ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 1 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 2 ETHENEA “How to navigate difficult markets“ “Re-examening risk to generate positive returns” 10 February 2014 Niet doorgeven aan particuliere klanten! ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 ETHENEA Blz. 3 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 THE COMPANY ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. • is an independent investment company • with currently 46 employees and • distributing Ethna Funds across Europe. The Ethna Funds Ethna-GLOBAL Defensiv, Ethna-AKTIV E and Ethna-GLOBAL Dynamisch • are managed by Luca Pesarini, Guido Barthels, Arnoldo Valsangiacomo and team • with currently 6.95 billion euros under management. Current State: 31.01.2014 Blz. 4 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 MARKETS HAVE CHANGED Blz. 5 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 6 GOOD OLD DAYS Bonds Source: • Equities Source: Currencies Source: Security & Stability Risk & Volatility „Spice“ Lower Return Higher Return in the portfolio But today we are not only trading fundamentals but also politics. ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 7 BOND MARKET IS IN TOTAL 60% BIGGER THAN THE EQUITY MARKETS 100000 90000 80000 in USD bn 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 90 92 94 96 98 Total Debt Securities Source: BIS, Bloomberg, ETHENEA 00 02 04 06 08 10 World Equity Market Cap 12 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 8 COMPOSITION OF THE GLOBAL DEBT MARKET 100000 90000 in USD bn 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 90 92 94 NonFin Source: BIS, ETHENEA 96 98 00 02 Financials 04 06 08 Gvmt 10 12 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 9 THE STRUCTURE IS NOT CONSTANT $62,580 bn $84,699 bn (Mar 2007) 11% 13% 37% 52% Source: BIS, ETHENEA (Mar 2013) Gvmt Gvmt Financials Financials NonFin NonFin 41% 46% ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 10 BUT LIQUIDITY CAN LEAD TO A BOTTLENECK – WATCH OUT! 24000 250 22000 20000 150 18000 16000 100 14000 50 12000 10000 0 02 03 04 05 06 US Corps, lhs Source: BIS, Bloomberg, ETHENEA 07 08 09 10 11 12 Primary dealer net positions, rhs 13 14 in USD bn in USD bn 200 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 11 WITH CONSEQUENCES FOR THE CREDIT MARKETS 250 Index 200 150 100 50 0 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Itraxx EUR 5yr Main Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 11 12 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 12 VOLATILITY HAS DOUBLED, RISK HAS CHANGED 200% 180% 30d Volatility 160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 04 05 06 07 08 09 30d Vol of Itraxx EUR 5yr Main Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 10 11 Average 12 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 13 NOTHING NEW…ALSO RISK IN RISK/VOL FOR EQUITY MARKETS VIX / CBOE SPX VOLATILITY INDEX 90 Last Price on 10.02.14 15,29 High on 21.11.08 80,86 Low on 23.12.93 9,31 Average 20,12 80 70 % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 92 94 96 98 00 02 VIX Index Source: Ethenea, Bloomberg 04 06 08 10 12 14 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 AND FUNDAMENTALS Blz. 14 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 15 DEBT PROBLEMS EVERYWHERE 180 160 140 120 in % 100 80 60 40 20 0 Debt % GDP Source: OECD, ETHENEA, 2013 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 16 DYNAMIC OF DEBT GROWTH IS SOBERING 100 160 80 in % 60 40 20 0 -20 Change in debt to GDP between 1983 to 2013 * period starts in 1993 Source: OECD, ETHENEA ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 17 NO INFLATION IN THE UNITED STATES 6 5 4 in % 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 00 01 02 03 04 05 US CPI Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 06 07 08 09 10 US Core CPI 11 12 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 18 … BUT DEFLATION IN THE EUROZONE IS A REAL RISK 7 6 5 HICP YoY in % 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 00 01 02 03 Eurozone Spain Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 04 05 06 France Greece 07 08 09 Germany Portugal 10 11 12 Italy Ireland 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 19 Core inflation October 2013 YoY in % ALL COUNTRIES ARE BELOW THE 2% INFLATION TARGET 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 20 CONSUMER LOANS ARE DECLINING MFI loans to consumer YoY in % 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 04 05 Spain Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 06 07 Italy 08 09 Germany 10 11 France 12 13 Eurozone ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 21 IN SPAIN, CORPORATE LOANS ARE COLAPSING MFI loans to NFI YoY in % 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 04 05 Spain Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 06 07 Italy 08 09 Germany 10 11 France 12 13 Eurozone ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 22 DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Unemployment rate (in %) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 00 01 02 Eurozone Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 03 04 Germany 05 06 07 France 08 09 Greece 10 11 Spain 12 13 Italy ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 TAPERING WILL LEAD TO MORE VOLATILITY Source: Blz. 23 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 ETHENEA Blz. 24 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 25 INVESTMENT PRINCIPLES Asset Allocation ETHENEA Risk Management We believe in asset allocation Capital preservation and positive returns every year Minimising risks through a balanced investment strategy Low volatility Volatility Control ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 BONDS = RISK? Blz. 26 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 27 BONDS IN RETROPECT – RISK-COUNTRIES PERFORMED WELL, CORE COUNTRIES DID NOT 37 Bonds Total Return in EUR in % 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 28 STRONG CORRELATION ON INTEREST RATES 7 6 in % 5 4 3 2 1 00 01 02 03 04 05 Bund10yr Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 06 07 08 09 10 UST10yr 11 12 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 29 SECOND STRONGEST CORRECTION IN % IN THE LAST 40 YEARS 18 16 14 US 10-yr Yield 12 10 8 6 4 2 100% 0 50% -2 0% -4 -50% -100% -6 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 30 AND CREDIT SPREADS…. 800 700 ASW Spread in bps 600 500 400 300 BB+ 10/2011 200 100 0 28.03.2007 BBB- 06/2013 28.03.2008 € 'A' ASW 10yr Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 28.03.2009 28.03.2010 € 'BB' ASW 10yr 28.03.2011 28.03.2012 Ford (US345397VM25) ASW Spread 28.03.2013 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 31 YIELDS WILL CONTINUE TO CONVERGE. "Believe me, it will be enough!" 8 yield of 10yr bond in % 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Jan12 Apr12 Jul12 Germany Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA Oct12 France Jan13 Apr13 Italy Jul13 Spain Oct13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 EQUITIES = RETURN? Blz. 32 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Main Equity Index Total Return in EUR in % EQUITIES IN RETROSPECT – ALMOST ALL MARKETS PERFORMED WELL 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA Blz. 33 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 34 EQUITY MARKETS CERTAINLY BENEFITED FROM LIQUIDITY normiert auf 100 (01.01.2010) 175 150 125 100 75 Jan 10 Jul 10 Jan 11 Jul 11 FED Balance Sheet Quelle: Bloomberg; ETHENEA Jan 12 Jul 12 Jan 13 S&P 500 Jul 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 35 CENTRAL BANKS HAVE ALL INCREASED THEIR BALANCE SHEETS, BUT NOT TO THE SAME EXTENT 12000 All assets, in USD bn 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 06 07 BOJ Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA 08 09 SNB 10 BOE 11 FED 12 13 ECB ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 36 STRONG P/E EXPANSION normiert auf 100 (01.01.2012) 140 130 120 Earnings haven’t increased, only prices! 110 100 90 Jan 12 Jul 12 DAX Index Quelle: Bloomberg; ETHENEA Jan 13 DAX Gewinn pro "Aktie" Jul 13 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 37 THIS RESULTS IN EXPENSIVE EQUITIES normiert auf 100 (01.01.2012) 180 160 140 120 100 80 Jan 12 Apr 12 Jul 12 Adidas Aktienkurs Quelle: Bloomberg; ETHENEA Oct 12 Jan 13 Apr 13 Jul 13 Adidas - Gewinn pro Aktie (Prognose) ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 38 PREFERENCE FOR LONG TERM EARNINGS normiert auf 100 (01.01.2012) 130 120 110 100 90 Jan 12 Jul 12 Hermes Aktienkurs Quelle: Bloomberg; ETHENEA Jan 13 Jul 13 Hermes Gewinn pro "Aktie" ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF FX…. Blz. 39 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 2013 THE YEAR OF THE EURO 2013 CCY Returns in % 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA Blz. 40 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 41 CURRENCIES CAN GENERATE PERFORMANCE 1.6 150 1.5 140 1.4 130 1.3 120 1.2 110 1.1 100 1 0.9 01.01.2009 90 01.01.2010 01.01.2011 EURUSD 01.01.2012 EURCHF EURJPY 01.01.2013 80 01.01.2014 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 42 THE WEAKNESS OF THE USD CAN ALSO BE EXPLAINED WITH THE DIFFERENT POLICIES All assets, in USD bn 1000 1.40 500 0 1.30 -500 -1000 -1500 1.20 12 13 FED BS less ECB BS Source: Bloomberg, ETHENEA EURUSD, rhs ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 SO WHY LOVE VOLATILITY? Blz. 43 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 44 SMALLER RETURNS VS HIGHER VOLATILITY +5% -30% +5% 1.102,50 +40% 980,00 1,600 1,400 400 1.050,00 600 1.000,00 800 1.400,00 1,000 1.000,00 Value in EUR 1,200 200 0 Jahr 0 Jahr 1 Investment A Quelle: ETHENEA Investment B Jahr 2 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 45 A BAD YEAR CAN DESTROY MANY GOOD YEARS Investment A 25% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 10.0% 8.0% 12.0% Ʃ= 17% 2.5% Ʃ= 17% 0% -25% Return: -0,5% Volatility: 19,1% -50% -45.0% Investment B 10% 5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% Quelle: ETHENEA 2.5% 2.0% 0.0% 0% -5% 3.0% Return: +18,3% Volatility: 0,9% ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 46 ETHNA-AKTIV E 90 DAYS VOLATILITY 90T Vola REX 10Y Performance Index 90T Vola Stoxx 600 Europe NTR 90T Vola Ethna-AKTIV E (A) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 06.2007 06.2008 Current State: 30.12.2013 Source: Bloomberg, ow n calculations ETHENEA 06.2009 06.2010 06.2011 06.2012 06.2013 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 47 CONTROL OF VOLATILITY LEADS TO RETURN 30 negative months 25 Frequenz 20 15 10 5 0 Current state 30.12.2013 Source: ow n calculations ETHENEA positive months ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 48 ETHNA FUNDS OVERVIEW Ethna-GLOBAL Defensiv Ethna-AKTIV E Ethna-GLOBAL Dynamisch ISIN (distributing) ISIN (accumulating) LU0279509904 (A) LU0136412771 (A) LU0455734433 (A) LU0279509144 (T) LU0431139764 (T) LU0455735596 (T) Equity allocation 0% - 10% Focus on bonds 0% - 49% 30% - 70% Focus on equities Investment area Global (OECD) Global (OECD) Mainly Europe Global (OECD) Target return up to 5% 5% - 10% 10% plus Target volatility under 4% under 6% approx. 10% Initial issue 02.04.2007 15.02.2002 (A) 16.07.2009 (T) 10.11.2009 NAV (Current State: €783.50 million €6,120.22 million €49.36 million 31.01.2014) ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 49 PERFORMANCE Performance Ethna-GLOBAL Defensiv (A) Performance Ethna-AKTIV E (A) YTD +0,68% YTD -0,33% YTD -0,79% 2013 +0,39% 2013 +5,40% 2013 +12,09% 2012 +11,01% 2012 +10,02% 2012 +7,14% Since launch +46,60% Since Launch Annual Return 5,84% Annualized volatility (12 months) 2,20% Sharpe Ratio (12 months) 0,06 Annual Return Performance Ethna-GLOBAL Dynamisch (A) +154,08% 8,08% Annualized volatility (12 months) Annual Return +38,86% 7,97% Annualized volatility 3,04% Sharpe Ratio (12 months) Since launch (12 months) 6,19% Sharpe Ratio 1,79 (12 months) Current State: 30.12.2013 Source: ETHENEA This information is based on historic data and is no guarantee for future performance. The value of the shares can fluctuate. The performance information is not accounting for any costs and commissions in case of issuing and redemption of the shares. 1,94 ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 50 «Don’t focus on making money, focus on PROTECTING what you have.» Paul Tudor Jones (Hedge-Fund-Manager) Quelle: FuW ETHENEA I 13.02.2014 Blz. 51 IMPORTANT NOTICES An investment in investment funds, as with all securities and comparable financial assets, carries the risk of capital or currency losses. Consequently, the unit price and the yield are variable and cannot be guaranteed. The costs of a fund investment have an effect on the actual profit. No guarantee can be given that the investment objectives will be achieved. The statutory sales documents (Key Investor Information Documents, sales prospectuses and reports) provide detailed information on potential risks and form the sole legal basis for a purchase of units. These documents can be obtained in English free of charge from the investment company, ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A., the custodian bank, as well as the relevant national paying and information agents. These are: Germany: DZ BANK AG, Deutsche ZentralGenossenschaftsbank, Platz der Republik, D-60265 Frankfurt am Main; Austria: Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG, Graben 21, A-1010 Vienna; Switzerland: IPConcept (Switzerland) AG, In Gassen 6, Postfach 2918, CH-8022 Zurich; Belgium: CACEIS Belgium SA/NV, Avenue du Port / Havenlaan 86C b 320, B1000 Brussels; DEUTSCHE BANK AG, Brussels branch, Marnixlaan 17, B-1000 Brussels; Luxembourg: DZ PRIVATBANK S.A., 4, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Luxembourg-Strassen; Liechtenstein: Volksbank AG, Feldkircher Strasse 2, FL-9494 Schaan; France: CACEIS Bank, 1-3 place Valhubert, F-75013 Paris; Italy: State Street Bank S.p.A., Via Ferrante Aporti, 10, IT-20125 Milan; Portugal: Deutsche Bank AG – Sucursal em Portugal, Rua Castilho, 20, 1250-069 Lisbon; Spain: Capital Strategies Partners, A.V., S.A., Paseo de La Castellana, 178, 3 izda., ES-28046 Madrid; RBC Investors Services Espana, C/ Fernando el Santo, 20, ES-28010 Madrid. The sales documents are also available at Key Investor Information Documents are available in the official language of the country of distribution. If you have any questions concerning the function and risks of this capital investment, please contact the distributing bank. This fund description is advertising material and no mandatory document according to investment legislation. It is intended for information purposes only. All information published here constitutes a product description only. It does not constitute investment advice, an offer to enter into an agreement for the provision of advice or information or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. Contents have been carefully researched, compiled and checked. No guarantee can be given for correctness, completeness or accuracy. Information includes past data which are no indicator of future performance. Management fee, custodian bank fee and all other additional costs are taken into account in the calculation of the unit price as stated in the provisions of the contract. Performance is calculated using the BVI method (German federal association for investment and asset management), which means that the calculations do not include an issuing charge, transaction costs (such as order fees and brokerage fees), custodian bank fees, or other management fees. Including the issuing surcharge would reduce performance. If you have any questions concerning the function and risks of this capital investment, please contact your financial advisor. The performance shown is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All information (unless otherwise indicated) is valid as of 31.12.2013. ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. • 9a, rue Gabriel Lippmann • L-5365 Munsbach • R.C.S. Luxembourg B 155427 Phone +352 276 921 10 • Fax +352 276 921 99 • [email protected] •
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