11 W ho can help the exporter answer questions about specific products? There are a number of resources a firm can turn to for assistance regarding specific products. It should be noted, however, that this assistance is usually provided against a fee, which can be either a membership or a consulting fee. Export councils. These have been established to develop exports in specific industry sectors and the exporter should contact them first after he has registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The function of export councils is to develop sector programmes for export promotion. Knowledge of specific foreign market product and production standards, packaging requirements, customs determinations, duty status under South Africa’s bilateral trade agreements, and even of distribution patterns is necessary for this function and will be built up over time if it is not yet fully in place. Export councils have been established for the following industries: Automotive (tel.: (012) 323 2980); capital equipment (tel.: (011) 849 7388); clothing (tel.: (021) 761 6421); cosmetics (tel.: (011) 971 0990); cut flowers (tel.: (011) 692 4237); electroctechnical (tel.: (011) 315 1002); footwear (tel.: (031) 465 3110); furniture (tel.: (031) 566 2273); jewellery (tel.: (011) 807 4681); plastics (tel.: (011) 314 4021); stainless steel (tel.: (011) 803 5610); steel fabrication (tel.: (011) 803 5610); steel tube and pipe (tel.: (011) 914 4184); steel wire products (tel.: (011) 914 4184); textiles (tel.: (021) 959 4911); water treatment (tel.: (033) 341 1042); wine (tel.: (021) 883 3860). DTI industry sector task teams. The Department has appointed task teams to work with the private sector export councils to assist with the development of sectoral exports. Task teams have been appointed for the following sectors: ➤ Agro-processing (animal products/vegetables/foodstuffs/beverages/spirits/tobacco) ➤ Chemicals (pharmaceutical chemicals/plastics/ceramics/stone/cement) ➤ Electrical (household/electrical goods/electronic products) ➤ Machinery (mining equipment/manufactured articles) ➤ Metals and allied (non-ferrous metals/stainless steel/carbon steel/aluminium/jewellery) ➤ Motor assembly and components (vehicles/aircraft/vessels/components) ➤ Clothing, textiles and footwear Firms wishing to export products in a sector for which an export council has not yet been established should contact the relevant DTI task team (see http://www.exportnow.co.za or http://www.trade pretoria.co.za). While the task teams are responsible for the interests of the sectors as a whole, it is likely that they will have valuable information available on a specific sector. The task teams usually do not require payment for consultations, although some printed information may have a cost attached to it. Industry associations. Several industry associations, such as the South African Stainless Steel Development Association and the Aluminium Federation of South Africa, provide export development information to their members. In the absence of an export council, the exporter should therefore consult the appropriate industry association. The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) (tel.: (012) 344 1568, fax: (012) 428 7911, e-mail: info@ sabs.co.za, web site: http://www.sabs.co.za) is South Africa’s standards authority and a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The organisation is able to provide exporters with specific information on standards. Specific divisions within the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (tel.: (012) 841 2911) are able to assist with technical problems relating to specific sectors. RESOURCES DTI Industry sector desks: Fax: (012) 3208157. E-mail: [email protected]. Agro-processing industries: Chemicals and allied products: Electrical and electronic equipment: Machinery and allied industries: Metals and allied industries: Motor assembly and components: Textiles, clothing and footwear: tel. (012) 310 9778 tel. (012) 310 9764 tel. (012) 310 9900 tel. (012) 310 9740 tel. (012) 310 9716 tel. (012) 310 9625 tel. (012) 310 9679 Agricultural Research Council (ARC). Status: Parastatal. Location: Pretoria. Tel.: (012) 427 9700. Fax: (012) 342 3948. Web site: http://www.arc.agric.za. Activities: Agricultural technological development and research and related information and web links. Aluminium Federation of South Africa. Status: Private. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 392 1646. Fax: (011) 974 3598. Web site: http://www.afsa.co.za. Activities: Research and development, especially for downstream industries and export promotion. Automotive Industry Export Council. Status: Private/DTI-sponsored. Location: Pretoria. Tel.: (012) 323 2980. Fax: (012) 326 3232. Web site: http://www.naamsa.co.za. Activities: Industry export development programme. Capespan (Pty) Ltd. Status: Private. Location: Cape Town. Tel.: (021) 917 2600. Fax: (021) 917 2602. Email: [email protected]. Web site: http://www.capespan.co.za. Activities: International marketers of a wide range of South African fruit and wine. Capital Equipment Export Promotion Programme. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 849 7388. Fax: (011) 849 7388. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Export development and promotion for capital equipment in all major sectors. Clothing Export Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Cape Town. Tel.: (021) 761 6421. Activities: Clothing industry export development and promotion. Clothing Federation of South Africa. Status: Private. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 622 8125. Fax: (011) 622 8316. Web site: http://www.clofed.co.za. Activities: National industry organisation; information on foreign markets, international clothing trade developments. Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK). Status: State-sponsored. Location: Randburg, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 709 4111. Fax: (011) 793 2413. Web site: http://www.mintek.co.za. Activities: Research and development into minerals processing and technology, especially for beneficiation and downstream industries. Fishing Industry Research Institute. Status: State-sponsored. Location: Cape Town. Tel.: (021) 689 9341. Fax: (021) 686 6116. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Industry research and resource management. Flower Association of South Africa. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Krugersdorp, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 692 4237. Fax: (011) 692 4237. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Cut flower export development and promotion. Footwear Export Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Durban. Tel.: (031) 465 3110. Fax: (031) 465 3252. Activities: Footwear industry export development and promotion. Furniture Export Council of South Africa. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal. Tel.: (031) 566 2273. Fax: (031) 566 2286. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Furniture industry export development and promotion. International Steel Fabricators Business Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 838 1665. Fax: (011) 834 4301. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Industry export development and promotion. Jewellery Council of South Africa. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Rivonia, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 807 4681. Fax: (011) 807 4683. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Jewellery industry export development and promotion. National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (NAAMSA). Status: Private. Location: Pretoria. Tel.: (012) 323 2980. Fax: (012) 326 3232. E-mail: [email protected]. Web site: http://www.naamsa.co.za. Activities: Industry organisation; holding secretariat of the automotive industry export council. National Association of Automotive Component and Accessory Manufacturers (NAACAM). Status: Private. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 454 0250. Fax: (011) 454 0321. E-mail: clive@naacam. co.za. Web site: http://www.naacam.co.za. Activities: Industry organisation with export promotion emphasis. SA Avocado Growers’ Association. Status: Private. Location: Tzaneen, Mpumalanga. Tel.: (015) 307 3676. Fax: (015) 307 1564. Activities: Industry research; consignment coordination. SA Cosmetics Export Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 971 0990. Fax: (011) 971 0960. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Export promotion of cosmetic products. SA Electrotechnical Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Midrand, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 315 1002. Fax: (011) 315 1645. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Electronics industry export development and promotion. SA Plastics Export Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Midrand, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 314 4021. Fax: (011) 314 3764. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Plastics industry export development and promotion. SA Stainless Steel International Business Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Rivonia, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 803 5610. Fax: (011) 803 2011. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Stainless steel industry export promotion and development. SA Textile Industry Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Cape Town. Tel.: (021) 959 4911. Fax: (021) 959 4167. Activities: Textile industry export development and promotion. SA Wine and Spirits Export Association. Status: Private. Location: Stellenbosch, Western Cape. Tel.: (021) 883 3860. Fax: (021) 883 3861. Web site: http://www.wine.co.za. Activities: Promotion of SA wine exports; foreign market technical information. Southern Africa Stainless Steel Development Association. Status: Private. Location: Rivonia, Gauteng. Tel.: (011) 803 5610. Fax: (011) 803 2011. Web site: http://www.sassda.co.za. Activities: Industry assistance and development, especially for downstream industries; export promotion. Steel Tube and Pipe Manufacturers of South Africa. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 914 4184. Fax: (011) 914 4080. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Industry export development and promotion. Textile Federation. Status: Private. Location: Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) 404 2423. Fax: (011) 404 2101. Web site: http://www.texfed.co.za. Activities: National industrial association. Water South Africa Export Council. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Tel.: (033) 341 1042. Fax: (033) 42 8985. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Water treatment industry export development and promotion. Wire Association of South Africa. Status: DTI/private sector. Location: Western Cape. Tel.: (028) 435 6672. Fax: (028) 435 7327. E-mail: [email protected]. Activities: Steel wire industry export development and promotion.
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