Anurakshan 2014-15 - Maharani Laxmibai Medical College Jhansi

fufonk;d dks lkekU; vuqns”k ,oa vko”;d 'krsZ
¼ foRrh; o’kZ 2014&15 ½
fdlh Hkh jftLVMZ lk>snkj QeZ Onkjk Vs.Mj izLrqr djus dh n”kk es ml ij mlds vkSj lk>snkj ;k mlls
;Fkkfof/kd cuk;s x;s vH;FkhZ Onkjk gLrk{kj fd;s tkus pkfg, vkSj fdlh xSj jftLVMZ lk>snkjh QeZ ds
ekeys esa ml ij mlds gj lk>snkj Onkjk vyx&vyx gLrk{kj fd;s tkus pkfg,Afdlh lk>snkj dh
vuqifLFkr esa mldh vksj ls ml O;fDr Onkjk gLrk{kj fd;s tkus vko”;d gS ftls ,slk djus dh vVkuhZ ds
vf/kdkj fn;s x;s gks] ,d ek= LokfeRo okyh QeZ Onkjk ,slk djus ds fy, Vs.Mj izLrqr djus dh n”kk esa
mls ,d ek= Lokeh dk uke O;Dr djuk pkfg, vkSj mlds dk;Z ds uke dk Hkh mYys[k fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
Vs.Mj nsus okys ds gLrk{kj ;Fkkfof/k lk{khd`r gksus pkfg,] vU;Fkk Vs.Mj vLohd`r fd;k tk ldrk gS A
dksbZ Hkh Vs.Mj ftlesa nh xbZ 'krksZ esa fdlh ds ifjorZu dk izLrko gks ;k ftlesa fdlh izdkj dh dksbZ vU;
'krZ dk izLrko j[kk x;k gks] vLohd`r fd;k tk ldrk gSA ftl dk;Z ds fy;s Vs.Mj Hkstk tk; fufonk
foKkiu ds vuqlkj mldk uke fyQkQs ds Åij fy[kk tk; A
fufonk izi= esa njksa dks vkbVe ds lkeus gh fy[kk tk;]mls vxyh iafDr esa ugha fy[kk tkuk pkfg,A
fufonk izi= esa njksa dks vadksa esa vksj 'kCnksa esa fy[kus dh ,slh lko/kkuh cjrh tkuk pkfg, fd muds chp esa
vkSj dqN fy[kuk laHHko u gks ldsA njsa vadksa esa fy[kus dh n”kk esa igys #0 chp esa nleyo vkSj fQj iSls
fy[kuk pkfg,A mnkgj.k ds fy;s tSl&
s #0 2&15 iSlAs tc nj #i;s esa gks rks mls iwjk nleyo ds ckn
rd fy[kk tkuk pkfg,A dksbZ Hkh dkWye fjDr u NksMAas+ fjDr dkWye dks fufonk esa ugha fxuk tk;sxkA
Hkjh gqbZ fufonk esa dgha Hkh dVku ugha gksuk pkfg,] fufonk esa tks Hkh njsa Hkjh xbZ gksa ]mls lkQ&lkQ v{kjksa
esa fy[kk gksuk pkfg,A ;fn dgha dfVax ik;h tkrh gS rks ml nj dks fufonk esa lfEefyr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
fufonk izi= esa njsa vkbVe okbt ftl izdkj dh czk.M dh ekWxh xbZ gks mlh ds vuqlkj jsV dksV fd;s
tkuk pkfg,A njksa esa fdlh izdkj dk VSDl lEefyr u fd;k tk;A ftu oLrqvksa esa VSDl vko”;d gks mls
fu;ekuqlkj vyx ls iznf”kZr fd;k tk;s A
fdlh Hkh l”krZ fufonk dks Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk rFkk fufonk ds lEcU/k esa vfUre #i esa fu.kZ; ysus dk
vf/kdkj iz/kkukpk;Z dks gS fylds fy;s dksbZ fufonk;d fdlh Hkh U;k;ky; esa pqukSrh nsus dk vf/kdkjh ugha
Vs.Mj ds lkFk nh tkus okyh izfrHkwfr jkf”k iz/kkukpk;Z] esfMdy dkyst]>kWlh ds uke ca/kd cukdj yxkbZ
tk;sxhA izfrHkwfr jkf”k ds fcuk fdlh Hkh fufonk;d dh fufonk ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk A
fufonk;d Onkjk fufonk izLrqr djrs le; dsoy njksa dk fyQkQk vyx rFkk fufonk ds okWfNr izek.k i=
vjusLVeuh vyx fyQkQs esa j[kdj eqgj cUn fufonk isVh esa Mkyh tk;sxhA foyEc ls igqWpus okyh fufonk
ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk A
fdlh Hkh viw.kZ fufonk ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk ]fufonk esa tks Hkh okafNr izek.k i= ekWxs x;s gS mudh
Nk;kizfr;kW tSlk fufn"V fd;k x;k gS] layXu djuk gksxkA fufonk ds lEcU/k esa fdlh lwpuk ,oa ml ij
fu.kZ; ysus dk iw.kZ vf/kdkj iz/kkukpk;Z dks gksxk ftldk ikyu fufonk;d dks djuk gksxk A iz/kkukpk;Z ds
fu.kZ; ,o 'krksZ dk ikyu fufonk;d Onkjk u fd;s tkus ij fcuk fdlh lwpuk ds fufonk fujLr djds
fu;ekuqlkj dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxh rFkk fufonk;d Onkjk tek dh xbZ izfrHkwfr jkf”k dks m0iz0”kklu fgr esa
tCr dj yh tk;sxhA
fufonk;d Onkjk 'kkldh; dk;Z esa vuko”;d ck/kk igqWpkus ,oa mn~n.Mrk djus ij mldh fufonk dks fujLr
djrs gq, vFkZn.M dh dk;Zokgh djus@/kjksgj jkf”k tCr djus dh dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxh A
fufonk;d dks fufonk izi= esa layXu lHkh izi=ksa esa gLrk{kj djuk gksxk rFkk layXu fd;s tkus okys oakfNr
izi=ksa dk Li’V mYys[k ,d vyx i`"B ij vafdr dj o gLrk{kj djds layXu djuk gksxkA
fufonk ekWxus okyk vf/kdkjh ;k mldk ;Fkkfof/k vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh fu/kkZfjr le; ij fufonk [kksysxk vksj
bPNqd fufonk;d ;k mldk izfrfuf/k fufonk ds le; ij mifLFkr jg ldrs gSA fdlh Hkh fufonk ds fy,
fo”ks’k fooj.k izkIr djus ds fy;s l{ke vf/kdkjh dh vuqefr vko”;d gSA fufonk vLohd`r gksus dh n”kk esa
fufonk;d dh izfrHkwfr jkf”k dks okil dj fn;k tk;sxkA
dze”k% ist ua0&2
& 2 &
fufonk Lohdkj djus okyk vf/kdkjh lcls de ewY; dh fufonk dks Lohdkj djus dks ck/; ugha gS] mls ;g
vf/kdkj gS fd og fcuk fdlh lwpuk o dkj.k crk;s vkWf”kd ;k leLr fufonk dks vLohdkj dj ldrk gSA
ftl fufonk esa dksbZ 'krZ iwjh ugha dh xbZ gks ;k tks viw.kZ gks] mls vLohdkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA fufonk
Lohdkj djus okys izkf/kdkjh dks ;g vf/kdkj gksxk fd og ctV miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij fcy vkQ DokfyVh
ds vuqlkj fn;s x;s dk;Z esa deh o o`f} dj ldrk gS vkSj QeZ mlds vuqlkj dk;Z djus gsrq ck/; gksxhA
fufonk ml fnu ls izHkkoh ekuh tk;sxh ftl fnu ls iz/kkukpk;Z Onkjk Lohd`fr iz nku dj nh tk;sxhA
fufonk Lohd`fr izkIr gksus ds lkr fnu ds vUnj fufonk nk;d dks #0&100@& ds LVkEi isij ij vuqcU/k
djuk gksxkA vuqcU/k u djus dh fLFkfr esa njsa fujLr dj nh tk;sxhaA
fufonk;d dks dk;Z vkns”k ds dk;Z esa [kqnkbZ dk;Z vkfn o tks Hkh VwVQwV gksxh lHkh Bhd fd;k tk;sxk rFkk
VwVQwV dk lkeku gVkdj lQkbZ vkfn dk iwjk dk;Z djuk gksxk A
ctV dh miyC/kr ds vuqlkj dk;Z dh vko”;drk ,oa mi;ksfxrk dks /;ku esa j[kdj dk;Z vkns”k ;k iznk;
vkns”k fn;k tk;sxkA fufonk essa nh xbZ ek=k esa vko”;drk vuqlkj de o vf/kd ek=k dk dk;Z vkns”k
iznk; vkns”k nsus dk iw.kZ vf/kdkj iz/kkukpk;Z dks gksxk A
fufonk;d dks lHkh vkns”kksa ds vuq#i lHkh lkexzh ,izOw M DokfyVh vkbZ0,l0vkbZ0 ekdZ iz;ksx djuh gksxhA
bl lkexzh dks iz;ksx djus ls iwoZ l{ke vf/kdkjh Onkjk fujh{k.k fd;k tk ldrk gSA
fufonk;d ds fcy ls 'kklukns”k vuqlkj vk;dj] O;kikj dj rFkk tks Hkh vko”;d dVkSfr;k¡ oakfNr gksxha]
dkVh tk;sxh o ns; gksxhaA
gLrk{kj fufonk;d-------------------------------------------iz/kkukpk;Z]
esfMdy dkyst >k¡lhA
Hkouksa ds vuqj{k.k ,oa y?kq ejEer rFkk j[kj[kko ds dk;Z gsrq vko”;d 'krsa
fufonk ds lEcfU/kr dksbZ Hkh dk;Z ih0MCyw0Mh0 ls ÅWph njksa ij Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
fufonk dh vuqekfur ek=k ;k vuqekfur /kujkf”k dks de djuk o mlh dh 50 izfr”kr ek=k dh /kujkf”k dk
dk;Z fn;k tkuk o mlls de fn;k tkuk ,oa vko”;d gqvk rks vuqca/k djus ds Ik”pkr dk;Z vkns”k u fn;k
tkuk vkfn dk vf/kdkj iz/kkukpk;Z ds ikl lqjf{kr gksxk A
tc dksbZ fuekZ.k dk;Z fdlh Hkh QeZ Onkjk fuLikfnr fd;k tk; rks mlds Hkqxrku dh jlhn ij lHkh
lk>snkjksa Onkjk gLrk{kj fd;s tkuk pkfg,] ;g ml n”kk esa tc fd fufonk esa QeZ Onkjk jftLVMZ lk>snkj
n”kkZ;s x;s gksa A
QeZ Onkjk dk;Z vkns”k dk dk;Z iwjk djus ij leLr fudkyk x;k iqjkuk lkeku voj vfHk;Urk flfoy ls
lR;kfir djkdj fof/kor #Ik esa LVksj esa tek djkuk gksxk A
dk;Z vkns”k dk dk;Z iwjk gksus ij voj vfHk;Urk flfoy ds ewY;kadu mijkUr izHkkjh vf/kdkjh Hkou ,oa
tydy foHkkx ds lR;kiu i'pkr Hkqxrku gsrq fcy ys[kkuqHkkx dks izsf"kr fd;s tk;sxAsa dk;Z vkns”k dk dk;Z
lUrks"ktud u gksus ij lqjf{kr jkf”k dk Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
Nr ejeer ds dk;Z esa fcy dh jkf”k dk Hkqxrku ,d cjlkr dk lhtu fudyus ds ckn djkbZ tk;sxh
tcfd Nr esa dksbZ yhdst u gqvk gks] vU;Fkk iqu% ejEer dk dk;Z fy;k tk;sxk blds Ik”pkr Hkh ;fn
yhdst ik;h tkrh gS rks mDr dk;Z dh jkf”k dk Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
dk;Z vkns”k ds dk;Z dk Hkqxrku lUrks"k tud gksus o iw.kZ gksus ds ckn gh fd;k tk;sxk A dk;Z lUrks"k
tud u gksus o viw.kZ gksus dh n”kk esa fdlh izdkj dk dksbZ Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
dk;Z iw.kZ gksus ds mijkUr dk;Z vkns”k dh /kujkf”k dk 10 izfr”kr /kjksgj jkf”k ds :Ik esa tek djkuk gksxkA
tks fd 6 ekg ckn dk;Z larks’ktud ik;s tkus ij voeqDRk fd;k tk;sxkA
fufonk;d dks dk;Z vkns”k dk leLr dk;Z fu/kkZfjr le; esa iw.kZ djds l{ke vf/kdkjh ;k mlds vf/kd`r
vf/kdkjh dks lUrks’k tud :Ik esa fujh{k.k djkuk gksxk o ,slk u djus ij dk;Z dk Hkqxrku ugha fd;k
gLrk{kj fufonk;d-------------------------------------------iz/kkukpk;Z]
esfMdy dkyst >k¡lhA
iqrkbZ dk;Z dh vfrfjDr 'krasZ
iqrkbZ dk;Z esa iz;ksx ykbZ tkus okyh lkexzh dh ewy isfdax o 'ksM dkMZ ds lkFk QeZ dks izHkkjh vf/kdkjh ;k
izkf/kd`r vf/kdkjh dks pSd djkdj ml ij lfEefyr gLrk{kj ds ckn dk;Z izkjEHk djuk gksxkA
QeZ }kjk dk;Z vkns”k ds dk;Z dks Lohd`r njksa ds vuqlkj nhoky@njokts@fxzy vkfn dh iqrkbZ ,oa isfUVax]
okfuZflax djus dk uewuk l{ke vf/kdkjh dks fn[kykuk gksxk A uewuk lUrks"ktud gksus ij l{ke vf/kdkjh
dh lgefr izkIr djus ds ckn dk;Z izkjEHk fd;k tk;sxk rFkk ;gh uewuk iwjs dk;Z dk ekud ekuk tk;sxk A
QeZ Onkjk fd;k x;k dk;Z uewus ds vuqlkj u ik;s tkus ij o voj vfHk;Urk flfoy Onkjk lwfpr djus ij
Hkh dk;Z lUrks"k tud u fd;s tkus ij QeZ dh fufonk dks fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxkA
bukfey isUV djus gsrq igys nhoky dh lrg ij jsxeky yxkdj ml ij iqVhu ls ysi dj fQfyax o
Vfpax djuk gksxh fQj izkbej djuk gksxk fQj vko”;drk vuqlkj vkbZ0,l0vkbZ0ekdZ ,izCw M DokfyVh dk
isUV i`Fkd i`Fkd dksV fd;k tk;sxkA
ikfyl fLizV djus gsrq iqjkuh lrg ij jsxeky ls lkQ fd;k tk;sxk blds ckn iqVhu ls xsi Hkjdj Vfpax
djuh gksxh blds Ik”pkr jax eSfpax djds fQj fLizV piM+k dh ikfyl ,izCw M DokfyVh dh dh tk;sxh o
vkbZ0,l0vkbZ0 ckVj izfw Qax okfuZl fd;k tk;sxk A
M~kbZ fMLVsEij djus gsrq iqjkuh lrg ij jsxeky ls lkQ dj ml ij iqVhu ls xSi Hkjk tk;sxk fQj Vfpax
dh tk;sxh blds ckn ,d dksV izkbej yxkbZ tk;sxh ] blds ckn i`Fkd i`Fkd dksV vkbZ0,l0vkbZ0 ekdZ dk
M~kbZ fMLVsEij fd;k tk;sxk A
lQsnh djus gsrq igys jsxeky ls iqjkuh lrg dh lQkbZ dh tk;sxh ]fQj dVuh dh dybZ@pwuk esa uhy
feykdj o xksna dk feJ.k dj i`Fkd&i`Fkd dksV fd;s tk;sxs A
ckVj izfw Qax lhesUV isUV gsrq igys iqjkuh lrg dks ikuh ls /kksuk gksxk] fQj jsxeky ls lQkbZ dj mlds
ckn iqVhu ls xsi Hkjdj Vfpax djuk gksxk ] blds ckn vkbZ0lh0vkbZ0 ekdZ ,izCw M DokfyVh lhesUV isUV
i`Fkd i`Fkd dksV djuk gksxk A blds ckn 24 ?kUVs ikuh Mkydj o rjkbZ djds lsV fd;k tk;sxk A
vk;y ckm.M fMLVsEij djus gsrq igys iqjkuh lrg dks jsxeky ls lkQ dj ml ij iqVhu ls xsi Hkjdj
Vfpax djuk gksxh ]blds ckn ,d dksV izkbej djds fQj i`Fkd i`Fkd dksV ,izCw M DokfyVh vkbZ0,l0 vkbZ0
vk;y ckm.M fMLVsEij fd;k tk;sxk A
lHkh izdkj ds iqrkbZ dk;Z esa fd;s x;s dk;Z vkns”k ds dk;Z ds ckn dejksa vkfn ds QlZ dh lQkbZ /kqykbZ dk
dk;Z Lo;a QeZ dks vius gtsZ [kpsZ ij djkuk gksxk A
gLrk{kj fufonk;d-------------------------------------------iz/kkukpk;Z]
esfMdy dkyst >k¡lhA
tydy dk;Z lEcU/kh vko”;d 'krsZa
lsuVs h~ gkMZo;
s j tydy lac/a kh fQfVax dk dk;Z voj vfHk;Urk flfoy ls pSd djkdj fd;k tk;sxkA dk;Z esa
iz;ksx gksus okyh lkexzh ,izCw M DokfyVh voj vfHk;Urk flfoy ,oa izHkkjh vf/kdkjh ds funsZ”ku esa gksxhA
dk;Z esa iz;ksx gksus okyh lkexzh VwYl]IykUV]ysoj vkfn Bsdns kj Onkjk Lo;a vius O;; Hkkj ij yxkbZ tk;sxhA
dk;Z vkns”k ds dk;Z lekIrh ckn iqjkuk lkeku voj vfHk;Urk flfoy ls tkWp djkdj foHkkxh; LVksj esa tek
fd;k tk;sxk rHkh fcy Hkqxrku gsrq izfs "kr fd;k tk;sxk A
dk;Z vkns”k dh ek=k ls dk;Z de ek=k dk fd;k x;k gks ;k leku lkbM ij de yxuk gks rks 'kss"k lkeku
dk iSlk fcy ls dkV fn;k tk;sxk o ml vuqikr esa etnwjh O;; Hkh dkV fy;k tk;sxkA dk;Z lUrks"k tud
gksus o yhdst jfgr gksus ij gh dk;Z dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxk A
dk;Z vkns”k dh ek=k ds dk;Z ds iw.kZ gksus ij voj vfHk;Urk flfoy Onkjk dk;Z dk ekikadu fd;k tk;sxk
blds i'pkr ewY;kWfdr /kujkf’k ds fcy dks Hkqxrku gsrq izHkkjh vf/kdkjh Hkou ,oa tydy foHkkx Onkjk
lR;kfir djds ys[kkuqHkkx dks Hkstk tk;sxk A
dk;Z vkns”k ds dk;Z dks fd;s tkus gsrq eq[; tykiwfrZ ykbu ls tks Hkh la;kstu djuk gS mlds fy;s
fufonk;d dks ;g vko”;d gksxk fd og igts foHkkxh; voj vfHk;Urk flfoy ,oa IyEcj ls lEidZ dj
fcuk tkudkjh dksbZ Hkh la;kstu ugha djuk pkfg,A QeZ Onkjk fcuk fdlh iwoZ lwpuk ,oa tkudkjh ds dkbZ
la;kstu dj fn;k tkrk gs vkSj mlls mRiUUk vU; txg dh tykiwfrZ O;o/kku dks /;ku esa j[kdj Bsdns kj
ls mlds gtsZ [kpsZ ij mldks fu;fer fd;k tk;sxk vkSj gksus okyh {kfr iwfrZ dk Hkqxrku QeZ ds fcy ls
dkV fy;k tk;sxk A
QeZ Onkjk tydy lac/a kh dk;Z esa tks Hkh [kqnkbZ dk;Z@VwV QwV dh tk;sxh mls ;Fkkor djuk gksxk o mldh
lQkbZ vkfn dk iwjk dk;Z djuk gksxkA
gLrk{kj fufonk;d-------------------------------------------iz/kkukpk;Z]
esfMdy dkyst >k¡lhA
fufonknk;d }kjk Hkjk tkus okyk izi=
eSa----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mijksDr 'krksaZ ij jkT;iky m0iz0
rFkk muds Onkjk vf/kd`r iz/kkukpk;Z] egkjkuh y{ehckbZ esfMdy dkyst] >k¡lh ds }kjk nh xbZ fufonk
dh lHkh 'krksZ dks Lohdkj djrk gW¡w vkSj fufonk dh 'krksaZ ds vuqlkj eS fdlh Hkh fu.kZ; ds fo#++ } fdlh
U;k;ky; esa dksbZ dk;Zokgh ugha d#axk vkSj u gh mlds fdlh dk;Zokgh djus dk eS vf/kdkjh gWwA eSus
fufonk izi= dh lHkh “krksZ dks vius iwjs gks”k gokl ds lkFk Hkyh HkWkfr Ik< fy;k gS] vkSj fufonk ds
lkFk layXu lHkh izi=ksa ij gLrk{kj dj fn;s x;s gS A ;fn esjs Onkjk ,slk ugha fd;k tkrk gS] rks esjs
Onkjk nh xbZ fufonk dks fujLr le>h tk;s] ftlds fy;s eS Lo;a mRrjnk;h gWwA
gLrk{kj fufonk;d-------------------------------------------iz/kkukpk;Z]
esfMdy dkyst >k¡lhA
Scheduls for Annual minor repair work & overlapping work in the required items for following specification of the
Building & Water supply deptt Medical College, Jhansi.
Quoted Rate
S.N0 Particulars of work
Qty. /Unit
Clearing Jangal including uprooting of rank overlapping, grass, bushs wood tree
and asapling of grith upto 30 cm. Measured at a height of 1 mtr. Avobe gound
lavel and removel of rubbish upto distance of 50 mtr out side the periphery of
area cleared
(A) Earth work excavation in foundation in soil mixed with kankar /mouram
including lift upto 30 mtr complete foundation etc.
(B) in hard stone work as per items N0.2A
(A) Cement concrete with 4cm
gauge approved stone ballast, course sand,
cement in preparation 6:3:1 in foundation etc.
(B) Cement concrete in 4:2:1 as per items N0.3A
(A) Ist class brick work in 1:4 cement and local sand including supply of all
material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(B) Ist class brick work in 1:3 cement and local sand including supply of all
material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(C) 3rd class brick work in 1:6 cement and local sand including supply of all
material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(D) Local brick work in 1:6 cement and local sand including supply of all
material T & P etc.
(E) Local brick work in mud mortar and local sand including supply of all
material T & P etc.
2cm thick damp proof course with cement and approved course sand 1:2
complete including water proof material as per ordered by Engineer in the
preparation as specified by the manufacturing including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work & proper caring
and shuttering as necessary work
(A) 12mm thick cement plaster in 1:3 of cement & sand mortor including supply
of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(B) 12mm thick cement plaster in 1:4 cement and sand mortor as per items NO-6A
(C)12mm thick cement plaster in 1:6 cement and sand mortor as per items N0-6A
(D) 12mm thick cement plaster over the terraced roof with cement white lime
course sand in preparation 1:1:2:4 complete in all respect required for proper
completion of the work.
(A)2.5cm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement and course sand &
2cm gauge of approved stone ballast laid in pennel finished with 3cm flooring
cast of neat cement or marble dust in 5:1 as specific over including 8cm thick base
concrete consisting of cement ,local sand and bricks ballast 4cm gauge in the
preparation 1:4:8 and removing any after verlapping mortor at the joints of
panels if any & giving them a uniform finish including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required forproper completion of the work.
(B) As in item N0.7A above but with out of
(C) As per items N0.7A including mention polished by the Carborandam stone
marble dust ,collam, flooring etc.
Providing and fixing the angle iron fram door Windows & Ventilators or
choukhats and position of sheds and grils work as required etc. groutin them in
cement and sand mortor 1:4 complete including supply of all material labour T &
P etc required for proper completion of the work. Angle size as per directed by the
Engineer inchage.
Supply and fixing the angle iron single and double leef door, old Rly G.I. sheat
18 gauge with L.S. detas fitting as per required & as per directed by the Engineer
incharge supply of all material labour T & P etc required for proper completion of
the work.
Per Sqm.
Per Cum
Per Cum
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Kg.
Per Kg.
-2 S.N0
Particulars of work
Supply and fixing the Mild Steel (M.S.) iron grils 20x4mm superior quality flat
iron including fixing with screws ,nut bolt, hole fasts and including supply of
all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work
Providing and fixing the 10cm (4”) dai C. I. Down pipe complete with rose
bands, hook, with eye hole shoes including supply of all material labour T & P
etc. required for proper completion of the work.
Supply and fixing the 32mm thick C.P. teak wood part panel and glazed door
and windows ventilator includidng supply of all material & fixing of wooden
cleats, stopper,handle, hings, nut bolts and other fitting complete & labour T&
P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(A) Supply and fixing the Sal wood wooden choukhat in cement and sand
mortor 1:3 with 4 iron hole fasts thickes as per directed by the Engineer
incharge . including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
(B) as per above items N0.13 A but with country wood wooden choukhat.
Supply and fixing the 32mm thick commercial quality Sitapur ply of other
approved ply wood flush door Including supply of all material labour T & P
etc. Required for proper completion of the work.
Providing and fixing the collapsible steel shutter with vertical channel
20x10x2mm size with top & bottom rails of ‘ T ‘ iron 40x40x6 mm with 38mm
dai steel pully with nut bolt and locking arrangement ompact and handle
complete including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
comp- letion of the work.
Supply and fixing the G.I. wire welded mess jaly ISI 10gauge thick size
80x25mm and including support in vertically and horizenlly position with in a
avery one mtr. Lengthily flat iron 30x4mm and including fixing in 6 hole fasts
in 1:3 cementand sand mortor or screws as per required and as per directed
by the Engineer incharge including supply of all material labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work.
Supply and fixing the R.C.C. cement 50mm thick Jali with preparation 1:2:4 &
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
Supply and fixing the galvanized mosquito net proof heavy quality over
windows with ventilator and including supply of all material labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work.
Providing and fixing the Indian type white glazed W.C. pan rrange sheet
approved quality size 580mm including supply of all material labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work, and including removel of old pan
if required and base cement concrete 1:4:8 and cement plaster 1:3 in cement
and sand mortor as per directed by the Engineer incharge.
(A) cleaning the block pipes from 3rd and top roof floor upto G.F.main hole
sewer line 4” C.I. down pipe including supply of all material labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work.
(B) As above item N0.20 A but sewer pipe line size 5” /6” /8” /10” upto
sewer chamber complete cleaning work.
(C) Cleaning the block sewer chamber branch line including supply of all
material labour T & P etc.required for proper completion of work.
(D) Cleaning the block main line sewer chamber.
Qty. /Unit
Per Sqm.
Per Rm
Per Sqm
Per Cum
Per Cum
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per each
Per Rm
Per Rm
Per Each
Per Each
21 with cement approved course sand and 2cm gauge stone ballast
in the preparation 1:2:4 in the lintal of door and windows excluding supply of
rainforcemkent and its binding the same with 24 B.W.G. G.I. binding wire and
including necessary centering and shuttering etc. and also including supply of
all material labour T & P etc. requiredfor proper completion of the work and
bindingwire to be supplied of the work by the contractor free of cost .
-3 Particulars of work
Per Cum.
Cost cement concrete door sills choukhat boundry post slabs and similar small
work with cement approved course and 2 cm gauge stone ballast inthe
preparation 1:2:4 excluding supply of reinforment and its binding but
including its fixing andbinding the same with BWG 24 GI binding wire and
including cost of binding wire mold all othermaterial labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work.
(A) As above items N0-21 but for slabs
Per Cum.
Per Sqm
(B) As above items N0-21 but in R.C.C. collum and beam as per required
Mild steel or iron in plain work such as reinforced Concrete /brick work (
whom not included in over in over all rates) wrought to required shape as
necessary including binding for proper completion of the work and including
supply of steel its westage and hooks and authorized over lapping shall be
Providing and fixing the 1 mm thick M.S. steel sliding shutter with fram and
diegnonal braces of 40x40x6mm
angle iron 315mm gusset plata at the
jungtion and corners hooks at top 25mm dai pullees at bottum40x40x6mm
angle and T iron quides at top & bottumrespectively including locking
arrangement withhandle etc. complete and applying one priming coat
Supply and fixing the rolling sutter of approved make made of 80x1.25mm
gauge cold rooed M.S. lath enter locked through out entire length and and
joined together the end by end locks and mounted on specially designed pipe
shoft with brackets side quides and rrangement for inside and out side locking
with push and pull and operation complets but excluding the cost of top cover
& springs.
providing and fixing the 27.50 m. long wire spring gred 2 for rolling sutter
complete work.
Providing and fixing the top cover for rolling sutter complete work.
Providing and fixing the ball bearing for rolling sutter complete work.
Per Each
Extra add to S.L. No.27 for providing machinical devioe chain and cranks
operation for oprating rolling sutter .
(A)Sutter above 11.2 Sqm. But upto 16.8 Sqm. Area.
(B) Sutter above 16.8 Sqm. Area
(A)Supply and fixing the 6mm approved white & colour glazed tiles in flooring
or in skirting or dedo laid with ratio 1:3 cement and course sand mortorfinished
with white cement slurry jointing and polishing complete including supply of
all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(B) As above item No.32 but when Nitco or aquivalant quality of tiles wikth
mosaic work in light shades are used in floor & dedo.
Providing and fixing the aluminum strips of 16 gauge in joints of floors and
skirting at the time of leakage floor with floor lavel including T & P etc.
complete work.
(A) of 2.5 Cm. (1”) depth
(B) of 4 Cm. (1. ½) depth
(C) of 5 Cm. ( 2” ) depth
Dismanteling the old brick masanery or old cement conrete in the parapet and
etc. places old including throw the mud material 60 Mtr.
Qty. /Unit
Per Sqm
Per Kg
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Each
Per Each
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per mtr
Per mtr
Per mtr
Per Cum.
Dismanteling the old cement A.C. seat or old cement plaster only ( not angle
iron ) including throw the mud material upto 60 Mtr.
Per Cum
-4 S.N0
Particulars of work
Supply and fixing the 6mm thick grey corrugated asbestos seats with ‘J’ Hooks
and limpet washer, bitumine washer including supply of all materiallabour T &
P etc. required for proper completion of the work.including J & U hook 10mm
Per Sqm.
Supply and fixing the glass pans work renewing or Windows and Vantilators for
replacement including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for
proper completion of the work.
(A) Thickness 3mm. Size
(B) Thickness 4mm. Size
(C) Thickness 5mm. Size
Making expention joints with 24 gauge 6” white aluminiam seat in walls with
necessary cutting shaping of bricks if any covering joints by means of 3/8” thick
plywiid 5’ white and match painted as per directed by the Engineer inchagre,
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion
of work
Making expention joints with 24 gauge 5’ white aluminium seat and 8” white tar
felt fixed with tar mastic in roof or floors filling joints with approved bitumine
30/40 as per directed by the Engineer incharge including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
.(A) Dismanteling of old roof lime tracing and including throw the mud material
distance upto 60 mtr.
(B) Dismanteling of the old door /windows/ventilators and choukhat etc.
including deposited in the deptt. Store.
(C) Dismanteling of the old door /windows/ventilators and choukhat etc.
including deposited in the deptt. Store.
Cleaning the jungly all size plants over the walls and roof and rpairing them
derange leakage and sewer leakage and water supply leakage including supply
of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work.
Spreading over leaky roof with bitumine paints of 10 IBS/ 100 Sqft. Or 1 IB for 1
sqm. Including sweeping cleaning roof with brush of heating of the paint upto
the required emperature powering it’s on the surface, speading of necessary
quantiry approved course sand at one Cuft. Per Sqft. And including supply of all
material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work
Supply and laying one layer tarfelt or any other aqui- valent approved material
at the junction of wall and roof and any place as per directed by the Engineer incharge including necessary over laping giving a coat of approved mostic point
below the tarfelt & including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for
proper completion of the work.
Concrete with 2.5cm. Gauge brick ballast white lime and surkhi in the
preparation 100:18:36 in roof terracing and including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. Unselected lime
brought to power at site to be used.
Providing and sixing the katla stone/kota stone for lintal of door and flooring &
roofing etc. including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
25mm thick
5 0mm thick
75mm thick
Supply and fixing the marble stone superior similare quality flooring
15mm/20mm thick finished with white cement includidng supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work with polish..
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Rm
Per Rm
Per Cum
Per Rm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Cum
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm
Per Sqm.
Quoted Rate
- 5S.N0
Particulars of work
Supply and fixing the Granite stone flooring with polished for superior similare
quality as per item No 47 required for proper completion of the work.
Supply and fixing the PVC/Regzine flooring for superior quality & high
density as per required for proper completion of the work.
Making the construction joint in terraced roof lip type including supply of all material
labour T & P etc.required for proper completion of the work. Including supply of
necessary quality of filler 100/4 brick tile etc. as per directed by the Engineer incharge.
Providing and fixing the barbed iron wire 2 ply 12x1 S.W.G. for fencing
including the fixing it to post afte Stretching including supply of all material
labour T & etc. required for proper completion of the work.
Supply and fixing the galvenised corrugated iron roofin 22 & 24 gauge BWG
fixed with ‘J’ hook nut bolt 10mm in position including supply of all material
labour T & P etc required for proper completion of the work.
A- 22 BWG
B- 24 BWG
Supply and fixing the R.R. stone messenory work I cement and sand mortor 1:4
complete including suppl of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
Only fixing the charge of door and windows and choukhat including upto 20%
repair and including hings & weldin etc. complete required for proper
completion of the work.
Fizing and labour charges of new door windows and choukhate etc. and grills
jail required for proper completion of work
Fixing labour charge of the old rolling shutter including greecing oiling
complete required for proper completion of work.
Sscreping floor by carborandum stone machine and manually screping on the
very durty mosai and marbal & floor etc. including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work with polishibg.
Supply and fixing the cost of oxidized fitting in door and windows, ventilator
etc. with screws, nut bolt, & putteen including supply of all material labour T &
P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(A) Iron D/W .
(C) Brass D/W
Providing and fixing the 12mm thick and 10mm vide pelmates with 25mm.
Diameter aluminum curtain rodes 16 gauge side rods and bracket, top fixing
with same wood ply or 12mm thick including fixing with 25x3mm M.S. flat to
10cm. Long and plug etc. complete with painting, pokushing or oiling as per as
per required made of
(A) Teak wood
(B) Sitapur Ply
(C) Shesham wood
Supply and fixing the ply wood partition in required position including supply
of all material labour T & P etc. complete.
(A) Ply wood size 6mm thick
(B) - do 8mm thick
(C) - do 12mm thick
(D) - do 19mm thick
(E) - do 25mm thick
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per R.M.
Per Rm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Cum
Per No.
Per Sqm
Per No.
Per Sqm
Per Set
Per Set
Per Set.
Per R.M
Per R.M
Per R.M
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Localy brick work in mud mortor including supply of all material labour T & P
etc. required for proper completion of the work.
Per Cum.
-6 –
Particulars of work
Minor repair work for the M.S. iron steel sutter including greecing oiling
complete supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
Providing and fixing the 12mm thick fully perforted (GYPSUM) flush paris tily
over the old frams complete including supply of all material labour T & P
etc.require for proper completion of the work.
Providing and fixing the 12mm thick fibra hard board seat over the with frams
complete supply of all material labour T & P etc.required for proper completion
of the work.
Supply & fixing the Semi perforted 12mm. thick (GYPSUM) flush paries tils 6
mm. thick A.C. sheet including aluminum and iron frams complete supply of
all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
Per No.
Per Sqm
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Supply and fixing the P.V.C. ISI approved door and partition in highdencity
double wall etc. plastic of grad complete as Syntex/fixopan etc. including
supplyof all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the
(A) With Choukhat /Frams.
(B) Without Choukhat /Frams.
Suspended celling (Celing lining) M/F False celing providng and fixing
suspended false celing including supply of required for frams. Size
of 12.5mm GYPSUM tiles/Hard board tiles complete as per direction by the
Engineer incharge including supply of all material Labour T & P etc. required
for proper completion of work.
fixing the fiver glass pans good quality ISI mark with
putting,brads,screws, nut bolt, spring etc. Includidng supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required For proper completion of the work.
4 mm thick
5mm thick.
6 mm thick
Supply and fixing the anodized aluminum door having 2cm. Thick aluminum
section excluding coat including of 20 micron fully glazed made of aluminum
door tube size 83x5x44.65mm as vertical member and 114.0x44.45mm size tube
in compact & horizontal member door choukhat should be of aluminum tublor
vertical with two openable shutter . The rate will include coat of material
fixturer 4mm glass handles locks screw neccessory beeding and requird for
proper completion of work as per Engineer incharge.
Providing and fixing the cement concrete blocks size 100mm thick including
supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the
Providning and fixing the brick cuba roof leakage treatment as per PWD
sedule completion all material labor T & P etc.required for proper completion
of the work.
Providing & Fixing the vetrified tiles on flooring, superior quality including all
material, T & P, etc. required for completion of work.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
- 7–
Particulars of work
Patch Repair of Roads.
Consolidation of kankar in patch repair by hand remmer including opening out
in a rectangular of making 5cm. Wide drain around the patch upto depth of
12cm. Including carriage of kankar and water but excluding supply of kankar
and including stocking the unserviceable material and basi coat next day
binding same as direction by the Engineer incharge including supply of all
material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
patch repair of painted miles with tarfelt and bitumine including heating of
paint upto required ompaction pouring it on the surface and spreding the
necessary quality of grit and removing hard with hand roller or remmer and
also including cleaning with brush etc. & existing surface after satisfying it to
the W.B. surface in rectangular shape & spreading the dircted by the Engineer
incharge including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
Road Repair work.
Cleaning of existing painted surface & leying premix 2cm. thick over a tack coat
with greded approved grit & bitumine by pawer machine including heating the
paint to required temperature mixing in mixer of side patrise & watering them
during operation for proper completion of work by power machine and
including rolling by heavy road roller machine as per directed by Engineer
inchakrge including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
Cleaning the premix surface and leying seal coat with approved 6 mm greded
grit and bitumine including heating the paint to required temprature by the
power machine and rolling by heavy road roller machine including cartage of
the material and including maintenance of side patrise and watering the
during appration as directed by the Engineer incharge include -ing supply of all
material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
Collection & consolidation of G.S.B. of 22.4-53 mm size of approved quarry
including cost of material, loading unloading & cartage and stacking & also
including its consolidation in patches & pot holes and damaged painted surface
including hire & fuel charges at road roller etc complete as per direction of E/I
and also including water allowances.
Patch repaire with 19 mmnormal size stone grit as 1 st coat bitumen painting
over WBM surface & other places as required including cost of grit, bitumen,
fuel wood etc. complete & also including its precoating and hire & fuel charges
of road roller. 20% of measured painted surface
Prividing & laying taek coat with bitumen emulsion @ 0.3kg/sqm. Using
emulsion pressure
50mm. thick bitumen maedam as per job mix with HMP and roller & also
including etc. complete.
25mm. thick semidence carpet
Collection & consolidation of moorum in patries including loading unloading
unloading cartage etc. complete.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm.
-8 –
Scheduls for minor repair work & ompaction work in the required items for following specification of the Building &
Water supply deptt. Medical College, Jhansi.
Particulars of work
Qty. /Unit
White washing two coat including supply of all material labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work.
Colour washing two coat of using approved colouring material of shade as per
required including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work
(A)Two coat dry distemper on old work including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(B)As above additional coat/per coat.
(A)Painting and varnishing with vallasper or other approved high grad
enemal or supper synthetic class varnish complete two coat over previously
painted surface including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for
proper completion of the work.
(B)As above additional coat /per coat.
.(A)Snowcem in two coat of approved quality and shade as per directed by the
Engineer incharge including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required
for proper completion of the work.
(B)As above additional per coat complete.
(C) Apex Painting out side complete finished in all respect.
Screping old white wash,clolour wash, painting & varnishing, dry distemper,
snowcem and oil bound etc including disposal and refused material as per
directed by the Engineer incharge with distance upto 60mtr.
.(A)One coat primer and one coat oil bound distemper on old work including
supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper complete work..
(B)As above item No.7 every coat after Ist coat.
(C)As above item No.7(B) above but for every coat as Previously old
distemper surface complete.
Max or French polishing in the approved ready made wax polish or any other
French polish after rubling down with sand paper including of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(A) On new wood work.
(B) On new old previously wood work.
Removing paint or Varnishing with paint remover or with caustic soda
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm.
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Per Sqm
Contd. On next page
-9 –
Scheduls for minor repair work & ompaction work in the required items for following specification of the Building &
Water supply deptt. Medical College, Jhansi.
Particulars of work
Qty. Unit
Success boring of the 200mm size dai meter upto 60 mtr. Depth as complete
natural water sources including the survey and all T & P etc.complete.
Note- The depth will be increase and decrease as per RM success boring.
Supply and fixing the cost iron/M.S. pipe 150mm size inposition with socket
complete mild steel pipe, size 150mm all T & P etc including supply of all
material complete upto hard stone lavel approxiMate 12 mtr. Depth.
Supply and fixing and providing the inposition Crompton grever make 3 H.P. 3
phase Jet Centring Fugel pump sets twin type Jh-32 size 50x40mm. 150mm.
with all jet assembly etc. complete including all material labour etc. required for
proper completion of the work.
Supply and fixing the panel M.S. box complete startor Autometic main switch,
Amp. Meter, volt meter, incicator complete 3 H.P., 3 phases in Cromplon
Greaver with all material labour T & p etc. required for proper completion of
the work.
Supply and fixing the single phase preventor in superior quality as per
required proper work.
Supply and fixing the aluminum cable 3.5 core 10 sqm./ RM complete 3 phase.
Supply and fixing the one pipe special set as gate valve, Union, flot valve,
32mm size etc. as per required work.
Supply and fixing the white galazed Sink size 24x18x10” with west pipe,
C.P.west, chuknut & pillor cock, stop cock etc. as per required proper work.
Supply and fixing the white glazed wash hand beshin size 24x16” with 15mm
pillor cock, stop cock, west pipe, C.P. west, S band etc. as per required work.
Supply and fixing the push type Nicel Sisten flush comp.
Supply and fixing the white glazed male/female Urinal complete with ompact
water supply complete work.
Supply and fixing the ISI approved Brass spendal rod and brass gutka in the
seluse valve and than removel as same as including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(A)80 mm size
(B)100 mm size
I125 mm size
(D)150 mm size
(E)200 mm size
(F)250 mm size
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Supply and providing and laying the G.I. water pipe line‘B’ class superior
quality ISI approved in required position and required conection & testing
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work and including supply of following special socket,
elbow, tee, reducer, nipple, union etc. and required dismanteling & then
removal as than as upto than specials are given below after Dismanteling old
pipe will be derposited in deptt. Store through the J.E.Civil. The sizes of pipe
line are following.
15mm size
20mm size
25mm size
32mm size
40mm size
50mm size
65mm size
- 10 –
Particulars of work
Supply and providing and laying the PVC HD pipe line‘B’ class superior
quality ISI approved in required position and required conection & testing
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work and including supply of following special socket,
elbow, tee, reducer, nipple, union etc. and required dismanteling & then
removal as than as upto than specials are given below after Dismanteling old
pipe will be derposited in deptt. Store through the J.E.Civil. The sizes of pipe
line are following.
15mm size
20mm size
25mm size
32mm size
40mm size
50mm size
65mm size
80mm size
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
Supply and fixing the G.I. approved ISI following size Union, Gate Valve(full
way,half way,ganmatel) in pipe line complete Including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for Proper completion of the work.
(A)Union :(1)15mm size
(2)20mm size
(3)25mm size
(4)32mm size
(5)40mm size
(6)50mm size
(7)65mm size
(8)80mm size
(B)Gate valve/Fulgan matel Full/half way :(1)15mm size
(2)20mm size
(3)25mm size
(4)32mm size
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Qty. Unit
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per RM.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
(5)40mm size
(6)50mm size
(7)65mm size
(8)80mm size
Supply and fixing the required position of following water storage tank upto
testing for no leakage including supply of all material labour T & P etc.
required for proper comption of the work.
(A) Syntex water storage tank L.D.P.
(B) Polycon water storage tank L.D.P.
(A) Zindal water storage tank L.D.P.
(B) Krishana water storage tank .
- 11 –
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Particulars of work
Qty. Unit
16 A
Supply and fixing the ISI approved superior quality in required position
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work . and removel old material deposited in department
store through J.E.Civil.
(1) Bibcock brass
15mm size 400 gram wt.
15mm size 230 gram wt.
(2) Bibcock Nickle
15mm size 400 gram wt.
15mm size 230 gram wt.
(3) Pillor cock Nickle 15mm size 400 gram wt.
(4) Stopcock brass
15mm size 400 gram wt.
15mm size 230 gram wt.
(5) Flot Valve complete fitting 15mm size 230 gram wt.
(6) West pipe plastic wash beshin/Sink/urinal
32 mm
40 mm
50 mm
(7) P.V.C. conection pipe complete fitting 15mm. size
Supply and fixing the ISI approved superior quality in required position
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work . and removel old material deposited in department
store through J.E.Civil.
(1) Bibcock PVC
15mm size 400 gram wt.
15mm size 230 gram wt.
(2) Bibcock PVC
15mm size 400 gram wt.
15mm size 230 gram wt.
(3) Pillor cock PVC
15mm size 400 gram wt.
(4) Stopcock PVC
15mm size 400 gram wt.
15mm size 230 gram wt.
(5) Flot Valve complete fitting 15mm size 230 gram wt.
(6) West pipe plastic wash beshin/Sink/urinal
32 mm
40 mm
50 mm
(7) P.V.C. conection pipe complete fitting 15mm. size
Supply and fixing the cost iron C.I. down pipe for drainage ISI after
dismanteling and including removing as same as Complete old material
deposited in store including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for
proper completion of the work. 50 mm size
80 mm size
100 mm size
16 B
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per Lit.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Supply and fixing the A.C.C. drainage pipe for rainy waterwith all specials
including clamps complete no leakage and including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required proper completion of the work. 50 mm size
80 mm size
100 mm size
Supply and fixing the 10cm. thick R.C.C. cover of sewer /water supply
chambers including supply of all materiallabour T 7 p etc. required for proper
completion of thework in circle of rectangular shape.(45 /60/ 75/90 Cm.thick)
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M
Per Sqm
- 12 –
Particulars of work
Supply and fixing and laying the C.I. seluse valve with approved ISI double
flinch as below given size including supply of both side tail peaces and
including the removel old seluce valve deposited in store through the J.E.Civil
& including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
80 mm size
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
Supply and fixing the ISI P.V.C. corrugated seat white/ coloured superior
quality including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of work.
Supply and fixing the S.W.pipe as per required including supply of all
material T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
80 mm size
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
Supply and fixing the ISI A.C.C. presser pipe for ompact water supply
including supply of all material T & P etc. required for proper completion of
the work.
80 mm size
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
Supply and fixing the ISI P.V.C.(H.D.P.) presser pipe for water supply line
including supply of all material T & P etc. required for proper completion of
the work.
50 mm size
80 mm size
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
Qty. Unit
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per Sqm
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
250 mm size
Per R.M
Supply and fixing the ISI P.V.C.pipe for drainage (L.D.C) including supply of
all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
50 mm size
80 mm size
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
13 –
Particulars of work
Supply and fixing the ISI Cast iron
presser pipe for running water
supply/Sewer pipe including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required
for proper completion of the work.
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
Supply and fixing the ISI Cast iron tail piece for the Seluce Valve including
supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the
100 mm size
125 mm size
150 mm size
200 mm size
250 mm size
Supply and fixing the ISI superior quality Westen type W.C. seat with cover
including supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.
With Sisten
Without Sisten
Supply and providing the soling in the road quartz/stone ballast at the road
by the road roller as per equired for proper completion of the work.
(A) For base thickness- 0.15 m size 40-90 mm
(B) For middle thickess- 0.15 m size 40-63 mm.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M
Qty. Unit
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per R.M.
Per N0.
Per N0.
Per Cum.
Per Cum.
Supply and providing the ompact stone ballast 40-50mm. including supply of
all material labour T & P etc.required or proper completion of the work.
Note :- The voids of above three items base middle and upper leare filled and
ompact by moram by road roller.Quality of the moram should above three
item will be 20% each other
Supply and providing the moram in to blancket voids including ompaction &
supply of all material labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the
Per Cum.
Per Cum
Supply and providing G.S.P. loose size 25 to 50 mm. including compecting by
road roller and including maxfalt for base including supply of all material
labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
Thickness- 1.10 m.
Per Cum
Supply and fixing the aluminum partition for rooms passage branda and
doors / windows/ ventilators and bath rooms labotery etc. including glass
pans as per directed by the Engineer incharge. Including supply of all
material T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
- 14S.N0
Particulars of work
Cleaning on the uprooting the jangal grass and plants and small trees on
walls,roofs tarrteces , Nails and ground throw the exposal Upto 150 Rm from
Buildings and after cleaning then repair by the cement sand mortar and
other needed material as per directecd by the Engineer incharge including the
cleare the leakages then comletly all respect T & P and material and shutting
by the compraction G.F. to IV th. Top floor.
Note:- Cleaning will be monthly each building and payment will be each four
months after J.E. and Officer Incharge Building verificationBuilding NormsHospital Campus
1. O.P.D. Building
2. Gyanic O.P.D,Building
3. P.P. O.T.
4. Indoor Building
A- Ward No. 1 to 8
B- Ward No. 9 to 10
C- Burn ward/KitchineBuilding.
5. Both O.T. Building
6. O.P.D. to Indoor Gall ery
7. Indoor to O.T. Gallery
8. Skin and T.B. Ward
9. Skin and T.B. O.P.D.
10. Nurshing Hostel.
11. others
College Campus
1. College Building All Building
2. Post Martam Building
3. Animal House
4. P.G. Grils Hostel
5. U.G. Grils Hostel
6. C.V.Raman Hostel
7. S.B.H. Hostel
8. Dhanwantry Hostels
9. Pump House snd O.H.T.
Qty. Unit
10. Sewrage site.
11 Others
Cleaning on the uprooting the jangal grass and plants and small trees on main
big Nala .
Per R.M.