No. Dated OFFICE ORDER During the monthof Decemberfrom 0l-12'2014to 24-12-2014,the DuU Work at Bithinda SessionsDivision will be performedby the following asunder:JudicialMagistrates, BATHINDA PCS,JMIC 1.Ms.MeghaSharma, Singh, PCS,JMIC 2. Sh.Gurpreet JMIC Rani,PCS, 3.Ms.Pushpa Kaur,PCS,JMIC 4. Ms.Manpreet 5. Sh.VijayKumar,PCS,ACJM Kumar,PCS,CJM 6. Sh.Raman 0I-12-2014to 06-12-2014to 12-12-2014to 17-12-2014to 22-12-2014 23-12-2014to PHUL SDJM 1.Sh.Ajitpal Singh,PCS, PCS, JMIC Kumar, 2.Sh.Daleep 0I-12-2014to 12-12-2014 13-12-2014 to 24-12-2014 05.12.2014 lI-12-2014 16-12-2014 2l-12-2014 24-12-2014 TALWANDI SABO. l.Ms.Sucheta Ashish Dev, PCS, SDJM 0I-12-2014 to 12-12-2014 13-12-2014 to 24-12-2014 2.Ms.Gagandeep Kaur,PCS, JMIC Note: l. In casethe Duty Magistrate, at Bathinda/Phul/TalwandiSaboto leavethe station, then he witl make anangements after taking the consent in writing from the other officer present at the station under the prior permiJsion of the Learned District & SessionsJudge, Bathinda, and under intimation to the undesigned. 2. In case the Duty Magistrate will relinquish the charge, then the other officer posted at station will perform th0 duty till the next arrangements has been made by the learned District & SessionsJudge, or by the Hon'ble High Court. CS, (Raman Chief Judicial Magistr ate, Bathinda Endst.No -1-24 1. Z. 3. 4. 5. Dated 44t4V Copy forwarded to :The learnedDistrict & SessionsJudge,Bathinda; A1ltheJudicial Magistr ate,at Bathinda,WI and Talwandi Sabo; The District Attorney, Bathinda;. '/ The President,BarAssociation,BVfiinda, Phul and Talwandi Sabo; The Senior Superintendentof Police,Bathinda; for information and necessaryaction. ),PCS, Magistrate, Chief Judicial Bathinda
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