DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Civil/Military cooperation in Germany Beijing, China 2014 Content DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH 50 Years of Development in ATM Daily Business Civil-Military aspects in SES/FABEC Flexible Use of Airspace Strategic Civil-Military ANS-Management Conclusions 2 Statutory obligation of DFS DFS is responsible for the safe orderly expeditious handling of air traffic Air traffic services • Air traffic control services • Alerting services • Flight information services • Air traffic advisory services Additional air navigation services DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 For General and Operational Air Traffic • Communication services • Navigation services • Surveillance services • Aeronautical information services • Meteorological services (DWD) 3 Legal framework DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH is a limited liability company organised under private law. The sole shareholder and thus owner of DFS is the German government. Shareholder rights are exercised by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). Provisions concerning air navigation services are to be found in the Basic Law, Article 87d Aviation Act, Article 31b in conjunction with Article 27c DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 4 DFS in the international arena ICAO Via the Ministries of Transport, Economics, Finance, Defence, and the Interior DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 European Commission EUROCONTROL EASA DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH 5 Via CANSO EU Performance Scheme Four Key Performance Areas (KPAs) Safety Capacity • Minutes of en-route ATFM delay per flight • Safety maturity level that must be achieved by the ANSPs and NSAs • Total of ANS-related ATFM delays in terminal areas • Percentage of application of the risk analysis tool (RAT) • Additional time in the taxi-out phase • Additional time for ASMA at aerodromes with At FABEC and German national additionally: morelevel than 100,000 aircraft movements per year • Implementation of measures Military Mission Effectiveness Cost-efficiency Environment • Average European unit rate for en-route charges • Average horizontal en-route flight efficiency • Effective use of civil/military airspaces DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 • Costs and air navigation charges in the terminal area 6 DFS management organisation V F P Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Klaus-Dieter Scheurle Operations Robert Schickling Human Resources (Labour Director) Michael Hann AS Aeronautical Solutions VA Corporate Audit CC Control Centre TWR Tower AK Academy PN Regional HR & Employee Relations VC Corporate Planning / Charges VE Corporate Development AIM Aeronautical Information Management OA Airspace & ANS Support PS HR Services PZ HR Management Headquarters & Strategy VF Financial Management VK Corporate Communications OP Planning & Innovation SH Systems House VP Procurement VR Institutional & Legal Affairs SIS Systems & Infrastructure Services VY Corporate Safety & Security Management ZM Corporate CivilMilitary Affairs DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 7 Corporate vision of DFS Our vision DFS is committed to delivering an outstanding level of performance to our customers. Safety is our top priority. Services are being tailored to the differing needs of our customers in an environmentally sustainable manner. As a recognised provider of air navigation services for complex airspaces and airports, we will improve the performance of the air transport system. DFS offers challenging work for aviation enthusiasts and innovative people from around the world seeking the opportunity to shape the future of air transport. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 8 Comparison of size Germany: 357.112 km² Per Day: approx. 10.000 IFR Flights approx 300 mil-IFR Flights approx 600 mil-VFR Flights within German airspace 5 Control Centers China: 9.571.302 km² Source: www.wikipedia.org DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 9 50 Years of Development in ATM Up to 2000 Since 2000 • 1953 - Foundation of the Federal Administration of Air Navigation Services (BFS) • 2001 - Foundation of FCS Flight Calibration Services GmbH and GroupEAD Europe S.L. • 1955 - The Occupation Statute of the Federal Republic of Germany is repealed and air sovereignty is regained • 2004 - The SES I Regulations enter into force • 1962 - Employees of the Federal Administration of Air Navigation Services become established civil servants • 2006 - Launch of the FABEC Feasibility Study • 2005 - Foundation of The Tower Company • 2007 - Launch of the SESAR project • 1985 - 1 million flights • 2007 - 3 million flights • 1990 - Integration of the air navigation services in the eastern German states • 2009 - The SES ll Regulations enter into force • 1993 - Foundation of DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH and beginning of civil-military integration • 2010 - The FABEC Treaty is signed • 2012 - Start of economic regulation • 1995 - 2 million flights • 2013 - Ratification of the FABEC Treaty • 1996 - Full civil-military integration DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 10 Flight routes over Germany (1956 - today) DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 11 Agreement between MOT and MOD 1991 In peacetime, control of Operational Air Traffic (OAT) except at military airbases is performed by the civil Air Traffic Control Services Military area radar control will be integrated into the civil ATC organisation. The military personnel will be seconded by granted leave of absence and will receive a contract from DFS In times of tension and war, ATM falls (according German Constitution) under the responsibility of MOD as part of the defence mission Granted leave of absence will be revoked in times of tension and war, or when deemed necessary for specific military reasons Arrangements with the unions ensure operations for military, government and emergency flights in the case of industrial action* * seconded military personnel may participate at industrial action Principles of placing seconded military personnel into positions in operations and management structure Principles of recruitment and financing DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 12 Daily Business A „normal“ Military Mission Airspace Planning, FPL Departure: ETSL military TWR / APP En-route: DFS AAR: DFS or Air Defense En-route: DFS NLFS: DFS or Air Defense En-route: DFS Recovery: ETSL military APP / TWR Lechfeld Airbase (ETSL) Aircraft movements in Germany One day in January 2014 Climbs Transit flights Descents DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 14 SES – Single European Sky The European Commission's SES Programme has taken on the goal of optimising the air transport system in Europe. Objectives: - Common safety standards - More airspace capacity - More cost-efficient ANSPs Main initiatives - Creation of functional airspace blocks based on major traffic flows instead of national borders - SESAR / Deployment Manager DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 15 Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC) DFS is part of FAB Europe Central (FABEC). FABEC is a collaboration of seven civil and three military ANSPs. FABEC is one of the busiest and most complex airspaces in Europe: FABEC has 60% of all European air traffic. The FABEC Treaty, which was ratified as of 1 June 2013, is the formal basis for this collaboration. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 16 Direct flight routes Goal: Fuel and time savings Optimisation initiatives in FABEC: Night Network City Pairs Free Route Airspace (FRA) + Actual route Ideal route (great circle) Military airspaces temporarily reserved Example Simplified illustration DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 17 FABEC – Airspace design projects CBA Land/Central West Control centres involved: EUROCONTROL Centre Maastricht including the DFS unit in Maastricht, LVNL (Amsterdam ACC), control centres in Bremen and Langen South East Optimisation of north-south traffic flows by changing military training airspace Design of a cross-border airspace CBA22 over France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 18 The FUA Concept FUA Concept – Principles I With the application of the Flexible Use of Airspace Concept (FUA), airspace is no longer designated as "civil" or "military" airspace, but considered as one continuum and allocated according to user requirements. The FUA Concept provides the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system with the potential to increase capacity. The FUA Concept allows the maximum shared use of airspace through enhanced civil/military co-ordination. The application of the FUA Concept ensures that any airspace segregation is temporary and based on real use for a specified time period. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 20 FUA Concept – Principles II Conditional Routes (CDRs) – non-permanent Air Traffic Services (ATS) routes or route-portions Temporary Segregated Areas (TSAs) and Temporary Reserved Areas (TRAs) – areas temporarily reserved for the exclusive use of specific users Cross-Border Areas (CBAs) – TSAs or TRAs established over international boundaries Reduced Co-ordination Airspace (RCA) and Prior Co-ordination Airspace (PCA) – procedures enabling General Air Traffic (GAT) to operate outside the ATS route structure DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 21 FUA Concept – Principles III ATS-Route TSA not active Management by AMC TSA active Usage by ATC on Level 3 Management by AMC ATS-Route DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 22 FUA Concept – Principles IV ATS-Route TSA active Usage by ATC on Level 3 Management by AMC ATS-Route DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 23 FUA Concept – Principles V ATS-Route TSA active Management by AMC Usage by ATC on Level 3 TSA not active Management by AMC ATS-Route DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 24 Implementation of FUA in Germany DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 25 Airspace Management in Germany DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 26 German Airspace Management Organisation DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 27 Output of an AMC The practical application of the FUA Concept relies on national Airspace Management Cells (AMCs) for the daily allocation and promulgation of flexible airspace structures in the Airspace Use Plan (AUP) and Updated Use Plan (UUP), and on the Centralised Airspace Data Function (CADF) for the dissemination of information to aircraft operators through daily European AUP and UUPs (EAUP/EUUP). DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 28 Achievements of the Civil-Military Integration and cooperation DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 29 Flexibel Use of Airspace in Germany DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 * with kind permission of Lufthansa German Airlines 30 Enhanced FUA Concept DFS and German Air Force are executing trials and airspace projects to: Improve the civil and military KPA* / KPI** Increase flexibility for all partners Use the airspace more efficiently React to changing civil or military requirements (e.g. airspace requirements by the EUROFIGHTER) * Key Performance Area ** Key Performance Indicator DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 31 Our challenges New requirements from military airspace users Airspace, procedures, equipment International developments FABEC SES, SESAR Changing civil demand (amount / quality / distribution) Balancing civil / military requirements Military mission effectiveness, Flexibility, Predictability Special events, e.g. FIFA Soccer Championship New ATS Systems Volcanic ash crisis DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 32 Towards an advanced state of FUA Airspace request depending on mission type or mission profile: - Dimensions in NM - 30x30 AHC / HCM / CAS „XS“ 45x60 „S“ 45x90 „M“ BFM / ACM / ETM 60x120 „L“ HARM / ACT / DACT 90x150 D-ACT / Test „XL“ COMAO DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 33 Advanced FUA TSA-Sectorization A B C Military Variable Profile Area A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C2 C4 C5 C6 D1 D2 D4 D5 D6 E1 E2 D 3 E3 E4 E5 E6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 I4 I5 I6 J4 J5 J6 K4 K5 I3 Variable Profile Area 1995 2003 2013 Segmentation of TSA Availability of CDRs TSA composed of small boxes, tailored to mission profile Fully dynamic allocation of TSA Status: Established Status: Established Status: Established SESAR ConOps DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 34 Civil/Military Interoperability Joint Ministerial Committee for Airspace Policy and Civil/Military Cooperation Objectives: Assume responsibility as Committee for Airspace Policy according to FUA/ASM level 1 Foster and ensure a continuous development of the German Civil and Military cooperation in the area of Air Traffic Management (ATM) Define German national positions in the area of ATM (e.g. FABEC, SES, ICAO) Supervise and steer Civil/Military boards coordinating the Civil/Military cooperation in the field of airspace planning and associate procedures, CNS/ATM Systems and aeronautical Data DFS ZM * German MoT German MoD Advisor to MoD * Advisor to MoT * Advisor to MoT * Advisor to MoD * DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 36 • • DFS ZM acts as moderator no voting Conclusions Conclusions An effective Civil-Military Cooperation offers synergies for both partners: MoT and MoD work together jointly and effectively in all aspects of ATC, airspace design and usage The “German model” of civil-military integration is a “flagship model”, is internationally well-recognized and could serve as a “best practice model” It stands for evolutionary, future-oriented development of ATS services High degree of Safety due to common execution of tasks Flexible and efficient / economical airspace usage Increase of capacity due to an integrated operating concept High quality of service Increased productivity due to efficient personnel management Cost advantage due to common operations support and process optimization Cost advantage due to common usage of infrastructure and common procurement DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 38 How to start ….. Consider and decide whether you need and want to further develop your model of civil and military cooperation. If yes, investigate existing models, choose your favorite (the best practice model), which can be easily taylored to your needs. Develop and establish a trendsetting model of civil and military cooperation in ATM for the region, dedicated to your specific needs. Agree on first common objectives with due regard and full respect to the respective demand / necessities of involved parties/ organizations. Define and agree on tasks, roles and responsibilities Monitor, measure and fine tune the Process Conduct a full Review after an adequate time frame DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 39 How to start ….. strive for Collaborative Desicion Making (CDM) Set up a joined civil – military working group on airspace, maybe with a direct reporting line to the responsible State Commission Identify ATS routes and airspace of interest for civil – military traffic Access the demand for the airspace requirements for military aircraft and for civil traffic Identify and give priority to areas with a lack of capacity (bottlenecks) Make use of the modern technique on board the aircraft DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 40 How to start … carefully, confidence-building …. If not yet in place … Implement some initial „easy“ flexible structures, e.g.: Weekend Routes as conditional routes Night Routes as conditional routes Establish an ATM/AMC organization, e.g.: Level 1 (strategic): Committee on Airspace Issues Level 2 (pre-tactical): joint civil/military AMC (ATS Provider – Air Force) Level 3 (tactical): direct civil/military coordination between controllers DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 41 Conclusion SEEK ADVICE... ... BUT DO IT YOUR WAY IMPLEMENT “L INGHUO DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Osman Saafan, 19.11.2014 DE K ONGYU G UANLI (FUA)” ! 42 Thank you for your attention
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