Commonly Used Mental Health and Substance Abuse Acronyms

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Acronyms
AA--Area Administration
ADRC--Aging and Disability Resource Centers
ACT Model--Assertive Community Treatment
ACT-SOS--Acknowledge, Care and Tell in an emergency possible suicide situation
AODA--Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
ARTT--Achieving Reintegration through Teamwork
BPTR--Bureau of Prevention, Treatment and Recovery
CANS--Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths--assessment tool
CARS--Community Aids Reporting System
CCI--Child Caring Institution
CCS--Comprehensive Community Services
CDR--Consumer Driven Recovery
CESA--Cooperative Educational Service Agency
CIT--Crisis Intervention Teams
CMHS--Center for Mental Health Services
CMHSBG--Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (Also: MHBG)
CMS--Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
COP--Community Options Program
COR--Community Options in Recovery (Waiver)
CPS--Child Protective Services
CRS--Community Recovery Services
CSP--Community Support Program
CST--Coordinated Services Team
DBSA--Depression Bipolar Support Association
DCF--Division of Children and Families
DC: 0-3R--Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy
and Early Childhood, Revised
DES--Division of Enterprise Services
DHAA--Division of Health Access and Accountability
DHS--Department of Health Services
DIG--Data Infrastructure Grant
DLTC--Division of Long Term Care
DMHSAS--Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
DOC--Department of Corrections
DPH--Division of Public Health
DPI--Department of Public Instruction
DQA--Division of Quality Assurance
DRL--Department of Regulation and Licensing
DSM-V--Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DVR--Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
DWD--Department of Workforce Development
EBP--Evidence Based Practice
FC--Family Care
FFP--Federal Financial Participation
FFY--Federal Fiscal Year
GEP--Grass Roots Empowerment
HEC--Health and Employment Counseling (Medicaid Program)
HCBW--Home and Community-Based Waiver
HIE--Health Information Exchange
HIPAA--Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HMO--Health Maintenance Organization
HSRS--Human Services Reporting System
HUD--US Department of Housing and Urban Development
IDDT--Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment
IDP--Intoxicated Driver Program
IDEA--Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP--Individualized Educational Plan
ILR--Independent Living Resources
IMHLT--Departmental Infant Mental Health Leadership Team
IMR--Illness Management and Recovery
IPS--Individual Placement and Support
ISP--Integrated Services Project
MA--Medical Assistance or Medicaid
MAPP--Medicaid Purchase Plan
MH--Mental Health
MHA--Mental Health America of Wisconsin
MHBG--Mental Health Block Grant (Also: CMHSBG)
MHSIP--Mental Health Statistical Improvement Program--adult and youth consumer
satisfaction surveys
MIG--Medicaid Infrastructure Grant
MJTC--Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center
MMHI--Mendota Mental Health Institute
MOU--Memorandum of Understanding
MPS--Milwaukee Public Schools
MUTT--Mobile Urgent Treatment Team
NAMI--National Alliance on Mental Illness
NFC--President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
NGI--Not guilty by reason of mental disease
NIH--National Institutes of Health
NOMS--National Outcome Measures
ODD--Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OPIB--Office of Program Initiatives and Budget
OMB--Office of Management and Budget
PA--Medicaid Prior Authorization
PACT--Program of Assertive Community Treatment
PDL--Medicaid Preferred Drug List
PASRR--Pre-Admissions Screening Resident Review
PATH--Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
PCS--Psychiatric Crisis Services
PIE--Partners In Empowerment
PSR--Psycho-social rehabilitation
QA--Quality Assurance
QI--Quality Improvement
ROSA--Recovery Oriented Systems Assessment
ROSI--Recovery Oriented Systems Indicators tool
SA--Substance Abuse
SABG--Substance Abuse Block Grant (Also: SAPTBG)
SAMHSA--Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAPTBG--Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (Also: SABG)
SCAODA--State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
SED--Serious Emotional Disturbance
SOS--Suicide Prevention Curriculum
SPF-SIG--Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant
SSI--Supplemental Security Income
SU-MHU--Stepping Up-Mental Health Unit--Southern Oaks Girls School
TA--Technical Assistance
TAD--Treatment Alternatives and Diversion
TANF--Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TBRA funds--HUD Tenant Based Rental Assistance
TIC--Trauma Informed Care
TQI--Technical Quality Improvement
TSCPS--Tribal State Collaborative for Positive Change
URS Data Table--Uniform Reporting System
WAM--Wraparound Milwaukee
WCCF--Wisconsin Council on Children and Families
WCHSA--Wisconsin County Human Service Association
WCMH--Wisconsin Council on Mental Health
WGPI--Wisconsin Gero-psychiatry Initiative
WI-AIMH--Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health
WIMCR--Wisconsin Medicaid Cost Reporting Initiative
WPTI--Wisconsin Pathways to Independence
WUCMAA--Wisconsin United Coalition of Mutual Assistance Associations