lring tn 'ott btate durtng disturbantes. 626.F.188-P:/47bA dget estlmatê: or IhB offfem cf the Aegïonal vcop-fssloner: 'eggang, tob the rehr 1948-49. 627.F.188-P/47lAbp*ntng of sranthel of the Pqnllb XRtsonll Sank Vàd. tp Btrohi state. 628.F.I89-P:/47*7>'#orged curr.ney noteg. th. zbd4. tional Juare 62:.F.189-P/47 ve'lbolltlon or the appolntment of tn Mr,ore eonxeqnent ox or z:* tourt or th. Begtdent th* rettoeesg4on ot th. ctvtl .n4 Mtztlarr Etstton Qr V .F. or or se to hetr rt 630 ilJJBp$))7wBang à dxhold sal zsome. ttng onocrovta orri eeIndil tsorI neqr dtaltïe nStzatten:t theorpr tcial vtlar eapaettF. 6 3 1 . F . 1 : 1 P R / 4 7 7 Bl1p. #j.uo.as'7j-MlD1%I . 7 A'is 63e.F.l9l-P/4? kzCoM la nt rmgarding the lltreatment ot ' bal Banoo vtr ' kavabaadazhrarzl&Kh.h.:rothetorâ.g.t:enalx: nt 633.F.1:2-P/47 kvof qqeRaMPUt. stlon or dlzcontïnuAace of euhmfgston of eektain r*ports .nd r.tuvn. ky t.e Aestdent at aaroda snd rlr ï <-a#- Btates ot westorn Indka and cularat. 634.F.192-::/47Gtequest from Bhopal Govt for rant or protectlon kb M: Mt hihu lng ans td dtqutvâtlelravelllngfromDolhito' De: hra Dqnnele et ed. 63:.E.193-P/47w''Change ln the method or payment or eoxpensatlon :F th ju jxaGovt ujto theMantjurDarbnjyon ja ejjjjteo yr Kabavî a ley to equent on t e lapse 48 . @ . < :* % . . .- ? .a' l. . . E. . . -.. . . . 3. . -. . .. - . - . 4a6.F.lga-pv qq.yaevreaentatton rrom xy.Baldev :in h ex- Dlatrict x : agltzatean4ColleetoyotPunlalstate:regardtng i t g &<.v>tzr'1 fro? the Keonthal Groupë - ezlre 5î :r.Bàz -ttt -stngh fok epploymeàt ln ln Indiah S' ''f - # . AtB'* - ' ' 837.F.194-P:/47/ fnqqtzr regarding the dêt lat. Prime Xtnlétek of Xaehmit enlton of 5r.Ram ChAnGtR uak . x er 638.F.1*4-:/47 v/a'lmauee4 tmpendt 4r . ' F ng thange tn th,-post or tbe chtè< 639F,l1&9 36 ûjP: rl ha Mini*teT,5a5haBtqt*. ' /47&/beglr: or Indtan 81814: toY app 9* - H epre:entattves at Delhi. otntment of Btatel 640.F.1:7-P/47v/Persong authotised to hold G th* nn-e ovt.o. r Indla Bqeuritte: in ot thetr erftee. 6u .F.la.?-pv xv+ Jst at zontng or w o lt oz'az zx tan àtr Foa e nntts > j az ahell t P'bg e /p . 642.F.zqa, or zdar stat. dues. kvh3 4vzaeeoversesorarrear eK xraw -pv r va ttempt on vze patt or o FLqqnlPs/t,7 M- elras 1!1.*Iltghness eRa:a orR rex > styz. 6- .r@ p'4pyprl . pau xg or ,o-eazle: paktsu . p ,ote. *-K/c' 4. '*V*-PV49 'Ituonorqzecttnjamembetor co- u tuent àzsemu y .F.Z vscanty trested in estern Indfa & Gullrat Stalec 646.F.201-P/47 p'éeleaôe or :.9.#:ax Hohavmad. Chief Minister M . from the Btate and f:em the C llerkotla Chamber of Prtnees. ormtttee or Mtnsytetf x 647.F.2û2-P:/47ueTransfet of Xandt 8tate a' e x Y gelhf Braneh or Ik eount: from tahore to #ev perial Bazk of India. 648*F.202-P/47%#*'ha valpur State Xhdget EettkateB fù , 6 i- .a r 1:4:-1948. 49.F.203-P:/47veComplaint frox Thakere or Lalna Ha:4*& reggrding the alleged activltiel Qf tNe Thlker. or lmbaltlza . 650.F.243-P/47k'Zlndla n 'attlnal Congte.: demonekratton lgainst Str Ramagvatt àiyar D:van of Tra and ln 5ev D*lhd vaneote SI/ye, at 'rtvendrum 651.F.204-P:/47M/p:'etâure oê hlnnntho . rtsed arms and Ammunltionà 15 @:z.yston of eertatn Mqeltms tn Indoze 652.?.204-P/47 e/fîeprezentatton ft . r*tp om P.nwthe MxNlraja of Birmut for the X ocesston of %h# P&tgnnA. or Jazln.atiBxvar Mormt an4 araïnga to 8tréut before th. lxplse of P 663.:.:4:-P/47 k''Arrangekent te arhmonntey. g a r d i hg d t s p o l a l o f c l z e : pe nding in the courts of Rydeylbad Admlnt ketroce sgion. stered àreaa on thetr 654.P.2û52PR/47je'ay>en1s of eqeh and n tönt:lhutiong by sext-lurtsdiettonll on-j bnallmstate: andx lhlukas ln respeet of Vhi eh urt 1h.KGtqtt residusl Govt4of Indta. ' uti*dâetlon tz exereieeG :7 t** 655.F.2:6-::/47vcorrezpondenc: vtth fotetgn eonsular offtcers in Indi 6t6.F.207-Pq/47yz'ropose; a4 .. #, mt:sion ror the Mavrâla of Mandi to the In4ihn *67F.z208oljp jnj AdmtniltrattveE*rvieetralntBgBchool. :%/47 aReque:t ky nsE . . n.the #ixam regarding the pzot ' Khvala 8ahib Da rgah at Alxer. ection of 4 l 668*F.z 2c jp y/q 4y7k'b taeonti=mndéroteertatn eanett*onx perrorled br 1h: :*lhm42 Restdenér tm re FLl clphltb l tn rokteiaorarreetingb e1 , ia ste of thecent/a:Legtllture -$ . 6o9.r.glI-Pq/47ye: %n m4 uja gjt& n, go so rmf oodgralhsaa<atm .:intoGoa(Portugu*se . nevcah Btales. 66Q . F.2ll-P/4?Z Atoe%ent8ehem*-politlillCoMptR/ZëS. ' - z ). . .. : ' 3.-- - f :i1. 2 ; :: 2 ) k..1 r:. -- 1. .- . .. - - @. . 66l.F.2l2-PV 47:'DtgeuzB1on: bew een th* BecrthkarrxMlnistrr or .stqteB V' q.ll.the gavab of BM pal redaràing G lng of fim t*s. -- - - ztujr/R7 &Dd 662.F.213-P:/47X eeoveu ofrentdue fZOM R*nwthe Bqvxbotghopal br tbe Lstate orrtc.. *w ( 663.F.213-P/47v/' R ef qqastot1I1sRighnezôtheHaharal?ofDatlafot tn ervt..g vtth :.E!t:* Vieero7 and Poltktcal Beey. Questton or th4 degttabtltty ot :.:.t:e 7ieeroy vlsttthg Dattl. 664.F.214-PR/47v/ogitïon of Indta State: lft/r pa:sing of the Indtan Indepcndnnte âct. 665.F.214*P/47. Quectlon.of the zecognitlon of th* àugl/allan vife of - p,w! a/r/Jg R1sBïghne::the'awa:orPalanpur. 666.F. 215-P:/47p/iepzes/ntatton from Muafidat: of saklhna regardtng thciy n,2/é/p.y/q: positionan drelaltonzvl1hlehriGlrhwalBtat*. rsona 66?.'*2l6*P:/47W lleged p* tton by Slntesh àieape ac MahatqjkvMAr of Fhlgaru szaNs . 668.?.21?-P:/47.:1:0n5::ucttQn of 1:* ôomnqth 'emple in Junagad: Steke. 669.?*217-P/47j:Annua1 atlt*maatg of plymqnig rrom Indtan 8tate and Blrvda Trtbuto for the year 1945-46. 640.F.2l8-Pq/47eEel&t1en betvoen Gpzantee4 Thakurs of 3humtas vttb 44 9har stst.. - 6t1.F.218-P/470,Bnqulry by the Rolkat Govt.roghtdtng atzangment: in - Y * future for vertatn p:yments h1 prèsent made rrox th* Crovn Aepresentattve': suiget. '672.F.2l9-P;/47keR@turnotRhjputana ftlesto tbeFegtonalCommis:ientt. Ralputana. l J 673.F.219-F/47j,. Clakxgoith/gahavllpueDae:ap ror thl retreelgàg,ot y o nwrnsc- s nqxber of villages ztluated tn th* Fetoz.por. and 674.F. '* KUjC%H/KontgomeryDlltrietsinthePunlqb-R*leet4d. 220-P/47j.Mygore Goyt.3$ toqn of 1958* q 675.F.221-Pq/47Zàlalgar: Qrïbate. ' 676.F.221-P/47> Governxent ot Jin: itate àct,l944. ' 6:7.P.9*9-::/47g' gtspqzal or Mtlitlry eqxping ground, ln Chattarpur :late. 678.F.:22-P/47bzcommunal reprezvntation- ôehvdqled Cagl:s - Beprezentattv. organtgatton8, seeun#:ra:hd. 679.:.223-:q/47eAecoqnt ot the nxlgan State vlth Paalab sattonal 'ank sqoaa. 680.4.223-P/47M'Ptopogal to setpp z.geney in the :lndgaon Btat.. *81./.224-P/47 &/Receipt *n; tssu. ot KhAràta ' eons/quent on the âegt: of E.n.t:e xava: ot Touk. 682.1.224-P:/47 uz tatu, ot gabJwctg or Imdta 8:1testalvhteh havê xeeede4 to eIndta, (3)v:tch ave no1 Receded to Indts and (cbvhteh :yv.ateeded to 'aktst:n Domtnton. f' 683. F.22s-P:/47,,**:4e.1 %f Ahkhpopologteal Advteer to the Govt.of Zndfa to < lnrvey tn Juvbal and Biyxur atqt*v. h+ ' 684*F*225-P/47k/'Ae eovery or A:e advancej yaid on beralr or:er Higbnesl the Prtneeg of 9@eat, d rlng het vi:tt to Betrut. 68d*F.226*PP/47wju te :tto Bem enlY etk f?Rv8F1 Indl lnG*V IFX oà stB s& he *' el Rl egrlphi ate on no kf he<g :r ubl mct: oî :atl eu*ren o7, 7K f - W . A :, 72 47 1nnua1 palc cnt of h.100/- to the Pahra and Taraon Sjakee 686.F. 22 #9PF l474/ ror Conrtzeated land tn Purwa Jagtt. 687.F*227-P/47 < Xotice of Terminatten of servlce of Malor Awâyd#Halor Pobitical offteer, Khx,i Stqte. 688.F.228-P9/474,' 111n::% or Aant of Xànet State tn Zondon. 68:.F.229-Pq/47.zQperatton ot the Punla: ltattonal 9Ap1 accounts wltb x v xott Sta:*. *6 699.P.229-P/47#tBa * n tn Bomblr on t:e vjvtety entep-lainxent known aà 'ev 1na41,' to te petlorxed br the Indtan people: F.2Bo/pJttl tueatnràsslelatzon. 691.F. .235-P/47 y/'Caa: grhnt cf h' .36.G0Q/- pe2 annua frow tQ* kapurthela stat. for the mqtnienmpee or the Jxm4or Mraneh or th* F'Z3l/P/k7 a ultngFom<ly-geque:tofaalachazanll:Btngh rora Cgrttrtcate a:out the gpant. 692.P.g3l-Pq/47w#:vquest of Navsb of Chhltart. Prtue Mthtgter zyderabad to pe- t Mr.aaxhlr Ahm.d zbba,i to take an arm,d egeozt vbtle #ektln: IEtn Bqld Khan rto> àltgarh. 693.F.232-P/47 vrNaintenanee thaege: of di,s.D.9.:.Wallece et the Rapehl #ental Hoxpltal. 694.F.232-PA/47*10ta::1ng of Mrwnenrr Btewart Aobertsûn. l rettrêd Euripean gustness many 3angaAore. 695.F.233-P:/47km equest'or 'whhp Govt.regariing yermtaston ror ln *rm.4 Y 1 - lq rtytop koveè4 tobyçal tqtt at ovrlnebatkeertain ehtvles purchave: t:o sta t*. 896.:.233-:/47>,P royos*dldwtsston fortheYavralaofBpn;ttoth*àl lIndta A dxintstrattve smrvtce aûh:ol. . 697.F.234-P/474/ Transfer ot rlles relating to Frontier S%@t:z to the . -- - - , m , paktstan states Dqpaptment. 6::ë .F . z. zztj s5F -PK/4 j7 k)yzzB equ es tr#o >not thelrCà an eel lorjs See etMs art atfo thœ Xof tr tcatl on. yt ne that H+n. tr he haral lr or Paliala has betomn tûe chaneeller on the restgngtton ot the formgi chaneellmrl t:e xavab or 3:opal. 6:9.F.2:6-Pq/47ytfrsnzr/toîMrgoreAqaldenerreeordstotheU.:.:.c+ ?Q0.F.236-P/A7 szprtnttng or *sehedulee to the Kodel Ingurane: àet top Zndtan Gtates''. 7:l.F.g:6-Pq/474g. 2ntruatment or àgeney 'ûnetiona of the Centyal Govt. to Provtnetal covernment: uhder Geetton 124 of the Govt.or Indta Aut,lb35, as ldopted. 702.1.237-P/47 t/dhequest ot Defenee beparAmmnt fot the Conftdential report: or Mr.Hpmnyan Bitz. a, 4evan or Banganapvllq. F? ng to t:e lap:e ot êarp--unter 703.F.23?-P:/47ze> gerar.ovi an;tu* th4of passtng on the Indtln Independente 1e1,1947, . transf4rrtng pover to Indta. 7Q4.1.238-P/47 F'ïqvarals of Ralpipla's Memberslûp tn t:e Ch- ta Udklpur 4 Rlgener Bol- . 705.1.238* V 47 eInztnm tatement ovi ng the poB itt on as to whlch of of the:/.1.* G!? entsh or âccesston of th: vamious Rulers GuJarat Gtate are > gign. 706.F.m%-P/47$, Vj jljîjug)Z ygrV)$!(fp ejr 1QC QCIVZ fb usupAaov j. wPZ ou ej4 d?tj/ k yh a vlay ba w: j of the ea' rrttnr of :h' y ' /. - 28 6.,.--.. 'lk. . . * . b .u ' ' 737.F.240-P/47F RPermlssion to Saji Abdul Pahlm, ap afghan nattonal qnd r:êWalen,a Dutth national for eenttnuatïon ot thelr residence tn India. 7ûa.F.p*â-P/47>CAzsets of CroAm Represcntatkve/êropoged Eâstern States Union on the Lapse of Paramounity. -:' [email protected]/47 k/kuestlon or.*uppzy orcoples or orrtcal documents to Lxtpam da sh te. @ : $1, 'k- . ï. x- . e. !j)> j l1,-. +%' l t 1 ! # @ wo '. ' . ,. # l& k .z. . . . ' ...+.'j:,z. *z r%e j ..,. - -.. = ''- - - - - - - -- - Q-' ' f-071 O f1.:1, L.% Of.1-A.J .II . .->)..m-.......-.- ......- .k7 e ' ' o ' # * * * o h yw . o ' . , . Za .-......-.. -.a 'or the .%.v. .lk...--. ... .j.. .. a -.... am.zgjxjas.,uc.! .. j ..,.. . -. ,,, j,j , ,....,,-,, ' . r ! ( j I '4 ! 1 : 2 . : ;) 2 , ' 27.P007 as 0 .S.D. j 'V'. %.?9z */A.b x ppointment -. . . ... w /b N'exigj Jaz*salmEm ''''-'' *' *'********' ***'** ' 'Y* *'Q i x tW .- i ' -' ... , j . .-. j .eslre . of Mr.Jk'.T.'1. ... loyl. f ient z 'n an T 28.iP. 3/21/P/48 S 1' ,- ndian r1y.. : '. . -'.n given.' toq.sj' States. ' ' ' t ' ' . ' . J 'l'k - q.' -'' - a9 K@p -.z v/z4/y/. -' . j- ' uspzoyse nt or f'orez 'zaners tn strrm'r state. r f 30.7 /.3/26/P/48 PV'ppolntnt3nt Of Xr.llohan Behart Lal as Fltlance Offither, Leva Gtate. M 31.1?.3/27/22/48 Acsire of l,1r.R.tï T.Dey,I.C.S.(Retirfpd)for employment ln an Ir'dj-an States. 32.10.3/28/2/48A àppointmpnt of lnspector General of Police in lctel'r) 3tpte. 33.1P.3/30/P/48Z L-rployment of lir.FJledsham as grollnd ' fa 'ng'inee'r by Bikaner Opvt. - 34.F.3/31/Ar-- 31.17.3/32/17/4: . . 4 1 ,. : -. .. -. .'' . * a)' @n.t.Pgiloon for employment,in llatsya Znlon. . .--x---. --..*' . ' . . . a. uw... ..... tw. eco=.v. 1jeau(aEt f E' implormt cnt of forelrnero . L l z c jo myanceît--s sj . on to E 1 n71O7 h l ing Bundi Stnte for permj. Collins as his pilot* L,L.B .Advocate, for .. . '' .. ka H.KaJ1, 36.F.3/33/P/48PR Deslrc of Kanlash in an Indian Stotes. employment of ï' I/C Crraham Cox ?.S 2nd llllct b. 7 Bikaner Oovt. s, m ploymont 37.F.3/94/:/48R of l' lr.D .Rosachdeva for employmont in an Endian 38.?.3/36/2/48 G Desire states. Desirt' . of Mr .lslahesh Da' l ;ta Y for employm/nt ln an ïndtan stat 39.F.3/39/P/48Mf O.R.ldnani for employnlent ln :ndlan Statesa 40.F.3/40/P/48 e'llesj.re of 41.i'.3/41/P/48Z âppointl nent Of Sardar èfan Sinfrh as Puisne Judgf q Of on,lslgh courto Pat lala & Las tP unjnab stat es tnlni hcprcscntats .on frol Vist w anatl Prasad regardlng b1s ternlinzation of servlces f'rom F' stridlcot c 'a -tateo 42.P.3/42/P/48@#''Desire or l' ir.ilarbann Singh Bhandal-i for employl qent ln C entral P.f?f!erve Pollèe. ' F 4/2/P/48 W 'Janjira 1tffairs. Herger of Janjlra State vj'th Jlombay w p/1,< 43.F .ulr '-%1N l*A%' Province.. kuestion of flxation of privy purse of the H.H.the lbavab of Janira , 4: 4 F'4/2/P/48V 'Janllra âffalrs-- Fixatlon or the prlvy pursc of the * * %.III. V % lh fawab of Janjira. ' 45.F.4/3/17/48 F? Akallçot àrralrs - Disturbances in lïl . :alkot . Sti nte. Mergcr of Akalkot State wj-th Bombay Presldency. 46.F.4/4/P/48 'bzViongrol àffairg. Orant of penslon to KluAltaf Kussain ' Kx-advlser, HongrolyRepresentqtion from the Begum of Mongrol regardtng her allowances. 47 p.4/6/P/48Z flansa àrfatx's. . 4s V l A.fratrs.Allovances f . q 7 r I t ! s j g a n l a r a 4/ /f 3/ /p/z m %.'' Dh, pz. ar . Dharangadhra. . P. c)matafq c ntc.0f . ' 7 t49.rF. 'k/ oyw/kzZug 4/-1/P/48 a pj.pla àrratrs .'t/I z (4 qf eleg ia o t e 5o.j tor . s/' p/ sz àt J, ,n agat lhst a.te ffaj. rs-f'n l a ett aodnmso nf isptorw aetr ts ont o phayaee l sisj Junag adh, or t (:j af stra ,A . . - F-&/1 j/P/7 ' 1S ,'Junara h.C o e sponde c erecpver ( :rrosJumaga cjl zng .t; jar :r state' sn Accesslon -e F-l1/l5-/P/àg regar h. -k/2/!1?/llSvol'r -.. - . ; j . . . *. ) 3 .. k: ' f #// F e 4 > ? 51 .F..4' /2l/P/48 RaJkot Affalrs. 52.10s 4j/ /2 7 , . 2 // P)/q 4F 8xH'1r8jlsenlorlAffairs. t.#jlF/P . Jt!e te' ' ' 53.F.4/24/1 J(S)/48='alop p ' 3 . . -Y . ..' p--qo.lj+iK--PA(b3% 1I,q,s: w #111zA(N h% x.... . .' . 54.F'.4/24/1:/48j.., -Representation or the people or thq State for holdtng Pt.1I. ' a plcbiscite on the questipn of mergor of Pudukkottai p,:j-y jz ul bP/AS jt,tei. atl aorrovzz.oorrvaurua. 5syF.j4z /27zy/4s8vv ze.àw ffatrs fn cvazior state. - 56.F.4/28/:/48 N-zlantu. àrrairs. 57.F.4/29/13/48 kA tffairfi ln Kisht3ngcrh State - k' Xeclltion OC Etn agreplnent for the merger of tlle State w1th Almfzr-lterkzraSubsequûntly cancelz lcd . F,p a/P sôF 58.F.4*30 P 4 leAmlpallara State Affairs. 5:.:F. -4 .t / fqz : ?jp Pj4k 8Ft' -e ofkd r. f. L atr msljn jIâhalwarôtate.i leponsibleGovcrnmentln p' , dyat,rlba, J'hallvsr state. . 60.P.4/36 P/48 v 'Banswara , kçfaj.7s. 61.F.4/37/P/48 teo achin Affalrs. 62.F,4/38/13/48 x ' 2ajgarh kLfairt q' -. ' .1uestion Of r&cOr1Stitution 0* . the VJlï l /*/D' %Volll legenc onu c llandAppointment theappointm enMr to f'thie Dova r nani ay sc tl en Regrnt. of az.l. lhrof f'r ,e v - #/ é / / /4 rlU4 Vl I sn dm v( l )s ni tm se tn ra o r , s gua r r iia n a n d t u t o r ' t o th e l cd i n or R s ller. tt or (g jaa P r $& /? pp! kj* /' ) 0 , v n g t r o ' g o t b y e c s a , y s h , c v R e j s . e u t v o 6 ' ! S . j a i j n s a t h e -ii -lnan!e or tjjc j js sut uharat Union. .63.1 , j , '. / 4l4 l9 ljt P/ àg4ô%Xy kyr!'lai 21*j-air:r. Xepresentatiqn from H.; (.t, jyr plr ava. j o yjo . - - . / . . FhMY/?l$f M oe irBgeho a lr oryal thcwith mcrgle.ladh rof r3gat kri th hopal .prlwzr rp of uur yaku Bhar atFt xcB tton or F juL ury se of the zla: .7ab ofKunrai. î(r/j$<gyoj. zp. j , 64.è.4/, 51-7/4n W wkapubt?lala St3tc Affatrs. 65F .F .. j/ A, = 5 %3l/?1 1 /4 Lj8 %*, 'j àçfpvirslnJanmiaState.àppointmentofthemotherof Bhumia of Jarm ia as Regcnt. ) 66.P.4/54/P/48Al ' ie rlc f 1 nd .Foel ta t h gr mg jye rlu l ef rB ta or .a hu an né dha ov: er rth thV ela dh nly la niP sr ta rd ae ts j.h on rut hn eceof s j 1 1' <' ' -' *-*' -#* 67.F.4/55/P/48 >-tharkhari Affairs. k 63.F.4/56/14/48W ''Vasna & l' lalpur l kffairs. 69.in.4/58/13/48R eq ffalrs tn Xalahandi Statp. Provisicn of Palace Quarf.s for Rulers of Merged and Integrated States. 70.F.4/60/P/48 àffalrs relatinp to Shri Rana Run Bahadur Singh of Balsab ?'1.>-.4/61/P/48 tAlffalrs lp sirmur State. 72.F.4/63/P/48 R Dharampur State Arfairs. Qomplaint by liArhardevqi of Dharympur agaius the Maharana of Dharamfur ror ihe F,h/tkJP/t!%s dh lu sp sh oi sl pab oa rihB 1h sat pk ra ol pertytoh1sprlvateseqretaryMrs. . . q' . ''a-y-4/oz vpz.c' e se ztp . ' xe 74. .' zau-aajs-o/su- .l7't',s-a. . F.4/65/P/48 Fj o xjt an fo tn a of pr&vy purse or h1s s,ghness the naharana . - 4 $ 1 , I = 75.F.4,66/P/48..sl&p. ' F.!i>.J(7. v -Y'C -) z 'tj.,y-, q 76.F.5-P/48 >'' Grpnt or Loan of 1k.Tvo Crores to Kashmir Oo3rt Qovt.of India 's Secuztitics . agatnst . 77aF.5-P/48 wee Grant of Loan to Ifashmir Govt . 78.F.6-:/43 b' Claim of Bilaspur S'tat;e for su statc t erz'ltory . zerelgnty over l' langal 79.F.6/2./P/48 X Claim of LakhtLr ötate over the Estate of Xesharla . 80.F.6/2/P/48 k''''Clailc of 1'E /s.àlludustan Scientific Instr= ent , against the Noriv1 ôtate. sj Dclhi 81.17.6/3/17/,3 se Clalm of thc Earoda C s 'ovt.C -ol' ' Lhrg repaymfànt of the anlountG pcnt in pro'rir3ing'benef1ts of a m the attach o; ern attininlstrption to ed United . 82.F.6/V P/48 I' F lnepresen' b tion f'rom Shri Phusa Ra jn Jodhpur State m rppi l,p-l?dlng his lanf ls . . . 83.F.7/l/P/48 W llisturbancC!ln Dlm garpur. 84.f-.7/2/13/48 y. ,'e l/ icmortal from th successlon in Jhe Thakqr of 3erlaliy in regard to akhnesda Jagir . . Indta pDlstrubances in Jhabu lntrnl , Jhabua State in Gf a & despatch of C .R.P . dêt/chnpont to thc St ate l. lerger t)f Jhakhrbawda Jagir tn Madhya Blàarat. 85.F.7/4/17/48 Lxternmqnt of Sirldhi l':uylim watchmcnt from o and Kathiawn.r for proviltîrtg col M unal trol ulé) .r:t Statcs lble. 86./.7/5 ./P/48 %Z A' Dlstrubances in Deccûn States . . t 87.F.7/6/P/43 W 'àritatuon ln Panrm t in Vlntlhya Prarlesh . o Jnake i.t lnto a geparate dlstrict pay rnent of privy purse Instr uetlons rfgardly he pronnpt to Ttulers in Vlndhy 88. F.7/?/P/48 Allegcd atrocitl 6!s ln Junagadh State. t 39@ 1'@ 7/8/:./48 <,'Dtstrubances ln xotah, reporte: all a F'radcsho - oged acsb.alt b3 Statc Pollce on th6 ltotah l' :? the zos't'al Starf 90 .F.8/a . -/P/48v ' Da11$ - Zunr.ary cf Izhforlvatton issued ' .? b y thcz Irtelllgel Bureau. 4ce - . 91.li' .8/5/P/4: t-e''Ilbptatglatly l-tepgrts fronl thq Pt./TI. ' - ' .' ast Punjab Sta:ea-1948. 92.r'.8/l0/P/48 G ss npTlly to thc. Govt .of the C . emadhl/ane's report on the Lr and Tenl zrms d;7.& Berar or l' c Revenue systfrl:l of the Orissa Lb Chattisgarh Dta t ' 6s . . 93.F.B/l.1/P/4: wzl: teports, Peceived from Londo n on Indlan Lltuation. 94.P.8/ll/N 48veïtsports r cctaivscl from Juondon . Vol .I1. 95 .57. 8/5.6/1 3/48 ' bortu/lirhtly he ports Crom the Governor of Xanlpur an4 yvhas lkGsaM for the j. iitate. )l t/1 Lo -5q '. . ll). jo,g%s .-1.x1 ) , û' 96.P.8/21/P/48kd' Admjnistrotàon Ftcpport' s of the 'Xeatern Indta and Guparat Sta' ts (' 97.F.B/26/F' /48 for 'ortn l g h t l y i n t e l l i the yt-ctr 1948 gmnce Report of thq Kushalgarh 3tcte - . ' . , , . 98.BoP8/ P/43j,'Intoll.lgenc61F. eportsj nor,0rissu t3 .4 1( . . States. - y . . . I l eo z x v. r'- i +C r y... + 99@li '*tn ./A3.A ren/l)l;.. :)z zkr )a r -' ,1-t:: 5.w qtro -tnlor). k . J945-46 10O.P.8/3'7/P/48 vhnkirtqstr:tlon 7 . e port ror 1943-441 Budheet estimptGs r'or ' 294r w )-17' 1n rcs!1 . 7ect of Jodhpur State. l0l.7.8/4:7/P/48 kdmlnistrqtion 1.chièort oc Coching 2tato fcr the yc'rr 1947 102.F'.8/49/i'/48 àdlcinistlqptj-on iLezlorts of lladras Statcts. . . w #' lo'3.à''.EV 5l-P/tL8 Administration ïkeoort o f' the Tehri-Garhwal 3tatc' f' or . tl ce ycal'1945-46. l04.l'.9-fJ/48 k''-lrchfltzghst fl'om l' .r.Ch3ndra Bhan Sinrh r6gqrélng ownership of cert'ain vlllages in Penarc.s J5tate. . 1Q5.1..9/2/P/48 Petttion ï'I'ot n the o-ub-saranjamd! ?r of Digraj rsgardlng succcsGion to thn Sarangam . l06.F.9/3/1 4/48'?A' -hf'is r!M tîo:3 rroTn 3hankrar Bhc-ndo Pandlt of izolhanur r'rgarrlinL; . . 1*.dlm J-, a.nris s1tuatc'4 . l''- cla1.n! to crrtain ln thc. lraJ' Scnior : 3t!?' Le. u . l07.r ''.g/4/1 2/4u q F' ..Petit1on *rolc z'' .ohcndra 'Sinch. rc'ttr6d Dv .Cojlec' tor.71 , . P. .' . . . . covzr plalllg :.ngj that his daugkltgr I. r, 3s rkqrrtr'cl to H .1l J.the :' a ha ra q a o -f ' C q . r a l 1 o ? * a k a i n s t h 1 s wi,67hes a.nrl r rav1.nq. 1 r 7or estor 't1on of'131s t)8.tfrnaal r1p'' n' t:1. 2.0r r'.F'.t J - /5 /P/zlc q ; - o n r rt nn < %'vc'(!' :,haz1 'llussaz 'n! of the J' F' -ct1ti air'llr S-,t,nte . o1z-ce 1-qJ't hrcïw sns 1.. zn6 loss o-C h1s r ): c0ncrt&'at Crurcp-on . 34 1(yh '*()/0 z-/P/d.-: .cvr. koz'i0.. t-*rf .' ;p,l' . r'ro'I!l +whk ' ?. 'a1sn 'anj ' rarh S. I-a#i$ ,s:7f o(-t o' fh uc ...n rr . .. .. .. j.. lac'lz dl f zn.ya .nr c'?xu= o11 orz jj .a.yjaar r qr 1' , 3rzd.- o'tj -ohrtmmtpd l unûn . jl -RJ <t -l .A vf l l B1 l s t qe L s h' n ncc trh i' gi 3rbs-.r OIJer j .zfz owntrfp1 . .f -lcrr 1:h-nd uh -t2 .r, o' :; 1.1. 1 3.rCl-J...u 'rir'n I3. . . . agkfa.n?v . ' 4. JInr'r' vu' zf ?r5Jn.ra. . t 11O F'9/7/12/:1. 8 . '. , -ct,z)1.1al rron! tllc,r1niç.'C of'4.a'1lkha 'rtR.g.:?rrliD.F F,uccerc! to t/t'' lç 6 o on ' .. . . A- . z' f -ntk: cr o' ' l -#r e's x 'sllr Dos'a. ..L . .a b ..ln Va ; . la a.l.1< ''.r: l/0 7/i3/zc 'P. ,Z ,'-t$ - t1on ' -r' ' air. Ls.l = . ( -vcnclra . i2rasaci %1ngh,4 7>(5 brgt' .! ):r' o 1-* ,4( Ct'ltJ ..a..' 1*)>0- .f . 5 Oa. s.QI'% C.tU.' . 1i?.,.D1* .3. V111fT j.O 1* ?CF b0QR b=.'O rl k7*13 'ak7c ' ) & w' b13e . 2.-=0lJ. .4ct-4.;)c r sas t:çcl v . f.or !: vi L l' 1-E. e: 4tc.s. 2:1r' 'a! t' -r>!.)'a ae by w' -' .' , . 7 (p n1rlû l. c:l. lh.rta,n.! vuj(10 ID -..:27. . . L 1-12.i-*<7,/9/i-/4: 2 w . . . l.:?'ok-1'x V' 1. )p.rlp: tr Vw -ama. P. &f . .l Jronkl.oQ$p. . /ta., usil-$ra. 1c) Pba --n u f;1117 .h or ' .. .n :. - ' , . iu:trngrrh 1rl thz 131't -i xazzr1 *bach ' nr. a4,r1.nc F ;t:ttus or rcn lnd1* rtt.cf 1 6or f,1 3e ..' Ln Prince. - . w 2,13.1 P.9/lOZP/48p. lzl' al!1or:La.1 on bc-half of the Jaghirdars -' . ' lars ctû . , 1stamurarç of States 7.n Centra1 EIlrl: 11a . l14.F.9/ll/P/43 Vt li amorial for ths rigbt: and sta'tlls of the medlattsed Chi ers of Mvllthan, Xachhl-Baroda and Bakllatgarh in C Il n dlaReJected.tzitlrgcr or liulthan Eachhlc aroda altd entral bakh 1 ' a' t z crh in l'Farlhya Bharat. , 115.P.9/12/11/48 W etl' tjon .* roln Jagpznnatil Patql of Tonk rktate a allcgcd trans1er of hi galnst the . . s l, fuRfl to l'clssrs l' ialsrana , Sukhdccnj and Slrya Guj p.rs. 11 :' cmor1 'al .6.P.9/1. + 0 ./P/A: >3 . ' rrgm -w.'r.Umas7 -1r)nkar,-ar:-.% .sF'tt..%dnàt' ql '$:trctor, Bas tq r 5 ta t e p rtl r 1 ' n r. that ht j ? m . a y b( 3 re 1 ns ' L a ted & a q su .ttt1 71c.amount of P cns-$on bc. gra' ntra:1 to ' nlm - . . . 117.7 -t'.9/14/:3/48bu' J-P'etit) 'on from F Jhr1-.mc-nt Laxmn v' - '-' '1)c.isqht' b O' f '!ttmraat $ R.qhadktr , r' -. l' aan . ' ' . . -u a zag.nzrcq m r ox 1 $. 0-- ,ur rec .apr' t&ng h' ar orne:r p. -nts ctco . . '1 l. 1F .s' .1 2.2 r./lw q/z T. '/4p,$r 4' rkr ppx(. ,sf ont .tz .on +r,:-,n: Jl aabuc n -. crbar rogoy,c ? . s E'5>ci ?tl'on or ng:-(l)= .:1)o x c'q)t trl-.i)pltyps 1,r' o1 1 4+ +hc' .'J)A z .a ' @'n/. Jprao's o.f'Jha , ! ) p 2 t j , w , o x. p c . ' buo . s ta . .( e t i s ( 9 $ p . .y0 v )pawv ' t P . ' 1 ' h r q . T 0 j ' s ç a . '.Jta te br.fore tr ' t 6 . lc , p s e o f paza mo l l n tc > anf s t . * V 4e (2,Jnhlba -a, ' qrr lr s : ' ,fh lc ht2.5l.,Z::cn' z' *a47 4rnl' 4r . -t ,?-c ' ci -kgsj(p,. k of'thc Pt atlakictclPargar' a ttù. # -i .>. ,zlclrga' uc- . . . . . . . . . . . . . h..' I *- . 1iy -. f. . n i! Ji. y. u'''''v ... . . . g' . , .. . ,, . -x ' . . , . . 're*e ' ' I . '' . .' '- ''. '' ' ' 120.F.9/17/P/48 Zlfeïorial by lianeklal ll th J. ' urdaâ of. chhàlihar State . rep.rdlng resumptlqh pf land. $ 121.9:.9/18/P/48 .,emortal from Thakore of Paptalagdt r. or the restoraflon . of Oclupur a vlllig: within %he Pejpipla State. : I , . . * 122.:.9/10/*/48A piemorlal for Ihakra a ya 'ni Krishnu 'kunkér ' t) ' ' jo1:gj.,u''j,ovz of the late Luler of Kadana . g , . ' 123,F.9/20/17/48 dtèprcsentjti .on from fic QyaliozlGivt.regardfnr,the ' .. return of ceded terrtlbpiesk .' ,7 ' . . ' . . .24.11 1 '.9/2l/P/48Ziiepresentatlons reczved f'ronlPublicetc. gegarding ' 7lndhya Pradesh Unkon. ' ' i . ' 1z5.F.:/2z/P/48 *@epresentatïon rrom i?e'nop-salute Rulers or'Bipndeîkhahd . negiolrasking ror tbe title or Rala. ' 126.F.9/23/P/48 ' Fvep/ese search nt ofatl Mûoh fro? thç Bh6pal Govj. regarding the slim Pàssengêrà àt Bir n> Stâtion , . , z . . ' 1 127.F.9/24/P/48 P'et itton of Hâuratanralli and Ba'pu Goverdhansinghji and Jani Ba1 Pàsvan wtdow öf .lhabua state ror the restoratlön or' d Dholiarvadphand Kba/da Jaglbs. ' % 128. :. @/ 25/P /48 # / pctit lo ? ' n from Babu & l' labl Of Xiraj(Sil.) in,respect; certaln Kadim Iney ' . . . lân(l. S , r .' . 1a9*F@9/26/:/48 .emortal bz vaza siarl vajsur vale' rà.'Tuu l. ukda. r- . dala - . Bagasara regarding.Khai'l r Béga' sa'rp Sucèess' lon', . . . . , Retitlpny gnc) reprèàeflhatlopq l3t.17.9/27/P/48zForwardihg of %: W. I' t f t h . ek w G .4cGujarat.3tatis''t6,Bo:ba# G6vt'!' ''' v . , . v k-, # . 131.F.9/28/1:/G8 Qlemorial from Thakor Ragabhai Dalp th6 matter regardln gtyingh of Ilanoda 1ù > g r Mat adarship to him. . F ;.estcvpt #tup o' s 1. . x , , 132.F.9/29/P/48 Pet itton by bhanwar Bai wl :dov of lgtè Sqmandar Slùgh for tbe restor . j. ' 1 ation.or Jagtrp..ih Vdatpurx Gtat . ' ... , ' , . , g l33#F.9/bo/P/48j'fetitlon from satl !1Jm 3utùja. au . '. . !, - , . ' the restoratton o'fekpâàk vlàndt-ino Rawnq n fbl âlàpa tiaMar tiJ 2 -l v as NNri âsfoi SIX $)C11* W G ' G l s l34aF.b/2l/P/4èU/)peal byBaj Jln ivu'ba i, kidov ôf late 7a' the :a Ra'p Bhj Jlafter regxrdln m .,<. x 'oç Xotda Pithi qd husband# %' g.guc/eàslon 'to the estate of her deceash 135.P.9/32/1 2/48Aor :p GtX' .W#d* 'hwan1tJf' èc the'' .p'aymdni' * ' .re h1s sent saa ltion by Xr.' iàön./, . . - . ary fi'dx'Gujàïkat'St:tes 6iecaill*atlon .. j ,j,/ , 136.P.9/33/P/48' épresentatlon fro m àfifunnlà T6nk r a Mushtàq Set gum Saheba f' '' z . . . . . . or the resumption of her Jagir. . u :.-'%' 137.P:é/34/P/48 Representaflon from Mr.AmKallookerjee,prtnctlai. !. . Mà haraj a F1 ' b Bi krà m College regardl ng his' dss mi . ! q the Trt . l by . , . . . '. ., : ' ' U . Y pura- Govt. , ' . . r v / l38.P.9/36/P/4bKp ett oclAnvfar S hàn Begkmt, Jkrit'eJ ol H.'.R.t1JO/W'kab 1'*# ' ' of Ttion fzi . onk for tl ne krant of dlvorce. l39.P. 9/ai/P/48 oe presentatioù rrox'Qazi Ahmittl ltiap Akhtipyvy / . ' ftJuna '''Cagird:rk gadh ror thê restoratio 'n'of h>s' pkôj/ . 't#. ''i' ' ',t -: 1 ' ) 140.F.9/39/:/48Upel $ l/lèkhecet ' j j , f z g tj . o n f ro m Ab d us ' s aiur. Mulla reg br k . t' . g up i1n ., . # pI vabottts pf his fasjly .mes'bqrs 'klho 97eX: ius.x t .. # u. , . . # ' . .1-.-=. , ' . - ' ' , , . .. ngu-.s tpiar f-i- -k-. . P 2z1 t àl or su-tr nè ,ès.tn-Jk tA 'q .r =-.edt -ùb 2à .>l ..a --- b -. = '-- ...x >-'-: --''**' . '--'-- -w-*.) . j . j 1. etitlon rrom snlt. sul 'àj Kunkiè rka-wldotgor the late .. i j . '. -,. + , . ..;r0 . . , : . . j s . % , . < . .,...q.: 1 ' q z . . sr. ga. ...;sjv. j . .. . ' . .;, g. y.,.:a,y... . allowance. d ' : ' 'i . ' ' z' ' ' ' . , . . .. . , l' zaharaJa 0f Porbandar rcgardtng'h 'ey lr alntenanèe a ' ' ' 1 . .. ' ' 6 -.,'k.. 4.. . : ' ' ' r-. . ',é . . . 14.9.1?*9/16///48 e ' t-t' .- - o ' . . .: ' . j . .' ---' ' ; - n . . . . 'q. ...' ' . ..4-' -... l..'*' z..-..-. .. u, ,î- ' -*i .-- -----.- . -- h / -j dpp q:- j 47 q: z y . ow'V . 7- . - .-. . . .s.y ç ..-yi!.5 rV -j ),.y ,: ,.. .'= . ' . , (,-5:q1.. .- ...-... . -- . -..... ' .g .0. ' -Y . MP . . ? .. . .. ' . . l.-:.:1a.--.---. ..- . . J 1 '' ' . ' -h 1,' .9 .: , 4. v . t'- '. -' $' % .e '':''r-' 1! t : -.lr.;.;-.r .j -k 'i'jp i,' r,, ;! qjb kkr ltllpgh i rt !t . :j. ,' .. ':.--. ( t r-.1. . v. c -..-'b., 3. ; ï-.,.. .u .jl . . . ' ' w . .. kt' . *!i- ., '' ''' ' J: l . F ' ;..#! s.!.ç!! +.h .., ... . , . ) ! . ' .' .e ', .-'. .'--.----.-.,.- . ---.--.--.-...----... z' ' . . .. . :' . . - . . . . . .... . . . g. ..--. l . the lçawab '141. ' 'F.9/40/P/48Z lemozllal froy Shahéadf Begup slster of'H.fl.. . l . of Rampur rôr restorétion of tter allowances etc! j w ' ' I ' 142.*.9/41/P/48 ?Fetlt ion from Shri Mahadso oaonkar rpgarding payment of amountà duq to hlm rrop Kolhjpur State. 143.F.9/42/P/48 xttqx Petitton Crom ShteBaijmother of R.Ja>ar?Seh orf Cantt.logallorl' for.the re:tomatloh of her Jaglr.. , . . ' * . , . . '' , .. j j ergirzx-superinteid ent of 44.F..9/43/P/48/P e t i t 1 o n f r p m H r . . MT I I . è f u k h Pollce, Kharaswan for arantlna lr . , I . ' . Y . . . 6: F . . .. . . . ' . . . a suiv ble èomjensatton. Z .' ' l ' 145.F.9/44/P/4* Represenatign froy Shlfa-uluMulk Habiù Dilbar Hasan , Khan Bhattl regardin' g ihis'property lèft ln Patiala p ' Repretentation from-Mesdrs.à'bdul ladir & Abdul Razzaq regarding thereidues outjtanding against Pqttala Stati. . ' .f ' l46 u *F*,/45/P/48 Represpntation fron Pandit Banàrsl Prasad of Banaras regarding an allegeG loà: of R.20#0O0/-taken by H.H. : the Maharaja of Manipûr: .. .. ' l .', '' . ' .. j. , . ' . l47*F*9/46/2. /47 tepresenkation frop) 1ir.R.S.M.Rassan lately Judge of the - Htgh C . ourt of Judicature, Blkanez u regarding the tér- x- mlnation of his sèrviceu by the Blkaner ùovernment. . ' C j x , . . l48.F.9/47/P/48Zpetition from Rur'31ngh,AâsistantWarder,PrisonDeptt ' l long Kong' ln.respect of allegei.foreituro of his lands by the Bikaner SAate . ' ' l49 .1* , . . .. ! ' r '* . regarding àïina Begunl's protqst agalnst the.resuthpttop èf Jat'Ilr grantqd to herk ' ' .. . , - x '- % '' . . . . - - . ' - , . Advisey ani Devnn of Vacod State for the yaym6nt o?ï compensation. ' là1.F.9/5o/P/48 . - '-' ' epresentation rrnm Dttrbar.?shz'ee Vljaslnhji Qltizaftaoj ' ??'lukdar of Vithalgadh regs lrdzpg h1s .entry intô . . i - .: 750.F.9/49/P/48W /presentafion ftom X.M.'(1hàrkkhan,'foznnéi.Cotiptlthti' oik..il, . I j ' ' u ' . . ! ; y . . 9/48/17/48 vxepresentatlon from Mohd.lsmail A11 xhan, Xawab of Qonk '. ' '' : = * ' . . j ' Vlthalgadh ètc. . '., L .. f r ' om ' . .1sb.'Fk9/sl/P/48Xzemorla'l Shrjrcant V i 'Jhw' lr nthrao.jrishpara'o Pechwe . i . . and Kamilj-n: sat Raghunathraq Peshwë or Poona for the ' k ' ' ' r estoratlon ofeerkql' n Pzopebty confiscate: âurlng' mutlny - Rejectsd.. ' . . - , . , , . ' 1 '' . , ; ' ' , . . 153:F .9/52/P/48 .epresentatlnn . . . j'.za ir n ' h 5t@. J 7 .( *-wrto be '..e the. mi ClkZoti alloweé to '. .m1 fbem x slgn an agrecment lndép:ndhntj.y or ' Iteonitial for the '' murger of his estate wlth Htmachal Pcadesh-Declston ' ! . f l that a sattable Instrtlmpp' i ïhguld C bz-'ob' tatned from+ 4 . ti:e.lta,. r. q .. ' ,.. ,.'.!'I. '' . '.' ' ..''1., . -.. --'' .-,.'''. --k'''-' i ' -. . , .. . '' . ' . , . . ! 154:.F.9/53/:/48 rei epr esentatlop.Jrpy qp4 t .. Dopandqj .c. hiefJusticejKotah' j ardlng tiie termlmatj.ozïor hïs services by the ' . t ' ' Radasthàn Govt. ' .. . .., k... - . , . : : . - . ...k . x ' z . . . ,. .. , -' . ' '' 155!' F.œn/s*/P/<8Ztemorlal rrom s.s-xisingh,ex-sec. retaryrkayurbhanp-ror , ; ' settlemint of h1s salary and provident fund. : 156.17,9,/:5/1748K omplair!t frontDh tlqy . ab S1. ngh..Advocate regardlng Rant . '' Ramptyarl's gonfin %me nt'of Ra/a of Xalàgarh. . # h * . ,/ : j 1 .9/56/P/48fcopplatnt agalpst. the MaharaJa..çf,Kàlahandi for'thj ;)' jt. .57.F , . j e tk ' wclling up of certaln publtç roadbElfléar thïvfilacé. b è i kt à . .. . ' ' ' . - . . . ' ' ' . . . ' . .> ' - . . . .. . . . . *' .. ' 4 u . ' , . , ., .. . lss.#kg/sv/p/xa/Rqps entationrros the'Rànk o'r xai-li'kkpur.fcl:-',t'he ' h?' '(* it 4 '' te js nuance of l(anaklata Maternit# H ' ' .. j, èljkxREï:z/s,/pvxé èon. . . . . . i t i z g ' . ; I i . l . v '' . . j( . ' . : . - . 0àypj t*l./,.,.')*+ ,.x,.k) ij$ u. ) ,.j,. . . .jr. . y , .j . . . -. - ' ' . . . .. . x.. . . k .. ). -è . . ' y... - yjw..... ..7-''... - -..' $:.... ! .k; ' ( s ..''-. i>j ' . .. , .--.- q2t w. -' --' -. , - .-.i.k. ...r ?j . 1 s ' ' ' - 8 .* . j'l . . .n ....--.- .- - . . . - - 1./ . l ' ' . 3 . Az '.z' . -. ...-A. . . , * ' ..-nN . -'. kx' kD z: t 159.F.9/58/P/48Upetltion from.ltst.Mahmuda Begumj&J/o the late Sheik . Mohd.lbrahtn!, rrtj.rod Chfef J' ustice, Bikaner forti) ' talcinç poSsesslon of the hous: gïven by fwr her hilsb&nd and (2) restorotion to her of the penslon. l6O. N..œ ' g. y F'.9/59/P/48*Fi u' emorial Trom Sh.puadhabaloaheb Pant, Jkmior Eanl ofy A$ . ' j p ' Gopallcrishnarao , ex-chlef of AundN Stp.te for thr , grant , of monthly allotranc( ss. . v l6l.F.9/60/17/4:V/fteprgsontqtion from llalagarh Publl.c reçarding the e- d1srf.spçct slAo: zrn to the satlonal Flag ln the Stato. .., 1#2.F.9/6l/P/48 Pvepresentation fronlFErstDesal regarding thc'rele:se of ' i -1.17:.L'csal, Detalncd in ltolhapur. 163.1:.9/62/P/48w'fteprosentation from Shrinlant Anubai Vahiplsaheb Ghorpade ! of Ichalkaranji rocardlng malntenance of àllowances etc. 164.F.9/63/P/48 v4îepresentation from Parwati Bai wldow,daughter of late k T ehsildor Durga Prasad ofBhopal for the restoratlon of her property. j . 16. 5.F.9/64/P/48Fftn appean oj'K.l' I.lamenisj Kille InamdarlBudhawar Peth, . ltlraj Solaj.or for thf l dec''sion of Inam Village Khilegaon . given to the Raja of Budhgaon. . l66.F.9/65ZP/48 Zltepresentption from lCai BahadurD.ll.lçanavatl ex-secretary of the Leglslative Depttaldar St8te for re-employment oo grant of compensctj.on op the termination of hls services by the Eombay Govt.llelectecl. 167.F.9/67/P/48 pismorlal fcrn Mrsspkalabai Polke1 wldow of the late ' Sardar l'r aJajirao Falke or Owalior State ror the s' jnç.cesion to the Jahagir Fustatë- Rejected% 168.P.9/66./P/48 F'a nemorial of Meherlnan Gangabai èIayeesaheb Ghorpadej M ' j ) '- ''x I ; I l fife of' eJah gli rd/rofofJah Ich al kar ar li f6rt he 3nelc la-=r rat ion ol fat lndep ea nc ence ag ir an dk subseq ur nt( ergc , s-z j.n Indtan Dominion. 169.1.9/68/P/48yriepresen> tlon from Shree Takhatslnhpi,Yavraj of Uao ' for thm maintenance of his allos cmnces. kuestton of rixation of prlvy purse or the Rana of Uao. . 17O*F*9/69/P/48*Z ' femorial fron zTaviab Begum Malka Amtnuz Zarcana the widok , of l' lauab of Tonk for resumptlon of land etc. 171.F.9/70/P/48gYepresentc.ttcn Yrom Sri à.P.Dube of Indo/e for the restoration of conflscatod property. 172.F.9/71/P/48 ' epresentation from Captaln Basant Slngh for the payment of his salary from Bharatpur. 173.F.9/72/P/48 kdïclpresentptj.on from Zr.E.A.McDonald of Tanganytka, Zast Afrlca for the paymont of his leav6 salary from the Jodhpur Govt. l74.F.9/73/P/481 1)epresen% tion from Zustaqim kxxta Ahmad Khan for the 1 , grant œf compensation allogances f6r Jagtr left in owalior. ' e , - 175.F.9/74/P/48V èlemorial from Shri Jayslngrao I' Y rayanrao Bhonsale Khanwetkar Inamdar,chavrekar regarding h1s clatms to / t tùe Kolhapur Gadt. . I 176.F.9/75/P/48V ' Representatton by l1r.P.B.Josh1, late Dewan of Gondal S' tqte, rogardlng thc stoppage of h1s penslon by Saurashtra Govt. 1 $ ' L vI 1 g.p Le, . . .. N.' / .I 9 a . I ( . k .. x1 j 3 , . 177.F.9/76/P/48kdîcpresentatlon from Shrt Keshav Slngh of Dholpur for ' the lncrease of his allowances etc. 178.P.9/77/P/48 vltopresentation from Sardpr Karnam Singh regardlnn the death of Subedar Bur Slngh of tlne Jagatlii Inrantry, Kapkrthala. '% F I . ' l79.F.9/78/P/48X epresentat$on from Binwari Lal'Lâkshmichand Qovt. - Contractors regarding payment of outstanding bllls due to him from Jaisalmer State. M W' 180.F.9/79/P/48 FRepresgntation from the Sardars of Bhadaur Estatel Patiala for the restoration of .the confiscated property. 181.F.9/80/P/48Fzepresentatlon rrom Mr.s.D.Avastht,Ex-Aevenue Minlstér Jhalawar agalnst the termlnation of his services. 182.F.9/81/P/48 yfvepresentatlon from Kamalud D1n Khan,Talvarwala, an àf h anN atlonal re gardtnfod thp eua rllegedeonfiscation erg h1s Jewellery etc.in . 183.:n.9/82/P/48 'epresentatlon from Mr.S.A.Cama, Ex-Administrator, Pllaslnor for employment. . 184*F*9/83/P/481/Reprèsentation f/om the Pela of Hlndol regprdlng allowances for h1s sons and refixation of i1s privy pura ' om H.t.Bharduval, Xanaging ftrector 185.F.9/84/2/48WBharatpur epresenvBank tionjfr regarding the termtnatlon of his services by the Matsya' opvt. . 186.F.9/85/P/48jiGte rrom theKisan Babha agalhsttheRa/asshan om vo er ri na ml ent x , 1 * zg/. . 'e x N 187.1?.9/86/P/48F' Reprcsentatlon from Ltacol.lkali Xhmed Khan of Tonk, ex-Dewan of Dulana for the payment öf h1s arrears. A.u 188.F.9/87/P/48Zkepresentatipn frnm Sh:i tpkshman Prasad Mkshra ex-ludicial M oecyoand Cabiqet Kember.of Pdigarh l'tate for the grant of a penslop or regypnt of the land grgnted by the late Rulcr or Raltp.rh - Rejected. 189.F.:/88/P/48g Bepreseno tion frôm Virmala Ràji Bholerylfe of the Ruler of àMélkot for her malntenance allôkance. 190.F.9/89/1:/48/l Pteprcsentatton from Shree Kashinath Joshl etc. enslonens,sam/ani for tie payment of pengion. 191.*4.9/90/P/48F'Representation fyom Mst.Khadipa Begum of Laharu: ' relatlng to hcr plehr'. J . 192.F.9/91/P/48#/Appllcation of SmtaBasri Ba1 wldcv of Melu Slngh and Bhura Slngh S/o Ikha Singh ror the redress of thclr F'$cj5l?J6% frievances. l93.F.3.o/ll/P/48Yb(11eat1on oç IlaH.Maharaja Sir Pratap 3lngh ofAliKalpur ln Favour of his heir-Apparent Kumar Surendrasing hél. Death of H.vzdaharaéa S1r Pratap 3ingh of àl1Rajpur. Merger of Ali-:ajpur &J1th Fhdhya Bharat. ' 194.F.lO/12/P/48'6eatùof.theRaniofBaghatStatp . . 195.F.10/13/P/48Ubclicationor2'x-PeJa of Bansda ln favôur of h1s sôn ( H.lIoMaharawal Shiee Dlgvlrendrasinghli. l96.F.lo/14/P/48dlathofil.l' l'.Began!of.MalcrkotelaState . l97oFol0/l5/P/48Ul rthofa'son&heirapparepttoH.H.I VjaofChamba j ' 1 State. j . 1 1. f i . . .J . ' M J . -.' -.. -#-*'k .- .... '. .-?t ' .k . N-- X. .' . -4V' . .. . 1 .. ** 10 -. %D' . h j....-k ' --. .* . e -- .- -.-... 3Nv-c. . ' ' .. 198'.F.lo/l5-A/P/4:pZSupply of copies or the corréspondonee in connection wlth successlon to the Gad: bî Janjlra Btate. ' 199.F.10/l6/P/48X 1laéeT'the * eath of Smt.soubhagyavati Ltlagati . ot. thf ? re pe cf Jath. vA' 20O.F.lO/l7/TJ/48Zb X dica.tion ofRapa of Jambughoéa ln ravour of his soû, uvra; Shrl Dlgvllayginhjl.' 2ol.F.2o/1.8/P/48$<he ètodhol Gadt Suçcebsion Act.Xi.l1s10G8. ' o ao2J?.lO/l9/P/48 ' çawab of Pangnappafle. Succession of Sahibzada . Meath of i ' ' k - first wife uf ' '' '' ' I lrnghulam Ali Khan to the Gaddi . 2O3.F.lO/21/P/48:heath of HiG Righles: Maharaéa Sri Xerala Varma of -cochin- Successlon ôf Srt Rama Vafma to the Gadi or . I 9 b q l l l Cochin and recognition of Shrl Kerala Varml as Btaya Raja. 204.P.10/22/P/48 eath of lh lor hlodak, Of/icer Commanding Mahratta Light . Inrantry Detachmcnt at Junagadh . 'e . 20J.ln.2.0/24/P/48 ulrth of a son & Heir-apparcnt to the l4ahar'aja of . j l Kalahandi StatE. . , ' % i 206.F.1Q/25/P/48/1rth ora son to thehelr-appar/ntofRanpur.St8te . 1 ' I Z ieprrscntation from Siiri ll. v'.llarayan' stao,ex-lcgal & 207. .F.9/92/P/48 l ,. constttnttoo l Adviser, Keonjhar ôtate regardinc thm t6rpdnation or his servlces bz. the Orissa Oovt.Hejected. . '' . i l 1 I 1 . a, 208.F.9/93/P/ hepretentations regarding abporption or Deccan :48kts . ervants. State -k.. , l '! 209.F.9/94///48 l lêprcsentation of Kumar Prafulla Chandra Bhanl bYoj co 1 ) oT. na so ll rö tua on rce ts helateMaharanlofBastarforthepaypent . '. . - $ Gu-, ' 210.F.9/95/P/48 3 eprescntatlon from Xhan Sahib Syed ImamyRx-gewan of' anganapallc for employlnent. . . 211.F.9/96/:/48fR rep resentattonrromshrl;.G.Göswèm1,Mahara/ofHathévara% garding certain orâers pasoed by the Govt ; .of Ralasthan ', ln regard to thc Inanagement or the lçathduxara.properties etc 212.:.10/1/P/48y/succesnion of Yuvral Shrl Mkh ' i ' 213.F.lo/2/P/48e/succession i 1 ; . . ' ' , . endvasinhlï to the gaddl of n Kamta Rajanla Jag&r ' in the'Buni' elkbando . . , ' Movlr . i . ' ' ' '214.F.10/3/17/48ADeath of ll.il.llahar 'ao Shlki V' ija/raji SvalBabadur ofXutch ' eelsion that after the lapse of paraMountcy ther lo nger any necessity to obtaln any condolence massage e is ho ' rrom H.l4.the King of England. 215.P.10/4/P/48y/questlon of enactin: a Succeoston a ct ln Dhrangadhr>-ltate :16.F.1û/6/2/48 atna State Successionl'tg the Gadi Act. . ' è 217.F.10/7/P/48 d/u K ccession certtficate to ShYi Rala Hitendra Sen or p P 1o/9/P/48M/successlon ln zla.:. - ' eontàal State. ' . j To'rl-Fatehpur btate. ' 219.F 2IO pI/S4m8tsuccessioninGarraltliJagirlnBundelkhandStates 1*.. */ ll To o/ (P . , .0/26/P/48 sle emorial 6 '220.1.1, méht from U. sver Slngh regarding successfon to the ps ln the Khasi Stetes - Rejqcted1 . . .. . # - J' . .k .. .$ '' ' 221.1.10/27/P/48 irth cf a son and helr-apparenk to -the Xaharal of Danta.$ ; ' :. . . t . . . . & . r - + . --- - . , . . - . . . a . e o - j . . .. . - . . '. ,! j j '-- -- ' ' :) -. . ..- . =. .. -- .'. . a-. . : . . ' .. .- . .. .- ë . 11 o, . '' . . .. . . ''x. . . . .. . - s l '-* 1 '.- -% .. ' - 3. . 1 . . . j. - .. . . .--- - - . . 22z.F.1O/29/P/4V:6irth of a son to thR Maharala or lbahha. . / # 223.F.l0/30/P/48K .Yi rth of'a son and heir apparent to thftThakore of sudasna State. . , # 224.F.10/31/P/48kfirth oî a son and helr apparent to thq Thakore of Sudasna . I ' - a25.?.!.o/aa/P/48ëunder fzscuss onIre yar ti he nuz a dlng lssue ot successlon certlricates $J n successlon Act-ccmpetant authorltles i n Gtates. . -a# . 226.P.10/33/P/48:O'eath of His llighness the Maharana Shrl Pravlnslnhjt or sant- successton or shri Krtchankunarktnghlt to the 7 gadl og sant. $ 227.F.J0/34/P/48 ccesslon to the Gaddi of Kadoli Taluka. ' i 228.F.11-P/48 be Hules and B.egulatlons relatlhg O Motors Vehlcles. !' ! a2:.F.ll/l/P/48Mctrculatl on to rsclnrocatins states of the hlodol draft I nsurance Rules rramod undeW r clause 40 of ihe Model Insuranee Act ' 1 ' , . . . .2' 30.F.12/1/13/48 Zk' uq'stlollln ' -he lv'inters sessson lr : -lzlz orxthe consttuteut * v Assunlbly of IndajtLegislati. ve)by Shri Biswanpth Dass regarc ltngPrthe mergins or the Qrlssa & Chhattlsgarh st ,ates. tnto tha ovlnces of orissa and C. P. . - . ! l $ 231.P.12/2/P/48 àuestlon by Pandit Mukut 13Jhars Lal Bhargava ân the ' wlnter sessjon 19489 of thc -i (L -Constitlyent Assmbly ofrislittve) regapclinfj merger or Palputana States. 232.:'.12/3/P/48wdl ueot lon vPunl ab R ln the Constltuent Assenbly of Indiattqglbr Dr. ' ao E'eshmukh regardtng the area of the States . . ç . l '' 1 j ' merged wlth C.P.& Berar. . / . ' ' 233.F.12/4/P/48,J, )uost1onbyDrBat)V v the f'lyin No.Xo . g of 11 ' u ' '*- X ' x' A. J? S l jal g'(y 0j%, P' y P jd ,)X aj)b tm PtlY sKî'RROSfX Ot7 . ln llyderabad and 1nf1ux of refugeês tn t Unlon t o the lndian errltorya ' . ' 235.P.12/7/P/48Ukuc 'sit-l n.-1E.the Collqtilyqlyjx grz-eclll.ly-p,f I.nJ-tu -o -' 4 e . . - . ' r i.1. e) '- sh/i '''nzswalnath Das- ua -qatvding Vvderabad bûn to Paki:tan. . - - . , 236.F.) 2/8/P/48;' k aes *1 Rin theConsttkuent âssembly of :ndiatLertslatlve by l' î y o: .l îralcshwar Prasad regarcllng transfor of Beraikella and Khp .rsl gan to Ortssa Province. . . 237 .F.12/9/P/48gouestl z: ' on in Constltuont Asiembl by Shrl Hukut Beharl Lal Bhargava y of IndiatL:gisl regarding F ative) attacks on Jalsalmer State. athan . 238.F.l2/10/P/48y6tarred luestion in the '(Legislatl eonstltuent àssembkg of lndia v o) by Shri R ohini Kumar Chaudhery whethqr any agrcément has b ' J anê the SE?ll Stateseen rea4hed vlitp the Manipur Stake ln the KhaGl Hil) ' .s as to thelr Merger w1th Provlr cial admtnistration . 239.F.10/11/P/48 guestion in th/ Wiute As r Sesstop(l948)of the Constituent sembly or IndlalLcz glslativqlby Shri Kishori Mohan . , ' I i 234.F.12/5/1 7/48UA ot lmstit )nW ProfessorX.G.VngaintheConstituen' t ssembly of lrlcliatlzegislativclregarding the repreGsfon , / ! . $ . .' T tpathi regardingBlhar Govt clalm over some Chhatisgarh Sr tates e , etc. 240.F.12/12/P/48 tarrc?d tut qstson ln th Constituent'Xssembly of India (Legislativelijhri 31.C we Kesava liao stnte sought the help or the Gov'tqwh eth er i d badback. .of Isdi ahr te ora get the outlring vlllages which declared indepgndenco and . ' Vhc!thtlr tho l. !a(jras GoAzto sent Poltcc to help the 3'tl9.'t*e ; A 'u .. - . $ q '- -A '- - . ? v x . l) ' . ' . 1 ' '.. l %7 J ' .2 c ,j; g . ' .--.- ...'..-.---- ..-.-.-%-.-...S.%/( ....- .-*=-- œ' ''''. '' '. -$ '%' ' 2. ' - ' . . --''- .3. - . . - t. â.> - - -- - *... y ' .''- ' 2:& .F. 'hl3/l3 /P/48 'uostion in thp Constituent àsccmbly cf Iodia ' 'Lggislatlge) by Shri V.Col fosava Rao ghclrhcr bul.lifnn is beln: smugrlccq from Hyclerabad to'Pakistanj and lf so, ' ' -'''''- - uhett icr thc Govt-ts instltuting custons checlc on .planes bounR for Paklstan. 242.F.C.Z/2.4/F/4B u luestllon ln the constitllent àsAel nblyttegtslatlve)By ' l' !r.R.K.S1dh&. 'a regarding responsi-ble 0ohr%.in :;' t;9.tes. ' farred Jur,stion j.n the constlt'acnt àssemllly ot Thdla a43.F.la/ls/P/48 A - Leglslative) by sbi.t Laks> tnarayan,sahu,regardtng ti ae ,, ox-lsaharaja oc Reuc - l çot acimlttyd. - .. r , 244.1. 4.12/16/P/48 tarred kuchf:tlon ln the Constltucùt à'ssenbly of lndia (laegiolative) by Shlli Ea1 l' iohan 'Patl, regal'dlng a * ' . settlemcnt vlth Ilvderabad. A' . r . ' . 245.:-.1::/17/:/48 tarred ouestton ln the Conatituent àssembly of Indla (LcclslaV tkve) bg shri v.c-ltesava Rao >egarding the ' I democrattc Govt-in tho mcrger'states. I x 246.F.12/18/11/4C.Yby ftms tion in tllc C'onskituGntXssrrztblyllzca:l slatlve)zrabad ' Papclit i'iultut E.thart tal Bhpr gava rerréing Hydr ' . ' * 1 cov k-t's order bantn: the emport of gold etc from the 3ta't: I 247.1i'.12/20/P/48.X:)estion ln the Constituent Ass. cl pbly of TlnrlialLegj.slative ! , $ l . : . . . . . , . .. j . e : k.. gxja ...j '249.'F.12/22/P/4% uestion in tl nc l'. !in 't/r'Se's's tiSnt19%1 4W ' -6f the Chhtti' tnont '. ' ' lsst ar!bly'tLer')by R.B.Lala Ra2'Ju -anlzar recard' inr,thY Statcs t adn' .j.nj.stpn' ations have bcen talcen by the Govt/ ndia. . - . , !' u .u im ' . . . , . . . i a . j .j ag jj,. ;;ja 250.F.).2/2. , ./P/48 jur zF!tion 'in. the ' ZIonstGtutm. t )tslt! ?. nlyj. 9 Chr i Rar m t rayan Slnf ; h l ' r l . i T ard5.1R;' tltttLr'r-iSFl' ?tjvr r) 194 / . , . J < - . *luky lievan Chal.kan Lall rêl'arding thc merf-or or India Str?t.es '.248.L' ' A.r ' 'a(LEJ ..j.c. '/Zk/L 7' /4.1j ru@stion ln thc Constituc.nt Jh !t-mk'rly 'of Tridi ,)by r ogp . rdlng l ' l i gh C nurt ( 7 f thê Lastern Eî.B.La1ct ' . !-aj Kanuar. states. . . . . . ,. * . I . . . 6 namf)s of 1:cl$pn 3ta ûes T.gho ha u:.e acc'6 3c y xc, t,o ruc!jay) unj.on.. . . < . K. . k '**,.', , x . .. j j % ,. . 051.1...12/24/P/48:11.2r ujtion j-n the t'ohstitlènf-Als 'embll'of India(l,cgj.slative by itpi Lsahaclur Lala Pal lk -anwar.whpthcr thGre ir any ' or thc (7entrr'1 Ifzdia pncl.Bvm delkhcfhd cil;ates. . . '' ' propocn1 or formj-ng the i't îaulw . a ? rovAncG.by thr unif'icatton 252.P'.1' .:/25/17/43 ;luczsti&n in tlèt n Constiturnt Assci'.blr of JE' . -d5.atLcgl.slative b'.,r :;h .J.cnbl Sjngh rccardlng M' argcr or I)1a. !ana Stato with . . - act(? un2ab . . . - j . . 253.i'.12/26/P/48 u6stion tn the Constituent âssembly 0f Irldia(Le' gislative , i ' by öhl': t RaM Sahal regarding numbér of St8tes that .have Merged înto India and number of Pederatlons or Groups î Of ötates l tlnct hp.qv beèn formed so far. ' . . . , ' : : 254.:'.12/27/P/48 uestloh by Zhrl B.sharma regarding the lnstrument of , ltccession and the Indlan State Forces. . - ,/P/4 255.F.12/28 .euestion by Shri lçàkhorlmohan. Tripathi in the wlnte'r sc-sslont1948) of the Constituent Assembly of Indla (tel. slJ ztive)regrarding tlle arrangcments ntade for Admno , , : i j i and reprosentation op the Chattlsgûrh Stotps on their V 1 ' a alnalgamntlon ktj.th C.J7.t klk fer:r. / . ! . .- j ' : 256./.12/.zp/4avs tarreclquestlo' n i, kn Ahe constltuont àssembly ct snfx 'a. Indla(Legislative) by Pandit Mukuk Blhcl-i Jual Bhprgava ,j , . ; ' ')/ x , - j . #- ' j. $ rogp.rcl:tnr tho vêsj.gna' Lton of');r.G.ilanyachar j a l' 11nJst6r o ft )erabpd f;tate anrl the alleged ycts of fcee- $ boo khe lngllyc perpetratéxl by .tùe :(ttellatl-ul-i%l'4slqmin 'lï azakars , .* ' ,,,, . l -. . tinfa psoplo o 'j' the J ;tateo ' ' .. . - I . ' . . ' ' . . ' f'.' . ' . . . , '' ' ' ' . '<<' ' l . ' .. k i 1 ik b ; ' .f ..' ,1 ,' ' . A' , , e j /e.. ,. . , 1œ l.- .-. *. .- . j. -j u Q, mp .. -- - . . '' = . .*' , 2. . > J.3' . h . vs.. k .. . . - . .. . . . , ; P e lazaa/pz4a zd. luestlon tn tho constltuent Aqsesbly or India. F . as7. . F (Llglslative) by Shrl Rohini hurlr 0 Mudhllvr regarding functlons and privlleges Domlnlon Agent c.t lsranlpur. ' uestion in the Constttutent âssembly of India /t N . 258.F.12/33/P/48 j Legislctiv e)Jlnd byCh aRanbl Sln ghr egardln ga ty hu e: agltatlon ln State and thq nerger of , with Kast Punjab. . 259.,.12/34/P/48 ' uestlon tn t:e constltuent àssnmbly or India ' . ' -+*' 4 d Legtslativ e)byPandl tM ukutBihar tLa1and Bhar gava regardinr represston in Hyderabad state the ban on the ''Htndustan Tlses'' ln ngderabad state. 1 26o.z?.lp/! Pz48/ uestlon ln tiaeconstltacntàssemblyor Inclia . 3, 5/ y L e g j s l a t t v e ) b y P a n d t t M u k u t B i h a r z L a z B h a r k a v c regarding Inclorc Arralz.s. . , a6l 62/:6/:/48l .' uestsonâ. nt:econstituentàssenolyorIndia F'. t L e g l s z a t j . e)l)yshr fKl shorlMoh n ' zrlpa thl regardlng v agrari@n and economic &a mands or the . l' I . p . ' . . eople or orlssa and chatttsgarh states. . , 748Y t lu stlon ln thsConstiturntAszembly ofIndia '' . 262.P.12/37/1 ( Le egislattvo) by Mr.R.K.oidhwa regaréing the inctdents tnvolving the Cnsult of lIational Flag ! lnHyderpbadstate. l j !. 1 ' ' - , z6a.F.z2?a8/p?484ttu esisz tlon tn th. sttt ucç ejxes tàs somb lyo rr ndsn, n t:a Leg att ve) bycp sn hrt vava nao reg ardi -v ta ert mo sus orst so er te vs lcw eht oc rh re aredm 'e tr oge od rru tt ct lh alt sup orPr tc hv etnces. i I '.. ' a64 . 'a/4zzp?48 Vjstarred s .onstttuentàs, zuestion.lp the c txeytbly or . IndiatLcgtslatlve) by pandtt Mnkut Blhqri . Laz Bhorgava regarding xyderabad states loan t: paklsta, . p.a * ' p ' . 265.F.12/42/P/48 J.- - . u ' Stpvrbed kuestion ln the Constittlent Aoselpbly o f lnuj.a(Leglslative) by Pand1 l'fllkltt Bihari Lal*. 4 '', Bhargava regardlng Hydnera> ds-Aecession to the ' ' ;.n Int lj.an Iu ton. ,X . , 366.F.12/43/13/48 v ' I ' Juestlon ln the Constltuent Assembly of India ' (Legislative) by Ch.Ranbtr Singh regardtng.the ' formation of a parallel Govt.in J'ind 3tate. ' a. . * 267. F.12/44/P/48 #? juestlon ln the Constltqent àssembly of 'Indla SLejislative) by H.B.Lala Ra!Kunwar regarding ' number of states ln Indio before the partltj.on and thelr accesclon to tbe Indlan Do:lnlon. . ) i ' - 268.P.12/45/P/48#/ Starred kuestion in the Constitnen' t Aosembly nf ' ' ' IndiatLegislative) by Pandft Mukut Blhg,ri La1 Bhargava 'regardlng the internal situation ln the Hydprabad Sfate and the unlawful, subversive 'and dangerous activittes of the Ittehad-ul- . Xusllmln- Disallowed.. . ' , 269.F.12/46/P/48X S tarredyuestionlntheConstituentàssembly of India Legislative) by Shri Deshbandhy Q'upta ' . regarding the burning Of 50 vlllage: ln wrang' aà .' ' district by the Hyrlerttbad for:es anG Ittehj.d /.' . jtazaka rs- oysallpve: k. ' -' . ' 1 270.F.12/47/P/48 tLegislative) by Shri Rohlnl KUAR: Chaudhûry regardlnc death sentence ln Tndlan States. ' > kuestion ln the Constituçnt Assembly or India J . . - . ' . * y l t k - 4 ' .. . : '. ' ' % . . .. .. 4%. '' . y.l' ;' ' ' '. ' J . ' . .' uJ.. w. . . I ( +> 7 .! .-- ..xd vz -, l J - 2- t- . . ' ' .). . . V t? --'' - . RdL 1,. --'.. . . . ' 'n * .? $ . * 3A I . . f 271.F:12/48/P/48 . . v . . .l ' h'l.z - . . '' . . . tarred qapstlon ih'the Cdnstltuent Assemblj of India ' . (Legïslatlve) by Shrl Braleshvar Prasad regardtng tlàe . , ' ' posttlon of lfyderabad after the lapse of paramountcy Of the Britifh Crovn- Dlsallo>rpd. . . : i i I' l ; ey %.. 1'4 )r''j . - . . 272.P.12/49/P/48 ! . d' uestion in the Constitueni àssembly of Indlalleclq) by shri V -c .Kesava Rao rerardtng èfodel tonstltutlon , . ' for the states. 273*F*12/50/P/48 . u+ ' ueBtion in the Constituent As6embly of Indiattegis' ) by Beth Govind Das .regavding appotntqent of an ' ' ' Aduinsstrator in Jaisalmer Btate. 274.F. '12/51/P/48 . ' tarred kuestton ln the cnns'tttuent lssembly of'lnàià (Legtslby seth oovtnd Das for'a statiment wlth respeit to tse most recent pvstttqn or Hyderabad negotla. tl.ons.. I ' , . 275.F.12/52/P/48 : 4* by Chaudhari Ranbi 31nrh reyardlng raidek bydthe meos'' ' . residlng ln the aijolning vlllages of Gurgaon on Bharatpur border vlllaged. . ' ' . . ' . uestlon in the Constitùent Assembly bf IndiaN , tYegisg ' : ' .. I .. - ' l r , . , 276.P.12/55/P/48* kuest1on in the Constituént lssembly o?blndlatLegté) w l I v by Chaudhari Ranblr Slkgh'regarding the setting up of ' ' ' ' ' ' ' parallel Oovts.in Partdkot >pG Xabha; and affairs in the Statcs. ' . ,. '; 2 , . '' ' ' 277.F.12/56/P/48k/x/uestlon in the ConstituentAssembly of Xndialleg' l , by Chahanbir Sinlh regardtng insnlt of Vational Flag ip Patiala State. . ' ' ' . . . ' / ! . ' t#he inauguratlon of:Matsya Stete. ' nv. . ! oJ . 278.F.12/57/P/48 cguestlon in the Conqtftucnt Assembly of India'tbeglstatlv Dy Ch.Ranbir Singh regardsng ' the protest deionbTratlon of the Klsans of Bharatpur State on the occqsqlop of , 1 . j 279.F.12/58/P/48 Muestion tn the Constituent Asàenbly of Indtatlzel) ' :b! o Dhrl K.Hanumanthaiya regarding the nu:ber of lndtan , *-'= IJoates who.' have acceded # And mer gedwto Inilan # .nion .. ' ' ' . 28o*F*12/59/:/48 kuejtion tn the conitttuent Adsolbly or Indtatceg) ' ' ' ! ' by ohrl K.ilanumanthiya reyardlng the rxamesj area , and population of Tndian S' tates who have ppt lolned merg 'çr ' ' . ' Scheme and ha. ve not in' trb, duçed. responsiblé..Govtk.. ' . 2sl*:.laz6o/P/48 uestlon ln the cgnstituent Assembly ot Indiattèg) . . . . ' h . - . t . by Shri B:ldeo Swlrup regardlng'the 'tncqnfej pqedsj'vëgetable oilsy sugary vhçat etc .1n the four Matsya StateszDlsazzoved. . ' ', . . . t ' . 283.F.12/63/P/48 j Ijs '... è by Ch.Ranbtr slngh re ardlng the mergeruof.Fimr>na 1 . . ' , ctershzptnsasypunjab. j y % k . ' 282. F.12/61/P/48 kuestion in the Constitue/t ,àsspmbly of.lndiittcg) . ' N ' . . . , ' . ' I uestion in the Constttuent Assembly o'f Ipdialteg) b V.Bhoral. shrls.v.xrtshnamu.rth .y-Ra.o.rega. r. Gtngt .h. ,B . 'an. k' . v ,. o' . .w , & , . . 284.F.12/64/P/48 kuegtlon in the Constltuent àsscmbly of Indlalte/) by bhrt tudhishthtr Mlshr: yegarding agàeement executed by the Rulers of orisya States merging thelf states $n Qrfssa Provlnce. u' ' . . i 1 Y e ' j . . . . 285. F.12/65/P/48 uestlon in the * Contstqent' '' xssembly of ' Indiat $ Legl , y ., ':y shrl Yudhlshthlr.èfishra regardlng .th: allowancjs ' ' of the Rulers of Orissa and their rsghts and prlviileges. : 286.F.12/66/P/48 uestion ln(the Constltùent'Assembly' of IndlA' ( 7 Leg) ' , . , I u ' . . . ' 1 ' ' I; '' .- . i...- $.. x- Vregf.incbme and populatlon'of Vnionlof ït/tesrsilfflelent k ' . . iv om lUnïop and tjae el Unïonof$tat4s. Ck u . x-.. ..- ....-= . . ..- - . ectionof'l 'ranluk.t tlora,''.- 1 ,kjp , V...' .. =...w...1 ..-..-. ...i ..g ' . .. .- .. ... - - ... ..= : * @ j X- ' ' 'J -. #- ç. :1. ., -. r- , 1i5 2.r ( t). à - 15 ., . 1': ' ' I . - . fv.. , . Q '*' - E#' ' j j ! . jt.' v.' . C, . - .. ' ' ..-v-, .. . s.. .. ' ' .. 287*F.12/67/P/48 'uqstton ln the Constltuent Aqseybly pf Ipdla Legisl:tive) by Bhrb Kishorimohan Trlpaw thi regl . the agrdemtn betvee: the nulcrs of Indtan States who hake'form thê Uhlon o? Stptes. J X ' . ., . d ' ' a88.r.l2/ta/p?48:4u eqtton tn the constltaepthsse:bzy or IndlalLeg) b shrù vudhlshthtr Mlshpa rerardtng the zlsts or ' I 7 . 1.nventoyltG of Private propertiés Of the RulerE Df Orlsôa H otates. Rr l yvr . 1 . . 289.:.12/69/:/48Npkuectton tn the constztueut Asseubly or IndtatLegg' by shrl yudutshthlr Mfshra qegarding th? pgliçy or . , covt-ror tze admtnistrqtlon . or the mèrged orlssa sbaze, 290./.)2/fo/P/48 èzestlon ln the constltuent âssembly or IndtatLeg) bp 3hrl Kudhlshthir Mkshra re: ébsorbtion of personnel ln the lokler cràde services or Orlcsa States. '? 291.:'.12/71/P/48 Questioh l. n the Constltuent As/embly of IhdiatLeg) by Shrt Iudhishthir Mishra regarding representatton of pcople in the orlssa Provtnclal lssembly. ' ' 292.F.12/73/P/48 estion in the èonqtituent àssembly of.ïndialteg) x . . by shrt Harj. v' &shzm Kapath re:'the fixatton of prlvy ' Rulers or saùrashtra.Gy8' up. p.'urse to the . . . 293.F.12/72/P/48u/kuestion in theConstituentAssembly of IndiatLeg) by shri Jaspat Roy Kapoor, rggardinn the number of ralds rrom Hyderabad stpte i' nto theYneighbouriùg ' provlnces, the casualties and loss or property tbererrom and the actton proposed by Govtpin such cases . 1 ' , . x . w .' 294.,'.za/vvpz4aJb' u estzon in tl aeco 'ns 'tztuentàssenoly o.rzndtutlsceg).' y shrl M pprasad Potal te: the torrns ,or.ssethylt#p or ,. . 1 the enployees tn the merged.orlssa Statè:. --i .,- . ! W ' . J ) y.. 95.F.12/75/P/48VResolntton ln the Constituept ' + rel the jurlbdlctlon of the yu . . . Ek ' ' 'j-.,. . ts ;je nt a ntl zy orjo af j-c ' Vv l j d ai va tjlyj1. x' + ' ' - 5# Justice in all le' gal dlsputes. 296.7.12/77/P/48 ueqtlon in the Constituent Assembly of IndialLegl' by U uhrl Kamprasad Potal :et cashjJbalynces,& ' reserves of Chatttsharh'btat G ' gs taken qve: by thq ovt.of C.P.& Bèrar. 298.F.12/78/P/48UA (d Ljourllmentmotion j.n theConstitùehtAsjemb,ly of !nds'yl eg) by Ghibban La1 8aksena to dlscuss Ehe'spesch I by Kaslm Rtzvi Presldênt of thealttebaduul-Musliman On 31.3.48- Wilhdravn. . ' f - .! . * . 299.F.12/79/F/48 Questfon in tho Copstl(uent At:emi1y or'IndlalLeg' ) by Dr.3akshl Tek Chaùdyin respect of'State ofriclals ' . who vere att' achmd and thq State treasury which was lootcd in Ladakh, Kaéhmir State. ' ' . . 300 F.l 80/P/48 ..a/ I .uestj( . . . 3 . . . . , r 4 .. . ...:p. .. sjt j a k s h / en o n ' a ' i r h a y t h e C o n s t i t u e n ' t X s s e ' ' m b l y o f . l n d l a b y ' S h / i ' an âahu rekarfalrs ln Oriss'a stàtesD - tsallowed . . . +'*x ' j . . . . . . ' I '. ' . z ' 301.1.12/81/P/4: N&ue b stion ln the Constituent Assçmbly bf IndtatLeg. ): y Shri Arun Chandba Gùha rAgardi' ng 4etentlon of cooéh Behar Fcrces peysonnel b/ Pakistau and interception . , of arms and ammunltton. .' / ; '- '' j ' 3o2.F.12/83/17/48*' uestion lh thf)C'onst'iiufjnt lïfse' mbly o? ' Indtatté'' )' by Pt ai BahaduzkImla i3 k'tJ'Ktmwar reg?the metmes of 6* Csntral àdministered c o' tatyes and th foym of Rdrtfj. T, a. .p., % ,. amax' h u a xv Byx8xçuggxw v syzx:xlyhu k>w stxlssembl'a' o ' f ' I pd l at , , u. teg) ' ' , , . . . j , e. ' . ,y , . , - ' .. . . ., . pj . -- . j Xl ' - - r. j, t . l6-.t ,t Y t. ,., .. kw 4) . ,.. . , .. 1 . . j . yê 303.F.12/84/17/48 ekuestion ln the Constitucnt Assembly . of lndia(Leg) ' ' ' . by Shri Baloeo Svartkp regardtny me:ger. of Dadrlx W arnaul and W w 'ààhxl:kxRklitkàxA' - àv- jlyxfàxfzz and Bawalkutl Patlala & East Ptm jab States Unlon in East Punlab Province. 304.F.12/85/P/48 uestton in Constttuent Assembly Mr.R.K .sidhvza Reg: . Privy purse of Rulprsj and houses'of Ttules ln Delhl & Boybay. ya II Z05.F.12/86/P/48 v4uektion ln thc Cvàssembl' y 9 f lndsalteglby Shrl Damode ' ' :M Svrarup Sethg retardlng ' àllcgati6h aêainst the Deputy hr agigtrate Pargana Mangang Fqeio démanded surety foè the . , maintenance of pease from'Mèscrs Ram Prakash Vlshnudhari ham and Samalia . - Dïsallnwéd. ? 306.:'.12/87/48-P/ Muestion in the Constituent àtsembly of Indlallzeglby r.Tajamul Husain regatdlsg Thakur of Bijéraghogarh State ih C.P.Disallowgô. . r ajj . . . , , 307.F412/88/P/48#'Qt ..l blestiln tn thc Ccnstituent' aego :Assqmbly of'IndlhtT . y Shrl Bald/o bwarup rejardlrït ' the fixattörféf prlvy . pgrse of the Hulcr c?f merged Soates' . , . %î jl y, a g.m,e j(z q% . v((. ?so( . )=;( 308.F.12/89/P/48 buestioh in the Constituen' -f/6? . '( ', ' +' s sémbly or Ind1a, Leg.) . , y Shrl Baldeo Swarup regardlng sfatutozy 'authority under vizich H.P.and other .union formed-Disallcwed 309.F.12/90/P/48klu estlon ln thpConstituent,Assembly ofTnjls(yzqg; by Professor j K;T.Shah regarding the Judlclal Stytus several Uniôn of Ztates - Suppleientaries rehardlng correct channels of eorrespondnece w1th Intllap States. ? ' x . . u Z10.F.l2/9l/P/48 kuestlon in the tonstituent x of Indj. by Shri Yudhtshthir Mishra .rAssezbly alLekl igarding Dràft Constftuttorl of e lndia for the future admtnzstratiön Dls all owêd. of- tlie wt C'atés. . ' , Ak.- , . 311.F.12/92/P/48 .luegtion in tbe Constituept As by o seïbly of lnlialteg) .' . ' uhrt Xudhishthir Mishra regarding th: relationshlp . . *ue 312.P, ucstion tn the Cohstlt '12/93/17/48 Sh ni. âss'embly of Irdiatlapglby 1. . Of the Grlssa States with the OrissI a provihce-D' ' lsallowéd , ' ' .N 4 ) 't ' q '. rt Lakshminarayan. Qahu rkgl 'the merger o State . f .orlssa , ') s' with 'the Provtice (àr Opissa - Disallovej. 313.F.12/94/P/48 .uestton in the Constituent A hri Xudhtshthir Mlshra regarding ssembly of IndiafLpgjby the operaution of Orlssa Publi c Safet y Act in Qrlssa Gtates- Dlsallowed. . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 314.F.12/95/P/48 ju hri esti onlntheConstituentAssemblyoflndlatLeglby Kishorizloban Trtpathl rekardlng by ' ' the Qrlssa & Chh elèctions tn atttsgarh States ù Dlsallowep. 315.F.12/96/P/48 . , Corfstitu6nt kss'embly of TndiatLegj by E.B.Lala Pc 2 K anwar J'egardlng the dudges.of Vnlon ' of States. / '. uestion ih the ( 316.F.12/97/P/48 Questlon ln the Constit ' DrvBakshl Tek Chand regarding uent Assembl y oT IndiatLeg),by t the lo cation .of H.P.Cap'ital 317.F.12/98/P/48 Muest&on ln th e Cqnstit uënt Asseybly oz Andlqltpglq.by DroBakshl Tek Chand . regardlng/th: ri lxatlop'ôf' O ihe Rulers or H. P. c#llbwançes ' ' ' 318.F.1//99/13 /48 ju io ihv nath,e ConstituentAssel iblyPflhdialLeglsby y re .s Rt .K .a s1d -.egarding copference ofLltalp*ukukhs a ; nd ï . . . . jD rS tY lpr elme Mip zî' s ts0 t1 qrx lcc oQ rSI u lon. ofs' uatqsforwldeplng Sl Q0n . . . , ' '. . ' wa '' j. .5 .. .j. . ;' 4i . . j 1 ' . Yk 'i yg . * x;v * 1. x yCx . lk 17 Z 'hx 'c' .' ') '%'l . . .j.. y::j .... .. . .. .. %,j ' ,(je. iA . . - . ? .. k . . 3l9.F.l2/l00/P/:8.#uest1on in the Constltuent is'sembly of,lndlattec) eby shrtjut Rohini.Kumar chaudhri re.the abolfshiah oç post or the Doninton lgent of Manipur ' state. 320.P.lj/l0l/P/48 uestlon in the Cönstituent Asiembly gf IndlatLeg) by Shri Kfshorimohan Trlpathl. regarding thp perponal pr tvilages of Bgle rs ln .lndianlst ate s.. 1 # ' . - . . ) . 32l.F.la/lo2/P/48a4uestion ln thp tonsiituqntAsndembly of India (Leg) by u Ozhri Kishorimohàn Trlpathi regardtpt the prtvate states. v'property of Rulers ot ch , hatttsggrh' 322.F.12/103/P/48 uestion in the Constituent âssembly of IpdialLegl ' by Shrl B.shiva Rao regardlhl.the sqtting up of .Central Sectt.lndepepdent ludiciqry ' etc.in the l ' '' - ZN 323.F.12/104/P/48 ,uestlon ln the Constituent àssembly of,lndiatLeg. .) by Dr.panlabrao Shamraq Deshmukh regardlng the names of Minister and their salarles ln the Pnion of States. t - 324.F.1k/105/17/48 tuestlon in the Constltye rit Asscmbly o? Indta' (Le' g. ) fx by Zhri Damodarysw>rup ..yyeth lp rpgard to éhe Roliqy of the Vlndhya Pradesh Pnlon rekardfnj Jagtrdart.V s. teri .. . % . 325.P.12/106/P/48 luegtlon ln the Constltuent Assembly bf IndlatLek) ' y Shri Yudhishthlr Mishc: regardlng the represena tatl6n from the Orisya State fo/ the formatlon ofl Uplon of Statesé ' ' . . w,'M . 326.P.12/107/P/48 ueqtton ln thç Constituent Asseùbly.of ' Ilèdiatiaeg). y Sardar 3hoplnder Singh ljan regarding the formati/on ' Of Mlnlstry of Patiala & Ea. st Pkmlab Statçs ' . . .. - z- e .L 1 . . ' 327.F.l2/108/P/48 by zzues tlon 1rithe CohstltjentAssé216l#.of Indjaieg.. ) Shrl llanclklshore Das regarGipg thç agltatonor $ ' ,, Q' 'astern Ls-state Rulers f'or th'e forniatxori of Vnion.. juestlon ln the Constttuent Asslmbly of IndialRtl' a32 .8.p.1a/lo9/P/48 . . ' ty Shri Biswanath Das regardtn' b g the lnventorles of 'l he priv ate pro pe rt l èd of thé . Mulers of Easter. n Stâtes.! * 329.P.12/11d//48Zkuestlon in tho Constltyont âssenibly, bf llèdiatLek. .b' ) '' . ' by SShrl Dàmoder Skarup ueth '' reglrding Ithe detontlon, Or 1r Gvlab Singh.' ex-Rulerrof itewa ... t 33Ol?.l2/ll1/P/48 ., z ' xxst xwp .. a m .,x w -. u= dx.aay/jyxj . 'r. Queëtton in the Constltttent M spmbly. ' làialLeg.). . b: ' öhri V'Sesarwate regaliding the inventortes of ïhe rlvate projert: te.s o f the nul.ez ry xi7f, Madil ' lnion yy. îBhakp.tkghj. A-4 . .. . 331 1?.l2/l1a/P/48 :uestlon in the Constituent Assemblykor Indipllzer'). . ' c4'hrz Yudhishthtr le lishra regavdiny''' t'he intp'gcac ',by u yion or orissa àtktes b' epkt.with1the 'tlri' àtlmlprlklncc...i.* . . Dtsallowed , ' ' . '. . . . ' j 332.F.12/ll3/P/48 'egtlon in theConstitue'ntlsseilbly ofIndlatLe ;g) . ' Yudhlshthir Zlàhra regardlng allokancçs. utoi ty h ohri ' é ' e relatives of thè Rulers of. Or/ss a ' . S t at s . . . .. . ,: ' ' .. . . . . .-. . ' y Jr.Bakshh 'Tek?Chand rezardtng tlle gonsi tttuttpnofàexu'= 1 '' an Advisory Cokm cil .for HJJ '. i . '' K . a . V' f:' . .e '' i yr 334.F.l2/1l5/P/48 uejtlon jn thc Constltueât'àssembly of Indiatte ' . 1 ' pe byopl uahri Bal deo swar uqhwhet he r t tze o iutpn ot tlnr . ,. .: eo r O r t s s a & C a y t l s g a r i a s t a l e s w > s ' ' o bc.rore bt pl .ci o merger oç these ultotes ln ôrtssa.qnd c . I . t . . j estion ln tile ,constltpelkt Asjembly*o? Itldtattegj). . j 333.F.12/114/P/44 eI i j e . . B . .. y kheth er Rga stazr je, no erl( 'o e: dwtw ha esrJ i.t the V...and neercar odlnà?nidrrom ,jh tht eaonrceljedo % ! , i l I I A . i , ' . j ,. ' $ (p's:l -l-. - c, . . '!. 1 r: l, r # . - . . - ..- ../. ' ''$'' z' ' .- '4 ' -. î . ' 3 . . , - -' , . . jem-' . ' . ' ' j ' x' j '' 18 u 'estion ln the Gonstttuent Assembly 33:.1'.1a/1l6/P/. . of Indiaflueg.) ' I . k ' I by slarl LamotDah aloF rcg ardir thqRal ,ese ctzrmtt oh w nstrumcnt Arc fzzon bykthe pra ul .h or r or a M.ne nlaarat ' t j . 336 . Ilnlon . . ' & . 'by P/4: 'un'str-on tn tho Constitu:nt 1ssetnbly öf IndiatLegl F.12/117/ k S i.Bahadllr Lalq 1êap Kanwar regarc1J.ng thc responsihle . ' Oo4zt.in Irdian St9tes. . t .. ' 337. A ' ln the Constltuent Assembly of Indiatteglb# ' F.12/118/ :/48 R. uostt on ûa1 B.La1a Kanwar regardlhg the administrà.tive . . . i arrangements èr Indian states who have not mergedo ' . . . . ; 338.1.12/119/P/48 hort notice nuestion in th: Cons, titqentsïss. elbly Of lndlatLeglby Sardar Hukam Z' kngh regârdlng the care- ' ' taker Govtwof Patialà ond Eatt Punlab States Vnion. 339.F.12/120/2/48 uestinn ln the Constituent Assembly 6f lndialLeg) by Shri Y.s.sàrwate regatèlng thG fo/matton Of Legislativc Anszmbly Of the Madhya Bharat. . - * @ ' ' . . 34().P.12/l)l/P/4 . plzestion ln tbc Constltuent Assembly Of Ifldlatteg) . ng the disturbances i:h by Shrt Baldco Swaru. p regardl . Kotah - Disallowfd. . . . ' ' '' x.. 34l.F. 12/122/13/48 ktlestton j.n thq Constâ.tlAent As' sembly or India(Leg) . ' by sl arl Laltshmlnarayan Sahu regarding the fj.z.ing in Baml' .a.utate or urlssa - Dj.sallowind. '' . ' 342-F*12/127/1'/48 1 td io j. nh ,a th it s# ly .Ju 4 uo rs en rn al lo necC ho ons s:tr eum gant rdl? nxs g. rm ab ld sO fj r*oI rcnd llt aa stblcsö kh lr si tan on the bbrder of Trzpxlra..* . ' Nbnk g . 343.F.12/123/2//18 tle: ;ts.on ln the Con!tttuent zlssêmbly Of InciiafEflkx l Y# . / r n rdi n'g hgadmj -nzstratll, zclchangc:'in thePnlon.x'h oe fg Stn tc skt j' . -' . ' 344.F.12/124/13/48 llestion in tho (;onstitu 'ent'Assem'bl-y or Indla (L' eg.) . b -0, l;r .7., T.M. k. r 1ll son rc gard gst.h nvq 'rsç rulilydery tlngo t '.by :.? ' ' lj 000 of ar n ed sol dler sin to er li n byd , 1 .- . . thq lim rab of Bi 4opal . . , 345.F.12/125/P./48 :uegtlon in the Consti.tc pLent Assembly of lndla(Leg.) ' t$7 u 'a 'hrl Laksim lnarayan Sahtt rc -arding the'tàansrer of thr lArlmjnlntratzonof'seraikeq.t .aandkharsalgp. n'rroi; ' tlao 00-. ,, ..of orj.ssa to the Govt.or Btiar!r. . 346.Ff.l2/J.26/P/4 kqestj-on in thn Constttuent.Ass'embly of India . by Shri' ' Yudhlshthlr'Flishra rpgqrdlng handlrig ovcr of asaets . ' or liabiliti6s & Cash Balances #tc.. to the Orissa Govt.' ' : . when the administration pf tlle M uytates !é' hl: t-ê takan. 347.l?.l3-P/48 Transfer of snrvtces of Mr.l1.K.Mo(1y to Junagadh Statè. ' . j . 348.10.13/'l/P/48j/Deputatlon of L.Bhagwan Dass to' Theog Zstate. , '. 34î*F@13/3/P/48 beputation of Xr-.K.Sriniyasan of II.1E.'H..the Jlze 's i. d ' ., 350.F.13/4/P/48 351.F.1a/5/P/-48 a : I 't State lkqilway to the Indlan öovtvlotllvays. . eputation oç Rao Saheb T.C.L.Shah on fôretgn service < tp Junagadh. 16 . . . * eputation Qf Mr.B.D.Josh1, an A:sigtaut ih the ., .' Ministry of states on Foreign Servico tp Halgarh. . . ' j. / , ' . ' f # ' . . , t. . ' , . Inrittsitrï, Inc lore, ot 1. 1r.v.l4.Kltqnw&lyery.:BoGc...L.L.>y '. . . ' . r6.s .' j; w . u - . ù . ' I . . . . , m.. u r.u .. . l, , . asa.#.l3/8/P/48Z Deputa.tipn on foretru service to the'Insti-tute or Plantîk' . I . k 3t2.F.' l3/#/P/48W DeplatFltiun in foreign se/ irl.ëet(7f . Xrk:jlw. sk t.erpàtse k'' .Bhal . . 'v . j j. ..- . ' , . = .. x;,. ' .. . . . .;,..k!..r . ' . .. . . ' . .. 1 . . .wa. ...w. . # ' l ' ' . . i '1 . . ...- .- l Ajy - c. - .. - Jt.- % - . . 2. - n . '' . ï-9u .- . : ' %.j azf' p c,s . . . . . . . .- - - . 4. . -. - 3 ' , .. -. 2 ' ln thm Ministr)r of States, to the' Bharautpur Oovt . . . . I ' I 355.F.13/14/P/48vslip. A :)2Ilnz 5 . j2ré)-(u6 V/q. ' ,q,l j$ . 3. 56.#.13/ll/P/48ZDepyht:tlpn on fornlgn service OT ur 11.s .patcl . . angs. . A ' ' to the . . . . 357.F.13/1a/P/48 W ' föwûrs of Provincial Govts. in regawl to tràng?er of Gp vt.servafïts to foreian.servlce in In:ian'stàtes. . . . - , , Loan of the servlces oî Mr,0 .P.lfuthlala , Stfanogrglhher > $ - . . . . .... - ... ' . . u à.-- . 354.F.13/9/17/48 ..,. ' . . - . .-- '' ' tI . , .. l'j . '' 358.F.13/14/P/48 . ransf6r of Rmrnarain Dubç and Paras Rax of the , Peons Ml nistry of States to Tonk State oh fol4ëig ù sorviue ' LCPB: ' . ' S. ' . ' - * . ' . y,, .a ' ' , 359.F.13/15/P/48 ltoan 0f the Services or l4r.Q.P.Garg to the Bharatpur Govl . , 1 . ' ? 360 F 13/20/P/48Pf ' tr.Z.PpBhatnagar an toan of the services or l r 36l.r.la/2i/P/48 êeputstion or halzada otan Chanè balt,Depttg supt of v , assista'nt of he lndian Agriculture Reiearch Inctitue oh 'forei s rvlce und' er thm Jaipur G gn S ovt. ' . . ollce, e Delh1 to the Jammu and Il éhutr Govt. ' k m 362*F' p13/22/P/48 kuestlon of appolntmenj'of Mr.lloA..sirnivlsari in foreign. ' ' Servic. 3. ' '. 7 . . q .. . ',, . -' . 363.F.13/25/17/48Xl'lel lutation of'Mr.J.C.oza as ChiefZxecutive 0ffJcer, thiawar Stat . ' ' z . . j, jj.. I ' '' . . ., .' ' . . 364.F.13/26/P/48A /xtenqlon of services of llr.S eW.shiveshwarka)u . àdmlnlstrator Junagadh State o 9 pxrea'.gn Servl.ce.. .n f . xu . . ' ' . ' ., . . -365.t'.13/27/P/48V l blev:rsion of Mr.K.Dura1, M.B .it..#ffonl'thq J'dtihp,tirYRaj lvay .f - f : gï>*iCe. / '- . psj Jotnt Ceptral'organisation . ' ' j l-s . ' , ' - b. , l - ' ' - 366*F*13/28/P/4: ngroement to be eniered into x1th offleers of the ' ' '' Secretary pr States6 Gepvlces ret & a. ined in servlce . . ' indefjhlt ' ' ' nly'after the lapse of ' /araïnolpntcy. k . ' ' 367.F.13/30/P/48 kequest for thn loan Of se ,' y( l ' ' . ' ' ' , . ' , rMlces Of a suitqble /O1ice oçricer for the iravancore Govt. ' . . r 368.F.1a/g1/p/48 . . ' . eputatâ State. mn of !1r.3.5.3apru às Adminiptrator, Bharàtpur ! 369.F.13/32/P/48 1 , everslon of Mr.S.lI.Mehta fron the Kotah Stgte to C .P & Berar. ' r . ' ,' ' 3?o.F. 1' la/33/P/48 eputatton of'3fr.s.K.lv ttpa as F'inan'ce Minister m lg arl a st at e j . . j .s.x. . z h a , x t 3? 1 y ' 13 /:4 / . 1 7 /48 e putqt lon o j @i @ : , n forelgn scrvjée'to foizk Ztate ' of è!r. ' #' Kallash Bahadur an U.D.C .in the offlce.6f the Rqgional ' ' Commissloner'for Hajput ana Otates. - rnstructlons to , . , , . Regfonal Commlssion:rs 'that sahctlè h of th k ' , '.ê lndia should bc obtalned in èases where such e oövt. öf ' ') 6anction ' - . . . , ë ' . . , . . ' .. '' ' . . . ' . ' ' . . . . . ,. . . .. . . : y . . ls necessary. undér the aules . . ' . . . . ( i . ' - . . ; , . ' . 1 l ! . , ' 372@F@1a/b6/P/48 i= eputati on or hlr.itunwar septsxp.spcclal Police Estt ) ' ' , d . on foreig vice to Cochtn. payMênt Of pay/' ' ' ' :nd st alaff lowapces to tn hoser ' staff de litpd 'to the Cochip Gpvt ' ' v 7 #' ' '' ' inyconnec' tlon 71th th. a coc hinlraud 'Case. 1 F.63/37/17/47 ' Fet' aW' .ul 'e :! 1 , ' . 373. 374*P*14-2/48 . X ' . . , . - - ' ' ' ' r ' Marriage cr. . ' . , . ' . , -. -- . . ' two Shshladls of the Balnsi nor Lstate. i . ; $ 375. F. 1 4/1/P/48 < z' # u z iace of H . H.the Raharazé 'of Jodhpur to an flngliéh !' j ' #'uuu -'= (: . . . . , . j q ! (. '' 'k . 1 . . . nurse . . . . ï' . . . ' . , w p - . . e - , . , v.'m t ê ' - - . . , . . . ' s, Z-''X M -2 ' ' A ' * 'G -! , . k '' '7 j yj , s,, 1 l ' ' * ' . ..' rj . . k . l+ . . ' 3 20r -,-'- r .a j ,..-, - -. Qu... . ww.a , 3. 76. '' #.14/a/:/48 Wproposed marriage or the second daughter or tho prlme l' flnister of l' iep:l - ilnqvirics abotzt th of Jhablza & J'odhpur. e l1d 'harajkul aar ' 3?7.F.16-P/48 Employment of Foèelgners in lndj re ln In4lan , - an States- Pulicy garding iu tat re ts prly returnsofforelgnersemployed t ' . 378..F.16/1/P/48 v/ëzmployment or Mr.c.Marchall Eliot as tutor to the son and grandson br the Rulerkor Bilna. 379.F.16/2/P/48 #/Quartc y returns of a1l foreigqors employed in tndian Stotestl for the quatteS'ending 30/9/t8. *-4* 380.F.16/3/14/48Z llmploylnentor1!rA .Jvlsfarln, a forelgner in Syurashtra . 38l.F.l6/4/P/48V acttprlnc Co.LtdxsshorelBhavanaga) . Grant or permlsslon to thk appoint t kent of H 382.F.16/5/P/48 ' Enlon. .. . B m pl o y me nt o ç I t a l l a n l i e hr t i c i a n : l n B h a r Nanlhf a.t Zlectrical Pazltarln , an Itallan musîcfgn arfo St , as Pianist ln the ate orchestra in Bikaner . 383*3'*16/6/P/48' 1/sLlst of non-lndlan offlcero cmployed'ln the Aecedtng ' tates. ' 384.F.16/7/P/48 FfZmploymant of Dr. H.lacobyj 14.:v.nerlin as /atholog1st . . ' ln the Srl ' llaharaja Hqrl Slngh llospltal , Srlnagar. , z' ' ' . 385.F.2$-P/48 :/ ' kucstion of refgnd'èf incomA levled on divldends on shares held by the Jodhpursax Govt .. - . . # 11 ; . ' 386.11 .26-P/48#M Re quest bythe thebonafides DungarpurofStNr alefo:ipformattb: regardinc .' w . sMahablrleh. wx 387.F.g9-P/48 3ip vanagqp . - . . . : i . y , ' , j.q . .x jil ntq'nt,(o sfllilfàszbtlfù'%'G6ky1' . Lj<. FO,w:* 1 ' .j EqQ %q *' z .r fg ..panttn:yt' yj , , - . '=' . . . . .- '. . 388. sylon of'Cqssiqn. of the'Ehdlayes 'of 'Barodû' > <' ' ' ' :.32/2/P/48 kue Ier/ltpry hl! îî.., Di R.l/t lzza wqr to e,U uyj d'2rSt àt faxs tr:' seuss'lon règ ardi ng Pat dtth vll la/t nf sl n ll v'pç d9 a.b d>ùr bia ss th t. 389.F.32/3./P/48 sz' .' Iûlectlons rprx ' . . ,-11 . . ? tl - the. zllnfted Statè 9$tV;Whiawar. . .. 3B0.F.aa/4/P/48 vzggqovery of cash co . rt Tal ukas F.3z/l1PJh%'kot.Z,States in.$Weoketny/nt qnd . jtbqtiong tk-At tcrul-Tro àratm zzt awtqs k't'Nan q'vdy 'l.k''. p % x. - . '$ , ryq 'k', .. ' ' . 'a zz /)r -/x k'e.zi ,ealssorsarrashtracovsckaratz to beorr,czaz 39l.k' .a - k l orja-tunceels'qued by the Govt.of :Sauraphtra. , iq .nguage. . . . 392 .F.32/6/P/48kr,Leglslatty: actlovj..tl.eB ln-'the lpnltéd States of . . ..,.t .' iGyurashtra. ctràii ' aénceétNpr 'ctntïlr . jâfedk-l' l )y tthe .1 dpratvlfr'2. :/z !.,. A= , ' 7 8r sau . rashtra . .t'. '. l .- ' 393#F*32/'7/P/41 Z Ap I.îI.the Maharaja of Dhrangadhra as the z goxntment of I alpramukh of 3aurashtr/ durlng the absence of the Permaneht Ragpramukh. 394.1.32/9/P/48 y inq uiry bp the Saurashtra Oovtoregardlng applicatton of c ; ! l entral Laws, etc.to the Unlons of Statesv a. ' , 95.F.32/.0/P/48k%eclsion that all proposals involvin * pollcy ln areas admintsterëd.by the g any changc ot S as agent , aurashtra Govt. t s of the 'Govtaot Tndla should first be referrçd '' -. y' -% 396.1.34-P/48 # . . o the Reglonal Commtssioner. ) ' f Xequest for the refh a . by the Ruler or Bh nd of income tax on securlttet .held opal and Tax fo: tbe b de.ducted by the purchaber . . I roken perlod . ' . -.4( i'' 63 )# x... k J ... = . ,. . ( i i t . . 1 , l p w.. i . 1 4J F ' - 21/V-1.Vh '' .F ' ,. ;-î 2 yx . L C&k w.. . a f' . . ., 397*F@35-P/4: *M Partleipation of Junagadhi etc. in the by eloctlon 1, to the Constltuent Assembly. . 398.F.36-PR/48 :* Ofrer by the 211lor o? Pathari of thè services of the State at the dlsposal of the oout.of India for tiding . w. - . . L r t h 399.F.37-P/48 ovcr the dlsturbances in t%e Country. 11llundhdahal'lcompensaton payablg to the Baroda State b puajpzpla. . . . Z . a& 400.F.38/1/P/48 Ac6ivlties of the Rulers'nf Deccan St.atesrvhicà have y -<?p'/hq mqrged ln tiae Bombay Provlnces and the proposal to . ' ô=I '/ G G represpnt to Govt-of India ror enhancement of privy . - purse. 4o1.F.39-P/48 5r àccomodation for Central Reserve Polfce at llowgvn g. ' 402.F.39/1/P/48 #*Lom:tlon and accommodntion of the Centr F' al rcterve Police 4?/2/P/kg . 4:3.F.4l'P/48 j' Roquest of Palkumar Prafulla . Chandra Bhanph Dêo of ' . Bastar State for advance payment or C450 to ènable hlm to return from the U. K. . . , l 404.F.42-P/48 ' Representations qfom Rùlers of Orlssa & Chattisgath '':. ' 1 3tates regarding the continuance of tb:ir #ersonal l . , rlghts pnd prtvllages. l , 405.F. 41-P/48 @e l'epresentgtions rrom iulqrs of Orlssa & Chattisgarh Vol .II. States renarding the conttùuance or thcir pqrsonnal rights and prlvlleges .. slemorandcn prepared by the Oovt.of Indla regardlng the rights- ' merged Statest . k =N ' . . 1 4 - wk b''N, f . . hh . j j . . . . . , , x q 7. ) 407.F.4aMZ Mrmorandum dn Rfghts & Prlvtleges to Rulers of St VolP/48 l t e s, 1 IV. Unions etc .couments of Hulers on the kqmoréhdum . Cancellatîon or the prevtou j i . . . . . . Vo1.I:I ., ! and privilqgqs of ' . e-p , 406.F.42-17/48 #, e1 'zlm e., l z7-!14' V4F / i s comMlt ments 0# Rulers which are prima racie unreasopable . and male fide, and recovery of sums appropri>ted by them out of state 'j ' funds ln one way or another . w. 4o8.F.4a/l/P/48 g litghts and Prlvileges or Rulers of Qrtssa States ' ! . . ian/?, ... X'-0 'nc -*1?z' .p ' Al Insnles tions RulerPollce of seralkella agaîhst a Subep ctor ofby Orissa . . ! ' ofhispalaceetc. S ' 4œ .F , fol!vlolatlncthesancltitr' ibd/ -lg/l1 'S''-'Reviewan:nevtsionof-cqdêr' spassedbythelatè #g polftical olfi ' ''F,hsl/ . . cers-Pollcyre.garding. . 410.:.46-:/48e. p. Trlbute.s pqzd by the covt- or fndia .to th F'.47/b)l1: '.. uerger or waui Jaglair u'tth tbe Bombay. I'tes cB enarisf ltkte 1 u 1.F.zs - /4a v . lclency. . . ' IV% wu !,ctj ? wadt c,v ' 1 4). a.f c.5z- <z . l a . . 1 @. f5' -I l l ! ' tt n m eto : ; ertpsh ,t a sh ueb sas o , a rus ta pa cj ' zt n recov eo z' yr or ro i net rh s ro lv da ha n gs . 4l:).F ss3w-g h' ?z ll o y, /4 . l . ' . .. 1 the 8tt jp ojjjyo tjego tvO tf r co . oO ge uc vn t? sp rg6JetS ayto mpjSv. ?)(h qDtJefc' E F o Z ' l D S 1 . o r zcyjj 'l r pc!u: . B och .. ' . - E go the , . ''-''l Ilu$ F S' en d.a ngpment s foè conducting 2)PFolAS .rc l at i o n sPw l t h t he Statess. l trm he Reglon zR f r o m t h e r e m i e r epreseptatlb$h :1 F , Wcst Bengal about the future of j . ehar tn State .âbolit lon of thf?Post o'f tfte Dominion Agent l' fanipur and revi - I ' . , . ,p hjl'sJu% F,s' Y y i. .,. . . ' x .' d 4: 2.4.F' .55.-17/48 /' Lisf of öfflcers of T hold Post Qff1ce Cashnc l ta n St ate s v hè are . aut h or lqj a t é è Certlricatey in fiducla . . , . i . TripuraandcooclaBcthar. . ' . rylcapactty. ' . ! 7.:6-1 7/48F''aja/j//jgjfj tlw jn /yj ij ny g. iqjyjt, vls..a-vis the'Jubba1 Stétj j . . 415. . z ... ' . i d w. togay,ja wj-tu lrs- successloq J' atrtrclar or rta' nvjnjlayja. . or cajenriar's'yngh as thaq Y ' . . : - ) t . W ' *'' ' h * *' . - ' ! ( c, s. : ' 1* v . q. .- . ihk 2c .. N !21 - .4.!sA -. - . .. -.. j .. -,.. - g .' ; k , , ' 3 *. - . , 1 , -y' q 416.#.57-P/48 7* Declslcn that Govtwpromissory llotes in Gpecial Form held by the.chlcr of Surgaha Cannot be converted into the ordiln ry form. ldrawal of a portionlor àssam.Rifles from Tripura 417.F.58-P/48 Z ' Wltt : ! 1 * . ï-.sq p'sllys state-cost of retention or a contingent or the kssaa P,. s'ç $rs q%?c/.2 RiflBS ln Tripura. 41j. 'F à-.'r P#Zi8 %lVi'hFr 'opos:d,mergzngortheshahpurstateznRalputanawtth ' ' ' F.. g'q/ljps/qll/al:wjIA cer-xqrvrara- Droppedi l dr ' r ' . ' . . 419. vF vs .6 jjlp 1jé g64v 8at .l'ormati .Of lnterim.l'finlsterles for lqowa and . Btm dell F,t,tls /P t! ' 'on ' shand, .v,.. . 420.F.62/1/:/48 . oatlns or oj-rtce and seerecy ln connectton wtth the ' . . o' p'bl y.g/js. l In auguratton orUnlonsofstates-Malwa-ètadhyaBharat. ' 9 nauguratlon oc the ètadhya Bharat Untèn by the Hon'ble V62/e #s' the Prlm:Mtnlster * ' ' . ' . . . F. (,t)j l/'(pl ox. w t.z-tton or the Privy purse or the Rulers or tho usjjapat, 48v ixxa 421.F.6 , 3 '' o . ff*'V J:Ct/S '8## ' . j. 42z. .6VV /3S . 4 i' xatîonoçthcPrâvy Puràepr'thelulèf'sorthek-Bharat 3 -'* ?. g ' .c .k ' . ' 423.F*.@4-P/48Z >o wn v.o .m .tl lc >bï. t.d t . . Aeoyrtzeods/e?,ç onè.ka eorcooch-3ehàr&Trs tpu/a . ,. ç -.8l 3y/ -7 . #// !j' #x s be ta tw tes enbT yri ka p au st ern Palciis s an.Dbenq lrecal tco rrespondence ra state ct Last Govt ' .. 9:.$'k2o (s/yyy . . .;: . .v. .s.. , -. , g . l/ .i4, t 424.17.66-P/48 :'e . bannel of cor espondence with n ian States. . . s - 425.F'.66-P/48yz' Roles & functlons of Degional Cpmmtssloners and Advisors Pt.II. to Ilnions.channel or correspondnec: 6à th UnlonG ' àppoi ntment of Mr.l4.H.Bh1de as Regional Comélsjioner ! P of atiala &'East Punpab 3tates Union. I . 1 ' 4 27. F. 69-:/48 .- . N' ' X' ' . ). Requcst that l falkâa may be' â.zlo:l e : t o d s r n e c l r u z r p ' kwered Instrhm crtt .of lkccession - Rejected. . . . . . . M k / 126 .P.G7-P/48 tz'' Forreiture ot obpectiohable pamphlets . , ' 4 28.F.70-P/48' V# Slip; jv , &. ,qqj. h(-jj./ i Vtt.irr.,'.. ' 429 j'q , jz . y j .F.71nP/481* Alleged violation èf Pdkistan torritoty on th: lQ shmir . . . , . .' Border by Indtan krmed Y' orces. 1 . , * 430.''.72/1./P/48 W Progress reports regarding recrvlltment'to the C.H.P 431.F.72/2/17/48P eupply of' arm: and anmunition to the second Battalton khe Central Reserke Policj. F'73/83/146 Of ' 11 . b . . ' . , . . . ,-43j7 ... ;. V/5P-j/4%8 C q. ' l.. pr' orjosal té g'ivealoan,o.f?q10'lacs to'the neg state .. #)7t !/é>1jllfVol.. jj<ofVtbiawar. . ' ' l37 .jJ .7 86Q/1$/ tW/ 48? '71MaintenanceoflLw'andord 'eran 'd therecovery of F.7/1/y/Fsjkg expendltplreincuredonJunagadjoperationk 4 ' . . ' 434.F.77-P/48 435.F.78-P/48 r':gl:5/nz Withdrawal of Kathlawàr Dêfence Force from Aalkot. ' t ' /. .: ' luestion of recovery of Cash Contributiohstprevious'by kn lcnown as tributes) rrom the Thdian State' s aftqr the . . . / lM lapse of paramountcy . Decisloâ that tnsialments 6C ' éàsh FtFs/rsfq% py4 sContrlbtztàono normally falling due after Agust 15,1947 . . +a l ' . ' q .r J! 436.:0.79-17/48 < - y . '-+ 'a lhould hot bq recoypred but thvsè falllng before that date should be recovered tn fullo ' . , ' z437*F*80-P/48 e ' , $ ' Pr tbe Tlrlaspur State'against ill- lndia Radio b otcst by ' f ju rd gi ac di car sy tt rykth re dje lTx gec tu ht eiv te ran ih sCt eh reoS ftkower. sfrom ; J . *' , l l d h Proposed visit of H aHgthe Kawab of Bho attcnd theCer y4'bn Indeperiderlce celebra'p al'nsto èpn'to' 1 ' tio . Cey . . . 1 atb. . ' . x- l . . / j , ç xm . ., ktj . . j ' . ' . -23 ' . J.. ' . . , . j.u . . xz v 4::'.'. u' . , . ... , ,' : . -x jsuj/.r:z f .. '. p . . . Request from éaroda Qovi. to 7*7 . .)- - -, , . . '' ..-M u- . . . ' . . , 431.F'.81-P/48 ; j. . f . s I ,- '- . * ' . 1 ..- . .. j. . - y.j .j . ' ' . glve fac111tles for ' t r$crlziting Policc lneri1' n ts(!'Bombay Presid'ency . . àr K angements w1th the Bombay oovt. fo'r'police aid to . ' ' urundwad Junlor ln case of arl euebgency . . '4à9.F.83-P/-48 ' . . . ay 2 44O.F.84-P/48 î . .E O q-%û-î(%Y i o >e ' ' i Group or states to be llnksd up uith th6 Bundelkhand 7 Agencyatiowgong. . 44l.F.a7-P/4a r. - Reproscntatiön of khahladhana in the Ce'ntral'lndia . ' incuirles by tho Hish comzlssloner ror the Unitod Kingdom in Indta regardlng thn whereabouts and sagety I ' F a / 1/$l/q4%8 à g statjoninsllasyur for thewybkorconjress ' 4 4 2. . ql / e o r # q2 gantsation. neport by the Deputy chier qgnllsstonér j # . F' 9qjr pslwz kz o (r.&Mrs.Tatzock. ' -gl j * . y - 1 ' Fq% brBzlaspvr on thc tnczdent ot 6th october 1948. i . . .y' 44a.F,93-:/48 zgltation s.n suket stateJàppplntment.of shrt Dayanand , F,sLlrsft,s ' Joshi as Jtdsinlstrator, uket state. 444.C? .III/LVB V Af rltationrorrpsponslbleGovt-insarilastate. # t y 445.F.99-P/48 . . Grpnt of pcrmisiion to Dr.R.p.Dhargava to publish h1sxu thesfs on the Chamber ot /rlncqs. ' , . 446.F.1Ul-P/48X l' lcq'lrast of,tine Bhopal Govt.for the re' covery of 3 lorr 'lesk '. r.loa-cQsttrg dlstl belong irlg to tbem which wevo. ' loolteè at Delhi duplng the t lrbances which are 1n.the spqsses . lçanh8r. Singh, Brlck sion of on: choudhry ! j . . Kiln Contractor, Delhl* . , '' ' , 447.F.l05-P/48u . V' àecammodaticn for Prlncos.g.nd thetr repreéent atives. 1 448.:.10' 6-P/48 :W c So un pp sl tz ytu oc rntcà os pi sem sbl oy ftl arn swerstojue stionslnl pt .1$q eglslativg of ' . k- 1 .F',1o7-X/d Hlghcommlsstoner . . . , . . , ., Indla tj' !U.K. C. ; . j ' 449.F.lœ-P/48pe Agitation ln Jlnd Stat' e.' .Metgp: of J.1nd wjt)apatsala & '. q.11or<?Jj: .Zast Pun!ab States llnion. .' : 4 *'N' I . . ' ... J . 450.F.111-P/48 e' . . . Request b: Xr.R.P.Persa1 for Xhc caneellation of a. n N order of exclusion from the Admlnisterçd arpas ln Central lndia. ' ' . ' . , 451.F.112-P/48 . . . ! . , Etepresbntation by the Pakistàp Gövi.regarding allpged , . ' converslon or 5o0o :usllms to.Hlnduism tn Rajjutana. 4sa*F*113-P?4a :' xepresentat ton rrvm xohd-Ha P .san . rorkthe payyentot f2 l14rP/1 1%': rovident rlm d and salary clue froï Owalior Btate , oovt. .. x . . 453.F.115-P/48 V . Içotes on lndian States prepared in connection with Governor Gen'cral's vlsits to Indian Btates. . ç 24s4 .F.1lscP/48 ' 455.' 1?. l '!?n-' p/zlg zjjm g% elgh to nrr tr he ,b slale -t le oo rv ab ta -d tl nl f. tan to èa sc ut bi jo en cts isan td akp en rob sy isk.. F..l1Q-(. ! )?. / J19 thp stytte Poz.ice tn such eases. ' @ 4 * ' Slip'taje '& . $to% -rpy/sa 'gs .3, f ! I' 456.F.11 V8 o.P '/.48'j.aj L . ayy 'ou og jymome jf-,tlae Mat'sya fnion States . 457.:-.119/1/P/48. yamln ' ! i , l ' by fixing .i t ' . - , - , . : àdmtnistrative and pozittcal set up in t:e Mrtsya' t 458.>-.l19zàzpz48 . ,' ' . Unlon Qtlqstton of conveyslpn or thèzAdkts lc , s . gostk . $ ' ' ' . >'q p orramme lof' admtnistratzve lntègzkatàon . @, ,. : ..' i . . . . . . . ' . . . - --. . . A. ..- . , T - , .';I.:.,,:. ' .' . . . . . . jtkq the 0 .s-iE l.èllnlstry of otates fpr parposes or F'1sTqcr '%-nw W 'f m-. thelr pri' vy purse of the nulers eoncerned . - ' . . , -*C I p 118-P/48 lh respasslntothepremlsesoftheMllitaryEi >lryFarm*,, 6 ' .. àccoumodatlon tn the counctl'Hpuse for the Chakber sectt . ' ' F.'Il7--P//ps ' k . . .. ' ., . .. . ' . s... . . . .u h. ' '' .' . .. ..#z...a...,.;..,-- ' ' ;. , ' ' 1 ;A-.. . 1.'hj . ..z.. ..- . .4. .-t,..... - ..- . .h .., s.. - . j ; I ! I f 1 . - ' / '%'' . j 1....., 1 xnk , i k. o , ', . - ' . ' . ' . . . , '... . . . , . ,. j .. . . , . . . . . ' . . ' ' . . .,. . ' 'k ' .' .' . . : q . . -r,k ' 3.. ,.,...wdt..,< ,- , , .-.=.o-. . ù''k . ppointmen't or èfr.liang Blhaki Lal a: Xccountant Zenerxl ' ,. f,lzb.?)t$G ' ecre , , . . cojz'mo ' '. 460.1P.124-//48 W ' àrrear: of tribttte pay/ble to Bàroda by Danta State . , Flzj '' -F &k . 46l.P.125-ê/' 48 W Cancellation ö't'the departation olders againyt Sdhan '' ' . ' . . I ' 'i ( -.u, ' ' F'jâ! /a/#/#: R an, ppjo int mento Daulat.Slngh as Finè' nce sajast th ar y, a Ra ast han. BfMr. , Y ' . ' .. . - 24 -e' . . -, +i ' 459 .F.121/2/P/48G 1 ' / . .':,-1 -. p ' . J:tis-plit' t. Xanltja, nativeot-theIldalpu. rstate. . ' a ' ,462.:.128-P/48 p z Becovery of advancq qutstapdipg against the uhlts * . E - . # > .. o- . -, . . , .. . . . 'g12%?j4% ' attachedtoHadhahpub. . 463*F*129-P/48 1. Shootlng ' and killlng of dentral Indij Ayency Poltce . c !n9-PlV 3 personnel deputed to Junagadh State. 2.1erms of deputatàol r''-' '/ ' . on forelgn servite in Jgnagadh o'r central Zhdla Ageney , . = 7k police personnel. . . ' 131/ , 464.Z:31cP/48 PZ 'Claimc Cor compensation ln the Communcal disturbances . ln kplhapur that followed thp assasstnatiön or Mahàtma oandhl. ' . ' ' 465.F.132-P/496 Representétion of Hyderabaé State in the Cylon Independent celebratlons- Indejendençë representàtion refused. Lw 466.1.133-17/48 v' Safads of the Orlssa and Chattlsgàrh btates or the Eastern states Agency . 46:.F.134-:/48 w . aecsslon regvrdtn, reprqeséktatton or tnttgrated stntY esA' . in the Constltupnt A.sszembly . '. : . -* . 468.F.135-P/48 ted Pamphlets in respect of future.te/rltory qr Pakistan. e , kx .. 469.F.136-P/48 #R Inventory of the private properties of Rulerd'<q ' 1 DeccanO otateswhlchhavemergedwithtjeBomba/Et he ,1 povlnce . . . / . . -: . . , . - 4- ! 47o.F.1a7-P/48#''Deccan Personal rèlghwhich tsa%d'have privi legedswl ehto è jomba éulyèrs df e ' states mërge hy , ti heb Provlnc - (- 471'. . j F.138-P/48 $*.Hepresentation by H.D.H.the Nizamt: . oovt.regarding thé -N' o , l3 y-l /ofNN lndzan Hewspapers and tn Radio broadcafts. Provocative 1 k ' . ' , v?e/n. Qbg 'çctionablcnatureotcertalnartlçl:sàndreports'in ! Y:t,I speeches by Sye; Kasim Razvi. the leadep of the Ittehad- j : -' ul-Husltmin of'hyderabad Btate .ln/truction to lll Indla- t . ' . ' . ' Radio that in doubtful cases broadcasts relattna to Hyderabad should be rçfêqred tb thts'Minl:try . r : . ' 1 ! . 472.F.140-P/48 k' Proposals by the Unitqd Provlnces dovt.ïil'to trpmsfèr . -.- n ci D es rt ka ri lc ntt ll sla )nI dnv ti el gr lat gl eo snoor rsh arat/ur' statèstt tguated theMa thurj lslahd ctates in D I . undelkhand with the United Provinces . ' ! ' - . . . ' E ,- j..473.F .l 4 1 . -P /4Q8BW R ec o v er yo pa fvc ma t. F' 1 i 3 p Z Y P S E O ty C ntru 1b .gu ti ot ( jn j-s1o fr yjOD tjja(éO uj6cà bl% yttP.Rft6ï*',l w )#jj., zjg contribution should be checked fo> the yeaé 1947-48 3 . sh c F' . ' o JJ./pR rr?tît T 474.':.146-P/48 . y-.(t&q-e qg ou u , . . 064 .. . . . , Reprgsêntation form Syed Xâvab A11,for the rêstgration., ' .i , or hzs penszon ropm the Jlmagadh.state. .. , ' ! <'475F, F-. i5-3 /48 lh: .'zyolttlon.of the payment or t. ' es by the stat . eo after 156rlbut ' . #j Ie ' I i - sys-qr ' e ' :)tis t rn pe osla cp oc sj e jzo ufa ' .P nlra zm otmtcYo'C .. a àh'' e pni lbu tto' nsru ec overable' i ravancore Stat es fr or the year 1947-44. . . . .76.p.1sv-pz.8 :' c ' rashts4, contr . ? zbutsons recoverabze rrom tue àazpur cokerpmcnt @ 4) J=-,1Sj-F/f)3. t?r ,- sua . ... . . - . ,.. . . j j , 477.P.161-P/48 Dsputatton off l w yjsjgg wlth the taking i. p.detachment to Jaora ln eonnectlon order of thç adylnistratipn . a l . . ,, . . ,g I ë-' .p&c. . . , . <. . . e F7u ')9. 1-' P/t!% 1. ! 1 ; , . a . , . .. 2 . 'h . !,,.. i 1 . . ' '-.' ' 7<. r '' t 5' F -f%q2X/hY -: % , . ' -''' 1 ! - - .. . . ., *K* . ' @ . . :* ' - 1 - . j F . ... . ' ' . N' - . ' .. - ; .' . z . < . '% '' ' ' .. >' * F* ' k - .' - ' - - '' - ' '- - /.. .-1Y . 3.-. v...-u.z.. 9(-- .., .. K .-. .- > ' ' . . ..- '' . '-.--% M - ' '';- -z -. .- '.- - - '- .. .. . '' !-X. . . , .e'j' ù . * ' 1 . . 26 . '' . ; i..-. ' .- .; ç '' !&z.P #/9/# 448 . F. 163- /48vr kueqtîon of Validity or orders, etc.pasàed.by zulers . . of Antegrattna ùrtng.th: from M# states G ' pèriou- #, ' 12.12.47 to 1.1.48. '' . â , , . I 4?b.F. A6s-p?48 ?d Inauguratzon or const-ituent àssembly or Mysore. )' . I 48o#F.l67/l/P/48bY etentlon of Kx-yaharal: or Heva = censoring or' . Y . ' 1 r'f4'/>/V&1'T'à corz rt espondnccerromand toth' eexaxaharapy orRews. P?L7/N V*tTLsllghc,at l o n s r o r p e r m k s s l o n t o tntebview szr oulab Rqwé, a state ex-Maharajapr . - wr I S/14/:.>,RmRegulatlon 1:t1 or 181b. . 481.P.167/2/13/48 ' prlsonerunder . . ' ' ' xpendlture i' qcurred ih cormectlon W th the detention - . . of S1r Gulab Singh,.ex-xaharaja or Rewa-lmder.bengal ' F:dïol?/113' :rtegulattpn911 .,1of)1jlt-O ' ', ' . .y:)'. 482.F.72-P/48 Z .Nllc(ded .kisit ( of .rj.?a. lfothan Joseph, lltqit . Press of - . - . . . . ' /. l/iklla/ 6èt' z-eqsyq.p-dysntj, t-.tptjipèzs:tabdk s,rf ?f':: od>pc ... J(pd.. h, ' #ur, 3aipu: tt.and Tdrl ; *1 ' f'1 $- ( 1,-- . j j; js =u Ly cjth 'aN j yy ygyyj yja (j 483.F.173-P/4MPZjp Rxgegcjeyi j fjsa-hydl*l'*(s e.rlgo-r rJitatj/jn,.s4q yysjyj . . ' ' . . . , , . : of H. .the Ifa&yb of Tonk, / t 'Poltcd liartscllètion ov r .BCD. allvay l'inr râffiing . . F! c'' 4 r , ) a .4j jl.'7j4ç. 1 çjj.4 '.e-j y. j. xj(. ,(% .lta j , . j. 2j -.z jr tl . c-c sj aj w. jj .jp . ygx ,.w s rf. )N , . ' -P/4t j through ln the stateà o. t- seratkella ant l kharrsvan. . . . . . .. . . . .. . l 485.F.175-P/48wd R to ele th as e ofEx-RanaBirjal Slnth ofBhalplpàll. owances e Ex-Ttana Blrpal ingh of Bhalll. . 4:6.F.176-:/4:vz mJhansj ecoverjoo rarmsandammunttionyrrtma goods.tratnln oke; rrom Gvallor to Bhôpal. . . 1 ' 'K . w . ï 487.p F.1 1-P 8 - llsuresforstrengtheningtheD cqx .)7 7sp/ /4 k: 'holapurPoliN . ' ! j - ' ' , . 488.7.181-7/46 e .Postlpg ' two Indian àrmy companies.ip jqowgonk fop j y ) p) L ! z s e c u r z t y easons.Poctint pf Central esoyvePqlice f) gop Ioxgor ng ' , ? 489.F.182-P/48 .' , Alleced kidpapplnc of a glrl frqq Goçakhpur,by > slll)2'ect of Jalpur-state' . . ' - '' . 490.F.183-P/48PA Detentiön ofChqidhriAbdulAzlzHûsenBuRby the ai Kolhapur court owlnc to h1s subverstve activtties. A... z , I . J l 491.F.184-/'P/4: lequest of ohe Jagannath Slngh of Ali-Rappur fob'grant 6. 1%S/FD A$ ' Of Permtsc&on to lntervlew Addl.3ecretary. . ; . . j ! 493.1?.189-P/48 t ' ..., , .j ' . - . 494'p.F.. /4 gnf K .M .M hiw!hA j1 s9 q3/:2s Ju8z . .Y tn oq vq ti .r oi fnI dr lo amiM nrH. yd er au bn as dj qg tê bn et rO hë en ,e cr oa ul ldto cot nh te ihùd' be àrbltrator l.n some cases , whlch m rk he took up. . before tnltlng up Govt.appointment. '' , 4. as.F.z9s-p/48+ ' u wvt)tjwm, , ; j . ., Proçeâure for check ofpersons antoringor lqavlng ' . / li I 1 charl elarj-r g 13i /F:/hl lndla fromand to, BhawalpurandPaklstan. l 1 r >r I i 492, r .Fl . e 1s y79JP tq 8%PZ.Pri&' ypar.oeandcontlpuanc.e.. bfprivllog, e. sin. t respjo#,. j f'î*%jms!th% a ojlo Rw ua ln cc re ssot roS't ih rid ,u ani Po rr ada en sh tos ne .nC ntM ia nuhar n' c euto Rr j 'i ehJ clU tn lae ior az ej s?o ' - j . : ' T-'I#7/?%1q%'.' . .. . e ' !, Ora17C11 Of.Ine iEIPer1a. i. DaDK Of . knctR.a :'' !='tz.k/r'$(h?yel..7... L', . H oldlng s or the cham.ba stat es sg curitiq) at the L.' ahoi ve . -,. .e. .. . . i . ,. u... p c/ Fr2, . P. #.jyq tp /I qF9oiy. . . . . . 497.e.199-:/48v/ Annual àdmlnlstratton neports or De ccan statesli . k I . I . j , ,.j y 1 1: .' ! ,. 496.F.196-P/48Z S tatcmentshokingStates'whichhavemerged ln . Provincfas 41- lndta or have com blned to rorm Unsons., 9B.F;20l-P/48 9 . . j . . . : . *. ' , .- .:, -, , , . , .. . ,, . ..,j . , . . . . j > . '' I f.' ' ' . ... .. . - - .' .. . ' t/ q 5i . . ,. l I n, x ' r... j . . r ..../ .. x. . ' 2,4.-,/ - . . ' . . . '' . .- ' . ' . K #' ''' .. ),..,v%. . . .t . ,t j . ... . . . . a 3. ' -y .., , . jI ' ' 2 : .--- . 'E . ! . . . . 499*F.202-17/48 N .Activitles of Mr.lalpal 'Singh,'arèAdibaois leader an4 w..p' ' $% ' ? ' membèr of the Constltu:nt 1ssembly of Indiq ln M steli' fi ' S' tatt'S. - , ' -' ' ' l ' ' ' - 1, . 'ovefnme ' nt Promibsory notcs'in . 500.F.203-13/48.z ' Prlvilege of holding G k . tu speciol form by Rulers'of Indlan States..luestion of , X' ' ' ''' <- . !' ;' ' ' seviàjon or àppendtx I1I to the Govtg security l'farmuàl ' ' ' el $ t ,z ' . ' . 5ol.13.)0 8' LP' /4 '8;' el' k?rqûe' it of Major I.k.cralzie, AR.MR: 'Co= and workshopsj ' . y v î , . j o ' c t 1 1 a l l yd br a b ad , f or he l p t o s e d ur e an e arly.passage for . . b . h. A . -. . ?-.-n-J>t1,e,11/ hlsvtfetljcomet'o Indta-.rr.otrth.ëV.K. . , 5O2.P.2O9-P/48 ' ., 'Flxation of allowance to Brljendra--Kaurj sister öf His ! # '-:'>V i*' $1/n'.Highness the èfaharu aja of Bharatptlr. soa'!' ' . sa1-2î P'zr4àv' Activzttes or Mr.tradp'at Rat inldaknlstate. ' 'j ' ' . '. $ 9 . - . . . r !P '' I-' px* -/sI1 504: p' r :.î'I . . . ' ' Ltst requiz'ed by Patlal&zS .ta'tp rekàrdlng Indlan States .. F.213-//48X . )L.-a'1'' sk.r, '1fT. s. ' which have have not poo/.lel ' iXhè J' ri fdsa # .p Domlnion and . ' I. . ' information re.moneG ry apd .uther tfansactfons wj.til Stichj v . ' >' -cs' %).L).,'k1 states. ' . . .J/ !. : t'% r+ !J Cs ?! /1/. & . .. q t. t%.,: l4 1 -, . 505:F.Q14:P/. 48'*? All-lndia Radio's anho' uhâéçh/meht'/ ,egarding Kalat Statç ' e *.h,%I .4 - 506 . . ., j =- 2.y' :/48:.Z 'petitton rrom Kumarbka gya Rj)àtr iig'it'i'ggqrdlng F.21 ' N'x the r. r5.th- 1 . i. ui t:-'r'. tè d rawalora warrantàinkjloliar ajjy' up sete a.n. cormectton wlth jj ' tho Tndore consplracy cahl. . . . . , .. , . . j ,, j .. . . ; ('3:f ' R .),f p.jynr ,, 507.F. .@1. 6jsP/4y, j Note by X.p.lleregai-éj-ng ' o1sï e,ls ln Indlan Statqs, (jç ' .ycr;erjjegou(;o ;jyya yyyjumj(ja. yjyj . . . I j . . . - - j zjLjs,- j lDf : ,, m ,T g' e rfi to -p Jà 02l%!p ,:. Fo cc up.ation.'a ot fr l) t' lm yi Da da ihC cmE ea rfs tt' F as Lg rb y nrc t . re j-f yzulso ta te F.;l7 .!lv.sfq;1.,! .. , t- y.gzyjtj. jjj f 1 . . s , . . . x . q . # .j J j u- ers,. 1 ,*' ! klIg:s(0... 508.F .217-P/48 ' . ' 67 '. ' l. 1. $ -f ' .' . u àgitatton in Jind S# , . ' . . '., . , ' j accesslon to the Domlnlb .w.g '< fk. Iqdix j. , sregreted. . $.' ' I I , .. 509.F.z 7-//4: je, Dallqla Dadarj cemsnt.lpaçtcry albour Dlspiate. v' Ol .11 . . . -.1 ) . . '- -; -'%.j' . .j j 5l0.P.bl9/l/P/48 ,, , , Z l.nventory 6f Private.ppTRtptte /X t Rulers- çpwplalnt . ) '. f , jrom the Ruler or Btndl xtégarding allpèatiôn bf - . . - . . . . .r o y,z)s-r-.(> ts4.zare etc. . ,' .w&.xc j ,jj,fg . . Motor . . ' . . B)j . 2 l /z nt $n .à 511. .2'aglN r. $zllh/jt'jgcreala t?ivzens-agjpatnhaegjua sn :r ),u orps iju ok u s;. uta kb jha. y. atsazzother . - à t-.p-A s ' . - . js ' . 512.P.2:2-P/48 IZ Inauguration of Sirohi Pralamandal Périshad by Dr ' k /7' .zzisj;pzlfkms Kajendra Pr.a-sad. ..' ' , . ,. .. . . , . ... j K, . 513.F.224-P/48 y<,Administ rative Integratlon of Unioh of States. ' jIvmpz.an&tlm r ' 4 Mznzsters orosnz yhe on luld tatapce es. or Razpramu .khs and f? , ' y . . 515.171225-//41 ' ' , ' ;'. ' ' w ' . -' ' . ' - *', b ' ..- ' u I : . . . C ' kuestion or selctlon of'orfïçk ers'for the poàth of . cjn j # dmlnlstered area . f . . ' . .. 514.10.224-a/P/48F 7onqtj .tutlon or''ifutch into a semar:te centrally h , I ' ' . 1 . znspector General pf police and accouptant genéi'al for F.z2/7-'f-/t3% Dalwa Unlontltadhya Biwrat).' r '- . Z' 4' . 516.17.227-P/48 V .cttvlties.of Abaul sajjjz ,xjw n .j: ,vabka state'. ... 517.F. -228-P/48 ' v' F Aff th ajrs of the Bank of Kolhapur tkd. kuestion of'placing ' . . . ' .z , . . . . . . . ' .w i k sza 229-1. 2:29- . e management or Kqlhapur Bank on sound basls . . . . 11/48< Iytoqctlvearranjementslortle'H 'onibl 'eIzrtmëMtntstczr''' . # ,Jg5-7p$/&g. Un . jjIB Vlslt to anlmu & Lashmlh. . t' ' 1* sl9'.F a3o-P of the prtvy plarsb or the àvlers 'of G'ujarat . XT z/ 48 -z> .yaxatlon stutes merged . î ln nomh-ty ' . ' . a, y,zto- /t a$ : 4. , k4. (-.a<? (5' -X(, t. kS j- ' j#. - x .. -.....m- .ww... v. '. . v , . .--..... ., ....1 ..! . t,..., ..... . x ..-.. . .. . '' .... , ,. , ' . ' .. .. . . . ' .x . .. .w X. . . . ..î.., Q ..àt ., .4:. 1 . , x., . w,t.- xj ' 1 1 , . i . , . . -- - .-- ' l d .- ./ . (' . =----$. .. ..rxa .. af -,,! i p!. '.. . - ' , . .. . . ,.r .e.. .' ; . - ''.-'-.'. z '. . ' . ... . ' . '.'....-...-3. .' .-,r .W. ,.. WF ' .R .-- ... - --.- * .. - . . d' -' .= ' Y 31 - '' .' i ' . >rzttjf :a s2qT Transrer or nank àccounts standortnjunagadh. ,na,me or navlb j /48 in the ; 6oa.F.3a3- ' ' ' . # . . I. 603 F. '334-2 ' 3/48. . . or Junaaadh to the,wumtnistrat, , ' . llepresentation by thç 14:1S11iS of Kutiyana regarding ' their property left In punàgaâh State. .. ' ( '? ' . . * ' ' :/48 &z' Hepqesenvations rrd' m the Thakor of Varsodi.an; Thakore' ' 's 604.7.335' or latesan rogarding Wanta vtllages. , . - ' ' l . ' ' - ' tlneir contlnuanc62 in serlice. ' ' , ' ! 606.F.3.38-P/48 . ' j . ' , ' 6 . I t ' ' 1 Bangalore. last known to be at Lady Cuvzonss Hospltal, ' . ' , 607.F.33:-17/48 î. . . 4 ' ' 1 1 i ' . Dcm,utntion of Ortcsa Pollce Force to l' Cllgiz' s. State ln tho ortssa Govtse' rvants $ 1s47. vali dtt: orlathe acts of prlor to ths rormal ln and regardzng lgirl state, . . executlcn or tho Instrument of mergèr by the Ruler' , 4 Cg yjjygj.yaj.* r I. . S- ' 'h-l k, t !' -. /! '- 6o8.y.r34tjz>/. 4sWt' ' j.*-.tk .:,.!. , . . . ' 'a42 ç, a:/48 'j. i , x$.<.f : kl, ion whet - her sorrespondnece ' .sew een tho . covt-or . '.x. 60. ? p.' pquost - ' t7.,,' . o t':iu ja and the varlous fnlons should be in Hs.ndl'.' . . .l :' . ,. f . cloyr-a4I > ' . . ba-A/4a 7. Prorcrty ortho Fartdkct state tzïtahore -eequest.rox . - . -, . .. ' . 'r' î -' ''faczllttcs fbr transport az. p ed.escort êtc sror thetr ' : . decpatch to the Farldkot State. ' l q ' . , .C : .' ;r,tIo . k>'.. ! . . 411.7.3448 kJ vsupply or voptes or'statements showing populàtton etc. r'-P/ . .: ' Of Lo Inclian ltx baBsy. . ' jy c' lndian States ' . x. wx. jf ' . z.' . - . . . ' Enqulrses regar:tng thza'vhéreabouts'of pirs.crawford, ' / ' 60s. :.337-P/48i/r'Representation rrog 'Lunavada state emplogecs rcgardlng uxè s 1 ' 612F.34j k. 1 . i .1 ! . . jld . -ll ,h . V S yecrtlit % S . j x j j / e j t j l . o C e u r S O j ' . 0 r f e l v l y . f K 4o S/ tES t ; ac ) -, P / . f! 1yi 8 u y , j j l ' . u p t j i j n o j v o o f j / j c a c p ' ', tj . . . . . =k ' .. . . l . in v, ?jfjtajpytst under paragraphyj2 ayuj alAp . pèndix 1II of the Govt.. ot Indta Spcuritfes ;/''ef'('J fk t;,. ' 6ln.F.a46-P/4:'kZ'Fzr ) upes or cash balances . . made ovep by the.Rulèrs,or, .s . ' cutarst states. ' . - (.! .I . jjfJ ' t .:. . : . . , . 1 . . i l ï . . ' 614.,,.:47.::zys . t/i, oucstlonoracco.odatsonorthesecondbattauvnor . . '* ' t the Central Reservq Poltcqt . . j . r( R1.. ,l T jwtpjl .' . .. . 615.F.3487P/481d Appotntment of àdvisers tp the Vnlon Qovt.s . . ' . ;l. s vkI ! ' : z .. .'y;'' <: 8. e lAllorzances.to the relatlves of'the îulBrc of State' s in 6l6.F.34:rP/4 . l'0 o ht 'l yiRSt Punjab. . . .' .' .' . ' îfr1f:I 'i cs .' ' 617.F.350-P/48 Inventory of the private property of the Rulers of r i''. , . -. <;k. .. , $, rr:I!. =.. 1kolêsfq(:$Oylss ,c.x .a states. ' ' ' . . ! . . . . . ' ' .. jI . .. jj 618.*.354-13/48*W !Arransemcnts for the àdministratlon of the Asàaj, Riflest kuestlon or entrustment of flm ctlon under sectlon 124(1) of the Govt.of India Act 1935. 1 ' . . . ' . . , . . . ' . . , * 619. ' jt j; ' '* ' j 1 I . ' - k' * z ' '' F.a5a-P/4g 1 n alsingpur estateoc thewest. n andesh lstt.merger . ï' iJtth nombay. . * . I 1 , l 620.F.3. 53-P/48 . ' '6aJ-?'- :. ,55-P/48 ' . -.. ' . . i ' I ' ' ' 4 . . $' j ït !r 7 Ii . . C ash balances.qnd.securtties sur/endered by the Covenenting dtvtes of Kalasthah apd Matsya. î' . . ' . Iurornstlon zpctial-rqll' lg n-c-it-yicrrfson, supdt.Nancly . u. k Ldroag Mlncs'ttd.tylysoreatate) ax ctivt. ties tflltysope.s, , 622.Ii'0357-ê/48 . j . .a regstrding o.'the. R...Publicat lon 1(ïOriya papcr '. Prala Tantr allcë'f?cl assoclp tloh of tlae RuleziQf Samra :, 71th the s, ' R.s.é..s. . .. . . ,, . ...q . .. .'?.) k. . 4 I I ' ' . , j *'. . . ,I . . . . . , I ., j G * i , -egr r . , > . u p ) b #. > . 1*. . 1 w. H pY' . '5 ' .rJ.rr..i r . A.' - . .. A$h v ' ' % ' qxs.. . . . . .. . . ' ' '' '- . . + .% . ' . ' . 7t - u + .. ' 3/ ..( A .. .> .. 623.F,359-P/48 #' Question of introductlon of Cqntral . legislation reg: direct and indlreet takailoù itnx into th: mqrged Sta'tes ' ' 624.P,360-17/48W ldinuteà of conferencç of'Zillef l' Ilnlsters of Ilnlons and , States held in Delhl on September l7 1948 and action , taken thereon. of thq myetin 62, 5.:'.a60-:/48 V 'Minutes S g oî.the 1kulers of H.P.he1d in 7 inla on 15th October 1948 to eoùssdqr the Civil List of Rulers and Allovpnces to Relatiyes etc. ' 626.F.361-P/48 V Instructions from D.I.B .for'withholding in post certaln pqblic')tlpns enpnqttng,flt'onl P aklsta' n, whlch are 'consldelie' d tm suttnble forktitztrt r tnt;o. Indi:3' under ' Finance DePart se ntt c . R. ) l ' T otif ic ' a ., , .. . zJtx. /j o, n .l. $l . , l ?yjy)y,adao. t,e 1.. 1.a43. md.2 627 ., ., N.y, ' .. . Stntes .wh , 1ch have,mer . 628IP.343-P/48 2 Po sting of C.l1 ' . . 7.362-P/48Z Inventory of 'thû private property of thc Ruler' s pf . j p .j o .. %. . . ge/ â'tn!$$yj.Bi#u,1 . (. S lf , 1yt.j : 1 ( 4 '(;r$V, , . j ;k,e1 . , ! .athiaraswan) . u :. . lyderqbad . P.tq I. p # ja,r .-.& ,l . . * 629. :.364-P/48 MZ. kGreht of local rank ', a $ V,xjr h-ju, s , of Liqut-colonel to Hajor J.IC.P. Gaur, whilst employed as Cor landaùtjcentral Reserve . P , ollc: without affect on pay and pension . I 6ao.F.a65up/48 wz Classifieation of the paymçnt or priv y purqo to the Rulers ot Covcnanting . Stotes. 6az-p-a.ov-pz4a vzz . ' u . . Actlvitlos of 11r.01rja Prasad ex-Delian of Khankqdhana. . ' - . . 632.F.â68-1 7/48' W 6-U3 .- / Paymcnt of bills for alr-lift 8f rattons etc. to the d etachment of Assam Rifles a,t âgartala . N. .. x F.369-P/48 x àllouanceq to Ralmau s ancl other re,lat ives of Rul lty s of States merged ln central provinces and kxy:sépar. x $, ' . . . ' % # . 634.F.371.-P/48W Pa 57, ymqnt zt/ os yycompe z saax jio .j.gz y thc juvm uovjykt;o jze yuyupur p . . ' >t- Darbar on accoûnt of the Kabaw Valley cederl to the Gôvt o f Burma . . '.''-.. .' 'i 'z * '' .'N 635.F.374-P/48 WM 'Paymert of travelllns t'allovancos to the Rulers of orlssa ' (Slates of . atteudlng he conference at Delhte , f k , 636 .F. 375-P/48 S AllouAncqs to tho me mbers 6.t Ytulîngt Famlly gf Saurabhtra ' 637.F.376-P/48(< ' ' PS rop 'sp al ,ttf eo .r Ljf fjiu zrC ibo 9 1fXe QLgl'n z. a sl .l jr .g 7a :n .lsati .ons . . 638.F.376/1/P/48#dQrganl liscuscion regarding the'future of'Règional CommissionerG sation at Kolhapur. 639.F.376/2/P/48 Discùsslon regardlng thn fuyure of tfhp Reglonai . Commîosloner's organisation j . tast p' uhlab. 640.:3.377-17/48W Appoiptment of three out-golng nori-bffical Mlnistêrs ' . f l Gvalior - Indore as Chief AdMinis'.trators Xalllp rjtt TJron ntoh. ' 641.F.378-P/48 Gre ant or a oermlt to Kunar Sherlff lfoham ed Badruddtn, p.llvlsor to lçawab of l'fanayadala fro'rq-scttllng in liadia . , 642*êF4,379-P/48 @r Actlvlti s or Il. H.the Thakore saheb of Dhrol '1n ' ' Saurashtra Uùion . 64a,.F.aao-) v4a t' I . co tonest'activitz-es or 'tvo r ppàzlnt ,g,znst dzki m cttonznr j.n zoclhpur. compaiales t 644-l p-aaz-pzz la* pîp ï mis 11 o 4 gnle ar zs zoo wt ant c: es totl aoaa/m''skwan ' e states.vhj / 'i lt ta zt ea1 a u .dot vhorrez' àtzvc t s' c, loqst punja: otkt rflt es zuntl r l v i b e m n f o r m e d i n ' t o ' '' j . . - U yD ' - - . . @ . X .. . . k / ' l. a ... - . -- 33 4r , ' * , ... ' .1. . ...... . ... c - '- . . . - ''' . . .' 7.e, . , - hf.. .. . ' , . '.:.' . . . . ' ' . 645:F&382=P/48 . . 3 ': '!' !-' . x 7., .. . V' . Strilte the Matsya Pnion non-gazetted eKployeps.. . O 646 y -'38 %%3'ssa 1' F. 4-$3F // 4R 8YZ 'Jlldgfr:ent of the ori 11gh Court on the hebr?nscrlrpli.: . ' r . # A' j petk ltions of Qrtssa States subgect. - . 6 . . ' ' * r . ' 47.F.385-P/43 ' Disrt nsptlct sho, wrn to lçational Flp.g in Bhomal. j Z 'R 648.F.386-17/4.s . e' s' .lu od sn ttoa trl èla-lll -e tl at r ob lçr ava tk baeoJ fnmBh opal rorrme lod. ecl.camps Ymbs. glc l'Iarfare ' zz rp aining j-n . F .. , * ' 649.F.386-P/48*G Rpcuest of H.H.the llawab of Bhopal for unexploded bombs ' lncBudnt area left by the Jlzngle Warfare Yrainlng Camps 650.F.387-P/4: -Appointuent of guardtan tutor to Y.H.the Xaharala of Trtpura-Declslon thét ldr.b.A.Wharton-Brosrnls,contract . should not be ronewcd artnr the pcesent peziod of K - enployment. . + ' ' . ' ' * ' . . ' 651.1i'.388-P/48 ' Deputing öf C .lî.P.to States ' Deciston that uhenevcr an . t 'e 0 of cc ra ls ionshould arisesbefor deputin gC RP to Stat esu ,CRP aCi vj.l k cer deputed to accèmpany the to act . d as a liatson officer between the force and the Statp ' authoritsfls. . ' w'. 652 z .P.390-P/43 V Civll 11st - .Yieserve funds of the Rulers'of V.P. ' ' ' Dectclon to treat thém as .prlvate property of the Rulers , ' * 653. 12.391-17/48 1 ' lAosti.ngrof Central I' teservq Pollce to Baripada, œ ' F zcpzT/ ve' .# llayurbiaanj'stnte. ft ' , . x ' l , 0 * ' in connection with the settlnmont of private properties . . / - ' 654.F.393-17/48V Tour l'rogranlrc ofJ-dviser to the Ninistl*y of States ' ''. ' .. i of ltulers and othnr outstandlng' matt eps in Unidhs.. ' ' * 655.F.395-2/48 j '- .. l ' % alre&dy granted before mergèr by the Rulers etc. ' ! COTnplnlnt f*ok H.Hothe Maharana of Lunawada that the Bonlbay Crovt. ls not honouriug .th() proxlsions of , . ' j àbsorntlon of State servants, payment of pensioh , , .agreot nlantanr ithecolzato' rallettekrèlatjng toth nerge: -el . ' . f 1 656.F4396.P/48 ?, rl*c)gnlar tpansfer of Jaglr Lands by the Ruler of K' ltihengarh . . .. . '' $ . . 657.17:398-P/48 #2 Celebration of Dusserah fostlvél Presentatipn of liaza/s l . to Rulers-Declsion,that Wayars of/ered to Rulërs on . J ' o ccch asaritles slon li'kln eDu ssor eràc6ns h shultation ould be d$e.,v ohted toX/st a cates. hattty or prl 1t tho 1 658*>@.39:-p/k81 * Lxamption crom Incomertax e'tc- on thg interest accrutng k !ln the fixed deposlt account of Irdzan States. . l 659.F.400-P/481/ 1Epquir y by thê I' Jest bengAl oovt. regarding the Stqtes of ' il . 1 . . ' . . 66:.1?. 401-P/48C l ' . r. l lkkim and Bhutan. . epypsentatlon from,the sold 'lers'o' f Xoyal Gàrhwal tn ltlrlr?s f'or parttclpatton j . ''' . . . . . l n Tehrl. . carhwaz ezecttons- ' . . . . ' - '' jt : ( >jCC' tOd: . - j - - I ' 66l. .p.<ca-p/4ay comjzazut by J-lu aakshz regard'zng 'the Mazaamznsstr - atzon .. )i ' ) /r .. l' in a yurbhanl Skate. ' . 662.F.403-P/48 PS Request of Dr. pattab Situramayya for @ copy or the Mlnutes of the Confeience held With the Rkjppamukhdetco ' ' , i ! : .. j . T. i j I j ' k .' . i 4 , An : the Constltuent assembly-Dêcision thqt coptes should ot be givqn to outsiders . : '. . . J , 9n July 17,1948 , to consider the r/qllocatlon of seatà. -. . g ' y ' .. &,'' ,K .. .< ' .- . . . .I $ ' . ! $2' - . . ' : , . . . ..v ' ... r. . . . , d..'. .. vI> .p. :w . al . . z . j .z,. ; . .y , .y ! J z; 1 . ' . j r y , ? j ''i '-.. , .., yp =j ' .-34 $.' t: .'.vj & . dh g . . . .r* , ' ' '%' ' ) . -. .. v I L y . wr. . ' ' '- . . s ..d! -,q . ' . i - . r'x ' S. sgs; . 1. .'-'' ,. :.. ... ' p , .q . ' . . j 66:'*'Per *F'*404-P/48 e' . yisslnn for the vjplt of pir lllzamvud-dln of Barodq ' to'South Jkfrica.- , liegattved' -. ' ' 4. ' . . ' K A 664:F140. 5-P/48 M' Return 11y the office of the Vnited Kingdop lltgh . ' . Corrcnr- ssloner in Indio or Cortalp records of the late P0q-ltlcal Depttkrega/dln' g Mysote ' Subsidy. Guards for the Palace at Bharatpur. 'F.406-P/48 665. ' ' . 666. IP. 407-17/48f'e'e' Reprsentation from the Besum of :ana 'vaàar rerar' dlng' î . I the detontton or ' ''' tho It -hanrsaheb of lta unavaéjar-Deyakc ï or ' . for the merc.er of Kanaxadar vrith th: W urashtlia. : . ' ' .A Postal strlkc tn cvaztor. 667.:.408-:/48 ' .. J 668. ., . . F.410-P/48' EmployMc nt of the C'rR.Po1ic6 Force in seemuch.Decision t ; j ' such use. * ' ' I , 669.1?.41l;-P/4q keeSupply of true copies of 'Instrument or Accesston and me t , x . I ' l hqt Govt.of India 's appr6kal 'should be obtalned for 4 : . . . rger Agrckerrent slynqd by thq Ruler of Kalahandi! Bamra and Patna to the Orèssa illgh Court. ' 7 d . . . . ! l ' 668.5'6412-P/48Z Zngulry t?y Zr,Leon'Plstolj guardian of'latë Ran: Tara x. l . . Devi of Kapurthala regarking her death ih lUG6. ' . ! l I. œ. . ' . 666).F'.41: )-l3/48 ' iteported reszgnatlom nzdïsmts:a'l or Mi--lgatho rrom the poct , or przme t.finsster, Kozhapur .q q. '' - .' : . ' ' . ' ' - t i 670 F.414-P/48 .'z-Deport of the Conmittee for thè drqfttng of a Llodel . Constitu6ion for thc Indian Ztates. /. . 67l. F.4l4/l/P/48 lteprtentation from the Gokhale lnstltljte of Ptd lblic . x Afeairs) Rangalore t . zl (, l . . . fdor 1de )al t1 4ewlt :ybta bllshmqntoFxaglon qtatest àdvisory Boar to( m>lqdmlnlstrat ln St ates and ( 2) th e i ncl usion Of pr ' ivttiön ln the I j . p - ' . . ' ! ! constitution of ' India.for the appvoval of cortstitutlons : . j j J f'raincd for states by tlnet cbnstituqryt Assembly of Inplq.. . . . , . s., yj e ' . . ' 672.I?.41d-P/4% e' Vistt of H.!':. the Covernojn ' of Combay tc Kolhaplnq. ;) 1 ( ' . .. '' G73.>n.4z6-i '/48 ' li . '. co & nr a?e,rtonoce ofhFinance Hlnlsteqs'lnq'l'd ln Delhj on - . . ct-q946- ûuastl.tjn or Ankltkng states antl ' statcs Unton. . t 1 . l ' ao.th '. 1 . . , ' r 674.F.417-P/48 W Reprsentntion f'rom the litller I . ' of Np.cslh. ghpur = e'omplalnt ' . G aO gV at inOf stOrlssa. thg policy ofnon-coqp7ratlon puryued by the . 675.F.418-P/48 ' ' y . . , .' . 676.F.1 ,9-P/48 . ' *. Prtvy Purse of Rulers of Won- salvte States in Sqlaashtra y .. y: . ,. jjj . j ..' . e * , Proposal fola the conntitutton or a loint Public Serkl Com lsslon fbr alà the P uajputanâ States. 67C.Fb42û/l/P/48 gllcctlons to the Saurashtra Constl . ce ' . . , 1l i . : y tuent àssembly. . l l , ' '. 1 . . .. '' Xa'dhya Bharat Unlon .r . . . ', . ' ' . ' . ' . : .. ' 68:.F .4:2-P/43 . . ' , ' !+ j. ' I 1 t ' z ' j . . Persolaal Privllegqq of'ilulers of ig states,6X < ' sG tcUnfons - Liability to locctl:'convehantlr ) t ax ' es ( l l ok llable). *.' .68l ..F.-425'/l/P/48e F1nanc1a1 condttlop of Bll ' 1 aspur St' aié and meth 'ods j 1 . pr o po s o a r o r a d oz nz s v r at t o n o r . t l a e st t a s es . , l' - 6'aa-c-.aszazlv'4a s z ' oan or p c z t zakhs ' anctton Y ..- ' - . 430/2/17/48Fi'lecttons to the ' Interim V gislétiAr' e àssembly of the j. . I - - 679 *F. , i $i 6 tlhént Assembl#. . .y , .. $78.F.420/1/P/48#lç occttons ln JunagyGhState fpr :he Xaurashtra Constt- d ' .1 .I .u- .. . j .. y . Ba-:taspur. - -R . . . k - . . . . -. - . - - - - . .z ' - .. ..<A.../..z..t. . ., '. 4 w.xœ. ''.'x.j ' ' .. ) ) or u' i '), t0 zize szzaspur ,.a?, A p p o l n t m e n t o f M r i chir anl ilal Sal n a à , s A c c ' o t l nts 0f f 1cer , .. ;: . . ' . .. ' .' I . ...*.. . ' -ta-e .*.' ... . . ix , * '' 1 / . k 2. + . . . . - 27 r l . k-. .. !k .%f . .. >6 ( .kz , I, .eul;y.*'..- .. 3 ,-.-.- -< ' . , ' ' . - . . - '- '' ' t:.;.w. ' '.''. ' . .- 520.F.231-P/48#m D Payment of a special jrant of ?c.2,63#00O/-to Ruïer of i aster on account of the narriace of h1s slster. 1 lnstructlon thct no nrants shoûld be lrade vlthout $ the approval of the Govk.or Indta. , JK M x. w.. 52l@P*232-P/48 'l/ormatlon of a Joint àdvi:ozj Council comprlsing of 522.F.234-2/48 ' Puture of Jaglrdars of Gujarat 'State:. Hsnlsters of Boybay & saurashtra Govts. to co-ordinate màtters or Common concern. . . s2a.r.2a6-r/<q :e Setting up of an EXjcutiye Council for Jupagadb Rules . of Business for the Zxecuttve Cguncil., j z' 524.F.237-13/4$ wZ Future of Panth Piploda. AdminNstration Report Panth Plploda. , 525.1?.238-1:/48'Z Unauthoriscd entry ot Paktstan troopt il3to Paticrla and ipalayarh S' U' Ites. s26.:.za:-p/<a .v . gFJ'xation of Priv)z pprsé ' of the Rulers of Patlala'and ast Punjab States Jnlqn. ' 527.F.241-P/48 k ' . kueotlon of setting a commlttee to advise Unions $ t 3. boufheir administratlvc integration p ' ' ' 528.F.242-P/48 Z Isf Io.224-P datecl 28. 5.48 delue or a notlflcation ? ogating to the Govt.of BomDay extra-provinclal Jurlsdiction ln respect o, f full-powered salute and n 1 . on-salute Gujarat b'tates. 629.F.243-P/48 #* Vee l kly notes for t(e Cabinet Sgcfetariat. x ' en t/ s s es pt a kl m zg znsr ,e sc ra el tz ye on dfro!c xozha ur agazns titpayw o s'ci. 3o.F v.)' bA/lë .z fye z4-s eAe jr h-'frteqge-unxhkne loq',, . yv' jxa ttxpî'-su.qsvctao p uy l - . . 531.4.249-P/48z1?kuestton of selecting 'a Capital for the SaurashtrakG,wa J k- Union. 1'l p Report ot the Capltal Commsttee set up for the . urpcso. l . '532.P.250/1/P/48YGl tolT eefr ggtt on shwalmade bjonstit Patehuent SlngAsse h' .rembl g:rydlngAhe zGar . 523.F.250-P/48 . Zlcction to Tehrl-Garhwal Constltuent As . B ' sembly. â . *' ' 534.F.254-P/48 ' Encuiry lnto the i3oltce Flrînc ln Udaipur Sicte. 53. 5.F.255-P/48 'Dosire of Ihdian Btates fer appointment of States' Represent . attvcé at Delhi . 2S5/l/P/4B ?g'roposal regardlng appointmont of a Reàidgnt'comml536.P.' lssàoncr for Mysore in Delht to act a botween G s a llaison offlcêr ovts.of India '&'Mysore. t % . v . ' :e 537.17.256-12/48 V fGt II.FJ.F J.Seand antt-nattorbo.l activlties tn the Charkhari pte. * ' . ' . .. .. 538.F.257-P/48 NF#. Hts-appropriation ilussain Ex-chief Minister committed Khan Vahadur Bkmyad qrby Jaera . . / . . 539.F.258-P/48 ' . . . . r ' ' . Your programme of F1r.l(.J.Desa1,C .I..2. I.C.S.Spec1al ;. , Qrflcer, Mtntstry of Statep ; àdministr U gfive lntegrati.ôn' t ln n1on nf St/tes : U . a5= .' 540.F.259-P/48 Nf Prcsentation of the Instrume Ristrlct Mugistratqs C , . nts of Accesslon in tye qulersoçDrchhaand Charkhûri ourtorJéansirequlted'by'th: e . . .IN11 . I %a.,:A,!s ; --1 ,. .. .. x l '' . 1 9..-...-----.4:..---. --- . j jjy .- .- # lc -.. - . . . e . . . ' ' / n: ( 1t a .. . :8 - ke p . - !*t ' wI . . --. ..r.= . % '. . : (! * ; ,' . ' 1i 'x/,. ' . s4a' *F @a6q-P/48 (.(j z, , , Dtscovery ot transmittlug sets at Mlsrod ncmr Bhopal ' g . I ' . ' from Kutch ço'r the yba.r 543.:.262-P/48 e' Recovery of ànlar equî'valcnt i # ' . ' ' . k ' 541 .'.F,2* .- 11/48 z Allcgations anainst the pathari Stèlte Admns. . . u s. e -..- ,, ;h ,: , -' .. ; . 1947-48. . 1 . .. ' , ; ' . s44 F'.2GarP/48 Z .Papncnt or pc-a,oo,ooo/-.fpr thq ixalf yepr endsng ! . * W . . X + Ra1ll<Jy loan of lY'Crorcs. . .. , . . ' . . . , . . u 545.F.264-P/43 ' Transmlsslon of appzicatlons receivfld from tho reâidents , ' . 31 .3.4q to the (hzallor Govt.op acèount of lnterest on I ot Kolhapur to thc Xdmlnistrator. y ' or ldetsrs.c-s-saxem , s-s. k <;s46..F-266-::/48* i'ayment fbz'â&r.passage f' ' - t ' the arrest of s1r Gulab Singh Ex-Ruler'of Rewa. .. ' s47.1:.267-P/48 t ' neport rrom the C'hie 'f Zxecuttve o'rrteer chamba state :xg for the vork done by subedav Hajor ôartap Blngh ' . l /48 548 .7.268-/. ln charge of the C-n-.k.Dot ! ) achment ln Chàmba state. Acttvttlrs of'tieut.colonel James B.De Ilage at . N '* - . ' j. . , ( f iaatlala otate' . , ' j# # Yw f-'p 269-13/48 ' c . lG' lQ. fA . ,. ''v ' ', . . * j . , I . . L . 551.F.272-P/48vz Hithdrawaloftheresicnatiönofxr,,*g.chalergqoj , ' . i j ' : i ' 55o .F.a7l-P/48 * Jaora àffairç- Repres'entytion made by lvir t i.Y .it lurie .l io Hon ' ble F i l nis ter f ' or ' i è duca' t ion re t a. r d l ' ng cond itions n Jaora - aeport or S:r Harilal Gosalia, Adsn.of I , Jaor, x . ' Cl' liflf Justjce, Matsya 7nion . ' . N ' . . . . . ' . ' 549.F . ë , Dezht & s-l/langal slngin, sub-zrïspectiar or poztce Deucl for the Journey perfoncd by them ln connection lnto - t ' o . y g . . ' 55a.F'.z7a-Iv4a er Payment or fok or clrtvlflc llcdhse or the Cap 1h N ' u . , ' ! i ( * j , calro in the name or H.H.the' lqvab.of Palnpur . . 2 e . l ' . 553.F.274-P/48 PW P/oposod disposàl of Junagadh Höusp at Bhcpal. '% . . . .. o . - .- ' ! '. . . l' ' ' i. 554 .:.' .275-13/48 * Xotes relating to Banasltantha Region. ' l 555.F.276-P/48 *e th Supply of llostage and idhasivo Court 1ee stamps tö z . ' , ! I I I . 1 . . e Admlntstrator Junagadh . . ' 1 ' r . . ' 6. $.6 F 277-17/' 48Z Absor tion of certgin territo'ries into Hw ' .. : t orreyrpcesslonorDaliaousle, .Baltloh ahd.Balt p.lumes'tion . ' C' ahtonlnents Ceded by lhe'Rlller. , ,Df' . chamsqk . a . :e ' ' ' , . '' $'-' 557.17.278-P//8W Paymentn made 1)y Govtmof India to States. ' '. ' ' l . . jj 55 o8.F.279-P/4' equHahar estoafjA E .Ca ck % .ior tof . rwardhislety r. to.H., H.'. ..,, 18 R the a. of G/ al .o .e p ' ' . . . .. . ' . . . . ' . . . . ' . 559.F.280-0/t8 IA Cocrdination of publicity in respect of tndo-paklstans , j i l 1 . . j. , y andtheconstitutionorsmallçommltteefor thepûrpose ' Dastern so tes .as- a reuult 'qr the merger or orissa & chlaarttjssalz. st ates . . ' . . Trausf ër or.stafrcs 'etc eàuioment.. . . - g k ' 1 : , . .., ..4 e . ' * 561.F.282-17/48 /* lleprcsentation of'Indian Statës in the C ' .' A ly ofI rtnne. Forma onstid' toue nt L' ssemrb of an electoral llége ') for llling tndia sr!sttion asslgn ed .to the Residuyry ' . a'roup. Llection of Thakur Krishz la Sina ahrl Girhkd y u..h of Tt . . .1 , , '. I I ' ' . ... t . ' . . .. . ' . . ' I j ' . . i 1 = . . j .. - I I , . . 1 ' 1. . , îatpu vf .& sambalpur to the.prqv coyw,a.at ryjoltj inc$a. l-uovti o-.. ' 1 ! T' , ., ,. . . l ! ''' j, . 560.F.281-P/48 Z lbolitton of the office of 'tbe Rpgional Copmissionor,'' I . Y j ' * b r . , - > > . ' 1 -... . .-- -- -t ' . -- . . . V ' .. . - .-. .. . .. t . .. .. a .., . .,.sz -.29 -/' ç. .. '. .), . . < > tr ' -. .. .k .7' >- ' -..-' .'-' .---;'' . ''Il zA . . . : . . .. - -- . .. i , . , . , ..x -.. q. - a t--,.. . . , .. ...v ..-. . , . j . . s@2 ,p.a8a-Pz48 , Represe. ntatton or Indtan stutqs zn thg constisueut .voz-ll-' :* àsseubly oc Indta Forsatton or an electoral collsje ror rtlltng tn one.seat aqsigued tu thq Restduqry group! Irlectton of Thâkur Krlshna slnth or tehrf Garhwal. !! . 41 ' j ' '5' 63.y' .28a/l/:/4q*f 'îe-allodation or seatt azlyttea - constttptt ?nt Assembly or lndta. . < . q *' I . '' . ' . N ' k s64.y.a8a?azP/48 Re-allocatson or seats alzotted to pstiyl a &by sast : y or :nat: ' Punlab states fnion tn tue constttuent ssem 7 j s:s r.284-:/48 ordtnances and othec lebzal en'actme nts proàuzgated b'y . F . ' the Ralasthan Upion. ' . s6oic.z8s-p/48 k' kuestton or retrocesston or Petlawad Pargana to Jh/bna ' t CCT i1 R0I!7SiQh Of revens he Of PeilaWad ' S' t3,tO - IIPCQOS' 1 . J. f . to Indlbn states tn the ' t '' . a . , . Car6anp, in Jhabk fOr 7Rr;OVeS Of 0&1CL11at1On Of P/iNT k PllrSe. ' l I ' ' ' , ' 567.1:.2s6-P/98 orant or à.n Intervtew to 1!.H.t:e sangab of'y' ialcrkotl: 1 . by II.E.the oovernor-leneral. j ' F ' ' . ' , ê . s68.F.a87/l/f. z48lv repyesentàtton rrom the nana or Koti regardi .ng his ' Prlvate property . . ' x- ' ' K I 569.y'. aas-pz4p v'- Payment oj- iledtcal f' ec:s etc.due to Ilahtm Trtzok xath Azam from the Bashahr State. ' jw . '% .; .# . . '' . . 1 . . ' , - . . Dectstoù 'that strength shiluld bekflxed on %hp ï'u . pq, 3Aiie- j . i . ) 6) . èx ; '! .sg,;j, .s.y; . ..,. jw , . .:y' j.. j . ., yyj 1qesent8.ti.on frOm !1aWabSa( 1 ' .i !l spyj R Q 1 ) y y y . , y y y y y s s.soyy rar.ièts and Prlvilegos of Kawanins or 11a1e)wkot1â . . , . -, g , . . . . 572.li'.294--.P/43l. ( 1' , . . .. . .s . . - .. ' 573. 17.29t-P/.4876 Allovance tg S1r+Tuko .J' 'om,'er-. t Xa -lvhp.raJa.oî Irfdore.'' : ! . l ' . 571.F.290-P/4:W o lùn fqg ui ua ry rds fr. if ol onrt' h th eclt ' aa p lk aa l sè ts ha sn .oV fh *R ip qn lqrs e.go af ' rdrz llyr gt' . e tâ hx eStsatvr eng tes .t .h . ' j . ç.,. . c4h>h.J' fk. YVI LS'Qtc 0)' -:. j.ryh kDa, se.. )Q .' : . . (j ,jl . ' ' j '' . ' ' -' 1 ** ' 570.F.289-7l4b F P utlkye Of Benares Stateq. lleçommendation frofn the , Premzer of the Ceptral Provinces & zerar regarding the appointmnnt of Mr.K .C.JShakla as ttl' te Delon of Benhres.. s (e ' . . 574*.3-.296-P/483 + sltp 5#5*F-297-P/48' ' Bud et lstimatps for Japuary to March 1948 and for l:4i-49.ror orzssa stateà: ' 1. . . . . , ' 576.F.298 P ' j Sli ' -. +/48+ .p . . i . .. .. . , '....'.a ,, . . + . . .. , j , 577.F.300-P/48Lz'âppointment or Plnance Officers to Union of Stâtes. I ' -t Pro -posed i 'nvestigatlon or the rinanctal condltlons apd . . . h taxable capaclty bf Pnioni of Statés. ' ' . 4 ' j ..' ' ' ' 578.F.300/1/P/48 Jucneàtions by S.lndèrllt Singhy Finance Secrctary, ' , . Patial a & East Punjab States reaardlnc.'the 'rlmctigh '. ot ' Finance Bècretary. . , . l ' . j ' X 579.F.3:1-P/48 J' . ' i . ) -' . . . '' i q ' factôrv < . . . 'r ., , d . . 581.17.304-17/48 # <Decislon'that representatlves 'of' Ilnion of . j ,1&' Statqs ; ilj legtonal Conllnj.ssioner should bè'as'sociated &/ith 'intef- . e . . . kk v. rovync1a1 Confernnces or meet' i/j b ..convehce by the , ' 4j4j 'ajk . . ' . u ! , - - ' I g overrgcentortndia. - -- .'.. ' . ' --- . .-...- --- j j. .-'.w. .Z..J . e f I .'-'.. ï payment of the amount du# by Messrs ' Bhagwate chartty' ' j y .p pas Junssr. un4 p . 'k '. ? I &y , .j . ,,$ j.y .' ' z' +- , poa-p/48 ' kequost or'H. llgthe Na '' wab ' of Màlerk6tla'for the gran' t '.r' s8o .F.: ! .325,0D0/- against.h1s ftxed.deposi. ts in . of loah of :7 ' Pu 1 ) J a b xatl omq . l f o ' anl t for the inkest ment in t he soap i # . ï ' ' I 1 I . . ' . ?' . j 'j .. 2' , . . . , Complaint by Kroz.W.Rodrigb pf Cyclon for the non-pyymel . . d %. u. . j j ' '' 1 I -., . ... . 1. . ' î - 35 + ' . .. V. -.@ ' . . - .w , ' ' ..w- . .. ' ---e . I . f ... = q.. -. .-...a . . . . .. -. *' * W''- *' ' ' 68a . h of-Bharat.pur y.0 yyu ya 426-//4q .ez'ltettlrn 0. '.R. . r.Ja c.ir'c2. 3 aran szng . . F. q :, . J'ror ll -nz.tc.'P ?s' r e c qc ,a.pr t. j-yj -nu jr -in, ')ln. -'J .'r)rndi-blrfa On ?3-yO,. .,o r)y. hlc. s 'saay abrn.0, -l'antl cost o7 ' f ntù.r pass$ )2-es to be rtt at frc)17 , F $. 6:7te f'anc is..f 11r'stj-on of ertplol.rm.tl'lt o. .a r.: !.raj sar. a.Ta J pa .; ) slnc' n. . . r ncrultv lnrjsoner :h-rq' 6aa-.r'.42 .7-P/4q , .'#e G1-nnt or .' f'el;ilv . allowancEr to s' . < ' .. ' A. . ' . Damodnr Prnsqd Shro. ff of Jal 'pur . K 685.i' ?.428-1V 4.P o 1Ianr1i.nr . -0!-Of the lf ,o'tt . 3r VehlclC'ô WOlp! '7 ln liani1tuA' L- O1 Stqte to the Stpte alàthorttlfas . 686.F'.429-P/48 -1 . , xt(,nGlon Of'tkte per1 7Od Of stqy l n 11nd1 'a (Ja1ptlr S't; . lte) , . ! Of ( . ' ;' hl). lF? wn 11: 7.1 , *rler. a fOreifrnGr Of 'b' tfJPIIIICR l' îR#,l-fn prp.li'tL1/. . . k 697., T. '.43o-f'/t. Lz k14z-t -tlon o.. anppoi-ll-w.p' ' no.t o. ' r.1. -r.' ,1.C .Dhcnr p.r ) as adviser to . l . . 1Jp-.J' ?2 -nrplnukh of' 11'?p'hqra 2 -. !12ar.at Unl . .on a * j . . I . . . l T '74-T'/ç8 ' tllc. LE'rn't ilons' . t;hgt JoJ ukhpur Of'65 'i.ti.1 r'rn not a1J-01. 11 'nr p1 ,*C,f 2 i . p8). :3.li'.4. ' Z itz .-q --s :ë!' , k ' ?' r r'ic ),c-th. ?er-n Ja.5-saln-er 't J' odllpur . E . 6q v9.Ei'.4rl5-1:/4rb 3-lloz.c'nccs to 1-.n., ) 'nlatas of'ch. :irlchari 3tote. 690 ç' 4... $6-t/jr!. +''1 oz' tsionr ' pn:7lt . -: 1.sre salc1'icsssnct' . Lanrtrito ccrtr:in . wonk , wqté? sErkan . ' I . f 07Q1 x .. .. '.437-1'/*-'VvZ lccir.4&.an ' I -hp , . 1 ' .'1 '0 gr anql. C31* 5' ,.ir4Glonq'r cOq116 .it - Cntmr#P1D. ' . 1.zr?rs. 'e' ,.t.t5 .on ltf-ter thga ap -liccnt ' : 1as t '.zllhtusi-cf1 . al1 ' '- ' . flls nortn. )l 1-c.t' nc-da'.es.from tàe ' 7nion (J?cvs -.leqllc':qt to $he ' -J)1' -on ( z Jovts .ta a.cccrd ncccsr,; ary ass' i.stance to the ''et : rional ' ,.onr-zrr .1lonmr ln ' thfn ma tter. * r ' d 692.F.438-I'Z4r $ ' I . '<. Se1= (,tton o''capJ '-ta1 of the l' ladhya Bhtlrat Puiorl T agprcr lqntq tton from pubi.ic . . , I k j I' ' i ' :.l'cttoral Polls tn co' tlpuc'ction wtth . ,.4.3t' p-P/43 n ï''l f l'1-c'qha' . -r-ti.o1zs oJ'i.L 69) ., '.a p .1 c -'q 'ts onstiozent i ' . kss(?m))2.l 'kc lt' aatslra. Tlnl .on . .-...mc ..on to -' ,,r ln d 694:.1 J.44O-P/417, , b..% I I 'x 2 . j * I . d I A17 .-07r.'rc' -r to l' !. st .r lfi.Fshnt as79 Shri Shob;g KarprRr Bhupv, ji ' I ' ' 3; >1111) of Lllnd: 5 .- pctj.d l-y Jodhpur Oovt .P7o13osc' t? ' ., h o Lhe . q ; ! l; (2 4 1 . ,. .;, . .., ., . -. -. . , i : 6: 4.5.1i'*44.1-P/48 W contlnlhpl' kc' or. the.Bol-d'or lç zeetinj' rs wllich werc he.q.4 :'nn'lally bc.tween t' l' lG rc-prc'sen tpvt13Jt -?7: t)* the Ci0' . ?t.0f L''lr:nr l cno o' .' the Col't: .0f L'ssâm and Manlplzr St,Ate. I . j ' 69G.P'.44.-4-P/4t ,, ? i f 1 69 . 7. ..44. T 5-12/4% I / . - . '' thr- h1: ?jpr:?k'tkic of'57indllya 17radesh. I j ' ' i !. . Power. e J of ' tlne Jka)pramukhs -.flequest fOr dlSctlr.:7ion by j . . I F' ,qqu? ?st f' or a1 '1 ndvance of RlApees OnE lp.lçh by the illi l .x ,s.b of'Daoni Statm.for tllr4 mar)*iatrfl of his eldest (' !. -ughtc-r. i ' . ' . . . 69C? . - ' ' ' F2.447-17/48 Jang'ira l 3tatc- - Dlssolutlon of ' 1' .usl1m i ' 1arrlages ACt . l hir non-''j' np-i-oA r-.g.nt: k; y t11e Bz. bsha17a t: 1ize,1;e . .,r r ' t ' ' ' . 1 r0-P/Q.8W !1Disrcspect shoN/n aco lçatlonal Flag of 1 .ndja in 7t)3..1?.4o . $ .t g' . iB77lca17ez' O vptntc* 4 j % ' ' k ; I . ' eb I I 700.F.448-P/4F =7 . Aopc.al of'Lt.T.S.i4egi: ex-l -tol v8l Indtan l' Iavy a' caj-nst :N 1 1 $ pnd lts a0 .1)lz'cotlon to tlle 3 'tp.te aft6'r mez'lrc,1- w i' tk 5 ilol' nlr y. Jurisd1ctz'on or the State K'cc1t ?slast1cal j Court in m a.tters of reco5:ery of Dower dehts a/1d 1 dlssolution of marrlage. , . . -. ,r' , - $ ' id-lxnpn.t T' rnj-on. . ! 698.iP.446-.P/48 V, A llloTsr ancns to f'p.mj-lies of Rulers of Statcs 1n l'îarlhya - ! . ! e-n-* 6 . . y . /' z :..'j3(.5 .. -.. s..s :- w.ld i. r' ' o . . . . t .- ' , + - .. .. ., . - .. . . -. j g,.. . .- . . .. ' -. - ..- . - - -. * . . . ... ... - . g. o 733 P 451-174% u' 703.1/.4' 53-13/43 taopmlctln'c o rRinct 3uh) Insprctor f' uurmukh Sirrh o*' ' Lhe ' . . v .- . , .. ' . .l .e lj j h'j/:y : , u f . r rlk:5. L' ollce ll'r the ?-tlïntntstr-tor of tho t' latsya T lnion. . . 704.1$'.4, 54-P,/z18 705.F.455-13/41 $ y C. ' .c1%rcr!rOt' tt7ence l'rith Jzalçis#.'An Ot:)vt .about Pathal-' . ia CoreFt;. Lnquiry f' rom the iJatiêtla Ztate abollt ' the Ohmlnrlcl'er lRnçl p . . :ntr'cc. .' .ents of' ';aptain Faghbir of 1(ncljan ztrmy ,. . ! , 7O6.7.456-1 3/48 - 0rp nt (7f a2l()l.r?.ncfAs to lia l'lnatas Rnd 0'thftr 7e)8.t1Ons Of lkulel ': of St' .)tes lnergecl j . . n Dombay. . ' .' . 1 /48dl qrnntr)f nqlovrn.ncf%-s''Lo rajltlatas alnd Otiler rplattv$2s Of th6 707.F.456/J./17 ., u l . ihzlers of Guz'arryt Stptes. l'lergfed in .' Bombay . . l 708.f'.457-13/48 i i ' Irktclqlrz/ anczn repoykt on Prinèo l vfohnmçd Lkram iitza 1';ff'ir:tdl oJ ' thn e7 r ' -Turl k lsh 1 t h l llng f at n ily . , 709.F. 458-P/4 .8 . Countûrrelt coins anâ notes sqized ln thg Travancor'? Stpte 710 .I'.459-P/48 i Policc - oscort to Dr. Pal'achure oJ% Gwalior Stp lbiainrttma Qandini llurtier tc in the case . ''. .. - I' i I . . l 711 .F.460-P/43 I Irzszr?lptl-orl of Ceipt.!febsttnr in-chargc . 1f thm C o de .1 1.P . . t.yiousf a. -'ithdraval C .R.P.c1etachment r tacluqrant' 1.n Gov' . I rom Gevt.lzouse . j ! '.- ' ' j 7l2*1'*'4G)*-P/4I 3 1j.x' at5on of privy purs'e or the llawab of Cambay and thè 1 I l. 713.11 *.462-1)/4/ 7 e, ' ru l' ,c txi ation o' f* tlxm c7r of ?'Ea.2'or Raja . L d ' f;llalindrp. Sinf--hasecy z 0t' . ion . I . m . qt aion of allolrances to the rt lembers oJ! the llagabls . f lesl' aniily . ' I .. . . I . . . ' . iavl' tltala, . J' y bn! t-o cs1 t)ytT:th ' fe :' .lI ' a Jph os an Cay .ltlmna .R1tBl qo ï3itxl.oru ''ingh 17o .n Po lic 0 .dât l.1dFre. , , l . , . 714.P.463-1'/48 1Z' i'rl'ezinrr accolmts of thc llaja of Jubbal St?t;e . 715.F.464-13/48 ' t qeqrlr.st rr-c'nrd!ng e:. -chqnge of ltharltas on thf) as: c'umption of offtc0. by J?.>h; )nranyqkhs of'lJnions of Stptr's. l. . ! , : ... , 7l6 S'465-19/48 . *' * ' gictivltlcs of o:7c Ianteshchandra X.vadalla of LhaTeranagar. . (Jonstltuent lkssrlnbly r . orlnant RaJas than 71 of tiae hag-qsthan Cove rel ati.Amendment of Schedule . 7l7.11..466-17/48 . 201.voters. * 713 -.F.467-P/48 ' ' . 72.9..J?.468-P/4: ng to q:zaltricctions . . éllourbne ls to .the cx-Ruler of Huharanadgp'rh ancl h1s Beglm . l ' tiol) of qfletjn;rptl 7gjllcs nr7' ac :1ote from Art icle X1'X(2) of the ' lya Pr, 9t1csh Covcnr?nt ref-arding d'i' ï . . - I tb .N ti uto f a g.lloAantec' givcn contlnlsance of pension & leave sslpriet Deci6qon ' tL. 3t no fol' mal amondment of'th6 Covenant irp nec,esr iary . hjnntltl)r allovrgncer drawn by the relativf ' . . 720 .F.469-17/43 !Tq'uab of Jaora . nG of tho lqte v # 721 .F . 470-1V48 ' . , . H.Ji.the llavab of Bhopal 's vi lleé J -az ?n6 f'ormatj a rablnst to fltnctton duringsit tht atol' Iawabî s ab on of Cotrcsltonttence between l'ir .l(.C .-frarma or Bhopal sene (). Textile . . Ztl.pn4 Ministry'of Statr)c regardlng Bhonal hl-fairs s . '. . 722 .1ê. ' r. ' r'h by.q. Iances and Govt. 471-1;g4a ïV .oj sf)curj-tios handed ovc'r rt ' tho tj o f n l erger rtllfzangauapalle r !i Pudukkottah..(2lztntes'in m e . H. 14. & (3)T)h ststos $n Patjazva & East Plznjgb st, ntes l Jnj . . 7:3.14 *.472-1. '/4:3 ' . . on . ' . I Cash bnlances an'l tllo investpents madrp ovey by the lkuler , s . . of l''adhs-n Bharat) Vt!7dl'lya'Prradcph and Deccan 3tmtës . N # ' j . . ( g .' f !' '.. - . l r' -. : . ? ' ; , -. . 'e * h.q- M ' . ...--..-. -. . -' ' 4. t$ ''*'''*. . .- - - ..- - - - - '- ' '* ' -*% ' u 1 '. .. ---. - - wl-u . --- ' -- : ' - b 1- * ! - .a .. - . . ' 4?24'' i!'4714-L-/40.,pe- 'Içirtf1-c'-tion oJ cï-1!r8.cttrr ancqx':?An+:cc'!'pn# '' --- ''' ''' )+ 'JG. * * . . . , .. tzv ,, r ? f. )f lzîr C-u2=, ' !,ms qlla1 71. 3 a' kref Akhl *'7 v( .n. J' ' a.8'a 1 p.n J' tfp -i' lctn i18ti 711'9.1#. e . '. - 1 . . 725.Jk% .474t/1r)ïr' , --'1, ** -. ) 72G .1.'.475-9' ./. 1$ 3 ' f -' R . , . /t110*-.?)7.c':; to TI.1I.l/zaharani C'nsy'cdrl ax.patl' t. ! , A2 ' - 11.ac,hibpt ' - , . .. . a 110llts.r an8, 7.0i)ara:'ki Indirc.l as - HoT -7 u cctr or Iine nore . ,l . . # . 727..1. *.477-1' /.zl ntry into Jain Trf'lplps pt Pali . tctna . *5) k* l. c 728.F.473-12/48 1' .C-ast;1111)7tion OC clnarces 875 Lagpral . llulrh OC j : yï'Ahzra:y1tisa j;v . . . ' , . . ' b1lc; Ja.ln . 3a' : t' ïeb 0k% 11ê!I' @JC tn3.f-a 1*. ' , 0C; c, v 729.7.473 u-1/4Pa yeee-IJrp,ns. A r o. j, . gay);. j. j's.j. e: jsfo-.,:jrt. . . 'unqs oy tlne jzqu).er oo j. c uo c . . .- . 7:70.F.4.9()-1'iA3 F' !.emj.s.ktoi 4 of Ztarnp tl' wl Q; on pa4 ., 'mfzntF,of p3.L rt* tf 1 )u2%:1' . a Y,O thC) Fzulers of xmergt t ad l I ' r . T t St3tes. . *' l I .- ?3l.l?.4F 31-1V68 %#- ferl-f'z 'cmtjon nncl antac.cdents of Fatterr làalnrttl A'bcl!11 FT him ' Fallu oP u JoJ' z nnhuëw r ' , , . t: '' ' t - . ' ! 732.F.432-P/4P .a ! î 1 h . . : 1tren1-* th o* / thta o' =Cf' i.c1a1 s ,' !ta1. -f Df 11.è1.the FkqJ-praktlm' n 1 7nr! tk' ïe l t,vs unlon . . Tuf!';1:5t?r or 1 u.ztlaln upt ua.st jnxm j:t), skc , 733.1..4 .1 7;3-R/4cy ' X (1ov'2%l' 'q'n approp1%5 .-ptcad lly il.' v' 1.t:te ex-x '' vaht : trStja ' tl 7.ent Ar-. etlln: !tz . I . of -Eo2-v:L 1)cfore abdl-cation . Donh ztj-on or n-.1o laklts by thc? i'J11(ar of . f0: ,. the conr .trplctj- on chf Hosp1 l'crv1 2equec,tzorvq -tëtl at c ? z c ex -L , f a hc , * . . tra .4 ja.of i70rv: i- . ror t' t'le f;rant o* * a-4 1sc) .1?r6-c. crs1-tiflcate. I ' , '' . j . .. ! I ! 734.1?.48/I z-P/48 'Judir el qent or k the llif ! h Court of Ja1pur i ? ; - z ... e. 'n 'the case tn . ' ghich ),b ' , Chl2-an. z1 La1 Agarwal Prcsidcnt o 6 .. tinqpBar 4kssoc).ytj.on.j Jazpslr and fzve o,thc'rs prere (1Qtalni k ' l. un6er L'n 'c' P77))177c .'.Jccu'nj- ty f.èrd.inance. ' . - he . . ' . . u 735.F.485-P/48 1' Corylaint by 1:r.Jaz'pal 3angh, Pra7nc! . . l.k'1shj- Co1lrfre, J.tll.m'17 gtgaj p.F 3.1 o6. thc llpf j ' nt;t the ter1:21nakioIR of'hl i':; '' ' . . . ! '' 13.6.f'.437-1 3/z' uq . . ,. s' Drviccs by ..! o.l . q' . te w :' j' Atsya gov. t,.. , l'a .ylur-nt o* ctlerrzc;s on a?cohlnt oC Po) ice partjer; r;nnti ' n r h.c 1;y T'-npof-icht 4:.!;tnte . to d lapq' . . -. . ' .3r?.1 ' (y ' ? 't.488-P/4(3 I,Z.-. 3upp,ly of' co1-.1q'r. oj ' e the ob;t.0' f% Il' ldz.a Ac8-.,l935 rts ar2artc, '. ' d by tho 7.ndn.a . ( Pr o v isj o nal r : onstl'Jc'lt.ion) Oq*( tcltctrloyl'rl '..nrlhtz'ssioncrs 3t' ler:1947 . . . ' . ' 1 . . 73o.X z.JJJ: r )-1./48 ' . . j : $ . ltes; and' Unions . . j . C 'on of fm4ds ly&na 1n I Yzo11ectz .1at1 'onal City 7 3'ank of 16e!r ' c, London , 'to t' ac creé t'orl ' T> q.lt t )f Shalkh fkbcm l lk -hallq Kàtn; >nq 1kh a . 8 . s 1 r -l ' t r è in j itl11c!rs o f l(angro7 % D 3nr1 paymc'nt.oj . ' .. EL !r. 8Tlra . f-ror: i'Iy .è).z7.' Jtfl8d .ma.n t3f ? ,Jashpoa1(LinglRnc!). . ' @ . , 739 .Fo490-P/48 ' h/1' zrrnr* .s (?r of k*unl ,s to Paklsta .n by th: z -' lp.a'p 13 of i3ho al . . 740.F.49.1/2/P/48 iqeprcscntatlon J'rom the PkaJa of Dehenkalnl rogortjlng h1s . 1 ,c:'t1 1)rivqtci prop()rties etc. .)ass1 . ?4l.P'.492-P/4. 8 F' lkllouanc()8: for the fanlily t.Prjvr . ofofthe luler of Pathari'3tate Puë.sc J' or the ûulor Pctl tha ri . . . ?42.N .'.493-12/48 1 .uestion o'' x revcrsj.on of Dzkollvaraj l' 4ehta as Secreta:hy malt?t lqlnj.strv ' o q. . ?43 .P.43-4-P/48 . .' : . $ iP . of some Salzrashtra Rsllcrs ln th t rtic theipatton Saurc .e Llectlons x s h ' tra Constj.tuont /kssembly - Political Co' and . ns tz ' tl tj onaï 2 ç, ' . ., -ssllf?s arlsing from . . $ ' ' 744OF'.4Q1-f7/z)8 , Pri vai;cl propprtie:q of Ru)ers of Statc.s in Vinclhya Praderh I J . . . nlon - u)1,otion of' Gettlel nent of tilspu'te. $ ' . % . . . . N ' ' ' . i 1 j ! 1 w. : . b ' .-.- . . V1 v - . . -- .- *k 'o Uo c' - t+ Q - 1.. 'e c'e-e- f? i z -.- > ... . .... . . v u... .... .. . KRI - 2. *. . . . - .. , :N< .. 1 I . - e we. ...- .- - . ... . ....- . . *. . 3* . 745 .JP.4.97-11/43 . s 1 j ' ' #. V Ws .-...-- . . -- . -.. Ql-nnt of a loan of Fe .15 lakhs to Tripura tiovt . zklltngr -çl il'arassmfnnt . . . 746.iP.49fl-1'/z18 ltoyal i7'lk: by :4 lltts.ll.iay Pollcr.of i .5ton Jxir librc'! personrlel fr ten nenr l' yhe lr -arvar Junctlon . . 747.F.5OA-P/4q /' loprgss-lntntj-on regprding rc'f'j zv' ; atl.on of Privy Purse of ltulrrs c)f Vltzdhya Prade ! . t ' . - . sh l lnion iOn zaset thlnt entorcd in Covsnant shall nei th ..bec ))eis j-scrr à émol . nor m ts reducnd for any re ml ason whmtsoever. . , F .sO2#.P./ 4:/ 748.P.ftll4gr.c l cncroaehmcl nt b)r r zrlpura Stctf a tn' to East P8i 4iGtan Tepritory . F.S<>3*-T2t! 749.F.505-lV 43 * :upEti-on of eytending t the l'tevenue llecoversr 1kcti1890 /zx o' the acceding 3tates - Znquiry b y the W.est Bengal ' Govt, . ' ' O . . . . . 750.F.506-t,748 ' Alq ownnc:,8; to ïlnr Rtghne:s Ftak jma . ' ' . oj- Io rsj-ngplrh . 75l.F.5/ 37-11/48 ta Shri Shivlcunelar2'i àppoj.ntmont ot Dpi D ZV . Gwl tama Rao B .k .f0:niorly Prlvgte l yecrotn x' )r to thn PvaJa of Puftukotta,1 atl ,E'- D:istrict >katk i -oninr- t' ;ï-f-j-c:er b, lta ( 'Iac 3).as tk ,,r tl 'ovt. Paym rnt to Barocla Stntc of Somn ath tmlrmlrz ( jiles by the '. Junn 7pd1k statc . i i 1 v . . . . l 752 .F.. 508-13, /48 . . h . 753.P.509.-P/48 W w. ' , .. - I . -$' )a p . ,' joJLz$ ' . * . 754.F.500/1/F/43kz# Lelptions between Jlis 11i ghness the llah arala of Barod & 1tc llinistr'r. Qllservatons 'of Iiis Excellcncy the Oovqrnor , . ' , G/neral of india x. . : f I 755.y-.slo-lv4c.<*- i ' ' II I - ' . . I . 756*F*510/1/13/48v' Q lloqgancos l . .. .. . . to Tikka ét ' ûan:i- (5f Mangal . x , Y ' , . 757.F.5l1-P/48 V llequest from ltao of Kafnta . Ralaula for the grant xof . . - I - ftnanci' nl assistance for th e marriage of his sister . 7, 58% 1?*512-1 3/48 W' Zhootl nc Juncldent at Bithmara Tehsil Varuana i J a ngrur (P; atiala îlnion) r .e rj, f' thre' esultlng in tlae death,oDistt yy, .r. w . ' ., j-jans. . : . . , 759.1:.513-17/48 V lnvestigation l!-.ito the mcvements of Shl to Karachi ançi victl verse near l' ronlDombay langrol ps f' t '' â . . 7G0.F .555-15/48 . . lteport b,r Mr.JoDayal ' a j'irlanclnl posltion of tlae Kolhapur statè. , on tht : . - $ I ' , ?6?.F.5l6-P/48 Ftocufast frcln Orj ssa Govt .f'or increased slzi g).n'nt of an llïl, lvmntj-on or 6 . r( 4st free loan . + Jkppointracnt of (' . ' u . . 762.ba. 5l8-P/48 ' onvnlttee ' clade aralnst certain Ruleto investigate the allegations ro of'3ladhy. a Bharat 4Jith regard ' to cxpcnditure or i rregular tr8nsfer of Stpt; 763. e flm ds. )?.519-P/48 V Transj.t of c.oorzs from Croa to Di 764. F u - kuestton of censorstlip 0.. 520-17/48 #? 'Suspenclo n or execlation of condemned Pfriod of Indopenrlence day celebration nrlscner dllrlng the ) 76s 14 s2a- in/la J ' 'ttatemont - donstitucntJssscmbly ()f India . 766*F@ 523-1'/48 . stlveson tho ' ' ' ' ' the old scale in f' orce b owances to thp Hulllnr family efore lnerger of' Dharmpur 1. /j.kh. . payment sholzld l) the ' , l e on old. scales). , on. ay-lDecisionthatfqradaysjbeforemerger ' l . ' . .- . . . @ ! noyyo ' 7 ' . stj.on oc continutty or p agment or Privy Purse to the 1. %hmraszo.of Dharmpur an: all . ' . 4'' ue . j . showlnf, st.?tes ropresent' ' . .. , . , .N, . ..-!u ! -j 11 t I :. ) y < m i . . ' . # . .. . . j P . . .- . ... . . % ' y 7 . ' ' ' . . , , P; b h' pt e.. t j , . .. ,j..U. ev -. : , 4. yy ., , '. . j ..e. q; ... . * . x.. -. .. .. ----- -' --.. .-. j . ' .A- ' vt . -'N '- , t - ' q , 1-1 j , . j 767.F.524-P/48 #'.àgttntion against the entry ôf R ln Bikaner. Correspondnece wlth aril a temple ' 2.B.ano the into oovernor - General in thls regard . ' ' 768.F.525-P/48 ù ,526-P/48 z ' àanquirles about the whereabouts' of Xa (; 769.:. jetherlands sublect. s uvarso, a . . $' # . l . .77o >-.sz'?-pz48 A Monthzy étatements suovlng zhe nanpo wer poiitton or. thé C . - 5 ' Activltles of l? ;r .t.K:>a1g of Junagadh Termination of ' . the scrvlces of C .K.Ba1g by Saurashtra .oovt. . . y h : . I ' t . é. *' . . . R.P. ' . . - 7?1.F.528-1 ' 3/48 Z With it drawal of Central Meserve Police j'rom Jlm agadh & s postj.ng to lfutch .lo thdrawal of Central Reserve Police from Kutch & 1ts posting to Xemmuch . , . . ., . 772.F.529-13/48 W kuestion vhether the Kotah House - Del14i is to be ' . l . x ' . ' trnati ad as the private property pr the H.ll.the Mah arana of Itotc.s -.raease of the K:tah slouse by the c .P.W.D . x . I k ' . ' 773.P.,* .0..7P/48 & Complalnt from H.ll.the llaharapa 8f Patpa about the' x k'N . impropel- use of the word ''izx- llulerll'tb deséribe Rlllerà . , or merged states . De G ' h clsio!z that the ube of tlie vord s ol s ld be avolde dk . ' ' hN , . ' . . ' . . . . .' ' I ?74.F.531-//48 Z Payment of ?q.2ûj000/- to .the Thakor Saheb of Mull to ' . . '' Jt- i I Keet the marriage expensesz or h1s son. ' $ ' 775.F.533-P/48 Z 'Format ion of a new lltnistry ln Travancore w1th Mr . Tslù narayana sPillai as the Prime Xinister 776 . x .F . saa/lzl v la lHesl natton or l1r.>.Tiaanu Pllla't .,.n:'ezectzopNet Mr . T.K.I ( , àarayana Pillal as the Prime Minlster of Tr/,lancore ' . . j l ï . ? . ' 777.P.534-17/48 WZ Qequest of the lt la of.3ahour Ito see His Z'xcellency d the Gbvernor-oenerûl at Blngélnre-Rejected. . - i I . ' ' . j l . w8.r.s3s-Pz48ee-ordlnances&àctstssue' db)-ilae covernment or u -Biaaruat% j . . 779.F.5361P/48 PZ Wtthdraéal of Central Reserve Poliye deta ' Chamba . chment rrom . , '' j t . i u 780.F.537-P/48 vK'i7ithdraval of C qntral Resèrve Pollce from Bharatpur. . . t. ' 781.F.538-P/48 Privat: propefties dr thè R 7 ' uler of Dhrangadhra' 4 782 F 539-2/48 Xote suppllod tp the Ohl * . . y. . . @ @. . , , ' .> : . ' . allsatlon ofXlserve Bank of Ipdta the Flrst Sechdule of the g - àmqndment.to Bank of Indla'Act- . e areas Lerved by the composltionuReserve of th Specifing the vartous reglsters . ' , , nese Zmbl.ssy regardlng recent developments in i znalan Utates. ' 1 . 783.F.540-P/48 #Z Xat1on ' ?B4.iD64l-P/48 ' Admission of ofriccrs of the Indian % States t o the ' privllag e of holdt ng Govà .or lnâia Eecurltles ln th:ir : official capactty '1 i k i l ' t l' j: u ate mentaïsho Wing agjregate balànce Of secarttlcs heldst in spqci . ryrë by nullng Prlnceso ' 785 .F.542-17/48 FA Budg .et estimatcs '. , . : ' M of t he 1()47, . ys or.ye SW te for 'ïhe yéér . 4g . . . . . j ,. . . . . . ! ' 786.F.643-1h/48 #f Declsion that the'kits ùf Central Resvrve Pollce ' ' j ' î k 1, d . . . ' . . . . ** 1, :. . j personnel statloned at Jailalmer, need not be checked by the Jodhpur autho/jJtlcs it'th e b-bbrder. ' 'h 'i ' . ' j ' ' . . 1 . ' * , , l . . a * ; .' I . ' . . * - k-- *>'u.= ' .I -.e-'* ' A' 1' 'J . ' .j !* ; 1 j . - . j r ' yWn '' 1. '- ''' j i% t -- 1 ' ' . J - .. . . . - - ..- . - - . ' .. . ...- - . -. .. , , . ).-.-..-:- . -,. . .. **2 a . ' . lk - -*i.. . Q10 .- > - 40 - /' ). ' ... . .- . - ... ... . .. - . - . 787.P.545-P/48 g' Is suc of .permits to Musllms in Paklstan for vislt kng . th v 2rs at Sirhincl (Pati8la). . hu v 788.1:.546-P/48 ?Z l 1Yte bf an intervlew dr . R.C.the Oovernor-Genèral ulth . . I ' . ' . ' ' . 1*' H*.the ll, ahalwaj of Travancoré. -. . ' aovernlnent or Madras to lssue a 789.F.547-1>/48 A proposal oc the ' l î otlftcatlon uqdertaking the ltabilttie: of merged ' st ' i . ' . 1 ' . . ' ! ates -.Instructtons tstue d to 'Provincial'Govts.etc. d l ' on thls questton . . . 790.P.548-P/4: ' ' ' . i ' Transfer of eonfidential Records of th States 'àgency to Bosbay Govt. e formér Gularat . % . 7'91.P.549-P/48 < àctlvltles of llana Pakjlj tbe notorious Stara Gangster A o ' F ln Kolhanur * and hl, s ext ernrient from the State. 'l . . 792.l1.550-13/48 V âlleged p'resence.of Mr.l' j iolnallSiny14 Mehta! Ambassador , fieoijlrzate to Holland at ' the lbsetlng adlressed b: Sh ' ' Ja! Frakash Xaraln 'àt Ildalpur ri k . . . 793.F.551.9'/48 ' ' . ' . . . . . Issue of Petrol Ratlon and supply of Kero'sene 01l to '. the Rulers of Covenanting States in .3aurashtra. :- 794: J..553-17/48 ' àc tion t6 be taken in reépiet of'the ewployees of the '' lliàions whose ramtlies ari stagtnc in Palttstan. * y . ' 705.7.554-17/48 d'rCancellation ' cf passport grante; 'to th ' e l' Iaharaja of Bastar by thc Maoras Govt . . ' . ' .e . x * .; ' 796.P'.555-P/48 snqniry by l' liss Margaret Bourke-Whlte of âmrica reg: ' Z''l th e statlls of AaJprampkhs a 'md lnt' egration of St>tes. . $ 797.F.556-8/48 W Style of addrestiof 11.11.the lça'wab' of Sachln %x . j' . ' ' ' . . . ' ' Ju + ' . u ' . - . ,,. ,, , 798.F.557-P/48 W 'Dtsposal of crlrt AX . . x. . , aln personal èffecti or the lfavab' xof nagadh . . ' .' ' . ' ' : 799 .F .5.58-1 7/4j W.' Worlting of Il tporial Dank of India ,branthes tn the vavious Vnions and the validisy of the contrdets ' ento by the States. ' $ ' x q ' . 800.F.559-P/48 Z lctlvitles of l'lr.Rehman an4 Chaola in . of Reh àlwar.Detentlon man ln Alwar by the Matsya Govts , o . . .. ' ' o report e.tc . . ... , . . y .j I. :; , . .. z . . 8O2 .P.561-1 7/48 F' Acttvlties of Dr.J .ll''.llinavan of Jaipur . . . . . ,,k .. , 1 . 8o3.p.s6a-Pz4a v' pyovsston . . ' 804.F.563-P/48 ' Reprsent . ' . . '' ' ' ' . ' j ' ' ' . . . ' . .Ag .ztatzon z . . ' '' '. ' . ' : l n sadlgaontnatja statq' letn viurthya pradesi, tov serger wztla tlaq? Jazanu ntstt . / i 8O617.565-13/48 , .. ' . 807 .è'. 566-P/48 . l i ' ( ' E - . j om the Presliig'nt 'Xnglo-Tndian icltlo . . t ent Xisembl 'y o% Indla. Tk y . ' 5' s ue oç $. collatera' .1 letter to th e R ule' r s O f 1 1 h k R Qr compq .otmd merger agreeme o . etuj.n I f . . nts to the Rulèl's. . , ' ' . . ç . n ùo mmi ttGe,CD hin arainst the nomlnltlon'of an uneducé ted psrson toqConstltu - 8Q8.Fp568.-12/48 . Re presentatlon fr .j .,, j . . .- Mucstjon or kèeplng the jewels or llulers o central placê Jilçe Dclhl. ' r Statpfi ln a . . 1 I , Rtlôn fronl the Jamit-7lmalhlnd Delhl regt , tY . contj.nuance of kazl.system for the !s admipy ' Jus. tlce jn Tonk & ,tratton of JanJ1:a,bvate. t . aoss.'s64'-pzxs $ ' . . ' . . . t l . , j . ' rla rmed guàras at the Hkzaqe or the Maharaja orIdaratoH matnagar. ' ' . ' . ) ;,.. . ' . . . . . ! ' , , Decision th at. whenever C .. H .P v ' i s po' s ted to any place' th authorlties concer e ' i ned shoul: be gixen sultahle nctru cti ons as to th: Hole oê ' the ' C krhom t . R.P.the Offlcer tô 801.F.560-17/48 , . $ . T ' . . .. . ma . ! r X x - -U R G- , . v . f- 41 -'J y t.,j. $ :.... .' ...W 'i : l--- ' . , . j. ' ç . -. '' . '-' .. .. ------ t -. - . 1 El-- - -. - -- u &. ' ' -.. - . -- ... . x .- z 4 auu 'O ! y . .sz... ...,.j, ... .. . -' ' . . W O *, 181 ' - - . ' -i . . . - . - . 'O ' 4D%.F.569-:/484,* Report or the Linguistlc Provinkes (ommzsslonv' 810.F.571-P/48 F Sepabate allovances to the Tlkka Rala ot Xapurthalqr : ' Refltsed. - %' p + ?' L ' 8II.F.$?l-P/48 #d Comments by the Governor of Orlqsa on cevtatn )Q 1 ' provlstons on thè Drart Constitution of Indià , ' ' . . , 1 . . . 812.F.472-14/48 m 'Dlscusxton wtth s'tates mèmbirs'tin co'nstltuent Ass'enilily) ' . * ' ' convention on (1ll'he B1l1 lntrod ,uced ln . Constltuent' ' . . àssembly to amepd Seqtlon 290 of the Govt.of Ipdia lct, (a) Afralis J.n 0ntou etc'. . .. . Ae , . , . s - F:.&.j)jjé '-Fe' tt1 '#', . 813.r.5:3-:/481'' neprsentatâon çrom the Talukadars or oularat states . ' gjmerred tn bpmbàyhviews or thq Hegtonal commlssioner regardlng thP polièy to be ptlrsiled. j .' . . . 814.17.574-:/48.e 'Hotc pere5ra,.care lç p by tiae Travancore Govt-on nrs .'k'-tl-. * ereq.ra vcttuead,.chittatum, kiu Post. ' . 815.F.57t-1 7/48 W 7kuostion of exenlpting fro% Income Tax the grattjity of * ' 1 - - r.5oo0/- granted by the .Governmènt of Bombay to Dewan i Bahadur à.lf.pradhan, ex-dewan of Mudhol'-Rejeçted. ' , x 816.P.576-P/48 *< Inventory of privgte'propertles of th Ruler of w e . , ,' . .. , , Gawantgadlk Permlsslon granted to the Ruler of G awantgadito sellcertatnGecurlties to defray the exponses cpnnected ' .- &F1th the marriage or his'eldest slster. ' z Home Mlnister Mysorc state. , j e ' $ I J. ' .81, ..F.5t8-P./48W l 8 ieprse ntatlozijr egardinc*.Rthe payment of olra x'à .N1.xlowances to thf a Mahar:t llumars o:) 8!piplà. . j j l - . . .. . , ! ... - . su . . - j19.F.579-P/48Z ' kues' tlon whether the protùction given to state servants . ' 5 c ol a aotd done or purporting to be done ln the execlzyolon ' of their d ' lltics w1l1 pre aEn d: uir depabtment alfl ' b in taken agoins t tl ienlcl -ly 'by the laction ady' as qbvtxN . . l ' I . . . . . ! - . u e this t; :. ln regard. . q . ' . o 'k ' . . . I 1 . 817.F.577-P/48 . Copies of intercefted corresptnoence , recAikpd fromith . l i . . 820.F.580-//48 Nr Payment of penslpn or Fr. ?50/- to Shri Rao Bahadur ào ( Savarinatha Plllai retired Assistant Commissioner of Ineoye-tax, Puoukkottai by the Xqdras bovt. % j N. . . . , I' 821. ' F..581-17/48 W Inforclatlon regabrllng allol/ances'drtlwn by His Halesty . j . . e proposod.anendmqnt of sectlob :90 of thp . ovt. 0f Indâà àct. , , .. . . . . , . k y ue' I .. 4 : aa4.F.s8s-p/4a,A partztton zg 'tlaq movalnle jo'tnt laoupeuold prop' erty or' t / W or have.been integratèd :. z1th Botbay Provln o f c h a n g e l n p r o c e d u ce.lueàtlon re o ' f qn th Budv get pppvisjop çohsûqvleqt è: . . jj . $ J : I ' ' . j ' Detention of certain Afghan Xationals 1n the Mysore Stat Accounflnj'of transaqtiöns ofr states whlch havp Me>ged . ' ' l . . 822.1P.583-1l/44 '823.F.484-P/48 ' ) 3 I ). etc , 1t. cJpramtlkhs o ' $ ' the King . R.b.the Governor-Generql ' ' , yGoverno: and'the . b . i' . ' . - the late lagirday of Dhu/vrai . t. fl .' 825. ' F.586-P/48 !' . , ' Ques I tion of repayment of Jubhàl State rovèrdrafts'wtt 'he' I . . mperlal synk and Qrlndlays Baràk. ' .' ' . 5 826 . I , BcegjAluak state to S:JJeda Xashln l' bdul kadl . r'Shaho j 1.. , 827.1.588-:/48 e. penqtonary charges tn r ; . j . F.587-17/48 F Restorgtlon of Darga Sharlf Pdsul iihahiéfl Cip lbbrl)i ' . .% x , , . sy h-R-srynlvasan ascues. ect ye ralo r,or pudservlces uçkoïtal s thderqr ateMuipepî , . . # . a k. .. .I . '*. I 1 I p s ' ' ,. mo , ! * * vv< xe'' ' .. ' M '- < *'* ' ' ' M*'VC ' . , . , ' - . -1 . - .4' y .' . rb ,' , D ç . .- .. - . ' . . ... * . %= . AF 'O ' . . ë -,3 -'#j '7rk, .. .,, . .-... - :. ' ' : . -. - . . -'- ' 'W . . a I , --. - . .- . . .. ...- - . * :28.F.589-P/48 Vd Accounts of B r. w aroda trib/te due from the Statgs in Kathiawar cnd Qùlarat. . q j ' . ' . , ; , 826).F.s90-P/48 W Apendments to tiie Dztart Constitu Tlon of Indâa Proposed i by llls 'Illghpess the HaharaIA ot Bikaner ' 'Stptes reprqsentativbs. ancldertairt' ' ) . . . . ., ' . I . X ' *' #' . ' J ' 83o.F.59l-P /48 . Reprsentatlon regardtna the closure of 13a ' ' Az sylhmtand :hagwjttsirkt' t.sahibâ jl 0rphapage ln Oondal. 831.F.5t2-17/48 X k 'uestlon of Indltlsion of a suitable'proviplon ln ,'the . $ .A < ' . ' * . . ' ' I ' 't . . N '1 . , - ' w ,. . ' ' ' ' . . ' ' . . constitl ltion of India .to smgeguard the rlghto .that h ave been guaranteed to the zplers under ih . ngreements or thQ dovonants. f?me' rjeiv'' E Dlsposal of Sheri Jùands by fl.H.t.he Mahara . .è , s . : 832.F.59b-P/48 ' # ' . ' . k . . . . j .j a oc liolhapur ; .+r'z 833.F.594.- 17/48 K'àcttvzities 1n Ralputa , r s' j of Kauri-l ihaniesj who opted for ' i Ralclstan Army , , . . . . . ' . 834 . ' j ' . ' : 17.595t12/48 ##' l:osting of C.E.P. to Deesa to Et î frontier llne b rengthen the existin' g ''' ween Paktstan and .India ln that ar4a i and to prevent 'et the lnftlt . '' . . from Pakt:t eratlon bf undesilaable persons lrav. ra 'l of Ceryral Reserve Pollce%- .. 0 . . rmm J ;eesa . an. Wttht . . . . q . . j 835.F.596-//48 ' lleqllest from th j . e Vi ndh ya Pr ades h Govt. for. advice u xz whether Devendra' lkagar Tehsil should b . . ' c ilà Panna or Satp.a Dlstt. N . 83d.F4597. -17/48 .. .. . ! x %ravelling allowancet for Justlce R journey to Delhl from 3opbay and b . S.Bavdekar Tor his . with the Seralkell ack in corm gction a and Kharsawaù enquiry . N N ' J ' ,837' .:.5:8. -1 2/48V Jagirgrants to Rulets in 'H4p.A'llenatq.ons ttatlxezby f , ' ., Puqna oçKotiand nuler orBaghal , l. 838.F.599-1 9/48 ï ! . , ' ' . Agitation agalnst th r/ ' 113JaGthan Union'. . x. . ' l . ' o mergcr of Dlkàne r v;1th the ' . : ' . . orl' Iayurbhanj. . . , 5 ' ' . . 839.1P.6oo-P/<s Z Inventory ojnthe Prlvate Prop'erty'of I1 . th' e 'j ' . . . R.thcMaharaja j - 840.11l.664.-17/48* ,!:B anni athelypôi'tof tl de'neg .spa. ' ' '.j publis etl r't Xara per Davàn printed an' d , . ' ' ' ' $ . I a. 841 f'602-11' /48 < ltep chl'. '. I . . . rcentntlon rpon' t lo.tllal' 'Iç@ shah ror the handl j*. @ l '#:' o ng ove sf'Dc.q,sot x g- donated.by th: Ltinawada Ruler to Gandht marlç pnund to ' the Ganrltai llatlonal l'lemorial li Aund Co= itt , . z ef ., ' 842.1$.603-1/48 # Ikecovery of- hliadlco-Le'gal Tees. . p.referre d by Baroda l dtrtteJ' .yf , 843.I % 11'.604-12/48 .V' Lnqulry ab oqt the whcreabouts of lfrpArjan Slngh . . . - . . ' ' . ' & bast Punlab States Uhi on . :44.F.605-P/48 QG Jlcsettlement '! Patiala , , ' .j . ' r . , . Khkllfa Syej Maqbo .àhmed, sajjadanashlnj lu za ahartr of , sirhindj an: his ramlly at g' arhlnd. . 845.F.606-:/48 we àrrost or IbraEnlm Khan ; L 'Public Sar , P1r or iiàpur under the Bih ar Regulakiojjs jjoy h:tsj âlleged gubvers1.v; j. actlv:tjesety ''' .. . - ).. . ' . h . . . #' . - Y k 846F.607-:/48Z 'àcts isztjon or a pzot or l ' , ( ' l uby yhe ancl b, t lletvmralbhopall j ;lndoce Cathollc lllssj - -. . , . . , on. ' ' Ltd. . . I ' ' 847*F.608-17/48 'Z àmendm ' 848 . . , ' ' ' - h 1 . ! . ovenant of f 'p.tia)'a $1& tast Punja' b'ssate's vnjon . . . . ,, k ent of ârtjcle Z .of the C ' l . .' . -. ' . 'L .1 ' , ' ' r #.6(!J-P/48Z jjs oj.drc uejyjf. sta rtjs clju' jjj ortheCo 've' n 'antoJ'I la. tlala) j . I l . , % . y , * . l $ I . o .. . ' . . . . . . . ' ' F'' ' ' Q . u ' . ' ' v . .. . .. . . (t. ... ,' ' ' .. . u v , ' .x. . j. - j . ' . , * .. -a, . a. ! ..u ! l . ' , . . - > . . '- , . i ' I i . y . . ..:--j .. I . ' 4: . $Jj... .( ' ' . . . . -- -.--.-- !! . j .,. , a .. '' . ,. ., - . . . e. ' . . . .. . . . 2. x-: . , .- 3 ' lol- . - ' . - - - - , . , 849.F.61o-P/4a y/ ïleported pashtrlya swqyam savmk sangh acttvitics at . ' . 85: ' ' cancellation ur passport or Hr- ceorgo T-Ktesnerere . altas .Mrmoeor:e 'Thëtsnqr egeè ! an Amèrtcan sational, D irector or the Pva7putanasaurashtra a lnanartng ' . , Côrporatlpn. . ' f IOCa' lilln Of th, k uae t!sjt on regMr tlinl tho tl yl cg youaz gosszo sjnoneè or Vihdhya Pradesh. 7.62.1-1/48 . >. ' ' . ' I ; ' j X 851.1?.612-19/48 l 1 ' . r )hc aaf lquarteliOf . ' 1 ! I 852.1:.614-17/48Z l ondlngktp of' the' i'pavancos'y''Trd'd.eComplsslonêrs office at Londoh. ! 8s3.F.6A5-P/48 Z , Freezing or Oovérrrent Securlties he1, by the najq . of Bamra. #' 4 854.P.616-P/48 #' Electton of Colmctl of Rulers ln vfndNya Praâesh-' ' 855.*- .617-13/48 Z' 11eprsentation'from Punlabl vlllegers of lialt vchqtk ' Barpna - Rhehvala B'enwala etc .&n owaltor for the yrotcction or thei.i- llvp: ?: pr ' zjlerties. . '. , , ' ' 856.F.613-P/48V P of provoc.ativo' literature against Bhopà)' iubl Itcatlcn lfeuspapers n ndlan . . ' . , : 7 . .. 857.P.619-P/48 Z 'Jvcts.vitlqs of Pakistan àgents 1. 14 States and Vnions.. '' 858.7.6: 10-1' /48 C Ap lc lh ea rn edOo ha vt rassmi ant.ofHllitaryPqrsonnel' bythe . . . ' u j 856).1?.62)-1)/48 W Slhgl rpstioriby th/ a Pl'emipr.Of Contral Pro' qinces and * Berar recqrdn lng Rulor 's lnvestments in Intlps t' rtes. . '' ' 1 . . . . . x..- . - ,r . 860.F.623-17/48 #' ' Advqnces l' ly nlyaner Bknlc, Lohars'Alwdmstiohap u-ttatt . . - Y tD1*8l' ' lteO. F1. .- ' î. ' 86l ;F.6a4-P/48 * l)rtvpto iaro 'perty or il-fî-the Maha 'rao' or Kutch .. ' , 862.F.625-13/48 W -l' iemorandum f'l'om Ytidhishthir Zishre) 1.!.C .â.for the '' ' . . ' ' . . s fzttlng up of impartial tribunal to investigate $ Orissa Rulêr s claj.m vith regard to private propèrtirt: and discontlnuance.of allbwanyes to their rela tlves o' 1 . . . , w>y *- 863.F.626-P/48 P apnm ntBoml toMaàr.y.1)' .P ,.se trm, a ,Solicit or. o!dthby eChim erftral Govt .in for the servlces renc it err ..q tn Poonp.Câ.v1l sttit è1o k1362 of . 1941 '- . Vithalrao Bantapratlndhl v: .8etlretarx ôf States for Ipdia . . llaintenancc allowancer to kr.7.. P.Pratj.n1dh1 from ' j ' j ' the àundh Durbar 864F.627-13/48 W . l ' r - ,, .... Payment of R.lO0O/-'and Bc.24,jQO0/- as coppqnsp.tion . to theltahûraj' a or c,j, ralior and Hala Mohendrà,llan ' âr . ' . . e' a . . ,. ' ' - j ' . . ' , t nm ,.a.' .' öD7.F.6SO-P/48 K l'Iotlrl ftul/s of Lxecutlvp Bussiness Of Unions of Stato . I 868.1:.631-//48 <' Proceedlngs of themeetip. g of thc Presldlzp of the ' ' ' aç' fnited Stote of Saurashtra . . . ' k 8690 1?0632-P/48 e Transfer èf shart 't held by Hlà' the k. )lato hlghhos: l . ; ! . . M ah arc a tjgl a' i j .n l s.stl h ki egh Sn ai er s js t-c th lu edFi Co a hu an ro tr jà ydh Cl iu pa bg 1 'j Fr nnc ej inof fbaI ya our of , l' 1phendr/ Balaadur of Pa tlala . '' . ' ' ' . . ' . W =.. I - ' '. . . d ' '. 865.F.628-P/48 F ûecovery of arreaurs of trlbutes dl xe to'Baroda.fr. om . , 'FJestern Indla and Gularat Stlteb. . , 866.F.629-P/48'K Movements of Jemadar àMih,uddin in Jalpur. ! I I 1 ' . j .- . Fllnfçh, respecttkèly. . 1 # . , . . ' . '. . ' j .. x . ' z '. . j '' . . '. P ' j . I I . . :. l . - - I ' - . F #.. -. ... . Vt CQ... . ', - j . . . ..- ' . . .. . .- .. . .. . .. .. .I 4-L. -. ' . .<.4 #6 . 2. ...- '*' . ... = - . . 1 . - j .z, .. .- RA;& ': >@ . .. . ' .. ' - . '' '' -. R< . V ..--, -. - * . '-P/4s V*àllega. tlons Against the former Patipla State 870.i-.633 $ 't . aul -j horlttms , D'tatt 4 of recuyee Ealmuloanrq whj.le in l 'A . ollce custo4y . 871.F.6r4-P/4g Z Contribution.payable to '' Govt-for.mRlntalplnn ttûe âssam . political relatlons with the Xhast States . 872.r'.63:-:/4: . Allotmnnt of lands ln Patlala & 'East Punlab Ztatës' . l ' 1 t . ., , A' '' $ I llnlon-àlleged creatiou of Zaptndarl in Patfala Dlstt. ' Parmc nt of penslon to Mr.l.iohalnmed Sâid) retire vet6.rqinary d Sùrseon of Ambala Dlvisto'rj, Eatt Punzab at the Qtlrgson Tp 873.13.636-1$48 ' ., ( # ' ' .. , , . . kasury . ' . . . X874.7t.637-P/48 ltepresenation froln the offi' clal Asslgnee, lo rachi for th c parnlent of,D-.3,57O in insolveùcy caGe l' lo.17/46, rmlating to the ffrm'Bharumal Peoonal cf Slntl ln xxr:x respt:ct of property owlled by thcl!l in Loharu. ' 075@l'.638- :/48 Le' glslatlve actlvltj:s in Ja'ipur. '' . . ' 876*12*639-P/48 l Sayçr lhalçur 'of Bhalti,gp.i'h a fcudatory or rights of the ' . the Dhas st , ate. . w 87#.F.d40-P/48 W I omploymo'nt of l.faJoliA.B.T)avy in Bhopal Stqte. . ' 873.1'.641-1:/48 < j 379 . . . h jo;thf ainformationinresyect'orCltatqs .. z . . ' @pa .f'-644-P/48 tZ Property or one tachzna / x .- . . n aingla.a .zkesident or iGtwtaon I dfalanyTahstl slrhlnd , Patiali ''ahd at present 1n, ptentlon ln Shanghat. . . ' 8B2.1'. 645-P/48 e*'Proposed openlnr of a Poltce Traininp College f' 6rR . - . ' ' , P.e()uest from thq Edifor, Stctesckan 's Yttarx Book,:Loncion x . ' ' - . . 88O.iq.643-2/48 6 'i . rlvr llurse or Zamindari by tho Talukdars of Vasavad. ( . . 17.642-P/48 if Deçisipn rcgarding %hc Vlgnlng o'r the lgrefment ror P 1. K . ! 'qpol-t on the Adlninistrol-ive Intcgrrnztlon of Salzrachkra gny on by Mr .M.J wDesat. . . ikqjasthan at Chltorgarh. ) 883.17.646-P/48 ' <. ' ' % N'. . ileverslon of Janki 'I' iath Sahat, Collcctor of Bharatpur . lnquirjes regardlng thc k/lnereabouts or I'tr.EIma1l 884.F.647-P/48 W I ptllssaj.n Soorthy o:s Braiyafalua9.Bantwa. 885.F.648-P/48 ) ' . - . . . '' ' Iiîqhts k'Prlvlletps öf éulers. 'Points ratsed by'the - - . tlrj.ssa uovt.regarding qxemptiqn mfto: n arms Act , quest lon oc Ou ardj Whcn Rule r r o abroat l and paymc f ' 1 1 ( ' i t nt. ax @ ' ' '' ' ' O 0C1 , . F 1 886./.649-//48 Complaint against thc beh orfl aviour of Btlaspar State C clals from a rgpresentative of !4/s Bhalla Shoé h 9. Kanpur. 887 . *F*650-15/48 * Flxation,of pri:ry purse of th' s fîuler of llllasptlr IGsue of a Colzatcrg.l letteb to the'Blzler of Bllaspur ' . Clue stion of represcntgtlon of V'laqpur lp th: onstitlzerlt A sszmbly of India - /1 I ' sndlan otptes Tr-n e l . . G '. e. m, u-o *jayyb /oj!. k.w. ,. 888.F.é5l-P/48 * 1 -..1h 1; 'sontativc 11 dom Intcgr,atl'on u-opr3 he Tnlted 1-1 :1731 f ' Myso rc ' ' Tv nér . adfp Commissfonqr s . 1 . ' organton tion with iligh Cornmissloner s commercial E t s ablisl I nment. ' . TC rs rv 'ting to f,lae p *vy ' e r'vate .. k . ' X u rlro:C CS O . .1.tlng J . ab $C )achin.QueS >J. ' OnD f ' . A ..., 8ù* ' j * I'Cu - D , . . . * . . ' 1 ' . ! A , f ' WW @ e - . w , -. w ; x. .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. x . .1 .. . ) . . . .. . $ . .. . . . .. . w l J tc .t i 1. '. .. . ('' ... . . .. ( I- 4, 5 -1y '2e i 2. . .. . ... ' . .... . .- à . ' .- .- - - .. . . . ' ?' ' .' j / u - - .- . . ï . .. y... , -. t. ..... .. . ' ,. x.. ' y.v . s y . ' . -889.F.652-17/48 Z 'l'a 'attcrs relptlng; to thc privy pur ' ' ' 11 se, prlvate '. propcr.ts.es ofl 1s iltghness tbe l làwal.l 6f Sachlft. ?lcstlo'n . o Pf lnalntonqnce of the Durgà.h Shariff ($f Hazrat Sanda Jali in 'Jachlll. ' eam rar Plr Bhtkan Shrlh ' l'ransfer of the ntll'e rekenues of the yllla' ge Bonand to the Dentor . . Boglzn Saheba of Sachin. . + ' . 80:.F.6, 94-P/48 Z* ' kucstion of sigélnc of an àgreement by thc Dancs' ' $ . . , ? . . : ' . Chtefs f' pr lssue or as order km der' sectl6n'2: 9o-er the covt.of Int èj.a Act,lrlat. . ' . #' .- . ' . 891.17.655-13/48 l' îomorlal f'rom l1rggatilal ll pltrohit agalnst the taking over of the Power llouse . 4 pipla by the Govtvof . at Ral Bombay . . - ' ' . ' , . % ' ' ' 8:a*F* 856pronosecl.prosncutto' n or Lfr.àvN,Anantar,î, ex-llewan or . :/48 A J ' j awhar for alleged ' conspiracy t'o col' fi mit fraud i the Provlncial Govt . nvolvlng into a loss of excise . xt: revenue. ' . u . . . . ' 893.17.657:-P/48 < Loprodlâction of currency & Bank V tes and cbuntilrfe1t . , . coins ln lnclian Bfates. 894.F.658e13/48 . lteprcsentat1on by the'Poaja of Akalkot regarding . t1: .. . ' . ' ' agreement enterad -tnto betveen the Akalko' t State azd. tho Pryl ' niel - Disttller y Chemlcal Workst 895.F.659-P/48 ; y : ttlestion of grant or fêmll:z allovanc(: t.o Yhe ex sccklrlt# prisoncr Jarlab MdgBashlr Ahmqd Khan of. ' Jodhbur State. . 1 ' - ' > ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' 896.F.66/-P/48 * ikeserve fuuds of the Inteqrated Statcs . . / ' ! 1 . Co . . . . ' . . . ' , î . l ' 897 .F .66l-P,/48 e' Constitution of an z ltqh)Paymcnt ry Col1hèll 6or lttx L oJ'T.ak.& D .A . to thokdviso s membors of thè Kutch âdkl tserlr uncj-1. ' . s , 898.10.662-P/ 48 W' Bt atentents showlng z 'krea & Popullttl.on of Su tes1 'lalllkas 1 etc . ! 1 1 in Ghhgarat tha't havc :1th.nr merjrcd wlth Bomba i'rovjrtcf y ?p or intcgrpted to Jorm tlne United State of baplrrtshtr i ' . . 899.F.6G3-P/68 E . . ' . ' . kucstlon or termination o; bual J'urtsdiction over Oh ' andod.of H.IE.the Mc akmrala of Baroda and Rana of . . l'Iandua - Dropped in view of merger of Baroda and llandwa . j.n nolnllay . 6 . , . . . * . e . ' 90O.17.664-13/48 Z Cash disburseMent and gifts made by H .H.thr? l'faharao of . q ' . b , Kut c'hgikxphange or the hanadhèra W khel for the Changalra l' lav: t lîakhal.in the prtvote prop ! the Maharao of Kutch. e'rty of H.11. ''; . ! . s . I 9:2..17.665-17/48 W l ' l a mes of Secret arïes of various D ' leladhya Bh epa/tments of i . . j ' i ' I ' z -. ,: z . ! 1 i I . j . -- w e '' . . ' . : i . amjndari àgreement . . ' . , 903.F.667-17/.48' < kllestjon reirardj.ng th: oction to )a0 take n by the , R . . ' 6 Dth ewan of'Jalsalmer qgainstSany by ' ' o Prrtjtt Parlshed ln the ' tata gitgtlon launched . I . . 1 , . 902.F.666-1'/48 PA Statcs & Talukas of G nlarat St merged ln Vombak. p have executed Pates Zrovincq kJLiyh 4 rfvl Purse àgreement and i - arat Govts. ' - k - , 904,F.668-P/48 ?# Payment of Mandi State O ,. 1 verdrafts. ' .905.F.669-//48e Reprrsentntions frbm the Ilùlers ; 'of S , . and ' Kharasgwan ror tl' te increase o'r privye*aikella '. purse . . , . I j, . . .. . ,' . , kk , ,.9o6.e.67o-p/<a 'e''paym ent orsposttn amounts to the upltod krovlnces bovt- ojf ' . accoh hnt of g the aprovaznczal 'Armecy constabula' lv to Tetlri-oarhWal'. ui ' . A ' . . . . . h '. s. '' * u- ,, ' -. . '' ' '. j ' 1 '- œ--- '''- '''-- .. . . . % .., . 1j -'e . f - ' y ji @ :5 , l <' ' * '- '-''''''' '-''',''''-'-'-' '* - l r v I ï j l l l , r r . . l' (' ' . - f . .f -;' ; -46. /-' . . .1. ' N -%.. . j .. ( ' . . .( .v y! . . ' .' ' 907.17.671-1$/48v l t npr csf nnta. ti nssr crr ardlng1 ncl'easo1n .' y,rivyP' Jrse f elj ot f Orissa Rl zc lcr - Case of I falahandi. . ww. . ' 908.F.672-P/ 48 V O ovt.of Inrlias request . f'or lnfornlation Y'egarding, . Leglslat ive Actlvltif,s in States & Pnions. s . 9œ .P.673-P/48 ' ' Parment of penslo' n to Hrs.à.ly t.Roblnson by the Jambughodp . Stabo. . ' , 91.t. .P.674-P/48 ' . Payment of callantry allokfance to Sultan Mahammad 'Ktnan retired Sllbedar of oangpur Pollce Force .gecision that thlg slnould be claimcd th'roagh G'' ovttof Paklstan. . I '' Al. . j 1 . .' 'L'rrangn.rnfpnt for lnspectlon.of-finger-prlnt by the . 91,3..F.675-17/48 ' . ' 'l VhNingnr Prtnt Bureauj AJmer ln lia' Jasthan, M.Bhp.r8tj ' lndhya Pradesh ' and Bhopal. .. ' s11*lp*(5vo-pz4, e sllp.a-so..zvhs-'? o' O .'3.F-50 v . q j A . ' . 913.1:.677-17/48 A ltopresnntptlon from' Shri Ardha Chandf'a banf trpee regt k thc allerrt ' . 'd cheati.ns by the Dtm 'carpur Banlt'. -'- . e . ' ' . . . ' 014.1P.678-P/48 . Ce aln mattors relatjnr ko the Private priperty of H. rt H.thc plaharana of Vdalpur . 91, . I tion of the Jaglr and cash allol.rances to VoS. . '$.F.679-P/48 W lt lestora i matsinhëi Carsinlasj.nhji of Rajpipla. 916.F.68O-P/4 8 l' fithdrawal of the crtminal , C ivilz revonue and admlni': - ' . . . . 'm . . . S trativc . powerc of the feqd. atory Jaglrs ' of Kolhapur . .. + N 917.10.681-P/48 W Budget l$stima tes of : the 'Central portion of the St,3tes Collective Account,l949-l9.50 . ' . . I / 17/48 lf àundh State Constitutlon lct. 918.F.682. ' . F.683-1 7/48 e Iteport . , -.J .ïleca: lj C .' .) t.E ., 5 .C .S. . , 9l9 ' - v-' i l '' j Xu . 'N byl. ir onSheadmlnlstrativeinte'gratlonoiRalustlaan ' . - ' - . 920. F.684-P/48 e '1. 1ott)p .repared by . Shri' V.'rf.llrishnariàchari ilewan, Jaipur, . ,. ' ' . ' . I . u, . s . gz: .' , v .,.-. ()f'11.H,the ys .aharaja of Baroda. j ?. 3.- ' on the Report by Sjrl Shivràmékr' ishnan roga 'rding accoùnts . . r . ep. tq , ' . yjs- . ' , o vanagar. t ' . . F . . . j e. '' ym . f*ca h co 4 s by emliwlur içon-r sdi ' l & ! furlsdic onal ;îst.tes an' +uk . . i . ' s , ' 1 rns p : ! t of whl 3Mal hjnr sfl-c-tiozl i-s exer ised yzctbe 0o èh the re l( 1 v .f '..scomanrt,'o, f Bpjt'sJa Tribu es roda - '' r ibuv s & Tm aga j nd l r. #m ' . jj by Bo llay i SauTarKt/a D'ecövery and arr zrs ' V P..- . . - . . . . ' . . . . . 923.17t. z /W / . . . . , , ) r ö. - ' . c. * . .. AI: (.--v: ' w t) ' g , .. ? 't' . : r. u I . q . ' 1' +, . . . # . j .N .t ' , , ' . j . . . . . - . . , . , l ' .a , ., .. . . v. j . % . , j q , . ' . I y, . . ., I . t j : . I .l . : . , . . . ,. ( t .l . ' % , . ' ,,'i.. i. #. '' M ee' - # C & . . j '' ' ' . : '' ' . ! j : ' . . khxr. 61f t. e' .. 1p% /'---Nsi v . ' , ' ' tt' k. s,' -,.ys/ '' . . j . . e tv -'.''N-- ..w . d j . I . ' l : . , . .ON . l i ' . ' -w , . . . ' ! . : #*., . t . ' . . - . ? l ) . .o e: ! ( . t , . J . . .. . u -' ' j j. j q * @-.s 1 Lïst oj-jfiles o' /2')J ni 'tltr of,st te ,& .Po .'t'a . -k 6 . :N . De,r)arthlx't B arsè f'or'th' éar 19 . k'2 j ---... ' .. . ----.. + *)..#-.- .-:-: -- - ---. . .- - .z .. .. .' . . . ' . . $ .. .z >- . . . -.. . - --, . > .- -. . +' , - . - -. . ;qe. . . .. : ' ' &. - .-- -. .. .- - - .- --- .-.. . . .. g. l.6.A-P/,49 Private Property of H.H.the lvlaharaja'of Bhavanagar. 2.F.l/1/P/4$) z ' Payment of cash contrlblltlons.by Semi-lurlsdictional and. llon-lurisdictional l' Sstatos and Talukas in respect of which the reéldual jurisdictlon 1 s extnrclsod 'by thè .. oovtoor India .Açcôunts of zritlsh Trlbutes m ' Tributes & junafsadh Jortalbl paid by spqrodq ' zolhbay anc) Saurashtra - Recovery anç) arrears . A 3 .P .l/2/P/49 I i l'lepresrsntatlon from P.li.7a 'savda - late Chief Just1ce of Junagaéh in regérd to rFtrenckment and compensa,t'ion. ' 4.P.1/3/P/49 3aurashtta RaJU leview . . ramukhs Periodlc f 5.1:.l/4/P/4g V* Vlsit of'Mr .D .ii.llrower j l' teglorta,l Inforn' tatiozt 0fflcer cf the British Ihformallon Servlces, Bombay to Ralkoto 6.F.j./5/14/49 i Z Report from btessrs.' J Jrambaklal'llmqdch'and Xehta regardlny unagadhvorc linatice to jrovi:ct'ror 'the'vesting pf certan.n propGrty situat ed in the Vnited State'of Slw rashtra 1 allcgr?d to belonglnn to the Begulnb of the Dava;b of -,.. Junaçadh, in the àdmtn' istrator of the State of Junagadh . Publlcata'on ln ' thê Jlm agadh State Oagetfe otx the resàlutions and procecdings of thcr mecJting of seven elccted reprr;entattzes * - o . 7.1?.lz' ?zp/4s / l , , j . 1 kj. jjaugyyoy to t,yja Gransfer of the property of ex-. hékh qj'. ovt.Dcclslon rega'rdlng Lbe Sharas of ltethari ' Jextlles Ltd . held tn the nqt l l e of i ( . Lan l s.ilamida Begum.Sahe' b of $ ryola 'xN . . -z/49 e' ayy: Rf s N . 8.F .A/8/P 3gln(?Ft from Daurashtra oovt.to issue a .llotifxlcatlon allowing th':lz> Pollct to ptarsue dacolts ln P, aroda tcl7ritorie.s . '. ' k - A . ' g.p.1/:/pz4* %##' bykcFkpnlrc of coutt nrit)s betveeh àdmlnis -; ztrator 'Junagadh . 1taJpramukh of Saurashtra antl Goverhor of Dlu, . lo.P.l/lO/P/40 .e' Allowanecs of the R' . xJpramukh of Sauras htra Union. ê %: X . 11.F:l/l1/P/49 .Uw ' onverslon of Mangrol and l' fanavadartAdmlllistration'of propertyl /kct 11 of 1949 as a centra ltct froln ihe mangrol ordïnan and manàvadar(àdmlnlstratiop ofaproperty). ce ) 1948. '12 122/2.3/13/49x . *' * j ç. ,. a : . ....... S tl 'onDo> et,hc $'2,? , (0al J$ q-of h an' Xal N 'îS'3 ùS .cues fh gr at - ea--lm lep o. f Morvj. lo.T kanc(:to 11all.fakhdirjl . . j ? 13..1?.l/l4/P/49 k# Prjv>tm Property of ll.ll.the Jp m Sahcb of içauanagar . l4.>n.l/15/P/49* . àppoïntxent of 1!. 11.thc Tplpraàukh of Saurashtr' a as the . . ' ',z Jp l/,q àdrtnlstrator . é.i/'Tj'/-'' Jtmacac lhl kdmin'lJ st ur nac ta io dn htp rr oo rpc th rt ey)naArs se1s9o tthe co t, 48(U V1 of 1948. )s.1?.l/18/iy49 W ;)8uraslltrn lijnsstersnl . - x . . Acçatrs . z6.p.)/al/p/49 ez lsilrratlon of Muslims or Jlmagadh to'Diu . / l7-:' --zzcazlv4a A +T rqnsfc1*rp oftztdhoi l'lalattl arz hi tarja vjllage.f'rom Saurasht ci KutclA'g v dJ -- jz e ' l8.F.1/23/13/49 Pl cotostat èop1c!s of' tgte Sauro.shtra Supplementary Coverzant l9' .11'.p/a, v p/4a z ''Appolntment of hkr.1(. 'M elhalp as Puisna Jtzd' ge oj e:'S ' . ' f tliE:h Court. PG J ' 20.15.1/25/P/49 F :1 J)'r 4jj;o j.g 'z . aurashiw t-r: . . s. rjuylyys j . .o a yxu yyyj.uy,yjju - ' , ' . . , . y v % * 1 . ;, - a.4 . s, .?, ' j . I. .@' . . ' I / ' . Y'j œ ' ., . 27.1?.1/')6/P.?49 < âflownl'lc6!s b .-Baqjirq.J éa'lôl'l:twal widos'!?$ 'i-'zS.liT' / -d Ansln ' . $ hj: i.a flaflat x' t 'f-lçrzdhvau State. ' # . (. . . o ' ' ' W S 22.'i. ?.l/a' ?/f/49 uccesslon to thc porsonal and prlvate propertles of( , . . . . , y, lllovrances to .II.?I.ti&e Bekl'm Mothersahot)a or Jarerabad. i ' .. 24.12.1/29/12/49 25.F.1/31/P/49 . 1 ' . ' a3.#.l/a8/p/49 . . the lat e shaikh sahab Jehangeermlan c ?f Mangrol. . j, i , Allegatlons against l' dl%.Fxoltah, aMisister, lh Saurashtré'. i I Transfer of GqverM ent Secslrities t't yat ldlng in thé 'name ' '' of Shaik 'baheb ' of M ngrol 'tt)j l lanthe t he Yanager ! . 1 rol St8te. ' '' ' ; . Z * . . 26.1'.l' /a2/$?/49e- , ' . 27.P.l/33/P/49 . . orant of Jiwa:t allowances to Iomat Johan I i I .I j : gtql n of , Bê Mangrolwzolntegratlon of admlhls'tlkatioh of Junagédh Manavadar: Sarrlprgadh, Bantwa and Babriwad- Issue o',f a notlfication. '' ' ) $ . : O $'uw).=of i ' ; i I 1 . . . 28.17.1/34///49 W Allovlanccs to Bppl'tln . ! Hother Sahet?a of lfongrol . :91F.1/35//./49 enec overy çrom Sir shah llawaz Bhutto! Dewan or Junagadh . o#* tho hlisapprop . 1 riated flm fis llelonr:ng to the S4l1t8nab8: rl . . 1-,skate . . 30*F+5./74, 6/17/4. 9 '+ ! . ' . hocovel' y or Junaga: dh Jortalbi dues. . t t z 3l. F.2/3' ; ' Activities cî Artab Haslna in Saurashtra ?/P/49 . 32.F.l/38/P/49 Clult acainst the Yavrani of'oonéal reported to be p endtng in a court or lav in Gondal . .' '$ 33.t.2/39/:/49 ' j '' 1 . ' . , . .. . cançezlatton oc orders of am'munitlon pzace by the ' Shazkh of Mangrol with 14essrs Holland ànd-- ., Lont tt)n. , . - . ' ' -.l xkndLtd..'l' . . . . . . , 34*IP*.l/41./P/49 W Junagadh f;1:nte -, Budnet estilncttes. '! xN /zxzpzxc x /kctzvj.tscs or saaas-lp.z' ' i.za'z pa'tryz, zn saupasutra. ' . * ' -' . ' . 1 ao ' ' 1 I '' v. r-zzxazp/v - '. q'.la , eq . .. . . ' ,.Azi.). v/<v sxemptsorz rrock the payment or irsvzrj, zzcence an ' 37., . # . 38.1P@ 1/45/P/49 ' PaymEnt of pensiond in Saurashtra. 4 39.1i'.l/46/P/49 ' . . '' - .. cl rcgtstrv:tton fees y ll'tll use of.re6 platgs by 'the i, .us(,,ys of Z -alllaashtra and thesr relatives. . : k I ' . -- ., s . . ' Q, k; and 'O' rder sitllqtion â.n Saurashtra. Cùtting of cars and noses of farmers 1n. Kundla Taluka(Saurash Crimes and dacoitles ln Saurashtra tra). +' . . . . . ' , 40.17.1/47/17/49 . Constituttonal ' rmlationshiy between,the Vrtion 'Govté.'' a and the Ooyornrent of Inr iia. Xihuteo of meeting héld' ln thc States lzlnistry on 7th Xpril,1949, Sauyashtra . I 1 '' . Constituenk àssembly acting as legistatuk -e. t ' .. xj ' . I l y -'d ' , r y lçawab qf Juv gadhy .' ; Kll d othèr relatlvec of' Rulers St owances to RaJmatas ari of . atf?s in/iaurashtra . 43.F.A/5o/P/49 V' statement'made . . . . . 1 . I 44 .F .,l/, 5l/P/49 . ' j s l I v ' . r.. . ' . - . . f , : ) Reqhcest from /luosa HaJ()e Oomer or compensatlonlof the '' . - . i loss suffered .by relatlvec J.n ,3antva disttlrbances . .. ï ' . . . hukla to tlae Presà by shr '1 J tice iI.P.à' us of c@aurashtra- Assurance that sùcla statem ents' w1ll not . be repcatod . . . . . . 1 . ' . ' . ? 1 ' ' ' 41.1i'.l/z18/P/49 R' ilirlng of a house at D1u.fq4 thq 42.F.l/49/P/49 ' 1 ..e. l 45.Fèl/sa/P/4a/,z# Delcgatton of pouers br tl l: Syurashtra Coostttvfmt , 'Asscmbly to the Tndian Cunstifucnt a c on s t l t t t t r i o n 1 o Asszons qmblypof' o pr':d nt r Saurashtro- Ilesolut sG traf >fti . the. . . . . ' . . j ;-,,tr..:;l a. $ ;a , (.oxr rt,j-k:),.). yt ,$,osol,I );1y' . v % w ... e' I I . , . . . , > - .. - --- e . . . ' s -,. -t- '/s 'k-t, 1z 2p .-h . /. -: . -. - - . , Y kQ . . . 3. .' . ---- . ) . . . . . 1. . ' ., ' . ., .. , ù. , 8 -r. - ' . k/ . f* . . , - ; . - @. . 46.'1. '.l/54/P/49 nqlaest from tho Downgaril qlaharani of Porf abander S'tnte ' ## T fst or lcatntqrtcnte allovinec. '. r ' ' lorcin?tlon of'Jamsahab of Dawanagar .as membc.ir of the ' 47.F.2/55/P/49 W i cielerntion to the znited lkf aticnc. 48 .F.1/. 57/P/49 Lbnntion of Dq.6O?0t)0/- macie by Damj1 Xcre Sldpra of , . . . ' * ' ' . . ' . ' >. llayaicza Crarage Jaaims.ted, Kaopala . Uganda çor the. construction or a Town I$al1 at Jotpur saurashtra.. . > .' ' ' , , . ... . ' 49.:.1/53/P/49 . . . Vlsits of the Governob ôr Diu to g:,4r8:tjj;ra'y j: ' .. u . . ' . ' 50.P'.l/ -J59/P/(19 ltepk'csentqkion f'rom Clqt. G.S wpadmakurf mrba, Dowagfar ilaai . t)f Raijk. ot f()r her allo3zances etc. , .51.F.l/60/j?/49 ! j ' ' . ' . ., . . . . . ,. .' '. . . ' Privatp properties of 'the Chlef of Patdl. ' Prpponal for the troinsfEr or certpln slabdgects r'zkoë the ' ' .. ' ' . ' ) orfj.ce or the Eetional Commtcsioner to the Saurashtrév. Govt.. ' 54.F.1/64/13/4@' 1 ' . ' : Dlsctlcslons .rf7p8rcling dircz tions to the yjan;: og yutyja, . , Ltd*r' hqjkot Branch regar.dlng Bank Accofhn' t;s o/ the Chief . ' z of Zakdargadh 52*17@ l/6l/P/49 53.1P.1/62/1'/4: . . ' - . Report of a thpft by Shl.l ltnselmo Colaco employq; iu the '' D ' cmostic Dept.of H.H.the HaharaJâ of Bhavanarar. y' i 55.F..)/65/P/44.k#'' 730cisJon 'thplt RaJprglrl mkh shou).d be consulted on the chpnr'c ol por . . . tfolio or tlc.u' rashtrp'llinlsters. ..- (, r wxW . a W 56.1?.71/66/F/49 e' Coa unal disturbanccs in Gondal and Liovj . ya ..N .57. F.l/67/P/49 e ., . rzpkointlzient of H.H. thq ilaharaja of Dhrantydhra x as ilazpiaamulth of Saurqshtra durlng thq allsecne o f vthethe ' . J . lpermaneant Fqajpramukht '. . ' ' i 58.F.l/G0/P/49 ' ( Jonfir .Mgtion of tltfr ' ' the ik jprakukh of S.P .T$.*. Shunglu as Sflcretary to H .H. ' . ' . . . . . . i . . . - auraslktra.. . . l. 'E' kxetnption or the armuql véhlue (jf R ' ulers Palacos fror i . ,s Pa. X fmRnt Of Yncome-tax 59,.F.1/69/P/4Q j Haz.the Mahâraja Of DhYangadhras. ' 60. t17.l/70/P/49 G (;om unal Djsturbanc vIagrol. ' . ès in l . ' . . , 61.P.' 1/71/14/49 ' Jauiaashtra 0ra1 4 Panchayat Ordl ' . rfançe. .' 62.P.1/72/f7/49 Z Questlon of allokrtng the ' l' slukdars ?ln0 hav: slgned.. gamindari anrcemant t6 revyrt to th1. ' ' . k. ) K t'f;rr.emcnt. x . - e prt'zy purse . , . ( 64e.z/74/:/49z'eAt-roemontsrortkepezzèror* :? ' , S' tqte of Saurashtra . I , . t ( ' ,. ' ' ' . . . . Suragt ' ,' daçoits by:Saurt 's' htla. , j . , ' 66 IP1/76/P/k9K' .Rmlresgntatlon re'garding thprezzflkoklon oç . * . j A ' f the priv' y '' '' b pursc of tlle Rulers mf non-salutc'State of V . ' asavad . . ' . 67.P.J-/77/P/49 68.F.1/78/P ! /49 / . . l : # . ' . . . lk11 ' .' . ' 1i ' . ' .' . n Sagzt asl ntra. . ' i ' ' 1 àcco3Tnts of receipt s and exppndit jure ot .tpzlton ' of Saurajhtl? . ' 70.:,.l/8O/P/49 . w . h! . . . ''Payrqfnnt of pdnslon to Kha n Imamuddinkhan of Pajod. f# . . ' Le lejslatjvc actlvltç rs jn Salllaashtra . ' 69.l5.l/79/P/49 e lfauagemcct of'Wakaf propnrty i . j . x 1 < 4Poq5ce . ' ' 1/75/17/49 bry:1400tlng of lwklhêmtull?l and 65.F. . . hana areas zn'th' i urzsto: . . . . . . ' '/ ' . 6a.>-.l?v: v I,/49 z'Furlourla fbr prtsoners in zaurasytra k ,' . . . ' '' . . ' -; . ' . '' .u . . ?* . ''' z . , . . z . xy.ut1;dj,.,vrk!j ;,iu'. A '. . . .' . . . . % ,. . -.,,...y)qe j.>f'.i..!? .. <k j ! ' . . . = - . - -.+. - ' F W' / ' . - ' ' .-. - . 1. ' ' ...j . 7% .. . -f U2 . $ - ' . j''',' z y.; . '' ' '. . - -- .- . - . -... -. - . . i ' ' . ., '' ... -- 3 n-' -Z x.. ' . yj . - - - - '' . , -'. - , . I . . 74-.F.ë./8l/P/49 < f' iugstlon of construction of a central 8ecretarièt l bullJ dpxilnpc atRajkotaL'xpenditure lncurrod'on accout of tbrt -, ert Golir:lttct.appointnd sn rerard to thm - ' . l . . -t ! . . selection Sa:lrg a of a s litable town foj? the eapltal of sh cra . , 1 . p,. l'eturn or ti ae vlllages sktuatcd in tho j)c;my;,y , Presidenèy , devlared às private property of ttce nulè of 6aurashtra ' rs R . t '' -72.F.1/83/P/49 K ; . . ' . . ' . . t , 73.Pî.l/84/P/49.#''' Logularisatlon of detentlon of lthétn of l'ianeralf?r anrl ..# ' ' Shalkh of 'Jlangroq.. ' l'he Preventive ttetàte téon Jtct 1950 . . ' 74.lP.5,/85///49 Ctlprcocn' hatlon frorq thr? Mahë?raJ'a of Surgu fj atate .orfr f tom he the ' pa:? -mcllt of allowance to Yuvràla of Savla u q , . prlvy purse ôf the Xulor or Sayli . - 75.17.1/86/P/49 * P' rlvy purse of non-salute statqs ln S ' G ' aurshtra. . . 76.F.1/87/11 449l'- of Joustateo y1 vt Fe. s( Lo 1f ull ? ' lb r-h1.(m qX . B-t ' . ,z1CS -tu'.dScc '77 vellodi retary lv linlstry . , , on ssursh'tra . ! ' y . . * 77.:*.J. /88/:5/49?' '' Settlanient of family dlsputes bctveczn the Ruler of Lakhtar and his ** . ' y ' x .. . - a 'x' irst wife and hqlr ap-narenta I x . 78.F.q/89/13/42F l'eprosentn' Lâcn of Bal ; Zhrqc Sh .Jambuvantibai or Patdl for th angltrbai and Shree ' i air Jiuaic ancl scttlemont . ! . of other dcl' ny.n6.c due t4f3tler a.docp ament executrd on th e . . Is#,Y'ellrnpry 1940. ! , . e . . 1 $ ' ' . . 79.F.)/91/17/49'W èl' k e. , 2gxeol ctf ro ;.J.At )dt1lt ladlrartdXB.èfustaf'a Abbas of langr ï' o rmgi rank of l l . . . . . ('' r * . gira' l for permlsslon to dispose of moveatlo a s éllovance 9nï' x nd immovpable proportlej' . . /a2 '/P/ '49 e'-supply. Xx .l or corios or kr aèrrent of.preccdcnce antl l'tjktv.P . l-:onon ,s sp:ech at the conre 80.17 , . .. . . -< i vr ta h,Jnn,zazly'19 e. Kù a ta hi arop oh D nra tk lag n ead 1h '49torl lnxcHe-tohçel ah raavja frthces . .. . . . ! . 81.Ip. 1/92/p/44h l l . Dtspute betgeen II.H.tl4é l.:aiaL ? t aranl or Jlawanagar and hor enapts Sal' od s id vj . ' ' . llage. ' . 82.F.l/9.4/P/49 teze-lteqllost frolu the o ularat lf . esoarch ScciGty f' or a glkant .%a/ of p,.500û/- j.n preparinc , 1 sta' tistieal ab Glzlarat. ' ' stract of èlalna . 83.F.l/95/P/49 1F' vzttestion ral ) . * ' gadylra reg: '' ' the procedu sod by the Hahal'aJa.of Dh8rart ' ' . ' ' , , . re to be adopt:d for the recogniklon of succe:ôions thè ''' l ' variou: gadis îû undispùted cases.' ' 84.P.2/l/P/49 Death of two Kt .snns.of l'îakraxan.Jagtr jn UJja. n D1stt. 85.F.2/2/14/49 hepresentatioh of Yl#il.th: Dawager-l'faharani of R i ' . ' ' Da Jk -unbarba Bh atlamj uj gal' Jadttl iaheb regardi ng her m . j itllowanee . ! 1 ontlly . . . ' ' . . 86.F.:V3/P/49Z ' / A E . l ,k Indore. . 8? '-.F.2/4/P/49 . 8341?.2/6/P/49 4 : ' 89.1' .2/7/P/49 ' ' 90.F.2/9/P/4( .) ' . * 1m= ' ' ' ' 1 llepresentattoh 'ê ,rofn th' e Rajmata of'Pjuploda for t ' : ir ef'ixatîon o t prlvy pllrse zànd the nqarrlag re allmkhq the -er o1- l'j.ploda . , minor 2(111 anc es' for . 7 I.eport Trom the Nadhya Dharat oovt . &n rcspect of concps,racy to kjll.leaders.Activitles . of'' Mr .M .D .Kà o f-cwaljor . a an I * . . ' . . , . . ' I ' ' rl%5' . ' . . ' ' . ' . ' . . . . l 'w d . 1l 'epèrt from Madhya Fharqt Govt.rorsrding distllrbances l ' $ i . . . ' 4 . . ' w..- - . w . - . ' llcport from 1).Bharat rcgaj'dj . ' . ' . . . . hs!. ' .ng action takèn in Hohan Rau pay. concnlttee. . ' . luepoy,t from 1sq. nharat regardlng tho Bhanclarj- l.rj-lls . clyzihy dovn or 'tbe ' .-' . . . Y - .-'' ' e' . - ' -. *' - *' ' ''' ' -'''- '- . - ( g--L . - -.. - ' ' . ' j j 17., '--.-- -. - '-- ...- - -.,. t - I U i - . -. -- - . - .. .- ' .. v . = . v k eM = = ' .% . I ).-.... n' . j;l ' . . . - ' .. . wq. . . . ' ' ; . e. ..-.= t- .. . '' -.41 . A . ' '. . 1 . . ' . 9I. -r.a/zozpzioz szzpy-.#,,a.tt-.zyj.jnc.-h4tko t,,,q,7z -39 r . . gi.>'.z/l:/t' /49 j, z Hepl-csontation or Hacltda wtdow ot late Dr -ail àhmed v Tuf ' . ' of Mohalvnedgarh state f'or the conttnuancc or alq.owg.zic ee- ' Itejected. +. . z' l . 93.11,.2/12///4: yZ Encutry .rrcùm ' # ' ' . O . thc Pakisu n Govt-in regard to cletention f'-t r helr natqonal 'Gulab Dtn. 94.;'t2/, l3,/. P/49 * Payment of compènsatlon':,0.the'relatlves 'of 2 cpnttàbles ' . . >m @ ' ' ' . , . . ' ' r 95.:'.2/14/P ' /49 I I ' j killed ln a filht vtth decolt tn lt.Bharat. Enquir l.Bharat Govt.regardlng tNe egchange of Kh y br the lb ' ' . arltap .between Rulers on ceremonial occasl6ns. x. t. . çofwav ' ' 96.F.2/15/P/49 %' l Pi l allabtltty or'certain official record relatlng to ' ' ' ' () oda State . . - . . r ' . . F j ' '' . s q ' ' n1.F.2/17/17/49 .Z 'Grant of marz rlage allovrctnces for the W ya' b of Yaora and k . . ' ' ' h1s broyl cers and sl';ters. p ' I j 98.F.2/18/P/49 #fx Communal dtsturbances in 'dandsore in X.Bharat .. , . : v 99.F.2/20/P/49 %Z ' Lèclt..r o s awar Bapurao *' r?ry ok Pedctoù pkymen' t drdei''t, Mldkar- 14.B16arat. 1oo.F.2za1/P/$: A pe .preoontntton i'rom Hapltumar naghu.'lpat'h strua: of sitamu ' . . d . . .. . . 7 . ., . ' .. . . for the contlnuance of his allovanc cw . ..1:1.F.2/2z/Jv 4a eA' c 'zalms of ;I. H.the Jfaharajsr of-Nat ''s' lngaph io ceti-atn ' Oovt.plnomlssoihy liotes. ' ' . ' , ' I . I k *' . -. . % . vernor Geparpl of India, under qectlon 42 or thp Qovt.of ) lia Act,1935 1l1 the lTzïion: of' Statçs. ', , . nc , , i t A . x - ' - *. .. . 'N 102.F.2/23/2/49 vfVpli Go dity of Ordinance lço.XV11of1948issuedbxwAxthp ' ' . llenrmsentatl on fi of 11.l.î.thc) Paja OI-Alirajpur regarding I the A payment of . 103.F.2/25/P/49 , . . . rst lnstûlmoht of h1: prlvy purse . . i . l04,F.2/24/13/49 'Z lppointtnent of ld#iser: ln th ) ' , ,. j . , , ' .. q 1. e H.Bharat. I v . ' , ' dK 105. *.:/26/P/49 1* Qucstion of retu ' ' ' rning the Houso placed at the dksposql' of Co1.C .K .lçayudu by H .H.thb MaharaJa cf'Indore . ' , . ' ' . x.x w ' i . 106.F.2/28/P/49W R.S.S.actn tvlties of one l1r.V .V .'Kulkarnl àdvocatq ' 1n(' lore. at , ' j , . , . . ' - ' 1o7.F.2/29/P/49 < Coyplqint from th ' add e Xgler of lliraâpùr that he is being ' . . . . ressT!d as thr! Tt8pa of àlirr : ijpur - Investigations maclé. ' . x . ., . 108.F.2/30/P/49 < X.Bharat income- ' 109..F.2/.31/P/4é . . . s ; --= so % j g ( J 7 $ Ye Mquestton relattn - . 7.2.1.F-aza3zP/4g ty 11''z' z'a.F'.2/a4/:/49e' t' omc. unal llsturbancys , I ! I . ' +z. -- . . . t. 115.F;2/37/P/49 lr ' - . . z . t 'qtzeltlon or location oc a pormanent lapztal ç.otM'-r l slaa. r 'sèt , ' . Memorials perlmininl to succession to- Jagtzaof Jhakna>7ada . - . .. . estatep àctivlttos o -r Thavur yaruarp' lngh br Jhaknavada .' . ,,, . ' l , ' . r. atj.on of panth-pzpzolza in ltjdhya Bkazat 114.1:.2/:$6/10/49 t V . . ltppreseutatton rrom xhandkars, ror thelr alzosances , , . . I. l p . tn eento ndj sj a oz jn esl on reM;' B . l i4j tw tt s.rjs tl t ai jn xjt kay nr l 1i.3.F.z/: ?,tv P/4m z -lncorpo . ' y$ x ki.7 $ ' b f'central Reserve oz - . .. r 'to the hcadcpturters or M-Biaarat, negzoruqz comcllsszoner . . ' . ' , 110.F.2/32/P/49A Dllp.& ' , . iupply of Collateral letters fssued to H.H.th of Owallor e'lfahyrguja . , : . tax Blll.and Finàfce B11l fôr 1949- 50 ..+.. -i$ j . .. ' w v ... 4 . '' .''' -.. .- '- . .... A .w...)m ..ex., w j Q ..w.-.J .. . - ' . - ' .i --( 4 : ! ;-- f ' ) '. . , t j .t f . .v. -. ...-. ' g. r .- , .r ;. , ...; ,. - g ' - ', . I ' . i . x 116. 13.2/, j ln, 38/P/49 e For ation of' .M.l3hurat Cabinet. . . . 11. 17.2/39/P/49 '7. j Representation frolt Mrs.l.fargeultitc. d olkar) ex-vife of the hlahqraJa of Incqore for the release of Blocked ' O'CCd.i' tS@ ' '1 ' j 1l8.F.2/41/P/49 itepresentation frgm Mr.0.S.Gandhye of Dekms Junior 1*or lfC-emplolrmtlnt'. 119.F.2/42/P/4Q ' .'' ' PetitlQns' from 3' mf.cho.ndru 1:t, )iJ5. &',lëttràtvhrai knd thni.r sons rsgording théir Jagirs confiscated by .H.H. . (71''Jahabua . ' 120.F.2/. 42/11/49 W Itnrp os17 from the',lI.I!.cf fndoreîthàt tho jayfnent o' l fX . ' I' uhasc1 and thc incomc from Ala' mpur llqhal be tmdertpken by the Govt.of India- Rejected. '. .. ' . 1 f. 1 ' 121.F.2/44/P/49 W supplementar; covenant j*oF the formatlon ' of the Ynited Statc of llpBharat. . la2 .F.Z/4.5/P/49 X Tronsr6r or Govt.securlt ' ifl$ s s'tpndlng in the l' ' lame c)r the ' ' Financ e Hintster j ' ' of r a . z . Içotiflcatton unrleq s cil cr'todt/hà.'.1j.Bharets '. T.bsue of a tion ! of,-the. Publlc Dgbt.àct thqi y' j 2.:44 authorlslng . .n arièe ''' 3tcdreta*r' y to 1:.Bharat Govt.to hold. the Govt.'of 'India secltritles in h1s 'l capacity . d '' offlc1a .' r, ' . .- ' c . . . . ' *123 472/46/17/49Z ' l' liscuss1on relnti'n - to tl 7e j/opésed Act for tbe Adfninlstration .or Jagirs in dschedsllêefeàrqas of Fl.Bharjrt . . # *#. o. r <.... 124.F.2/47/P/*9 Z ltepresentafîî ön 'fioln ShrfeBsi Alz' s'harga .0TGWaliqr for q . . post in llaJas, than.' ., . . . yr . 125.17. K.w . . ... v. 2/48 /P/49 l ' l ul z ps goke rnj ' ng.the.l'. qcognattlpan, of 'tfle AsR tatton: cOvt.Tsmployces ln H.bharat. %*'*' * 'f*' f i l26.F.a/49/P/49 Z ltepresentation from Hrs. ifansa Rashld for her lnalntenarlcc' .. . . - . . ' allowancc anâ ochola<ships tq hhr daujht:r.and pdn. ' ' . x 127.1F.2/50/1/49 F 'iteprt a. sent' :tion from Shree i' lulchand Gokuldas Lakhani l-c,t-ardlng his claltq agalnst Ihdôre State. 1f8.F.2/sl/13/49 W Payrûent ol. gratuity ' to lslrs.11.bovggrote by ' the îlalgarl'l 4 ) . . ötate. ' ' '' , * '.a/52/12/49 V*'Privitç propertles of 11.H.1;l1p'llaharani Itïcliralmi 3al1e1) '1 l29.1h , , llolkr1*. ' d ' ' ? ' 1 . 130.11.a/sry/'?z4gA I?ep)xcsc-utatson ?rom shri lî.v-Bh: L'cia, ex-cl alef JlTsttce ' , , oç lladuya Bharat regal-di.ng'h1s pqp etc: 131.10.2/54/17/49 'Ilelpresont',tion from l'I.D.oiri regarl1ng Shivgarh Jalnagir - Jhabua Distt. 132.1è 1.2/65/1V49 Vo1.I . lj3.F.2/.56/17/49 / I 134.F.2/57/P/49 ' . y $ Eegislativc Activj-tif as in 1. f.Bharat ' ', . Repreoentatlon f'rom X.V .Glm e, Irlandar Ikkaldttha - liqlukherlî : Dhar.f' or the abol1ttpn pf Inam rights. ' ' v ' . . *- . . * ' rivite properties of ll.ll.the Rajpramukh of k.Bharat w, ok 1 n '35.F.2/58/r/40 <'ltosignrltjon of Indore l'hanclpal Councillerso l36 .F'.2/59/P/40 Lxpendjturp oj Y out propchr exa ? publiq funds wlth Jn Matsha' ndnp .on rat Unlon - z ' -gxtract from the ' four lloteb oftj M' r k . - . . . M .K .7ellodi. l . ' . . A' d k . ï L . .. j 137.F.2/ .60/12/49.Gl lflcjustonin .rega .rdtothecor jsléei-atibnofadkaf' tb1ll j k à? MgpMgv teverl.Locl tb ti a. etl xanrl thc enur es byelatdjtif st nle ct c , ox i .ttg rlt tlon reeo= ons of he' 'j , r CoElritteo n0t ' LQ bc illipl4/zifltf'd 2t thlts Stago .? & . j j ' . 2 ( < - 1. ' .. . 4 * .e ï, W e' 2. 7. - .w . .. - ' - - .. .. y ' z' ( X, -q U ' ' ...-.- ..- ...-..-.- ......- . . . , 1 .- , a.. 7%- , . . . l:. )a..i?.î,lej./i',, ytc , ' i N l39 . !'.j/62/l'/49 140.à..6 u/63/f,/49 ; sxppojpr t*y':n-t of tgo I.2 .S mcolrqmlF,r'jonerr ir l'6.Bh?l3'?t.. 1L@port on l' 1.l' Ihr'rmt 17y'l' lr. P.F$.Puatl. ., . ' , - 1 ' , -' . zf. ty:s1n: !-s. 1,1 by l-' Jrr-c . $ ;r--a , -J.on of- 1(.:' ?-ï. ). ernt - l'.temo-. ltae k a avo . ,nt-ccc.r? o' .. r.C .F. tp.gklavran. <. .n . > 'ontc.o, - . - .- .. - . 14. 1.L.2/64/:,/49 1 . ' l.ptrcrrfer of tllo uork rvlcttlnq to P?Anth Pj-plorllt to . the l.cglolncl cosmiosioncr anc ) lxdvlser , i 'q.Bharat. . . . . , . *' Q 142 .l''.:V 65/P/49 Lynching of three men at Ratlam - llsport of' tlle '' 4 n. v nnqu-ry CorrctiF:27ion and Govt/ . .0rryors vpaornon. 143.1P.2/(JG '/l'/49 : h Xti T, ralior (iangnJal: 1 Funr?, ' G 11:0-tion of Ci' r')st.l' f.Bharat . anga 2 *a1i iJ' !!)% r lr.ust lkct . . . 144.5.2/97///4.9 ' Visit of f''))1f:f J!2st1cc . of Xlëdla to t -lplalior.. l45*F*2/CZ /P/49 l'epresentatîon fronl 17. : 9jashrs.ts of thc Qkrallor in retr ard z . t . . ,5 I to thetr allollcnces. ' ' j . 2.46e'>'.a/6i zl'/qn .l L-.zlr l utjl'isatjon Ordlnarkcc .: J' 1.Bl narqt,. . 1 ' c' # 147.1 ., '.:/70/P/49 SJl1!p. .( D,lhj:.273k - JG ,Z1.3 ,So' rota cf isr l4:..>'.?/'7J./j7/49 Z C'll&in: oP tt-tc. i@!è.j ?.rra . T-.' wnj.for th' a amovtnt Pftng in , ' j - ' thrl ban1t oJ'' Emr' wanl in ht ar priv&, 1 - 149.lO.2!'?ç .j/9/A' D . ' . . te account. . . . 1% . i.T).(;.o ' r l(ahpraja of I. 1) olkar . 16hj.rr .Bl ' w r'at. ' ... z kcttivity o' ' rki1pry lTeclol1 Russo, l'fuslim l-( ) iizlltp.rv Sccy va -nfq 1 17 . p1 -p.2*prplmrt kh of' . r ' ' l50.b'.2/71j/ï$l49 Z Income-7r '. -: c .xerr p tf.on certificnt6 of' fTon ?171ex l! 'il3aDca ''-1'r1j i ' j . q'51@F*2/74/P/4f)7z ?llpnogf a. men 't o: s Jagjrs ln seiaedllleti areas ân M .bhârat X . . (t ! ' s- , , , x q ;tcr (lwalior. .. ' ' % . - h . . I . l'rfnrirestnntation rrom %'haklxr 1!0tj- Siinqh rcgarding h1s ' aar,t covt. Joczr'hn-vrjnf- besn taken ovcr bàr l' . . -.r .,) ' ; ' . , ' I 1 . . l v . . f -vzK' - I . ' , . k j u hiI.! ?' l52.? J.2/75/17/49 v'Ikesjcnqtj-on of )Ir.vps.iuehode, Deputz Premifnr.:' l'f.Bharat I - . Govt.frc'E) thz a Ca1)i.np' l ;. j ' '. , ' , l53,1P.2/76/P/49 - . abolitj.on of' J 'atrirdar: i: t.n M.l. lharat . 1 . ' lxcpl-csentprtions from the Jagtrdars aj-plnst the - ' . 154+17*2/7?/P/â9 e. I . , 155.1,.2/7!VP/zt9 ! :u'f. lstto11 t3f ân=weg:wation of 3tates of ' 3a.mthar, lt11n .l qiadhanp . ?ncl tiatta gtth thm Llnltc'd FJtpte of !'I,Bhay'at . q::e . - L f ' . . l56 .F .2,/79/1 3/4# Z , àllcged jjshoot at sightjj Order iss'l(?ci by the l':wBhal-ot Croy I . Jo'. 1?. -. -. '.)tc'! : og 1, -r.à. J.lJ x.V' el1oc1j-, ICr.;, s(?.cy.1$$1n'is pr)r of pt-atcr: on lC o.X -7 ,harat llnlon . . . . ) 57.1. '.Z/8O/17/46. 15 U +'c'r o f s rr v!i,c t. c.IDril' ne 1. 61nistl a)xor ndia by j'l 1, ,(c l.T (h',a (e llas ro abth t S (-hara 1 oî Patha.ri) 3 fasE7c,n PaI 2.c'ce) Pir .. . l ato ) nhopal . 2,. 58.!.'.a/8q/17/49 2rapresentatjon f'roal 1-1.1I.the l.tamata of' Alarslnga-rh fol? . l' ,h6 paymont of V Jr10s J!nd retl)pn of hcr bull ï t lings. X.,q T l59.F.2/83/P/40 F- 12.0runtl of the Capitai Sh-gn pro.,rj.rlctrq lalr tlnm lptfa Dhar a . / . 1io1kar Oovt:.for tht ' tlrlaiJRtenprtcc o.f 1C . . ' 1 0rps . A e 16O. F'.3I (o ll /P(49I'' '..* 6*'-z '. y'' @ . 1 t.hça irhn.lura 13hil1' . * ' nd x ' ' . jj , ' . . ' + I j d . . . ' ! . . x.. . .7 ' . ' l I ..- 2 .--. C ' --- m- . ' i. -..*--..- -**...+*- î !. , / î .0 - 5 . -, 1- -h- ' --'-'' -'-v *-'' ' '''' - '' '. - . . .. . ! l . ' -*'-' .D ....s.- '- -. ---: 0 *** -h t-Le S * ' $ ', ' 1 -- . . b -; 3/49 .e' rlxatlon 0t (alprj-vy Purse o'f''.-,lae nulcr or Ppttala. ') lbl.>'.3/1/1 (b)A110p/r ?bc. : ?s to the F(elcitivr-s or thr'l1 'n .' llr-r of' P. qt,i!'IR . ' . . . l63.1'.3/p/i.'/zc9 . zuestj.on or delautF-tj-on or S .'firlok Flingln to 0-.:. trlne the ' cltlirns of iDk!11t ars or Patiala pnr7, :qr;t PlAn, )ab Sla'ates ln ?; re,J.;ord to lpnds., buildings etc . ' , g l63.1.3/4/P '/49 li' orlr iatj.on of ê,n Intvrinloovt.for l)ntisa5:! â ''ast Ptm lab I I 1 . I . l3tptz.tL rlnion: 164.li..3/5/P/4 .. 9 !.t npor' ts r'bout Pa.tiala,anc'tUhast Pun,j8.1) 73't;'FteC; Vnlon . 16, 5.7., 3/C 0/P/49 e ïs 'ote rr'o.nz'tiinc the set up f'or tratning of the atqlntnl'stmpti5,e r)i qr' qo' flzl(?l in Patiala ' ?c t' .ast . iD1lni1'm1) Stotes fnton ' ' . . .. . - l8:5.) .4/' ?/j'lz' -r' h . . ). ç. tt,..t' ;on o' f'sr ,rvices f :tf 3,R .'; ?n1>5r .. . ' ! I ' I l' . f' . i.' g'-$tio.n of l' .'iaj-zry Purso o P t'hfl ' ièule.)7. - - 1 . 9st PunJ '8b 3t' ?tos . . '' l69 .F.3/è 12/f'/z?(7' 1 . . )is-.t-llrt:e,ncrr in l' karnaql) Bal.ip.l 1$ Datqr:5. (l'iahmncl/n.r(z.-!ri't.' ' t 1)(i)stt x) (nf IJatlz u la C c Last Ptm () 'o1) tststcls 1lnior p. . I . . ' : .. - . . ' , 7 ..- o z')c,nrrxsop.fv -at4on r 70.J. ''.7/)4. /1: .'roln 3hz'1 Ehalinq7)- sinrzh rorrprqqlnrr the '/4 . - ,. . ' . tf-rlninotlon o: j- his' servlces by t-he Pntjnla & : .' . a st ! - .. Pvm ja.b CJt>n.l'c's Govt.l. kystertous cic, ath of i'almulçand a ! ' 1 ' 1*L5fuJ0 .'? ' Orom PalçiS1;pn - ' . . I ? ')71.b..3/3: -!/P/49 11eprc.sentntlon f. ).oa certaln tonants of vil).ace ' ged 1( 'j.si'jcHltpqàr'l cn.%>lns: i.l Jlncl rcla' tinc to ctnrtaln av11e atrocitir's commltteed bv F x i s ' ../ a( 1 ; 1 r f è . o Gz l rl l ! R kl n a slïNNGinârh . *' ' - ' (, . . . . y . l72*F*3/'15/13/43 . V' Iq.l-tr(:ntmrblnt oL- llari2*. :4ns j-n tho villa'rc! ox '' ' . t. ' 168.P.L5/?l .iD/49 <'1*e' posvts $?1)0)lt Pollco ev.crss'hs in 1% lajrarh jn P-tiala é ' t j' ç . IG'7.é;'*.3/0/);, /49.1A''ducsf. ,qozl.or'(5;' ,a7.: ;.natj.on of'i' rp1))4c.Str' t.oyI' Lecrrpn7. le and l l ( 3ir .r-h 1-p !'otlnq.a J.t ' . . ' . . J.ast f'lzn.j. 1' bS .tp tc-s Unlon . ; i;aidoq arala 5n Pat1ala . . . $ . 173.. F .3/17/1:/$9 ke-r-or'rfnspond enqcc. jn rtagprd to tho article relating'to . tj.l' )Ji-I9up,)-pbi d, j.f'pu' Le contr1 *bllted 19f' thr ? lIon '1)le T( '1 a) ) tk'i.n .gh, Chirrf Jtlstic'e of Patia.2: ). 3- i't ras't Pun2->' tb Otntcs fnlon. . , I 2 . ' : 174:.I?.3/l8/P/4p K . -' - . . - lzlprccenx w-tion of'Zamindnrs of lï ampur i' .otra(Patlcla) . I 1*cg;diSt,r1bl1t.iO17 of Qqnr wls;, ' 175.iP.3/20/10/49 #A-l.(py-.senl tton rlaou'S .lshar Slng,h for tlne rgcovery ojn . C . ' i . ' i * 176.F.3/21/9/4. 9 . i 1 1 his wlf'c, ttbdlàcted by $ .H0rchankj. F;j.ngh jfathr-r-in-l ''aw o. (%1. 1.jI.thp 1. ;p)haraja of'Pat:i -ala . l'a.ylqcnk. of prlvy pursc. to. H .1I.of llabha and hls prlvate k p rope:'tj . ( as. . l77.F.3/22/14/49 ? 1 !%uostlon of'elcctjon of the llp-b f.aJprrtmukh of Patlyla j *F 'so). ;jw -IPal)ajaJ) r;fisut,ee;Unionp 1?8 t . F. 3/24/P/49 F ij grvest rtr crzrtain Congrcssmen gith Compunist leanlng . 1n P a.ttala t: 'r.ast Punlab Stptcs Vnion. ) 179.F/.3/.25/P/49 Wes nl Cap in khe Courts oT'Pqtia p rlng . ) of'Gandl .la dc East '= ' Lll'l. 1& ; jijiuy,aty uuyon, l8O.!'.3/26/P/49 U $plirt of Deprossed classes jn Pepsu .conlplaints from I1pc7u H, grt; )ans rnt rardjng thc'lr 1nclusion as Sikhs ln v ,- . . ' ' . ' / I ' - . , . ' . . tho l1st oL- voters of tho Pattala & T,ast Pun )'ab ï)tatps , . Unlolh. . Q M - .w - -*. . r- . -..- '--''o - .r- -'' *-'G 'e * ** + . : . i I j 1 ! ! k è r* ' l * I -/ / 1) *' ,k .. u. % î ! - , ! ; . U- k c 181.l2..r?/27/P/49 e'-l'.lolc7nse o'; thzo ez-t:7tm of Gard8 ( rni lfarba .14s ltaur i13 1 cln & . '' uqst Ptm .ja1 ) Str pt''s J-r'oln the Sl -lr r' o5al-tjtho gri-nt.r fndcnce Collrt o: f' ' .i;ly.(7s. . ' . . . l8z.1?.3'/28/4/49 l'.eP,rr'gc'ntq'tion f-rom Uhauclhr1 3-nEIr'r Jit Soni cï' village Pal znl ror lklvc'stlE'ë?tion ln regartl to allcgfl . . . y. hls ' son r!artq ci mercler of c.v Itrkshan â.n Pa.tj8la , by Patiala. Pollce. l83.F.3/29/17, /49 z'Cr ntlon oC a boarc3 for lanagrnmcnt oï . ., rt nllgiot ls 1nstj.tul' ' ' tions i.n Patj .j -ala & l ' . ,ast Punt jab St'ptrs Ilnjon . . ' -V . . - I . . 184.:.3/30/1: /49 ' ' 1 5a.',sy71 Tehstl Co-opcrative 6$cnrescntatlcn from tho l OClety against the cancellaticn cr tlncir l1cence to deal l l l . ' . in foo'V gralns. > . #' i . l85.J. P.3/32'/P/49 F llalclrpnt of p-llovar.tees to Pe 2'matas al-td 3,e3p tiv# Fs oJ-the ' ) l , . . iulèlcr oP tl .aè lha . Payncnt of m8.rrta.ge exptnnses o? the l ?l aha3.'12.N -.l . lI' car of âîabha, frolq t.l4('- S-1J.v' i.l 1.: t.st B.oF ;ervt? D-lnc' l. ' ' .L8G.F.3/3l/J,/4rèz': ';l1p.a-Ac.z7ow-cjn s, =. i. . l I .!! ï ' l87.li.3/2. 3/17/49 $ l . I $ - pront>q'tv i14 . îind. ' ' . ' f . . 188.F.:/34. /1 ,' /4. 9 ' tivltie'sjo: ac j * tho l iawab of'l'ialerlt'otl. a in rf af':rd to the . mclc 'r:cuq- .Co?* x u' z hp c:%r'ptlon or :A C kllc'r Connnlo-0lonr'r 's ., ,, . ) )nros.q.r!c c o f . ' . a .crkoyya . . I ï 4 :I.80.i'.2/35///4 :3jtu-tion in Pa -9 x. iala . ' 2 ' Clood - . . . J9O F 2/36/12/4. 9 kc-so2'!tion pTs7' nt ' lby C-urdI .F !tr; 3 13ytpband11ak Comrli' tko :.*at' l ôah:i7 ix'p74r Dpl Patlala e C' , ' . - !. ! p,(roilèct thn r'r pq-::er of '' c1)su uith 1' . ,qst Pvm )a)). . . ' I. / , ' ' . . . . '' ... ' x 191 .F . 3/37/1 x 2/4:M*lleprcasentation r r om Oyanl i l q n l Qa r h Cha of n,nc l for thc' tef'und , l92.1P.3/38/P/1.9 3225/- f'rom il.l1.of Farldkot. Procr-dure eor oéJ'ustment of prtor pursc . . T'atiala & L 'ast Ptm 2*ab Stotes TJnion. i 1Q3 . ' ' . I Clcj7l of Rosiian daughtbr of S . Shp.f-q-'.'t àli orf?r landrcl k , I I i k . of li'llors in 1 i'.3/3Q/i'h/zl . s-l #-bcl&tl' an o$'ZnMind+ri s tem in Pc. tj-pla rl Last Pun jab ' '' Tfltatllsq Unlon.:cnancy ant!ys , %grarian 1ler(: )rmf; in Patjala & . . . I ' . .. ast lm ;'ab : 51' ,ptr)s lln:i-on .Pronlul(:atjon oC ' the PZPCJ ''J abolitlcn oî 0cc upancy ' F cnurcs & S d1spllt' ettlcmf?rlt of Lanrl ,os Crl lJ)I , nnce , 2006 vAppolntmc-nt of cq Colnr6lttt èe t o nvanlltns o r : -ho cx.istlnjy systc'm ( 7f land t t1onslnjï' .s ctc .:'17ci to ri nconxnend nccc!ssf p'nure ry ch, tr-ninrcy rcl82rt 16%D()r!rwpt, ( anrrr>s. :,*f'13' tlP3U a1)o)ition of 0c()11p. 9IICy YClm'rr?Ck & k!ettl c . l c ent o f Ls nd t lj sputcs O rt i lhanc c I ' . , 2006 . .. . ' 1 . . . . è ' 1r ' . 1 ' . . . . + 194.F.3/4O/P/4.F) .. 1,(oprc?s(?ntotlon from twpnty J'amllj es of vj-llsig;e Sukhgnva1' a 7, 91:inflp DJc 't;tircy* tl' h E.1 tcir eslj ' . ' , k . ' , . . ctton ' by T'i-s:.:a ra;qrttl. !z ' 1/14/49 Z' PProlnulgRt1on of'Pepstl La).J fnf âppeals L.ctf'erences & ' d . 195*P@3/4* , fatit-jons (Awir-ndnlrlntlorrltnancc . 2n06 , t!i.voFtt..lng, Judj.cia1 Col ro'tttcr' l'o ent'.rtctn Appc cls) lqet-opranccs -anc) Pntttjuon , agpj-rlst tllg ;'udr-ement j ( , d.ecre(!s and orders o' C tho Union of tlzc ligln yrourt , -. , . . . l96.F.3/42/:, /4. 9 ,li'jx'nt;ràon of r ,?ltllosznrces foz' tho rlp-P 82 *py' altmltèz of Patja2. Lk vpr;t py,uja. j ) j,y. a - . / 197.l?.3/43/P/49 . . ' . : atos Unioh . ' Tiepo''ts rc'lctlnr to 'a c:1 .sh bqt-ek ro.en Ak8lis ancl lsrgp spn jjsts t4t Pntjp18, : * Jtp: i . . ' ' . , 1!.ra,, r'EJtcation . 19.8.l?.3//y(s/p/4.9 IA'l'kepresentmtl rom >ist .lliin. al Ksur Korj.anwala 12.Q. ' ! .on J' v, ,spzypo ). ourjj, : p), ,un1 j.n rt -pr p yay .d to,hsr cascs y , . :cndfnj ' . . ; bcrog-e the 1'atlala ancl . l t. !?st faun . . . . . ' -Vx' ' . . . jab stctc.s Unton,cou 'rt. , m, ' , ' . ' ' ' . ' j . I j . 1 . m .. .. .: .- . ' j , lO ... p j- - -!.96) F o/zr: , gIigao -.. ,. = = 3 . 0 A , zy. og t +.;p y)0jya1:. tv jr 2. . u. (.(jj . aj ajvan jj.j j. y 444 .s, 200 .7,4 .-4 /4c o/i ' .' /zm,F'',' z1)oc -p.-jcj!)s ,np(.ssc)y.ujy t, .jje (jc.,,jrja o. v.g.( . ' , . C 1 );', '. k 2iJ' 1R 1n ., ' . - ,r . '. 201.Tf'* n/:a-.7g1-/z.zo . . j .j)t; ...y ,, r. ,j -yujjaxr .. ya . . ' y s j a a y ) ) g a @ '. p' , s g.u ...y.* .u . A, A yury yaa . 5 /.I,hrn . dkot ,. 1aj()' au(j , ç ! ()u .a .. . - , 5 /-F,g)jtyj. . . uv o. z (;p(: ta .t;so(y, js. j.. ;.j. jpyv. j. j(. yy p. a,,y ,y ; y , s s uq jnf)!)F;u. . : . ..urjnr?(.) p g.a j. j o. j . s . . . . , . 2O2.J?..3/4-:/1':/40 e''Lopn of ''-oone lzkh advancfhö by thr- l' lFzlrrkctlp Statr to Kurual ult-'t;o. . ' . Y x 203.1. 7'.2/497j:/49 , . I.( 3p1.r:sentation from ! ,sharaIRjn't Sj.nch o* - F.o.purthA' fo' r tzz 'hf :h grpîtt- of'al:lov n)'a ncC t1:. e. ' . . 2()4 .Jt'.?/5(V P/zt$ Ii 3 -R 'o f'y1.pa -,0 -zq k$ 72 - ejt . 20. 5.r1.3/57.zf-/zt. n & ,olta of 'c.'k,jrltt(=2.'( . . . st%tcs Truj 1 tY '% .1Z - -oapz -::sj.onrzr . i.n 17. -)4.jnlp, f2, . 1. ast jz.un ij -ab . . ''on . - 206.F., .2/52/P/49 R 'itlos' t' aj .on og majntenanco . of p33rso- ) Aal Cr urpr1s b, of- l1' r'' )'lclltot . 'f- tlle 4. ' t111er - . . ' 1 t'A '-'()7.1'.%/53/i/4 m . '' Ci'ri1- J.,is t r:rsriepvr. Plm ;jt o$- #hro FX7r-rs o - a ,. Pun 2 *2 )17 w, 't8 'cs IJnion . . . ' . f? s. . 2lO.17.7/x rlG/r P/. ' 5z0, 1- ttep15t nsé;nt--t1 . ' ' ' on f1-om r a'crdpr141- ik ta)>1-..'an se T-f (11A - k' P:l1i P 1Fj' l 2' .F'i1 tt j Zb ka.711* %l/o C6nc. r9 . 0r 1 'v-jqp rpga L,ora ' j-#-()!), L2 . . 'j) * t ' )3.g,h)(O(? tr. X F 1 ) P Y ( : l tt 4 ,. aw . ' -! 1'/ 3113 ihr'13(347lnlr'Of% :aosttj-s,y-;.) Ja x,asac,. . t-puujg)) . . ( . . . - .. #7 r)).2 .1,., ''./ïbn,/: -' /z. ''.K-t.c,q-1.c.st , rrom u ' : ,.Rqghb1r F;: A 1r' -h.: P t, -,).1 5 a1..'.-i ' .' . w.. s's7./ U 1+'j 4'e -pst-j.(-' ;l r -.' jz -! 1 . ' . 4 f ' n -r . t' i S S' w 32nY D 213 1' i )-Z(? oIA. '?;/59./1J/z4 Detf p))tton of'r sa.B140.Feu'ant u'l.inFh and (7' . 1.u j:.-atyj. thrr 0.o-nprer'S 1' J,(!trvnll:; ;). -q gna. .) . r!14.1..3/6:1/13/49W ':.c.r).r'Es:nt'at-' on rt-k;a.r4in(- t,hr' 1,v2 12ahpeqlpur = -ction or tenart' , :F1 of xehs11 l' h bha by J)isha dpr . 61ardpr u Q h 1 ' v r z3.ï fa'1 *nJ rh als-p'*. .qr a/6gzjnzxg- .'ll4Aa tN.. .untc tr' x:)ce'cllo!'ance to 1'irc .0llve Jaswf'nt 1:pur lk-nn - cht divo)-cc' cl ,:.:t 'f.e of Hls lattills m ghl nes:; ' kite ?uainpr/' 7-a of u V ' ,lrtd . 216.F.3/63/l7/dz' n - 1:-slar o:2 8'.1 Iccer.t1on cf4,> .tlficr atc' to tht :) 1: 98 j! 21 of li laq mz . . . - . . .. . . . . . . . 227.b'.3/G4/i:/-19 V* 2ll oue. ru -r,e . pc.rl-rh - to r(xl-atlvrcs of H .lI. the l' taJ', 9 , ,3f .t1a -ri(1 22.8 .F.. % -1 40t. 3/65/13/49 ltcpr-rontatiotz f'ronl M:r L . F . ..3ikand j cx-/ ,-=h&f?f. 1' 'Kapurthala r>hn,nrdlnrr strr ,' the nlsrmcn' h of corfm en .in5. satlon etc . 219 .J. a.3/67/12/49 I* ' in:-e o . -xchr . , C rrivr!te 1anris of t:crtpln lo.lnl!A in Pn-tiala IL l.- t-he i.o5, %3. of l' .alarrarh with acst Punlab S)ta' tes zlnlon . a20. F.. 3/u &8/1'/4:9 R '1v''kec ons tl tuti on L b ' r * tho Pa ' t â ' . Pu.nJ ala t?c l'JasZ o PunJab Clv tc)tc's TJDJ.on '.stry roprcsentatl o.on rrom the publicShri 2.r1 àctilzitles of. . . si n ghs'n. ' . . +< * J 4, h j I . 1 . . . -u - . : I j .. ) . .. 7L l l .N ...z . -..- ...m - ' . ' . .. ' . .y.w' , . .. ' .- -- . 'N 2r 2a.1'.k/7l/i-/zâ '. g l ..' . -- . ' 1 11 k- 'h - :11 --. -- - ' .. .... -.... ---. ' ë'' ' v-i.. j ...... . . ' à --,, ' .- $ t.;u.z. kct1V1t: 1 1n l)a7r!iacqtrzdrq. -shot d.'-!:;?n O'- onc 1î.s h!:Sns' j .11 -r9.111 Of t.10hindmra(r lrh , D1tr' trT it ?#, 3CtV' ar ?al Cr:.9.n1 .r 0-G(2f7 zac'f;'1.. -' L-. Ln(' : 117 . sGrl()h1S ln7U.r2.(n5 . ' .- r. r o. /l. -'zzh 224.P.3'/ .o.,e .7- .0 - . ' . $ et) ...t ,-$.. ts.e v . . , 2t rw 7. 5.F @3/73 ,/12/A..9 '; 1t'-'' t.r'1 ,f 'r%nt Of rçtce113t Fnt' l (?. Xpencl1' tJ1r'n ;R0CO:1' t;r % ! Of r T''atl w. 3l. J 4 L. Iqrt Ptm . )8.b States -tTn( ton) for tllc pc'r1 'of n: f'rom l3th . . . 4-1.7 - )-. t jj' t,j4 iuo rrh ) t; 19/; J'tI' )1*a ..q).4O.. to . y' <Q . . 5 7 ' -'6.F.r 3/74/17/4 ..9, us . -' . ' , Sufr' Jttotl by Shri T xaacht ïe' n Da65s) !' Sa'nit7tor ' urr: , $ ep.Su for ' . hqk1nc q r!c'rtod1cpl lp0.et11n.frs. of' 'thfo izk7.n1.s1-r'rs ()f. Locm )J()lf (1ovt. ) . , . ' 20-7 .F .. ' % - /J6/P -/4.9 . . .. . l I D or threc Elcp:. -t1ctns 1n ' v1llaf'' .f! .z 'thrnarFt(r !c-hsa-1 .,r.'.t;h , j1o.rk. a1.1:3;. 4 228.lP.&/7* 7 . /49 R'* JA1 -otur''tnc(s c3-6.ëa'tc.d. 1n C.oltfrr'->'s Inc:t2t5nss 0.ncln 1:rocess5on (/;' I I ' .. . . - x. ' -. :... ja -yauo. ( ;,aapklra.. . -. t ; 2rf'/9.j. <C .i 7 5kl. '.3/75 .'/1 7'/z! zi ' ()rv'e.+ o14 o=.%.%L ...'5 --la-ba y.P, n'tç zh S1' dgztka F'ka2- i.17 Pep: . . I 3 . ' - / i ' . . 230.1k'.3/7r ,A./ I'/zJ.t7 it31-,Z: Aes':llt-r&ti on P rom vr.khr1- 141lkhl 'i'.qlrk'1-nt,+a8n : P?-r2s'zciG'nt. ' , ' .. . . - . . . on rf. ,? .-:; (. 'omr.n1 -ttc.e4 1 -( . 4ala ' ror t% 0 .ctj.on of' ' I- -. LFJ'01 . 17. t1 ka ''n :;o'l( - w .P h71. 7p?w-: 'nm.ln.. . -.::. '-y..r)ital of k: '3! 2 .t P1.ttï,$p-!-). ' . ' z' 233 M.'g3 .z0/'19/49 V'C s1)onrnc.nrsf :t b6#7. 70en ..@1 ./P horrc' I.'l2-s .A r ' N klna J ?t73tos to7 af 21- 11 ctnd : ' : ).' ' . a. 1sAory ' r irxr-et;=:' b1.n)'. A 4 , l h c ) ( ) . r i z n s o s . ' a ô l ' o c .. i .n .1 1 * S t l ' 3 3 . q . # M r?ct5.r)r,C .e. avt r. 4 A1 . ' . . . . t'' . t z.()13r1, l. . .. ' r ' 7 D n '1a -e).-x.yziar'.n-lw-o!w i n f. Jh. :-: ..Rf r z;: .hubl -24 , f.1)'. .c-t n. J' 0e -ra1. U' r. ze t . l2j.r#q .//P)1/1./zl . -s u. e ..o'n-tcrot . ll.j.o .f ' -z à ...C,.l ;o -'k1 j . w. -f; L? f? '1 , '5 'R/)qS5 t' tr ok f . . lR'-hor' ?,,$#, of j17 . . .7'' w.r sq,%r.' AI' -' hhp lq . . ' '' . '' . . . . - . I ' j: , . , - .. -gt c ; zj1col *t mt ja3 aj ' otxaI f a jr .?r; * 1n)os . ' .. , ...I ,, . , * . . . ,, . . j èt: A4.lz.t 3/b-th/I'y ', rr-! ci. i ' -,., r,'- $-1kc '!-a. f.e pz1 -: !)c css '.Jon2-a (7f 2 *'u' ap!l;-1' ,l qlp3r. 1 7 J '*.l-*.d' ! ' -p tho t *.' .'. . . . S)à63SiiiO11.C6 -.. ... e3,3I. 7 . '#: 7/pJ'.q/1./.t 7 C. wt. lIS*. i. J n, ' ' c.qx:..i ;4o r'c carC?t.Qkftr 'QclTr(). CS'I2* t.p2I-i77p -* N.r1Gfx .n c, . ' . v-7 1ts+r. v. . Ilan;. , ; .) s yanl -on . . - , pirA(zjS z.;,Yk5 ,. r;kr.A,.,olaaJ2ptit!kIo., r& j . ' . gt). eh j-...mjr .. tr qg3 .6(,,! u. r.) / w. 5O.)!.et'Q3CqF'*?t-i C). (nA . mk..* rCi).Or1.i-, I.O,r* r.k.ql..;.;r au-,o' .tl ., ze r .A ). k* ..f k' 4 ' .' .r:(n1o '1- ' -4e .. j N ' -. - . w-)* . I . . - rc.!'r' . e-v' rltng ''. )r-c il old . r lt i ' èLt:l: ',on p.iad 1 ! rk hu .-i4-f a -''1lo! I w' .. -rllhq.'0.. N, . ,. . . . o.. .., . ' ue . . . . 236.F.3/86/' f'/' tk3 Wr 7 wer).%sr'' ntsstion rrorn C,1anchand Brsu e e' APorc11.'le )7o. 7&. ?. ir .rci1nn the u0 tlsoss1ot' l of th(> hon)sc j Lall . I . . . by t1Ae lnhag%, i. n. J-a lbolice. 237.F.. 3/87/i'/4q ..@'' *t .(?nresf.,nt3 .t1 'on oj' Shrn ' Lakhmn Chanti r h' ;oi- tile non-l'ssue of ' . . . ls 'r)ens5on certa '.f'1cattt by ti ae Popsu Govt. 238.( 5.. 3/c dotn/P/4)Z z . ' cp rzs' rltg.tvion a; !a1 nst t'itc non-paylne14t oJ- pens'ion ' j, . . g x. '' , . .. to . j i '& tnj, o -i.ëJ k.; ja on, ouporlnt$7n()erit of )ruapur'tha by J1r z -s. z ' l. a nr es1. la , % tal ?lqG s thf n l1a . . *' v horaja o. C. Kapurthmla ' r 39' z .F.3/83 r/i7/49K Ac' t1v1-tienc of r>.,%r1daman o fN4nf,hz a lect '-u1*el- 1rl F?1-krp.lri l C 'ol()cr(' *-' . - 240.i?*. 3/G0/P/4f J . Z M .. of C ontl'(?rce, 7ar1'dko' l u-. . ' R 'sr;ntation from t ullnlaec Chovra.n R'aF;s, 17)-01)r1etor P' ' Je 'o &.1.ç hl11 : lr.-c.tre t -at1' o)'' ' faor 11cense to r% .. k . j ..- . ... a, * ln s-' ! ao sccopfq. cine! :! a. . . c$ 3tnr z' Gr-' te1-r' td 7.r' 1-; ?' tiala I - 24l..3/3 v:1 ./l'/' .: l ' 4 k '' /1s,' z' t of Pa .1 .u1 -stan aà4(I A4%g'l1an Ib1 -lj :rz'r. 1s 4;o ;à' J)%l ')1.!'tcl FJh ,c'r. $.. ('. . - . j. . 242.h . ' ..:j/t); u 7/1.., ?atA V'a-% sJ.2.'?r-.pc1 .y,-r,t oz .-a, .s !;-'). 72 ). . T). ry )vc.y' 1. , :. .. 2ztx o a. ' l u :?/t' -t3 /13/zlQ. , . . .. , . . . . a.p.. ' . klz ). ?x ,. 1-1 -. )v Po.pr-u 1. :0lj-c e ,) , .. t' .>nso(,t- 4-zon f'pozq :z1)a N!)y,nra> .). 5n,gla oJ'i-n. ,p i )urtt ' Arn1a. . . ' 1 't. i-'3 lï.ottt-'r . v-0 l - 2Z Z -. - #' *> 'n* . ' ' ' . q ' I j # . x . . ( ' . . i . I - l - 1 . '*- . :l y' '- * ' 24.4.1il.: ?;;o. 1/ln/zp- .- b)@. .-/ .' . - . 1t fyquest- . L' / W œ' . '' .Y . zt 5. -. ''- 'u - a..< ; l i' 4 r . - i - TLt) -- e' . a.r. 'N' . +. - ' <vH ( 4 ' ' . ï -M. ' e'.., % . a 7.. dh '. r5ç.4t.- . t . *- . '' ' -t, -.nn âlzaz ltasul roz- tho rcstorattoic 02 .. ropci-ty rom belo-cc P .?flj-rïc' to laer brothc'rn, l' ?.: ?zt. :. laualz lzac ;as In: . , s Alj. Jsl:an and Is uhurshid Ali Khan of l'falcrkotla. - s 24o r.11'.3/9 .o r/P/4: 3 . . Grant of 1f-ave to Zir Jai Lal, Advz'cer to 11.H -the . 'I . Pa 2'1)raniukh or Patîa .1p. & Last Pun 2.a: S!:p'b ln&on bclfore w es l . ( r(!2.ingu1shinp: h1s cha7-ge.. i. N 2#. G.lP.3/9G/1'/4.3 'PatJ.a(1a. '.PI 7.rast 13tm () ,ab :Jta tes Union (;on stl'tu:nt Assemblv g ' !d * 247. W !i'.3/97/13/40 <' Rtnport of thc gork done ln the Dmpartrnnts oç Lauj' Local Self Oovtoand labour or Patiala & fa st punjab 3174tcs Vnion . . l * I : i x 248.17.3/91 4/1J/49 Evictlon of tenantrl of Fpridko t ilouse 1161,7 Delhi . j z4o .17.3. /93 -/1/4c. v' j.sjt or :tls llâ.rllyness' the'ltaharala or . Kapurthala to 7 . .''- . . .. ' . oudù Lstates, Izucltnèv and Bahsaich , . v ' 250.F.3/l0O/P/49 t' Crslnt of*pension té l' tapo:nDalkrant Qingia oî l' b lerkotla . . * 2651.F'.3/l0l/P/49 Speeeh'delivered bm ./ H. é1.the '1tallprakukh of Patfala & .. ' East Punlab Staf'f?s Union at 3âhaJdharj.Conference hôld . ' . on 22nd octobcr 194U . j . ' '< . ' 252.Ii.3/102/11/49 ë-teprtlsentatj-o,n froy the Presldent Gongress Comml Kapurthal :tteej a r'or shiftlng 'some ol- the Oovt 0fficf ys to F,#/' p llj? Kap f ' llrtlnala . ' . . $ . N ordinanc.s issur?tl by thc Goverr zl tent'of Aaijasthan tqniono A.rt' ancqmcnts to lpok aJ'te't 11.lI.léahar'aJ-pk ana of . Jhalal kars: familprhtsa 253.1?.4/l/P/49 254*.l'*.4/2/P/43 bsencr) f'rotp the State:N. tN;w ( r . , rtvate propertles 0. 255.P.4/3/13/49 <V 1' 1%'I' l.16.the I' lahaz'ana of tldrtixpl b' è:lRa '2 'n) 256s ' li '.4. /z V)?/4?u. .Loa Srà'1-F' n, .V '1 */2 -%/KtSg=the2-Klate I' Y/3r . 6Jtat,c.lqepaT' 7A j* 70 . 000/-Rtmdi ricnl; * . or the annllal inst-qlmzakt of 11.48s000/- durlng 1947-48 . . 257.P.4/5/P/4j ,' Z 1') . '1 Jr:invcLltory of prlvcte pl'opcrtjms of . 1:?hopaja J'odhpur. - ilis High, ness tt ae' 258.F.4/9/1?/49 ?''àllolzmrces to $Lapmatas of Bikaner KCJ7q;ët1a-(:v 359.10.4/lo/P/49 Tnventopy or'privmtc pr opc!rtics of H.i' I.the RaJa of btmcls 260.F.4/11/17/49 Invcntory of private properti ikahib of Sh e' s or HlH.th% Raladhira) ' m ahpura.lletluest for specta: medical allowafé e 9f .15j000/- per ailnaum to hls father -Relccted # , p - ' . . . 261.14.4/12/P/49Z prtvy Purbc of ll'til. the lhlahakada of Bikaner certain. points ralsed 1?y SI.H.the liahrala of Bikaner rel . to hls pcrsollal richts and prj-vilegts . atlnk ' ' . . c . àlleged i4arazslent @nd sear 262.P.4/14/P/49 ky ' . , k 263.F.4/15/1:/49 ches of 'Musli'ms ' ' yàjgjysry . , $.' àllcgod encoClllagt ntnent b y ttm Statec of Jaisalrcr anr) P.l. 1 /,6jP/Jjy Jadhpurofllursandotherdacotts cn. pakimtanBoarde:... 264.F.4/?.é/P/49 !2ho ipventor om private propqrties , of lils Higln.ness the , V Mqhqraja or1:ishengarh # ' . 26. 5.F u4/13 -/P/49 pe'ldht? illventor pf Partaptrq:fhy. -vate propr trtlflc of i1.IIothe.Maharawak .of prj 266.F.4/ao/17g4a k *lao 'g fuvento'ry oç privptc proportfes:f rào 'nalaj uyjjajtg yjyo gugs. jyou ojn psyuj auy og ayyq . - b of' t; 41f n1%r ?nd jjrqndosojyj):p og tyjj, jta; jajysa or ; yo yyjyyy y r.là&j 1M (7' j))ur og jtusjaalgarh01 49 )j Ioa 1 - : . A , . ., 1 1 j ' ' ' ' . ? ' j . / 4 , ,/' ' ' ' . j.,.w -13-j.-4 . l ., pgj xv w. r .( ....' , q ). ' fp# . .. , ' . . J . J-- . 3. . . . . , . # . , . , . y. 1 . 267.F.4/22/13/49 Z'âdmYniF' tratlve oet-'up Of the Rala. sthan Znioll.proposez transfer of 'the rlleadquarters of ..the Chlef Tingineer Irrlcc' .tton, llajastha'n from llvâr to Jalnur or Esikaner. ' ': . , ' .l j .. . , ' '2 .68.F.4/23/P/49 W lleport on the alle.jed atrocitles' ' .qo= itted on'Hindus 'l)rK.' ' tïao Starf of H .1. 1.ttae l,laagab 6f Tonk. ' @ œ V ' . ' ' L ' .269.F.4/24/P/49Z llinutos of'the lneotlng ht altl'on l9t 'h Marc' h,l949#'' t,o r * ' ? i W ,. ' . z /P/49 1 27c .F.4/25 ' ' . 'Phe Pnlted State of P-ajaéthantfvclmnlordirbpnce,1949 . . ' . . 27l.F.4/26/P/49 I Ralasthan Gazette. .. ' ' . ' ' ' j ' n .. . . # '. ' . , 272 .l?.4. k payl /$:7/P/49.K Colnplqint rr )g. , : ?rding non nnnt by . u i . . . . . ' . ! dtsc,ass certain matters ' cbnèernlng thc! nev Rajàstlaân , . Vnion. . . . i'' , I ' . ' * i ' . q tht o liaJasthan Crovt. '. Of E:Ortain eIpenditurq incurred b? ll.i1.0f Bundi irl tlor1ilt 7()' ( ;ioD I' J: Itgh his àir Speftd Corfsùl. ' ' i x ' . ' ' 273.' F.4/é8/P/46)G. lnventcry of private projhertieslof iI.l!pthe Maha:awal oî. . .. J' aloalmer . . 4 ! ' I . : ë ' . . . ' , . , ')/P/49 W contlnuance ot Sir V.Ttlfrishnamchati p.s a membf?r of' the 274.F.4/22 ' col ,àstl. tuf?nt lsstmblyfof Incll. a consetluent on thct'formçtiol . of Kagasthan fntou. , ' . 275.1, '.4/34$ /12/49W Aîppllcqtion of 11.H.the Maharani ofr Bhstratpur for qtnr' ' ' ' '' . ' lnirsions to see.o1d recort ss relating to thfh 8dlrtnlctr8t14 oj'Dc!o6h5. Tolasll as a part qf Bharatpllr, CJtatc. ' ' %' $ 276.5'.4/32/13/49 A zeprespntation for the inclusipn of a member Of the . ' ' / ' ' lflsan Sabha i.n tht a Ralasthan llnion Cablnet. .' -27f7. '3/13/49o---cplrn:us l)a Jodhpur and tlae a4jcjlnlng states.kx .' .F.4/3 -X' N ' . , . . '278.F .4/34/1 2/49 s . I . Indi:crlnnlpate felling of Prlvate Forests lncld Nhy k tho . ' 279 . i . . ' Rulers of ttà,Jasthan fnion. ' . , . . . .. . . . , ' . . à j - y, F.4/35/17/49 K constitutlon of p.iligh Cöurt ?or.the Unltqd Stati'of 'f.!. , . . . .' RapasthangàppoiStment of'High Copft Judgès'tn halasthàn , 280.F' .4/38///49Z The Inventory of . p. l. *lvlt' t;e plmtlp,t?rti:: of 11.11.tln.e l' iaharaual of Banswara . ', . . .-V q . ' . ' e. . ' ' - ' . . '28l' 3/49W The Inventory of the private'properties of 31il.the .F' .4/39/1 * Ilavab of Tonk . ' * f . '* x ' . . - .- ' ,, . ' . ' . ' 282.F.4/41/13/49 < Allcg ed a' rrest and stlbseqqlent''pYlbking zby..thc 'Bikaner ' S 2 . ti ?te Pollce of one Lal Mohammed of Mahmuda . l . 283.5. 4/49 '4/42/1 . - . . Itesignation of Mr.#. .S, . Rau, IC:&,from thz pqlnilerqikip pof .1 . ' ' . thp (Jonotltuent àssembly'o '. f Tnq .ià on h1s bejng rekerted # to a post undor thc! Govt.of Indià. ' . , y . . , . ' 284. 'F'j4/45/11/69 on fi' oln Flaharajltutnàrl Arijendra.K' ft:lr of ' < Rqpresentatt ' 2 . j ' ! ' j .. -1 . T . ? . 4 ' , 285.F.4/46/P/49 Z .lucstjon of acquii-lng t.i set o'.f Gupta oold Coins 'in tlne . . . 286 ' . , I . pIa J os tl su en sa sl ioM nus op fluin(.2i .t-t aellah aJa',o he'' )I f Tndia .ar ' .fBharatpur for t . +' , . . . . . . . . F.4/48/13/19 v Leprespntntion from Saz'da Elha:slaere Jtmg Balnodur'Rana ' ' . . i$ tjye 0..0 .c .j- n-c .l. /apalcse contingent on behalf of' kGrl j Daciijj- sàheba of :un4i for thcl règtohptfon of h:i' Ja. glr ' und thc 1ncrr pasc of her allowance; r . 'j. ; l , . . jt . . . ' ' Bharatpur about theqdolay 1n'the paymnnt of her a,lq.ov. ia.nc Request J'or an .advance of 17. 25000/- from hor allowance o be adjusted by monthly tnsta 'lm/hts of 5o$ of . ' t allo-dance. for the eclûcatton of her .son in V:K. ,her . .. . !! ' x . .. -.- - = . ' . , ' ' u , . . , z .- -.a . . *M . . . ' '' ' . . .! il xi . ' d ,.. . ' >y x. . 4 .. . .& ' . . = '., ', . t ' '' . /, i M œ* ' 'e ' ,.. ...c.,T. ) s 1, ,- 4 .4 k (. ,.. . jh .ws .Q 4 . .t .. j .g .h# x $ . 287.F.4'. / Representat Of High iiighness the Xaharawqlrf. ' ' '49/P/49 V zanswar a foion r an lncreat in in h1s prs.vy r purse-ut7jccgey. . $ l i . . . .. ' . . . 1 ; . Q' >*'. . ' . . . ' i .j, . . . . .. . ... . . T . ' . ' ' y 288.F.4/50/P/49 W luestion or èontinuance of .guarantees given b1J tbe . ' Jodhpur and Vdaipur Durbars On rendition of the ltarvar..l j and l' te!.lar vlll.ages ln ljmer-lfîrwtkrqj on thc lntegrctton 1 . ' - ' . . of thtn two Statos. 'into Ithe 1'kegJasthan Xnion .. ' * 289.F.4/51/P/49'Z All/gtd demolition Qf XOàq=0S and Ovher religious . j . X - plac/o in Bharatpur. . . ': . . . j % , ' j. , . pointment or an expevt commltzt 'en undcr the claalfm art 290. .'F.v s .azp/4g Ap . ship or l, . lr-n -n-patel, chter secretary .pepsu to.. at ' w tse j - ' hl on the relctlun oc a capttcl f' or the fuitocq stato or' - t - . . l % , ll8.ja,:than - Pylymtlnt Of ' i'.AeanflD.A.tO t17e l11Clnllf!r Of'the 1 expert collmlittee . - . $ , . ' p . . ' q ) W ileport suhmittèd ' by l1r.V .1(ol7ill'j,1 ori thq co= unal 29l .1?.4/53/P/49 ' i ' lncldents,whlch occureâ at Vdaj-pur on the 2gth'June$49u ' 1 , a92.1?.4/s' i,/13/49 J . z . . Illvelltories of privmte properties of fl.l' lothe Maharaxal . k o f Dungarpur. ' ' ' , * . ' ' 293.F.4/55/P/49 . * ' x . . 295.F.4/57/ 7/49V ,1 . . i . ,. I t . , . Reprpoontntlon fllom è1r.sumalr Chand'Jain regarding .' j 1 . allcged resumptlon of h1s Zamindari ,lands j.n Bharatpur. , ,'' i j . F.4/58/*/49Z'kepresentatfon.f'rom llrtnkhman Baksi aitadrlt exz-prlae , ' (' . '. .j l 6. i 41 296. ,Y. , Protection olxSovereign kalandri Aadri Ilydrl ,. . . * 7. - . Darkroshmcar. Shabbjzr-ul-lh ssan of .Bharatpur Sf 'ate. - .. . -t . .'. ' ' ' 294.F.4/56/P/49 ' . . . Fmquirles'about.one Fatindra lçat h of laipur . & ' . . . . w . M sa iu la i.r sy terof' Ponk about' thenon-paymentofKh' 1y.N8x.months. j . z:t.l7'.4/5j/17/4$ ) . '- 1 . . ,. . . ls' tq lnst eTme :Mr.cafn Pratap sharma, ex-chi'er ' . lp ores tat oj rint ceroj . , zlvar. . , i 298.*..4/60///49 . ' Ry.ilway j submlttèd ' by 1.1r.l-lupcband 11.llingoranl, r sprtngf1eld , Abu. S'' .. ' I ' A ..e'- . 299.1i '.4/6l/i/49 300.1.0.V 61 d /P/49 pe .e'e- . ; ?w short noto on the allefrcd f'raud jn the licwar state . ' l , V01 .II. , . ' . . I ' . - . ' . . . j +, *1 . . 301 .F.4/63/P/49 . .'- . . . . , vCn G - a s, - ' . I ' . l ewellcry o Temples ln Blkaner State. * ' ' .t.$ r . .l , . . . 302 .F.4/64/P/49 #fzxamlnation of certaip Ordqrs is:u' ( ed, by Hi: Righ.nëàs ' . ' $ . . .- 303.7.4//5/P/. 49 . . h . . i ,. ; . . . . .. . ., . 194kj 9., ; ' , ! l t . I .questton of .2ra'nt.ot Jaglr &nd'àllöwkrme .by HJ11. the gaharala or Jaisalmer'tq his gecùnd son kho was born . just before the integratton of his stmte. 307:F.4/70/P/49 -R Increase of the ma. lnten&nce allowances. öf' the XaJ1 1 ' I ' ' . . Propcsc,ttmorgttr o' f'Iillnoz' - l(o)?kk'7va 'arjt!. 1 Daz jc.styliln - s D isc14. sci' ans 1-r: l;:-.rr7 ;.. . ., ..in; ! , 306-F.4/68/P/49 . î I . . . . * oç n-la,o ror marrtnce nxpmnses..%. . ' 5 .. :. I - I x.%* . -. . . .. . . W .m . .vw . -...-.- ,.. . ., . . . ., . . . ' . Sahiba and her datzghter oL' Ghugrah, Dtm garpur:Orant . ! - . . ,'@4/67/P/j2 Di srespect thown.to Natlonal Fla,g in'Blkane 'r on ' ' ' In'dependence Day y . '' . .. l . . . . 3û5.- , . . I Zcrvice Convnlss1on9 Ha'l'asthan. . I . . ' Appointment of members and Ch' alrkan for the Publlc . 3O4 ë4/66/P/4'9 ' .F' . the Maharala of Blkaher, beforethe integration oî hl' s State. . --'..- .. . . .. .. ' ' ' ' . . '. .. I aa,.w u. . ... - ..,,w x ... . . w ' 1N > j - . J ... . .-- 1. - 'j t e- - -.-. . .-. . - '' , . ! -.1 . *s- j., 4 ! k . .- 2Z . >. -- * ' I ' p j. l ..- -- . -.- -.. .- .-- -1 . - - .. '. j-J .. .. ' 7*< ' j - - 3 .- '. / . 308.F .4/71/13/49 lzeburgapltra Refugec! Canlp Firing Incident. . . , u t 30:.F.4/72/P/49Z Al stle ndg he idIlatroclties'dn Muàlifns of Pql.i,lodhpu' r by . ; . 17/49 à f, . 7n alo.Ft 64/7?/ ( / . erugqys. z %'' f 'mppb le ir cc ah tf zp onon o. rIn tte .c gr oa lt -k ia ltCol àh ner lst aaRal noas rT zlkf' or . v'. 'j on. nl mittee to han. ' . 311.:'.4/78/17/49 X' lspute between East Plm jab ahd Ra'jasthan Oovts. regarding Boundry Llnejbetveen vlllage Balsamad (illssar) ahd village llabanpuratBikanerl' à + jnda:rstngh, ' Bx-'suf 312.:.4/79/P/49 W peprpsantatton rrom Mr.l 'cr'intendent or Iàollce, niaaratpur regarding the alleged llltfgal ' ' termlnatton or itl.c servlces-qqgected. . 313.F.4. /83/P/49 Representatioh f4om Kunwqr Balvant Slngh ahd.Mahhraj, Harl Sjngh lietawal tkaipurl - ltewar' l for the recognitlon of their successlon to Bagore Thlkana . ' ugrr' 314k1P.4/86/1'/49 < ilarassment of Hindu in KhokrapurtW jssthan)by the k . Paltlstnn Police . 315.F.4/8. 5/P/49 ' Proposàls fr6m Sh41 Lkladhar Joshiy r etordlngabsorptlon' ofsomeStateszo rf emt ih ee r,P MAj .Ba hs at rh àa tn: *<-'j Ilnloll in l.1.E'harat . . . . I ê j g 316. eprosentation f/om the .'Auler of Karaull Yor the ' F.4/82/P/49 ?R'Ps refixatton of h1s privy purse - . 'F.4/84/P/4: < Qlapectionakle acttvltics or Shr 'i Buleshwar Daàral 32-f. ' namaji of Bamania. . / . 318 .F.4/81/17/49 , , '- x Thc invmntcry oî the pfivate prôperties of I1<.sxh)thp M '' . aharala Ttana Sàhi.b of Jhal. 7:,rar . b . : + N.. 3l9:F.4/80/P/49*'eBharatpur llepresentaabout tion fr om Xun&/ar Hlra Singh Ex-8inisterj' the I'eE!toratlon (?C hio Pe , n6lon . 3'2'O:F,4/88/P/49Z / lafiz lkramullah Khah a Eakistan It Trreôt of Mryl . atiore.l by the 2odhpur 'Police authorities at l' fomabaoo q ' 321.F.4/89/17/49 Z dDete ' Qkafoor' :, a Pakist' N ntion ol'Barkat Al1-s/o àbdùl an . ' . ' - . atj.onal resldinc $n Balotra Jodhpur State ln Jodhpur Central' Jaj.l . 328.F.4/90/P/49 e'Eudget Dstimates f'thè Untted 'State of l o Rqjasthan j for 16) ,49-5' O. ' 4 I '.4/92./$3/42'W Issue of copies of cortgjn official documents tc': the 323.11 . Lusarq.m, Jaipun Gevt.regarding festoratlon of certaln land of the Jalpur .oovt .at Allahabadrpermlssion for ' . # .324.* .4/92/17/49 W llepresentatlon from H.H.thc Mahar: 7 j )a of Shahpura f61q a grant of !>;.l5j000/- a year tö nleet tho Medlcal . . expEnsàs of h1s father K- j 325.1.'4/93/P/49 ' . Leglslatlon regarding Mgtor Vehicley Taxatfon At4J ' ' / 'l ln Jd lasthan. ' 326.*.4/94/P/49 M Re presenttttlon règardfn: 'th'e wröhgful dlsyoss l eàsion' '' . Cl' f' vs.lltilas Devi. . ' li . .. .u I . Sànghi 'from hap bnhg'àlo;.; n lbdhpllr. . ' 327.F.4/95/15/49 W 'ouclstion of refllnd Of allôwan j awn br.i' taja .dirrpl ' Saran Singh ot Bharatpur. -ces 'dr * ' ' '! u. z,. t :6/1 7 /4 9 K complaints abo 1*i 'nj' aaa-p',z. t. / ut.non-payment of'jehqiorls and,provlde . . ' f ' . . - N j ) ' rund deposlts f'roln'varlous ' '' pers oris zn Ralasthan. r . . i ' u ) I .** . e '' .. . $. 1 - < . 1 I . ,ar 4 +:. ' ' ...J; j / / . .s, -()4E54 .. --*!k. --' 4: j .x , x . . v ' . h t'n'k . g . . . , ' '' ' ' ; 1 . : .., . .-,, ; ; . .- .. . ,t, so . , , @ ' (/' . -'--dj.' -. -- --- -- .;- M' G* .' ; ' @ 7 vov /i a / 4 s A' i t zag. . ronk. to.. dtspose f-portcd attempt v%y n-H-tho Nâwab or ' - -'-, . .-.- . . ' . * . . ot some of hls ancestral Jgwellery. ' I.l!.the lflaharaJa (jf Jaipup? Cor ptArrnisslO13 330.F.4/98/17/49 V*Jleqhhost from I' . ' k A. J aaz- 1 rorth h1s son getting a Commlsslon 'in tlne L1fe C'uards of o Brltish Army - öranted. ' ' , . r-c/zoo/p/x: lutns on zazsazmer boree' r by the armed pathans'rrom Pakls' tan. . ' . . . 1 . 332.1?.4/101/17/49 Rajasethantprotmctloil gf Tenantclordinan ce,1949 . '' . . I l . 333.I P.</j02/P/49Y' P procèedl 'ngs of'the flrst meeting oî the Council of . l ' ' l ' . 33 / Itu a tlJ ca rt spur ofon thetlUan ltedZtate3o fikalgsthanUntonheld e hoth and 2 1st àugust p 4: . . . 0.4/103/P/49 Fiemorandum submitted by the V1ceK hancellar 9f the ' 4.1 % JaJ Dntverstty about thé locatlon of the llapasthan ' . .4 Unàpur' vprsit . ' . y. 335.7.V lUV P/49 Postponement of I' W J pllkliinl age by tht a lçawa' b of Tonk a . ' 336.7.4/105/P/49 Despatch of lltckle Coinage .blanks from Gangapuj? p x ibull&pa# Station to the Mlnt llastor zombay . 337.F.4/106/2/49Zlnquirics by the Con<ular Section of the lnlcrlcan. -' Lmbassy abodt thc authorit $ for vc y to be conv cted ln Raja:than rification or anticeuents for grant of visas . .1 338 .F.4/lG?/P/49 ltepresenta tton from Bhura Ra - . ' . ) 1 1 ' . ' . , . . ' . l: ! àarbatsary Jodhpur State rngardtng m (?f'vlllage salwa , Tehstl confi ir jagi1-. ' scation of his ss 10..4/1.08/17/49 Repz-cgson' l;atlon from Shrj Chag qghtC hmaq c lhlaiaxlk -llaj advopate nî Udaiyur ln rfgàrdan toSi the ey inati ' . f '' ' 339 : . , . . . service etc . - Re2ecfed. . X$ j 34O.F.4/1œ/P/49<'CJIIJ).ov ir . g)-tte,J33*-gy/sa ;.ô.tz,5-3 on ' .pf his '' . . ,341.F.4/ll0/P/49G ttalds h on Jalsalmer State %?.'Paklsian peonlp proposal k. 1 . qt pcrtodical nieetj. s bqtwet,n poliçg!off'lcials of Valsalper énd Sind beng conven od to Rlnlmise stlch raids. ' ' . . . s X . ' x 342.1P.4/111/P/49 Correspondence relatl ng to the settlement or the privat ' propmrtif;s Of Jlajasthan llulers. c' o ' . . 343:17.4/112/P/49Z' teprosentation bf thePaj . gut Jaglàdars of Tehjll Hagaur Jodhpur Divi.sion j requestlng tha t cash rent should not be , lntroduced2 ' 1 ' , . . on uajaàthan- . - . . '' ' ' . 3tes. , . . . . , .3 lwt of znformatibn rhe Maharapa of Jodhpur J'6?- khe supply equlre t d by the lncomë tax llivestlgat' jon. ' ' . ' .. . 346*F *4/1l:/P/49 Zotillsatlon of th : ' j . ' e sérvlcJs'of Ca 'ptatn ()o B .l.lehta by iI.11. ihe . Xaharao of Kotah. .: , - 347.1?.4/116/P/49 lepreseltatj on fr Jol H.Mk tkjrjee, Xssistatrz Zngltteer m Pz 'oJe ' com t reg ar dln ! Bha tl aekra nlyDa tie' nt of duês,by auer state. .. g.the non payl j ' .. . 1 Y ' . I y'4gll'?/p/zp Zpayolsnt or r ; . 34b. . ; sh Soncerned j.n c.learapv e.'or the dues owned 'by l'ff.lamos . erman Izopklns ln Jodhpur. . a49. l7.4/1z8/j?gzs neport croul tl4 . j Z c cl azej- secrebary ! l c.1:a4/- u .th: Jod 'jp ur'state'Hotel 'and'otherg ' ' * ! 1 . . . l J K ' $ E p .- - . ' '' 345.F..4/1l4/P/49v<Xlleqyest to H t t . . ' 344.1P.4/113/i'/4Q Joup llotes of lIr V.Pxlslenon . try of St , âdviser, Ninis' . ' 1 ' . . ' ' . . l ' 1 . . . : . ' .. ' l , nalasthan regar explosion in Tobacco Bagary Jodhpur cptnfl tàe . . '' . . , . k h I ' ' ' .. ' . < .1,. f' - ' . ? ' .-.' - . . ' e' .' I - ' . . ï. .% . '''''*. '- .= j , .. I *, , . .. . . j. >K. . *& .. LuT..-,b-uLg. '2-,,w IpLbt ' .fru, w.w. . .. , * ' l '. ' ..' s. 1 . X . w ,k'.: <wj,.. -u.,. I i ! U L - .... u t ' s-- 1' . E -' -. #?..' ( . ) l .. ..- 1 .. . . . - . .. A. .. -..- - . ..- .. .-... --..... ' ) ' . - .- - - - . ..- , .. 3. . - . . - t.V;.1q.9/.?P/49 G' aylwrynt o' / alloàl aflco to Rajnkanta Shrl Het ltunwerbal 2 'âj 350.1. . grandmotiaer of tho present '.r'uler of Jaisalzler . 35l.' Ft4/121/P/49 v' Jhe Jaipur Laus Falidatlon 0rd inancO, 1949. t 35b.12,4/122/P/49 ZLootlng o' f Pollcq.chovki,in a ylllage in Dungarpur. V' 353.F.4/123/:/49 '' eport by l(rkP.S.Rau on Buick ' Car prêsphted to Col.. Kesai.i stngh by H.H..tho Maharada'or Jodhpur.' 31ngt A%B'hojtaregardllng 354.F.4/124/2/49 topresLntatiorlf'rom 'Thakur*l(u' à'' hal,.C' ' . , the successton to thc Malw ralan ' 1'hlkarp. 5.n' .aikanoi-. ' ' r 3 .55.17.4/125/P/469Zcomplaint by H.H .the l'K hai'a,ja oc.(B.tkaner .rêzacdip ' , c ertnj.h incident in Gangailp.gar wherez1 ïadramastag .cd certaln obltctlorlable personel remarks were,lnade agalnst . thw!Maivraja. ' 356.J2.4/126/13/49 deturn of arms ahd alcmtmj.tlon to Raja Man Slngh of' Bharatpur by Rajasthan Govt. * . 27/P/49 Vilcport regarding the entry of 1.0 Paklstanl llusllms 357 .F.4/1. - ' dptccted at Barqer viihout proper permit. ) /' 353.F.4/128/P/49 leturn of II.H.the l. iaharad ja of Jodipur 'from the Unltpz' . . Kingdom . h 359.li'.4/129/P/119 Wlbduction'of 11st Jamkoo k/ife of llohan alieas Dharma by ' llarpat isingh and others of Jodhpur Police . 1 . ('' ., ' . ' % 360.F.V.130/17/49 AllEged harasment of.Keonas Cöx l/nity undor tho Jalpur Crilcinal ' Jrib' es Xct .llestrlctlons orl the possession of locolvotives, camels , .'etc .by the Xoenas . <.' x= z ' ( . . , N. 36l.1P.V l3l/P/49 ' lemorial from èlina'Stldhar Salnitl qkaihst Pollc s x firl'ng ' at htahabir' gi f%ir - Hlza r u t l ' l lndaum, J atpur . '':4't, ; . ?r u . ' ' . . . , Vz /62. :.4/132/P/49 Ralts'èn Jalselmer Border in 1949. 141 .. yjj,..,j ,jjj,,,, q ) j 363.1'.4/133/P/49 R'Grant of penslon of 1)r. llam Bàbu Saxena, formerly r l y, .. ' .' , . , . ' Admlnlstrator of Tonk Statp. '364.F.4/:34/P/49 ZReqllest f'rom llesjhs Magha Ttali and Glrdhati Itafn ' (itartjanslfor the alJotment of agricllltllral land lyin: vacant t.n vfllagos Gangahagqr'êtco' ltehsil l' ianllntn 'hgarh . . etc ., Ellçaner . ' j. 1* # l 's/lvzs epetltsd 365.17'.4/zt n,rrom èfi'@Bh1,m .3f an Vtjrma j.n rej,ord %o* rsntti fn ' e . . respect of Jaswant Serai Dufldinc Joclhpur . ' 366.1.F.5-P/49 , . . ' llecovery of. lekn . ' / grkntod by the.Bharartpur Oovt,1n conhnéctq.on lrith c.contract betl' . fecl n'M/G rsam ly.lT lart and the Govt.of lndia for the Supply'of rum. . ' . $ ' . /pz4r )* ' ' ' 3 a .6?. 68TJiP--.s5/ë c).tnç6 . .'a /2/P/49 X 'lrr 4T. 7 fbr 0f rtngementq for th: granti of an làtcrvi( . . Polt.cf j' , ricer of the Tughlpk .ll. ozd Police 'êttntlon j '3t lo', ' ,r Delhl wikh ' 9+ .1.i1.the l. lclhgrâJa of bharatpur in connectlon gftii, , a case unrler invcstiga'tj. or i ' ' ' ' ,' F . u @ : . . ' . , . . 369.F.5zs)p/4 l:@-'l'telaou) N-eriinrôrmtltj.on or 'a'î-pnst or .sarcl.az..''rara chalfl'îa y' . (lhzkerjee) ex-l'r'vate d(3crc' tary 'to the llana or Dholpur 'onzehayse'br' bclng a cihmm urïtst : ' r , . . . ' ' r, . ' 370.1?.5/6/17/49 W Contrlbutlop by llatsya U111on tovards the exhlbitlon # + held 113 Jlalpur. . 3?l.1P.5/7/P/40 s . . ; ' G' ' . i ' lj 'P Fast ' of Nodhy Kunl Beharilal,'the j .Alqkar, tèdisor'' zoj% ' . ilillik:t@ ' W ' ' 6 'Y . : d '' 1,. . F . ' f 't ' ,. $ .. , . 'I 6 ' ...... %'î1 .. ' .z . l . 2. >. ---...-.'........ ' z8 -j .z k? (k .,. , ......' . -- . . .... .- .- .. . . .. ... @ 2.*........ . , ...-u> .. .- ... - --=.2 .l.. ' . .. . r--uuuum .'.-.. -.'' w'.-' . 0X* * .-...3 ' * - 1 - I : b7a.Ip.s/c/P/4a R 'Fteprcsehd' -atj-on j-rom thq l'ij.ni.qters of the l':atsya . U)Aq.on for ah .'incr.laase ln thfllr emolunli alats. - ' 373.1'.5/9/17/49 . W ztctivitl6. 's of Ibrahlracnd.Sulr lmantofAlwa.r), l' faqlvis ' '' of- Jamiat-ul-lllal xc.--: i- llihd j-n curgaon. . *- ' I . ' . ' '' : - 374. P..6-P/4S J. eprescnt''tj.on r .y'oln lIisc.' E.d1th Q.DèKe.ltennj.ck formerlr 1 , rlgal %t' lirlg larly compprlign tc thc ILq.h;)rani 51pllpva Of Rekia rt u ltcr pcngtcn . ! . . ' !. ' W 375.12.6/1/13,/49 Proposcd broadcn:1t on V' incihya P7adcsh by Mr.C.B .peo ''- , Dlsallol ged . 1 , . . . - . ' . . . ' 377.P.6/G/1'Z49X ,. ,.1 .tN 'D 4=jo. fryf' j ' . o 376.F.6/2/P/4: ' /k11owancc to RqJl ttata ol Panna. . . , ' . ' ,, ,#'. j . . ' . 378.F.6/'&17/49 ee lzcprcsentntlons from thp public r .egarding 7.Pradesh , ' llinlstry . 37 '9.1?.6/8/17/49 1an' ' .lus.ry 1)y the V .pr/dt nsh Govt.116 2 9g: paymcnt of expen- ' ' . dltpare incurrp ''c) on thr! v1sits of P. 'AIf ?rs to the Un$on Capitc1. Decj-slon that suc14 expendltpzr/ ? shoult i. l)e nlpt by tl:e ztulers' thrtnselves. ' <I N . . ' . . *' 38O.11 '.Q/?0/P/49 . Advico sollrkt by Shrj-' liylrmada Pradar l Singh, Hovcnue lr finister , w V'.PrgClesh T' rhtltltcr he can seek a loan of 9:. 40,000/- from the V' .p/adesh Govt. '/ . . '!- . j l 38l.17.6/12/15/49 A 3chcn:c by the Roven' ue 115n1ster, Vintjhya>dllradcsh for . ' . ' the abolitlon of Jagirdari and 'ralslnk o 'f Révqnue. ' . j.a< 4 . ' .' h . 382,.11i.6/13/P/49 F lllovanct as to sir Gulab Stngh izx-llaharajaxof'Rewa dulngl 1ji5 C()' j ;ê!'?j;j.on: z f ' 'T ' . ' y a aaa..#>.6/14/1'/49 < Dcsl' gnation of the Chlef of''W i nta Ra 'Jaula. ,'''' . , K ' ' 384.P.G/l5/P/4f . )W fJ8..-lk . lrlrlt of,allolgan ces ' .to rtaja Bhadur ' Balbhadra - Slnch ' of Datfa.. . ' ' x!- . ' . . ..,e . ' > . ' 3:5.1?.6/17/13/49 < r,epresent' ?tson fy>orn ll/sxlagannath Prasac) Clalaadaml Lal j against the V.pradesh Ministry in the 1nqi-tt't of graut '' of a monopoly for yarn distrlbution in Harpalpur . 'x .,j 1 . , ' '7.Pxadesh 3h6.7.6/19/P/49 ** .x Bur lget a Dstlmnkss f'or' tL ao 7.o'ar 194a- 49. - ' ' '' ' ' ' ' 1 387.1i .:/22/19/49* >11stt of'Drl A.V.Thykkar 1;0 Vp pradeshinconnf?ction . J . , Tzith Iiarijant? ûp-la.ft &ropk antl suggestlons maâe by . 388 F'. '' n . j j 3/P 17/49 ' l% 'owanc $*es,1 kil 389.F.6/24 to'Shrj ' àman Sjnr gh of'B: iJawar.' . ' '''J h . . , j 390 1.6/25/17/49W a)vequef!t of Filr olllal) Sj . ' . 3t)1..Fy6/27/13/4: . . . , y , ofitclwa vrlAo &s seriouslyngh tovl:ltf 4.11.thmblaharala ) 111. ' . 1 y hsj.m foru'relevlng unesploymqnt etc. 1n ' thc Union . , . ' . . - . . - . , ' lljcrltfrtg or '?Gajashahl'' coinc jn the 0rchha 1 state %mlnt.. 392.F.6/28/17/49 G plutlhrc of V.pzksldesh. , . j ' . ' ' ' , . . 393.17.6/z9/P/49 'e -lottq on Gandhj l3hawan in Tilcamgarh. . . ' . I l . 394.F.6/30/1J/49 E . -< ' ,. Allegod posting of C.5.Dg'men ln Vopyadesh . 39 ., 5.F.6/31/P/An r ' 396 p'G/aa/l'g4. a. ' t j>)J v ' -T ' .' . . . S F ' . . ,. '' ! . ') sopvesantqtjcn rrom rslr .lqoplan sjng'h xarcianlz momlier z.1l zym j . a congress colcsj-tteoj gazpul-, reg: polh tce' . e7teesS)es . l .' t . J ' j ' l . 3/7.F'&G/35/13/4: R'crp t or at'lthorlty to 'the Chlcf :ec . j. ! . . ' . '. . to thi?Covtpof. 1 ï . y r ) a I . s m , ; , j . . j z à o t f ! , j à a j t à . t t ) r y y z j l . o n , j l a j a v y j n gcertlrzcat. as.. k. , . 1 Ithanjdhaua st.ate . '. - .. . - .. . . . . . . .. . . . , . -. . . , .v j , ! / : ' ' t t i- 1. . * '. - . .. - . :.jn -.,'. v - -- - . .-- 2.-.- -.- . ' .$. 1 . .- .'. - . ' .' ' -- .. .. . - )- z --.?s X.....- -.''-k.. . . '' . 3. k-s . . .-.. ' -..-.- & ' . 3éa.r.6/a7zpz49 venepresensatf.on qr surz Jarannats pannv, 'x-àsssctant, . . . : otrector, roo, a csrzz suppzszc,.v-pradesia renavdln, llj.s d. i.' s1 c* 1.ssal frol : n. $Orzice . 3:9.1-.6/38/:/49 contribqttons,by v-pradcch Govt-sepvants to the qandhi. 400.1i'.6/39/17/49 lnlt' ' .. ll!'y into the case of Slta ltam Lalaof ' village- l:atlol-al llemorial flm d . %. ., , Mohanzye, P.s.cha arllat, dtstrsct sldhtI ,'Vpziadeth. m - + 4oA . g F.6/4o/N 4a '' 1 ''ostnatton to shra constituent àssombly oî Iudâ.rf rrox v*Prstle/h. . ' '' e > ,, . ! 402.popreparation of clectâral rbolls and other arrangcmt ants for toyening ' (,. .. IP*6/41/17/4. 9 E.llr'$1.PrM( 1esh Constltulnt Assenblg.. * , ' , : 403.:-.6' /42/:/49 prscheme ror'the re-organtsatlon or r-pradesh Police lorcK' Loan o: f-sorvù.c'sl or Policc 0fricet's etcofrom Q*P.nnd Derar. ; 'R ' 1 . A ne ' î rcha se oç Bl l ick car rrom V'. :laratlesln Govt- by B.s: 404.11.6/43/ /49 -p , . .. tlrewal, Comtntsstonnr, llowgong-Disalloved. 405.P.6/4519/49 G cj.ain by lf.1I.the l' raharaja of Charkhari that the x Ikainpur tenlple shpuld bq declaz'q.as his private property x , . ' 40G ..1'.6/46/17/4:* (' .ontimmncc or thn pensjoh lrraNtcd by l iashar stcte to - l.laulvi .k1laudcq1ru iuhan . 1 4:7.F.6/47/P/49 ' ' , , . Central âcts cnr1 OrdJnctnces ort/r 'ided to V.pradesh . uns ler thc Domj-nlon l,eglslhture.. k. / -. J (. tîj,airs '.. .. Questi 1 on of :dtszl Jwpradcsh Rulcrs , ament or privk . -, .. ' 4.08.11 3.6/48/P/49 , . Prlvy Pltrsêj Prlvato propcrtle's and allow4ù% s of the ltulers of'%'.Tl>adesh . ' s ' '-ç') t .' :.V î t -t' A'q $, j 1 409.l' .6/49/1:/49 yzd . kuç'c -tion of' paymont of expfbnd.4yjjp'y jyqcujNyys y; j.ywkjuywtyyyos ' T'r1th,DRC 'serah!celebrattoéq irtVoi7lqâdqsll..à.,. ..:. j ..r .,,,; . . p .1 k 410 P 6/50/11/4( presontation f'or lncr * * ' '. -)W Re oase in all,ovanct'oJ', :$.1 2).1taJ Kl :ho ri , > ; : i dos. ;of late tlîpjlitunar V1.Jey Di , thkdur blrfgh of f, ' Ek ' . - h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . antthar-nejected. $. 411.l'.6/5l/P/49 2 .P. '. k . . - ? . ' '. Itequest by tho Y.pp'sdef:h Gonzt. for the copins of Lul, s fr.'Floc1 1ay othcr llzllons f-or tho rntrenchrnent of àurpllls c:taf'r or thta accoding 3t;;,tes ant! terms or reference of . 41 ' k. . the Yczlkatachar Coblnlttee. . ' 41t 3.7.6/52/17/49 Trnnsrerof D .e$ln qî .sBunjrct2.0:. ,jD:i.lliv/ha,atchhatarpur i. 41.4.1P.6/53/14/49 as Ganr ih: t smazak Bhawan. Prn N sc'ntsltgon of a.stlm or *-. 2,51 ,172/- by the V./radesh l'inictry to Dr.Rajqndra Pro-sad for the Gandhj llatlo'nal iemorlal Fund out rnf Ztrtte .lrunds in antielpatlon of relmburst nmejat from public conto rlblhttonoo . - . 415.F.6/54/17/49W atatttment of affairs in Xaihâr State. N l 4l6.i.6/55/P/49 . ' . . . #' . Vgpradesh rlnlorl. 4l7.:*.6/56/2/49 P Ajpolntmonts in V ppradesia-lPjrjané1al restrrictlons . 418.F.6/57/P/4. 9 W Mrteprebentntion fr yom Stlrt at q Akhtazk-Htjsàolln, ex.nfNcl'ciittona.l . -. ' Allogancos to Rai jpramllkh and lrp-fialprakukh of - l emsit'and ' ). , 'ôgistrate 1èacodj Vopradesh for re-employmcnt I l l e-çmplo ymt l nt oJNDytd lkotlln llqssain as Zkupsif- ltlagistrgtg t b J-4@Pr '' nfrf'sh Govto ' ' ' ''''- ' 5. -' F 41r)oFo6/58/17/49P'tzhuo stion o1-a gz-ant f' of thqyarmljgades oflRthn e lctfl 2.ulc'r of Ch'arkhsr'z ln V. c . dalzghter or , , 7!L, w e I F. . ' , . x. Ar. l. -. - .- ..-..- + , j ' w v;n y.% / .-10 .... 0 ,. j .. 2 - .- : .. ... .. .. - . yjx j. 3. . ' ' . .a ' ... ...... ...,j j . .r , ' , .. .. . ... . . . . ' . .'Zf'j 'gy / . 421.F.' 6/G'o/P/49 ' . w 420. 1?.6/59/P/49 x glip )5-#S lj9167 422. ' g z y. x. -r .nv. L own. . . . * .. , ' ' 'loteW s hanr '?6d ol 'zor by llvR.of Panna rogardlng V.pradesh. . . - '. + ;)f ptansion duo 1.0 his lato father l' x iunshl Fiahadeo Prasad I ' tl-om f-he Panna'State. ' 1P.6/62./P/4t?C Itepresentctj-on fmn!one Ganesh Prasad regarflinc arrears ' # hJ . - 423.1P.6/62/P/49 ' 1 l' .epresentattoll of [email protected] l' îaharapa of Alagigarll in respect of thc Jtothri llhazaup accounts amoûnt ' ih to !7q.2,06,581/- . . 424.F.6/' 63/:/4: Z * - ., ' . nesqtmptlon of'lluarts taantect by the negont or tàae minor. nuler of Bilavar ln Voprgdesh to the naturnl motheli'and sister of thè Ruler.2 .zlloyTancc for ,tlne natural Mether ' of the mtnor ruler# of Btlayur. .. . ' fë . l , , 425 .F.6/64/1 j 9/4. 9 Reprr-sentptton *rorn Shri Mankoha' n La1 Srlvastalra, ex /' ' Deputy Dtreczor,l?ood & Clvil Supplles T-pradesh r 'egardin: >' terrfttnatson of- his servlces. . % , . . d - . , ' - . . ' , i j 426.1?.6/65/P/49 . , . . l eprtnscntàttons handed o'ver to the Prime l15. ll ni:ter dnring ) abs vlàit to àllahabad by some dqputatlonlsts' from Reva . ' 7 aprad:sh, regardlng foodrains, ejectmt ants etc.in V.>. NA i -îe 427.F.6/66/17/49 presentatlon frow Shri C).P mlbamdeo , ex-chlef l llnister ' of lçagod 6)tqte 1*f atarding salary for l:ave period of ,- ll.months . 428.F.G/67/P/49 , ' ' ; 'h . Ft'pretperlt. pkion of IIcr l' llclnlnr!sj Smtoîk -ptnchar).ltrtnwlr widow tf'the lattn iptler of Bipikrar.State Cor irm rease in her mop 'thly allokrance and certaj.n o'thor concesslons. . 2.Allowanc(? for Smt.Gagunuju Ra,ja natura1 mother of the mino1. lllzlr)r of B5Japura. ' Re'presentatlon f' v the rectd'ents or najapup'' l'g.artiing T.ol . '- .- (' ' ' ' 4:9.y.6 ,/6t v . tiaq eloctmont or cultl-vators from their lands q)y the . . ' . I P/49 hazr-appart ant of A .1jalg:rh# . ' x . 430.1:.6/70/P/49 > -l' tepaymont oç a loan of Pr. l0)000/1 to Pvanl Sahiba of ' . Garrauli by . ' ' -' . . 431b -ù/-?Ijr%q . . . , -... -.. . -. lP.6/72/P 4Q. ototcment of Accolmts of rivorlue and tnirpenclktplre of . 7.1:.& 14.Bharat. ' . I ' , % , w; 432.li '*6/73/17/49 - . . . v ted . by tl . lkcmoval of Dostric'tlons impos w. V. pl'ac!esh Qcvt . on tolt seTsrak larossj Tlkamgarh . . ' . . . 433.P.6/74 /P/49 ' - Reprcsentqtion from i1.1!.of Orchhp for ths revjaion of ' ' Prl4z.r purse. . . ' : '' . I . ' - ' e 4 . . . ' . P' . . 434.jj.6/75/P/49 Ttetention in servicm of e 'mployet?g disrnlss6 'hd 1) ly one ' Stote and reoemplorecl by anqther 3tate before irlttngrrae tloli under Clause(1).of àrtjcle XV of 'V':P .covenant. 77/P/4g W lllestjon of repaym6nt of'advanco'of pc'..2(),zQz/- 'f'or 'the 435.F.6/* '. 'constructlon of thc,rûsldence of Ruler o'faKot%i damago; ' . ' ' g j . ' - . ; . by f1ë re-waivcd . ' d .. ' ; wqn of Charkharl and Sarlla .or premature tem inatio o. p' , clalmtnc,compensatton 1' 'n 's . o , 4 t l j . ! î ' ' . .. . $ , . ' - 1 ! ' x sO)?Micc!; ' bj''Qa( . ) V.l7ra.d()sh Oo' gt.ROjected. Lecislatlvc lctivitlr?s ln V.Pr* . 437.F.6/80/17/49 ' lfjesh.2:VoPradesh ' ' 07J , . '.1.,. ) à,nces. . . . . ' : ... . . ez I k ' . 438.F.6/8a/P/4() Roprcsrintatjon J'rom Glnrj Jlalas'lay)ti singhj'ex-p-rekj : . 7 . Memorial from Chalcbe llam Chalnd èxe e . ! j . 436.P.6/79/12/49 ' . v . v' oprajesh, 439.F.6/83/17/49 jli .; . #- . . . provj-ncj-al- congress Commlttse . .' Répl-rseintait1cn from )1/s l kflnoch . . ' . . , , clel' tj' i' . , ' . h s . . ' eher'Hlralal an '(1 Co.. j z ?piia I-oj. s crfa cftl v ay ,,y -oc ourrf qj'c?.olh z s.sàr or x ja n st erj' te cèz yu5 o -y. ojya . ru'oc .. ' f: . ' /I . ' ï:. ' ' ' b' . ' . ' '%' ï . 42. ! j .- * : 1 ' . u ' , '' * . 4 * s: 1 ' l. . - . ..- . , - .. .. ..-- l . 442.10.6/86/17/49 . - .. . , ' .-... .- - . ' . . . . .' .' ' . / .' h'i ' . . ' orpnt of'an allovlance to S1t.llatllaa Bai y , sister taf- the ltbtlcr of Dtnaicondlaa . ' 5 ' + ' ' l ' ' . ' . . . l t6prescntotion'f' rtm EaJa Shiv sahadur Singh : Rao of Chu . .; rhat ltogarding out of his house at Rega . leprosentation from H.ll. sanlthar that his fort at ' . % W . , ,' . . . 443 .F .6/8' 7/P/49 - ' ' . . . . .. .. . y.aw B7' 0 . . . . V 1 . . . 44l.F.6/85///49 W ... .. ' note regarding the studelïtg strike ln Rewa. . . .440.F..6/8V P/49 . . . . . ? t * j .. 4 7. 2 . . . / 21 -. -. . . Gamthi lr ohould not lle 1jsf:tl ror ' lodgin g reruget'so , . .. ' 444.10.cyyzj15/19 I . j lteprcsenz ootion '' by a clepu' tation f' r' om Datta àlleging'r. . ' esstve Levenue âssesspent ol- the li lauza gtkar jcxc n V'gpradesh. l . r ., . . 'u t j 1 l ) . . . , .v. . 445.7.6/0. 6)/P/49 Z 'ltcprccftntatton *roln Lcy Doctor l'Crsx 'Jandon for payl7ent of some bllls outstpià . Ch. lrkharl 8nd Sari,la'.clins ajtainst thc r 'ulers of ' ,, . . . Apprecsion of I' -lvcns of l çafjod Tahsil by thei p)% Zam . . . . r4 . ' 446.F.6/90///49 , . . . indars leport on fast unto ieath by one Shivanand mf Jatna . T . 447.7.6/:9/P/40 I 1 ! t . ' 448.:.6/9:/17/49'W col nplalnt' by the Jaglrclar of Bh X*' ais ondh a ora î'ogpi ycitng -'obj cc tionablr a spee chf ! s mac ' t e ' by Shz k t Kibh ' ' Shiv Sagar Sharma . land ' ' ' ' ' 'and ' '' ' . . . . 448.F.6/93///49W l,etter from one Shrl Lam Isrlshna Verma against thc maladminlstration in V o 449 .F.6/94/1 '/49Z . Driftuir:f about 'l ntnrc papcf' report allngin'g . by Jagirdars in 21. pradesh ., ' . : I ,. 450.F.G/95/17/49 . ' ' ' ' ' . ' WX .- . . ' 451.F.6/06/17/49 K l tetpesentation fI'om tht Jagirdar on'Bhaisondha against th: - % . management of the templts. . ' ' 452.7.7-P/49 M ' ' ' . Petjtlon from Jlhan Dabadlkr Phe'rozô' Dhanjishal' lotlnc avall ' ex-clcvan of ltaJplpla j.n regard to hts pension. . y Petition of $hri llautamlal Ptanc ' hhoddas ' ' ln ' V Baxi aga . k , . ' 4 453.17.7/l/P/49 . . 1:etlpctjon in 141s pensl . , N - on.( . . 1 . . .. . . he Gadil of ifadana J . . . . an: fakhat awoses Prpbapsinhi'i Ratansl'nhl1 ' ï slnhji Rp.tenuinhlj rcgardlng contflscatqon of l . âmran Taluka by Ilawarm gnr Darbaj?. y . , . , z ; . ..)p.j . ' 15G.F.7/4/P/49 E Il epr s or Gosk/aml 6).K.shrzrrfia '/ et xt et r' ne t cntgtlon fyl , regqrdkn ent by l. i.H .the lbiahara ija o:r chbs takpur . g ltjvs v t * ' . ItcpresclTtatlon çrox s(;z.1 y.o.. oc . ;a1k ziegardln: the pax ,I . * l . # . . 457.17. -7/5/:/49 k J sala' ry rrom M-Bharat. l l' teprescntntjon fro 458.F.7/6/P/49 C l 'regardj.ng Aer . . , . : ' . . rment ,, ' . . m .I!.51.the Dowager. .l#aharani ef Kolha allovzances etc . ' ' pur . . , l ' ' . . . . 0 . ' 1 - . r j < ........ , J. . '.. r !!I . * . . . , e carant oT alsôw:tnc Uf D!.500/-'pftr moAth to K1shorsinhl1.l taluc 1,rthjI Parlnar . r . x og Itadana , 45 .5 :1.7;/3/17/49 < rtoprcsente ..tion by llh - ' . . d ' j .' theos eparoa.ntio o da nafromjiSaln tf ita t:a r1-he 1 t rec pttt on f''Ixl ' îf r#.X lfa is horcstph tal us lnhg ind asfo th ful y suceossor J e rlgh' t- ... .. h l . 459 7''N 7/f./4: W Grr xntI g a hou 'se acd 91.20,o ,' . * @ çot thof rc.10Qj000/- f'pit blllldln' 'O0./' ' I e purçhase of a caz. to E .1l.the lJy&m li of'Bani ganap ale l'tepres' entntion f' rom capt 1t.J:.stP' r ktap r glnzln.jj.. i'6' nthm z'epaymeut or tho loan oçaiz r' coaazoco/jlf.rim the Ràlplpl aröta t . . k ' i z 46O.lp.7/EV P/z9 . l t . . . 1; .y .l ' ! . .33 j Q w. I ' i . - ' . - ' 1 . . ! . -. ' . < -'-- 1 . '' ' st . l 454.F.7/2/1:/49 R - F'teprescntation from'Shrl Ilanubhal Desp ; for ' vi requesttn F -K k '' ' . ' rêpreses' 'fon r . ' . ' i çok1ce to t,h(' goani iltate km der Se4tion 80 YN fx .y11 ' '- cerJp're C-ode j1 ))o . . prpdesh. ' .. z ' , I ' . '. - . > ' * ., > * - 'R ' e - ''' ': ' ' 4 ' ' *e*e' % ' W'' * : ,. . . > x.n x L 22 - j. 1. ' h- 2 t . '. ! ..- - . .... dh ' ' . ' . 4GJ..1i'.7/ç?/P/49 ''emo.rtnls froln Zayogqrh llulr?r foiathc.1ncr'L x '8se o1*17â.s i 9rikrg purse-ltcs J, $cted. 462.F.7/10/P/49 l.0prfaselltntia1n ' frrom ' L' g he Ruler C)f Ranpuh f' c)r the ' . ' ' - .. . -..- . ...,.g ' I V ' . 463.lP.7 ./ll/P/49 rltfix. .'tl i-on of ë ts prlvy purse. ' * * ' ' lkepl-gsentation Crom l'îr.S.F<.llelawlçar! fortnz'r Prlncipal of Syltes Colle( y, l' -olhapur . 464.1?.7/12/15/49 ' Reprosenta'iion -rom Shri Daqllt Ham of BilaGpur Reg: the restorat'on of'hls prolnerty . ' 465.10.7/12/17/49 Colrpl.alnt f .rop I)-.7ë?ltf?r )!.1(oe1z an Al>eric. :1n, regarding a. lleger l 466.T'.7/14/17/49 moleotp ,lon ln Siroh:i -. Bcpros/ntaticn rom Chief of Crang' ahore, a small . princlpali'ty in Cochln.Grant 01, % àtn a,1 .lowanct . of Dq. 6o1000/i per 1zmucm #ao the Inembers of the Cranganöre Chicr s family. 467.F.7/15/13/49 ' Reprcsonfaokions fronlz' tml ar Slngh and Shlv.Sj-nqh j Kanwars . of C;lw nd +r?r th, paynlent of allohrances. 468.F.7/16/1n/49.Z . ltepr.esentction Jroln the meinllors OE (jonStituent àqrx telnbly of ' India from Ct ntral Provinces Stntc't regordlng amendmopt of sec.u aion 2:)t3 of ' the oovt.of Ilndta Act and eleqted lnembers jf thta States to be (!eclarcd as members of Pravlncjal lc rislakure e't ;c . . 469.12.7/17/1,/49 lkepresentption f'' om Thalcur Brilmohan Singhj grandson of the ex chief 'f Bllera.ghogazth, for the restol' ation - . of his Lstatc . e' 47O.1k 3.7/l8/i'/49 . . ' x ' ,. laman Santj rpgtxl' hiing the 17otjtton from Sh 5 Aplbadas l' . . ztssr4l zil é. ' Iaams s?j.d to have bèen grated to hià grandt fnthc,r by thc 1111. 'cr of Baroda . X 471.F.7/19/13/49 kteprcsentption i):Aylng,fo/ the eMtension Of ' ti ' lc Zodel 1)130Ject Schenqe tc certqln villages ln Barola. . , 472.12.7/20/13/49 Jteprèsentptlon f!hm Vasantrcty Dttrlabji Dhol.akia for 473. .*.7/21/P/49 Complalnt of Tlaak ire Laxman S'lhlrh of àhairacogadh: ' ' ' the realz.otmpnt c 6 , ah cestral ho/se grantf sd to his grandfath er by tl.j iiulcr ( 3j' Kutch . Mirohi agatnst H.loof illrbhl ln deprivinf' h1m r . of 6000/- bich'as cif snd etc. ze l . 474.ii'.7/22/P/49 # llepresentation fn p l 'fr.P.C .hiathew, ex-officher on . . C>pacj.ol Dlzty ln i7 stpr Str.te.regarriinj n thf a tem lnpfh lon of h1s sq'rvices . . 475.F.7/23/' 2/4. , Rnpres entption frt% Sir l1arendra Shch, ex-llaharaAja of ' t 1 ehrl-oarhkzal Jbr t'hc payment.of aboi ants dlle to hls Mlnor sono . 476.J?.7/24/14/49 llepresentations r6ïartiî ..né; the allokranees ko the relptives of thf n i $l(?r of Charfiba. # 177.F.7/25/P/49 iéemorlal from Eihri JQ vlndra lçarayan Sintm regardtng the Banaros : 1t' atc yatlrq1. 478.l''.7/26/P/49 ' Cbmplalllts about T hrl Gsrhval, lllnlstry l)y ccrtaj.n - . 1m. portant persons f' tlle Statë . 4?9 9 V'Cpmplaint from rjhr: Paras ltam agalnst the Bjllspur ' .F.7/27/P/4, POlice . ' q - ' , h . k 48Q.F.7/28/17' /49 llemolplal ' f' rom bhc 1jni of Balsönr; pelardl.ng pi'lvy.purse lljymthnt of ali lohgz Rnc2s private properl, y etc.of t he , m:l -nor Po 1-.1 . t . z' .j ,.4 '< 1. . ' .- -- ... . . .. . V..x . . -- . 2j/-.tfx. y 2 . ?- - - .. 1 .. - .. - - . . . .uj:At.- , , ' . ..-. . ... .-- .. .. . - .- . . .. . .. , . - ?... y ..y .- .- . - . - . .. . .. -. . . , ' -- I, I )' ' 481.1P.7/29/1a/49 . auepresent mtion from col.sahj-ba.gada Ilasan'Raza1 ' .' l7 'rosltient, Anjullan-l-zhl-lrxhéndan, llampur for khe con kïling fanlll3r.yV tlnuané() of st .pt filds t, tj the memblrs of l ' . # . . 482.F.7/3l/P/49 ' l ' '. . . ' I lleprllsentqtlon rrom Ratnappa Kumbhar regarding Admh. ' of Itolhapur, n I uirm tlon members to Conitituent ' . . . 483.F.7/32/P/49 : Represontatlon from Shakrttni itrlshnakunvcrba Vagheltll ' ' of Fxaclana Stat for.the maintenariee allowances. . )*r .a 484.11'.7/33/17/49 . 485.F.7/34/ . P/49 ' ' . 1, ., .A lcepresentatlsn from l'frpà.p.xodatsia, eà-Revenue Conpoisslonr'r, 1ilar Stctc for absorption in Ooyt,sefvlc' e, or ror grant o1 conlpensat' ion. ' teprosentatlonf fronl thc cl-tizeps ol- Sanclur against #. the merger of Z îndizr :/1th lladra:. . . . ' 486 .P'.7/35/P/49 ' ' 487.F.7/3G/P/49 Lepreoentqtion -rom Mr.Vinayakrao Ghorpacle exa.sbaghiraûa of Ichalkaran.jl for nmlntenlnce allouance. . ' ' <- ' . v b F. q 3*19/19 JavharHuler. ' 489 . ' .' . . .' - . . F.7/39/P/49 * ylkepresentnt1cn rolnlklr.D.A..lthot1 o'x-ltgm lrevenue Mlnister, àkalb t for the grlnt of permission .to sue k . ' the Ruler - Rej.ctcd- ' . ' . ' . . l . . 488.P.7/37/1:/49- . liepreselltqtion 'rom Mr .Hahadev Ramchandra Chipllm lœ r ' J'or tt ae restora Sion of property conflscated by the . ' . hj-ghness Maharént Dllher Xtm vèkba 6f Baria for the . rrant of allow:nces. I . ' Lepïlesen' t,:ltiont from Sni' tgloverans Ranlahkulnari and he/' ' . ' 1 ' . ' âssembly and t tû shêri lanss ln Kolhapui. . ' . x . N ? ' 490.1,'.7/40/17/49 De el ta atlc sopr raes lkd lll I'n '.rom ltumar Dehendra Pratap''sXugh Dco of . or 1hc reytoratlon G of the grant 6fx c6rtâin villages - Rcpetted- 49l*F. #7/41/17/49 ' '' , 130tition from t?a Dogagqr i' lcni Sahe' ba of Swa'rltl. radi for the rccoverl 0r ptridhan and for the Inc reasé ofq cl of 7 *' ' 11(Ft1- aJ*l(Jk, ':nce. . ' ' . ') ' ' , z, 49:1.F'.7/42/P/49 a - ' A . l veprcsen ' of Tehrltotlons 'rom thra l'ilzafidarrg of Saklana Muafj - u' '. . . . J ( . . Gqrhual for compc ansgttqn. ' . , . 493.P.7/43/17/49 lqprerentctjon r lgurdlng the clailt1bf Thooamlzl-ltampur . ê * L'amindari as prâ ' ate.property of H.1!-llaharaJa of . ' ' ' ' ' - . . Zalahandl-withdr gap.. . 494.F.7/44/P/4: , ' ' i . 495. Colp laint ' by Mr.&.skàndroe-itverts against th? lfysore '' Police. '' ' ' . . l.',. ,. wllomorlnl from on( F/shtraj Kuma' r Bhaguoti Prasad Singh of Banartls .regartlng the grant of perpetual 'allokance ' . /.7/45/P/49 ' ' ) ' # ' . , ùo lprosentation of Stntes people bn the Provânèial' Legi11 + ' lepresentatl6n f:1lltDhrl Yu 'dhlshthir Mishra M.C .A .' ''. , rt?garclJ.ng (a) tilc tlumstion of a' bolltlcon of cert aln sub-divisfones ir the Orlséa Provlcne ané 1D) the 1' , ?r I 1 5 ature. . . . ' . ' . . .. , . . . . 497,r.??4v?pg4: fetztlon oc Kum,r shrt bqgvtlaysknhjt os chan:arant . , . . . a.)stq.ttj.4for succes ion to thc Jagjr of Mahov . ' j ' 498.1:.7/48/17/49k Deprcsthtatigns T olz certfln pèi-sùns t)f ieraikel , a ' '' , . , and Kharasavzan ôt. tos rogopkilnj!'ths shootlng os '' vandotmj-j pattcpa k antl Nuppressjibn of oriya lànguage 4t9.F'.7/4g/r'/4o.d j.n schoolsj courts etc., and ltol.rgplaccmertt by ilipll. L 'i +' ' d j i i ! 1 - l i i 1 1- l . .. . .. - . . . . . - - . .. - Corqplpint f'rom Ja)nttdraslngh, ,. ij. te.gt Ad4m ceto 36hra skn. y . kTl * . - . .- .. w, . i'ï 1IC'hri ()arh' Ldnd ' JJentlrc Llj.11. .- , y. . . ' I j ! of Pc.2.80O0/- on é2colpnt ofihlg sharo ' in the Banaras .RaJ ,496.P.7/46/P/49 ' . . . - , . ' . ' . . .... . ?. l '' . ' ' . ' . . ' . .. , ' 1 -* ' -I x )' la i ; ' i f . ' - M kz . 24 - -*' & z.w ' . . j . . ' 3 .-. - ,.- x >' ' , ? ' B,. A,u .. -. s . . . . . . 3* . . ' ' -< .!z .j 'r , . . ' 500.1i '.7/50/P/49 Z ' lkt aprescntr âtiqn 'rrom the l' laJa Jqgakm atln Singh 6fg I . . ' Daulatpur j'or t $6,'repap ner.lt of lottn (,118ntçr5 by Bhopcl State in conncè.aon wjth the lnarrkage of h1s rl/ughttar. . ' - 501.P.7/5l/P/49 ' t . : Dppresentotlon from Sardar Chanan Slngh f .100 ' 502 .F .7/52/1 9/49 ol' gllant of . acres Of land. from Balaslrïor .State territorAr. . llenresdntatlon from l1kG.àdillls Hamy of Ceylon reg: i ! '' . the death of hjs brother ' lir .G.à.Jamqs 'Sllva at Bancalorl : . . A e, 503.'17.7/53/14/49 , ' . <. lleprr'serltation from Ransiahcb Drlipatkunverba ' - kldek tir . late Lt .COI .l.lal o f allowanc e . 4p,rap''lulaharsqnh; )1 of Barl for the'-cloank .a' .. . * . ' ' 504.9F.. +7/64/P/49 ' . r!' -x . Rpprese ntntion froln l'laqayau Laxtarl Cog of' Sénglt for e' . . thr . rarrnnt of' ctampensatit)l: l foi' heavr / loss stlf'f' ered i'lrin g dir;turbances follkolng the ô,ssisslnation Of ' y r ,*al , , . aotma canc,hs . . ' f. . v . , '' . . . ; ' 505.1?. 7/55/P/49 V Representnti on f'ro:il' lr.Ram Dayal S$l3ha , ex-àccoun.tant ' . . . . General , Benaras Stato for tt ' te payt ncnt o f gratuity , . . . ' ( Q. q F . 56 . . ' 506.1.7/56/17/49W llepresentqtlon from Shrj V.Z.patel Luptt.English ' ' ' . oçfice Idor 3t-t.etBombay) ln rogard to h1s pr.nslon. ltrxpyT'5mntotjom f'rom Smt'oLilavantl Ba anfj Sinri 5Q7@17*7/57/P/4î) * -' . - . Lekhpatramsingh of Slroht for rt.storptian of their . Dl.l.okilnces Ottl. ,' ' .. ' 5Oq.P..7/58/17/49K 1 :4p1'trsr?nt?tlon J-rom Thak .ar 'ank l Sh' r. l..Jaswantkunycrba of ll peta Stqtn.for pcymont'of nllifnclck h6usra ren't otc. .-.. t. e,ttiàog llalcc)-aua't sizrl ptalnstnhlji. so9.F.8-I'/4a K. Jsluccesc or.ncrtabjarhand j.lln of Sri àsbika ( ' . ' . Prasad Dihhëi to thexcaddt. J krm ngcunents for tl' te adlini ml cstratiorj of tbe Stafq d'uring lAlf 3rty of the Rule)' - Allowances for itajmatas % . . . ' ' . ' . ' . 510.F.8/l/P/49Z- De/th of i111.lovahlr Sinqhli Bahadur l'laharakial ?f . Jaieslmor .Succc'srslcn of llehpraklm ,. ar Qlrdhar SilNghi : t .,.' to tho gadi of Jaisalmer. , . - ' ' 5llzF.8/3/P/49 ' Desth of Shree Jxmrawala of Barvala and successlon of -'Shri K.i 3glkanttvala to the Gadfq5. of'Barvala ' . Death of SrJ l 'Illlu 'aJ1 of Lodhlka antl succession' of !t th u.S .Vlrkikramsinhq1 o e (laddl of Loclbika. Deatlc of Thakllr Shri * ') ' ' Bhpdurstnhi'i of Chlzda and succession of K .'us.Dhanlendlwa. ' - ' sinhli to tho gudfLi of Chuda. . De'th or Ifwll.the l'lpvllaraja Jagatji'i Slngll of Kapurthalé and succcst ylon of ltaharaja Payamlit' Singh to the ' . ' 5l2.1n '.8/4/17/49 . aadr lt of izaourthala. . I . # m . . t ' . . . y ' . , . ton certl / . Issllrn o# a succesc 'fJ or ikypurttmla. caté to I' I.S.the !I:iharaJa ' 513 .P.8/5/1)/49 , - , 534.1*.8/6/P/49 . ' . . Deptik of Shri 'Rani ILat R och , ptep 'klother of the mi 'noar aj' l, ' ' p' eoth or thc llrotl qer or T h 'alulcda: or Ki attrl 1 7aegasra. . ' . ' ' ' ' . j j 52*5@ lt@ 8/7/P/4t) j . . j, t i, i ,$ j , k, 1 7f ikgja Chanflra Deo .De)7.to ' thê Craddi Of ilona1 'succe: 'jion.( . .517.F.8/9/P/49 Birth g: t-a son to K>!rthlka Thlrunal .' 'l'lahrtpqJa of Travancore. ' ' . =--- . * .. . .... b ' ' ' . i e -' ' , j ' ç. , ; '!y , .. .. ju ca t:ç th eso s, ron 5i.o !IrM! 'lt 2! -ir!), 'Ay' , z of. '' ' z, ct) tjoêl) . '.Ly)e ctq!!ist ,hi gk' ctoo(h?sag: . Bar7a . ' . + . - ., . ' . ' J( ; 'irth of a hcir appartnt to 'tlnc: i)a ùa ofoaj nhal . , r - ' . l .sz:zt ' pszlzziv4$) $$. .t d . ' p sistêr of 11.1: !ithe ' , . 5l8.F .8/1c/P/49 ! . 1 z' . . z ' ' 5l6.F.6/8/P/4Qjze Dooth of RaJa Dlvcranl Dhtlr :ndra Jleo Deb of Donal ahd l ' . ' . . . ' :) ..- . .-.î --- < .. . ' . ' . . - '-à. . J ,..- .A J'u'.' .- - - - . . . ' ,: .... -' ... i - ...- . * . , . ' .. e''l .,...... . , . . mt*vtr-5% 17 i ,.' ' (;; .., @. ! - - ''' ' -- l' g ;.. $/ ,: . . ' . - . . K- '. . . af' . ..25 .-.-'' g .x ' ' .. .. - V .' ' '- '' ''' .- .. ' . e - . . . .. . ''M ''- '' y 52o.1'.8/l2/P/49V fleath',of Raja Shrllnan't l't.v.Bhave of Ftamdufg. succession , oj- rtr lga Sbz -tmpnt l' I-R.Bhave t: ' the Gaji of llamdurg State . , 52l.F.9/9/1 7/49 Z Fortnlghtly reports fronlthe Rogional Conmlissloner '' ' . - lt*RX Bharat@ . . . ' Anntlal Admlnistration Re!port for l946'r 522.P.9/10/P/49 F zje7/#/l aq S.tate. . . '. faa.F.9/42/13/49 Weekly llotes ror the Cabi ' r + 'e' 47-l1anipur ' - .. . ' nnt Sècttt Hysore aAminlstrotion lleport 'fo:r the y . ' . 524.P .9/57/17/49 . eat 1947-4$3. . '' r .j. ' s. 525.7.9/58/2/49' K Progress Aeport of:1.P.for ih' e:year ending.14.4 .49 : .ï . . . 526.l7.!.0/l/P/49 kueGtion in tho Constituent 2sselcbl ' i2ldia by 3ri Dlsvanath Das regnrc11ng contrlbutj y of E of N. j on 1)y Oriss8rOpvt.' ' t . Ltmtc5 s5el tal ct .hs to wlpe:off'btlciget defjclt Of'Orlsstt ' 1 . . 527. ' F.10/2/Pf/49/ 3tn kuestion inCon,ntitktr antAs sembly bySard' nr Bhopindcre ' j gh èlan regardihfr responsj.ble Govt.in Patialà Vnion j *, ' *. J . . ' . ' 5284F.10/3/13/49W Il ku hestion ln the'Constitueptlksàemllly of lnccja . oplndor'Singh lvtqn reg' a?tdint lntèrence oJ ïtajprakukhofPatiala&Lasti ztmla)aStates'D tn hl eon ln East Plmlab Politics. . ' ( . - . 1 by a. .. . . . 529.F.l0/4/P/4 9 V iz l acstlon ln the ConstituGqt AssGlnbly of ïndia by Xr. ' l % Sldh '' ve regarding Justlte Kölh *- * . Coyljees ' report on apur dist:zrlm nces. '. . . ' ' ' . z . J .,' . '. . 42 .ucstion in the Constituc'nt As by Pandit l'lulçut Bihari Lal Bharg sembl of I - ia('LGg' ) ' avayre ' g . D r ç t l g t h: :rt3attor 1ia ,. .J (): 1yaoëaj.slso;m:jnl;n(?j;fo 'rrn g.sjhljn'Union Nrld sepavation of. ;l vx ra25kt.sunan . . y4.. .. , . +:' .'. X' /,mg ').j Donstslt.. e' .-t*ê '.k..,. 10/6/P/49 que' stiop ' 1n t&he .œ u é) ..' làtïl)t Asseinbàp orrvsqc'ti a b.yz! N53l.1?. l0/6/P/49 Lalfs/hiifG 'fayzn 'Shri Sahu i'ef!:rçlilic hplrllnc, an election i . the oris'sa lntegrated 5'totec'= ! -ba !E sY, llpwé '-.d. *-:' .' ' - i n. 1 ' format . .- . - . ' ' 530.F.10/5/P/49 ' '' - . . . .. - . . ' . , ' hok re(g rdl. n 1a V bg. #.Z o ses -.. CITI 3Y* . . n t-i't saa,r.lfl/r?/p/z loNxquostton l -.p t4htl cotB n e n 'U s s ' ' . %m 'b 'lj'chte by.Mt'-ale xlsldlaka l ,11 .t f t rtp pr pr z s r, s zn.nolhs ) Y r u. . . ., '. ' z HTi . * ' '' l --. I 533.Ft1O/8/P/49Z jgestion'in the Cônstttuent Assem '1)ly br Pandit l'fuku !l Bihari l.ul Bhargava règarfil . ectlon to the eonstituent Asscobl)rng ofel India f of reprqsehtq1)tj - * . 534.F'.1o/9/P/49 ( ' . . ' Ilniyn. , rom the Phulpiah çyestlén ln the Copstitlkent àsseMb '' Bzharl I ly by ' Panctit Kukut '7 ' al Bhqrg av a r ' e g ardin the detent lon of Slr , Gulab Singh ' . ' . ' . ' . . . , u , w , Lx-l' taharajaorVva. ' '' ' . . 535.P.l0l/lo/'P /49Nuestioninthe' Constituentàssembl $.; . . mohan Tripathl regarding cash balany by ShrlItishpr '1 . . . . cesth and resepçes ' the,Chhattlsgarh itates takcti over by e Govt.o. r .In .. ' . I Y 1 ' 536.F'.1O/1l/P/49 kuestlon in the constltuent assembly ' Pajldit Mukut Bih of lrr1dialtegl.b '' yrl Lal Bhar' gava regarding thj rle/ . ' 'F' OrKolh. apurStatee s37 .10/1*V P/49 kpuastlon j . a. , , <' -. I ' d j . 1 ' , ' o i the constltuent Asselqbly by kr'à . ' reg ,ajyding nopy osltion from Oovts of Statqs Vil l..K:bs i.( llaw'ae ,l aions to : . p , $ 1. , l l . s % l 'erj . q j , 538.l?.lo/l:v pgzs G kucstzon j ' j ' . n the Constitue'nt lssembly cift . 1) )1 -fndiatLeés) '; ': y ro1 ) . l t. s1d z j y. a rey ard i n g ' t hq rn present stj-6h 'fronj ... Bkojal in the Lonctltuent Assembly o f Indla . ' . apptt.of Advzscrs J'rofn amonc officlals b Of India. - -,. , - ' - w, -- .- v' y the ' Goy't.' .' ) k . ' -..,. u. . - . . . . ' j.' , .j . ' . . . j, r ' !' . ' . j -' $ 1 1 . - - = . . ' . , ' Tu ..- . 1+ - 26 - .a/.- / -.. -. - - -- - .. * .. ( ' k. .)t.'- -. -' & ..... ' -. -a.. ' .' , ?/c'-' . --..'.. ,- . ! .-. . .... .w .- ..-. .... 1.. . , . . . . , y ., ' ..- . 2. .. . i . . ' j . ' -. - f' . . . ' 7'.10/1.4/P .uestl ons(two) by Panâtt l'lukut * Bihari Lal Bhargavg',reg. ' --539.1 '- /49 l . 4Cppointmênt of éulers of States as Chief ldministrators or ohtef Conlmissioners of- areas broucbt qynr ler . centrxl.control, and zaadminlstra.tlon of Bllaspur S'tat6, .. ' ' . . >- ' . 1 . ' 540.1P.l0/15/P/40 uostlon 1.rI the cbnstituenf assembly of India by Pandit Mukut Blh8.r5. Lal Bhargavq regartling convetslon of the uembez's of lndlan States ln the Conits. tueht Assembly of India'. T . . ' A ''' .. ' 541.7.10/16/13/4/ kuèstion ln the Constltuent AsBembly df :1 1d1a by - ' i Gardar Bhoplnder Sfngil Man regarding reprcsenta'tions ' of the East Pyttllàb states Jn the Constltuent'Ass-èmbly.' i ' ' . ' 542' .F.10/17/13/49 suestlon in the Constituqnt Assembly by Shri Laksiï i. narayan Sahu rcgarding privatq propertips '0f the Rplers of Indian s'tates. . ' ' 543.?.10/18/P/49 , uestion in tho Constlt j uent àssembly of lndla by Pgndit Mukut Biharl tal Bharghaka regarding the ' . ' . . prlnclples governing tho f'ixatlon of prlvy purse or thr? Jtulcrs of merged States: ''' .' . . , . 544.F.10/20/P/49 uestton in the constituent àssembly of Indta by @ Miss ànnle Xascarene regarding the privy purse, rights f'- 'i . ' prlvilcges of Rulqrs of lne/ged .S'tates' : . I ' . *' * . 545.P.l0/2q./17/4W pluestlon in the Cdnotituent. Assembly of Ihdla by . N' Shri Biswanath Di as rqga*dlng Bank balances in Paklstan held by tlklslim officittls s' e. rvlng in States . 546.17.1.0/22/17/49 ' k fion in tho fdnstituent A:sembly of India by Sri 11ues .7 .Kk azctth relgar' d 'ing the dpportatibn of Mnc'& Mys . . (. ' AntontusRaab. . .. . 'x ' . . . x . 547.17,10/23/17/49 uqstion ln the Constltuent âsselnbly of Inc lia'by Mrz Ru?v.sldhva regardlhg thc!Xodel Constitution fof Statcs < .. 8nd Urllonà. ' ' ' ' ' ' 548.F'.lO/24. /P/4, uestlon ln the Constituent V sekbly of Irdia by'Slût ' IJaksha' yanl Ve1oyudhan rcgardin the formatlon of' the. Vnion of Tr g . . avancorf) and Cochin.' * . . . I . . Y 549.P.lo/25/1)/49z'ltuestion : Ln the Constituent Aséembly of Indla by jr1 ' H * . . . ' . . ' . antlmanthaiya regcrdlng invèiatory of prlvtttè. Properties . .,Ca sh bllancf)s etc . èf Rulers.'DecISionethat Cetalls regardlng va, lue cannot.be dlsclosed . . ' ' - ' . !' 550. '.P..l0/2W l?/49 t v stion in thc Constitlhent Assembly of India by 3eth . oovlnd , Das regarding tl ae atil' tatfon '1n Bhopal for ' 1'bs ' ' . . x lierger IH Provlnces. . ' . , . p 551.17.lo/27gP./4g -kuostjon j.n the Constituent.âsjembly of India by Cla' . ' . . . . . .' . . ' . y j , .. 'X l è 1 ti ay ya'C tl tu nh taA se br ly or 4d is at Le g' )' jm stupakn hsh a no lns Ve la yr uy d nsR e/ ya dtn g-l al d vl er ps ' i '.1o/3O/J)/49:6k' ' . . 554.. E utstlon in the constituent. àssjmbly of'Ii'1dla by snrj' . R.gg.ksj-dlava rogazzlnj. . . y j I : . . 1 j k t ' . Juri 'agadh, gvzzlù ky thr thehovt secui*ities of( 'the Nawyb of or Indoa. ) j v sss-p .lozalzlv t l ,x.'.. ' j>,.lN ,k .1 . t by ss; m vu.oxo ua irapqjx ore tt)'Z CGChiné # . . I. ' . . . . . . . ) . ltazlblr Gingfl regardtnp the murde' r of t wo kls an! j t! n ' Jodhpur State vlllage, ... . ' . . , , 552.F.1O/28/P/4%. 4uestion'ln ,the'Conttlttzent Assembly of IndlalLe ' g) < Uby s hrl Dasör y r swirup regardlng pristjhers lrtLus kar' ())' j' jyv.i Jail(jz toP.).J' j;jsajjtq-og()(!o 1 . 553.14.10/29/17/4: .izestion j , . . . ' . . , . N.. . ' , , , aj ,y jj j juk oety oyet o n a s r t jlz!t u o ra n td /k j 's.s ol ' b z ' o z atzj .., 4 s ot '. , s ef nt d .. ty lwl pn ;r p' a r tj s ld ej na tat *e vj e sr tco al e' j; tl al a v.' toz) lho o. ns tlt uonté. f'm , .Zi : ; ' u .. Asseobzy gr Indâ: . . . ' ' d. . ' . . - ' . .' . . .I , .. w....w. sx ,. . ' t . '' ' . .T .. , . , . j, + . j j i l t' . -. - . . ' . . . . .- ,w . .( ,, a7 i w. - - . ('''. , 1 u, j? ., . 1. . , .. .- ... . .. - . . -. - . . .. , ' ., . ' Provtnces & Eerar GovtsmDlsalloiged. ' e . I . . ' ' . 55?.F.lO/33/P/4t )Zkunstion in the Constituent Assemlily of India by Shrt *, l Lalcshminz irayan Saim renar' ding the prlvate properttes o:î Rtzlers of orlssa states . . <. 1. . onlployees f'or absorbtion . by the 0rissa and the Central ' '. > @< .- .- - - . . .f , , 556.1'.10/32/P/41 1) zuestion irl the ConstqwtlAt nlht issomllly of Inc118 1)y ' Lr alp Tènj Kanwar rcgarding asslaq' azïces clvcu to states ' ' z .. - .-- y., . , , ' # ' . . ' . . 558.F.10/34/.13/49 ztuesti . - cn ln the Constltucnt Asselbly 7 tala g .Of Indsa t) ltaj iuanwqr recardlna the payment o oospenst atsorj :,0. , tue Jydgec of..colnlnon High Court of zastcrn S% tes . ' , j . * . 559.F.lo/35/IV49 Muostlon in thp Constlthèf ant Assembly of Indié by Shri ' Jaspat l' toy Kapoqr regsrdlng 'the Inerger of'Blaaratpur ) . . ' vith Haéasthan oïtVnittfd Provinces. ' . 560.1P.10/36/17/49 ' kuestion in thc Constituent Assembly of India by Shrl 1 ' R-L.Malvly:l regarJlng Cash Balànces of Central Provinces 3tntes. ' . . ( ' . . ' ' - . ' , . 561.2.10/27/17/49 ' . zuestion in thm Constitllcnt .àssembly of India by Lala 1laj.iûqnwar.rer'arding salaries anr l allovlancEys to . Po jprae kh an' j Up-llaJpràmulths &i)f Vhions. z ' k.' ' $ ' . ' . l . ' 562.F.l0/38/P/49 kucstlon ln the Coh 'sti/tuent Assembly of Tndta by.Shri ' 'Rwlzollalviya regardlng governance of the Central Provlnces lnteErated S'tates. ' . ' N * , 563.P.10/39/2/49 , zuestion in the Constltuent âssembly of India by Shrl LakshmtnarayM tSahu regérdinj'the visit of Rajmata of Pe Rnnpur tö Calèutta and monev spent on trunk telephoY .c . x'ln. essates - Dlsazzowed. .b n.ïfw.... .t. , s-Is , ' - I - . 564 .F. 010/40/V 49 W ' '' . * ' . ' l œ .olx:, - . .... . . y.y 1 . . 'r+A>. < + ..*%' h=' . X S. 565.1. *.10/41/P/49 Ituestion ln tho Constituent K,S sâembly of lnc lia by hri . l , . .. - . bi.i. ( 78cappa rr ? 8rc j-l Pat lohc:u skgstPool,llrceegafridrtin nggtiian' ee asical s, awliUn lsallowery. qls e r c .x kttlzrouaz xay be presse,.-. , . . . . . ' g % 566.F.10/42/17/49Ytroposr?d l' èesolution in theCohstituentfksseinlllyof . k . kllclia 1)y i tlhrl Damoclar Swazlup Seth and Shri Laltshmj,naray v'knton;. j . ' . . 567.F.l()/43/P/49' luestlon â.n the Contqtttufant Assmmbly of Indta by Pand. it' ' , . #n öahu regarding the abolttion of Jaglrdarl Zystem in i ' . . llukut Blharl La1 fharghava fegardlng't,he nlerger of 3hopal and its adntinlsty'q' tion ,etc, Disàll6ued . , , . . .v . 568.17.10/44/12/49 .l èaestjon lh the Copstîtuent âssembly of 'India..l)y Shri I' 1av.ltam. ath regomdlhg Police ftring on Mayurbhanl , . cltizens . . . . . 9% ' i .'j . . . ' ,. r . . g * , I . . 569.F*.2-. 0/45/13/49 Qhestlon in tho Constltlpmnt /kssembly of India by Deth ' Otvind Das regql-tstng Accovnting ancl Audlt systems ln ' ' , 74 5gue in-states t?sUn:ons- Dlsallowed. . ' . . 570 . :.p 1 . ' f . Ltkshrlnarayan Sahllregardlng tho Status of Orissa stqtes represehtetlves J - n tf le constituent A.ssolnbq.p. Itdj pt Y. 1 a - 'Dlsallowed. J , : ( j t j z t . j . ' , . . b lowed o y - t .y ' tN , . 1 ' .; . k . . ;;yj 157 '2aF.lO/48/P/49 'Zk Ba ul t aw sa tn io tnsi â. nt la thM eeh Ct on stltucntAsseiblyofInc llabySh l' i'v a atout the reténtlbrl of,perspnaj u . v . ' ù ,k k ! jz. I j '< .. 57l.F.20/47/.1:/49#)1est1on ln thcJronstit'lent Jkssel àbly of'India by'Sh'f-i . à l . j o r u a s r k t h r ê g a r d t ng s a q . a r y e t c . of Rajpramukhs,of . ' onlons - Dloal . l '. . j V . . j F.10/46/17/49 ê,uestj.on lh the Constitlse,nt Assetnbly of India by Shri ' prdpcrtlcs by 1. 1ulcls . of mcrgod sta, tes, . ' ' . -.... u j,. x.,..y .- -.,...... .j . - . -- - - -. j , - ' - . . .- ...j - . . ........ .-. .. .. .. -* ' ' . s - . ,j. , .g. )-. .c . ..m.,.., ...' k. . - . ,..... , . . - a $y - ... k j ' j .J - I q ' *' œ > . > . k h ia 7- .. h . '- '''- r :4J Y . . '' h' . ..-...,,,--....-..... -.V * . . . 4,, . '' . î' '- . . k - . eV ' j* . j Yy = . r . . 573.F' .1()/G9/P/69.e'h -ut ïstioh tn the Constltugnt Assembly of fndl.p by Shrl iI.' 7'.1(am?7t?i rcgardlnc convertion of mqnuscript:, art' s ,' ' . ev. . , etc.bhrllulers in'RaJputana lntp thelr privr)te pto#êrtit . #. >. z ' . I t 1 ' 574.P.10/50/13/49 #'jllosLion in the Constitlâf ant ï' kssemblr oî Endia by .Shl'J ' V' ! ' . V .c wilesava Rao reis rding tho integratlon of ' tinc Cochir snd rgravancore 61tatêz , ' , . ; . l ' k I . 57b.1P.l0/51/P/49 kuestlon ln thc'Qonstitllent Assembly Of InGia . by ,Shr1 ' X I 11.V.lt -amnu th relrardlng the fdrmation of Rajasthàn Urtlpn. 576.F.10/52/1* -/4. 9W .tumstlon in the Constltkkent AEsembly of lndla by lala l8aJ.ltanwarrmgaj-c llng thebczgarsCblony lnXysore-Disa. 577.F.1O/53/P/49 ykuestion tn the ConstituentAssembly of India by llr . : ita' z(wij.dhva regarding tkhe number o' f forcigners detqined iz: Il lcila. . . ' ' . j ' , 4 % 578.F.10/64/19/49Z.zuestlon in the Constltuent Assembly of India by Shri 1 Lakslaalnarayan sahu regardlng intr hgratlon o'/ Seraikeal i7 and Itharsvtan states elth Bihar --Disallower). ' . . '' , ; 579.F.10/55/17/49 W /ue:ltfon in the Const;ituont Assemlllsr of Tndla by . . l'tkulann llas:*at èfohanl) opp 'osjtlon regarding thra merger - of Bikaner, Jaipur & Jodhpur witlk Rajasthan. ' 580.F.10/56/P/49 W 'kuestâon in the (;onstltu. e:t A.sàembly or Injia by .öhrj ' . r;.Ifagxtppa rmlrardlnrz e' mplohrment aof old. Political àgent i) ' ' * 3tptps - Disr7qowed. . I . ' r 582..F.10/5?/P/49*8Kïut 'tstion in thc Constitllclnt A.ssembly of Inéja by Shri p . . (' llprumnnthalyn. rogqrcllnq Stptcls ublch haye merged d ' U :' ,n ith tsPq r, o 4v 6 1in tc he ai sr ,U pk rl io vy rjspu a. l r nr s i .ew shichrcmainsé' sX scpara to t / ' x. . . I 5B2.iî..lO/58/P/49W jupsl'lon . sN ' in thc Constitumnt â:isembly of Indsa by Sllrl 11*#'*Itamnth regprd5ng dqtenus un,der ' the Bengal . ).(:g,. TlJkti -on 2c! ;,185 18. ' b- r - . . . . ( ï l' 58 r3.P.10/59/17/49 Plulets tton in thc ConotiblentAssembly of.Inrila ' by u hhrle $ unhj i P. . rarnan rcgrtrding reJectlon of a Crimirtaq: lleviston # etition f'roln itlcluklcottegj 1?)r thc'llal lras lj-gla Collrt- . . Disallowed. . 524.P.l0/6O/P/49V rkufstton in thc Constjtucnt A.r;sembly . ' . 1 l of sncila by Shr1 it. L.1A lvj-yn z'egprdlng 3epresentatj -on fr om Central ' . 2 ' Provincys l S' ta tet; for the declaration 'of'elected membcr; of States to be the pepllers o'f thc Provincâal ' . Lefsslaturo etc.- ' ilsallowed. ( t ' l f Deshbandhu Gunka rcjz , w sufertrc,tj conseqllerlt of Jihe 1411611lmr Di - c evrtéufjon 1,0 Pal:.' ') . ialqOteed- . 53G .T?.7O/6t/P/t': #f' d; ') as:tion in tho Constltuont ASsombly of Tnc)J.a(Le4 ' Ik!l( ) . ' >! .J Shri . . Eala lRal Kanwsr regardlng thc nanysj oducational T m lif'icptlons rqlzd ntcolttment:l etc .of the t'hlrzf .alvl . I Pulna Judâres of Higln Collrts 8f the Unlons an' d'States q blsallovcad'o . . 1 . . ' j # I âssoclation,DanalAr ae ra dtn ca gnu ra en pa rg eà sr et nB ti al t la in oe nrJr )o fpr nCt rh ee dt1 to ssj # - ' I . 585.11. 1.lo/Gl/P/49 .4uestlon in thc Constitllent àssembly of Ihdia by Shrl Y . ; 537*F@10/62/17/49 yucstion in 'kllr, C( 3llstitutant Assembly of'Incli' y by*Lalf!HaJ 4 ikanwcr asking tor thc rlp.rf l($ .c quulifnçtgtiöns' j' l % exp ience etc.of 1*5rlisterss ,lnacadoma var. jot ; s 7 nion t 3t -c tr nd , . , 1 rs - DisalLkoutxrs. j l . i . . . x I . l ' 1 : I . $ , l ! . ç% ,. Q i '' 508 .1'. 10/63/P/49 v quciyto 'os t jpaç tt): Cgp.#jjjuuensuAtw r ' j)y ol t fldl . y.uw. x zaga pq...uun vo sx wvzt !au uxzg wne y uq xy ia(Le1)by . Jagtrdars tn Jodl apur in the aonth vwor w.p Jt vw'm egou j:j.ga'yjg yy lg<a . Dlsazzoucd .. ' . . . . , l .- - - . .-.- ..- -.- ...--- - ' = - . , . ; ., - . . i ' + ...= vv ', f. '!. ' . 1- .. .- - - .- . .. - 2: -. t , . c>.. j =y *- - .-- -- , - 1 . .. .- . .Y1 .- '.- - -. , -' . '- M o 1 ' . - ) t'-Af -' '-!' 'Q -=-''- .a* u 'o . .- . - -- 5u 89.1?.lo/64/P/zlg Phucstion in thc Constitqcltt lïs' sembly'of Tndj , ( . ! I a ))y ' ' . f . ! :)Rr:i 1k -.lf .*' Jrlpathl rcgarding tht? disolpatïon of V.P . f . . zostyon J.n the Consflturtht Assnmblr o',r Ilnr/j.a by.ll.lit:1c. 590.F.10/65/*/dc9 Z?l z l'to,j I;onlts'r rtî ;ordj-lr ëg . a -reu1 populctlon, revonue . ' . . . . f ' ''utAu-e etc .0f. the clater commrsdton4rs' Provlnces .- àV' * lsazlovod. . ;> '1 v ' 591.F.30/66/P/49 zuestlon 5.r thé Constltuent Jtssembly cf India by ï1r .xono l' lohan D9s: regarding privy purse , itlllel.t of stptes - Disalloked . ' ! + ' e . j ' ' l ' givt)n to the . . [email protected]/6(V 17/. <D ituestion ln tho Cpnstitufzn' t Xssfbmbly OC 1(n()1a(Ee' g) . , , )y Shrf Lala Ra1 iQ m. . 'ar r'egarding tho ns tm es , ' ' Qllaltficctlons) etc(of the chalrman: énd ln6mbors'of ti no Publs.c C'ervice ommisslong ot the fnlons- Dlsallowed ' . . . . ' l . . 593.1$'.J-O/63 wyi4/4r)Zk' uqstj.on ln the Constitllt'nt A' ssembly of TntqialLeg) I ' by 3r1 Geth 't -iovlnd Das regardtng thc.abolltlon of u 't! ate cclclbrrtlon of cultural J'esttvcls like zussehr Divfmli ctc ' ln tht? lnte' grated t' ;tates = Dlsallowed . . a . $ 594.F.10/7Q/1)/49 xàucytion in the Cov titktcnt fkssembly of ' IndiatLey) t by 3 -etl4 Govtnd Das regarding public 'apppintmt nts ln jntegrc.ted Stûtes. w' . . k. $ i . % . '' , i . 595.1P.10/71/P/49 kuestion #n thc Constltuent Asscmbly of India by Shri' e' . ' ' . i(.l' fo' Jripathi regarding appeàls ag:inst tlle decision of $ , thc C .Pon zt.from tise emolqjrees t)f Chaktlsgarh Statos in connection :11th pay . pêrisipn. ' leave etc . v j. ' .. j . 4 . ' * 5:6.1?.5.0/72/13/49 .lllcstjon in ttce constithlent Jissomb ly oç . India by srt ' Basanta Kusar Dss pezsrdinit restdential b' dtldings of nulèrs ln dirrerent ploce . v . . . ( '/ .. l pvebecntakpn ove'1- by oovt sarid . enquirznrc .w h' eht :rthose of Indla oStatb, ootts. . . and if so , on ' $ .;113t ()ontlitions P' I' ;C . .x . >- 59z2. F.10/73/P /40 Das uostl on ln the Constltucnt AssomblytLeg) by Seth Oovinf ' rr lgarding tllf? preparatlon of electoral lnolls and holdlng of elections fo)' thc Constitncnt lkésemblies x' i . . f598 ! . n the various F1tn' tes ant i Vnlons of Ztctes. + . . . ' F.10/?4/P/49ZQtue stion in thclLonstituslnt Acsembly or India b# geth ovlnd Das ro.lrrqJn(; dtsalpilltles of certain tribes ' i n varlous lfnlons - Disalqowé ad' . . v A. .. ' 599.:..10/75/17/49' . 1ut?stlon in the Constltuent Jts lombly of I' ndialLeg) - D;y Lala Psaj Kanwar )'qrardinj the toval ntucber oJ- lvistons Distrlcts# S' I R - DIVJLsions and' Tehssls j ? ej Centrplly adminj n . each Provlnc or F ltates ln thc col sterr!d area and Uns:ons -m try. . . . : . 600.F410 kuqstion ln the Conàtituc 'nt :.:/1)6mbly by Shri Santanu ' ''/76/P/49* K l I l l : of India by Pandj.t l' Iukut blhart > 1 Bharjp vq regarding tl ae prlvy purs: of thc Hlzlers .of'Stntcs - Disallowed . ' , ' . . ' ' 602.F.l0/78/P/49 ,lltsstion l11 the Constltlhrlnt lkssembly of I ?IIIJ.s blr Pandjt lpukct Bohari Lql Bùa rgava ref'àrdiny thc Prjvate NPrqperties o f Rlilcrs of State; . ' . 4 603 P q0/79/17/49 guostlon j.n tho Constltur.nt'lkssnmbly or I j. . p . . . . ' '' ' + @ *. l. fult!ltDehari La1 Jll'tqrcava rcgartlin ky b# ., . ', . . / t ' - , l ' . , ' 1 iI lla 'by Pandit' nc g agitoticn. Jacirc lqrsinMowcr-Dlswallctr cd. t . 1. . . u ij l . , , -X : . . . k l . nosos of cllltivators ))y Jagkrd>ios jn saurashtra' . Dlsalloved. ? 6tl.F.lo/77/p/itsz z L busstlon in the ConstltucjAt Jkssomllly . . um ' of i r Das rcljlnrciing thc pllpgation about the cutting ' - ' i . - . '' . ' , . . ' ' ; ' r .> yO k. 1 ' ' 1w.... . - ' . - > -@' . . .-.- .CU -- X X .- - . - .- ' . <j' l . ' .. . .- . - . .. .. . .. . j.. -.,j . , .- . - -.- - . ' ''' ' .. . . ..... . ... .. . . .. .. ' .--..-'--*-w;.=H* ' '' --' -j. '- Z()4.F .q.O/% /P/zN e'StEtrred 'e guftstton àn thlo Gonstituent Assembly of lndia. (Log) b, lulct!t Behari Lal Bhargava regarding ' .h Pqndlt l a' bolits.on (àf Jalrirt hazis in ltarlhya Bharat anr l' Rajistha. n 605.7'.10/81/17/49 F ktuestton 5.n ' the Constituènt Xssembly of Indta b: / W,la . aj ifankfar rngmrdlng.Honogary l' fagâ.str:tes s.h Chler . t . . Golrznlsoionr'rts Provincos snd Bnlons or Gta. . + tes. 606.y.lo/aa/p/cavruestton s.n thsconsstvuentAssembly or :pdsa by shrt ' P.N.chacko renardlnr ihe privy purse of the Ralpramukh frqvancortn & Uochin. or r ' + ' . ' j . . ' I 6O7 .7.7.0/83/1 3/49 ' luestton i.n the Constituent âssembly-o' r Tncpla by Shrj. P-T.chaclto regprdj.n;r the paymen' t of 7. r.25 lakhs'by . c.p-m maswamy'Iyar to the lla&la)) or Bhopal t0.r.'spending it in a Jolnt ôf'ff'rt to reslst the acccsslon or the state to Indta - . . . Disalloved. , . - , . .4 ' ; , 6o8.F.10/84/1,/49 D.kucstj.on !-n thc gonstitklf.nt yssem);j7 oc yjqaja las .ajyy.j . . . anzodar ZTrctrup seth regarding tntegr:tlon of Kapurthala with i'Jtlst Ptm jab - Dlsallovetl. . ' . . 609.F.lO/;5/P/49 'kuesticlt in th0 Constdtuent Asscmllly of Indta by Shri . ftoLol'lalviya for tht a grant of 'pernlsslon to holâ ' Dushera Durbars tq -rtulers or Stotes mergetl gith Centrpl ' Provinces and Beraro . '' . ' . ' 6:0@F*/v0/86/P//t6hW itlostâon ia the Conrtlthictnt Assem1)l?r o'f- Tnr?ja œ , ' . by Shri . R.L.l'Ialviya rtngardinfr, allowancec etc. to tho l' illc'rs of C D'h h-a t-tt h Sta cs fi ,.t el al -aja ir sallox art r pd . mergcd q 'h-Central Prpvtnces '& ' , 611.1?.10/87/$7/49 zuestlon ln the C0,1stltuent Asselnbly of zlndâa by Shr:i - D 11a .m Po .B di àl raS sp wu arllë p )nc 3 !eP th cps ru ccs ar id tu ta ng meulth' rginfznof l q la veso f'ds te rrlto $-1 ted th '' exn xc /' ' ,or tilo la st 17tm qab cnd ylce .vérsa . ,. %'' e ( , . . . ' ' . >. k. j 612*'1f*lO/88/P/49 . 'gucstton iïl t 'he Uonctttunnt 1kssqlllbly . ' O' f.lhtlta 13y Shri ' Dapodqr Swarqp Seth regardlng thtn eolF itionk of 4 relcase of Sir Gulab Singh j ex-Rule: of eReke.. . * . - . ., ' ' . ' ' ' . ' . 613.12.10/89/P/49 zuostion in ttne Constjltucnt àssembly by Dr, . Bakshi '. Tek Q'hpnd reynrdlng cnclctves'in 7 2:4s' t; Plm Jal); 1' I.Paaiiyl X' Prltiala qlkl t.pst Pu ' ' . ' ' . nj tatès Vnion -- D1sallöuedo - ab F 'J . . x, - #' s 614 .w 1a 4'.1O/. 9V P/49 ,yuostion 1n the 'Clonstitut an' t #- ssembly of India by Shrl LaA shnlnarayan and Shri Yudhishthir l%tshra re thc mcrger o.f soraikolla rarding .nd Kharswan 3tctes an . ,g Bihar'p ' . . 6l6.F.1c/9l/P/4q W 2:1estj.on jn ziiac constituent Assembly of India''b' ' y Pan' jlt e è' jukut Belaarl lo 1 bhargava'rega . G aurashtra uitîh Eombay. . . . . rdlng the ' merger or . . ' . 616.r..'1(1/Q.2/P/& ' g : . ./uecstlon in'thrhCortsti' tulfvnzt A ssèmbly of Intjâ.a by Shrj Damodcr Gwarup 3eth regarding the relnoval of ïapurthala ' . ' yr oprtrty b'y tjr PBtlala tz.l5ast PunJab'FJt8te's: Jtajprarmkkh - 'isallow()d. . ' . 1 j ' , ' . . . 617 .17.10/9: w. ' ?/P/4: u. Kk ucstlon in thn ConstlturAnt Jkssombly of Indla by Shri c *t7*chua rflgnrps.ng the mcrger of Khas,l Sttttes ahd tlAe ' privy purso of tht a ivulers of Khasl 'Sta tes . Z 618.P.lO/94/P/49 W vI luestlon lh the Constltttj'nt Jk,ssembly of India by Dr No 5nno tlohap Dcq rogqrdjng the Btates' t1Mlt hav: ,been . . . . . . ' . . . . . . corporqtefl l'to Pp' ltistnn hul;hccmryed to Indla and flta -tlts t' hat havo bccn llicorpo accoded to Pald stan by theil' nulers rp ;, .ted int q,InJj.a but ! =lsalldwed. '1 , # . N ' . 1 t.' 619.li'.1.0/95/P/49 W ouestlon in the ConstjturAnt At3scmbly E of lndlq by Pr . . . - j . j . ' , 1 . V g gks i Ye ltO14and rcjrarrltng porsoii. s' .det:tjinfad llct rlll 1n .r ; ltj orl ITT OC 1Lj) . - . . 8. . ' lm rie' r ' . . , $ ' . . .'< . ? , . , , '# v , ' r N . N j , -.#a1-.,. .. . . , . . . . 4 . ,. . .. t2o,.1?.10/96/11.'z4,9 ' t'es6lèttton j.n the constituens àssecoly oc Il'dâa by , . $ Fihp' l Lakshmin: arayan SaNu 7'egr Arcltnr the mml-ger /3f scralkella and Khar ed. % !' ,,aiawan - Disallour j v . r. ' '. ' ' - - ' F'1 621. . 3--I 4/4akK $. -C ' L 1 . t - . Invs.tatu.on . to ex-uaharapa u5.1-culab silcgh of nua on b he Weflfling;9f'tj'e,Slster Of H.1l. fih? l' 4aharala Of Jodhpur. $ . . . . , , . . . . ' L1 .- . '' - ' i 623.F.l2-P/49 $ p artcrly rctllrns Of a1 l fOrelgnors Cmploy't ;d in Stqte: . . i e 623. @F.13-:/49 ' ! k consideratton oç the anenco ents to tiae'provlctons or thc Draf't l vonstlttltj-qq oj-Ild ia cqncernfng tile Indian . + i . . . ! . and unions 1- 1' 1cttlrrls $or 1,jke quaster endlng 31'.l '; ?.48 ' . :)tatos. ? 624 . ' , ' ' I ' ' . . j F.13/1/P/4 A 'C' .atif1()atlon of the Draft Constltlltlon o' f India by.the 1 T lntorts/Fitqtcj tncludecl tn fart 11I or scheéplle ' Flrst thtoreof. ' . j ' . ' ' . . . 4 the saf(nfrtta1*c;5.ng of pra 625.F.13/3/17/4.:. @e 3tlggmstions from Pk ulcrr,fo). t,v 'y , ; j)u). -sf. - nntq.otker eirlelttia1 mqtters fruarmntc'd j.n the r . 1. covonants and ogrecments = Provislon marle in the Constithàtlct n. ' . ! > '. . lW ' . ' N' . 626 .F .l3/5/P/49 r Considcratj. on of the q. uostion 'whether àrttcle 363 öf j 1 the 'Constitpltion precl 1 uding the 'Jurisdlction of .the . . , ' - ' ' , Cour' r's lp any disphzte orislng out oç agrritlpents '' . enterod l.nto with thè Rulcrs1 would 1?lso apply to 'the . . $ Randatory provtsion ccjhtainr'd j.n article .291(2) of the 1 Oonstlkution. ' j qaz6/!v49 W powers ot Radpra'mukh under the Drat-t constttutzon or 62r.y'.. . ' . . l Ih ndia Proposals oc 11ïll.tllq i)appramukh ofVallrashtra jt '' 1 . nt dlsptttes arlslng 'out of rights t x Prl/ilorps shonlf l bcl.r( ?ferlaed b)J thc) Preslc lefl' t to the 3 'l7/ren!èNcourt' . , ' 5w ' T Cl>nrifJ.cption of cert!Ajn points ar' atsù.ng out o( thc j1 ' constit t latton xka ralsed by %he isspramukhs of .. , . ,. ( ' a.: jasthan and saurashtra* 1 . . ' '' . . . 628.F.l3/8/P/49a zrdinânce lcakin,g povler.s of RaJpr 'amulçhs tm der Article ' . . . 629 . . v 213 of the ilrl? u'ons' titutlon. d .. ..aN ,t ip ' :.. lP.lt V (i/P/49Kbitllowances of the Spesker? y.3peaker ancl.the memlxlws. 1 of Legislature cxistllRjr in the Statclc detalled ân Part 1 . . IB of First aschedule of the Nek Constltution - ârticle' 186 of the l' iew Constitlxtj-on . ' . ' . ' . ' . '.àetto/ ' 63Q.F.13/lO/P/49 ZPublic 'Service Corcnlssions Yf Pàrt 1) Stptcs . . . . ' a . . to be takc!n t7y Qovts. of Ipart B States ln régard to cpnjtitutlon of public sc:rvice commlssions on the 26th Jan.J95O. . . ' . ' # . - , . . . - ..p , i . ' . 63l.5'.l3/1l/P/49 Articles 341-342 of the llew Constitmtion - Liét .s Of .. ' 1 . . ' . . ghedllled Cp7stn: 8nri S(jhedlèled Tl4ibes . .' 632.F.13/12/13/49 /e,clnration of 'Schedltled Area' s$in Part A ant!Pact . - j.J states for tho'purposes of àrticle 2441l' ) of thn o13stitution . ' j ' . ' : . > . . . , l - '6. 33.i?.lé/l3/P/49 Pr fot vf il n co in onPa ir hli ta hm ocD l at rof to tC ls on stf tuti no ' Tndiaforpo&le: ( ! gis late 'o ln rf esr peg,t of 'I. .. ' 5 1 . ' r ' j t . ' . '. ' ' k ' .605.10.2.3/15/P/49 1)%t1çlo 275() ) cf the Constltutlon 'of knc lia - o1*a/ts. ' 1 . j , q, .1 azl t x -.2tjj yj. . d11lf)d lkre9.6 ja Oj'a S;c ha bs l BSSsu oC I(;Jj C ;Vj). Ox j Pljto ' %siyngXSCjsoj . t. . o .. .. , % i , . t1e lutro4uctlon cj-tho n'ew 'c'orlstl )tutt,op ot Incllao . I I . ' * s ccjçicd ln Pctrt B of flehedule T ln .connec tion wttlc I l . . . . ' ..K , favelopnont Ot intcr-stato waterv.rayé etc .'' 1 4 . ... -. . ' .' 1 ' ' 624.10.13/14/P/49 A tj.on to be tnk6n by or concorning thta Stptes . ' . * 1. . . . . , . .- . x q I ù l . ....v ,4 . #= l j. . A: r.-- ' $ . . k z. az - . ... . .. g .. .- . . ... . x . . : 42 1 :, j j ; . ... . . ...w .. , j/ s . N W P . - .. . . .. ''' w- p 1 FL ' ' ) j;'. .- . . .- ! 1 : 1! ) 1 ......... 1 .. ' : .2 ' i : q 4 1 8 j.jj, .. ...... ' l j :I 636.F.13/26/13/4: G ppllcabllity or tl atn provistons of- tl ae ôtxth schedule ! I I +' . s ' ' . a o. ' to the Constltsftion to 'ribal Areas in l' ianipur . . x 6p.13/17/:/4. : ktppotntnent or zclvocate Cteneral tn Pahrt B stato's - ' .97 .i ' zrticl,e 1.6, 5 oc the llev'Gonstttutton. ., j ' ' . 638.F.14-;3/40 #' Makrat lrçalrs - âbsorptlon or stote servants and payl ' nent of colnpensation to the discharge servqn' ts. . ' Palqce gurtrclé to the IQRJa Of l' ktkrai.âllotment of ppirol quota to tho llwaJa ôf ' llakrai. #- ! 639.li'.15-P/$9# ' G omplaints madc by Trtpura Uovt.and Paki' stanaG ovt'. er rcplacemcnt and rtnmovcal of boundpry pillo' l'à àt , ' @ ! . certain points betvsen Tripura and llast Benga'1. . 7/49Z ( .540 .?' .15/2/1 Vol .11 i . Tl'lpurpt Af . air, s . ' ' , 64l.1?.15/4/13/40 W sltepresentntton rrom Ichorani of Sooch Dehar regartllng thc increase of hpr allmfances. . ' of ;)crrlssion to thn Deiuty i' 64:.F.l5/2/P/hQ W tIrrant Iigh Uommtssloner fo1. dj.s in z'mkls1-qn at Dacck flor lsslling pres . 11.. ' ' . qnd Tripura- Diplolnntic bags. 643.P.15/7/P/j)9 Oeneral aéministrntion Peport fQr the year ).947-48 i.n ' k, s stytrtnents , correspondencrawith the V vts. or llest BengalTâssatl rcspect of Rhasi 3tates . 11 , . , ' . .! 644. F.15/1.0/P/4( 4 z lrrest of Sri ilqrtganga Bastfltt Secretary Pripura Strate ' Confrress I/olief 13 Rehabilitation Colnmittt?e p-t Dacca . / f '' ' undcrjthe Eqst Bèngal Eiafoty Ordlnanc() of.1948. Z< stio n,)gatnstrtccprocuromentsclek n. xlnTrzpura . / -t,u.' > ' r.?55-/ l2 I: )3' -yP/t Lm !q<Vo , !1' . 645.: .1 . ' . . . y-- ' . . 646.F.ls /é/9:7 1.l1 -I lle ctl onor . i y trj.rrom theone lthqr r re xclanortuo em statc .o 2 .l l 'ln cmortal r/om. lll lq !o sp i to harkonror lylls . . ' ' , acainst the orders of' his ëxcellency the Governor of . jkr:s, );n- jtejeectld. I N. 647*7@l-' 5/A7/P/q9W fxemption c?f g'àrls pnd wfèapons of Chaklajat Fzstatfa t:f , . . , l il.il.thin l. lahara ga of Cooch-Behar fz'om th: opiaratlong 'of . thc àrms lc'to ' i . . q ' . k k' . . . . I Nt 648.5'.15/18/P/4i àllege d cury .cnc y restrlctions .betwgan Tripura Govt. ' , . ' . , J:.ts/lf ?/p.w/ j, !q p.)t du.ast1'aklst mn. . . 1 649 . 1 . ' P - l j iP.15/2l/F/4: f u) 'Rccovory from ttle àsrlam Oovcrnment of charges f ir the ' ' ocollpatlon of* bt. li.ld!ngs at'lttm bhirgram 'iirfleE 1d by $ . ' ' lkssanl Riflms sent for thè protection ofs Tripura . j Gtr atc- ..-v .ivecl. . . '1 p ' , . ' j 650.P.l5/22/P/49! s or land lhevenue payable to the G,ovts of ' iApporkl Indtan onmegt qncl Pakâctan ln resp cflt of the ZaminGarl lands I of 11.1:.thy llaharaJa of Cooch-llehar. ' 651.F .16/23/17/49 Allowanct'Fl to the rg'lgttve: of the ltulor or Tripura. . ' , j.pnftnt of Kharpogh, Kharohi & Dt l23opf larmah etc. ; .Contr$tnltlcns towt tj'dr; 'l aine up 1:eep of public places - j .. # ( ' j . ' I I . ' . ,' 652.P.15/24/17/49 ,zïppointmcnt of l'lr.Iî.1(.lkn.y is 'eyran'of Trj.purao ' '. D ut . j .+ OfWOl-24l' ltp'. . ' ! 653 . ' i 654 . y'.1s/26/l' /z9 mtl, ac$oion thpt tklc f'uct tlapt: the llahallaja of Tlalpura . 1 j F.I5/25/15/43 K!xvr'lnt of passqafr 'o molïc' y to Lt.D.A.lrharton-Bros'rnj .. . , ' . rnccenrrqj-r,g ko pf-pxsoncl 1sw, attalned majorlty on ' çflqipàflsv .i .mrnej' jkj dJ.d not atldiomatlcallyi . j,saj-k.u fpir#v/ ulg ,tjr6ûr . k - l ! ' *! j. ' j j. * 1. ' ' < . . . . ' f . I : . IE;uaz-clj-an to H.11.the ltaharaJa Hanikya Bahadur of'Trlpurj ; * - . - 1... - -- . - & m ' ' -- - ' ---- 2>- : --.- -- .-.-- . -- - , 655.F.15/27/P/49 bàlleged harrassment of inbxbitants of villages Baraiya Dharampur, Jbsrkacnary etc. ïn Trlpura. . ' 656 P 15/2d/P/49 #'Pay*ent of expences lncurred on repair of Itwan Palaee - tn Panna b7 tbe Trtpura State. geetsïon that B.X.the Xahézanl Eegent should pay from her own funds. ïto r 1 s takhs to irtyura.stste. . * @ - * ' j 6s7.r.ls/29zp/4n apt o . 658.F.15/30/P/49 b'Chahla-Roshanabad Zhmindary ptoperttes of Bgd.the ue. Mahhpala of Tripura vis-a-vis aequtsttton of Zamtndarie: I tn Fest Bengal. 659.F.15/31/P/496 Rep/tsentatton from the dahazell Eqmari Sudhrta.Devi Mander. & member or the cooch-sehar Rultnc famtly for ' tue tnerease or her allowances - Delected-. ,.- . Y'ta v 6 i sutt tn the Fedral Court brought by Mylltem StRte 60.F-16/32/P/49 agatnst the Qovts of Indt& and àssam - Sutt vithdravan by the stem ot Mylltem. 661.F.15/33/P/49e'Yemoval of restriettons on Xaharapkumar Durloy Ktshore raf/a7/r/lq :evsuréenorrripura. 662.e.zs/38/p/49A'schekI e ror the development or Rautpur. 663*F*16/39/P/49 *Releàse ot a motor laanch % M.L.Poyn#1 belonging to the . Tripùra State by Pakis'mn authortttes. 1 664.F.15/40/P/49 vvPropéeed Border meetlng between the qovt of nuvsa ' and $he Govt.nr àsslm and Xantput State. I 665.P:6/41/P/49 X Constttutton of Tripqra Sta,te lnto a Chlef Complss&oner ' /' Ptovjnceand Iesueot Tripnratàdmn)order,1949. Agl.tttion in Manlpur consequent on the dissoyuttos or 666.F.15/42/:/49 k.- > Manlppr Mintstry and Legtslature. - 667.F.15/4:/P/495 Issue of Manipur State (àdKn) Qrder, 1949. 1. 668.F.15/44/P/49 %'Pollttcal relatlona of His Excellency the Qovernor or Assam with the Chief Commfsstoner or Cooch-Behar/ Tripu/a/ an4 Manipur. a ! ' y ' 669.P.1:/45/P/49W parment of àgrieultural Income-Tax tn respeet of Chakl>lat Estlte: of H.R.the Haharala ot Cooch-Behar ' . . to East bensal Govt.Transfer ot the Chaklalat Estates by E.E.the Maharala of Cooch-Behar to the lovt.ir InQat $ 6?O.F.l5/47/P/49i#Payme2t of btlls for charter flights to Agartsla for the téanspôrt or Assam Eifles personnel and luggage ' 671 ' incluiing rations etc. f x : j v.... F.16/48/P/49 . <Hinutes of the meettn or the Becond Joint Conrerence b etveen th:Dewanorlrtpnraitatesnd theDistt. Hectsttates of Boakhslt ahd Ttppera Held on 11th an; 12th Qctoberg 1949. # 672.F.16/49/P/49 k'Inereake ln allowanee to the Pahar/nt of Manipur. I 673.F.15/50/P/49'#8haresland seeuritles of the Coochc ehar State. J ' 674.F.15/51/P/49 Wpreparàtlon of electozal rool: in the Khasl Stetes c der khe new Constttution. 675 F.15/52/P/49 g Dem rcat ! ion of M undaries ketveen Zast Bengal and. . - d' cooch qehar so te. we'e I 676.F.15/54/P/49 Dtlrtsaal of two e nt&ies U.dodri Singl and U Barik lJ0A0l Dy the stea ot Mylltem state. l - 66 34 - . .. . .6 ' ). . - - -- - - - - - - - - . - .. . , .. -. - -. ... - - 0 l Q . 677.F.15/55/P/49 llneident on Tripura Border - Indtan Customs offiver, Kidnkpped and teloased. i -.'. ' y 678.F.zs/s6/P/49PR eportre gardtnga decottjow ithmurdertn theChln speetal Dtvtston Mantpur rder. -* 679.F.15/57/P/49KQuestton of Bxport or accumulated stocks or Cloth from Mantpkr to Burma. 680.F.16/58/P/49 ''lransrer or securities from the Ctvtl tist Eeserve Fund ae V l5/s' //p/gîs! ofH.!.thePaharalaofCooch-behartoE.E.TrustFknd. 681.F.zs/6o/:/49es xtàss rapap tso rp oErt.n gbàl yl ettersner rto mn .E. theco ve rno r of to H. tt he ove rnor-Ge el of Indta re gar dtng . ! I ; ' Assam States. ' , 682.F.15/61/P/49 z#lov or Indtan small cotns tnto Pakts',n vis Cooch-Behar i 683.F.15/62/P/49 eàll Iniia Gurkha League's demand for formation of Uttarkhpnd Provtnce* eonsisttng of Darlealtng area, stkktmj Jalpatgurt and Gooch-Behar. 684.F.15/63/P/49 /kondbll Xintster of States' Kessages on the oceaslon @f t:e meyger or Trtpura and Manlpur. 685.F.16/64/P/49 V Proposed requisitton by the West Bengal Qovtwor the propert# of-R.n.the Maharala of Cooeh-Behar tn Caleutta knovn a! 'Woodlandst. 686.F.15/65/P/49 v'àineing'of the Cooch-Behar Katlonal Anthem at the Darbet helï ïn eonnectton wtlh the Btrthd>; or E.H.the Maharaja or cooch:ehaz- pernitte: as a speelal case. i ( 687.F.1s/66/:/49ei nvttattkn toMaharalaorMantpur.andMaharantorTrtpur, to meet Rts W cellcncy the oovernor Generll during his vtstt % 1 . Shtllong. 'w - ' ' : 688.8.15/67/P/49l''Investment of Stlte Fc ds l.n the Cooche eha: State B ank, Ltj. / 689.F.15/68/P/49k/Hunget sirtke of c011un1st pr:soner: in the Sub Jail at Dishatalcgoch-Bthar). 690.F.l5/69/P/49l''Protest ag 'ainst the incluslkon ot Khasl States in Tzlbal ' Areas of Assam under the Stxth Sehedule to the Constltution.Agreement stgned br the Siem of Mylltem cedtng to Ithe uovt.of India all 'lqrlsdictton ever hi* State. 691 j ' . F.15/70/P/49z Representatlon fron V.Borbl Slngh, Stem of tsngrin GtatelKhast Htlls) agatnst h&: reùoval. ' ) 692.F.15/71/P/49 z Taking ove: by Iudian Hailway: of Haldibari-itlgurt j 1 . j sectïon oflcalcutta- Darjeeltng Ratlvay ltne. 693.F.15/72/P/49W Xote reeorded by Ehri Hrv.R.lengaro Secyetary, Mtnistry of Home âffjtrsj after hi: vtsit to àssam and Hanlpqr. 694 . / ' oa H fnt Co och-Beh',a.r- Allol-ntes to the relatlves of Rule/s of pur. i ' I 695.1.15 74/p/4gvzprotests agatnst the merger or Cooeh Behar tn West Bengal # I k F.15/73/P/49 M/payment of priv y purse to H.Hzthe Maharala of Manipnr His Qtghnes: the Maharaja of Trlpura and H.Hvthe Mnharal ; 696. l.11/R1/Pg4 î9 'h/azzp.j ' . r, + I 697.F.17/2/P/49 v'Formatlon oflan opposttion bloe called the 50e1a11st gjjqîjaijîojl @oe''tn theLegislatareoftheïravaneore I , I 3 698.F.17/3/P/49 y Questton of the Transfer of the enclaves of ànjengo: Tangâsserl, Fort Cochtn and Corpany Pattom Lands to the Unttid State of Travancore-cochin. - 699. F.17/4/P/49 (Z Legtslatlve àtttvtties tn the State of Cochtn. ! -# 700.F.17/5/P/49 k4'Grantlor penslon to Xr.V.K.;.:enon. Chief Justlce of ! 1 -'t1/é. /Fp/ltg! coehtp. I . ' 7oz.F.I7/7/P/49 v:vtstt ot Mr.lustlee Fazal Alt, Chter Justtcc or the 1* F'l7f%/p/qc jF so ed te raù :ncM ou yr so tre toan T: raH vy ad nc eo ta rb ea -c do lox ch tt gn h,co xu yr so ts reandRrderabad ' . z l . 702.F.17/9/P/49 # Negottytions betveen the Travancore-coehin Xtnisters and representattve: of the Travancore Tamtl Congress Committee regardtng the lmalgamation of the Congress Qrgantiations. ' ' i . 7n3.F.l7/l0/P/4:$Questtdn ot formation or Atkya Xerala Provtnce. 704.F.17/l1/P/4p Wxemovat or the statues or str c. p.namaswamt àtyar tn Travancore. 705.F.17/12/P/49Whepresehtations regirding the persmeution of Jews in Cochtn 6:ate. 706.F.17/13/P/49h/àmenimeit to Constttnent àssembly Rules consequent oh the creétlon or Travancore- Coehin 7nkon. 707.F.17/14/P/49Wlssue o; a Collateral letters to the Mqharalas of 'ravaneore and Coehin. , 708.F.17/16/P/49 l emorial by the Xost Eeverend Xar Poulose àthanaslus J hu > .. ? the reviev church X ra eg lar md kn in rk iM etro polltaofn,M alankaease raJaofcobTravaneore. ïteSyrïanChurch , 709.F.17/17/P/49 X'Represeniatton from Mrs.Dakshayani Velarqdhan regardlng the eleefion of a sarilan Representatlve from the Travancore-cochtn Bnion to tbe Patltament of Indta. 710 F.17/18/P/49?Represent&ti t on from Shrt %.Matlampezh4mwl Pillai: . xagercrtllregardtng suchtndram Temple Jevels. 7:1.F.l7/l9/P/49 Zshoottng rttg:ts of the valta xotl ïhaopuran or Travancord l j ' 712.P.17/21/P/49#BonafidesbtXr.6atyapalan ofTravantore. ' 713.F.17/22/P/49j'ïravancorelcochtnjBudget Rsttmetes for the year 1949-50 ' i . 714.P.17/23/P/49rekuettionot retoverrofaGvanceof1.l lakh pat; to Mtr Mlqboot Mahmood by the Qovt.of Travancore. , 715 .F.17/24/P/494 Charges or h lthe :11um1nation of the pavllion attaheed to Kaudiar Palace, Restdence of H.H.the Maharala of Trancane 716.P.17/25/P/491 Eeglstratiop ) of votors in Travancore- Coehïn. -- 717 . F.18-F/49 i ' @ Merger of Banares StatE into the Unlted Business.z.Tssue of nottftcations under lxtran Provïnclal lurlsdictlon àct,l947. ' l $ T'# 718.F.18/2/P/49 / Reports lbout the activittes of Xinister in Rampqr. 719.F.25-P/49 G -' 6 t I Report from Vhopal Govt.regarding Zohra Jamal. 720.F.26-P/49 1 âppointrent pf RegtoM l Coa tssioner for Baroda. 721.F.28-P/49 .,e Curreney and .coinage system in Indtan States. I I : I ' I q . - 1... --- .-.-.. - ..- - . w- .2 . 722.F.29-:/49 4 36 3 -- -.-. - .-. - -...-.- . --- Eequèst or R.n.the Maharawal of Jatsalmer for tbe rerllnd or p.lo69o0/- tontrtbuted by *t. for the constructlon or school and Ltbrary. . ' ? ' sàllowances to Ralmatas and other relattves or Raler: of ntltes merged in Bomyay. ' -' e c' Jor -&-allovances w0,n' mzojytfo-ol -'p-,g '26or .7.the 7/ suler of ?z4.F.ao/1zP/49 q o crs/ ant thekw eelat tves v 723.F.3û-P/49 < . m. + aanganapazle.payment or 1 zc,7goz- to Mr & Mrs.sye4 naza àltKhan tn rull satlsracttonoraz1 thelt claims < agatnst the rarizy of the liavab or Banganapezle. 725.P.30/2/*/49 * àllnvantes to the relattves or thê Ruler of Pudpknttat. 726.*.31-P/49 < àctivltles or Shrl Baleshvak Dayal :n4 Bhupendra Kath 'rtvadt tn Ralasthan and Madhya Bharat Union. 72?.F.32-P/49 #* Fixastlon of prtvy pqtse of H.H.the Mlharao of Sirohl. Management of vartous funds such ls the Ctvil Ltst kw I Eeserve Pund, Devasthan Fundj Gowshala Fùnd etc. 728.F.33-P/49 .. Payment of 5.::.430/- by Mr.àkRlab, Techntcal àdviser. BaroGa to Xr.:.x.R1sch, Btrne. - 729.F.24-P/49 *e àctlvttes of tNe Maharalss or PalrA and Kalahandl. 730.1.39-P/49 %? Settlement of prtvite property of the Rqlers of Qrlssl s tates. j ) 1 ) / 731.F.39-P/49 Ve Settïement of Prtvate Properttes of the Eulers or ûrlssa 401.111. sàatéa. 732.?.39-P/49 kç Settlement of Private Properttes of the Aulers of ortssa ' z f r yu-, Vol. II49 .A St ates. 733.F. 37-P/ Channe l .of corzespondence vith InGiln States. 734.P.41-P/49 u' Inventory or private property or the 3u111 of àudh. 735.F.41/1/P/49 1, lnventory of private propertles of the Rulers of Loharu an4 Pytaudt. 736.F.41/2/P/49 i' Inventorl'of Private properties of H.E.the Maharao of atroht. 737.F.45-P/49 $e'' Xoti*ication under the extra-provlncial Jurisdietion 738.F.42-P/49 d 739.:.43* /49 Act. $947 ror t:e Governance of Xolhapur by t:e covl.ukr :oxbay. Paymeét of Privy Purse to Rule/s. slnctllon of a loan of rupees one lakh from the Centrel Govt.o Bhopal anu its eanteu ation eox equeht on the expendtture vetng met from elsevhere. . 740.F.44* /49 *' Instruètïons #0 the O vt.of 7nton of ôtates to consult Mtntstry of states In x tters of àll-In4i& copcerns. 741 F 47-P/49 i*K Sup ly of m gnets ror testtng new nlekel eol.ns to States . . T I tD J c)Y )f:V z5 ! 2 qvVo(3q x & lntoh .s .1p.J)-Ke'126(3-F/y-** ''. V.t :Ct Sl D. '12.b-'o / e( - 7 4z.p j4 . jz: . ir 743. F. 60P/49 . Request from the latpur Oovt,that exee tion fzmm th/ lievenue for thetr property at Jatsinghpaympntmf . lan; . pnp an bllchpur may be secured fzvm the Central Provtnc: Govt.% der sectlon 7 of the Revocatlon of V nd Hevenue Act, 7+1.F.51* /49 *'' Exemptton Roprncelvtat ion-1948. from the publiû regarv ng the atroctties or the bhopal Polt:e. i ) , * ï -!6G t U 37 e , . . o . . 3 745.P.52-P/49 WR Questton of wrtting off or a loan to Bhopal S:ate in regard to settlement or Kazaks. ë 746..F.53-P/49 ?' Representatton from the Rulers of the Detcan States for the revtstqn or thetr privr purse- Releeten. /e 747.F.55-P/49 t- Classtficatton of the contributton patd rrom the provtncial revenues to th: states administratton to eover deflctts. 748.F.56-P/49V propert Ftxation ortheprlvjpqtse and skttlement of prtvate y of H.ll.t1le aharala of Ralpipla. # 749.F.58-P/49 bf 'reatment of Rartlans & 8che4ule; Castes in H.pxadesh. 750.F.59-P/49 krd Joint âdvïsory Couneil for 3owba7 and Saurashtra Govt. 751.F.61-P/49 <' àbsorption of Baroda State servants tn Central Servsees Vo.!. consequent on t:e Mergez of Barona vith Bonbay. . 752.7.61-P/49 4 àbsorptton or Baroda State servants tn Central Services 753.F.62-P/49 v Representatton from Prtncess Vimla Aaje Gaek V.11. consequent on the lerger or Baroda vtth 3ombay . th war regardlné e allowances for her sons poktion or the Trust funds fc for them ete. 754.F.63-P/49 t ' Eepresentatlon rrom Maharani Chimnlbai Saheb of Bam da regardtng ller allou nces, exemptlon fm m Income-tu repayment or her Stri4han provislon or a palace etc , Decistonta) that ;er Rfghness < ll be exempt fN m income . tax provlded she rem ins vithin the fotmer terriY ot Barodalb) that a pala tie: (' Hi ll2,z g et n la j.j hn gs rsJejj s.p ,o su sa gloagc sy j ,l a. h .tga a nr ood ha ou<l sel alb le owp an cc eed wfa l% l j /+- '755.F.64-P/49 V'M Resignatîon or Shrt B.H.Khardekar, Iolhapur representattve in the constttnent àssembly of lndia . . '' 756.F.65-P/49 lr Provt:ion for heartng appeals pending iefore the prtvy councils or the tntegrated States in Bombay. . 757.F.66-P/49 çed Maharao Settlement of Inventories of prtvate properttes of tNe of K h otah Propose; donatton of Hts Hlghness the aharao of Kotah Chanbal Hydro- Xlectle Project Fhnd- Vttltsattontowaris oî the donatton for construct tng a qocpttal at Ko tah. i I . 758 .F.67-P/49 @2< Bilaapat itate - Bqdget estimate s. 759.1.68-P/49 ee Enuneratton of Seheduled C . Vo.lx Trtbes and schedqled àreas tn vartousastes, BtatesSehedqled & 7ni ln the Draft c ons for insertion onstitqtton of Indla. I ! 760.FA68-P/49 I. / Enumeration of Schedaled Castes V . II. ' , schednled Trtbes and 8eheduled àreas in various Statès i & 7nions fot lnsertion n the Draft Constttution of India . 761.F.69-P/49 kr Payment of penslon or the lat. Soonderjl Xll of Boxbay by the Bar alt's familz oda Govt.to Manlkrém Ramchandra Velklr / 762.F.70-P/49 :e InventortesofprtvateproperttesorRulers ot : > covenanttng states. 763.F.71-P/49 :Z Fut ure of the batoda High Court eonsqqent on the States' v 764.F.72-P/49 ! erger vtth Bombay. Constttution or Bigh Courts tn Part B States and apptt .F.7zm)&' % pRas l' pzpi:llnlnlrcja ig' eafwtr tya e/jlkg tjeszna tu ou nsasHtls courts. . raza . East pwjjas so t q d' e o' t :e s, cuzon, s,,, couvt ?L,-. v)q-t . . l - l. 38 .. . i. 765.F.74-P/49 < 3.- . . l . Lotus Trust- Questton ot lands gtfted b; i.R.the Maharo ot Kutch. ' -- 766.F.75-P/49 Qrant of allovances to Baj-Hatas and other relations oî . - 767F.77-:/49 ; . h f the Rulers. qostt-v w 1: : b%.t' cjr a. spr d sg Na àettl e: me: n: tor v/ e, nt ory or àrtvatez ope rttes ot the - savqb or Pataudt. 768.F.78-P/49 *' Memortals rrom (l) Prtnces Shaknntala iale Gaekwar of Baroda for Palace, Jeuels etc.(2) Prtncessea Kamaldevt Qaekvar an4 Durga Ral: Gaekwar tn respect ofJtrtdban, Trust property ete. - 769 .F.7:-P/49 k* Destgnatton or the Prtnctpal xtntsters as chier Xtnlster! or t%e vntons. . 4 . I i ! I ' , I 771 0.F .8 0-// 49.@vZ B ll pvboflMeetincs held ln eonneetton *1th merger of F. 81/49 Mt nutes . Baroia tn Dombay rrevtnce an4 actton taken thereon. 772.F.821P/49 #e kuestton of ownership of Gold anG Stlver Gqns and Regalta in Baroda - Deetsion to han; over to Rts Htghmness the Maharala or garoda for hts custody tn saggtkhxna. 773.F.M -P/49 k*,- Declaration of the birthday of ll.ll.the Maharala of 6LJszl o/Ltq '3azodaasapublicholtday. 774.F.87-P/49 !* Seeurtttes an4 Cash Salances surrendered by the various 8tatei. àllom nces dram n by the Ibalers = 4 thetr relattves or Gtates. . J 775.F.87-P/49t.'' a Ca re sh as/ ba pr la on ve tn ec sia ta lko eo nvo ts vef rro km yV tnl to en gr s/ ac ten dtS rt aa ll ty esa .dminlstred >-& 776 .F.88-P/49 vy è The replacement of the Code of Crtœfnal Procedqre (àmendyent) ûrdinance, 1948 by an act. #774F.89-P/49 4. +' Affatrt pertatntng to H.H.the Aala of Chamba.ouestton of appointtng an àdvïser as his personal staff. 778.F.91-P/49 V Encui27 by the Blhar Govt.regarding return of records relattng to seratkella and Kharsavan States sent bo Union I Eigh Court: Eastern states Unton. 779.F.92-P/49 ' 1' Questlon of removing restrlcttons on the recraltment of Musltmsltn the Central Reserve Poltee. 780*F*93-P/49 :, #' Represehtation from the Ruler of Bastar regarding the non-payient of hts privy purse. ! ! I 781.F.94-P/49 k' àcttvittes of the Ministry of States - Draft paragraph for Finànce Xtnisterls Budget speeeh. 782.F.95-P/49 P Letter rzom the Prime kintster of orissa regardlng electton; ln merged states. 783.F.96-P/49 - lllowancps to the telattves of the Kaharaja of Xayurbhanl 784.F.97-P/49 t' Ftxatton or privy purse of Maharaja of Mayurbhanj. ?V 7 85.F.98-P/49 WM Meeting of the Standing Advtsory Committee ofMlnistr7 of Gtates held on 31st January 1949. 786.F.99-P/49 G * 787 . Questton èf Accession of stkkim to the Domlnion f Indta 1 F.100-P/49 e' Inspectïoû note on Central Reserve Pollee by Innpe tor General of Poltce, Delhl and Almer-Merwara at 'eemuch. . j I I I ! I N 39 - - .. > 788.F.101/P/49 *' àgtG tton rsgardlng the integratton of Cochin and ïravpncore. 789.F.102-:/49 *? heprqsentation from H.H.of Janllta cn questions relattng to prtvy purse rtghts & prtvileges ett. - 6 79:.F.1Q3-P/49 FZ Potnts ratsed by Rr.Btsvanath Das. Member Constttuent As sembl; regardtngrtlh ttsandprtvilegesandPrtvate Properttes of ortssa atqs. JF 791. F.104-P/49 X àllouqnces to Yuvzaja and Sentor Rani Sahtba of Hayagarh 792.F.105-P/49 v Vtstt of Ets Highness the Maharala of Travancore to Delh 793. F.106-?/49 A$' Qpening or a currency Chest at the Bartpada Dtstrtct Treaspzy tn the Yhyurbhanj. i94.F.107-P/49 1- Local purchase of an Ambulance Car for the Central Aeserke Poltce seemuch. ?95.F.Ic8-P/49 ye, :an on the nevspaptr Vtkraza on pqtlïcatton of a ProRashtriya swayam savak sangh arttcles ln Bangalore, 796.F.109-P/49 t Concession to canGidates vho took part tn the Xattonal Movements Grant of relter to Poltttcal sufferers. f 7g7 * àk* F.l1Q-P/49 3 Settlement of the outstanding betveen the Central and Provtnetal Govts as on the date or Partttion. 798.F.111-P/49 e Statemqnt showing Foreigner: reglgteze; tn Qrissa Question of extending Foretgners àct of 1939 to tûe tntegra: ted States. ( 799.F. F.!1t1 2P /j4 9 < RenrrMartlnNoel(Jr.)seffortstoenterln4ta.vtthout 3-. -i. -/ xlI .I7 t a a MASa. ' ' 8Q0.F.ll3-P/49 1' Slip & jw,:! ?k-4 '(7AJSiïCktf.X6rX'YY . 8o1.F.1I4-P/49 te àcttvities ot Mlsslonartes in Chhattisgarh States. 802.F.115-P/49 d Discusslon tn the H.p.Ruler's Commïttee.ll) àrrangements for saregardtng the tnterest or mtnor Rulers an4 (2) . Polity to be pursued regatdtng the Rulers vho neglect thetr dûttes towards membets or thetr rnmsly. l 803.F.116-P/49 Se Broadeast by Mr. T.Martappa. Home Mintster. Mysore on F.f4%-)7/jG states. - ' . 804.P.118-/1/P/49téonttnuadce of the prtvtlege of free supply of eleetrietty and the use of red plates on motor vehteles in the case of Ralers or states Merged tn ortsda. 805.1.118/2/P/49W Rtghis and Privileges of hnlers.Kxemption of Rulers fro* (i) Prohtbttion Lawstit) Rationtng Lavs regardlng food ' gralns, P#trol Kerouene 0tl etc. 806.1n.118/3/P/49% Rights anà Prtvtleges - Concessions to Aulers of the . merged and integrated Gtates in regard to thetr Motor Vehtcles. and vilegcs /V 807.F.118/4/P/49 è Eights integrat ed Pri Stat es - kuof estthe lon Rulers whetherof Pathe lacemer guged ardsand shoub ' salute thelState flag or not. j z' ' ' 808.P.119-P/49 p- suggesttomi of H.il.of Blkaner regarding (1) Rlghts & Privilegesiand (2) tbe States Forces. 809.F.120-P/49 te Expendltupi in eonnection vith Sirohi Successlon enquirr corm lttee. i . 1 - 40 - ' . . . . ' a . ' sztp 3 -t <e.zo3o/é:0605.è--53/'?6,#'.ètc 8zz.F' zzl-P /4a '' :120. nees to the relau ves or nuzez: or states zn 8lo. F'.z2zpz< :%. loz-ll. - s.f. 812.F.123-:/49 V spectel prtvtle es & tmmuntttes granted to members of ' theRultnyramllyorKuteh. + 813.F.124-P/49 : Paynent or outstandlng Bil1B en aceount of s.n.tljq T-F. .l126-P 25-Tl ltq#, X &h*T& OOf utth .alnst the orders of the saroda Govt. * 814. /49 Eepre sent atK ton ag cancelltng the.orders or ll.if.of Baroda tn respect or retirment compensation and penston payable to Messrs. seà.sndhalkar, D.B .craekm d.and Dr.PwB .clzandrachud. . -- 815.F.127-P/49 / Hubats for Indlan ptlgrim: in Xecca hnd Xedlna. 816.F.129-P/49 4% teeislattve àcttvities tn the State of Travancorey H.F.sirohl an4 Btkaner. 817.F.132-P/49 / Report from the offlcer on speclAl Duty on Kutch Jacirs f partttion pertod. àbrlef note on O x Czoog and 1ts proposed merger with j i / ' Xysore . ? andLandAevenuesystem.ImplementationoftheB. epott. 818.:.134-P/49/ S hareoftothe ovt.oKhan fIndl ao rthelnsub stdtes& u itrente payable H.Q n.the of Kalat respect ofq pre- / 7 / ; # 819.:.135-P/49 . / / . 820.F.136-F/49 % Palse Propaganda Agatnst the Gevt.of Tehrl-oarhwal. q 82l.F.137-P/49e' - lnrormation requlzed by the Internationjl3ank regardln: J r :ghtstopropertyetc.acqutredbythe omtntenGovt. under tbe instrusent or zccesston executed br tbe . ' Rulers or states. 822.P.138-P/49 1e Legislative Activïties ïn the State of Banaras. + 823.F.139-8/49 % Settlenent of lnventory of private propertieB of Xts Etghness the Haharala or Sirmur. 824.?.140-P/49 * Settlement of Private property of the Ealers or Stntes Kerged in B.P. 825 F.142-P/49 bV Budget Zstlpates of Xysore. @ ' 82:.F.143-P/49 la. Communist acttvitlê.s in States. 827.F.144-P/49 ta Xeport of Qfflcer on spettal duty on the Rampur State , Revcnue for the rixatton or prtvy pnrse of the #avab. 828.F.145-:/49 IX Complaint from t:a Ruler pf Kores atont the improper use of the vord 'lEx-Eulern by the Central Provinces Govt. / 829.P.146-P/49 W heports from Indlan Fablssies. 830.F.147-P/49 IA Representation of Bhopal In the Constttuent âssembly of ,J Indla. Nomtnation of Naster Lal Slngh of Bhopal to tN: Constituent Assembly of Indta. 831.F.148-P/49 t'' Recovery of three months aalary from Dr.K.oopalachart Mt Zx-luntor Professor or Eistory, X.lf.college, Visnagar employed by the Govt.of Indtl tn the Rtstortcal section. Simla by the Barcda Govt. 832.F.149-P/49 'Y Claim or the Ruler or Sonepur on.aceount of contributïon towards the ViceroyAs War Purpooes Fund. p. . v ? = #* 1 , -- . . u* - ' = ' ---- . a. - 833 Ijj.. àlleged shootlng of Ruler of Baudh State b; a Poltce sentry. 834.:.1N .-P/49/6 Memorandus on Bila:par as affected by the Bhakra and F.150-P/49 .- . - Hangal Prolects submitted by the Eala ot Sllaspur. 835.F.152-P/49 V' Transfer of satfonal savtncs certtftcates standing in th4 Komnrsatn Ztate to the Jotnt naûes of h F.!fz-T/bAïj/. # h: An ma eo OfR Xu am nx arO sa flnstatean:hismothet. g.1sa-'pLtqlk tkà.su. , 836.F.154-P/49* -sltp-.1 1 -F 837.1.155-P/49 ':ltp? 838.F.156-P/49w #omlnatïon of members to Bombay tegislative àssembly and fb!s7-yylja Cto unctlunderthezrderstssued',ndersectton29o-Aof he Govt.of India âct, 1935. . 839.F.158-P/49 *- Representation from Mr.K.#.Munshi regapdtng repudiation of contracts by Bnions & Provtnces entered ïnto by Govt. of states before tntegrytton. 84:. F.159-P/49 e' Zstate or the late Zr.Jadhavlee or Lautoka, Fijï. # 841.F.160-P/49 * Convening a mectln on 18th July 1949 to consider the amendmentstoDrarlconstitutton. 842.F.162-F/49 * Grant of travelltng ' allouances and dally allowances to the Chalr4ap and members of the Jaglzdar: Erqutry conmtttee. 84*.F.163-P/49 ïe Lifting of the ban on the lmport of Xaka-l-Waqt, Inqullat, Imroz and llava-l-pakistan. / 844.P.164-P/49 N Hinutes of Keetlng of Joint Advisory Councll for Bast Punlab, Patiala & East Pnnlab States Unton and H.P. 845*? 165- P/49 * Report on Currency an4 Finance in States and Unions . *- in 1948-49. 846.F.166-:/49 # Request rrom the Patiala & East Punlab states nnton for. the Removal or stkh Ltterature rrom curuGuara attaehed to the Attchison cozlege, Lahore. i' 847 .P.167-P/49 ,( . Extenston or the Code of Crimtnal Prcceduretxkendment) Act,1949 (àct IX of 1949) in Untons of States. 848.P.168-P/49 * Bxpenses or Rulers vhen called for Meetlngs vtth Hajpramukhs. 849* F*169-P/49 $W Funds of the defunct Fastern States Vnton. XJ. 150 t.l?0-PZ49/ Allo<nees to Ralmntas and other relatlves of Rulers ofl J œ ' >4 ypq states merged l.n sthar. ,. P'''' @iQ. :,o 1-,. F-'.'72-T/ 4'W' 'f 8s1. F.l7:-P/49 ? Proceedtn s or u1e conrerenee or Ruzers or R.P.hezd on YN the20thjay,1949. 852.F.174-P/49 F Ftxation of Prlqry Purse ot Rulers of States integrated Vol.II. tnto II.P. 853. F.174-P/49 1/ z ltp.. î' 1 ; V.II. ' /?' 854.F.174-/:49 be îepresentation frot the Rala of yaudi regar6ing tnerea' #QZ*X1Z* ' tn hls privy purse. ' T'e I . K . : -. 3 D 855.F.175-P/49 i Xelortal from the Rala of Sqket for his prtvy purse grant for the purchase of a ear etc. -' 8 56.4 *.176-P/496 Slip(ocfk DfykptZ3*#-f%1bX lqr'b-'tor51A 857.F.177-F/49 < Allow*nces to Palmatas a;d o1* e'r relatives of Rulers 701.1. ?< of States Merged tn Qrtssa Provlnce. 858.F.177-P/49 Fr-àllowances to relatlves of Xulers of States merged 701.11. tn Qrissa. -Nc 859.P.178-P/49VZ Coapensatory payment of 1.1 lakh per annum to the Maharala of Banaras as part of the settlement kade in 1911. 860.F.179-P/49 t Question regardtng grant of penston to Mr.à.B.L&l th6 Ex-constituttonal Adviser to the Kohlapur State. 861.F.180-P/49 %e kuestion of release of the Kotah Honse and the Datta Rouse at Bombay ror the Dtreetor General of Shipping in order to acconmodate the offtce and staff of the Ltght House Department. 862.F.181-8/49 % Vesttng of properties in the merged States in the Donlnion Qovt.tn accordance vjth àet 5 of the Ctates MergertGovernors' Provtnces) krder l949-Decision that' ït ts not necessary to issue tertificates under that QDder. , 86:.r.182-P/49 k 'ubbal States Endorsement Trust. 864.?.184-P/49 id lb lding of Govt.securtties by Qfficals of the Indian States and Chief Commisstoners Provtnees-lnclusion or t:e name or the R.C.s tn Appendtx IIT to Govt. seeurittes Manual I 865. F.185-P/49 #G Revlsion or the privy purse of the Ruler of Patna. 3 ' 866.F.186-P/49 1v' Taking over Kutchigadh Fort of Kutch by the Baroda - Govt.Ineluston of Katchtgadh tn Boœbay under the Gtate merger (Goveznorts Provtnces) Qrdery 1949. . F.187:149i'- on Issu mpu rde Adm n ist niQ rdoer 19 ,ot on quent l867. ie tsof beA ia ng ma at Cht er fat Ci oo nm sst nlr' s49 Pr vi ns ce e. 868*F*188-P/49 % 'Gltpa- h $ 1 t 87 69 0.F :1 1. Jr/obF. .1 18 99 :*/ */4 49 9mt. , . , ' -A gt iifow. n?ok: rmzey rge foGeratkellaandKharsawn . 701.11. i j I states tn orlssl. 87l*P*191-P/49t. e,-è rtntinjor theWemomndumon thepersonalprivileges of the ulers or'.the merged an4 integrated states. 872.F.192* /49 VK Appoinœ ent of Shri :.H.Buch aa settlepent orfteer in Kuteh. 873.F.193-P/49 F Fixation of the prïvy purse of ôemi-lurtsdictlonal an4 non-lurlsdtcttoual Gularat States merged in Boxbay. 874.P.194-P/49 ve Representations regardlng members to be nominated as a . result or the tssue of orders under section :9O-à o + # ? 875.F.196-P/49 ke suggestlons from Rulers ror incorporation in the Xew 0DStitQt1On@ w -2JfJ:f..lh6' ?/MqmdLC - 876.F.197-P/49 r Prtvate propert; of the Ruler ot Koti. :98 F.198-P/49 wz Penslons gpanted by E.R.the sa&mb of Rampur to certatn xr 877.5Ilan-T/qa orrieials or the state. 878.F.200-P/49 z Legislative Actlvtties in Bilaspur State. * ! ' 43 - - % 1x - . 3 . . 879.201-P/49 e' Prpposed creatton of a trust for the lanagement of temples tn Tehri Garhval. .. -' -- , #; 880.F.202-P/49b4 Cremobies in eonneeti4n v1th the taking oYer of the ' Shopal àdministration. Issue of Bhopal StatetKdmnlokder 1949 as Chtef Cosmissilner Province. - . r # * 881.F.2œ :/49x./,'prtvateproper!sgvttz(ae za aR .,g. ?:.zmaalag. rrpa llasp. .j - a. (Si sz'- , n vo.tjqqjgzj....g ...u t pya al,zj..a .mlai .l $il .ls.) ) b' ,l . I ' ! , sumtnatton or member to the Bast Punjab Legtslattvi -#* :82.F.204-:/49 v' A ssembly cynsequent on the tssue or orders un4er sectton 29o à 'or the ,covernment ot' Innta àct.lg3s. . . . ' * . ' K ' 883.F'.205-P/49 pr s odthaiïon or membersid the Qrtésa.Legtlattve Assemblr conseauent on the tssue or crdets nnder sectton 29o à or 'the' covt.or Indta lct,l935. ' 884.F.206-:/49 :' somtnatton or members':to kàdras Legtslattve àssembly eonse uent on the tssûe or 0rders usder seetton z:o A.oriheGovt.orIndtaàçtilgbs.. , . ' a 885.F.207-P/49 V Ter'rttolial adlqstmen Yts between ctates & Pzovinces and Between states tnter se.. 886.F.207/1/P/49 ''lerritorial adlustment between Ralasthan and Vntted Provtnces/3ombay/Mast Punlab/pat,iala & Mast Punlab 8tates Mnton- 887.F.2oi/azPz49v'zerrtiàtral adjustment betveen Ralasthan an: x-Buarat. . . ! 888.:.207/3/P/49 VTerrttolra1 ad:ustments between Hyderabad and Bombay/ Ma dras, Mysore and Madras. , p l ' 889.F.207/4/P/49 * Territortal adlustments between 'ravantore-cochtn and Madras. .4 A< ' 8:0.F.207/5/P/49Z Qransfer of enclaves- Bombay-saurashtra. 891.F.207/6/P/49 Zierl'itozïal Adlustments between H.P.Bast Punlabrpatlala and Kast Punja: states Union.7ttar Pradesh. 892 . z F.2:7/7/P/49 i Qûrrttorteal adlustmem ts between - V.p.M.Bbaratxv.pradesl Untted Provinces. V.pradesh. Central Provinees M.Dharat, C.P.P.P. Madlva sNarat Bhopal. .-zn 893.F.208-P/49 < Vistt of Xr Wolfgang Wekerz Chief Reporter, Den seun Illustrlerten to Jaipur & Mysore. 894 F.209-P/49 . td Private property of tNe îuler of Dhenkanal. 895.F.210/P/49 < Return of the loan taken by the Rana of Darkoti from the Patiala Qovt. 896.F.211* /49 l Confen ent of proppàetazy rtghts on gaontias of Kavu dha State -lnvalidation of . 897.F.212-F/49 ï# helaxatton or conditlon regardïng tssue of Penslon U Paymentorder under rule328 ot Central Treasury Rules 2l%-?ji!9 V th ol ei .r I.f ta nmi ea li sesofXulersofStatesinH.P.andmembersof . Z ; ' . ' 898.F.Kominatiop .of members to the Bthar Legislative Assembly Consequent F.214-P/49 2' on the tssue or orders under sectton 290-à of the Govt. of India àcty 1935. - , e- ' 899.F.215-P/49 z 'supply or coptês of Drart Model constitutlon for Uniöns of sta n tes - Part 3 .states. j j . 1a . .- .. . . .-..... 900- F.216-P/49 901.F.217-P/49 - g..- . . .. - ... - .. Qqestlon Of . ...- - t - - go.. .r- -.--.---- -'lj Constttutton of an àdvtsorr Council fûr stlaspur-Dropped. .- . ; sztp. ! Settlement of Prtvate properties or Bulers os States 9* .F.218-P/49 : xerge d tn Central Provtnces & Berar. 9o3.F.zl9-P/49 e' Requèst from R.R.or Lundawsda ror gran! in eonnectton wtth the counetl or Rplers or Gujarat otates etc. ' F 904 F.z20-P/4, 9 k.-* Representation rrom the Ex-Rqler or Je bngodha fot pay. ment of 14is allowances. 905.1.221-P/49 1.; Representatton fl'om H.H.the Xam b of W horu for the grant or 1.2,no,% c/- for butldtng a house l.n Jatpur and h.1,fJo,000/- ror neettnr the expenses on account of the educatl.on or hts chtldren.. 9* . F.222-P/49 W Loan of the file to Ce ntral Provinces Govt regardlng the proposed lease of the Bastar mines to Ye Eydera- badstate. (: 7y! ' -,j ,mjp goz.p'aza-pzxak' supsb.' + D.>o,c!7. 1kkht,t o2e l 7, j y. ys , jyjyy.t . 908.F.224-P/49 .' Bxemption OC Ralmata: alloo nceB from txu es 2. àmendfnents to thé Merged statestTaxatton Concesston) Qrder 1949 an4 Part B Gw tesllaxatton Cox esstonlorder ' 1950* Stihl-eoo %.,, zA/zjt:-t ' . klt.ilàl.ft' /.,uqcl;q0. ++, 9œ F.225-P/49 w- xant k members to C.P. and Berar prool .tegiszattl tnatlon or . ssembfy under the orders tssued tmder scctlon a9o-à or the Govt.or Inita Act,1935. 910.F.226-P/49 'A Clalm of Rk7,000/- from the Bhopal Govt.b; the Ralasthat conptructtln compàny LM . A-- 9ll@F*227-P/49 R ' Xergtng of Dangs area in the Provtx e of BombayTransfer of balances etc .sanction to thc - 912.F.229-P/49 Se' Settlement of inventorr of private property of the Ruler or Sanlt Stake. 913.F.230-P/49 F HepreBentatton of H.H.th8 Xaharana or Lnnawada regardtnp appotntment of ldr.s.l.Cama, ex-admintstrator of Balasinor statQ. 914.F.231-P/49 4 Payment oç prtvr pq/sa to the Rnlers of Qrlssa States on 27th Sept.instea; of on 1st Qctober owtng to Pula holldays. 915.F.233-P/49 IW' Affairs of Dx-Rana strpal Stngh of Bhallt State. 916.P.234-P/49 :' Hequest from lhakore ot Illol to execute Zamtndarl Agrecment ln plaee of prlvy purse agreement execntel by hix. 917.F.235-ê/49 Z Statement sllovtng the names and po/tfolios aïlooated to the Ministezs etc. in the vartoqs Vnions. z ' 918.F.236-P/49 N' ïxxx xkeeryxztmy Disposal or l00 partly paid shares o or 1.l each ot the Motwane Aadïa Manufacturing Co. Ztd.purchased by :is Pighneas the Aala or Zandt. 919.F.237-P/49 gr àmendment of the Rule so as'to include the Adviser * 4< States Hintstry as one of thB orftcer authortsed to sign orders and other lnstruments on behalf of the Governor-Goneral.ç ; 46 . l. - -- - à-- - -------- -- -. -' -t'- 1't.ç e2o.F.238-P/49 ' Questton or coxmttment or covernment of India to anr p rtl rr lne ms en tsp hereportof ta he ic nu dl ïa an si tn aa tn ec sia Ft ,o nm ce stm En qutr yen Cd ot mn m(tte . 921.F.23:-:/49 Z Malntehanee or shrtnes and temples tn Serglkella. 922.F.240-P/49 6 supply bf copy of Bhopql standsttll àgreement and A Bhopalldmtnistration Urder. - ' i + l l 1949 to the AddttioM l G ovt. Gvoca te47 ,àl lahab ad HtL1 -hCo uraex. ttn regard toMr. Mtsc .A 1451 or Lala Shtam vs - Y - 923 F.241-P/49V P roposal hat th epz tv put sethe mayfom be pa tdNattonal to theRulert partly int cash ani partly in or . savtnes certtrtcates. Proposal to subzect the pz'tv purse=or Rnlers % the compalsorr savtngs scheme. 924.F.242-2/49 $, Grant of allowance % % 1 Gnru Thakur Daas of Chamba. 925.F.243-P/49 V Applieatm n ef S1r lltsamuddin Khan of Peshawar, a F:ahM# .-ywjy,. / c las gi urd ca ra rno trBhopalforeonverstonorhislagirtnto r -'2tfbnT./ètqz . 926.F.246* /49 v. d Alloo nces to ïuvarala and Yuvarani of M lrakhol. 927.F.247-P/49 </ Regulartsation of the appointment of r.B.B.Malm , Hucur Deputy Collecotr, Sholapqr as M œtntstrqtor, àkalkot Stat6 . 928.F.248-P/49 k'**Orant of a loan of 1.li Iakhs to the llala of Dilaspqr. 929.F.249-P/49 ke* Represenu tton from the Ruler of Bamdurg ror the ' increase or prtvy pm *se. I 930.F.250-P/49 e' Spectal grants for tile marrlage expenses of the Ruler of Ranpqr and of the daughters of thq Rulers or llilgîri an4 Palc ahrara. V- 931.F.252* /49 ï, # Settle ent of Fe lx Inventery of prtvate property of the Ruler of IdartBonu y) state. 932.F.253* /49 $-' Settlement of tnventory of private properttes of Hts Htghness the MaharaM of Sanl. 933.F.254-P/49 $ M le and functtons of the Regional Com tsstoners cum àdvtsers to Ralprakukhs. 934.F.235-P/49 11 Arrest of the Rala of Ttgirta and Setzure of his revolver by the Caleutta Poltce on accotm t ot complaînt m de b7 Beloy Krtshnn Dey and his subsequent relaase. 935.F.256* /49 $- Eligibtlity of the members of the Provinctal Legtslatare to m ise questlons regardlng the tntegrated itatçp on the floor of the Rouse tn Central Provinces and Berar' rR . 936.F.257-P/49 jg' kuestton of collectlon of land revenue in Dayes. 937.F.259-P/49 k'd'' Grant of 1.10 000/- to the Senlor M ni of Bllsan to , meet the expev ttureon heralderdaughter's marrlage. 938.F.260-P/49 $' Inclusion of Dalhousie, Bakloh and Sal!m Canto> ents in H.P. / , 939.F.261-P/49 * Hevised BM get esttmates for 1:43-60 in respect of Central poru on of the eollecttve aceounts for merged su tes. 940. 1.263-p/49 v settlemeàt ot iuveno ry of prtvate propero of the Auler or Dha ampur. Allenations made by the Ralers prior to perger - frGers regardtng the - i . ' - - - 1 - 46 - ..- - - --' .- - - z . .- . .. - - - - .' ' . - - -- n .. .. J' u je 941.P.264-P/49 *.' Settle ent of inventon' of private property Of the Ruler of Savanur. 94a. F.265-P/49 1, settlement or tnventory or prïvate property of the îular or Jamkhandt. + i 943.F.266-P/49 @* sxtradttion proceedtngs agatnst Mst.satdnnntssa anG otiers of stro:t for the restoratton or propert7. 944 . '< ' A nt with the Imperial Bank F.267-P/49/ D amln ua rta StateovezGraft ceou or - . 945.F 268-P/49 < ' Contracts an; agreements entered tnto by CovenaéttBng . su tes tn Balasthan- Deciston that the Ealaso an covt. ts responstble for o e agteements entered tnto by the coveM ntine states an; ea= ot âetetmtne them exeept tn accordance-vlth thB terms or the agrec ent or eontract. - 946.F. 269-P/49 * List of Ctvil Dtstrtcts of Provtnces and Unions into 7, whteh the states > ve been lncorporated. 947.F.27Q-P/49 te' Exemptton of alloo nce of Dom ger Maharant Sucharq Devee or Maytzzblzanl from income tax. 948.F.271* /49 f Grant'of travelling allovance to sT1 da nkammnnal Rudtappa or sandar tncorm eetton vtth llectlon to consu tuent àssembly. . 949.F.272-P/49 X Xtmorlal rrom the serm nts of t:e Khangt Department of ilts Htghness the Maharala or Baroda regardtng their reemployment. R eln r rc es es es nts aa th tv oN nkt ra ro,mgMr sj.à. Mcgt l e n to t e a cye r to l 950.F.273-P/49 kz p Mahar r a n d a u h t e r o ! H t s a t e ntghness ao aanltt stng or arta ror the non-pazment or btlls. ?- . 951.F.274-P/49 % àssumptlon or Jagirs under the Ceurt of lçards of Maharal Kumar Fatehstnhlt, brother or H1s dtghness the Maharao or Kuteh. 952.F.275-P/49 e Payment or prtvr pqrse to the guardian of the minor sawab or salastnor. 953.F.276-P/49 ( Publicatton of a letter in l'London Times'' by Str Oonrad Corrleld the late Polittcal àdvtser regardtng tran:formtng thg Indian States. Reply of Mr.D.K.5en kn the lLondon Aimes''. 954.F.277-P/49 ' Settlement or inventory of prtvate properties of hts htghness the Eala of Sawantwadi. 955.F.278-P/49 #A Tour Xotec of Mr.M.K.Vellodi, Secretarr, Minlstrr of States to Kutch. 956.F.279-P/49 :. Qtant of travelline allowances etc. to members of the U a t ùxpert Commlttee appolnted by the Ftnlstry or States o Draft a Model Constttution for O. tates & 7nions. # ( * . 957.F.280-P/49X Remission ofstampdutyon paymentsofpristpulseto to 0 the Dilaboqt ers ofTreasury merged Bof tat .Maha rala of onzuaafsftxïng O)RPla1nt fes fcers lnststing stamps on payment of prl.vy purse . 958. F.281-P/49 Rxr' .sehirol .state àgreement entered ttno by th6 Knrtlndvadt vith Mr.Narendra Slngh Singhi of Calcutta tn eonnectton wtth the Rakaskop Reservotr Project. ' . I . & - . 1 ! - l.. < 48 - 2- - - - - 3-.- #- 959.F.282-P/49 , Guardtanship of the mtnor daughter of Her Rtghness the Dowager Maharant or Kolhapur. - 960.F.283-P/49 #M Complalnts or atrocities committed on Muslim? in Halasthan an4 saurashtra. :61.F.284-P/49 kA àllocatton or assets or the saroda State between the -> i Govt. or Indla and the Govtmof Bombax. j p 962.F.285-P/49 P'- Settlement of tnventory of prtvate ptoperty of Deecan stateslàudh state). 963.F.286-P/49 ëA Bettlement of inventory of private properttes of E1s Y ' ' Rtghness the Ma:arawal of sansia. Parment of penstons to Mr.R.P.3uch and Shrt Prtthvt stngh v- r.x and allowance to the Aajmata or Bansda. 964. F.287-P/49 $e#'Mattera regarding the prlvate properties, privy purse ete.of the Xawab of Dulana. 965.F.288-P/49 $8 Settlement or inventory of prtvate propertr of the Ruler of Wao. 966.P.28:-P/49 h' Ztfe penstons of 4 Daqis of the late Auler of Btlaspur 967.F.290-P/49 VR Bhopal's contributlon to the Press Trust of India. kuestion of conttnuanee in servtce of XroMahabir l ! Prasad Verma as Judge In shopal. I I 968.F.291-P/49 t- Maps of Untons or States. 969.F.292-8/49 $'* Gonservatfon of cash balanees tnherited by Pnion Qovt. ' etc. on tntegration. / 970.F.294-2/49 ç2 Question 4f zaktng R.P.a Zt.oovernor'c Provincc. . . 971.F.295-P/49 l àppltcatlon of the Bahk of Bhopal Ltd.for inclusion in the Seeond Sehedule to the zeserve Bank of Indta. r- 972. ' , F.296-:/49 4 Request from the Pvaja or Setaikelll fo2 the grant or an lntervicw < th the Goverrior General of Indîa . 973.F.297-P/49 t' Question or meiger of Bhoapl $n M.Bhal'at or central' , provinces & Berar - Undeeided. Protest by His Bighness the Xawab of Bhopal againtt the Govero ent or Indta tn transferring eertain villages to M.BlAazat. . 974.P.298-P/49 W - Claims agatnst the Rulers of States merged tn BomY y ' by prtvate persons and question of tnsu tutlon or stttts agatnst them. 975.F.299-P/49 W payment of duet R one Mrs.M.C.0.Xe1ll a forMer exployee or Kalahandi State. . 976.F.200-P/49 L''''Settlement of tnventory of prtvate propertr of the Ruler of Xohanpur Su te . 977.F.301-P/49 >' Extenslon of the lease of the Sahu Palace at Poona belonglng % R.H.the Haharaha of O lhappr for the use of the Milltary accounts deptt. 978.F.2œ -P/49 , / f +; Personal e ghts and privileges enloyed by His Hlghness the xavab or nampur. . 979.F. aoa-P/49 wZ P am ent of privy purse and other allouances to the Rc ers of st ates merged ln Part A s> tes. , 980.F.304-P/49 * Bhopal Affatrs- Questlon relatïng to #ostlng of two companies of the C.R.P.Financial Adviser anG Central Tractor: Qrganlsatlon in Bhoapl. . l - e 3 . . . --- --- - -. C. . - - - - * -. 3 - q -. - .. # ' -h 98l.Fr.3oo6j -/ Pd /4 . z 9 l+,Ike-E So z , m ul unza tc t 'm ion)of -P2 are Jp>. rei se'na 't, k ip u-ebo v ko /c B r . t anAgynpallean a4. sandur states tn the Madras Legtslau ure. 982.1.3D7-P/49 P Attstude of Cochln Mintsters towards 'r.B.P.LUtZ.MLC. 983.F.308-P/49 F kuestion of flying of Ruler's Flag over the Sectt. x p buildtng ete.consequent on the mereer or Sandur State wtth Madraô. . - 6 984.P.30:-P/49 ' Dtstontinuance of paylent of salariec to tbe Kemters of the Sandur 8tate Executive Council eonsequent on the merger or the State wlth Madras. 985.:.31û-P/49 p#'Budget Bstixates ôf Sandur Btate for 1949-50 and Revised Esttmates for 1948-49. 986.F.211-P/49 W Parment of priv7 purse So H.H.%he Maharala of Mayurbhanl tn the Calcutta treasuvz' instead of the Bartpada treasury. ..t t. 987.F.3)2-P/49*'*1:4:--.il t- l ' . , 988.F.313-P/49 k Conplaïnt ty the Ruler of Sandur regardtng defamatery ' I speeches made by one SarAnayya of Tranagar: agatnst the Euler. 989.F.314-P/49 1 .- Clasciftcation of allolencec patd to Rulers of Integrat ed Gtates their relattves and Palace Sarvants. 990 F.315-P/49 V kuestion of payment of salaries to Rulers of States tn . ! ! ! addt ltion to privy purse vhen appointed to hold publtc I 9:1.:. '316-:/4: R :ermintfon or servtces of Fltght lleutenant Brammnr by ' &os s. / ! j the Mysore Govt. ! I 992.F.317-P/49 Re Palace gnrads for the Bala of Zandt. 3-- 993.F. 319-2/49 w Qverdrafts of Bhopal State wtth the Impertel Bank and Chartered Bank.procedure for the clearance of the Qverdrafts. 994.F.320-P/49 yArchannAl of cotrespondnece with the Chter Commisstoner Bilaspur. ' , 995.F.321-P/49 PA Constitutïon or an electoral college and 'ominatlon of a mem%er to the Constltuent àssembly or lndla from H.P. Travelltng allovance clatm of the mewbers or elec toral college for attending the meetlng-Sagatived. 996.P.322-P/49 L-#Ftxation of allowances of Ra1 Pramukhs undez artïcle l58 of the Xew eonstitutton . 997.F.323-P/49 W Settlement of lnventory or private property of the Ruler or Sandur. Alghts and privtlcges of the Ruler or Sandur . 998.P.224-P/49 Rr kuestion of repayment to the saurashtra Govt.of a loan of 5 laees taken by the ïuvra: of Dharampur from the Maharala of Gondal. 999.F.325.P/49 Pf Dl Payxent of Local Fund Cess by the Ltmbdï Darbar to the strict Local Board, Ahmedabad. Y 1000 . P.326-P/49 uv: Suyplementaryagrementsslgnedby TrtbutaryRulerstn . #* . 1001.F.327-P/49 Rrôettle ment of inventory or private property or the huler of Balaslnor state. ' l -5:i- - - - . 2. . -- . . - . .. - - (,.-gj, 3. 1002.F.329-P/49 > MSalartes, alloxmnces: and other amentttes granted to Pinisters ot 41.9harat$ Patiala & Fast Punlab Ststes nlon, Ralasthan, Sau*ashtra and Tr8vancore-cochin. l0o3.F.a30-P/49 Z Prtvate propert? of H.E.tbe Aala of Pudukkottai-Request ror the exemptton from ineome-tax of the allovanees + dravn b; na:mata, brothers and ststers. Ioc4.F.33l-P/49 7 Claïms or prtvate property of S&r Narendra shah Ruler or &ekri- Garhval. + ,ex- I I I 1005.F.332-8/49 V:knestion of tncrease ln the privy purse of non-salute Rulerà in l!.P. Pixatton or allovance to the îalmata of Bhagat. 1006.F.333* /49 v'Z Btl Questton of recovery or advance of 9 .8 lakhs R the 4 aspur Aimn. 10* .F.334-P/49 Investiment of 1.3,000/- on behalf of minor Rana of Balson and 1.44$p;0/- on behalf of A nor Rala of Bashr out of thelr prl.v purse. % 1008.F.335:P/491 Sltp.1 , ï 10:9.:5.336-P/49 # Xot l e abput Mr.shoatb kuerisht. former shopal External ffairs' Mtntster vho hes been appointeG as Pakistants Ambassador to Xoscov. ' . 1010.F.237-P/49 *r Settlement of pzîvate pzoperty or the Ruler of Ghodasar. l0l1.P.338-P/4Q e Settlement of tnventory of prïvate properttes of th Rala of Baria. e # l 1012.F.239-P/49 Z Settleleut of tnventory of prtvate proyerty of the Ruler of Lqnawada . 1:13.F.:40-P/49 1*shakoo Issue of a permît to enable- tieutenant-colonel àbdul < r kuaresby of Bhopal to'return to Bhopal frot Karacht. p 1014.F.341.-P/49 WxBodygu/rds for Rulers or Integrated stntes-hepresentati'on . from the R2ler or Seraikella. 1015.F. llatlon of commjtKents made by the Rulers of Drlssa ' 342-P/49 W Cance s tates - Issue of a urlssa Gazette . 1016.F.343-:/49 'M Federal Financlal integration in Kerge; States. l017.F.344-P/49 ' Eepresentations allegtng yartialtty in the shopal àdmn. 1018.F.345-P/49 % rravelllng allowances elaim of H.E.the Maharaleofw Patna on account or lfrictal tours. l0l9.F.346-P/49*.e Reported resignatton of Congress mewb àdvlsory Counetl. ers from the H,P. l020.1.347-:/49 ï- Ap G potntment of Dr. lfvra: Mehta as ldviser to sombay ovt.ouestton of payment of Dr.livral Xehtass part or salary by Govt.of Indta. ' - 1Q21.F.35û* /49 Z Rtghts and Privîlegeb of Rulers of H.p.Exemption rz'om payment or electrteity and watet taxes :7 the Rulers ot II.P. Decision that V ese should not be allowed. # ' # 1222.F.351-:/49 yzl îetger of Qehri-Garhwal with the 7n1ted Provlnces.l:sqe th e Qrdez under extra-provinctal lurisdiction ror an in relatton to the governanee of the State or Tehrl- Gerh>la' l è i.. 2- . - --. --.- - lu % , . 1œ 3.352-P/* 1.. - Preeeedtngs of ltutch àdvtsoz'y Counctl. 1024.F.3s3-P/49 1 Payment of penslons and wazlras by the Govt.of Bhopal - A A' to eertatn pezsons in t:e etttes or èàcca and Medlna. .355x ,s.su , l02,.r :. 5-P :/f /4( 9q#-s ztp.oat -pion o,3of h-p/ lsqTra eysCommisst F.: 356-P/*9: Integr M7s9re oner s Qrgantsation 1026. vtth utgh commtsstoner's commerctal establtshment in London. -6'1027 F 358-:/49 7 Dharaspur state xrratrs - l.continuahce or certatn ract#* lities to the Maharana of Dharampur and z.eoKplaints by the Ruler of Dharampur against his son etc.etc. 1028.F.359-P/49 k Ca ncellat n ore berore Aing lz ases, granted by the ûulers of states into orissa' integratlon. I ' I 60-P/49 Z Eeeovery from the Government of East Bengal of TraveliN lû29.F.3 allowance and arrears or par due to Janab M.A.ka;ir, vho vas on deputatton to that Govt.from Mysore. i I I l030.F.361*P/49 ê Representation of Vasava of Sagbara, & feûdatory of Ralplpla State in regard to his prtvy purse an4 prtvate ptoperty. . 1031.:'.362-P/49 1:Request of the Euler of Xakrat ror the payment of expenditure tncurred tn regard to hts y: palace Guardc 1032.F.363-P/49 1, Government promicsory notes ln 'pecfal form held by vartous rulers. * le ilate in respect ! 1033.F.364-P/49* C oo fKm pa etj en ee ïs eo tn fa Ln tja tc scI eda ix nlI SI tI ato eft7 othjche4uleto / Govt.o nGta àc . 1034.P.365-P/49 ' Suggestlon of the Maharala of Banares for the absor- n- ' ptton of certatn orficers of sanares tn Vntted Provtnce Govt.Sezvtee. ' / l035.?.366-P/49 SzAlloî<kAces to llts lltghness Maharana Bhavanisinhlt ex-Ruler or Danta. 1036.F.367-P/49 %V Settlement of inventery of private property of the ûuler or Janltra state. 1037 . F.368-P/49 e, Roldlng of Hational Savfng Certlficates and Cash Certtficates of States werge; in BomM y. 1038.F.369-P/49 X àdlustment of the am tm t advanced to Thakor Sahib of ' Ltkht towar;s h1s prtvy purse . 1039.F.370-P/49 %'Brief lçote on Bhor State. . 1040.F.371* /49 w Allovances to llell.Aatsnnntssa Begtm Sahtta, Nawab Mir I- yath àli Xhan and otber relatfves of thè Xavab of Bauganapallq. 1041.F.372-P/49 Y submtssion or monthlC / accotmt statement :7 the Union Govt.s I y' 1042 F 373-P/49 U Settlement or inventory of private property of the ** guler or Illol. P/49 l Paz fment of 8.10 lakhs by H1s Eighness the Xaharao or l043 .F.374# 1(9 :4.F. 1a 37#-P/49 . Kutch in regard to the settlement of h1s private properttes. I.ka ejjytojyn lla gja' kp ouyh atw L 7dtnghandtg -, zpccessloyoo' &wWka .,- #. -- - ' ) p - i. - .. 52 .- - 1 2 3 1* 5.F.375-P/49 w' l.Death of Rana Surat Stngl& and successlon ot Tika Balll.t StngN to the gaddi of Thhrochaz.Death of Thakm Devi Singh and sqccesslon of ' Jika Prav p Singh to the gaddl of Delath.3aForm of letter to be tsôned ofor recognltion of a ituler on h1s suecession. 1046.F.376-P/49 4- M kueotton ot succelston to the private property of the Sawab of Bhopal. Provtston of Palace Guards etc .to lkis Highness the llawab of Bhopal. 1747.F.377-P/49 eA ' Representatton from R.R.ihe Maharana ot Dharampur regl the vithdrawal or vartous grants made ty the Ruler the Govt.of Bombay. A . l048.F.378-P/49 l! ' Representation from Snt.Lallta Guri Pant-Yuvrani of âunih for increase of her allowances durlng to the eâucatton of her cbildren ete. 1050.F.37:-P/49 9* Kllowances to the members of âGvisory Coancll, E.P. 1051.F.380*P/49 IAAssoctatton of thB Cakinct Secretarlat in the Conferehte held or an àl1 Indla latqre. 1052.F.381-P/49 k Settlement or inventorg of private prop.ryr of the Hulers ot Palanpur. 1053.F.382-P/49 e Fixatlon ot prtvy pqrse of R.H.the Xavab of Palanpur. 1054.F.383-P/49 vf Bettlement of lnventory of private pzoperty of the Huler of Bombay. 1055.F.384-P/49 Representatlon from the ûuler of Korea for the revlston or h&s prlvy purse- Rejected. 1056.F.385-P/49pzRe tt the nt eme r or eom aod ja on orqut a as rla ton tnbltl khaCo Ho ur so ell oA dbàc yH. He tha etvzbBo omb fay ampur. - ?M ''s 1057.F.386-P/49 k uspension or execukion of condemned prtsoners iurtng th the perlod or Independency day celebratfon . . 1058.F.387-P/49 UzBnuqiry tnto the arfairs or Bandur Qabacoo Company and sandut PlantRtton Company Sandut. , , 1059.F.388-P/49 y Recovery or loan from Shrtmant M.s.geshmpkh of Daryapui granted by the sandur state-Wateed. l060.F.389-P/49 keSettlement or inventory of pzivate property of the Ruler of I surganalGulatatlstate. 2.%:c1s1on of the Govt.of ndta recardinc the payment or allovance to Dawager Rant sahiba Ghïmnxbai or surgana. 1061.:*.390-P/49 l.Representatton from the Bala Rana of Jqbbal regardin Jubbal state Qverdrarts. z.Declston that Qovt.or India g cannot repay these overdrarts as they were on prtvate accountô. 3.Declston that the balance or securtties to the extent of 8 .609800 standing ln the name of S1r Bhagat ChanGta may be given to htm. 1062.F.391-P/49 kzM Ex ort to India or car :0 . 5534 Pegistered in the name H.l.theNawaborPylanpur . # f l063. F.392-P/49 #* ' lement of inventorr of pzivate property of the ,Sett k Rule: of Danta/Gularat)-State. 1064.F.393-P/49/v qergey>% orSa u Jr /ygwvivt Nh eokajras yssgyogt:eorderumaer . Extra-provlnclal Jurtsdictioz for, and in relatton to >: the governance of the State of Sandur. 1065.P.394-P/49 * Final myrger of states with Provinees - BuGfetar; &nd Aecountmng Procodure in orissa. & . 1.. .- - - - - - -. - - - 63 - ' - .. ' 3 'p-e 'tQ> . 1066.F.395-P/49 v Removal of the ban on the entry of Kr.partap #tngh tnto Ghund and to allovtnc h1m to take eharge of the private property of the minor Thakur or uhund. m - ) N . 1068.F . 3 9 6 P / 4 9 < s l i y j h F.397-P/49 <'Fi1 lng of seats vacated b7 members of the Constttuent àssembly or Indtà under the provtsiona eontatned in clause (3) of article 379 ot the Constitntton of Ind1& 1067. up ' from Kuteh. 1069.F.398-P/49 PZ son-payment of penslons to ganshidhar Chopdar and others Y' penstoners of Patna State ky the ortssa Govt. 1070.F.399-P/49 W A note on Qrissa States by Mr.D.V.RBge. 1071.0.400-P/49>' Maintenance of the official Palaces of the RazpraMxkhs of the Unionc. 1072.F.4:1-P/4: . kuestion of converting the Mayqrbhanl State Bank to a Joint Stoek Bank. 1073.F.402-P/49 u Royal famtly trust rund under the Deed of Settlemei created by the late h1s hïghness Sir Sayallrao Gaekvar of Baroda. Aepresentatton rrom Prtnces Udatstnhrao and Khanderao or Baroda. 1074.F.403-P/49 * Cancellation of certain leviec in Kutch. 1075.F.404-P/49 7 Report on working of kutch from 16th of àngust,1948 to 15th àugust 1:49. ' 7 1076.F.405-P/49 R 'R Fendel's Kurder Case - Bushahr- Mahasu Distt- :.P elease of prisoners conercted or merder on 26th Jan.50 as amnesty. # 1 077.F.406-P/49 %' àceounttng arrangements tn merged states. . Pe 1c 079 8: .F.408 7-P/49R'n Sl ep ip re )s -Q e$nt Datt bo* n?l r ir Fom 1qko OuB lv /t X-A 2ga QVY M'o2hQ am .m /e' :SH 'C u' ssatnor B anland apja ev le ln eur eoo rrts hert inc oreH ao sm eeoF raa ra llo La wn an dco egn âsH.the sessment or . sawab or aan:anappalle. 1080.F.409-P/49 e Dequest from Shrlmant Laxmtbaisaheb wtdov or'Udaltrao Chavan Himat Bahadur Jaghirdar of Kolhapur for the tncrease of allowance. 1081.F.410-P/49 b'guestton of grant or Maintenance allowance to Mt. Vïnayakrao Ghorpade Ry-laghtrdar or 1ta1karanli. 1082.F.411-P/49 $r Representation from tNe ex-Mtnisterc of Kolhapur Btate for the payment of their salarles. 1083.F.412-P/49 < Von-payment of Privy purse to the Rana or Wav. 1084.F.413-P/49 i. ' Settlement or inventory of private property of the Ruler of (Phaltan) stateo*ff 1085.F.414-P/49 . Settlement or tnventoty of private property or the Ruler or Vtlaynagar state. l086.F.415-2/49 <'Representation from Jaysingrao Xarayanrao Bhonsale . y f chaverkar for claim to the Gadi of Kolhapur state. . 1087.F.416-P/49t Se tllement of inventory of prïvate property of the Ruler or uudasna state. A 1088.F. 417-P/49 ve Aevision or Drlvy Durse of the iulers of States merged tn orïssa. Req e uest-or the rulez of keonlhar ror payment O sa rnpytljoyo nr tylehia lzla en kt hjptâh rryar ssoo nr ep or ftv hz tspu er os mm etto men tw t: - ruzer or Razpur ortssa . i ' I - 1... . - - . . m . . t 1089.F.418-P/49 < Treattng the Xysore State on a par with the Provtnees or Indta ln respett of certatn central povers and funetlons. l 109l 0.F .419-P/49 Sllp. . aJ-MellrC-16-iD.Jâp*X/'JY'V'b-* F.420-P/49.v Payke t or Prtvy Purse ln nonthly tnstatments to the . ïhakur of Pundra tnstead of Quarterly instatments. 1092.P.422-P/49 Z Representatton from the y a of hgarh ab out the nonobservance by the QrissaRjj ovte ofàt certatn of hts rlghts and privlleges. M' 1093.f.423-P /49 Z , Payment of btlls of àir Indie an4 Detûan Airvays in connection vith the transpor or copies or the braft constitutlon and connected documents to Travancore Bangalore and saurasbtra , Eajkot. : 10:4.F.424-P/49 i Faciltttes to Professor V.z.àthavale in vartous Untons lt ror archaeologteal researeh relating to KrtshnaPandava period . f s l0:5.F.426-P/49 ooYproblem of ''Privy putslt of Luiers tn relatton to the tntegratlon or FeJeral finances of Indian S tates - kueâtlon of deelarlng privg purses as parable by the Central Govt.pari Passu with Federal finanetsl tntegratton. . cfjgjtgv yxjy(jsjv ty .1096F.426-P/49 W Lease of a vacaht f6+Fpl .2t / f 9 J ot of land of bungalov :0 , . j .3 A urangzeb Road.Few Delhi, belonging to th, Haharal Ralal Ram or Jqbbal Btate. . luvggttzs' t crmjy.. 1097.F.427-P/49k'L Be ttlementofInven 9t Lo2/y J9orf 2' /p' r V/v Jatepropertyort ghg ew uler or sanlete state. , ' I 1098. F. '428-P/49v'A settlcmcnt oftnventory of privsteproperty of the ulpr or Jsmbughoda State. - v-. 1c99.F.429-P/49 g settlement of tnventory of prlvate property of the Ruler or Mansa y 1100.F.430-P/49 g Minutes or Hpp.Advtsory Counctl Meeting. 1101.F.431-P/49 / àrchaelogtcal ftndsof early Buddistic period in Bhor. 1102.:.432-P/49 :' Tr8nsrer of certafn lands by the Ruler of Lunnwada. 1103.F.433-P/49 Z Complaint by one PyDhyriam tn regard to 'eorruptlon at th( T ratntng Ceutre :or War Disabled persons Jalahalli, Hy , sore. 1104.F.434-P/49 f Sett Ht leaent or inventory of priv:te properties of His ghness the Fala slhtb of Javhar. 1105.F.435-P/49 1 settlement or tnventory cf . or K private property of the Rqler urundvadlsenior). 1106.F.436-:/49 k'Decision regarding the pay/ Trust F ent or premia or the Jagir und ot the Jubbsl Btate and tts' future managemento 11c7.F.437-P/49 *'Payment or telephone Trunk call blll Maha s by H.H.the raja of Banares. ?/ 1108.F.438-P/49 %'Liabillty uùdertaken by the Govt. of Hts Righness the gaharao of Kutch in regard to the rele frot inGebtedhess. ase or Tera Jaglr #, 1109.F.439-P/49 V#Constïtuton of a Trust by H&s Hi Baroda ror the pa gtless the Maharaz 'a of Diamond J nagement of propetties undzr (1)The ubtlle Trust and (zlohey 'sayaj: Rao nemorial zru/ I I i -U 1 - 1- - - & - 2a - - ---- - . .. . 3* J '' 111:.F.440-:/49 W-Hetzrn of landc conftscated by the Thakore of Uchad. .- ' 1l1l.F.44l-P/49 )- Represeno tion from Captain B.ll.llhavilkar of Baroda for resa ratzon of the assamillllow nce). 1112.F.442-:/49 V Payments made by the Govt.of Indta R Indian States. 1113 . F.443* /49 kz Bepresentation from H.H.the Dowager J= ior Maharani k- o rs irohtre gardtnïet snc %reh as er e.orhe<allolonceand grant or certatn ractltt + 1114.F.444-2/49R y'ramingortheConsututtonforMysore. 1115. F.445-P/49:A Repzesentatton of shrt S.lt.srivastava formerly Chter Mlnister Dhenkanal state and nov atsorbed tn c.P.and Berar tm de#end làtlltt' tt a sutt rtled by one Mahesh Pradha j 1 ! l 1116.F.446-P/49 4. Questton of Geductions ' to be nlade tn the prir purse amounts tn regard to ontstandtngs payable to the Aana or Kuthar . 1117.F.447* /49 # Knnual tncome & expendttur durl.n 1947-48 of the Govts, or (l)Jodhpur(2)J' atpur (3)Jaisalmer (4)Udaipur (5) Bazoda ancl (6) Kolu pur. 1118 .F.446-2/4: &< Settlement of inventory of prtvate property or the xuler of Jath state. 11:19.F.449-P/49 WBudget sanctlon of staff ror the adrllnistration Of the Incowe-tax and.ror àrchaeoloca . geoiogy and mtnes *= e' u .in M zurbhanl. - ' i 1120.F.450-:/49 G settle= t of private property of the Ruler of Mudhal. I 1121.F.451-P/49 %,S ettlementofinvcnRry of prfvate properttesof hïs . . htghness the xaxab or sachin. ''r- j I 1122.F.4&-17/49tzjul ee sr ts ioo nros fta re te co svt en ryOo rt fsa sa dva -nD cr èo èpp ou ed. tsundlngagainst 1123.F.454-P/49 $' Decision of the Qovt.of In''ia tn respect of the tnvento' tory of prlvate properttes or the îulers of States merged in Bombay. 1124.F.455-P/49 :# Alleged mal administration of Sirohi Btate. ll25.F.456-P/49 R6Faciltties for the payment of lnterest on Mysore Qovt. Becurlttes held ln Pakistan. 1126.F.457-P/49 M kuestton of allocatlon of Cash Dalanees of lntegrated States between the Centre and the Provinces. 1127.:3.458-P/49 A Ceremonies on tbe 26th January 1960- 2. Mtnutes of the meeting of the Independence celebration commtttee. 1128.F.459-P/49 SX Settlement or tnventory of private propertr of the Rulers of Deccan Btates - Wadi Jagir merged tn Bombay. 1129*F*460-P/49 57 Settlement of privnte property of the hulers of Deccan States - / l 1130.F.461-P/49v8-settlement or inventory of the private nroperty of Rulers or the Deccan States-t3her state) merge: in Bcmbay. g. 1131.F.462-12/49 ' settlement ot invenR ry of private'- roperty of the Rulers of Deccan Statestpemdurg) merged in Bombay. 1132.F.463-P/49 t Settlement of inventory of private property of the Rulers or Deccan stateslMtrajtlunior) merged In Bowbay. j' . +y . y( 2).tào.jjjyqjgg.e ju ' ljjj yyp ,. go,y,to$u K *' . . I I - 56 - - -N$ g ' 1133.F.464-P/49 $,Collection of materlal for white papcr on Indlsn Btates - 1950. 1134.F.465-P/49 drkuesti on of convening constituent assembltes for the Pntons. . 1135.F.466-F/49 VRSettlen?eAt of lnventory of private pro erty of the RulersofGaleral-stateslRanasanStatel. A ! l1a6.F.467-p/k#èZsettlenent or tnventory oc prtvate property or the Aulcrs or cajerat states. + 1135.F.468-P/49 FZ Settlement of lnventory or private prop:rty of the Rulers of G:jeral So.testpœ dra State). 1136.F.469-P/49 Settlement of inventory ot prtvate propertr of the Aqlcrs of Gujarat 3tateslBhadarva ctate). 1137.F.470-P/49 #? Settlement or inventory of prtvate pruperty of Rulers of Qulerat StatetKhadal State). ,. '1I 1 .d 1138.F.471-P/49W A sulers ettleme ntoflnventoryoipr .ivateprojertyofthe or cajerat otateslxatosan state . o Dp. tf1 ea9. : < l e J tY v,a-t , Az ï t ' -F.47z-p/49.) . -R su el ve tr ls eoo en ftGu or jerat tnven to ryor przvaS% teatpp op rtyorthe ls m qq nf o.. l -/ .j St ates (Vasna e) .e . ?e e . yszozs'b1140. F.473-P/49 e Bett u .le (ïz' p'Nv +% W of 'W privRte/ g. prope .Urty of the me nt of7 1nV 9eyW ntory Eulers or Gulerat States (Valasna State). 1141.F.474-P/49 P'settlement of tnventorr of private property ot the Rulers or Gulerat Statestvarsada State). - k . / 1142 3.F .476*/49*'Sllp-l j F.475-P/49> Amendments 17 the Govtyof 'sSor D to thew dissolutionof jje pre exzUso t)Lk g%1S e)NC IO /tU SP rQ eVCrlu ecember l5j 1949 . . . 4e- - N ï + 1% . . 74j .. . %& . ., '''- A .. î. 1 h'' e -' bx% I x >NN *- N / /' I D year 1*49 r.!'u , M t s%r atesa 5'r.the !;?O #* @** . k 1.F.1-P/60 - C 2.F.l/l/P/60 lîepresentattou from Valmata Shri Amliba Saheba of 'iayla for tho marriare expenses of her daughters. e/X Popresentatton frox llts Highness the lh harala of condal: tn respect of hts private properttes settlement Modiftcattons, or clarlflectionsv ot some ot the polnts artctng out of t:e prtvnte properttes settlements or the Rulers of saurashtra. 3.P.1/2/P/50 t. a 1.The questton ot allowances payable to the act. lng Ralpramukh or saurashtta.z. Saloons and Aatl yotor ear prtvileges or the Aalpramu1th of Saurashtra. 4.F.l/3/P/50 VZ Fermatton of the new Yïnistrr ln the Unlted Statc: of 5.F.l/5/P/5o k' Paymont or prtvy purse to the Aulers of Saurashtra for saurashtra on the eve or nev constttutton. the rlrst quarter ï.e.rrom 1.4.50 te 30.6.50. 6.F.l/6/P/50 PZW Clalm of the Qhakore Sahtb of Xult against the Saurashtl A 1-7/P/b covt. . 7.F.1/9/P/50 ke Form of suing the Talukdars or Kathiawar vho have entezl . into the Agreement or Xerger tn tke Pnlted states ot saurashtra tn respect or thetr Civil Ziabtlittes entered before the date of merger. / - >v' ? 8.F.l/1l/P/50ke saurashtraDudgetIîstlmates rcrtheyêar1950-51. 9.F.l/lâ/P/50 PZ Aepresentatlon or Eao Sahlb T.p.nappat, ex-ludielal Mtnister, Gondal State for arpears of penston. ' l0.F.l/l4/P/50k Publte Servlce qommlsslon of Saurashtra Terms or ofctee of members, l1.P.l/15/P/50k Procedure for payment of prlvr pqrse to Bulers or Saurahtra under the provtston or tbe ev eonstitution. l2.F.1/l6/P/50 1 ieprtsentations forwarded t6 the Regtonal Commtssioner, Sauraahtra for dtsposal. ' j lD.F.l/l7/P/50 ï/ Frocedure for dlsposal of pendimg appeals acainst the orders or the Junagadh àdmn.cases of Shrt A.K.Y. àbrahani, Ilaib Bulatkhan Hashamkhan and Jamadar Mahamad âbdulla. l4.F.1/lg/P/5c V àppotntment or tntorposed àdvtser tn Saurashtra. l6.F.l/l9/P/50 kZ Settlemnt or inventory of Rrivâte propertina of Hts nlghnegs the Jamasahe: of sawanagar. # ! l6.F.l/20/P/50 V' Paymcnt of somnath temple ,dqes by the Jnnagadh Gtate. l7.F.l/2l/P/50 W Visit or eertaln Rulets to Khajmandu tn copnection with the veddtn: or the Fmharalkllmxr of Jatsalmir. l8.F.l/22/P/50 YA Vtslt of Darbar Shri Khathar àla Valsurj Chtef of Jasda! to Europe. 4* l9.F.l/23/P/50 / Kequcst rrom Shrl D.V.?ege. Fseglonal Commtssïoner saurashtra ror permisston to tnvite dertatn Rulerl on , hts daughterls marrtage. 1 I ' - 1-. . . -- . . 2 - N 2. -- . à. t1 -- - - Mn - - 20.F.1/25/P/50 p Sett lement of the list or thc Prtvate propertf the Qalukdars of Jalia Devani and Zatnabad. es of 21.F.1/26/P/50 7 Begtstr atlon of fhe ncv armorial beRrlng: or lIpH.the Maharala of Dhat angandhra. - 22.F.1/R7/P/50 98 Aeqaest rrom Her lllghness the Maharani of llawangar fot fo V- reign exehanre for medfeal treatmont and ror educa tton of hor sons. Deelaratlon ot foretgn holdt abzoad . Inforxation requtred to tonpider l ngsor ' laestton granttnr- exchan:e ractlities ror the upkoep or property *f' or llts Rtghness the Maharala of llavanngar tn the F.1-T%lP15tket v. g Ti-t4 fiKinfdol. 23.F.l/29/F/60 * àppotnt ment of H.H.the Xaharala of Dharanradhra ac the x orrlclattn , 24.F.1/29/P/50 VZ Appotnt mcnt offictatt n of Hall.the Maharala of Dharangadhra as th4 j l E5.F.I/30/P/50 *? ûecupAncy Blghts or Holders of Khalsa Lands ln saurashtra. ' ?,(-LRLPIb 7otr -n) 1 gAalpramukhofSauraghtra. l g Aalpramukh or N uaurashtra. l 26.F.1/31/P/50 W Cpllection of funds l7ing tn Batlonal cttf bank of 'ew ïorkl London q to the cteqit or Ghaikh à:dul Kh and shatk Nastr- ûd-dtn. Vulers of Mangrol: and paymcnt altq of f28 4ue ''rom MrwD.Kvsteadman of Washpoolllrngland). 27.F.1/D2/P/50 V# Lepresent ctton from Shaftq Jeban 3/gu1, daughtct-tn-lav X . yA of the awab of Junagadh for exemptton or rent or Junagad Shafl h slouse in Bhopal etc. llelected. glDcciston of q Jehan Vegum to join her husband at 'arachl and I > our c larifâcatlon that her allowance wtll enase there- l arter and thore vill bn no questlon or its bef reneved kçthat shewas later on eompelled to tetutn to ng this eoantry. /m 28.F.1/33/P/50 # L'lectton of H1: Rtghness Haharala S1 Saheb of Babmnagar as Chairman or the r Dtcvil lsinhliylam Admlntstrattve ïrtbunal of the Untted Katlons Qrcanisation. 29.F.1/34/P/50 %*'De h or Darbar Saheb Suragvala or Vadta an; suceesston ofat Sh ri Virawala to the Gaddt. 30.F.1/35/P/6o b' . Reptssion of tnterest on belated payment of Brittsh ' Nrtbqtes, Gaekhur Peshkashi and Junagadh Jortalbt . 31.P.1/36/P/50 vs kuestion or an honorarary acsignment tn the Ht r,(-zljpjsy Commerce rnrshrtPraduwanslnhli,IhakoreorMe nn ig sn tl ry .of ( ' 32.P.1/38/P/50 $/ Aevors ton to prlvy purse Agreements by the Qalqkdars of Saurashtr a who had formerly stgne; Zamindcrl âgreement&. 33.17.1/39/P/6: 7 Courte stes to be sho&m to Eonourable Xinisters of Provtnces. states and Jnton or states vhen they pay orrtetal Vtsttc to Delht. 34.F.1/41/P/50 k' Grohtbtted nufactqreunde or Butto ns w1th âshoka Pillarlth Saqrashtra) r th loroperuse)act19 e5E 0m .blemsand lamestpreventlonof # 35.F.1/42/P/50 V' Com unal dtsturbanees ln Vtssvadar. . # 36.P.1/43/P/50 %'' Intogrntion of services ln Gaurashtra Fk8-t6vlvl5o . 37.P.1/45/P/50 $/ Consent under section 86 of the clvtl sut' pwthe tedure code P t by Htswchunllal KhusNoldas Rpainst Chief of to atdtlorantqd). . ' ' i l - l. 3 -. é. 38.F.1/47/P/50 * Report published in the Guâaratt weekly newspaper . . . . . - -- - . - . . - . - . - - . .u - k-- 'Hlndu' tn regard tc the establishment of a Junngadh Govt.in Pakistan. . N N$ 39. F.1/49/P/50 1* Deassumptlon of the eharge or the office of Ralpramulçh or Baurashtra on 4.8.50 by llls Hïghness the Jamsaheb or sam ngar on h1s return fron llntte4 Kations Organtsatton . + 4o . I F.l/5o/P/5o * Comrmzn.l rtots kn Kodinar. i I nt or Btlls aMounting to # 6178-05 to Ris Highness -f . 4l.F.l/54/P/5o k Payee the Ja l $ msaheb on aecount or menieal expenses tneurre; by hin. Dectsion that remittance should not be allowed ! vhere bïlls have already been paid. Exemption of #am Saheb rrom the above deeiston. VZ S 42.F.1/55/P/50 upply of eopies ot Fress Fotes Press Comwuniques etc. ' ' tssaeG by the Govt.or Saqrashtrl. ! I 43.1.1/56/P/50 kf Clalm or the General Blectrtc company in respect or l a.J' ' Fountain erected at the Xorvt Palace. 44.F.1/57/P/50 *' Saurasbtra Qfficial Language Act,l950 providlng for the use of Gularatt Languag.. 45.F.1/58/P/60 j. Xeprqsqntatton of D.S.Vala Eavat Ram, Eulet of Bilkha E l'-Nq-C!&o for succession to t;e estate of late Ba Shree Randeba of ' y.!-&o-T)n> Bllkha, and the estates of other Jlwaldars of silkhaç.h-Ll-' Ifî Relectei. 46.F.1/62/P/50 k'Modtfïeations an4 tlartftcattons Qt some of the points . l arlstng out of the prtvate prperttes settlenents of the Rulers or 8aurashtra. ' s J 47.P.1/63/P/60C Representatton ofthe Shareholders of Dhrafa tn the Katter of fzxatton or the rates ot vighoti $n respect ot their W bllrn. . I % - 48 - j . F.1/64/P/50 . saurashtra Supplementazy demands for the year 1950- 51. . 1.1 l/ .L 6S 6/ ?P 1/ &5 ' O0Z ExempttonofKlrpanforSikhstn Saurashtra. , 49. 5O.F.l/67/P/50 Pe Painte and Hanance of the Hosques &nd the orphanages in Junagldl ngrol and the grant for Lungar of the Dargah Shirazt in Shahpur. k 51.F.1/68/P/50 k# Petttion tn the Supreme Court or 1ndia(Eo. Fz 341 of 1950) j àoa/pl. s-o of ba 8 yur J li w g shR ta ra gha un rd ajan Ko ut mh ne rrSingh tha egm aa tn tt se trto hf eV th ne &tr ee dsu Sm tp ntï eo snor the grant or vlllage Mahtka - Withdraval of - 52.F.1/70/P/50 Bflls tntroduced tn the Saurashtra Legiàlature. 53.F.1/71/P/50 N# Request purse i of the Thakore Saheb of Vala for addltional privy n lleu or h1s s1x Jhllla vtllages ln àhmedabad on the parallel of Llmbdi- îelected. , 54.F.1/72/P/5O V àppltcation or Balvantrai Dbixajlal Dave ror the grant of consent under sectlon 86 of the Clvil Procedure Code to / ' sue agalnst the Maharala of Dhrangadhra. 55.F.1/73/P/50 p' Claïm of Shrl PeD.Halviya against the Thakor of Dhrol. 56.F.1/74/P/50 t' Complaint from E1s Highness the Eaj ... .pramukh of saurashtra . regardlng assessment or the tncome or His Hlghness the 76 Haharala of Bhavnagar to Super- Tax. n 6/P/5 sygk.ïgy O 4 Application of Vohra Muxali Ismailli for the grant of consent under sectfou 86 of the Civil Procedure code to p.t/ny/!>/So usetheTalukdarorMayapadar. 1 ' ) .. - Y . - - .- - . - .. 4 . 3 ' 68.F.1/78/P/5Q > B îequest of Messrs.Eeaufcrts L:Jjl'ailors & outfttter:) ombay for tbe grant of consent nnder sectton 86 or the Civil Procedure Code against the Ruler or JetpurlReferrei 59 . F. 1/79/P/50 Ip Grant of cuse ms factlitles to Hls llighness the Xaharala ot lla . - - * . t ! i wanagar and party. + 60. P.l/80/P/50 $ àpplicatlon of Kes.Hartshchanirastnghli an4 tohet for pen ltsston to rlle a suit agalnst the thakur Sahib of - Virpur- Refused). * 61 F l/8l/P/:O V C ** Ponsent qnder sub section (2) of Gection 86 of Civil roeedure Code to file a suit agatnst the Rqler of Jasdan and Saurashtra Govt. by ôhrl àllbhal Mamad, contractor, Jasdan- Rerused. 62.F.l/82/P/5o v Repl'esentEtton of Shrt Jayanttlal taxmishankar Joshl regarding the Ilara-Khat or vtllage Juvanpqr. 63.F.1/83/P/50 e Application of Messrsocoronation Xotorsl Balkot for the grant or censent under section 86 of thè Clvil Proeedure Code to tue the Euler of Jetpurlgefused). 64.F.1/84/P/50 IZ origtnal Heport of the àgrarlan Reforms Commisslon saurashtra. 65.F.2-P/50 W* , Representation fron Prtnces Savitra 5a1 Saheba Durg, Palasia. Indorê against the Hadhya Bharat, Govt Sarols ûrder or placing her Jaglr un:er Court of Wards. 66.F.2/1/P/60VF' Represe ntakion from Sardat Malhan Bao Tatya Saheb Bolkar fo r the eonttnuance of allovance . / 67.F.2/2/P/50 k# kuectlon of locatlon of a permanent C apital for M.zharat. 68.P.2/3/P/50 v? Reptesentation from Malor Sardar X.M.Pawar for tbe return N 6n-r-uzxzpzso .- 7OF.2/5/P/50 ee . of articles kept with the Court of Wards. z szfpa -qc . :(t(:g-6po/t,-p- !jq.f:z Appointment of Shri Suhnulal as a Deputy Mintster in Ho a zharat.proposed appointment of Parlilmentary sectetariel nd Deputy Hinister in M.Bharat. a ?1. F.2/6/P/5o k'A Representatton from the Sawas of èfobampaig t arh ror ncrease tn hts prtvy pqrse-Rejected. 72.P.2/8/P/59 4* Pe R nsions sanctioned in excess cf authorised seales by the ulers of covenanttnc states on or after January 1 ,1948 and modtfteattons mai.e by M.zharat Govt. ' 73.:.2/9/P/50tZ eTth'ej' ' t 74.F.2/10/P/50 *o - Msetc ement of Private properties of his htghness the aharal orwg, ' a ot Gwalt xjvx.+j ) cs. . 75*F/2/l2/P/5ojz .éh' arat3' /tn, a ' a n7cta lf/al/j -f Z 'cegn t' &o z)V cvVU/wt S.-'-'O--i -/ï-e-' -76 .F.2/13/P/50 te> Representation rrom Dewan Bahadur K .. y esri Singh, Dankers, g-/ j/-P To aat ndns lor Ho ar Govt.Treasurerregardtngtheclaim p.z-t sf? ;/l s0 L ag tdJ& aor ano Dr ar by ar. . , / , 77.in.2/17/P/50 * Eevenne àdmtnl TenaneyB1llan sd trJ aa tg to lr nF ao nr deR st mt slp vr ae rv ien La tn io dnRo ef ven ln ud eta nd cutting) B1l1- X.Dharat. scrlmlnatd 78.F.2/18/P/50 4='M&nisterlal changes In M.zharat. .X . ' s zy,qjp)s, l j - 1. <* - 2. 3 ' 3 t,I .. 79.7.2/20/P/50 A Gpant In of exehange facllittes to H. ll.the Haham la of md gra eztjlrc oyy r yj mae rc stton:11thh' u.svislt%!J.5.1pon 80.F.;!/c /P/50 /M'Activities of llam b or Kqrwaidqemttt j i o è> FXjpgjpls - ance of monmy R Paktstan. ' ' 81.17.2/23/*/50 k' l4on-availabiltty of certaln offletal reeords relattng 6 to Ptploda State. , 82.F.2/24/P/50 k' Represontation from the Maharal or nolkar re llt: concolidateed allo gardiq. tbe v#G watre as Senio: up-îalprapl ani his right to act as Balpramukh for one year out , . of every :fxq foum years. 83.1. -.2/:5/P/:0Z Aprll Publication of a report in the Vlgtl dtttûd tbe 14th l950 that 40 sepoys attaeked S:rl 3asantkuMat of , àcam, M.sharat. . 84.F.2/26/P/50 *' Antt P -torruption tegtslatson in ll.Bharat- 1he M .BNarat reventton of corruptton Bi1l. 85.:'.2/27/P/5: i Petition from Smt.chandr, Railt and sauratanrai recatdtng thelr Jagira confiseated by ltts llighnoss the B aharala of Jahabun and thetr sanetion or thetr matntenanee allovance. 86.)'.2/28/P/50 i Publt cntton cr slanrlerous and malaetous lrticles a îrainst Xtlttary offtccrs by Mr.X.P.àgar&m l in ashtralyotl. 87.F.2/29/P/50 v# ëequest ror Htldtcal allowance from Xana of ld Relected. athqm'- / 7<- 88.11'.2/31/P/50 :' * .M Con gruunal derofTenston khreeMtn Ghulalpur ötstrict of M.Bhazat uslims at Prabatts. 89.12.2/32/*/50 t Payzlent of prlvy purse to the Ruler: of X. of the privy purse to the Bulers orlx.3harat ghar at. De tatls on ae count or G vhtch contrtbution v1ll te recoverablo from M .Bharat - ovt.under arttcle 291(2) of the Constltution. ' 9:.7.2/33/P/501- Paytent or cath contributtons by ceztain tovenantin statec or ld.Bharat. g , . 9l.F.2/J 3 'V P/5oj-- Accomodatl on for Haharalkumart Usha l' Iolkar énd Captain ' and M rs.bhanda in V ndon. , 92.F.P/35/P/K v'e CustomsO uty exemptton or Tlts lltghness the Mah R lhapur tn Mœ M rat. arala or 9:1.F.:/36/P/60 'vo rtflqs lmportod by i' I.libthe Maharala ot Ind Clearance or. ore- ' 94.F.2/37/P/50 v àpplication of ILH.the Na3eb or Iluwai for a remlttan or K.300Q/- to Lonqonwfor the Redteal treatment oç hi ce ' con s p 95.12.2/38/P/50 (- Quoctlon whether the Rulers of StRtes can stand fo election ss members or the Pt r ovtneial or Central Leg. r# . 96.1p.2/33/P/50 u lransfer or managoment or prkvate property'of H. kwthe Maharala of Dewaslsenlor) from the Eegent mother to Z.H. 'thû Xaharapa oç Devaclsentor) A:vo has attaine; thB age of 1: yearo. i I I l ' 97.1:.2/40/P/50 R Re presentation from Shrt Mulehand Ockuldas Lakhani regt hts claim a jralnst Indore State-Relected. ' ve ' 98.17.2/41/P/60 v l il kiklh-llasr ts of %hp 11:40 llavmb ' or Jaora-Request from . alm bzada Mumtaz AlI. lkhan ror tlzetr posskssion. j t I I 1 I . . i+ . . .. - - . .. . 2- 6 . . - . . 0A . 11 99.F.2/42/P/50 - llcrger of the remalntng portlon or erstvhile Khaniadhana and Datta Btates vith X.gharatiî: tequeàt from . the Chler Mlnister, M.sharat- Relected. l00.F.2/43/P/50 P Adbasts agstatton agatnct the delay tntroGqction of + pr ohlbitlon in tizr Butl àrea tn M.Bherat- Salrlgraha organised by th: uoctalist Party as a protest. W l01,12.2/44/:/50 VzlLeprosûntations from the Public of bl.Bharat. 2.2/45/P/50$ Field Fïring Fangcs for the Iltfantc School Mhov. lœ .1 , l03. h. Z2-/Q4G 7FPJ6 SY 0kzl i àJpramukh'saddrf lsc.totkeM.BbaratLegislatureon 10th Xarch. 104.12.2/48/P/50 %'Lcpl*osnntatlon of Shri llarayan Prasad, ex-palace orrtcer bew s Jvulio' r. ' 1.:5.17.2/49/P/50 V l'. epœesentattou froM llr.f . çtrllhszuandas J.1Rqla, exe elvqn or T' katlam regatd1.ng the non-paa ent of am zuity :7 the M.gharat Govt.orders issued ror pN visional payment. lD6.P.2/5r)/P/5n $ Articleu tn the Vigil clclted . 1V17,8,196> Proposed financtng or a ftlm production company by the ll.sharat Gov.tcapttul of l4.7lm r. at and the Palasthan D'-inictry. 107.P.2/61/P/50 & ll.sharat àffatrs. 108.:.2/52/P/50 S. aLeplaeem4nt or tlle serv1.ces oç Mr.làsood kull Khanf Deputy Collcctolxor Central Bxcise, âlmcr at the dtsposal of tl.Bharat Govt. I lœ.F.P753/P/5ot B 1h :X*lsharatjllià ihCeurtofJudieatureàct(Amendment) t1l# 195:. -+,. ' Il0.F.2/Y P/5nk Docl.ston thu: the gua.rdian or the'mtnor 1)uler or Balkarh be asked % prepare an Bnnual budget of the llltler's tncome tm d the expeld iture to be approvfzd by F' tegional Cormisstoner & àdvtser or ltalpramukh or M.B. 11l.F.2/65/P/50k' Pztomulgation of Pross (F. rergnncy PoTpers) àtt in N.31m rat 112.F.2/56/P/50 V Grqnt or forelgn exchang: faciltttes for tl4e education Xaimrallctan ri Ilsha, heiresn to the Indore Gaddi. ll3*è@2/58/P/50 G'Eno blishaent of a Znlversity in ht.Bharat àppointtent , ' of 1.n Expert Co=atttee.selectlon oT Bljatn as Ccntre for startinc èî.gharat Pniver:ityaThe H.9harat îlntvcrslty Btll. 7.14.1-.2/59/P/50 S'llhartta from Nawab àslGi gegum Sahiba of Mohlmmadgakh tn renard to the marriage or hmr son. ll5.F.2/61/P/6ok*AZsbour troulllr)in the :8;wa . H!lls at Indore on 20th . uguat-àcsault on the Police Party 8.nd as a result death of the Deputy nupertntondent or Poltce and a constable. / . 4 . *' ll6.F.2/62/P/50b. Consent undcr :4ction 8G of t:e C.P.C.to sue by (l)M/s Chumntlal onkarw;l and (2) X/s Chuntlal Onkaroal Lit. agatnst dlli.the Heharala or KolhapurtFormetly Xallarala of Devas Jtate Bentor Draùch) Granted. ll7.F.2/R3/P/5c keRehlnd of cu6toms dut7 on an àustin Cnr kmported ror the Fïa/tplîy/s-o personal uae of ll.H.t)le MahBraI 1aorGwalior. 118.F'.2/65/P/5û : tommuna1 t'anslon in Xeemuch eantonment on 2?th and 28th JulF,l950. ' - y. . v.r 7 - yG ,.. - .- - - - . - 3. .- . .. w l19.''.2/66/P/5o k Loan of services or Mr. P.K.Ghoshal, ICS, Deputy ôecr. fqzlt -ilqjso g ta ouh ty ha eB Gh ov ar ta .o tfco Iv nd tla:HintstryofHomeAcfairsto . :7,0.12.2/6: ./P/50 : Spccial clxc'rter flight for tht)despatch of the Tcar ûas squad to Gwall. or in colm eetion wlth students Ag1' W' d on. 4-Y . . 121*F42/70/:/50lXDeputatlon of ZmF*provînclal àrme; Consta:ulary Companteà to l1.:ha rat. h ' : I W 122.1P.2/71/P/5oZ Issu? of a nqticc W tile M.Bharat Il gh Cour: to HD. . tf.kt.tllm shal bpeûlal Qfrieer holdlng an enquîry into the Gwalior Ptrinc 'to explain the authorlty under he w .s holdtng the enquia . 123 ' A j. : . :. 2/72/P/50< âppotntnent of Shrt Brllral Narain as Senior ember Board of ftevenuc, l. f.Bharat- âpprovql sought by thl! Govt.or MaBharat. ' : - =' . 124.12.2/73/P/50 k'Payxent of flight clmrges of Princess Uslza of Indorc and Xrs.Gopala Menon to British overseas Alrways corporatton. 125.F.2/74/P/50 ' %'Proposal of 1l.I!.the bana Saheb or 15arm nt to present s)1 atrcral't to the Goct.or Indla àcqepted. 2 17 126.1' -.a/7s/P/so& Ellautry by ll.ll.hlaharant Indrabat saheb reeardîne paymënq p'.a/7(Jpys-'* or*some jjo aar. moncy by the centm l Qovt tostrNkoltrao m 2.2' ?.F.:/'?7/P/sr).-T:equost rrom :1.n.tl:e ylaltaran: or Indopa to cee nts illghness the Maharata or Indore tn B.s.A. I zva.1?.z/-?tvp/5o #'I'ress noteu, pri,ss comcmntquos etq.tsshted 'by z or M.suapat. the Gpvt. '' 3*- . 129 .F.?/7g/P/50 K'Appointment of Xlntster for tribal welfare and thqt or , ttle Schednln; cast6, s etc.in M.Bhaz'at under elaase (1) of àrttclB 164 of the Constitutson. ' 13o f . F.2/80/P/5o1/ H.bharat Govt.s conmflnts cn the Code of CrimtnRl .g; 4 Procedure (Amendnentl3ill- kuestton ot separation of ludtciary work rrom the exêcutive. l3l.F.2/8l/P/5o 1/'Grant of'impoz't ltcencc to 1I.11.the XaharaJa of Deva, (Jtm tor) fo:' tlle tmport of fol'eil:n liquor. . .c 132.F.2/% /P/B()te'tliàarkcr of a plane rrom Darkhnllga vtstton ot120.8.56 to take Gllrt P.3.T)au fron llwaltor to Indore. ,'' l33.1P.R/83/P/$50' l? àtlmtntstration of Crlwtnal ' Jribes tn M.qharat. 134.P.2/84/P/50/ àppltctltîop by the1l alnata erPanth Pkploda rorrenewe ' qtl'Govt.pl'oml.:sory Dotec f' l or 1.80500/- belonglng to suvat Bagim rap Stngll. tl' xnor Rulerq Piploda - ller eontcntton that under the terms or guardianship certtflcate she ls eompetent * perfbrm all actn necessaa for the rêalivation and zkanagemont or the property etc.of the Mtnor rvawrAt llaglmral Slnrh not upheld. #. l35.F.$V85/P/50e'j 'v ua el stLo ir onDo ts ftr pt ay cE tlclw nh tooh fmv ce oDlb pen tln sav tio cn tims to9 th rmco R=u usln ia ml sof 4iskurbances. X 1:6.:.2/86/P/5:g ltequest from the lçawub of Jaora f' or an lncreaoe in the 1 m t s&ncttoned to h1m for his Darriage and that of Rmok z1c brother. I - l 11 8- 1Mr , .5 .$ . -..$.--.. 137.F.2/87/P/5. 0 V'vtstt of Haharalelmq -rt Cbandra Kumart of Aatlam to - *:I: .... .. . . s2(%%je/3n Znttedïingdomforfurtherstudies. 3:.. . 138.)*.2/89/P/50 y7 M.Bharat àrfatrs - Posstbiltty of qttlisatton or Shri - F, 2/9o/P/5* Dhtrendra Nath ghdedar servtees in an honary eapaeitr. l39.F.2/9R/P/4o s'Report pegardtng progress made tn the tntcg/qtton of = ' I I I ï:. 'zjço-ta/so servlceclnH.Bharat. 14:.17.2/94/P/50 v Zemorial rrom Shankarrao Baburao Gaekwa; regarding the - 4< hsr clatrs agatnst the lndore Darbar. 141.F.2/95/P/50 v/Deciston thpt the Rikqhnamas or the late Havab of Jaora be kept tn the eustody of Degtonal Colmtssloner and àdvlserl M.Bharat. 142.F.2/96/P/50 7 Proviston or Palaee Guards to the Rulers of M.Bharat r.zJ). ?/!a/so 2.0uardsrorthepalacesorthcRulersofM.Bharat. 143.F.2/98/P/50WZBeceipt of a telegram by the Htgh Cosmissionez for Indi! in United Kingdom fzom DrpEdgar Kayer ror sending Prtncess Usha of ë Indore to âmertea. .-y* 144.:'.3-P/50 < Assaalt on Prahlad by Bisvadar of Kantttsaranaullpepsu. 145.1:.3/1/P/60 W Payment of arrears of UpralpraMnkh's qllov/ances due to Ilis lato Iiichness the Maharala of Kapurthala-Dectsion that the amount may bp appropriated towards the payment or pensions to 'aputthalq household employêes. , 146.F.3/2/P/50VS llepresentatton from Mro. Roll.chatterlt in regard to her F's/zj</lo o pf enK sa ip ou nra tn hd qla lire allowanee diseontinued by theXaheraja / F.3721131S0 . ' 147.F.3/5/P/50 < Arrest or Shree Sit? Ram of Dhampur Dtstrict Btlnor by Pepsu Police. < 148. . F.3/6/P/50# Representation from Shrl ktma Bam Jatdan regarding the alleged occupation of his house by the Pepsue poltcemen 149.:'.3/7/P/5: :' Prorulgation of the Pattala & East Pnnlab Stntes Vnion land lcqutsttion Qrdtnance 2006 in th0 Vnton. l50.F.3/8/P/5o $'' Request from the Pepsu Qovt.for the Informatton regardtr the ehanges in the offlce of Seeretary Mtntstery of States and Xtntstry of llome àrfair:. l5l.F.3/l0/P/6o MX Fepresentnttons from Mahcra: Kumars Guru Baksh Slngh, Kharagh Gingh and Maharan; Sarolint Devi of llabha regl Houses, Grant of Btrs, allowances and payment of a balan of 1.13 lakhs remainfbg in the Civil List Reseyve Funqj.c j 152.F.3/l1/P/5O ï Patiala an4 lsast Punlab Gtates Vnton Cown Subnrban Area . . development drart Qrdlnanee. . , . ' 153.F.3/12/P/50 j Transfpr of amount lrinc &iith th4 orindlay :ank Ltd. London tn the name of Ilis Highness the llAharala of ' Kapurthala. / 154.F.3/14/P/50,/*ya uu er stK io nt nco ht r:pd at yv mo en rc teo Gfvl th feo an fnH uis tyla to teliH rt sg .h on le iv ss eJ th ae cwant gaharala or Jtnd. 155 . F.3/16/P/50vAg r tjae te tm on enb tyor thl e1.AHka iMah Sikaral hs In onn ect tonw ith the bp tl he ac of Pat iala persone l Flag . X y nalprakukhls flag at the ropt. 156.F.3/19/P/5: y Representation from Shtt Jai Ktshen Puri, ex-Manager. rlllllajjq ytez sjn uj.regardtnghisdismi:tàlfrom the $ ! . = 9 - ' 157.F.5o3/2o/P/50J1ote rel'ardlng dlscusslons held at 'apurthala on 7th ' e March 1950 with Ilts llighness the Maharala or Kapurthala l58.F.3/21/P/b0 4 Reprcsentattonc from the cltizens of Pepsn. l59.F.3/P2/P/5û e àlloîmnces to tAe members of Rulln: family of Kapurthall ' . l60.F.3/23/P/5ûy, Representation from Mr.Karl Malte Heinz & Messrs, Vttlity regardtng non-payment of charges in regaml to t) - yhe addltions and alterhtlons carries out tn the k-apurthala ilouse, Kew Delhi. C ! 1 .F P4 P/ l. i pp (, ' ; /fron Patiala & liast Punla: States Vnion 16 6l :. 1:. .3 3/ /2 5/ /P /5 50 0# <2 Re pr ese el nt aij l. ons Provtneial Depressed Classes League and action taken thereon. The posttlon of llartlans tn Patiala & rmyt Punjab states Unlon. 163.1:.3/26/P/60qm'Haharant of Kapttrthala- Increase in allolmnce and the transfcr ot propiretory rjghts in respect of vtlla 3ouna Vtsta. . t ) . 164.F.3/27/P/5: e'Eepresentatfon from certatn Kashmirta for the nonpayment or vages by the llaztm of Pattala. 165.7.3/P9/P/50 k' Enpresentation rrom Deren llathra Das, cx-prtvate Seey. to the Late lfaharala of Kapurthala regardtng hi: rurnttqre and buildlnc matertal stored in St.llelens Mussorte. 166.F.3/30/P/50 t Integralion of officers ln the Patlala Unlon àdministrattve O oervlce. 1 167.1: *.3/31/P/50$ Pepsa Vrban LentBestrlctlonlAmcndmentlgill,2G06. >k- 168.:.3/32/P/50@' Fepresentatlon from Shri F.C.Bedt for the non-payment or 1.2250/- (hts fees etc.in thenmatter of recovery or lewyllerr etc.of late Vani Tara Devt) br the Haharaâa . . oc Iapurthaza. 169.F.3/33/P/60 g Exploston at Qila Mubarakj Pattlla- àppointment of a Crtbunal to enquire into the causes. ' 170.F.3/34/P/50 U-âppotntment of Sodhi Jaidev Gingh as Finqncial Commtsslonerlldvtser) and seetetary to Govt.tn Edn. and 51ea1th Deptt. 171.:-.3/35/P/50 v'lrecess of Pepsu Ptnisters At hlll Stqtlons. 172.F.3/36/P/60 q''Tmport lieence for one case oî Bona China ordered for / I H1s Hlgnness the Maharala of Pattala. l?3.F.3/37/P/50 7 Deeognltion of cer% 1n Houses in Pattala as the Prtvlt' Properttes of the relattves of B.H.the Haharala or ç,Pay tas la. 6/B%/SJ5op s t., . s -.A. sqts/é?-T./. LRc 174.F.3/3 .9/P/50 p De on in regar to Free Xk%ommod/ti on f0r thepramuR à.elsi D.Cs. and other;hoqsehold staff of R. Hwt he Raj : pepsu. # *' 175.F.3/40/P/6c VZEe-organlcation of distrlcts ln Pepcu. 176.F.3/41/P/50 we'Paynent of the amoant dtle to Tata Industries LM .5!?v F :5 yjs' ovqelht1)y theMaharalaofxapurthala. / ' 1 1 2 / -jj( yyzz yajyjju yjtmusysyjzsxjaogysvsjso 1771.-.3/42/11/501+ rl,apte-sP: ro e usay . . yizg Y rieul ura ltvate und.propeet Detailys o r Hts theHtg area ofsla d et ch rorms tt he pr or hnes tn he Rala of Fartdkot. :-.; y---vyf y. yz, -arp.., 1. 3.. -, -c.:,.-.z., .qz-i. - .. I I - l0 - 178.F.3/43/P/50 * Complatnt by R1s llighness the Maharala of Fmpurtbala anatnst sealtn: of Toshakhana roomo contatntn: heirloows etc.ïy the neputy Commtsstoner, Kapurthala l79@r*3/44/P/6: * Commttment made by the late Xaharaja of I tRpurthal: to utllïse the property of Maharani Tara Devi for Charttable purposes. 180.F.3/45/P/50 Z Report fzom the Indtan Ambasodor at Kepal about the sarrlage celebratlons oç the Yuvral of Jaisalmer 8nd -f' omtsston on the pary cr E.H*the Xaharala of Pattala to ' make a eall at the tmbassy. 181.F.3/46/P/60 Wvpayment to Hessrs Fteld âtrcraft services Limtted by R.ll.the Rala or Fartdkot for the snpply of Aïrcrmrt spares. 182.F.3/47/P/50 lrylt1l of the ltuler or Fariokot in favour of hts three daunhters. 183.F.3/48/P/50 + bemoval or restttcttons on aeqnioltion of tmmovable le rp op su ertyand valldlttonottrancacttons5111,2007tn . 184.F.3/49/P/50?'Payment of Privy purse and allovances to the Xuler of Zàlsta and*hts relattves. 185.F.3/50/P/501 Evacuee 2us No.1(.302 in the possession of lfis llighnens ths Maharala nr Kapurthala - Dectston to made over the Bus to the Custodian Muslim Evpeuee Propcrty,petiala 'y:- & East Panlab States Vnion. 186*F.3/5:/P/50 Z Allowance to XahAranl.Gurcharan Fdc %qfc ef late l4aharala of lçavha & her ftve thtldren. 187.F.3/52/P/50> Repreôentatton from Sardar Tshar Singh ageinst Sardar llarchand bingh ' ot Pattala. 188.*-.3/53/P/50 K Reauest from 1L1I.the Haharala of Kaputthala fot the grant A or an tntervteu wtth the Prestdent and to stay at the GovtgW use. 189.:.3/54/P/60 #'lF externment of one Shakti Prakash of vtllaje KarOla, Pattela rrcm U.P. ' 190.F.3/55/P/50 G gperatton or the accounte or Kalsla State and Kalsta stato nank vith tho Punjib National Bank Llmited. 191.F.3/56/P/60 &#Penuqst from the Qovtlof Patiala * Bast Punlat States Bnfon that Aulers may be exenpted rron the proeedural recuirment of an applicttlon ror a lieence to tmport goods ror thetr pnrsonal use being made during a spectfted perïod. 192.P.3/57/P/80$' Bepresentat. lon froM 'fr.Frank Binks f0r the non-payMênt of eofftn chnrges by H.Hmthe Meharala of KapnrthalaFequest for pcrmïsston to filp a sutt agatnst H.H.the Maharala of KapurthalalRefused). 193.:' *.3/58/P/50 NzApprectation br Ronltle Vallabhat Patel of Pattala & # #- . F . Fast Punlab states Bnton Poltce for llquldct4 -nn two zjsof/jjro gangsordacotts. 194.F.3/60/P/:0 yzconscnt under sscttnn 86 or the Civll Procedure Code t, sue nwîl.the ru la or Fartdkctl Granted). . 195.1.3/61/P/50 **sudget Provfston for. the privr purse to Rulers of Stat me rje tnthPgt tal a & 1)st ab states Vnton and allov. anc sdto tr relatt es.Punl , VL'''V '' - l-. 11- . --.--2 - . .-. . - - .-3. .. 1.' l-z'o , 196.F.3/62/P/sn P ltereponee frox the Patïale & East Runlab Stqtes Unlon Govt.regardinr the rccovery of thc loan of l.one lakh rrom the Hlsharat Govt.advaneed br the Malerkotla State to 'urwat otate. - ' 197.F.3/63/P/60VZ Poncton grantod by the Vuler of Jind wf to Shri Babu , ;o/co nam, ex- o wecretary. Illas-i-Khas-l' teference from the # :73/ètfR/=- b Pa ctl ta re lat&dIl a stPu nlab 3tat esVntonGovt.that thisMay malar tde - Rel ected. h -6 198.F.3/65/P/50VZl1ill reccssing :7 mcmbero or Patiala & Bast Pqnlab states Bnton, Publie Eetvtee Cemntsston. 199.F*3/66/P/50ç'Consent unfêr section 86 of the Civil Procedure Code to oue by o nbrt llathu Lal Purî against the Pmla of Iialagarh. 2oo.F.:/G7/P/5n > àllovance to Iltqr ntghness the Ralmata of Pattala. jsj..:a.. 2Q1.F.3/68/P/50k;/ '.Pr.Tvs ltghness the Aala of Fartdkot. .,te Proyert .y of , Rl .s I . . $zq j ' j y ; *. ; .yw. .(j ..q. yakj. .j j. j. x 202.7.3/69/P/50, Peèmtssfon for r'ektttance or 1.1200'/- p' er quqbter rrom Aprll 1950 in sterllng to Prlncess Indra Devi of Kapurthala. 2o3.F.3/70/P/50# Manctton for the converston of f210/- tnto ôvtss curtcncy to meet ïhe cxpenses incurred by Her nïglmens thp Ah harant of Patiala and Party in the slotcl Des Berguos, Geneva. 204.l?.3/7l/P/5cyz consent under sectton 86 of the Civtl Procedure Code 1 Jtn4- llefuscd. . . / l to sue by Ghrt â.C . 8alt against H.n.the Haharala of 205.17.3/72/P/50 v Bequeot from the Maharala of Pattala for arrangtng vith ' the Pakistan Govt.to hold up the auetton of g cases , )-- decoratEd bone chlna. Extenston of Customs privileges to the llalprakakhs pf Pattqla & East Punlab States Uaton Ralasthan e,nd saurashtra. crant of custom eerti- ftcatos for the artlcles imported for Ret Illghness the Saharan: of Pattala. 206.F.3/74/P/53 : Lstlte of the late prtncess Sonia of VYpurthala in the U.s.â. 2O7.F.3/?5/P/5û # Patiala fk East Punlab ötqte: Cnfon holdincslconsolldation and prevention of Fraqcmentattonl3lll-àpproved. 208.F.3/76/P/5: e 0rdlnanyc to empower the Uovt.or tho Pattala & lkst ' P ru enja eb rpd uwta tn tes thv enM ton rld toT' p ar vardku la eg stt ro snform tts lie tx ar ty ense io rn vit. to non-rosïdentc or Patiala & Jrast Punlab O otates 7nion and req' aost to the Govt.of Indta and other Btates to bear charges. 209.F.3/77/P/50 fA Issuo of a eertificate to Brtnda Tikka Rani of Kàpur- F'zj?s-?. >/ .. 5-0 tl h4a ela icby nou tht ehP oah t sa th al aa rah nir to as ftKP ap uu nt la th baS la tatesonlon that F 'bl7nivêso . 21o.p.a' o/p/so $ Transrer of shares or the Da:mia cemcnt Factorr Ltd. /a ty nwll.thexahara:a or Jtud on the eve or forratton or / Pattala & rast l'unlab states Unten to certatn orrtclals o f thc Statc for thelr loyal gervicec rendered to the State - Questton of reversion ot this transaction- + RetecteG. 21l.P.3/:1/P/50 WfBalabouring of & Harilan namcd Amar Singh of rlllage . Kattu, P.o.D14anlula, Dljtàict Barnala ror taking vater from tl4e vtll of santa bîngh . . * i . . . . yg . 212.F.3/8:/P/50 e Conversion or Harllans to Slkhlsm in pRttaza & jzsst Punlab statqs Cnton. . 213.F.3/83/P/50 / Ropre#entatton from Htsa Sybil Barron foT the Deeovery . 4% auount due to hpr rrop 1lto Highneos the 4 of t ' èlahaiala of Iop7. ltthala. i3/84/P/60 ' #/tvlctton or ter>nts rrom lhotr holdïngs in the Harlpure 214.1. . n-e vtllage, strvana Tehstl, lstrict Sangrur. , :.z)%s-T'1 , 215.F.3/86/P/6: z Proypccts of formatl.nn of a ncv Mtnistry tn Patiala & # F ,' East Pun:ab statesKnton. b/8 /' ?;7 WJ r ,* Coprplaint frow the Dala or Faridkot about the obstru216.F.3 8/2 /S 5' 0 . , ctive poliey oC t*e Pattaln & East Punlab Stgtes fnlon Govt4ln regard to certatn cases vhteh were under tnvestlgatlon and subludice. 217.17.3/89/P/:0 # llmhru- Llquat àgreement- Plan to implement 1t. 218.10.3/90/P/50 erson-paylent of oetrol by :iô fiighness the lGharala or re purthala. 219.F.:/91/P/50 * Lire Parwartsh to Shrt H.N.xagar of I' labha. 220.F43/92/P/50 4 Fepretentatton from 5 & à Distrtbutlng Oompany or J I l ; ; Portlanq, oregon for the Rmount due from Hwll.the ' 5 Mahatala of Patiala. ; 221.F.3/34/P/50 b' Hanctpal electlons fn.Dcngrur - Part played by the q l'enuty Cocmtssstoner and the àsststant Commissïoner. ( 222.17.3/95/P/54 #e3?equest from the Aalpramukh of Pattala & Eatt Punlab States fnlon ror the lmport permit for certain Rpn.and hts party durlng his lfquets for the usf l of XIK Y'YZ Et0OKb8/* kssvk. :23.F.3/96/P/50 vzRequest from the Navab of Xalerkotla foz re:ervatton . or the Ghat Piparta shooting block tn Saugor Dtvtsion ' (C.P.) 224.F.3/97/P/50 tzcoxplaln: rrom Xst.#indo W/o Aman D1n or Malra Fmna Einzh vtllagoj Dlstt.Fate: oarh Sahlb, Patlala & East Punlab :tate: Unton, that s:e was harasseG ty the 8pecial Policeliecovery starf tn eonnectton vith the tecovery or Mst.pattan. 2P5.:.3/98/P/50 q'kuestion or cueecsston to t:e Gaddi of làlerkctla. 226.F43/99/P/50 j Pepresentatlon from Xr.16.A.B&rt for & loan frcm Patia & East Punlab States Unton. ûovt. 227.:..3/1:0/P/50Pzlntegratlon of Patiala & Zast Pqnjab States ïnton servtcas. 228.12.35 01/P/50 Clmport W cence for flpll.the Xaham Ja of Patlala for kb . tmport of 33 dozsn Bottlzq of Beoteh whisky. 2P9.F.3/1.œ/P/5o1-Proposed vlslt of Xulla Shor Bazar to Slrhind Utncancelled. / . c.emortalf' .Ahluvall 230.F.3/103/P/50ZM romFS. Gurd ev SiAnjh .a ag atnapplte sthtesc Pirthi Chgnd aqir ChRnd lnxall a j vho ha; dr! for permisston for constrqction of a houso on a plot X of land fn Ralpura-Wlthdrawn. 231.7.3/174/P/50 fchannel of eorrespondneee betveen the Govt.and the Chtef Jtlstlce or thc Iligh Court and the Chaltman of Publlc Servtce Comxtssion. ' * . 232.F.3/105/P/60 #Privy Purse of llis W ghnens ïhe lh la of Farldkot. Y 233.52.0/105/P/604'Transmtsslon or a lottpr to her htghness'ths Pahatant or Kqpurthnla addreosed by llr.loes Breye. + . 234.17.3/107/P/501 'mport licncee for com ittcs ordered frorllsuo pe by Ifor l' stglm css the yahcrant or Patlala. 235.F.3/108/P/50#7tffcrfmtlatlqn botween llinrqu and Sïlçh Schedule Caste +' tn Pattala & llast Ppznlab states Unton.Deelaratton of arrtcultural tribes. 236.1?.3/ll0/P/60) Question or reparment or loan of 1.60,000/- by H.E. the lçawab of Malerkotla to Patlala & 161st Punlab Sthte! fnton Govt. z37.im.3/lll/p/soz Re / present' atton from Sarlarnr.lkrbans Kaur Z te ot V te .. Genem l Amrl.k singh ror t:e restotatton ora >sg F,3/,,' Jaljs'o (cardcnlotc. . . , a' 38.1' -.n./l14/P/5n4llepresentatton from Gianehand Brl.l lall rcgnM inl the forclble possecsfon or the house by the Phagvara-poltet . 39.F.3/115/17/501,Requcst fror the Patiala Q F, ast Plmlab State, Pntotï /L rzjllt-sp 'yvo Govt.foraretrlscdsectt.l tanualort:ecovt.orIndla JV/lbfto Appo1. ntscnt sso sn rD ojrnkto ,r,o rr e,l jdyc sngao ja nsth nal ntdbpurand 24$/3/ 4- 2 . . F.# -z-'N . %> ndminiotrn 241F.F. '# 4Z4/P -C>-*'/50 'S0s 'ze' Ct hl:en agal-r tstJodh Shrt J&1.Pa llnr lwan Vy andmnces R her6t cxlflnlsters of puryment oras allol c.to the memberc or Delhi Spectal Pollce EsV bltshzent. I :4P.F.4/5/P/50 7 kucstion or merget of Dungarpqr and 1$8ncwAra 11th the aijotninc Provinee. 24F.F.V 6/P/50 i' Clal, m of llis Hlghness the G haral: of Aharatpttr for . < in, rtghts tn thq nGM na''.oovt. excluslve shoot p44.F.wvpzsoky e o p a j p e s u ; n t v a e g t t , o r n g y j j o m t j y l o i s u a s i I j ( h n n g e s o 5 v e t r h O o r ' Y / h & o r l a l 8 0 O n f a ( : a Palace to Ve ftlitaa àuthorltles. 245.12.V 8/P/50 $Z llequett rrom Vleutgcolcncl Wali àhmed Khan or 1oe . , / ; J for an tntervlow Td.th the Prestdent. ,P :46. F. /c 19 F. l4 1)-/ tp//5 5oû W Represpntatlon or Shabbir llasan Khan Josh,an 7rdu f i 247.F.4/11/P/50 :' Quection of merrer of Dholpur vith O.P. j Poot: for tlw rcsR rstion or htc lngtr in gholpurGrant of En ex-gratta allom nce or 1.500/.- ' ' l . 2 249. 48.F. :.x 4/l3/P/B /zazpzs0j okw Provisfon Bzlkp- ! of t Palaee ouqrds.for the Xother Begums of Tonk. 250.P.4/14/P/50 vyâppolntment of ffis'BighnesB tNe Mlharao or Kotah as the officiatina Rajpramukh of Ealasthan.payment of allovmneec to the Valpramukh. X P 6tk6/P/6> e'Eajasthan Gr8m Panehaypt Act lgsû-Dceision thqt P.lct:itvouldhebetter 251. . instead of applylng the 7. to extend to the wholê of Ralasthg, n the àct in foree . X tn old iknlasthan &Jl-th essenttal modiftcatlons. F.4/16/P/50 e ltepre:entctton fror EaJ Komnr Aidrsl sl. ngh, Hllttary 262: Secy.to the Maharala of Alwar ror the restoratton of the Bouse kno>m as llarayan vilas at hlwar. * f ' - 14 - :253.F.V 1*//!7/6()e Migtatlon of Xucllln: from India to Pqkistan thrsugh èfqnae otlodhplzrlAll.egatlons against officfals of rw jastlwn. :,54.1P.4/18/:/5 0 ' Question of lppotntlccnt or I%.s ifighness the Maharala of & Alwar as an Mp-l' talprarlukh or Ralasthazt, P/5o e''7opres/mtation rrom the Douagcr ljepws 9t*lonk roz' 255.P.4/19/ lnczrertse l.n their allowances. . '' ' W ' . . 256.F.4/20/P/50 Z Dneotty tn Alpay Dlstrlct Gtroht. + 257.F.4/21/P/50 * Request from H.H.or Bharat-pnr for permtscton to hold - ' Jqt Sabha meetlng to prevent setond m rriare artong a : Zqts. 258.F.4/24/P/60&# '' l#ondence bew een Pandl.t lltra Zal Shastri,chief y Corrcs ,' Xintster, ltalasthan and thp States ldinistry regarding Budget Procadure. 259.12.4/27/P/50 1';1.t1.S.Swaetivlties - Fortnlghtlr statement of eonvictions, etc.tn Lat lasthan. 260.1:.4/28/P/50 *'Aettvttlr?c of TBhaq flussain, rctired lnspeetor of Polïce, Jodnpur.àllegations that arms llcensec in Ralesthan Y rder 8re tssupd only R Palputs 8nd Ffusll. c 261..P.4/29/17/60%''Pl'lvlt: Ptopcrtles of H,.: sîtghness the MahF.rpnl of O aipqr.lttlqucst ror exthange or 200: btghas of land in Jahazpur Tehôll for an eqtlal area of land near ' Jatsa.mand . f 26:.1p.4/3o/P/5nZ guestlon er substitution of the star of Indta sign on - ,,-.Ica,- the topcf thmJaiparcolp xln ln the fcrecourt or the 1-.11l. 51/r1z'f' Governmentllouse, llev ryelh: by Asoka ttonsz. 6 F 4/32/13/60%*'Vlslt of Ptzsllm pil6rins from Pakistean h) the Urs at < 2 3. . yamblmr l'ake-c.ancelled. 264.P.4/33/P/50 W Legislation passed by the PAlasthan Qovt.prohibttîng tbs salughter of cows and the ktlltng of peafowl. 265.F.4/34/P/50 yz'Paymnnt of 7ills to Mr.1(.C.7ain, Publtc Proscentor fn caue afralnst ex-lodbpur Mtnistersu 266 P 4/F5/P/5oLz'Prosceqtton or eertaln ex-Mtntcter: of Jodhpur-%erms ' of employpent or Mr.K.C.Jatn of Special Police Estt. * @ r-'fj;G-r/bO to preparcandccnducteazes. t- I , , m .r . Bejf b' Af) l(êged arrest or Muxtaz Khan vith t>m ladtes by the . . 267.F.4/38/P/50 lndtan authorities. # I l vepma regsrltng the 268.F.4/39/P/50 Eeprese ntatt onthe rrom Mankiya crtevance s of Klsans and 'a Jagirdars tn nalasthannemtcclop or Taxes payable by Culttvatoms of gllolla ehikana j Mevar. 269.:.4/41/P/50 < 'Recrudescence of daeofties tn Sironl. 4/43 3-..1 (11I2/P/50 2 .1'f. L* .r' s6A'' ,Import porml.t for 150 rards of Goçsamatex material tn ' wlttte&jzalneoloarsfrom theonitodKlngdom forthe 270.F. / ut:e ojht e Naharaja of Dlmratpur. l 17'4/45/17/50 %''Trial of Sural Vhan in the Court of 'th: Sessions Judg 27 * . A- J8ipk!r ander Sectv ns 302,3*4,398:Valasthan Penal ' rode- l. hirst Death Sentllnee in Jaipur. 12 V 46/P/60 W llnpresentation l'rocl:hr't i. l.P.Dhaslns cx-Ass;stant Cor jt st LawanjisEnlswal nfoyeomy,n ttijjp es)F. ajnsthaz aga. ns ofp Iln l.y srêllegûd rom ell éervlce. 272 . . . - 1' . 15 et ...-.-. ...2 - ' -- . 3 .ô' 273.F.4/47/P/50ke Provlslon ot X1lltaz' ir Escort ror 11.l1.the Xaharala Yf Blkaner while returning from Bombay R Delhi . 274.F.4/48/2/50 t'''Appollltmont cf Sht'l r'adm flht Pande 8tla ipeclql Judge for the t.ricl of the eases agalnst the ex-Mlnisters ot Jodhpur. + 275.P.4/49/P/50Z Correspondence betveen R.Tlpthe Xaharana of Dholapur a nd sh rt Mahar Birala l Sh ast yl rnl eg'ar ding the ormal et ind vtth the ana or Dnolp durtng thetnf later' s me vts it to nuolpur. + 276.P.4/50/P/50 Z Grant of an fnterviev 12 ll.R.the Xaharala oî Alwar wtth the Prestdent. 277.F.4/51/P/50 & Eent collecton in Jagir Jassoleej Ralasthan resumed. 278.F.4/52/P/50 k' Iuport licencf? for tho lmport or 4olo poll es for X.lI. tha l' laharala o' Jaiput from Paktstan. 279.1.4/54/:/50 7 Provtston or Poltce cscort to xts ntghness the xaha' ral: or Jodhpur. 280.F.V 55/P/50 % Payment of dues to Dr.ott.o Gentlnette, Doctor ât Siera Valats by ll.llothe llaham la of Jaipur. * 281.F.4/56/P/50 < Release of Sar6er Vallathai Patelfs letter of appreeiatton or serviees to H.ll.tho Maharala of Btkaner to tbE ' v . Press. 282.:.4157/P/50s cornunal clash ôLMalpnra. 283.F.4/s:/pgsn$, gupnkng of pakistan tralns upto the border of Jodhpur / . . f 284. F.V (ic/P/60 g,5Repz,ccentqtion rrom l m foharlLal Jatn pa pœiGtor the Boot k V' s 1l/v zl (.0) lf' q''cr I tlh ouse,àlmer to gpant theconsent under seetion 86 or Mah eaC ra .t pa .Co .f inore t ja prjn Roru l hi ss el.laim a6ainst1î*h-.theM p . 285.P.4/62/P/50 * Clatm prefsrre4 by the 3lxmlatdar of Jhalod for 1.1n*/9/2 against Thtkana Garht for the yeams 1948-49 286.F.4/63/P/50 '''Btrlke by thc Fores: Deptt.employeec in îalssthan. . 287.F.4/64/P/5: e' Recovcz' y of 9.1307/- from Aafiq Beg a rormer employees I I of gharatpur State vho i; nov tn Paktstan as the cost of tm intng at the Police College, MoradaW d. 288.F.V 65/P/50Z Requost from I1.1l.t)16 Xaharaja of Bharatpur ror i= llnity from ineome-tax atAII flo er-ial: on private pkoperty- nelected. 289.T.4/66/P/50 :' Memortal from the Sindht Panehayatj CM ttor against QIE az.leged removal of deltit!s ôm' I sri Gm 'n Granth Sahib from the temple o1'Shri Charbhulali at Chtttor. 290.F.4/67/P/50 1- Tllneso of ll.ll.the Maharaza of Blkaner durip; hts visit to London. +A 291.F.4/68/P/50 'M Paklstan Flag to fl:rovor tho headqwqrters'of the Paktstan Ltalson ofrlcer af Barmerllodhpur) on Paktstan , / Independence Day. 292.F.4/69/P/50 1 Internationa PrEsiding Council for the Internattunal J* Unton for Cultural Co-operatiön.parttculats regarding Dr. & llrc.Gope Gurbak. ' 293.F.4/70/P/50 F Victtmlgatton of peasantry in Ralasthan, alleged, rorctble electmentsl charge against Caglrders. I f ' - 16 - . H - -- . 2. N - 294.F.4/71/P/50 t Proposed leglslction by Aalasthan oovt.for the abolttàn or givtn: matds as part or dovry-àbandoned. 295.F.4/72/P/50 ' Representatl. ons from peasants or village pratabpura - In Thïkana Chittors of Jatpnr tegardlng grivances agâlnst Jaglrdars. 296. r.4/73/P/50 weDecision not to revtev the order pasced :7 th: yodkpur Govt.tn 1948 vtthholding the pencion granted to Qhakqr + Hadho Slngh. + 297.F.4/74/P/50 z àlleged confiscation of Cach and Jcvellary ot Musllms emtgrants by the Poltcc and Customs offieials qt Hanabao and garmez. 298.F.4/76/P/50 < Correspondence between 16r.Fm ft Ahmed 'tdvaixMinister fo4 Communteatlons and Sardar Yallabhathal Patel i Hlntster for statesrvgarding theBalasthan Speelal Crfmtnal Courts Qrdlnancej 1949 qnder vhlch the exJodhpur Htntstes were proposed to be tried. : ! 299.F.4/76/P/50% Sterltng relpase ror thB lsintenanee ot R.il.the Maharala of Jaïpur's property In Bngland and for hls vlsit to V .K.an; cducatton or eNildren. 300.F.4/77/P/50 * Clatm or HpH.tho Juptor Dowpget lk harani of llvar to T the lluse knovn as nlanwasan. l 1 / 7 % ? j S c l ' 30I.F.4/80/P/B0:*'Consent under scction 86 or the Civil Ptocedure Code to .' ' sue by Gurcharan Dass agatnst K.D.Shahani & Co.and 11s Hlghness the hîaharala of Kishangarh- Eefused. J 302.F.4/81/P/50 r Integration of administr'tive system in Ralasthan. @ aoa.F.4/81/P/50p Integration of adminlstr'ttve system in Ralasthan. udents strikes and demonstration tn àlwat and in 304.F.4/82/P/50e*st Jodhpur. 4 yk ' 305.F.4/83/P/50 è'Death ot the Maharawal of Jalsalmer and suecession of Shrt Raghunath Singhll to the Gaqdt. ' 306.F.4/84 '/P/50te Refûnd of penalty of 1.8j000/- ehlrged on the tmport ot an atreraft tnto Paktstan b7 Vad.the Mahprao îqla or ' ' Bundt. 307.F.4/86/P/40.+ Felectlon of the rcquqst of the Maharana of Udalpur thal eertqin ntate Property may te declare; as hts prtvate pvopevNy. 308.P.4/87/P/50$- àlleced mal-admintstration by the Qovt.of EalasthanRala of Jaoli's allegatton. 309.F.4/88/P/60ï Kigh handedness of Paktstan krmy Personnel. 310.F44/89/P/50î' Supply or a eopy of th* first Aalasthan eovenant to the oovt.of Ralasthan. 3ll.F.4/9l/P/50F-'fnlavful arrest and dêtentton or certatn Jodhpur Failwa: stafr by the Paktstan Pollce at Khokhrapar Xailway Btanl / ê 312.F.4/97/P/50ç< Sutcide or one Faghubir a points/an at Sanganer. 313.F.4/93/P/50 iP Supply of copies or Press-vote: -press-commlmiques etc. issued by the Govt.of Ralasthan. 314.F.4/94/P/:0 kwMonthly conforence or thc offlclals of the border dls- 4, tricts of Ferozeporc Btkaner etc.v1th the official: or ' the adloining Pakistan territoty. I - 17 - @... 1. ..- -.-.. ... - .- 3. %. ..b - 315*F.4/95/P/50 1., --Death of Str sadul Slngh. Maharala of bikaner l.n y kf /t /. 7 k-?/ 'wc ko V tn ott kh ee dG Ka td nd gt doo mf .EB ue tk ea en se sr tonofRaharalkumarKarntSingh j7:.l$'/c!7-/J>-. . 316.F.4/98/P/50Z Memorial from Cmnpat Eam In rerard to Xst.sugniIs Mxrder case at Bikaner. + 317.F.4/99/P/5:<- 8izqre of tlllcit wtrele:s transmitters tn iaipuz. Grant or revard to Police orftctals in Bikancr ror detectton of a ease of illteit vlreless transmissj.on. 06 3l8.F.4/10û/P/50 rlvanees of Rerchants ftom Jhunlh:lnnu regardtng allege; removal of certain offiee: rrom Jhqnlhunnu to Stkar. '319.F.4/10l/P/5GSdlàployaent or MrlHamilton lhrGing ex-l.G.poliee an; Rome Mtntster of Dikannr as I.G.Polieej Bahagalpur Statêtpaktstan) question of vithholdtng in penslon. [email protected]/102/P/501sLxpenses tneurred at the ttme of the inaugaratlon or the Vntted State or galasthan. 32l.F.4/lo3/P/5ûZàllegcd violation or Pakistan territory by Indian ' sattorm l. 322.F.4/104/P/60WproviBion of Police gqards at the residence Ur lliB Dlghness the Haharala of Jodhpur tn Bombay durïng the visit or ller highness and Children. 323.F.4/105/P/50tiltepresentqtton ftom Balmata Sallan Kunvar or the Jagtrdar ramtly or thc Dhtlvnra Sikanav Udaipur praylnl for the restoratton of her penston of 8.670 per menzem and a rent of the Dharamsala. 324.F.4/106/P/50j Peqnest of Mr.teher Stngh Mehta. Civtl & àddttional Sessions Judge: Dungarpur for eàployment as Seey.in Ai RR18Sthan* 3a5.F.4/lû7/P/50k'Certa1n tnformation requirêd by the Ineome-tax Invea- ttgqtion Comatssion from Hïs lltghness the Maharala of Jo:hpur regardtng thc purchase or lméellery :7 htm. 326.F.4/10*/P/50/ Dt srespeet shovn to Xetional'Flag In Bikaner on Independence Day: 1949. 327.F.4/109/P/50îzFund for the marriages or the sisters of the Ruler of ' kaktxtyx Ptatapgarh. 328.P.4/llO/P/5nj llevlval of penston granted to llrsllçinifred Ltttle by the late Maharaja of Jodhpur. 329.17.4/111/P/50: Bepresentation froa Ilunwar lltra Sfnghj ez-lllnister, Bharatpur about the restoratlon ef hIà pension. 330.F.4/112/P/50bzAettvities of one Samsuddin. a meehanie of the Indian National àirways at Jodhpur Aerodrome. 33l.P.4/ll:/P/50kAlleged eoMpltcity of muslims in the exploslon in Tobaeco Basar, Jodhpur. / 332.F.4/114/P/50k.àppeal of âbdul àziz Khan in conneetion with the taktnj over of property of àbdul Aauf Khan ky Custodian in Dholpur. -*- ' 333.1.4/115/P/60/ Inventory prepared by Hts Zxeellency the High Commissi. ' onem fo: Indta in Untted Kingdom of late Maharal or 3lkaner's ptoperty tn England. 334.F.4/ll6/P/50k'#Eesumptton of duttes of the Pqâpramukh or Ralasthan by éyol%ihness the Maharala of Jaipur on return frox ' Xo . - ... . 18 . 2. - . ..- . . . - ...- .- - jty-.y - - - .- . .- .. -. 'b*-. .. - .- .- #t . ' 335.F.4/117/P/501 Xepresontatlon by Xr.iirbir Bahadqr Zatn regardsng h1s propptetorr tlçhts ovnr certaln zamindnri villcgeG in Bharatpur. F 4/118/P/50kzfe preeentation from Dadeelee Gahiba ofBnndt regarGtng h 336* . + er reintenanee allowance. 337.F.< l19/P/50Wiepresentat1on from lhanlee Bahtb orgundi regatdtng her Jagtr. - 338.F.4/l?o/P/so ett' eanest of the Haharala of Jodhpur that :ts liusehold 1* sta xkrs houldbeod rea zo ld tsp vu iz th .inthesamomannerasother ote Bervants 339.F.4/121/P/50FRecesc for tlle Kembers of Aalasthan Pqbllc Servtce p-1/2e-qD/f-o C/>mtsston. (j23/P/50vllleged arrest of Pakistan nationals, lfecsrs Abdul 340.P.4/1 CNant cnd Akdql Ghafoor at Glshengarhj Balasthan. 341.12.V 125/P/50 vAeftmd of customs duty on unaecompanfqd Bagp ge of llts . lltghness the late ltrtharala of Blkaner. t j1jv -o ' k .l?v s /y k S(njz xag /ggsjfYZ 342.F.45 2V P/3û WS1@ .51-rjouI 343.F.4/126/P/50/-Ilepresentn o r Lam and Shri Keshoo IIa. K Sharma l.n regard to the riglkt bew een Jats and Rajputs of vtllare îtampura, Bikaner Diviston on the . Holidya dated 4.3.1950. 344.F.4/127/P/50f' -Aequpst from Xaharal Shrt llarayan Singh of Btkaner for the grant of a house and allovmnce to hts son F/Lt. galsadur 8tnghji- Fglectèd. ' hl yn zd ,o ggu ue spyqjjugu an mg ghs j.. J 345.17.4zzpa/ppok'm gp uaqn stlja yjoaftygpjyejgej to ta heou âj cmc: oon e . X 346.F.V129/P/50IImportlicence for thepurchase or t&& moor cars b7 llts Highnens the G harala of Jaipur. 347*F.4/130/P/50Pfepresentatton from the Haharala of Kishengarh relatln to the order of precedence observed at the tnauguratio egrcmony or the ru lasthan Vnton. 348.P.4/131/P/50/ Ae presentation from Shrï â.v.lhakkor regarding the non-payment ot grants to Harilans àssociatlon by the Govt.of Rajasthln. 4g.F.+ 132/P/50/Ad presentatîon from Shr; llrna of village Loapchana Batangurle : Bikaner stnte coxplatning against Jagirdaz ' 3 xaratn stngh. 350.1'.4/::133/P/5QPPetitton from PIr Syed Xahmud ShRh, alïas saghdadl prPir agatnst the order of hts detentlon passed by the Qovt.of Ealasthan. 35l.F.4/l34/P/ôQ.,Clatm ror 1.4:877/12/- agalnst the Bahawalpur Govt. ' kn respect of repalrs to and reconstructioh ot Hasonal Ptllars along the Bahawalpur-stkaner Border. 362.F.4/135/P/50 w'ees or Messms àrchttectural Studio for plans done ro1 the Govt.of Bllaner. 363.F.4/136/2/5: zRepresentptton rrom Shrt Fkal Bahpdur, X.p.against the # - k cl ure o? the vid ovs shar atpred url a ndmno naos yment or pensl ons tohom pee, rspns reti fro Govt. P servtceg tn Pelasthan.Dectslon that the widovls) llore eannot be restatted. 1 .. 2.: .. '' v 1 354.F.4/l37/P/50..Daeott1es ln DiBtrtet Hagoretiodhpur). 355.l'.V 138/P/5Q1#ûuestton of exemption frozlthe paymeht or qustoms e - - > r -àj ./av-' (j5o on thetl pK .àt lthortttepunchased cbyll.lf.th eè lah r.a a orJ xfpu r el ee packagea by ht ma l nj Pans for ase . l.n hls house ln O.K. 356.17.4/140/P/50K .zTreasurïes in Ealasthan in th% forM of gold and + treasure-kuesttjnorputttngtoqse fordevelopment purposes. .- ,c 357.F.4/141#-P/50 lqepresentatlon from Jain 8aKal. Xonk regardtng the v'attack at àkluj by Captain Mohite. 358./.4/142/9/80y'Xaharana or vdeipur and famtly exempted froK taktng ' out licenses for shootlng tn ferests th vhfeh they have not exclqsre :hooting Pights. 359.F.4/144/P/5ûzzAepresentatlon from ttr.lqstice Kunvar Zal Bapna, Pnsine Judge of the Htgh Court of Rajasthan regardinr rixation of his pay. 360.F.4/145/P/50w Bequett froM Shr: Talkumqri, daughter of the lat: Raler of Aowat for the reneval of her Annutty of k.800o/- zelected. 361.F.4/146/P/50b'Pr ot est by Hl's llghn va b of onklla galns t ka the Jat rir income grl ant edes %s t llhe er l Tl la ig hnec sQ the awab Mal : ; àmtnuz Qamant Derm . J . 362*gF@(4,/ 1 4 7 / P /5 0 k Co mplaint of llis Ilighness the Maharao of Kotqh igalnsï éo q-. l3f.q'à the attlkude of the RalasthRn Qovt.in not gtting him '',1 '- î/ enough quanttties or sugar. ' ' f settloment of agtteulkural lands - Court of vards àef' 363.F.4/l49/P/50f*1levenue Lavs tn Ralasthan provtdfng for Survey and , .Q A j in forcein Ralasthan. 23 ' ' 364.F.4/150/P/60 zraoan of teehnical orficers to the Govtpof Palasthan k' for integratlng their services. ...- 365.F.4/151. /P/50 ''lntegration of Serviees tn Ralastban. . 366. F. 4/152/P/50U'Grtvances or Jagtrdars of the Former ialasthan. 367.F.4/153/11/60. Populatl.on of vtllages of Palasthan sitMated on the I Indo-pak Border. )/fS , J368. 1/P. 6*. -4/ 'F&--Cl-H ' TQ* * 6-P/5: S* ;he Hlndu îeliglou: In:titutions Bill, 1950 provtdinl for the admtntstratton supervlsion and control or , incorporated and unincotporated Devasvoms and or otb Hindu Etltgious Endowmonts and Funds in TravancoreCochin. Decision that Covenants ontered into by the Psulers should not be treated as Bcraps.of Paper on the eomtng into force of the constitatlon and tbat that the enforcement of the Covenant should be ensu' vhere tnere is no Constttutional sanctton behlnd 11 exerctse of the powers undcr Arttcle 371 o' the Constttutlon. 4q# . 369.F.5/3/2/50 v'* Questlon of deputatlon of Shtl Kesava Menon from j . fz /' Radrns Government to Qravancore-cochln as Speelal ofricer, C rimes Branch. ' . * - ' 37O.F.5/4/P/50 %# Attendapce of Hlndu eivillanxoffieers or Travancore Cochin kovtofor ftsavam etc. tn the srl ' Padmanabhas temple. I ? J i * . l- 2. . 371.F.6/5/P/50 ' 372 . W gg x jFqs ' 3. . -. . . Utlltsatlon of thc lrM7 for Arat and 5retta Processtons t cf 8rt Padmanabhaswamy. Provlston of Mllitary Guards for the temple fn Travr'neore. Partteipatlon of tkoops ln festivals & eeremontal oecaslons in Paz't B States. ' > F.:/6/P/5: < Petttlon filed in the iltgh Court of lravaneore-coehin -* regarding the validtty of the present Speaker of t*e âssembly contlnlilng as such arter the 26th Zanuarr js;. -1Y 373.7.5/7/P/50 FZ guestion whether the catertng an4 tcqrtng eharges or 'lf.ll.the Ralpramnkh of Travancore-cochln should be Aade f'ron the conseolidated allosm nce fïyed for hlm or vhethet ceparate provi:ton ror it should be made tn the Budyot or the State- Determlnation of the other erpen 41ture relattnc to the office of the Ralprakûkh for - 1050-51,. 374.F.5/8/P/50 ç' Eerund of Duty on petrol supplïed to the Rélpzamukh of F./-v-U?So Travaneore-cochtn. . w 5.1p.5z1o/P/5o d-'Dtsetpzinalv actton taken agatnst the 14 mcmbers or r.:$-tz--f!s. RmavancoreK oehtn Legislature by the conpress Patltay ss-/fY v g montazy p rty. ' z4)t/ 's lS g' t suppw oc eoptes or pyess llo 3v6p.r, . tesy press communtquesetc. s-) . tssuod by Travancore-cocttn opv . . ' ' ' /.f.5/15/P/50L'ProposedexemptionoftheVallammaThampurau Kovtlagam ' ,1 37 .. ' Zstqte of Cochin and the Coehtn Palace Fund rrom eerv l provislons of the litndu Code Bill. . 378.F.5/16/P/50 ïeBepregentution fzom the Prosldent Bombay Ztontst Ac:octation regardlng the comrunal tensïon betveen Jevs . &nd Musltms tn ïravancore-cochtn . ' /3D 7'.s/l7/P/5o Z.Representnttons rrcm.the A2l Kerala Catholic Congress . X Pr eg r8 an ri ds ii rn gctb e Devasrm Poard putporttng .' m Ye for the Hindus. P 380.F.5/18/P/50 E'Y1'.h.to th: lllndu M.L*às.for thelr Jouney to attend the meettng for the elettton or nembers to the Devaswom soards. . 38l.F.:/l9/P/60 ' A KRepresentttiops fx m the Bootha Thampnrang of llhazhoot ovtlakax of Cochln for the payment or allowances Deelsion 1) y the TravancoreK ochin Govt.not to conttnue them . 38:.F.5/20/P/50 e kuestlon of declartng Pay Day as a publlc holidpy in Qravancore-coehtn. . 383.F.5/21/P/5n7 ltequpst for the grant of vlsit of the Ethiopian Xintster to Travancore to preside over the session of th6 Syrian Chrtsttan Congress-Relactcd. 384.F.5/22/P/5: e' sanctton to the Prosecutton or Mr.X*P.Ear1.haran b7 Xls Xt ghness the Ralpramukh or Travancore-Goehtn. 386.F.5/23/P/50 %e ElQction or lnrge nhmbel': of wonlen to Parltament kuestlon of provislon in Vonstttutlon dcbarring Iembebc . of Travancore-cochtn teglslatnre form clection to 4 Patliament. ' . 386.F.5/24/P/50 V Eepresentatlon from the Cochtn Devaswom soard for exemptton or cortatn temples and thelr properties ei . nt stt uated tn the Malabar and rormerly ovled by 11ls ghnecs the Haharala or Coehtn, from the provtstons of the Madras Iltndu Aeltcious Bdndorvments àctylgsl. . . i E 387.F.:/25/P/50 F-Eeprcsentatton frou MraRpDmlllomas regarding hts ê 1 pzosecution. 388.F*5/16/P/50 v heshuffltnc of the Cablnet and the banning of the Corzunist Farty in thc Travancore-coehin. 389.F.5/28/1 3/50 W ltepresentatton froa Jlnt.ls.ll= ll Xoithgam mma, eonsortt W /.. b'. -z' ..< 7 $)). ? .- u tc orlla l. szo l Lw aa tp ecl e ls t. pnesltheX. aharalaofvochinregazdinr! t Pu 390.F.5/30/$'/öc Plnfbrmation regarding tlle aetlvttif?o of Xr.Davl.d C. ' j . Doluqldson in TravancoreK oclxin. 39l. F.5/3l/P/50 n#4'Memorandklm from the va/ious Backward Class Christian Comtm ntttes !.n Trave allcoreK ochin tn regard to thelr rievances. ' 392.p.:/32/P/50 .eChsrges or corrtptton agatnst offtcers of TravancoreCochtn. 393.P.5/33/P/50 %''kueatlon of payment or expendtture ineurrtd on 111.* 1.: . M tion at the tigle of Priye Xintster's vtàit to Trtvandrllm. ' lgnatlon of öhrt ll. lkkanda Warrter from the Travan-) 394.F.5/34/P/60 Z Ees eore-cctctztn Legislatlve Assembly pembershïp consequent' on hIs appotntment as Cbairmazt of the Food Production Bcart: of Tm vancoreK ochin. 395.F.ED 5/P/6o&/Publtcatlon acaa.inst Cathollcs and Catholic Clergy ln thl Xercla Kaumudt. ! f 396.P.5/37/P/50 h Partlckpatton or the members or the Cochfn ikultng famtly in Cn= nm tst acttvltles . W 397.F.6/3.8/P/5û C Disturbances at the Congress Election Meettng at Kayakxzlangam by the supporters or th. ilin4u Maham nda lam. ' - 398*F@5/4G/P/50>'Representstion of Hr.A.K.1kmn. Prestdentj All Travaii core I !ill Jl J1l1 ' Jribcs Astcctaticn, regardtng t e upltft or ribes. 399.F.5,/41/P/50 %'Travancore-cochln Temple Entrytvem val of Disabilities) àct,lgso. / 400.F.5/42/P/50 v' /' Htndtng up or the rpavancore Goverr ent's Trflde J*.:- Com instoners office in London . 401.F.5/43/2/60 ezclaims of Sri 9.S.Ba1wa: Inspeetor of PolteejS.P.E. rcgardkng conveyance allovmnce and reimtu:rement of 402 .F.6-P/50 ** Kedical ebazgcs in tonpeett/n wlt: Cochln 'rqnd case. Salarles or Mr.Kunvar Cvenj Supertntendent of Poliee S.P.E.vhtle on cleputatton. a. . &lim 1, jh ' 403.F.6/1/P/50 (# Cono -tttutton of a Trust to dcal vith tnvestmcnts rade on behnlr of minor Bana of :als on and ltnor ûala of Dushahr. g 404.F.6/2/P/50 t' Representation from K.il.the Rala of Sukot regarding privy purse, prtvate properttes and paynent or the arre th ara or the allewanee or the Yuvra). ContNnuance of e allowances to Muct-pre. Dassi and Must.Mahesh Dafsi % or suket. 405.JQ6/4/P/50 w ltepresentatton rrom Mrs.M#Mayo regardtng the payment of her ponstons ty G' Irmur state. ... . % - . . - - -. b. ..--..-... .. . -. - ..-. -. u. -. .. ..-. -. - , a. . 406.F.6/5/P/50 v ,Sirth of a son and lunir-apparent to the yuauur oç Bela. 407.17.6/6/I/80 4: Future of iiirlaclnxal Pradesh. 4na.1'.6/7zB/5o/ cuacattcxl expensesorl.javtrbhadra stnrh and vallmzma Ealtzzra stngt: or sushahr ror thc ycar 1:4,-48. , @' -r 409.7.6/9/P/50 t Payment of allowance to I16r Highness the Pelmata of strmur frce or lntome-tax. ;' 4l0.F.6/l0/P/50 NODeath qr Xhakut lmkshmi Chand of Btlalsuecesston or ïikl Vtloy Ghand to thc gaddi of sila. 4ll.>*.6/11/P/50 1.Governmont securltteB beloncine'to the late Chamba Darbar-Wtthhold' ing of 1)y h. - 2.o# ChaMba tzlcreatlon or a tm tct by H.fl.of Chambû. 412.F.6/1$'/P/50 5 Relaxatl on öf condition reghrding issue of Penslon payment Qr6e: under rule 378 or Central Tlqeasurr Bules Vo1..I ln cacc of Rulcrs of States în H.P.1nd Rembers or thetr Cap&ly. 413.F.6/13/P/50 #'Constitutïon. powtrr and fMnctlonc of âdvlsorr Conncll tn H.P#H.p.âk uvkcorr Cowqcii - Rules. 4I4.F.6/1V P/50v Unauthoriöed evietlons or tenants-at-vin by landowners tn 11CP. lsxtenEl 'on or '-tmlab Tellc-ntslSecurlt7 of Tenure) Actjwasolpunlab &ct u ll or 1.950) to II.P. 41.5.F.6/15/P/50 W Residential llouss for ltlan Dilaram Slngh, = c7.e of llts R ilk ghness tpen --ala ofCyamba.Deeictolltlzt at E Desidenttal ouse shouzd be given .4or hts lifs t1.1e* I , I I 416.P.6/16/P/B0 Z Co rxsent under scction 86 or # he Clvtl ProccdureCode to sue ll.sl.the Ilala of iitl t by ' l Ohalrur Churi Fam.Granted. t I ili a 417.F.6/17/P/5n:'Press cuttl.ncs sert rrom Prvss Information Bureaq ln ' 418 i regar; to theuorzdonetnh.p.by tnepresentadntnist:: P.6/18/P/50##De solutionj passed br the hl.p. concreg: Commtttee, Politlcal wonferenca hcld at , Mandl- forvarded b7 Dr.X.S. . Parmar âllthgatton: acalnsk htwp.àdmintttration. I ! r ' . 4I9.F.6/l8/P/5o%' Aesoluttons passe; by the H.lvcongrocs Cennittee. V.II. Politieal Conrerence hnld at 'landl-Forye m rded by Dr.Z.S. Parmar.àllegations against H.peàdmintstration. 420F.6/19/P/50LZ Confcnt mnder section 86 of Civil Procedœr: Code to sne . by Fai Sahib Naraindas and Son: agalnst Rana Kishan Chand or Kuthqr.Dropped. 421*F*6/2O/P/5o # Grant or eonsent , ander seetlon 86 or the Clvil Procedur4 Code to a suit tpstltqttd by smt.Bhatnoo v/o Kanvar àmar Stngh lgainst the Thnko ur of Tl4eog. Appllcqtion of Bessms :.R.l1ela ;am & sons. o rimla for the grant pf concent bmder sectton 86 oè the Ctvtl Procedure Qode to sue agatnst tho Thalm t'of ïheog. 422.F.6/21/P/50 l'àppljeattons rrom ehllu and Jiwanoo for tgnsent under sectzon 86 C.P.C.tO sup agal.nst Ralindra ingh of Daghal-RepasEd. ? 423. F*6/22/P/60 kzclatms of llis Htghness the èîaharaja or Sirlur agafnst q.P.Govt. 424.P.6/23/P/50 k çuestton of payment of alloT, l; 4. nçes to tho r:1ther and + mother of ltal ltaïla or Jubbal. o Uettlenellt of certatn finanr1Rl mnttcrs vith tll0 Ruler of Jubbal. , , 1 , I - 23 - 425.5.G/ZV P/SO y L /uection of reR ration of Jaglzilands to kanvmr àmqr fllnch: second son or the late Thakur or Ghund . 426.17.6/2*/P/60 > Payment of allownllee to thta Wiflov of Kr.lkl.gam Slngh of Jubbal utth effect fron lss; l' l8,rth 1960. 4974P.6/26/P/50 4 Prtvatc pro'erttes of the 'Luler cf Xandt. 428.F.6/27/P/50 V Reprtsentatl zons from XiaziBhep Singh, Balek Sl.nghy ltlan Laltt Stnnh anr: Mtan Daryodhan Stngh of llandt for ' f the payment or allom nceo- F' , elpcted. 4R9.F.6/29/P/ID # llloTgctneetr to the relatives of the Rulers os Suket. 430.:*.6/30/P/55 W Feprnccntatlor.from Sirhtvchalnpa Vati Devi, &r1fe of' . . Baltikllm r Kesrl Sinrh.or Chpmw ror the grant of al'lovancec c!ectcd. 43:..ï7,.6/3V P/! 50k Procelndtnr!s t nf the ll.iC.âdvlsory Council: . 432.F.6/32/13/50 Wltepresentatlon fro> Smt.ltriohlla Devlj Tial4kata of Madhan am! nr section 8: or the Civll P isoae or nottce undk rocedure Co(1o in conneetion vlith her allowanceTpossesston of Vpper Flat of Badhan House etc. . 43a.F.6/33/P/50 leflllolv -ances tn the re1,&tivcs of the ltuler of bhal1t. 434.17.6/34/11/50 k'Pormtssion to sue the Pk ala of Chamba by oirdhart Iz al llang,ahla ror non-paa ont of a loan of 1.16087/8/435.P.6/35/P/50 ' #'lleprcsentatlon fron tha Rana or Kott in reàard to hts statusj rtfrhts & privllegt's and succession. ( 436.F.6/36/P/50V X Red pi re slent tïo nofShrtMan Shdi tv L al.ret tre Sec ca aa nd Industtes Stqte. In z'd e6ar dre totaa the rttstoratlon or land gl'anted ba htm by the Ruler of Xandf Y .N 437. F.6/374/50v 3 Si tt om pu pr injca ofEc su tt tingDphf ofaceDun rtal.n eeiVl ësp.oGo fvt. treRequest estn nte, bysp the I for eMemptlon froz the provislons Of tbe U4peforest âc t. 438.F.6/38/P/50 Mzàceeqtance of lnvth qttonne for Luch or thc Prestdent by the Uhlef Comztssï onerl p.dartng hi, vtstt tJ slmla. 439.F@6/39/P/50 U Feqtlc!AL frnm ilts lltghness the Maharala or Xandi for V c . rree sunply or elec trtctty alld water- #ot granted. 440.F.6/49/P/50 q linqutry made by Shrl Sr atrau Parkash regRrdtng the Etatuc or Shl't Karamchanti, ïllakur of ' rheog. 441.F.6/4l/P/5o '' Reprcselltation fn:m llaharani Bharda Kumari Devi of llepal regardtllg certaln ttuoullts duc frox Nuthar Stqte. 44a.p.6/4vzp/so t àllowpnco of :xt.Ketqa Kumart Eanee of Muthohwali ot Tharoch. 443@v'ps/xazivsc N' cm nt or marriage cllokrance to llrpâMRr Singh of Chund. 4M .F.6/44/P/:0 i' lteqlresentation or Ral' ct m ar Ashopal Slngll of Mandt ln . reepect of the grrtnt of .land to him ky the lkller of HaM l.- l !ln respect or an area known as Savinsar neap !k vi llalre badhala ln Handlc ejected.2.In respect of M her a2.jerm tl ons- m tter under conttderation. . 445.F. .6/45/P/5û V Complalnt or thc 1taJa or Ju1!!'ljl agal-nst the pa posed y requisltl. on of llis houses at l>iRJ.a by tho Govt.of Punlab. 446.P.6/46/P/50 * Placin: tho prtvate proflorty of tlle Ruler of lledh8n und the court of'T' sardo. er I - 24 - ' . -- 1 .--. - .. . . . - .. . 2a- . - - - - . - - -- . -- -. . . . 3,) ' . . .. . 447.F.6/47/P/50 W tloim of 7:.423 .2/15/6 by tlkc Tlala of Jubbal. 448.F.6/48/P/5û Y'17t-prerentaM on of ChhcJSco llam ln regard to hts clalm of 1.2001/13/6 against the Ruler or Kuthar. . .'.6/49/P/50Z. Aomlntgtruttve and o't 449 .1 ïe: facilittes, e .g.1n regard to al + Edueation, Vekerlnarr and Fedlt'al ald 1n.Kotgarh and KothpI arcas cf u Tast Pwulab transferru to 11.P. 450.F.6/50/P/5. 3U Examtnation nf one of the ûfftcers of the Ministtr . < ' i of Btlttt: in a Probato case before the Dlstrlct Judge, Dehra Dlm - Peforence frosl tl ae Counsel of Plaintlff. 451.11 *.6/51/19./50 ''De quçkot cr Me:srs Shankal'Dos TshwarChand for the çrar of consent lm der sotltton 86 oI- the Civl.l Proeodure Uode l k to sllq ltlkraa Ktshan Clland of Kutthar-ReN sed. ! e-ln.nction of an . >llogAnce f)f !b.20()/* p.rt.R Kr. xarbl.r 452 .1?.6/52/P/50 ï Cilptndz'a or Jubllal. Gralàt of an alloyrcmee of 1t$.l5/-p.m. to 3pat.padlza 7atl- danghter of Late lhpoanf!e Stngh ot Pa4pl Kothij Mandl.. 453.P.7-P/60 $y I lmylal eontlhb ltton or 1.5f1,* 3/- from thp Prlr Purse . peyablo by Il.ll.the htaharao of Kutch. 454.F.7/1/P/50 # lurstlgn o. t gprtlz' t of the Chadva Kakhal to the Xurral or 1$7:t:ltI'lejgttis,3rutl. ltequest of ltalek Ahmed li' :tujt and 3yod ltw)''llskkrJ .h ' % coTltllkllt! t/teir ptmsions granttd by Hts lllgùness tho llaharao of ltutch.llegattved. 455.1. i '.7/2/13/50 W l.ABcuest froln ll.li.tllc l' Zharao or Kqtch for the grant of forelgn ezchanf;c to tho extcnt of E369000 for pureha illng 11 house l. MaharaoorKutc nhila tls gaa ln anA dt .2. taeh ju eet so tit oh neoI r' llc nh ppC oc lnm tr inw g the for ln(!in in tondon. / ( X. .. -' ' 456.F.7/4/P/50 457 1i Vi0' X' lToll:lbation of fz hlrl Bhp-vanli lx khtMlt as a Member of Kuk At w tsorp CouTRcl.l in the vacancy eauseâ by the rostg- nat!on of 141*.1(.11.bhuij/troa. .1 '.7/:/P/50 è'' Prcviston or Pglac14Gu8rds for the Ruler o1nItuteh. C:.!:tr nç f;h,!llhantrt Rltatp ûff144 for 1,25000/- for the l . 01(1 arms and a.rttclc's of anttquity in ' Silekhnna-Bntenabl 458.F. *'Adsl.nl.otrl //6/*/50 y.el. 3T.lon of Iend i',cvthnue and Land Tenute: ln Kuteb Appllcatlon or eertaln Bombar Ftevenue îm zs to Kutch. ' l 459.8@7/7/P/50 t Eeprrts ' publlshr ?d tI1tilo Jocal papcrs for thn allegmd mtsktlhaviour of a ft' w tnilitarv persons l.n thm vtllages Bh:chau cnd Pkepar Nalllka.s tn ku' tch. . 460.F.7/8/P/50 l Contlniit'tlon of Jlrxnuittfts oî 1.200/- and ê9.l00/- K r6spectlvoly sthncl4oni n; :7 1lJ.: Highness the Xaharao nt ' lttgh I;o Phrt Ra J Qqvi liamdan Kesharbbai of Porbahz ar an to Shri Krishra Ishatt Balattghatt of G habqlosbnr. . . 461. 1C.7/9/P/50 jhF Prooeî. tq.Jngs of ttlt,Kutel!/xqvtnory Counctl. 7/19/P/50.462. / Kutcla Floods- Fîequesttng tlze Xaharao of 'ntnh ' to teturn to India frop Abroad. X 463.F.?p.2/P/ôoi Printinc of*F. 'ep())'ton Jagl.rdaz'i System inKuteh-Report l)r shree B .?1.7)lcl1. 464.F.7/ll/P/6o Zboziatlon mntle l)y tho Maharao ot Xutch to the Kahetma . + nan K dM.Helcorial T' A ann. Ccmplatnt made bg theMaharao of uteh abol,t certatn ' 1'cmple Jswollery 'aaknta ovcr for management by Kutc: Ade nlstratton. 8.:3-' ?Jl ' ;o I - . 25 1 l. - - .. . . . .- - . . 2 3 -- .. 465.F.7/14/P/50P àsseôsment of lagiz,dari and alienated lands in Kutch under the Bombay land Revenue Code. 466.F. 7/l5/P/50t Budget provlslon for the scheme for the backward classeE. - .. C <. .7 ' Iz G / ' / , '( ' yO =oei.t n sju te h t n th e y ea r 19 5 1 5 2 . y . szo 467.1 F 7/ /l 1 8, / /-5 G r a t s p o f a p y n , x j y x y y z z ps c e t ' : o l e s & K u t . E ' * a D i ' ? D z a 7 l t a l z t ( B é ' r h u l a B h a n s a l i slster or late shri Shyamli Krisbnavarma of Kutch. , - / y 468.:.7/19/P/50 fGuazd or Honour to the Maharao of Kutch-ieport about the offictal recelptton accorded to htm on his return to the capttal . #* 469.F.7/21/2/50 kPDonatlon of 0ld clty PalacelMohlat) at Handij Kutch by H1s Hlghness the'Maharao of Kutch to Sheth Khimll Ramdas Kanya Vtdyalaya. 470.F.7/22/P/50 **R equest by H.Hothe Haharao of Kutch for an intervlew 1 w1th the President. 471.F.7/23/P/50 V Claim of Jadeja Kessarisinhji Gajanli, Jagirdar o f Vtrani, Kutch over certain lands. : 472.F.7/24/P/50 ï'àpplication of Messrs. Kanji Jadhavll & Co.for the grfnl of consent under sect' lon 86 ot the elvll proecdure code to sue the Maharao of Kutch- Refused. 473.:.8-P/50 1 l.proceedtngs of the Conference of Halaue and Perggna councils or Bilaspur. z.àctivlties or fhe naga or btlaspx 474. F.8/1/P/50 V àpplication or Babu ilardayal Singh for reskoration or 6 e? q:.>l . - lal.s conrtscted prorerty-Bllaspur. Deeisfon that the a-ï'j:rra conrtseatc: property cannot be restored. / 475.F'.8/3/P/50V-'RepresentattonofshrtsantF'tamKangaofBtlaspur, ( u/ . N I ' ' General secretaryj llop.tprovincial) Conrress Cox ittee for the grant of compensatlon-Rezected. ef Mater supply to the Palces and gardens in Bilaspur. 476.F.8/4/P/5o te 477.F.8/5/P/50 @' Supply of copies of Prrees Notes9 Press Cox unique ee . tssued by the G ovt.of Btlaspur. I , 478.F.8/6/P/50 1- àdmtzilstration or Govto Lands in Bilaspurotaw of 'IEscheatfl in Bilaspur. , 479.5..8/7/P/50 LJ Repayment of the loan of 1.150,000/- sanctioned to His ' Hlghness the Rala of Bilaspur- kuestion of valvlng the penal interest, raised by àccountant Generals East Punzab 480oF.9/1/P/5O %A Claim by the Almaza Airport authorities of the airport I I Pees of f13965 from Hls Highness the Xavab of Bhopalo 481.1.9/2/P/50 V# luestion of proviston of guards at Bhopal Palaceyàerodram and on the Bhopal Railway ltne. . 482.F.9/:/2/50 1/ Q (utstandtna Aceoènts against Sarf-E-Khas on H1s Righness or Bhopaa' Account. 483.F.9/4/P/50 W Request of the Navab of Bhopal to exempt certain members or hîs family rrom incowe tax on the lncome or their Jagirg- Nephews of H.ll.or shopal-Exemption feom lncone- y/ Nax or their income from Jagtrs. 484.P.9/5/P/50 DY . 1:lansrer or certaln endoyments to ll.H.the llawab of F F 9-t'-U/f<- Bh op so uo lo aL& ang tr Sc en z.B hal. opall. gBh iro lp salsch lma en nz dA 6eJ zah ent an dsAt hh cp rol tru sd to srs .ement . y - %1.. 2,%p -h!o,3tjfao - P=t. t1 a , ur. 485.F.9/' 7/P/sou jnjjyjjyxjjtàystheChtefCuoim/su sfo )n. er ( o,QDhopalinccrtain . * l I 1 .- z. - . .- P6. .. c .. -- jg--. ... 0 - . - .. --.- - - ...-. 486.F.9/1n./!:/60 A àtdc-nlepotr for dtscqcsions at Dhopal by Seeretna on ' bhopal kfrntrs. #' .. 4c7. r.9z8/P/c .o W kuestton of cov szauchtt, r i.n vhooaz. 488.l?.szc/1v5o M l'ecut,st tor thebgrant or a u a,kor huzco,oooz- > 11.li. ' the îlawab of nuopaz-kucstton dzopped. + . j ' # . 483.1.9/ll/P/50 + Fom ation or Shopal . LtW l.scz' t-Comxtl. + -490.F.9/ër'/P/60W ''1'.cport olï tho rcoz'gantsptlunn of the adlninistr ttve set up or shoptzl . , 49l.F'.9/l?/P/50 V Arreiast of Jpxoronfsresslsenl;1l1llhopal. 492.1.9/14/P/50 S'-l:flguest frolc Slzrt zs.llanerll, Ctzalzqnan, llarllan .Ad. $bas: saugh Dhopal to the ilon'ble lîintster, lnformation and er Eroadeaslttng, to hlzestde over the sattonal lrxhibttton an: Lonrerencke. 493.F.9, /15/P/50 Z /kcttvitles o:'1' IariJan Scwak W ngh and IlazdJan Adïm sl santb in Bhopal- àllggatlon made by Dr.ll.banerli acainst thn adcltnistration and enquirtes made in retualxl ' * that. 424.17.9/15/P/50 f' toan mequirements or thi? Vocl kay Qovt.195f3-5l. ) i * 495.F.9/16/13/59 12 Wtndlnc up of J 'L cclcstastltal Departnlent in Tlhopal. Gl'ants tk a vartous religtous tnstttutions in Bhopal. Grants to l4osques in lsecea 8nd Xedina. I 496.F.9/17/P/50 R'l' .eqaost of Shrk Puruslm t' tam T.Elass(V u er from Bomtay ror cozdor m t of ti he Qovt.or I:à'ta un;er Jec .8' d.C.P*C .to sue the Navab or bhopal N on behm lf or htc cltents Mr.xrs / ' ! ! . Ao P la se tn ph tiF fkf ea srneyjforeelwbainl'êcovcriesdueto the . . 497.1P.9/18/P/60 #e Complatztt of Flr.& ' Alrs.loseph I fearney. àmertean Jourlkalto ' ' agalnst the l'avsab of Blzopal in respge' t of certatn Lmourtts tllle to tdlem. 498.P.9/l9/P/5Q k,'ie. morlal ' fl'om Gitri 1Jt!ltkda LovinckPrasaâ Vclmna XfW b l'Ipgaxwt stryg the stoldpfr:g of stipen; patd to him l)y the bhopal bcvt ' . . 499.1'.9/20/P/50 >' Suprlr of copies œr Press lk . oteG ard l'resu Communique eR issucd br the Govtpof Bhopsl. 600*F*9/$)1/P/50 k* l'ucpl.fgstintal-, lon f'rom ll.3l.thb lsavab or Bhopal regardlng the ourtailmnnt of pTlvtlsges irt respect of forelgn exchalrge etc. 501..Pe9/2rVP/6n * Recognit?cn of 3AjlT, lnz 8aloon as private property of ilts Htglmess tho J'avab of Shopal. 5œ .F.9/2V */50 W Payment of penston 'to 1)1*.lFlirs)1t.A..J;J * ve,l'ormerly'Sllpptt or the lxqdy Iandowne iiospital, shopal State. 503.F.3/25/P/50 %#'Correct titlr-s to be used f.n a4dressing tlï: liawa: of f,e y,2;-c ( o/y.o . Blwpal. X ' 504.1'.9/28/P/50 V llthiy. 7l%t oa l,lle eon6itton o#'llawabz&tl? lèafiqttllah Ithan Pephew ot H.ll.the llawab of Dhopal-mental patient at lanc i' $ 505.F.9/29/P/501-glj-yzà j Y' - . 5o6.r.:/32/P/5n k,'pn t, t:.l.klati.ou tv Jlls Illghnfscs tlàc llavab oî Bhepal of the sorv: tces of nhrl Pjll&1.,Colksehrvator of forests. 507.F.9/33/1:/50t'zdhhecnest from lîts lltglmess the llawûb ofB'hopal for the refurid o1-custotq (iuty patd on thc car Ilegatived. J . j' J. -. .-------.. .. 508p . . - - . gp . - -...-- ; s . - - . 2. ' -.- . . - - -- -- F,9/34/14/50 G lieqlhest My fltc ilighnesc the lla .- . tjje(., .-- - - - -- ,. 3- - . . ç. q . . .. Dk&tc o kl t.o f'17 direct 6ro1 zh <ab of ghopal to be peropal O :Fm rach Gnd to exem' .elTstoss examtnau on-c .rante . os'-t j5' p ,htc:noù . . . t sœ .F'.:/36/P/6n %'? r' Publlca' s yton tn Bombly llz'du l7evspaper 1 / on nrn28. l rR. rh ps J95c th regêrdinc th'n disba , ''Ttamaz-a atnduso , +' ' / -s . , . . ' ' c Bhcmal Dtqte Fei ccend s. ment of ceru in perst ' 510.14.9/37/13/5: t' ellQques '1v llv Hwthe Xavab of Bhopal f r' ln co cckton or Stttrtirc exehant lçith DarAdns. , + ' 5ll 1 .i d'.l0@/à0'W ' Inventory!of th , . oc ssra e prtvptc . prop6rtles of llv Ei.the l/aharala . , . ' . pur. z - 5l2.lPèlt V a' /P/5o ?/ )chcnco in' tth c mpthod or rtayrtf'nt or com rl o-#z9z? 'tô+ , G sovtwto thûl v l ankpurDarbaronaccount or penMscxbp ttwonVal l) y Burm 'ley. :; :,J).F.11 ; ' /4/P /50 ) â 1 . grartan Pl' otlfnp tn l' farl . . pur. ' ' . 514.F.10/5/P/50 U -&11p !. 5âs.F.1O/6/P/5()Sz llicpost .' .Aàl ofk' ' h . eceurtttes helt) by the liani pur skate. of securttles bel(h b7 th e rorntr lk razztpur Statm, ln?.F'.1()/7/1Vl5t 7P Crrant;or l nndt! to the Banin of Manipu 518 . F.1()/8/P/5t)j, r. , e'C'c;p!r,fz!!s$t$2 ()n t.o ' rrhc vtclTtm s o1> Police firile in l'ïnl-pi;r tk1 ls!$:ust :.94.8 . 516.1' .1.0/6/P/50 e Dlsrospl . . 51û).P.1r)/9/P,/t5n v Dprqnrl o'r thq llrt frq Trllles tn llpzlt$ autonqlcy . pur and àstam for 520.F.l(1/l0/P/50 llc F grld insult to tlAq llati . ' onalt Flag by t?lc.' Banipur Pe.lqef? C'uar:?r;. ( f ' l D Jf f / P 1 VO 1 52l .J7.1q/1 . . ( ;?./1V5f)v'Cfllttlttllanee of st?tvicf-) of Mr .palitj the Superlntendent j or Pollcê, llRnlpur. 522.F.1O/l3/P/5()FCoz1trtbutt . - ' t D24 parable of Assam oon f àgency flmby the C entral Govt.b; the Qovt. of . ' l.$;sam 1)1 rfanpqct ofct Xions perforcled by thc Qovernor aninur* ' l F.l0/lV P/50v'ànthorit ri . Xaham 1a nç Mq 7hts lnipand ur lpri n vtlege: cnloyefl by R.llzthe Tespcct f)r rel.l.ptous tns titntlonr ants ccre' aloriit vs in the St rtte. 525.F.10/15/13/50k llse of'Assam l'ttflfvs to dettl 526A. Jf pj/G/P/ Fo with comrttntsts in Xani .1 pur ?.l()/7/P/6()9*Rm<a!'r ;s!Ccr ' toFrkls#,antlf? rmndered j, aplhrehqnsioll of eerkl1tloff n connectipn A th the endera uhoso unlavful aettvltius lm vt! endangered public peaee and trant Maninm '. uiltty in ' . I 527.F.:.û/18/P/50 vQurpst/on or th f? gmant to liarttour for Grew More l' 1z 'chesnes. .jnod 5284. F...l0r-q/P/s01'Den:and ror A :.r 5,44c/- eov the eozlstrucu and repal-r of the Palace Datch oll oç a carrage - .jy.po/2ojejso ilerllioc-h iecotheMaharantofMan Gi hp du rran Lurengdengor lld egisteted or 529.F.10/21/13/50 ?j(y ' - . :Casc ln tllm Ounrz?rce Court or Irdl 1% otl îers vù l1r.)A5.p))r S# -ax- l lfngh Chahldra Stn # .,n' te. gh 530.7.. 1.O/k2/P/6û szpîjoutfas of dtscusslons wtztl ldinlcter or Copre 'l thv; llon fble Shri Sri Prakae rco anf! tlTe Chl 531f.--f''.:'oI 2Yl P ' s r z ef Convmtsaioner/kartipnr I0/2V Zsoy kueutiolz of release of prls . - cevertolvl occasi oners on Falace lttrlon on tn Mantpur. Dcelaratlon of holldar on x&. ' .r ' , * . y . . . F.IolZ. I/P/. VOZil'vnDaF. - 1 -./otzj/ j. b-o ' . . - l . .*. 28 - /y -/ . ea>* . .. -. ..- ..- -. a . - . ..- ' %'' 5.e ;r'.17.16)z/..5/:/5,7VVI 7 )f'hl). . *plqrank rtobertcy ' Depïhty Coylrllstlq' Joner rcr the ' V -E;J-t i , . f' z 1ter â h'l:lgtlt' )îfzto Xaml 'mtr. / z / Z S / X / b o Z - alkqlilarls Jalrc 633.F.11/I/P/5Q #.àllol r o t nc e t ! drav m by b f qhar V $$i llcv: Arl; tanlo.rl.ka lpevt of Trtpttra-Appltcation for exemption . . . f' rcr,l lnccle tax. j . : 5 '34. i'.l1/2/l V5t1Z Le ttor J' rotq the llrenler of W'e.:t renpal rer:rdtne the f . utur'' a 0;5.Trlpara Stato. -* ' ' 7 Y - 535,1..1k/@/P/r: . - t - Bituatlon devclo?tnf. : ln tlne torder arccs o f Tripu&f $2tth . . . Pp.l.isttn as a result oJ' im passment, illoga. l areest ?t/q/? .ls-. etc.byPakts%nofftctals. 536.F.ll/ll/P/5OVCla1B!s for demagtls sustains a: a resttlt of the reeenk . , . . . (,rl(7 f/b'' 1qaiyj uyy,ktsa gg,gpg.ps . 537.1' '.1.1.D .2/P/$J0eo z.eports regardtftg col ncllnal sltnation tn Qrlpura. ' 53 '8.1P.11/13/12/60w' laustion of grant of cduc'.tloncl expenses of Maharal V - . ltorz az's c'f ' llwlpuza. 4f/f(t( ?J5? > 539.:7.11/1 /P/50zltepaymont oihloa!bs granttad by , the Contrqq Gort.to l ' ripum St9tc f'or naymerlt oç âgricultural lncome %ax on thc Chakla zalniîtdari. . . 34O.T'.11/16/13/53# .t fct!rlt.or the arr/ lsls of ln'rz1vy pnrse duc to l'lwR. tletLlfl kke èlalxkt' al' . A of ' frlpule. up to the rtaar 1358 1!.T'.(1948) . ' and cerv tn other outssxndlng matters. z, 54l.r.11/18/1)/5c A.lï '.2'ger2 h'a.lr : on l'ak' istalltIlai!t bengal) vîllrzgcs 1)y , --. sflpnr: stntl,:lltcçq 11) ' Jripllra. F.tî/l7/P/XOt. ( , j&.'o. p.ure.yz '' -g( mjpo-t't-.-j-/ -.q/. Jù trR -vjBlk' a. hamvc,g tl/l9/P/5cy.12ç!i:rt 'lsenppad-icn ojgj Maharnllclm ' 542 l0.7 m-w ar aksha r Ktshore . . . ' 1 ' o Dev l 9.r:rr.n lgahadum ttntl. othcrr f*or recogllitl-on atl the egïttlra te sono and heirc of the late Aule7 of ' Jrtpurh CTt; &te-' flthallctëlcent of thel,r allowanees. . t543.l;:.ll/2lVP/5r1Zl' sllrytit>d aslianlt cn mefugces rûtmrninr tao Dl>ractnarar C-'l jzlPjs-o !.n ';r1pttrc .. 544.F..1. 1/22/P/50 1.lt zut' K octc :.:5t;uo' J to f'll1(sf'Conlblissjonor, l'l.tpura that i tstl . . . àe should kcep the Govczmoz' of àssam fully inforrn'd ot, i all sltpottzut lll a'ctlèrs rt'laktng to 'ripura . ' . al)'tt.(nqulzg into #,1)e raids cn Katnalpllr all(i Aë tmr 545.:'.ll/22/P/5O WJr lncidents ln ' Pripktra . 546.;'.ll/2V P/50 t'' paymcnteof P'rivy rurcg to (i l.16.t;l1ê llharale of Tripllra. 547.11.11./25/P/50idVici' t of C, 'laier Conlwisotcnera Trlplzm t,o Calcutta to : Xiz!' nlse t thc PTtmt . '. Ls tt'r taf l'ndia . 548.1* n.1l/26/P/50Wr' v' xlltlcdii,lr c o:a tL4e tmplemcntats-on of th0 Primé Mfntster Agroament (1t?tfl; 8.4.50 1.n Trtpura. 549 . F.II/27/P/6f . )%e#' r.r-;;o:'t of paddy fropt l'rintlrh b:J Jtratl.a tenants . . . 55:.i0.1-l/2B/P/60 e.rk 'illillg t)f JttenGra Kular Dey9B brother ancl mother of v1.l)al' ,e Mrzilalaly P.S.12a. )11, 3c.111:District fsl-7.itet, Pakism ?l # ' by' Ilvs lipc afteh. tho lndo-pakistan à;Teemante . . 551.F.11./29/1:/50eCotztrj-butîon to&mzhv!: 9 tihe Civll Lint çvecprve -, ziund top the thf) lnaz')'1.Rn.,oP $;llïl two sinters or lî.llathn Atpharala of Trtpura . 55:2.1>.Il/:?O/E/5nlrC2 -?0r)/..by ltsharallmtnar llcrctA'pzlq !1.D.R'am a, s .a1n!nt 9:.2.0t anctioned by ths late Maharala or Trlpura. . j ' i . - ' , - 29 . ii - ' . )y-rtr : , Q. .-.- - A -- . - 553.F.1.1/31/P/50 Pàir-ltft of petrol to Trtpupa durtng economtc blockade by paktstan. 554.F.11/32/P/69 lfevards for asslstance rendered tn connection vith arrest of Communists in Trtpura. V 555. F.11/34/P/50l#tompletion of the Palanchabas House In Tripura for restdence ot II.II. Y 5s6.F.ll/35/P/50 eGi iltty of the C.I*0.at Trlpura - Qpinlon of Mr.A.B. Chatterlee, Joint Beeretary, Hinlstry of states.s.Del:t ' . 557.1:.)1/36/P/50Rimplenent''tton or N1e lnGo-paktstan àgzeement dated 8th àpril,1950 tn Irtpura. 558.F.ll/3?/P/50 Ràeope and extent of rnlattons betveen the Qoverncr of àssam and th: Chigf Commtsstèners of Mantpur and 'rtpus 559.F.ll/38/P/5QkFree supply of water and eleetrietty to the palace tn 'rtpura. 560.F.11/39/P/60 tâvaeuation or two sons of one Mr.D.K.Lodh(In Rangoon) j from Kamalpur in Ttipura. 1 j ' 56l.F.:1/4n/P/5; &Budget propogals for suppèeMentary grants 1950-51 for Tripqra- Sahctlon of an addltiolnal amount of 1.1,500/- f for eclebrfytion of the inaugurltlon or lndia Vepnblie Day. 562.F.11/41/P/50Mchakla Aoshnabqd Zamtndarï yroperties of Rwll.the Paharala of Trtpura vis-a-vt: aequisitton or zamlndarie; ' tn East gengal. / s6a.F.:l/4z/1v5oWiteltgtousenj ,owsementorKaremt' ralukbz n.ll.the 3 Masarant or rtpura. 564.F.11/43/P/50k/etttton from Trtpura Bal-paribar Sasttteej Agartala: 7 Tripura ln re:ard to the ovnership or the cuarters known as 0ld Guest noqse. I 565.F.11/44/P/60 (dTxpositlon or eollectlve ftnes on person: residtng tn areas arreeted by recent rlots- Trlpuka. 566.7.11/45/P/:0llnformatlon regardthjcondlttonsofHtnGustn EastBen, 567.F.11/46/P/50 vRequest for the irant or K.50&Q00/- for constructtve vork tn eommvm tst tnfectcd ateas tn Trtpura. 568.F.11/47/P/60 kdomplatnts of Mr.l.Ratnam of Jaffna against the Qrtpura Poltee. 5* .F.11/48/P/50? Constructton of a darage vithln thc Palace eompund of Hl.s llighness ze a of :umto ofllP.l.l28, 600 d bytl t heRaharal Qovt.or Ire Trlpt ia tolra. be A patd .or. 7 E ssnctione 'rtpura. 57:.F. ll/49/P/50VJdvisoU Cotmcl,l rok Trlpura. 57l.P.l1/5l/P/50 Ftkxing of tncome of ltulers gntl their ramtly Members nt 'ripura rot the pertod prtor to the Merger. V 572.F.ll/& /P/507kxehange of enclaves tn Paktstan vi+ those in Indtan Bnton. j ? j toraloanof1.6,50,000/-tollwllptheMaharalaof 573.7.11/53/P/50 *i Tran rtpuralNecattvcd). / ' =.. 574.1.11/54/P/60Z Dcanctlon or p 2500/- for Asham Bholan on sijoya Das% : ay tn Trtpurl. - : . ' - l . )6.. . . . . . - .. . - - 30. lgcq 2-..-.- --.-- - . . . . ---.-..3 .---.-. .. 575.F.11/55/P/507fequestthatthetnstallattonpandalv1tha threc . , storïed gate in rront or the restdential palaée should be recegntsed as the prtvate property of His llighnes: the Xaharala or Trtpupa-teleeted. i 576.F*11/56/*/60Ukarrtage of the daughter of H.ll.the Xahatant of Tripura 'e' With nmll.the blaharaladhtra) of Charkhari. . ' . 577.F.l1/57/P/50Yecurtttesand deposttsefllwilpthellaharalaof' rrtpura. Y '-578.h-.11/* /17/59 eRequest of llessrs.Beauforts LM ltTailers & Qhtrttters) Bombay ror the grant or consent under sectton 86 or the Ctvtl Proeedure Code against Haharal Kum r Durjaya Kishore of Trtpura-Rem sed. 5?9.F,1l/60/P/5o zpèyment of a sum or 1. .1868/- to the G ster of the Mint, Ca lcutv outstandtng against the Personal Geertdth)ry R llet lftghness the Maharant Begent, Tripura on aecount of 1 War Servtees Hedals vttlz rttttng supplied. 580.F.11/62/P/50 kGrievaneies or the sublects or Jiratia tn ïrtpura. Xa ' s8l.>.1 'VL 2/1V IP *(f* owa epresentattonrz' omlîr.ilpB.Trivadl.,penstonerBarfaStat against the order of the Govt.of Bomhay In reduetng his 1 ptvnrxuapm- m lagg/. % yy.6V 2/g p.m. .. 58g. tt rrom fkarisânev- -1?.12/2/P/50 Z Ban epre sentatton a-u ozv r?çyan ganapulle for the grant of cokpenT---qf . . rendered. saa.lp.lcza/p/so ' l.,k.r* . . . u..., ( ! w . . .. PZ tion from x.ll*the Navab of B:nganapallo rpr xe adpresenta dl grants ror vutldtngs marrtage: repaywent or dests. . . E : èaE h okpz atnlnuanaçram.k axy mz6 uz ao 4t g ;v omko s uv yil rs ga baM la ta nr js ao th fei mh mu jla sb lâ an rd ja ! not patd to her maintenauee allowance for over 2 yrs + + 58s.J'.l2/,zpgsoZn yakut epreszam sntant ttoBegum n rromorl1.I 1.Al1masultanllaua: llarMahal sachin that revenue oç the villag: Bonand should not l)e ltable to payment of Loeal Fund and management eharges. , 586.:.1z/6/p/50 qalke 'presontatlon rrom Mr. c.Bravt or saknte tdter-au-MontlA er ror the payment or pezlston by the Baroda covt . 587.F.1r. /7/P/:o v,nepresentatton from shrimant Vishwamath Rao Krishna P esiva ror the restom ttoy of ceptatn property constceated during muu ny or 1.807. q * 588.F.12/8/P/50 W'S Repeesentation from hfr.vtnayakrao Shrtpatrao Patvardhan aranjamdnr of Mtrajlscnior) rsgarding reduction or annual sezviee commutatton or 1.600/- per annum. 589.1. '.12/9/P/5: MZEe presentatNon rrom Shrl :hagwantrao llarstngrao Ghorpad: r egardlng sanetloning of a separate entry of nape or Xm Tukajitao Chompade to z/sth share in the Saranlam villag . of Rognolee ln Xtraltlunfor) Gtate. 590.P.19/10/P/50k Leprescntatlon from R.H.Shti Tara 'ba1 :aheba Dovmger blaharant of Kalhapur regardlng suceesslon or her daughte prlnces padma Aa rt to the Gaddi of Kolhapur. ! z/ 591.F.12/11/P/5oe Hemorlal smt.naxmtbaisahe: Udalirao chavan. lllmat Dahadur, rrom a Jagtrdar or :olhapup reaardtng her o>name nts allokanees etc. -: j s92.F.lP/l2/P/5o tzneppesentatton from ïuvral or Bhor regardin roperty of tje nala of Bhor and ït l&mandhtsxxiystepbrother. - .. g prtvmte spartltlon between v *pw < - 1. 31 . 2. - /jo l 3. . - - . - - - .- -. - .- 693.F.12/13/P/60 kClalm of Smtyprembabai Xadhavlt Pangvmlla against the Kolhapur Durbar. 594.F.19/14/P/60 pllfquest of Xr.àbdtll Ghani Shahabqddin for obtaining coples of rfvenue records Of l50 acres of land purehqsed # :7 him in Fazptpla. 595.F.l:?/l5/P/50gNemortcl for the grant-tn-appanage to Klznar Shrt Chhatr- Mslnghj O t Vtjaysinghlil Ranlitsinghlt Vllaysinghli, ouozl> lli Vilayeinghli or 1101. . . 596. F.19/16/P/50 VRepresentatton from lleH.the Haharana cf Luyavada regs < ... . . . j I l 1 I thc penslon etc.of Shrt motllal L.parekh, lJ, x-Dewan or I Dasia State. I .'. 597.F.12/17/P/50 *Representntl.on from 1!rlz.ceshat complainlqg agatnst the gorbay Govt.for shortage of his annunity-c oanctioned by H.nothe maharana of Zunavadl. . ' . 598.F.12/18/P/50 k/Represent ctlons against the abolitton of Munstff Courts B anganapallê by the Madras Qovt. 599.P.12/19/P/50 îpqcprnsentation from Jadavkunverba Eegent Vtr%ypur 'aluka on beh@lf or her mtnor son requosting the returp of cash balances etc .or the Taluka taken possession by the Bombay Govt. 600.F.12/20/P/50 SMuectïon of grant of allolence to Mrs.vinayakrao Chorpade vtfe of ex-lagtrdar of Ichalkaranlt. 6cl.F.l2/21/P/60 'Veprescntation from Shrt Lakhpatramstngh of Strohi for grant or Jagir and expenses for the marrtage ot hts $ # ststeretc. * * ' 602.10.1.2/22/P/:0 Ptepresentation from B.Hwthe maharana or LumRvada regl Y/ j i ' thegrantoranann' dity to hisex-deTon14r.z.P.shah.' u 603.F.2/23/2/50p' Representation rrom Dr. ''zakir llussatn vtce Chàncellor àllgarh Bntverstty recarltng gtrt or eertatn properttes b7 H.11.::%âx satd-kn- xfosa begum-lfusllm or Etroht to the Altgnrh llntverAtty. ....- . 604.F.12/24/P/60Sk'lleprcsentatton erom Thalçore Kishoresinhli Kalustnhll of Kadana ototc tor the arentsor prtvy purse an: h&s r reeognttton to the gadt or sadana. ' , 605.F.lR/:s/P/5;jzMeporlal from Shrf D.J.Plu4ïey1 formerly 3astar Stcte Engineer in regard töNh tcyay etc. *x . 606.F.12/26/P/50ZZemorial fzom Must.B/dhik/îode of Hampur for the restoration Y f her land. 60?.F.l2/27/P/60 i Representatîono from the Bamqras Stnto Dischazged employees àssoeiatton, Ramnagar regnrdlhg payment'of compensntton etc. G03*F*12/28/P/50FRnptesentatlon from Smt.Kqrain ïangar vtdog or late Sri ge'.)3/zIT!s-o Lttl Shri 148tb Stngh of öntguza s pgainst the stopage of lw - /-./3/? '1/?vjst I .-anowanceetc.'by thellulerofBttrgnla. X 6œ.F.l3/26/P/50't S hûstStates generaladministrattonreport rortheyear ' 1a4g-4;. , %tA Q-t$q.2Jff7,it?.i- SR Xy, !!,le,.t% %-.-' 6l0.F.1a/47/P/50>Ponthly Ptogress Reports or Ralasthan llnion. #K' ! t 611.F.13/58/P/50 D. l. B. Re p or t Bo z b a yr t e s ol ut i on s l p as s e d at t h e t DeT. m ns h: . . ' -Y 11 n vartous eities or Dombay & otate. ' 612.F.13/59/P/50zllysore Stnte âdminictration hepùrt. $ . l . .. '' U I 1 ' 32 > . . $ l . /(.) - .- 2- . r --.- ! - ' . . 613*P*13/61/P/50 péupply of'lntellfgence Aeports by the SaaraShtra çovt. to the Central Intelltgenqe sqrvlu. - < yh ' 61 -z 4.P.14*P/50 V W estton for the parltatent ot Indta by Seth.Govind Das regardtng thè supeN tsion nt the m ver> ent of tndtl over the budgets of ralasthan. * 615.F.14/l/P/6cXkuestton for theParliamentofIndla br Seyh GovindDas regardtnc the ptogzess > de !.n the preparu on or the eleee ral roll: tn states and states amlons. W 616.F.IV 2/P/s0 7 kuestion for 1he p&rltament or tndia by seth gàvtnd das regarding the publfcatton or the sehedul.. of prlm t* properttes of the rulers and the lav of sœ cesston to sueh propetties- dlsall.owli . I 6l7.F.1VVP/50Z %estion for the parliament of IMia :7 Seth covtnd nas ' . l 618.F.14/4/P/5û regarding successors to rultng prïnees and e esher the7 < ll be exempt rrox payment of ilk ome-% x and other tRx' 4tsallove . . ' j Question tn the parltamen. t nçvlndta bF Shri X.K.BNidva tegazdtng investments of Kuletà tn Foretgn Fonntttea and tn India- Disalloved. t' ' 619.F+14/5/P/50b/k Suestton in t:e Parliament of Indta by Sardar Bhoptnder ingh Xan regardtng <tssolutlon or Pepsp Mlnistry. 620.F.14/6/P/50 Questipn tn the Parllament br Shrt HlvmKnmnth regardin thetepre8entationorPartB 3tate:inParllhment-Disal' . 621.P.14/7/P/50k/ Question in the Parltament by Shrt llam Chandra Upadhyayl regarding th. Etepc the Govt.of India lnd the Qovtlof Palasthen are R ktng-for the in ( -ïV' ' ofgajasthangnion-D1szz d te#ratl. onofthosekvfeel a ove o 622.F.14/8/P/50$78Question in the Parltamênt of Indta by Sar4ar S,M M Sinl regardtng the emoluments of Mtnlsters ln Pepsu-Disallow' 623.F.14/9/P/50 VZQuestion in the'parliament of India by Shti Damoder Svarnp Seth regardtng ftrtng at Rèwa-Dt:alloved. 624.F.14/10/P/50VAtucstion in the Parllament of Indta :F Sardar Bulxm Stngh regariing preparation of eleetoral tolls and ' inclqsion of RuMdaois Kabirpantht Razhabis and Sikligar Stkhs tn Shedule .Castes-pepsu. . 625.F.14/11/P/50Ztuestion in the Patltamènt b/ Shrt RR) Bahadur regardin . polttïeal sufferer: in îalasthan-gtsalloked. Vz* 626.7.14/12/P/60 ja ue gi sr td ta on rii shtn thB eaP la@ Tt lh tam henD ttg ba yll So hv re td; a1Bahad urtegardfn . , ' 627.F.14/13/P/501%Questlon in the Patllament by Shrt g.c.upadh/aya regl the merger of Dholpur with C.P. 628.F.14/14/P/50p/ûuesttontn thePatltementoflndiab7S*tlR.t.Malvt7à zegardtng firing in Aewa. w. N 629.8.14/15/P/50w'iuestlon tn parliament or Indta 4y shrt Surendranath Buragohatn regardlng admtntctzatton or Manïpur and . // Trlphka. 630.F.1V l6/P/6cZ kuestion 1.,1 the Parltément of Sndta br Bhrl Dym dat Sm rup Beth regardl.ng the merger of v.p.Btates wtth the X Provf- es; or U.P.and M.pradesh. 63l.F.1V 17/P/50yk uestton in tite Parltament of India by Bhri N L.ltl' lvtya rmgardthg thG merger of V.pradesh tn ' the netghe nrtng provtnce. q : ' ' . . ' ! - oo l- - 2. /gw 3. - - - - - 632.F.14/18/P/506 Questlon ln Parliarlent by Shri R.velayudhan regarding the retirement bf Shrt Puttyral Vrs, a Judge of the Xysore High Court. Dtsalloved. FZ 633.F.14/10/P/50 Que:tton in Parliament by Smt G.Dhrgathat regardipg the termination or sezvlces of a Judge of the Mysore Xigh Court. + 634.F.7.4/20/P/50Y Question tn Parltament by Shrt Velayqdhan regardïng scruttny of Budgets of Part 3 States- Dtsalleweâ. < 636.F.14/21/P/50 %Questton in the Parliament of India by Shti X.C.Sharna regardlng mtsapproprtatton or property by the Rulers o; Bundelkhandl%.p.) 636.F.14/22/P/5:5 Muestton ïn the Parlïament of India by ôhrt K.C.Shakmx regarding the merger of Budelkhand Btates with U.P. 637.:'.14/23/P/50 :luestton in the Parliament of India by Prof.K.T.shah regarding Financial efrects of merger on absorbing BnIts and àssets and Ltabtllttes of mergpd ôtates. # 638.F.14/24/P/50 kuestlon in the Parliament by Shree R.t.MalaAri8. regardinl talanceô and investments taken ovar froln Chhattisgarh States at the time of lts-merger and hov they vere spent 639.F.14/25/F/50 knestion in the Parltament of India by Drrxps.parmar regardtng the rights and privtleges of Ruiers-Disallokeed * , 640.F.14/26/P/50 guestion in the Parliamcnt of India by Shri R.L.zangre regardlng the pocltton on Harllans in Pepsu-disalloved. 641.F.14/27/P/501'Qqestion in the Parltament by Shri S. slvan Pillay regî exemptlon of Part B States from the applteation of A rtlele 37l of the Constitution. Z . / 642.F.14/28/P/50 Quest. lon in the Pe.rllament of lndta %y Shri H.7.Karath J recarding tekmlnation of servtees of Shrl Puttaraj Grs. udge of the Mysore Bigh Court. '14/29/P/50 Y Question tn the Parliament of India br Shrt M. L.Dv:dev& 643.:. regardtng the escape or undertttal prlsoners from Bilavar Jail. 644 . F.1V 30/P/* $:<quostton in the Parllament or lnGia W Shri '.ly.Deogirikz r regarding transrer of enclaves from Bombay to ilyderabat 64s@F-l4gal/p/sok Questton in the Parliaaent br Shri Girila Shankar Guha regarding Pakistan ralds on 'ripura. 646.F.14/32/P/54 J :qegtton tn the Parlliment of India by Shri Satis Gimndra Samanta regarding the nlmbet or Musllmq.arrested in Hest Dengal and in other 3tates since January 1950. 64:.F.l4z3a/p/s# Questlron in the Parliament :y Shr: Bacanta Knmxr Das regarding the acttvtttes of Pakistan Spies in West Bengal and other PartB of Indian Vnion. 648.F.l4za4zpzso7 kuestion tn the Parllament fors the supply of inrormatkon connected with :.S.S.satya Graha. 649.F.14/35/P/50V kuqstion in Parliament regarding the arrest of Paktstan # spl.es in States & Untons stnce 14th January 1950. 650 . @' , F.14/36/P/50 Question in Parliament by Shri Gïrla Shankar Guha zeg: ratd by an arMod mob from Eest Pakistan on a number of v vtllages ln Dharranuagat Divtsion Triyura State. 651.F.14/37/P/50 Question in the parlla/ent by Sardar Hukam Singh regl tbe Bt preae nt set up or uovt.or Patiala & East Punlab ates Union-Dtsallowed. i 34 - - 1. -- ' - * . ,- . -. - 2.- . - ' - - - . - .-.. - . - ........ . . 652.F.14/38/P/60;knestton ln th* P #(1 -- 3. -. .-- . . - - arlla ment Shrt P.z.Malvtya regarding the prtvate property or theby Gt nte Rulere of Chhattisgarh s-Dtsallowed. 655.F.14/39/P/50P kuestfon tn thc Parll ' 3- hatn r amont by Shri Surondranath Buragoeved garding the mergcr or Cooch- Behar in West.Bengal Dtsallo . 6s4* F*l4/4o/p/oo6 qu esup ttNy n hturegardtng th. paxlia Svar oet tme h nt or Indta by shrt nasoner e Police firing in Snwana villa: tn ghilvata gistrict of Jodh pur Divtston-Disallov/ed . < 656.F.14/41/*/50X Questlon tn the pRrlt Singh re ament of rndia ky Sardar Bhoptnder garding the Mezgl.ng or Punlab and Pepsq euclaves 656.1*.14/42/P/50* kuestlon tn the Parl lame nt m regarilng the rntontton of of India by Shri H. 7.Kamath a Judge of the Hysore Rlgh court-Wlthdrawan. 657.F.14/43/:/:0 kuestl on in the Parliament of TnGta re by Shrt E.V.KhKath gqN l.ng the names of Part B St 8ented in the Parlt ates vhich are u*repreane t r t . 658 % . F. 14/44/p/:0 Qùestion tn thq Parllanent by Pt Bhargava re ol dukit Behari Lal gardlng admtnlstr-tive ehan Commlsstoners Provlnces- àrea, Populatton ges and tn Chi ef Revenue 6sa.F.I4/4s/P/5: Questton ip the P . arliamont of Indta by Shri ll@ndkishore Da: rtgardlng atrocit inn in Saraikela a z Dlsallovod. nd Ilharsawan- 660.F.J4/46/p/:c Questlon tn thc Parltamont of Pao regardfng voluntaml cut byIlldia k Shri V.C.Kesava Ilahpraxukhs and Rulers of / z amounts rixe; under Agreements and.Covenatïts . . ( 661.1.14/47/p/50 Rucstton tn the ParliEmfnt of Indta by Shrt S . Stvan Ptllay and Shrt P - b(- t.Lakshmanan regarfltng the enclaves of Travancore-cochln . l and dad ras- Disallowed . 662 . F.14z<ggpzsàae<kuestton tn tho ParliaFient ot Indla by Shri R regardlng exervtse of contr . K.Sidhva Artlcle 371 of ol over part 5 Ztates under the Constttutton- Dtsalloved ' 6G3.7.14/49/P/5:lZ Qnestion tn th P liament of Indla by Sh . e ar ri A.hz.stdhva lerardlxnp the annexatton of Patdi T tng 9: villages to Saurasht aluka and its adloinDlsalloved. ra or to Bombay Provtnce- 664.7.14/80/P/50 questjon J.n the Parliamt?nt of I llohan Ghose regardt ndia by Shrt Curendra . or ' Z1.,pura. ng marrïage customs in ' rribal People 665.F.14/51/P/50 Question for Parliament 110 by Shrl heshamlal Zangze on ralds on Trfpur? .2063$ from llast Paklstan and measurey on th secltrity e India Pm st Pakistan bord qks. 666.F.14/52/P/5: Quegtion in Parlïament by Shrt lland Ki shot'e Dass regt Prlvy Purse of Eluzerg . 667.F.14/53/P/60j;*questton t n Parltament. by Shrl K .C .sharrl a regarding absorptton or Jhanst vtllages in V.pz' adesh. . p/668.p.z4zs4zpzsne Qqestion ln tlw Paxltame nt or 1)7 Shrt îa! Bahadur recardtng the appointments tn Indta th or the Ralasthan covts en oeheme of lnimgration .servfce-Disallovad. q.z 669.F.14/55/P/50 Fouest ton tn the Parlta . àsavq z.egardin mont or Indta by shrt cokul > 1 â 'R t'rthofcox jNnstructkonsand directionstcsued by O e n ''à11tu t%tP oàDtfi lslho tvel/nPm'Du/n' ze(?rArtlc1 . . . ' j ù - l. 2. 35, * )g jj . ' b. 670.F.1V 56/P/5Q Zkuestt on l r n /he Parllament of India by Lala :1a1 Kanm t r - - . - . - - . -- - - - - - . . egarding th: tm ovable properties left with R of Su tes. nleks 671. F.14/W /P/50 FQuestion ln the Parliament of I ctantM lya a ndia by Xessrs K.llanund T.chamltah regarding voluntary cut by lialpramtlkhs tn thelr Ckvil Ltsts arH Salartes-dtsallove 672. F.lV 58/P/504. Question in the Patliament of I haiya an4 Q. channtah regardtng ndi br Xessr K.ll lmq: exea mpt ion of s Part 3anA S% t + i under Sectton 37l or the Constitutton of I ndia. 673.:.14/S9/P/SQjlQuest ton tn Parliame nt th of India by Thakur Lalsingh tegt e Cattle Ltfting in ghepal. 674.F.lV 60/P/5C Qqestion l. n the Parllament of Indla by Ihakqr Lal Sin g: relating % the abolttton of Jagirda t rt System tn Bhopal ! 1 ' ! ! 675.F. 14/61/P/50 ,Question in the Domtnlon Parlt nt by Shrt Joachl regardlng tourtng or Indâan Gtame B ates by some Brttish.m Alvl :. - x-poltttcal àgenta. 676.F.14//2/P/5: kuestton in Parllament br L Court Judges or the Eesternal a Baj Kanwar regardtng Ri# Statvs-Dtsallowed , . 677.F.1+ 63/P/50% Questl on in the Parlfament b7 Shrt '.llantmqnthtya anrl Shrt '.charmtah tn reg ard % the explosi XuM rl.k Foz't ln Pattala . ' on l.n the . 678.F.14/64/P/50>Questlân in the Parlia ent by Dr.Y.s.parmar regardtn transrer of lands by B g . P. 6O .F.1V 65/P/50 #Q uection tn the Parliament of India by Shrt R.L.Malya re l ' G gardïng the amount reeeive by the Qrtssa and M.pradest ' ovts.from each of the ortssa and Chhatisgarh 8tates at th e tlme of merger. 1 y 680.F.14/* /P/50&'Qnestton ln the parltament of lndi . a: . Z re$ Ratlfi 7 Shrt lt.tl.xalatya catlon of O ses. eontractsg monopoltes and agreements entered into by the Bulers of the M erged stat 681.F.14/67/P/50 Qqestton tn the Parliament W Shrt Trtblmah Xaraya n Stnz regatding the Merger of vtndhya pradesh vtth U.P.or M.P. 682.:.14/68/P/5:Z Qaestton tn the Parltament by Bmt Daksha anl V layu4han v . tn ega sr td ta ix na cu( tM :e m u r d e r o r t v o s a r t : a nsbylasteâtndus .#) Dtsalloued. bç. a'' 683.F.14/69/P/50 Quest lon in the Parltament by Bhrt M.t.Dwivedt regardtng e mployees of nerge; utates . st the Parliament by ShrtDamodarS 684.P.14/70/P/5d'grae ega rldotnngInreporte warupSeth d change or privy purse of Rulers to 1 pensions- bisallowed. 685. V F.14/71/P/50 ja qn et sp tq lr on intheParliamentbyShrlE.#wBqragohatnregl . àövisozy Couneil- Disalloved . 686.F.14/72/P/6c%ekqestion in t ue parztament by Shri H .v.xamath regarding ' the gr ant of pension $o MreRarry Xedouj the former rivate Secy.of X.H.the Xaharala or Indore- gisallowed. 687.P . 14/73/P/50# Questton In the Parltament relati ng to raids on Tripura 2' . 688.F.14/74/P/50/ Quostton tn the Parlisment by Yhrl Chaudhart R anbir Btng regarding wtthdraval of the revenue Pouer Jagtrdars tn Aajasthan - Dicalloved. l s korthe i - lA. - . - -- - Q. 36 . -- ?< tn - - ..- -3.-- . .- l. % -- . 689.F.14/75/P/50 e' kuestton tn the Parlïament by Kanvmr gasm nt osngjj veys lntegrau on or services tn Ralasthan- Dtsallowed.llote -y on the tntogration of servtccs tn Aalasthan. 690 F.1V 76/P/50 v kuestton in the Pttrltament by Drpl.s.parmar regarding eleco ent or tenants tn II.P. 691.F.14/77/P/50 GQuestion tn the Parltament by Sardar Dhoplnder Slngh . # ' . Xan regardtn: the appolntmcnt of commlsslon to tnqulre >F- into the agrfcultural tc,nure system tn Patiala & F' act Punlab states T lnion- Dtsallowed. : 692.F.14/78/P/5:$,e' Qqestion in PMrliament by Kanuar Jasvant Sinch regardlng the lklasthan Scrvant: and Penslonere eonduct rulcs. Ralasthan Govt.servants and Pensioner: eonduct Rules- àmcndment to Vule P,4. 693.17.14/79/P/50:2 Questton in the Parlia%ent b7 Shri 1km Subhag Stngh regarding ratds rrom Paktstan on Trtpura vtllageg. $, - 694.P.14/80/P/60 kuestion ln the Parllament by Shrt C.:.I i regarding l Bald on Kamalpur ln ïrtpura. 695 F.14/81/P/50 tkuestton in Parltament ty Sardar Bhopinder stngh ). u . regardtng the marrlage expenses of the daughter or Eis ntghness the Maharala of Jodhpur. 696.F.14/82/P/501 kuestlon ln the Parltament by krorls.t.saksena regarding the termtatton of sezvtces of shrt Puttaral Brs.LxJuGge or Mysore Hàgh court. x 697.F.14/83/P/50Vouestlon in the Parliament by Shrl R.velayudhan regardir ' l idf lnvestlgation by Kanwat O uen into Coehin Fraud Case- nisalloued. 698.F.14/84/P/50' Zk uestion tn the Parliament ty Shrt E.velerudhan regt deseeratlon of temples tn Travancore-coehin. j 699 F.14/85/P/50/'kuestlon tn the Parliament by sh2i nvsvegt regardtug . rilltng or an appeal agatnst Aala Shtv Bahadqr Singhs ex-lndustries Mtntstorj Vwp.gisallowed. ' ' P/Govzoqestion tn the P8rliakeht by Shrl Dvtvadt ln regard to 700.3.14/86/ untforrl ty tn the system ot adrctnlstratlon ln the centrally admlntsterEd areas- Dlsalloved. 701.7.14/87/P/60 lekuectton in the Parliameut by Shrt Dvïvedt in regard to poptû ar Covernments in Part C. s:ates- Disalloved. 702.F.14/88/P/50. kuestlon kn the Parliamont by Shri Dwivedt in regard to transaetton or work in *+r+ Pshglish in stean u of Hindi 11 V.P. 7n3.F.l4/9o/P/50* kuestion tn the Parltament by Ghrt D.szseth In regard 1 the runcttons ot Advtser to the Govt.ow nalasthan-otsalz ' I 7o4.F.14/9l/P/sd k aestton tn parltament by ôhtt Ra1nahadur tn regard to the cost tnturred on the Jartmdatt commtttees tn Part g states- ntsalloved. ?/ 7c5.F.14/92/:/50:'Questton in the Parltament by Bhrl Duivedt tn regar4 to the ae4tvtttes or Dekt stngh gang or dncotts tn ' 7: sundelkhfn; area- Dtsazïoved. ' ?o6.F.z4/93zP/6cVq uestion n the patlta men tbysharrested rtn.xazar udh antn regard tot the number of persons in ïravancore ; l 1 I Coehln under Detentlon Aet tn the year 1949-50Dtsallowed. i .- :. -..-- -. - -.--- ....-. .. 37 . @. ' . .S ta.. .. ....- .. 14/94 707.7.14/94/2/60 Question in the Parltament by Shrt Kamath regarding terlntnatton of serviees of Shri Puttaral Vrs, ex-ludge of Mysote Rtgh Court - Disalloved. 708.F.14/95/P/50 %Quc.stlon ïn the Parltament by Frof.Rangl regardtng the fommation or an orcanismtfon by Ralpramukhs cnd Prtnces- gisalloeped. +' 709 . P.14/96/P/60 V kuestion in the Parliament by Shrt Kishorimohan Trâpatï regardlng payment of privy purse to the ex-Rulets of . Iudtan States- Dtsalloved. 71n.F. l4/Q7/P/60 é Qqestton in the Parliament by P'of.K.T.Shah regarding the atolitton of Jagirâart or Cirasdari system in Tkalasthan, X.gharat an4 Saurashtra etc. Disallov/ed. 711.F.14/98/P/56 Qqestion in the Parllament by Prof. S.N.Mtshra regt @ ' . Venkatachar Jagkrdart Enqqtry Conmittee Repopt. 712.P.14/99/P/50 kuestion in the Parliament ty Shrt Lakshmanan regt the Bxemptton or Travaneote-cochtn rrom the proviston or Arttcle .7l of the Constttuttlon. 71:.P.14/1o0/p/5d kuestion in the Parliament by Shri Lakshmanan regl the cession of Fèrt Cocbln tn lravancore- Coehin. 714.F.l4/lol/p/sofkuestlon in the Parliament ky Yhri RaJ Kanwar regl the lnstruction that Rqlers of merged and tntegrated 5tates should not be referred to in official eorrespondenee as ex-Eulers ot Ls former Rulers. ( 715.F.l4/l09/P/50 Question in the Parliament by Shrt Va) Kanvar regl ! the formation of a Rulers Union. 716.F.14/1n3/P/60 kuestion in the Parliament b7 Shri Abq? Hasan regardtng dpmocrattsation of Part F & C States i'Dlsalloved. # 717.F.14/1o4/P/50'luestton in the Parllament of Indlr b7 Sbrt P gasi Bedd regardlng the exemptien or Patt 9 wtates rrom the provisions of arttele 37l of the Constitution-Dlsallowd j. ' 718.F.14/105/P/50 kuestion in the Parliament by Dr.M.M.Das regardlng the 719. formation of a 'ruot by the Ruler.of Baroda. # . 1.14/106/P/50 Questlon ln the Patliament by Shrt Kymqth regardtnr the - 720 termtnatton of the sqrvices of Bhri Puttata: Vrs, a Judge of the Hysore Htgh Court- Disalloved. y F.14/107/P/6c kuestlon tn the Parltament by Lala Ra1 Kanwar regarding . pending eases ln gtgh Courts. 721.F.15-P/50 lA hî.s.E.alo rded to Mrs.àrmer Kathleen. Welfare vorkerj Bangalore. 722.1?.15/l/P/50LMi.I.L.badgp Faridkot. 723.F.15/2/P/50 /X tA C ror S.B.i.Inder Gtngh, Cll ef Decretaryj B.B.and M.B.E.badges for deltvery to RRJ Shrimant . Bhavanrao Shrintvasrao altas Bala Sahtb, Pant Po tinidM C .B.E.raja Jr Aundh, and Mrs.Mabel Button M.B.B.L1atson nrricer, Poltek nefugee Camp, Kolhapur. 724.1P.15/3/P/501W Weartng or medals by HwH.the Mahrala of Bhavanagartn.B. the Governor of Xadras). 725.F.l5/4/P/5o W Mr.R Powell 'Inspector Oeneral of Poltee, JaMmu and K ashltr.apiointed a eompanton ofMostBmtnentQrder of the Indlan Emptre. I 38 - . . l.. . . 2. - -.- , 7076.F.15/5/P/50 R Warrant of dignity tn r/o l/capt.xal. mbzada Syed Mnttaca Alt Khan Bahadur S/o llawl: or Pampur, relating to avard or M.5.E., iscued by the Uo 'vt.of PakiBtRn-Bnquiries tegarding vhereabouts etc.or 727.:*.15/6/P/50V'àwatd or Pnblic Servic: Medals by the halpramnkh of + Hysore- Hot permttted.. 72:.P.:.5/7/P/50 + kuestion of entitlements or Xedals for RaIor Rala of Khatragarh. œ #u 7:9@ F* l5/8/PZ>o gvDeath or Klng of Iran - Flying of flags at half-mast on the 7th :ay 1950. 730.F.1' 5/9/P/5: # lndian Independence ltedals- Distrtbution tn Parts B &C 3tates. 73l.F.l5/l0/P/60* Presentatlon of Indlan Lmpire and Brttssh Bmplre instgnl t: eertaln decorees ln iaurashtra and Rajasthan. v 732.F.15/11/P/50 Discontinnance of the W tle- MahaM hopadhyaya ïn officl.a: 733.F.15/19/P/60% Presentatton or Kaisar-l-lltnd Xedal :4 cero in decorees tn Hysnre Bombay, Patiala & Rast Punlab states Unlon, Ja= u & Dzshcltz'e and 7pP. 734 . . 17.15/13/P/50% use of abbreviattons Jor the Gallantry àwards instltqed on the 26th Januov 1950. ?35.F.15/l4/P/5O 'Colcpaign stars and meoalg to be awarded to ex-servtce Indian persomzel of Bast àfrtca Coo and. lP 736.F.15/15/2/ô0 Ve rsonal rank of àxbassador of Indta Conferred on Shrt . (737F.15/16/P/50*Revision p.bîenonofand r i:.R .Pi lai . d lîulers in India taS ph list of tl he Salate . K vtth thetr datesof suceescion. 738.7.15/17/P/50 .Procedure to be adopted in respect of (a)Gun salutes (MlKational salute and llationalAnthemrlelouagdsofl lbnour, (dlstate receptionrtelstate Fundral and (r) Flying of Hattonal Flagp 739.F.15/18/P/5: Becognitton of heredttery tttle of Rala of Ltaqat Bhah or lloshengabad. 740.1.15/19/11/50 Eequest from the Govt. of Mysore for thp ltst of eeremonial occastons at vàtclz formal dress is to be worn. .. e ?41.F.ls/2o/P/60 Celebrattons on the Eepublie Day- the 26th Januqry 1951 àssistance glven by the Euler of VdatpurtMevat) tn conncctlon :d th the Pageant. ?42.F.15/2l/P/5Q PEupply to the Govtlof hlysore or authoriEed version of the 11ation,'l Anthem Jana Ganga Mana. 743.F.1:/2:/P/50* Aviard or Q.B.:.to tt.col.George katnttn &rchard of cochtn. 744.F.16/23/1'/50 iDrccc to be worn by Pollee ofrteers on the oceasion of ' vtstts to states by the Presldent of Indian Vnlon. ?* 746.:.15/24/:/50 1tist of officers for vhoM prefix KEonlblell is uscd . 746. P.15/25/P/50 k& Reouest of Eegiorml Cp= tlrsioner and ldviser. Patiala F East Punjab States dnicn regardtng tnstruetions tssuet on the provlsion of Guard or llonour for Rulers. 747 k' . F. 15/26/P/50 Part!.cipation of Troops tn vakious Ceremonial occasions tn Btkaner. I I ! i 1 - eo -- . .. . . . 748.F.16-P/50 Fr Spectal address by the President and Legislative measure to be brought forward before Parllament. , 749.F.16/1/P/50 zsâdaptations to Central âct: undey the.conststutyon. . 750.F016/2/P/50 V Sweartng in of certaln functtonarles under the new > M'* ' Constttutlon tn Part B states. .' .- ))$ A :. 75:.F.16/5/P/50 , M jasthan OrdinanceslDesicnation) àct.l950.Decis1on that ' ln the case or a state Tellch has no l' ogislature.all + future laws should be in the for? of Rajpramukhjs àcts . %. ' 751.F.16/3/P/50 '' Slip:v l $T à.( Y made in exervise of the powers vests in h1m by Article 385 of the Conctttqtton. 753 : I I . F.16/12/P/50 iAmelioratlon of the social and economie conditions of Hartlan, adibasis and Backlo rd Classes. x' 754.F.16/13/P/50 'kuestion of exemptlon of TravancoreK ochin froz the . ' appltcation of àrttcle 37l of the Constitutlon. 755.F.16/14/P/50 6'kuestion whether the allthorîty vested ln the llajprnmttkh tmder sub-sectlonlllof Sectlon 10 of the Bajasthan High Court Ordinance eould sttll be exereisedj not wlthstandll 1ng the fact thqx t th: qublect matter falls wlthin the - purview of the Unlon Llst of the Constitutlon. 756. F.16/15/P/50 j Policy and the Developments tn respect of States. I ' 75?.F.l6/l6/P/5O >Coat of arntsj state Emblem and Seal - New design for lndla- Replacement or Crown on Police Buttons by th/ nGv State Emblen. I 758.F.16/17/P. /501.StatesForces -Colourson parade. I d'f - 759.F.16/19/P/50 q'Rajpramukhs 3ecretariât - Decj.rton that the Sectt.staff of the Rajpramukh should be deemed to be holding posts ln connectfon w1th the affiars of the State. I : ?60.F.l7-P/50 7 ' Relection of the request from the Na&nb of Baonl for ' certain grants for the marriage and education of his children etc. 76l.F.l7/1/P/5o *dRequeot from the Ruler of Nagod for a grant of Ao7O,OO0/- for marriag/ of his daurhters, and exemption ' from the electricity chargesllicgatlved). 1 762* F* l7/2/P/50 '- Ref i xatt on o f allo wance of R $ .l Xa Og/-p.meach toKr.&ls r ad. h.i R maln Slngh and Kr.Raghav Xaraln Singl,.coustngs ot th& uler of Samathar. 763.F.17/3/P/50j. ,H kuestton of recovcry of 1. 100000/- from His Highness the ' aharala or Datia whïch he appropriated as addltlonal lo rv ie vn yan pt us rseD on eci 1s 9z .o ' an .4n 8ot ipt eosr ïx efu dn àd ysarterstgzlnrthe ' i . 764.F.17/4/P/5o #.Grant of âllokances for the two minor slsters and minor Ruler of Jaso in 7.P.(5egat1vèd).2. Proposal to start a marrlage fund for the two minor slsters of the Ruler- (Dropped). # 765.F.17/5/P/50 imReyu estoftheRulerorKaptaRajaulafora loanof 5jOoO/- (and failtng that a grant or k ' YY 766.F.17/6/P/50 ' ' 767.F.17/7/P/60 * e lojcûog-) ln o connèctton with the marrlage of his slster . ' . Method 2 zll of payment of privy purses to the Rulers of V. P. I @ o&mnces etc. to Ralmytas and Haashdars. j Represent4tion of Kunwar shamsher Jang. âddjttonal Deput& S insta ecret ary to the Govtvof J.P.(0n:er se ufpension) for re- v tement. I I - lA ' . - -- - . 9 cz* 40 -' I 16$' %'* . . A .- -- . 768.83.17/8/P/50 M Request for thf,grant of R%5000/- for the marriage of - - the daughter of the Ruler of Khaniadhana-p.elected. xx 76:.F.l7/9/P/5o -Grpnt of allowance to Ra1 Kumar Pushpendra Slngh, s&n 1 . of late H.llmArisardan Sïngh Ju Deo of Ghqrkharl. ; # 770.F.17/10/P/50 Complaint of the Jaglrdar of Bhatsondha agalnst certain 5-,//-1//P/Fo;Policeofflctalorsheorampur, Dîstrict Banda 2#v* . 771.P.17/12/P/50 Renresentation of Shri Jyoti Shanker Dikshitj ex-Devan of Altpurs Btate regarding termination of h1s services. Ssm.J 772.P.17/13/P/50 Endorsemenk of the Oovt.promtssory Kotes for P.1,5Q,0Oç/ .d in favour or the Collector or Jalaun fo: payntent of tnte interest only to the dcscendents of late Rao èh nohar I ) Sinrh of Bangratlalaun). I p' 773.1:' .17/14/P/50 lçotice of a sui: given by Baldeo Stngh :/0 llanlNarayan Singh, lahsil ifalpi, Dt.lalaun for a elattn of . ?$.155,000/- against Baoni sta,te(V.P.) . k 774.F.17/1,5/P/50 Bepresentatlon frotn èlalil:a Prasad, àssistant Secretary r. i.ror leave preparatory N)retirenent and t(--(fJPISO 'Joutdhieerial conV. ce1s sions. 775.F.17/17/17/50 Expenditure on securtty arrangements in cozm ectton with the detention of Sir Gulab Singh j ex-llaharaja of Rmta. 776.F . 17/18/P/504.Question of pahrment of travelling allowance #m Ruler: in . V.P. 777.F.17/19/17/503 Statement in the Parllament by Sardar Vallabhai Patel Htnlster îokn States regarding exisG nce ot Ooonda , / 7e ?8F.1'7/22/P/50Z Porrodviina nceinV .P. s&on oj' P ya Laxmit: ceyuyj oypago êvlQ gl;0 (H Sej fO aI: tS )E> P? j aa ir vlZ nlSo sgLc L)ar 'k Ra jjj7 y'a ,. . , ' j 779 . F.17/23/2/50 # Petl.tton of Baill Jaswant Kunver, the Senior Eani or lçagod, regardtng non-plyment of Her alloAmnce . 780.F.17/242P/50 *Settlewent of inventory of prtcate properties of the Rulers ot States in V.P. / g, ' 781.:n.17/25/P/50 Request from H&s Highness of Baraundha for (l) An increase or prlvy pursetz) Grant of P.2 lakhs for t&ro marrlages in H1s famtly. 782.F.17/26/à'/t0 V.p.ordlnances. ew 783.F.17/27/P/50 Crrant of 1.10000/- for the marrtage of the daaghter or ' the Huler of BarraulllAgreod). 784.F.17/28/P/50 whi kuestlon of eontllluatlon of the allovanee of F!. 30,000/ch H.ll.the Maharala or Panna vas drawlhg as Vp-Rajprak. mvizl ny for his llfe ttme. 785.F.17/29/P/50 Enqulry agafnst certain nevspaper reports regarding V. P. J t)' v/ l 786.e.l7z3o/P/so clazms or naja nachrendra slngh an: st-col-naje auerten:ra stngh ror jenston an4 arrears or thezr Jaglrs. X 787.F.17/31/::/50 fdlue t stton of abolishlng the Jagfrdari 3ystem ln V P.:nd . ltnt roductlg nof Badri qniforl n tem ncy law throughout the state eport of oeth c' Prasad of Bevenuej V.P . 'Y , Senlor m ember of the Board 788. F.17/3:/P/5o 'y. kuestion of enhancement of gkm salute of H a or Paml ll.tlhe Haharaja a. ?89.P*17/33/P/50 Q ncluslon or the Rala of Sarila tn the Warrant Precedenee. Of $ - 2.. .. - .- . . .. - . . cC.w 1go - - . .. . . - 3.. .- - . . .. ,. - .. . .. . 790.7.17/34/P/50K îllectt on or tbe claim 1;y Bijay lltngh Pf vtllage 3asel# r ok'ai'real.s of allowance gy'antcd by iIallwthe Hahalwal& ' i or Paium on 2.4.48. ' - h .z , 791.P.17/35/P/50 7kuestton regardîng thc vplidity or the order pasAed :7l the V.p.Govt.retcrdlalg the grank of an allovance of . k.5O0/- per annuw to KuMlri Krtshna Kumarlo datghter of . + the nuler or Tataon )nv in B.P. *2 / 1; ..17/36/P/50 Sltlt,qtion bf grqnt of firlafclal aid 'to the political . . < ' . Burr tcrer: Otller tllan Govt.servants l.n V.P. 793.P.17/37/P/50' ##Muc - stfon of the grants 'for bqtldlng purposes by the Eulcr or :, 0th: to hie brokher. j F z! # 794.r.17/38/P/50'vit Ao G ev ft md b(H.ll.hkaharalallartandSinghorReuako the h.of hi .P.of the expendtture ineurred ln eonnqetton . s treatment for lppendtcatles in August 1949 ! . ' while lAo xas the 11.alpram1:Gh of V.P. j 795.F.17/* /P/60 Sanctton for an qxpcndltureof 1.2329/5/- incurrêd ln connection vttll 9 .P.Rltlers confemences hel4 oh Septembe: and llmretnber 1:49 ttt Tlmia . ' . é* 796.F.17/40/P/50 Qqestion or wtthdrawl of Finahelal asststam e to Reet expendlture on the Bducatipn of 4 nephew: and 3 Llleces of nuler of orchba . 797 . & F.1.7/41/P/50 Repudiation of Muaft gzants sanctiontd lyy'the ltuler of llagotl in favour or his sons. 798.1. ,17/42/P/50 $àlleged oppression or the Jatavc in ' the villages of Indragaphl Datla. > f ' 799.F.17/43/P/50 YWit 3 hdrlval of case acalnst Mr.yohammad 'hanj prtvate ecy. to the Xavqb of Dacnl tn the Rala Aam Murder Case. 80:.P.17/44/P/5: *Eepresentatton from 11/s Xagtri Sinrh end Karita Kumar of , Samthar, Dlstrtct Datia. ' , 8ol.P.l7/45/?/60' ' Grant or allovances to the rellttives of the Xuler of âllpura. 802.7.17/47/P/50*Allovnncmtcash Jagir) of 1.600/- per pnnlMn to youngBr elsters $nr the Jagirdar of Dhurwat. ' 803.7.17/46/P/60@Relectf ' on nç the requeok or Shrt Kqrol llsrmada Prasad Singh for pormïsslon to prosecute certaïn orrïctal O'V. P. 8ô4.F.l?/48/P/so1 Birth of a Grandnon to tbn Ruler or Qori Fatehpur. 805.1?.:7/49/P/50: Represeùldtîon by LAl Blrendra Slngh Fnd Lal jutushottqm Stnghj brothers of tho Rulor of Sohaval ror review or V.ppGo4.t.order ror reductng thstr lh sh allovances-Releetk W :0G.F.17/5a/P/60 m'preselltatlon from Bltekh Zahoor AhmatlRnd otbers agains' l =,17/sj(pfsè.rcslmptionor thetw rJagtrtnvillageSlmardhafchhatarpur 6 l7/V3/F5't7 t ro lle rf to hr ente rr esCth ol r tr al th io ar ;ioB rta lltsmqaf!-restaedby theEuleziof 807.F.17/62/P/50* aepresentatton or hrt lland ltislxore Gouvami of Vriniabau X ' ' - k Aelected. 808.F.17/SA/P/SQ Al against Shri H.H.X1sra: Dlrector of lzucattRl V. legations P. . -% ' 8* .F.17/55/P/50 zssault of Chzarlars by the Jttp lirdars and bther Caste lllndpts or Baronl. tn Laqta Dl.ctrl.ct. . ' zf 810.F.17/56/P/50 Clalm of 8hri Vtshvanath Slngh, Distriet & Sesston Judge Tika/carhj for palrment of 1. ' r 910/- for e ta&n qlloi ae lnld oe cr mctd iok nqohftMthae k 4d Bxh p1rs.bce ie vre kent:@ jF. hn(0. %%1AW* *n I l & - ' . . ,.. .. -qkl- - ..,lj 811.P.17/57/P/50. hepresqntation from memkers or Alipqra famtlr regarding stltt by the Ruler of Alipura for vacatton of Rouse tn Ocotg aticn Of Xr.Kqran Singh . . - 8l2.F.17/5M/P/5Q kuevtlen of the grant q. f an allovnnce to 'Sxt.covlnd Kumar't or Btlawara. ' ' 813.F.17/59/P/50* Grant of an allow nce of 1.103/-p.m. :4 the younger brothez of the sul. vr or > mu -*.a. Jela.. ' F.ejcrtlon of rcquest or the Aalti SahiW or Xhaniadhana 8l4.F.17?63/N 5o' ç ' - . +y f'oz' s loan or *.30,000/- 815.1. '17/61/P/50ADeptN or Str Gulab Stng:j ex-Mah:,ra! or iewa. 816.F.17/62/P/500 Af Rqverslon of Yhri Smllmtlehta, I.C.S.Ch1ef Com tssioner anq Shrt S.D .shllk,:l, Tnspettor oenernl of I'ollce CzeK v.p.to X.pradesh. 817.F.17/63, /P/ ,50V Supplg r)f copio1) to the hllors tbf the Agreemellt eonstttu . ttng %.P.into a Chler Co= tssloner Provtnee. 818.F.17/64/P/50V T(c!tort atrjut thc l.ncl-rpontz vhtch toik plaee at Umctkta . Collr.tsry on ttke 20th Jmlf'1950$ a$ tlle tnstqnee.of the Sociallsts, vho had asqembled at tlmarta for the annual eonference or the V.P.il 'oetall.st Part3e. 819.F.17/65/P/50- Itetmlmsetcent of exeess houae ront charged from CapG in 11.lz.Kauôhlkj l'ormer antl-corruption ofricerl Rel' n by V e V.P.covt. 820.F.17/66/P/50 Contrtbution of 1.300j000/- to th: Civtl tict Beserve Foplnd of 11.1f.1hn llaharala of Palm a. 8c .;'.l7/67/P/50Y-!?e1qctton or thp grant of lagtr by the Ruler of Kothi in ravour of his heir-appëtrç' ut. # . 822.1.17/68/P/50g' Reunest rrom Abdul sam d tor'peralssion tmdcr aectlon 1 r.!yrqf' jojs'o8 ,6-c.P.c.tosuhthen. lznrorllhurvat. 823.F.17/7O/P/50VS1tp..,l' '$ , ' - 824.F.l7/X./P/50$'Reprosentntton frolq the Aulers (?t Samtùar, Cilarkknari and Sart&a rpgardtna scruttny of Jagirs grants grant made b7 the Rul.erc prtcr to l-ntngratlon of thelr states in V .P. 825.F.17/72/P/50L< *'Papcmlt ot ttllovcnce to Vala D'ahadur Balbhadl'n xWingh of Dptla. ' p.* *26.F.17//UP/50 1 li 31 op1r t.l eatlo noflf.amentttes ll.Gmt.Kpnc.hanXumrer,lklmat,a, a: >s .e rnt ror certatn 827.F.17/75/P/69rF Sanetl.on of nlp.l-ntenonn: c1l0u>nce of.1.250/, and 1.150/- per Kensetq to Kunvzrs l' .aghvcndra Sillgh anG M reanora Singt of Rothi, respectively. ' 828.17.17/76/P/50* Fleprèsentatlon fro? Dcwan Raghum l Singh Qf Blhar Stnte fcr tnerease in his âonthly allovsltz e. 82* . F.1.7,/77/P/5:)'*Grant of l%tel eonecession to the V.p.znlers. . 830.1:.17/78/:/50;,àllocntlonPketvecn MeBharat and V.P.or the roaalty on . tNe lcase ror cellcction èr tendu lsaves cr Khantadhana X #' Rangeor ott pte Forost ro> the perlod 15.10.49 to 31.12.5: a31.F.17/m /P/5cx Feprescntgtion rrcp the (;hter of Oaraull for revlclon oî hts prisv purse-rtelectod. ' / , z . 832.F.l?. /80/P/50 Repmesentatton rroz Xalpr ilarlyc nnA Eat Ballore a6/Alnst Rewa ( -'î?(q 6jqiyoAdmtntstrntionaM elaiuf' oreompensation. ' . .--. -.- ..- , 1. . --- ...- .2 . .. .. . -. .- - - . - -- - . - .. - . .. j.. j. ; , ..... . t * ' .- . ,. .- 9. v . .- - .. . . .-- . -. .. 833.7.17/82/P/50 b'-1'lcquest from 'the Jagtrdar or Bhaisunda eoncernin: thn poo%!.n: of f!. 7ar;s cnd adranc/ partnent Of prl i1: ctlnnectlon l.P.th hJ.c (ltAtlghtcl:: > rzitigtl.elleg vy purse .atll eid. , . - 834.F.17/83/P/60vzli,utmre oj. V.P. . + . :35.12.17/84/P/50 e'prlvate nropprtlr?slot lf. il.the Eahal't zjtl of Datta. 836.Ii'.17/85/P/50è'hl p . te manager, Emaria Colltery ul'der or è1r.J.7.Bel1: l . ' - v.p. . &e' -#'- u 837.P.17/86/P/50 kuectzon of derondinc at ort,expclnce the lav sul agatnst tlhrt C.B.1tao by the lBgal h t i . ktlled i eirs or persons n the aceldent to his motoù car on March 14 ,1943. ' , d 838.ha.17/88/P/60 k'Quqotion or thr ? crant of an allo:. gear by #,he Buler 4c or Fs.:5/- per of Paldeo Stnteql t oehl pl4ri ltanuman Prased . s Khasl :t kfflee' ' rl.vart. 8: 69.J;'. iu . 1 . ).7/89/P/5: 1.. tp4) , 847.F.17/90/P/50 ûAepres mtqtlr an frnr.!(/: Dur lletland Khutchand , Cloth Xereba t ntF, le égong fbr the ncnvpalrment of cerV in amounts due r:om the Jagfrdar of Dhttm m i . r 841.1 8êm 7.12/3 '1/P/5o(,-Gzi/. ! ' .t F.l7/9T ?,/N 5o eTrcntrfe' r nî'Qovtm recorps pertatntn; to Ruler's private . properttes. W uettlexlent o, . . 843.:.17/9: 5/P/50 London aga:LlIf theclalnpreferredly ll/sPeal& Vo. st ll.Fl.the MeharaJa of anna a ' . 844.F.17/94/P/50 jeilepresent' mtton frotlmemkers of Xltpum Buling family prayt that bthe buildtng knovm ai Kunvrar lcaran Dingh ': ilouseng should e delet'd from th6 Raler's private prop W erty 11st. . 845.F.17/95/P/50 .f 7'lepvelentatton of Kumxar Qovlnd Stnr .heir lpparmnt . a t o :fS l a lt ak lk l 1, r l u rqforeni r mneomento) .i hisap .yopayzeuju vutj a. u a lleney. , 846. kz ' ?.1.7/96/.750 *Coapent lmder cectiou 86 of Civil Pr kz ol ''trt :.P. Dias agatnst the itulcr oee dure Code to sue or M U aihltr-ltemumd. t' 1ab Bgt 847.1?.17/97/13 ./60 l Llarillv epresean ntcrt tonof:at :1 ,qgtdov of Popalea llagont oî-Jaxnngar regurd!nc clais acafp . 1 I(.!T.ths ttaharala Shzi Btr ö1nh:i or Tkkamgadh -st vorehba. 848.F.17/98/2/5c$/!'.cpresontatlon or Shr! Joti Garoop, private 3ecy to . ll.ll.the llaharala or Charkharl. ' 1 / 8* .1'..17/99/P/60 Eupply ol.copJos of- 1o)ves:iyctr,r, pross . ' . communtgues etc. lssue by V.P.0o&'t. 85û.1;'.l7/loo/p/soillepresentation j'rom sahibzada Vtqar-ul-lfasan , younger - l't) jo/jp/sebrotherof. 1. holll hl e. bor9aoDtregardlngh1callowance. 851.F.!./1œ /P/50#Varma Terolnatlon of the servtces of Shri Fzahabir Prasad j Speelal Judge, Vpp.tring Hao Shtv Bahadu . of Churhat's r Stngh ' case-opqstion of paymcnt of travellfng !allouance. ?/ 85c.F.17zAonzp./soé sektzercent or ttle przvate propertles or th or sarlza. e rm la sahtb 853. # F.17/104/P/50*Payxont of tntereat at the rate or 64 per annum t Rant or Garraalt on the loan or K o thQ . l0j alrcady bee 000/- lYleh h>S f --,!7Ile51PlSe nrepaàdbytheVpp.oovt.t()theRaniSrleY i , . - ' .- 1. . - ..- -. . -... - ' M - .-- . ....... ---- . -.-- . . 1x, lr-.(' ' - .- a.. Q. . -- -- - . <r j. 3. . - -. 8-.F.lvzzoszpzsog'àztp.yl. ovlh-,4-,(a-n. ,-' t, ls-.-Jc/.,$.!.'sl .. 855.17.17/1* /P/50 altas Qqestfon F of a grant for the mzrriage of Kumari llma Devt alq Rala, daughter of the lete liuler of Charkhari 856 Z' . k- ,. ! 4 10.17/1* /2/5û Inventozy or ptivate property or ihe éuler of 0 1+ ltajaula. 857.F.l7/ll0/P/5G Re R presentatlon rrom EaK Garik, carpenter, Xagartya RoRd $ ewa for the tncrease tn h1s penston etc. ,658.1.17/111/P/50 Mah settlement or the tnventory of prtvate properttes of the e ' atal a or orehha. * . Is'' , C 'J'1 859 . F.17/112/P/5Q#Private properttes of the Rqler of Berl . 86Q.F .17/113/P/50+k l guestion or payment of yxpendtture ineurred in eonnectlon . F-.(jjt ftjpjsc viththeDussehraDartar(l949)inV.P. . 861.:%.17/116 presentati on or Kqnwar Vtkram Slngh of Bert State regt : /P/5û Re maint en ance allovancelRelected). 862.F.l7/ll6/P/501à1leged Dtsstpatton of Qovtpsecurittee of the race valqe of 1.39,600/- by the Fuler of Gaurihar. 863@F@l7/l17/P/60'Ad1 ustment of advanee made to His Illghness the Aalpramqkh of V . ' P.on aecount of Travelllng Allovance. 864.F.17/118/P/50 Vnveill.ng or a statue of Maharala Chhatrasal by th President on 28th January,lg 51 at Panna. 865 . e . z ' F.17/119/P/50 Represe ation of Shrt Faiyaz Rusain of Aeva regarding hit famtly nt allo $66.:*.17/120/P/50R eqnest of lwlan nxadhar othal eraco ncDati esstaonfor g.an tntervieg v11 ilc .c tha th of .- . - e e Ktng of Fm gzauz . - # 867.F.l7/l21/P/50ePrivate Property of tie Duler or Btlna. 868.F.17/122/P/50 'Prtvate property of the Rnler of Baonl.z.%equest of the u awab of gaont fot the Bale of the house known as Xava iouselGrantGd). gonë g.' 869.F.17/123/P/50 iequest cf fl.p.the sawab of Baoni for . aceolcodatton Delht. 870.F.l7/l24/P/506Pr1vate property of the Ruler of Baraunda. 87l.P.l7/l25/P/5O;Eequest of the Chief of Bcr: far the grant of Import and Lxport lieenBes. 1 872.1.17/126/P/50 guestton of recognition of the êtft of flve State Eouses br the Euler of Panna on the eve of h1s handing over of his handtng over of hts State . 873.F.17/127/P/5Jdprivateproperty ofthe iuler of Sohawal. 874.F.l7/l28/P/K 'Ae presentat1on of the Jagirdar of Dhurgai in regard to the settlement or ht s prtvate ptoperty-peleeted. 875.P.17/129/P/60eLxe mpt ion e nl o ye d by thq Ruler or Garraull ftom duty toT lt quoz eonsumed by him. /87 / 6.F.17/130/P/54Zziabtliti ec of t:e Pulers of Vwp.ror Land revenue ror Si r lgrlcultural Ineome- Tax àct on lands allotted toent of as them thetr private properties Land. kuestion of exemption of Rulers froM paym '' #' / . . 877.F.17/131/P/5Q Prtvate Property of the Ruler of Bi:awar. , 45 - - iti. ..- . .- a '''' ... - . ' - 2. . . . . . .- J ...-à -- - .- 2. ..- ' . ---- - - - -- . 878.F.17/132/P/50 yrovision of palace guards for :Ie Htghnes pror Pannn. s the Paharlll :, . J7 />k/P/5-* Ve, ava.cwlvyzagzp/sn 'er.s orappqtntmentorshrz x.c zaln to conduet khe case agatnqt shzt naroA xarmada rrasad stng: tn v ?. r, ( ? / / 7 J / f /â o 88c.F.li/z4o/:/so cdneesstons to Ruzers tn tespeet or p . ---. > - . - up e'Motot vehl egtstsntton ot f'lï /l3GX/a-J exten4edto ezt eh se -9 nc ega ug ee sr tM ta bh aa tra tn bt eso ercs on tc la ev sa sr tonmaybe - -r' 8az.F. 1l7 ï/1 574l'/P /z Toj.ne .quest or llts ntg>n.ss the , Maharala neleeted. F. /1 /s y/7/?5z /#/so tntezvtevvtththeupresident. orDattaforan 882.F.18-P/50#A zig hts and prtvtlegês of the rulers oî the Merged Rnd tnt egra.ted states exemptlon of rulers frou agrieqltr income-tax. ual ' 883.F.l8/1/P/5G/' Rights snd Pzivileges- Exemption from parment of teleph one eharges - Decïsion not to exezpt :is Highness th # Maharala or Horvt. 884.F.18/2/P/50 F Rights and Pttvtleges of Rqlet*s of e ntates - ixemptto nwrged and integratet f n frox pnyment of tegtstrqtton rees or àtrcrafts owned by tbex . 885. ) ç' r F.18/3/P/5: Exemptson of Rulers frox payment of Wtreless Licene* . feec. 886.F.18/4/P/5cF Present ation tntegrate d Stof Guard of Honoqr to Rnlers of Merged and ates.z. Firing or Salutes. / - 887.F.18/5/P/60r Dts posal of tvo Ratlva7 Saloonsl 4urehased by the Coehtl Qovt . beetsi fon r thm etpt eh rs onal useof 7.:.the Maharala erCochln e pttvtleges guaranteed to Rulers do no' eovet the matntalnance or saloons ror the Euler s use. 888.F.1.8/6/P/60 he Ptovtston of Mtlttarr escorts for Ralers vhen travelllnl . ; oqtstde thetr ôtates. . ' 889.F.18/7/P/50* auM'Su Blghts and prlvileges- Request rrom the Maharal of rgq)a that the expendtture lncqrred tn the eelebratiol or Dugsehra should be met by the state . 889:.P.18/8/P/60+ Rtg F ht: and Privtleges- Exemptton or payment of Court ees. 891.8.18/9/P/50< l ltghtsof and prtvlleget - Request frow H1c Ntghness thB Xawab T o f nk for faetlttefs to eelebrateCthe Id + estlval. 892.F .18/10/P/50j.*Privileges ot E.n ' j . the Maharal: of Xyôore In the mattér or t elephonq faclltttes. f 893.F.18/11/P/5:k.Aigkt:an4 prtvtleges telephone ractltttes ror E . R.the Mahqtaja of travAneprp tnvolved i r Qaestion whethmr expenditure s to be met :7 the State Qovt Qovt.ot India. .or by the a:4.e.I8/lp/p/so Rt,hts and Pxtvtllges - ne uest rrom nts nt h M jsorcuarkhartror lssueortnstzuctfon soth Ga ol va tra no sst se tatf regatdtng rtrtnc or .sazute . ?/ 89s.F.z8/l4/FzsoWMtguts a krivlï T 896 . . ay w en tto reetro ejq4 suo tr>Ru qa lerr spgxn xex p tn to n o roa u z e r s r r oz l a u r a s h t a g t o a z c o m l s s < o n e r e< , aalkot. ' F.18/1:/P/60 atghts and prtvtleges of aul Maharala of sqr ers- Request fv' pn:o gula to ofrered :tm the rr yed by :&m previously kn taktng ep' ' r' ,tc?-(/p1so #cayz..a F . . tq-z/PJFo * oj - 46 - .--. )--1h$i. -...- 1 ' .- ... ---... r,(,? a/F -vo 897.F.19 5/P 5n p kuestion of valldity of appotntment by the TravancoreCochtn Qovt.or Justlee Mr.C.Kunh1 Raman as the Chter i-e/ff ///915* JusticeoftheH1.chCourt.kuestionofvalldtty ofappoi- o /t-l9' /+' )r!s-o taent or Mr.Gangadhara Menon asa Rfgh Court Judge. (9/ '718/5 o . k Coyiu 898.F' .19/9/P/50 N Grant'of furlough to Justtce Srt X.Balakrishnia:j Judgq 4- rr1qjg/s/vc orot chve,.:HtghCourtorMysore. 899.F.19/lo/P/50 fàppltiations for appolntments as High Court Judges ln Part B Gtates. #G goo.F.zg/ll/p/sn-àppotntkent or sunuardas J.chhatpar as a pustne Judga or the lltgh court or saurashtra. . 90l.F.lV l3/P/50%'Flratton of te. nure of lligh Conrt Judges of Part B States other tban those vhose terms vere curv iled or extended beyon; the age of 60 years. Betttement of Sri GoA nda Xenon, Judge, TravancoreK ochinA lttgh Courtxbmfore attalning the age or 60 reqkc- Deeisipn that thfs will be a fora l restgnation by him of his appolntment. ' 902.F.19/142:/60S' otn or the ndore ble Ch ief Just of ndia on the Judictary tnHo Mys and aett onice take nl ther eon. l j 90a.F.l9/ï5/P/50VConsent of the Prestdent for the authorication by the lh lpramukh the uce of Malayalan !.n the prceeedings of the i . Travancore-cochln Elgh Court. I 904.1' *.l9/l6/P/5oVFtzation of the maxlMum number of Judges tn yach Htrh conrt under artiele 216 of the Constltutton.xhe High Courtstludgeo) 0rder,l95l. 9n5.F.l9/17/P/50'rkuestlon of the duration of the vaeation of the lllgh ( courtoraalasthan. 1 906.F.19/l8/P/50%*Grant of Honoltrariqm to Etgh Court Judges. Decipion that - the the Presldent uill %e necessary before an7 Judgeonsent e fs Jepof uted for non 4W ' - ludietal vo rk. 9û7. F.l9/l9/P/5oV Appotntmcnt of öardàr Gurnam Slngh as a Cudge or the Patlela & East Panja: States Unlon, Etgh Court. $,L 908.F.19/20/P/50< Representation from Rr.Kx ar Krishnx Shar,m*, a J' udge or the Ralasthan lligh Court regarding the determlnation of his seH ortt . b 9œ .F.l9/21/P/50 F.etirement of bhri Xohd.lbrahimj a Pulsne Judce of the llalasthan lligh Court on hst attatintn: the age of stxty j ! 7 years* # 910.:-.19/22/P/50 Appolnt . ment of Shrt P.K.sqbramania Iyer as a Pulsne Judge PJq/ss/jjsg of theHighCourterTravancore-cochin. $9ll.F.l9/Y P/so Muestion whether the pay or 1!1.;t1: Court Judges of Part B states should be sublect to Vbluntary eut. 9l2.F.19/zs/P/5oVkppolntment or shrt g.vqsudeva Murthy ss à J' udge of the xysore Illgh court. 4 913.F.19/26/P/50 Consent or the Prestdent ey the appotne ent of Shri R. venkata Iiavaia , Putsne Judre or the Mrsore Htgh court, f F , ICOCiIIV IOl8 D7It?'ToZ1DV3 ii17ClPs WolR e.*ZZOfXâions*S*ZRS' Ic!jz:lplb-v'àmendments to the Aalasth -an,xtg 7h colu.t ordtnance,lg4g. V* 9 14.F.19/28/P/50. 916.F.19/29/P/50:Consont or the Prc:idcnt to tbe appointment of Mr.lustice . , Kosankaran as Copatssloner for the purpose or conducting a foraAl and public inqaiu' eonneeted with the Bîiconduct or ecrhqin spnior Gazettpd offleer in Travaneore-uochln. 1 I .. 1. . - .- .. ..-. . - . 47 '- -..- - . ?-u. - -- .- ..--'- .. 30 - . 1w ..--4 - , . . 9l6.F.19/3n/P/5oJA xas mt es rr ettappolnt re;Dtsma trt ctasand sessto nsthe Judlt eg shoC rou Pr ar ts t ato es for nt Judges or tn part B skates. - X . :ly.F.1g/az/p/so' ,Ftx>ttonorsalaryajlo uxn ajr ea sxand zate yy rrr,ra ea gar g;lo njl te ha evt' t- t,î rop .éourt,Mp.sundaruasJ. /ö2/,(&-0 an Tpdavpaenncsotroen-scoc htnMr. Hljh whhatparok, à ' - the saurashtra Hlgh -ourt, Mr.vasudeva Murthr or the ? Hysore ntgh court and sadar Gurnam stngh or pattala & 'l ' . #r East Panjab Btars fnion, High Court. . 9l8.F.19/33/P/50*'llepresentation of Shri P.3.Krlslnna Pillal regardtng the valtdlty of h1s retlrment from the Chler Justlceship of' . ' th? lltgh Court or Travancore-cochin. 919.F.19/34/P/50%Btxatlon of the salary apd allowances of Hr.lustlce : l1a&a1 Kishore ys actl.ng Ghïef Justice of the Rhazasthan : l l I High Court. 92o.y.19/35/P/5oVappotntment of servtny'or retired Htsh Court Jadges On &d hO0 Tribqnals, ùzommlssionB Of lnquiry, etc. ' ! I f-,13(3û/Plb-oInstructlonsregardlng. I 921.F.19/37/P/50.Re-appointlent of Shri âbdul Hakim Khan and Shri Brlj . Klshore Trivedi, whose tenure of service expired on the 26th January 1951 by vtrtue or the orders of the : President under lrt.37G(2) or the Constttution as ' putsne Jadges or the M .Bharat Court. D*scussions relating to tlAe propriety of extending the tenure or a ': ' Judge arter once determlning lt ander 376(2) or of reappolntkn: hlm nnder àrt.217(1) on expiry of the tenure: ftxed by tlàe Prestdent. Interpretation of Art.376(2) ! by the àttorney General. . / 922.F.19/38/P/50kfbrinn kuestlo nofamendingtheMysoreHlghCourt*ct,1884 to it lnto conrormtty vtth the provisions of the . #' ' Constttutlon. $ 923.F.19/39/P/50 Appemls pending before the Supremem Court-Request fron . the saurashtra Qovt.that sueh appeals may be heard b7 i the High Coupt ttself- not granted. ' 924 .F.19/40/P/50V'Request on the Ron$ble Ch1ef Justtce of Indi, for the supply or coptes or notlrico.tions regardlng the appttso F,6qJ4/JP/5-& OfHighCeurtJudgesandJudlcialConmisstoners. 925.:. '20-P/50 :ef state Public Serviee Coyrl.ssions - Rules and regulatioh, P,zo-I/s0 1 l relatlng to . 926.:'.20-2/F/50Qdi Pn ub sl tr iu ccS tt eo rv nsicreFardlng eCommissisubmïssion on,Travancof orerecorrendations -cothln-Genêralfœ the appotntment of persons as members of the public ' ( . Serv&ce Compl. ssion. &< 927.F.20/3/P/50 ànnual report of Saurashtra Public Service Cqmcissfon. Appotntment of Xr.shantilal Sàrorf as member of Public Service Commissïon, Saurâshtra. 928.F.20/4/:/50 #' Publlc Service Compisslonj Mysore.lnterpretation of F.zoks :/ô'-?,Article31611)ortheConititution. / 92Q . F.20/6 P/5Ov# C lm hi pu bli c Sorvicue C onmensure lisslonthat Pcpsum z.Constituttonal Instns to the ar seey.peps to the requirements in respect of consultation with the P.S.C. ls ably obserbed. z' - T 930.F.20/7/P/50 .- Acceptanee of office by the Chariman and emberc of Public Serkice Coo ssslons on ceaslng to V ld those appolntments. Question vhether the Charlnlan and members of Pabllc Servtce Coo isslons on ceasM' fr to hold those appttoare eligible to hold apptts.as Mthister. ., ! - N ...-....,.-..-....... xf .yu 48- jgg . .. C e).- ' . . 3* - - ' . :: Regsl. lau on of commanal Qrcanïsations - Resolutlon regt ' 31.r.zl-P/5o . pass . . e; by the late Consu k' uent Assembly of India Y i '2.F.î1/:/P/50 lnotrycttons governlng the procedure for deallng.w1th *3 Govt.servants engsged in or assoctatfd with sqbverstve . v, . ttctlvl-u es . - f . i6.:4.22(2/19 .jagcàuo ( j.c , .j. j. oy <y, 4 933.:2.23/1/P1/5500,,V t s i t o ! l l j . s y w j y g y j y n u G . s c w s s u t h e $ X . a h u a z m o w v w v t . a o v . q . w r e/ j v for medt ll nt Blkaners tu oy Nurope 3- . , F 2.5-T so vistt cal treatment.Orantoffordgn exeltange for . #. .. 934.F.23/2/P/50 t'.Visl .t of B.li.the Kavab of Bhopal t the Ilnited Kinildom 2.lmport Licence ror eettatn goodsopur ehased by H.R. ++ ln the Untted Kiugdom. . 4bë 925.F.23/3/P/s0 J :V tjtt nt lî.n.the Maharala or Jaipur to Znited Kingdom ana 11 S ..A . t ' . 936.P.23/4/P/60 ( Pr C oposed vtslt of H. H.the Maharani of Cooch-sehar to zechoslavkia. 937.F.23/5/P/50 Exchange facilltets to HI*R. the Maharaja Tukolt J<o Holkar, Ex-ltuler of Indore to vlsit Swlt Unlte: Kknêdox and l/ntted Staten or àmerie zerland, Praneh a. , 928.F.23/6/2/50 4' Vlait ot AaJa shalendra Singh of Patiala to Copcnhagen i . n connectton :dth the Interaatlopml Olrmpie Commttee 909.F.23/7/P/50 Vislt or Hqr Htghness tbe Mah lllnr1om.2.Orant oF r/reign exchange prani Of Pat tla to U/Ited for tl el: vtstt Petmisslon for takin g out Jevellery ob:oad. 3. . 940.F.23/*/P/50 k Qrant of passport to the Aa1 nt Xirllls / 241F.2a/9z:/5o entore). vislt or Hrs nlghncss tue Maharao or Aundt to Evmope . 942. F. 23/10/P/50Vtstt of l ! . l 1 . ' 0 the Naue.b or EeDpur and famtly to Zurope . . . - . 4 f 'K ' wt l.q tut e pof nd reoreig htld n exthange for modteàl treatment of hts pen ?nd ror the educatton of his ehildren 943.F.23/11./P/50 Vistt of llts lllghness the Na&?ab of Palanpur tô Eqrope . 944.F.23/12/P/50.UBA Visjt of llib Btghneso the Maharao Holkar of Indere to . f . Swttxerland and France etc . Foreign exehange acillttte: ror ;er llighncss the Xaharant ot Holka r. , 945.F.23/13/P/50 Viskt oî Rîs ilighness the J' am SahMb of ll York ror atterdjng 11.:.0. orant or foreign Rwan agar to X exehange fev the vlslt. or h $ 946.F.23/14/P/505 Vtstt or H.H.èlaharani Brlnda of Xa , Cancell8, purthala Abroadtlcn or passport- Benevml of passport. 947.F.23/15/P/50: Vistt of Captain and Mrs.H.c pDhanda to Kngland and U3A G rant ot exehange fmcllitles. 948.F.23/16/2/506 Fenew ler Highnes: the èh hatani of Xabh:al of pasaport or I for her proposed vi6lt to :urope . . . 949.F.23/17/P/50: îequest froa Ror aïchncss t:e Hahazant neu Prova Devt of Patiala ror paFeport ror visit to Zur ?f ope. -' -95c.>. '23/:8/P/5oiYistt ot ills llighnesl the Hala of Faridkot and fartlr abroad. W -j , 95l.F.23/1.9/P/5o Xlssue of diplomattc passports to their Htghnes: th* . aàara. la and Yaharanl of Gwaltor for vtslt atr oad. 952.:' .23/20/P/50 WY 1ctnseo ej mtajun êtr a xa rp so rf yM ha 1h sqr va ijeKjm ua vr raP nr lejjr jjjeyjok; . a on ïuvralkumar Dlgvïlaysinghl: to V.K. ' l - m Q-- I . - ' . . . . .. 49- . . . . lr -là,' 9.- . - -- .. 2. 953.F.2:/21/P/60/ Passport factlittes to Kuropo 8nd the Unitod Kindow for the Aaja of Jath and Raneecahebd of Jath. 954. P.23/22/P/50f Vtctt of ills llighness tha Maharala of Morvi-proposal tn canell the passport or llts Plghness thtn Haharala or Horvt. i 955.F.23/23/2/50/ Vislt or llalmb of 'uruat to 7.K.for meettnr his son Rnd for the edueAtion or htg children and (o'tlecca < dedlna ete . on çilgrmage. 956.F.23/26/P/50V Peopoged vl.stt of Thakor Sah/b of Vadnah#an 1 European Counttres. 957.1-,.23/24/P/50VIlepozted vlsit of tbe Mltharala of Batltar to znited Fdngdom tmder a hlgtls P8ssport. 9s8.?.23z2s/pgsc: Vlslt or Xr.K.'.Shah, Privato Secy.to lî.H.thb Maharaâa oi garoda on tmportant bustness in England and Franee. 9&a.1n.23/27/P/59: Tssue of Passports to Aulers fcr vicit abraod.Deetsion tkat khe tt= trucktons for the gz'ant of passports apply to the members or the Rulers of Immediate faMtly also. S. 360.11.23/28/1750 iGrant of customs raciltttes to Her izighnesi l tho Maharan of ltawanc.gar. 961.17.23/20/P/504 Grant of rcr elgrlexch8unge '.o the Rani Pmhfhbc of Klm im garh for Kodiçal treatment aM edueatlon or euee chlldren l.n Swltzet/lltnd. 962.F.23/30/P/K # Visit of 11ls loghness to Paham ja of llir>lr t' m Buropean ( Counttrpt. t 963.F.P3/3l/P/:0' Grant of passkort facllities to Dra Eosster as Svits Doetor, for vzalting Bhopal to exaplne Bis Highness th* ll y awab's health. . 964.F'.23/32/P/60qPàssage Feciz.tties for the tfo servqnts of Vts Ptghness the Kaharala of Indore to r,o to the Vnlted Stmtes te attend on nts Rtghness-àttthortsatîon :7 the Beserve Bank for affordtng pnc8age facilitte:. 965.F.22/33/P/50,Reqtlest for tha pasEageeraclltties to llis Qtghness the Mallazala oç Jttlpnr and party to proceed N) Englan;. 966.7.24-p/:: z itll for the displqy nt tA G XatioM l Plng Qf Indl.a llys attonal Authem - plpyed. 2 o c'poclal occaslon when tt shoqld $: :6?.>-.2v zz1vsoz Indi.an llational Flag- Initm ts for Bource of ntanur8e ture . and supply. 268.F.:5-P/50 / Cnntinuanco of grants payable by llqmpur Stotc to varlop Instttutton: ttrd charlttet. 9i* f .P.26-P/50 *' Aliflrbations and llllr.roT'rl&tlons rade lty certmln Itulers o 2 o 970F .F,. :7 8-Y P/ /5 00 G au loa e toat f!s er Incs po e. C oc n w pr tu. it tn uS tt ra lm po sg le td son rom tb l wagKP ba sv ttn sc ta tesonandfrom . the eo= encerent of the Constltutton or Tndta. y 971.F.> -P/so u.- ' o Ad 1. 3 t rttt/o.nmhsoe, jro7/ ,Jg -aSmKJn%) 2Ck, qtlY.. 2e(nt.c !Assembl .L%t-y o the consu tl z aq. alL rt -ss . . Indta on aceount or mcrgnr or Khast states. 972.F.30*/50t. z lleged raldby Paklsuni subjectsand orrtekals on vtllrsttges 1n(1ltbe Khasl statez and Jantla Hizl Distric F and (2' gTriplzma. . . zo-Y/bn yo(. v.j . j - j I - ' V s- eo- - . .-...--.- ---. - .- ZG - W --. om 'Y--6 W '' - eN W . . .- - * 973.F.31-1:/50 s lppltcatl-on of lzavc ' Lo the Vntted Prnvincês' merger l :)c 'atenllùaEkpktr9 Barpar., 3: Rnd ' Johrl QarilWal). 974.F.32* /50 ' Z Xews Paperse an impose; br the Provic tal Govts/stotes/ ' Tfratons on the---or Paktc' tan. Instructtons that wlm a uewspaper o c pi,rludtcql ete .ls bazm ed by a Provtncl.al Govt.eopy of tlze rele-rant nottftci.tion should be forvari 4. erl to otber Provlnctal covts and thtec Co- lssloners. 975.1'..33-N 50 . .- szap.vjow.. 976.F.34* /60 - Repreccntc ntl.on or Coöche ehar in the West Bengp.l <'Leglalattve àssembly. 977.F.35* /50 w' liuminatlon of representattves of ' rehzi-GqrhwaljEqxput , F, and Danqres In the Privlnc1al Lec.llsative Assen*ly end 31-Y/b-o . coup-ctl. 978.17.38* /50 ' 3 O... ,/IJ.X. . AetltleEt fro? Bis ilighness the 'awab of Cqax lzr regardfngh 979.1i.39-P/30 s Eetnekâon or Zalutlng g' tulds br the ?lavat of Pqtaltdt as the setttng up or a 'lcouncil Khandan'' for.deallng ld th probless or Bts llirhness 'tlta Kavabl: p mlly. : prtvate property. 981 0.F .4>P/5û* Bltp2)-N!o,2Q5e-RU' $1%6ZRIY xz '2r/% F.41-P/50 r' Delllgnattorlor hegtolla,l ColnmtsBlonercc hange in. 98a.F'.4:)-P/50 . Prlvate propertr of ths Tzhaltntre Sabeb of VmetalBomY y) 983.1:.43* /50 c 9:4.i:'.44-P/6(). PrtvatG propcrt; of the Qhp.klaro Sahe: of W /-htlparlBomb ntgbes merger- Padras States employeosc ischarged perso nal-pam i gnt or Compenoatfon etc. ' ( 986.F.45-P/:0< PzVtvtypursegrantstnFulersorJltatr ls. -. gj j. yy ,cplkogun. ? . $-7.JI.-(Aukg gpy,j.y/1-. ..sjjo!)q 986.17.48* /5: + &llpJ)-:o,ttsor/yo, +'' ' 987.7.49-P/50= PmvmentD of annuitios to Srtchin State Servants. D88.17.t9O..P/K j Ccnrolwerfle of Rajprqblllz rhs held ln X'e.w Belhl on the Q89.i?.N, .-P/C'0 : Accountlng proeedure- lnctructions for tl' te preparatlon h 18th nnd.19t11Mnz.ch,lD5> Mtmltes r:f the Meettng. of Budget msticu tes of Hadras Kerzet i States. I ' # :9c. :?9:t.F. & -Pzsc$,x xslsp.-(7h7<.->x.l y'.s4.-p/s:,. ' vornlatlen or a nev ldtntstry tn Myaore. .p CbFs %-? V5s* z R ti ost oh ko' ltssoo notestnspectal col.m held br vartous 99 . . F . S6-?/So 993.F.58-P/50 1 lkp,ers. 994.F.59-:/50* Expepdtture incurred in connectton vlth carrylny on . Mtnutez or thG meetlng of thê Jolnt àdvisory Courcil fo the Pnnjab H.P.and Pepsu. negotiatgrns for tKe merger of 3andur. :9s@?*6c-pzso ' questlon vhetuer tue prlvate properttns nç the lfavab o: Dulana and h1s relattvf!s may 1)e declared as svaeuee êTopf?rtïes. ? . 996.F.61-P/50' . A l?scovery of the intercst on ' Lllo loan due frok H1. r Raza l1. Khanj granted 1)y t' ae Banganapallc Stpten aidsd. 997.F.62-P/50 * p.Q:-:D/Tc -h ' Peprosvntation rrom krAte xkxa:a nhtl Dattatraya Krtshtna lt Gaikwad or Kolhapur agalnst the doctsion of the h' -'(b)'I .;e; Bo aj yv, t.ror non-payment oç compensatton for land. nl Bmb co gGzov ynj 99s.F.65-P/50 œllr . $tw ox v , 999.17.66-P/50z/ jya tP oS s.ofreymentofprtvr purse to Rulers of PartB y.t a7-Plsc kcoyo ..o I - .fa . . 1. ... -- - .9- - . ... lk t3 2.- . .- : ! . jo rn,f ,a z' o j yto ll* Ja *z ttl o *4% . a' l lt n 'V c lv eb skfP 2l sav np tt / zoIl: (8MihZ lotn .r.cc@. /so * 1' .apresontl.t as sul'uneo j ' dauchrer arter his death. y %' '' Atvl ate property o1' the llqler 1005.7.69-12/:0 öettylenlept of tnventonzot p) or sirol' ài. -- l '. . % l00G.::'.7> P/50 ' l'ixatton of tiïe privy pqpse o, C semic ttrlsdtcttotnl and son-lqristlietional Gulal-at iitaw tqs mergr!d tn Bolabtty. ' + - 1007 F.71-P/50 g, Propos 'al of Dobmtty covtmthat zja kore or Lalmandva may . execute pri.vy pm 'so ugrecxent tn form 11 as ikl ttto case or be 'ml-lnrtsdtettonal mllers of (lnlarat. . 10:8.12.e/2e /50x Ftghts & prtvtlegss - Concessions enloymd by ilts Ilighnes: ' the Pyhara. la of ' rehrt-Garhwql in regard to registration tqxatzon ete .0f his raotor vehicles. l0œ .1p.7a-P/ôo * Sup lr of m p by Part 3 & c states tn surveyor Geners.l F ' of lrtdta rorpteiartncanex t caporIndta. 7sl j P /0S%67 ic t r . xnpoï'tbeôtatesorthc'tulerot1$arcjclaasan e' sc lmu12.7 -P/: l t o tndependent roreign sovertgn. , ln11.P.76-P/e0 >' lnventow of the privake properties of tho Tiakore or jjuPa@ ' . 1G 2% F* 7?-P/5o *' Prtvate property or thrlThakore Saheb of Xa'godttgom'ha7) lûl3.P.'?A-P/5û '' i' tclnission or Stalnp duty cm llayElents or pzxlAry purse 'Lo th hllers or rlerged Dtatcs in Plm lab. ( 10l4.!'.'FJ-P/5Qe àglv ariakllrerapmsl.nl'r xrtC Stlte, s. lD15.F.8û-P/5O 4 Loan granted to idlmata &nd Ilalmatas mother by the lute s +- .. 1ar Darlm r-vrtte offa l ! f Ta RDC lnl6.F.82-P/ôr) / ' rermtnolgy and rofqe ot addrecses or i'art B , ' t :c states. j:.,%(7 T .j prl.vy purse to llts ntghnes: tye Mahepala ot l()3v. 1I F'.F M;3-P Y/. n 50t ,?k. Payment ' rjz . : /.+ . .or ..val. ' JBnri-t larh Payment of allovances to thc relatlves or . * the ha harala or l'ehrt-carhvral.ctvl.l ttst Aeservo #= d of the Mabaraâû or e l'ehrt-narhwalwptivate propemties of t:e XalAara. la ot Sehrt-Gariw al. St k t N ( h k +o 2 / i 5' P ' t t i 3 . t ' V 2 i . ' 7 ' C b ' meritœe 107-2.17.8* P/50 .. Inst t.q ioll of Fuitable am rdr ln reeor ltlonL of riolls publie s. vmvl.ce Iriter ftlnlcterja:t meetîng. 1019.17.86* /50 Appotntmtntt or Tmperlal Dm.nk of India as trustee of the lh baralkumar Fup. d tn Cooche eim r. lQ2û.F. .87-1 3/ôQ Allowanees to Pelmatas and other relatives or th: Rulers 6021.:.88-P/60 Allowynceo to the relattves Qf îuler: or States merg6d 1 or states merged in Dombair. tn M.:radesh. cap F.89-P/5n #. uppt of certtfted copy o-f-thy merger àgreeme .t siened . lQ22 C 9&-PJ/-O ' ? r ' Asctzh/tlpzl u-t k' t%/$. s.r%-.' 1J. -' Z (. % ! the lateH.ll.the MaharavalorBarta tomesstsTHakur dns & co. >ombay and other s:mtlar cases. yotybn.-p/f v sollin; of an â2â âireraft b7 Rysore Govt. 10$!3.F.92-P/50 1 Questf Propocrd to take aetion under the Officiqls Secret âct against the Editor or the llefyspaper 'KIDI' ## l124.P.94-:/50 + Publteation or prmss intervlew gi:en by shri :amaldas Gandhi to Dr.Arrende dp Aguîre 8 Portqgese Press Corre: pondent ïp Prb4rese mnd Indiqn Papera. f - 52- . .v s z. . , jgj., s 1î-) . 1025.F.95-P/5c ' l hequest from the Thakorc Saheb or Ramas for the change tn agreement from Zamindarl to Prtvy Purée . 1026.P.96-P/60 W Slip. l027.F.98-P/B0 u Peference D< from , the Q-ovt *PZY IU A hYhXW G vof Paklstan requesting that the y ; ' ovt.of Indla should bear a portton of the sq' bsldlcs and Qutt rents parable to H.R,the Khan of Zy,lat tn tespeet o pf pre-partltion pertod. Decision that kovt of Indta do >k not aecept any liabtllty for the payments of substdtes Rnd qutt rents du4 to the Khan of Kalat. We 1028. !P.99-P/6n - Instruetlons to Part B and Part C States to ' faetliti avatl of the es afrorded ky tbe Secretartat Tratntng School for training their stafr. ' l029.F.l00-P/50 W àpplication frou Messrs Qhose Cook A Sons for pezmission to remft a sum of :10976/7/9 to their Londo offtce on account or sundry expenses by them on behalf of HIs lllghness the Maharaja or Daroda vhtle he va: ln Kngland from May to àugust 1947. j l03Q.F.lQ1-P/5û , s lqetuest ' froM the Qovt.of Xysore for permission to ' A qtiltse a sum of /6784.62 held by the Mysorê Palace in merica for the purchase of Ruslcal aecessorles, Camera parts etc for 1he Palace- Xot gtanted. l031. P.lG2-P/60 s Grant ' of rotetgn exqhangm for the import of the Mysore ralace. lssue of sl@nket lieence arttcle s for to eover the ' ikports or musical acecssorles ror the Mysore Pal , ace. l032.F.103-P/50 Prtvat property of the Ihakur Saheb ot ' w klparil 3ombay) P 5: V Prtva tè Pr lc33.F.104- / operty or Il.H.the Bawa: of Rampur. I 1034.P105-P/60* P/tvate property or the Thakure Gaheb nr L1kh&(B . - #Z omba7) 1035.F.106-P/50 > Comm 'h utation of a portton of pension of Xi2 Fateh A1i an of 3anganapalle. Repreoentation frow Rafsqnntsa :egum of Banganapalle for the lncrease in her allovance , ' .- 1036.F.107-P/50y.. Prtvate propertles of the ruler % of Spndarp .#, ' l037.17.108-P/50- Pzivate property of the Tahakur Saheb of m androatsombay) l038. F.l1l-P/50 .s, Question of maintenance and repatps of prt or H.n. the llala of Pudukkottat. 1039 h vqte properv v/ . 12.112-P/50 àlteged arrest and detention as seçurtty prlsoners of Me*src. Abdul Gant and Mohd .ïastn alt oî Srlhet.gistrtet by T rtliura uovt. lo40.F.1l3-P/5Q > Provtston or Pelace Guards for E1s Rl of Rysore. ghness the Maharala i lO4l.F.ll6-P/50 ' Bvis Illness of the Fela or Xandgaon. Sendinq the Raja to zerland. 2.Fore&gn exthangp faeiltties ror the Rala or lïandgaon and partr. lo42.F.ll6-P/5o> Cust oms exemptlon certtftcate- Hysore. ï / lQ43.F.ll7-P/5û' - Ae qùest from the Xaharalas of Jaïpur/and Qapurthsla to have an audi yarky. tnce utth the Kin, and to attend the Garden l044 #' ! F.ll8-P/50 Polic: persecutton In Tndta of certRtn memb com#unity domiefled in Qà Californta. ers or Indtan lû45.F.ll9-P/60 i Mah Payment or pttvy purse to Her Ilighness the Dowager . arani of sant on beAalf of the minor Ruler F,ftQ. 1Djb-c . 1 1 j j t -' il046 l . F.l2û-P/ . .sa. . n. . - .- ' M Grant of Cnstoms exemptt :. 3- js ., yj . . . . .. . , - or l00 ea on certificate for the import se: of vhtsky ror the personal use of Hi Htghness Nle Xaharala or Kolhaput. l047.F.l2l-P/5o jvekueatfon of the dïvlston and allocatlon of as .M . - . s <' lia:iltttes of the former S1*0*1 St sets and Govts or gombay &nd F ate betveen the or Sentor D alasthtn. Increpse or allovance ovager Haharant of Siroht vith erfeet from 1*4.1951. guestton of the futute adwintstratton of àd arsh Oram Fund. li >CA 1048.F.122-P/50 #'àceoxmodati on of dtsttngutshed vlsttors in the Gqect n ouse at Banaras. zo49.F.lc3-P/6c Problexs artstn out zt the exehange ot enelaves arfe ' eted und erthe grovtncesand stateslàbsotptton or snezaves) Qrier 1950. l05o.F.l24-P/5nê /Bxemption from payment of 1 kumars or Satoda custom duty by the Maharal- . 1051.8.125-P/50 K'îtequest rr om Ilis Htghness the Maharala of Mys ore for tb grant of foteign exehange to the exte expenses tonnected vtth Phtlh nt . ot <2o,o00/-fo. l atmonlc concert. Instructio issqed b7 the Govt tegardln ns the pre lor a Part $3$ State paration of budget estimates and 1052.P.126-P/50 . . I connecte!matters. i 1053.P.128-P/50 #,à dminlstratlve instrqetion6 lscued rrom ttme to ttme by Cbt er Commlssioners to thelr subordtn after lnspectton tours. ate irfteer: - U 'i t e property of the Thakore saheb of sathamba I 1054.P.129-P/50 1rva w lQ55.F.130-P/50 # âlvanee br 1. 3000/- to the.Vyler of Athgarh l056.F.l3l-P/50 *' .Slip 11 ' . l057.F.132-P/50 QAJn Parliament to be dealt vith i è' . . n the M.H.A.and ln * fsupplytng the necess a r y i nforr e tl Coxrtsstoners Provtnces under th on tn respect of Chtef 1058 ( &+el e eontrol of H/states. . F.133-P/60 Personal prtvileges or the V'ulers of Btates R Faharala or Saroda Grant of exeluatve shooting.H. the and rlstlng grants. . l059.F.134-P/5oo < mds or the defunet Rastern Statos l o6n. . . F.1a5-P/50 rïvtleces enloyed by the Rnler or Banaras unêer sectto 6 ot ctvll Procedure Code . 1:61.F.136-P/50 k. ltp ,l) j . a q l062.F.137-P/50w arrant of'arrezt under section 406 IPC ;.3.SinEh satd to be .agalnst Srt 1. ' son of ex-Auler of saktt State. l:63.F.138-P/5G - P1 jrmtstton to file sait . '''''''-qbvay ''' ''' - '- ''' . 7 A againct the Thakote Sahtbe of ybaliara. Famas and ttkht rot thei 7 lehand Aehta , denled. m Mnpaid dues to Mr. 1064. F.139-P/50 $-e.$ &pw ) ! ..- . 1065.P. ? u 14Q-P/50 ' Grant of allowlncos t H ler: of St o Balmatas and other relattves of . y /y -# ' l066. F.l4l-P/50 , ates Merged in orissa. z' '. U c or certatn golden Batroda on Basant Pa artlcles by ll.ll.the Maharala of .j nchamt day. 1X 7.F.l42-P/K e-sult rtled l)y the Ruler or :erei%ella i Co t n the Bupreme or Indt ad) regardlny seratkella stltes merger tn :t artDismi sse . , . ' F'1h3W fS-. k l . - 54. z. -- - ? . 1:68.F.:44-P/50 e Public security àcts- Petitton l1o.X7I of :950(7nder A rttcle 32 or the constttutton ror a wplt or prohtbttton and c!rttorart) Judgement deltvercd by the sapreme coqrt o r Inata on the 26th uay zqsn. 106:.F.145-P/50 h' Eoptesentatton rrom the Ball or Dheàkanal agatnst the lè ae E qutwa lthtba ttono ertûrtss ctn laanjovt. reco rde: inconst theurctt nameo ror the ant byre the for the on votertnary Dtspensary. -rAl0?0.F.l46-P/50 kdArrangements for the euStody and Ownershtp Of the aptitle in Javahirkham at Baroda. j ke. pt - i i - y l k y . jyyyy , .r..:. p )c?( rv!n% $'w.ï w ïzn .v.ï47-?/sn k'''wàrrant or Precedem e. Q-/kf kla h .s pt z-.. d j ., 1072.F.148-P/50. Grank of leave to Mtnister of Part (9) Stater. 1073.F.149-P/50 . Qrant of Marriage expenses of the eldest daughter ' 1 ValkumartBhri glrnala lialeof theBulerofSandur. 1074..*.15:-P/50 , I Recervntion of seats for dtfferent eoKmunittes tn loeal ooozes. l 1075.F.1.51-P/50 ' Usath of Shrimant Madhavram Barihar raQ alias Babasaheb 'atwardhan of O ouccesston of Shrimatn Chkntamanrao 1076.:-.152-:/s: 1077.1?.154-P/50 ' I Sv NadhavtaoalteasBalasahebPatva l .,zdhan. erchant shtpptnr ActstExtenston) to Accedtn, states. se of Xavastlrî Dhadaka Bungalov and the Dxmrka Villa. rivate Property of Tl.llpthe Maharala of Bax da, by tha i ) ombay Govt. i I 1078.F.155-P/50# SalarydrawnbySirZafrullahKhlnfrom thedefunct hamber or Prtnees. = #- l j 1079.1.156-P/50 *' ttlicatton or Cpsh Balances of Cooch-Behar.lmprovement f cooch-Behar àtrstrtp. lo8c.F.157-P/50 è' nstruetion to all States to establtsh a convention vher y pp nt the tce or terla thè n1 o sn hoa ul dot ce ame sent toto hol d aor nyrap pot ntMi ment ntshe y pt rn ee vu tmb- . usly have held tn other organtsations. 1081.F.158-P/60. egistative Chambers tn the Statos lcceding to India lO82.P.I59-P/50 . rant of leave to Ralpra=lkhs. r'lio-T/.b -o 1083.F.161-P/50 , ' oreign exchange for Meeting the edueational expenses f the Xuvarala of Sandur.z.vfsit of to V.K.ete.Ra1a f Sandur. 1084.F.162-P/50 & nstruction: thût the Rulers of the Kerged and integra md States shpuld not b: referred to in ûrflcipl eorre pondence as 'Ex-Rulers' or ac Former Rulers. 1085.:.163-P/50t remter Ptsttllery and Chemteal Works- àgreement with kalkot State.lBombayl. v l086.:.165-P/50 e aily and Trnvelllng allowances admisslble to members f Parltament served on the Ralasthan and M.:harat ? agtrdart-colctttee. 1087.P.166-P/50 - /. epresentntton rrom Sirdar Bldt Jéffnr Sidt mahmud hekhantj PresidRnt, the Malltse Ah:lb Baqdaran, 1tyasat, Janltra for the conttnuanee of the allowance the Sanadhts after the merger of Janglra in Bombay l088*F@l67-P/d0: ecords eonnetted vtth Dhondo Pant (Nana Saheb) wh 'o was C M ec#ed with the evcnts of 1857. 4, '' j ! ' . .. ..s 1ë $1 q5 ; ,. ,. - a I . I .v ? ?rjyk ze-I.- 1089.F.l70-P/:0 $7 ppotntment of Interposed âdvtsers Nn P l090 art B States. . F.l71-P/50 r / ecoxmendatlon s made by b7 thelAdvtsory Councils tn Part C tates and aetton taken ivernxtnt ot Indi oeal adltnistrattons or the è' a as the c:se may b:. lo9l.F.l72-P/:o k' 1 studtion: to the Chlef Xinisters of P art B Etntes to s bmtt reports on the pro H ntstry or states. ' grccs or tntegratton ' to the 2.F.172-P/50 r : cuest for the restroation of property to Shrt E fplunkar of iavhar sta . :. l093.F.l76-P/5Q #.Bopba ' y Governm Cq t . te. i ; , ents approval on the aetion or th eollec tœ1 o fjBaroda tn handtng over to the eomptroller oreHo usehol d; or B.il.the Maharala of Baroda l R#s Highness: decoration, : Me als ete . 1094.F.176-P/5Q t' Re oval of b , an tmposed on the entry of cemtain nevspapers pusltshed in Pakfstan. ' za)s.F.j.77-p/scr c yo 1)t ent :4per sh attora y un nev - ,r l096.F.178-P/5: #'Heej tings of R see a a n 86 o f C tf tl j.. st t:e sta ' . . le R;r *d' la r;al*& dOsa os>S' lB Z, j E ! t i t ' . ulers of Stotes-lleport by Intelltgence Bu2 au thereon . 1097.F.179-P/60 P Que tion oç or Hazur San ur Statepayment under ,he Pal Tours etc v to the Ruler or acelcivil List) Proelamatlon l94 . kuestion of paymcnt or and Vuvrani or sandur. allowanees to the Yuvrala, 1098.F.180-P/50 1% Indo Paktstan Secretartat level co earl tn August 1950 I ' nrerence to be held . 1099.1*.181-P/50 . Cooc e' Behar encl aves 1h East PaktstRn of'l:Qû.>'.l8k?-P/so- Wtreless messages sent to sardar V . Mini ter ror utate allabhbhai Patel l10l. F.l83-P/5c ? àdminsstrqtlon s durtng hts crutse in R. I.M.S.DIIhI. of Pakiatan enclavcs withi n the Cooch3,1%(72/70 Behar paktsGtate r and or the Cooch-Behar enelaves vtthtn the 1lo2 tl c w-.F.l85-P/5cW Legislttve measures in Part C States. -- . x-. . . f'/S' G-X //VOvnvepcr'e' u ntatton rrom the aala or sandur agakn 1103. . za7- so $ ror tk vhlch tnvttations Tmre tssued or xadras tn connectlo st the to htM by the Govt. the t guratlon or thenIwlth the eeremontes abserved ror ndlan Republtc. 1104.F .188-P/50 ' Supply of forei . gn liquor t o Ris Htg hness t h Cooch- ehar free of exise tax- Deetcton noteto Xaharaj a of eontin 1105.P.189-P/50 1. Clatm tt Bi ue. ndra Shah tn reo ct r ofXare securlti j ex-loharala or Tehrt-Garbwal l1 es etc. 06.F.190-P/5O * àrrest f Dr Dhanpat La: lreha . . Patiall A Bnct Punlab States 7nion n altas D.P.R.Trehan ky the Polie 4:; z.p c . e under settion l1j)7.F.l92-P/Jol àdmlnis rattve reorganisatlon of Centrally àd Areas.ö ply or tnf mintstered ormation to publtclttnns Division Mlnistr or Informati , . on and sraodeasttng ll;8.F.193-P/6o z ' àppoi . ' roll ntx nt of a Gpoclal Qrficer bz the Qovt u tmpgrtant matters at D . of Mysore to Govtov elht artstng betwqqn th . and the uovt.of 'ndia x YY . at i . ... ' - ' - - P > . *.a. .- - - . .- .. ' - IV tV - u m .o . - -- - . .. ...- .. l'I09.F.194-P/50 Issue or Corrigenda to the Provtnces and States (àbsorptton of Enelaves) 0rdet,1950 and the India anG . Hydpzabadttcehange of Enclavesl ordetyl950. l11Q.r.l95-P/5o 'elephone syttem at Vilayanagartsombay) and toher prtvate property matters or npn.the daharao of Vijayanagar. z.Deetston of the Qovt.that R.d.shoald pay r'ntal ehRrg4y ' to the P & T.gepttpfor the telephone uses by htm. i J I lll1.F.l96-P/50 Formatlon of a zuler: Vnion, nnser the Chatrmanship of : Rts Htghness the Haharana of Dholpuz. i y ' 1112.F.198-P/50 $ guestton referred to eustoms dtlty from the Pakistan ' customs authorittes ln respeet of a typevrtter Imported tn 1946 ror the personal use or H.îl.the Haharala of Mysore. I . l1l3. F.199-P/60 U Aesoluttons passed at the àll Indta Demoeratit eonventlor and Land-lllder, Conrerence l4tb & 15th May,l950 o. t Lucknnv. 1 ' 1Il4.r.2oo-P/5ot'pressnotes.PressComnuntques ete.tssued b7 the Govt. . of Xisore. ' llA6.B.201-P/ô0 . Appointment of Xr.à.n.so7anthin as âdvoeate Gcneral of Mysoze. 1116.F4202-:/50 Ltabilïttes outstahdin: against the former Surgula State vls-a-vls the Mahrala of surgula. ' zzlv. rr kc- F.co:-lz/so l'rlvateProleruesortneMaharalaorcooeh-Besaroarleeztng state. &, l I l zza.r ocov cx-p zso s .ïon or ) trust q ror tlw lllv. Flzp/so azz rp satt przvate property ot x.x.tl.e yza% rala or saroda. #- 1120*F*zos-lv sok- Judtelal admtntstration or siroht pertatntng > entlaves. ll21.F.207-P/5nk llowances to the Senior Rêni Sphiba of sayagaru. 1122.1, '.208-P/50 # se or thv term lllultng Prinees & Chtersll. Deeisïon % at tile term 'liulers of Indtan Btatepl' mv be used l.n the lace or NRuling Priees : ChiefEM. ( 1123 F 2* * /501 :'lîp.. @* t equest . jrro lmf .pt .ars a:< zastnd8rs vhose states have . lra. z kd 1l24.F.z11.p/a; ' F'z1z-3D/so e rgededtnbyBom ay .sefo t ng theofsup plytna ofléo ptes of arr eemuted ent xecut tb he x. ndt orïg Agte eme nts exec y Talukdera & zapAndars to 'ombay- , (: - 1125.F.213-P/50 1 aestlon or bearïnc the liabtlïties of the formet Baroda tate consequent on tts integratlon tn the Province of ombay. 1126.F.206-P/50 $' equest from E.xpthe Xaharala of Kolbaput for the grant f fozetgn exehange for the pqrchgse of arms and rounitlon rrom the BnIted KingdomlGranted). L.:?r '' / lla?.F.214-P/5o '' w' zocedure for the counterslsnature or eustoms exemptton . iq-c rttrkeatesln rcspect ot :9 and gl guns Hulers. e l.ston of Auzes regardïng rree entrz or baggages. - -!' zzaa-F-zzs-pzsok test#* os-e$%tec ' r pt, ' A zo,1 *â* or'Ane ' Tn'' t *' k/m' O essVuxe's 'e o' n 'lo o.,er harani oé Kilhapur froM payment of customs duty. 1129.F.216-P/50# pyjjtjjjo trojag aijjardo tr arba fn ojatjaeha pr ajm .entorprtvypursë I ' I l r - 1î' ,t 1130.F.217-P/50 -'kqestlon whether the Govt.servantsl Conduct ' Fnl:s wtll be applicable kz Mintstor. gcclcton that G.S.C.H.are no# appz,lcable to the members ot tfe couneil or nintstmrs. 1l3l.F.2lC-P/50 Coipensatton clatm in relpcct of contbpcts made prtcr to the Merger of Baroda Btate. i h 1' .2 0. ! 1132.!2.219-P/50* llequest or Mr X.Ggsowant, retîrcd Judge ind à(1d1tlonal , oesstons Judge or Kollapor for the increase of 11ls i penstons-Relccted. i , ' f 1133.F.22O-P/60h Functions asslgned to the Prestdent under the Constttntl' ll34.F.22l-P/5o% Representatton regardtng the transrer of certatn vtllag'! I $ 1135*F@22214/50 v Proceedlng s of the Mysore Zeg&slative àssembl7.l950. ! from PunlablGurgaon District) to Ealssthan under the Provtnees and Stateslàtsorpstion of Bnclaveslorder 1950 ( i 1136.P.223-P/50 # Lqconstttutlon of the àdvisoz'y Council for the àndaman lslands. ' : 1137.F'.224-P/50 Y Provision of palaceeGuards at Government expense to . ovager Xahqranis - Deciéîon tbat QR*pds cannot be rovtded. 1138.F.226-P/50 '' omnunal clash at hlulbagal, 'olar District. Mysore. 1139.F.227* /50e' lequest fro? the V vt.of llysorc for the reprintlng atld elling of coples of the Constitutfon of lndia - 1140.F.228*/50 F ositàon oç Slkkim in relation to the Vvt.of Tndia. ( 11+1,F.230-P/501 l ela ot l zt av nc es eo tf oE l fah alku =rtajSu ira z auder andteo th lla .r the Mahar adh of CoP oche ehar-Fore ig ner . xchange allottltlnt for the Tetd ttance or the allolzance f Maha Ralkttmnri Sudhtra Mander tn England. 1142. 8.231-P/50 1 quest from ilis Eighness the Xaharala ox Patna for #-' a ranglng suttable accommodation etc qfor the Marrtage of h s seeond daughter at tucknov. : 1143.F.232-P/60 / P yment of privy purse to llis Highness the Nawab of ' ' . P npuz anâ allovances to the Lembors of Ruling ramily . 1144.F.232-:/501 H eore Governmpntls requûst f@r exemption rrom obtatntng t port permïts from the ovtpof Indla for Gramophone R cords and other articles of minor value from Exrope I ! a-d àmerica for the personAl use or the Haharala . 1145.F.234-P/50: àcttvïttos or cortain Musllm officials tn Mysore. I t 1146.F.235-P/50 R Co trol of sale and possesston of actds. ' 1147.F.236-P/6: p Ad ion of the Iribal àreqs in Assany speciried tl Pa tntstrat t à or thc tqble qnder paragraph 20 of the etxth U Sc edule to the Constttutton. ' ,%< 1148.7.237-9/5:' ., Ba tshnent of Indtan llatïonals on crlmtnal eharges by tht Qo t.or Xalaya. '?? / 1149.F.238-P/50 C Tl ui fo -n tx ens tuo toby thM ers rh gntt nrdr ee fe db lu nr gse tm he tf tt bh re ouc go hs tls agt an lv no sl tve td hem GaJ bal naraltngax and others- Mysore. 1150.F.239-P/50 Z'Ves Dom t llng of propertlcn in the merged states in the . 2 on Qovt. ll5l.F.240-P/50' ,S Pr to an ted suw rerf ortn t*ePar hajr'mjnj ofprlvypurAestoRulersof god wtates. . . . . - .. 5<! -. ' ' . . - . .- . . .- .= . 2. - - - - - - . - - - . k E 3. - - l15a.F.24l-P/ô0 ;.lnatrumeuts of lccesston exeeuted by the R tn Paktstan . qlers of States ' 1153.F.242-P/50 h Trust Fuads or %he Sonepur Darbar. 1154.F.243-P/50 1! Death of Hts Hi ghncss the l4aharaja Str #arendra Shah or Tehrt Gamh:m l. - ; 1155 F 244- P/50 O Prtvlleges of Hts llighn * * ess the 'avab of Ranpar in respeci or rree lmports of timber etq . g F.245$150wx gonttnuance or. rromtheLl maun tviston ' &a ' wl q that the pertodt 6-1156.F.246-P/K *'PP3rocpeos cal letters addressed br the - trecident tc the V vernors should also %e addrcssed % j ' ' , ! he aajpra-.khs. 1157.F.247-P/5û w'Asanction for expendltur e lncurrèd by the H .ppGovt in on t:e temples in the years 1948-49 1949-50. and e1950-61 Examt of the questton of grants to reltgious and othernatton charttable tnstituttons. 1158 .F.248-P/50 pp ProceeGings of the Advtsor y Council. àlmer. 1159.F.250-P/50 # Theft of explostves in the Pw xysore. %oD.Magasincc at IY rkonahalt 116G.F.252-P/50N kuestton in Parltamont by Sarda: llukaM Stngh regar:lng the number of persons arrested an4 detai . Preventtve detentto ned under tke on n a=t an; the number of detenures vhoBe beha1.f appltcatlons were rtle; to %he Supre Coart or the Htgh Court. me 1161.F.253-P/5:' $ Questlon ln Pnrllament by Shri Kamath rer of persons ln detentlon in Part A, Part Byardtng & Partnumber C Btatef I vithout trtal on 1.1l.195û. 1162.F.265-P/60 =C , Proposal from R. R.the Xaharala Jam Saheb of Navanagar f ccnstltutlon of a MCouncil of P o! dl ,putes betveen Aulers hnd thetr rlne es ' ' t o adl q d t e at e fxmdly members . 1163.F.256-P/50 i ku4stlon tn C Parltament b7 Dr.h.G.S:ngh regardtn: the number or o>o lntsts hcve been shot dead ln the country stncb January 196: and of thœ q vho h an4 convlcted- gïsalloved ave been arrested . ll64.F.257-P/sû'' kuestton in Parllament :7 Shri Sidhva regarding the nuabe of easts trie dk Cou/ tzch alle nging the vy t:e niyh Courts and the Supreme D etention àct,lgso. altdity or the Preventive % 1166.8.258-P/6û ;.CPreventtve Detention Act9195c - Validity of. Supreme ourt Judgments. 1166.12.259-P/50 î Import llcen for the e of Xozls zoyce Car %y Rer Htghnessce Chl mnabh atPurchas Ga ekvar of garoda. 1167.7.26:-P/50 d Death of TNakor S Bhadarva.successlon ahbb l7atv mrslnhlt orGhrl Kunar Shrl sam Ranlttsinhli of arstnhlt to the Gad: or Bhadm la. artilaysinult :atv1168.P.262-P/:0 Provlslon of a pol&ce guir; at the kesidential wada Jahagtrdar at Mira: or Q f '1169.F.263-P/50r Reprasentattons prote , vtllages to Hyderabad. stlng atalnst the transfer of sombm 1170*F* 2G4-P/50 i Cost of prt -; nting of Mapa of lndla sqpplied M o r I n i t a s h o vi ng t h e p y the Surveh cosstttutlnn and incorporated osition or àt a t e s un de r the nev ln the vld le pa Inlian Utatec, publtshed by the M/states . per on j : i - 1.'<, . . . . .- . ' 58 - j, . . .. . . . .. .... .. 1 .. ., .. Z 171.F.266e /oo . . .. s. . .. ,* gequost ror sancti one lac) ror the mon a s:atreatme or p.ljt njcogg. (noyzats edt ealcte Xaharanl of IlarodaRele d. nt or llsllp the Juntor zzva.p.aoc-pzoo v W port or foodstuffs &x) Paris Tor use of 11 .1 Gaekm r of Baroda. l.the hlahara; N 1173.1.267-P/50 ? kuestion œf exempttng Aegional C motor vehieles bezongtn to ommtssioner's offtces from A egtstratzonand parment or tqxes. d*-zlv4.r.26B-P/5n e Elstor7 sheets ot :ad clcracterslstnd). 1175.F@269-P/60 / g Communql teptesentatton in servlzes of the âccoqntc . eptt.of Mysore.àlleged kssim or ord Qnvt.for the conftra tt ers by the Mysore onDeptts of & nuxber of tlerks ee . servinn tn t ho ' rederal' ion c .Dectston tl m t the matlon ee .of starf or the A le rn oe mo ra tl, Vsonfir ccotm tant orelsamtterenttrely fortheC and àudttot General to constde omptroller relavant ord r keeptng tn vto l the ers issued appltcable to Centz' al Se these n tters. rvants l.n 1176.P.270-P/5: Dlvsersion of trao IrI Dzamond Jubizee and ètemorïal Trustehree Fkndssayaj j naroda. 1177 .7.271-P/50N. #Arttclec or furnttu Govt.or Myeore retained re and byreferenee books telotngtnc to sr& B.puttaza: grsmex-luèce ntgh Court of Xysore. 1178.F.272-P/50 of kravelling allo iuestl hiefon Zns6f ticpcrnent eanJàdvocate vances etcoof t:e General ot Xyqor vistttoDelhtforth:inaqgurationoftheS eup or npm te hejo rup: flzvn-v-cva-p/sc Policy recardlnc the aimi - +. ' 1180.F.274-P/50 situpked in H nlstration of tenpleB vhleh erged and Integrated Stqtes. Birth of a son to the î aja of Sandur. 1181.F.275-P/50 àbsorptl.on ot surplus staff of Pudukkottat Gt Central Govt.Deptt. ate in 1182.P.276-P/50 Qucstio ofand reviston Geratken lla Khara or prtvy purse or the Rulers of sqvan. lz8a*y'* avv-pzso' -''Pqyrnent nr allovanee 't Il.llg tl1e èsaharala of Tehrt o Haharal -oarhmkumar l. :.s.shhhybrother of :184.F.278-P/50 Memorlals ror the restor th: rormez Koroa state. ation or tke patna zamtndnrz tu 1185.F.281-P/5: 1186.F.282-P/50 :187.F.283-P/80 1188.8.284-P/50 y' Interchange of Fortni gbtly Beports betveen Mrsore and 3emlay, l:ydetabad. Madras and Qravancoreicoehln. Chhatrapatt àllovgnce or :l Kolhapur - Liabiltty in recpeet s Etghness the Mahara: or or . Payment of charges fo Srt à.Z.Phizo ln the r Prthe treatment of Gtate Prlvoner estdency Catl. llepresentatlon from Ish the inermase of her allor o ant of Cooch-Behar regcrdlng 1189.F.285-P/50 . Payment of prtvy purse twances-Rejected. o the Ruler of Sirohi 1l9c.F.28G-P/50 - Grant of txp . ort zzeenee for H . n.the Na' uab ot nampur r the import or . l.znsuzation sare eabynet or y,zra, .7.vys. 2.2silverrttto: eablnats rorh.gacag. s topw.6o7sg. i - l - .--.. !..X .<. 1 --- . - - - - . - . 59 - .' ' . . ' .. - oA &œ - - ' ' - ' --. - - - . />.C1 -q * X -4- . p - 1191.F.288-P/:c k Proeeedtngs ete ab-Patiala.& orl kth se tP Ju on in la tbàd Sv ta it se or Counctl or ' . #.tyc.?l%o Punl syVnlonX.f P. g g coy. 1192. wztz F.291-P/60 $# Exte' nston oç tnvltati to R.:.the Qovernor General on by i. 7.t ho Aal or Goa at a thof Savantuadi .-. hts slster. 2* e marrîage or l193 .F.292-P/50(' Question of feftxatl sawant oh or prix7' purse of the Ruler of wadt. #* 1194.F.293-2/50 î Vtiltsatton of th tnterest of R.H.the Maharala of etpTjgo Hysore tn WestcpneMnst e by the àll Idla B y,z j adto. , speet or Ratslanntsa Mollton orpayments Camba of allovm nees ete.from y. cms oyjion. re 1195.P.295-P/60 e Cy lat . 1196.F.296-P/5Q &'Wtll of Fana Sh rl Raktstzhlt, Chief of Wav 1197.F.297-P/50 t'Xlleged tarriage or Mah . ataj ku mar Indral ltendr a Varatn Gtngh, brother of the Mah lady named Xtsa Evelyn Blllte aralasrt ofdges Cooch-Behar to a l j 1 l ' . 2198.F.298-P/50 * àbuse of eustoms . pttvtleges %y the Buling Pklnees and Chters.proposal to take recou Ralpramukhs Conference rse to personal seareh Rulers vish t -procedure to Ye follokred when o contt take nlegellery abraoad. Deesston that the Fulers may tetn, from th ue tc be exempted for the ttme e examtnatton of thetr petsonal bag as heretfore vhen cotng abroad. gages 1199.F.299-P/55M?ltesignatlon of Srt Q.stddalingatyaj Mtnister fo ( %. ldueation and Publie 3!ealth r , Mysore. 1200.F. 3c1.P/Bc @-'settlement or prtv ote property of the ralez or àk alkot l20l.F.392-P/50 #'Proeedure ad ' Btlls pas opted by the Govt.of India l'lhile submttting Parttament to the President ror ht, usgen6g sed by the ' 1202.F.304.P/50 A'Aeport of the Committee appointed by th Mysore ro2 the revisi e Government of on or the land revenue system 1903.F.305-P/50 ê àllotment of th . e Portr the temporary abse nce oli of os E pf Home and Gtates durtng Patelj gone to Bombay for eest onlble Bardat and reeupVaAlabhbhai 1204 etatton. . F.3Q6.P/50 < ' Grant of customs f actltttes to EvRp the llawab of Palanpuz 120 5.F.307.P/50 beSection 86 or the Code or Civil Procedure Prlnces, Qù efa .öutts against , 1206.F.308-P/50 v/'àccountl Amtlssodors and Vnvoys. g protedure rega FunG andnGontrtbqtory P rding the General Provident the absorbed Gt rovident Fund tn the name or ate servants. 1:07.F.303-P/50 / àbsorptton ofmadras st serviee & Juiielal ptnlste ates employecs-civll ludicial rlal servtce sentority-speetal rales. - . fixatfon or 1208.F. 3l0-P/K l lleM d of customs duty * M / f:.-dpbj-Tlv 9M l2œ . -y 8aran Btnlh Deo aharalkc ar Chandikeshm r 'horposhdar of Ramanulnagat andto Bhaiyasahadur lqndr a PraG p Stngh Deo Illakedar of . Jhtlmfl.t tn the former Surgula Etate , . l* . Fa312-P/50 W 'llqpresentation or Shrt K .M nganatha Bao addressed t the Eonlble Prlme Minlster o post ot the ceneral Ma gaugaloro. V recardtng rtlltng up ot the neger, Govetnment soap faetéry, j ' - I 60 - . 1. . ' ' .' </ Q. . . !L):3 3..- -. . j , 1210.F.3l3-P/50 V àdvtsory Counctl tn Part 'C' States - Informatton sought by E.à.Htnistry tn connectton with Blkkim Advlsory Counctl. ' l2ll.F.3l4-P/50><Applteation of Mictry Sunderli Bhavanbhal for the grant of consent under section 86 or the ctvil procedure code us agatnat EpH.the Xaharala of Baroda. 1212.F.315-P/50 N*'Proceedlngs of the Xysore Leglslattve àscembly. lv 1213.F.316-P/50 W Propoaed terms for the àgreement vith Slkkim. Z 1214.F.317-P/50 $, Postpon'ement of the Svttch oh eetemony at Santhebennur (Xysore) 1215.F.318-P/50 &, Posttlon of âttaehed States after âugust 15,1947. 1216.F.319-P/50 v Consent under sectton 86 of etvil procedures code to ftl: a satt agatnst H.Rwthe Maharana or Lunavada by Messrs-#arottamdas Bhais Jewellets, Bom:ay. 1217.F.320-P/50 P'iequnst of R.%.the Maharala of Surgqla that Iand grants to relattves of Fulers ghould be exnluded rrom the pqtviev of the proposed central prtvtnces & Rlkx Berar . abolttion of pzopriet?ry rights bills. ' 1218.F.32:-P/50 *' ;equisitton or Bilkha HousetRafat Mahal) private ptopetty Qf llq:.the Kavab or Rampur br the Bombar Qovt. 1219.F.322-P/50<Zàssault of one Sti Reroli Rao Damodar br Srt Ralagopal, Distt.Engtneer, Mysore 8tate Rallvars, Mysori. ( 1220.F.323-P/50%#z er ep ao reG sa en ek tw aa tr îon in sr fr eo gm arN dah to ara éx lk em un pt at ro snUd rr ao tm ste nu g: sto am nd sK du ha ty nd servtce eut and withdraval or police guards. 4 1221.F.324-P/80 7 àllotment ef Steel and Cement to Khast Btates. ' 12& .T..325* /K Z Request frem Shri àbdul Samad foz'tnformation tnctoneetl n vlth eutts under seetion 86 of the code of etvtl proet dure against rulltng prtces & chters. 1223.F.326* /50 t'Note W Xr.svswate nathan, Q.S.D.Ministry of States reg: ptoeedure fot tbe examtmatton or thn Bndgets revteved . from Part 13 states. ! 122 I 4.F.327* /50 ï Questton whether a State teglàlature is competent to debate upon m tters vhieh are the subleet M tter of , . orders or the Qovt.of India or the Prestdent O der the Constftutton of Indta. 1.2254F.328* /50 #'Populatt on of villages exehanged 8e enelaves - Enqqlry f . rom Mr.pandtt Iltrday Vath Kunzru-M.p.regarding. 1226.F.œ 9.P/50 V Budget Ssttmates 1951-62 on aceount of prlr parse etc. , or lkllers. 1227.F.330-?/50 te/ènnsent tmder suw sectfonlz) ot Sectlon 86 of ctvil lh ro en eun edtae alb c7 odS ehr to iX fu 1h la epatr su aîBtan ac gh ah la nr si tdh tl heSa rh qq leo rfoX rtlgarl # ' Dhenkanal. . 1228.F.331-P/50 jebeeision of the Bom> 7 Qovtpto treat the àundh Mnse= as pzivate ptopektp of the m zlet.z.Recovery or an advam V of k.2,35,000/- gtvep to the llulezs of àundh fot the constrùction or Wadan ee oete. 1229.F.332-P/50v/H yi am es al kb the un lo rate. nt sto er rcth ae n;Aa tjp era Ge er etaM re tm eb cer ts oo Gf ovtm thco My se ot re st l23o.R.3a3-pzsoNexyjsjl tsc ou css t:Jert chatten:pr Mtonbtzsetuerlezvat yso retnNovemberla5o ing to Mysore . I , . . .---- .. --------..--. .. . . -. .. . . r' - --- - .- ' - . 6l - . . e. . )o. j ï i.- . . . - - . - - . -. . -- -. -------. --- . ..- I23l.F.334-P/50)ZC ondolencemossagesreleïvedarterthedeathofSardat Vallabhbha: Patel. , ' , 1:32.F.b35-P/50 y/llktenston or the Indlan Btamp Act'and the Indlan . ' ' Aegtctratton àct tp the merged areas or Pudukkottai Banganapalle and Sandur. Z/ ( , : zz l23a.F.3a6-P/5ot Eevil, or the :ook headed uaepopt or the atroeîttes and * excesses eoxzlttted by t:e Govt.or Bihar tn seratkela and K haraswan states. XY 1234 . ! I F.337-P/50 *'Xepresentatton rrom President of 'hadran Mahal Conferencl regarding tke terrttortal ehahges tn Dtstrtet 'atra Baroda . , : . ' ittes of Jagsrdars tn Aajasthan & M.Bharataludgomon! 1235.F.338-P/50 @/îctt:* of the Bthat îltgh Coavt declartng the Bihar State Kanagement or Dstates & :et:1949 as votd and unconstîtu tiolml. k 1236.P.339-P/50 $#Kepatrtatton of'Ralkemar Prafulls Chandra 3h&n: Deo of Baster state wlth wtT.e and rout ehildren from V.N.to ' ndia-Retovery or eharges. 1237.P.340-P/50 Y Htsctllcneous papers relating to the abolttion of 'F-Y(l-Y/9m JagtrdartsinAalasthanandRmBharat. 1238.F.342-P/50 # Import llneeses ror Motor Cars intende4 fo2 Mysore P . alace. l2a9.F.343-P/so Nzàequest ror the transrer or certatn areas ot Bikaner to Pun:ab. ( . F . ki-. ' N iq . . y' k.,' ' r-)N -.o,.' k>' $ X (. . iï' i ' Clt .y .q- <..;;. ; 37. z q (-). zhk </ >.- ,.. i ). '1. .,, . -N1 ' . . ' ' ' . - !' Zk . $. , . % x I I '' , j #' *7 i . Lic ot .t zt-btkoou tèl-ll 'tllA ts-.k-9.t4tJ; ktqî & LVAI.-U.-C.#A z. çzta -:Lt .. ct raztsrauql utqu-theuu-kvkx . S... 5o ..1. - ''''- u . F.tLq -11 -0..-..---.. ..- .- - . .. .... ..?* ..t..... ..- -... ç'Z z4 x, )j-, . L .. .- - Qub1eet-s-v . -. -.... . --.--- 3* v., r- .-.-- nepresentation or shri ll.c.zamindar regardtng rea l.Fo1/l/P/5l o rcertatntrtbutesandcessecbythell.BharatGottz .atton from Jartrdars - Report rrom tbe M.Bharat Govt.té:t wtth , the atolitton ot Jagtrs the cesses vtll automattcally se aboltohed. ' ' +' 1 a F.l/2zP/ek5l o'eTho Madhya Bharat spectaz narrlage &cttlndtalàdoptton * ordinance 110.1 of 1951. 3.F.l/4/P/::51e Appotntment of Shrt lh rllala Gosalia as Chtef Minister oo , Jaora and the exercise by htm of the fubl pot vers of the Ruler of Jaora - kuestion of orders issued to this effect. 4.F.1/s/P/f25l perliotes or a meeting betwcen Xessrs.sand La1 Joshi and Rameshwar Dayal Totla, ex-Ministers. l' t.Bharat and ilonlble llinister for S'tates on 16 .1,. 51. % .r 5.F.l/6/P/% 51 f' -Slip-' 6.F.1/7/P/% 51 k,.. ' F. equlsltioning of the Fllose Property at G&ralior for accom odatton . 7.F.l/8/P/::51 v Grant of maintenance allowance to Hrs.Hansa Rashid and scholarships to her daushter and son by the l' L 3harat. Press Notesycommunlque sews, 8.F,Press Xoteg, QKm:kglqoxyzKtxx Bull .etins, etc.tssued by the Govt.of Fl /9/P/5lZ , èiadhya Bharat. 9.F.ly/l ?e l/ ljy5Fo 1k, UtlïlzatlonofOwaltorGancaJaliRlrtd-ProposedM.Bharat' f' - LegtslattontocreateaGangalaliFtndTrust. î 1û@F.1/l2/P/5: * Representatlons from the relatives pf the Rulers of z+ p jrj 11F. k / l A / ll Z 10.1/14/P/5 ' , , .. M.Bharat rerardtnc their allowances. Claim preferred by the Aerodrome Ofrtcer, Indore, for :q.9,5l6/1l/- against His Hlghness the bkharala of Indore i in respect of Landtng and Housing charges for aircraft VT-CKT registered 1.n the name of His Righness. l2.P.l/16/P/6: . l Representation from Thakur Xohendra Singhj an ex-Deputy Collector or Uop.regarding the alleged kidnapping of his' l3.F.l/l7/P/5: $ d aughterbyH1sHighnesstheMaharalaofGwallor. Succession to the Jagir Estate of late Sardar Hlalirao P.l/?:/r?&e Fall teofGwallor-petittonreljctedo l4.F.l/19/P/51 @' àddress delivered by the Ralprammkh to the MoBharat Legislature on the 7th March,l950. l5.P.1/20ZP/51 1' Representation of the President, Jagirdars àcsociatton, M.Bharatj regarding recovery of 76 rrom Jagir tncomeo # 16.F.2-P/51 +' Customs exemption certificate- Mysore. 17. Fo2/l/P/5l s Continuance of integratj.on of Xysore Trade Commissionert organisation wttb lltgh Commtsstoner's Cormerctal Estt. C-tzla/P/.V! tn London fora furtherperlodofoneyear. ;-1 ' - l8oF.2/G/P/5l '. servtces under the state - Article or the Constitution F.Z/3/X/&/c or ocIndig theconstltatton. Mysore-InterpretationorArttcles30*313 . - . -v- . l9 / Fo2/8/P/5l f. Interview sought by Shri K.Hanumanthaya, Presient, . Mysore Pradesh Congress Committee in connection with Hysore Affairs. 1 ' . lu .-.-- . g. ' ' 3El3 - -..,. .. -... . - -- - . 2. .. - 3. ' - . .- ..- .- - . 20.F.2/9/P/514Y','Discretlonary grants (To be utilised at his dtscretion) kp by Ilis ilighness the Maharala of Mysore towards patronage or Husic, àrt and Letters. 2l.F.2/ll/P/5l 4 - Address dêlivered tn the Leglslative àssembly by the najpramukh, His Highness the èfaharaja of Mysore on 17th $)- . 22.F'.3-P/5l .j ' Januaryylgsl. 1 Rep sya j I 'r gsOu zu t8 jo tn ionsfDoKthePubllc ,OfPai1ala&EastPunlab x 4 23 12.3/1/P/51 C-..-',Btrtl: of a second son to His Htghnesg the Maharala of . lT' sabha. 24 .F.3/2/P/51 'L?e. Grant of import licence for plants, seeds etc. to H.!1. , ' the Hahara 2 'a of Patlala fronl foretgn countires. . . j I . ' . 25.F.3/V P/51 ê ' l.Proaress of the process of realisation of dues reco' verab1e from tNe Pepsu llulers l -n terms or tlze settlement or their Private Properties. z.clarlftcation or cerv tn i 70 s ett nl te sme rn ai tsor ed t by heth Pr eiv Pa un te jaP brO ovt.tn respectof tlae operttes of the Ruler of : j Kalsia . ' j 26.F.2/6/P/51 ' . ' .u Press Notesj Conruniques, Ncws guletîns etc.lssued by h-'3/YP/G ''t heGovt.ofPatlala&BastPunlabStatesPnton. Hepresentations froM the PepGu State Depressed Classes 27.:..3/8/P/57 e League. 28.F.3/9/P/51 'ransfer of shares held by His Late Htghness the Haharal or Patiala in the zaint Cloud Country Club, Franec tn ( favourofH1sHlghncfsstheMaharapaofPatlala. ' 29.Fo2/l1/P/51i* Counttnuance of the erchange facllities to Maharajkumari Tndra of Kapurthala for the remtttance of a sum of 1 .1,200/- per quartez for a period of one year in the Reserve Bank of Indla Bombay. AK 30.12.3/12/P/51A Enquiyy into the allegations made by the Presient, Deprasses Leagu l ' -e ''3/t%lPlX 1n Yt So On dcalga lnstthey,aejpPsatlatoll&zUZr iP4 ' 7s l2 p)ta S)9tâa s)) h? oc . , . 1 regardtng expuntston of a ilmrilan Lady from the llospltal 31.Fo2/l4/P/5!.#.' Resoluttons passed by Patlala & East Punpab Statec llnton, Congress Co= tttee regarding the àduinistratlon of the State. Statement shoving party posttions Jn I . Muntclpal Electlon tn Patiala & East Punlab States T lnion $ 32.F.3/15/P/51 R Request frow Shri Tshwtr Daes Mehta, a Civll Supplies M . offtcer ln Patlala & East Punjab States Vnlon for the grant of an interviev with the Honfble Hlnister foH States to apprtse him certaln facts regard' lng the ctvil supplies department. Patlala & East Punjab States Union. 33.F.N l6/PZ6l k Request of llls Ilighness the lçalgab of Malerkotla for the F,3lt 7/P1&' alloventoflandforculttvation. 34.F.3/19/P/51 . Visit of HIs Fxcellency the ilïgh Coxllssloner for / f4X/# ;qK ,; 1< c''' 1'l A?u as ja tra ol flF 8.at ri odk Po at ri .dkotastheguestofHisHighnessthe 35.F.3/20/P/51 K Parment of allowancec to the relatives or the Rulers of lfapurtM la and Jtnd . ' -r: . 36.F.3/21/P/51'7 Agrartan Reforp.s in Patiala & East Punjab State: Union Changes ln the personnel or the Patiala & East PunJab States Union Agrarian Reforms Cotqwittec. 1 1 ! - 3 - I k.-. .- -. .. - - jch k.j . w - - - 2.- .- . g - --- .---- ----- 3-. - ' . av.F. a/aazlnzsl '. - Representatton or Her rlzghness Ataharant Brl,nda or tre . o xapurthala ror a rurthor tncrease tn ilc, maintenance 'l / ..2tfyf-67 azl. o.nncean: rrorotl aeyconcesston,-Repectet l. - .- . lli) '/J1 5V' 'ulalmrorlqaerl,tvatnhcaeyao-rest:tetnPranceorthela'te 38.. - p t , 3 / z 7 / #/ 5t B a h a r a l a o r 39 F.3/28/P/51 F? Allegattons acatnst the former Patlala 8tate Authoritles 4 . P. -3 yj/p/s/ DecthorrefugeeBalmukandwhtleinPollcecustody. ' 40.:..3 32/12/51 i> Expansion of pptlmla & East Panjab States llnlonjcrj. lninal +,r - F.z)az/j ajs!lnveottgationDepartment. 41.P.3/34/P/5q.v' Decj.slon in reqaiad to heirloomt or ifapurlbala.Ttemoval Fê3/B X/s/T oo fsl ia la ik sha Rn ia ch .nesspl-ivctepropertyfromtheKapurthala 42.F.:/37/P/51t. Ilepresentation from Dem n Raj l1umar of Kaourthala re , paymentorlifeallowanceofq%lO0/-by thepatialaL: j àast Punlab Btates fnlon Oovt. 43.?.2/38/P/61.< kuestion of pràvision of PolicE Gurads for R.H.:rinda of Kapurthala and for ii.k.the Eajmata or Pakiala. d , 44.1P.4-12/51 # Princlplcs whieh should govern the gront of allowances to Ftaplna'tas and other relatives of Rulers of the Covenanttng States ln T' tajasthan. i 45.1*.4/1/P/ 1.Z ' lppointment of an official f' linistry in Rayasthan. . lQ'#/zlF b-/ 46.P.4/3 ' /P 51 < l.Allowance or the l' lahzraJpramukh of Ra, jastlnanollvprivatl iaharana or V6aipur o Properties or H.Rwthe l ' . / 47.F.4/4YP/5l/'' Czrievances of Sikhs 1r1( Rcjasthan. t A6 48.F.4/5/P/51 gr Authority to H1s Highnns: the Hahraja Pana Hayâschandra Bahp, dur to deal :;1th tho liational Savings Certtffcates tssued in the name of Darbar Jhalagar. 49.F.4/6/P/51 .A Proposed continued employment or l, 1r.K.C .J:1n un6er the Govtoof Ealasthan to conGuct the case or U uhrt Ra: Babu Saxena . ' 50.F.4/?/P/51 F . I , Arrangonlents for the dlsposal of perding cases partafninj r-4/q/Jp /grj totheareasorStrchimergedinBombay. 5q..F.4/l0/P/5l <' Hepçrted decipsion'of the Sarvoyada Sayal and Jaqliat--ul.ma-w-h' ztnd to construct a mosque and get a burlal. grolm d for llusllms in Jklvlar. . . s2. l'>.4/11/P/51e'd lîeproséntation rrom ldaharaj içaratn Stnglz of dodhour . ' ; . urdtng termtnatton or servtcp and payment or compenF-IVlIZIpI-su reg s g t iontnLteuorthehouseresumcdbrthel i. aëasthan oovt. 53.l'.4/l4/P/511'. *.C Lh oo hi tt io ng rga or fhf .oodgrainstnvillagePart .abgarhDls 'trict I I I ' . , j 54.1, '.4/l5/P/5l#- Encountcr of IJ.17.Po11cç with gangs of Charna and Sirmur . Gugar dacoîts at Itala Khera in lketjasthan and P.C.Sir Mathura resnectively . / , 7/sl e. , Ileprcsentattons crorc the lqataarcja or Btkaner regnrdtng 55olp.4?l6zI .u .' -r'n lw/p lr./ èledic8.l arrangements in Bikanaer. U 'R $It' lx'eq. 56.F. ' > 8/P/5l #? Ttequest for thm grant of a loan of 94.2 lakhs by thE F,bIjyjyjz p re. gentof'Partabgath. . 57.F.4/20/P/51p Ha Inv hrn tnryofofàyri vo te prope.rtics of llîs Highness thp raga :r . r.. - r. 2i IB/57 ' l - 4 - e 1-. '2. '- - . 3. - . - . 58J?- 4/2?/P/51 te lu 'ncollntcr betwef?n dacoits and the Puajasthan po2lcc in . Jod?tpur tcrpttory. 59.F.4/24/P/51 C,' Z Petition of Shrt) Rur Stnch, a varier in thth prison Deptt. @'%lNfFl . 4 ly b nh lo lm ngln Köt nh gofo rthere torot' zonsta oftece z t ;ainlonc lsheld erstwhtl es Blkaner .r . 60.:n.4/?6/P/5l Z Dacolty at Parihary Church District, Bikaner Divicion 26.2 .5p. 61.F'.4/28/P/5lF Claim of Kessrs Dahyalal Makanjee èavort of 24.14571/- +- agalnst the nuler or Bansuara . ' on , 62.F.4/29/P/5)ï, Complaint from Balaies of XheevajlDidwari a) agalnst iligh Caste îlindus for mot allowing theln tc Inalte use of the well: 63 F.4/30/P/51i ' r Sllp.jtr jo-jjajplyay.g J-b gpjgss s., - jj .v. 64.17.4/32/P/511-- Flarrlage Of the Mahûrao.OL Slreili /1th the nzce or Jam j firlng of guns salaute at Jarm c-gar . : Saheb. êkrranglnents fOr Prqviding a guarfl of ttonour and 65.F.4/33/14/51 t'e- àssests of a Trust Deed pagablc to Jodhpur. : . 66.T?.4/3V P/51 14H' Applicatlon of öhrt UJlagar Mal Jain for tlle grant of consant lander sectiop 83 of thm Civll Pm cedure Code to su. c tha l' îaharala of Alwar. 67.F.4/35/P/3 'l tr-'' Quiar gtson of pprtlc5.pation of trooos i.n :eeJ anrp Gangor ln Ralast' nan. . 68.F.4/36/17/51 #-- Jketurn of record pertaining to Shri Bhopal Chancira Lodha of lpdhpur . ' . / d j0.F 7/51R'R es en tqt io sp ct th ti fa lin tïr 1 F.4/37/1 Le ap Jr as th on pn dnwl te hl da rt ai &, rn ctl oo fc rr i?mf io nr am lac ao sn esoag ail ns 'Lis Si ry i 1r - . + .1 5- Y1bO Ja1Haral. nVyasandothero. ' 70.P.5/2/P/51.'- 71.F ,..5/3/1)/51.e àmencliment to the inventory .of the privste pronerttes of the lsahapala or Palttana. Representqtion of Ba Shrl Js.EkT. rant Itunverba(vidow of K. S.Dadlibha.of Bapodpr pnder Porbander in Saurashtpalfor increase tn her and hcr daughter's1 11&'a1o- Re!eetpd. . 72.F.5/4/17/51 $-'' blode of'address of 111s l' Iighness the J'am Saheb of Ilawanagar 73.17o5/5/1:/51 +..'F Representatlon from Lmiars Shri I' Iirmalkumorsinhll and Shri . cl ilharalnkunarlsinhl1 of Bhavnagar rcgarcling exemptj F'5/Y1-l lncol ne-taxofthetrcasl wglrases(yegattved). onfrom 74.:=.. 5/7/P/51 /- . B1ll to amend thc Saurashtra Stp.t.e Publlc ' Safëty l' leasures Urdinance, 1948 . 7. 5.F.:/9/P/51 i:.' Annual deduction of A.2 lakhs instead or Dc.3 lakhs from the prlvr purse of the èlahqrajo. of Morvt tovral-ds recovery of the balance of nc.1 crore under the private property - )* -,b// .5? b--1 settlpment. . 76.7.5/1V P/5l p*' Jolnt Advtsory Colzncl-l for Bombay - Saurashtra. 77.F.5/15/P/51 1, Reassumptton of the chargo of the office or Ralpramukh of #, g,s/t*jP/5-1 o Sa nuh ra 1shr te rt p. -lr onf 3' r .o lm .M. ' Unb lt y6 y( H 1i2 s 1:H tl .ons theOrganisation.' JamsahebofNa: 4arkqcar . - 78.F'.6-P/5l >' W I l j . '' I f',.t6 :s -s/ 79.ïP / J /P//551 I#. -, Report or the Trav:ncore-cochin 'Land l7olicy Conkmittee . Represcntatlonf' romi,adma.nahhaKukillayaj retlred . Chief JusPa or tid ce maTr nab av han a gtor ukll e aya Lab.oilr satyagralna outst. je &h'e egtdence - r 8o.P.6/3/P/5l t- -Slip . ! i ' . 5 . -. ..-.......--.-.sy.-.-..........,...-.,..-.,-.-- .-..(,f la -..v. -. -., . -.. t--.w..--, -........- -- ...a- .% 81.F.6/3/17/51 . :r -- -'- . )%.4 -. -.'-- ' -v'-.. < ---'-.e''v. .v---- -.-''v-..- Sltp 83 2..F '.6/4/P/51L- <F ll-$pPczlozd' 17.6/8/P/51/- Securtty arrangmmn:s at the Tri g.( v(5j' ps/ T th eàlleppeyPort-ouesttonofre vi am nc b ll r lr um sem àe in rp tot ro ta th nd eat ravancoreœ ochin Govt.or the cost of police arra F,VIGIP 51 ngement 84*w' F*L6/l( l !'' Opening speech of the Rqlpramukh of Tlavancorec oclnin fwtVP/5 nl v Budget Sessjon tn the Leglslatzve àssqmbly on l'' --lt9%I-'l ' 6n thethe 2!st >' ebruary 1951 -- l1o neg Taxes to b u . F,( 7111/r S1 85.F.7-P/5 tz . e leyled. Procecutlon of 'lr.saidullah Khan Razmt . or Bhopal and a contractor tn respect or defraudlng , ex-usnyster Oovt or pc.22,O0o/- in connectton with the construction of . Ilospttal Datlding at Bareli in Bh a oral. 86.F.7/2/P/51 çv llotes or discutnions on variou'c Makters by H xawab of Bl . H.the lopal with ll.R.states, during the liawabs vlsit to Delhij 2.7isit of'Secy to Bhopal , >r' . 8?.F.7/3/P/51 br Correspondnnce klth il.Hatllq IkaTm b of Bhopal re: h1s vt. propooal to settle dor4n in çairo and reqacst for necess- U'V/ô1V/>' aryforetjnexchange-facfltttestRerutiedp. # z 88@!i'*?/5/P/5l z' Dtscucsion*relating to future ot- i'art C States nhonal 89oF.7/6/P/5l le' Visit of oeneral I'Jir Douglas Gracc'D ' , f.7/%jPJ51 C oml caor nder -i?nHawab -chieforofFhopal PaktstantoBh op ta hl ea rt etl tl r ke inl g 'nf lit tion th/ ea- 90* ' F* l0/4/P/5lZ 9i..!a '.ll/l/P/51W approved . Papers reldttng to thm visit of Secretary to Kutch . Provislon for 9c.5000/- for the purchase of red blanketc ' / j:,G)jt))>/. s-/ fordlstritnltton toI' IillChiEfs. 92.F.9/l3/P/516V àrrangment for th w> '' a yyu e p yisj c to m l c i s s z ' o n e r J . n rjn ,u tsarbar ga to hs rOo u/t)h oPpr l; l ud L sl y.' 3' o rll u pla iy fa l i1e o Xrs.x.èfayo fromj.Strmur r . .,z 93 . F.9/15/2/517 Representatlonc fr ok the Congress Cor litte6c of H. P. 9 y 4.F.9/16/2/51.IZ Eeport l.n rerard to grievances of the Suket 3u) peopleoleettng vtth the Chj-ef Co= s 7 Dlviston -ssionor. 9. !. 5.F.9/18/P/51Z ' Conyiction of Bh rl Sllr8,j Pu raiash, El xclse Sub-lnspector k under Gection 5/19 or the fnGian ârms Act âll ) ' . agalnst the ilw p.oovt egations . for securing his acqtal in th appellate Courto e 96.F .9/19/P/51 Z y'Representations fr om tlle oeoples in H. P. tottkvLs/. 9?.F. F.lOZ2/P/5lRz- Copy of eondolen Ad ce resolution passed by the Kutch vlsory Councll on tlae 24th Janu or lfon'ble Sardqr Vallabhbhai Patary el 1951 on the death . 98@ F*l0/, 3/P/5JZ . 9:.F.to/#/F/5-1 Representattons frorntho publlc or Kutch . F.1o/7zpzsle'- nzscusslon saby F.tolsl-vtsf matters rel tzntl gaetolfal uuaar tcao h of-uutch with ll x-stateson - f -flls vlppzlf lo V-proceedlngsocthe Il-p.-Ndvtsory . colznctz lnov . . lol.y'og/6/pgsz>' aepresentatlon rrom slart J'agat nahad .# regardlng h1s Ja ur szngl a or slrmur f glr- nejected. l02.F.9/9/P/5l/ Dlseussl RA ons relattng to future or Purt l03 . St ptes .II.P. F.#/ll/P/51çz Arrangments f the occasion or or pr ovlslon or Pollce buard & Poliee Bant!on Suket Yuvral's marriage lO4.bX9/l2/P/:lvK Recelptl . abroad . on to R.Hothe lh haraja of iirmur 4 on return from ' l -6.. k,'- . .. -. - . - -- - . 2. . . jqI - .- - Z- .--- - - lo5.F.9/a/P/51t.--. yemor&a1 submttted by Kanvar Ja<t stngh tllegitthaid son of the late ruler of Bashahr. '' A 106.P.9-P/5l'. lW pendilmre $br the r estoratton Of POIACe l.n the Suket l j. Y ior-lp-gzz/lazslyz dr . fr, i Dr .Y .s.parmar c -tc pgt vn ql sstc ro am tio yn ttb er e ' o8.F.8/4zp/sle< '' àl legattons acatnst ap-p y-p-an:l pveskaent, jr. . r.%14?l5l ' j rros oharmshala to sunaer sarar. ' , St yte, durtng the distr ktd hanoes Of 1:47 . paysent o. r prz ce or petpol pup chase ror Mtlttary veialczes sent . . Memorandum rrom the aala or Btlaspur regardtnglalsettin? . l up ot an Advtsor counctllb) h&s conttnuatton as chter l a Dam Advtsory Boardtd) tnadeq'x cy or prt vy purse! and (e) certain azlegatzons pertalning to lltlaspur admtntstratl , $?2lB/Ff c ommtsstoner cï tnclustonorpopularrepresentatives tn the nhakr , ( on. lo9.F.8/3/P/5lP Resolutton passed at a publtc meetlng held on 2511 February 1951 by the District Concress Commlttee BIlaspvr ' regarding the respon , l lQ.F.s-P/5:p/ l Future of Bilaspur . , t11.F.7/9/5l-P$- Press Hotes ) the c l I ' , stble Govt. Communtcaes, Kévs bnllettns etc tosuod by . ovtgorBhopal. lz-li .-vzlozp/slz Rapresentattons r rom tue people or Bhopal. t llJ'Y7//f/p y/s/'yz . #.7/l2 P/5l 7isit of H. Hethe l14.P.7/13/P/5lpd Import Llcenc Nawab of Bhopal t o Delhi. j e to H.X.the llavab ë Bhopal for th e import . ( <' F.7/14/P)-z;'2.of motor spare papts FaIè)(e/ sy anlpur.Jpw ,- l l15.F.lz/' z/p/sl.' ' puture of y . 116.F.1l/3/P/51Z Qwneryhip rl ghts of Notrang Thangling deity Mantpur. y 117.P.11/4/P/5l W communlsts a , ctivities on the border or Manlpur and Bur! na l18F,f//5/#r>I F.ll/7/P/5lRR Frpposals from Z1s Zxcellency the Governo r of àssam reg) q.tl11,/F'16-1 o l* f=-rovistön of funds for investtgating staff . . z.Revislon pay of Deputy Comsisstoner and àdditi Commissionem . a.öpecial pay for Flr onal Deputy 4pGrant for th wgeka the clatms orfice e De velop nt or Hill treas. s.sxnetion foz purchase of red b:an ketme s. l19*IP@1l/8/P/5l#e'lmposttion of fines on some vlllages ln Mantpur to meet the extra-expenditure i nvolved tn posting addltional poltce force ror securtt rm l20.F.11/9/P/51 ee Proceedl easures. . ngs ok the Mantpur Advisory Col lncil- Instructton to the Chief çommissi oners, Kut ch, H. P. and Ranipur that along wtth the proceedin advisory eounctl, a state gs or each session of the ment Ghowin esl ôn t g the res olutions passed at the se. proposed to be taken tlaogether ereon shwith the actlon taken or Govtoof Indla . ould be forwarded to the l2l.F.1l/1c/P/51--Ag1tati on or the Naga H111 Trtbes e *' l22.F . 2l/ll/P/5l:-Representation f . State Congress regTthe actlon taken by rom the the LandManipur àllotment Comœittee 123.:%.11/12/iV 51.pee'Petttlon ' . agalnst th e order or Chief Com isston .ra.1l.)l5)p)=5y Mantpur,rrou Iuosonguongthator Jounol vtllage er, 124.#1p'.' . enaec in Trtpura and theïr t the constructlon or tl nterrerence vlth ae wgartala-J- ssym Road . lJ )/i7 /J/sX:.>'cozt nuutstsTn l ! l t ' .. 'y . . . . 1. . . - 2. - jrrj) . - , . . 125.F.12/2/P/51ta Complalnts by the Mahager, Pearacherra T r.lJI3fP'/S'' ) rfripm 'a aratnst Ansars anG Borrqer ltilltiea Estate of . - , a or Paktstan . 126.:.l2/4/P/51 Z Itectprocal release or servants of E g.st Bengal and ' . i ' Trtpura held tn custod x .by each Govt. in cozm ec tson wttb .dents. 127.P.12/6/F/51f.r à note regardin zad Tripura g the acttvitifès of ''JBahanl,, . F.?a/s/P/5-f bordertncl .4 . . 528.F.12/2/F/511 3sDefence Bonds or 1946 for 1.15 p?v/ Comilla Pnton Bank Ltd ,000/- held by the * de /-12/*I'1*' lateRighnessofT ., , Calcutta in .the name or hiG 6.jz/NJP/&? C ounctlofîulers,rd jpu sr te ar, n toSta ht ees orà de rofthePresidnnt the same re)r be treated gency.z.Decision that 129F. 1Z/l//P1Sl . as State property . P.1r/13/P/51vePetit1on of H aharalkllmarl 71Jala Devi of R s.lajpjjpjsj thepossesstonofarestdentialbuildingln rit ph ue raPa rl or D.î2lIu.(?I5Icompound. ace 130.1:.13-12/51 Settlement of the Privpte Properti of Charkhart 7.P. es ofb11.11.the Maharapa l31 .F. l3/2/P/51Z'Ttepresentation f 7om Maltarani of Datia relo harani liand Ktmwar Baj Senior garding the restlmption of jaglr . ' . 132.F.13/3/P/51 e' 'Questlon of payment of the alloyance*to Shri Prattpal Singh, ex-p ,uler of oaurlhar at P instead of Chhat achmarhi Sub-Treasury arpur Treasury . 133.F.13/5/P/51/ Rcquest from Shrl Siuram'sund jnSrcretary y.1s/:jpjy/ Congress,Datiaforthêgracn.rtDas ofa intervâe>,n Distrtct 134 :3@ 13/9/P/511* Settloment of th e privite properties of thn.Ruler of ,: n s s/ Kotktz. ' l 1 . @ ' r''a ! zsz -t--r,a.as.,, : t,z z-àl - . VC r,vats properttes o, tz e ,,g,,dar oc z-rs l36.r n ' : , a ! t F . l ' P I s l - pasehpur . r'.:3/lQ/P/51# Fecs payabl e to Shr1 ,B .D.zoovariw/la fo appearqnce ln the AppeMl against acqulttal r puttlng in Shlv Bohadur Slngh of Churhat of Shfr rpaynlent of rees by th V .peoovtzto Shri Hwl e or Shrl oht . lmrlgar ln connectlonovith petition v Bahadur Singh ln the S 137. 1 upreme woupt. 7.73/13/P/51W settlem ent or the prlvp .te properties or th e Lulcr or . l F.hogI(. :fp)s/ Jaso. . . ' 38.F.l3/A6/P/51v.Wrltl tnp heca /6/- outstandtng against ?',lzj'lS' J' Fj& Zmt.lng unlof orfMa clqu oant hcbo afo* f:.2 H9 e0 wa . 139.1'.13/17/P/51 Claim of the U.p.Govt. for refund of certai dues rccovered l)y V.p.Govt. from some persons n partitlon , rormerly an enclav or villagc Vtndhya Pradesh e or the Il.p.sorrounded b . y l4o.F.l3/zo/p/sle*itepresclztation of Smt . sagunju B4 .l regardlng thp resumptlon a îalmata or Bllawar of Muaftec granted to her by th6 Hegent or Bijawar. . 141.F.1.4-P/51 '-'' -' Visït of II. H.the Maharaja or Baroda to Jlurope agalnst . Govt.or ltldlas ad ulce, 142.17.14/1/P/51te ' l î equest b #' t y H.I!.the Maharani Cht he supply of a cop rma' bat Golkwat reg Haharaj Sayaji Rao r or the lpstrue#ions left b arding y.l ' t laer t,E regardtng k r'tate r o ' -khangl F' und.: ce of title of l.Iajor Gen lhe onrer oral on l I .! l .th6 Mahara ' 143.10.16-P/57.* )a of Baz'oû lëotl ce under Sectlon 89 of'the Code of CiAzll Procedure ' by Mah araja llamakshya plaratrz singla of Ramgarh F.b3119IVtNJxuaddt ' . + a l : ' . 1 : l -8- L .- . .- . . j' 2 -. - .--.- . .- . .- - , -5 3 .' * - ' . ... - .. -- 144.:.16-17/51 V' -'-A Ques ' tion or requisltton or certatn lands in Gho ? . l vt i' heth in Poona , prlvate property of th6? Hulmr orrpad Mudhol t under the ilombay IgalLd requisitton 1:c: 1948. ; . ' .- 145. 1'.16/2/P/51 , ( oett Dh lcment or prlvate property of the Thakur Saheb of adrotatbom:ay). 146.p'.1c 3/:75zi''-Ltabilztims outctandlnr aratnst thc f'ormer Lilcht Talulca i '. ) . v1.s-a-' k-ts the Thalcor oc Llkut . . . .' 147.F.l6/4/P/5ltW àd llepresentntion rr'om ll.llo the V llcb Of Janllra throtlch 131,l viser in regard to the previslon ror Inarrlc #'or hls dauçhter. h1c shootlnrl and feeling rightc ré;e expensec' pnc! other znatters v' a.z slrlcrease of privy purte . allowance for the Begum mothcr and prtvate property or Cararabad . ' l48.F.16/5/P/5l< Petltion from Mr. llt.it.sudeshnlukh lnami Jagtrdar of âllalkot ci' tnte for refund of certain monelrs etc.. ' i q.49.10.16/6/17/51.kerSuccetsion to the propbrtiên of Vasan VirnurEState i 15G.1?.16/7/P/51 ' kue m erohip of tho Sanghi p1o t ln lltvw Delhi 2 stion of'm. Decision is .thet the Sannhi plot i State prope s nov' the Bombay rty. . 151..P.l6/V P/51 Petitjon of ZessrB. il.J .oinwalla & Son: claiming . compe nsatl.on etcofor terinlnatlnfr dlstlllery contrac ts etc . by the Govt.0f Nombay . ' 15t.F.l7-P/5lW ' àppltcatlon of Pandurang Vastldev Shrikhande for the aranttof consent nnier sectlon 86 of ' the Clvil Procedure Codc o s'ke the Maharals of Kolhapur. l53.1P.1.8-R/51 >>e ee Application of fllrnchoor Sh c anl qer Dave for the grant of onssnt unc ler scction 86 of the Civll Procedure Code to ( sueDalaXareshChandraSingh RaJa of sarangaph. . , 154.7.18/3./13/51''- Complalnt by Shrt B . *,- Govt.for the lpnd pcquis N.Banerj ee of lk lgarh against H.P. ition under the R extenslon Scheme anf! for the ce.se againsta.irarh Tok n h1m undc ?rr . scction 2l8 of tl3e La)4d Revcnue àct f of b'icks willlou t Qovts. permlssl or th6 manufacbare on . . 1ss.y.19-P/s2 v'e- sz: tp ,2 ko-iq-rïbotk-q-ïb'-j l56.P.7 -9/l/P/51fK'Suppyooe 1/P.z 6 -7ln State P t ?ctrieJ.' thr to o Mps andur a at cz e( fro - - - .- . Htm se.paylcent of Charges ower . 1. 57.F.7.9/2/P/51kA ilepresentatton from M t r .V .llamlah regardlnr provision of aln facilitles for the resldents o f P'uduklcottai Banganappale and Sandur y . e or 158.P.29-P/51 te ev Represjm tatton from Capt.3ork..labb.ar F.etlred A .F baja of Santlur for increase ; C of the oî hts penston l59o bn.2ô-P/5l1 . A Prlvate propert y o f the Ruler o f l ' I lndol-z for tile surrend ' fhc lcase deed er of a plot ln Balukhanc l ls' khaslnah . by Ilaja baharlur of Rindol. al-purl l6Q.F.20/2/P/N G -Application or Hl . madrl Slngh Dharua of ' JjCofle to sut! the lfah e t'ivil Procedplre g-rant or eonsent under sfpctlqn 86 of th ryf-ra for tlle F.JIj%jPl5*Pay: -nent of n. 16l.F'.21/3/P/51 + . -# araJaofSonepur. , c.357û/kssignee ltaracln1 fn Insolvencv case 1. :0 to the Qf'fiçial J j Bherusal beoolnal . 17/46. relatlng to thi p flrz or . , l62.1*.2l/4/P/5l e' &Provtsion or Ha guard and medical facilttec in Jatpur ror nmthe llawttb og Lahorctlçra l6 gatived). 3.!2.22-P/5).le' ltspupancc to H .H othn i'iavm b of Rampll faclltties eujoyerl ln b r iAâ r to conttnufp'the . o f attacthereu hlnentor his saloonm rzo y to Tntypge zg j.n.res yect s p to tne trazns' 'I kestrte tzon lmpose: s . pon J-ropn tho operational p oint or vtes, !a l ' iu . w..v.-...- ...... - . ' ' '- . ', -- --- -' t'' 'w'* -'-'œL''- *X''*- ' - ' '' '* v'*e **+''--*''+ .- . 6 1X'- ** ' ' Y*' 164 . F.22/1/P/5l p'à' ' @ **-œ* l1. afJnd nisuse of b1' tlete Ihhlar of Dhur belongin wai Of D-tnds g' tcthe zlnop ruler of Banka Pahar' i. '' ' - '' ' ' ' '' - 1.65.!1'.22/2/P/5l kzDeslre of ll. il.t11t! llavaU of itam7ur to x tho':sand Iraci Dtnar for the IW tnnslon contribnte Scheme oOne ifazrat Imaln Ilussatu's s shrtne at Kerbala, Iraq. b q l66.F.2t ?/3/IV 51>M l&cttvttit ss of Dr .S.B .vahidl personal H.èI.th. - Nauab or Ramphp s' ga' f'f Surirerln Of r ln llnttpd Ittngdom . stonpage (1f' htà pnnsion bf the I J. P . f r ovt - ï ,. ' . 167.!2.22/5/17/51 je'Kequmst olsL + ment or a t alnlata of Beri for looklng aft&r tine manage eyple at Vtndraban-ièerused 168.30.22/6/1 7/51 eràpplication of Xa12al llarain Zingh for .sa 1ng a slatt acainst the l4pha nction for f1ll . raëa of Banaras-Re!ected. . 169 .l?.23-P/5l -*' Represent ation from Fliss Eva Hobart nt of penston by the l regarding the payme ' ,'l est Bengal Govt . 170.F.23/1/P/51Z l.lzri'JctixPrrfpertl ' of l1.ll.the Maharala of ' Oclocl n- lscha: Darjeeling Lstate.2es .ftssessment oî Lcnd r ct or the personal 'prope evmnue in resperttcs of ll.il.th6!Maharapa of Cooch-sehar. 171..F.2V i. /P/51j Questlon l.n Parltament by Shri S 6 ) l t w i l' abolltion of Jagtpdari System in eRa lel%ishl'a rcqordtng kasthan. . l72 . 1i '.:?4/2/P/51kve kuî astjon ln the Porlislnent by 3h - forlnatîon oj' rulc ri Sidhva regarding the rs hznlon-dlsallot4ed 173.F.24/4/14/51 %' Questl . on in Pcrllament b'.' Dr .q7.atq Subhag Sin a cony of the repork of cnqugh Ju to place zry made by Chlof of lndJ,a regarding termtna' stlce tl of serviees of Justice R.lDutt-aratj Urs or Mysore llighonCourt . ( ' l74.P.24/5/P/5lu' f--Q 'uestton i . .. . . n Pnrllamnnt by Shri R. velayudllan regardîn colm cil of the unton of r3ll g the erse isallowed 175.F.24/6/P/$1#Z Questi . on tn Pqrliament by Shrl D preperty or Rulers-Disalloved. wivedi regarding private . l76.F.24/8/13/51 RA Quest ' i on in Prtrliament by 1)r .. Bam Subhag Sin the nlm luqr of Stsltes in gh regarding certRin areas h proolatmed as S'Distvrbedwhlch nve bnen and D angerousl' àreas. 17?.F.24X /P/5lP--juastion ln Parllamcnt by Pandit l Colntmm lsts acttvlttes during tho y'f.B .Bhargava. regarding 1950. ears 1948,1949 and . . i . i . . 180.9.24/12/P/517 v sQuosti , e ' . -4x on ln Parllpment by S resentiaent prevatlâ. yth oovind Das regarding n: in iravancore due to Sacrilege of ' Hlndu Temples- Disallowed 18l.F .24/l3/P/5lu . . F . question ip the Papliame nnmber or lkcts and th nt by Shrt Blyant rmgprding the e provisj-ons of varïous Ac ts that have bsen declared ultra avires by variolxs Iligh Courts l8z.>lp ouestion @? Qugistion t . z4/l4/P/5r. n the Parllament k'y Seth Govlnd Das regardlng area of B.pwtransfer red to the Punlab and vice-versa - I I t 178.!'.24/10/P/N ewkut astion in Parllament b , ' the reslgnatlon of 3h $r Shrl Ravelayudhan relating to ri lflra Lal Shast' rt:c Mlnistry in 1kajasthan. 179.P.24/11/P/51 efuqstt on in Parliament by S are aîgare that capttal ptm imth Oovinrl Das whether Govt. Rajasthan for the flrst tâ shment has been enrorced ln me- Dlsallowed. . $ . : ) ! I . -- - - j . e .e -'- - * '-. 'œ*o e 'œ+ '. .. - - - - - - - ---- - - .- l() - . - j- ee ''- - .. ----- - * ' ...- .. -a-- -.- '= ---'- - '- - a.. . ' . )eyn.. . . 183.9'.24/15/P/5lù.''Qu*stb on ln Parllament b7 Shrl R/celayudhan regardlng the desecrattons of templcs in Travancore <n Disalloved. r' ochin- . 184.1,.24/16/P/511 kueotlon tn Perltament by Seth Govi assoctatton or the people or rkampurnd Daj regarding ond hop.w1th thethe . admtnistratton - Disnllowed . l8. 5.F.a4?17/P/sl p,4uestton tn Parltament by seth öovtn; Das that vh ether it ls aor ract that 1aw ard order h,s teon the responstbtllty . 4 rcgionaz comutsstoners tn âtotes- Disalloued. t' 186 . ! '.14/18/P/5)Zkuestion in the Parltament by Seth Govln: Das regarding the number or Part B . j legislatmle-Dtsallowe Sd t.testbccwherethereal'eno . 187.l:.24/19/P/5: Z' Juestion' în thePgrllamentbyShrtR . t. Malviya pegarding the formqtton of fnion or Rulers- Dtsallowed . 188.F.24/20/2/55 vz' luestion in the Parliament b y Prof.K.T.ShRII recardtng th( tnber arwed ' nu Part C or states t dacolttes wlatch have taken plaee ln o the encl of 1950. 189.5'.24/21/P/51 W kuestion ln Parliiment by Prof.K.i.shah reçarding Cstrength, compositton anè recommendatlon of Aovlsorhr ouncils ln Part C Statcs. ' 190.F.24/22/P/51:/Bh question in the Parliament by Pandit Mukut Beharl La1 argava regarding Powers and runctions of tdvlsory C Counclls ln Part C statos . . 191.F.24/23/P/51 ezkuectton in Parliament by Seth Govlnd Das reaardln Proposf9d lllergor of Rampur urith M.Bharat-liisallowedg the ' Fz ' . (192.F.24/74/P/51 caseofj oucstlon ln Parliament by Shri Dwivedi as vhether the aé'irs, muafiss, and other landed grant were given orf by Rulers of s vhieh nov sttuated in Ua p.shall bemerged are as and which are consldered for abolition . vith thp Zamindari àbolition âct comlng Into forceDisallowed . j#. . .,z< 193.F.24/25/P/51 kuestlon in th: P arliament by Seth uovlnd Das regardln the number of rirtngs ln iajasthan and MoBharat-N g .isallowe l94.F.24/26/P/5qkAQuestion tn Parliament by Sh - ctzcumsb rl R.b.Malvlya regardlng the ancesto leadlng Part B State Part Cto Stthe converston of V . P.rtoM ates-Disallowed. 195.F.24/77/P/51e'Chï tuestjon tn Parliament by Shri h.livedi regarding the ef Judictal Commissioner ' . , 196.F.24/28/P/517 fQuesti . on tn P V.P. arliament by Shrl Dwlvedi regardi .escape of undertrlals frow Ho ng the wgong Judictal lock-upDlsallowed . 197.F.24/29/P/51.1Questlon tn Parllament by Shrt Dwivedt rcgardi lnvolved ln trytng to trap Devi Singh and hts ng cost V gong tn . I p.btsalloved. 198.F.24/30/P/51A uestlon tn the Parliament by Shri Dwivodi reg rivate properttes of th ardlng + lartlatlpotalloved) v ' e lkilers of Charkharl anri . . ' 199.F.24/31/P/51 kuestlon ln Parli amentdetain by Shrt R.velalm dhan regardlng the ntm ber of persons respectlvely in Travancore-c ed, convicted and arrested ,oel ain-Dlsallokred . .4x 200.F.24/32/P/51-keluestlon 1n Parliamcnt regarding the memorandu:n fr Pahar:Ja of Baroda in regard to merger of Baroda &;om Bombay lththe ç v ' . ' ' * . . -' ' 11- R- . - .- l . ' ' . 9 - ... . . 2o:. F.z4z33/Pzsl l' U> kuestton tn p arll ame nt by shrt I d s horl m reaar n . - 202 . . . dtn Publle Accounts or M-Bharat an: ohapn. Tp fpathi pasthan F.24/34/P/51Vzkuestion tp P . nrllameptby ShriRajKln&Mrregarding the lmproper manner lnîowhich purchased typewriters rth A'the o'Jt. of Ralàsthan c.18j0* /- Disallowed. ' j . , ao3.F.?4/35/P/5lZ Quest1on in the Parli i ament by Shri Dwvedt regyrdln g r a n t o f m o n e t a r y a t d toPolitlcalSufferers lnV j 204.F.24/36/P/51 i/ uestion i . .. n the Parliamnnt W shri Dwivedi I i f', grants made to ccrtain orgpntsatlon in V regvrding . P. 205.?.24/37/P/511 Questton t n Parliamcnt by Shri D drau/l of cas6: agalnst ex-lutthkevemlv ezlvedl lsîinisrecardtnc & e ter , V .P. ( , 206.1,.rV 38/P/5lZ Question Jn tho Parli:ment by Sh ri !Jelayudhan enqulring ' vhcther nn arms faqto . . ' 1953 in Patlala & P ry &fa.s uuea/thed on 22nd December zast Punjab States 207.F.24/39/P/51K luestion în the Parliament by mergcr of V.P. . 208. P.24/40/12/52 > , . Seth G ovind Dps regnrdlng V'Question ln Parltoment b sts activltles in Mani y Dr .11.11.Das rEgarding conmr lm i pup dqrinc Dgcember . k #' 209.F.24/41./P/51 Quectï:n l the Parliament by Shri Xamath regarding ' Unton of Imnlers b y the Hcad s of some of tb lndlan statcs- llisalz e former owed. . . . * 210.#,.24/42/P/51 - /xr 'Quêsti on tn Plrliament by Shrl Jan paàrrpent ojr7r;Arg pm 'st) to Rulers-z j ,de rec.afdtng the w lsallo . 2ll. F.2V 43/P/51/ Question in P wed . ctrltcnlent by Sh!'l Jan merger of HTPmBilaspul?j Patîala & Last tje rPu erarding the with Eas t P k m l ab nlob St ates 'hopal with M. Bhara 11.l7.or IJ.P'opvnd Xa , I) t, .7.P.w1th .n&pur and ' J rlnura :/1th Jtssarn-l gtsallovzetl a1z.1?. 24/44/P/slW ouestton in P arlicmcnt by Shri Dwivedl terps and conditton regarding the s ttrtt qt?r which the enclaves exchangcd ' between th were e States-Dtsallowed 1 * - . Pnton ' 213.P.24/45/P/5lyWQu9 . s#. j.on in Parliankent b ssion to be takcn by th y Shri Ghule regording permlbefore leavinr the statese Balpramu D isallkhs fron: the President 214 .F.24/46/2/51 Vnâuestion i oved o n Parliament by Seth Govirtd Das re Q*'urithdravrcll of charges anat qarding ns t Mr . Ja1 l ' i arain V Rajastln8n-. l!flthdragan yas of . 2l5 .F.24/47/P/5lF 4u .v est1on ln Palnliament b y 56th Govind Dps rer'ardàng Polttical Penclo ns gtven to Ftulers rel 2.. . )6 1i '24/48/P/51l' V uestton in Parllament by Fleth Govin atives-Disallowed prlmitive trlbes of lq cq Dss regcrding anipur anc) Trlpura - Dlsallowed 2l7.F.24/4. 9/P/5N/I : '4 'uestion j.n Parliamont b . .v Shri D .5. amount of Casln Pralances obt setln regayding the .the merged 3tnte ained by thG l1. J.% vt from . of the employeesshand th6.datci from which the services ave bc ' t ? n recoglnised 218.F'o24/50/1V51Z ' : etc. uestion ln Parllam 3hrl M .P aBhargava regardi F . thc extent of ar ent by ' ea , popu2 . y tlon and estt ng each of thm portton mated revgnue s of the Sirohi 8tr?te Bcmbay and r.now mornf ?rl lnfrom ajas ttlan Lntlwhether the public were consult E'd before adec 1.sion to devtde th 'îN 219 . p State wes taken o 1''.24/51./P/slvouftstjon ln P tJrliament by I)r. of salarles of Hlgh Court flxation . Judges Deshl ln nukj rart regBqi' g1 tn( ,, . . a es . -N ) V'- ' I .- i l - z- . .' l2 -- - -.- -- ' . -- 3.-.- - 22o.1''.24/52/P/51Z kzuestion in Parllament by Shrl Laz'Jtanl' zar regarding the names of statss rrom whom any state J'cwellcry or paraphernalia malnly utillsed on ceremonial occasions p gnd S' tate functtons was talten over by Oovt.on the transfer oî admtpistr-ts ..ol4- Dlsallokred. . -' à ! . 22l.F.2V 53/PZ5lZ< uestion in Parllament by Shri 'ta2'l' W nwar regarding the nmmes of states which handed over one or more palaces - to Govt.on the transfer of adminlstr-tton- Dlsallowed. ' 222.F'.24/% /P/6l ttlpstl f -on tn Parllament by Shrl RaJ Zanwnr renardlng the X. , t alcing over or elephants rrom states by the Govt. of India-Disallowed. ' 223.F.24/55/17/52.7 Questi.on in the Parliamcnt by Shri Ra')'Kanvmr regarptng assets ancl. Ltabllities of former Indian States talxen over by Part A , lacrt J, $ and Part C States. / 224.F.24/56/P/15l.Z :ucsti.on ln Parll.Alncnt by *.. 1 Xanklqr regnrding . 3hrl 1 taking over ot Motor vohiclcs frotn 3tates-Disallöwt aê. 225 T'q 24/57/P/51U ufuf cstion r-n I'arltament by Giani G.S.èlusaflr rggarcling . . scttlng )zp o. ar Mlnlstrlt as ln States-Disall.ol . zed. . . 1 226.1?024/58/13/51/ tkuestlon J.n Pa.rltat prlnt by Shrl Stlbblah'whmther t' qtn total , as been wealth of al1 tlèf) hulcrs ln Part B Stpstes hl cstizats: d - plsalgowet j. . g . . ! 227.1.24/59/P/52.?'kkuesl ilon in Parllament blr Shri Hathi as to l' Chethr?r the cash balances of the Talukdars. vrho have signer: Zcmincl- ar1 àgreements ln saurashtra è zfv-s 1.'o?nè.':3e laasze bc'en taltf!n . ovpr by the rcspfnctln. re Govts.Disallowefl. ' / 228.F.2z 1/60/P/51U. iu f )st ioni nP arlia. me n't b)'S hri Dwmerged il zedtth thnAadm inint Part Statc: s tra tlon ln formcr Ir dian Stn tss ip n has bt ncome lpss e.f'flcient tilan f' rlrmprly- Dlsall.ouedo p' 229.P.24/6l/P/5le .Z *7l(?st'ion in Parllal nen't by Shrt J.5.i1azarlka regctrding arms t k amnhunltion recovered 1 'n i' ranipur- Dis, gllowed . 230.F.24/63/1'/N.V 'turzstion in l''qrloj.nl pcnt by Shri Rathi regarding thE nurgbf ar of applicattons for consEnt to rile sults aKains1 ihllFtrs o!' Indi 'an Gta.t:so 231.:'.a4/64/14/s1 !.Questlon in Parllament regnrdlng declaration of disturbed : ?.rea2; in h.ss. : A!n or l1an1pur. ' % 232 .F.21/65:z1h/5l$d'' (luestion in 17arliament by shri :y.!,!.c-hose rega rd1ng kidnopping ln Trinura by Co= tznists. 233.1P.2âV 66/P/5!.lzroufystion ln Parliament l'egar. âing total numbt ar of . detenu,s ln Part B & C StRte on 31st Deccmber 1950 tlnder proventlvc detention Act 1950. 234.F.24/67/P/51Z kuestion in l7arliament by Shrt J' athnpvswal qy. that how . mony persons engarod ln business were detaint?rl under thi Prevontive Detcntzon Act and how many in Blhar and Bombay were detained under this âct. 235.F.24/68/P/51 k 'uestlon in Parliament by Shri Bartnan whether an amount 4, #. x. . of more than a crore or rupees, was ear-marked for the development of eooch-behar . Wd 236 F.24/69/f)/5l bfktlestlon ln Parlïament by a Shrl Sarangdhar Das recard1ng . the caBe against llarolel Lal Ilarmada Prasad Slnghl ex- Ffinist:r of V.P.j.n cormectton %Jit?t Gandhi l1atfOnai Memorlal Pund-Dlsctlloured. J 237.F'.24/70/P/51 U i cuestton ic Parliament by ProfaYaslnwpnt J-tai rGgarding ja ts wallclsosve nedss ln Patiala & EastPunlab Statr. sUnlon. - . LJ '- . l- - - , - -- - - - - - - - .. 2 - - . .. .- ,- . . -- ..- -- - Qa 0.%% - 209.F.24/71/P/511'tuestion ln Parlr.ament by Shri Saprawnga regprdlrïg ratds by villagcrs of ' J.amenglong Sube ivision l.n Manipur. 240.>na2V72/P/5l)H ' acstion ln Pprliamentby Shri Sanlivam-a regarding thc number of convnunists ktlled by police durtng 1949-50 and and 1950-31 and vice-vcrsa . 41.1?.24/73/17/51 Slip D. 242. -t ' jo' . 3d%3-P#lS/ 1W.%'Sft.--' F.24/74/17/51- Questz. on irlParliamtmt 1)7 Seth Qovlnd Das regarding . fl -rj.nfr in btates bordortng Assam- lianlpnr . * 243.F.24/75/9/51l' rkuestl.on in Parliament by Shri J.ll.ltazart'ka regarding ' #.2.l y?4/P(FI u da en aj tpur hofJajl Irom ineSingh, tndertrialprisoncrln . Me .v . ' ' 244.!1.24/rlLb/P/51 . Wklxestion ln Parliamcnt b:/ Shri Raj llanwar regarding proposed merger of certoin Part C Stqtes witll the adloim . 1ng States and the democratisation of adtnlnistration ln other ï' -av't C stites. 245.11..24/80/13/51.Z k uestùon in Parlinment recarding tho number 04- detênus (C onmunists & I' Ilndu Mahasabha) on 28th Feb.1951.. , . 246.F.2z1/8I/P/51 t-ouestion in Parlilment by Shri Balmikt that vhat ts the tota1 amollltt (32 prlvy pup-se or al' l the Rulers and Wht vther this amount is debtted to the revenues of the Govt.or India or to thc revenues of the State Gosrts. conccrned, Dtsallowed . 24?.F.24/82/P/5l Z4uestlon in Parliament by Shri Saprawnga reqarding the mernr ar of' èlanlpur !4 th Assam. 248.li'.a4/83/P/5l*r'4uestion ln Rarliament by Shri Balwant Singtn Mehta reg: . 1nstructlons z 'ssllccl fronl tha ls ilnistry of States to the / RajasthanGovt.toreconrercertainpoversonthcJagirdar 249.R.rl4/84/P/51W kuf)rrtjon in Pyrliûment by Shri ib.loseph regarding killing . . of pollce offlcials by thc conncunists in 1949 ,19:* 1951 and paymcnt oJ'compensaticn to thclr rRmiltes. 250.17.24/85/17/51 i'#) Pfotes relatlnq to Cut llotlonc in Parllament by DrP Y.S. arntarlt) to àlscuss non-absorption of emnloyees or ene (iilaves ) lk of Kopthai and Kothgnrh in the services of H . P. on-pnylnent of'dues to Xandi Transport Co .Ltd. 25l.F.:?4/86/17/5lv;Question ln Parli. qment ' by Sardar Ranllt Singh reeartling thfa numbmr of thefts and dacôties etc. in Patiala & Eest P nnlab StntiRs Union duping 1950..1 51. Disallowed. 252.F.24/87/P/51 ld' o astlon in Parllanlpnt by Shrl î< a jkcnwar regarding Public Gut ervice Commlssion ln Part 13 States . 253.F'.25-P/5l *- P nu ced ln respect of (a) ourlk Salutes (roce b) ifdure to be adol atlonal Anthem (c) Guards of Honotar (d) State rm f lceptionte) f5tate funeral and (f) Plylng of lçotlonal . ag. 254.J5.26-P/51 >' Exomptlon or ikulers from personal appearance in th ' Courts of the II.P. l' e Clvll ë rxcmption of Dana Raghlm ath Slngh of . Kotkhai from personal appearance in th II. P. e civil courts or .# 255.F.26/1/13/51 . -- Immanity of llulers of orissa from the process of courts of Law. . . 2561-:1. 27//' tD/.bp .2 -P/5I W Grant of leave to Sri K . . . of Travancore-cochin. General T.Koshij Judgo of Eh e R1:( Court instructtons regardln . eW ' l g grant of leave to iligh Court Judges of Part B States. 257.P.27/3/P/514/'Questlon of transfer or the Juri commissionor of A sdiction of the Judiclal imer to the Higll Court of Ralasthan. i> . .. . - .. - 14 t. .. 2. *- - ' ' ' - -- ' -- U - - 25 s9 a.1 ?/'A / /5là''3 l1p.)of -?khon 6'5orarfa k3$-' PX VacJlditior '2 o-re %. . V2'otton to ifigh ' 1. '' . '. .> 27z 2. /P P/51Grant or/ zal munez . ccurt Judgns and Judlcial Commtssloners . 260.1''.27/4/17/51 f*îrrant of pension to Justice l1r. I'a:.7al Kislsore of tile Ttalasthan Hlgh Court. . , # 261 .F.27/5/P/51 %'Representation of Mr.P abeeb l4ohanc od , ex-Fuisne Judge .ll or the Travancore-cochln Htgh Court regarding h1s re- employnlent- ReJect d. 62.F' .28-P/5lw, ee Appointment of tercporaor additlonrl Members to the 3tat: ' ' or Vnion Publs-d Sc'rvice Cona issions. 26R.P.29-P/5l &, .'*' Grant of passuort to il.l-l.the Thakore Sahlb of Palttnna ror hlcl vlslt abl'aoad . 264.:â.29/ï/Pl5?.ë'V rant or passport to H.11.the l' Tavlab of Lohartt for h1s vtclt abrpod. 2.65.1' 1.29/2/P/51Z Keq uost f'zom H.l!.the Mahprala of Raépipla for fore:tgn excha ng'e faci. 11ties unto f15 . ,000/- a yoctr. 266.lPo29/4. /P/5lW ' Vlslt of the Fèala of Janlkhandl abroad. w 26?.F.20/5/PZ5lK -orant of passport to Xuvraja and Yuvrani of itcrea for vl sit . abroad . 268.10.29/6/17/51 W ViBit of RaJa Gurlncler Slngh of Nalagarh abroad . 269.F.29/7/P/5l IeeVislt of lils hij-hnoss the Mah Ilnitecl. Kjngclom- heport that suf a. r'a la.Qaekwar of Barot!a to ficient advan hao not feen given. ce intin' utior :* !70. 1''. 29/8/P/51 bM'vj sk sit of IIjs Higltness the liaharala of Xabha to Ekngland equest for th6 addl 'tlorval exchange facJllty- 14.6jêcted. < ' 27l.l?.2q/r)/P/51 j:-vlsit or il.ii.thfo Mahp or f rala.of Morvt to england-allotlftont - . , - ' . orelgn exchanrre. 272*IP@3O-P/N Z - tsanctlcn ofwforelgn exchangc to th: extcnt of &c 2?j000/. o lit nr ilOighnest laiaap-ani(Junior) of Patlala f'or payment f B 1llstho in l resppc t of articles p'a charst)d by her in Id' r. nnce. 273.F:32-P-/5lP' t 'lru )nt Lf cuôtoms faclliti Jodhpur. t:s to H.H.the llaharqJa of 274.12*a2/)/P/5l t,*'*Blk Grant of clzstolrks fp.cilitles to J'I.I!.'the l4ahpr8Ja oj* aner . . 275.7.32/2/17/52 te''cr of customs exquptlon certlricate to Rls htghness tlbsnt e l' ialcarana or Ildatpur f' or i mport or llquors. 276.17.33-.P/51 t. e- Posttion of the llulor of Khalrafrarb ln th Precedencc . e Warrant of 277.:' .33/l/P/slZ 'P;ace of retlred lfysore' offlcers in Warrant of P . . recedenc6 278.1?.2:/2/13/5Jyz senlerlty l1st of Govcrnors and Raypa about the orrler of-Ilroc( Rrle rgmlkhs.2oDeclslon 2+2 e. r9.1?.44-P/51 v, lutnutcs of th . F'?. !3/Vl5-f audtucMaharajaof'yl ysorr! ceoçtheNzzartof'Hydcrabad / a meetzng :, /j.th chlef yzpj s.qs/fgsy s0.tcsh' nldonSunc layyllthFeb.1951.stersofPartB 280.17 . k . 46-p/, % v. proceedlnss or th rï conference or Governcrs .nt j Aa held at Government Hous!m lteg Delhi on the 16th kl' s ! A,jgramtl Xarc1),1951. j . n. 'l q.7th : z l5 < .. - - - . i l. I . .. ..- - - . - - -- -. . . - : e . % .' ' .2 . - a8l. F.47-P 51 *-#* Puture of Coorg. , .- - ' - , . a* . . . - .-- - -. . .. F -# T/&?. -. ' 282. 7.5 - Bj.#'' Convcntlon to be followed ln regard to aopointment of -- ?--q tfEA/vpXV XlniSto?-S* 283.F.52-P/5l <'' Coll, .ctlon of meterl.al for thfa P'keiort on the v. rorking Of F 5l .the Mtnlstry of States during the year 1950-51, -k . ' 5 .w5w/, P .s-z 28 .>=.f 5Y-' 1;/5). ' c : y J r . q s . 1 ;.sT-P/5k ' 28 i' z- ' kuestion of obtmilltng furnishing materials from llulers * , . izublyc saretg J.ct. L f/ s' t yc . -> , for bmbasotos. 286rF-'.651-J'N-51 ,.. co:-ernntentppomvssory sotestnspectazFormuelt!.by .&. . F .4r,. o/7YuFJ varîous Rulers of Indian States.' t > -'PJF l v 287.F.67-*1/151 * Payment Of bill.of 11r.G.N.loohi who attended the confere ' . . F' laVLTj5) ( 5t nct?convened by theAdvocate oeneral in thtaPeder.al Court by thc Giem of'hfrlllum. . F- s-Pl s.u y o -q..zq.r,jg.-s-q ,y6-.la'$% te' 288.F.68*17/. 51 ird' Pttllzatlon of lleserve ll YlAf . q.o Of tnhflritpd fl-olt l PrstWhile ' , . T 6?p-. P 5) 289# . ( n y/. 5-1 .E '.7, 3-1/51 G Ind1an S'LL Btes. , . Govertll aent' of In(:lp.fs attttude to the proposed holdtng of tht o Pcace Conferencc tn ànril 1951. 293.34.74.-1 7/51 A Applicatlon of l7r.i;.Meloshi fcr appointment. 29l.l?.75-P/5l V Grant of flnaicia1 assistance to politlcal sufferflrb in 1 ;J/-jf7shbî Trlpura, . 292.' !'.?7-P/51 #' / lfames of the admtnl.strptive 'Dictl'icts of'Pal't B & Part . . . c ., ;t;: 4. t,qso i 293.: F.78-P/51''R l ' L e tr p'r tc esi tnLettmr f, atlono f' thë pecp lel.lo ftvedi mergcd encln vtsplicht lnothe r fron Shrl H.l hr regard ing of . . thrz people oj: enclaves. A . 294.1' 1@79-1 3/51 v#' T.eqtlfnst of tdlfa Paklstan Oov' arnltent f .or thi rl sunply of informp.tlon rf?f?rlr' . ' lînf, tile merger and intcgra tion fo Statt 295.F.83-.19/52. Democratlc sflt lEp ln Part T; & Part C ötates. 296.J.'.3l-P/5q t A' bris: f- noto re1 Dr.1..C .Jqj.nj M.. N.LI,.3.Ph.D., D .Scp con(Lomlon). . 297.F'.S2-i7/5?.e Coorr7snondnece 1)etween il.L'.tili a Oovernor of ksr;n1n and Shri t /.slnanlcor, ICS, reg:?:rdlnc contrlbutlons towar' . 1s tlle Assanli;artylqlls llcta ?7,e11ef Fund .' ' ., $ '' . N .. :#' , N! . . ' . . ' k %,,. /N w N z' M,' k * e m x . N s $ ' ' RTI M ATTER M O ST IM M EDIATE - Dy.No.15/2010/ORR GovernmentofIndia/BharatSarkar MinistryofHomeAsairs/Grih Mantralaya * A New Delhi, the26thAppri l,2010 To The DirectorGeneral, NationalArchivesoflndia, Janpath,New Delhi Sub: TransferIists offiles pertaining to years 1947 to 1955 ofPolftical Division of erstwhile Ministry ofStates (now M inistry of Home Affairs)- supplycopiesthereof- reg. ? Sir, e l am directed to say that it is understood that som e files pertaining to m ergerof Princely States into India w ere transferred to NAIforpermanentretention.The transferlistsofsuch filesare required to dealsome RTImatters. Despite ourbesteffortswe could nottrace the same in the Record Room ofthe M inistry. 2. Itis,therefore,requested thatcopiesoftransferlistsofsuch files pertaining to years 1947 to 1955 of Political Division of erstwhile M inistry ofStates (now Ministry of HomeAffairs)may kindly be made available to this M inistry urgently a # z . % & .c.t-p,x . wtywltt < - k ) ' youfsfaithfully, jqo.x.oupta) Director Tele N0.23092705 -j
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