JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 13, 17% 183 ( 199 1) Measurements of Lorentz-Broadening Coefficients and PressureInduced Line Shift Coefficients in the v2 Band of D2160 CURTIS P. RINSLANDAND MARY ANN H. SMITH Atmospheric Sciences Division, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 AND V. MALATHY DEW AND D. CHRIS BENNER Department qf Physics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 Room temperature Lorentz-broadening coefficients and pressure-induced line shift coefficients in air, nitrogen, and oxygen have been determined for 126 transitions in the “2 band of Dz”O from laboratory spectra recorded at 0.0053-cm-’ resolution with a Fourier transform spectrometer. Samples of D20 + HDO + Hz0 at low pressure (G I Torr) and lean mixtures of D20 + HDO + HZ0 broadened by nitrogen, oxygen, and air were used in the experiments. Transitions up to .I” = 12 were measured using a nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure assuming a Voigt line profile. The broadening coefficients obtained for the three buffer gases generally decrease with increasing f”. The ratio of the nitrogen-broadening coefficient to the corresponding oxygenbroadening coefficient is correlated with the magnitude of the oxygen-broadening coefficient (the narrower lines have the larger Nz-to-O2 broadening ratios). The pressure-shift coefficients are both positive and negative with values in the range -0.008 to +0.008 cm-’ atm-’ ; no significant correlation with the widths was found. The results are compared with previously reported measurements. 0 1991 Academic Press. Inc. INTRODUCTION Accurate measurements of water vapor line broadening and pressure-induced line shifting are important for a variety of applications, for example, remote sensing of the Earth’s atmosphere, studies of combustion, and validation of theoretical predictions by collisional models. A relatively large number of such measurements have been reported (see Refs. ( 1, 2) for a bibliography of the published studies), but only a few of the investigations have been devoted to the deuterated species D20 and HDO. To obtain data on the v2 bands of the deuterated isotopes, we have recorded a series of 0.0053-cm-’ resolution Fourier transform spectra of D-enriched water vapor at low pressure ( < 1 Torr) and lean mixtures of D-enriched water vapor broadened by nitrogen, oxygen, and air. In this paper, we report our extensive set of broadening and pressureshift measurements derived for the D2160 v2 band. centered at 1178.379 cm-’ ( 3 ) . EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS AND ANALYSIS The spectra were recorded at room temperature with the Fourier transform spectrometer located in the McMath solar telescope facility on Kitt Peak, near Tucson, Arizona. The instrument is operated by the National Solar Observatory (NSO). An 173 0022-285219 I $3.00 Cownaht All rights 8 I99 I by Academc of reproduction m any Press. km Inc. reserved. 174 RINSLAND ET AL. InAs blocking filter covering 550 to 2850 cm-‘, two liquid-helium-cooled As-doped Si photoconductor detectors, and a glower source heated to approximately 2000 K were used in the experiment. A signal-to-in-is-noise ratio that increases from about 200 at 1100 cm-’ to 500 at 1400 cm-’ was achieved with a 40-min integration time per spectrum. A 1.2 l-m absorption path Pyrex sample cell fitted with a Teflon valve and wedged potassium chloride windows was used for the recording of the 12 spectra analyzed in this study. Three different mixtures were prepared by mixing distilled HZ0 with 99.96 at % DzO. A low pressure (G 1.O Torr) spectrum of each mixture was recorded to obtain accurate zero-pressure line center positions for the determination of the pressureshift coefficients. For the broadening and shift measurements, the low pressure HDO + Hz0 + D20 mixtures were diluted with high purity nitrogen, oxygen, or ultra-zero air. Spectra with each buffer gas were recorded at total sample pressures of about 200, 300, and 400 Ton-; the total HDO + HZ0 + D20 volume mixing ratio was about 0.3% in each mixture. Sample pressures were measured with Datametrics Barocel 570A-series pressure transducers with 0 to 10, 0 to 100, and 0 to 1000 Torr pressure heads. The values were monitored continuously and did not vary by more than 0.2% while recording each spectrum. Sample temperatures were measured to about kO.5”C or better with two T-type thermocouples attached to the cell wall. The measured temperatures ranged from 21.6 to 24.1”C. The analysis followed the procedures described in several recent papers (4-6) so that only a brief description is presented here. The method is based on nonlinear leastsquares fitting of short ( l-2 cm-‘) segments of individual spectra assuming a Voigt line profile shape for each line. The Doppler width assumed in the calculations was fixed at the value calculated from the mass of the molecule, the wavenumber (cm-’ ), and the temperature. In all cases, the calculations match the measured spectral line profiles to the noise level of the data. Therefore, we believe that deviations from the Voigt shape caused by the Dicke-narrowing effect are not a significant source of error in the present work. Initial values for the line positions and intensities were adopted from Table II of Camy-Peyret et al. (3) for the D20 u2 band lines and from the 1986 HITRAN line parameters compilation ( 7) for the HDO and HZ0 lines. The initial guess for the Lorentz-broadening coefficient ofeach line was selected based on the foreign broadening gas and the lower state J of the transition. The position, intensity, and width of each observed line were fitted along with parameters corresponding to the level and slope of the 100% transmission level. Weak, unassigned lines observed in the data were also included and fitted. The unassigned lines are probably hot band transitions of D2 I60 and HD 160 and v2 band lines of the heavy oxygen substituted isotopic species (e.g., HD’*O and D2180). Figure 1 displays a typical least-squares fit. The selected interval contains D20, HDO, and H20 lines. The Hz0 line marked in the figure shows both narrow and broad absorption components. The narrow component originates from residual water vapor at -0.01 Torr in the vacuum tank enclosing the interferometer. The broad absorption is produced in the sample cell and in the Nz-purged paths between the cell and the interferometer and between the cell and the source. Both the narrow and broad components were modeled in fitting the HZ0 lines in each spectrum. The wave- 175 WIDTHS AND SHIFTS OF Dz“‘0 0.6-0.5-- - Measured . * Calculated 0.44 : 1270.5 : : : : 1271.0 . : : 1271.5 Wavenumber n : : : : 1272.0 HO0 : . 1272.5 (cm-‘) FIG. 1.Example of a nonlinear least-squares fit to a section of a 0.0053-cm~’ resolution laboratory spectrum of a sample of 0.27% Hz0 + HDO + D20 in ultra-zero air at a total pressure of 300.5 Torr. The absorption path and temperature were 1.2 1 m and 22S”C. respectively. The measured and best-fit calculated spectra (bottom) and the residuals on an expanded vertical scale (top) have been normalized to the highest measured signal in the fitted interval. Prominent lines of HZO. HDO, and DzO are marked. length scale was calibrated from measurements of the position of the narrow (low pressure) component of -30 isolated Hz 160 lines between 1244.1 and 1564.9 cm-‘. The measured positions were ratioed to standard values (8) to determine a multiplicative factor to calibrate each spectrum. After scaling the measured positions by the calibration factor, the fitting error, defined as ( CIY~/~)“~ where m is the number of degrees of freedom and 6, is the measured minus reference calibration line position (a), was between 4.0 X 10 -5 and 1.1 X 10 m4cm-’ for a spectrum; the small scatter is an indication of the precision attained in the calibration. The measured Lorentz widths (cm-‘) at temperature Tderived from each spectrum have been corrected to the reference temperature of 296 K assuming a T-o.68 temperature dependence. This dependence is an average value derived by Gamache and Rothman (9) from calculations of temperature-dependent N*-broadened linewidths in the H20 pure rotational and u2 bands. Self-broadened HZ0 half-widths are much larger than corresponding values for air, N 2, and O2 broadening. In this work. we assumed a value of 4.84 for the ratio of the broadening of D20 v2 band lines by D20 + HDO + H20 to their broadening by air. This value, which was adopted for all lines, was selected by averaging four self-to-air broadening ratios calculated from tunable diode laser measurements in the u2 bands of H2160 and H2’*0 (10). It is close to the average self-to-air broadening ratio of 5 .O13 +- 0.68 1 determined for 100 water vapor lines in the 720-nm region ( I I ). The assumed D20 + HDO + H20-to-air broadening 176 RINSLAND ET AL. ratio of 4.84 was combined with a value of 0.9 for the air-to-nitrogen broadening ratio ( 7, 10-14) in correcting the Nz- and 02-broadened widths for the broadening by D20 + HDO + H20. Because the water vapor volume mixing ratio in the samples was low (m-0.3%), the calculated D20 + HDO + Hz0 broadening corrections are small (~2% of the uncorrected broadening coefficients). The Lorentz-broadening and pressure-induced line shift coefficients have been determined from least-squares fits to the measured half-widths and positions as a function of the total sample pressure. The procedure is described, and graphical examples are presented in Refs. (4-6). Note that temperature corrections have not been applied to the measured pressure-shift coefficients. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The measured Lorentz-broadening and pressure-shift coefficients are presented in Table I for the 134 measured DZ160 lines. Broadening and shifting data for all three buffer gases were obtained for 126 transitions. Columns 1 and 2 list the measured wavenumber (cm-‘) and the difference between the observed wavenumber and the calculated value of Camy-Peyret et al. (3), expressed in 1O-3 cm-‘. In all cases, the difference is less than 1 X 10 -3 cm-’ . Columns 3 to 8 contain the rotational quantum numbers for the upper and lower states from Ref. (3). The next two columns give the air-broadening results, the measured Lorentz coefficient b!( air) in cm-’ atm-’ at 296 K, and the pressure-shift coefficient 6’ (air) in I O-4 cm-’ atm-’ at room temperature. The air-broadening results are followed by the corresponding values for Nz and O2 broadening. Values in parentheses are two times the standard deviation of the fit in units of the last reported digit; they are a good indication of the random errors in the measurements (e.g., the effects of instrument noise). The following sources of systematic error have been considered: the temperature corrections to the broadening coefficients, the corrections for the broadening by D20 + HDO + H20, the measured pressures, the measured temperatures, the wavenumber calibration of the individual spectra, and zero level offsets in the individual spectra. Our error analysis indicates that these effects introduce at most only minor biases in the results. Absolute errors in the broadening and pressure-shift coefficients can be calculated by summing the errors in Table I with 2% of the measured broadening coefficient and 2 X 10v4 cm-’ atm-’ , respectively. Figures 2 to 4 illustrate aspects of the measurement results. In Fig. 2, we present the measured air-broadening coefficients plotted versus the lower state J quantum number. The measurements depict the well-known general decrease of the pressurebroadening coefficient with J”; this effect has been observed for Hz0 broadened by various partners (for example, Refs. (15-18)). The measurement indicated with a solid triangle was derived from analysis of an unresolved doublet, the only such case included in this study. The two components have been fitted assuming that they have the same line position and broadening coefficient. Similar to the results of previous Nz-broadening investigations on Hz0 doublets (for example, Refs. (Z6-19)), we measure broadening coefficients that are unusually narrow. Figure 3 displays the ratio b?( N2)/b~(Oz) plotted versus bf(O,). A high degree of correlation between the two quantities is apparent. Assuming a linear relation between bt( N2)/bi(02) and bf(Oz), the following expression has been derived from a leastsquares fit to the data (0.024 < bt(O,) < 0.064, in cm-’ atm-’ at 296 K): WIDTHS AND SHIFTS OF D,“O 177 b:( N2),’ b:( 02) = 3.234 - 23.27!$( 0,). (1) Since the scatter among the bF( 02) data at a given J” is also rather small, an alternative expression has been computed by least-squares fitting our measurements (0 < .I” < 12): b:(N,)/b;(Oz) = 1.756 + 0.0681.I”. (2) Equations ( 1) and (2) represent empirical relations that should be useful for estimating values for transitions similar to those measured in this study. No clear correlation between the measured broadening coefficients and IL,” was found. Unfortunately, no other simultaneous nitrogen- and oxygen-broadening measurements have been reported for DzO. However, several such datasets exist for HzO, and it is interesting to examine them for evidence of the correlation reported above. Grossmann and Browell ( 1 I ) reported nitrogen-to-oxygen broadening ratios and oxygenbroadening coefficients deduced from H20-broadening measurements of 57 lines near 720 nm. The authors noted a correlation between these two quantities (see their Fig. 5) which we find is weaker but otherwise similar to our results (narrower lines have higher N2-to-02 broadening ratios). A plot of bi(N,)/b?(Oz) versus #(O,) using the far infrared pure rotational measurements of Gasster et al. (14) also shows the same general dependence, and Grossmann and Browell ( 11) noted evidence for this relation in the theoretical broadening coefficients computed for microwave Hz0 lines by Bauer et al. (20). However, the v2band Hz0 data of Eng et al. ( 13) show a decrease rather than an increase in b?_(N2)/bt(Oz) with decreasing @(O,). The reason for this discrepancy is unclear, but it should be noted that Eng et al. ( 13) included several very narrow high-J transitions among their sample of seven measured lines. Collisional narrowing effects, which are likely to be important for such transitions, were not modeled in their data analysis. Air-broadening coefficients are related to nitrogen- and oxygen-broadening coefficients by the formula @(air) = 0.79bF(N2) + 0.21b[(02), (3) where 0.79 and 0.2 1 are the relative proportions of nitrogen and oxygen in dry air by volume. From Eqs. (2) and (3), we calculate an air-to-nitrogen broadening ratio of 0.910 at .I” = 0 declining to 0.872 at .I” = 12. Note that the ratio decreases by only a factor of 1.04 while bf(Nz)/bt(02) increases by a factor of 1.46 between J” values of 0 and 12. The slight decrease in the an-to-nitrogen broadening ratio with increasing J” can also be noted from a plot (not shown) of the ratios of our measured air-tonitrogen broadening coefficients versus J”. Because the average air-to-nitrogen broadening ratio has often been reported in previous studies, we also calculated the mean and standard deviation of the ratios deduced from our measured air- and nitrogenbroadening coefficients. The value of 0.891 + 0.023 for our sample of lines agrees very well with other experimental determinations: 0.897 t 0.022 determined for 21 lines of the v2 band of D20 ( 12), 0.892 + 0.027 determined for 3 1 lines of the v2band of HDO (lo), 0.885 + 0.024 deduced from 14 lines in the v2 bands of H2160 and H2”0 (IO), 0.905 + 0.008 from measurements of the line broadening of the v2 band of H20 ( 13), 0.906 -t 0.00 1 from far infrared measurements of pure rotational Hz0 lines ( 14). and 0.907 & 0.011 computed from measurements in the 720-nm region (11). 178 RINSLAND ET AL. TABLE I Air-, N2-, and OrBroadening Coefficients (in cm-’ atm-’ at 296 K) and Pressure-Induced Line Shift Coefficients (in 10e4 cm-’ atm-‘) for Selected Lines in the Q Band of D2160 v(obs) O-C J' K; K; 1017.6941-0.6 1030.2833 -0.2 1037.7214 -0.1 1051.0995-0.2 1055.4902 0.1 1063.7910 -0.2 1064.1980 0.0 1065.7524 -0.0 1071.9679 0.0 1072.3719 0.2 1073.2595-0.3 1075.4228 0.2 1075.5324 0.4 1078.1663-0.0 1079.8629 0.0 1086.9724 0.3 1091.6370 0.2 1095.4292 -0.1 1095.9376-0.1 1097.6072 0.4 1100.1918 0.1 1100.7040 0.2 1103.8281 0.3 1106.1758 0.3 1107.5052-0.3 1107.8657 0.2 1112.6969-0.1 1112.9633 0.0 1114.4351 0.4 1114.6901 0.0 1119.8856 0.1 1120.462E-0.2 1123 ::!: -0.1 1123 5136 0.3 1123 5770 0.4 1124.3924 0.3 1124.5596 -0.4 1126.8624 0.0 1127.3766-0.1 1126.6618 -0.1 1128.8236-0.1 1130.1632-0.2 1139.7911 0.2 1141.1169 0.3 1142.6033 0.3 1143.5951 -0.4 1143.7652 0.4 1144.3465 0.1 1144.6230 -0.9 1144.7925-3.0 1148.4367 0.2 1151.0577 0.1 1151.6360 0.2 1152.1620 0.1 1152.4257 0.2 1155.7090 0.2 1156.7325 0.1 1157.2359 0.2 1158.1201 0.2 1159.9520 0.1 1190.2211 0.0 1193.2554 0.1 1194.0383 0.2 1198.5365 0.0 1199.7932 0.1 1206.8541 0.4 12'7.9701-0.0 1209.3861 0.1 1211.3796 0.2 1213.3863 0.1 1214.7653-0.1 1216.6625 -0.2 1217.9211 0.0 1218.7426-0.2 Note : l: 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 6 5 4 9 9 9 0 4 3 6 7 7 5 2 2 4 6 6 8 10 9 5 7 8 9 8 4 6 9 7 5 4 1 6 6 2 4 5 10 3 5 11 7 1 2 6 3 4 5 3 4 0 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 4 6 2 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 3 0 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 0 2 0 3 1 2 3 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 4 3 4 2 1 4 3 3 6 9 9 7 2 2 5 7 7 4 1 0 3 6 5 8 9 8 5 7 7 7 6 4 6 6 5 2 4 0 3 5 2 2 5 7 3 3 8 6 1 2 5 2 4 4 2 3 0 3 0 1 2 2 1 3 0 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 .?’ K, K, 0 5 3 7 5 3 7 4 3 6 4 2 6 3 3 5 41 5 4 2 7 3 5 6 3 4 5 3 2 10 1 9 10 1 10 10 0 10 9 2 8 5 3 3 4 31 7 2 6 8 18 8 0 6 6 2 5 3 3 0 3 31 5 2 4 7 0 7 716 817 10 2 6 9 3 7 616 7 2 6 6 3 6 9 4 6 8 4 5 515 6 2 5 9 2 7 7 4 4 5 41 5 0 5 2 2 1 6 4 2 6 3 4 3 13 4 3 1 514 10 4 6 3 2 2 5 3 2 11 4 7 7 2 5 212 3 0 3 6 2 4 4 13 413 5 2 3 3 21 4 2 2 111 3 12 101 2 0 2 111 3 0 3 0 0 0 212 211 10 1 3 2 2 615 212 5 0 5 2 0 2 3 13 be(air) dO(.ir) bfCN2, b"(N2) 0.0774(100) 14(H) 0.0814( 26) -4( 5) 0.0860( 48) -6( 3) 0.0631( 15) -lQ( 1) 0.0909( 12) -39(11) 0.0869( 21) 6( 7) 0.0671( 10) 3( 6) 0.0694( 35) ll(22) 0.0940( 17) 20(41) 0.0992(196) -4(58) 0.0946( 7) -17( 6) 0.1006( 22) -38(17) 0.0957( 39) 7(15) 0.0974( 8) 6( 6) O.OQlQ( 92) 0.0899( 39) 0.0758(104) 0.0705( 36) 0.0696( 16) 0.0625( 57) 0.0927( 5) 0.0928( 12) 0.0921( 33) 0.0780( 27) 0.0801( 7) 0.0955( 54) 0.0943( 25) 0.0932( 7) 0.0954( 30) 0.084:: 39) O.O92L( 38) 0.0676( 16) 0.0822( 13) 0.0813( 54) 0.0673( 19j 0.0664( 24) 0.0827( 83) 0.0797( 33) 0.0832( 53) 0.0920( 7) 0.0649( 62) 0.0899( 61) 0.0657( 9) 0.0829( 53) 0.0917( 42) 0.1029( 76) 0.0880( 17) 0.0664( 49) 0.0976( 15) 0.0936( 21) 0.0957( 11) 0.0859(150) 0.0949( 17) 0.0896( 37) -15( 8) 20(24) -29(25) -28(18) -36( 5) -2(19) -9(44) -6(M) -11(25) 6( 6) 9(22) -5(17) -25(16) -37( 6) 6( 7) -6(17) -13(31) -22(10) -3(16) 0.1000( 69) 0.1019( 7.5) 0.0829( 59) 0.0826( 32) 0.0783( 35) 0.0951( 86) 0.1060( 3) 0.1026( 7) 0.1012( 20) 0.0661( 45) 0.0921( 15) 0.1156( 53) 0.1041( 27) 0.1047( 7) 0.1060( 20) 0.0999( 37) 0.1019( 40) 0.0927( 63) 0.0874( 32) 0.0950( 23) 0.1021( 51j 0.0964( 52) 0.0940( 93) 0.0692( 38) 0.0918( 39) 0.1033( 6) 0.0939( 60) O.OQQl( 69) 0.0990( 17) 0.0975( 13) 0.1010~ 12) 0.1138( 52j 0.0951( 23) 0.0966( 21) 0.1099( 1) 0.1056( 6) 0.1083( 36) 0.0995(163) 0.1062( 21) 0.0997( 86) -11( 9) 52(23) -19(20) -X(12) -39( 8) 5(10) -22( 4) -10(16) -23(16) -12(10) -7(19) -13(16) 3( 4) -4( 9) lO(21) X(15) 25(21) 1(46) -25(29) -16(16) l(25) 5(35) -32(56) -l?(lQ) -3oc 4) _14(33) 16(66) ll(35) -20(46) 5(lO) 35(14) -3(25) -15(42) -47( 4) lO( 7) 13(16) -38(54) -7( 7) 25(19) -ll(lO) -34(15) -12(14) -53( 7) -14(27) -4( 7) -54( 5) -ll( 4) -46( 7) 0.0986( 4) 0.1076( 46) 0.1075( 26) 0.1035( 10) 0.1032( 44) 0.1071( 26) 0.1057( 22) 0.1079( 12) 0.1072( 16) -12( 4) -52( 6) -2( 7) -62( 2) 13(20) -5( 5) -62(26) -25(10) -51( 3) 0.1014( 9) -36( 5) 0.1073( 9) 64i 4) 0.1046( 2) 39( 4) 0.1020( 10) -lO( 7) 0.0969( 23) 40( 4) 0.1024( 26) 63( 3) 4c 41 0.0933( 31) 0.1025( 11) -ii 5j 0.1004( 11) 40( 4) -1(15) 0.0945( 24) 0.0935( 16) 46( 3) 0.1005( 42) 25( 3) 0.0952( 13) -2(U) 0.0981( 4) 30( 4) 0.0976( 16) 23( 5) 0.1124( 6) 0.1167( 46) 0.1156( 3) 0.1136( 27) 0.1068( 45) 0.1141( 7) 0.1039( 47) 0.1136( 15) 0.1124( 45) 0.1066( 46) 0.1051( 8) 0.1053( 64) 0.1062( 17) 0.1089( 6j 0.106$( 38) -41( 5) 80(14) 47( 4) -15( 3) 30(14) 75( 6) -7( 4) -13( 7) 49c 6) -8( 5) 61( 6) 26(14) -lO( 9) 39( 3) 30(14) 0.0898( 49) O.lOlQ( 23) 0.0976( 15) 0.0905( 10) 0.0956( 46) 0.0963( 6) 0.0936( 31) 0.0968( 15) 0.0958( 9) 14(16) -30(14) -6(16) -2(35) -15( 6) -22(14) 17(13) -21( 2) -33( 7) -14(14) -lQ( 2) -18(11) -9c101 -ii 9; -15( 2) -6(13) -4(10) 17(19) 38(47) -37(35) -2oiizj Transitionbelonging to an unresolveddoublet (see text) -18(39) bfCO2) 0.0393( 9) 0.0406( 11) 0.0448( 24) 0.0447( 11) 0.0500( 22) 0.0471( 7) 0.0460( 2) 0.0475( 7) 0.0478( 16) 0.0486( 17) 0.0345( 8) 0.0317( 7) 0.0316( 3) 0.0396( 20) o.ososi ioj 0.0519( 5) 0.0459( 11) 0.0361( 2) 0.0391( 4) 0.0494( 13) 0.0521( 7) 0.0517( 6) 0.0522( 9) 0.0409( 5) 0.0468( 16) 0.0431( 24) 0.0394( 4) 0.0406( 4) 0.0450( 12) 0.0450( 7) 0.0418( 16) 0.0390( 20) 0.0410( 14) 0.0469( 4) 0.0479( 18) 0.0466( 57) 0.0429( 9) 0.0472( 25j 0.0487( 16) 0.0583( 19) 0.0448( 15) 0.0482( 30) 0.0556( 8) 0.0510( 9) 0.0536( 35) 0.0406( 22) 0.0597( 22) 0.0491( 18) 0.0431( 45) 0.0481( 10) 0.0607( 13) 0.0564( 15) 0.0486< 6) 0.0540( 2Sj 0.0559( 2) 0.0509( 8) 0.0549( 10) 0.0524( 7) 0.0638( 11) 0.0586( 2) 0.061.3( 6) 0.0609( 5) 0.0624( 6) 0.0579( 2) 0.0634( 16) 0.0561( 4) 0.0590( 6) 0.0602( 6) 0.0540( 3) 0.0492( 3) 0.0628( 19) 0.0518( 17) 0.0560( 6) 0.0587( 6) 6O(O2) -12( 6) -20(12) -18(11) -1st 4) -27( 4) -Q( 4) -13c 3) -13( 5) -2( 2) -29( 7) -Q( 3) -28( 3) -le.(7) -24( 2) -5( 2) -28( 5) -14( 7) -22( 2) -25( 2) -22( 7) -22( 2) -15( 3) -Q( 4) -24i 7) -3( 4) -II ii 31 6j -15(10) -2si 3j -4( 4) -lO( 4) -lQ(lQ) -12(16) -32( 4) -lO( 5) -l( 3) -16( 2) -Q( 6) -15( 6) Q(11) -16(10) -25( 6) -26( 3) -ll( 6) 2( 5) -15(11) -22( 4) -O(lO) -41(18) -a< 4) -17( 6) -21( 4) -26( 3) 6( 1) -Q( 5) -25( 2) -14( 4) -24( 2) -18( 6) -27( 5) 24( 3) 18( 5) O( 5) 20( 7) 8( 3) 5( 11 -7( 5) ll( 4) -SC ‘I 1oi 2j 28(10) -4( 5) 12( 1) 16( 3) WlDTHS AND SHIFCS OF D2160 179 TABLE I-Continued u(obs) O-C J' K; K; 1219.0064 0.0 1223.6397-0.2 1224.0700 0.1 1224.7298 0.1 1225.9696 -0.1 1227.9939 0.1 1228.3814 0.2 1230.2288 0.1 1230.6939 0.1 1231.0922 0.0 1232.2269-0.0 1233.3856 -0.0 1235.5510-0.1 1238.4464 0.3 1239.0458 0.1 1243.3178 0.3 1243.9096 -0.0 1247.0872-0.1 1247.3153 0.2 1249.5052 0.2 1250.4657 0.4 1258.9669-0.1 1257.9610 0.4 1258.1915-0.3 1261.8311 -0.2 1262.8512-0.2 1266.8145 0.1 1269.1287 0.2 1269.2446 0.0 1269.3372 0 0 1271.2191 0.3 1271.4429-0.5 1271.9607-0.2 1278.1543 0.2 1278.2491 0.3 1280.4476 0.1 1281.7214-0.1 1282.6631 -0.2 1283.1883 -0.3 1285.2359 -0.0 1288.3567 0.0 1292.4536-0.0 1296.9318-0.1 1297.8954 0.2 1300.6097 0.1 1305.9364-0.0 1307.3162 0.2 1309.4913 0.0 1309.5537 -0.2 13?4.4440 0.2 1321.6404 0.1 1322.0745-0.4 1324.0890 -0.5 1324.4418 -0.0 1326.7592 0.1 1343.5829 -0.3 1373.1056 -0.0 1373.3810 -0.1 1425.3878 -0.3 1428.0766 -0.1 4 7 4 8 4 5 6 5 5 4 8 3 3 6 5 6 3 7 7 a 7 8 7 10 7 8 6 9 10 9 8 3 3 10 10 8 9 4 9 4 9 5 10 10 6 11 7 4 4 12 5 5 13 13 12 7 7 7 9 7 7 0 3 2 3 1 3 1 0 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 0 4 1 2 4 2 2 0 3 1 1 3 3 0 1 ; 5 j 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 2 2 4 5 5 6 7 0 J" K; K, 4 3 1 4 7 2 3 4 1 5 8 2 4 3 0 2 5 2 5 6 0 5 4 1 4 5 1 1 4 2 6 8 1 0 3 2 1 3 2 5 6 1 3 5 2 5 5 2 2 2 1 8 7 1 5 7 2 4 8 3 7 6 1 2 6 3 6 6 2 8 10 1 4 7 3 6 7 3 5 5 1 9 8 1 8 10 2 9 8 0 7 7 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 :C 9 1 :: 9 0 7 1 4 9 4 2 3 2 8 8 2 1 3 2 0 6 1 3 4 2 9 9 1 0 9 3 4 5 2 10 10 1 5 6 2 1 3 3 0 3 3 11 11 2 2 4 3 i 4 3 12 12 2 12 12 1 10 11 3 4 6 3 3 6 4 2 6 4 4 8 5 1 6 6 0 6 6 bf(air) 3 0.093?( 3) 5 0.086?( 28) 4 0.0938( 38) 6 0.0896( 31) 3 0.0945( 6) 3 0.0935( 24) 6 0.0929( 47) 4 0.089?( 13) 5 0.0914( 6) 2 0.0959( 41) 7 0.0868( 23) 1 0.0916( 56) 2 0.0971( 13) 6 0.0861( 54) 4 0.0921( 12) 4 0.0913( 13) 1 0.0996( 61 7 0.0852( 29) 6 0.0879( 381 5 0.08?9( 15) 8 0.0850( 13) 3 0.0850( 22) 5 0.0891( 22) 9 0.0?69( 97) 5 0.0880( 44) 5 0.0940( 10) 4 0.0945( 22) 8 0.0?56( 8) 9 8 0.0?63( 6) 6 0.0856( 17) 0 0.0933( 7) 1 0.0927( 13) 9 0.0698( 18) 9 0.0696( 9) 6 0.0852( 34) 5 1 0.096?( 26) 7 0.0803( 16) 2 0.0941( 23) 7 0.0842( 8) 2 0.0943( 13) 8 0.0903( 66) 7 0.0809( 11) 3 O.OQOO( 9) 9 4 0.0956( 20) 0 0.0838( 49) 1 0.084?( 18) 10 0.0603( 22) 1 0.0885( 5) 2 0.0852( 8) 11 11 0.0586( 24) 9 3 0.0865( 19) 2 0.0?25( 31) 3 0.0?41( 39) 3 0.0666( 10) O*I 0.0542( 25) l* d'(0) be(N2, d'(N2) -16( 2) 21( 7) 4( 6) 60(13) 25( 2) 3( 8) -3( 8) -3( 5) 9( 3) -13( 9) -6( 8) -27(22) 5c 4) 12(15) 13(11) -32( 2) -2O( 4) 16(10) 8( 5) -56(13) Q( 5) -8(11) -32( 8) -1?(41) -5(10) -13(13) lO( 9) ll( 5) 0.1046( 4) 0.09?4( 26) 0.1035( 29) 0.1004( 40) 0.1064( 2) 0.1030( 37) 0.1029( 31) 0.0995( 26) 0.1006( 24) 0.1054( 8) 0.0947( 13) 0.0961( 42) 0.10?2( 12) 0.0948( 38) 0.1029( 15) 0.104?( 7) 0.1119( 13) 0.0950( 24) 0.0994( 13) 0.0969( 59) 0.09?0( 6) 0.095?( 43) 0.1017( 20) 0.0901(126) 0.0986( 23) 0.10?2( 40) 0.1059( 12) 0.0875( 8) 9( 4) -25( 2) 4( 1) l?( 3) 2( 2) 2( 7) 31( 6) 0.0674( 6) 13( 2) 0.096?( 12) -23( 3) 0.1023( 53) 33(34) 0.1053( 4) 15( 1) 0.0802( 6) 2( 6) 0.0818( 9) 5( 3) 0.0922( 42) 17(22) -4( 4) -3O( 9) 14(10) 8(11) -21( 6) -lO( 5) -53(11) -?( 2) 0.1042( 19; 3( 9) 0.0891( 15) -40(15) 0.1053( 18) ll( 3) 0.0945( 13) 9( 8) 0.1064( 17) -12( 2) 0.10?3( 91) 18( 6) 0.0922( 96) -54( 2) 0.0996( 39) 2(13) 5(11) 2(21) 18( 5) -22( 2) 2( 4) 12( 5) 0.1118( 41) ?6(32) 0.0953( 13) 31(30) 0.0948( 55) 28(15) 0.069?( 11) -23( 6) 0.1009( 6) 3( 5) 0.09?2( 36) 9(1Q) -5( 9) 15(2?) -7( 7) 20(51) -2?(24) -4O( 6) 0.0645( 17) -14( 1) 30(14) 9(19) 61(10) 32( 7) -lO( 2) -6(10) -l(ll) 16(10) -ll(l?) ?(25) -6(32) lO(26) 9(52) 16(2?) -24(44) -13(41) 43(25) 18(46) -45(21) 13( 6) -3(12) -36( 4) 28(48) 4( 4) -3( 9) 33( 6) 13( 2) 4(14) 0.1053(126) 21(40) 0.0856( 51) -lO( 9) 0.0812( 75) 35(32) 0.0?82(136) -23(?5) 0.061?( 38) -51( 9) 0.0521( 2) 0.0462( 19) 0.0552( 8) 0.0453( 4) 0.0523( 3) 0.0504( 5) 0.0506( 8) 0.0483( 3) 0.0513i 5j 0.051?( 3) 0.0448( 12) 0.0519( 45) 0.0562( 13) 0.0466( 16) 0.0493( 10) 0.0495( 3) 0.0569( 9) 0.0447( 6) 0.0460( 7) 0.0441( 17) 0.0422( 5) 0.0456( 10) 0.0459( 3) 0.03?4( 91 0.0439( 6; 0.0456( 19) 0.0499( 7) 0.0348( 2) 0.0428( 35) 0.0351( 1) 0.0431( 6) 0.0513( 2) 0.0515( 7) 0.0316( 6) 0.0316( 6) 0.0430( 9‘ 0.0397( 5Q, 0.0517( 8, 0.0380( 81 0.0520( 5) 0.0398( 2) 0.0504( 4) 0.03?6( 17) 0.0399( 6) 0.04?3( 6) 0.0316( 4) 0.0485( 20) 0.0435( 8) 0.0443( 4) 0.02761 9) 0.0469i 5j 0.0453( 3) 0.0230( 14) 0.0243( 10) 0.0314( 13) 0.0451( 13) 0.0395( 15) 0.0410( 21) 0.0339( 33) 0.0243( 10) -3( 1) -l( 2) lO( 7) 15( 4) 14( 1) -l( 6) -13( 3) -4c 2) 2( 1) -4( 1) -15( 5) 2( 9) ll( 4) -4( 8) 5( 31 -14( 3) -21( 1) 2~ 2j -5( 5) -21( 8) -2( 2) -12( 3) -19( 2) -8(11) -5i 2; -lO( 4) l( 2) -6( 2) -28(15) -5( 2) -14( 3) 4c 3) 14( 3) -1:~ 2) -:I( 1) 3( 2) 38( 5) -4( 2) -17( 6) 8( 3) 2( 3) -ll( 2) -6( 2) -21( 5) -12(11) -12( 3) -lO( 4) lO( 4) 9( 2) -151 5) -ii 2; 7( 7) -23( 4) -14( 3) -35Ll) -13( 21 -7( 3) -8(11) -10(15) -28( 4) Equation (3 ) can be used to check the consistency of our broadening results. The mean and standard deviation of the ratio of the measured air-broadening coefficients to values calculated from Eq. (3) and our bt( N2) and bf( 02) measurements are 1.002 and 0.022, respectively. The good agreement and small scatter between the measured and calculated air-broadening coefficients demonstrate the internal consistency of our results. The only previous experimental measurements of broadening of DzO u2band lines were reported by Malathy Devi et al. ( 12) based on tunable diode laser spectra. For the 13 lines in common, the agreement between the two sets of measurements is good; 180 RINSLAND ET AL. 0.12l G Single line A Unresolved 0 2 4 6 8 10 Lower State J Quantum doublei 12 14 Number FIG. 2. Measured Lorentz air-broadening coefficients !&air) plotted versus J”. Error bars are two times the standard deviation of the results. Solid circles denote single lines; the solid triangle represents an unresolved doublet at 1428.0766 cm-‘. the ratios and standard deviations (indicated by +) of our experimental broadening coefficients to those of Ref. (12) are 0.98 ? 0.05 for air broadening and 0.99 + 0.05 for N2 broadening. Unfortunately, no other direct comparisons are possible because broadening by O2 was not reported in Ref. (12), and to our knowledge, no other measurements or any theoretical calculations of the widths and shifts of D20 1/Zband lines have been published. Figure 4 illustrates graphically the results of the pressure-shift measurements for a typical spectral line. The calibrated positions derived from the spectra of the low 3.0 0 2.5 -- 0 0 2.0 -- 0 1.5 0.02 0.03 0.04 $(02) in cm-‘otm-’ 0.05 0.06 at 296 K FIG. 3. Plot of the nitrogen-to-oxygen broadening coefficient ratio b?(N,)/bL(O,) ening coefficient bt(02). versus oxygen-broad- 181 WIDTHS AND SHIFTS OF Dz”O Jk3 Ko’=O Kc’=3 c J”=3 Ko”=l Kc”=2 Line of D2160 1159.953 Shift Coefficient in cm-‘otm-’ SO(N,)=-0.0041+0.0005 ,^ 1159.952 ‘S., 6°(oir)=-0.0036f0.0005 . . ..__ .“-fi ..______ - .‘_. . . . .._____ -4. . -./_.___ -- -- -. . ..__-..___. ._._. _;. ..I___ ..-.____ -. -_ Xc -_ . . .-__ l. -. _. h---_. “,‘_r. .._..___ -.‘=_, ii y SO(O,)=-0.0027+_0.0005 --n. ‘“+.__.. I 1159.951 -- ._0 .z m r? 1159.950 -- 9 Pure l Air -._ A N2 1159.949. ‘02 0.0 0.4 0.2 Total Pressure 0. 6 (otm) FIG. 4. Plot of calibrated line position versus total sample pressure for a spectral line of D2160. The quantum assignments for the transition are given at top. The short dashed line shows the best-fit to the data from the low pressure samples (solid square) and the 02-buffered samples (solid triangles), the medium dashed line shows the best-fit to the data from the low pressure samples (solid square) and the N2-buffered samples (open triangles), and the long dashed line shows the best-fit to the data from the low pressure samples (solid square) and the air-buffered samples (open triangles). The quoted errors are 20 statistical uncertainties from the fit. pressure DzO + HDO + Hz0 samples and the samples buffered with Nz, OZ. and air are plotted as a function of total sample pressure. The dashed lines show the leastsquares fits to the data; the ordinate intercept and slopes of the dashed lines correspond to the unshifted line position and the pressure-shift coefficients, respectively. Figure 5 presents the measured pressure-shift coefficients in air plotted versus J”. A nearly equal number of positive and negative shifts can be noted, and there is no obvious J-dependence in the shifts. The pressure-shift results for N2 as a buffer gas are very similar to the results for air; however, most of the pressure-shift coefficients in O2 are slightly negative (about 75% are less than zero). The means and standard deviations of the pressure-shift coefficients are respectively +O.OOOl -t 0.0028 for N1 broadening, -0.0004 -t 0.0023 for air broadening, and -0.0008 & 0.0014 for O? broadening (in units of cm-’ atm-‘). All of the measured shift coefficients are in the range -0.008 to to.008 cm-’ atm-’ . Seven of the eight HZ0 v2 band measurements of pressure shifts in air or nitrogen reported by Kelley et al. (21) are negative. It is interesting to contrast our pressure-shift results with the extensive set of HZ0 shift measurements reported by Grossmann and Browell ( I1 ) . Air, nitrogen, oxygen. and argon were used as the buffer gases in their experiments. Distinct differences can be noted, for example: ( 1) the pressure-shift coefficients in Ref. ( 11) are all negative whereas we observed a nearly equal number of positive and negative shifts; ( 2) the magnitudes of the pressure-shift coefficients reported in Ref. ( 12) are significantly larger than the ones obtained in this study; and (3) the apparent linear relation between the widths and shifts found in Ref. (If) is not apparent in our results. Although our 182 RINSLAND ET AL. 0.015 I O.OlO-- A ‘; ,E 0.005 I 1 : I 0 E ‘;3 -0.005 -0.000 &_ 0 a _ i- _/_!_jj__*_<-_7 Lo -0.010 -- -0.015) : 0 : 2 : I 4 : : : 6 : 6 Lower State J Quantum : : 10 : I 12 : 14 Number FIG. 5. Plot of pressure-shift coefficient in air do (air) versus J”. Error bars are two times the standard deviation of the results. experimental values refer to D20 and Grossmann and Browell (II) measured HzO, the important differences noted above indicate strong vibrational dependences for Hz0 and D20 pressure shifts in air, N2, and Oz. Recent theoretical work (22) has been successful in reproducing the N2-, 02-, and air-induced line shift coefficients measured by Grossmann and Browell ( 1 I ) . CONCLUSIONS Air-, nitrogen-, and oxygen-broadening coefficients and pressure-shift coefficients have been measured for 126 lines of the u2 band of D2160. The results represent the most extensive set of experimental broadening coefficients reported thus far for D20 and are the only data on the pressure shifts of D20 lines. We have pointed out a number of interesting aspects of the dataset, for example, the anomalously small broadening coefficients measured for an unresolved doublet and a strong correlation between the nitrogen-to-oxygen broadening ratio and the oxygen-broadening coefficient (narrower lines have higher ratios). Our measured air- and N2-broadening coefficients are in good agreement with the only previous published measurements ( 12). We hope that our measurements will prove useful for the calculation of the transfer of radiation through deuterated water vapor mixtures and the validation of predictions by collisional models. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Claude Plymate and Jeremy Wagner of NSO for their help with the experiment, Greg Ladd for the computer processing of the data at NSO, Carolyn H. Sutton of ST Systems Corporation for assistance in processing of the spectra at NASA Langley, and Robert A. Toth of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for sending us his calculated Hz160 Y*band line positions to calibrate our spectra. Research at the College of William and Mary was supported under Cooperative Agreements NCCI-80 and NCCI-43 with NASA. NSO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with NSF. RECEIVED: July 5, 1991 WIDTHS AND SHIFTS OF D2160 183 REFERENCES 1. M. A. H. SMITH,C.P. RINSLAND,B. FRIDOVICH,AND K. NARAHARIRAO, in “Molecular Spectroscopy: Modern Research” (K. Narahari Rao, Ed.), Vol. 3, Chap. 3, Academic Press, Orlando, 1985. 2. M. A. H. SMITH, C. P. RINSLAND,V. MALATHY DEVI, L. S. ROTHMAN. AND K. NARAHARI RAO, in “Spectroscopy of the Earth’s Atmosphere and Interstellar Molecules” (K. Narahari Rao and A. Weber. Ed%). in press, 199 1. 3. C. CAMY-PEYRET,J.-M. FLAUD,A. MAHMOUDI,G. GUELACHVILI,ANDJ. W. C. JOHNS,ht. J. I@ued Millimeter Waves 6, 199-233 ( 1985). 4. C. P. RINSLAND,V. MALATHY DEVI, M. A. H. SMITH, AND D. C. 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