Resolution of the TOV equations Morgane Fortin & Jérôme Margueron, Orsay 2008 CONSTANTS : kboltz = 8.617 * 10 ^ - 11 H* Boltzmann constant in MeV.K^-1 *L; hbc = 197.3 H* *L; mneut = 938.5 H* neutron mass in MeV *L; H*cm,g,s units*L msol = 1.989 * 10 ^ 33; H*mass of the Sun in g*L G = 6.6720 * 10 ^ - 8; c = 2.9979 * 10 ^ 10; rsol = 2 * G * msol Hc ^ 2L; H*Schwarzschild radius of the Sun, in cm*L rhosol = msol * 3 H4 * Pi * rsol ^ 3L; rhodrip = 5.409 * 10 ^ 11; rhosat = 2.66 * 10 ^ 14 2.; H* expected saturation nuclear matter density*L IMPORT THE EOS (SLY) FROM A TABLE : obtained from tabs = Import@"sly.eos", 8"Table"<D; prs@d_D := Interpolation@Transpose@8tabs@@All, 3DD, tabs@@All, 4DD<D, InterpolationOrder ® 2D@dD; rhs@p_D := Interpolation@Transpose@8tabs@@All, 4DD, tabs@@All, 3DD<D, InterpolationOrder ® 2D@pD; LogLogPlotAprs@xD, 9x, 100, 1015 =, AxesLabel ® 8"density Hgcm^3L", "Pressure Hdyncm^2L"<E Pressure Hdyncm^2L 1035 1031 1027 1023 1019 density Hgcm^3L 105 108 1011 1014 2 tov.nb CALCULATION OF THE DENSITY PROFILE H* defines the boudnary condition *L rho0 = 7.6 * rhosat; p0 = prs@rho0D; rmin = 0.001; rmax = 5; H* solves the TOV equations *L solutions = NDSolve@ 8m¢ @rD If@p@rD > 0.0, 3 * rhs@p@rD * p0D rhosol * r ^ 2, 0.0D, p¢ @rD * r * Hm@rD - rL If@p@rD > 0.0, 0.5 * rhs@p@rD * p0D * c ^ 2 p0 * m@rD * H1.0 + p@rD * p0 Hrhs@p@rD * p0D * c ^ 2LL * H1.0 + 3 * p0 Hrhosol * c ^ 2L * p@rD * r ^ 3 m@rDL, 0.0D, p@rminD 1.0, m@rminD rho0 * 4.0 3.0 * Pi * rmin ^ 3 msol<, 8m, p<, 8r, rmin, rmax<, Method -> 8"ExplicitRungeKutta", "DifferenceOrder" -> 8<D; H* store the results *L mass@r_D := m@rD . solutions@@1DD; pression@r_D := p@rD . solutions@@1DD; density@r_D := rhs@p@rD * p0D . solutions@@1DD; H* calculation of the total radius: *L rts = 1; rstep = 0.001; While@pression@rtsD > 0, rts = rts + rstepD; rts = rts - rstep; H* calculation of the core radius *L rcs = 1; rstep = 0.001; While@rhs@pression@rcsD * p0D > rhosat 2., rcs = rcs + rstepD; rcs = rcs - rstep; H* convert in ordinary units *L oupress@r_D := p0 * pression@r rsol * 10 ^ 5D; oumass@r_D := mass@r rsol * 10 ^ 5D; oudens@r_D := density@r rsol * 10 ^ 5D; H* print the results *L Print@"Mass = ", mass@rtsD, " sol. mass; Radius = ", rts * rsol 10 ^ 5, " km; "D Print@"Core radius = ", rcs * rsol 10 ^ 5, "km; ", "Crust thickness = ", Hrts - rcsL * rsol 10 ^ 5, "km;"D LogPlot@oupress@rD, 8r, 0.1, rts * rsol 10 ^ 5<, AxesLabel ® 8"radius HkmL", "Pressure Hdyncm^2L"<, PlotStyle ® 8Blue<D LogPlot@oudens@rD, 8r, 0.1, rts * rsol 10 ^ 5<, AxesLabel ® 8"radius HkmL", "density Hgcm^3L"<, PlotStyle ® 8Blue<D Plot@oumass@rD, 8r, 0.1, rts * rsol 10 ^ 5<, AxesLabel ® 8"radius HkmL", "Mass Hsolar massL"<, PlotStyle ® 8Blue<D Mass = 1.43146 sol. mass; Radius = 11.603 km; Core radius = 10.909km; Crust thickness = 0.693992km; Pressure Hdyncm^2L 1 ´ 1035 5 ´ 1034 1 ´ 1034 5 ´ 1033 1 ´ 1033 5 ´ 1032 2 4 6 8 10 radius HkmL tov.nb density Hgcm^3L 1.0 ´ 1015 7.0 ´ 1014 5.0 ´ 1014 3.0 ´ 1014 2.0 ´ 1014 1.5 ´ 1014 2 4 6 8 10 6 8 10 radius HkmL Mass Hsolar massL 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 4 radius HkmL 3 4 tov.nb Calculate the M HRL relation imax = 22; Print@"central density, mass, radius"D; Print@" gcm3, sol. mass, km"D; For@i = 1, i < imax, i ++, rho0 = rhosat * H1.0 + i 5.01L ^ 2; H* define the central density *L p0 = prs@rho0D; rmin = 0.001; rmax = 5; H* solves the TOV equations *L solutions = NDSolve@ 8m¢ @rD If@p@rD > 0.0, 3 * rhs@p@rD * p0D rhosol * r ^ 2, 0.0D, p¢ @rD * r * Hm@rD - rL If@p@rD > 0.0, 0.5 * rhs@p@rD * p0D * c ^ 2 p0 * m@rD * H1.0 + p@rD * p0 Hrhs@p@rD * p0D * c ^ 2LL * H1.0 + 3 * p0 Hrhosol * c ^ 2L * p@rD * r ^ 3 m@rDL, 0.0D, p@rminD 1.0, m@rminD rho0 * 4.0 3.0 * Pi * rmin ^ 3 msol<, 8m, p<, 8r, rmin, rmax<, Method -> 8"ExplicitRungeKutta", "DifferenceOrder" -> 8<D; H* store the results *L mass@r_D := m@rD . solutions@@1DD; pression@r_D := p@rD . solutions@@1DD; density@r_D := rhs@p@rD * p0D . solutions@@1DD; H* calculation of the total radius: *L rts = 1; rstep = 0.001; While@pression@rtsD > 0, rts = rts + rstepD; rts = rts - rstep; Print@rho0, " ", mass@rtsD, " ", rts * rsol 10 ^ 5DD tov.nb central density, gcm3, 1.91393 ´ 1014 2.60383 ´ 10 14 3.3997 ´ 1014 mass, radius sol. mass, 0.0971632 0.146068 0.244564 km 18.2062 16.2867 13.7794 4.30156 ´ 1014 0.397662 12.2881 5.30939 ´ 1014 0.596195 11.8303 6.42319 ´ 1014 0.822207 11.7565 14 1.05433 11.727 8.96873 ´ 1014 1.27373 11.6591 1.04005 ´ 1015 1.46726 11.5941 1.19382 ´ 1015 1.62831 11.4405 1.35818 ´ 1015 1.75634 11.2752 15 1.85452 11.095 1.71871 ´ 1015 1.92705 10.909 1.91487 ´ 1015 1.97833 10.7141 2.12163 ´ 1015 2.01286 10.5103 2.33899 ´ 1015 2.03434 10.3213 15 2.04595 10.153 2.80549 ´ 1015 2.05006 9.97576 3.05464 ´ 1015 2.0486 9.82811 3.31439 ´ 1015 2.04302 9.6834 3.58473 ´ 1015 2.03447 9.5446 7.64297 ´ 10 1.53315 ´ 10 2.56694 ´ 10 5
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