TE STII\G LAB ORATORY DIRECTORATE EUROTEST-CONTROLEAD l08 Besarabia St,Sofra151l,tel'(02) 4470360;tel./fax(02) 8720596;www.eurotest-control.bg, E-mail:[email protected] Certificate of Accreditation, Reg,No. g IIII 121.01.2014 validuntil31.05.2016, issued by EA BAS,in accordance with therequirements of standard BDS EN ISO/IEC17025.2006 Q F5 1 0r_ V e r s i o r2r 1 2 0 1 r 2 TEST REPORT No. 5432I 27.01.2014 1 . Biomass,pellets and briquettes,biofuel, charcoal(coniferouswood pellets) (productdesignation_ type, brand,sort, etc.) 2 . clie't: Toria 08 Ltd. The sample is submitted by the client (client'snarneandaddress, sarnpling reportnumberanddate) 1 .'t. Testrri'etlrod: ETCv3l2ll.3-712010; BDSEN 14774-2:200g; BDSEN 14714-3:2010;BDS EN t 41 7 5 : 2 0 0BD 9 ; SE N 1 4 9 1 8 :2 0 1B0D; SE N 15103:2010; (standardnarneand numberof the validatedmethods) "1. Specirnens/Samples receiving datefortestin thelaboratory withRequest IncomingNo. 111 / 22. 0 1 . 2 0 1 4 'fested samplesquantity:1 sample,takenfrom own production-workshopfor the productionof pellets-Velingracl (samples factorynumber,sampies quantityandtheirmass,batchquantity,importinvoicenumber,productiondate) 6. Testperformi'gdate/period: fi'o'r 22.0r.2014to 24.01.2014 MANAGER TEST LAB ORAT ORY,...../-... / J. Al<ra No -5.132 I 27 01.2014 P a g eI o f 2 V e r s i o n2 1 2 0 1 2 lcSL lssLltt) l. No Index name Unit 2 3 Irreurrrrr6 uos / valloat€u JAurPr9 rnethods and outgolng number in joumal Testresults lndex valueand T e s tc o n d i t i u n s limit (value, unceftatntY) '7 6 ) 4 S a m p l eN o . 1coniferouswood pellets,lab.No. I 400580,taken from own productlon workshoPthe of production pellets-Velingrad 8 B D SE N 1 4 9 6 1 classA2 2:2011, Yo BDS EN 147'74-2:2009 5 .8 2+ 0 . 1 7 <10 r4o isture-total vfoisture-analYtical % BDSEN 14774-3:2010 + 0.03 1.44 Not nol'mallzed % BDS EN 14775:2009 0 8 6+ 0 . 0 2 <1.5 \*sir1ondly fuel A) t ('2'2t 4) "r (ondr1'luelS") SLrlphur % EIC V 5llt l.J- t/luru 0.010i0.001 <0 03 t ( 2 2+ - + ) ' L . 4 ) ) u N d e n s i t y( o n d r y b a s i sB D ) % B D SE N 1 5 1 0 3 : 2 0 1 0 2600 r (22+ 4)"C. 6 Caloritlcvalue(net on worKlng MJ/kg BUS trl\ l+v t6./.urv 1 9 . 1+3 0 . 0 6Not normalized t ( 2 2+ 1 ) ' t . 1 laiol'mcrefuetiet ondrYfuel MJ/Kg B D SE N 1 4 9 1 8 : 2 0 1 0 1 7 . 8+8 0 . 0 5 ) i==* i' r','^l Anat 6t3+6 rr ar\ 6 . 3 +1 9 . 0 (22 + 4) "L. KFI (30+60)% r \tt ) 't, t ( 2 2. L4 ) lnet,v,d) Ash Totalmoistlrre; woodpelletslab.No. i400580bv characteristics: No.1-coniferous Thetesteds,apple opinio' onthetestresults: 10 conlorn.is tuel working (net on Qnet,v,ar) value (ondrv fLrelAd); Sutphur(on dry tuel Sd);euit( density^'i;;;t b;* irji;-i"t"iinc -2:2011,class ordlnance)' 42 (standard, iir. t=i,'li.n,.nr;oiIiDS EN 14961 withouttheprior arenot allowedto be reproducecl NOTE I: Testresultsarerelatedonlyto thesariplestested.Testrepofiexcerpts in writingof thetestinglaboratory' Ilernrissioll 't-: t '..ffi PERFORMERS: TEST i::: i ' MANAGERITEST :1'u"'"' HEAD OF DEPARTN{ENT: Krasteva/ ^1 1n 1/ Page2 o13
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