Automatic Data Path Extraction in Large-Scale Register-Transfer Level Designs Wei Song, Jim Garside and Doug Edwards School of Computer Science, the University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL United Kingdom 02/06/2014 Advanced Processor Technologies Group The School of Computer Science Motivation • Data path extraction is important – Hardware verification – Synthesis for asynchronous circuits – System partition • Methodology – State-space analysis • actuate but slow and not scalable – Pattern matching • Fast, scalable but inaccurate • Accuracy depends on accurate type recognition Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science 02/06/2014 2 Tool Flow Verilog RTL Verilog RTL Bison+Flex, support synthesizable Verilog 2001. Parser A new graphic abstraction to reveal relations between Verilog signals. Abstract Syntax Tree Signal-level DFG Verilog RTL Data Path Extraction Data Path Only Signal-level DFG Still directly mapped with the AST. Possible for code extraction. Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science Graphic Trimming Remove control related signals. 02/06/2014 Remove Control Arcs Remove control relations. 3 Signal-Level Data Flow Graph (DFG) module GCD (Clock,Reset,Load,A,B,Done,Y); input Clock,Reset,Load; input [7:0] A,B; output Done; output [7:0] Y; reg A_lessthan_B, Done; reg [7:0] A_New, A_Hold, B_Hold, Y; always @(posedge Clock) if(Reset) begin A_Hold = 0; B_Hold = 0; end else if(Load) begin A_Hold = A; B_Hold = B; end else if(A_lessthan_B) begin A_Hold = B_Hold; B_Hold = A_New; end else A_Hold = A_New; always @(A_Hold or B_Hold) if(A_Hold >= B_Hold) begin A_lessthan_B = 0; A_New = A_Hold - B_Hold; end else begin A_lessthan_B = 1; A_New = A_Hold; end always @(A_Hold or B_Hold) if(B_Hold == 0) begin Done = 1; Y = A_Hold; end else begin Done = 0; Y = 0; end endmodule Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science A Greatest Common Divider (GCD) Calculator A_P Reset_P I I Reset Load_P I A B_P Clock_P I Load I Clock B A_lessthan_B A_Hold FF FF B_Hold A_New I i_port O o_port wire Done Y FF MODULE register module clock Y_P O 02/06/2014 Done_P O control data 4 Definition of a Signal-Level DFG A_P Reset_P I I Reset Load_P I A B_P Clock_P I Load I Clock B A signal-level DFG is a directed multi-graph denoted by a six-tuple: A_lessthan_B A_Hold FF FF B_Hold A_New I i_port O o_port wire FF Done Y MODULE register DFG (V , A,TV ,FV ,T A ,FA ) V a finite set of nodes representing Verilog components (signal and module) A V V a finite set of arcs connecting nodes TV a set of node types { reg ,wire ,in ,out , module } FV :V TV map types to nodes TA a set of arc types {control , data ,clock ,reset } FA : A T A map types to arcs module clock Y_P O Done_P O Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science control data 02/06/2014 5 Node insertion input Clock,Reset,Load; input [7:0] A,B; output Done; output [7:0] Y; reg A_lessthan_B, Done; reg [7:0] A_New, A_Hold, B_Hold, Y; I Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science I Reset always @(posedge Clock) if(Reset) begin A_Hold = 0; B_Hold = 0; end else if(Load) begin A_Hold = A; B_Hold = B; end else if(A_lessthan_B) begin A_Hold = B_Hold; B_Hold = A_New; end else A_Hold = A_New; always @(A_Hold or B_Hold) if(B_Hold == 0) begin Done = 1; Y = A_Hold; end else begin Done = 0; Y = 0; end A_P Reset_P Load_P I A B_P Clock_P I Load I Clock B A_lessthan_B A_Hold FF FF B_Hold A_New Done Y Latch will be detected by case analysis. 02/06/2014 Y_P O Done_P O 6 Type Estimation of Arcs Relation Tree always @(posedge Clock) if(Reset) begin A_Hold = 0; B_Hold = 0; end else if(Load) begin A_Hold = A; B_Hold = B; end else if(A_lessthan_B) begin A_Hold = B_Hold; B_Hold = A_New; end else A_Hold = A_New; Reset A A_New B_Hold A_Hold = A_New A A_lessthan_B If(A_lessthan_B) Load 0 Clock Clock Load Reset A_Hold = 0 If(Reset) (posedge Clock) A_Hold A_lessthan_B A_Hold FF A_New Arc connection in DFG Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science 02/06/2014 control recognition: if(sig) case(sig) C = sig?A:B D = mem[addr] 7 Remove Control Arcs A_P Reset_P I I Reset Load_P I A B_P Load I I Clock B A_P Reset_P Clock_P I I Reset A A_lessthan_B A_Hold FF B_P Clock_P I Load I Clock B A_lessthan_B FF B_Hold A_Hold FF FF A_New B_Hold A_New Done Y Y_P O Load_P I Done Y Done_P Y_P O Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science O 02/06/2014 Done_P O 8 Recursively Remove Dangling Components A_P Reset_P I I Reset Load_P I A B_P Clock_P I Load A_P I Clock B B_P I I A Nodes to be recursively removed B A_lessthan_B A_Hold FF FF B_Hold A_Hold FF FF A_New A_New Done Y Y_P O dangling wire B_Hold Y Done_P O Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science Y_P FF dangling FF O dangling output I dangling input module dangling module O 02/06/2014 9 Hierarchical Designs (SHA-3 Encoder) in out data path in the manual automatic generated DFG FF in_P counter round const out_P I one round O out in FF extracted data path i FF rconst MODULE Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science round_in rc round round_out MODULE 02/06/2014 10 Large-Scale Test Cases I/O Module Signal I/O Module Signal Time (s) OR1200 52 37 2074 40 33 1142 1 RSD 7 24 1063 3 23 659 <1 NOVA 19 140 7043 9 103 4279 10 Designs OR1200: RSD: NOVA: Signal-level DFG Data path DFG A 5-stage OpenRISC processor. An industrial standard Reed-Solomon decoder. An FPGA proven H.264/AVC baseline decoder. Intel CoreTM2 Due 3.00 GHz with 2GB memory Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science 02/06/2014 11 Possible Usages • Signal-level DFG – Code extraction – Controller detection* – Interface recognition (Memory, bus, handshake) • Data path extraction – Data-flow analysis by switching back-annotation – System partition * Wei Song and Jim Garside. Automatic controller detection for large scale RTL designs. In Proc. of EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Santander, Spain, pp. 884–851, September 2013 Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science 02/06/2014 12 Conclusion • Signal-level DFG – A graphic representation of signal relations in RTL. – A typed and hierarchical multi-graph. • Data path extraction – Trim all control related arcs and nodes. – Automatic control/data recognition. – Able to process large-scale designs. Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science 02/06/2014 13 Implementation and Test Environment • Verilog parser • Signal-level DFG – Bison, Flex and Vpreprocessor (Verilog Perl tool)[1] – C++ STL based abstract syntax tree – – – – • Boost Graphic Library (data structure) Open Graph Drawing Framework (automatic layout)[2] PugiXML (file format) Qt (diagram drawer) User interface – Asynchronous Verilog Synthesiser[3] – Command line UI: embedded Tcl with self-defined commands [1] [2] [3] Advanced Processor Technologies Group School of Computer Science 02/06/2014 14
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