Product Catalogue English & Hindi Nutriquana Spirulina Nutriquana Spirulina is a natural source of 100 types of major nutrients approxomately such as protein, carbohydrate, 13 vitamins, 13 minerals, 4 natural phytonutrients, 8 cerotanoids & 18 amino acids. It also contains 3 natural color pigments. According to WHO Spirulina is the greatest super food on earth and an ideal food supplement for the human body. It provides daily nutritional value for the human body and strengthens the immune system. It improves the metabolic rate and reduces acidity. It is a natural source of antioxidants that helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It also helps in detoxification of the body. U;wVªhdkuk Likb#yhuk izÑfr dk ,d vueksy [ktkuk gS] ;g ekuo 'kjhj ds fy;s vko';d 46 izdkj ds iks"kd rRoksa dk HkaMkj gS buesa ls ik¡p eq[; iks"kd rRo gSa & izksVhu] dkcksZgkbMªsV] foVkfeu [kfut inkFkZ ,oa olkA blds lkFk&lkFk ;g 4 izkÑfrd jax n`O;ksa dk le`) lzksr gSA blesa 13 foVkfeu] 13 [kfut inkFkZ] 4 QkbVksU;wVªh,aV] 8 dsjksVsuksbMl ,oa 18 ,ehuks ,flM ik;s x;s gSa tks dksf'kdkvksa dks iks"k.k iznku dj izfrjks/kd iz.kkyh r=a dksf'kdkvksa dks etcwrh iznku djrs gSaA ;g izkd`frd :Ik ls fo"k fudklh dks c<+kok nsrk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day after meal (1 dISly w lcqg o 1 dISly w 'kke dks Hkkt s u ds i'pkr~ ) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dISly w 500 feñxkzñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 295/- Nutriquana Spirulina + Vit C Nutriquana Spirulina is a natural source of 100 types of major nutrients approxomately such as protein, carbohydrate, 13 vitamins, 13 minerals, 4 natural phytonutrients, 8 cerotanoids & 18 amino acids. It also contains 3 natural color pigments. According to WHO Spirulina is the greatest super food on earth and an ideal food supplement for the human body. It provides daily nutritional value for the human body and strengthens the immune system. It improves the metabolic rate and reduces acidity. It is a natural source of antioxidants that helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It also helps in detoxification of the body. U;wVªhdkuk Likb#yhuk izÑfr dk ,d vueksy [ktkuk gS] ;g ekuo 'kjhj ds fy;s vko';d 46 izdkj ds iks"kd rRoksa dk HkaMkj gS buesa ls ik¡p eq[; iks"kd rRo gSa & izksVhu] dkcksZgkbMªsV] foVkfeu [kfut inkFkZ ,oa olkA blds lkFk&lkFk ;g 4 izkÑfrd jax n`O;ksa dk le`) lzksr gSA blesa 13 foVkfeu] 13 [kfut inkFkZ] 4 QkbVksU;wVªh,aV] 8 dsjksVsuksbMl ,oa 18 ,ehuks ,flM ik;s x;s gSa tks dksf'kdkvksa dks iks"k.k iznku dj izfrjks/kd iz.kkyh r=a dksf'kdkvksa dks etcwrh iznku djrs gSaA ;g izkd`frd :Ik ls fo"k fudklh dks c<+kok nsrk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day after meal (1 dSIlwy lqcg o 1 dSIlwy 'kke dks Hkkstu ds i'pkr~ ) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 390/01 Nutriquana Noni Nutriquana Noni whose botanical name is Morinda citrifolia has three main alkaloids called xeronine, proxeronine, and pro-xeroninage. It contains Enzymes, Anthraquinone and Polysaccharides in abundance in the Noni which regulates the function of the cell, generate of new cells and repair the damage cells. It also controls the flow of chemicals, secretes hormones and improves the digestion. Nutriquana Noni behaves like anti-bodies. Noni is anti-histaminic, antiinflammatory and anti-bacterial. It contains anti-ageing properties. Nutriquana noni is also full of vitamins and minerals. U;Vwªhdkuk ukush ftldk ckWVfudy uke ekfsjM a k flVªkQ s kfsy;k gS ftleas 3 e[q; ,YdkWykbMl ik;s tkrs gaS tjskfsuu] ikz& s tjskfsuu o ikz& s tjskuskbut s A tjskfsuu dbZ id z kj ds ikzVshu ls feydj dkfs'kdk Lrj ij dk;Z djrk gS vkjS dkfs'kdkvkas ds fNnkzas dks cMk+ cukdj ik"skd rRokas dk ioz'sk ljy cuk nrsk g]S dkfs'kdk ds iuqm Z Riknu ,oa ejEer] dkfs'kdk fHkRrh eas vEykas dk cgko] 'kjhj eas gkjekUsl ds lkzo ds lkFk&lkFk ikpu i.zkkyh eas l/qkkj ykus eas enn djrs gAaS U;Vwªhdkuk ukush dl aS j dkfs'kdkvkas dks lkekU; dkfs'kdk eas cnyus eas enn djrh gS U;Vwªhdkuk ukush eas c<qk+ik de djus ds lHkh y{k.k ekt S nw gAaS ;g ikzdf`rd foVkfeukas vkjS [kfutkas ls Hkjijw o [kfwc;kas dk [ktkuk gAS Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day before meal (1 dSIlwy lqcg o 1 dSIlwy 'kke dks Hkkstu ds igys ) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 325/- Nutriquana Noni Juice Nutriquana Noni Juice in a mixture of 4 natural elements Noni, Spirulina, Amal vat extract (Garcinia Cambogia) and Stevia extract. Noni enlarges the pores of the wall of a human cell and enable the nutrients enter more easily. It works at cellular level. Spirulina provides daily nutritional need to the human body. Stevia gives a better taste as a natural sweetener and provides relief in diabetic patients. Alma vat extract a natural source of Hydroxycitric Acid helps to reduce the weight of the body. U;Vwªhdkuk ukush tl w 4 ikzÑfrd rRokas ¼ukush] Likb:yhuk] xklhfZu;k o LVhfo;k vdZ dk ,d vuk[skk feJ.k gAS U;Vwªhdkuk ukush tl w ;uwhvk;jq dh ifo=re fpfdRlk i)fr dk ,d 'kfDr'kkyh LrEHk gS tks [kfwc;kas dk [ktkuk gS tgk¡ Likb:yhuk lia.wkZ ik"sk.k inzku djrk gS ogha ukush dkfs'kdkvkas eas ik"skd rRokas dk ioz'sk vkjS ljy cuk nrsh g]S LVhfo;k e/keqgs ls ihfMr+ ykx s kas dks Lokn inzku dj ifasØ;kt dh 'kfDr c<k+rk gS ogha xklhfZu;k eas ,p-lh-,- ik;k tkrk gS tks ,d id z kj dk ,Utk+beZ gS o Hk[wk de djds 'kjhj ls pchZ ?kVkus eas enn djrk gAS Dose ([kqjkd): 15ml two times a day before meals. (15 feñyhñ lqcg o 'kke Hkkstu ls igys) Packing (ek=k): 500 ml. (500 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 650/- 02 Nutriquana Flax Nutriquana Flax is known as linseed and its oil known as linseed oil. It is a rich source of Omega-3 & Omega-6 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil is a natural source of Vitamin E. Flax seed has 75 to 800 percent more Lignan (the natural antioxidants) than other vegetables and grains. Omega-3 helps lower Cholesterol & blood triglycerides and Lignan have low incidence of breast and colon cancer. It also helps in the development of retinal and brain cells. U;Vwªhdkuk ¶yDSl ftls fyulhM Hkh dgk tkrk g]S ftleas nks e[q; QVSh&,flM ik;s tkrs gaS ftUgas vkesx s k 3 ,oa vkesx s k 6 QVSh&,flM dgrs gaS U;Vwªhdkuk ¶yDSl ikzdf`rd foVkfeu&bZ ls Hkjijw gAS ¶yDSl u dosy dky s LsVªky cfYd jDr eas ls VªkbfZXyljkbM dks de djus eas enn djrk gS ¶yDSl ds ry s eas fyxuku uked ,VahvkWDlhMVas ik, tkrs gS tks Lru o vk¡rkas ds dl aS j dh lHakkoukvkas dks de djrk gS ,oa jVShuk o efLr"d dh dkfs'kdkvkas ds fodkl eas enn djrk gAS Dose ([kqjkd): One or two capsule thrice a day after meal (1 ls 2 lkW¶V ty S fnu eas rhu ckj Hkkt s u ds i'pkr~ ) Packing (ek=k): 60 Soft Gel (60 lkW¶V tSy) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 425/- Nutriquana Figure N Forma Nutriquana Glucosamine is being used worldwide as a NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) in relief of joint pain and swelling (osteo-arthritis). Glucosomine is a long chain of amino acids called Glucosaminoglycan (GAG) that's found in high concentration of sea cells. Glucosamine is used for formation and repair of cartilages and helps to attract the Proteoglycans molecule to increase the production of Synovial fluid. U;Vwªhdkuk Xyd w kl s keskbu tkM s k+as ds nnZ o lt w u ¼vkfLV;k& s vkFkjZkbfVl½~ ds ekeykas dks jkgr nuss ds fy;s nfqu;k Hkj eas ifzl) gAS Xyd w kl s keskbu ,ehuks ,flM dh ,d yEch J[akyk gS tks dkfVy Z t s dh {kfr dks jkd s dj mlds iuq%fuek.Zk eas enn djrk gAS bleas ik;k tkus okyk dkUMªk;fVu ikzVskXsykbdus d.kkas dks vkÑf"krZ dj flukfso;y noz ds fuek.Zk dks c<k+ok nrsk gAS Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day after meal (1 dSIlwy lqcg o 1 dSIlwy 'kke dks Hkkstu ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 585/- 03 Nutriquana Aloevera Nutriquana Aloevera is a natural source of many vitamins, 20 essential minerals, Lignan, Enzymes, Polysaccharides and antioxidants etc. It also contains 19 to 22 essential and non-essential amino acids. Aloevera rectifies the weakness, improves chronic breathing problems, acidity, stomach ulcer, indigestion, and problems to skin disease effectively. It improves the working style of liver making it and the human body strong. U;Vwªhdkuk ,ykosjsk ikzÑfrd foVkfeukas ,oa ,VahvkWDlhMVas dk ,d le) +` lkzrs gS ] bleas 18 vekusks ,flM o [kfut inkFkZ ik;s x;s gAS ,y s kosjsk 'kjhj dh ncqy Z rk] vlk/; 'olu leL;k,]as ,lhfMVh] iVs dk vYlj] vip] dky s kbfZVl ,oa Ropk lca/akh leL;kvkas dks rhorzk ls lekIr djus eas enn djrk gAS ;g ;Ñr (yhoj) dh dk;iZ.zkkyh dks n: q Lr ,oa 'kjhj dks cyoku cukrk gAaS Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day after meal (1 dISly w lcqg o 1 dISly w 'kke dks Hkkt s u ds i'pkr)~ Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 275/- Nutriquana Rheumata Nutriquana Rheumata is a unique combination of herbs with Swarn Bhasma. It works in small joints of the body, increases flexibility, decreases stiffness, helps in removal of Joint Pain (Rheumatic Arthritis) and swelling etc. bl nok ls 'kjhj eas fQj ls rkdr vkrh gS vkSj tksM+ksa o gfì;ksa eas nnZ gVkdj 'kjhj dks yphyk cuk nsrk gSA y{k.k% tksM+ksa eas nnZ] xnZu dh vdM+u] da/kksa esa nnZ o dej ds fupys fgLls esa nnZA Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule thrice a day (1&2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckjA) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 390/- 04 Nutriquana Rheumata Oil Nutriquana Rheumata Oil is made using high quality natural ingredients. It is ensure quick relief from pain and useful in treatment of chronic rheumatic arthritis, swelling, stiffness, mobility loss and joint damage. For external use only Use: Apply oil in effected area and massage slowly twice a day. y{k.k% tksM+ksa eas nnZ] dej esa nnZ] tka?k ls iSjkas rd nnZ o vdM+u] ukfM+;ksa dh vdM+u] xnZu esa vdM+u vkfnA Packing (ek=k): 50 ml. (50 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 120/- Nutriquana Safed Musli Nutriquana Safed Musli is a tremendous herb and food supplement which not only makes more energetic but also eliminates all kinds of weaknesses in the human body. It helps to promote functions of nervine system. It is used as a natural steroid in Traditional Ayurveda and helps to remove any sexual disorder in men and women both. It also contains a high percentage of glycoside which improves the immune system of the human body. It is also full of Proteins, carbohydrates, Vi t a m i n s , M i n e r a l s , a l k a l o i d s , S p a n i n a n d Polysaccharides etc. U;Vwªhdkuk lQns el w yh] tMh+&cVwh vkgkj ds fo'k"sk.kkas ls ijs iÑ z fr dk ,d vueky s ojnku gS tks u dosy ekuo 'kjhj dks LQfwrZ inzku djrh gS cfYd fdlh Hkh id z kj dh detkjsh o ik: S "k 'kfDr dks c<k+us eas enn djrh gS bleas vR;f/kd ek=k eas Xykwdkl s kbM ik, tkrs gSa tks ifzrjk/skd {kerk fodkl djus eas enn djrs gAaS Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day after meal (1 dSIlwy lqcg o 1 dSIlwy 'kke dks Hkkstu ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 599/- 05 Nutriquana Endura Nutriquana Endura is a herbal preparation and very useful in sexual weakness, weak in sexual desire, Low Energy level, Night Discharge(Nocturnal Emission), Erectile Dysfunction, Depression & anxiety, Premature Ejaculation, early aging, decrease in weight, Mental imbalance, increase Stamina, Energy & Endurance, Stabilize Testosterone Level. ,UM~;wjk dSIlwy uiqaldrk] dkesPNk dh deh] tks'k dh deh] 'kh?kziru] LoIunks"k] oh;ZYirk] 'kkjhfjd ,oa ekufld detksjh] 'kh?kz o`)koLFkk ds y{k.k] otu ?kVuk] ekufld lrqayu [kksuk] FkdkoV] dke es eu u yxuk ,oa fpUrk bR;kfn esa mi;ksxh gSA Dose ([kqjkd): one or two capsule twice a day after meal (1 dSIlwy lqcg vkSj 1 dSIlwy jkr dks izfrfnu de ls de 90 ls 120 fnu rd lsou djsa nw/k ;k ikuh ds lkFk) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 640/- Nutriquana Calcium Nutriquana Calcium is formulated at the international standards which contain 625mg Calcium Carbonate with 125 units of Vitamin D-3 and Sodium free. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. More than 99% of total body calcium is stored in the bones and teeth where it functions to support their structure and the remaining 1% is found throughout the body in blood, muscle, and cells of soft tissue. U;Vwªhdkuk dfSY'k;e eas 625 feñxkzñ dfSY'k;e dkckuZsVs ,oa 125 ;fwuV foVkfeu Mh&3 vUrjZk"Vªh; ekudkul q kj lfEefyr gS blds lkFk&lkFk ;g lkfsM;e ls eDqr gAS dfSY'k;e ekuo dk loiZFzke HkkTs; nOz; gS D;kfasd ekuo 'kjhj ds dy q nOz;eku dk 99% dfSY'k;e gfMM ~ ;kas o nkrakas eas ik;k tkrk gS ,oa 'k"sk 1% 'kjhj eas jDr] ekl a ifs'k;kas o uje ÅÙkdkas dh dkfs'kdkvkas eas ik;k tkrk gAS yxHkx 30 o"kZ dh vk;q rd gfMM ~ ;kas eas nOz;eku tM q r+k jgrk gAS vr% ijws 'k'Skodky] cpiu o fd'kkjskoLFkk eas i;kIZr dfSY'k;e o foVkfeu Mh yusk fo'k"sk:i ls egRoi.wkZ gAS Dose ([kqjkd): one tablet twice a day after meal (1 VscysV lqcg o 1 VscysV 'kke dks Hkkstu ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 100 Tablets (100 VSCysV~l) MRP (ewY;): Rs.300/- 06 Nutriquana Aloevera Juice Nutriquana Aloe vera juice a rich source of natural vitamins & anti oxidants. It contains polysaccharides (pectins, hemicelluloses, glucomannan, acemannan, and mannose derivatives), 18 amino acids, lipids, sterols (lupeol, campesterol, and beta-sitosterol), tanins, fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins (A, B, B2, B3, B6, C & E), minerals (Na, K, Ca, P, Cl & traces of Mfg & Zn.), and other vital substances. A natural treasure of Minerals, Enzymes, Polysaccharides, Vitamins, Biological stimulators, Amino acids, etc. U;Vwªhdkuk ,ykosjsk ikzÑfrd foVkfeukas ,oa ,VahvkWDlhMVas dk ,d le) +` lkzrs gS ] bleas 18 vekusks ,flM o [kfut inkFkZ ik;s x;s gAS ,y s kosjsk 'kjhj dh ncqy Z rk] vlk/; 'olu leL;k,]as ,lhfMVh] iVs dk vYlj] vip] dky s kbfZVl ,oa Ropk lca/akh leL;kvkas dks rhorzk ls lekIr djus eas enn djrk gAS ;g ;Ñr dh dk;iZ.zkkyh dks n: q Lr ,oa 'kjhj dks cyoku cukrk gAaS Dose ([kqjkd): 15 ml once a day in the morning empty stomach (15 feñyhñ fnu esa 2 ckj Ò¨tu ls igys) Packing (ek=k): 1 Ltr./500ml. (1 yhVj/500 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 650/- / MRP (ewY;): Rs. 390/- Nutriquana Tulsi Nutriquana Tulsi, the queen of herbs plays an important role in India only because of its amazing medicinal properties. It is very effective in curing of cough and cold. Tulsi has anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory properties. It is the most beneficial in curing infection disease etc. It also reduces stress very quickly. tM+h cqfV;ksa dh jkuh U;wVªhdkuk rqylh dk mlds vn~Hkqr xq.kksa ds dkj.k Hkkjr esa fo'ks"k egRo gS rqylh ds vdZ dk lfn;ksa ls Hkkjr esa 'okal lac/kh fodkjksa ¼tSls [kk¡lh o tqdke½ esa iz;ksx fd;k tkrk jgk gSA rqylh esa lw{e thok.kqjks/kh o lwtujks/kh xq.k/keZ ik;s x;s gS tks baQsD'ku vkfn fodkjksa ls futkr ikus esa cgqi;ksxh gSA Dose ([kqjkd): 4-5 drops or as required (pkj ls ik¡¡p cwan ;k vko';drkuqlkj) Packing (ek=k): 15 ml. (15 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 130/- 07 Nutriquana Colostrum Nutriquana Colostrum was designed by nature as a part of mother's milk with first 72 hours upon the birth of calf / infant.Nutriquana Colostrum is collected from cow milk and it is 100% pure and organic. It is the highest source of immunoglobulin, which provides a perfect balance of both Immune system and growth factor. Colostrum has “Nature's Healing miracle"It contains Protein: 60%, Immunoglobulin Antibodies: 20%, Fat: 20%, Growth Factors, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes and Amino Acids. dky s LVªkWe f'k'kv q kas ds fy;s iÑ z fr dk vueky s ojnku g]S dky s LVªkWe cPps ¼f'k'k½q ds tUe ds ckn igys 72 ?kVas ds n/wk eas ik;k tkrk gAS U;Vwªhdkuk dky s LVªkWe xk; ds n/wk ls r;Skj fd;k tkrk g]S ;g bEZ;uwkXsykfscu dk le) ` lkzrs gS bleas xkzFsk QDSVj o bEZ;uw flLVe eas of`) ds peRdkjh x.qk ik, tkrs gAS bleas ikzVshu 60 ifzr'kr] bEZ;uwkXsykfscu&th] ,Vah ckWMht+ 20 ifzr'kr] blds vykok xkzFsk QDSVj foVkfeu] fefujy] ,t a kbEl~ ,oea vehuks ,flMl~ bR;kfn ik, tkrs gAS Dose ([kqjkd): Children 6 to 12 years 1-2 caps twice a day. Adults 2 - 3 caps twaice a day.(f'k'kq%& 6 ls 12 o"kZ ds fy, 1&2 dSIlwy] o;Ld%& 2&3 dSIlwy fnu esa nks ckj) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 750/- Nutriquana Neem Nutriquana neem Its botanical name is Azadirachta Indica. It is an amazing gift to humanity. From centuries Neem is being used in Ayurveda and Unani Medicine to purify blood, in any type of skin disease and Diabetes. Neem contains certain chemicals which are unique. The primary chemicals are called Limonoides. Neem has very powerful skin rejuvenating quality. It has unique capacity of fighting with many type of disease, Bacteria, Fungus or Viruses, Leprosy and Leucoderma etc. So Neem is called in Ayurveda “Sarvroghari”. U;Vwªhdkuk uhe ekuo it z kfr ds fy, ,d peRdkjh ojnku gS lfn;kas ls uhe dk i;zkx s Ropk ls lEcfa/kr fdlh Hkh chekjh] Mk;kcVht+ o jDr dks 'k) q djus eas fd;k tkrk jgk g]S bleas rhu ls pkj id z kj ds fyekuskbMl~ ik, tkrs gAaS Ropk ds iuq%&fuek.Zk eas uhe ls T;knk 'kfDr'kkyh dkbsZ vkjS ugha gAS uhe eas fdlh Hkh id z kj dh chekjh] cDSVhfj;k] Y;d q kM s jek vkfn tl S h chekfj;kas dks lekIr djus dh vnH~krq {kerk g]S blfy, vk;oqnZs eas uhe dks lojZkx s dgk x;k gAaS Dose ([kqjkd):1 -2 capsule after meal (1-2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckj Hkkstu ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 275/- 08 Nutriquana Karela Nutriquana Karela (Bitter Melon) is mostly used in North India and very useful to achieve positive sugar regulating effect by suppressing the neural response to sweet taste stimuli. It has shown significant lipogenic activity and antilipolytic. It is a good blood purifier, treats worm manifestations, stimulates pancreas, liver and helps in good absorption of food, helpful as an emetic, in piles, purgative, as an anthelmentic, jaundice and it is also helpful in triggering the endocrine system of the body. djsyk ikpu fØ;k dks fu;fer djus ds fy, vfr mÙke gS o lalkj Hkj eas vius xq.kksa ds fy, izfl) gS o 'kqxj ysoy dks fu;af=r djrk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): 1 - 2 capsule twice a day (1 dSIlwy lqcg o 1 dSIlwy 'kke dks Hkkstu ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 275/- Nutriquana Diabosys Human Body needs energy to work and this is obtained from Glucose when it is entered into the human cell. The Glucose enters into the cell when the Pancreas releases Insulin into the blood. Deficiency of Insulin increase sugar level in the blood so that glucose does not enter into the cell. This may be a cause of many disease in the body such Eye Disease, weakness in Kidney, brain and heart. Action of the formulation: Vasant Kusmakar Ras and Gold ash and other ingredient of Nutriquana Diabosys activates Pancreas and helps to release Insulin to the Human Body. It works on both Type I and Type II diabetes. Note: According to W.H.O. there will be 300 million diabetes Patients. e/kqesg ds jksfx;ksa esa Sugar Level fu;fer djus gsrq Lo.kZ HkLe o olar dqlqekdj jl }kjk fufeZrA detksjh nwj djs o LoLFk thou cuk,A y{k.k% e/kqesg (Sugar Level) vfu;fer gksukA Dose ([kqjkd): 1-2 capsule thrice a day (1&2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckj) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 475/- 09 Nutriquana Amla Nutriquana amla capsule: Amlalaki-amla Embilica Officinalis-indian Gooseberry: Anatura efficient antioxident with richesr source of natural Vit. C, having cooling, refrigerant,diuretic and laxative properties. In iancient texts it has been explained as the best antiageing medicine, highly nutritious with cardio tonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, antidiabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal tonic action a n d i n c e r a s e i m m u n i t y . As a restorative tonic for total nervous system, antacid, liver stimulant, aphrodisiac as well as a rasayana also beneficial in inflammation of lungs, eyes, stimulates appetite, reduces irritability of bladder, retention of urine. Increases immunity and retention of urine. Increases immunity and protects from infections and diseases and keeps you healthy and fighting fit in all seasons. U;wVªhdkuk vk¡oyk % QkbysaFkl~ vafcfydk] vkeyk] Hkkjrh; djkSank ,oa vekfydk ¼laLÑr½ vkfn ukeksa ls tkuk tkrk gSA vk¡oyk ,d çkÑfrd ,aVhvkWDlhMsaV gS tks foVkfeu lh dk lcls le`) lzksr gSA ;g mnjkfXu&'kked] ew=&o/kZd ,oa ySDtsfVo xq.k&/keZ okyk jlk;u gSA çkphu vk;qZosn esa vk¡oyk dks cq<+kik&jks/kh] iks”kd inkFkksa ls Hkjiwj] ân;&jksx VkWfud] e/kqesg&jks/kh] dkeksÙkstd] Le`fr&o/kZd] vka=&'kksFk jksXk VkWfud ,oa jksx&çfrjks/kd {kerk c<+kus okyk dgk x;k gSA;g uoZl flLVe dks etcwr djus okyk] xSl&jks/kd] ;Ñr dks mÙksftr djus okyk vkSj blds lkFk&lkFk ;g ,d ,slk jlk;u gS tks QsQM+ksa o vk¡[kksa esa lwtu de djrk gS] Hkw[k c<+krk gS] ew=k'k; dh tyu dks de djrk gS] ew=k'k; dh laxzg.k {kerk dks c<+krk gS vkSj laØked jksxksa ls yM+us dh 'kfÙk c<+krk gS ,oa LokLF; dks Bhd j[krk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): one capsule twice a day (1 dSIlwy lqcg o 1 dSIlwy 'kke dks Hkkstu ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 300/- Nutriquana Shilajit Nutriquana Shilajit is a natural amazing herb. It is very useful in treatment of Skin disease, Chest disease, Piles, Reducing fat, Constipation, Intestinal Worms and general Weakness. Ropk jksx] Nkrh ds jksx] coklhj] eksVkik] dCt+ o isV ds dhM+ksa ls eqDr djk, o gj O;fDr dks dbZ vke jksxksa ls eqfDr fnyk,A Dose ([kqjkd): 1-2 capsule thrice a day (1&2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckj) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 550/- 10 Nutriquana Shatavari Nutriquana Shatawari is a general health promoter for easy and balance life specially for female and it is well known as female rejuvenate and it is useful in low milk secretion, low sex drive, menopause, post-menopausal syndrome and infertility. It moistens the dry tissues of reproductive organs. It acts as an anti-oxidant, antiallergic and strengthens the immune system. As well as it increases muscles tone and body strength. It is also used as an aphrodisiac. It is recommended during pregnancy, lactation, menstrual problems and menopausal syndrome and as female restorative and aphrodisiac. U;Vwªhdkuk 'kkrkojh fo"k'sk :Ik ls efgykvkas ds fy;s ,d lkekU; LokLF;o/kZd gSA ;g efgykvkas ds 'kjhj dh dk;kdYi ds fy;s tkuk tkrk gSA ;g efgykvkas eas de nqX/k lzko] de dke{skk] jtkfsuo`fÙk] jtkfsuo`fÙk flM a ªkse ,oa ck> a iu ds fy;s ykHkn;d gSA ;g çtuu vx a kas ds l[wks Årdkas dks ueh çnku djrk gSA ;g ,d vkWDlhtu&jk/skh] ,ythZ&jk/skh vkSj jkx s &çfrjk/skd ç.kkyh dks etcr w h çnku djrk gSA blh dkj.k ekl a ifs"kk;kas dks etcr w djrk gS ,oa 'kjhj dh rkdr c<k+rk gSA ;g efgykvkas eas ,d dkekíshid ds :Ik eas Hkh mi;kx s eas yk;k tkrk gSA bldh xHkkZoLFkk] Lruiku] ekfld&/keZ] jtkfsuo`fÙk flM a ªkse o efgykvkas eas cyo/kZd ,oa dkekíshid dh rjg bLresky djus dh flQkfj'kkas dh tkrh gSA Dose ([kqjkd): 1 - 2 capsule twice a day (1 dSIly w lqcg o 1 dSIly w 'kke dks Hkkt s u ds i'pkr~) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIly w 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 450/- Nutriquana Figure N Forma Nutriquana Figure N forma made with a unique Ayurvedic Formulation and its ingredients work in increasing of metabolism so it helps in decreasing the body fat without feeling any weakness and gives the shape to the body, control sugar level, high blood pressure, decreases hunger and also used in the treatment of hypo Thyroid. fu;fer :i ls fcuk detksjh ds otu ?kVkus ,oa e/kqesg] mPp jDrpki] FkkbjkWbM vkfn ds mipkj gsrq bLrseky fd;k tkrk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): 1-2 capsule thrice a day (1&2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckj) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 415/- 11 Nutriquana Gas Mukti Churna Nutriquana Gas Mukti Churan is a unique Ayurvedic combination to the removal of indigestion. Everybody knows how much digestion power has a human being and also differs among the human. Spicy or heavy food, overfeeding increases acidy and gastric problems. So it may be cause of generation of many diseases like decrease in blood formation, Weak Bones, Gastric Ulcer, Constipation etc. 'kjhj esa Hkkstu ipkus dh fdruh 'kfDr gS vkSj ikpu fØ;k fdruh vPNh gS ;g gj O;fDr ds gktes@ikpu 'kfDr ij fuHkZj gSA vf/kd elkysnkj [kkuk] vf/kd [kk ysuk] 'kjhj esa jDr o gfì;ksa esa dSls vlj djrk gS ftl dkj.k cspSuh iSnk gks tkrh gSA xSl eqfDr pw.kZ dk vn~Hkqr QkewZyk xSl dk [kkRek djs o ikpu fØ;k fu;fer djsA y{k.k% cngteh] xSl cuuk] th fepykuk] [kkuk [kkus ds ckn cspSuh o yxkrkj dCt+hA Dose ([kqjkd): One teaspoonful after food (1&2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckj) Packing (ek=k): 50 gms. (50 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 115/- Nutriquana Unikid Syrup Nutriquana UniKid Syrup is a child Ayurvedic tonic. It is used all type of child disease such as constipation, indigestion, Stomach buffering, vomiting, lose motion, cold, lever problem, insomnia, hyper thirsty and hyperacidity in infant & children. ;wuh fdM lhji cPpksa ds nk¡r fudkyus laca/kh o fuEu chekfj;ksa esa ykHknk;d gS&dCt+] cngt+eh o isV Qwyuk] mYVh&nLr vkfn gksuk] tqdke] ;Ñr [kjkc gksuk] uhan Bhd u vkuk] isV esa ued dk vf/kd cuuk o vf/kd I;kl yxukA Dose ([kqjkd): For infant:- 1 teaspoonfuls thrice a day; For children:- 1-2 teaspoonfuls thrice or 4 times a day. (f'k'kq%½ - 1 pEep fnu esa rhu ckj] cPps%1-2 pEep fnu esa rhu@pkj ckj) Packing (ek=k): 200 ml. (200 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 125/- 12 Nutriquana P-NOR Nutriquana P-NOR is highly effective, miraculous medicine, Prepared after years of research, studies, testings which controls all symptoms of Piles as-swelling of anus. PNOR shows significant result to control these symptoms & offers relief with magical single dose treatment. o"k¨Z ds foLr`r vuqla/kku rFkk ijh{k.k ds ckn fufeZr vR;ar çHkkoh v©"kf/k t¨ dh coklhj (P-NOR) ds lHkh y{k.k®a tSls Xkqnk}kj esa lwtu] vR;kf/kd [kwu vkuk] Hk;adj nnZ g¨uk] rFkk vfUre pj.k esa eLl¨a dk Xkqnk}kj ls ckgj vkuk vkfn esa vn~Hkqr vlj fn[kkrk gS rFkk ,d gh fnu dh [kqjkd ls [kwu vkuk] lwtu] nnZ vkfn esa peRdkfjd #i ls vkjke igq¡pkrk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): 3 Tab three times a day ( All nine tablets to be taken in single day ) with fresh mattha (chhach). Repeat the same course after two days. (rhu&rhu fnu esa rhu ckj ¼lHkh u© x¨fy;ka ,d gh fnu esa ysuh gS½ eV~Bk ¼NkN½ ds lkFk ysa rFkk iqu% n¨ fnu ckn d¨lZ d¨ n¨gjk,a ,ao fuf'pr g¨ tk,aA) Packing (ek=k): 9 Tablets (9 VSCysV~l) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 375/- Nutriquana Unigano Nutriquana Unigano is the scientific name for a species of red mushroom (Ganoderma). It contains more than 200 active elements, Polysaccharides & Organic Germanium in High quantity. It helps in eliminating accumulated toxins, increases oxygen in the blood system, increases the metabolism, contain an abundance of anti-oxidants that control or inhibit damaging free radicals. Free radicals are a major cause of cell degeneration, cancer, aging, prevents fragmentation of blood platelets which can cause blockages in the circulatory system, inhibits allergies, relieves sinus congestion, and helps with respiratory problems, rejuvenates the body's tissues and cells. Researchers found a marked immune-modulating effect as demonstrated by an increase in Tlymphocytes and decreased CD8 counts. It also works in Kidney problems. ;wuh xSuks ¼xSuksMjek½ dSIlwy 'kjhj esa Fkdku o 'kfDr ghurk dks nwj djrk gSA ;g olk fu;ked (Cholesterol), jDr pki fu;a=d] LQwfrZ o/kZd o jksx izfrjks/kh {kerk dks c<+krk gSA Dose ([kqjkd): 1-2 capsule thrice a day (1&2 dSIlwy fnu esa rhu ckj) Packing (ek=k): 60 Capsules of 500 mg. (60 dSIlwy 500 feñxzkñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 900/13 Aromasys Shampoo Aromasys Shampoo contains Amla, Shikakai, Brahmi, Tea Tree and Green Apple which gives a natural shine and strengthens the hair. Tea Tree Oil saves from dandruff and prevent from hair fall. Amla: It is a rich source of vitamin C which is an excellent conditioner & cleanses scalp completely. Shikakai: It gives more softness to the hairs & helps in retarding the premature graying of hairs. It also adds volume to the hairs.Brahmi: It penetrates directly through the scalp & improves blood circulation of the scalp and help distress. Tea Tree: It has anti bacterial properties which help to prevent dandruff. Green Apple: It nourishes hairs & gives shiny and glossy texture to hairs. HOW TO USE: Wet hair, Apply Aromasys Shampoo, slowly massages and Lather, Rinse thoroughly. 200ml vjksekfll 'kSEiw vk¡oyk] f'kdkdkbZ] czãh] Vh Vªh vkSj gjs lsc ds rRoksa ls fufeZr gS tks ckyksa dh izkÑfrd ped dks cjdjkj j[krk gS blesa ekStwn Vh Vªh vkW;y ds dkj.k ;g :lh ls cpko djrk gS ,oa ckyksa dks etcwrh iznku djrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 200 ml. (200 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 225/- Aromasys Face Wash Face wash is a unique formulation of Ayurvedic ingredients such as Tea Tree oil, Aloe vera, Fruit extracts and Vitamin E. Tea tree oil has anti-biotical properties that works on Acne. Vitamin E and Aloevera gives skin nourishment and work on skin disorder. Fruit extract helps in cleansing and giving a fresh and soothing effect on skin. vjksekfll QslokW'k tks fd Vh Vªh vkW;y] ,yksosjk] ÝwV ,DlVªsDV ,oa foVkfeu&bZ dk lfeJ.k gS] Vh Vªh vkW;y tks ,aVhck;ksfVdy gksrk gS psgjs ls cSDVhfj;k dks [kRe djrk gS ftlls eqgk¡ls tSlh leL;kvksa ls futkr ikus esa enn feyrh gSA blds lkFk&lkFk ;g foVkfeu&bZ vkSj ,yksosjk ds xq.kksa ls Hkjiwj gS ;g rSyh; ,oa lw[kh Ropk ds fy, vR;ar dkjxj gS blesa ekStwn ÝwV ,DlVªsDV LoPNrk ds lkFk&lkFk rktxh dk Hkjiwj ,glkl nsrk gSaA Packing (ek=k): 75 ml. (75 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 110/- 14 Aromasys Soap Aromasys Soap is made with the elements of Aloevera, lime, Neem, Tulsi and Pudina that make the skin bacteria free. This is grade-I bathing soap that TFM is 78%. So ultimately it keeps the skin clean, smelling good and smooth. vjksekfll lkcqu ,syksosjk] uhacw] uhe] rqylh ,oa iqnhuk ds rRoksa ls fufeZr gS] tks Ropk dks cSDVhfj;k jfgr djus esa enn djrk gS] ;g xzsM&1 ugkus dk lkcqu ftldk TFM 78% gS] Ropk dks LoPN lqxaf/kr ,oa eqyk;e j[krk gSA Packing (ek=k): 100gms. (100 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 45/- Aromasys Lemon Grass Aromasys (Lemon Grass) Soap: Highly nutritive soap blended with the sharp, clean fragrance of lemon grass to make a soap bar superior. Key Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Glycerine, Lemon Grass Oil, Soap Base Q. S. Directions for use: Use regularly for all type of skin as your favorite bathing soap. Caution: If skin irritation occurs consult your doctor immediately. ;g okbZVy vkW;y vkSj ,jksek vkW;y ls cuk gS tks vkidh Ropk dks lkSE; ,oa rktxh ls ifjiw.kZ cukrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 100gms. (100 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 70/- Aromasys Rose & Mint Aromasys (Rose & Mint) Soap: Highly nutritive soap blended with the sharp, clean fragrance of Rose & Mint to make a soap bar superior. Key Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Glycerine, Rose water, Menthol, Camphor, Peppermint, Aloevera, Soap Base Q. S. Directions For Use: Use regularly for all type of skin as your favorite bathing soap. Caution: If skin irritation occurs consult your doctor immediately. ;g okbZVy vkW;y vkSj ,jksek vkW;y ls cuk gS tks vkidh Ropk dks lkSE; ,oa rktxh ls ifjiw.kZ cukrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 100gms. (100 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 70/- 15 Aromasys Hair Oil Aromasys Hair oil is made from an Ayurvedic formulation of Arnica, Bhringraj, Bhrami, Tulsi, Almond, Olive, Wheat Germ Jaborandi and Tea Tree Oil. It helps to get rid of almost all hair problems. It prevents from graying, dandruff, hair falling and dryness i.e. complete nourishment of hairs and makes hair strong. vjksekfll gs;j vkW;y vkfuZdk] Hk`xajkt] czãh] rqylh] Vh&Vªh] cknke] tSrwu vkSj OghV teZ tSls vn~Hkqr feJ.k ds dkj.k ckyksa dh lHkh leL;kvksa dk lek/kku djrk gSA ;g ckyksa dh lQsnh] :lh] ckyksa dk fxjuk o [kq'dh dks nwj dj ckyksa dks iks"k.k iznku djrk gS ,oa etcwr cukrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 200 ml. (200 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 199/- Aromasys Anti Wrinkle Anti-wrinkle is made with an exceptionally high Vitamin E-oil content to provide extra nourishment which diminishes fine line restoring firmness and radiance of the skin. In 2008 Anti-Cancer institute found Sandal Wood oil has anti cancer properties for skin, Carrot Seed Oil is used for increasing elasticity and firmness of the skin, rejuvenating the complexion etc., Crab Apple is known for cleansing remedy bringing a sense of inner purity of skin, Amla is known for glow in skin and delaying wrinkles and Olive oil is natural moisturizer. So apply Anti wrinkle cream enjoy youthful skin. fnuHkj dh Fkdku o jkstejkZ dh dk;Z&iz.kkyh psgjs dh Ropk dksf'kdkvksa dks u"V djrs jgrs gS ,UVh fjUdy Øhe tks foVkfeu bZ ds lkFk Ropk dh ydhjksa o >qfjZ;ksa dks de djrk gS panu Ropk dks uehZ o BaMd igq¡pkrk gS lqcg mBus ij vkidh Ropk toku] fu[kkj fpduh o dlh gqbZ eglwl gksxhA xktj ds cht ds rsy ls Ropk ls baQsD'ku Bhd djus esa enn djrk gSA ,UVh fjUdy Øhe bLrseky djsa vkSj tok¡ Ropk dks eglwl djsaA Packing (ek=k): 100 ml. (100 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 225/- 16 Aromasys Multipurpose Cream Aromasys Multipurpose Cream is a natural moisturizer which softens the skin and maintains the skin moisture Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and gives nourishment to the skin. Wheat germ oil helps in blood circulation and regeneration of skin cells. vjksekfll eYVhijit Qsl Øhe ,d csgrjhu Ákd`frd ekW'pjkbtj gS t¨ Ropk d¨ eqyk;e cukrk gS ,oa Ropk dh ueh d¨ cjdjkj j[krk gS foVkfeu & à Ropk ds fy, ,d ,UVh vkWDlhMsUV dh rjg dk;Z djrk gS v©j Ropk d¨ i¨"k.k Ánku djrk gSA OghV&teZ vkW;y Ropk esa jDr lapj.k esa enn djrk gS ,ao Ropk dh d¨f'kdkv¨a dk iqu%&fuekZ.k djrk gSaA Packing (ek=k): 100 Gms. (100 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 185/- Aromasys Whitening Cream The Aromasys whitening cream is a combination of science & nature which makes it the most effective whitening cream today. Its natural ingredients such as turmeric oil has anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, antiinflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-microbial properties so it makes skin look younger, fair and makes glow in skin. Liquorice root extract is a lightening agent which reduces the melanin from skin without effecting DNA synthesis. Enzymes such as alpha hydroxy is extracted sour milk which has property to absorb into dead skin cells, makes skin softer, smoother & brighter. Lemon Peel Extract has anti-thyrosinase activity as high as hydraguirone which is used as lightening agent and antiaging formula for skin care products. vjksekfll OgkfVfuax Øhe foKku ,oa çÑfr dk ,d lfeJ.k gS tks bls vkt rd mifLFkr lHkh Øheksa esa lcls T;knk çHkko”kkyh cukrk gSA blds çkÑfrd ?kVd nzO; tSls gYnh ds rsy esa dSalj&jks/kh] vkWDlhdj.k&jks/kh] lwtu&jks/kh] ,aVh&,yftZd ,oa ekbØksfc;y xq.k/keZ ik;s x;s gSaA blfy;s ;g Ropk dks toku] xksjk ,oa pednkj cukrh gSA eqysBh dh tM+ dk lr~ Mh ,u , la”ys'k.k fØ;k dks çHkkfor fd;s fcuk Ropk ls esysfuu de djds Ropk esa ped c<+kus okys dkjd ds :Ik esa dke djrk gSA ,atkbel~ tSls ,YQk gkbMªkWDlh tks [kV~Vs nw/k ls fudkyk tkrk gS Ropk dh e`r dksf'kdkvksa esa vo”kksf'kr gksdj Ropk dks e`nq] fpduh ,oa pednkj cukrk gSA uhacw ds fNyds dk lr~ Fkkbjksflust+&jks/kh xfrfof/k;k¡ tks blesa gkbMªksXokbu ls Hkh T;knk ik;h tkrh gS] Ropk esa ped c<+kus okys dkjdksa ,oa cq<+kik&jks/kh uqL[ks ds :Ik esa Ropk lqj{kk laca/kh mRiknksa esa ç;ksx esa yk;k tkrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 50gm (50 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 225/17 Aromasys SPF50 Aromasys SPF 50 Sunscreen Lotion is made with Rose leaves extract helps to decrease chronic inflammation from skin, French Marigold Essential Oil in skin preparations to treat eczema, scars, cracked skin, rashes, inflammations and viral infections, Goose Berry (Amla), Cherry Plam & Rice Bran works on anti-aging and skin brightening, Anapsos improves skin appearance, Pomelo smoothen the skin. Liquorice being anti-inflammatory, astringent, anti-microbial, free radical scavenger, UV absorption, helps reduce the appearance of skin discoloration. ;g psgjs dks /kwi dh gkfudkjd vYVªkok;ysV fdj.kksa ls cpkrk gS vkSj Ropk dks vko';d iks"k.k rRo nsrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 100 ml. (100 feñyhñ) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 225/- Aromasys Gold Facial Kit Aromasys Ayurvedic Gold Spa Facial Kit Treatments are based upon centuries-old Ayurvedic therapies that support balance and bliss in your life. The revitalizing and therapeutic treatments offered are customized to your particular needs. Our R&D team has used specific oils, herbs and aromas to provide you with optimal balance and nourishment for your mind-body constitution. Aromasys Ayurvedic Gold Spa Facial Kit This facial is for extra glow. This is for all types of skin. Gold facial gives natural bleaching effect on the skin. vjksekfll dh vk;qosZfnd Lik Qsf'k;y fdV lfn;ksa iqjkus vk;qosZfnd mipkj ij vk/kkfjr gSA blesa 'kjhj&eu ds lkSan;Z] larqyu ,oa iks"k.k ds fy, nqyZHk rsyksa] tM+h&cwfV;ksa ,oa lqxaf/kr nzoksa dk mi;ksx fd;k gSA & ;g QSf'k;y fdV psgjs esa vfr ped ykrh gS ,oa :i fu[kkjrh gSA & ;g lkekU; 'kq"d ,oa rSyh; rhuksa Ropk ds fy, ykHkizn gSaA & xksYM QSf'k;y fdV ls izkd`frd xksjkiu vkrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 35g. x 6 (35 xzke x 6) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 999/- 18 Aromasys Deo Talc Skoon Chandan Talcum Podwer is a unique formulation of floral extracts of the herbs blended with magnolia and essential oils gives complete skin protection. Gives fast and long lasting relief form itching caused by prickly heat. Unique remedy for rashes, burning sensation in warm and humid condition, treated body odor and gives your body an enviable long lasting fragrance. Indication: Absorbs sweat faster and for longer time to give quick and lasting relief against itching caused by prickly heat. It is a powerful remedy for heat rashes, burning sensation on skin infection. Direction for uses: Apply liberally after shower or body particularly around neck, chest, back, under arms & groins. ;g ilhus dks rqjar lks[k ?keksfj;ksa o [kqtyh ls NqVdkj fnykrk gSA xehZ ds dkj.k [kqtyh] Ropk esa tyu o ilhus dks nwj djds 'kjhj dks vkjke fnykrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 100 Gms. (100 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 89/- Freshcusys Tooth Paste Freshcusys toothpaste is made from a unique combination of more than 20 herbs which helps in fighting with the teeth problems and makes help in eliminating the problems completely. The main ingredients are Neem, Lavang, Babul, Aloevera which gives sparkling shine and strength teeth. It also gives a cooling sensation and a fresh breath. Use: For better result use two times in a day. Ý'skD;fwll~ VFwk iLsV 20 ls T;knk gcy Z tMh+&cfwV;kas ds feJ.k ls r;Skj fd;k tkrk gS tks nkrakas ls lcafa/kr lHkh chekfj;kas dks gkuss ls jkd s rk gS ,oa mUgas tM+ ls lekIr djus eas enn djrk g]S bleas uhe] ykx aS ] ccy w ] ,ykosjsk e[q; nOz; gaS tks nk¡rkas dks ped ,oa etcrwh] lkl a kas dks rktxh o BM a d inzku djrk gAS Packing (ek=k): 100 gms. (100xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 99/19 Unikahwa Premium Tea Unikahwa Premium tea is a mixture of carefully chosen green and long tea blendes from Assam region. Its natural aroma gives freshness. It is rich in natural source of antioxidants called flavonoids that protect cells and tissues in the body. The trace ingredients like Proteins, Minerals and Vitamins are the great source of Energy. ;wuhdgok pk; izÑfr dk og vn~Hkqr rksgQk gS tks vle ds csgrjhu ckxku ls lko/kkuh iwoZd pquh xbZ pqfuank gjh o yEch ifÙk;ksa ds feJ.k ls rS;kj dh tkrh gSA ftldh Hkhuh&Hkhuh [kq'kcw rktxh ,oa LQwfrZ iznku djrh gSA ;wuhdgok pk; esa izkÑfrd ,aVhvkWDlhMsaV ¶ysoksukbM ik;k tkrk gS tks dksf'kdkvksa ,oa Årdksa dh enn djrk gSA Packing (ek=k): 250gms. (250 xzke) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 105/- Agrykure 85 Agrykure 85 is a highly concentrated multipurpose nonionic spray adjuvant.It contains 85% active ingredients along with improved rheology modifier. It improve the workability of Pesticides Herbicides,Fungicides, and Plant Nutrients etc. by reducing the surface tension.It helps in penetrating the water in the soil by destroying the capillaries in the earth. So the roots of the plants and trees get proper nourishment. It helps in spreading of powder or oily pesticides by preparing a homogeneous mixer on leaves. It increase the activities of some postemergent Foliar Pesticide. It helps in decreasing corrosion in Agricultural Equipments. ,d lkanz ¼xk<+k½ cgqmís';h; ukWu&vk;®fud fNMdko nzo gS ftlesa 85 lfdz; rRo g¨rs gS ;g mUur fj;¨YkWkth e¨fMQkW;jl~ lfgr ,d fo'ks"k QkeZqyk gS] i`"B ruko de djds dhVuk'kd] QQw¡nhuk'kd iÙkk>kMd] iÙkki¨"kd vkfn dh dk;Zdq'kyrk esa lq/kkj ykrk gSA ;g ikuh ds vuko'k;d QSyko d¨ j¨d dj xgjkà rd lekus esa enn djrk gS ftlls isM+&i©/kksa dh tM+¨a d¨ i;kZIr i¨"k.k feyrk gSA bLrseky dh fof/k% & £jirokj uk'kd¨a esa% 20 feñyhñ & 15 yhVj ikuh esa & dhVuk'kd] QQw¡nhuk'kd iÙkk>kMd] iÙkki¨"kd esa % 5 feñyhñ & 15 yhVj ikuh esa & flapkà esa% 5 feñyhñ & 15 yhVj ikuh esa 160 Áfr ,dM+ & [kkn esa% 100 feñyhñ & 50 fdy¨ [kkn esa Packing (ek=k): 500 ml. (500 fe0 yh0) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 330/- 20 Detox Foot Patch Detox Foot Patch is based on the TransD e r m a l Te c h n o l o g y. I t i s a u n i q u e combination of natural herbs like Wood Vinegar of Oak & Bamboo, Tourmaline, Caragana Sinca, Siberina Ginsang, and Agarricus Mushroom, Saururus Chinensis, Chemeleon Plant, Corn Starch, Chitosan, Eucalyptus etc. In Japanese it is known as Mokcho powder. Detox foot patches is a natural way to assist the body in removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more. Direction for use: Apply on feet up to 8-10 hours sleeping at night. fMVkWDl QVq ip S Vªkl a Mjey VDSuky s kWth ij vk/kkfjr ikzÑfrd tMh+ cfwV;kas dk feJ.k gS ftls tkikuh Hkk"kk eas ekDspks ikmMj dgk tkrk gS tks ydMh+ dk fljdk vkd s o ck¡l] jfsMDl] dkjkxuk flfudk] lkbcfsj;u ftUlx as ] vxkjhdl e'k:e vkfn tMh+ cfwV;kas dks feykdj cuk;k tkrk gAS ;g vf}rh; feJ.k ekuo 'kjhj ls fo"k&tfur /kkr,q¡ o fo"k dh vU; voLFkkvkas dks ijSkas o 'kjhj ds fHkUu fgLlkas ls ckgj fudkyus eas enn djrk gAS Packing (ek=k): 14 patch per box (14 iSp izfr ckWDl) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 1400/- Detox Ion Spa Machine Ion Spa Machine works on ionization theory and Osmosis Process by liquid transfer from outside of the body such as swatting. Toxin produces positive (+ve) inside the body. When the legs pore in to the water negative (-ve) ion attracts positive ion (Toxin such heavy metals, mucus) from the pores just like magnet without adding any burden on liver or kidney. And then positive & negative react together, it converts into precipitate of that particular metal or toxins and settle down. Use according to requirement. For more information read manual. Note: Healthy persons may use twice in a month for better result. If suffering from any disease may use 4 to 8 times in a month. Drink plenty of water at the time of detoxification. Precaution: Please don't use pregnant lady, Children below 12 years in age, heart patient, or any instrumentation is transplanted in the body. fMVkWDl vk;u Lik vkWLeksfll i)fr ij dke djrk gS ftlesa fyfDoM Ropk ls ckgj vkrk gSA e'khu jDr esa ?kqyu'khy fo"kkDr inkFkksZ dks /ku vk;u esa ifjofrZr dj nsrh gS ,oa ikuh dks /ku vkW;u vkSj _.k vkW;u esa foHkDr dj nsrh gS] tc /ku vkW;u vkSj ikuh esa _.k vkW;u vkil esa fØ;k djrs gS rc fo"kkDr dks inkFkZ vo{ksi esa ifjofrZr dj nsrh gS tks ikuh esa cSB tkrs gSA bl izdkj 30 feuV e'khu pykus ij yxHkx 15 fnuksa ds fo"kkDr inkFkZ ckgj fudy tkrs gSA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, esuqvy i<+saA fof/k% mÙke ifj.kke ds fy;s eghu es nks ckj vo'; iz;ksx djsaA lko/kkuh% 12 lky ls de mez ds cPps] xHkZorh efgyk] ân; jksxh ftUgsa fdlh izdkj dk dksbZ ;a= yxk gks ÑI;k iz;ksx u djsaA Packing (ek=k): Dual Machine (1Pc.) MRP (ewY;): Rs. 39000/21 OUR BRANDS PERSONAL CARE Food & Beverages Perfumes deto sys Health Care Oral Care AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS exclusive fabric the 5 days detox Contact Us:- UNIAYUR PVT. LTD. Corp. Off.: S. R. Plaza 2151, IInd Floor, Sec. -16A , Vasundhara Near Atal Chowk, Ghaziabad (U.P.) INDIA Ph : +91 120 421 4195 / 96 / 97, Fax: +91 0120 4135820
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