EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 10, 2014 Defendant may pay amount stated below for a first or second moving traffic violation within one (1) year only, through the Violations Bureau at the Clerk’s Office. If defendant fails to appear in Court on the date specified on the citation and has posted bond in advance, the bond will be forfeited. The following schedule supercedes all other schedules. COURT COSTS ARE $92.00 FOR A MOVING VIOLATION; $82.00 FOR A CRIMINAL OFFENSE: $63.00 FOR A NON-MOVING VIOLATION EXCEPT PARKING VIOLATIONS. ANY THIRD MOVING TRAFFIC OFFENSE WITHIN 12 MONTHS IS A MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE. CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION / 529.07 4301.62B3 Open Container in Public Place FINE + COST=TOTAL 50 82 132 529.07 4301.62B4 Open Container in Motor Vehicle 50 82 132 335.09 4503.11 Improper Registration 30 63 93 335.11 4503.12 Failure Transfer Registration 30 63 93 335.09 4503.18 Expired Temporary Tag 30 63 93 335.09 4503.19 Expired Valid Decal 30 63 93 335.09 4503.21 Failure to Display Valid Sticker or Plates 30 63 93 335.04 4506.14D Notice of Change of Address for CDL 50 63 113 335.03 4507.05 Driving Alone on Temp. Permit 100 63 163 335.06 4507.35 Failure to Display License or Proof of License 50 63 113 335.12(a) 4509.74 Failure to Report Accident 50 92 142 EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 2 CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION / FINE + COST=TOTAL 335.07 4510.111 DUS-License Forfeiture-UNCLASS 75 92 167 (Court-Fail to appear or pay fine/ 4510.33-License use for underage purchase of alcohol) (3RD in 3 yrs.-M4) 335.07 4510.111 DUS-Child Support-UNCLASS 75 92 167 (3RD in 3 yrs.-M4) 335.01(a)(1)Veh4510.12(C)(1)No O.L.-UNCLASS-1st offense 125 63 188 335.01(a)(2)MC -2nd offense-M1 335.01(b)(2) 4510.12(C)(2) Expired License or Permit (incl.M/C) 50 63 113 (1stor 2nd in 3 yrs./3rd in 3 yrs-M1) 335.072 4510.16 D.U.S.-FRA Suspension-UNCLASS 75 92 167 (3RD in 3 yrs-M4) 335.073 4510.21 DUS-Failure to Reinstate-UNCLASS 75 92 167 rd (3 in 3 yrs-M1) 335.02(a) 4511.203(A) Wrongful Entrustment-UNCLASS 125 (1)(2) or(3) (Only for authorizing a NOL/DUS driver) (1st or 2nd in 3 yrs.-UNCLASS./3RD-M1) 63 188 313.01 4511.07 NO THRU TRUCKS 92 192 313.01 4511.12 313.02 4511.13 313.06 4511.15 333.09 4511.20 127 157 127 157 127 157 192 333.02 4511.201 331.34/ 333.08 ------333.03 4511.202 Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device 35 92 Minor Accident 65 92 Signal Lights or Device 35 92 Minor Accident 65 92 Flashing Traffic Signs 35 92 Minor Accident 65 92 Reckless Operation-100 92 1st Offense within 1 year Reckless Operation (Private Property) 100 92 (Willful Wanton Disregard) Failure to Control 30 92 Minor Accident 65 92 Texting While Driving 75 63 st nd *Speeding (1 or 2 within one (1) year) 1-10 mph above limit 30 92 11-15 mph above limit 40 92 16-20 mph above limit 50 92 21-25 mph above limit 70 92 26-35 mph above limit 100 92 36 mph + above limit 150 92 *(CONSTRUCTION ZONE FINES DOUBLED) 4511.204 4511.21 100 192 122 157 138 122 132 142 162 192 242 EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 3 CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION / FINE + COST=TOTAL 333.03 4511.21 ***SCHOOL ZONE SPEEDING*** 36 MPH OR MORE IN A 20 MPH ZONE 16-20 MPH ABOVE LIMIT 65 92 157 21-25 MPH ABOVE LIMIT 85 92 177 26-30 MPH ABOVE LIMIT 100 92 192 31-36 MPH ABOVE LIMIT 120 92 212 36 MPH + ABOVE LIMIT 250 92 342 333.03 4511.21 Assured Clear Distance 30 92 122 Minor Accident 65 92 157 333.031 4511.213 Stopped Safety Vehicle 50 92 142 333.04 4511.22 Slow Speed 30 92 122 331.08 4511.25-.26 Lane Violations Minor Accident 30 65 92 92 122 157 331.03 4511.27 Improper Passing-Overtaking on Left Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.04 4511.28 Improper Passing on Right Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.05 4511.29 Left of Center Minor Accident 30 65 92 92 122 157 331.06 4511.30 Driving on Left Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.07 4511.31 Passing over Double Yellow Line Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.30 4511.32 One-Way Traffic Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.03 4511.33 331.09 4511.34 Marked Lanes-Driving in Minor Accident Follow Too Close Minor Accident 30 65 30 65 92 92 92 92 122 157 122 157 EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 4 CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION 331.08 4511.35 Divided Highway / FINE + COST=TOTAL 30 92 122 331.10 4511.36 Improper Turn at Intersection Minor Accident 30 65 92 92 122 157 331.12 4511.37 U-turn Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.13 4511.38 Improper Backing Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.14 4511.39-.40 Failure to Signal Minor Accident 30 65 92 92 122 157 331.16 4511.41 Failure to Yield Right of Way Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.17 4511.42 Failure to Yield Left Turn Minor Accident 35 65 92 92 127 157 331.18 4511.43 Failure to Yield/Stop Sign/ Highway/Yield Signs Minor Accident Stop at Sidewalk Area Failure to Yield on Public Highway Minor Accident 35 92 127 65 30 35 65 92 92 92 92 157 122 127 157 35 92 127 331.23 331.19 4511.431 4511.44 371.07 4511.44.1 Failure to Yield Pedestrian on Sidewalk 331.21 4511.45 Failure to Yield Public Safety Vehicle-M4 100 92 192 331.24 4511.451 Failure to Yield Funeral 100 92 192 339.02 --------- Use of Local Streets 100 92 192 371.01 4511.46 Failure to Yield to Pedestrian In Crosswalk 100 92 192 371.02 4511.47 Failure to Yield to Blind Person 100 92 192 EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 5 CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION 371.03 4511.48 Jay Walking / FINE + COST=TOTAL 10 63 73 371.09 4511.48.1 Intoxicated/Drugged Pedestrian on Roadway 74 63 137 371.50 4511.50 Pedestrian Walking on Roadway 30 63 93 371.06 4511.51 Hitchhiking/Use of Highway/ Riding outside Vehicle 30 63 93 373.02 4511.53 Safety Equipment for Motorcycle & Snowmobile 50 63 113 331.39 4511.61-.64 Violation/Railroad Crossing 100 92 192 331.22 4511.62 Failure to Yield at Railroad Crossing 100 92 192 351.37 4511.66 Parking Violations/Exclusion of Meter Tickets 30 63 93 -------- 505.17 Parking in Fire Lane 100 63 163 351.031 4511.68 Parking Prohibitions 30 63 93 351.11 4511.69F Parking in Handicap Zone 100 63 163 331.25 4511.70 Obstruction/Interference with Driver’s View 30 92 122 331.36 ---------- Squealing Tires 50 92 142 331.37 4511.71 Driving on Closed Roadway 30 92 122 331.37 4511.71.1 Driving upon Sidewalk 50 92 142 331.33 4511.71.2 Obstructing Intersection 30 92 122 331.28 4511.73 Driving over Fire Hose 30 92 122 331.38 4511.75A Passing School Bus with Flashing Lights-M4 195 92 287 EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 6 CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION 331.41 --------Driving Thru Gas Station / FINE + COST=TOTAL 50 92 142 337.26 4511.81 Child Restraint-1st Offense -2nd Offense Out of State 30 75 30 63 63 63 93 138 93 331.42 331.43 337.01 4511.82 4511.84 4513.02 Littering from Vehicle Earphones or Earplugs Unsafe Vehicle-1st Offense * 2nd Offense or more - M3 100 30 30 92 92 63 192 122 93 The following 14 traffic offenses, generally equipment violations, are reclassified as minor misdemeanors, regardless of prior similar offenses. 337.03 337.04 4513.03-.20 4513.05 337.05 337.08 337.15 337.19 337.20 337.21 337.28 337.28 337.09 ----------------------------337.18 ---------4513.09 4513.15 4513.21 4513.22 4513.23 4513.241 4513.242 4513.28 4513.60 4513.65 4549.10 4549.12 --------- 337.27 4513.263 339.09 4513.31 Failure to have Required Lights 30 63 93 Illumination of Rear License Plate 10 63 73 and Tail light Rear Red Reflector 20 63 83 Extended Loads-Lights/Flags 30 63 93 Failure to Dim Lights 20 63 83 Horns and Sirens 30 63 93 Loud or Defective Exhaust 30 63 93 Rear View Mirrors 30 63 93 Tinted Windows 30 63 93 Security Decal Display 30 63 93 Safety Equipment Disabled Vehicle 30 63 93 Vehicle on Private Property 30 63 93 Junk Motor Vehicle 30 63 93 No Vehicle Placard 30 63 93 Out-of-State Number 30 63 93 Motor Vehicle Brakes 30 63 93 Minor Accident 65 63 128 No Seat Belt (Non-moving violation) Driver 30 63 93 Driver per Passenger (Up to $40) 20 63 83 Passenger 20 63 83 Unsecured Load 50 63 113 With damage 100 63 163 nd 2 offense within 1 yr-M4 100 63 163 With damage 150 63 213 ( 3rd offense within 1 yr - M3 - MUST APPEAR IN COURT) EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 7 CITY ORD./STATE STAT./TRAFFIC VIOLATION / FINE + COST=TOTAL 339.07 4513.32 Improper Towing 100 92 192 375.04 4513.34 Permit Violation-Off Route 50 63 113 4513.361 Disobey/Interfere Police Order 100 92 192 (Furnishing False Information) 375.03 4519.40(A)(1) Prohibited Vehicle on Roadway 150 63 213 (IF ACCIDENT-MUST APPEAR IN COURT) 375.05 4519.44 No Operator’s License-ATV 100 63 163 335.11 4549.08 Illegal Plates 35 63 98 341.03 4549.18 Commercial M/V100 92 192 (No Registration Certificate) 339.05 5577.11 No Mud Flaps 30 63 93 339.03 5577.05 Over Width-1st 30 92 122 50 92 142 -2nd rd -3 200 92 292 339.01 5577.071 Gross Weight Violation -.08/.09 (0-2000 lbs.) 80 92 172 or 5591.42 OVER 2,000-5,000 lbs. 100+ 92 ? ($100.00+ $1.00 per each 100 lbs. over gross) OVER 5,000-10,000 lbs. 130+ 92 ? ($130.00+$2.00 per each 100 lbs. over gross) OVER 10,000 lbs. 160+ 92 ? ($160.00+$3.00 per each 100 lbs. over gross) *(Example: 12,700 lb. Overload: Over 10,000; 127 x $3.00=$381.00; Total $381.00+$160.00+$82.00=$623.00) ----------------Failure to Display HUT Sticker 150 92 242 339.11 5589.081 Studded Tires 30 63 93 -------5728.02 Permit Application 50 53 103 DEFINITION: MINOR ACCIDENT: Any accident in which property damage does not exceed ($200). MAJOR ACCIDENT: Any accident involving injury to persons or property damage which exceeds ($500). ** ANY THIRD MOVING TRAFFIC OFFENSE WITHIN 12 MONTHS IS A MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE-EXCEPT SPEED WHICH IS A 4TH SPEED. *** SPEEDING IN A SCHOOL ZONE 36 AND OVER STILL AN M4, BUT NO COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED. **** FAILURE TO APPEAR WILL RESULT IN A $10 ADDITIONAL FEE AND A $25 ADDITIONAL COST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A BENCH WARRANT. ***** PAYMENT PLAN A $10 ADDITIONAL FEE. EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 8 MINOR MISDEMEANORS - CRIMINAL Supreme Court Rule 11: Offense Fine + 1501.3-2-11 Possess. of Alcohol on State Forest Property 150 1501.3-4 ATV State Park 150 1501:41 Display/Consume Alcohol in State Park 50 1501:41-3-06 Dog Running at Large 50 1501.41-9-06 Area Noise 50 1533.10 Hunting w/o License 50 1533.32 Fishing w/o License 50 1547.25 Floatation Device 100 1547.531 Watercraft Registration 30 509.03 2917.11 Disturbing the Peace/Disorderly Conduct 50 509.10 2917.11 Intoxication 50 513.03 2925.11 Possession of Marijuana 150 513.06 2925.04(C)(4)(a) Cultivating Marijuana 150 ------2925.141 Drug Paraphenalia/Marijuana only 150 505.03 955.21 No Dog License-1st Offense 30 505.01-.02 955.22C Dog Running at Large-1st Offense 50 505.13 ---------Barking Dog 50 505.14 ---------Animal Bites-1st Offense 100 509.02 ---------Failure to Disperse 100 509.05 ---------Misconduct at Emergency 100 509.08 ---------Disturbance Enumerated 50 509.19 ---------Parental Responsibility 75 521.14 ---------Storage of Tires 100 Cost = Total 82 232 82 232 82 132 82 132 82 132 82 132 82 132 82 182 53 83 82 132 82 132 82 232 82 232 82 232 82 112 82 132 82 132 82 182 82 182 82 182 82 132 82 157 82 182 THE BONDS FOR THE FOLLOWING OFFENSES WILL BE SET AT ARRAIGNMENT BY JUDGE ONLY AT THE INITIAL APPEARANCE: (1) ALL FELONIES (2) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (3) VIOLATING A PROTECTION ORDER (4) MENACING BY STALKING (5) AGGRAVATED MENACING WITH USE OF A WEAPON OR FIREARM (6) ASSAULT (7) USING WEAPON WHILE INTOXICATED (8) ANY CRIMINAL OFFENSE INVOLVING A WEAPON (9) RESISTING ARREST (10) FLEEING/ELUDING POLICE OFFICER ALL OFFENSES OTHER THAN A MINOR MISDEMEANOR SHALL BE BY OWN RECOGNIZANCE BOND UNLESS THE OFFICER HAS REASON TO BELIEVE THE DEFENDANT WILL NOT APPEAR IN COURT. THEN THE BOND SHOULD BE A $2,500 SURETY OR CASH BOND UNLESS THE OFFICER BELIEVES A HIGHER BOND IS NECESSARY TO INSURE DEFENDANT’S APPEARANCE. EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 9 WILDLIFE VIOLATIONS MUST APPEAR IN COURT STATE STATUTE VIOLATION 1531.02 Pursuing or taking fur bearing animals in closed season-M4 1531.02 Deer Violations-M4 1531.29 Littering-1st Offense-M3 -2nd Offense or more-M1 5743.19 Trafficking Cigarettes w/o a License-M4 5743.41 Failed to Post License for Cigarette/Tobacco -M4 BOND 182.00 182.00 182.00 282.00 182.00 182.00 ADDITIONAL CHARGES: $ 0.10 PER COPY 1.00 PER SUBPOENAS SERVED 5.00 PER MILEAGE IN CITY FOR SUBPOENA SERVED 8.00 PER MILEAGE IN TOWNSHIP FOR SUBPOENA SERVED 1.00 PER COPY CERTIFICATION 6.00 PER WITNESS FEE FOR SUBPOENA ISSUED 20.00 PER JUROR 25.00 PER BENCH WARRANT 50.00 PER SIX MONTHS NON-REPORTING PROBATION 100.00 PER SIX MONTHS ACTIVE UNSUPERVISED PROBATION 100.00 PER SIX MONTHS SUPERVISED PROBATION 150.00 PER SIX MONTHS INTENSIVE SUPERVISED PROBATION 25.00 PER COMMITMENT PAPERS 25.00 PER HOUSE ARREST-INITIAL FEE 5.00 PER DAY HOUSE ARREST FEE (UNDER 14 DAYS-PAID IN FULL/OVER 14 DAYS-PAID A WEEK AHEAD) 10.00 ONE TIME FEE WHEN REQUEST PAYMENT PLAN 10.00 LATE PAYMENT FEE 10.00 POSTCARD FEE FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR REVIEW-FINES & COST 20.00 DRUG TESTING FEE-( FIRST TEST FREE ) 15.00 PER B. M.V. PROCESSING FEE FOR LICENSE FORFEITURE 25.00 PUBLIC DEFENDER- INDIGENT APPLICATION FEE 35.00 NON-SUFFICIENT FUND (NSF) ITEM-(EFFECTIVE 03/01/09) 20.00 BAILIFF SERVICE-(PERSONAL SERVICE) 5.00 SHERIFF TRANSPORT OF PRISONER PER HEARING EAST LIVERPOOL MUNICIPAL COURT BOND SCHEDULE Page 10 PURSUANT TO TRAFFIC RULE 13 (D) (1) (A) AND/OR (B) TO MAKE PAYMENT PLAN YOU MUST APPEAR IN COURT. ALL FINE FORFEITURES MUST BE PAID IN FULL. PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BOND FORFEITURES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. VISA/MASTER CARD ACCEPTED AS PAYMENT: COURT PROCESSING FEE TO USE A CREDIT CARD IS AS FOLLOWS: EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2006 TOTAL COURT COST PROCESSING FEE-CASH ONLY INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE/BUSINESS 0-100 $3.00 5.00 101-200 6.00 10.00 201-300 9.00 15.00 301-400 12.00 20.00 401-500 15.00 25.00 501-600 18.00 30.00 601-700 21.00 35.00 701-800 24.00 40.00 801-900 27.00 45.00 901-1000 30.00 50.00 **ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION: Assessment of the state-mandated court costs imposed by R. C. 2743.70 and R. C. 2949.091 for a “moving violation” means any violation of any statute or ordinance that regulates the operation of vehicles, streetcars, or trackless trolleys on the highways or streets. “Moving Violation” does not include R.C. 4513.263 or statute or ordinance regulating pedestrians or the parking of vehicles, vehicle size, or load limitations, vehicle fitness requirements, or vehicle registration, according to O. R. C. 4510.01(E).
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