.,:'." -v SAFETY DATA Flamemaster 13576 Desmond Pacoima, Corp. JANUA~Y SlIT File: CS3100A GSA 7-10 Potting 2014 Compound/ Base Street CA 91331 - USA Section -1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1.1. Product Identifier: CS-3100 PT A BASE (ALL TY~ESAND CLASSES) - Product Name: Potting Compound { Base compound Part-A - Product reference: CS-3100 PT A BASECompound ' 1.2. Product Use: - Electrical Potting Com ound 1.3. Manufacturer's Name: 1.3.1 Suppliers Name ( if not manufacturer) CAGE Code: 14439 CAGE Code: OZ5S6 Flamemaster Corp. Sealpak Company, Inc. Chem Seal Division 2301 N. Hoover Rd 13576 Desmond Street Wichita, KS 67205-1025 Pacoima, CA 91333 - USA Technical Contact: 1.4. Emergency Telephone: Flamemaster Corp. Chemtrec - Chemtrec International 800-424-9300 ( North America) Tel: 818-890-1401 703-527-3887 (Outside North America)) Fax: 818-890-6001 www.f1amemaster.com Specification MIL-PRF-8SI16G CS3100 lYl CU-alZCART NSN: CS31001Y1CU-<lT. 8030-00-181-7884 CS3100TY2CU 8030-00-631-8013 60Z CART CS31001Y2CLi 8030-00-200-8341 CS3100TY2Cl21/2 CS31001Y2Cl3 QT. KIT 8030-00-881-5238 PT CS31OO1Y2C12 QT KIT 8030-00-297-6677 8030-00-174-2597 QT. KIT CS3100TY2Cl3 8030-00-684-8790 ALL TYPES&CLASSES Base PTA KIT CS31001Y1CL2QT. 8030-00-148-7362 CS31001Y2CU GAL KIT 8030-00-823-7953 . CS31OO1Y2CL2 GALKIT CS31001Y1Ci3GALKlT 8030-01-175-3479 CS31001Y2CU PT. KIT 8030-01-805-9875 CS31001Y2Cl2 60Z CART• 8030-01-383-4992 8030-00-286-9035 1/2 GAL. KIT CS31001Y2CL2 8030-00-5~5-2271 KIT CS31001Y2CU 2.5 OZCART 8030-00-881-2618 CS31001Y2CU PT.KIT 8030-21-805-9875 c:S31001Y2Cl31/2 PT KIT 8030-00-616-7696 1/2 PT. KIT 5970-00-814~394 " Section -2. HAZARD ( S) IDENTIFICATION Flammable Possible adverse risk to the fetus. Skin and eye irritant. Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled. Possible harm to aquatic organisms. May cause long term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Section -3. COMPOSITION {INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemlcar family: Mixture of organic compounds For the hazards of the composition, (SDS see Section 2). GHS ClASSIFICATION:LlQUID POlYSULFIDE POlYMER 1/ OSHA HAZARDS: TARGET ORGAN EFFECT,IRRITANT,FlAMMABLE LIQUID EYEIRRITATION (CATEGORY2) SKIN IRRITATION (CATEGORY 2) SPECIFICTARGET ORGAN TOXICITY-SINGLEEXPOSURE-(CATEGORY3) AQUATIC, CHRONIC(CATEGORY 3) This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without The conditions any warranty expressed of handling,storage, or implied use and disposal regarding are beyond its correctness our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 1 of 6 GHS CLASSIFICATIONIN ACCORDANCEWITH 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS):TOLUENE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS (CATEGORY2),H225 SKIN IRRITATION (CATEGORY2),H315 REPRODUCTIVETOXICITY (CATEGORY2),H361 SPECIFICTARGET ORGAN TOXICITY-SINGLEEXPOSURE-(CATEGORY3),CENTRAL NERVOUSSYSTEM,H336 SPECIFICTARGET ORGAN TOXICITY-REPEATEDEXPOSURE(CATEGORY2),H373 ASPIRATION HAZARD (CATEGORY1),H304 ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY (CATEGORY2),H401 SUBSTANCE H&P STATEMENTS CAS EINECS/ELINCS 68611-50-7 POLYMER % by weight in the product LIQUID POLYSULFIDE-POLYMER< 71% H319,H335,H315,H412,H223, P210 P270 P305+P351+P338 +P313,P306+P361,P370+P260 TOLUENE (Methylbenzene) <12% H225,H304,H315,H319,H332,H336, H361,H371,H401, P210P260,P281,P301 +P310,P305+ 203-625-9 108-88-3 P351+ P338,P331 Section -4. fiRST-AID MEASURES General: When in doubt or symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Have Safety Data Sheet information available. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, if breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration. Give nothing by mouth, seek immediate medical attention. Eye contact: Irrigate with clean, fresh water for at least ~5 minutes, holding the eyelids apart, and seek medical attention. Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skill thoroughly with soap and water or use recognized skin cleaners. Do NOT use aromatic solvents, thinners or petroleum products . . Ingestion: ·If accidentally swallowed obtain immediate medical attention. Keep at rest. Do. NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Section -5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing agents Recommended: Universal resistant foam, C02, water, powder. Agents to avoid: None known Attention Fire will produce dense black smoke. Exposure to decomposition products may cause a Health Hazard. Fire fighters should wear self-contalned breathing apparatus. Water mist may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible auto-ignition and explosion when exposed to extreme heat. Do not weld, flame cut or expose to extreme heat or ignition sources, empty containers which have contained flammable products. Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water courses. Section-6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASEMEASURES Eliminate sources of ignition, ventilate the area. Avoid breathing vapors by using appropriate respiratory protective equipment. Refer to protective measures listed in sections 7 & 8. Collect spill with non-combustible absorbent materials, e.g. sand, earth, vermiculite, diatomaceous earth and place in a suitable container for disposal in accordance with local regulations (see section 13). Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. Clean-up with a detergent/ water mix; avoid use of aromatic solvents. If the product enters drains or watercourses, inform authority with jurisdiction in accordance with state / local regulations. This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without The conditions any warranty expressed of handling,storage, :or implied use and disposal regarding are beyond its correctness our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 2 of 6 Section -7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 7;1 Handling: No smoking, eating and drinking during handling. Keep containers tightly closed. Prior to movement containers which are opened should be carefully resealed. Avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid inhalation in case of exposure to vapor and spray mist. Handle and open containers with care to avoid spilling of contents. Never use pressure to empty; container is not a pressure vessel. Clean or discard contaminated clothlngandlshoes. Preparation may charge electrostatically; always use grounding! bonding! earthing leads when transferring contents of containers. Operators should wear antistatic footwear and clothing, and floors should be electrically conductive. Vapors are heavier than air and may spread along floors. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the creation of flammable or explosive concentrations of vapor in air, and avoid vapor concentration higher than the Occupational Exposure limits. Use in areas from which local sources of ignition have been excluded. Electrical equipment including lighting should be protected to the appropriate standard. Isolate from sources of heat, sparks and open flame. Non-sparking tools are recommended. 7.2 Storage: Observe label precautions. Store between 32/F and 95/F ( O/C and 35/C) in a dry, clean and well ventilated place, away from 'Sources of heat, ignition, and direct sunlight. For flash points below 23 °C store in an area constructed to the appropriate standard 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 Engineering measures: Avoid the inhalation of vapors, spray mist and particulates. extraction as to keep air-borne concentration If local/area ventilation Achieve by local exhaust ventilation below the 'Occupational Exposure limits (OEL). is not sufficient to comply with OEl, suitable (NIOSH) respiratory provide suitable (NIOSH) respiratory providing good general protection when sanding, grinding or otherwise protection to be provided. Always abrading cured material. 8.2 Exposure limits Work place exposure limits ( 8 hour) _.. !. Substance ! ALIPHATIC POlYSUlFIDE-POlYMER TOLUENE (Methylbenzene)* ". < 60% < = 12% OSHA ACGIHTWA I Not known Not known 100 ppm 50ppm * can be absorbed through skin 8.3 Personal protection All Personal Protective Equipment, including Respiratory. Protection, used to control exposure to hazardous substances must be selected to meet the requirements Respiratory protection : Appropriate respiratory protection regulatory of OSHA Regulations. equipment should be selected according to the type of contaminants, (OSHA / NIOSH) and manufacturers instructions following including proper fitting of devices. Hand protection: For prolonged or repeated contact, recommend gloves type: polyvinyl alcohol, nitrile rubber, latex rubber (some people may exhibit sensitivity to Latex). Barrier creams may help to protect exposed areas of the skin. However, they should not be applied post exposure. Eye protection : Use safety glasses with side shields to protect against splashes. Face shields may also be worn. Skin protection: Protective clothing made of antistatic and fire resistant fibers. All parts of the body should be washed after contact. Use good hygiene and industrial practices, keep working clothes clean. This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without The conditions any warranty expressed-or implied of handling,storage, use and disposal regarding are beyond its correctness our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 3 of 6 9. PHYSICALAND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES • Physical state at: 68 - Flash point: 2 F (20 130 • F(54· 2 C) Liquid • Ph: 8.5 C) Method: TCC - Volatile by Volume %: 4 - Specific gravity at: 68· F (20 • C) 1.6 g/cm3 - Vapor pressure at: 68 • Vapor Density: 3.1 • Color: Off white to white • Lower Explosive limit (% vol.): 1.3 (toluene) .·Appearance: -Upper Explosive limit '(% vol.): 7.1 (toluene) -Odor: Polysulfide Odor • Miscibility • Boiling Point: 23fF in water at 20 2 C: not miscible 2 F (20 2 C) 2 mm Hg Paste 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see SDSsection 7). In case of combustion, produce hazardous decomposition products such as : • H2S,CO, C02, S02, SMOKE, SOOT - carbon monoxide - Sulfur oxides may 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION There are no data available on the preparation itself. See (SDSSections 3 and 15) for details. Exposure to component solvents vapors at concentrations in excess of the stated Occupational Exposure limits may result in adverse health effects such as mucous membrane and respiratory system irritation and adverse effects on kidney, liver and central nervous system. Symptoms and signs include headache, dizziness, fatigue, muscular weakness, drowsiness, and in extreme cases loss of consciousness. Repeated or prolonged contact with the preparation may cause Defatting of the skin resulting in non-allergic dermatitis and absorption through the skin. The liquid splashed in the eyes may cause irritation and damage. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION There is no data available on the preparation Sections 3 and 15) I itself. Do not allow the product to enter drains or water ways. See (SDS ii 13. DISPOSALt:ONSIDERATIONS Recommended incineration or land fill as hazardous waste per Federal, State and local regulations. React with curing agent and dispose of as hazardous waste per Federal, State and local regulations. Recommended incineration or land fill. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT: § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE lATA: UN Number: 1133 Proper Shipping Name: Adhesives labels: Flammable Liquid UN Number: 1133 Proper Shipping Name: Adhesives Labels: Flammable liquid Hazard Class: 3 Subclass: NO Packaging Group: III Passenger Air Packing Instruction: 309 Passenger aircraft: 60 liter (16 gallon) Cargo Air Packing Instruction: 310 Cargo aircraft only: 220 liter (58 gallon) IMDG: Hazard Class: 3 Subclass: NO Packaging Group: III limited Quantity: Passenger aircraft: 60 Liter (16 gallon) cargo aircraft only: 220 Liter (58 gallon) Vessel stowage: A ERG: 128 NMFC: 4620 SUB.5 - CL.60 Schedule B # 3506.91.0000 This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without The conditions any warranty of expressed handling.storage, UN Number: 1133 Proper Shipping Name: Adhesives Label: 3 Hazard Class: 3 Subclass: NO . Packaging Group: III EMS No: F, E - 5, 0 or implied use and disposal regarding are beyond its correctness our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 4 of 6 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION USRegulationsFederal _ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------, I - chemical(s)subjectto the reporting ! ChemicalName ! - CASNo ! Weight % I Threshold limit !I requirementsof section313 otTitle III !• :I !I !I :I and of 40 CFR372 (SARA): : : : I I I , :I II TOLUENE I: 108-88-3 II 5%- 12% II 1.0% : I (Methylbenzene) : : I I ! I II :I : ,-----------------------------------------------t--------------------t--------------------t---------------~--------------------1 : :lIQUID POLYMER! I • 68611-50-7 I I :50%-75% !UNKNOWN ! I I I Aii"7;~~;in-gC~n-stit~;~ts-;;;-~~;;:h~;~;;r~~s-pe~4FED:sli):-3i3-Alic~~-stit~;~ts_;;~iist_;(rt;TscAi~~;~t~ry;-c~mPi~te-------"-mixture is excludedPerTSCAPar.710.4(d) 95 (6) (7) Comstituentsare not listed in TSCA12bCORR.lIST USRegulationsState -------r-------------------------r---------------r-------------------------, :I----------------------~--------~------------------CaliforniaProposition 65 : : I: : ' TOLUENE ' 108-88-3 ' 5%- 12%' unknown : (Developmental- Female) : : :: I-------------------------------~-------------------------~---------~---------------~--------------~-------------------------: :Massachusetts : TOLUENE': 108-88-3 : 5%-12%: unknown : ' : : :-------------------------------~-------------------------~-------------------------~--------------~-------------------------1 I TOLUENE : 108-88-3 : 5%-12%: unknown I------------~------------------~-------------------------~-------------------------t--------------1r-------------------------, :Pennsylvania l TOLUENE : 108-88-3 : 5%- 12% l unknown : I---------------------- ~------- IRhodeIsland : - : :NewJersey ~ TOLUENE : ~--------------~ 108-88-3 l 5%- i2%: -----------------1 : unknown I-------------------------------~-------------------------~-------------------------~--------------~-------------------------1 I CaliforniaProposition65 :LlQUIDPOlYMER .! 68611-50-7 : 50%-75% : l l-------------------------~-------------------------~---------------l : (Developmental- Female) :LIQUIDPOlYMER : 68611-50-7 : 50%-75% : unknown 1-------------------------------1-------------------------~-------------------------t--------------1r-------------------------: lLlQUIDPOLYMER : 68611-50-7 f 50%-75%: unknown I-------------------------------~-----------------------~------------------------~--------------~-------------------------1 :NewJersey :L1QUIDPOLYMER -I: 68611-50-7 i 50%-75% i unknown :-------------------------------~-------------------------~-------------------------~-------------~-------------------------J [Pennsylvania !LlQUIDPOLYMER ! 68611-50-7 I 50%-75%! unknown I-------------------------------~----------------------~--~-------------------------t--------------1r-------------------------1 f:RhodeIsland JlLiQUIDPOLYMER~-i I: Ll 50%-75%: JL 68611-50-7 unknown IMassachusetts canada ! : : l i i 1: : I,, } ClassB- Flammable TOLUENE '!I II : Oass 0 - Poisonous and Infectious materials Division Z: Materials causing Other Toxic Effects DZA TOLUENE DZB- I TOLUENE : Liquid Polysulfide Polymer CAS#68611-SD-7 : This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the SOS contains all of the information required by CPR. listed National Pollutant ReleaseInventory (NPRI):TOLUENE CAS:108-88-3 liquid PolysulfJde Polymer cas#6861l-S0-7 16.OTHERINFORMATION NFPA HMIS PPE This sds is provided without any warranty expressed i0r implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific I situations. The conditions of handling,storage, use and disposal are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Page 5 of 6 Full text of P statements with NQassociated to this compound: • • • • • • • • • • • P101+Pl02+P103: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Read label before use P202: Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames and hot surfaces-No Smoking P240:Ground/bond container and receiving equipment P261+P262+P263+P264:Avoid breathing dust/fumes/gas/mist/vapours/spray.Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid contact during pregnancy/while nursing. Wash thoroughly after handling. P270+P271+P273: Do not eat drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Avoid release to the environment. P281+P280: Use personal protective equipment as required. Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing! eye protection/face protection P301+P310+P331: If swallowed: Immediately call i! POISON CENTERor doctor/physician. Do not induce vomiting. P305+P351+P338+P315: If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses,if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get lrnmediatemedlcal advice attention. P304+P340+P314: If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell P342+P340+P315: If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Get immediate medical advice/attention. P302+P352: If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water P306+P361: If on clothing: Remove/ take off immec;liately all contaminated clothing P402+P403+P404: Store in a dry place. Store in a well ventilated space. Store in a closed container. P233+P234+P235: Keep container tightly closed. ~eep only in original container. Keep cool. Full text of H statements with N!!appearingii~ Section 3: H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects • H360Fd: May damage fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child. • H373: May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. • H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. • • • • • • H31S: Causes skin irritation H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness H318: Causes serious eye damage H302+H332: Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled H340+H350: May cause genetic defects. May cause cancer. H22S: Highly flammable liquid and vapor. I I I I I I Preparer: . I I I I I [Flamemaster / Compliance !Rev-A June/09/2010 I • [Supersedes (conversion) Revision Notes: A konversion to ANSI format I I . I I Containers: ! plastic jars, metal cans [cartridge kits I I ! limited Quantity See SDS Section 14 Maximum container size 50 Gallons /190 liters End of Safety Data Sheet This sds is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. The conditions of handling,storage, knowledge. use ana disposal are beyond our control and may be beyond our Page 6 of 6 SAFETY DATA SHEET File: CS3100PT B GSA 07-10 JANUARY 2014 Potting Compound-Catalyst Flamemaster Corp. 13576 Desmond Street Pacoima, CA 91331 - USA Section -1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENirlFICATION 1.1. Product Identifier: C$-3100 PT B CATALYST (4LLlYPES AND CLASSES) - Product -Electrical Potting Compound - Product reference: C$-3100-B 1.2. Product Use: - POTTING COMPOUND 1.3. Manufacturer's Name: 1.3.1 Suppliers Name ( if not manufacturer) CAGE Code: 14439 CAGE Code: OZ5S6 Flamemaster Corp. Sealpak Company, Inc. Chem Seal Division 2301 N. Hoover Rd 13576 Desmond Street Wichita, Pacoima, CA 91333 - USA Technical'Contact: MIL-PRF-8516G 8030-00-181-7884 NSN: 67205-1025 1.4. Emergency Telephone: Chemtrec - Chemtrec International 800-424-9300 (North America) 703-527-3887 (Outside North America)) Flamemaster Corp. Tel: 818-890-1401 Fax: 818-890-6001 www.flamemaster.com Specification: KS CS3100TY1CLl 60Z CAR 80.30-00-200-8341 CS31001Y2CL160Z 80.30-0.0-297-6677 CS31001Y2CL21/2 PT 8030-00-684-8790 CS31001Y2CL3QT KIT CS31100 CATALYST II 80.30-00-631-80.13 II CS3lOO1YICf~ QT KIT 80.30-00-148.7362 CS3100TYICL2QT. KIT 8o.30-00-~81-5238 CS3100TY2C,LlQT. KIT 8030-00-1,74-2597 CS.3100TY2CL2QT KIT 80.30-00-823.7953 CS31001Y2CUGALKIT . 8030-00-286-9035 8()'30-00-5~5-2271 CS31001Y2q.3l/2 GAL CS3100TY2CL2GAL KIT ALL CLASSESAND TYPES 80.30-0.1-175-3479 CS3100TYICL3GALKIT 80.30-01-80.5-9875 CS31001Y2CUPT KIT 8030-01-383-4992 CS3100TY2CL260Z 8030-00-881-2618 CS3100TY2CL1 2.5 02 80.30.-21-805-9875 CS3100TY2CLIPTKIT 8030.-0.0-616-7696 CS31001Y2CL31/2 PT 8030-00-814-0394 CS31001Y2CL21/2f'T I' , Section -2. HAZARD ( S) IDENTIFICATION Possible adverse risk to the fetus. Skin and eye irritant. Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled. Possible harm to aquatic organisms. May cause long term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, Section -3. COMPOSITION /INFORMATION Chemical family: ON INGREDIENTS Mixture of organic compounds For the hazards of the composition, LEAD DIOXIDE ( SDS see Section 2). OSHA HAZARDS: OXIDIZER, CARCINOGEN, TARGET ORGAN EFFECT,TOXIC BY INHALATION, HARMFUL BY INGESTION TERATOGEN,REPRODUCTIVEHAZARD I TARGET ORGANS: FEMALE REPRODUCTIVESYSTEM, MALE REPRODUCTIVESYSTEM, NERVES, BLOOD, KIDNEY GHS CLASSIFICATION: LEAD DIOXIDE OXIDIZING SOLIDS (CATEGORY3) ACUTE TOXICllY, ORAL (CATEGORY4) ACUTE TOXICllY,lNHALATION (CATEGORY4) This sds is provided without any warranty expressed or implied regarding its correctness or suitability for specific situations. the conditions of handling,storage,use knowledge. and: disposal are beyond our control and may be beyond our Page 1 of 6 REPRODUCTIVETOXICITY (CATEGORY1A) SPECIFICTARGET ORGAN TOXICITY-REPEATEDEXPOSURE(CATEGORY2) ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY (CATEGORY1) CHRONIC AQUATIC TOXICITY (CATEGORY1) LEAD OXIDE OSHA HAZARDS: CARCINOGEN, TARGET ORGAN EFFECT,TOXIC BY INHALATION,HARMFUL BY INGESTION TERATOGEN, REPRODUCTIVEHAZARD TARGET ORGANS: BLOOD, KIDNEY, NERVES,GASTROINTESTINALTRACT, REPRODUCTIVESYSTEM GHS CLASSIFICATION:LEAD OXIDE ACUTE TOXICITY, INHALATION (CATEGORY4) ACUTE TOXICITY, ORAL (CATEGORY4) SKIN IRRITATION (CATEGORY3) REPRODUCTIVETOXICITY (CATEGORY1A) SPECIFICTAGET ORGAN TOXICITY-REPEATEDEXPOSURE(CATEGORY2) ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY (CATEGORY1) CHRONIC AQUATIC TOXICITY (CATEGORY4) H&p Statements SUBSTANCE " by weight in the product Lead Dioxide <70% Lead Oxide <10% CAS EINECS/ELINCS H272,H302+H332,H360;H373,H410, P201,P220,p273,P308+P313,PS01 1309-60-0 21S-174-S H302+H332,H316,H360,H373;H400, H413< P201,P273,P308+P313 1317-36-8 215-267-0 , Section -4. FIRST-AID MEASURES General: When in doubt or symptoms persist, seek medi'cal attention. Have 'Safety Data Sheet information available. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, if breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration. Give nothing by mouth, seek immediate medical attention. Eye contact: Irrigate with clean, fresh water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids apart, and seek medical attention. Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or use recognized skin cleaners. Do NOT use aromatic solvents, thinners or petroleum products. Ingestion: If accidentally swallowed obtain immediate give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. medical attention. Keep at rest. Do NOT induce vomiting. Never Section -5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing agents Recommended: Universal resistant foam, C02, water, powder. Agents to avoid: None known Attention Fire will produce dense black smoke. Exposure to decomposition products may cause a Health Hazard. Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Water mist may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible auto-ignition and explosion when exposed to extreme heat. Do not weld, flame cut or expose to extreme heat or ignition sources, empty containers which have contained flammable products. Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water courses. This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without the conditions any warranty expressed of handling,storage,use 'or implied and disposal regarding its correctness are beyond our control or suitability for specific and may. be beyond our Page 2 of 6 Section -6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASEMEASURES Eliminate sources of ignition, ventilate the area. Avoid breathing vapors by using appropriate respiratory protective equipment. Refer to protective measures listed in sections 7 & 8. Collect spill with non-combustible absorbent materials, e.g. sand, earth, vermiculite, diatomaceous earth and place in a suitable container for disposal in accordance with loca] regulations (see section 13). Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. Clean-up with a detergent! water mix; avoid use of aromatic solvents. authority with jurisdiction in accordancewith state / local regulations. If the product enters drains or watercourses, inform Section -7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 Handling: No smoking, eating and drinking during handling. Keep containers tightly closed. Prior to movement containers which are opened should be carefully resealed. Avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid inhalation in case of exposure to vapor and spray mist. Handle and open containers with care to avoid spilling of contents. Never use pressure to empty; container is not a pressure vessel. Clean or discard contaminated clothing and shoes. Preparation may charge electrostatically; always use gr~unding/ bonding/ earthing leads when transferring contents of . I containers. Operators should wear antistatic footweariand clothing, and floors should be electrically conductive. Vapors are heavier than air and may spread along floors. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the creation of flammable or explosive concentrations of vapor in air, and avoid vapor concentration higher than the Occupational Exposure Limits. Use in areas from which local sources of ignition have been excluded. Electrical equipment including lighting should be protected to the appropriate standard. Isolate from sources of heat, sparks and open flame. Non-sparking tools are recommended. 7.2 Storage: Observe label precautions. Store between 32/F and 95/F i( O/C and 35/C) ina dry, dean and well ventilated place, away from sources of heat, ignition, and direct sunlight. For flash points below 23 ·C store in an area constructed to the appropriate standard 8. EXPOSURECONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 Engineering measures: Avoid the inhalation of vapors, spray mist and particulates. extraction If local as to keep air-borne concentration I area ventilation below the Occupational is not sufficient to comply with provide suitable (NIOSH) respiratory protection 8.2 Exposure limits Achieve by local exhaust ventilation oa, suitable providing good general Exposure Limits (OEL). (NIOSH) respiratory when sarjlding, grinding or otherwise protection to be provided. Always abrading cured material. ' Work place exposure limits ( 8 hour) ii' Substance * lead Dioxide <70% * * can 0.OSmg/M3 0.OSmg/M3 I 0.OSmg/M3 Lead oxide <10% , ACGIHTLV OSHA 0.OSmg/M3 be absorbed through skin lead Dioxide and lead Oxide are In a wetted out dispersion. Exposure limits are based on dust that-Is not present in this composition 8.3 Personal protection All Personal Protective Equipment, including Respiratory Protection, must be selected to meet the requirements Respiratory protection : Appropriate respiratory protection equipment regulatory (OSHA I NIOSH) and manufacturers This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without the conditions any warranty used to control exposure to hazardous substances of OSHA Regulations. should be selected according to the type of contaminants, instructions expressed of handling,storage,use following including proper fitting of devices. or implied and disposal regarding its correctness are beyond our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 3 of 6 Hand protection : For prolonged or repeated contact, recommend gloves type: polyvinyl alcohol, nitrile rubber, latex rubber (some people may exhibit sensitivity to Latex). Barrier creams may help to protect exposed areas of the skin. However, they should not be applied post exposure. Eye protection: Use safety glasses with side shields to protect against splashes. Face shields may also be worn. Skin protection : Protective clothing made of antistatic and fire resistant fibers. All parts of the body should be washed after contact. Use good hygiene and industrial practices, keep working clothes clean. 9. PHYSICALAND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES • Physical state at: 68!! F (20 !! C) Liquid • Flash point: • Ph: 6.8 200· F (93· C) Method: TCC .% VOLATILE BY VOLUME 3.0 • Specific gravity at: 68· F (20 • C) 3.0 • Vapor pressure at: 68!! F (20!! • Vapor Density: N/A • Color: BROWN • Lower Explosive Limit (% vol.]: N/A • Appearance: PASTE • Upper Explosive Limit '(% voL): N/A • Odor: NEGLIGIBLEOILY ODOR • Miscibility • Boiling Point: Unknown in water at 20 !! C: NEGLIGIBLE q N/A 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions produce hazardous decomposition • Carbon monoxide (see SDS section 7). In case of combustion, may products such as : • Oxides of nitrogen, Carbon, Lead Oxide and Organics • Sulfur oxides 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION There are no data available on the preparation itself. See (50S Sections 3 and 15) for details. Exposure to component solvents vapors at concentrations in excess of the stated Occupational result in adverse health Exposure LImits may 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION There is no data available on the preparation itself. Do not allow the product to enter drains or water ways. See (SOS Sections 3 and 15) 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Recommended incineration or land fill as hazardous waste per Federal, State and local regulations. React with base and dispose of as hazardous waste per Federal, State and local regulations. Recommended incineration or land fill. 14. TRANSPORT IN.FORMATION DOT: Not regulated UN Number: Not regulated lATA: Not regulated IMDG/IMO: Not regulated NMFC: 4620 SUB.S - CL.60 Schedule B # 3506.91.0000 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without the conditions any warranty expressed of handling,storage,use or implied and disposal regarding its correctness are beyond our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 4 of 6 ......... _ __ __ ._----- ------- .. All remaining Constituents are non-hazardous per FED-STD-313 All Constituents are listed in TSCA inventory; mixture is excluded Per TSCA Par. 710.4 (d) 9S (6) (7) Constituents are not listed in TSCA 12b CORR. LIST US Regulations State . complete I--------------------------~----~--------------------------r-------------------------r---------------r-------------------------r : California Proposition 6S: : : (DevelopmentalFemale) L d Dloxld ea IOXI e: : I .: :. 1309 ~60 - 0 : : : <70%: 0 I I k un nown : I I I-------------------------------~--------------------------r-------------------------r---------------r-------------------------1 !~~~~:~-~:~!!:---------------~-----~~~~-~~~~~~----~-------~:-~~:~?:~-------~----~-?!!~---~----:New Jersey : Lead Dioxide': 1309-60-0 : < 70% I unknown I • ~ 1Pennsylvania ~ 1 Lead Dioxide L 11309-60-0 I-------------------------------~----------_-----------i Lead Dioxide 1 1 ~ < 70% 1 unknown 1 __~-------------------------~--------------~-------------------------t i 1309-60-0 / < 70% I unknown [Rhode Island / ,-------------------------------,-------------------------~-------------------------r--------------~-------------------------, california Proposition 6S I L d oxld I 131 36 8 I 10% I k ea OXI e: 7- I un nown I (Developmental- Female) I: I I < 0 II :-------------------------------~-------------------------~-------------------------~--------------~-------------------------. :Massachusetts I Lead Oxide I 1317-36-8 I <10% I unknown l------------------------------~-------------------------~----------~--------------~--------------~-------------------------1 INew Jersey I Lead Oxide I 1317-36-8 : <10% I unknown :------------~------------------1-------------------------~-------------------------~--------------1r-------------------------, [Pennsvlvania I Lead Oxide 1317-36-8 I-------------------------------~--------------------~I ~I <10%: ~-------- unknown : I :Rhode Island : lead Oxide : 1317-36-8 ! <10%: I I I I : I• unknown : .-------------------------------~-------------------------~-------------------------~--------------~-------------------------. CANADA Class D - Poisonous and Infectious materials Division 2: Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects: Lead Dioxide CAS#1309-60-O Lead Oxide CAS#1317-36-O This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR)and the SDS contains all of the information required by CPR.Usted National Pollutant ReleaseInventory (NPRI):LeadDioxide caS#1309-6Q-O LeadOxide cas#1317-36-8 16. OTHER INFORMATION ., HEAlTH-1 FLAMMABllITY-1 REACTIVITY-1 PPE-G HMIS PPE Full text of P statements • • • • • • with N!! associated to this compound: P101+P102+P103: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Read label before use P202: Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames and hot surfaces-No Smoking P240:Ground/bond container and receiving equipment P261+P262+P263+P264:Avoid breathing dust/fumes/gas/mist/vapours/spray.Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid contact during pregnancy/while nursing. Wash thoroughly after handling. P270+P271+P273: Do not eat drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Avoid release to the environment. P281+P280: Use personal protective equipment as required. Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing! eye protection/face protection P301+P310+P331: If swallowed: Immediately call a POISON CENTERor doctor/physician. Do not induce vomiting. P305+P3S1 +P338+P31S: If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses,if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get immediate This sds is provided' situations. knowledge. without the conditions any warranty medical advice attention. expressed of handling.storage.use qr implied andldlsposal regarding its correctness are beyond our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 5 of 6 • • • • P304+P340+P314: If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell P342+P340+P315: If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Get immediate medical ~dvice/attention. P302+P352: If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water P306+P361: If on clothing: Remove/ take off immediately all contaminated clothing P402+P403+P404: Store in a dry place. Store in atwell ventilated space. Store in a closed container. P233+P234+P235: Keep container tightly closed. 'Keep only in original container. Keep cool. Fun text of H statements with Nil associated to this compound: • H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long' lasting effects • H360Fd: May damage fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child. • H373: May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. • H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. • H315: Causes skin irritation • H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness • H318: Causes serious eye damage • H302+H332: Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled • H340+H350: May cause genetic defects, May cause cancer. • H270: May cause or intensify fire; oxidizer Preparer-Flamemaster/Compliance Rev A June 2010 Supercedes(Conversion} Revision Notes: A Conversion to ANSI format Containers: Plastic Jars, Metal Cans, Cartridge Kits Maximum Container Size: 50 Gallons/190 liters END OF SAFETYDATA SHEET This sds is provided situations. knowledge. without the conditions any warranty expressed of handling,storage,use br implied and disposal regarding its correctness are beyond our control or suitability for specific and may be beyond our Page 6 of 6
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