q{Fil-g Atomic Energy urnf Regulatory ftq-Tf, qfuE Board rqit{qrd 'lr{il $t4q1 CHAIRMAN UT'Fr{ GOVERNMENTOF INDIA 4tlrso No.GH/AERB/KK-I, 2t1ggt2o1 May 1,2014 Sub: Clearancefor Raising ReactorPower up to 90% FP and For Limited Durationat 100%FPfor Gonduct of SpecifiedTests (Phase-G3)of KudankulamNuclear Power Project Unit # I Refs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No.VC/AERB/KK-{, 21199120141252, dtd. 24.1.2014 No.NPCIULWR-O/KK/20141M1021,dtd.9.4.2014 23.4.2014 No.AERB/NPSDIKK12|403(SG-COMM}I2014|1331,dtd. No.AERB/NPSD/KK-NPP/199(a)/SG-RP12014,dtd.25.4.2014 No.AERB/NPSD/ 403(SG-611201411330, dtd. 23.4.2014 No.AERB/NPSD/199(a)/KKNPP/SG-71201411340, dtd.25.4.2014 No.AERB/NPSD/I99(a)/KKNPP/TF-PSl-lSl/2014,dtd. 25.4.2014 No.AERB/NPSD/199(a)/ACPSR-LWR/201U1390,dtd.30.4.2014 AERB had earliergrantedClearancefor ReactorPowerRaise upto 75%FPfor KK Unit# 1 (Ref.1) withcertainstipulations on January24,2014. Sitetook up.PhaseC2 stagecommissioning activitieswhichinvolvedraisingReactor check Powerin stepstill75o/oFP and conductof varioustests.Duringthe tests,performance progressively of varioussystem parameterswas carriedout and Site had submittedtest reportsto AERB.Thesereportswere reviewedby SGsffFs and ACPSR. Subsequently,as part of next stage of commissioningactivities,Site submitt€d Applicationfor Authorization of ReactorPowerriseto 100%FP (Phase-C3)for KK NPP# 1 on April 9,2014 (Ref.2). This Applicationalongwith ReviewReportsof respectiveSGs/TFs [viz.SG-COMM(Ref.3), SG-RP(Ref.4),SG-6(Ref.5), SG-7(Ref.6),and TF-PSl/lSl(Ref. 7)l were discussedin ACPSRMeeting# 164 held on April 25, 26 & 28,2014. Basedon Report(Ref.8) for detailedreviewof the same,ACPSRhas submittedits Recommendations RaisingReactorPower upto 90% FP and for limiteddurationto 100%FPfor conductof specifiedtests. Based on the above, Raising Reactor Power up to 90% FP and For Limited Duration at 100%FP for Conduct of Specified Tests (Phase-C3)of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project Unit # 1 is granted subject to compliance with various stipulationsas broughtout in Annexure. Page1 of 3 ftqp6T{i, qu5rfuw, i*{- 4oooe4 NIYAMAKBHAVAN,ANUSHAKTINAGAR,MUMBAI- .oO094 ISO 9001:2008 Organisation 2s4s,25990604 {r{rc/TELEPHONE : 91-22-2ss6 2u4, 2ss6sz17, 2s5€g2go Fffi / FAX : 91-22-2556 E-mail:chairman @aerb.gov.in +{sr{c/ WEBSITE: www.aerb.gov.in * ' q{rrTg s.qf ft€nr6 qRq-q BOARD ATOMICENERGYREGULATORY All the commissioning tests should be conducted as per approved procedures adhering to safety requirementsas stipulated by AERB/ACPSR.Following completion of tests, Site should submit report on plant performance and results of commissioning tests conducted at 90%FP.After review and concurrenceof the same by AGPSR, reactor power of KK NPP #1 can be raised upto 100% FP for a limited duration of time to conduct tests as per commissioning programmefor Phase C3 at 100%FP. Subsequent to completion of tests at 100% FP, reactor power should be u brought down to 90% FP and stabilized.Stable operation at 90%FPfor at least 7 days shall be demonstratedand reports should be submitted. After satisfactorycompletion of above activities, Site shall submit Application for raising reactor power upto 100% FP for sustained operation and only after satisfactory review by AGPSR and Glearanceby AERB, subsequent raising reactor power upto 100% FP can be taken up. This Clearanceis valid upto June 15,2014. Chairman& ManagingDirector, NuclearPowerCorporationof India'Ltd, NabhikiyaUrja Bhavan, AnushaktiNagar,Mumbai-40O 094 Copv to: 'AERB Vice-Chairman, AERB Director(O) Secretary,AERB Director(T) Director,NPSD ExecutiveDirector(Operations) Director,OPSD ExecutiveDirector(Engg-LWR) Director,IPSD KK Site Chairman, ACPSR-LWR #1 Site Director,KK NPP Member-Secretary, ACPSR-LWR# 1 KK NPP-1&2 StationDirector, Page2 of 3 trs'Tg BNt frqrrs. qRsq ATOMICENERGYREGULATORY BOARD Annexure Glearancefor Raisinq ReactorPower up to 90% FP and For Limited Duration at 100%FPfor Conduct of SpecifiedTests (Phase-G3)for KudankulamNuclearPower Proiect Unit # 1 1. o Recommendations of ACPSR-LWR(Ref.8) relevantto this stageshallbe complied with. 2. Recommendations of SG-COMM(Ref.3), SG-RP(Ref.4), SG-6(Ref.5), SG-7(Ref. 6) and TF-PSlilSl(Ref. 7) relevantto this stage shall be compliedwith and all requiredReportsare to be submitted. 3. All Industrial& Fire Safety requirementsas per Atomic Energy(Factories)Rules, 1996shallbe strictlyadheredto. 4. reportsas applicableto the stage Compliancereportto the aboverecommendations of Phase-C3shouldbe submitted. 5. All otherstatutoryclearancesshouldbe obtained,as necessary. Page3 of 3
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