AY E LIN ILW RA ON 370 000mE TRA 380 000mE 115°40'00"E LINE ISSI NSM 115°50'00"E 390 000mE Joins Harvey 400 000mE Wellington NP 116°00'00"E A 46213 RAILWAY LINE 410 000mE 420 000mE 116°20'00"E 440 000mE 430 000mE 116°10'00"E 6 310 000mN 6 310 000mN BUNBURY Wellington NP A 46213 TRA NS MIS SIO Western Shield - 1080 Poison Risk Areas Bunbury City PICTON Nannup N LIN E TR TRAN AN SM COLLIE TOWNSITE SMIS IS SI ON SION LIN E LINE Westralia Conservation Park* A 45961 DPaW REGIONAL HQ DPaW DISTRICT OFFICE Map current as at March 2014 2 4 6 8 10 kilometres HORIZONTAL DATUM : GEOCENTRIC DATUM OF AUSTRALIA 1994 ( GDA94 ) LANE POOLE Proposed CP (interim FCA) WELLINGTON Collie River Wyvern Road NR* R 28926 LEGEND Other Land Categories (includes existing and proposed) Management boundaries Shire of Other Crown reserves State forest, timber reserve, miscellaneous reserves and land held under title by the CALM Executive Body *Unallocated Crown land (UCL) DPaW region boundary District *Unmanaged Crown reserves (UMR) (not vested with any authority) Nature reserve SM ISS ION LIN E Western Shield Dardanup Conservation Park* Yallatup NR A 38415 RAIL WAY LINE er A TR AN Riv LI Wellington lie TH E Shire of Collie E Col OF E R N LIN Bibbulmun Track *The management and administration of UCL and UMR's by DPaW and the Department of Lands respectively, is agreed to by the parties in a Memorandum of Understanding. DPaW has on-ground management responsibilty. Proposed NR DANGER Department of Parks and Wildlife A Shire of Dardanup 1080 Poison Risk Area risk to domestic animals (dogs and cats) Produced by Geographic Information Services (GIS) Branch Department of Parks and Wildlife Job No. 14025E01 T W A U ST SIO Munda Biddi Trail (cycle) Information on areas of 1080 poison risk is accurate as of March 2014. This map does not show other areas of 1080 poison risk on private or other DPaW managed lands. Please contact the nearest DPaW district office for information on other DPaW 1080 programs in this area. ER NME OV N G RN MIS Cape to Cape Walk Track CALM Act sections 5(1)(g), 5(1)(h) reserve & miscellaneous reserve Former leasehold & CALM Act sections 16, 16A & 33(2) managed lands. S TE NS Trails Nature Reserve Forest conservation areas TRA DPaW district boundary property, Pastoral leases Private Proposed Conservation park Collie River Wellington Reservoir Wellington NP A 46213 Local Government Authority boundary DARDANUP REGION National park TRANSMISSION LINE Department - Managed Land 6 300 000mN kilometres 0 Wellington NP A 46213 Wellington NP A 46213 WELLINGTON TRANSMISSION LINE BOYANUP SI ON est E LIN lway Roa Rive E LIN N IO ISS SM AN TR r ive Collie nR 6 290 000mN sto Pre Rai r So n River Shire of Capel uth Presto PRESTON d CAPEL RA ILW AY LIN k roo yb nn Do E oa kR roo pB yu Bo Muja CP* A 46362 Greater Preston NP* A 47661 Greater Preston NP* A 47661 DONNYBROOK Greater Preston NP* A 47661 Greater Preston NP* A 47661 AY ILW RA South SUNKLANDS Muja CP* A 46362 NOGGERUP R 26238 E LIN Weste WELLINGTON hway 6 280 000mN 6 280 000mN Proposed CP rn Hig ST Muja CP* A 46362 d 6 290 000mN Bus LINE AY WAY ILW RAIL WELL WELLINGTON RA 33°30'00"S sell TRA NSM ISS Hig ION LIN E hway IS SM AN TR Proposed NR Boya nup Road W E LIN 33°30'00"S Tuart Forest NP A 43059 Proposed CP Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Capel River Proposed CP Abba ad River Ro d SOUTH WEST 33°40'00"S 33°40'00"S oo dw oo G A 46006 WELLINGTON NEWLANDS W Do ro yb nn Proposed CP (interim FCA) 6 270 000mN Bo 6 270 000mN ok WILGA yu Wilga NR* R 29121 p DPaW WORK CENTRE oo Br k KIRUP Ro Proposed CP ad RAIL WAY Shire of Busselton LINE Donnybrook Boyup Brook Road NR* A 13943 Kerr CP* R 47893 MULLALYUP Proposed CP (interim FCA) Joins Kojonup Joins Busselton SUNKLANDS WELLINGTON SUNKLANDS Shire of Boyup Brook 6 260 000mN 6 260 000mN BALINGUP Proposed CP (interim FCA) Proposed CP RA NORTH GREENBUSHES ILW AY LIN 33°50'00"S 33°50'00"S E BOYUP BROOK Va igh eH ss Greenbushes NR* A 46390 y wa GREENBUSHES Blackwood St Joh Powlalup NR A 25446 RAIL WAY LINE p up Ba Na u nn ad ok R Ro ro pB 6 250 000mN n Brook 6 250 000mN E N LIN SIO MIS NS TRA Hester CP* A 47892 d oa Nollajup NR* A 45915 u oy nB g lin w eto Hester CP* A 47892 Bri dg Hester CP* A 47892 uth So Proposed Conservation Park ISSI te ON es LINE W NSM rn Hester CP* A 47892 ay hw Hig TRA Proposed NR (interim FCA) Hester CP* A 47892 Proposed CP (interim FCA) Bla ck wo od A 43031 Riv er BRIDGETOWN 6 240 000mN Bla ck wo od 6 240 000mN Riv er DONNELLY Proposed CP Dalgarup NP* A 47885 DPaW WORK CENTRE 34°00'00"S NANNUP 34°00'00"S Blackwood River NP A 47670 DALGARUP NATIONAL PARK* Proposed NR (interin FCA) Bro Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes ck ma nH Greater Kingston NP* A 47662 igh wa y A 47670 Brockman Highway YORNUP Vass Greater Kingston NP* A 47662 Proposed CP (interim FCA) e High Blackwood River NP A 47670 ad s Ro way Sear 6 230 000mN Shire of Nannup 6 230 000mN River Blackwood Donnelly RAILWAY LINE Wilgarrup NR R 12381 Blackbutt CP* A 46026 TRANSMISSION LINE Donnelly River ay Alco NR R 32142 hw up Hig eB rle Ba Milyeannup NP* A 47669 DONNELLY AY ILW RA wa Ste rt ite Ro Yanmah Road Ro Greater Kingston NP* A 47662 TRANSMISSION LIN E LINE WARREN Gra ph ad ad d Roa ite Proposed SF 115°40'00"E 380 000mE 390 000mE 115°50'00"E 400 000mE Joins Pemberton 116°00'00"E 410 000mE ph Ro ad R 39199 Faunadale NP R 15762 420 000mE 116°10'00"E MANJIMUP River Gra Hilliger NP A 47668 Hilliger NP A 47668 Wilgarrup tern High Ralston Proposed State Forest South Wes Proposed CP (interim FCA) Easter NP* A 47877 way Shire of Manjimup Hilliger NP A 47668 370 000mE 6 220 000mN 34°10'00"S este MANJIMUP Sou ro ok Milyeannup NP* A 47669 th W 34°10'00"S 6 220 000mN Easter NP* A 47877 er Riv inn am rr Ye rn SUNKLANDS Proposed CP (interim FCA) 430 000mE 440 000mE 116°20'00"E
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